You realise most of what we have now was paid for by old systems? For example, many factories that allowed for the set up of modern businesses were paid for by slavery?
Hmm Hmm And what do you have to back up that claim? Because most slave owners financially were fucked after the civil war and statistically millionaires today earn their money not inherit it.
This comment is RIGHT after the comment of the apologetic marxist stating “i predict this will be a level headed comment section” and now im afraid to keep scrolling
@@seriousbees I read the manifesto when I was 16 years old and was a commie idiot, now I am super anti-communist and my country is voting for an actual commie (Communist party) They are zealots and pro-terrorism
There's no such thing as a valid reason to allow yourself to be depressed. To resign your happiness because of the worlds economic structure is pathetic. If you're upset about the state of things, do something. You don't have to start a communist revolution (zero chance of that working in the west anyway), you can start your own business and operate it in closer accordance to what you consider to be 'fair'. Be the change you want to see in the world.
@@olivercheeseman8227 if the economic structure makes it so that it’s difficult for human needs to be met, I think it’s valid to be depressed about that. I think you can also do what’s in your control to make your situation work as best as it can for you. You can do both. You can be upset and take action. To call me or anyone that feels this way is pathetic is ignorant and sad. I get it. You don’t want to be a victim so bad that you don’t hold the people that hurt you accountable. Being sad does not mean you can’t take action. They’re not mutually exclusive. When you deny yourself the ability to feel, you make it easier for toxic systems to remain in power. It’s mindsets like yours that have kept us from making more progress towards a more kind and loving community and economic structure which is totally possible.
@@olivercheeseman8227 Dude you are saying like if my boss makes me work 12 hr and gives me 1/4 of the wage, instead of getting depressed and sad I should do something to avoid thinking about it. It's just you are defending my boss, not me. His mental health not mine. His interests are opposed to mine.
@@olivercheeseman8227 that's a hell of a way to tell everyone you don't understand mental health or exploitation. There's no such thing as a valid reason to be depressed... Holy shit that's one hell of a statement. I take it you've never grafted through school, work and uni just to find out that you can't have a job because you don't live in the right area or come from the right family. You strike me as someone that thinks that meritocracy actually exists and that we should all pull ourselves up by our bootstraps.
@@northernnaysayer I said there's no valid reason to allow yourself to be depressed, not that there isn't ever a valid reason to be depressed. There are a hundred 'valid' reasons for a person to be depressed in this world. You won't be happy until you can find the reasons not to be depressed and in order to do that you need to pull yourself up by the bootstraps. It's your life, no one is here to fix it for you.
@@hollandkroese7427 What a clown! KKK was founded by Democrats. How stupid and ignorant can you be ? Do you watch any news channel other than CNN and MSNBC?
I came here because in political arguements someone often calls a person a Marxist, then a replier tells them they would bet a million dollars that the person doesn't have any understanding of Marxism whatsoever. I think I see their point now.
Literally why I came here. Always hear it tossed around as an insult but seeing this I can't help but think of the quote from A Princess Bride. "I do not think that word means what you think it means"
The issue isn't so much about Marx having an influence on people, if you're a philosopher, of course, that's going to happen. The real insult is postmodern marxism that's cancer. Illogical Communism = NOT WHAT WE WANT OR NEED
@Coal Fire You're openly admitting you're a Nazi? Also I'll have you know that in the 1930s the first people sent to concentration camps by National Socialists (Nazis) were 150k communist party members and workers.
"the two wrote each other adoring poetry" engels: yo my fucking wife died marx: rip can i get some cash my rent is due engels: what the hell is wrong with you
Hagrid is a capitalist most probably, remember when Harry asked why wizards kept themselves hidden and Hagrid answered with something along the lines of : because then muggle would ask for out magical help and that would be annoying
Could we just appreciate his pronunciation for a moment? His british english is on point and to hear him pronunce those german words this perfectly makes me want to develop my pronuncation. And german is my first language just to say
This is absolutely undeniable true. People who follow him act as if he found the solution, when he really only identified the problems. People who oppose him brand him as commie scum. Both are wrong.
"The Problem of Marxism are the Marxists" "One thing I can definitely say: I am not a Marxist" I think these two qutes illustrate quite well, what Karl Marx himself thought about his followers.
somehow the philosophy twisted and released some demented sense of hive mentality in people. probably a result of systematic in breeding. its an inevitable result of controlled culture. money still holds a value in the effort to control the abilities of others to acquire certain levels of social status, or luxurial status, but which is more important? you need one, the other appears to be social profiteering. apparently, you take away the ability to profit off of a life, and you are a communist…there is something missing in between. there is a path to nirvana, kung fu, utopia. but its a blend of it all. unifying the diverse intellectual mind, through individuality. but doing so is challenging. its true the flaws of capitalism are far too many, and the blends of other governing systems results in the depended donorship of capitalists. so what do we do? but sniff out a simple problem and attempt to resolve it subtly there?. or create a recyclatory system of governance, blending all forms after we have unified the mentality of individualism in society. its not about communism, but more about social racism in all hierarchal senses of that word. we have doctors profiteering from life and death, no matter their causality or circumstance are expected to a duty and profit from it by contract. leaving a practice seem strictly infallible by chance occurrence. humans lack consistency. no wound is the same. but we have cats killed for their owner's lack of wealth. horses put down for broken legs. cattle slaughtered in the systematic structures of the holocaust, and yet humans believe in capitalism as the evil to solve all evil. communism started as an idea that takes the prodigy, and lets everyone live that life. but thats not possible, people have a thesos, and i believe that as individuals, the thesos for each person is different. a seed becomes a tree, a baby becomes a man, that man's individual thesos is the apples of his life and labors. some trees have many apples... why are we trying to make pears from apple trees and expecting them to be perfect, every time? i just want everyone to love their life, pursue a life that becomes representative of the definition of art, and to breed individuality. achieving that is difficult as there is lots of evil. so its like let the system that fights it now, keep fighting it. there are people being left behind, wronged in their free will. and you can't just start wars because someones been shot anymore, so then that grows to millions…and we have regret, and start governing the future based on the past, and when we regret this, govern the future on how we think we see the future, and this then creates a problem, and it seems more like people forget to just live in the now sometimes, and when you want everyone to do this, the people collapse as well. desire, regret, or passion. there are nice things to infinitely say. but we define evil in so many ways, that passion becomes a weapon, and judgement and righteousness…we have people following each and every trail, and so many ignoring them that victims are becoming weapons of distress to culture, and judgements that aren't rationally even there half the time. we have history of book burnings, translations, and changes to phrases that create power in an instance. and the peaceful forget that protection is a responsibility. instead of blending capitalism with communism. which is where its all apparently headed. like some pow camp. individuality isn't bad…so where do you go from there to construct a peaceful society without oppression or profiteering? obviously hive structure works for organizing society. but hive mentality creates hierarchal racism. its not about asking, why can't i be queen, as much as who am i, what can i do, and make happen. then pursuing that but in ethically unifiable manners. money obviously does some thing. it builds. it grows economies, and allows for orchestrated direction on a global scale. but socially it corrupts the ecosystem. it dissolves it. we can't keep solving problems with more problems if we want to actually solve the problem, even though ecosystems are structured problems of seemingly endless possible solutions and diversities. so there is a paradox.
I keep scrolling down to find the hell foretold in this comment section but all I come cross is comments describing the hell foretold in this comment section.....
The irony that your comment has become another comment describing the hell foretold in this comment section that I'm scrolling past to find said hell comments.
@Matt Justice You don’t trust the organization tasked with sabotaging and destroying communism and democracy around the world wherever it opposes U.S. interests?
What the hell!! All the people commenting here about why capitalism is better than communism or why communism is better than capitalism, completely missed the point of this video.. I'm really struck right now at how ideology blinds you from fact.
redlegagent Very nice. However you are missing the point as well, and this shows from your attempt criticize Marx by comparing the two socio-economic systems. Communism has failed. It's no secret. Marx's theory has been falsified because the revolution never came. However, this video does not try to make a stance for communism or what is widely perceived as "Marxism". Marx was a genius and an inconceivably difficult theorist. He set a great part of the groundwork for the modern human sciences, and is studied and analyzed till this very day by every student of the human being and human societies. If you take a look at Sweden and it's recent changes in policies concerning the working day, you will recognize in it, a lot of Marx's spirit. A 6-hour working day that leaves time for its citizens to pursue other activities of their liking. Thus leaving time for one to "hunt in the morning, fish in the afternoon, rear cattle in the evening, criticize after dinner, without ever becoming hunter, fisherman, shepherd or critic". "This is national wealth, this is national prosperity". More leisure time for everyone. This is a true change for a better human society. And this my friend is part of the essence of Marx, which everyone seems to be painfully missing.
Yes, we prefer leisure to work: did Marx discover this? Sweden's wealth, the condition of leisure, comes from Protestantism and free market economics. Contra real Marxist inspired economies in Venezuela and Cuba. Marx was a fraud. When he got his big payoff from his capitalist buddy Engels, which made him a very rich man, he went full bourgeoisie in his lifestyle-the hunting fishing stuff was just a literary conceit of classical origin.
I always find it sad that Marx is seen as the grandfather of (dictatorship) communism. He rarely talks about "communism" he describes flaws in a capitalistic system. In acknowledging that these problems exist, we can work on improving a capitalistic system. But Marx=communism=bad is all most extremistic capitalists can think of...
Marx is the father of dictatorship communism because he was explicit in describing it and Lenin was astute in playing out that vision via state capitalism. Your position is one of somebody who isn't familiar with Marx's works from having not read them. The flaws which Marx contended of capitalism invoked the fallacy of treating externalities as the fundamental return of the capitalist mode, whereas he never indicated the wits or numeracy to actually analyze economics at the level of his contemporaries (like JS Mill, for example).
@@KellyRockefellerisdead Communism requires what any modern person would regard as dictatorship. Certainly marxist communism requires dictatorship of the proles in lieu of "free" states which we'd term as liberal democracy. Liberal democracy requires a capitalist mode, on the other hand. The term "liberal" and Marx's "free" (of CotGP part 4) refer to economic liberalism like all of the nations in history to have achieved economic development, high wages and great per capita wealth.
I swear to god that everyone forgets that Marx was not a politician or even a leader, he's a philosopher like Adam Smith and theirs works were revisioned or expanded.
Marx was not a philosopher. He fashioned himself some "revolutionary" and insisted on that leading role in the agitation for his political economic concept. He was a critic of philosophers in that he professed he knew better than Hegel, capitalist economists and other factions of socialists or anarchists of his time.
I agree with Marx's critical analysis of capitalism, even though i wouldn't consider myself a communist. You do not have to be a communist to realize that capitalism, like all economic systems, have problem points. I think that it is nonsense to pick a side. We must understand that there isn't a perfect system, and be critical of all systems.
But then you also have to deal with the fact that half of your life will be consumed by work. That is my only issue. I am a programmer by trade but i'd also like more than 3 hours a night to read, and study things that i would like to study in my free time. Same thing every day just breaks the soul. Get up at 6, head to work, leave work at 6, go home, eat, be too tired to do anything I actually enjoy and end up just watching TV, go to bed, repeat. That is not a way for a human to live. I think a healthy medium is essential for human happiness.
But you see Mr S B. You have an identity, you have worth, you have value. You even mention that you are a programmer and I assume you are paid well and valued by your employer. If this was a communist system, you have no value, you are replaceable and paid the same (say in terms of foot stamp), as someone who works 2 hours a day washing dishes. You are highly educated and made it reasonably far in life, you might even own a property (which you have to give up in communism). Are you sure you would contribute as much to society and valued as much under a communist ruling?
I just cannot stand the thought waking up and doing the same thing for 8 hours a day for the rest of my life. I want time to read, learn and explore. I get 5 days off a year not including weekends... 5 days.. That isn't a way for a human to live.
I understand what you mean. Capitalism isn't perfect but it's the best there is. I have a friend that feels like you. She studied law, and even got accepted into the Bar. She then realized she didn't want to work there so, she now does facial product reviews, tutorials and does talk shows as well. She is highly valued, have good amount of followers and makes decent money from her job. And that is the beauty of capitalism, if you are willing to risk and put in the effort, you have choices and opportunity. Imagine communism. No one would appreciate her talent (communism makes everyone equal), she would not feel appreciated or feel any need to provide such service, and ultimately, the government wouldn't even allow her such a job (since communism requires people to do things the government needs. Jobs like Beauty product reviewer may not be recognized by a communist government).
@@asiangf1384 this is getting ridiculous. Why can't two guys be nice to each other do friendly things without people like you questioning their sexuality
@@sn0wblake duh. i was being sarcastic cause whenever 2 people are homosexual historians say they are “close friends” to deny their homosexual relationship
@@AbelR91 Only white people are racist, and all white people are racist, so when a white person is racist to a white person the racism cancels out, it is the only way a white person can't be racist.
@Quack quack In an actually socialist system there are little to no taxes and yet they can pay for your healthcare, housing and pretty much everything you need. See Albania, the USSR or GDR. Albania specifically abolished all taxes for a time and was still able to continue to prosper, the fact of the matter is that the free education isn't the problem but Capitalism is.
I'd sooner trust any random person in this comment section that opposes marxism on economy than I would a dumbass marxist. At least the former doesn't have a long track record of utter failure.
@@donrutter6550 What? Marxism is a method of socioeconomic analysis using dialectical materialism. It is in no way a dictatorship lol. You're confusing it with the dictatorship of the proletariat (DotP) - a justified dictatorship lead by the workers as a means of suppressing the bourgeoisie. The DotP is a transition phase between capitalism and socialism, which will then give way to communism.
@TheOfficialUnofficial how much have you actually studied economics or Marx's work? Or are you dismissing it entirely because of what other people have told you to think?
I think that "greed" are often the result of our upbringing itself. Since childhood, we are often told that yes, the purpose of life is to get rich For example, if our parents worked in a shoe factory, we are often expected to work hard and own a factory ourselves This in turn made us choose a "better" and more "financially stable" jobs in order to fullfil the expectations. Which led us to abandon what we actually enjoyed to do.
@@Chris-tl1kh wdym by biological? Are you talking about the Freudian theory that human motives are passed down through ancestry. Which is simply wrong.
So what's better ? Communism which leaves most equally poor due to low or no incentives to get more or capitalism which drives you to get more innovative in your earnings .
Straight from his mother nipple, he Joined the communist party that he had yet to write about, while debt laden, a drunk, and ignored the welfare of his own kids. They call that socialism.
@Carrick Cullen Are you sure about that? My geography teacher is a scientist and a pretty powerful one ( he was a leader of some research or some shit) and what he told us are that most scientist says that lowering the CO2 emmision is necessary for us humans but that ''climate change'' as people say it is not true at all.. Earth since the begginning have suffered warming and ice age, and we're just passing in one. Also something media that doesn't show is that although Artic Ice are melting, Antartic ice are just gaining more size.. Well I believe that people shouls recycle and use more eco friendsly things, but stop spreading bs and dont believe anythin that media says
i'm not a marxist, or any kind of revoultionary, but if i were, I'd lose all hope the modern masses and the proletariat is too busy consuming - media, products, commodities; name it. too lazy and self-centered to fight for a legitimate change. the only thing they can do, is scream at someone who is angry, but that's it, when met with resistance they lack the resolve to do anything, besides complaining, eventually preying on the weak (who could be part of the cause) just to vent their frustration
@I$AA€ yea get up set cuss at comments free speech but what a waste of words when you could explain your belief's rather have that show hate toward some one else's and even if hey we're just being sarcastic. Cuss words are just not needed.
Capitalism and communism have flaws. You can take what's good about both systems and have a hybrid system. However corporations, multi billionaires, have too much control over government and society. They won't give it up.
Society doesn't arise perfectly overnight, it takes a lot of experimentation. The problem is that we don't have an equal distribution of power, therefore people have been deprived of their natural freedoms and are unable to grow and become that which they are.
People giving up control for nothing in return is unrealistic. My biggest problem with communism is that in order for it to work every one in the system if not thee entire world needs to put other above themselves. So what do you do when someone doesn't want to do that, or if entire countries don't want to. Well the same thing as when most people want there way of life to be the only one war.
