1. Control > Misc > Jettison cargo 2. Control > Target > Target next system in route 3. Graphics > Check resolution, border and framerate 4. Control > Flight controls > Speed 75% 5. Control > Flight miscellaneous > Supercruise
Target next system in route is a big time saver, allows you to automatically switch your target to the next system you have plotted to, handy in a multitude of situations
If you un-target the next system in route, you can just go into your nav screen and scroll to the bottom. The last entry will most likely have have a route symbol next to it in the left hand column. Just click that system and then re-target it. Or, you can set a hot-key lol.
Another tip I would offer especially if you have a hotas is to pick a button to be a "Shift" key - you can basically double your buttons and have the easiest to use set to alternate uses. Once your main stuff is mapped, then hold this button and while holding select the button for the action, now the 1 button does 2 functions, 1 normal and 1 "shifted".
I wasn't aware of this - although what I did was buy a cheap USB numpad and mount it right next to my throttle controller, so I get another 17 buttons I can map miscellaneous controls to and can also find them by touch in while in VR.
Even though I'm playing Elite for nearly 2 years now, there were 2 keybindings I didn't know of. Another keybinding that is very useful is silent running.
@@Cheesus-Sliced that was an unnecessarily mean way to say that. It's a complex game dude, we should be welcoming to people who have more to learn. I want to see more people learning to play, not assert my superiority at heat management.
There is another video called something like "what everyone knows about ED except you" It's pretty funny. A good thing to know if you forget something after leaving a station is log out while inside. Log back in and you'll be re docked. Helps to save time by not having to fly out and back in again.
Also, if you like to look around your cockpit, I would add to go into settings to remove the UI focus with headlook. Just use the number keys to look at panels if you want to. It's actually really annoying when you are flying around doing tight turns as the gforces shift your pilot around in the seat: if his gaze goes near a panel, it will flash up.
I also like to have a key bound to put me at 50% speed, which is right in the blue section. Comes in handy since the UI shifts around sometimes during combat and not being able to see if I'm in the blue part and turning slower because of it seemed annoying. The key binding helps simply putting me into that sweet blue zone without thinking. Thanks for the video btw!
For consoles I’d recommend remapping boost to “leftBumper + rightBumper”...the default setting is commonly used by most games for “back” which is used often, can’t tell you how many rebuys that caused me while landing early on. I’d also recommend remapping O or B to “0 throttle” or “+75 throttle” Great guide tho, thx.
Your suggestions were for PC K+M users. For HOTAS users, obviously you can set controls up to your limit. But for gamepad users: you can use ANY button as a modifier (shift) key. Just press both keys and release in the bindings settings menu. (This is also useful on HOTAS or keyboard for things that you want "extra confirmation" for-you're forced to hit the key chord, which you're unlikely to do accidentally. I have "rotational correction" and "jettison all" each assigned to combos with one button on the throttle, and one on the stick-it's nearly impossible to hit those together by accident!) If you want to use a button on a gamepad as a shift key, you should delete all functions assigned to the button by itself. (You _can_ leave something bound to the button by itself, but those things will happen _too_ when you use the shifted function, so not likely a good idea unless it's things you can assign to do only in different modes that never occur at the same time, like, say SRV and landings.) On console only (I think-I haven't used a gamepad on PC recently), you can then hold down the unbound key, and it will display in the HUD all sub-functions available to you. The default gamepad bindings are very good, especially on PS4 with the flight modes+sixaxis headlook, but just adding one additional shift key will let you add the three unbound commands DtEA mentioned-75% throttle, next system in route, and supercruise-with many more buttons still remaining. You can even do double-shift keys (commands with three buttons), but those are weird because it doesn't pay attention to the order you pressed things in, just the buttons that were pressed _when the first is released._ If you can deal with that, though, you'll want to set your second shift key 90° from the first (like, Y and B or X and A, or △ /○ or □ /×) and then use both together as a third "shift set"; that way, nothing will conflict, and you can press both buttons at once. (Make sure you don't have anything mapped to just those two buttons together, though!)
I had it both ways but in the end I chose to turn it off as if you want to continuesly turn in one direction you keep having to turn your mouse instead of just moving it once
im not sure if theres a default key binding for it, but id highly recommend binding a key for "select next target" for quickly cycling through all nearby ships (useful in supercruise to scan lots of ships without deselecting your target body), and also "select next hostile" if you do any combat so you can quickly locate and target the ship that is shooting at you.
good stuff, and still valid! the "next destination" button is pure gold, I fly in VR, and it's a pain retargeting after targeting random objects for other reasons. this button saves so much time!
