Dragons and Metal with Matt Heafy | Drinks With Johnny #88

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 321

  • @wmxx2000
    @wmxx2000 3 года назад +298

    We need the triple Matt Tour. M. Shadows of A7X, Matt Heafy of Trivium and Matt Tuck of Bullet.

    • @rivaltriramadhan7159
      @rivaltriramadhan7159 3 года назад +18

      Triple Matt Deluxe

    • @Under-Kaoz
      @Under-Kaoz 3 года назад +5

      Hell no that would be horrible. I loved seeing avenged get booed out of Ozzfest. Shadows is horrible, and the whole band is so poppy.

    • @vaggos7722
      @vaggos7722 3 года назад +3

      Best tour ever 🤘🏻

    • @mattmcsherry761
      @mattmcsherry761 3 года назад +37

      @@Under-Kaoz Yeah, The Stage is such a poppy album...
      Give me a fucking break. Avenged is dope but people just can't seem to grasp that.

    • @griffbloodax1005
      @griffbloodax1005 3 года назад +8

      Don't forget Matt Belamey of Muse just to make it a really weird concert xD

  • @homebrew1709
    @homebrew1709 3 года назад +30

    One of the reasons that the last 3 Trivium albums are universally liked - as Matt puts it - is that Alex Bent’s drumming is so freaking good. He’s the drummer that Trivium has needed since Travis left.

  • @juanjoramirez01
    @juanjoramirez01 3 года назад +225

    The Big 4 of Metalcore is definitely A7X, BFMV, KSE and Trivium

    • @Danilo-h5u
      @Danilo-h5u 3 года назад +34

      The last metalcore album by A7X was "Waking The Fallen" (2003), they definitely isn't a metalcore band.
      BFMV made 2 metalcore albuns, "The Poison" and "Scream,aim and fire" , after that maybe "Venom" has some metalcore vibes.
      Trivium did "Ember to inferno" and "Ascendency" sounding like metalcore.
      KSE is metalcore.
      I agree with your list , but like The Big 4 of "Modern" Metal .

    • @tylerrhoton9848
      @tylerrhoton9848 3 года назад +9

      Swap BFMV for ATR!

    • @Chaos46992
      @Chaos46992 3 года назад +1

      who the hell is bfmv and Kse?

    • @sammypenny4510
      @sammypenny4510 3 года назад +7

      @@Chaos46992 Bullet For My Valentine and Killswitch Engage

    • @revand7346
      @revand7346 3 года назад

      @@tylerrhoton9848 you mean Atari Teenage Riot?

  • @sabertooth7308
    @sabertooth7308 3 года назад +120

    This is a dream come true.. Im a die hard A7X and Trivium fan. O my godddd

  • @SoundRayStudio1
    @SoundRayStudio1 3 года назад +143

    This channel is underrated. So surprised this doesn't get millions of views.

    • @Duct_Tape_Boyz
      @Duct_Tape_Boyz 3 года назад +4

      It's kinda nice flying under the radar though but I get what you mean 😎👍

    • @rowdystaudi
      @rowdystaudi 3 года назад +1

      for real. its such a damn good show

      @TheVANITYKILLJOY 3 года назад

      Fr just looked at the videos most don’t even reach 2k

    • @JokerCat9
      @JokerCat9 3 года назад +2

      Give it time

    • @mattsolegod
      @mattsolegod 3 года назад +4

      It’s cuz he’s the bass player 😂

  • @russell4625
    @russell4625 3 месяца назад +1

    It's so cool listening to Matt talk about his early influences while I'm watching two people who are a part of 2 of the biggest influences that got me into playing music. That Waking the Fallen/Ascendancy era was perfect

  • @17xfan
    @17xfan 3 года назад +44

    Avenged, Trivium, Bullet, and Slipknot for me

    • @Th3brandon
      @Th3brandon 3 года назад +2

      Add Atreyu to that list and it’s solid

    • @SuperAfrolex
      @SuperAfrolex 3 года назад +8

      Slipknot wouldn't have been the same, you put slipknot with guys like Korn and Linkin Park, the 4th band should be Killswitch I think

    • @sammypenny4510
      @sammypenny4510 3 года назад +2

      @@Th3brandon Disturbed maybe?

