For all those who think Joyce Meyer does not teach prosperity, you are sadly mistaken. Just read the affirmations on her website.
All scriptural ... I don't understand the problem. Is there a problem with encouraging oneself with scripture ? Are these affirmations any different than what Paul says in Galatians 2:20 ??? I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live. Yet not I, but Christ lives in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh, I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me. (Galatians 2:20) ... or in Philippians 4 ??? I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. (Philippians 4:13) ... or Romans 8 ??? I am more than a conqueror through Him who loved me. (Romans 8:37) Going down the "I can command God" rabbit-hole is surely wrong, but let's not throw out the baby with the bathwater. Shall we not strive to see ourselves as God sees us (His children) ? On edit, ... It is needful for me to say that my list of affirmations would be somewhat different than Joyce's ... AND that I would use somewhat different scriptural supports.
@@jackson1915 Yes ... follow Jesus, ... AND take advantage of the teaching servants He has placed here for you ... Ephesians 4 11 And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; 12 For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ: 13 Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ: So ... Billy Graham, Allen Parr, Ruslan, Joyce Meyer, Charles Stanley, etc. Use them to help you learn of and from God, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit ... 1 Thessalonians 5: Do not quench the Spirit. 20 Do not treat prophecies with contempt 21 but test them all; hold on to what is good, 22 Reject every kind of evil.
I have decided to follow Psalm 37:4, "Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart." And the only prosperity I wish to receive from Him, is that the desires of my heart be more of Him. Blessings!
Yeah people take that to mean our own selfish desires. But if we are saved once we acknowledge Christ as Lord and Savior, and what He did for us, then He will work on is inwardly through the Holy Spirit. That means our desires reflect His desires for us. How we all seem to twist stuff for our own means. It’s sad but God has taught me a lot as I learn His word.
Some people mistake that verse. When we truly belong to God, our desires change. These prosperity ministers will use that to say we can have whatever we want by asking. Our desires should be spiritual. After all God knows our needs and desires, but He also knows some of them are not good for us.
The Bible says in Psalm 25:14 that God confides in those who fear Him so I think it's EXTREMELY important to teach everyone what it is to fear the LORD otherwise God AIN'T GONNA CONFIDE IN THEM > 🤪 Proverbs 8:13 NKJV The fear of the LORD is to hate evil; Pride and arrogance and the evil way And the perverse mouth I hate. Proverbs 3:7-8 NKJV [7] Do not be wise in your own eyes; Fear the LORD and depart from evil. [8] It will be health to your flesh, And strength to your bones. WHAT WOULD HAPPEN IF WE ALL DID GOD'S WILL AS FOLLOWS: 1 Thessalonians 5:16-19 NKJV [16] Rejoice always, [17] pray without ceasing, [18] in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. [19] Do not quench the Spirit. WHAT WOULD HAPPEN IS: I would have to stop accusing The LORD of causing ALL of you to ignore me as if I don't exist > 🤪 GOTTA GO: It's time for my meds > 🙃🫠
I had so much guilt for years because I believed, tithed, gave, prayed and when things didn't happen, I was led to believe it was my fault. I didn't have enough faith and if I believed I did have enough faith, but things were not happening like answered prayer, I was told that if I didn't believe it was me then I was calling God a liar. I almost deconstructed because of this. But I didn't give up. By God's grace I started to hear balanced preachers who showed me this way of thinking is not only wrong, but it is dangerous. Who are we to demand anything of God? By His grace I take my next breath.
Same for me Raschelle7. Almost 51 years. Listening to teachers like Alan Parr and Mike Winger helps me to think biblically now. When I think of the things I believed! 🙄 When you're raised as a baby Christian you're listening to people you trust, but I now know the importance of being in the WORD!
That's how they get you to keep giving them money. Live a simple life and love, that's all you need to do. If you get ill, live with it and be brave don't pay preachers with seeds or tithes. This is exactly the same as what the Roman Catholics did with the selling of indulgences.
I love Daniel my fellow South African, I pray that God protect the two of you against the evil one. Thank you for speaking out and teaching us the right ways xox
I’ve also heard the “deliverance” ministries are big there. Like asserting that if you have a problem, you’ve got a demon. Has that been true in your experience? I’m not saying demons don’t exist or that they don’t attack people, but I don’t believe that the majority of problems come from demons.
@Joey_Bag_O_Donuts you could also ask that same question for America with the prosperity churches. The reason why this is happening people want a quick fix plus satan is seeking whom he wants to devour.🇬🇧🙏
This was such a blessing to me. This validated so many concerns I had when what I was reading in the Bible was contradicting what I was seeing in practice in churches I was attending. Please pray for me, that God would lead me to find a church that is congruent with His teachings. 🙏🏾
It took me a year of searching and praying. But finding a good church is crucial. God led me to a church I’d never have found on my own and it’s such a blessing
Such a blessing and confirmation! I’m a member of a Word of Faith/Prosperity Gospel Church. Everything you’ve discussed in this video is so true. I’ve really become disillusioned with the teaching and haven’t been to a service in over a year. I believe God is moving me to more sound, biblical teaching. Thanks you….🙏
Thank God your eyes have been opened to see this is false teaching. If you earnestly pray and seek God He will find you a church that preaches sound doctrine. Many years ago I had to seek the face of God because I felt like the church we were going to for 16 years was no longer where we should be, for a different reason. It took a year, but after seeking God He showed us where we should be. We have been there 30 years now. Best thing that ever happened to us!
Dear @pharris1477, I just read your comment and I am fervently praying that you are no longer a member of the false Word-of-Faith/Prosperity church you had been attending! Praise Jesus Christ that He has turned on the lights for you to see the wickedness of this false system presented here on RUclips, that you repented, are born-again and will NEVER GO BACK! I'm sooo glad you are now disillusioned!❤
I'm in Houston and used to attend Lakewood Church and heard Joel Osteen preach many times, and thankfully God gave me the wisdom to see how dangerous and unbiblical it was and led me to a true Christian church that actually preaches the Word of God. We can't "declare" things to happen and then they just magically happen because we made a declaration.
Have lived in Houston all my life. Went to Lakewood 2 times; wasn't impressed, did not feel the Lord's was a lot of smoke and mirrors. Had no desire to go there again.
@belindamoore3518 yeah, it's a nice show they put on, and I think their whole "former compaq center" think appeals to some. My dad took me to Rockets games there when I was a kid, so I guess I already had some sentimental attachment to the building. But Joel Osteen's sermons are basically the same exact sermon over and over and over, just reworded a little.
@gthigpen6989 🕎1 Corinthians 9:13 “Do ye not know that they which minister about holy things live of the things of the temple? and they which wait at the altar are partakers with the altar?” ✝️1 Corinthians 9:14 “Even so hath the Lord ordained that they which preach the gospel should live of the gospel.”
I needed this today. I lost my mom 3 years ago and these thoughts do come up. .." did I not believe enough, did I not trust enough, did He not answer because He didn't want to " but it had nothing to do with me and everything to do with Him. I also forwarded this over to a sister in Christ who is going through a rough illness with her husband and she has asked these very same questions. Thank you for following Holy Spirit on this topic. Blessings to you both.
