T-70 was really only something that was handed off the the resistance they didn't rlly adopt it it was just casted off to them and they made it work the new republic actually used the T-85 x wing
I wish we would have seen V-Wings and newer Tie's rather than revamped classics. Cool to see X-Wings and Ties again, but it felt like Disney pulled of a "One Trick Pony" on us by conveniently re-adding the classics and skipping all the other ship types that could and should have been in the movie
While I love V-Wings, I think that sticking with modernized X-Wings in this film was the right decision. We NEEDED that moment where a massive squadron of X-Wings swooped in over the water like that. Without a SINGLE WORD, that informed the audience "hey, these are the good guys, and they're here to kick ass", and probably induced nostalgiagasms in a lot those audience members who grew up on the OT. That scene wouldn't have been nearly as effective with any other ship design. Hopefully with the next two movies we get some more variety. They had to play it safe in a lot of ways with Episode VII, but now they have room to expand.
Zachary Damascus You mean the massive squadron of 12 X-Wings tops in the whole shitty movie? So 12 is now massive with modern technology but 50 wasnt a problem for ROTJ in 1983 :P
I mean, you could say the same thing about every new design that was ever introduced. Why didn't the Republic simply use Star Destroyers like the empire. No, they used a ship that looks similar but has enough differences to sell new merchandise. Why did they us ARC-170 Starfighters and not X-Wings. They look quite similar. But the changed the design a bit to sell new merchandise. Why didn't alle the Clones have the same armor? No, every legion had a different color and they even changed the helmet. The reason for that was to sell more merchandise.
Okay, does anybody else find that making the X-Wings and TIE Fighters as "multi-role" fighters in the new trilogy is just lazy writing? Even "A New Hope" has more diverse starfighters. I want to see Y-Wings, A-Wings, B-Wings, V-Wings, TIE Interceptors, and TIE Bombers! Bring them back! Just having X-Wings and TIE Fighters is.... Well, boring. Anybody else feel this way?
I mean, there WAS a disarmament treaty between the New Republic and the Empire Remnant, so from we can tell from actual treaties, I'm guessing it meant a limited tonnage in capital ships and a limited fighter wing, so it would make sense that the Republic would rather field one type of multirole fighter to kinda loop through the treaty. The first Order on the other hand, yeah that was just lazy writing
SW may have repulsor lifts and ion cannons, but the rules of logistics seem largely the same as our own. But if you'd rather have a diverse mix of fighters and have half of then down due to lack of parts instead of a more homogeneous fleet that has vastly easier logistics then that's your prerogative. Just don't get into any campaign that lasts more than a couple of battles or you'll be in a world of hurt ;)
I'm sorry but you're wrong. A Krupx MG7 proton torpedo launcher on an old x-wing had two launchers each with a magazine of 3 torpedoes each for a total of 6. reference Star Wars: the essential guide to weapons and technology by Bill Smith. It even has a diagram depicting the internal X-wing magazine.
It doesn't really matter, you can't change something that has been true in near every star wars video game because you are Disney. besides, I highly doubt that they changed that detail. If they did, how did they do it and why is my question. You're just being jerks at that point.
Sycon1224 thanks for the info, and from reading others comments, it seems the movie itself supports at least four being in the magazine and id assume the third was preloaded into each cannon
This stuff is 'old' canon, from the X-Wing and TIE Fighter video games. - The T-65 had two proton torpedo launchers, and could fire both at once, each one loading up to 3. - The T-65 had all of single, dual, and quad firing modes. - The T-65 had TWO hyper-drive systems, and BOTH had to be working in order to engage the system. Closing the S-Foils coincidentally is what linked the hyper-drive systems and gave it power. This is why having the S-Foils open increased power available for shields. - The T-65 could in theory fire its cannons with the S-Foils closed, but a safety feature ensures this does not happen as the heat from one cannon could damage the other in such close proximity. - The T-65's primary disadvantage and legitimately exploitable weakness was its monocular targeting system, meaning the projectiles from each cannon only fired directly forwards. This meant TIE Fighters in exceptionally close range were impossible to hit without angling the X-Wing, thus making the pursuit speed slower and allowing TIE fighters to sometimes escape unscathed. This problem was also present in the Z-95 Headhunter. - The T-65's had a host of reliability issues, not only was it vastly more expensive than a Y-Wing, it also frequently broke-down. The worn out appearance of the T-65 is due to the fact the techs had no time to properly clean it, as they were always ripping off panels to fix it. - The T-65 was very far from a stealthy ship, especially with the S-Foils open. I imagine the T-70 is functionally identical, but improves the reliability and cost of the design. personally, TIE Fighter best fighter :) TIE's had a modular compartment that could be fitted with tractor beam, deflector shield, concussion missiles, or.. whatever the crazy techs think up!
i do agree with you just i personally hate the design of the tie fighter as just the over all lack of visibility in the cockpit screams bad design but the modular compartment is an excellent thing to have in a a combat craft
Way late I know, but in the X-Wing novels Corran Horn had an issue with his targeting computer flickering in and out when his shields were taking fire. It was only in the simulator, but Tycho Celchu knew it was a flaw of the ship and took advantage of it. Kell Tainer did fire at least once while still in cruise mode, but again that was in a simulator.
No he just counted the launchers not the magazine, what he counted was that there where 2 proton torpedo launchers he didn't notice or what he read didn't tell him that it had 3 missles in each so you are right it has six so the t-70 has 2 more torpedoes which is ok but its a minor increase in fire power as the cargo space in an x wing has been replaced with an addition torpedo magazine so its not a huge shock but it is nice
At least Disney tried to change the "new" X-wing a little bit for the new Trilogy, in accordance with the engines and the old and original design. I still think the "new" TIE fighter is one the most lazy Star Wars designs ever: it is just the old TIE Fighter in reverse color scheme. Many negative things have been said about the prequels, especially about the acting. But I really hate how the prequels always get overlooked when it came to the great designs, that where in the movies. I really hope there will be some new and original designs in episode 8, and not just nostalgia-heavy designs.
Exactly, it's idiotic why the FO didn't just make TIE interceptors the main model, if the new TIEs were built from scratch. IMO the N-1 Starfighter is the best looking ship in the saga
It's fine. Disney just tried to change all things. Even tie defender appeared in Star Wars rebel. If the timeline is correct that Star Wars rebel is a story before 1st Death Star, I see no pt that empire needs to strike back. They should wipe out rebel easily with this technological advantage, given assault gunboat, massive non shield ties, mixture of tie avenger and a few tie defenders or even missile boats.