    • @ilhampratama7539
      @ilhampratama7539 8 месяцев назад

      Absolutely me either

  • @beyondthewallsparanormal
    @beyondthewallsparanormal 3 года назад +24

    God Matt has one hell of a soothing voice. I want him to read me some bedtime stories.

    • @TheHandofChiron
      @TheHandofChiron 2 года назад +4

      I know they started out doing Metallica covers in the early days but does anyone else get hetfield vibes from his speaking voice? Totally agree. If the music thing stops working he either has a podcast/ radio voice or a job doing novel voiceovers. I can listen to these two legends all day.

    • @michaelmurdoch2087
      @michaelmurdoch2087 2 года назад +2

      @@TheHandofChiron Yep, like a younger James Hetfield lol

  • @Kalebsweeten
    @Kalebsweeten 3 года назад +8

    Dude this is the dream team here. All I want is a A7X/Trivium tour!

  • @SentientPickle
    @SentientPickle 2 года назад +6

    Matt Heafy is a really good interviewee. I think a lot of that comes from his comfort on the mic from fronting the band and also a big part from having done his Twitch stream for years now. Just absolute confidence and no awkwardness.

  • @EricJaegerMusic
    @EricJaegerMusic 3 года назад +30

    Avenged Sevenfold, Trivium, Bullet, and Avatar would be so sickkkkk!!! For a tour. Please make that happen

  • @a7xmaniac088
    @a7xmaniac088 3 года назад +52

    This convo was soooooo natural and smooth. It really felt like you guys were at a bar and just catching up. You are getting better and better every episode my man. Keep it up 🤘

  • @eyeseaurn
    @eyeseaurn Год назад +1

    13:53 I think there's no need for a 4th band. Let's keep it big three, wherein each frontman's name happens to be Matthew. This not a bug, it's a feature.
    Also, having a fourth band on tour means less live music from Trivium, Ax7, and Bullet For My Valentine.
    2025 is kind of a perfect time to launch this mega tour as Ascendancy, City of Evil, and The Poison all turn 20 that year. It was indeed these records that have put all thee bands on the map of modern heavy metal.

  • @zachrizzo6525
    @zachrizzo6525 2 года назад +2

    10 records thru 18 years is absolutely incredible for this day and age. Trivium continues to be legendary

  • @Rgemma1019
    @Rgemma1019 2 года назад +1

    Trivium, A7X, Bullet, and As I Lay Dying tour!

  • @ninjaha777
    @ninjaha777 3 года назад +6

    Back then, the soundtrack of my life was : Avenged Sevenfold, Trivium, Atreyu, Bullet for my Valentine. Love you guys !

  • @rowdystaudi
    @rowdystaudi 3 года назад +22

    Holy $%#@ Matt, that new Trivium album is SO DAMN GOOD!!!!
    great episode yall, lets see A7X & Trivium team up/tour!

  • @Duct_Tape_Boyz
    @Duct_Tape_Boyz 3 года назад +36

    Avenged , Trivium , Bullet ,an Killswitch was my Big Modern 4 incase you were taking votes 🗳 🤘😉

    • @centralia83
      @centralia83 3 года назад

      That’s what I would say for modern metal. But the big 4 of metalcore are as I lay dying, killswitch engage, August burns red , and parkway drive

    • @Duct_Tape_Boyz
      @Duct_Tape_Boyz 3 года назад

      @@centralia83 As I Lay Dying fuckyes! Dude I totally forgot about them for some dumb reason 🤦‍♂️🤘Parkway Drive puts on a live show like no other but to be honest I got into them super late so that's the only reason why I left them off my list.

  • @hellrazor67
    @hellrazor67 3 года назад +13

    Fantastic interview. Matt Heafy and Trivium released one of their best albums. I listen to 'In The Court Of The Dragon' a few times a day since it's release and it gets better and better with each listen.