I lost my parents a few years ago. I know how that feels to see others prayers be answered while feeling as though maybe my prayers weren’t heard by the Lord or that I should have had faith more pleasing to God. I had to accept that death is certain for everyone and that I don’t get to determine when others or myself dies. I just need to obey and love the Lord 💕 love to you and your family.
@@shaniecebrazwell1321 Amen! You are absolutely right. It is so easy to get caught up in the flesh, what we want, instead of what God says. I do know she is with God and celebrating, so because of that, I am happy for her. Prayers and love for you and your family.
True! In a helpless state, when a believer doesn't know what to do, making them feel like it is their fault can take them on a guilt trip, fear and anxiety.
24:59 so hard to keep in mind / trust / etc. when you're desperate for God to not take your loved one. Even when we have a copious amount if time to say goodbye, the finality (in our very temporal existence) of knowing we're losing countless conversations and experiences with them. Even if we know we'll get to spend eternity with them, eternity feels like an eternity away. God gave us such deep emotions and connections with each other, it's never easy to let go of our earthly relationships.
No, your mother was not taken by God, He is a good God, don't blame Him for murder! Ask God what happened, and let Him guide you, do not believe a lie because it ministers comfort to you, the truth remains the truth, God Paid for our healing, the question is how can we walk in it.
I think that regarding Isaiah 53, we must be careful not to disqualify and disconnect physical healing from the text because, if we allow scripture to define scripture, then we must realize that Matthew 8:16-17 directly connects physical healing to Isaiah 53:4-5. There's a danger to believe something the text doesn't promise, but there's a similar danger of not believing what the text does promise.
Healing was one of the signs of the coming Messiah whereby the Jewish people could identify Him. Nichodemus recognized Him but the others rejected Him on grounds that He did miracles through the prince of demons to lead them astray. When Jesus was on earth He healed them all, same cannot be said for everyone. God performed miracles through the Apostles but they were rare. Paul's companion almost died of a life threatening fever. It gives an indication that God allowed natural process to takeover from the hipper miraculous season that marked the life of our Lord.
@@icecoolguita you are misquoting everything. I have .listened to her since I got saved. 47 year never has she preached anything but the Word of God. Kenneth Copeland as well. All the top preachers of God. God does not want any of his children to be poverty stricken. You just do not know His Word. The Lord taught me to tithe.
@MargaretEibl Are you able to provide any examples? The amount of years you've listened to certain preachers doesn't have anything to do with whether they are of God. If you believe God wants us to have a prosperous life now Jesus says in Luke 14:33: "So therefore, any one of you who does not renounce all that he has cannot be my disciple." You should also read the book Foxes Book of martyrs to see how different early Christianity is compared to modern christianity. There were martyrs who, after truly knowing God and what Christ did for them, sought to be worthy to be martyrd for Christ. They did not just hope under persectution and torture to be able to stand firm and make it to heaven. But willingly gave up everything and all they wanted was God to be glorified the way He deserves. Look up the writings from the early church. Their Christianity was all about glorifying God, their happiness was in the Spirit, not like the world who lives for this temporary life. Kenneth Copeland and Joyce Meyers focus is on this world, that's not true Christianity. When Jesus came to give us an abundant life, it is life in the Spirit. What is 100 years of this life compared to the length of eternity?
@@icecoolguita you are cutting yourself with the Word, not rightly dividing it. I have studied God's Word nearly 50 years. I would not listen to anyone who did not preach the truth of God's Word. Joyce knows God's Word, believe me. She is a brilliant teacher of .God's Word. God says touch not mine anointed and do my prophets no harm. Slanderers will go to Hell. So leave God's anointed alone.
We should never give to be blessed. With a joyful heart we give because we are blessed. Not only in a church, but wherever there is a need for us to give. As led by God's Spirit. To the glory of God. It doesn't matter how much or how little. All that matters to God is the motives in our hearts as to why we are giving. He loves a cheerful giver. Who gives not just to receive. I lost my son when he was 8 yrs old. I never blamed God. As painful as it was and 12 yrs later still is, He is all I have who helps me endure. Without Him there would be no me today. I need Him. I have peace now living in this life without my son. I know He will restore my joy beyond measure when we are together with Him in a kingdom where death has no dominion nor power. A life of eternal rest in Christ. He keeps me alive. And fills the void that death put within me on January 24, 2012. The day my whole life changed for the worse. The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away. Blessed be the name of the Lord 🙌
Amen!! I’m so sorry about your precious son. May God continue to give you His peace. And you are so right, we should not give expecting to receive anything. We give because we want to help others Any Way we can, Not to be blessed. God has already given us the biggest blessing of all, that’s eternal life. 🙏✝️
One of the best and most heartfelt comments. You have the right understanding of your relationship with God. God bless you. I understand so much of what you are saying. January of 2023 I lost my baby brother to stage 4 cancer. I was a second mother to him. I never thought I could survive if anything happened to him because I loved him so much. But I have. Only because of God’s strength. I know I will see him in heaven. Soon. Death is a part of life, but it’s only the death of our mortal bodies. We never die but are received into heaven by Jesus himself. For all eternity we will live with God
Joyce Meyers has publicly repented of her involvement in the prosperity movement. I left a mega church years ago because they talked about money more than salvation and grace. But people are people and just because we look to them as leaders don’t make them perfect. They can and probably will disappoint us sometimes. That doesn’t mean they don’t have anything of value to teach. You just need to pray and check it in the Bible. That’s your job.
That's what I don't get. She repented publicly and doesn't preach on it anymore except that she is against the charismatic movement. I thought Christians were supposed to forgive and be happy for someone who repented and now lives in truth?
The value is the scriptures. The value is God. Something to look into, what does the scripture say about church discipline and women preachers. All the issues we have today is cause we do not know the scriptures and we do not regard them as our final authority.
And it's their job to teach the truth!!!! Y'all always put it on the ppl correcting but never on the ppl they led astray, what abt the ppl who followed them for years and passed away. What abt their souls? Meaningless? Y'all always saying leave them, why? So you could continue sinning?
Brothers!!! I am so blessed by you coming together to share truth! Thank you! I have been an avid student of learning how to rightly divide the Word of Truth. Then I found both of your youtube channels and scrutinized your teachings. You have not disappointed the Lord or me! I am 70 yrs old, in the Lord 46 years and it blesses me to know there are young men in the Lord like you to bring the truth. God bless you both as you continue to lead people to Truth. Much love in Jesus!❤❤❤❤
I always thought there was something wrong with me because I couldn't prosper nor be healed. I could never be slain in the spirit, get drunk in the spirit, etc., so I shamefully believed I was the problem. It was so hurtful, thinking God didn't love me enough.
Same here. I still struggle with this at times due to spending years in the charismatic movement. I came pretty close to leaving church for good. Instead I just left the Assemblies of God.
I'm Roman Catholic thank God. God loves you and has a loving plan for you. God does not care for money or worldly things. My chronic pain from my car accident is my cross to bear God makes it easier for me to bear it though.