For PS4 users, i recommend remapping or disabling L3 (clicking on the left stick). By default it switches you between standard and alternate controls and it's very easy to accidentally click it in combat and not realise that you've switched, after which you may think your controller is broken, as the alternate controls are identical to standard except for one key difference, for some reason, lateral thrusters are disabled in alternate mode (while vertical thrusters are still active) :) . Also if you don't actually remap the alternate controls to be something different to the standard controls and don't intend to use the alternate controls for any reason, you're basically wasting a useable button on the DS4 :) . (I can't remember what i remapped L3 to, but i do use it for a non-standard function :) .)
i've watched so many of your videos, but only just realised i'm not even subscribed. that has now been fixed! original point though, you are that important a resource to the ED community. keep it up mate!
@@ChozoSR388 Actually, you could, but it would be significantly more difficult. You _absolutely cannot_ accidentally do it when you don't have a keybinding for it.
Same here, to a point; I have the cargo scoop button on the base of my stick. The Jettison all cargo is on the same button, only as a shifted press, with the shift button being on the throttle quadrant, so it also requires two hands to press, making it virtually impossible to press by accident.
Great tips. I remove the ui zoom key bind (left shift) and then set shift-s to supercruise and shift-w to the multifunction supercruise/jump that's usually bound to J. And f3 to target next system.
Great tips there. I ALWAYS turn off Yaw into Roll as well. Quite why that is set to ON as default is beyond me. To me, it just feels 'off' with it turned on. (I'm on PS4 btw)
Probably set up by someone who was trained as an atmospheric pilot. Yawing into the roll is how you perform a coordinated turn in atmosphere. In vacuum it does nothing (except annoy you!)
Target next system in route! I googled where to find this and all I got was some old reddit thread where people asked for the same and no knew! And it was right there in the options!
Holy crap the supercruise keybind could have saved me so much time! I don't have landing but I have to emergency drop enough due to my horrible piloting that that will help a lot! Thank you :)
If you are ever about to over shoot a system and it's too late to avoid a loop of shame, pause and go into the controls menu. Or any menu. When you unpause your velocity will be at zero
Possible reason his resolution was resetting, is a setting on graphics card software like Geforce Experience or whatever where you can pick individual options to be chosen on a per app basis or set automatically if capable
Under Controls, 1. Make sure Miscellaneous > Jettison All Cargo is unbound, to avoid accidents. 2. Bind Targeting > Target Next System In Route for convenient exploration of systems. 3. Disagree with this. This bug is fixed, and you should always, *always set a frame limit* to not fry your card/laptop. 4. Bind Flight Throttle > Set Speed to 75% and tap it to not overshoot Supercruise targets. 5. Bind a dedicated control to Flight Miscellaneous > Supercruise to override FSD-to-target when a planet is in the way. Thank you!
Spot on! I had already done the changes, but only after trial and error, and I've been playing since launch. Very useful for new, or relatively new, players.
True , but a hotkey takes a fraction of a second...and the menu takes seconds. Significant time savings.
6 лет назад+3
I like binding throttle to 0% to scan planets standing still and scoop fuel with slower scoops. Also, some people may be happy to learn you can invert the Y axis on the SRV turret through the control options as well.
Now that I have a few hours in the game I can definitely see why there are so many keybindings available. Setting them up is almost a minigame. The problem is that you really have to play to figure out what you need to set up. Otherwise you can't possibly understand what some of the setting mean or how you might prefer them.
If you want to backup all your settings , you will find it in Appdata>Local>Frontier developments, copy those files and place them back once you reinstall the game
I put the throttle 10% more or less ( wheel up/down) in my mouse wheel, is a lot faster like that, and easy to use, especially in fight. A lot better than using a key in keyboard.
This old one Still useful for odyssey newcomers when they get flying , each key added also tutorials some aspects of supercruise travel through the solar systems . I admit.... been using 1 key targeting anything else to get supercruise to align with a blocked sector , instead of using a key, changing that tomorrow.
Keyboard and mouse player here, some of my favorite settings are: - Power priority in the mousewheel (Up for ENG, Down for WEP and mwheel click for SYS. Or up to you) - If you have mouse 4 button and mouse 5 button, I set it for throttle up 25% and throttle down - I set LEFT ALT to disable Flight Assist, and CAPS for boost. (Because boosting after/before flight assist requires you to press ALT+TAB (which is bad) ) - Shift for forward thrust, CTRL for backward thrust, Q for left thrust, E for Right thrust, and R & F for up and down. - Numpad 7 for Hyperdrive and Numpad 9 for Warpdrive. I couldn't guarantee this is the best layout people should try, in fact, I needed advice on how can I improve it. But nevertheless, I do well in CQC with this setup. Also if you have a programmable keyboard, have a function to disable windows key.