  • @SpawntheFuries
    @SpawntheFuries 3 года назад +9

    Big 4 tour, Trivium, Avenged Sevenfold, Bullet For My Valentine and Killswitch Engage. It's gotta happen now

  • @codemang7010
    @codemang7010 3 года назад +9

    Love the new album! Lil 4 idea. Trivium, Avenged Sevenfold, Lamb of God, Mastodon...? but Unearth though and Shadows Fall...fft...Fun Fact; I was watching the Metallica Cliff 'Em All dvd and the show from the Four Horsemen was in Germany on Paulo's birthday. Love you too Johnny. You guys are two of my bass heroes of our generation of metal. I'm not mental or anything.

    • @Minecol5
      @Minecol5 3 года назад

      5 of my favorite bands. Just haven’t gotten very into Mastadon. Still heard some of their songs. Another great band

    • @Crysta1Pisto1
      @Crysta1Pisto1 3 года назад

      @@Minecol5 strong recommend my man. I grew up listening to A7X so my love is deep but Mastodon is my definite favorite band. Extremely diverse

  • @giada7x
    @giada7x 3 года назад +16

    Best episode so far! Glad to finally see Heafy joining DWJ! :)

  • @joshuasill1141
    @joshuasill1141 2 года назад +4

    What is always amazing to me is as I dig deeper into music and the histories of my favorite bands is how much they all influenced each other. All the stories of Nikki Sixx hanging with Slash, Izzy, Duff, and Steve Adler before G&R made it big, making fun of those guys from San Fran (who turned out to be Metallica) because they didn't fit in with the L.A. scene, or hearing how Good Charlotte helped A7X, or how Matt H. and Jake Pitts of Black Veil Brides saying how A7X was there inspiration is truly amazing.

  • @brandonweiss8364
    @brandonweiss8364 3 года назад +4

    Just realized A7X, Trivium, and Bullet are fronted by Matt Sanders, Matt Heafy, and Matt Tuck. Omg

  • @musikinspektorcom
    @musikinspektorcom 3 года назад +2

    Really diggin this. A cool, natural mix of all topics, professional Metal musicians, friends and dads basically like to talk about.

  • @burialofficial8913
    @burialofficial8913 3 года назад +7

    avenged sevenfold, trivium, and bullet for my valentine definitely i believe were the next big thing for a while

  • @Grimeyhoob
    @Grimeyhoob 3 года назад +18

    Great interview guys. Can I suggest a split album between Avenged and Trivium with you guys covering each others songs?
    And if you do a big 3 of metalcore - it’s got to be Avenged Sevenfold, Trivium and Killswitch Engage.
    Love both Avenged and Trivium - you guys have matured so much in your sound and songwriting. Amazing to hear Matt talk about seeing Avenged live during the waking the fallen cycle - that’s how I discovered them as well. I was happy to hear guitar solos and proper heavy metal in a new band when I heard avenged sevenfold for the first time - after the whole Nu metal era of shunning guitars.
    You guys were all pioneers and it’s awesome to see you guys as friends now.

    • @DetectiveConack
      @DetectiveConack 3 года назад +3

      I'd pay to see them swap covers of Save Me and Shogun.

  • @thatoneguynooneknows6310
    @thatoneguynooneknows6310 3 года назад +3

    This is so awesome I would love to see you guys on tour my 2 favorite bands by Far

  • @clismanmonteiro7967
    @clismanmonteiro7967 2 года назад +2

    Awesome interview!
    Matt it's a incredible musician and a person so down to earth...and I love the fact he's doing brazilian JJ, eat feijoada and drank some of caipirinha! That's sick.
    Jhonny, brazilian fans are NUTS! haha and come back to brazil soon as possible guys.