Thank you both for your work. It was your videos that helped me escape my Charismatic church and begin to question it with the Word. It was questioning my friends using the Word that I was removed from serving, which proved everything you guys are saying.
This was a great discussion. So worth any extra minutes. Keep it up because such clarity of scripture is needed. May the Lord use this for those in such errors. Amen
This movement is very easy to get sucked into, think we've all been there. I notice the Holy Spirit has a way of guiding some out of it and into a fundamentally biblical foundation.
No, we haven't "all been there." Some are more easily deceived than others by this. The devil is crafty, he roams around like a lion looking for someone to devour.
If you haven’t been there, than good for you! No one is perfect and we have all been blind at some point. Your path may not have included this movement, but let’s just praise God that He loves us enough to show us who He truly is. Let’s continue to pray for the blind and those who are still a part of this movement.
Well you clearly tell the ones who have and are prideful in not admitting it. For the ones who claim they haven’t, I really hope that you didn’t get deceived. I have a question for you all, as someone who was deceived(myself) what did you do daily to make sure you didn’t get deceived? Was it study the scripture? Was it Sound doctrine teachings you were blessed to receive growing up? Tell other brothers and sisters so they won’t be deceived instead of putting your nose to sky and saying “nope, not me, I wasn’t”
@@Divinelytuned7 As one who was never 'deceived' but more confused in understanding and needing answers, reading Gods Word in the NT was key for me. I've heard hundreds of different preachings/teachings. I ALWAYS compare what I hear to scripture and to put it in context. Not all that hard to discern Truth when one does that.
Believers, please pray for the Lord to never let you be deceived. This comment is not directed to any of the ministries they mentioned in the video or to Allen- it’s simply a prayer that we all need to pray in these last and evil days.
I thank the Lord for you brothers exposing the unfruitful works of darkness in the prosperity gospel and giving a balance of the scriptures used for the self gain of these false prophets.(I was decieved by Robert Tilton) But the Lord saved me Amen I was also blessed on the teaching of how to pray in a way thats pleasing to the Lord and according to his will. I thank the Lord for( Heb. 4:16) the throne of grace and how im to approach the throne . I will pray for you two and pray for me to continue in the faith which was once delivered unto the saints
My favorite two Christian RUclipsrs. I love that God got you two on a platform together and through each of you to where we can learn and we can understand how God loves his children. Thanks for letting God use you two brothers in Christ Jesus. Keep on doing what you do.
As a brand new Christian ;the church I attended said, "God wanted me to marry a friend I went to church with". Many other young people were told the same thing- it was disastrous. Thanks to Jesus, His love remains and heals.❤❤
The senior pastor at my church is one of the most kind and generous people I know. He is always helping people at church and people in the community. He never preaches about giving to the church and receiving wealth. That said, he claims healing in Jesus name, quotes scripture out of context for this and teaches that our past, present and future sins have been forgiven, so once we are saved, we no longer “sin”. My husband and I relocated to work at this church and now we are praying for direction - we do not agree with his theology and believe it has crossed over into non-negotiable areas of our faith. The other 2 pastors do not preach the same way. Please pray for us.
Wow, I just do not understand how any Bible reading believer in Christ can believe that we no longer fall short of the glory of God after we have been saved! Though our spirits are perfected with the righteousness of Christ and sealed with His own Holy Spirit, we do not suddenly gain perfection in our physical bodies and minds, because they are still fallible and subject to the wages of sin, which is death! If they were perfected as are our spirits, then we would never need to renew our minds in the Word of God, nor would we ever make another mistake of any kind, and our bodies would never fail us in sickness or death. I hope that he comes to realize his error and repents of his false theology! It is a really hard position to be under someone like this, especially if they are, otherwise, very warm and loving people and personal friends, as well! Praying for the situation!
Again, it is key to understand NT scripture in CONTEXT> If your pastor is not doing this then that is sad. However, on the subject of salvation... ALL your sin was paid for at the cross. Yes, past, present and future. Your spirit is born again in Christ Jesus. But our flesh is still sinful, and we still sin in the flesh. Christ Jesus in our intercessor for that reason. I encourage you to read Romans and much of Paul's teaching to get a better understanding of all this. God Bless.
“Go, your sins are forgiven”!! The work on the cross with strong and eternal and covers all the sins you don’t even know you’ll commit because even our righteous is like filthy rages. We’ve fallen short of God’s glory no matter how much we try unless we have Christ. God then looks at us and sees Christ.
We are the only species on earth that think of a soul and an eternal life based on our conduct in this life unlike animals that just live. I should of came to earth as a bird. Human beings make life too complicated and confusing. As bird i wouldn't have to listen to talk shows.
This is exactly why I tell people to not take scripture out of context because you can insert anything that you want to direct the attention of ignorant people who don't take the time to study the word of God, and then they fall into deception
@lindacarroll4217 I have been preaching that message for many years it's what I tell people that man will eventually fail then in one area or the other we have the adamic nature within us all
Satan can give you "words of knowledge" that looks and feels like it's from God but is not. Remember, if a so call prophet is wrong only one time, they are considered a false prophet according to scripture
Both the hyper Pentecostal charismatic movement and Catholicism have a fair history of Freemasonry, satanism, Pedophilia and aligning with other religions to enforce the one world religion in the churches. Keep your children away from the pentecostal charismatic movement and the Roman Catholic Church
I live in St. Louis where Joyce Meyers is located. I live and work not far from her home and her church. She lives in a gated neighborhood in a mansion and the mansion next to her, she bought for her son. She shops at a store that is directly behind her ministries church. When she goes shopping, she has an entourage of 4-5 people with her. I know this because I worked at this store for 3.5 years. She has obviously had plastic surgery as well. I don’t buy for a second that her faith is in the right place.
O sheila. Do you know what it is like to be in her position. No just running to the shops in your jeane. Do you think they are nit targets for thieves and evil,people. You do not know her heart at all. God does. Her son has worked faithfully for donkeys years in the ministry. You begrudge him a house. Rather keep quiet or go to,Joyce and tell her this stuff. She will answer You.
@ Joyce Meyers owns SEVERAL homes, owns a PRIVATE jet, has a net worth of +$8,00,000. Gimmie a break on her legitimacy. Read up on Larry Rice from St Louis. He’s a true apostle of Jesus. Joyce? Not so much. Her plastic surgery proves it. She’s a great motivational speaker on the power of YOU, not the power of the Holy Trinity.
After all the hell she has been through and after all the people she has helped through her ministry, she is the one preacher i believe who deserves all that she has and more. Be careful when you speak on God's annointed by the way.
@@daveseslaughter2307 she put herself through it by gaining so much wealth. She isn’t giving back to the community. She keeps it. It’s absurd to have 5.2 million dollars of furnishings and art. And that’s just inside the mansion. She’s a fraud with a capital F.
I visited a church where they had a "healing service" after the sermon. One of the clergy kept pushing on my chest and the other the top of my head. I found it very disturbing and high-tailed out of there when some of the people going up to the front were throwing up. When I messaged the pastor and apologized for leaving the service early and why I did he explained that was part of the service and called it supernatural healing of some sort. NEVER went back.
