What Causes "The Healer Attitude"?

  • Опубликовано: 8 сен 2024
  • We've all seen it; that healer who acts like they're more important than you simply by virtue of picking a healer. As someone who plays a healer in a lot of games, this attitude has always perplexed me. Why exactly is this attitude a thing? Why do some healers have it and some don't?
    / xiomarotv
    / xiomarotv
    / discord

Комментарии • 238

  • @AiKuraidesu77
    @AiKuraidesu77 5 лет назад +167

    As someone who plays as a healer in pretty much every game possible I can say that the "healer attitude" isn't people thinking they're high and mighty, it's people who are sick and tired of the team running off without them while their mana skills and other things recharge, we have limited mana to heal people and when someone runs off without our mana or skills recharged, then it just makes it apparent that no matter which game, the healer is always playing a thankless role.

    • @GravitasZero
      @GravitasZero 3 года назад +24

      Yup, I feel the same way.
      The amount of times I had to tell an asshole that if he wanted to rush and die, he could go ahead. I’m just going to sit here and regen mana and let cooldowns expire. Damn idiots. It’s gotten to the point nowadays that I almost always refuse to play MP if it’s going to be with randoms (in MMOs).

    • @mateuszkosior2827
      @mateuszkosior2827 Год назад +2

      100% true

    • @Shadowclaw25
      @Shadowclaw25 7 месяцев назад +1

      yeah ^^ i once started a new wow healer and in the low level dungeons its reeeaally hard to get a healer^^ so mean players got no heals :D

    • @knightsblight
      @knightsblight 7 месяцев назад +3

      Same for league of legends, team acts like you have no cool downs and unlimited mana so they can do the dumbest engages

    • @Mother3Forever
      @Mother3Forever 5 месяцев назад

      Thank you.

  • @MrHitmancheg
    @MrHitmancheg 6 лет назад +160

    Xiamaro: Nobody is ever going to criticize a healer for not doing damage.
    WoW: Tons of people criticize discipline priests for doing damage.

    • @B121AN1
      @B121AN1 3 года назад +10

      And TF2 Medic for going combat.

    • @LN-lr4rg
      @LN-lr4rg 3 года назад +5

      ffxiv. reason why i won't touch a healer there, they're expected to dps until the tank is right about to die and then pop an off gcd. bit too hard on the ol' blood pressure for me. don't envy that role one bit.

    • @RiotRabit
      @RiotRabit 3 года назад +4

      Also ESO. Healers are measured by how much they can improve party dps moreso than ability to heal.

    • @gampie13
      @gampie13 2 года назад +2

      @@LN-lr4rg what's not to like about keeping a tank at 10% hp for an entier run? aslong as you have controll and knowladge of what you are doing, why waste time keeping him at 100%, when you could spend that time doing something else?

    • @LN-lr4rg
      @LN-lr4rg 2 года назад +1

      @@gampie13 I have recanted this sentiment, it's not as hairy as it seems since tank busters are more or less scripted ;p

  • @Pavsy73
    @Pavsy73 4 года назад +372

    Healers develop this mentality because they’re under appreciated and overly criticized

    • @ThaMxUp
      @ThaMxUp 3 года назад +35

      @masakasama also a lot of people don't realize that healers as supposed to be simultaneously the most altruistic and most selfish people on the team
      they should heal you through hell and high water, but if you aren't gonna make it through said hell and high water, they need to get out of there because they're next and that's 5+ seconds on top of time coming back from spawn that your team is missing at least 1 healer, and as a result could cause more people to die, because they aren't there to give them heals when they need them, and also, a lot of people don't understand that they shouldn't take health packs from healers, because they already have a way to heal in the healer whereas the healer doesn't always have that

    • @hopelesslyoptimistic8231
      @hopelesslyoptimistic8231 3 года назад +30

      I feel people complain about no having a healer but then when they get one they complain that the healer isn’t there to save their ass all the time. It makes me hate being a healer because every time I play no one changes their play style so I can help them. I can’t help you across the map or you keep going into battle. Healers or support classes jobs are always to keep the team strong but if you’re not a team then I can’t help you.

    • @Star-Gazor
      @Star-Gazor 3 года назад +8

      @@hopelesslyoptimistic8231 it's especially bad, when you're healing for a tank that doesn't care about dodging aoes, or map hazards, doesn't stop moving away from you, and then gets mad at you when they die...

    • @Melly16yr10
      @Melly16yr10 2 года назад +2

      Exactly in real life with people who work in the medical field

    • @coldchillin8382
      @coldchillin8382 2 года назад +5

      Generally people are lazy and don’t put in 100% but expect healer to put in 150% If you standing in a DOT (damage over time) puddle and expect me to keep you alive while also keeping the tank, myself, and other dps alive, you can go sit on a pinecone or be smart and get out of the acid pool.

  • @Kalameeto
    @Kalameeto 6 лет назад +244

    A tank goes afk during 30 sec? The others wait a bit.
    A dps goes afk during 30 sec? The encounter will be a bit longer.
    A healer goes afk during 30 sec? Everyone dies.
    In a 5-men group everyone can sleep except the healer.

    • @GrimReaperNegi
      @GrimReaperNegi 5 лет назад +10

      I like 7-10 groups in games that allow for it. Faster, sometimes have another tank/healer or lag, or dc. (Like in Perfect World, and GW.)

    • @GravitasZero
      @GravitasZero 3 года назад +3

      Exactly. And then everyone expects you to be everywhere at the same time, healing everybody… when really, you should be almost exclusively healing the tank since he’s… you know… the tank (damn dps that want to get better scores or up their dps counter can go suck a big fat lemon).

    • @nathanbrown7906
      @nathanbrown7906 2 года назад +9

      I say it is a result due to people spamming"I Need Healing"

    • @coldchillin8382
      @coldchillin8382 2 года назад +7

      @@GrimReaperNegi yea but sometimes the raid will decide to forgo the second healer in favor of an additional dps to make the fight faster making that one healer stress out

    • @wladynoszhighlights5989
      @wladynoszhighlights5989 9 месяцев назад +4

      If the tank goes afk mid boss fight the Boss aggros the healer and everyone dies as well. DPS will not know how to hold the boss and their swarm of mobs in one spot

  • @iamdorusyt
    @iamdorusyt 6 лет назад +192

    I don't agree with healer being the easiest role. In most PvP games healers are mostly are the first target, so they need to keep track of their teammates and the enemies while a lot of dps players just tunnel vision after their target. Even in WoW PvE a lot of dps players don't take into account if they are LoSing their healers or not, they are just spamming their rotation and try to dodge some fire now and then. That's different for healers who do the same but also need to keep track of all their teammates and manages their cooldown with other healers.
    I play flex as a healer and dps. And I think dps is a lot less stressful​ to play.

    • @FFgamesftw
      @FFgamesftw 4 года назад +30

      Exactly, as a DPS you are only responsible for yourself. As a healer you take responsibility for everyone. It doesn’t matter if tank sucked at using defensive CD’s or if dps ate a bunch of stupid unnecessary damage you will be blamed if they die unless the stupidity level was so high that it’s obviously not the healers fault. Healing is only the easiest job if everyone out-gears the content. When content is current it has some of the most on-your-toes gameplay

    • @One-12937
      @One-12937 3 года назад +8

      I play DPS most mmos, it is an easy fun class to play with no pressure. In my opinion healers are the hardest class.

    • @GravitasZero
      @GravitasZero 3 года назад +15

      I’ve played dps and tank, and healer is the hardest role (but also feels the best). You need to pay attention to your whole team, yourself, enemy positioning, etc…
      Dps usually barely need to pay attention further than their current opponent.
      Tanks is a bit more tricky (manage agro and pay a bit of attention to the team).
      There is a reason why there are tons of dps players out there and a lack of tanks and healers lmao

    • @fulkry5841
      @fulkry5841 2 года назад

      This is wrong lol. If your a dps your engaging the enemy healer within the enemy team always. Sure, the dps get to pick the timing, but the initial advantage of picking the timing will get less and less until its actually disadvantageous for the dps player to be targetting you because your getting peeled by the whole team. The only reason why supports dont get peeled or die fast is due to their positioning. Even if your own team is ignoring peeling for you, you can still position in the middle of the team where your team will have no choice but to help you out. With dps, youre literally out of options if no one enables/helps you, you have to play like a god. That's why dps players develop the solo mentality because if no one helps them they have to still make things work out by themselves.