  • @nickshepley2566
    @nickshepley2566 3 года назад +4

    Johnny is right, the dust is settling on Apple Music for ITCOTD album 💿

  • @BETjurassicAN
    @BETjurassicAN 3 года назад +5

    Would love hear Matt Heafy's version of a Doom soundtrack. My favorite metal band doing music for my favorite fps, let's go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • @tipsyarcade
    @tipsyarcade 2 года назад +1

    that court of the dragon is so good its probably one of the best albums out this year and one of the best trivium albums. from their production to the lyrics matts voice guitar ,drums all of it front to back so amazing start to finish

  • @mundanemorselsmundanemorse7028
    @mundanemorselsmundanemorse7028 2 года назад +1

    Ascendancy is still in my top 10 metal albums. Bangers from beginning to end. Very catchy riffs and cleans.

  • @gaugev2
    @gaugev2 Год назад +1

    A7X, Trivium, BFMV and Killswitch. BOOK IT!!!

  • @loganpriest6029
    @loganpriest6029 2 года назад

    That's pretty awesome how Heafy was there at the early avenged shows as a fan and for him to say their first 2 albums were his life back then. Ultimate compliment and pretty badass man

  • @NC-cf7kl
    @NC-cf7kl 2 года назад +2

    Id love to see Mike Shinoda on here, the two bands haven’t had much of a public friendship but I’ve seen them play once and Shadows and Syn came out during the Chester tribute so itd be cool to hear more about that show

  • @dustinlouis1543
    @dustinlouis1543 Год назад

    Modern big 4 A7X , Trivium , Bullet, and Killswitch !! That would be one epic show

  • @emmanueltamayo9821
    @emmanueltamayo9821 3 года назад +2

    First time I watch one of these in a while. Love both these bands so much.
    Also, Johnny’s drinking a big wave 🤟🏼🤟🏼

  • @LastPancake
    @LastPancake 3 года назад +3

    Dont need a 4th band for the lineup, that tour itself is the Matt's of metal tour for sure

  • @NeoHinox
    @NeoHinox 3 года назад +27

    Best Trivium album so far. For me this masterpiece is close to the level of the legendary Master of Puppets

    • @smfknj6010
      @smfknj6010 3 года назад +2

      Dude same

    • @HarptoHeart69
      @HarptoHeart69 3 года назад +1

      Man, that's a bold statement. It's a great album but not on that level.

    • @TreemanMikeheals
      @TreemanMikeheals 3 года назад +2

      Absolutely up there with master of puppets.

    • @alexlopez2995
      @alexlopez2995 3 года назад +6

      Easily their best album. Shogun was great and I know thats everyones favorite but ITCOTD (long ass album title) is absolutely incredible and leagues ahead of Shogun.

    • @sammypenny4510
      @sammypenny4510 3 года назад

      @@alexlopez2995 idk man

  • @SS-dm5iy
    @SS-dm5iy 3 года назад +6

    You definitely should do a Big 4 of the 2000s.
    Avenged Sevenfold
    Killswitch Engage
    That would probably be the best show of all time. Everyone do 1:45 setlists and rotate headliners every tour stop. Would absolutely love to see Trivium headline a tour stop like that.

    • @andreschavez9671
      @andreschavez9671 3 года назад +1

      That would be fucking awesome

    • @SS-dm5iy
      @SS-dm5iy 3 года назад +2

      @@andreschavez9671 I know, we just need Johnny and Matt to get to work on it. Would be the tour of a decade for metal.

    • @centralia83
      @centralia83 3 года назад

      Slipknot is part of the 90’s generation not the 2000’s. Switch them with bullet for my valentine then it makes sense. Slipknot, korn, tool, and SOAD is the big 4 that came out of the 90’s

    • @SS-dm5iy
      @SS-dm5iy 3 года назад

      @@centralia83 Wasn't their first album in 1999? I don't know, I would definitely say they belong because they had a huge run in early 2000s.

    • @SS-dm5iy
      @SS-dm5iy 3 года назад +1

      @@centralia83 Also Slipknot would just flat out represent better IMO than Bullet.

  • @smfknj6010
    @smfknj6010 3 года назад +2

    Johnny is the MAN!!