@Simonsaid321 they were developing the defender during rebels, also used it on a few occasions. they even used it specifically to find and hunt the rebels during the last episodes with thrawn - don´t want to spoiler more. essentially rebels ends just before the old movies, and rebels made it their issue to explain why the defenders never saw action in the olde movies. generally speaking the rebels filled plotholes all over the place, even small references that tied back into nonesense the main characters said in the 70´s movies get´s a nod. uhh also the defender was infinitely more expensive and complicated than the normal Ties.. you could also ask "why don´t all the ships have stealth technology?" cause the cyrstals are rare and it´s not economical. it´s like the B2 Bombers of the US Airforce.. or the newest F-22. Why do they still use F-18´s or Hornets? Because (one reason), it is simply to expensive to scrap all the current planes and put in the newest toys. Usually the military phases the oldest ones out, and slowly replace the old with the new. hope that helps
Can you do a video about the functions of astromech droids, and specifically their functions when inserted into starfighters. Also, do TIE fighters use droids as well or not
dragonweyr44 T60's have no place for droids. From what we see from Astromech droids, they can auto pilot, make the hyperspace calculations, and are really just a co pilot
T-60s? I was talking about the T 65 which does. And the only thing I ever saw an astromech do in any movie was beep talk to the pilot and repair some battle damage to the stablizers in New Hope
Colt Stovik This technique is called a retro burn, NASA and other space organizations burn n retro to reduce speed so that they fall out of orbit and reenter the atmosphere. The escape pods most like do this for the same reason so that when they are jettisoned they aren't stuck UN the orbit of a nearby planet but instead head toward tree surface. That's the only explanation I can think of.
@@drandysin2796 when a space shuttle comes in for a landing it's straight up falls through the atmosphere with pretty much no retro burners of any sort. Only (poorly) gliding to the other side of the world where the runway is
The T-65 didn't just have 2 photon torpedoes on board. It could carry 3 per launcher for a total of 6. The fire control you mentioned about the blasters for originated with the T-65, allowing for different firing patterns.
So exactly how do the engines work on the T-70? Looks like they took one engine, cut in half and slapped half on each upper/lower wing. So each engine get's 1/2 a *turbofan blade? How do they spin? Makes no sense.
N10 Jaing They're space fighters. Do they even use traditional turbines? All I know is, is that the T-70 looks stupid and I can see why Ralph got rid of it. I think it should have stayed as concept art.
I mean sure, you can just say "future tech" and discount it, but my philosophy is if you're going to show it, you should be able to explain it. Chopping a turbofan in half makes no sense unless they're just saying "oh well the engine needs a spinning air vortex... for cooling... so yeah... fan blades."
t 70 "turbines" are actually eletromagnetic giroscopes, they don't spin. X wings main propoltion is ionic so it doesn't need air circulating in it. t 65 also has this tecnology what you see in the engines are also eletromag girosocpes (search incredible cross sections of the t65 and look closely). how this giros work its not really explained but im guessing the play with the ships center of gravity to turn it in deep space since the engines don't allow for quick enough turns
My take on it is this - there are still 4 engines, but due to improvements in engine and materials technologies, they could make them a bit more compact, and only needed about half the thickness of the wing/s-foil, to support the laser, so by making the half-circle "intake" and scissor wings, they were able to shave off some weight.
You raise a good question! I was wondering about this, too, until I found out about a new fan type, that utilizes the same intake systems. The intake catches the air - as per usual function - but a streamlined vent uses the force/resistance created by the speed at which the ship is going to force the air back into the engine. Another idea is that it still uses fan blades but there are two, and move against each other to create the same effect, moving side-to-side. This isn't proven by any physical concept, though. I didn't design the mT-70, so I have no idea if either idea is the case. But the fact that it's possible, in that way, is enough explanation for me. Hope that helps.
The T-65 X-wings during the battle of Yavin only held a compliment of 2 proton torpedoes due to them both being short on munitions, but also that the Y-wings were meant as the primary strike force to take out the deathstar. It wasn't all they could hold, but after Gold squadron was taken out (save for Gold 7, retconned to be Gold 2) Red squadron was tasked with the trench run in a last ditch effort to take out the deathstar.
A larger shield bubble would, by definition, be weaker per square inch, than a smaller one, all else being equal - you have a power source feeding the shield generator, and having to cover a larger area means that there is less defensive energy per square inc, than if said area was smaller. Also, being that we never see an X-Wing emit a shield "bubble" effect when hit with enemy fire, which leads me to conclude that it has a form-fitting shield. The X-Wings in the attack on the first Death Star were not meant to act in a bomber role, and the Rebel Alliance, being very limited in funding, likely only outfitted them with 2 torps each...
You also forgot, along with improving shielding and coverage of laser weaponry, it also better ventilated the cooling systems boosting the fire rate and duration of a burst from the main guns, as well as improve maneuverability.
Star Wars Reading Club: Easily my favorite Starfjghter no matter what model it is, for its such an iconic vehicle, fantastic vs comparison video, it's always a pleasure to watch each upload! ; )
What's annoying is that the video explains the features of the T-70 as though it is something unique and "advanced". When the T-65 had exactly the same thing. The T-70 could be configured to carry a range of astromechs? Hello... The T-65 could carry the R2, R3, R5.... without any form of configuration changes. The T-70 had a life support system that provided atmosphere? I guess it must have been a vacuum in the T-65 cockpit, no wonder so many pilots crashed into the Death Star. They were probably blacking out from holding their breath.
Andrew Syracuse yes they should hav at least 4. In games it's 6. Y at least 4? Luke in ANH actually tried to get red leader to go for the exhaust port again. Red leader initially fired 2 n impacted the surface. So if Luke can cover red leader for a second run, it must hav at least 4.
Right, Luke made 2 runs on the trench in the original cut, but the runs were then edited together for cinematic reasons. In the cutaways in the cannon visual universe books, you can clearly see at least 4 torpedoes in the magazine, you can assume 2 more are could be loaded in the tubes.