I don't know anything about politics, but this sounds the closest to how I have come to think. The world is full of struggle and greed and we all have to do a bunch of really useless stuff for at least 8 hours a day 5 days a week to afford the lowest they have to offer. Life is not worth it in these conditions. We all deserve to be free. I think that we're god experiencing some hard times. I think the devil is that wickedness that made this structure. So much division among ourselves. We're all the same thing in the same place. I hope we can circulate love instead of currency someday. We'd do the work for eachother and everyone would have what they need. We have everything and all the knowledge, now all we gotta do is love eachother.
And it will be some day, we as people have the power to make it happen. It will be extremely hard and it might fail, but if we succeed the world will be a much better place. Continue to educate yourself, that's my advice
Marx's criticism of Capitalism is good, but you should look at different views before coming to conclusion, just because his solution doesn't seem to be the best, as the video stated at the end. His ideas have been used to do very destructive things. Im no expert at all, but I'm just saying
Yeah, this will work in a small community but not on the scale of a nation. It‘s utopian, won‘t work. Some have tried, with catastrophic outcomes. That doesn‘t mean we can and should correct some aspects of our capitalist system.
Marxist beliefs are immoral. Bad economics is immoral and marx and marxists are bad economics or anti-economics. Idealist government is immoral. Classist sociology is immoral. There's no excuse to entertain marx in 2022. Read Marx's bullshit yourself and not this cherry picking from marxists. Marxist have to lie for the horrible things marx asserts and for the fact that they have an unchanged and unchangeable ideology from the bigoted, authoritarian 1840s Germany.
@@hamis490 I study and am pretty heavily involved in politics. My preferred system is a healthy balance of both capitalism and socialism. Basically you have a strong social safety net, like what the Scandinavian countries have. Rights to healthcare, education, high wages, housing, etc. These countries have proven to be the most successful systems, and their citizens are among the happiest in the world, though I admit they aren’t perfect. No system is. The US would benefit from an economic bill of rights, like what FDR was an advocate of.
@@Matsumae_Taiyo555 how many capitalists do you need to change a light bulb? one because then they pay someone else 3 cents to do it before using their labor for personal gain while making 80% of the profit
@@jakes1566 the full name of the Nazis is national socialists. SOCIALISTS, those leftist nazis Marxists come here to destroy our country base on Christianity lord oh mighty they want to take away out Jesus who is totally white and american
@@mishlimon98 the nazis called themselves socialists because socialism was hella popular in Germany at the time and they needed to position themselves as populist. plus the nazis persecuted actual socialists and privatized more of the economy, which are two very unsocialist things
Today i made the discovery that my teacher copies the transcripts of School of Life videos and puts them on the powerpoint presentations for class.. 😂😂😂😂 He made a powerpoint presentation of Marx with the info of this video.. the exact thing 🤡🤡
lmaoyourekiddingme why do people always bring up the bath thing? Who the fuck cares how he smelled? Also who the fuck cares who he was in person? His ideas were much bigger than his person.
However, people with greatest standard of living live in capitalist countries and people with the worst standard of living live in communist countries so....
So the problem isn't Marx, but Marxists? I'm fine with that but Marx bears responsibility. The fact that he's still relevant in the 21st century is an atrocity given what we know.
@@SVSky absolutely no! Marx believed in 100% republic world, he was an anarchist but his followers went crazy and imposed 100% authoritarian government. That's not his fault anyway. Also, I ain't really sure about the atrocities we often hear about socialist countries. If you ever go to Russia, you will see people still love Lenin and Stalin and believe USSR was the best period for Russia. In China, people still love Mao despite of thousands of allegations against him. Unfortunately, cold war produced too many fake news around the world and there's no fact checker who can debunk all the lies. So, why is he still relevant? Because he unleashed the dream of a better world where everyone will have proper justice.
@@SVSky while Marx was still alive there were some organised Marxist/communist attempts in France (correct me if I'm wrong). And Marx himself said "If that's Marxism then I'm not a Marxist". A lot were missing from his theories when it'd come to practice. And I don't think that was by his fault
"ursprüngliche Akkumulation" makes more sense in its direct translation as "original accumulation": the accumulation stays close to its origin - the founder of the business, the Gründer - the entrepreneurs.
I don't entirely agree with him, but I respect and agree with some of his views. This is the heart of the problem in modern Society, we learn the history of something and identify with it completely. It doesn't have to be one thing or the other, It can be a mix of the two. Evolve in intelligence from history, and create a current political philosophy and mind.
Could you explain where you differ from Marxism? I genuinely want to know what points you agreed and where you feel you could make other suggestions.....
Why capitalism survives for centuries and communism falls after only decades of survival? Because capitalism hits closer to reality and Freudian human psychology, while communism was misused by communist regime from its true value. That's my opinion.
Rizki Djakaria That’s assuming communist/socialist structures collapsed from faults of communism and socialism. What aspect of Marx’s communism crumbled the Soviet Union? What aspect of socialism crumbled socialist governments in South America? We’ve been lied to for generations by enterprise empires with opposing interests to socialism.
@@mostly_water This requires a major analysis on Marxism as well as Leninism, Maoism and Socialism. This video doesn't cut through the core of Marx's communism as it only explains what it is, not how it works.
@@carpediem4887 Marx was one the greatest economist ever who has written what is known as the most influential political document in history. How is he a creep?
@@carpediem4887 you can't just call someone a name and call it an "opinion" that's not how opinion works, he hasn't done anything that makes him a creep
"What is the secular basis of judaism? Practical need, self-interest. What is the worldly religion of the jew? Huckstering. What is his worldly god? Money." - Karl Marx, jewish supremacist and freemason
Me too , my grandfather and grandmother were communist leaders , I used to totally dismissed their beliefs, but now , myself I'm a communist , lal salam ❤
That’s what education is all about: being able to criticize your former views and think about them more. I don’t agree with a lot of Marx’s points but he had the right idea.
@@robertbaratheon2193 no he did not, he was unable to see where the means of production would head in the future. He assumed so many things about human condition, that he failed to calculate that humans will never be satisfied in a forced equal system. We could easily keep the positives of Marxism, without the negatives of communism. But people are too ignorant to understand that we can create a system where the means of production belong to everybody, without needing a form of central government. The very notion of work would change to where everyone would be gaining the benefits of their work immediately. If Marx could see the effects of communism, if he had any decency, he would blow his own brains out. Mao, Lenin, Stalin, hitler, Mussolini, African warlords, Putin, the modern Democratic Party all are followers of Marx, and all of these people have made the world a worst place.
@@chaitanyareddymuthyala2967 konnintolo marxism corrct eh kaani,it s not going to help in real life,this marxism will actually cause more loss than the capitalism,also iam not complete ly with capitalism,a balance of bothe the ideologies would be beneficial for the structure of the society
@@the_awakening6044 dude this video is literally explaining a theory what the fuck do you mean "wrong" ? you can disagree with Marxism, but the video is almost entirely correct
This video is wrong because the only thing that has lifted people out of poverty has been capitalism. Even China while authoritarian to the people let their markets be free. It’s what freed them from starvation and moved them to an economic powerhouse. People want to be free which means enjoying the fruits of their labor - not giving the fruits of their labor to the lazy people who just want to write poetry and or consume hours of RUclips lol. Marx was an entitled lazy rich kid who didn’t want to work and couldn’t wait for his parents to die to get their money.
@@micass3561 isnt marxism supposed to be some sort of evolution of capitalism? I havent read the communist manifesto but I want to do so soon. but what I got was for "it to work" capitalism needs to be at its peak. isnt it possible this might be a reason it failed to reach true communism in the past?
His ideas of a classless society where never actually put in place, rather dictators destroyed the image of communism. While I'm not exactly a communist, a lot of his ideas reflect mine.
+Fernando Marturet Forcing the very hard-working rich people to share their hard-earned wealth with the lazy poor workers who are so useless in society, right? You make me sick. If there are rich people, it is because they exploited poor people for their own interests. A gun to the head of a bourgeois is too soft. The trigger has a purpose and it is to be pulled. Splatter their brains and redistribute all the wealth they have stolen.
+Michael Nicolas So rich people exploit the poor? so rich people put a gun to their heads and force them to work for them, because poor people have no freedom of choice in a free market? they can't quit? theh can't start their own business? Rich people don't work right, they're just exploiters? they don't spend hundreds of hours, capital, and take huge risks by starting their own businesses?
Yeah, watching this isn't going to get you on a list. I mean you can go to urban outfitters and buy a Che Guevara shirt. Ironically, watching this video is supporting capitalism. You get an Ad for some big business and RUclips makes money. Not to mention the channel makes money but that's a different thing considering it's just some guy making a video who owns no means of production.
This is a pretty bad summary of his thought. He didn't think "unemployment" was a positive good in the capitalist sense. He thought capitalist societies create unemployment because without unemployment laborers could demand higher wages without fear of replacement. He thought humans are alienated from their labor under capitalism but not that "unemployment" or "leisure" was the ideal. Rather, it's that we need a system in which leisure and labor are both enjoyable elements in every person's life.
He also didn't think that capitalism was efficient or productive. More productive than feudalism, yes, but he thought socialism would be more productive and more efficient because it would focus on use rather than exchange value. He didn't think you could just take the capitalist system and redistribute the products to satisfy all needs. He thought socialism would make society more productive, leading to a system of classlessness and universal material satisfaction.
Yeah. American workers oppressed and discriminated Chinese migrants in late 19th and early 20th, despite the fact that they bought the theory of Karl Marx. This is because the Chinese migrants were brought intentionally by the capitalists in America such that they can have a lower expense, but at the meantime the American workers were protesting against low wage in America. This eventually leaded American workers to blame everything on the Chinese migrants rather than the capitalists.
This can pretty much tell you the very nature of migration, multiculturalism, Neo-liberalism and even feminism in the West. It's a structural problem that turns the low white male working class into far right and "racists", while low working class minority into far-left, women into rich class diggers and etc. I'm from China and this is how most of leftists (communists) there thought about the Western politics nowadays.
For those saying that the commenters have not read Marx's books arent that wrong. Myself I haven't read all his books even though I "read/studied" his work at University. It is not possible to read all important books. Time may not allow it and that's why this kind of documentation are very important = not for lazy readers or those with phobias for books, but if well done like this, one can pick a few crucial details about such great thinkers.
Marx's Critiques: - Due to specialization, we are alienated from the fulfilling feeling we can derive from our work and it's effects on society. - Specialization means the scope of skills you need to know to function in the work place has been reduced. Meaning your job is less secure, cause you're more easily replaced. - Primitive accumulation, capitalists make more money than workers. - We need to stop pursuing money, but freedom that comes from having it. We can all afford to be leisurely in our lives. - Capitalists systems reduces the freedom of capitalists. For example, leisure is evil , and marrying a someone below your socio-economic class is marrying wrong.
I read Capital at 16. Decided to become a theacher, didn't need to own much and mostly no debts (Education and health care are ''free'' in Canada), in order be free and do whatever I like. I am now 63, just retired, absolutely loved having an impact on kids minds and souls, didn't marry, had a few women friends, I have a house, real interesting friends who cares, I traveled around the world all my life not working in the summer and Hollydays, did I say no debts, I read and keep in shape and always did volonteer work. I never felt stress in my life. Give to the next. No religion. Stoicism. This life is still available in 2020 with a few sacrifice.
Pretty sure your last point was just human nature. People generaly cant relate to others who were raised different. I understand balancing the money might help make people be more relatable... But we all have the decision to do what we want as long as we have the capacity. Makeing less money is an active decision for most. They make daily decisions that decide. 0lease dont comment about sick people and such. The percentage isnt worth bringing up. And I dont disagree with helping those who cant help themselves.
aner kannt you realize once our technology hits supreme, all these tasks will be done by robots. And what will be left for us humans are tasks that require creativity and passion, not mundane chores and bullshit work. Marx’s criticisms on Capitalism are fair.
@@paul5324 automation is only efficient to an extent. you cant let robots do everything. metallic resources are finite, and some of them will be depleted very soon. silver for example.
What do you want us to say about that subject xD? I myself have no knowledge of this poetry letters among them to begin with. Thanks for highlighting that part btw.
"All I did was put my thoughts on paper, write a couple of books about it, and now everyone hates me for things I didn't even do or say they should be done." - Karl Marx
@@omega0195 Let me reframe that to Christianity. Christian ideology: "Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself." Christian reality: crusades, slaughtering of millions of people over centuries, torture and execution of people with different beliefs.
B20C0 was there ever a situation where those in power did not take advantage or destroy millions of lives? Humans are dominant species...we evolved that to become “modern entertainment”...civilization should evolve one day as we hopefully become a more peaceful species
6:23 "An important aspect of Marx's work is that he proposes that there's an insidious, subtle way in which the economic system colors the sort of ideas that we end up having" - um subtle?!?!?! Have you seen how many BILLBOARDS you drive by on your way to work?!?!??!
And that's the point explained at 6:50, capitalist systems bring you to consider superior values that are actually strengthening the position of capitalists (such as thinking someone who doesn't work as worthless to take over the example in the video). Make sure, as someone told above in the answers section, to put any writing in its context and to think in terms of concepts and abstraction rather than in terms of material objects you can see in the 21st century when it comes to philosophy
We can’t blame Marx for the failures of the Soviet Union or China. Both were countries in dire conditions and took place in areas where he specifically said they wouldn’t succeed.
Can we stop saying "capitalism sucks" or "communism sucks" - because while in part you're right - we can learn from both ideas and systems that we can apply to the current system? Capitalism spurs innovation and enterpreneurship. It gives incentives for people to better themselves. But it gives a major advantage to wealthy families and threatens to leave the poor and lower income families in the dust. Even if they have the brains and ambition to rise up from their circumstances - any misstep, any accident, any sort of inconvenience could put them 10 steps back when they've moved 3 steps forward. Moreover, the ways it pushes people to grow is simply according to the needs of the capitalist system - barely any room to pursue their interests and hobbies unless those fit in with the current economic demand. Communism (theoretically) calls for the equal redistribution of wealth and the communal sharing of material wealth/abolition of private ownership. It desires to give people the means to live an egalitarian, leisurely life not constrained by economic worries, and relationships not tainted by economic gain. However in reality, true communism - the one where the state no longer is required and where everything is equal - requires a strong state to redistribute the wealth. It requires higher taxes on the rich, more public services and payments especially to the poor, state control of industries, and labour protection. (What we may call socialism). This has however - at least in unstable, developing countries (e.g. czarist Russia, Venezuela) with little to no strong democratic foundation to work on - led to horrible dictatorships who end up being corrupted with power and the wealth they seize, and leave society with more inequality to begin with. It also gives no incentive to individuals to innovate on current economic systems since the state controls all legal means of production, preventing technological progress we've made today that has made life easier for most in the world. Both have pros and cons so lets figure this out instead of just bashing ourselves into ideological brick walls.
"However in reality, true communism - the one where the state no longer is required and where everything is equal - requires a strong state to redistribute the wealth." You will always need a State to organise public services, and not fully let said services in the hands of private owners. And that is without even mentioning law enforcement and defence.
It's inaccurate to say capitalism gives a major advantage to wealthy families. This only depends on a persons goals and rights. Without any rights, then this statement may be accurate. With the right of self determination without others restricting who you can compete against, which is done by creating barriers that most poor people can't overcome that is overwhelmingly supported by the vary people that promote socialism, the idea of wealthy families having an advantage fades. In a Capitalist economy with economic and civil freedoms and rights, a person is born with nothing to lose and unable to have debts put on them that imprison them beyond them accepting starting at a point with nothing to lose again. While a wealthy person always and constantly has their wealth being attacked economically, politically, criminally. Idly sitting on a big pile of money if a quick way to have it all taken in a Democracy with a capitalist economy. And in the cases when this doesn't happen, all that wealth was provided to people that benefited in total more than the producer or at worse, equally as these transactions that make a person wealthy must be done with people that willingly enter into those transactions.
Socialism is when the workers own the means of production. It's really not that hard to understand, but it seems that none of you have read Marx so it's easy for you to get confused by the cold war propaganda.
Results in reality 65 million in the People's Republic of China 20 million in the Soviet Union 2 million in Cambodia 2 million in North Korea 1.7 million in Ethiopia 1.5 million in Afghanistan 1 million in the Eastern Bloc 1 million in Vietnam 150,000 in Latin America Allow these numbers that all were once real human beings hopefully teach you more about communism.