I do agree with most of the teachings these two are discussing. But I have personally witnessed “supernatural” healing by the Holy Spirit. My son has gone through trauma because of his Dad. He was diagnosed as schizophrenic due to trauma. In easier words , my son puts a cover - a mask on to protect himself emotionally to what has happened to him in the past. It’s a shield. Anyways, I was driving and he was sitting on the passenger side flipping out and going into a full blown child- like tantrum. I started saying scriptures from the “word” of GoD. I pulled over on side of road and started praying scriptures over and over. I put hands on his head and he starts crying hysterically and calling on me - mommy. I just continued to say the scriptures. He started throwing up and I was proud because the Holy Spirit was working on delivering him from his trauma and pain. He said mom I want to go to church. God is faithful. Resolution: this is a work in progress. We are working on the healing.
So good to see you together. Been following pastor Allan since COVID and DLM, Daniel for the last both do great work for the kingdom 👌🏼🙏🏻🇿🇦 Praying for discernment is most important.... Thank you Jesus for showing me the way....all the Christians RUclips people I've been following, now are on each other's channels. Ruslan, Melissa and Sunday services with pastor Greg Laurie!! ❤
True gospel is not easy to stomach. Contrary to what most Charismatic teaches, suffering and persecution are part and parcel of a born again Christian. In fact we learned from the Bible that we are to deny ourselves and bear the cross for God.
Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it. It's terrifying to think how many people truly believe that they are true followers of God and when it's too late they will find out that they are not. I can think of nothing more terrifying.
Examine yourselves, to see whether you are in the faith. Test yourselves. Or do you not realize this about yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you? -unless indeed you fail to meet the test! 2 Corinthians 13:5
Sure. To the other extreme where people, like my father, actually believe that anyone who claims Christianity MUST be living hand to mouth in order to be living a Godly life. That is why he is still living hand to mouth and has unconsciously taught 5 children to live hand to mouth as well. That is NOT walking by faith either. Having just enough all your life to 'get by' does not comport with scripture either. I am not saying that we should want or expect to have tons of money to store up for ourselves either.
50 yrs ago I was slain in the spirit and badgered until I had to pretend I made up words so she would go away Praise the Lord I knew the truth it's gotten worse thanks for speaking truth blessings.
The problem is too, you also have the opposite. Churches that are so dead inside that God has not moved in them in many many years and they will not allow God to move.
Yeah I heard about a church that a person died during the service so when the paramedics got there they had to carry out half the church before they found the dead person...!!!
Amennn! My two favorite men of GOD on this platform!! We need this, because so many unbelievers and/or some believers are so deceived due to sugar-coated prosperity preachers. Thank you both for teaching the true word of GOD. Also kiss both of your beautiful amazing wifes(true women of GOD.) Continue to be use by GOD as HIS vessels spreading GOD'S DIVINE HOLY WORD!!! Love you both my brothers in CHRIST JESUS!!! Also I was deceived by false doctrine teaching, but GOD open my eyes and touched my heart. I ran!!! Thank you
Greetings from South Africa, I'm glad I came across this🎉 This is the whole reason I do not go to church, and pray that eventually God will lead me to the right church 😊
Both of you are a perfect example of how Jesus sends out his disciples two by two to teach the kingdom of God. Blessed be his Holy name. Amen, love you all. God speed both of you brother's. Amen.
I was unsubscribed from this channel, due to reasons in the past, which got me a bit worried. But I subscribed again today. I am happy to see that you exposing these false teachers for who they are. And I am happy to see my Brother from SA featured on your channel. God bless you both.
This is so good. Ultimately, important to read the word of God and have the fear of the Lord, and this is what will help you stay away from false teachings. Thanks for your guys' input. 🙏🏽
Yes been there done that. When I first got saved A friend brought me to their Church I didn't know the difference of charismatic or reformed. My husband and I were there for quite a few years. we saw things that were crazy and questioned ourselves if this was normal. Fast forward we've been out of that craziness for years and we consider ourselves reformed. And since that eye-opening revelation we've been studying God's word and see how crazy charismania really is.
Allen and Daniel, you both are so amazing. I enjoy listening to your content. You have helped me learn so much thru my walk with Christ. Thank You for all you do!!
I was in a hyper charismatic movement about 10 years ago. I was very in tune with the Holy Spirit and God used me in the prophetic gifting very strongly. I started noticing that people were seeking me out for the gift asking “does God have a word for me”. But I don’t control the gift, it’s God’s choice to give someone a specific message through me. Anyways, God revealed to me that some secret sexual sin (sleeping with multiple women in the group) was happening with the leader and told me to expose the secret sin and to stop going. I exposed the sin and stopped going.
@@Afrinaturality I still have the gift, not as consistent as it once was. Also, the Holy Spirit removed me from that church because people were putting the gift on the pedestal. However, I think it is a matter my level of intimacy with God. To be honest my level of intimacy with God was a lot more intense then. I didn’t work a 6 figure job, run my own business, I didn’t have a wife and children, no college degrees, etc. Now I have a lot of things competing for my time and attention that I have to balance out and cut out some things. However, the gift still comes when it comes.
I am an indian. I heard Joice Meyers 's messages much. I have read many of her books in our own south Indian language . They gave me emotional healings, helped me to cross through the abuses that I have gone through. Her teachings helped me to love Jesus more while crossing through tough situation. Not all that has that anointing to do so. I did not hear any prosperity teaching from Joice. But real blessings of our God is entirely different from prosperity. Not only me ,hundreds of Indian women are blessed by her teachings.
Do not listen to people that slander anointed teachers of Almighty God. They are destined for hell and tnd lake of fire. God wants prosperity preached. He is a God of prosperity.
Glad you were transparent. We are moving into an Agee of deception where some pin point an area of a ministry and wish to shut it down since they don’t believe. These people will end up throwing the baby out with the catheter because they will end up killing the church.
Glad you were transparent. We are moving into an Agee of deception where some pin point an area of a ministry and wish to shut it down since they don’t believe. These people will end up throwing the baby out with the catheter because they will end up killing the church.
Yea, she might be use as a tool to help us, but it isn't her that actually help me or you, its the created hand of God, and she is use to give us a word of encouragement. Solomon was use to solve alot of problems in his time and he who was wise went on the wrong direction in the end, don't lose the sight of the one behind the scene our optimate helper not the person He uses because they are imperfect humans.
@AndrewReynolds-nl1qk joyce meyer has never deviated from teaching and preaching .God's Word. Never. You can listen to any of her teachings. Everything she does or says leads you to the Lord Jesus Christ. You speak bad about her, you will incur The wrath of God. She is a humble servant of God. What do you know about the milliions upon millions of dollars goingmout all over the world. When tradgedy strikes, her massive trucks carrying food, water, dedicated people under her, work removing massive trees that have fallen, houses hit to pieces, new ones erected for poverty stricken people that have been left with nothing. How much money do big bull dozers cost. To get all the stuff needed to erect houses. Lines of people so thankful for clean water to drinkl food to eat. All of you from where you are stop your lies aboit her and other pastors. You are on,your way to hell running God's anointed into the ground. Where are you when 3 year olds are being trafficked for the sex trade. Where are you, in India, saving girls from filthy men. She builds places and sancturaries and schools, christian schools. Girls being led to the Lord. Thousands of them. You should be ashamed of yourselves. Repent before,Almighty God.