Bottom line - they decided to go back to the original story boards and concept art that Ralph McQuarrie did in the mid 70s. The T-70 looks exactly like the X-wings in the original McQuarrie concept art. Old school Star Wars fans picked up on this immediately and it was one of the few cool things in the movie that made it somewhat palatable considering how bad JJ's crappy regurgitated plot-line was.
modernknightone you have an interesting point of few. Just because it's McQuarrie concept makes it okay. Similar to the thinking of Rebels fans. In my opinion, half-assed thinly veiled rationalizations like "it's original concept art" does not excuse, like you said, regurgitated plagiarized bullshit lol
the t-65 model had an armament of 6 proton torpedoes and the reference is in the video games and the tech manuals as well there were 3 in each launcher tube
T-65s had a a Max capacity of six proton torpedoes, not two. The T-65 had two launch ports, so naturally it could only fire up to two torpedoes at a time. Both X-WING video game and the original West End Games Star Wars ROLE-PLAYING GAME confirm this. In the WEG Rebel Sourcebook, the stats on the T-65 illustrated that there was a magazine well that sat right behind the pilots couch. This magazine well stacked the torpedoes and we're fed into the launch tubes. The illustration of the magazine well clearly showed more than just two single torpedoes.
Can you do a video on the New Republic and their military capabilities. You briefly mentioned in this video the New Republic's use of the T-70 and T-85 X-Wings. I would love to see a video talking about other Starfighter and Star Destroyer variants they used.
Awesome video as always!!! This was very interesting! Could you please do a similar video for the tie fighters of the Empire and First Order? Thanks man!!! :D
The spacing and placement of cannons on both models mean they need to be zeroed, reducing the effective attack range. The tie fighters cannons are centered meaning no zero is necessary, making he effective attack range unlimited
In the EU the T-65 towards the end of the rebellion it was recorded that the X-wing carries up to 8 proton torpedos but dues to manufacturing and availability the rebellion did not have the resources to outfit the X-wings with their full torpedo capability.
If you read the X-Wing series, and many other Star Wars (Legacy) books, you'll find that the T-65 was capable of carrying up to eight Proton Torpedoes. Additionally, the T-65 had an ejection feature an the flight suit provided a short term survivability. This meant that the Rebel Alliance and later the Republic usually made sure to have a rescue craft in the combat zone (not available during covert missions of course). This was noticeably different from the Imperial Navy which did not have ejector capability for their fighters.
U made a couple of mistakes. Both models of X-wing used astromech droids. Also, the T-65 could carry a maximum of 6 torpedoes, not 2. They were expensive so that's y Luke only had 2 when he blew up the first Death Star. LONG LIVE STAR WARS: EXPANDED UNIVERSE!!!!!!! DEATH TO THE NEW CANNON!!!!!
I just noticed... the x-wing on the right has a semi-circle engine... those WON'T work because they cannot spin around fully at all. Unless, of course, they're not supposed to.
Both X-wing variants also had ejection seats, the pilots would wear portable Mag-con belts which would capture air at ejection so the pilot could survive for up to 3 minutes in hard vacuum I believe (not sure on the time)
Might I ask what your sources are? Not trying to be mean or anything but from many source books, encyclopedias and the like that I have read and owned, the T-65 had the capacity for 6 proton torps or 8 concussion missals (since the concussion missals were supposed to be smaller). Also it was able to carry extra fuel pods and a compartment for the pilots gear. I will admit however almost all of my material is legends based. If you could clarify that for me that would be great.
They're the same but different paint scheme, and maybe the specific engine and gun models. The Spec Ops TIE, however, has some improvements, a rear-mounted turret, for example.
Empire fighters are made to be as cheap as possible, so no places for a Droid. A Droid wouldn't be needed anyway since there was no hyperdrive on TIE fighters.
The Angry General Also to assist with targeting, navigation, and things like that. The TIE fighter didn't have a Droid because it didn't need one. The TIEs purpose was to overwhelm the enemy with numbers, it didn't matter if you were accurate if there are two hundred other TIEs shooting at the same thing, someone will hit it eventually. TIEs didn't need navigation help because they couldn't go very far anyways.
Because the Empire did not equip the standard Tie fighter or Tie Advanced with hyperdrive units they had no use for an R2 unit whose primary function was to plot hyperspace jumps and aid in navigation.
I believe that there is a video explaining why TIE fighters and not TIE Defenders or other more advanced star fighters were fielded by the Empire. It's in their military doctrine. Hold on. I'll see if I can find it...
quick question. 1) why did the rebbels change their name to the resistance 2) Why do they call themselves the resitance when they actualy are the controling force and the new order is the underdog?
The Rebellion and the Resistance are two different organizations. Despite having many members in common, they fought in different fights in different eras. After the Battle of of Jakku, the Rebellion reorganized itself into the fledgling New Republic. Several years later, Leia Organa discovered the existence of the First Order and saw how the New Republic would not take action against the First Order, dismissing her claims as baseless nonsense. Leia Founded the Resistance with other like minded people to combat the First Order. Its called the "Resistance" because at the time, Leia was going against the wishes of the New Republic, "resisting" their complacency and over confidence.
I have a suggestion for a new video. As you might know, during the time of the old republic, sith empire was brought at the brink of extintion. The sith empire managed to stand its ground and regain its strenght by abolishing the xenophobic nature of its military structure and allow alien species to join its ranks. What if Palpatine was not that xenophobic and allowed alien species inside his army (maybe lowering his oprression on alien population)?
In the original X-Wing flight simulator, the T-65 could alter the 4 cannons into four different firing modes as this vid suggests only the T-70 can do. Still, there are some cool points here. I'd be interested to see the comparison between the A-Wing and the T-65 as the game I mentioned had the A-Wing with better maneuverability, missile capacity, sensor ability, and comparable shields. The only drawback was it only had two laser cannon.
here is what i would like to see but i don't expect to see in the next star wars. I want Luke to have his old T-65 X-Wing and fight alongside Po Dameron in his T-70 X-Wing against the first order, this would not only look cool it would also bring Luke back into the pilot role we now him as.
What I find interesting is that the T-70's engine turbines split in halves in attack position with their wings. The T-65 on the other hand does not split the turbines when the wings themselves split. I wonder how the T-70's turbines spin then. Are they just for venting purposes? Is there no actual turbine rotation?
I believe it was because many pilots had switched their shields to "double front", meaning no rear shields. It could also be that Vader's TIE fires more powerful bolts, than the standard TIE model - we see Luke take a direct hot to an engine, and instead of completely blowing up, like a glancing shot did to many TIEs, it only glows for a second.
Lol Astromech droids. I got a question. Did the 4 laser canons on the x wings, did they swivel at all to target a tie fighter? Cuz in all the toys and stuff I had, the wings of the x wing were wider than a tie fighter, so it would be hard to hit the fighter with more than one canon blast at a time.
the helmets look bad and uncomfortable, what ever happened to wedge Antilles? I'm hoping he will be coming back, he was the pilot not a jedi that survived 4,5 and 6, he had his own book series, rogue squadron
2:35 Only two proton torpedoes? Wow the new canon has been tweaking how things worked vs Legends. I'm used to flying an X-Wing in the simulator series in which we could have six torpedoes...