  • @dryker7085
    @dryker7085 Год назад +1

    This is an old video, but the tour they’r suggesting still hasn’t happened yet, right? So, with regards to that, how wasn’t Lamb of God brought up? They may have formed 5 years before Trivium, but they were a different genre with a different name. Lamb of God started in ‘99, same as Trivium. Matt even mentions Randy in the video. Killswitch could be good, too.

  • @thekiddo115
    @thekiddo115 Год назад

    Late to watching this but this was a great interview between two very talented individuals, I love this.

  • @BookofJohn3V8
    @BookofJohn3V8 3 года назад

    Omigosh all my favorite bands in one show!!!!

  • @jjc1797
    @jjc1797 3 года назад +7

    A7X and Trivium should record songs for Doom with the Matt’s featuring for each other that’d be fucking insane

    • @Minecol5
      @Minecol5 3 года назад +1

      Yeah, that’d be fantastic

  • @MikaTheNerd
    @MikaTheNerd 2 года назад

    I love the vibes. Old friends touching base

  • @Marc-xo2rx
    @Marc-xo2rx 3 года назад +2

    I'm a huge A7X fan ! My second favorite band is SUM 41. Criminally underated band ! they are so talented ! They are very Metallica inspired with punk herritage. so they would in the top 4 for me

  • @petehorrorwood
    @petehorrorwood 3 года назад +7

    Would love to see spencer charnas from ice nine kills make an appearance on the podcast would be cool to see since your both horror fans!

  • @BiserMiodragov
    @BiserMiodragov 3 года назад

    A Big Four of this timeline including A7X, Trivium and Bullet will be childhood dream. All my Fav Bands

  • @johnnyhellkite6347
    @johnnyhellkite6347 2 года назад

    You guys plus bullet and killswitch engage 🤘🤘🤘🤘

  • @kylestahlman8013
    @kylestahlman8013 3 года назад +1

    One of the best DWJ can’t wait to see them play together again

  • @jonthenamelessproject99
    @jonthenamelessproject99 3 года назад +10

    On the topic of the modern big 4, I'd say it's Trivium, Avenged Sevenfold and as for the other two, I know Bullet For My Valentine was said but I think Killswitch Engage and Parkway Drive would fit in better, each band has similarities but unique sounds which I think would complement each other very well

    • @andysixxlett2632
      @andysixxlett2632 2 года назад

      Mmmmmm….. big 4 of modern thrash or like big 4 of metalcore or just modern metal in general? That’s kinda a bold statement to make

    • @jonthenamelessproject99
      @jonthenamelessproject99 2 года назад

      @@andysixxlett2632 six months later… I’ve come to disagree with myself haha, I’d class what I mention there as the Big 4 of Metalcore now
      I don’t even think there can be a big 4 of Metal in general in this day and age because there’s so much variety nowadays that picking 4 bands won’t do the genre justice like it did back in 80s / 90s

  • @Scott.Byrnes
    @Scott.Byrnes 3 года назад

    Great show. I'm a huge fan of both bands. So it was great to see these two talk. If you aren't watching Matt on Twitch. give it a try. He always puts on a great show.

  • @jerrynations6176
    @jerrynations6176 Год назад

    Are those “Mothers” beer taps in the background?

  • @sneakysniper8278
    @sneakysniper8278 3 года назад +1

    This was so freaking cool dude!! Thanks for doing these Johnny!

  • @Zimx02
    @Zimx02 2 года назад

    I'm really jealous listening to Matt talk about how he saw Waking the Fallen A7x and was at the front.

  • @LostInReverence
    @LostInReverence 3 года назад +4

    How cool would it be if Avenged Sevenfold and Trivium did a collaboration album? I, for one, would be down with that in a heartbeat! 🤘🏻

  • @Evan-qv1xj
    @Evan-qv1xj 2 года назад

    A7X, Trivium, Bullet, Architects

  • @K1ngK0ng15
    @K1ngK0ng15 3 года назад

    Big 4 for me would be A7X, TRIVIUM, BFMV AND ATREYU. I mean it makes sense too because they all came up together around the same time and are really good friends with one another. That tour would be sick and unforgettable! I remember back 2012 I made a fake tour poster of the big 4. It had all the bands I listed. I remember taste of chaos 08… was the best time!