    • @ddaavvee95510
      @ddaavvee95510 Год назад

      I think the idea of healer being the easiest role comes from the fact its a reactive / follower role, you follow your team and heal and peel for them accordingly, you dont have to take much initiative or risks.
      Wich i think is a valid reason to call it the easier role.
      And they cope with their anxiety of decision making by thinking they are gods gift to the world because they "sacrifice" their potential fun to instead enable others.

  • @Myokuju
    @Myokuju 5 лет назад +102

    To basically sum it up:
    Healers are tired of picking up the pieces of people who dont do their job correctly (FPS healers/MMO healers/ whatever)

    • @Sassafrass95
      @Sassafrass95 Год назад +2

      give this person a reward, cause they hit it on the head

  • @raidra0973
    @raidra0973 5 лет назад +29

    As a healer for nearly 5 years I learned to play by the style of "those guys can fight better then me but they won't survive without me" so it's a giving and taking thing for me the only high and mighty moments I have are when i really pulled all strings and prevent an TPK or when I overbuff my team so hard in pvp that we just destroy the whole enemy team

  • @baqua8749
    @baqua8749 6 лет назад +55

    For me is just that i try to heal them but noooo they went offense without me and die and they always blame me for not healing. That is why i sometimes be like those 'high and mighthy' healer

    • @littlesleepyaxy1941
      @littlesleepyaxy1941 6 лет назад +7

      mhm :/ if chu want heals then stop running away from me >~< what's the point of screaming help me if chu run so far away i get turned on and die for trying to help :'(

    • @fisuji4013
      @fisuji4013 5 лет назад +2

      Exactly! In a game of league, most players are friendly, but sometimes people just blame me for not being in their lane. :(

    • @aperson5294
      @aperson5294 3 года назад +3

      I relate. They be like running around like a couple of chickens going "AHH HEAL ME HEALER I'M DYING" and I'm just like chasing them like "OI WELL THEN STAP MOVIN' AND LET ME HEAL YOU" and in the end when they die because they accidentally hit an enemy, they do be blaming me like "It's YOUR fault that I died. If you could've just healed me we would've won!". It's just dumb sometimes

    • @CommanderM117
      @CommanderM117 3 года назад +1

      @@aperson5294 or blame the tank for not aggroing the mob when the dps chases the mobs all over the place or target the ones i have not aggro yet
      or not giving buff even if their not a buff tank but a dps tank

    • @GravitasZero
      @GravitasZero 3 года назад

      Exactly. Those idiots, rushing and even using mobility skills… i’m the healer, i’m not supposed to be knee deep in shit, surrounded on all sides just so that I can heal you. That is the worst possible scenario.
      Keep formation

  • @dnixv
    @dnixv 6 лет назад +96

    As someone who mostly plays healers/supports in every game possible (I enjoy healing), I have to totally disagree with you.
    I don't know how long have you played WoW/Overwatch, but I've mained priest since TBC and Ana in OW (when she came out) and everyone always blamed healer for everything.
    For example, tank pulls whole instance and dies alone at the other end of the instance and "omg healer fucking sucks" (pvp was different, discs used to be like gods :) ), in OW, similar scenario, Rein main went 1v5 with whole team behind him, and none of his teammates has the ults, and yet again, it's the healers fault cause everyone died following him.
    Don't know if you remember the good old one "you can't heal stupid, but you can rez it", it was before the Mercy rework (and one of the reasons it was the best healer at that time).
    And please tell me how healing is easy compared to DPSing.
    In overwatch, an example, when you have flankers on you and people that are like 2 meters from you just ignore them for the whole game (even if you sleep dart them).
    In WoW most of the time you can just button-mash to win as a DPS (excluding pvp), while the healer has to care about mana, about everyones health and do dps (back when you could actually go oom). In PvP i would love to see you do anything with 2 heal reductions on you with rogue stun locking you and warrior beating the **** out of you, most of the time, you had to be peeled to survive.
    In MOBAs (like DOTA for example, excluding Battlerite), you had to babysit everyone, and you're always blamed if you don't ward or get 2 shotted in team fights from over-farmed carry in the enemy team, or even if you manage to kill someone by accident, because your carry needs to be farmed.
    Battlerite is different though, healers are way too strong, I remember killing a whole team 1v3 as a Pearl, or saving a game 2v3 as Poloma with silences.
    Now, after the wall post, probably the main reason healers react that way is that they're full of it, after healing for a long time, seeing the same things happen over and over again, and hell, you should't even consider telling someone that they're doing something wrong, or to give them any advice, holy shit, the toxicity goes to the roof. So most of the time, I, personally, play my game, and just ignore chat. Sorry for the wall post, this is just my opinion.

    • @flame89942
      @flame89942 4 года назад +12

      finally someone who gets it i feel the exact same way xD

    • @apollyon1987
      @apollyon1987 4 года назад

      I disagree ask me why

    • @coldchillin8382
      @coldchillin8382 4 года назад +10

      Never played WoW but I mained healer/support with mystic class in Tera. You’re responsible for heals, buff, debuff, dps. Mystic is the hardest class to master right along with warrior tank.
      Healer is often a thankless job in randoms, but appreciated by those who know how difficult and stressful it is.
      The main things that piss me off are:
      1. Dps standing in pool of acid/ boss aoe
      2. Dps not killing adds which cause me to run away/ cc them meanwhile tank dies as a result and party wipes
      3. Dps dies from stupidity cursing at me to Rez him.

    • @dnixv
      @dnixv 4 года назад +3

      @@coldchillin8382 Totally agree. I've lived through it all countless times in WoW :)

    • @xxcrowfeatherxx2540
      @xxcrowfeatherxx2540 4 года назад +8

      Hell yeah this speaks to me on a whole different level XD
      I play FFXIV a lot, mainly heal and even thought the community is really nice there are always some idiots who think DPS or Tanks are gods and if something goes wrong it must be the healer.
      You have no idea how many times the Tank or DPS wrote 'healer fcking adjust' to me just because they died to an avoidable aoe. Or if the party dies to a boss because they placed something wrong it's of course the healers fault for not keeping their health up to 100%
      Oh and of course healer have no CD, like AT ALL. Nope. They're the one exception.
      Or the Tank pulls literally the whole dungeon at once and everyone dies because the healer used up all their mana
      I really don't understand why people get so angry with healer. They do a job most people don't want to do, so shouldn't it be more appropriated someone actually does the job?
      But I have nice encounters too :D One time in a 24 People Dungeon one Tank would constantly praise the healers and write funny comments. Lemme tell you, that guy never died. All healers focused him like crazy because they were so starved for nice words XD

  • @htfcm
    @htfcm 4 года назад +19

    Being a really good healer takes a lot of time and effort. It's not as easy as you make it out to be. Everyone has played with a really shitty healer, and if it was so easy we'd rarely come across a terrible healer.

  • @deathlyit7273
    @deathlyit7273 6 лет назад +14

    I feel good when I can help other people or sacriface yourself for others.

    • @shina176
      @shina176 3 года назад +1

      "Go my slaves win for me!"

  • @BohemioGaming
    @BohemioGaming 6 лет назад +16

    In my experience, the "healer attitude" can be a reference off any under played rol.
    For example: In Paladins everyone wants to be a DPS or Healer, so the tanks asume the healer attitude.
    In Battlerite, the healers are awesome (Best version of a healer that i've seen in any MOBA, FPS, etc.) with the amount of things they can dish out, but in the other hand, i think the range DPS take the attitude.
    Just my opinion though.

  • @afoiheagadwade2009
    @afoiheagadwade2009 6 лет назад +13

    To me, healers are to be respected since they cope with healing idiots during entire games

  • @Althissian
    @Althissian 6 лет назад +59

    Xiomaro, you are missing one point. When I was playing WoW, there were simply not enough healers. So I would swap from dps to healer. Now I would be better as a dps than most of the dps in the raid but if I don't heal, we do not have a healer for progression. And the dps are lined up from booty bay all the way to undercity. So I would be high and mighty all the time BECAUSE I play the other role and I know exactly the problems they are facing and how lazy they are about fixing the problems.