Thank you both for going through this so thoroughly. I was in these hyper “evangelical “ congregations for most of my youth and early adulthood. I can definitely see how this mentality affected me in many of the ways you described. I have steered clear of them for a long time, but haven’t been able to commit to any church for many years. Putting some of these teachings into context and explaining them really helps me to understand some things about myself (from where I’ve come) and hopefully to be able to trust my ability to discern true Biblical teaching and can commit to a church that has it.
I am so ashamed today I stopped with churches because of these shameful pastors the last time I went to church my sister took me up to meet her pastor and I was pushed away from him by him because he did not allow people close to him.I was done I read my Bible almost every day I study and I talk to God constantly.I feel wonderful.
WHAT about the Scripture that says: "We should "draw together" more and more as we "see the day approaching." It doesn't say to be off somewhere all by yourself...😮❤
I was in the word of faith movement for about 10 years when I first got saved. I can't believe how much the scriptures were twisted. They would often find whichever ENGLISH version most aligned with the point they wanted to make out of a verse. When you actually read an Epistle for example, as a whole, and know what the background of the letter was, it's completely different and actually makes much more sense.
Thank you for pointing this out! Looking back I am realizing that many of the pastors and teachers at my church would use different translations in the same sermon- and not just "the same verse in the Amplified says ____.". That would be fine, but I mean this verse in NKJV, this one in NIV, etc.
@@able34bravo37 Exactly! They would pick the one English translation that they thought would best support their false doctrine/interpretation. So manipulative.
As for decreeing/declaring, I believe Job 22:27-28 (KJV) has the answer to that. There is the prayer part, as well as the declaring part. Does it mean that everything we declare will come to pass? No. But that doesn't render declarations invalid either. If you declare according to the Will of God then it will surely come to pass because it is God that brings what you declare to pass, not you.
Job 22:27-28 are part of the words of Job’s “friend”, Eliphaz, as he outrageously accuses Job of abundant evil which is why Job is suffering. Forming doctrine from this is not wise exegesis.
Be careful with job, until Elihu starts talking, the friends were speaking things they didn't fully know. At the end of Job, God tells off Job and most of all, only refrains from punishing his friends by saying they should go to Job and have him pray for them. Elihu wasn't told off.
It’s funny how people want to claim reaping and sowing for material blessings but don’t want to consider the law when it comes to our behavior. As Hosea 8:7 says, “For they sow to the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind.” You go around sowing destruction and heresy, you reap wrath and death unless you repent. I am so glad I was saved from this, and I’m praying for those still caught up in these cults.
My God , My God🙌🙌🙌🙌 You blow me away 🙇🏼♀️ I love You LORD God Almighty (praise & worship) I asked You yesterday " how do i know if what is being said, taught or preached is the truth according to Your word/Word" Thank You Abba I bow low 🙇🏼♀️
1 Timothy 4:1 “Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;”
I've followed Joyce Meyer for many, many years...had the opportunity to attend one of her conferences, and I just don't understand why she came up in your conversation regarding prosperity. She rarely speaks on it and the little that she does speak on it is supported biblically. She took an offering one time during her conference and there was absolutely no pressure and proceeded to teach on The Holy Spirit, not mentioning prosperity once. I used to follow many of the other evangelists and pastors you've mentioned, and yes, I felt The Spirit directing me away from each and every one of them, but Joyce has been tried and true in my book. She's older than each of us and has been teaching the Word for longer than both of you and her ministry still goes on strong. Many of these others have since been brought out into the light and exposed.
I agree with you. She had spoken on,and in my opinion has mispoken on prosperity, but that isn't her main focus in her teachings. The old Creflo Dollar, Benny or Kenny C are much much worse.
She may not be a prosperity teacher but I have heard her preach the little gods (where we are literally little gods) doctrine before and that’s a big part of the charismatic teaching. That’s a bigger heresy than the prosperity gospel.
@@ruthiesheppard729that is an old video and she has talked about how her views were out of whack back then. Quite a bit if you listen to her actually.
@@ruthiesheppard729 That's not what she is teaching now. In 8 years, as a regular listener, I have never heard her speak of it, or of anything that gives me pause as a christian brother. If you are going to comment on her ministry, you should really update your knowledge of your sister in Christ.
I nearly left the faith because no matter how much I named and declared things, it never came true. I spent years trying to understand why everybody around me was "hearing from God" who apparently was calling them all to go elsewhere. I never understood why when I would speak words from God nobody else went along with it, but certain others always knew what to say. I practiced speaking in tongues so that it would sound like an actual language, and it felt weird that I had to do that. I eventually admitted to myself that it was me doing the "tongues". I eventually came to realize that I was socially awkward, and that's why when I would speak words from God nobody responded- though they would if somebody else said essentially the say thing a few minutes later. I eventually realized that everybody being "called" to go somewhere else was just them doing what they wanted and conflating their inner monologue with the voice of God. I eventually realized that Jesus told the disciples whom He had personally taught and trained that things they declared would come true, but He didn't say that to the crowds. I thought that I was unrighteous (I am a sinner, but so is everybody else in history), that I was doing it wrong. It turns out I was fine, but the charismatic movement is heresy. I just wish my family would see it too.
Uhg, I hear you. I grew up in this stuff. My hook on it wasn't the manifesting stuff, it was binding demons. I grew up in abuse (I want to say ironically, but IDK if it is anymore😔), so kept trying to bind demons. I literally saw them laughing at me one night... Always after me🙄 My childhood was pure torture. The only way I am a Christian is that God made Himself real and evident to me. I wasn't happy with Him though 😆😬😬😬 That's changed, and I'm in His hands 💖❤️🩹
The Bible doesn’t tell us to bind the devil, these pastors are crazy, its one here in Atlanta that says he has the worlds greatest church and he has been saying that mess off and on for the past 30 years, his false teachings are off the charts but they won’t stop with the prosperity gospel SMH
@@gohawks3571heh. My mom used to bind demons in me any time I said something she didn't want to hear, or just because. One time she heard from God that my sister was going to win a Dodge Neon from a store in our town that was giving away three of them. God apparently had told her my sister would win the red one. So she and my sisters were naming and claiming it, and I said, "what if she wins the blue one?" My mom switched to denouncing my unbelief in God's will and casting demons out of me. My sister didn't win anything at all, and it wasn't because a quarter of a million people had entered the drawing. It was because I had asked about the blue one.
Strong Godly men teaching Gods word! This is great. Preach it brother. I’ll turn the pages. There is such a lack of sound biblical teaching out there it’s a joy to find sound teachers of the word!
Hi Alan, Great video! I actually watched Daniel’s extension to this video and your story gave me encouragement! Right now I’m 26 and I’m in the same season as you were when you were my age and feeling all the same things about marriage and relationship, and being in that season and feeling all those feelings towards God (angry at Him). This was definitely encouraging for me! Just wanted to personally say thank you and your videos are very helpful.