So would the Arc-170 to the X Wing be what the iPad is to an iPhone? And if so why does it not appear in any wars against the empire? It seems having a rear gunner would be much more useful than having a defenseless rear.
The ARC-170 was used by the rebels, albeit rarely. They were more expensive, and losing 1 ARC meant losing 3 pilots. Parts were rare as well. In their early years, the Empire still used ARC-170s, V-Wings and similar Republic war materials. They didn't go straight to TIEs and Star Destroyers immediately.
Okay, I’m gonna be one of “those guys.” But, you make it sound as if the T-65 did not have a hyperdrive, and that that was something new to the model in the T-70. There were several examples of the T-65 having hyperdrives in the original trilogy; the fleet evacuation from Hoth, Luke’s journey to Dagobah, the fleet assembling and attacking the second Death Star. In fact, it was insinuated that almost all Rebel Alliance fighters had hyperdrives. The only ships (that I can remember) in canon that didn’t have hyperdrives were the standard T.I.E. fighters. That was one of the things that separated Vader’s personal T.I.E. fighter from the rest of them. It supposedly did have a hyperdrive, which would explain his escape from the explosion of the first Death Star and not being captured or killed by Alliance fighters.
The T-65 carried 6 proton torpedos when fully loaded. the rebel alliance was frequently running short on proton torpedos, so they would commonly be launched with only 2. Check your facts.
The T65 was able to load 6 proton torpedos - 3 in each launcher (see the game X-Wing). This is shown on the legends wiki but not on the canon wiki. The difference seems to be simply an omission rather than a real difference as both wiki pages show the same type of launcher.
The T65 X-Wing could hold proton 3 torpedoes in each launcher - refer to the game X-Wing and its sequels. It could also carry 4 concussion missiles per launcher as an alternative.
The Incom T-65 X-Wing is the fighter that killed the Death Star. An almost perfect balance of speed, maneuverability and defensive shields makes this the fighter of choice for Rogue Squadron -- except when the mission profile disallows it. In addition of 4 blaster cannons the X-Wing can carry a number of proton torpedoes. It's powered by four fusial thrust engines and requires an on-board astromech droid for peak performance. Props to the peeps that know from where this is from.
I will admit, I hated the new -Wing look at first. Then I realized that with newer tech comes a newer look, and it started to grow on me. But I will always prefer the classic look.
I never understood the deflector shields in Star Wars. Regardless of whether it's an A-Wing or Y-Wing, on film, all star fighters seem to be destroyed after one hit. Well, unless the plot calls for the fighter to survive.
I don't know where you're getting your figures for how many torpedoes an X-Wing can carry. All sources I'm aware of state that a T-65 could carry up to 6 proton torpedoes. Each X-win at the battle of Yavin only had 2 torpedoes for 2 reasons: First, to save on wieght, and Second, because the rebellion had a very limited supply at the time, and needed every chance they could get to destroy the Death Star. They didn't want to put all their eggs in one basket, so to speak.
hey guys something just occured to me.... how come the names of these fighters resemble letters in the English language. yet Galactic Basic sounds like english, but is written much differently. so, how did they come up with those names? b-wing y-wing a-wing? am i just missing something?
I thought the T-70 was adopted because its smaller size made Hasbro's job of selling toys easier.
kichigaisensei marry me, you hilarious and logical son of a bitch!
T-70 was really only something that was handed off the the resistance they didn't rlly adopt it it was just casted off to them and they made it work the new republic actually used the T-85 x wing
That’s probably why they created it
D yuh c deed
More like the greedy bastards had to create a new Disney brand version in order to avoid paying George Lucas royalties.
I wish we would have seen V-Wings and newer Tie's rather than revamped classics.
Cool to see X-Wings and Ties again, but it felt like Disney pulled of a "One Trick Pony" on us by conveniently re-adding the classics and skipping all the other ship types that could and should have been in the movie
While I love V-Wings, I think that sticking with modernized X-Wings in this film was the right decision. We NEEDED that moment where a massive squadron of X-Wings swooped in over the water like that. Without a SINGLE WORD, that informed the audience "hey, these are the good guys, and they're here to kick ass", and probably induced nostalgiagasms in a lot those audience members who grew up on the OT. That scene wouldn't have been nearly as effective with any other ship design.
Hopefully with the next two movies we get some more variety. They had to play it safe in a lot of ways with Episode VII, but now they have room to expand.
A valid point
Zachary Damascus
They are reintroducing a revamped A-Wing, however Rian Johnson confirmed there will be new Resistance ships in TLJ.
Zachary Damascus You mean the massive squadron of 12 X-Wings tops in the whole shitty movie? So 12 is now massive with modern technology but 50 wasnt a problem for ROTJ in 1983 :P
ThePilot4ever Hit your booster! rapid fire mode engaged
You forgot the most important thing: The T-70 was introduced to push more merch!
I mean, you could say the same thing about every new design that was ever introduced. Why didn't the Republic simply use Star Destroyers like the empire. No, they used a ship that looks similar but has enough differences to sell new merchandise. Why did they us ARC-170 Starfighters and not X-Wings. They look quite similar. But the changed the design a bit to sell new merchandise. Why didn't alle the Clones have the same armor? No, every legion had a different color and they even changed the helmet. The reason for that was to sell more merchandise.
Sell e wings
Okay, does anybody else find that making the X-Wings and TIE Fighters as "multi-role" fighters in the new trilogy is just lazy writing?
Even "A New Hope" has more diverse starfighters. I want to see Y-Wings, A-Wings, B-Wings, V-Wings, TIE Interceptors, and TIE Bombers! Bring them back! Just having X-Wings and TIE Fighters is.... Well, boring.
Anybody else feel this way?
I mean, there WAS a disarmament treaty between the New Republic and the Empire Remnant, so from we can tell from actual treaties, I'm guessing it meant a limited tonnage in capital ships and a limited fighter wing, so it would make sense that the Republic would rather field one type of multirole fighter to kinda loop through the treaty. The first Order on the other hand, yeah that was just lazy writing
F-35. Over time even real world fighter air frames are designed for heavy multi-role usage now.