***** If a political and economic ideology after 100 years and many times attempted can't even attempt one proper shot at said ideology how bad does that look? Also where it has been implemented as much as possible it has resulted in the complete degradation to the means of existence including human life. Utopian dreams, covered in hippie flowers and rainbow unicorns hiding the true fact that communism is a nightmare that destroys the human spirit of productivity, incentives and the will to innovate. Time for you to re-evaluate your beliefs kiddo. Communism has never won, not even once and the reason why all so called communist nations can never be fully communist is because they all had to implement capitalism to some extent or else they completely collapsed and that applies to ALL of them that tried.
the parts of video 01:23 modern work is alienated 02:26 modern work is insecure 02:59 workers get paid little while Capitalist get rich 03:49 capitalism is very unstable 05:20 capitalism is bad for capitalist
Modern work is alienated: Educate yourself on a occupation that improves your society. Modern work is insecure: Become skilled at that occupation. Workers get paid little while Capitalist get rich: Hardships in the production of a quality product the people or a organization wants to consume results in being paid. When the occupation is harder then other occupations results in being paid more then others. Capitalism is very unstable: Does China society seem stable to you? Its called the Peoples Republic of China. Capitalism is bad for capitalist: Capitalists would continue capitalism if it was bad and it takes a lot of critical thinking and understanding of reality to be a rich capitalists. Someone that earns what they have appreciate what they have, someone who is given what they have appreciate nothing. Being called a Marxist is a insult.
@@Rick-ez1nt capitalism has failed multiple times but has been revived multiple times because men don't know any alternatives. Many enterpreneurs go broke everyday because of the rules of the system, a highly competitive system in which, at the end, only a few will have the economical power, eliminating de facto all the competitors (see what is happening with Disney theese days, the fact that a big company is slowly buying everything?). So, saying that capitalism doesn't hurt the capitalist is pretty wrong
I keep hearing about marxism and see others being called a Marxist... never really knew what it is... So I decided to finally learn! So... in an attempt to take notes here... I'm going to keep editing my comment as the video goes on... So far the first critic about capitalism is something I actually agreed with back from when I was a child. One of the reasons that I wanted to be a farmer as a kid was because there was a stronger sense of doing work and seeing the fruits of that labor as opposed to doing something and just not being able to see the bigger picture. Even being a vet did not appeal to me back then (I was about 12/13) because all the animals I would have helped would be gone by the morning after and I wouldn't ever see them again. It was discouraging. So yes, alienation was something of a concern for me a child. Second argument hit me pretty hard. I never came to this depth of understanding but now hearing it I can completely understand it. Oh gosh. It's so SO true in today's world. People are tools, tools to make tools, to make money for other people who become tools too. The only reason people are blind to this abuse (in my opinion) would be because they are under the impression that they can make it to the uppermost place and thus they will cease being a tool and start using others as tools in "revenge". It's a scary cycle. Third point on Capitalism also is really accurate. I'll probably watch another video on capitalism because I'm sure there are two sides to the coin here and I'm sure that in SOME instances, capitalism can be used in a humane and justified way. I'm sure that there is an argument about how capitalism allows people to grow to that top position and encourages people to be competitive and smart. But at the same time... Most examples I can think of off the top of my head in regards to capitalism is just that it doesn't work humanely. Investment becomes abuse, using people to bring yourself up is selfish and cruel and doesn't align with my morals at all. fourth point is something I connected to deeply! Imagine the paradise we would have where people are free to pursue TRUE happiness. Where food, housing, education, and stability were not only commonplace but quite literally how our society worked???? Imagine that stores simply worked like "walk in take what you need and go home". For goodness sakes we don't even need cashiers with self-checkouts! And soon enough we'll have a restocking system too. We quite literally could dedicate ourselves to the arts, sciences, and just fucking leisure... AND EVERYONE COULD HAVE THIS!!!! It's like a dream!!! Fifth point, as with the others, poses a way more empathetic understanding and while I'm not sure how well it works today I think it still applies in many ways. People do marry for financial security... and on the other side of the coin... do not marry for fear of starting a family they cannot afford. Bottom line really sold me. Yes... I do think we should all be Marxists. It only makes sense! Why settle for earth when Heaven is in your reach? Why settle for abuse when freedom (true real and uninhibited freedom) is a day's travel away? You mark my words I'll be sharing this video!
Marx wrote books rather than making a video. Once you have read major works of Marx and compared his vision to that of his contemporaries or to the way "free" economies and societies work, all of these flowers you are smelling would have withered. The only way to come away from *reading* actual marxian economics with the impression that it is constructive is by not having looked into the topic through a non-biased lens.
@@soulcapitalist6204 What you said is also a reflection of people's approach to these online philosophy videos, they do not realize it is only an interpretation of the works, and not a replication of the works themselves, a lot of the time its a replication from a biased perspective. The more condensed the video, the more perspective orientated its going to be
@@TheMorhaGroup With marxists, scholarship is rare. I suggest there's some inverse relationship between reading marx or any economics from anyone and being marxist. The rare exception is the deeply-read marxist who understands the implications and lusts for that dystopia. Together, they're the demagogue and useful idiot combination of the modern Left.
As the problems of the U.S keep increasing, there are more people looking for solutions in a variety of directions. I just hope for free education so people won’t have to fear failure as much and instead embrace it as a part of learning
Communism can’t solve its incentivzation problem, and it always creates a power vacuum in which the last person you want to have power gets power. It has a stellar record of failure and death.
@@guardianvalor962 Free market capitalism is why the US now has 25% of the planet's prisoners and the majority have no broadband internet access. If you apply a profit motive to everything and don't stamp out monopolies and oligopolies, you encounter market failures that never correct themselves. I suggest you think things through a bit more. It's also ridiculous to claim the left is for genocide. There are economic leftists who are racist, but the majority of genocides have been lead by the social and economic right. In fact, the only genocide that can technically be counted in your criteria would be the current one in China, but even then, China's controlled economy is extremely capitalistic to a predatory degree and the society is extremely right-leaning socially.
Marx also understood that capitalists are also victims of the system. Capitalism makes capitalists raise their profit more and more as an obligation, if they not do it, a more ruthless capitalist will take their place. Marx also proposes liberty to capitalists on the Communist manifesto.
"if they not do it, a more ruthless capitalist will take their place. ..", how does that work? A company does not require increasing profits to survive, it just needs to make profit
@@donthasselthehoff5753 your point of view is quite utopic, that's because you're taking one key factor of capitalism, the competition. Let's take one example to make things easier to picture, Uber and Lift, two competitors. What will decide who will beat the other? Growing profit. They need it in order to adopt more and more techniques that increase productivity, decrease costs, sabotage their competitors. In the case of those 2 examples, the one who profits more can invest more in advertisigment, offer more discounts, have more drivers, monopolize the market, decrease the payment of the drivers without consequences, and so on... This is reality for any kind of business, even if you have a small grocery store. Competition will always force you to look for ways to increase your profit, otherwise your business will collapse. You can see that reality applies to countries as well, if the GDP doesn't grow, the economy crashes, that force us to always increase productivity, taking us to a path that makes us consume more resources than the amount of resources our planet can recover by itself, that is why capitalism is the system responsible for all of our troubles with the environment.
@@donthasselthehoff5753 For more detailed explanation about the flaws of Capitalism, I recommend you to check two channels out: Hakim and Noncompete. They're alwesome.
@@dudebros6122 What you said has no ground in reality. China is already more technologically advance and cientifically productive than US. URSS were also on that path. Technology is developed by necessity, and it's more of a product of cooperation than competition. Imagine if instead competing among themselves and keeping data from being shared, the pharmaceutical industries cooperate with one another to develop the COVID vaccine, we could have that vaccine ready on months in advance, saving millions of lives.
@@dudebros6122 yes, your ideas have no bounds with reality, China is not just technologically advanced and scientifically productive than US, it's also socially superior since China is the solo responsible for the fall of the poverty rate, lifting more than 800 million people out of poverty. It's funny, if low wages bring advancement, why isn't any African country technologically advanced? Or India? Both places have practically starving wages, however, the average wage in China is higher than Portugal. If you call a economy under total control of it's government a capitalist economy, than you don't know what a capitalist economy is. Chinese government controls the financial system completely and have practically control over it's big industries.
From "Why Socrates Hated Democracy" to "Karl Marx political theory". The demagogue has tarnished the public opinion on so many things. I've seen so many people discredited an idea without any understanding of the said idea.
Can you give me references to understand the idea more? Would reading the communist manifesto be the place to start? Or the capital volumes? Idk if I can handle those right away but this video gave me nothing.
@@robert4445 Try this: There is no perfect ideology. There is a good side and a bad side to everything. Ideology won't harm you, infact it will gives you a different perspective thus widened your vision. Learn about Communism for what it is, the bad and the good, no bias.
@@hutauruk_andika Good argument, but you forget communism isn't an ideology. It's a political program. Marx said that ideology was crap and the humanity should get rid of all them, religion first of all. Communism is the society in wich workers aren't exploited and own and control the means of production. So you get richer alongside all the others and not impoverishing the others.
@@sirpente6651 oh, thank you for the correction. I learn something new today. But still my argument stand, just replace "There is no perfect ideology" to "There is nothing perfect". There you go.
@@hutauruk_andika Well. So Marx was right: Praxis will tell us if a theory is correct. The theory improves the practice and the practice helps to correct the theory in a neverending spiral. That's how we get better.
@wOkeKing Engels wasn’t a factory owner Engels was a son of a factory owner. Matter of fact his first ever protest was organizing a march against his dads factory :)
@wOkeKing his dad was racist Marx and Engels weren’t. One of their biggest arguments was about the slavery in the US and segregation. They both didn’t have anything to do with their dads wealth however Engels worked in his dad’s newspaper studio and helped Marx couple times also Engels married the proletariat that spit in his dads face, but they never had anything to do with their dads factory. Also they used their dads gatherings and parties to fight the capitalist, this is how they were able to form their first party “workers unite” in the English parliament
Preacher At Arrakeen He believed that ideas are impotent and that change was a historical inevitability. He derided previous socialists as “utopian” for actually trying to clarify what specific changes they were working towards. If you understand what he meant, it’s actually a very rotten quote - rotten both because it is false and because it has aged so very poorly.
@Otis C-14 Marx had never been involved in any of the Rothschild's business; indeed he was poor. And was atheist; he never embraced his grandfathers' religion. And your post isn't pertinent. So, you're just trying to dig the dirt on him taking on the advantage on anti-semitic sentiments. And you're vile, too. Because you hide yourself behind a needle, when you says: "I didn’t say anything bad about Semitic people. Get over yourself man." If you're not against Semitic people, why have you posted that bullshit about Rothschild? It's nothing to do with the post of Precher at Arrakeen who just said he likes a quotation.
True! Work is art naturally... but today, even the word “work” has a dreary, negative connotation to it. That to me is how capitalism sometimes makes our lives artificial.
@Otis C-14 Anyway, we're heading straight to greatest economical crisis in mankind history right now. Soon hundreds of millions will lose their job, I'm not joking. I'm afraid that we will all be driven into fascism because communism idea has been discredited with USSR fall.. many lies and exxagerations has been produced in past 30 years about communism...
@Otis C-14 If you think those who work in factories do "some useless genre of production" you have to throw away your smartphone, your computer, your car and everything made in a factory. Workers uphold the world.
@@sirpente6651 Already read. If you know who Trotsky is and what he wanted then you know what Trotskyism is. I mean he and his followers betrayed 1917 revolution idea - public ownership of the means of production and the dictatorship of the proletariat. Trotsky wanted to compromise with large factory owners, with large land owners. You can't do it if you want to build socialism and then communism.
Capitalists hate this guy because it is impossible to create an utopia and being logical at the same time without Marx. This guy just pointed out the only exit. Brilliant work. I adore him. Bravo 👏👏
@@soulcapitalist6204 No, there is actually a big leap between Marxism and Marxism-Leninism. Don't be fooled by the "Marxism" in the name, it's really just old soviet marketing. TLDR: the USSR didn't implement Marxism, they implemented an authoritarian big-government fanfiction that they named Marxism-Leninism to keep the other revolutionaries happy. Marxism is more of a philosophical critique of capitalism and is basically what we today call socialist. It reframes what is valuable in society away from just profit and more towards a better quality of life for humanity as a whole. It suggests cooperative ownership of things like resources and factories and "production for use" as opposed to "production for profit", because it sees the capitalist society as inherently unstable due to it's internal pressures. In a similar manner to how slave societies and feudalism eventually fell, it argues that capitalism eventually will bring about it's own destruction because capital will refuse to reform enough to solve those pressures, which will drive people to revolution. It argues that a state-less, class-less communist society would be the next rung on the ladder of human development, but it isn't a blueprint on how to _get_ there, exactly. They believed a revolution was probably necessary, but that was kind of it. Leninism (often called Marxism-Leninism to lend it credibility even though Marx would surely hate that) is what we're talking about when we're talking about failed "communist countries" and unlike Marxism this one is _all_ about the blueprint. This is where "The dictatorship of the protalitariat" gets reframed as a motivation for a revolutionary One Party rule (when it was really a shorthand for removing political and financial power from the "dictatorship of capital"). This is where everything becomes owned by the state, even though the end goal is ostensibly a state-less communist society. It sought to create an "interim" state to transition from capitalism, through authoritarian socialism, into communism. And since it's just an "interim" state, well... it's very easy for them to justify horrific acts and authoritarian overreach since it's just a "temporary measure". And that's exactly what happened with the the death of Lenin and takeover by Stalin, who was just an authoritarian through and through. And once he was there he shifted focus to cementing his power and industrializing the soviet union at any cost, with ideology only being a propaganda tool.
Normal Person some people who are known to be very rich often misuse their money, like Jeff Bezos. He may be running Amazon but is underpaying some of his staff. People like Elon musk have the money to ruin the worlds current state. Some people who have a good amount of money live a comfortable life and aren’t doing anything wrong. It’s just implied that some of the rich are misusing their power instead of supporting others.
@Podunzk It's funny how every time Marxism turns up it turns into a dictatorship, that ends up turning into a national famine. Sorry dude that's just too much of a correlation for me to vouch for that shit, that's enough needless death for me. If someone asked me about Fascism i'm not gonna say, weeellll Hitler did it wrong lets try again yet Marxism gets tried again and again and it fails every time. Leninism is simply a evolution of Marxism.
@@Prometheus7272 Still he would have opposed the genocidal states of the USSR and PRC. He praised the Paris Commune for bieng Democratic after all. Marx wanted the state to "wither away" in the coarse of human history. He would not have been a fan of the USSRs strong ever-expanding government
James 5:1-6 "Now listen, you rich people, weep and wail because of the misery that is coming on you. 2 Your wealth has rotted, and moths have eaten your clothes. 3 Your gold and silver are corroded. Their corrosion will testify against you and eat your flesh like fire. You have hoarded wealth in the last days. 4 Look! The wages you failed to pay the workers who mowed your fields are crying out against you. The cries of the harvesters have reached the ears of the Lord Almighty. 5 You have lived on earth in luxury and self-indulgence. You have fattened yourselves in the day of slaughter.[a] 6 You have condemned and murdered the innocent one, who was not opposing you." Acts 2:44-45 "All the believers were together and had everything in common. 45 They sold property and possessions to give to anyone who had need." Leviticus 25:35-37 "If one of your brethren becomes poor, and falls into poverty among you, then you shall help him, like a stranger or a sojourner, that he may live with you. Take no usury or interest from him; but fear your God, that your brother may live with you."