Your thrust keys are strange to me. I just put them on WASD and it works great. Throttle is on the buttons on the side of my mouse and yaw can be any two buttons on either side of the thrust cluster. You hardly need to use yaw when you can just roll and pitch up or down to change direction faster anyways
on k/m, rebind your vertical and horizontal thrusters, and set mouse movement to yaw and pitch with roll and throttle on keyboard. Also yea, set a bind for all the utilities that can be used independently of fire groups (heatsinks, chaff, ecm, shield cell banks etc)
On my HOTAS 4 throttle, the top two side buttons are weapon group and supercruise. However, when I deploy landing gear, they become up thrust, and down thrust from Alternate Flight Controls. It is one of the few "dual mapped" buttons I have.
If you like scooping cargo successfully and not smashing it on your windscreen, definitely set a hotkey for 0% throttle. Cant say how many times I've slowed down to pick up loot only for my throttle to suddenly boost me back up to speed again and destroy it.
If you are streaming and use a docking computer you can turn off the music for docking in the options sound menu so you don't get content ID by RUclips.
Jettison all cargo is useful in PvP if you get chased by pirats. Just jettison it all and get away while they are busy collecting the stuff. Sometimes they might even ask for that specifically.
i strongly suggest remapping your DS4 controls at least close to the one described in the thread posted below. it takes a little time to do, but it is worth it as Elite is all about getting your ships to do what you want. it's very intuitive, about as close to HOTAS controls as you can get, and also keeps you from boosting into walls to boot ;) forums.frontier.co.uk/showthread.php/434194-SViking-s-best-ever-DS4-controller-layout-just-got-even-better-(now-with-FA-off!)?p=6868446#post6868446
@dustisdeadbodies85 Well I use VoiceAttack, which in Demo mode gives you one free profile that sends out keybinds It's very handy for managing pips when in a dogfight "SHIELDS!" *beepbeepbeepbeep -> 4 pips to SYS "ENGINE!" *beepbeepbeepbeep -> 4 pips to ENG "WEAPONS!" *beepbeepbeepbeep -> 4 pips to WEP I could make more nuanced commands that would leave one pip in 2 while stacking one full, or 3 in one and a division of the rest but so far this works, and I still have manual operation on my HOTAS
my favorites increase refresh rate srv controls change flight assist button to toggle and set activation to mouse button srv turret disable inverted pitch srv enable pitch for flight set throttle to 75% target next system in route also FOV so turning doesn't cause you camera to be unable to see ship info (mouse and keyboard)
I've found that the image quality for fullscreen is much better than borderless window. BW will make Alt-tabbing much smoother, but at least in my experience, going fullscreen actually looks better.
I have been using "Target Next System" like since I started exploring two years ago, but "Jettison All Cargo" could be useful in certain situations. And when using a proper controller set (flight stick + throttle set), you need to use your keyboard quite rarely, in basic flight/combat anyway. There is plenty of room there for Jettison All Cargo, so that you will never press it accidentally. But only if you REALLY NEED to.
The 1 I changed was the boost button to triangle. Nothing sucks more when your inside a station trying to put your landing gear down but you boost to the back of the station...
If you hold the circle/boost button, 'til you select a direction button, nothing will happen, you'll only boost with a tap of the circle or after releasing it without pressing down (up, left or right) as well :) . I regularly activate my landing gear, cargo scoop, lights and cycle camera angles, without ever accidentally boosting into anything, but maybe that's just me :) . While not related to Elite or even the PS4 version of the game, as well as many games having many function set to wait until you release a button before they do anything, some games will let you set a different function for a tap and a long press of the same button, without any additional button combination, which i wish was used by more games... For example while Egosoft's X series in unfortunately PC exclusive (i've still put thousands of hours into the series over the years even though i'm a Playstation diehard, but i play the X games with a Logitech knockoff of a Dualshock 2 (with some secondary controls still preformed with the keyboard), but in particular i use the same button to switch between missile types and to actually fire them... With a quick type only cycling them, while a firm press fires the currently selected missile :) .
@@tanner1ie It doesn't matter if you think your holding it down, if your circle button is wearing out and you press and hold it and you think your holding it then... BAM!! You boost! So that's why I changed it lol
I never thought of that, but since my pad has always worked properly, i've never accidentally boosted... New pads even though they are a bit too dear, don't cost THAT much, but even if you're literally scraping pennies together and only buy games in sales and secondhand, you could surely either buy a third party pad, a better condition secondhand one or save the money you might have spent on two or three new games to buy a new official pad and save yourself a lot of hassle :) . (Because if your circle button is wearing out, that surely affects other games too, which either don't let you remap buttons or force you to use less than desirable alternate control schemes to get around a fixable problem. For example, i'm thinking straight away of having to use circle to shoot in Fifa, while even if you switch to PES controls, you still need circle to slide tackle, which is nearly essential in online matches when you're forced to use "tactical" defending, which barely lets you get close to attacking players :) .)
i would add to this that you should change "toggle flight assist" and "silent running" to something easier to hit than the default. the latter is more for PvP as it is often needed to spam silent running to prevent missile locks on some builds, but the former is more universal as even without a mastery of FA-off there's still a few useful tricks that can be done that would require toggling it off for a few seconds.