  • @xtrvm5659
    @xtrvm5659 3 года назад

    At minute 13:50, I would kill to see this “Big 4” in Winnipeg Manitoba👌🏿
    Avenged Sevenfold, Trivium, Bullet for my Valentine and Breaking Benjamin👌🏿 when the 3 came couple years ago I went to go see and I’d love to see you guys again

  • @cutesywootsey
    @cutesywootsey 3 года назад

    Thanks a whole munch for another great episode, Johnny 👑💎👑😇 and Matt Heafy is awesome 💜💯

  • @TheMetalMixtape
    @TheMetalMixtape 3 года назад

    2 of my heroes - My 2 favorite bands

  • @TonyMcCrea
    @TonyMcCrea 3 года назад +4

    So what's that Matt Heafy's, uhh... Aburaki record? Haven't heard of it anywhere. I was waiting on Heafy's X Ishahn Mrityu project for like 9 years or so. Ever since he mentioned it around In Waves era I was stoked to hear it. Matt Heafy would freaking KILL it on a black metal record.

    • @joshfowler6650
      @joshfowler6650 3 года назад

      He changed the name from Mrityu to Ibaraki its the same project with Ishahn just a name change

    • @TonyMcCrea
      @TonyMcCrea 3 года назад

      @@joshfowler6650 Ahh, I see. Thank you!

    • @joshfowler6650
      @joshfowler6650 3 года назад

      @@TonyMcCrea No problem!

  • @MattRhodes_Music
    @MattRhodes_Music 3 года назад

    A7X, Trivium, Bullet, As I Lay Dying (or KsE)

  • @Duct_Tape_Boyz
    @Duct_Tape_Boyz 3 года назад

    Such a rad dude. So freakin smart too. The way he broke down the Twitch thing. I'm like you Johnny old school lol I'm 40. But anyways killer conversation as always. 🤘😎👍

  • @helco2856
    @helco2856 3 года назад +5

    Dude I've had that modern big 4 thought before, it's dope that it got brought up here. My modern day big 4 would be avenged sevenfold, trivium, bullet, and I forget the last band. It would be a sick tour though

    • @helco2856
      @helco2856 3 года назад

      May be system of a down

    • @PootiPenguin
      @PootiPenguin 3 года назад +2


    • @helco2856
      @helco2856 3 года назад

      @@PootiPenguin yessssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • @agengnugroho6075
      @agengnugroho6075 3 года назад

      What about As I Lay Dying ?

    • @helco2856
      @helco2856 3 года назад

      @@agengnugroho6075 gojira is a better fit for the bill to be honest with you there.

  • @Oyea34
    @Oyea34 3 года назад

    My two favorite people in one place

  • @H3llboundHero
    @H3llboundHero 3 года назад

    A7X, Trivium, BFMV and Disturbed would be an awesome tour

  • @MetalBaller83
    @MetalBaller83 Год назад

    We ABSOLUTELY need a current big 4 show. Here are my picks:
    • Trivium
    • Avenged Sevenfold
    • Lamb of God
    • Slipknot
    With special guests:
    • Any Given Day
    • Bullet For My Valentine
    • Volbeat
    I would have included Children of Bodom if it were possible.

  • @weird_cds8206
    @weird_cds8206 3 года назад

    Just a freaking beast of a new Album! I love it!

  • @KHALID47
    @KHALID47 2 года назад

    avenged,trivium,bullet,gojira is my big 4

  • @TriviumMarv
    @TriviumMarv 3 года назад

    Goooooood one

  • @makcdimehin7783
    @makcdimehin7783 2 года назад

    Avenged Sevenfold, Trivium, Bullet for my Valentine, Lamb of God.