James 5:1-6 "Now listen, you rich people, weep and wail because of the misery that is coming on you. 2 Your wealth has rotted, and moths have eaten your clothes. 3 Your gold and silver are corroded. Their corrosion will testify against you and eat your flesh like fire. You have hoarded wealth in the last days. 4 Look! The wages you failed to pay the workers who mowed your fields are crying out against you. The cries of the harvesters have reached the ears of the Lord Almighty. 5 You have lived on earth in luxury and self-indulgence. You have fattened yourselves in the day of slaughter.[a] 6 You have condemned and murdered the innocent one, who was not opposing you." Acts 2:44-45 "All the believers were together and had everything in common. 45 They sold property and possessions to give to anyone who had need." Leviticus 25:35-37 "If one of your brethren becomes poor, and falls into poverty among you, then you shall help him, like a stranger or a sojourner, that he may live with you. Take no usury or interest from him; but fear your God, that your brother may live with you." Corinthians 10:24 "No one should seek their own good, but the good of others" Proverbs 28:27 "Those who give to the poor will lack nothing, but those who close their eyes to them receive many curses." Deuteronomy 10:18 "He defends the cause of the fatherless and the widow, and loves the foreigner residing among you, giving them food and clothing" Matthew 19:23-24 Then Jesus said to his disciples, “Truly I tell you, it is hard for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of heaven. Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.”"
Wow, I never studied this in school. I was raised in a cult, a very high control religion. I woke up in 2011 at the age of 57. I see the same trends happening in politics today. "Do as I say, or else"
@@franzliszt5087 it's making fun of how liberals keep quoting Harry Potter books so it's become a joke in politics community. "Don't call yourself a liberal if you haven't read theory" and it points to Harry Potter
I have to give this guy props: it's almost unbelievable how much he puts in less than 10 minutes and in laymen's terms. I don't think I could ever do it. (I am always accused of TL;DR & obscurantism.) 👏👌
On the contrary, it is a word, with a meaning that reasonably applies here, as one can easily check (furthermore, it is precisely obscurantism -- in my native language, though -- that is levelled "against" me). So is obfuscation, right, and could be more appropriate here, I grant you, but you made a stronger claim which is incorrect and, well, you resorting to "😉" at the end is outright childish.
I love how people invoke "Karl Marx" as a scareword like they know what the hell they're talking about. He was a thinker and philosopher. He wasn't the person trying to get it done and he still said some good stuff.
He wasn't very good at thinking, evidently, and ended up turning communism into a system with which over 80 million people have been killed, ironically mostly by famine and authoritarian government. Interesting.
@@blooeagle5118 Some of his critiques of capitalism are still relevant. No he DID NOT "turn communism" (i doubt u know what that word means with respect to Marx/Engels work) into a totalitarian system. That was mostly the handiwork of Lenin, who borrowed just as much from other communist thought as he did from Marxism.
@@inquisitive.lurker i have a copy of the Manifesto in my hands. His critiques of capitalism are that mankind is locked into a class battle. Okay, sure, but he completely neglects that nature has class structures too. The food chain, for example. It's a fundamental pillar of nature and he wishes to iradicate it. And part of the reason also why it doesn't work is that there are far more axis by which you can consider someone Bourgeoisie rather than proletariat. How do you define bourgeoisie status specifically? People fall into too man categories to make the argument that it's rich vs. poor. How do you define it? This is why, usually, communist revolts usually end in a LOT of death.
“His writings became the keystone for some of the most important ideological movements of the century.” *Shows pictures of Communist China and the Soviet Union* Yeah, that worked out real well.
homefly00 this dude literally pulled out a dump truck of facts on you and all your said back was “human bad”. Also, Stalin and Mao did not implement Marxism
@@borisd4397 I think what you can summarize your well written comment is that capitalism's exploitation of labor also includes imperialism and that imperial conquest and extraction of resources and cheap labor kills but because our system does not register the deaths as a result of capitalism they do not consider it as systemic. I know this unorthodox but I can't help but notice you're black and red which leads me to believe your an anarcho communist. I am searching for more resources and develop my ideas further please could you send me further readings? I have a copy of the conquest of bread but I feel that I want to be able to fully articulate my beliefs not just for myself but to combat capitalists
@@snacob7628 maybe for example your fixing a bug for youtube as a software engineer but no one will ever know about you and recognized you as the one who fixed it
Jacob Harvey Imagine falling in love with painting. The colors and freedom. You painted anything that interested you from passion. Then you started working for a painting company. They told you how to paint. When to paint. What colors to use. Suddenly you painted what you were told to paint. lost your passion in painting. This happens in software engineering. And it is attributed to something called Taylorism. It happens where work is segregated into labor and thinking tanks. In reality we are all supposed to both labor AND think. But jobs may place you into pure labor where the thinking is removed entirely. This makes you feel like your just a meaningless cog, disposable on a whim. It isn’t really the fault of capitalism. But more the fault of greedy businesses that want to optimize production at all costs. Capitalism just happens to be one of those systems that corporations take advantage of. But what system CANT they take advantage of? Also, being able to own your own business is capitalism. Imagine not being allowed to start a business. And being told what you can and can’t be. At least in capitalism you have the opportunity to change and make your own business or do your own thing. In a communist or socialist’ll end up losing that privilege. But back to the point. That is why you can feel alienated in a diminished role devoid of passion, thought and meaning.
@@df6148 Taylorism was not originally a way of dividing labor from thinking. Labor had already been divided from thinking by Adam Smith. Taylorism was a way of getting the most production out of each worker by breaking down the process into "scientific" pieces. It comes from the late Eighteen Hundreds during the beginning of the industrial revolution. It is based on the philosophy of Adam Smith for efficient labor. Imagine a building a chair where each worker focuses on a dedicated part of the whole so he can efficiently and repeatedly replicate the part, each of which are finally assembled into the final product by expert assemblymen, . This is in contradiction to craftsmanship, where the worker creates the entire product. Taylorism was taking Adam Smith's ideas and transferring them to "the modern age."
i also lost hope, so many people supporting communism. according to this video marx was an even worse critic of capitalism than I originally thought. these communist seriously think profits is greedy and monopolies is a part of capitalism.
blade 1970 i find this argument on different subject way too often, maybe we're not the same people? what about national socialism? another left ideology that failed.
National socialism isn't socialism at all, it was called that to lull the population into a false sense of security, they actually actively fought against socialism.
Watching this on the most capitalistic medium ever.
You realise most of what we have now was paid for by old systems? For example, many factories that allowed for the set up of modern businesses were paid for by slavery?
Hmm Hmm And what do you have to back up that claim? Because most slave owners financially were fucked after the civil war and statistically millionaires today earn their money not inherit it.
It really didnt hv to be tho
@@eskanda3434 myth, debunked my friend. Look it up
@@hmmhmm9017 found the idiot communist
Abandon all hope ye who scrolls down further.
This is officially the greatest youtube comment i've ever read. You sir, deserve a medal.
If they embrace Marxism, they have.
I'm going down
I agree with you man I'm chaotic neutral fuck both extremes we must meet in the middle
This comment is RIGHT after the comment of the apologetic marxist stating “i predict this will be a level headed comment section” and now im afraid to keep scrolling
Fun Fact: Nobody in the comments have read Marx's books
Tried. They're boring as hell
@@seriousbees it's economic books , what did you expect.
@@seriousbees I read the manifesto when I was 16 years old and was a commie idiot, now I am super anti-communist and my country is voting for an actual commie (Communist party)
They are zealots and pro-terrorism
@@dieglhix which country is it
@@fusionid6647 chile
This confirms that all the things that made me depressed actually were valid reasons even though everyone just says suck it up
There's no such thing as a valid reason to allow yourself to be depressed. To resign your happiness because of the worlds economic structure is pathetic. If you're upset about the state of things, do something. You don't have to start a communist revolution (zero chance of that working in the west anyway), you can start your own business and operate it in closer accordance to what you consider to be 'fair'. Be the change you want to see in the world.
@@olivercheeseman8227 if the economic structure makes it so that it’s difficult for human needs to be met, I think it’s valid to be depressed about that. I think you can also do what’s in your control to make your situation work as best as it can for you. You can do both. You can be upset and take action. To call me or anyone that feels this way is pathetic is ignorant and sad. I get it. You don’t want to be a victim so bad that you don’t hold the people that hurt you accountable. Being sad does not mean you can’t take action. They’re not mutually exclusive. When you deny yourself the ability to feel, you make it easier for toxic systems to remain in power. It’s mindsets like yours that have kept us from making more progress towards a more kind and loving community and economic structure which is totally possible.
@@olivercheeseman8227 Dude you are saying like if my boss makes me work 12 hr and gives me 1/4 of the wage, instead of getting depressed and sad I should do something to avoid thinking about it.
It's just you are defending my boss, not me. His mental health not mine.
His interests are opposed to mine.
@@olivercheeseman8227 that's a hell of a way to tell everyone you don't understand mental health or exploitation.
There's no such thing as a valid reason to be depressed... Holy shit that's one hell of a statement.
I take it you've never grafted through school, work and uni just to find out that you can't have a job because you don't live in the right area or come from the right family. You strike me as someone that thinks that meritocracy actually exists and that we should all pull ourselves up by our bootstraps.
@@northernnaysayer I said there's no valid reason to allow yourself to be depressed, not that there isn't ever a valid reason to be depressed. There are a hundred 'valid' reasons for a person to be depressed in this world. You won't be happy until you can find the reasons not to be depressed and in order to do that you need to pull yourself up by the bootstraps. It's your life, no one is here to fix it for you.
"Capitalism? More like Crapitalism am I right ladies..."
-Karl Marx (probably)
@abcd3625 I admire Biden and Harris for different reasons, but we are on the same team. NO TRUMP, NO KKK, NO FASCIST USA!
@@hollandkroese7427 What a clown! KKK was founded by Democrats. How stupid and ignorant can you be ? Do you watch any news channel other than CNN and MSNBC?
Goddamn I didn't this thread would go to shit that quickly.
@@abyssalknight4081 For real. All I said was that I admire the same leaders, but for a different reason. Then somehow I became the bad guy.
@@hwdareu5848 you do realize Trump is endorsed by both the Taliban and the KKK right?
I came here because in political arguements someone often calls a person a Marxist, then a replier tells them they would bet a million dollars that the person doesn't have any understanding of Marxism whatsoever. I think I see their point now.
Literally why I came here. Always hear it tossed around as an insult but seeing this I can't help but think of the quote from A Princess Bride. "I do not think that word means what you think it means"
The issue isn't so much about Marx having an influence on people, if you're a philosopher, of course, that's going to happen. The real insult is postmodern marxism that's cancer.
Illogical Communism = NOT WHAT WE WANT OR NEED
Jon Sage here to learn. Can you explain your position?
@Coal Fire b-b-b-but that's the wrong kind of socialism anon!!!
@Coal Fire You're openly admitting you're a Nazi? Also I'll have you know that in the 1930s the first people sent to concentration camps by National Socialists (Nazis) were 150k communist party members and workers.
“The two wrote each other adoring poetry”
I see nothing but the best homies
They had a bromance before it was cool.
"the two wrote each other adoring poetry"
engels: yo my fucking wife died
marx: rip can i get some cash my rent is due
engels: what the hell is wrong with you
Friends Friends Friends..
no homo
And they were roomates...
Since my childhood, I used to believe that hagrid from harry potter is karl marx.🙂
Given JK Rowling's political views I think he would have been written a whole lot let sympathetic if that was the case.
"You're a Fascist, Harry!"
Hagrid is a capitalist most probably, remember when Harry asked why wizards kept themselves hidden and Hagrid answered with something along the lines of : because then muggle would ask for out magical help and that would be annoying
Could we just appreciate his pronunciation for a moment? His british english is on point and to hear him pronunce those german words this perfectly makes me want to develop my pronuncation. And german is my first language just to say
lol I know right
Alain De Botton grew up in Switzerland which probably helped him along the way.
also french he´s pretty good at. I just learned it in school but it sounds pretty natural
you are probably intrested in communication rather than Content
Jordan peterson best on Marxismвидео.html
Karl Marx: misunderstood by both his followers and his opponents
awwwwwww gulag
Conor Hoffman What the fuck?
This is absolutely undeniable true. People who follow him act as if he found the solution, when he really only identified the problems. People who oppose him brand him as commie scum. Both are wrong.
"The Problem of Marxism are the Marxists"
"One thing I can definitely say: I am not a Marxist"
I think these two qutes illustrate quite well, what Karl Marx himself thought about his followers.
somehow the philosophy twisted and released some demented sense of hive mentality in people. probably a result of systematic in breeding. its an inevitable result of controlled culture. money still holds a value in the effort to control the abilities of others to acquire certain levels of social status, or luxurial status, but which is more important? you need one, the other appears to be social profiteering. apparently, you take away the ability to profit off of a life, and you are a communist…there is something missing in between. there is a path to nirvana, kung fu, utopia. but its a blend of it all. unifying the diverse intellectual mind, through individuality. but doing so is challenging. its true the flaws of capitalism are far too many, and the blends of other governing systems results in the depended donorship of capitalists. so what do we do? but sniff out a simple problem and attempt to resolve it subtly there?. or create a recyclatory system of governance, blending all forms after we have unified the mentality of individualism in society. its not about communism, but more about social racism in all hierarchal senses of that word. we have doctors profiteering from life and death, no matter their causality or circumstance are expected to a duty and profit from it by contract. leaving a practice seem strictly infallible by chance occurrence. humans lack consistency. no wound is the same. but we have cats killed for their owner's lack of wealth. horses put down for broken legs. cattle slaughtered in the systematic structures of the holocaust, and yet humans believe in capitalism as the evil to solve all evil. communism started as an idea that takes the prodigy, and lets everyone live that life. but thats not possible, people have a thesos, and i believe that as individuals, the thesos for each person is different. a seed becomes a tree, a baby becomes a man, that man's individual thesos is the apples of his life and labors. some trees have many apples... why are we trying to make pears from apple trees and expecting them to be perfect, every time? i just want everyone to love their life, pursue a life that becomes representative of the definition of art, and to breed individuality. achieving that is difficult as there is lots of evil. so its like let the system that fights it now, keep fighting it. there are people being left behind, wronged in their free will. and you can't just start wars because someones been shot anymore, so then that grows to millions…and we have regret, and start governing the future based on the past, and when we regret this, govern the future on how we think we see the future, and this then creates a problem, and it seems more like people forget to just live in the now sometimes, and when you want everyone to do this, the people collapse as well. desire, regret, or passion. there are nice things to infinitely say. but we define evil in so many ways, that passion becomes a weapon, and judgement and righteousness…we have people following each and every trail, and so many ignoring them that victims are becoming weapons of distress to culture, and judgements that aren't rationally even there half the time. we have history of book burnings, translations, and changes to phrases that create power in an instance. and the peaceful forget that protection is a responsibility. instead of blending capitalism with communism. which is where its all apparently headed. like some pow camp. individuality isn't bad…so where do you go from there to construct a peaceful society without oppression or profiteering? obviously hive structure works for organizing society. but hive mentality creates hierarchal racism. its not about asking, why can't i be queen, as much as who am i, what can i do, and make happen. then pursuing that but in ethically unifiable manners. money obviously does some thing. it builds. it grows economies, and allows for orchestrated direction on a global scale. but socially it corrupts the ecosystem. it dissolves it. we can't keep solving problems with more problems if we want to actually solve the problem, even though ecosystems are structured problems of seemingly endless possible solutions and diversities. so there is a paradox.
I keep scrolling down to find the hell foretold in this comment section but all I come cross is comments describing the hell foretold in this comment section.....
Same xddddd
Sort be new
Sort by new or read the replies
The irony that your comment has become another comment describing the hell foretold in this comment section that I'm scrolling past to find said hell comments.
- Comment describing hell foretold
His sister was even much more famous but untold, Onya, an Olympic runner - that till this day her name is still mentioned at every start of each race.
"Dark humour is like health care, not everyone gets it" - USA
Dude, in India ppl often comment - "sarcasm is like electricity in India, not everyone gets it"
Dark humour is like a dead child... it never gets old.
@Matt Justice You don’t trust the organization tasked with sabotaging and destroying communism and democracy around the world wherever it opposes U.S. interests?
@Matt Justice Define greatness so we don’t have confusion, and when you say communist I assume you mean socialist
Are you suggesting that this video is meant to be humorous?...
8:20 "The two men even wrote each other adoring poetry."
The modern version of that is sending your homie your mixtape.
I'd look at some of those poems if I were you, it might give you a far darker understanding of the goals of Marxism.
_I love communism_
What the hell!!
All the people commenting here about why capitalism is better than communism or why communism is better than capitalism, completely missed the point of this video..
I'm really struck right now at how ideology blinds you from fact.