I'd add turning off "Firing deploys hard points" Sure it's good for quick access in a fight, but I can't tell you how many times my finger has twitched on the trigger and I've gotten a fine for deploying my hard points in a no fire zone. You have to manually retract them anyway, so why not just manually deploy them to begin with; only takes a split second.
Also when approaching a planet push the throttle button to the middle no less than 8 seconds away from the planet or you will over shoot it and have to do a 'loop of shame'
As someone who is using lower specs, if you're dancing around an average 60, the tip to set your frames to a set 60 will hopefully result to a more stable experience like it did for me.
"Make sure Jettison all cargo is not binded to anything" ah if only I've watched it just yesterday before playing... I realized I had locally illegal cargo (tobacco and whiskey) near space station I was carrying it to, and decided to sneak in. So I've reached for "Silent running" button... guess what I've pressed instead
All of these are quite basic and more-so classified as keybindings instead of settings, but that's just my personal preference. One setting I do recommend is that if you enjoy very atmospheric and immersive gameplay, especially in VR, then go into your graphics settings and turn shadows off. It may seem a bit daft at first, but for some reason turning shadows off makes the dark side of planets extremely dark (nighttime) where the ship lights and SRV lights are actually made useful. Things get very spooky in VR at a Thargoid base.
I bound jetison all cargo to a combination of Control Atl Tilde... three seperate keys hard to accidently hit, but if shit has gone sideways, I would like the ability to instantly drop everything
THE worst thing about ED is that there is no screen showing you conflict bind or which keys are already bound to something. All they show you is a very long scrolling menu.
Some interesting opinions here 'Astro! I really prefer this kind of video format where you have the camera set 'corner and semi-opaque instead of full screen at any point. Cheers!
Never put Heatsinks on a Fire group, always put them on an own keybind so you can use them all the Time.
Same with chaff and ECM, if you use those.
and off curs the Shieldcell Banks to make it complete =)
Heat sinks and shield cell banks too lol
Karl Max All the time and not accidently when out exploring.
Aren't they set to v by default?
1. Control > Misc > Jettison cargo
2. Control > Target > Target next system in route
3. Graphics > Check resolution, border and framerate
4. Control > Flight controls > Speed 75%
5. Control > Flight miscellaneous > Supercruise
Target next system in route is a big time saver, allows you to automatically switch your target to the next system you have plotted to, handy in a multitude of situations
target next system in route!!! yes thanks for bringing this correction to my attention.
If you un-target the next system in route, you can just go into your nav screen and scroll to the bottom. The last entry will most likely have have a route symbol next to it in the left hand column. Just click that system and then re-target it. Or, you can set a hot-key lol.
Another tip I would offer especially if you have a hotas is to pick a button to be a "Shift" key - you can basically double your buttons and have the easiest to use set to alternate uses. Once your main stuff is mapped, then hold this button and while holding select the button for the action, now the 1 button does 2 functions, 1 normal and 1 "shifted".
I wasn't aware of this - although what I did was buy a cheap USB numpad and mount it right next to my throttle controller, so I get another 17 buttons I can map miscellaneous controls to and can also find them by touch in while in VR.
Even though I'm playing Elite for nearly 2 years now, there were 2 keybindings I didn't know of. Another keybinding that is very useful is silent running.
if you like burning up, that is
@@RisuCurse or, alternatively, being undetectable outside 500m.
@@Cheesus-Sliced while burning alive
@@RisuCurse depends on your ship. If you arent stupid, you can run it comfortably for ages.
@@Cheesus-Sliced that was an unnecessarily mean way to say that. It's a complex game dude, we should be welcoming to people who have more to learn. I want to see more people learning to play, not assert my superiority at heat management.
There is another video called something like "what everyone knows about ED except you" It's pretty funny. A good thing to know if you forget something after leaving a station is log out while inside. Log back in and you'll be re docked. Helps to save time by not having to fly out and back in again.
Also, if you like to look around your cockpit, I would add to go into settings to remove the UI focus with headlook. Just use the number keys to look at panels if you want to. It's actually really annoying when you are flying around doing tight turns as the gforces shift your pilot around in the seat: if his gaze goes near a panel, it will flash up.
Lol controller solves this problem easily, so superior
Screen centre dot for me. Best tool for staying out of exclusion zones and getting in and out of the mailslot
I also like to have a key bound to put me at 50% speed, which is right in the blue section. Comes in handy since the UI shifts around sometimes during combat and not being able to see if I'm in the blue part and turning slower because of it seemed annoying. The key binding helps simply putting me into that sweet blue zone without thinking. Thanks for the video btw!