@@Ignisan_66 biG FaCts
SW may have repulsor lifts and ion cannons, but the rules of logistics seem largely the same as our own. But if you'd rather have a diverse mix of fighters and have half of then down due to lack of parts instead of a more homogeneous fleet that has vastly easier logistics then that's your prerogative. Just don't get into any campaign that lasts more than a couple of battles or you'll be in a world of hurt ;)
I'm sorry but you're wrong. A Krupx MG7 proton torpedo launcher on an old x-wing had two launchers each with a magazine of 3 torpedoes each for a total of 6. reference Star Wars: the essential guide to weapons and technology by Bill Smith. It even has a diagram depicting the internal X-wing magazine.
Is that still canon?
It doesn't really matter, you can't change something that has been true in near every star wars video game because you are Disney. besides, I highly doubt that they changed that detail. If they did, how did they do it and why is my question. You're just being jerks at that point.
No? No what? If you disagree, cite some evidence. I physically own the book I referenced. If Disney decided something this dumb, links please.
Sycon1224 thanks for the info, and from reading others comments, it seems the movie itself supports at least four being in the magazine and id assume the third was preloaded into each cannon
This stuff is 'old' canon, from the X-Wing and TIE Fighter video games.
- The T-65 had two proton torpedo launchers, and could fire both at once, each one loading up to 3.
- The T-65 had all of single, dual, and quad firing modes.
- The T-65 had TWO hyper-drive systems, and BOTH had to be working in order to engage the system. Closing the S-Foils coincidentally is what linked the hyper-drive systems and gave it power. This is why having the S-Foils open increased power available for shields.
- The T-65 could in theory fire its cannons with the S-Foils closed, but a safety feature ensures this does not happen as the heat from one cannon could damage the other in such close proximity.
- The T-65's primary disadvantage and legitimately exploitable weakness was its monocular targeting system, meaning the projectiles from each cannon only fired directly forwards. This meant TIE Fighters in exceptionally close range were impossible to hit without angling the X-Wing, thus making the pursuit speed slower and allowing TIE fighters to sometimes escape unscathed. This problem was also present in the Z-95 Headhunter.
- The T-65's had a host of reliability issues, not only was it vastly more expensive than a Y-Wing, it also frequently broke-down. The worn out appearance of the T-65 is due to the fact the techs had no time to properly clean it, as they were always ripping off panels to fix it.
- The T-65 was very far from a stealthy ship, especially with the S-Foils open.
I imagine the T-70 is functionally identical, but improves the reliability and cost of the design.
personally, TIE Fighter best fighter :)
TIE's had a modular compartment that could be fitted with tractor beam, deflector shield, concussion missiles, or.. whatever the crazy techs think up!
I'd personally still take an X-wing or B-Wing over a TIE variant but there's one exception: the Tie Defender is a sexy beast and I love it.
Thanks for this, I grew up with the X-wing/TIE Fighter games and was expecting to hear things that you've listed in the video. :P
i do agree with you just i personally hate the design of the tie fighter as just the over all lack of visibility in the cockpit screams bad design but the modular compartment is an excellent thing to have in a a combat craft
Way late I know, but in the X-Wing novels Corran Horn had an issue with his targeting computer flickering in and out when his shields were taking fire. It was only in the simulator, but Tycho Celchu knew it was a flaw of the ship and took advantage of it.
Kell Tainer did fire at least once while still in cruise mode, but again that was in a simulator.
This man knows his X wing well. Bravo, no need to watch the video just read this comment mates
T-65 X-wings carried 6 proton torpedoes, this is described in numerous star wars books. Has there been a lore change to reduce that number to 2?
No he just counted the launchers not the magazine, what he counted was that there where 2 proton torpedo launchers he didn't notice or what he read didn't tell him that it had 3 missles in each so you are right it has six so the t-70 has 2 more torpedoes which is ok but its a minor increase in fire power as the cargo space in an x wing has been replaced with an addition torpedo magazine so its not a huge shock but it is nice
The only time I can think of the T-65 carrying two was in the Battle of Yavin, but that was due to costs. And even then, that was just Luke's X-Wing.
I thought it was 8
The Rebels exhausted their supply of photon torpedos at Scariff.
They only had a few available for the Battle of Yavin
At least Disney tried to change the "new" X-wing a little bit for the new Trilogy, in accordance with the engines and the old and original design. I still think the "new" TIE fighter is one the most lazy Star Wars designs ever: it is just the old TIE Fighter in reverse color scheme. Many negative things have been said about the prequels, especially about the acting. But I really hate how the prequels always get overlooked when it came to the great designs, that where in the movies. I really hope there will be some new and original designs in episode 8, and not just nostalgia-heavy designs.
Exactly, it's idiotic why the FO didn't just make TIE interceptors the main model, if the new TIEs were built from scratch.
IMO the N-1 Starfighter is the best looking ship in the saga
They could've made that TIE Striker the model for the First Order star fighter.
u mean liek the naboo starfighters? personally those are my favorite in all the galaxy, oh and the b-wing
It's fine. Disney just tried to change all things. Even tie defender appeared in Star Wars rebel. If the timeline is correct that Star Wars rebel is a story before 1st Death Star, I see no pt that empire needs to strike back. They should wipe out rebel easily with this technological advantage, given assault gunboat, massive non shield ties, mixture of tie avenger and a few tie defenders or even missile boats.
@Simonsaid321 they were developing the defender during rebels, also used it on a few occasions. they even used it specifically to find and hunt the rebels during the last episodes with thrawn - don´t want to spoiler more.
essentially rebels ends just before the old movies, and rebels made it their issue to explain why the defenders never saw action in the olde movies. generally speaking the rebels filled plotholes all over the place, even small references that tied back into nonesense the main characters said in the 70´s movies get´s a nod.
uhh also the defender was infinitely more expensive and complicated than the normal Ties.. you could also ask "why don´t all the ships have stealth technology?" cause the cyrstals are rare and it´s not economical.
it´s like the B2 Bombers of the US Airforce.. or the newest F-22. Why do they still use F-18´s or Hornets? Because (one reason), it is simply to expensive to scrap all the current planes and put in the newest toys. Usually the military phases the oldest ones out, and slowly replace the old with the new.
hope that helps
Can you do a video about the functions of astromech droids, and specifically their functions when inserted into starfighters. Also, do TIE fighters use droids as well or not
dragonweyr44 T60's have no place for droids. From what we see from Astromech droids, they can auto pilot, make the hyperspace calculations, and are really just a co pilot
T-60s? I was talking about the T 65 which does. And the only thing I ever saw an astromech do in any movie was beep talk to the pilot and repair some battle damage to the stablizers in New Hope
you're not really big on star wars, are you?