Good job on your elaborate answer, nobody cares, its just a video.
they are all BAD
redlegagent Very nice. However you are missing the point as well, and this shows from your attempt criticize Marx by comparing the two socio-economic systems. Communism has failed. It's no secret. Marx's theory has been falsified because the revolution never came. However, this video does not try to make a stance for communism or what is widely perceived as "Marxism". Marx was a genius and an inconceivably difficult theorist. He set a great part of the groundwork for the modern human sciences, and is studied and analyzed till this very day by every student of the human being and human societies. If you take a look at Sweden and it's recent changes in policies concerning the working day, you will recognize in it, a lot of Marx's spirit. A 6-hour working day that leaves time for its citizens to pursue other activities of their liking. Thus leaving time for one to "hunt in the morning, fish in the afternoon, rear cattle in the evening, criticize after dinner, without ever becoming hunter, fisherman, shepherd or critic". "This is national wealth, this is national prosperity". More leisure time for everyone. This is a true change for a better human society. And this my friend is part of the essence of Marx, which everyone seems to be painfully missing.
Yes, we prefer leisure to work: did Marx discover this?
Sweden's wealth, the condition of leisure, comes from Protestantism and free market economics. Contra real Marxist inspired economies in Venezuela and Cuba.
Marx was a fraud. When he got his big payoff from his capitalist buddy Engels, which made him a very rich man, he went full bourgeoisie in his lifestyle-the hunting fishing stuff was just a literary conceit of classical origin.
Just Saleh shut up lenin wanted a revoliution for the workers benefit
I always find it sad that Marx is seen as the grandfather of (dictatorship) communism. He rarely talks about "communism" he describes flaws in a capitalistic system. In acknowledging that these problems exist, we can work on improving a capitalistic system. But Marx=communism=bad is all most extremistic capitalists can think of...
you realize that communism and dictatorship are two completely separate things right
@@KellyRockefellerisdead You realized that what you replied is exactly what he said right?
Marx is the father of dictatorship communism because he was explicit in describing it and Lenin was astute in playing out that vision via state capitalism. Your position is one of somebody who isn't familiar with Marx's works from having not read them.
The flaws which Marx contended of capitalism invoked the fallacy of treating externalities as the fundamental return of the capitalist mode, whereas he never indicated the wits or numeracy to actually analyze economics at the level of his contemporaries (like JS Mill, for example).
@@KellyRockefellerisdead Communism requires what any modern person would regard as dictatorship. Certainly marxist communism requires dictatorship of the proles in lieu of "free" states which we'd term as liberal democracy. Liberal democracy requires a capitalist mode, on the other hand. The term "liberal" and Marx's "free" (of CotGP part 4) refer to economic liberalism like all of the nations in history to have achieved economic development, high wages and great per capita wealth.
I swear to god that everyone forgets that Marx was not a politician or even a leader, he's a philosopher like Adam Smith and theirs works were revisioned or expanded.
@Fellow Æthelweard bait
As far as influence goes he has no equal this side of Jesus or Muhammed. His believers think of him as a scientific prophet.
No. He is a politician.
Marx was not a philosopher. He fashioned himself some "revolutionary" and insisted on that leading role in the agitation for his political economic concept. He was a critic of philosophers in that he professed he knew better than Hegel, capitalist economists and other factions of socialists or anarchists of his time.
And the application of his ideas led to the deaths of millions of innocents.
Someone forgot to turn off the capitalist ads during this video.
Yeah, they are a plague, its the religion we live in, capitalism....sigh
Its demonetized
@@shabegsan there are ads
No there are not might be Because i am from India and here it is not monetized 😑
In India they are doing crazy stuff lately.
@@shabegsan are you by any chance using an adblocker?
"The two wrote each other adoring poetry"
_Now hang on a minute there, they what?_
They were the kind of “homies” that kissed eachother goodnight
@@vesper9691 "Oh my God, they were roommates".👁👄👁
Historians: And they were the best of friends
@@tenyangxjw i know one wasn't pretty cuz i aint ever seen two pretty best friends
@@j1gglypuff42 u must know that this comment made me scream. Thank u for that
Who is watching in 2024 👍
Ben de burdayım 🇹🇷
Who knows that Marx was actually a deadbeat loser who never worked a hard day in his life?
Yeah for psir optional
I agree with Marx's critical analysis of capitalism, even though i wouldn't consider myself a communist. You do not have to be a communist to realize that capitalism, like all economic systems, have problem points. I think that it is nonsense to pick a side. We must understand that there isn't a perfect system, and be critical of all systems.
But then you also have to deal with the fact that half of your life will be consumed by work. That is my only issue. I am a programmer by trade but i'd also like more than 3 hours a night to read, and study things that i would like to study in my free time. Same thing every day just breaks the soul. Get up at 6, head to work, leave work at 6, go home, eat, be too tired to do anything I actually enjoy and end up just watching TV, go to bed, repeat. That is not a way for a human to live. I think a healthy medium is essential for human happiness.
But you see Mr S B. You have an identity, you have worth, you have value. You even mention that you are a programmer and I assume you are paid well and valued by your employer. If this was a communist system, you have no value, you are replaceable and paid the same (say in terms of foot stamp), as someone who works 2 hours a day washing dishes. You are highly educated and made it reasonably far in life, you might even own a property (which you have to give up in communism). Are you sure you would contribute as much to society and valued as much under a communist ruling?
I just cannot stand the thought waking up and doing the same thing for 8 hours a day for the rest of my life. I want time to read, learn and explore. I get 5 days off a year not including weekends... 5 days.. That isn't a way for a human to live.
I understand what you mean. Capitalism isn't perfect but it's the best there is. I have a friend that feels like you. She studied law, and even got accepted into the Bar. She then realized she didn't want to work there so, she now does facial product reviews, tutorials and does talk shows as well. She is highly valued, have good amount of followers and makes decent money from her job. And that is the beauty of capitalism, if you are willing to risk and put in the effort, you have choices and opportunity. Imagine communism. No one would appreciate her talent (communism makes everyone equal), she would not feel appreciated or feel any need to provide such service, and ultimately, the government wouldn't even allow her such a job (since communism requires people to do things the government needs. Jobs like Beauty product reviewer may not be recognized by a communist government).
Prime Sernh Lee Chng You know that Marx’s utopia doesn’t have a government, it only has people’ interests, and beauty is one of people’ interests
“the two wrote eachother adoring poetry” historians say they were good friends.
I know imagine people use to actually care about their friends.
@@mishasruros7633 let me guess, you're straight?
@@asiangf1384 this is getting ridiculous. Why can't two guys be nice to each other do friendly things without people like you questioning their sexuality
smells a little homosexual if you ask me
@@sn0wblake duh. i was being sarcastic cause whenever 2 people are homosexual historians say they are “close friends” to deny their homosexual relationship
Interesting. Or as the Germans would say Intervestishgarborlishtingvargendugensteinunch
@@ggguitar. Hey! Get out of here with your boring facts!
Ganz geil
Good thing this can't be deemed racist since it refers to white ppl
@@AbelR91 Only white people are racist, and all white people are racist, so when a white person is racist to a white person the racism cancels out, it is the only way a white person can't be racist.
I think you just saved me a few hours of crying over my sociological theory readings thanks king
my situation exactly :' D hope you get A++++ fellow learner
@@haley9815How do you know the explanation given is correct?
@@tommcfadden5232 cross referencing from multiple sources! very important : )
Karl Marx is justifiably famous as a political philosopher but noone ever mentions his sister Onya, inventor of the starting pistol
Get set, go! 😂
damn Onya Marx
Well done
If only education was this open and free, not picking bias but rather just a respectful educational discussion along being accessible to the public...
I really dont think this video is unbiased. I think a lot of things 'seem' unbiased or 'free thinking' but are not
it is; pretty much everywhere except in US and some other few weird places LOL
But the Democrats and leftists want to educate your children in camps and force their ideologies down your throat!!
@@hwdareu5848 what are you on about??
@Quack quack In an actually socialist system there are little to no taxes and yet they can pay for your healthcare, housing and pretty much everything you need. See Albania, the USSR or GDR. Albania specifically abolished all taxes for a time and was still able to continue to prosper, the fact of the matter is that the free education isn't the problem but Capitalism is.
Everyone in the comment section has now evolved to a certified Economist
I'd sooner trust any random person in this comment section that opposes marxism on economy than I would a dumbass marxist. At least the former doesn't have a long track record of utter failure.
@@LennyCash777 Capitalism literally has periodic crises as a direct result of over-production, this was clearly addressed in the video.
Capitalism is only an economic structure, whereas Marxism is a political, economical, and social dictatorship. Bolshevik Lives Matter @
@@donrutter6550 What? Marxism is a method of socioeconomic analysis using dialectical materialism. It is in no way a dictatorship lol. You're confusing it with the dictatorship of the proletariat (DotP) - a justified dictatorship lead by the workers as a means of suppressing the bourgeoisie. The DotP is a transition phase between capitalism and socialism, which will then give way to communism.
@TheOfficialUnofficial how much have you actually studied economics or Marx's work? Or are you dismissing it entirely because of what other people have told you to think?
watching an ad immediately before a video on marxist political and economic theory feels like. man. he predicted i would do this…
I think that "greed" are often the result of our upbringing itself. Since childhood, we are often told that yes, the purpose of life is to get rich
For example, if our parents worked in a shoe factory, we are often expected to work hard and own a factory ourselves
This in turn made us choose a "better" and more "financially stable" jobs in order to fullfil the expectations. Which led us to abandon what we actually enjoyed to do.
its more biological rather than cultural cause we had wars to get more land 1000s of years ago
@@Chris-tl1kh wdym by biological? Are you talking about the Freudian theory that human motives are passed down through ancestry. Which is simply wrong.
@@kapital6501 no that we need hierarchy to live cause we are serotonin based life forms
So what's better ? Communism which leaves most equally poor due to low or no incentives to get more or capitalism which drives you to get more innovative in your earnings .
@@cyanidegamingclipz7503 None of them. They're both shit.
This is the first English video i see on youtube, where they pronounce German words the right way. sehr gut!
+SIP871 It's because the narrator is fluent in German
+tenochtitilian Who is the narrator? He sounds familiar.
It's that British guy from that British TV show.
well, not really. You can still hear that he is not german.
the narrator is Alain de Botton, he was born in Zurich in the german part of switzerland so it's not surprising he prononces it well ! :)
“Marx was born in trier Germany, and then soon joined the communist party” damn you really skipped a few things there...
What did you expect by a you tuber? A deep, complete, historical and philosofical lesson?
@@sirpente6651 lol he's not just a youtuber. Do your research.
@@sirpente6651 everyone makes mistake, what do you expect its youtube, if you really wanna learn this shit then go read some books.
Straight from his mother nipple, he Joined the communist party that he had yet to write about, while debt laden, a drunk, and ignored the welfare of his own kids. They call that socialism.
@Carrick Cullen Are you sure about that? My geography teacher is a scientist and a pretty powerful one ( he was a leader of some research or some shit) and what he told us are that most scientist says that lowering the CO2 emmision is necessary for us humans but that ''climate change'' as people say it is not true at all.. Earth since the begginning have suffered warming and ice age, and we're just passing in one.
Also something media that doesn't show is that although Artic Ice are melting, Antartic ice are just gaining more size..
Well I believe that people shouls recycle and use more eco friendsly things, but stop spreading bs and dont believe anythin that media says
It's hard to start a revolution when the proletariat are watching TikTok videos on their lunch breaks.
That's where you're wrong. TikTok has been an amazing tool for spreading our message due to their fairly uncensored algorhythm
i'm not a marxist, or any kind of revoultionary, but if i were, I'd lose all hope
the modern masses and the proletariat is too busy consuming - media, products, commodities; name it. too lazy and self-centered to fight for a legitimate change. the only thing they can do, is scream at someone who is angry, but that's it, when met with resistance they lack the resolve to do anything, besides complaining, eventually preying on the weak (who could be part of the cause) just to vent their frustration
Never read the comments section. You will only despair at humanity.
@M P you and me both
Both Marxists and capitalists are going to upvote your comment lmao
Be a Free Savage
Sell cocaine to Capitalists
Sell opiates to the Socialists
Get money out of both Stupid Cults
@I$AA€ yea get up set cuss at comments free speech but what a waste of words when you could explain your belief's rather have that show hate toward some one else's and even if hey we're just being sarcastic. Cuss words are just not needed.
I came exclusively FOR the comments.
i live in trier, marx hometown.
and ironically, they opened up a "1 euro-store" straight under his flat.
😃😂😂🤣🤣🤣 Thats the best thing I read today! Poor, Marx...!
You could power a whole town with all that spinning he must be doing in his grave.
Then charge the town for it
@@sebastianduran2022 but with a discount! :D That would be more capitalist of you!
@@sebastianduran2022 Fine work
Sebastian Duran can I help you market that
Capitalism and communism have flaws. You can take what's good about both systems and have a hybrid system. However corporations, multi billionaires, have too much control over government and society. They won't give it up.
Nice the world explained in four sentences 👌
Society doesn't arise perfectly overnight, it takes a lot of experimentation. The problem is that we don't have an equal distribution of power, therefore people have been deprived of their natural freedoms and are unable to grow and become that which they are.
Yes, the hybrid system is called Fascism. See China today for an example.
People giving up control for nothing in return is unrealistic. My biggest problem with communism is that in order for it to work every one in the system if not thee entire world needs to put other above themselves. So what do you do when someone doesn't want to do that, or if entire countries don't want to. Well the same thing as when most people want there way of life to be the only one war.
I agree with you entirely. But if we were able to teach people the truth of reality, this problem may be avoided, I think.
I don't know anything about politics, but this sounds the closest to how I have come to think.
The world is full of struggle and greed and we all have to do a bunch of really useless stuff for at least 8 hours a day 5 days a week to afford the lowest they have to offer. Life is not worth it in these conditions.
We all deserve to be free.
I think that we're god experiencing some hard times. I think the devil is that wickedness that made this structure.
So much division among ourselves.
We're all the same thing in the same place. I hope we can circulate love instead of currency someday. We'd do the work for eachother and everyone would have what they need. We have everything and all the knowledge, now all we gotta do is love eachother.
And it will be some day, we as people have the power to make it happen. It will be extremely hard and it might fail, but if we succeed the world will be a much better place.
Continue to educate yourself, that's my advice
Marx's criticism of Capitalism is good, but you should look at different views before coming to conclusion, just because his solution doesn't seem to be the best, as the video stated at the end. His ideas have been used to do very destructive things. Im no expert at all, but I'm just saying
Yeah, this will work in a small community but not on the scale of a nation. It‘s utopian, won‘t work. Some
have tried, with catastrophic outcomes. That doesn‘t mean we can and should correct some aspects of our capitalist system.
Marxist beliefs are immoral. Bad economics is immoral and marx and marxists are bad economics or anti-economics. Idealist government is immoral. Classist sociology is immoral. There's no excuse to entertain marx in 2022. Read Marx's bullshit yourself and not this cherry picking from marxists. Marxist have to lie for the horrible things marx asserts and for the fact that they have an unchanged and unchangeable ideology from the bigoted, authoritarian 1840s Germany.
@@hamis490 I study and am pretty heavily involved in politics. My preferred system is a healthy balance of both capitalism and socialism. Basically you have a strong social safety net, like what the Scandinavian countries have. Rights to healthcare, education, high wages, housing, etc. These countries have proven to be the most successful systems, and their citizens are among the happiest in the world, though I admit they aren’t perfect. No system is. The US would benefit from an economic bill of rights, like what FDR was an advocate of.
Don’t know much about him but helped him in assassins creed syndicate
me too was fun quest for sure =0
That's some dangerous and desperate brainwashing
@@seantv1510 what
Comments Synopsis: Everyone thinks no one else understands Communism as well as they do
Darthenator i don't
Perfect lol
@NPC#563.114.512.128 the count is actualized to 1 zilion last week, just marx himself
I think read 'the capital' is enough, the problem is: nobody did.
Love your profile picture. Hail to the Sith!
As a native german I have to say: your german pronounciation is right on point 👌🏻
Is there such a thing as a posh German accent vs a peasant accent?
@@GrothendiecksWish Yes
@@GrothendiecksWish There is one posh accent and quite a few peasent accents
kitch bitch thanks Kitsche Bitch
Peter Parker que coño dijistes vos?