There is a problem that people over compensate and throw everything out. But God does not want you sick (when did Jesus refuse to heal?) and being poor is a bad thing as you cannot help those in need.
I think the main issue is for people to be taught about Jesus Christ as the son of God and that he died for our sins to have everlasting life, to have a good relationship with God, to know the truth because he came here to tell us the truth, and Jesus never teach people about being rich with the earthly materials that we will lose eventually, but he thought us about being wealthy spiritually. And churches nowadays teach people about money, prosperity and lots of material gains! They mislead people because they dnt teach the people about the relationship with God.
A lot of ppl don’t realize that tithing was done through the sacrificial system of the Mosaic Covenant. They’re quick to say that we are not under the Old Covenant, but claim we are supposed to tithe. 🤔
@weshull1494 Grace did not appear until Jesus's passion. The Law of tithing died with grace. See Paul's letters to the Romans and the Corinthians foe futher explanation.
@@Blessed-jz7fh@ Blessed-jz7fh Can you unpack this for me? a) What does speaking in tongues have to do with tithing? b) What does clothing have to do with sight? c) Where is the Temple, Levites, and how did the law deceive and slay Paul - Romans 7:11?
@andrewmyers2776 i was just mentioning , then speaking in tongues is in the bible, and we are still tithe, paul spoken tongues, who said the language only heaven understands, and I don't see anything to bible where someone can , interpret what a person saying in tongues, paul says only heaven knows , is spoken in tongues not another person, the enemy can't stand us, speak in tongues. And true, we're not to be greedy.
I know that woman (Maria Angelina Alexander) If you were born and raised in new York you'd know too, she's my family's Broker for 3yrs till now and a very good one if you asked me. No doubt she is the one that helped you get where you are!!!!
I'm surprised of all people out there, Joyce is mentioned . Her teachings really helped me as a teenager to get out of a bad place I was in. It had nothing to do with prosperity gospel either, because so much of what she teaches has to do with having a better attitude 😌 and as a teen, I needed that so badly 😆❤
I'm glad someone brought up Joyce in the comments. Every one has had a unique experience. I'm also delighted that Allen and Daniel got together to Biblically teach on the matter. It's SERIOUS. Regarding Joyce, her name is only twice in the transcript. When Allen starts mentioning names near the beginning, her name is first, and Allen says, "I'm not talking about you know she's full-blown all the way in, but if you look at some of her teachings, I have a whole video on my RUclips channel where I talk about that, but she has promoted at different times in her Ministry this whole idea of prosperity, you can even go to her website and look at some of her affirmations and you can see that she promotes this idea of Prosperity Gospel and things of that nature. SO, I get it, but I don't think Joyce belongs in this category. If there is any one who has mentored and evangelized faithfully in the Church, it's Joyce Meyer. I also think of Greg Laurie. I believe she is Rare in terms of integrity, and even more Rare in terms of her own personal transformation and dying to self over DECADES. In fact, the teaching featured on her website right now is called "Self-Centered", and it's about DENYING YOUR SELF. So I agree for sure that immature Christians especially can get on a self focused dangerous journey and are influenced by the prosperity gospel, and things of that nature, but I don't believe that Joyce belongs on the cover art of this podcast. PLEASE pick some one else.
Same especially the Battlefield of the Mind series. Truly really helped me as a young soldier stationed at Ft. Campbell. Didn't hear much prosperity teaching from her.
Deception's way more cunning than Kenny and Benny nowadays, the devil's coming after the elect - trying to get them to trust in the things of this life masquerading as Christianity; instead of getting their hearts prepared for Christ's return (look up your redemption draws near).
For all those who think Joyce Meyer does not teach prosperity, you are sadly mistaken. Just read the affirmations on her website.
All scriptural ... I don't understand the problem. Is there a problem with encouraging oneself with scripture ?
Are these affirmations any different than what Paul says in Galatians 2:20 ???
I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live. Yet not I, but Christ lives in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh, I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me. (Galatians 2:20)
... or in Philippians 4 ???
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. (Philippians 4:13)
... or Romans 8 ???
I am more than a conqueror through Him who loved me. (Romans 8:37)
Going down the "I can command God" rabbit-hole is surely wrong, but let's not throw out the baby with the bathwater. Shall we not strive to see ourselves as God sees us (His children) ?
On edit, ... It is needful for me to say that my list of affirmations would be somewhat different than Joyce's ... AND that I would use somewhat different scriptural supports.
She is such a woman of God with a life based on scriptures. I'm so encouraged !!
I’m shocked and saddened that so many are taken in by Joyce Meyer. Follow Jesus - not a person.
@@jackson1915 Yes ... follow Jesus, ... AND take advantage of the teaching servants He has placed here for you ...
Ephesians 4
11 And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers;
12 For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ:
13 Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ:
So ... Billy Graham, Allen Parr, Ruslan, Joyce Meyer, Charles Stanley, etc.
Use them to help you learn of and from God, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit ...
1 Thessalonians 5: Do not quench the Spirit. 20 Do not treat prophecies with contempt 21 but test them all; hold on to what is good, 22 Reject every kind of evil.
ME Too @@jackson1915
I have decided to follow Psalm 37:4, "Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart." And the only prosperity I wish to receive from Him, is that the desires of my heart be more of Him. Blessings!
My favorite Bible verse!
Yeah people take that to mean our own selfish desires. But if we are saved once we acknowledge Christ as Lord and Savior, and what He did for us, then He will work on is inwardly through the Holy Spirit. That means our desires reflect His desires for us.
How we all seem to twist stuff for our own means. It’s sad but God has taught me a lot as I learn His word.
@@cahillrebelAmen 🙏🏻 🙌🏾 "He will give us the desires," which then becomes the ones we have in our hearts 💕
Some people mistake that verse. When we truly belong to God, our desires change. These prosperity ministers will use that to say we can have whatever we want by asking. Our desires should be spiritual. After all God knows our needs and desires, but He also knows some of them are not good for us.
The Bible says in Psalm 25:14 that God confides in those who fear Him so I think it's EXTREMELY important to teach everyone what it is to fear the LORD otherwise God AIN'T GONNA CONFIDE IN THEM > 🤪
Proverbs 8:13 NKJV
The fear of the LORD is to hate evil; Pride and arrogance and the evil way And the perverse mouth I hate.
Proverbs 3:7-8 NKJV
[7] Do not be wise in your own eyes; Fear the LORD and depart from evil. [8] It will be health to your flesh, And strength to your bones.
1 Thessalonians 5:16-19 NKJV
[16] Rejoice always, [17] pray without ceasing, [18] in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. [19] Do not quench the Spirit.
I would have to stop accusing The LORD of causing ALL of you to ignore me as if I don't exist > 🤪
It's time for my meds > 🙃🫠
I had so much guilt for years because I believed, tithed, gave, prayed and when things didn't happen, I was led to believe it was my fault. I didn't have enough faith and if I believed I did have enough faith, but things were not happening like answered prayer, I was told that if I didn't believe it was me then I was calling God a liar. I almost deconstructed because of this. But I didn't give up. By God's grace I started to hear balanced preachers who showed me this way of thinking is not only wrong, but it is dangerous. Who are we to demand anything of God? By His grace I take my next breath.