For consoles I’d recommend remapping boost to “leftBumper + rightBumper”...the default setting is commonly used by most games for “back” which is used often, can’t tell you how many rebuys that caused me while landing early on.
I’d also recommend remapping O or B to “0 throttle” or “+75 throttle”
Great guide tho, thx.
Damn, that’s a fine idea.
Your suggestions were for PC K+M users. For HOTAS users, obviously you can set controls up to your limit. But for gamepad users: you can use ANY button as a modifier (shift) key. Just press both keys and release in the bindings settings menu. (This is also useful on HOTAS or keyboard for things that you want "extra confirmation" for-you're forced to hit the key chord, which you're unlikely to do accidentally. I have "rotational correction" and "jettison all" each assigned to combos with one button on the throttle, and one on the stick-it's nearly impossible to hit those together by accident!)
If you want to use a button on a gamepad as a shift key, you should delete all functions assigned to the button by itself. (You _can_ leave something bound to the button by itself, but those things will happen _too_ when you use the shifted function, so not likely a good idea unless it's things you can assign to do only in different modes that never occur at the same time, like, say SRV and landings.) On console only (I think-I haven't used a gamepad on PC recently), you can then hold down the unbound key, and it will display in the HUD all sub-functions available to you. The default gamepad bindings are very good, especially on PS4 with the flight modes+sixaxis headlook, but just adding one additional shift key will let you add the three unbound commands DtEA mentioned-75% throttle, next system in route, and supercruise-with many more buttons still remaining.
You can even do double-shift keys (commands with three buttons), but those are weird because it doesn't pay attention to the order you pressed things in, just the buttons that were pressed _when the first is released._ If you can deal with that, though, you'll want to set your second shift key 90° from the first (like, Y and B or X and A, or △ /○ or □ /×) and then use both together as a third "shift set"; that way, nothing will conflict, and you can press both buttons at once. (Make sure you don't have anything mapped to just those two buttons together, though!)
Tbh, i use a hotas and i use combos all the time for almost everything. And i can use almost any key as a shift key.
@@kranik11 you can also string 3 or more keys together for one keybind.
I like binding my Select Wingman Target, some basic Fighter Commands and SCB's, Heastinks. All that good combat stuff!
For mouse users, turn on relative mouse mode, that way your ship will slowly right itself instead of having to perfectly centre your mouse every time
I had it both ways but in the end I chose to turn it off as if you want to continuesly turn in one direction you keep having to turn your mouse instead of just moving it once
im not sure if theres a default key binding for it, but id highly recommend binding a key for "select next target" for quickly cycling through all nearby ships (useful in supercruise to scan lots of ships without deselecting your target body), and also "select next hostile" if you do any combat so you can quickly locate and target the ship that is shooting at you.
4 years ago the video. I'm just starting up again after 4 decades break. Thanks for the videos, many many.
good stuff, and still valid! the "next destination" button is pure gold, I fly in VR, and it's a pain retargeting after targeting random objects for other reasons. this button saves so much time!
Good tips! 3 years and I never thought about binding those functions to anything.
For PS4 users, i recommend remapping or disabling L3 (clicking on the left stick).
By default it switches you between standard and alternate controls and it's very easy to accidentally click it in combat and not realise that you've switched, after which you may think your controller is broken, as the alternate controls are identical to standard except for one key difference, for some reason, lateral thrusters are disabled in alternate mode (while vertical thrusters are still active) :) .
Also if you don't actually remap the alternate controls to be something different to the standard controls and don't intend to use the alternate controls for any reason, you're basically wasting a useable button on the DS4 :) .
(I can't remember what i remapped L3 to, but i do use it for a non-standard function :) .)
i've watched so many of your videos, but only just realised i'm not even subscribed. that has now been fixed! original point though, you are that important a resource to the ED community. keep it up mate!
Great list Sir.
I had them all except for one of them. Getting back on track while traveling was a pain. Not anymore, so thank you.
The cargo eject I disabled it long ago just because I pressed it by accident and jettison in front of a station, which also gave me a fine :D
can't accidentally press it if it takes two hands to activate. jus' sayin'
@@ChozoSR388 Actually, you could, but it would be significantly more difficult. You _absolutely cannot_ accidentally do it when you don't have a keybinding for it.
I set my "Jettison all Cargo" to a 3 key binding which I need both hands to press so no accidentally pressing that...
Does it help when cops are scanning you and you just jettison it? But we got heatsinks for that right? Does heatsink interrupt cop scanners?
Same here, to a point; I have the cargo scoop button on the base of my stick. The Jettison all cargo is on the same button, only as a shifted press, with the shift button being on the throttle quadrant, so it also requires two hands to press, making it virtually impossible to press by accident.