This guy is really good at saying German stuff
‘The youtube comment section is a crazy place.’ -Karl Marx
"First" -Karl Marx
“I have never said that shit.” - Karl Marx
Robert Clawson stay triggered
Laces out
@Robert Clawson "fack off capitalist scum" -Karl Marx
What do you call a communist sniper Marx Man
Hendrix Rider I know
How many capitalists are required to change a lightbulb?
One. Its.... A one man's.. job.
So many puns in comment section
@@Matsumae_Taiyo555 how many capitalists do you need to change a light bulb? one because then they pay someone else 3 cents to do it before using their labor for personal gain while making 80% of the profit
“Communism is when no iphone” - People who don’t own capital
communism is when government does things
@@trey3xxxxx no bro that’s socialism, communism is when government does a lot of things
@@pierrolunar8561 no, socialism is when vuvuzuela
@@jakes1566 the full name of the Nazis is national socialists. SOCIALISTS, those leftist nazis Marxists come here to destroy our country base on Christianity lord oh mighty they want to take away out Jesus who is totally white and american
@@mishlimon98 the nazis called themselves socialists because socialism was hella popular in Germany at the time and they needed to position themselves as populist. plus the nazis persecuted actual socialists and privatized more of the economy, which are two very unsocialist things
Today i made the discovery that my teacher copies the transcripts of School of Life videos and puts them on the powerpoint presentations for class..
😂😂😂😂 He made a powerpoint presentation of Marx with the info of this video.. the exact thing 🤡🤡
Is he black? Is your teacher black
good insipration
My teacher teaches off of chatgpt
"Capitalism? More like CRAPitalism, amirite?"
-Karl Marx, probably
***** Can confirm.
***** Damn son
***** Did you publish my joke without my permission? That's fine. I don't believe in individual property rights.
lmaoyourekiddingme It was a joke.
lmaoyourekiddingme why do people always bring up the bath thing? Who the fuck cares how he smelled?
Also who the fuck cares who he was in person? His ideas were much bigger than his person.
Marx was one of the earliest global economist with a deep understanding of the capitalism and its potential failure
However, people with greatest standard of living live in capitalist countries and people with the worst standard of living live in communist countries so....
Thankfully it's been a roaring success
@@gavinbalajadia8697 你首先要明白不是共产主义或社会主义造成了贫穷与不公,恰恰是你口中的富裕的资本主义国家存在着贫穷与不公才造就了共产主义或社会主义思想。新事物的产生必然伴随旧事物的灭亡,而旧事物不会自己主动走向灭亡,需要新事物的“主动有为”。资本主义的社会阶级差别带来的不同阶级之间天差地别的贫富差距所造就的共产主义就是新事物,孕育共产主义的资本主义就旧事物,而旧事物会自己走向坟墓吗?旧事物会利用自己的先发优势对新事物斩尽杀绝,以维护自己的旧利益,这就是新旧之争,是资本主义与共产主义的斗争。资本主义早于共产主义,经济水平要高于后起的共产主义不是很正常吗?脱离历史发展的客观规律只以生活水平论不同制度优劣是得不出客观的结论的。
Except that it was a 1000 year old greek philosophy by the time he decided to re-write into class warfare.
To all people blaming Karl Marx here, I have a message for you all. He was a philosopher and economist, not a politician or bureaucrat.
So the problem isn't Marx, but Marxists? I'm fine with that but Marx bears responsibility. The fact that he's still relevant in the 21st century is an atrocity given what we know.
@@SVSky absolutely no! Marx believed in 100% republic world, he was an anarchist but his followers went crazy and imposed 100% authoritarian government. That's not his fault anyway. Also, I ain't really sure about the atrocities we often hear about socialist countries. If you ever go to Russia, you will see people still love Lenin and Stalin and believe USSR was the best period for Russia. In China, people still love Mao despite of thousands of allegations against him. Unfortunately, cold war produced too many fake news around the world and there's no fact checker who can debunk all the lies. So, why is he still relevant? Because he unleashed the dream of a better world where everyone will have proper justice.
@@SVSky while Marx was still alive there were some organised Marxist/communist attempts in France (correct me if I'm wrong). And Marx himself said "If that's Marxism then I'm not a Marxist". A lot were missing from his theories when it'd come to practice. And I don't think that was by his fault
@@Ms.-Lily the majority of the population living in post USSR states don't love Stalin or Lenin you're delusional
@@supernice_auto absolutely! People living in Russia don't love them. They treat Lenin and Stalin like a God.
"ursprüngliche Akkumulation" makes more sense in its direct translation as "original accumulation": the accumulation stays close to its origin - the founder of the business, the Gründer - the entrepreneurs.
*Karl Marx
@@GlebNikolaevskii it is misspelled intentionally
maybe it's be better to put ""from bourgeois-A to bourgeoi-Z"
I don't entirely agree with him, but I respect and agree with some of his views.
This is the heart of the problem in modern Society, we learn the history of something and identify with it completely. It doesn't have to be one thing or the other, It can be a mix of the two. Evolve in intelligence from history, and create a current political philosophy and mind.
Dave Johnson I don’t think that’s the *heart* of the problem. People do this, I think, consciously or not.
Could you explain where you differ from Marxism? I genuinely want to know what points you agreed and where you feel you could make other suggestions.....
Why capitalism survives for centuries and communism falls after only decades of survival? Because capitalism hits closer to reality and Freudian human psychology, while communism was misused by communist regime from its true value. That's my opinion.
Rizki Djakaria That’s assuming communist/socialist structures collapsed from faults of communism and socialism. What aspect of Marx’s communism crumbled the Soviet Union? What aspect of socialism crumbled socialist governments in South America? We’ve been lied to for generations by enterprise empires with opposing interests to socialism.
@@mostly_water This requires a major analysis on Marxism as well as Leninism, Maoism and Socialism. This video doesn't cut through the core of Marx's communism as it only explains what it is, not how it works.
I really appreciate all the efforts put in this video, but Marx's eyes creeped tf out of me 😭😭😭
Cause he was a creep
@@carpediem4887 Marx was one the greatest economist ever who has written what is known as the most influential political document in history. How is he a creep?
@@equinox2584 That is an opinion. My opinion is that he was a creep. Isn't it cool that we both get to have one?
@@carpediem4887 Very democratic of you, that is a key concept of socialism, welcome comrad.
@@carpediem4887 you can't just call someone a name and call it an "opinion" that's not how opinion works, he hasn't done anything that makes him a creep
"What is the secular basis of judaism? Practical need, self-interest. What is the worldly religion of the jew? Huckstering. What is his worldly god? Money." - Karl Marx, jewish supremacist and freemason
10 years ago I dismissed Marxism without knowing a single thing about it but now I cant help but agree with ideologies that reflect my own.
Me too , my grandfather and grandmother were communist leaders , I used to totally dismissed their beliefs, but now , myself I'm a communist , lal salam ❤
That’s what education is all about: being able to criticize your former views and think about them more. I don’t agree with a lot of Marx’s points but he had the right idea.
@@chaitanyareddymuthyala2967 YOU MIGHT AS WELL SMOKE CRACK
@@robertbaratheon2193 no he did not, he was unable to see where the means of production would head in the future. He assumed so many things about human condition, that he failed to calculate that humans will never be satisfied in a forced equal system. We could easily keep the positives of Marxism, without the negatives of communism. But people are too ignorant to understand that we can create a system where the means of production belong to everybody, without needing a form of central government. The very notion of work would change to where everyone would be gaining the benefits of their work immediately. If Marx could see the effects of communism, if he had any decency, he would blow his own brains out. Mao, Lenin, Stalin, hitler, Mussolini, African warlords, Putin, the modern Democratic Party all are followers of Marx, and all of these people have made the world a worst place.
@@chaitanyareddymuthyala2967 konnintolo marxism corrct eh kaani,it s not going to help in real life,this marxism will actually cause more loss than the capitalism,also iam not complete ly with capitalism,a balance of bothe the ideologies would be beneficial for the structure of the society
Reading the comments will erase completely anything you may learnt from this video, and get you back to point zero.Avoid it at most cost
Or get more radicalized 😎
So anyone who disagrees with this video is automatically wrong and there is absolutely no way this video is wrong? Ok sure
@@the_awakening6044 dude this video is literally explaining a theory what the fuck do you mean "wrong" ? you can disagree with Marxism, but the video is almost entirely correct
This video is wrong because the only thing that has lifted people out of poverty has been capitalism. Even China while authoritarian to the people let their markets be free. It’s what freed them from starvation and moved them to an economic powerhouse. People want to be free which means enjoying the fruits of their labor - not giving the fruits of their labor to the lazy people who just want to write poetry and or consume hours of RUclips lol. Marx was an entitled lazy rich kid who didn’t want to work and couldn’t wait for his parents to die to get their money.
@@micass3561 isnt marxism supposed to be some sort of evolution of capitalism? I havent read the communist manifesto but I want to do so soon. but what I got was for "it to work" capitalism needs to be at its peak. isnt it possible this might be a reason it failed to reach true communism in the past?
His ideas of a classless society where never actually put in place, rather dictators destroyed the image of communism. While I'm not exactly a communist, a lot of his ideas reflect mine.
Might want to change your little image there to: Socialism: The radical idea of forcing people to share, at gun point.
+Fernando Marturet
Forcing the very hard-working rich people to share their hard-earned wealth with the lazy poor workers who are so useless in society, right?
You make me sick. If there are rich people, it is because they exploited poor people for their own interests. A gun to the head of a bourgeois is too soft. The trigger has a purpose and it is to be pulled. Splatter their brains and redistribute all the wealth they have stolen.
+Michael Nicolas ha!
+Michael Nicolas So rich people exploit the poor? so rich people put a gun to their heads and force them to work for them, because poor people have no freedom of choice in a free market? they can't quit? theh can't start their own business? Rich people don't work right, they're just exploiters? they don't spend hundreds of hours, capital, and take huge risks by starting their own businesses?
+Geoffrey Surratt Not an argument...
Marx is the only man powerful enough to have had his legacy split the world into two.
Not really, since Lenin only took what he knew people wanted to hear, and then did nothing towards implementing any of it
Welcome to the Fbi watchlist.
kalyan122333 what
Yeah, watching this isn't going to get you on a list. I mean you can go to urban outfitters and buy a Che Guevara shirt. Ironically, watching this video is supporting capitalism. You get an Ad for some big business and RUclips makes money. Not to mention the channel makes money but that's a different thing considering it's just some guy making a video who owns no means of production.
this comment is stoopied.
not really
This is a pretty bad summary of his thought. He didn't think "unemployment" was a positive good in the capitalist sense. He thought capitalist societies create unemployment because without unemployment laborers could demand higher wages without fear of replacement. He thought humans are alienated from their labor under capitalism but not that "unemployment" or "leisure" was the ideal. Rather, it's that we need a system in which leisure and labor are both enjoyable elements in every person's life.
He also didn't think that capitalism was efficient or productive. More productive than feudalism, yes, but he thought socialism would be more productive and more efficient because it would focus on use rather than exchange value. He didn't think you could just take the capitalist system and redistribute the products to satisfy all needs. He thought socialism would make society more productive, leading to a system of classlessness and universal material satisfaction.
Yeah. American workers oppressed and discriminated Chinese migrants in late 19th and early 20th, despite the fact that they bought the theory of Karl Marx. This is because the Chinese migrants were brought intentionally by the capitalists in America such that they can have a lower expense, but at the meantime the American workers were protesting against low wage in America. This eventually leaded American workers to blame everything on the Chinese migrants rather than the capitalists.
This can pretty much tell you the very nature of migration, multiculturalism, Neo-liberalism and even feminism in the West.
It's a structural problem that turns the low white male working class into far right and "racists", while low working class minority into far-left, women into rich class diggers and etc.
I'm from China and this is how most of leftists (communists) there thought about the Western politics nowadays.
It was a good summary tbh.
SuperHans how did that workout in the 20th century
Little known fact: Karl Marx had a sister who invented the starter pistol. Her name was Anya.
🙄 my dad told me that joke the other day... haha
@@Lynks5 i dont get it
@@bobtheplayer9777 "Anya Marx" sounds like "on your marks"
@@bobtheplayer9777 🥴
Assassins Creed Syndicate
For those saying that the commenters have not read Marx's books arent that wrong. Myself I haven't read all his books even though I "read/studied" his work at University. It is not possible to read all important books. Time may not allow it and that's why this kind of documentation are very important = not for lazy readers or those with phobias for books, but if well done like this, one can pick a few crucial details about such great thinkers.
Marx's Critiques:
- Due to specialization, we are alienated from the fulfilling feeling we can derive from our work and it's effects on society.
- Specialization means the scope of skills you need to know to function in the work place has been reduced. Meaning your job is less secure, cause you're more easily replaced.
- Primitive accumulation, capitalists make more money than workers.
- We need to stop pursuing money, but freedom that comes from having it. We can all afford to be leisurely in our lives.
- Capitalists systems reduces the freedom of capitalists. For example, leisure is evil , and marrying a someone below your socio-economic class is marrying wrong.
I read Capital at 16. Decided to become a theacher, didn't need to own much and mostly no debts (Education and health care are ''free'' in Canada), in order be free and do whatever I like. I am now 63, just retired, absolutely loved having an impact on kids minds and souls, didn't marry, had a few women friends, I have a house, real interesting friends who cares, I traveled around the world all my life not working in the summer and Hollydays, did I say no debts, I read and keep in shape and always did volonteer work. I never felt stress in my life. Give to the next. No religion. Stoicism. This life is still available in 2020 with a few sacrifice.
Not really, education is ridiculously expensive right now.
@@likearollingstone007 adopt me
Pretty sure your last point was just human nature. People generaly cant relate to others who were raised different. I understand balancing the money might help make people be more relatable... But we all have the decision to do what we want as long as we have the capacity. Makeing less money is an active decision for most. They make daily decisions that decide. 0lease dont comment about sick people and such. The percentage isnt worth bringing up. And I dont disagree with helping those who cant help themselves.
@@ralx225b and run by Marxist 🤔
Im a barbie girl, in a barbie world
- karl marx -
Spot on lol "I'll go hunting in the morning, fishing in the evening....." yeah whos gonna willingly go unclog the sewer!!! haha
@@timburke694 haha..
Yes, who is going to lay bricks?
aner kannt you realize once our technology hits supreme, all these tasks will be done by robots. And what will be left for us humans are tasks that require creativity and passion, not mundane chores and bullshit work. Marx’s criticisms on Capitalism are fair.
@@paul5324 automation is only efficient to an extent. you cant let robots do everything. metallic resources are finite, and some of them will be depleted very soon. silver for example.
b00g3ym4n and resources under capitalism are somehow infinite? Also space mining will become a thing...
We gonna pretend like marx and Engles didn't write adorable poetry to each other ?
What do you want us to say about that subject xD? I myself have no knowledge of this poetry letters among them to begin with. Thanks for highlighting that part btw.
Marx wrote poems about himself that displayed egomania.
+gud bie 8:19 Adoring poetry, not adorable.
It was mentioned. Listen .
gud bie ha ha ha 🤣🤣🤣
"All I did was put my thoughts on paper, write a couple of books about it, and now everyone hates me for things I didn't even do or say they should be done." - Karl Marx
He did say he wanted those things done. He had a fantasy about it. His ideas killed millions upon millions of people.
@@omega0195 You're gonna have to be specific. What things did he want done? Genocide? Totalitarianism? Gulags? No.
@@omega0195 Let me reframe that to Christianity.
Christian ideology: "Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself."
Christian reality: crusades, slaughtering of millions of people over centuries, torture and execution of people with different beliefs.
B20C0 was there ever a situation where those in power did not take advantage or destroy millions of lives? Humans are dominant species...we evolved that to become “modern entertainment”...civilization should evolve one day as we hopefully become a more peaceful species
More like: I put my ideas on books, and I singlehandedly divided the world powers, with people portraying my ideas as either inhumane or admirable
I love this guy because he analyzed the reality we live in with such precision as if he were a scientist.