Same for me Raschelle7. Almost 51 years. Listening to teachers like Alan Parr and Mike Winger helps me to think biblically now. When I think of the things I believed! 🙄 When you're raised as a baby Christian you're listening to people you trust, but I now know the importance of being in the WORD!
It's kinda like being a legalist, when you ponder it. "Do such-and-such, and be rewarded"
That's how they get you to keep giving them money. Live a simple life and love, that's all you need to do. If you get ill, live with it and be brave don't pay preachers with seeds or tithes. This is exactly the same as what the Roman Catholics did with the selling of indulgences.
I just want to say-it's not your fault.
I love Daniel my fellow South African, I pray that God protect the two of you against the evil one. Thank you for speaking out and teaching us the right ways xox
Joyce showed me in the worst crisis of my life that GOD loves me despite my mistakes and led me to faith.
My dad would say this too but it’s still wrong
I’m glad that even in her teaching some things wrong, you got the chance and God still brought you to Him.💯🙏🏽❤️
God uses whom He will even if the enemy means it for confusion. God's plans prevail! God called you to Himself even through her mouth.
Amen ❤ . It's hard being in the public eye. Joyce has also uplifted me through really tough times.
God can still use her and others to send a specific message to whomever He wants. It has happened to me too even tough I do not even like Joyce Meyer
As a person from Africa i tell you the prosperity Gospel got us on a chokehold
I’ve also heard the “deliverance” ministries are big there. Like asserting that if you have a problem, you’ve got a demon. Has that been true in your experience? I’m not saying demons don’t exist or that they don’t attack people, but I don’t believe that the majority of problems come from demons.
Why does Africa have so much of this hyper charismatic stuff?
@SaintDrews why is there so many hyper charismatic churches in Africa?
Because in Africa, alot of people are in poverty. So many easily fall prey to it@@Joey_Bag_O_Donuts
@Joey_Bag_O_Donuts you could also ask that same question for America with the prosperity churches. The reason why this is happening people want a quick fix plus satan is seeking whom he wants to devour.🇬🇧🙏
This was such a blessing to me. This validated so many concerns I had when what I was reading in the Bible was contradicting what I was seeing in practice in churches I was attending. Please pray for me, that God would lead me to find a church that is congruent with His teachings. 🙏🏾
In prayers with you.
It took me a year of searching and praying. But finding a good church is crucial. God led me to a church I’d never have found on my own and it’s such a blessing
Such a blessing and confirmation! I’m a member of a Word of Faith/Prosperity Gospel Church. Everything you’ve discussed in this video is so true. I’ve really become disillusioned with the teaching and haven’t been to a service in over a year. I believe God is moving me to more sound, biblical teaching. Thanks you….🙏
Thank God your eyes have been opened to see this is false teaching. If you earnestly pray and seek God He will find you a church that preaches sound doctrine.
Many years ago I had to seek the face of God because I felt like the church we were going to for 16 years was no longer where we should be, for a different reason. It took a year, but after seeking God He showed us where we should be. We have been there 30 years now. Best thing that ever happened to us!
Dear @pharris1477, I just read your comment and I am fervently praying that you are no longer a member of the false Word-of-Faith/Prosperity church you had been attending! Praise Jesus Christ that He has turned on the lights for you to see the wickedness of this false system presented here on RUclips, that you repented, are born-again and will NEVER GO BACK! I'm sooo glad you are now disillusioned!❤
I'm in Houston and used to attend Lakewood Church and heard Joel Osteen preach many times, and thankfully God gave me the wisdom to see how dangerous and unbiblical it was and led me to a true Christian church that actually preaches the Word of God. We can't "declare" things to happen and then they just magically happen because we made a declaration.
Same here!!
Have lived in Houston all my life. Went to Lakewood 2 times; wasn't impressed, did not feel the Lord's was a lot of smoke and mirrors. Had no desire to go there again.
@belindamoore3518 yeah, it's a nice show they put on, and I think their whole "former compaq center" think appeals to some. My dad took me to Rockets games there when I was a kid, so I guess I already had some sentimental attachment to the building. But Joel Osteen's sermons are basically the same exact sermon over and over and over, just reworded a little.
Paul wrote in the New Testament that there is no wealth in preaching Jesus and his death, burial, and resurrection.
🕎1 Corinthians 9:13
“Do ye not know that they which minister about holy things live of the things of the temple? and they which wait at the altar are partakers with the altar?”
✝️1 Corinthians 9:14
“Even so hath the Lord ordained that they which preach the gospel should live of the gospel.”
I needed this today. I lost my mom 3 years ago and these thoughts do come up. .." did I not believe enough, did I not trust enough, did He not answer because He didn't want to " but it had nothing to do with me and everything to do with Him. I also forwarded this over to a sister in Christ who is going through a rough illness with her husband and she has asked these very same questions. Thank you for following Holy Spirit on this topic. Blessings to you both.
I lost my parents a few years ago. I know how that feels to see others prayers be answered while feeling as though maybe my prayers weren’t heard by the Lord or that I should have had faith more pleasing to God. I had to accept that death is certain for everyone and that I don’t get to determine when others or myself dies. I just need to obey and love the Lord 💕 love to you and your family.
@@shaniecebrazwell1321 Amen! You are absolutely right. It is so easy to get caught up in the flesh, what we want, instead of what God says. I do know she is with God and celebrating, so because of that, I am happy for her. Prayers and love for you and your family.
True! In a helpless state, when a believer doesn't know what to do, making them feel like it is their fault can take them on a guilt trip, fear and anxiety.
24:59 so hard to keep in mind / trust / etc. when you're desperate for God to not take your loved one. Even when we have a copious amount if time to say goodbye, the finality (in our very temporal existence) of knowing we're losing countless conversations and experiences with them. Even if we know we'll get to spend eternity with them, eternity feels like an eternity away. God gave us such deep emotions and connections with each other, it's never easy to let go of our earthly relationships.
No, your mother was not taken by God, He is a good God, don't blame Him for murder!
Ask God what happened, and let Him guide you, do not believe a lie because it ministers comfort to you, the truth remains the truth, God Paid for our healing, the question is how can we walk in it.
I think that regarding Isaiah 53, we must be careful not to disqualify and disconnect physical healing from the text because, if we allow scripture to define scripture, then we must realize that Matthew 8:16-17 directly connects physical healing to Isaiah 53:4-5.
There's a danger to believe something the text doesn't promise, but there's a similar danger of not believing what the text does promise.
I was inlightened by this that it was really physical healing is bieng reffered on Isaiah 53-4-5 confirmed by Mat 8 16-17 .Thanks and God Bless
Healing was one of the signs of the coming Messiah whereby the Jewish people could identify Him. Nichodemus recognized Him but the others rejected Him on grounds that He did miracles through the prince of demons to lead them astray. When Jesus was on earth He healed them all, same cannot be said for everyone. God performed miracles through the Apostles but they were rare. Paul's companion almost died of a life threatening fever. It gives an indication that God allowed natural process to takeover from the hipper miraculous season that marked the life of our Lord.