Ctrl Alt Del would've worked perfectly for jettisoning cargo....too bad it's already taken by Windows lol
Thanks for the vid. I recently bought this game (
Good list! After playing for about 5 hours now, I feel smart that I already did #5 on my own. :)
Fuck!!! Only for the targeting shit I owe you a beer sir, especially for the target behind the planet. That single thing made me to subscribe :D
Great tips. I remove the ui zoom key bind (left shift) and then set shift-s to supercruise and shift-w to the multifunction supercruise/jump that's usually bound to J. And f3 to target next system.
I've started ED few month ago and changed this settings instinctively. I think they saving your sanity more then saving time))). And good content btw.
Great tips there. I ALWAYS turn off Yaw into Roll as well. Quite why that is set to ON as default is beyond me. To me, it just feels 'off' with it turned on. (I'm on PS4 btw)
Probably set up by someone who was trained as an atmospheric pilot. Yawing into the roll is how you perform a coordinated turn in atmosphere. In vacuum it does nothing (except annoy you!)
I assume for historic reasons. Older elite games only had roll, no yaw.
I've heard it's useful if you're playing with a flight stick with no yaw axis.
Target next system in route! I googled where to find this and all I got was some old reddit thread where people asked for the same and no knew! And it was right there in the options!
Very good tips, already had them all but it took me a few years of on/off tinkering to find them myself.
Holy crap the supercruise keybind could have saved me so much time! I don't have landing but I have to emergency drop enough due to my horrible piloting that that will help a lot! Thank you :)
If you are ever about to over shoot a system and it's too late to avoid a loop of shame, pause and go into the controls menu. Or any menu. When you unpause your velocity will be at zero
Possible reason his resolution was resetting, is a setting on graphics card software like Geforce Experience or whatever where you can pick individual options to be chosen on a per app basis or set automatically if capable
I also figured those out but one I was looking for was the dot crosshair setting, found in mouse widget section, very helpful!
dude! that supercruise tip is great.
Target next system is a good one, but that super-cruise binding is one that I now know I really want. thanks
New player here. Thanks for all these awesome videos!
Under Controls,
1. Make sure Miscellaneous > Jettison All Cargo is unbound, to avoid accidents.
2. Bind Targeting > Target Next System In Route for convenient exploration of systems.
3. Disagree with this. This bug is fixed, and you should always, *always set a frame limit* to not fry your card/laptop.
4. Bind Flight Throttle > Set Speed to 75% and tap it to not overshoot Supercruise targets.
5. Bind a dedicated control to Flight Miscellaneous > Supercruise to override FSD-to-target when a planet is in the way.
Thank you!
Very helpful suggestions. Thanks Dave.
Spot on! I had already done the changes, but only after trial and error, and I've been playing since launch. Very useful for new, or relatively new, players.
You can also just pull up the left panel to target the next jump. It'll be marked and on the bottom of your list.
Only if you set it to maximum range, not economical.
True , but a hotkey takes a fraction of a second...and the menu takes seconds. Significant time savings.
I like binding throttle to 0% to scan planets standing still and scoop fuel with slower scoops.
Also, some people may be happy to learn you can invert the Y axis on the SRV turret through the control options as well.
Now that I have a few hours in the game I can definitely see why there are so many keybindings available. Setting them up is almost a minigame. The problem is that you really have to play to figure out what you need to set up. Otherwise you can't possibly understand what some of the setting mean or how you might prefer them.
If you want to backup all your settings , you will find it in Appdata>Local>Frontier developments, copy those files and place them back once you reinstall the game
Another note about supercruise, if you drop into a sun you heat up a lot less if you go to supercruise first instead of jump directly.
Keep mouse binding settings in order to have center dot on the HUD, dot that shows, where extactly your ship is pointed to.
The key bindings for next system in route and super cruiser were so helpful, for my noob ass
I put the throttle 10% more or less ( wheel up/down) in my mouse wheel, is a lot faster like that, and easy to use, especially in fight. A lot better than using a key in keyboard.
Another great video!
Oh jeez.
I've had some of these settings changed for so long, i forgot they werent default
(perhaps too much Onionhead..)
This old one Still useful for odyssey newcomers when they get flying , each key added also tutorials some aspects of supercruise travel through the solar systems . I admit.... been using 1 key targeting anything else to get supercruise to align with a blocked sector , instead of using a key, changing that tomorrow.
Keyboard and mouse player here, some of my favorite settings are:
- Power priority in the mousewheel (Up for ENG, Down for WEP and mwheel click for SYS. Or up to you)
- If you have mouse 4 button and mouse 5 button, I set it for throttle up 25% and throttle down
- I set LEFT ALT to disable Flight Assist, and CAPS for boost. (Because boosting after/before flight assist requires you to press ALT+TAB (which is bad) )
- Shift for forward thrust, CTRL for backward thrust, Q for left thrust, E for Right thrust, and R & F for up and down.