I don't get into the minutia of legends or stuff like that, just what I've seen in the movies and animated shows
dragonweyr44 I meant Tie fighters not T60's lmao
So, why does it seem a lot of escape pods do a 180 turn to watch the ship? I'm guessing it's so that the can do a softer landing using the thrusters.
Yeah, plus it could help the occupants see if there's any pursuers.
Colt Stovik This technique is called a retro burn, NASA and other space organizations burn n retro to reduce speed so that they fall out of orbit and reenter the atmosphere. The escape pods most like do this for the same reason so that when they are jettisoned they aren't stuck UN the orbit of a nearby planet but instead head toward tree surface. That's the only explanation I can think of.
@@drandysin2796 when a space shuttle comes in for a landing it's straight up falls through the atmosphere with pretty much no retro burners of any sort. Only (poorly) gliding to the other side of the world where the runway is
The T-65 didn't just have 2 photon torpedoes on board. It could carry 3 per launcher for a total of 6. The fire control you mentioned about the blasters for originated with the T-65, allowing for different firing patterns.
So exactly how do the engines work on the T-70? Looks like they took one engine, cut in half and slapped half on each upper/lower wing. So each engine get's 1/2 a *turbofan blade? How do they spin? Makes no sense.
N10 Jaing
They're space fighters. Do they even use traditional turbines?
All I know is, is that the T-70 looks stupid and I can see why Ralph got rid of it. I think it should have stayed as concept art.
I mean sure, you can just say "future tech" and discount it, but my philosophy is if you're going to show it, you should be able to explain it. Chopping a turbofan in half makes no sense unless they're just saying "oh well the engine needs a spinning air vortex... for cooling... so yeah... fan blades."
t 70 "turbines" are actually eletromagnetic giroscopes, they don't spin. X wings main propoltion is ionic so it doesn't need air circulating in it. t 65 also has this tecnology what you see in the engines are also eletromag girosocpes (search incredible cross sections of the t65 and look closely).
how this giros work its not really explained but im guessing the play with the ships center of gravity to turn it in deep space since the engines don't allow for quick enough turns
My take on it is this - there are still 4 engines, but due to improvements in engine and materials technologies, they could make them a bit more compact, and only needed about half the thickness of the wing/s-foil, to support the laser, so by making the half-circle "intake" and scissor wings, they were able to shave off some weight.
You raise a good question! I was wondering about this, too, until I found out about a new fan type, that utilizes the same intake systems. The intake catches the air - as per usual function - but a streamlined vent uses the force/resistance created by the speed at which the ship is going to force the air back into the engine.
Another idea is that it still uses fan blades but there are two, and move against each other to create the same effect, moving side-to-side. This isn't proven by any physical concept, though.
I didn't design the mT-70, so I have no idea if either idea is the case. But the fact that it's possible, in that way, is enough explanation for me. Hope that helps.
The T-65 X-wings during the battle of Yavin only held a compliment of 2 proton torpedoes due to them both being short on munitions, but also that the Y-wings were meant as the primary strike force to take out the deathstar. It wasn't all they could hold, but after Gold squadron was taken out (save for Gold 7, retconned to be Gold 2) Red squadron was tasked with the trench run in a last ditch effort to take out the deathstar.
A larger shield bubble would, by definition, be weaker per square inch, than a smaller one, all else being equal - you have a power source feeding the shield generator, and having to cover a larger area means that there is less defensive energy per square inc, than if said area was smaller. Also, being that we never see an X-Wing emit a shield "bubble" effect when hit with enemy fire, which leads me to conclude that it has a form-fitting shield. The X-Wings in the attack on the first Death Star were not meant to act in a bomber role, and the Rebel Alliance, being very limited in funding, likely only outfitted them with 2 torps each...
You also forgot, along with improving shielding and coverage of laser weaponry, it also better ventilated the cooling systems boosting the fire rate and duration of a burst from the main guns, as well as improve maneuverability.
Star Wars Reading Club: Easily my favorite Starfjghter no matter what model it is, for its such an iconic vehicle, fantastic vs comparison video, it's always a pleasure to watch each upload! ; )
What's annoying is that the video explains the features of the T-70 as though it is something unique and "advanced". When the T-65 had exactly the same thing. The T-70 could be configured to carry a range of astromechs? Hello... The T-65 could carry the R2, R3, R5.... without any form of configuration changes. The T-70 had a life support system that provided atmosphere? I guess it must have been a vacuum in the T-65 cockpit, no wonder so many pilots crashed into the Death Star. They were probably blacking out from holding their breath.
I'm pretty sure the reason T-65 x wings had only 2 torpedoes was because the rebellion was poor and couldn't afford putting more in their fighters
Makes sense, the Y-Wings and Arc 170s in the Clone Wars era series were beasts.
Yeah, I was under the impression that it could hold 6 in total.
Didn't throw T-65 X-Wing hold 6 torpedos?
Andrew Syracuse yes they should hav at least 4. In games it's 6. Y at least 4? Luke in ANH actually tried to get red leader to go for the exhaust port again. Red leader initially fired 2 n impacted the surface. So if Luke can cover red leader for a second run, it must hav at least 4.
Right, Luke made 2 runs on the trench in the original cut, but the runs were then edited together for cinematic reasons.
In the cutaways in the cannon visual universe books, you can clearly see at least 4 torpedoes in the magazine, you can assume 2 more are could be loaded in the tubes.
Always loved the Xwing design. Timeless.
Bottom line - they decided to go back to the original story boards and concept art that Ralph McQuarrie did in the mid 70s. The T-70 looks exactly like the X-wings in the original McQuarrie concept art. Old school Star Wars fans picked up on this immediately and it was one of the few cool things in the movie that made it somewhat palatable considering how bad JJ's crappy regurgitated plot-line was.
modernknightone you have an interesting point of few. Just because it's McQuarrie concept makes it okay. Similar to the thinking of Rebels fans.
In my opinion, half-assed thinly veiled rationalizations like "it's original concept art" does not excuse, like you said, regurgitated plagiarized bullshit lol
There's T-85 X-Wings? Now I want to see them in the movies!
no exploitable weaknesses ? How about no tail gun?> Tailgunner saves Porkins life !
I had to recheck, the T-70 toy lacks the rear facing blaster that's in the movie. Dangit! :D I guess I'll need to customize mine. Great video!
the t-65 model had an armament of 6 proton torpedoes and the reference is in the video games and the tech manuals as well there were 3 in each launcher tube
T-65s had a a Max capacity of six proton torpedoes, not two. The T-65 had two launch ports, so naturally it could only fire up to two torpedoes at a time.
