Top Squat by Dave Draper - Nick Tumminello Testimonial

  • Опубликовано: 12 мар 2010
  • Buy your Top Squat here -

Комментарии • 17

  • @lmaorightnow
    @lmaorightnow 14 лет назад +1

    I bought the Top Squat a few years back due to a rotator cuff injury that precluded me from getting my hands back far enough to safely hold the bar. This device works fantastic and I highly recommend it even if you don't have an injury. It keeps your back and neck in the correct postion which can help avoid injuries going forward.

  • @golfprogress
    @golfprogress 14 лет назад +1

    Looks like a great product for anyone who still wants to back squat but has problems with external rotation of the shoulder

  • @OpenBorders4isengard
    @OpenBorders4isengard 7 месяцев назад

    This is exactly what I need. No matter the position I grip the barbell I always get elbow pain from squatting. I have literally tried to squat for 3 years and it always inflames my elbows, every single time. This has completely hindered my development on both squats and pull-ups as a result. I went so far as to buy a safety squat bar for $300 but it just doesn’t feel natural like traditional barbell squats do. SSBs force you to squat upright placing most of the load on your quads and basically make it impossible to lean forward. Hitting depth does not feel as obvious, I don’t feel the same “pocket” i.e. the stretch on my glutes/hamstrings at the bottom that I would normally feel immediately on a traditional barbell letting me know that I’ve hit depth.

  • @daniel213141
    @daniel213141 11 лет назад

    Just to clarify. The Top Squat is similar but not the same as the safety squat bar. The safety squat bar distributes the weight between the back and the front because of the shape of the bar. The TS allows you hold on to the bar during a back squat; as in the regular back squat, the weight on the back of your shoulders upper back.

  • @zenithstrength
    @zenithstrength 14 лет назад +1

    I agree with golf progress....I use the Top Squat with my tennis players so they can still squat while sparing the shoulders. As far as the difference between this and the safety squat bar, besides cost, the leverage is a different with the ssb. With the Top squat the weights are in line with your body similar to a regular barbell squat so it is easier to stay upright during the descent. However, since a ssb is cambered your center of gravity is thrown off and it will tend to pull you forward.

  • @hellomynameis151
    @hellomynameis151 13 лет назад

    I want to clarify the benefit,
    This bar puts the shoulder in a position on inhibition of the pecs and sub scap, and makes thoracic spine extension possible!
    Nice piece of equipment!

  • @zome53
    @zome53 8 лет назад

    Ive been using it for months, better then having the hands behind you grabbing the bar, it is good if you have shoulder problems, the squat bar is built like a Sherman tank. It is well worth the money.

  • @boxerfencer
    @boxerfencer 7 лет назад

    Nick: You suggest lifting the arms as you go down in the squat? Might that not promote back tightness to colapse (by losing the shelf) and have the bar roll off of the client?

  • @SpeedoJoe
    @SpeedoJoe 12 лет назад +1

    Can low bar squats be done with this or would the handles get in the way as it would be a couple of inches lower down the shoulder blades?

  • @ArmOfTheSphinx47
    @ArmOfTheSphinx47 14 лет назад

    Does this have any advantages/disadvantages over a Safety Squat Bar other than the cost?

  • @1aneeshsivan
    @1aneeshsivan 10 лет назад

    Excellent piece of equipment. Love mine.
    (only reason why I can do ATG free-weight squats.)
    Also get yourself a pair of decent OLY shoes and you
    will be ready to rock and roll.

  • @willashkar1758
    @willashkar1758 2 года назад

    Where can I buy this?

  • @jumpinjack6350
    @jumpinjack6350 4 года назад

    Can you do low bar squats with this?
    I ask because Noticed you have the bar high on your back.

  • @J0hnFreeman
    @J0hnFreeman 14 лет назад

    Price= 179$ plus shipping, tax, etc. Haven't found an review yet.

  • @calm_Ron
    @calm_Ron 5 лет назад

    Is it challenging your grip ?

  • @janeries9234
    @janeries9234 9 лет назад

    btw . Nick, tilting your head back during the squat, esp when in the bottom position, is not a good technique!!
    i know, you can see it all over the youtube, performed even by pros and people who claim they are physios ... including people shifting weight from heels to toes etc. etc.
    one of the simplest reasons for people doing all these haphazard ghastly 'squats' is simply incorrect position of the bar [too high] on their back/neck and insufficient flexibility of the internal rotators of the shoulders...