    • @XiomaroTV
      @XiomaroTV  6 лет назад +4

      I do kinda get that. I know there are times when I heal because no one else will - and then the DPS do a crappy job. That does suck. But then again... if they healed... wouldn't they suck at that too? Sucky players gonna suck :D

    • @129das
      @129das 6 лет назад +3

      Everyone wants to be the hero but does not wanna work for it. DPS is still the most popular role. Why do you think games give people more self healing because people don't understand what a good support role feels like.

    • @obviouslykaleb7998
      @obviouslykaleb7998 2 года назад +4

      @@XiomaroTV I play white mage, a healer, in FFXIV, as well as dragoon, a DPS. And I’m pretty good with both; I don’t think I live up to the “always dead” stereotype with dragoon when I know the instance.
      That said, I’ve seen more than my fair share of terrible DPS, from just being terrible at reading mechanics to standing in AOEs as if they didn’t exist. Had a BLM once stand in a sandstorm aoe for a solid 20 seconds before he died.
      I just note their failures and get prepared to pre-heal them next time it happens. For me, because I’ve played healer, a mark of failure as DPS is “requiring any healing resources outside of AOE heals, unless I lost health because I did a mechanic.”
      I definitely do feel superior to certain individuals. Some mfer once told me to focus more on healing despite my co-healer keeping everyone alive perfectly well on their own.

  • @ClockworkCW
    @ClockworkCW 6 лет назад +47

    "This video is possible by my patreons on patreon"
    That one guy who send xio a dollar: HELL YEAH!

    • @dylanger1015
      @dylanger1015 5 лет назад

      "you see that? I DID THAT NOT YOU!"

  • @ShaneStapler
    @ShaneStapler 6 лет назад +29

    if your literally saving your team mates lives you deserve to be thanked. plus, in most of the games we're talking about its more than likely you will be blamed if your team mates die.

    • @GravitasZero
      @GravitasZero 3 года назад +1

      “Stupid medic, didn’t rez me… i’m just surrounded by 20 enemies because I rushed like an ass. I deserve to be saved”.
      That’s in BF lmao. It’s a little better in MMOs, but not by much.
      Still my favorite type of class though.

    • @FunGuy5
      @FunGuy5 2 года назад

      @@GravitasZero Do you play sas4? And for me personally as a medic class (Level 75 and almost to level up to level 76 and halfway through): I don't really experience the toxicity that much in the game, maybe because the game is old af and it got an recent update for a couple of months ago.

    • @MeAndMira
      @MeAndMira Год назад

      Me getting blamed in an easy raid for not cleansing a dot of a dps who refused to engage the add that was causing the dot. A player with a self cleanse, clearly the healers fault for not cleansing a dot that would have gone away if they could focus on the add for 10 seconds instead of having dps tunnel vision and only focusing the boss. Solo healing when people don't even do the bare minimum is hard enough without being blamed for team wipes

  • @rainycake
    @rainycake 6 лет назад +22

    Because majority doesn't like to play them. You are doing everyone else a favor by playing other people's least favorite class. That's why they should not upset you or they will have to play support if you don't play support and they don't wanna play support.

  • @kyorisi4326
    @kyorisi4326 5 лет назад +9

    Have I just been lucky? In my 15-20ish years of gaming, I barely EVER see the supposed "Healer Attitude." Maybe I have proper company, maybe it's because I'm a healer main myself, I might just not see it. But I played WoW since 2004 till just a few months ago, mained healer about 80% of the game. I've played Overwatch competitively to masters as a main healer, I've played League of Legends, hovering around master tier as a support main.
    There are a couple of points that's very true, but for the most part, I don't see this "Healer attitude" being anything but a vast minority. What I would like to address though, is the idea that playing a healer is supposedly the "easiest job" in games - Yes I main healer, I might be biased - But I am also very flexible in terms of my role in games, I've DPSed and Tanked a lot throughout the years, and in my opinion, healing is the most fun, and though it varies, the hardest playstyles I've personally experienced goes like this: Healer > Tank > DPS.
    Healing depends vastly on 2 factors, and the reason why I think they're the hardest to play optimally, are due to these 2 reasons. (Just my opinion.)
    1 - Your job is made easier, or harder, depending on your teams as a whole & their individual performances. When your team does great, then sure, a healer will practically look like they aren't doing anything, cause there's not that much to do. But once you put a healer in a team where the overall skill level is rather low, you as a healer has to deal with excessive amounts of unpredictable damage. And that's one of the key factors, the job of a healer is unpredictable and sporadic.
    A tank has to memorize groups of enemies, characters, classes or types, and find the best way to deal with all of them. Likewise, a DPS has to do the same, but in the end, playing tank or DPS comes down to a game of muscle & normal memory. Once you know packs in a dungeon, you know exactly what needs to be done, and when to do it. It's not the same for a healer.
    Good healers will spend their time DPSing during downtime, but not only do they also have to manage their (Usually very simple) DPS rotation, they also have to make sure they don't stand in shit, like any other, they might also be assigned to CC-ing specific enemies, debuff and buff, which comes down to memory as well. But the unpredictable nature of people taking damage out of nowhere, on packs you might never have seen it before, and almost dying, that's what healers have to deal with. Their job is random and unpredictable.
    2 - Healers are the most vulnerable. This is not as true for MMOs like WoW, but it is more or less fact in competitive player vs player games. In Overwatch, the main target is usually going to be the healer, and let me tell you something about healers in games like Overwatch and league of legends: We cannot (For the most part) protect ourselves. Mix this in with the unpredictable nature of healing in general, the reliance of protection of your team and the unpredictable nature of positioning.
    Playing Mercy in Overwatch, during a team fight, with a genji, tracer or whatever other flanking beast up your ass, while having to heal people any and everywhere around you, that might, or might not be taking damage, while surviving has always been harder than playing DPS or Tank in any other game. Same goes for playing champions like Soraka in league in higher ranks, you'll be focused so hard, while being so squishy, that you won't even get time to blink before that Olaf is rushing you down with Ragnarok on.
    As for the whole "Entitlement" attitude. I have never seen this attitude in anyone who mains a healer / Support. The very few I have ever seen it with, are people who feel like they've been forced into the role, because there's a general need for them, or their groups / Friends / Guilds want/need it.
    Real support mains aren't going to beg for praise, they're not going to lick your boots either and be like "Oh my gosh you're so great sempai." Real support / healer mains will do their job, they'll do it quietly, they'll probably hope for a little bit of praise, maybe an honor at the end of a league or overwatch match, a pad on the back in a dungeon after pulling through a difficult overpull. But they will never actively seek this out, they'll just do their jobs quietly, and move onto the next when done.

  • @LinasVolodzka
    @LinasVolodzka 6 лет назад +73

    every healer is a saint mary. the end

    • @apollyon1987
      @apollyon1987 5 лет назад

      Mommento Moore do you know who saint mary is ?

    • @PrimordialNyx
      @PrimordialNyx 3 года назад

      Well they(we) are until you get on their(our) bad side.

  • @esmee6308
    @esmee6308 6 лет назад +9

    I haven't actually seen "the Healer attitude" for so long I nearly forgot about it. Damage tends to still be the most popular role in the games I've played recently, but long gone are the days where looking for a healer or tank takes a long time. Sure I run into high and mighty people who feel like they're gods among mortals and sometimes those people are playing healer/support, but they rarely argue their role rather than their amazing skill and how blessed we are just to be in their presence, as a godlike player.
    Hopefully this is a sign of developers knowing how to balance the fun aspect of every role much better than before, rather than players being attracted to a role just so they can be dicks about it.

  • @nicoonk
    @nicoonk 6 лет назад +5

    So to be serious, I didn't run into this kind of attitude. Actually the one time I was playing a healer (In LoL) and managed to do an amazing save I remember getting the answer "it's your job so it's nothing special" after being amazed about the situation went. That was the last time I enjoyed playing healers with random people. But that's only me!