- Numpad 7 for Hyperdrive and Numpad 9 for Warpdrive.
I couldn't guarantee this is the best layout people should try, in fact, I needed advice on how can I improve it.
But nevertheless, I do well in CQC with this setup.
Also if you have a programmable keyboard, have a function to disable windows key.
Your thrust keys are strange to me. I just put them on WASD and it works great. Throttle is on the buttons on the side of my mouse and yaw can be any two buttons on either side of the thrust cluster. You hardly need to use yaw when you can just roll and pitch up or down to change direction faster anyways
on k/m, rebind your vertical and horizontal thrusters, and set mouse movement to yaw and pitch with roll and throttle on keyboard. Also yea, set a bind for all the utilities that can be used independently of fire groups (heatsinks, chaff, ecm, shield cell banks etc)
You have yaw on your mouse movement? To each their own but that sounds....not good. I think roll is perfect for mouse
@@anthonygonzalez2897 roll on mouse very commonly leads to accidentally rolling, and a lot of new players lose control of their ships because of this
One more excellent video, thanks Astro
that supercruise one is what I thank you for most lol
It would be very cool to do an update on this video to include Odyssey, or simply to update the video for anything new that you have found since then.
On my HOTAS 4 throttle, the top two side buttons are weapon group and supercruise. However, when I deploy landing gear, they become up thrust, and down thrust from Alternate Flight Controls. It is one of the few "dual mapped" buttons I have.
If you like scooping cargo successfully and not smashing it on your windscreen, definitely set a hotkey for 0% throttle. Cant say how many times I've slowed down to pick up loot only for my throttle to suddenly boost me back up to speed again and destroy it.
Ah, Cool, with the supercruise. Thank you!!
The last one i need it so often because of them big stars whenever i accidentally crash in them while being alt-tabbed
If you are streaming and use a docking computer you can turn off the music for docking in the options sound menu so you don't get content ID by RUclips.
These are good tips especially the supercruise one.
Jettison all cargo is useful in PvP if you get chased by pirats. Just jettison it all and get away while they are busy collecting the stuff. Sometimes they might even ask for that specifically.
I feel oddly pleased with myself that I already did all of these years ago!
On the PS4 down arrow + O is lower landing gear. But O is boost!!!!! I learnt that one really quickly!....
Yep I'm died once in a station because of that
i strongly suggest remapping your DS4 controls at least close to the one described in the thread posted below. it takes a little time to do, but it is worth it as Elite is all about getting your ships to do what you want. it's very intuitive, about as close to HOTAS controls as you can get, and also keeps you from boosting into walls to boot ;)
Well I use VoiceAttack, which in Demo mode gives you one free profile that sends out keybinds
It's very handy for managing pips when in a dogfight
"SHIELDS!" *beepbeepbeepbeep -> 4 pips to SYS
"ENGINE!" *beepbeepbeepbeep
-> 4 pips to ENG
"WEAPONS!" *beepbeepbeepbeep
-> 4 pips to WEP
I could make more nuanced commands that would leave one pip in 2 while stacking one full, or 3 in one and a division of the rest
but so far this works, and I still have manual operation on my HOTAS
It's similar for the Xbox controller.
my favorites
increase refresh rate
srv controls change flight assist button to toggle and set activation to mouse button
srv turret disable inverted pitch
srv enable pitch for flight
set throttle to 75%
target next system in route
also FOV so turning doesn't cause you camera to be unable to see ship info
(mouse and keyboard)
I've found that the image quality for fullscreen is much better than borderless window. BW will make Alt-tabbing much smoother, but at least in my experience, going fullscreen actually looks better.
I have been using "Target Next System" like since I started exploring two years ago, but "Jettison All Cargo" could be useful in certain situations.
And when using a proper controller set (flight stick + throttle set), you need to use your keyboard quite rarely, in basic flight/combat anyway.
There is plenty of room there for Jettison All Cargo, so that you will never press it accidentally. But only if you REALLY NEED to.
01:06, targeting, target next system in route, assign a key.
The 1 I changed was the boost button to triangle. Nothing sucks more when your inside a station trying to put your landing gear down but you boost to the back of the station...
If you hold the circle/boost button, 'til you select a direction button, nothing will happen, you'll only boost with a tap of the circle or after releasing it without pressing down (up, left or right) as well :) .
I regularly activate my landing gear, cargo scoop, lights and cycle camera angles, without ever accidentally boosting into anything, but maybe that's just me :) .
While not related to Elite or even the PS4 version of the game, as well as many games having many function set to wait until you release a button before they do anything, some games will let you set a different function for a tap and a long press of the same button, without any additional button combination, which i wish was used by more games...
For example while Egosoft's X series in unfortunately PC exclusive (i've still put thousands of hours into the series over the years even though i'm a Playstation diehard, but i play the X games with a Logitech knockoff of a Dualshock 2 (with some secondary controls still preformed with the keyboard), but in particular i use the same button to switch between missile types and to actually fire them...