Both X-WING video game and the original West End Games Star Wars ROLE-PLAYING GAME confirm this. In the WEG Rebel Sourcebook, the stats on the T-65 illustrated that there was a magazine well that sat right behind the pilots couch. This magazine well stacked the torpedoes and we're fed into the launch tubes. The illustration of the magazine well clearly showed more than just two single torpedoes.
I always thought that the t-70 was just ugly and felt like a copout to what was a previously beautiful design
I used to love playing X-Wing vs. Tie Fighter back in the 90s!
Can you do a video on the New Republic and their military capabilities. You briefly mentioned in this video the New Republic's use of the T-70 and T-85 X-Wings. I would love to see a video talking about other Starfighter and Star Destroyer variants they used.
The force is strong with this one.
Captain Rex hello there
huh, when did they change the missle payload for the T-65 from 6 proton torps to 2?
the 2 big Differences between the T-65 and the T-70 is the 65 is canon while the 70 is non canon.
The t65 xwing could also switch its laser firing modes too. From dual, full power (all 4 canons fire at once.) And the standard rapid fire.
Awesome video as always!!!
This was very interesting!
Could you please do a similar video for the tie fighters of the Empire and First Order?
Thanks man!!! :D
The spacing and placement of cannons on both models mean they need to be zeroed, reducing the effective attack range. The tie fighters cannons are centered meaning no zero is necessary, making he effective attack range unlimited
In the EU the T-65 towards the end of the rebellion it was recorded that the X-wing carries up to 8 proton torpedos but dues to manufacturing and availability the rebellion did not have the resources to outfit the X-wings with their full torpedo capability.
If you read the X-Wing series, and many other Star Wars (Legacy) books, you'll find that the T-65 was capable of carrying up to eight Proton Torpedoes. Additionally, the T-65 had an ejection feature an the flight suit provided a short term survivability. This meant that the Rebel Alliance and later the Republic usually made sure to have a rescue craft in the combat zone (not available during covert missions of course). This was noticeably different from the Imperial Navy which did not have ejector capability for their fighters.
The Incom T-65B X-wing had room enough for 6 proton torpedoes, 2 launcher tubes with 3 rounds each. Books, comics, videogames, online specs tell so.
U made a couple of mistakes. Both models of X-wing used astromech droids. Also, the T-65 could carry a maximum of 6 torpedoes, not 2. They were expensive so that's y Luke only had 2 when he blew up the first Death Star.
Wow! What a great analysis piece!
hmmm as far as im aware the t65 had 2 torp launchers with 3 torps in each
I just noticed... the x-wing on the right has a semi-circle engine... those WON'T work because they cannot spin around fully at all. Unless, of course, they're not supposed to.
Both X-wing variants also had ejection seats, the pilots would wear portable Mag-con belts which would capture air at ejection so the pilot could survive for up to 3 minutes in hard vacuum I believe (not sure on the time)
While informative, your narration makes me cringe a bit. Not trying to be mean, just my honest opinion.
napoy17 i agree totally.
T-65 carries 6 Torpedoes. Oh dear.
I wonder if the A-wing was updated too, there's two on the teaser trailer for the new movie.
Might I ask what your sources are? Not trying to be mean or anything but from many source books, encyclopedias and the like that I have read and owned, the T-65 had the capacity for 6 proton torps or 8 concussion missals (since the concussion missals were supposed to be smaller). Also it was able to carry extra fuel pods and a compartment for the pilots gear. I will admit however almost all of my material is legends based. If you could clarify that for me that would be great.
Do another one about the first order vs imperial regular tie fighter
They're the same but different paint scheme, and maybe the specific engine and gun models.
The Spec Ops TIE, however, has some improvements, a rear-mounted turret, for example.
Starframe is differently configured, and to top it off they have shielding.
Sodding shielding on Sienar vessels. Who'd have thought?
Can somebody tell me why does the rebel Fighters always carry the R2D2 model droids and the Empire Fighters don't?
Empire fighters are made to be as cheap as possible, so no places for a Droid. A Droid wouldn't be needed anyway since there was no hyperdrive on TIE fighters.
So the droids only purpose is to control the hyperdrive?
The Angry General Also to assist with targeting, navigation, and things like that. The TIE fighter didn't have a Droid because it didn't need one. The TIEs purpose was to overwhelm the enemy with numbers, it didn't matter if you were accurate if there are two hundred other TIEs shooting at the same thing, someone will hit it eventually. TIEs didn't need navigation help because they couldn't go very far anyways.
Because the Empire did not equip the standard Tie fighter or Tie Advanced with hyperdrive units they had no use for an R2 unit whose primary function was to plot hyperspace jumps and aid in navigation.
I believe that there is a video explaining why TIE fighters and not TIE Defenders or other more advanced star fighters were fielded by the Empire. It's in their military doctrine. Hold on. I'll see if I can find it...
quick question.
1) why did the rebbels change their name to the resistance
2) Why do they call themselves the resitance when they actualy are the controling force and the new order is the underdog?
The Rebellion and the Resistance are two different organizations. Despite having many members in common, they fought in different fights in different eras.
After the Battle of of Jakku, the Rebellion reorganized itself into the fledgling New Republic.
Several years later, Leia Organa discovered the existence of the First Order and saw how the New Republic would not take action against the First Order, dismissing her claims as baseless nonsense. Leia Founded the Resistance with other like minded people to combat the First Order.
Its called the "Resistance" because at the time, Leia was going against the wishes of the New Republic, "resisting" their complacency and over confidence.
Thank you :)
I have a suggestion for a new video. As you might know, during the time of the old republic, sith empire was brought at the brink of extintion. The sith empire managed to stand its ground and regain its strenght by abolishing the xenophobic nature of its military structure and allow alien species to join its ranks. What if Palpatine was not that xenophobic and allowed alien species inside his army (maybe lowering his oprression on alien population)?
Mentioning the hyperdrive on the T-70...why, they both have them?...?
In the original X-Wing flight simulator, the T-65 could alter the 4 cannons into four different firing modes as this vid suggests only the T-70 can do. Still, there are some cool points here. I'd be interested to see the comparison between the A-Wing and the T-65 as the game I mentioned had the A-Wing with better maneuverability, missile capacity, sensor ability, and comparable shields. The only drawback was it only had two laser cannon.
What exactly was the advantage of not having the same foils in attack position? You mentioned cruising, so was it faster or something?
According to the X-Wing and TIE Fighter games the T-65 had a single, duel, and quad firing capabilities as well with their cannons.
here is what i would like to see but i don't expect to see in the next star wars. I want Luke to have his old T-65 X-Wing and fight alongside Po Dameron in his T-70 X-Wing against the first order, this would not only look cool it would also bring Luke back into the pilot role we now him as.
