Ethiopia would been /be in better situation if not tipped in to Eritrea's issues especially from 1950s--1991. Haile slase and his groups deposed mainly because of Eritrea's issues. Derg runaway from Arat kilo by Eritreans after the mechanized comes and entered Arat kilo. Weyane pushed and fragmented to their ending mainly by Eritreans ሻዕብያ ሻዕብያ .. More stability,peace,progress and more cooperation in East African countries .
ኢትዬዽያ ትቅደም 💪🏽
እናመሰግናለን🙏 የሚገርም ነው
የርስ በእርስ ይወንድማማቾች ፅብ አበቃ ኪኪኪኪኪኪኪኪ😊
ኢት/ሆይ! ከእሳት ወደ ረመጥ
መንግሥቱ በአጋጣሚ ለሥልጣን የበቃ ወመኔ ነዉ ። የኢትዮጵያ መርገምት ነበር። ታሪክ በማይረሣቸዉ የጭካኔ ተግባሮቹ እየተወሣ ይኖራል ።
ኮሎኔል መንግስቱ ተራ ዱርዬ ነዉ
Ethiopia would been /be in better situation if not tipped in to Eritrea's issues especially from 1950s--1991.
Haile slase and his groups deposed mainly because of Eritrea's issues. Derg runaway from Arat kilo by Eritreans after the mechanized comes and entered Arat kilo. Weyane pushed and fragmented to their ending mainly by Eritreans ሻዕብያ ሻዕብያ ..
More stability,peace,progress and more cooperation in East African countries .