  • @nerezza5943
    @nerezza5943 3 года назад +3

    I'm truly a healer main in every game I play, so ironically I've not noticed this problem myself. Half the time (or more) I'm the only healer in a group so it's mostly impossible to observe my colleagues.
    Personally I consider ascertaining the skill levels of every individual in a group to be one of my most important tasks because firstly a healer is nothing without a group to support, and secondly it's important to adjust to compensate for a tank with poor gear, a dps that keeps getting caught by AoEs, or a generally low party DPS (meaning it's time to conserve mana for prolonged fights)
    My personal pride comes from how flexible healers must be, and how practiced I am at adapting to the situation. Other classes only have to consider the enemy while they're fighting but a healer must keep an eye on the enemy and their allies simultaneously. A good healer must be able to see everything on the field and adapt to counter dangers efficiently not only to themselves, but to their allies also. At the same time a good healer must be able to deal damage to the enemy, because preemptively destroying the blade is the best way to prevent death by a thousand cuts.
    Although I think a good healer is deserving of their pride, a haughty healer is not a good healer. Treating even the worst team mates you've ever played with poorly undermines yourself if you're a healer, because as said before a healer is nothing without a party to support.

  • @kiraflo98
    @kiraflo98 5 лет назад +3

    The problem is, some healer mains WANT to try DPS, but can't because DPS mains instalock and expect their team to pick around them.
    I am a flex player. Mostly Support, often Tank, yet I almost never get a chance to play my DPS characters, simply because DPS mains instalock and are not willing to switch.

    • @XiomaroTV
      @XiomaroTV  5 лет назад

      Honestly, it sucks but if you want to play DPS you *have* to instalock it

  • @LendinSwiftbolt
    @LendinSwiftbolt 6 лет назад +3

    I play Support a lot too, but I don't get cocky. I realize that healers are important but I don't do that because I believe in morale a lot. I screw up a lot but I'm not going to just stop healing my teammates, that's just throwing. Just do your freaking job! And if you screw up, admit it and try again! It's a video game, chill guys.
    Pre-comment edit:
    I really hate playing Tank/Warrior roles in games, so I have mad respect for anyone who can really stand playing those roles and play them effectively.

    • @baqua8749
      @baqua8749 6 лет назад +1

      for me i play support and tank bc the dps are like the people who carries the team, and i am scared to mess up. that is why i dont get cocky. tbh healer is an easy job. the hard job is just try not be in a bad position so you will not get flanked easily and die b4 your teammates come to safe you.

  • @patrickbevenour8003
    @patrickbevenour8003 4 года назад +3

    I’m surprised I didn’t catch anyone mentioning that the attitude is simply because and in my eyes Is that you have way to much to deal with. You are expected to do mechanics just like all other roles but if you die it’s game over. Tanks not using cool downs on tank busters but have 5 invulnerability stacks is still your fault somehow even when you had to avoid the same mechanics lol. Same thing with DPS, but when they take damage you lose your personal DPS that they expect you to deal but you have to spend time healing them because they couldn’t see the giant AoE circle that they stood in for 8 seconds lol. The whole attitude of “just take the damage the healer will get it” attitude is the problem. So yeah if I die to the same mechanic as you my death has way more effect than yours simple enough. That’s why healer attitude exists because you as the healer are expected to do everything and cover down on the laziness of everyone else.

  • @tallavi5137
    @tallavi5137 6 лет назад +18

    I really like this type of content, you make interesting points in a very calm and professional manner!

  • @Blossoming_Fate
    @Blossoming_Fate 3 года назад +1

    Who's ready for an essay? Cause this was way longer than I intended.
    Let's be honest here, healers (in most games) get pretty shafted. They are objectively the least fun role for a majority of people. I play a lot of Healers, but I'm also a big on Tank as well, (and DPS will always be fun) so I feel like I can offer perspective on both sides of the spectrum, though my perspective is mostly from FPS games.
    Your Damage characters are often the most characters in the game and seeing large damage numbers or an enemies HP bar loose high percentage of health does wonders for our sense of accomplishment and Dopamine production. Tanks are large beefy targets that can take a beating and either dish it back out or have a big focus on Crowd Control that enables you to feel your own impact on a fight. Healers often get Healing and Buffs and that's about it. They don't feel like they leave as much of an impact as often as the other roles. This leaves creates a Void of healers that forces people from other roles to reluctantly fill in the gaps. When you have people who don't give enough of a shit about heals being forced to play it, they are not going to know about all the nuances that come with the role and they are just gonna under-perform. This leads to a subtle, instinctive belief that healers are made up of bad players priming people to expect bad things from their healer, even if the player doesn't realize it.
    When players who don't like the Healer class bight the bullet cause no-one else will, they are usually unprepared for the responsibilities and requirements that come with it. This, as previously stated, leads to under-performing, embedding thoughts that healers have no impact, cause the DPS/Tank player that bit the bullet believes in their own skill more than they should. These players feel like Healing is all the class is good for and when they encounter a Healer that can't keep up often criticize the Healer for not being able to do their ONE job.
    With all the negative emotions swirling around, Healers are often under constant criticism and dealing with insult after insult. This sort of pressure gets to people, including me admittedly. The thing is, people are too quick to defend their own pride, and the overwhelming distrust of Healers leads to them being the focus of blame way more than is warranted.
    One of my main games is Hi-Rez Studios' Hero Shooter called Paladins. When I started getting into Ranked, I was not happy with the healers I was getting so I decided that my main Role was going to be the Healer class of champions. I've seen SO many flankers dive the enemy team alone and blame me for not following them to the other side of the map and pocketing them, Tanks that don't get anything done yet expect the healer to ignore everyone else cause the "tank needs HP to take damage and is the sole focus of healers", DPS never peak me for heals but still blame me cause I wouldn't peak their sniper, or just anyone who would spam "Need Healing" even though I was dead. If often fells like we have four people expecting us to pocket exclusively them. Like I said before, it gets to you. Eventually some people (using myself as an example) will snap back, exclaiming that if you want our heals, you protect us, you come to us, you make it easy for us, or you get nothing for the rest of the game, at least.
    Healers have a lot of shit they have to do. From keeping track of the enemies so they don't get flanked, keeping track of teammates to know where is safe and who needs healing, managing cool-downs, building Ult, all while keeping yourself alive, its a stressful job, especially since most games give Healers poor combat tools. Everyone underestimates what the class has to deal with, yet over estimates what the player is expected to be able to perform. Healers are not Miracle workers, and everything is made worth by the fact that nobody feels their impact.
    From what I can tell, the Healers get hate on way to much, and it leads to this sort of volcanic eruption or out-burst, or defensively form a superiority complex of sort. Most people who choose the Healer class are genuinely nice people that like helping others, but patience wears thin and some people stop doing to help, but instead for the control over the lives of everyone. Deciding at a flip of a coin whether your life is worth saving or whether it be better off to feed you to the wolves and heal someone else instead, or in some cases go battle medic.
    As an Ex-Healer in Paladins, I still see the signs of healers getting unwarranted shit, and I try to defend them when I can, but I've also used the experience to make my healer's life a whole lot less stressful when I'm playing Tank or DPS. Sure, some Healers are bad, but if you can make things a whole lot easier for the both of you if you make it easier for them to Heal you, or allow them to effectively ignore you completely depending on your character.
    Long Story Short, Stop being dicks to Healers, Be the Healer, Learn the complications, and Maybe you can grow from it... or not this IS the internet after all.

  • @minisnakali
    @minisnakali 2 года назад +1

    My friends made me play healer because I was the kind of player who lived in the red, now I'm the healer who will laugh while you die because you stood in the damage and never dodged, after that I'll revive you.
    But gods some people take the "healer attitude" too far, but its also necessary to acknowledge that some (not all) annoying that people always push on the buttons of healers because "you don't heal enough" "its your fault the raid failed"
    Some people just never try to consider the side of the other person, I'd never criticize my team mates because they didn't play their role well enough mistakes happen and that's fine but its uncalled for to just hurl abuse at someone because things don't go your way.