What I find interesting is that the T-70's engine turbines split in halves in attack position with their wings. The T-65 on the other hand does not split the turbines when the wings themselves split. I wonder how the T-70's turbines spin then. Are they just for venting purposes? Is there no actual turbine rotation?
yes there is no turbine in the engine
GREAT job as always & thanks!
How come in the deathstar trench run, the deflector shields did not seem to do anything?
I believe it was because many pilots had switched their shields to "double front", meaning no rear shields. It could also be that Vader's TIE fires more powerful bolts, than the standard TIE model - we see Luke take a direct hot to an engine, and instead of completely blowing up, like a glancing shot did to many TIEs, it only glows for a second.
question! was there a in-between model of x-wing? say the 65 hull and the 70s engines?
How does increasing the surface area make a deflector shield stronger?
Great video!
How do they stack up against the Stealth and Chase X's from legends
Lol Astromech droids.
I got a question.
Did the 4 laser canons on the x wings, did they swivel at all to target a tie fighter? Cuz in all the toys and stuff I had, the wings of the x wing were wider than a tie fighter, so it would be hard to hit the fighter with more than one canon blast at a time.
What about Poe's X-wing? What model was it, a T-70 with a black paint job, or was it a distinct model?
Didn't the 65 also have hyper drive capabilities? I mean if not how did Luke and R2 make it to Dagoba to see Yoda?
if you remember the t65's had astromechs too how else would luke have R2 helping him ?
explain how the intake turbine works given the flight profile & being split in half.
the helmets look bad and uncomfortable, what ever happened to wedge Antilles? I'm hoping he will be coming back, he was the pilot not a jedi that survived 4,5 and 6, he had his own book series, rogue squadron
2:35 Only two proton torpedoes?
Wow the new canon has been tweaking how things worked vs Legends.
I'm used to flying an X-Wing in the simulator series in which we could have six torpedoes...
The T65 X-Wing also had a Hyperdrive
Do a video on the X-83 Twintail. And how it is the best starfighter to ever appear in Star Wars ever
So if they have shields why do they explode when they get hit with the first shot?
The T-65 had 6 Torpedos. Just sain' :D
So would the Arc-170 to the X Wing be what the iPad is to an iPhone? And if so why does it not appear in any wars against the empire? It seems having a rear gunner would be much more useful than having a defenseless rear.
The ARC-170 was used by the rebels, albeit rarely. They were more expensive, and losing 1 ARC meant losing 3 pilots. Parts were rare as well. In their early years, the Empire still used ARC-170s, V-Wings and similar Republic war materials. They didn't go straight to TIEs and Star Destroyers immediately.
What about the T-65B and T-65C-a2 models?
Okay, I’m gonna be one of “those guys.” But, you make it sound as if the T-65 did not have a hyperdrive, and that that was something new to the model in the T-70. There were several examples of the T-65 having hyperdrives in the original trilogy; the fleet evacuation from Hoth, Luke’s journey to Dagobah, the fleet assembling and attacking the second Death Star. In fact, it was insinuated that almost all Rebel Alliance fighters had hyperdrives. The only ships (that I can remember) in canon that didn’t have hyperdrives were the standard T.I.E. fighters. That was one of the things that separated Vader’s personal T.I.E. fighter from the rest of them. It supposedly did have a hyperdrive, which would explain his escape from the explosion of the first Death Star and not being captured or killed by Alliance fighters.
The one thing I just realized..the T-65 wings are even with each other..the T-70 bottom wings was put more forward than the top wing!
The T-65 carried 6 proton torpedos when fully loaded. the rebel alliance was frequently running short on proton torpedos, so they would commonly be launched with only 2. Check your facts.
i dont know if this is a stupid question but do the laser cannons on star ships and fighters have power settings like laser pistols and rifles
Is there a Vid about the T-85 X-wing? If not? Please and thank you.
Were can I buy one of these
It's still awkward for me to realize that I love spec vids like this.
The T65 was able to load 6 proton torpedos - 3 in each launcher (see the game X-Wing). This is shown on the legends wiki but not on the canon wiki. The difference seems to be simply an omission rather than a real difference as both wiki pages show the same type of launcher.
The T65 X-Wing could hold proton 3 torpedoes in each launcher - refer to the game X-Wing and its sequels. It could also carry 4 concussion missiles per launcher as an alternative.
The Incom T-65 X-Wing is the fighter that killed the Death Star. An almost perfect balance of speed, maneuverability and defensive shields makes this the fighter of choice for Rogue Squadron -- except when the mission profile disallows it. In addition of 4 blaster cannons the X-Wing can carry a number of proton torpedoes. It's powered by four fusial thrust engines and requires an on-board astromech droid for peak performance.
Props to the peeps that know from where this is from.
KOELSCH best code.
Do a video on the emperor's throne room on death star 2 and all its functions.
Is there any info yet on the T-80's and T-85's?
Could you do a comparison of the Imperial and First Order Tie Fighters, and possibly include the 1st Order Spec. ops Tie Fighter as well?
I love how the guy says that increasing the firing cone is an upgrade because let's be honest here it's.
I will admit, I hated the new -Wing look at first. Then I realized that with newer tech comes a newer look, and it started to grow on me. But I will always prefer the classic look.
This video was uploaded on my birthday
T-65 had a hyperdrive and a shield generator.
Can the T-65 be up-graded to T-70 like specs? A T-65/70
Did you go to Celebration? On one of your live casts a while back you mentioned you were going. What was your thoughts on it?
I never understood the deflector shields in Star Wars. Regardless of whether it's an A-Wing or Y-Wing, on film, all star fighters seem to be destroyed after one hit. Well, unless the plot calls for the fighter to survive.
arc 170 still looks the coolest wish it would make a comback
How to deflector shields work?
did you do one on the y-wing?
I don't know where you're getting your figures for how many torpedoes an X-Wing can carry. All sources I'm aware of state that a T-65 could carry up to 6 proton torpedoes. Each X-win at the battle of Yavin only had 2 torpedoes for 2 reasons: First, to save on wieght, and Second, because the rebellion had a very limited supply at the time, and needed every chance they could get to destroy the Death Star. They didn't want to put all their eggs in one basket, so to speak.
hey guys something just occured to me.... how come the names of these fighters resemble letters in the English language. yet Galactic Basic sounds like english, but is written much differently. so, how did they come up with those names?
am i just missing something?