He was the father of sociology along with Durkheim and Weber, so in a way, he was :)
*Karl Marx was a unique man.... See his life in these very rare photos!📷*видео.html
@@omarsuarez694 bruh this comment got me crying out laughing LMAO
6:23 "An important aspect of Marx's work is that he proposes that there's an insidious, subtle way in which the economic system colors the sort of ideas that we end up having" - um subtle?!?!?! Have you seen how many BILLBOARDS you drive by on your way to work?!?!??!
Its subtle in the sense that those billboards are not telling you directly to do something, rather suggest it.
What is subtle is the way to lead people considering those billboards (and anything related to those) normal
And that's the point explained at 6:50, capitalist systems bring you to consider superior values that are actually strengthening the position of capitalists (such as thinking someone who doesn't work as worthless to take over the example in the video). Make sure, as someone told above in the answers section, to put any writing in its context and to think in terms of concepts and abstraction rather than in terms of material objects you can see in the 21st century when it comes to philosophy
I started reading just when the vid said it like wth
@@luisadrian2684 I always wondered if Aliens came down to earth what would they think of all the billboards?😁 Would they be like wtf?
We can’t blame Marx for the failures of the Soviet Union or China. Both were countries in dire conditions and took place in areas where he specifically said they wouldn’t succeed.
Can we stop saying "capitalism sucks" or "communism sucks" - because while in part you're right - we can learn from both ideas and systems that we can apply to the current system?
Capitalism spurs innovation and enterpreneurship. It gives incentives for people to better themselves. But it gives a major advantage to wealthy families and threatens to leave the poor and lower income families in the dust. Even if they have the brains and ambition to rise up from their circumstances - any misstep, any accident, any sort of inconvenience could put them 10 steps back when they've moved 3 steps forward. Moreover, the ways it pushes people to grow is simply according to the needs of the capitalist system - barely any room to pursue their interests and hobbies unless those fit in with the current economic demand.
Communism (theoretically) calls for the equal redistribution of wealth and the communal sharing of material wealth/abolition of private ownership. It desires to give people the means to live an egalitarian, leisurely life not constrained by economic worries, and relationships not tainted by economic gain. However in reality, true communism - the one where the state no longer is required and where everything is equal - requires a strong state to redistribute the wealth. It requires higher taxes on the rich, more public services and payments especially to the poor, state control of industries, and labour protection. (What we may call socialism). This has however - at least in unstable, developing countries (e.g. czarist Russia, Venezuela) with little to no strong democratic foundation to work on - led to horrible dictatorships who end up being corrupted with power and the wealth they seize, and leave society with more inequality to begin with. It also gives no incentive to individuals to innovate on current economic systems since the state controls all legal means of production, preventing technological progress we've made today that has made life easier for most in the world.
Both have pros and cons so lets figure this out instead of just bashing ourselves into ideological brick walls.
@Communism Thrills Fuck Communism, it destroyed my country.
"However in reality, true communism - the one where the state no longer is required and where everything is equal - requires a strong state to redistribute the wealth."
You will always need a State to organise public services, and not fully let said services in the hands of private owners. And that is without even mentioning law enforcement and defence.
It's inaccurate to say capitalism gives a major advantage to wealthy families. This only depends on a persons goals and rights. Without any rights, then this statement may be accurate. With the right of self determination without others restricting who you can compete against, which is done by creating barriers that most poor people can't overcome that is overwhelmingly supported by the vary people that promote socialism, the idea of wealthy families having an advantage fades. In a Capitalist economy with economic and civil freedoms and rights, a person is born with nothing to lose and unable to have debts put on them that imprison them beyond them accepting starting at a point with nothing to lose again. While a wealthy person always and constantly has their wealth being attacked economically, politically, criminally. Idly sitting on a big pile of money if a quick way to have it all taken in a Democracy with a capitalist economy. And in the cases when this doesn't happen, all that wealth was provided to people that benefited in total more than the producer or at worse, equally as these transactions that make a person wealthy must be done with people that willingly enter into those transactions.
Socialism is when the workers own the means of production. It's really not that hard to understand, but it seems that none of you have read Marx so it's easy for you to get confused by the cold war propaganda.
What the hell even is a step equal to. Also about 100 million people died in the past century to his idea.
this taught me that marxist thought is so different and much more profound than soviet ideology
agree with russian guy
Results in reality
65 million in the People's Republic of China
20 million in the Soviet Union
2 million in Cambodia
2 million in North Korea
1.7 million in Ethiopia
1.5 million in Afghanistan
1 million in the Eastern Bloc
1 million in Vietnam
150,000 in Latin America
Allow these numbers that all were once real human beings hopefully teach you more about communism.
Socialist in name, not in practice, just like my country Cuba, North Korea, Soviet Union, and countless more in Africa and Asia, all a farce.
Eternal entropy Yet none of those countries were truly communist, so no lesson there...
***** If a political and economic ideology after 100 years and many times attempted can't even attempt one proper shot at said ideology how bad does that look?
Also where it has been implemented as much as possible it has resulted in the complete degradation to the means of existence including human life.
Utopian dreams, covered in hippie flowers and rainbow unicorns hiding the true fact that communism is a nightmare that destroys the human spirit of productivity, incentives and the will to innovate.
Time for you to re-evaluate your beliefs kiddo.
Communism has never won, not even once and the reason why all so called communist nations can never be fully communist is because they all had to implement capitalism to some extent or else they completely collapsed and that applies to ALL of them that tried.
the parts of video
01:23 modern work is alienated
02:26 modern work is insecure
02:59 workers get paid little while
Capitalist get rich
03:49 capitalism is very unstable
05:20 capitalism is bad for capitalist
Thank you
you are a prince
beautiful & helpful annotations to sum up the main points :' D I wish commenters like you a life of pure happiness
Modern work is alienated: Educate yourself on a occupation that improves your society.
Modern work is insecure: Become skilled at that occupation.
Workers get paid little while Capitalist get rich: Hardships in the production of a quality product the people or a organization wants to consume results in being paid. When the occupation is harder then other occupations results in being paid more then others.
Capitalism is very unstable: Does China society seem stable to you? Its called the Peoples Republic of China.
Capitalism is bad for capitalist: Capitalists would continue capitalism if it was bad and it takes a lot of critical thinking and understanding of reality to be a rich capitalists.
Someone that earns what they have appreciate what they have, someone who is given what they have appreciate nothing. Being called a Marxist is a insult.
@@Rick-ez1nt capitalism has failed multiple times but has been revived multiple times because men don't know any alternatives.
Many enterpreneurs go broke everyday because of the rules of the system, a highly competitive system in which, at the end, only a few will have the economical power, eliminating de facto all the competitors (see what is happening with Disney theese days, the fact that a big company is slowly buying everything?).
So, saying that capitalism doesn't hurt the capitalist is pretty wrong
I keep hearing about marxism and see others being called a Marxist... never really knew what it is... So I decided to finally learn!
So... in an attempt to take notes here... I'm going to keep editing my comment as the video goes on...
So far the first critic about capitalism is something I actually agreed with back from when I was a child. One of the reasons that I wanted to be a farmer as a kid was because there was a stronger sense of doing work and seeing the fruits of that labor as opposed to doing something and just not being able to see the bigger picture. Even being a vet did not appeal to me back then (I was about 12/13) because all the animals I would have helped would be gone by the morning after and I wouldn't ever see them again. It was discouraging. So yes, alienation was something of a concern for me a child.
Second argument hit me pretty hard. I never came to this depth of understanding but now hearing it I can completely understand it. Oh gosh. It's so SO true in today's world. People are tools, tools to make tools, to make money for other people who become tools too. The only reason people are blind to this abuse (in my opinion) would be because they are under the impression that they can make it to the uppermost place and thus they will cease being a tool and start using others as tools in "revenge". It's a scary cycle.
Third point on Capitalism also is really accurate. I'll probably watch another video on capitalism because I'm sure there are two sides to the coin here and I'm sure that in SOME instances, capitalism can be used in a humane and justified way. I'm sure that there is an argument about how capitalism allows people to grow to that top position and encourages people to be competitive and smart. But at the same time... Most examples I can think of off the top of my head in regards to capitalism is just that it doesn't work humanely. Investment becomes abuse, using people to bring yourself up is selfish and cruel and doesn't align with my morals at all.
fourth point is something I connected to deeply! Imagine the paradise we would have where people are free to pursue TRUE happiness. Where food, housing, education, and stability were not only commonplace but quite literally how our society worked???? Imagine that stores simply worked like "walk in take what you need and go home". For goodness sakes we don't even need cashiers with self-checkouts! And soon enough we'll have a restocking system too. We quite literally could dedicate ourselves to the arts, sciences, and just fucking leisure... AND EVERYONE COULD HAVE THIS!!!! It's like a dream!!!
Fifth point, as with the others, poses a way more empathetic understanding and while I'm not sure how well it works today I think it still applies in many ways. People do marry for financial security... and on the other side of the coin... do not marry for fear of starting a family they cannot afford.
Bottom line really sold me. Yes... I do think we should all be Marxists. It only makes sense! Why settle for earth when Heaven is in your reach? Why settle for abuse when freedom (true real and uninhibited freedom) is a day's travel away? You mark my words I'll be sharing this video!
Marx wrote books rather than making a video. Once you have read major works of Marx and compared his vision to that of his contemporaries or to the way "free" economies and societies work, all of these flowers you are smelling would have withered. The only way to come away from *reading* actual marxian economics with the impression that it is constructive is by not having looked into the topic through a non-biased lens.
because utopias dont work. these ideas dont work in practice.
capitalism literally cant be used in a humane way because exploitation is a requirement to be considered capitalist
@@soulcapitalist6204 What you said is also a reflection of people's approach to these online philosophy videos, they do not realize it is only an interpretation of the works, and not a replication of the works themselves, a lot of the time its a replication from a biased perspective. The more condensed the video, the more perspective orientated its going to be
@@TheMorhaGroup With marxists, scholarship is rare. I suggest there's some inverse relationship between reading marx or any economics from anyone and being marxist.
The rare exception is the deeply-read marxist who understands the implications and lusts for that dystopia.
Together, they're the demagogue and useful idiot combination of the modern Left.
a lot of new comments... guess we all being radicalised
As the problems of the U.S keep increasing, there are more people looking for solutions in a variety of directions.
I just hope for free education so people won’t have to fear failure as much and instead embrace it as a part of learning
Not radicalised but woke up from the lies spread upon the masses for the last 100years
@@1drunk_dionysius aka radicalised
Communism can’t solve its incentivzation problem, and it always creates a power vacuum in which the last person you want to have power gets power. It has a stellar record of failure and death.
I will say the ending is spot on. Marx's diagnosis isn't far off (which surprised me). The controversy is what to do about it.
@@JohnSmith-yr4mw stfu neo nazi
Matthew Johnson this is why I have no hope for humanity
Lmao what did he say
Matías García Casas I must know! Lol
@@guardianvalor962 Free market capitalism is why the US now has 25% of the planet's prisoners and the majority have no broadband internet access. If you apply a profit motive to everything and don't stamp out monopolies and oligopolies, you encounter market failures that never correct themselves. I suggest you think things through a bit more.
It's also ridiculous to claim the left is for genocide. There are economic leftists who are racist, but the majority of genocides have been lead by the social and economic right. In fact, the only genocide that can technically be counted in your criteria would be the current one in China, but even then, China's controlled economy is extremely capitalistic to a predatory degree and the society is extremely right-leaning socially.
Marx also understood that capitalists are also victims of the system. Capitalism makes capitalists raise their profit more and more as an obligation, if they not do it, a more ruthless capitalist will take their place.
Marx also proposes liberty to capitalists on the Communist manifesto.
"if they not do it, a more ruthless capitalist will take their place.
..", how does that work? A company does not require increasing profits to survive, it just needs to make profit
@@donthasselthehoff5753 your point of view is quite utopic, that's because you're taking one key factor of capitalism, the competition.
Let's take one example to make things easier to picture, Uber and Lift, two competitors.
What will decide who will beat the other? Growing profit. They need it in order to adopt more and more techniques that increase productivity, decrease costs, sabotage their competitors. In the case of those 2 examples, the one who profits more can invest more in advertisigment, offer more discounts, have more drivers, monopolize the market, decrease the payment of the drivers without consequences, and so on...
This is reality for any kind of business, even if you have a small grocery store. Competition will always force you to look for ways to increase your profit, otherwise your business will collapse. You can see that reality applies to countries as well, if the GDP doesn't grow, the economy crashes, that force us to always increase productivity, taking us to a path that makes us consume more resources than the amount of resources our planet can recover by itself, that is why capitalism is the system responsible for all of our troubles with the environment.
@@donthasselthehoff5753 For more detailed explanation about the flaws of Capitalism, I recommend you to check two channels out: Hakim and Noncompete. They're alwesome.
@@dudebros6122 What you said has no ground in reality. China is already more technologically advance and cientifically productive than US. URSS were also on that path.
Technology is developed by necessity, and it's more of a product of cooperation than competition.
Imagine if instead competing among themselves and keeping data from being shared, the pharmaceutical industries cooperate with one another to develop the COVID vaccine, we could have that vaccine ready on months in advance, saving millions of lives.
@@dudebros6122 yes, your ideas have no bounds with reality, China is not just technologically advanced and scientifically productive than US, it's also socially superior since China is the solo responsible for the fall of the poverty rate, lifting more than 800 million people out of poverty.
It's funny, if low wages bring advancement, why isn't any African country technologically advanced? Or India? Both places have practically starving wages, however, the average wage in China is higher than Portugal.
If you call a economy under total control of it's government a capitalist economy, than you don't know what a capitalist economy is. Chinese government controls the financial system completely and have practically control over it's big industries.
Why is this video not in the School of Life's Political Theory playlist?
who's watching this post corona era?
Its still corona era, post corona era is far to come
Grow mature, Don't ever post these
I trust you're enjoying your leisure time, comrade. The food shortages will commence momentarily.
Is it over?
don't use "post"
From "Why Socrates Hated Democracy" to "Karl Marx political theory".
The demagogue has tarnished the public opinion on so many things. I've seen so many people discredited an idea without any understanding of the said idea.
Can you give me references to understand the idea more? Would reading the communist manifesto be the place to start? Or the capital volumes? Idk if I can handle those right away but this video gave me nothing.
@@robert4445 Try this:
There is no perfect ideology. There is a good side and a bad side to everything. Ideology won't harm you, infact it will gives you a different perspective thus widened your vision. Learn about Communism for what it is, the bad and the good, no bias.
@@hutauruk_andika Good argument, but you forget communism isn't an ideology. It's a political program. Marx said that ideology was crap and the humanity should get rid of all them, religion first of all.
Communism is the society in wich workers aren't exploited and own and control the means of production. So you get richer alongside all the others and not impoverishing the others.
@@sirpente6651 oh, thank you for the correction. I learn something new today. But still my argument stand, just replace "There is no perfect ideology" to "There is nothing perfect". There you go.
@@hutauruk_andika Well. So Marx was right: Praxis will tell us if a theory is correct. The theory improves the practice and the practice helps to correct the theory in a neverending spiral. That's how we get better.
As an employee getting overworked and exploited at my job I agree with his philosophies 100%
@wOkeKing Engels wasn’t a factory owner Engels was a son of a factory owner. Matter of fact his first ever protest was organizing a march against his dads factory :)
@wOkeKing his dad was racist Marx and Engels weren’t. One of their biggest arguments was about the slavery in the US and segregation. They both didn’t have anything to do with their dads wealth however Engels worked in his dad’s newspaper studio and helped Marx couple times also Engels married the proletariat that spit in his dads face, but they never had anything to do with their dads factory. Also they used their dads gatherings and parties to fight the capitalist, this is how they were able to form their first party “workers unite” in the English parliament
Yes... so did Stalin and Mao
Open your own company
And people with same mindset as you have been at the beginning of every communist revolution.
Hard not to be a Marx stan in today's economic and political system
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Fave Marx quote.
Preacher At Arrakeen He believed that ideas are impotent and that change was a historical inevitability. He derided previous socialists as “utopian” for actually trying to clarify what specific changes they were working towards. If you understand what he meant, it’s actually a very rotten quote - rotten both because it is false and because it has aged so very poorly.
@@sybo59 The quote is equally as platitudinous as any of the neo-Marxist rhetoric being spewed today.
@Otis C-14 anti-Semitism. The toxic gift of Christians that keeps on giving.