  • @lotematu2812
    @lotematu2812 7 месяцев назад +1

    the team I play with just falls apart if I am not that healer.
    yes I know that also says a lot about me, yet none of my other friends are any good as me as a healer / support.
    I often catch them just standing in the front in a teamfight alone.

  • @CommanderM117
    @CommanderM117 9 месяцев назад +1

    it also depends on the game it was more common in older MMO then new but still exist to a degree, not to mention Priority Healers heal everbody but a tank that about to die is bad for the group, tank and healers need to live in order for the group as a hole to survive.
    and in some MMO a tank and a Healer can solo a dungeon on their own if their careful dd/dps just makes it faster.

  • @voXYoung
    @voXYoung 6 лет назад +2

    I personally like supports for the utility they bring that is more often than not quiet unique compared to the stuff dps and tank characters offer, and not only that but also the way it's applied sometimes.
    Over the years I've noticed this trend in a way, that healers/ supports start getting better multifuncitonal kits that lean towards cc and buffs/debuffs compared to just have 1+ healing abilities and couple buffs. Dps classes become sharper and faster, sometimes even having combo systems, and tanks I can't rly tell since I never played them much lol.

  • @DanTKD87
    @DanTKD87 5 лет назад +3

    Sometimes they need to be taught my meaning of law and order. You see I'm bringing order to their chaos.
    But to be honest I'm constantly having to watch what theyre doing and whats about to happen around them. Healer has a responsibility to look out for the team and help with coordination seeing as we can actually look over the whole fight much easier than others.

  • @LiberterianShoelace
    @LiberterianShoelace 9 месяцев назад +1

    Healers dont act high and mighty.. it would be dps and tanks who eat every interruptible and standing in swirlies who then bitch about their healer for not being able to do massive levels of corrective healing who are generally high and mighty.
    Thats why your healers ditch you, you are literally biting your safety net and crying when you fall into the pit of alligators.
    And considering both tank and healer is the hardest roles ( though i would argue healer is more of a lynchpin class between healer and tank). Generally an OP healer can carry an underleveled tank. An OP tank generally struggles when its an underlevelled healer.

  • @xaleypoo4779
    @xaleypoo4779 3 года назад +1

    In my inner circle of friends, we all like playing tank wherever applicable, so I step back and do healer so they can enjoy the game. This works for me because I'm the most cautious one of the group in whatever we play, and I'm typically the last one left alive that has to rez everyone anyway.

  • @adarcus4053
    @adarcus4053 2 месяца назад

    My best friend in D2 plays the closest thing to a healer that game has and I have to say I love playing with him. I never stay still long enough to get killed or at least I try not to and we work as an efficient team. I play aggressive but smart so he doesn't pull full aggro and we back up the other. Having a healer who you get on with makes playing so much better.

  • @spartandud3
    @spartandud3 2 года назад +1

    I'm usually a healer but I can only think of one time I had this attitude. In an Overwatch game I was Zen and one of my team mates was constantly complaining about lack of heals even when I put a healing orb on him. I got so fed up I straight up told him he wasn't getting healed anymore until he apologized. It turns out that I can't out heal his stupidity.

  • @yoshter135
    @yoshter135 6 лет назад +12

    No ones gonna criticize a healer who doesn’t do damage? Go play Final Fantasy 14. If you don’t do damage, you’re ostracized. The only role I haven’t played is tank because it looks like the hardest to me; however, I have to disagree that Healer is the easiest (but that might just be because my main mmo is ff14 where healers are expected to balance damage and healing)

    • @reptiliancow
      @reptiliancow 6 лет назад

      Ff14 is kind of an outlier, but depending on the group mentality, in most games, tanking is probably the easiest job, healer is close behind. Dps always has the dps meter breathing down your neck.

    • @yoshter135
      @yoshter135 6 лет назад

      Trever Bowen I know, I realize that, it’s why I said that my mindset may differ due to my game of choice. I think difficulty is subjective though when it comes to roles. Even in other games when I play dps, I don’t have that hard a time keeping up with or out damaging my fellow dps (not just in ff14 too) but yea, I understand ff14 is kind of a weird one.

    • @reptiliancow
      @reptiliancow 6 лет назад

      @@yoshter135 it's very subjective, even down to the dps spec. I think what I was getting at was, even though the tank gets blamed for wipes or the healer, the pressure to perform isnt there, if people arnt dead, you did you job. Most of the time, you healing performance isnt weighed against the healing of the rest of the group.

    • @XiomaroTV
      @XiomaroTV  6 лет назад +2

      Same thing in Battlerite really. If you do less than 100 damage in a round as a support, you're going to raise some eyebrows.

  • @Bunny_sweetheart
    @Bunny_sweetheart 4 года назад +1

    I main a holy priest in WoW and I've been playing the priest for almost 4 years now. I love the healer role because I don't have to worry to much on damage and I can hang out in the back casting heals every now and then. But I do have the idea of if I see you doing something you aren't suppose to be doing like intentionally pulling more mobs into the still going pull. I just won't heal those people. I'm part of a very active guild so it's easier for me to do something like that for randoms because normally I'm with 3 guildies at the least it's 2 but we can find a replacement tank or dps easily if we lose ours.

  • @mikkye2571
    @mikkye2571 3 года назад +1

    In short it's because the ignorant people who dont see a missed interrupt or didnt dodge mechanic caused deaths will instantly type "where my heals" and this is something you none healer people dont get over years it gets exhausting the unfounded critic

  • @fashionovawigs
    @fashionovawigs 5 лет назад +2

    We get high and mighty because people expect us to heal them every .5 but they're out here trying to kill themselves on purpose, I'm a healer not a God

  • @Hdhhdhdjfjdndndskmdjdjddjdjjd
    @Hdhhdhdjfjdndndskmdjdjddjdjjd 6 лет назад +3

    As someone who stugles to play any one roll, and instead run back and forth between a bunch of different play styles, i can say that almost always healer is just not that much fun and no game I've found rewards you for being a really good healer, i mean overwatch gives you a shiny metal, but not rank, lol dosent show how many times you saved people, it just shows kills assets and deaths, in mmos like wow or neverwinter its just not that fun, its not that the rolls are hard or that you cant do good as a healer, but rather its just not that fun and or not rewarding to play that roll, but thats just my opinion.

    • @beeijo
      @beeijo 6 лет назад +1

      You should try Guild Wars 2, the dedicated healers there are also solid dps at the same time. In addition, every class and spec has its own healing abilities so the supports are more free to do damage and disrupt mobillity

    • @Hdhhdhdjfjdndndskmdjdjddjdjjd
      @Hdhhdhdjfjdndndskmdjdjddjdjjd 6 лет назад

      @@beeijo sounds cool, i will give it a try.

  • @theepokedex8514
    @theepokedex8514 3 года назад +1

    I've never encountered people who criticize DPS, I always find myself in groups that blame the healer for everything. If people take more than 10% of their damage then the healer is a failure. Boss too difficult? Healer should be chipping in to help. Like how do you expect the healer to be both healer and DPS? Might as well have 3 DPS with self heals at that point. Worse yet I've encountered this in three MMOs at least, and if healing actually mattered in DCUO then I'm sure people would've done the same there (though to be fair that'd be because no one does heal in that game).
    I think healers get a god complex because while players can kill enemies, it is the healer who can choose who ultimately lives or dies, and when people are disrespectful to the healer, why should the healer heal you? If you're a horrible teammate trashtalking your team and not contributing, how is that the healer fault?

  • @GravitasZero
    @GravitasZero 3 года назад +1

    I love playing healer in MMOs. Not because a lot of people just want to be dps because it’s cool and so not enough healers, but because it is also challenging.
    Keeping my team alive is so freaking awesome.
    I also would often play tank (and sometimes dps), but each time an asshole rushes and brings agro away from me and blames me… I’m so tired of the tank being the one to blame.
    Oh, and if an asshole in the team is toxic, i’ll let him die once and tell him to calm the fuck down. If he doesn’t, he won’t live long (since it’s usually dps that are assholes, so having one less is fine).
    As a healer, the amount of assholes blaming me for their deaths because they rushed and expected me to be on their heels and prioritize them (or be everywhere at the same time, when really, I should be healing the tank 90+% of the time). sometimes makes me want to quit… but a LOT of peeps are also supportive of the healer. (I played "healer" in EVE too, and that was pretty rewarding spiritually since dying can mean losing millions to billions of isk. Saving people the heartache of such loss just felt so right).