With a quick type only cycling them, while a firm press fires the currently selected missile :) .
@@tanner1ie It doesn't matter if you think your holding it down, if your circle button is wearing out and you press and hold it and you think your holding it then... BAM!! You boost! So that's why I changed it lol
I never thought of that, but since my pad has always worked properly, i've never accidentally boosted...
New pads even though they are a bit too dear, don't cost THAT much, but even if you're literally scraping pennies together and only buy games in sales and secondhand, you could surely either buy a third party pad, a better condition secondhand one or save the money you might have spent on two or three new games to buy a new official pad and save yourself a lot of hassle :) .
(Because if your circle button is wearing out, that surely affects other games too, which either don't let you remap buttons or force you to use less than desirable alternate control schemes to get around a fixable problem.
For example, i'm thinking straight away of having to use circle to shoot in Fifa, while even if you switch to PES controls, you still need circle to slide tackle, which is nearly essential in online matches when you're forced to use "tactical" defending, which barely lets you get close to attacking players :) .)
Excellent tips mate.
You've made me an Imperial Duke and a better pilot in about a day
i would add to this that you should change "toggle flight assist" and "silent running" to something easier to hit than the default. the latter is more for PvP as it is often needed to spam silent running to prevent missile locks on some builds, but the former is more universal as even without a mastery of FA-off there's still a few useful tricks that can be done that would require toggling it off for a few seconds.
Love your channel dude.
"Loop of shame"
Lmfao, happened to me many times in my first 10 or so hours of play. I'd like to think I've gotten used to Supercruise by now though.
I'd add turning off "Firing deploys hard points" Sure it's good for quick access in a fight, but I can't tell you how many times my finger has twitched on the trigger and I've gotten a fine for deploying my hard points in a no fire zone. You have to manually retract them anyway, so why not just manually deploy them to begin with; only takes a split second.
Also when approaching a planet push the throttle button to the middle no less than 8 seconds away from the planet or you will over shoot it and have to do a 'loop of shame'
As someone who is using lower specs, if you're dancing around an average 60, the tip to set your frames to a set 60 will hopefully result to a more stable experience like it did for me.
On landing: Override your flight controls so that w and s don't throttle or decelerate but just use thrusters.
Made my life much, much easier!
Drive assist off and there is a toggle so its always off when launching - makes the SRV driving so much better.
"Make sure Jettison all cargo is not binded to anything"
ah if only I've watched it just yesterday before playing... I realized I had locally illegal cargo (tobacco and whiskey) near space station I was carrying it to, and decided to sneak in. So I've reached for "Silent running" button... guess what I've pressed instead
You, my good sir, are exceedingly helpfull.
Over 3,000 hours in-game and still learnt something, thanks
Some great advice here that I knew nothing about even though I've been playing over a year now haha!!!
Shame that this video wasn't available earlier when i first time played Elite. I wouldn't overshoot so many times.
All of these are quite basic and more-so classified as keybindings instead of settings, but that's just my personal preference. One setting I do recommend is that if you enjoy very atmospheric and immersive gameplay, especially in VR, then go into your graphics settings and turn shadows off. It may seem a bit daft at first, but for some reason turning shadows off makes the dark side of planets extremely dark (nighttime) where the ship lights and SRV lights are actually made useful. Things get very spooky in VR at a Thargoid base.
1. unbind jettison all cargo
2. bind target next system in route
3. check display resolution
4. bind +75% throttle
5. bind direct to supercruise
This chap is worth watching. Dislike this cheat/queue jump comment.
I bound jetison all cargo to a combination of Control Atl Tilde... three seperate keys hard to accidently hit, but if shit has gone sideways, I would like the ability to instantly drop everything
Thanks this is a very helpful video.
Target next system in route. Haleluya my ship computer and I are friends again.
Ive bound the system map and galaxy map to two seperate keys. This way you dont have to go through the navigation pannel.
Keybinds for galaxy map and system map are also useful
Yep, bound my galaxy map to LAlt+m and my system map to RAlt+m.
THE worst thing about ED is that there is no screen showing you conflict bind or which keys are already bound to something. All they show you is a very long scrolling menu.
Just bought the game this video was useful
Some great info there thank you!
Any recommendations on this topic for ps4?
I dream of the day someone makes something like this but for console version
The only setting you did not go over that I use regularly is the landing throttle override.
What does that do, exactly?
Some interesting opinions here 'Astro! I really prefer this kind of video format where you have the camera set 'corner and semi-opaque instead of full screen at any point. Cheers!
Also mandatory is editing the config file to make FOV a bit larger.
Is he looking in the screen ? Or looking with one eye to the left and the other eye to the right im confused …. 😅
thank you as always