@@Conn30Mtenor I'm pretty sure people hated Jews before Christianity came along.
@Otis C-14 Marx had never been involved in any of the Rothschild's business; indeed he was poor. And was atheist; he never embraced his grandfathers' religion. And your post isn't pertinent. So, you're just trying to dig the dirt on him taking on the advantage on anti-semitic sentiments. And you're vile, too. Because you hide yourself behind a needle, when you says: "I didn’t say anything bad about Semitic people. Get over yourself man." If you're not against Semitic people, why have you posted that bullshit about Rothschild? It's nothing to do with the post of Precher at Arrakeen who just said he likes a quotation.
True! Work is art naturally... but today, even the word “work” has a dreary, negative connotation to it. That to me is how capitalism sometimes makes our lives artificial.
@Otis C-14
Anyway, we're heading straight to greatest economical crisis in mankind history right now. Soon hundreds of millions will lose their job, I'm not joking. I'm afraid that we will all be driven into fascism because communism idea has been discredited with USSR fall.. many lies and exxagerations has been produced in past 30 years about communism...
Any Garbage person or Sanitation worked would disagree with you.
@Otis C-14 If you think those who work in factories do "some useless genre of production" you have to throw away your smartphone, your computer, your car and everything made in a factory. Workers uphold the world.
@@Pofigdym Read "Revolution Betrayed" by L. Trotsky.
Already read. If you know who Trotsky is and what he wanted then you know what Trotskyism is. I mean he and his followers betrayed 1917 revolution idea - public ownership of the means of production and the dictatorship of the proletariat. Trotsky wanted to compromise with large factory owners, with large land owners. You can't do it if you want to build socialism and then communism.
"a tiny group of intellectuals advocating the overthrow of the class system"
are you sure were not talking about reddit?
@Coolgamer127 That site is pure degeneracy. I hope it gets pulled down or something
@wOkeKing what genocides under stalin?
@Murphy LazarJust Destroy Corporate Greed:
Don’t give yourselves that credit
Capitalists hate this guy because it is impossible to create an utopia and being logical at the same time without Marx. This guy just pointed out the only exit. Brilliant work. I adore him. Bravo 👏👏
His "only exit" formula was incompetent dictatorship.
utopia doesn't exist
his ideas sound nice but they've never worked
@@swattertroops-yaaa Coz they were never been tried or allowed to exist. Agree with the first statement, though.
@@abdulrahmanali7936 Lenin and Stalin both tried marxist communism.
@@soulcapitalist6204 No, there is actually a big leap between Marxism and Marxism-Leninism. Don't be fooled by the "Marxism" in the name, it's really just old soviet marketing.
TLDR: the USSR didn't implement Marxism, they implemented an authoritarian big-government fanfiction that they named Marxism-Leninism to keep the other revolutionaries happy.
Marxism is more of a philosophical critique of capitalism and is basically what we today call socialist. It reframes what is valuable in society away from just profit and more towards a better quality of life for humanity as a whole. It suggests cooperative ownership of things like resources and factories and "production for use" as opposed to "production for profit", because it sees the capitalist society as inherently unstable due to it's internal pressures. In a similar manner to how slave societies and feudalism eventually fell, it argues that capitalism eventually will bring about it's own destruction because capital will refuse to reform enough to solve those pressures, which will drive people to revolution. It argues that a state-less, class-less communist society would be the next rung on the ladder of human development, but it isn't a blueprint on how to _get_ there, exactly. They believed a revolution was probably necessary, but that was kind of it.
Leninism (often called Marxism-Leninism to lend it credibility even though Marx would surely hate that) is what we're talking about when we're talking about failed "communist countries" and unlike Marxism this one is _all_ about the blueprint. This is where "The dictatorship of the protalitariat" gets reframed as a motivation for a revolutionary One Party rule (when it was really a shorthand for removing political and financial power from the "dictatorship of capital"). This is where everything becomes owned by the state, even though the end goal is ostensibly a state-less communist society. It sought to create an "interim" state to transition from capitalism, through authoritarian socialism, into communism. And since it's just an "interim" state, well... it's very easy for them to justify horrific acts and authoritarian overreach since it's just a "temporary measure". And that's exactly what happened with the the death of Lenin and takeover by Stalin, who was just an authoritarian through and through. And once he was there he shifted focus to cementing his power and industrializing the soviet union at any cost, with ideology only being a propaganda tool.
Marx & Engels were definitely lovers but yall ain’t ready for that conversation yet
Makes sense now how the LGBTQ are the biggest supporters of BLM (Blacks Love Marxism)
A communist was secretly gay? How surprising...not. It all makes sense now
@@jungxehuin9404 indeed
@Eszra Falcontail ok buddy
Marx really said “eat the rich” huh.
I can’t work hard because that’s bad
@Normal Person lmfaooo oh, sweet summer child... how naïve you are!
Normal Person some people who are known to be very rich often misuse their money, like Jeff Bezos. He may be running Amazon but is underpaying some of his staff. People like Elon musk have the money to ruin the worlds current state. Some people who have a good amount of money live a comfortable life and aren’t doing anything wrong. It’s just implied that some of the rich are misusing their power instead of supporting others.
You didn't know he was a cannibal too?
@Normal Person LMAO!!!
Taco Bell needs to bring back the green burrito.
It moved to Karl Mark's Jr.
and the meximelt
Capitalism brings us so many wonderful things!
Best comment
lost you at "capitalism needs to be reformed" sounds just as absurd as slavery or colonialism needs to be reformed
As wise as his theories are, can we all admit that the moving eyes of Marxs pic is creepy?
Might be... but not for me, an element that made the vid way more engaging.
He was so wise his theories caused the deaths of over 100 million people.
@Podunzk Those people had nothing to do with Jesus's ideas, since he was a pacifist, Karl Marx's ideology was a direct precursor to these countries.
@Podunzk It's funny how every time Marxism turns up it turns into a dictatorship, that ends up turning into a national famine. Sorry dude that's just too much of a correlation for me to vouch for that shit, that's enough needless death for me. If someone asked me about Fascism i'm not gonna say, weeellll Hitler did it wrong lets try again yet Marxism gets tried again and again and it fails every time. Leninism is simply a evolution of Marxism.
Still he would have opposed the genocidal states of the USSR and PRC.
He praised the Paris Commune for bieng Democratic after all.
Marx wanted the state to "wither away" in the coarse of human history.
He would not have been a fan of the USSRs strong ever-expanding government
I'm so confused by the comments help
same , some people are die hard marxists and some are die hard capitalists
im basically confused about everything in the video and the comments, well tbh im confused about the world/universe
@@aarieftwentysix7282 same dude
@@aarieftwentysix7282 Truth is we all are just some of us are willing to admit it
@@Robert-cp1je you really should read the primary sources and form your own opinions about these things.
"wrote each other adoring poetry.." 😳😳
edit: heads up, this is a joke. lol
No no no that sofia
And they were roommates
I do NOT condone. Bad joke
@@Ahmad-os3si yes yes yes that ahmed
@@user-fo1kz3zc8x roommates with a.. special connection.. very close friends
“He who withholds grain, the people will curse him, but blessing will be on the head of him who sells it.” -Proverbs 11:26
James 5:1-6 "Now listen, you rich people, weep and wail because of the misery that is coming on you. 2 Your wealth has rotted, and moths have eaten your clothes. 3 Your gold and silver are corroded. Their corrosion will testify against you and eat your flesh like fire. You have hoarded wealth in the last days. 4 Look! The wages you failed to pay the workers who mowed your fields are crying out against you. The cries of the harvesters have reached the ears of the Lord Almighty. 5 You have lived on earth in luxury and self-indulgence. You have fattened yourselves in the day of slaughter.[a] 6 You have condemned and murdered the innocent one, who was not opposing you."
Acts 2:44-45 "All the believers were together and had everything in common. 45 They sold property and possessions to give to anyone who had need."
Leviticus 25:35-37
"If one of your brethren becomes poor, and falls into poverty among you, then you shall help him, like a stranger or a sojourner, that he may live with you. Take no usury or interest from him; but fear your God, that your brother may live with you."
James 5:1-6
"Now listen, you rich people, weep and wail because of the misery that is coming on you. 2 Your wealth has rotted, and moths have eaten your clothes. 3 Your gold and silver are corroded. Their corrosion will testify against you and eat your flesh like fire. You have hoarded wealth in the last days. 4 Look! The wages you failed to pay the workers who mowed your fields are crying out against you. The cries of the harvesters have reached the ears of the Lord Almighty. 5 You have lived on earth in luxury and self-indulgence. You have fattened yourselves in the day of slaughter.[a] 6 You have condemned and murdered the innocent one, who was not opposing you."
Acts 2:44-45
"All the believers were together and had everything in common. 45 They sold property and possessions to give to anyone who had need."
Leviticus 25:35-37
"If one of your brethren becomes poor, and falls into poverty among you, then you shall help him, like a stranger or a sojourner, that he may live with you. Take no usury or interest from him; but fear your God, that your brother may live with you."
Corinthians 10:24
"No one should seek their own good, but the good of others"
Proverbs 28:27
"Those who give to the poor will lack nothing, but those who close their eyes to them receive many curses."
Deuteronomy 10:18
"He defends the cause of the fatherless and the widow, and loves the foreigner residing among you, giving them food and clothing"
Matthew 19:23-24
Then Jesus said to his disciples, “Truly I tell you, it is hard for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of heaven. Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.”"
Wow, I never studied this in school. I was raised in a cult, a very high control religion. I woke up in 2011 at the age of 57. I see the same trends happening in politics today. "Do as I say, or else"
Wow and they say we live in a world with free thinking
*Karl Marx was a unique man.. See his life in these very rare photos!📷*видео.html
@@TheConstitutionFirst thx for the video... he was a terrible failure. A man who "didn't want to work," but was happy to live off the work of others.
@@ready2danceagain Thanks for watching!
Nasty Man Yep.
Single shares to easy investment rather then gambling or lottery stocks
"Too bad Marx failed to acknowledge the Harry Potter reference and Reagan's quote I'm about to bring out."
i dont get the joke im stupid lol pls explain
Hooman neitsure?
He also forgot about the WHY THE FUCKING CHEESE IS FREE
@@franzliszt5087 it's making fun of how liberals keep quoting Harry Potter books so it's become a joke in politics community. "Don't call yourself a liberal if you haven't read theory" and it points to Harry Potter
I have to give this guy props: it's almost unbelievable how much he puts in less than 10 minutes and in laymen's terms. I don't think I could ever do it. (I am always accused of TL;DR & obscurantism.) 👏👌
Beco Merulic simplicity is beauty
"Obscurantism" isn't a word, Obfuscation however is. 😉
On the contrary, it is a word, with a meaning that reasonably applies here, as one can easily check (furthermore, it is precisely obscurantism -- in my native language, though -- that is levelled "against" me). So is obfuscation, right, and could be more appropriate here, I grant you, but you made a stronger claim which is incorrect and, well, you resorting to "😉" at the end is outright childish.
Clear and easy to understand.
@@augustus_73 burn!
Does anyone know who produced the drawings at 7:28 ?
i drew them
I love how people invoke "Karl Marx" as a scareword like they know what the hell they're talking about. He was a thinker and philosopher. He wasn't the person trying to get it done and he still said some good stuff.
*Karl Marx was a unique man.... See his life in these very rare photos!📷*видео.html
He wasn't very good at thinking, evidently, and ended up turning communism into a system with which over 80 million people have been killed, ironically mostly by famine and authoritarian government. Interesting.
People are idiots
Some of his critiques of capitalism are still relevant. No he DID NOT "turn communism" (i doubt u know what that word means with respect to Marx/Engels work) into a totalitarian system. That was mostly the handiwork of Lenin, who borrowed just as much from other communist thought as he did from Marxism.
@@inquisitive.lurker i have a copy of the Manifesto in my hands. His critiques of capitalism are that mankind is locked into a class battle. Okay, sure, but he completely neglects that nature has class structures too. The food chain, for example. It's a fundamental pillar of nature and he wishes to iradicate it.
And part of the reason also why it doesn't work is that there are far more axis by which you can consider someone Bourgeoisie rather than proletariat. How do you define bourgeoisie status specifically? People fall into too man categories to make the argument that it's rich vs. poor. How do you define it?
This is why, usually, communist revolts usually end in a LOT of death.
Why yall make Karl Marx so scary. Its 2:00 am and Im scared. I'm just trying to learn.
No one made Marx scary, Marxist ideas are terrifying, and has resulted in over 100million deaths and god knows how much suffering
@@PC.NickRowan i meant the way they have him popping up out of nowhere. Lol
Reanna Peters ... that’s how Marxism is, just pops up out of nowhere seeking a soul to devour!!! Be afraid, be very afraid!
@@haigansmith4081 Lmao!!!
@Vseslav Levchenko Those damned communists who destroyed Marx making people belive his ideas caused the suffering and deaths
“His writings became the keystone for some of the most important ideological movements of the century.”
*Shows pictures of Communist China and the Soviet Union*
Yeah, that worked out real well.
It is still important regardless
@Brad Holman yeah but you can expect it. That's why its bullshit
homefly00 this dude literally pulled out a dump truck of facts on you and all your said back was “human bad”. Also, Stalin and Mao did not implement Marxism
@@borisd4397 I think what you can summarize your well written comment is that capitalism's exploitation of labor also includes imperialism and that imperial conquest and extraction of resources and cheap labor kills but because our system does not register the deaths as a result of capitalism they do not consider it as systemic. I know this unorthodox but I can't help but notice you're black and red which leads me to believe your an anarcho communist. I am searching for more resources and develop my ideas further please could you send me further readings? I have a copy of the conquest of bread but I feel that I want to be able to fully articulate my beliefs not just for myself but to combat capitalists
@@borisd4397 Is it BorisD?
I feel that alienation within software engineering
What makes you say that? I don’t work in software engineering, so I’m curious to hear about your experience
Allen what’s that got to do with software engineering?
@@snacob7628 maybe for example your fixing a bug for youtube as a software engineer but no one will ever know about you and recognized you as the one who fixed it
Jacob Harvey Imagine falling in love with painting. The colors and freedom. You painted anything that interested you from passion. Then you started working for a painting company. They told you how to paint. When to paint. What colors to use. Suddenly you painted what you were told to paint. lost your passion in painting. This happens in software engineering. And it is attributed to something called Taylorism. It happens where work is segregated into labor and thinking tanks. In reality we are all supposed to both labor AND think. But jobs may place you into pure labor where the thinking is removed entirely. This makes you feel like your just a meaningless cog, disposable on a whim. It isn’t really the fault of capitalism. But more the fault of greedy businesses that want to optimize production at all costs. Capitalism just happens to be one of those systems that corporations take advantage of. But what system CANT they take advantage of? Also, being able to own your own business is capitalism. Imagine not being allowed to start a business. And being told what you can and can’t be. At least in capitalism you have the opportunity to change and make your own business or do your own thing. In a communist or socialist’ll end up losing that privilege. But back to the point. That is why you can feel alienated in a diminished role devoid of passion, thought and meaning.
@@df6148 Taylorism was not originally a way of dividing labor from thinking. Labor had already been divided from thinking by Adam Smith. Taylorism was a way of getting the most production out of each worker by breaking down the process into "scientific" pieces. It comes from the late Eighteen Hundreds during the beginning of the industrial revolution. It is based on the philosophy of Adam Smith for efficient labor. Imagine a building a chair where each worker focuses on a dedicated part of the whole so he can efficiently and repeatedly replicate the part, each of which are finally assembled into the final product by expert assemblymen, . This is in contradiction to craftsmanship, where the worker creates the entire product. Taylorism was taking Adam Smith's ideas and transferring them to "the modern age."
The comment section makes me lose faith in humanity.
Really? I mean are you really surprised people dont like communism/marxism?
You're clever. I have no idea which side you're on, so you get upvotes because everyone naturally assumes you're on theirs.
i also lost hope, so many people supporting communism. according to this video marx was an even worse critic of capitalism than I originally thought. these communist seriously think profits is greedy and monopolies is a part of capitalism.
blade 1970 i find this argument on different subject way too often, maybe we're not the same people?
what about national socialism? another left ideology that failed.
National socialism isn't socialism at all, it was called that to lull the population into a false sense of security, they actually actively fought against socialism.