  • @Hardwire2345
    @Hardwire2345 Год назад +1

    What about healers who get screamed at because one guy didn't get pocketed or was so reckless

  • @Pieckers
    @Pieckers 6 лет назад +6

    Yea sure healer is the easiest role and nobody blames them. That is until you encounter a better healer, because then your teammates can see that the enemy healer is doing a better job at healing, or that he manages to deal a lot of damage as well. Then the support wars start. But a mid laner in league of legends or a dps main in any game out there will always be way more cocky than a support main, just because what they do seems harder or more impressive, you wont hear someone saying " wow it sure was amazing how you buffed that guy's attacks"

  • @batboy555
    @batboy555 2 года назад

    Sometimes you got to enforce. I remember a time when a tank and dps were telling a dps Ina random dungeon that they couldn't roll on said item. They died alot. I recall my cat walked over my keyboard. I don't own a cat

  • @ketchup9052
    @ketchup9052 Год назад

    The thing I hate the most as a support/healer, is when some one asks me to heal a one shot or stands in the middle of the enemy team or runs out of LOS and then whines about why I didn't help them while I'm still walking out of spawn. Then again I play in bronze.

  • @TheophrastusMNoir
    @TheophrastusMNoir 6 лет назад +6

    As a support main, I wholeheartedly endorse this video, but also low-key I'm a god and you should all be worshiping me.

    • @FrostReave
      @FrostReave 2 года назад +1

      I know this is from 3 years ago but did you even watch the whole video? He’s telling you healers are easy and its usually the healers fault if there is a problem.

    • @TheophrastusMNoir
      @TheophrastusMNoir 2 года назад

      @@FrostReave Not sure if "hyperbole", "facetious", or just plain old "sarcasm" is the better definition, but yeah, I urge to look up any of those words, re-read my comment, and see if your interpretation of what I said changes at all e.e
      But also, yeah, 3 years, man, been a while. Missed Xiomaru's stuff but I was mostly in it for the battlerite tbh. Still annoyed at how that whole thing went out but oh well, we move on I guess.
      Either way, cheers, mate, thanks for the blast from the past.

  • @EvoliPlays
    @EvoliPlays 6 лет назад +10

    "I have control on who lives and who dies!"
    Every MMO healer

  • @darraghn3761
    @darraghn3761 6 лет назад +2

    I would probably agree in a more organized team but in pubs it is usually the carry that has the attitude. Having played a lot of Dota 2 I understand that the hard carry needs there mechanics down and good decision making but supports also require a large sense of game flow and knowledge. When to pull creeps to cut the lane, when to roam to support other lanes or ward for vision, using disables correctly and not just for there carry but to counter other teams initiation. The first person to get blamed is the support, most carries don’t seem to realize you have cooldowns too or they dive too deep. I’m not saying healers can’t have bad attitudes but usually it comes from getting all of the blame and non of the credit. At the end of a dota match the carry’s always ask for a commend if the team wins but less then one in twenty matches do supports every get even a mention. However this is public games so it is not the best way to experience a game

    • @aaroanttila2537
      @aaroanttila2537 2 года назад

      i fucking swear playing Dazzle makes my carry forget the concepts of cast ranges and cooldowns

  • @AnMComm
    @AnMComm 2 месяца назад

    The healers don't "act like they're better than you by virtue of picking the role", they actually *are* better. The healer is the command tower of the whole party, regulating the battlefield and keeping the entire group alive while also keeping most, if not all, of the utility on them.
    And not only this is a thankless role while everyone prefers playing DPS in most circumstances, it is also a role where you have more responsibility than everyone else in the team, more even than the tank's.
    AND the healers are also the primary target for the exact same reason, so that brings their value further up.
    So the only thing apparent from the video is that you have never played a healer or any kind of support yourself.

  • @MeAndMira
    @MeAndMira Год назад

    I wouldn't say healing is the easiest job, especially in MMOs. It takes time to master healing, I'm an ok enough healer but in raids you need to stay on top of things. You need to know what will happen in a fight, especially if you play a healer that doesn't have insta heals. So you can pop a heal over time on the tank for example, before the big spike damage happens etc. Healers and tanks see it all, because while we are focusing on keeping the group alive we also see who's doing what and who was stupid and didn't move out of aoe on the ground etc.

  • @TASLightnindog
    @TASLightnindog 6 лет назад

    As someone who played Sub Rogue in Legion and is now playing Holy Pally for BFA I can say that Healing is quite a bit more difficult. Cooldown management, dispelling, utility usage is a major factor especially in 3's. With Rogues you essentially just set a focus macro and sap the healer then hit 1,2,3,4 on the other character.

  • @thegame346
    @thegame346 9 месяцев назад

    I realize that my experience is anecdotal to just Star Wars Galaxies and Star Wars The Old Republic, but as someone who can fluently play Tank, DPS, and Heals to the most advanced of levels in some of the hardest content I can confidently tell you that healer is 100% the more difficult job.
    As a tank keeping threat is not hard so long as you rotate your taunts properly. DPS my rotation is very simple and is only needed to be deviated from occasionally to support other mechanics happening within the boss encounter. Healing on the other hand there is no rotation. No heals that can be rotated through to keep max heals on every player. It is a reactionary skillset as well as a force multiplier for the raid. Classes that react to action rather than create the action will always be the most difficult to play.
    Today as a healer my job might be a breeze and everything goes fine, then tomorrow THE SAME PLAYERS wind up causing me extreme grief because they do not follow mechanics, face the boss the wrong way etc etc etc. I have to be prepared for everything.
    As far as the phrase "the team NEEDS me"...this is not a phrase used to convey that they are the only profession that matters. What it is conveying is there are a whole lot less of me than there are of you. DPS come a dime a dozen. Healers, especially really great end game qualified healers come along maybe one out of every 10? You as the DPS are easily replaceable. Me as the healer with my skillset probably isn't as easily replaceable.

  • @berrybell4295
    @berrybell4295 4 месяца назад

    As healer myself for many years, all i can say is..i notice if you play bad or good...and when is good...i feel like i can cry of joy, but when is bad ? I take it as a challenge to myself.. "if i can keep this idiot archer alive well then, im a beast!!" ❤🎉

  • @kiriseraph9674
    @kiriseraph9674 Год назад

    Partly the things you said, but also because healers tend to take the blame for wipes and it can make them very bitter and cynical after a while, and because healers are usually more in demand than dps due to numbers playing them so it makes you feel like you have an engineering degree and you are invaluable or something.

  • @hussainalsunain3516
    @hussainalsunain3516 4 года назад +1

    to me i think it's kinda true to me at least but some non healers or supps are so ignorant or greedy that they dive into danger and expect us to heal them its true that we can but that means that we are risking other team members lives with their greed they might also gamble with an overtime because "we have a healer" or "do you job healer" i don't tell them how to dps so they dont have any right to tell me how to heal unless they have played as healers and did a good job keeping the team alive.
    but who am i to criticize? i am just a dude on the internet who no one actually know

  • @n0vabubble867
    @n0vabubble867 Год назад +1

    OOOOF THIS GUY really said healer is easy.

  • @futrikeiro448
    @futrikeiro448 4 года назад +1

    I like to play as a healer because I know it's an important player of the party, I like to support the others, and also the DPS role is boring sometimes.

  • @bsheepdestroyermakesstuff7222
    @bsheepdestroyermakesstuff7222 3 года назад

    (very dependent on specific game in question) i dont care how they act if they are playing support when noone else wants to and helping the team its cool

  • @rotblitzkrieg
    @rotblitzkrieg 2 года назад

    A bit late to the party, but whatevs. From personal experience, part of it comes from the healer being able to see tangible consquences of their actions vs other roles. You heal, you see you're healing. You know you're doing your part. It's harder to visually track tanking or damage dealing. So even if the others are trying their best, it's harder to see it, but a healer who's constantly healing KNOWS they're doing their job and doing it well. That can easily create a false mindset in which they are doing their job, but no one else is.