  • @kaiguz26
    @kaiguz26 3 года назад

    Thanks for the entertainment

  • @boatymcboatface4865
    @boatymcboatface4865 3 года назад +3

    Great interview, and Matt is just cool as shit.

  • @elliotbeard4768
    @elliotbeard4768 3 года назад +1

    Please please come to idaho if u tour

  • @Grimeyhoob
    @Grimeyhoob 3 года назад

    Great interview subject - looking forward to this one.

  • @DoShawn
    @DoShawn 3 года назад

    Trivium, A7X, Bullet and As I Lay Dying is my dream

  • @jonatasjoao857
    @jonatasjoao857 3 года назад +1

    I'd love to see Trivium and A7X at the same festival

  • @sr.duarte9438
    @sr.duarte9438 Год назад

    Caraca, o Matt pronuncia português MUITO bem! Que legal!

  • @DoobieKeebler28
    @DoobieKeebler28 2 года назад

    Avenged Sevenfold, Trivium, Atreyu, Bullet for my Valentine... I'd pay good money to see that concert.

  • @stevengordon9990
    @stevengordon9990 2 года назад

    Matt, Matt & Matt. Is there a 4th big metal band where thr lead singer is called Matt?

  • @afiqdahlan7949
    @afiqdahlan7949 3 года назад

    A7X, Trivium, BFMV & KSE (with both Jesse & Howard) would be dope!

  • @RobbieFitzgerald
    @RobbieFitzgerald 3 года назад

    Great chat but why the hell is Matts video so blurry?

  • @Troxa1337
    @Troxa1337 2 года назад

    Only thing I miss is actually DRINKS/BEER with johnny :) :) :)

  • @jacksonunruh5076
    @jacksonunruh5076 3 года назад

    Give this channel some love guys we need it to grow!!

  • @nickdefazio207
    @nickdefazio207 3 года назад

    love this podcast

  • @TunerZen
    @TunerZen 3 года назад

    it's crazy cause i remember the big change in sound when you guys released city of evil and was just like ooooooo fuck! and then trivium came out with crusade and i thought to myself that they got that inspiration from you guys. even bullet from that time changed their sound from hand of blood to the poison. it was a great time for metal back then leading to now with still great music of all of you guys.

  • @metalmachine9763
    @metalmachine9763 3 года назад

    7:00 they missed the canadian shows

  • @LVX777
    @LVX777 2 года назад

    One of my heroes interviewing one of my heroes. What a time to be alive.
    Cheers dudes 🍻

  • @stevengordon9990
    @stevengordon9990 2 года назад

    LMFAO at Johnny saying now would be a good time to tell you to check out the website then says I dont know why 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤣🤣🤣

  • @joecoy7853
    @joecoy7853 3 года назад

    A7X, Trivium, Bullet and Killswitch. boom. theres your big 4 for of 2000's metal folks, make it happen!

  • @Kalebsweeten
    @Kalebsweeten 3 года назад +1

    A7X, Trivium, Killswitch, Slipknot are the big 4 IMO :)

  • @brandonkdrummer
    @brandonkdrummer 3 года назад +1

    A7X, Trivium, BFMV, and Dragonforce.

  • @b-man-reviews85
    @b-man-reviews85 3 года назад

    It would be awesome if you guys did a modern big four with Trivium avenged killswitch and bullet there it is you guys set it up and let's rock. 🤘

  • @kakkacarrotcake3309
    @kakkacarrotcake3309 3 года назад +1

    Big four to me would be Trivium, Avenged, Bullet, and Gojira for sure 🤘🏼

  • @donkirk4054
    @donkirk4054 3 года назад

    I like the Crusade

  • @daydreamhero1374
    @daydreamhero1374 3 года назад

    the fourth band gotta be KILLSWITCH ENGAGE!! Big Four Trivium, A7x, BFMV, KSE..LETS GO!

  • @gabrielbarblay8120
    @gabrielbarblay8120 3 года назад

    Dude easy, sevenfold, killswitch, trivium, bullet for my valentine