  • @Ghost3210
    @Ghost3210 5 лет назад +1

    Funny but the longer I played multiplayer and mmo the more I went from DPS to tank and controllers then to healers and support ... I don't regret it. In some games you are nearly immortal, while in others you have the hardest life in solo content. But support classes always shine in group content and MMOs once were all about group content and making connections.

  • @tddavis
    @tddavis 4 года назад +3

    Do not agree. I have played both heals and dps, dps is far easier to play except maybe twitch based pvp games. Healers get by far the most criticism, dps players are some of the most selfish and entitled players I have ever met.

  • @benzo9762
    @benzo9762 2 года назад +2

    Most of us healers aren't arrogant, we are just tired of babysitting a kid that got a hold of weapons

  • @ramilyusupov1573
    @ramilyusupov1573 Год назад

    You can compare the healer gameplay to RTS. Always manage resources, support units on different parts of the map. Sacrifice some units for others. It honestly is such a rush sometimes.

  • @raph5402
    @raph5402 2 года назад

    In the Position of Power over Life and Death in a Dungeon or Raid I tend to set my highest Priority to serve the Team as well as Possible so that everyone survives, no matter how dumb or incompetent they might be.
    But in a Healers position we can see that some people are corrupted by power once they are given any.

  • @crazy8slayer
    @crazy8slayer 3 года назад

    As a healer main in most games my problem is dps and tanks who zerg or dive way too hard and then blame me for not following them to a certain death while I'm busy keeping the rest of the group or team alive, or in mmos where u do really good as healer so ppl think "oh I'm just going to ignore all mechanics and facetank everything and the healer will save me" .... just becuz someone can play a healer well doesn't mean u get to be an idiot, also dps don't really get in PvP games that healer is always gonna have a big target on them which means if u don't help save them from ganks your whole team will most likely wipe, and to my fellow healers don't be a dick or no one will want to play with you anymore

  • @LoneKuroRaifu
    @LoneKuroRaifu Год назад

    There was one time in FFXIV where I had this really rude dps who were upset with the tank for not knowing how to use buffs. While I was not worried too much I didn't appreciate how they addressed it, because insulting someone is something that just pisses me off. So I told the dps if they kept it up, I'll just use them as a limit break increaser. Basically if they get to very critical health, if I time it right I can increase the limit break meter inch by inch by healing at the very last moment. The dps was pissed and kept complaining up till the end. I mean, I did rez them on failed attempts >:), but they were literally hanging on a thread the whole game. Win win to me.

  • @dyshexiia
    @dyshexiia 9 месяцев назад +2

    cause the dps never respect healers.

  • @gamrage
    @gamrage 2 года назад

    Player: Why didn't you rez me? (stood in red ring of death)
    Player: You're not healing us enough! (aggro'ed unnecessary adds)
    Player: Your healing sucks. (triggered a boss/arena trap)
    Tank: Seems fine to me..

  • @leofwulf268
    @leofwulf268 22 дня назад

    the healers who only ever play heal and think you do a good enough job by standing there casting like a good boi have it so wrong lmao
    like for wow every single class with healing spec is really flexible and they offer you ways to fight back and survive, but if you only focus on casting heals you're obviously gonna get nicked

  • @Cuestrupaster
    @Cuestrupaster 6 лет назад

    I think they have this attitude because almost no one wants to play as healer, well at least a couple years back, today isn't that hard to find healers... but in the past they're so rare that when you find one, you needed to do what they want in order to get his help, and a lot of people that played as healer that time saw that and started to abuse... and today we have a lot of healers across the games that play healers because exactly that...

  • @Hazeyeforseen
    @Hazeyeforseen 5 дней назад

    Because nobody likes verbal abuse on top of pressure of the game itself and lack of team support while your trying to support the team.

  • @ThaMxUp
    @ThaMxUp 3 года назад +1

    why do healers think they're so important?
    I mean I don't expect anyone to protect me or anything but like, I'm so far behind everything, there's literally no reason anyone should be even remotely uncontested to get to me, if I die, and the kill feed is totally empty basically meaning they either wriggled their way out of everone trying to kill them somehow or that they just ran through our frontlines for free and no one saw them, thought to stop them nor tell anyone and then they get mad
    OMG that tracer carried us so hard!!
    yeah sure my trans that nullified a riptier, phara rockets and a dva bomb..... so you could continue pushing the payload totally had absolutely nothing to do with it, give all the crexit to tracer
    meanwhile if you don't heal them on every frame of the game: you get flamed as if you just kicked a god damn puppy

  • @kantace5198
    @kantace5198 6 лет назад +12

    People always blame the DPS and the healers job is the easiest? Mate what are you smoking? :D. It's kinda reversed in wow. That is for sure.

  • @Rakoah
    @Rakoah 6 лет назад +2

    I'm in the same boat, I'm usually a support/healer in most games. It really says alot about our personalities as human beings!

  • @dantehellsing8807
    @dantehellsing8807 5 лет назад

    Honestly I love playing with support roles healing roles especially. No I don't expect anyone to praise me. I just enjoy being the reason the team wins because I know how to fully utilize those roles. Not because I want praise. However I also love being a tank and laughing at enemies as they hoard around me not being able to do much damage to me.

  • @Oxiid
    @Oxiid 6 лет назад

    I main Oldur and are often left with a 1v1 situation vs Croak or Shifu in wich i struggle to keep myself alive. In WoW i play as Paladin and Priest. All hell breaks loose when someone in my team are overextending and taking huge damage when i'm caught up. As a healer i'm often blamed for not being able to keep ppl up eventho they misplay their own char and don't pop Shield Wall/Counter/Counterspell/Spirit link totem in time....

  • @mattdew7285
    @mattdew7285 6 лет назад

    I play vainglory at a moderately high level, and personally don't mind if my captain/support(healer) acts a little high and mighty. Of course there are limits, but I'm more willing to tolerate criticism from my support than the other laners. Part of it is because I'm glad that they're willing to play a role that requires a lot of work and seems less rewarding. My favourite people to play with are those who immediately say, "I'll go captain," and it makes me feel more comfortable picking my DPS character knowing there's someone willingly choosing to play support

    • @XiomaroTV
      @XiomaroTV  6 лет назад

      Those are the good guys :D People who choose to play healer/tank/whatever and they pride themselves on being good at it

  • @RiotRabit
    @RiotRabit 3 года назад

    I agree with your thesis. I disagree with your reasoning.
    Edit: would explain why, but don't want to leave a wall of text.

  • @snow9123
    @snow9123 4 года назад

    I always try to play all roles to figure out how to play support roles better

  • @Reddazrael
    @Reddazrael 4 месяца назад

    I fully disagree that healing is the easiest job. There is no easy job except the one you're doing badly. If you're coasting, you're either being carried or you're OP. Against actually challenging opponents, unless everyone is putting a hell of a lot of effort into doing their respective jobs, the team's not getting anywhere. Tank not doing their job? That's a problem. Healer not doing their job? That's a problem. DPS not doing their job? That's a problem.
    The thing that sets healing apart is that the ramifications of not doing the job well are immediately apparent. DPS not doing their job means the fight is an absolute slog of a battle of attrition, but that's a relatively slow slide into failure and can easily be blamed on other factors. Healer not doing their job means TPK pretty damn fast and the blame is put squarely on them. The problem a lot of healers run into is that other players not doing their jobs properly means the healer can't do *theirs* properly because you can't outheal stupidity, and then the blame is put on the healers for that. Like sure, DPS stood there taking damage for 3 years with no attempt to dodge, but why wasn't the healer just constantly keeping their health at full???

  • @MiamiCereal
    @MiamiCereal 9 месяцев назад

    People trying to minmax every bit of content massive pulls to get to the boss 10 seconds faster. Im in a dungeon finder, not a raid static.

  • @lordtraxroy
    @lordtraxroy 10 месяцев назад

    to be honest this time its justified to hate dps because the only thing what dps is doing is just pumping damage and being sweaty also a tank is more hype than a sweaty dps because how satisfying it is when a slow tank with slow attack move can just one shot an opponents

  • @Bananenbauer123
    @Bananenbauer123 6 лет назад +1

    Whether the healer role is 'easy' is a question of perpective. Sometimes you can just stand in the back and laugh your ass off while your teammates do all the work as you heal them up using but your M1 with mercy and a few ultimates. Other times... well, you get hard focused all the f-ing time, with enemies even playing very aggressively, but your teammates not properly reacting to that aggression and unable to punish the enemy properly even if they do open up in an attempt to kill the support. SO basically it's a thing that applies to any role really, you should expect your teammates to do mistakes and cover them up so the enemy can't abuse them and make them actual mistakes. For a support that's difficult, often times other teammates are just way too busy killing things rather than protecting things, while your attention mostly lies on saving peoples' asses - issue being that in the case that the enemy does engage you, your often just gonna die because 'you're expected to stay safe'. Well no sh*t sherlock. It's a matter of attention, some people just don't feel obligated to help others out and want to rock the boat on their own.
    To summarize: Yes support is easy in it's roots, if you don't get focused, but if you face an opponent that is remotely to be taken seriously, you will be very, very easily punished and often in a crushing manner at that.

    • @XiomaroTV
      @XiomaroTV  6 лет назад

      Oh yeah, there are definitely times when it's tough to be a healer. But then the same holds true for any role, honestly.

    • @yoh9294
      @yoh9294 6 лет назад

      Yeah, though it is kind of obvious that any role is hard to master.

    • @129das
      @129das 6 лет назад

      In PvP games especially the act the healer idea is extremely high. Healers are never the easiest role in a game there may be times where you don't have to do much more often then not you are saving your teammates from their own stupidity can often not help you win but feels epic. DPS is a hard role just makes me role my eyes, If he said some DPS characters may be more difficult to master like in overwatch. And tanks just mostly have to charge in.

  • @jennywithaglock3916
    @jennywithaglock3916 5 лет назад +1

    i dont think this is applicable to overwatch, atlast in my region...

  • @michaelhand5598
    @michaelhand5598 6 лет назад

    I love healing in WoW when there's a huge team fight in warsong gulch. So fun.

  • @zekinha2971
    @zekinha2971 5 лет назад

    I never played any multiplayer games with healers so what i'll say next probably won't make sense,sorry XD
    I only played Wizard 101 and Fire emblem gamrs.
    But i'll still try.
    Maybe it's because healer can attack AND heal,they consider themselves special.
    They can do 2 things while most people can do only one,attack,but not heal.
    In wizard 101,the life class (the one that heals) is balanced.
    It is the most supportive class but also the class that deals the less damage,but they do have the 2nd highest HP out of 7 diffrent classes in that game,so they are not fragile snowflakes and can take damage better than most,but fighting too much enemies at once with barely dealing damage is a BIG problem.
    Even if they can do a decent damage with some boosts,they're still a little weak on the offense.
    For Fire emblem,characthers can learn skills.
    At least in the Fire emeblem:Heroes game,healers can do a nice damage but there is a LOT of strong offensive skills they can't learn.
    They can heal,they can learn healer exclusive skills,they can do more damage than a decent amount of other "classes",but they usually have low defenses,somewhat fragile.
    Conclusion:Every class has it's good and bad points.
    None is better than the other.
    It all depends on the situation.
    In some battles,a healer may end up almost completly useless,in other battles,maybe they will be EXTREMELY useful,it all deppends.

  • @Digdiga
    @Digdiga 3 года назад

    One time I had to pick up my Tank’s role plus healing because he doesn’t know how to agro..... Cleric in Aion

  • @humandoodleink652
    @humandoodleink652 3 года назад

    i play healer and i agree
    the reason i play healer is that oncei spent the whole game dead sooo.....

  • @coldchillin8382
    @coldchillin8382 2 года назад

    To those who think healer is the easiest job, I think it depends on the game, but healer can be very stressful as you have the lowest health in a raid, and have lots of responsibility. If the tank dies, it’s pretty much a wipe. You also have to look out for the mechanics of the fight and have to know the fight beforehand.

  • @CatOnACell
    @CatOnACell 2 года назад

    i think it is also kind of because resurrect spells and similar spells can give you the false view of all the other players being "resources" to manage like a resource management game. if that sets in to the extreme your trying to play chess without considering that the pieces your "playing with" are actually other people.
    and viewing people as resources is rewarded at very specific parts of the game, so if they are shit at literally everything else that one part they can do and chess pieces can't see the "whole" picture so why would you listen to them?
    especially in Overwatch where healers can see health through walls to better ascertain positions while for other roles it's considered an ultimate.

  • @Abionx
    @Abionx 2 года назад +1

    as someone thats plays all roles i completely disagree with you on healers being the easiest, they are by far the hardest role since your basically a baby sitter that has to clean up everyone elses messes.
    dps is such a joke of a role and i dont see how people have difficulties with it unless its like a rogue in wow where you gotta use your combo points correctly at the right time, but thats about it on any dps i can think of in wow for example being difficult, and as a tank its literately just you watching for mechanics while using cds at the right time but still not much harder then a healer.
    tbh im about at a point where im done healing, not from difficulty lvl but just the fact your underappreciated completely.
    i had too many experiences where im keeping things together and keeping the top dps alive while they sit in everything, and at the end of the encounter the whole raids sucking that persons dick due to their dps on the charts lmao, and that was only due to me keeping them up while they ignored mechanics.
    also its a little amusing to watch a raid get confused to why things arnt going so smoothely when your not around or dead due to tanks not holding aggro and the pure obliviousness that they cant do what they normally do if your not their to enable them to do whatever they were doing in the first place XD.

  • @datdeerdude5139
    @datdeerdude5139 2 года назад

    What’s your favorite support playstyle?
    My favorite characters are the ones that focus on shielding and speed buffs or anti CC

  • @Redbelt0610
    @Redbelt0610 5 лет назад

    i think i get what you mean as healing one I seen in wizard101 a few time where a life won't he people on same team and sure i done it twice myself but only because I had a bad day and someone was demanding people to heal them. 1. I just didn't heal that person 2. i wasn't have as bad a time as 1st time but hate demanding or bosses people so said i not going heal but i will summon a minion and it up to him if he heal him or not.

  • @mateuszkosior2827
    @mateuszkosior2827 Год назад

    what do you mean by "apart from raid progression" ;D lets not talk about anything else cuz lets face it nothing else is "hard" in mmos (mayby just pvp)
    and in the raids dps are responsible just for themselves while healers need to do all the stuff that dps are doing and fix every mistake any other role is making plus in the meantime do your part of dps (at least in proper difficulty where you have time limit for killing boss so called dps check)
    also i dont know nothing about healers in fps games etc but i really dont think we should put fps and mmos healers in the same bag they are just completely different things (also sry for my eng ;D)

  • @starfall9462
    @starfall9462 5 лет назад

    hmm im sry but i would have to disagree, i do play all roles, mostly damage then support then tank and i dont think the easiest role is supporting. i dont think you can even decide which role is the easiest as it all comes down to the character you are playing, i think that supports need to be much more aware of their teammates and surroundings cause they are usually squishy, tanks as well with their protective shields and abilities. dps only need to focus on enemies and surviving ( there are some exceptions with dps that arent fully focused on damage and have some deffensive or supportive abilities ).

  • @john_7000
    @john_7000 2 года назад

    Omg r so right, cuz I have seen so many of those people act high an mighty in ff14, they don't know healing is the easiest role and even though in ff14 healers are excpeted to deal damage not like other games, but it still easy like really healers just don't want anyone to criticize them which it annoying go watch the ff14 reddit for once about ppl trying to criticize healers, u see it from healers main they flip the reddit on the tanks and dps smh 🤦🤦 they think they are saint or something.

  • @user-nw7vv6em1n
    @user-nw7vv6em1n 6 лет назад

    Different from game to game but one rule of thumb is people act the same way. They just have different excuses.

  • @EIixir
    @EIixir 5 лет назад +1

    I have the feeling this attitude could be attributed to any player in any class type. It's just a'holes being a'holes.