@@littleman6379 I assume at the end you mean "...hyper miraculous season..." ?
Thank you for covering this.
"Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them." (Ephesians 5:11)
Do not listen to two fools who do not kmow the ecriptures and misquote to suit their lies. They are both talking the oracles of satan
@@MargaretEibl What do you believe they are misquoting?
@@icecoolguita you are misquoting everything. I have .listened to her since I got saved. 47 year never has she preached anything but the Word of God. Kenneth Copeland as well. All the top preachers of God. God does not want any of his
children to be poverty stricken. You just do not know His Word. The Lord taught me to tithe.
@MargaretEibl Are you able to provide any examples? The amount of years you've listened to certain preachers doesn't have anything to do with whether they are of God.
If you believe God wants us to have a prosperous life now Jesus says in Luke 14:33: "So therefore, any one of you who does not renounce all that he has cannot be my disciple."
You should also read the book Foxes Book of martyrs to see how different early Christianity is compared to modern christianity. There were martyrs who, after truly knowing God and what Christ did for them, sought to be worthy to be martyrd for Christ. They did not just hope under persectution and torture to be able to stand firm and make it to heaven. But willingly gave up everything and all they wanted was God to be glorified the way He deserves.
Look up the writings from the early church. Their Christianity was all about glorifying God, their happiness was in the Spirit, not like the world who lives for this temporary life. Kenneth Copeland and Joyce Meyers focus is on this world, that's not true Christianity.
When Jesus came to give us an abundant life, it is life in the Spirit. What is 100 years of this life compared to the length of eternity?
@@icecoolguita you are cutting yourself with the Word, not rightly dividing it. I have studied God's Word nearly 50 years.
I would not listen to anyone who did not preach the truth of God's Word. Joyce knows God's Word, believe me. She is a
brilliant teacher of .God's Word. God says touch not mine anointed and do my prophets no harm. Slanderers will go to
Hell. So leave God's anointed alone.
We should never give to be blessed. With a joyful heart we give because we are blessed. Not only in a church, but wherever there is a need for us to give. As led by God's Spirit. To the glory of God. It doesn't matter how much or how little. All that matters to God is the motives in our hearts as to why we are giving. He loves a cheerful giver. Who gives not just to receive.
I lost my son when he was 8 yrs old. I never blamed God. As painful as it was and 12 yrs later still is, He is all I have who helps me endure. Without Him there would be no me today. I need Him. I have peace now living in this life without my son. I know He will restore my joy beyond measure when we are together with Him in a kingdom where death has no dominion nor power. A life of eternal rest in Christ. He keeps me alive. And fills the void that death put within me on January 24, 2012. The day my whole life changed for the worse. The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away. Blessed be the name of the Lord 🙌
Amen!! I’m so sorry about your precious son. May God continue to give you His peace. And you are so right, we should not give expecting to receive anything. We give because we want to help others Any Way we can, Not to be blessed. God has already given us the biggest blessing of all, that’s eternal life. 🙏✝️
That’s peace that comes from the LORD. Peace the world doesn’t have. Praise Jesus
I'm so very sorry for the loss of your son. I'm praying that God will continually draw you closer to Him each day ❤
I am so sorry for the loss of your son. May God continue to give you peace in his hard time. I will pray for you!
One of the best and most heartfelt comments. You have the right understanding of your relationship with God. God bless you.
I understand so much of what you are saying.
January of 2023 I lost my baby brother to stage 4 cancer. I was a second mother to him. I never thought I could survive if anything happened to him because I loved him so much. But I have. Only because of God’s strength. I know I will see him in heaven. Soon. Death is a part of life, but it’s only the death of our mortal bodies. We never die but are received into heaven by Jesus himself. For all eternity we will live with God
This one is heavy for me. Spent many years with incorrect beliefs and understandings. Glad I ran across this.
You are not alone😢
Praise God that he is loving you by correcting you
Don't be too hard on yourself. God knows your heart. Pray to the Holy Spirit to guide you to the true church.
Joyce Meyers has publicly repented of her involvement in the prosperity movement. I left a mega church years ago because they talked about money more than salvation and grace. But people are people and just because we look to them as leaders don’t make them perfect. They can and probably will disappoint us sometimes. That doesn’t mean they don’t have anything of value to teach. You just need to pray and check it in the Bible. That’s your job.
That's what I don't get. She repented publicly and doesn't preach on it anymore except that she is against the charismatic movement. I thought Christians were supposed to forgive and be happy for someone who repented and now lives in truth?
The value is the scriptures. The value is God. Something to look into, what does the scripture say about church discipline and women preachers. All the issues we have today is cause we do not know the scriptures and we do not regard them as our final authority.
@@lisa4455dickersonShe can’t give it all away. You don’t get refunds on facelifts.
And it's their job to teach the truth!!!! Y'all always put it on the ppl correcting but never on the ppl they led astray, what abt the ppl who followed them for years and passed away. What abt their souls? Meaningless? Y'all always saying leave them, why? So you could continue sinning?
Brothers!!! I am so blessed by you coming together to share truth! Thank you! I have been an avid student of learning how to rightly divide the Word of Truth. Then I found both of your youtube channels and scrutinized your teachings. You have not disappointed the Lord or me! I am 70 yrs old, in the Lord 46 years and it blesses me to know there are young men in the Lord like you to bring the truth. God bless you both as you continue to lead people to Truth. Much love in Jesus!❤❤❤❤
I always thought there was something wrong with me because I couldn't prosper nor be healed. I could never be slain in the spirit, get drunk in the spirit, etc., so I shamefully believed I was the problem. It was so hurtful, thinking God didn't love me enough.
Right. They teach that if you're sick or poor that you don't "have enough faith" or that you didn't give enough money
Same here. I still struggle with this at times due to spending years in the charismatic movement. I came pretty close to leaving church for good. Instead I just left the Assemblies of God.
I left the Pentecostal church for a similar reason!
@@UnaGorrionathats what i was thinking i use to be Oneness Pentecostal and this sounds exactly like it
I'm Roman Catholic thank God. God loves you and has a loving plan for you. God does not care for money or worldly things. My chronic pain from my car accident is my cross to bear God makes it easier for me to bear it though.
Awesome bible study brothers!Thanks for enlightening me & coming together in this video.
Thank you both for your work. It was your videos that helped me escape my Charismatic church and begin to question it with the Word. It was questioning my friends using the Word that I was removed from serving, which proved everything you guys are saying.
This was a great discussion. So worth any extra minutes. Keep it up because such clarity of scripture is needed. May the Lord use this for those in such errors. Amen
This is so needed ,, thank you so much!! ❤
This movement is very easy to get sucked into, think we've all been there. I notice the Holy Spirit has a way of guiding some out of it and into a fundamentally biblical foundation.
No it ain't...
People are just blind
No, we haven't "all been there." Some are more easily deceived than others by this. The devil is crafty, he roams around like a lion looking for someone to devour.
If you haven’t been there, than good for you! No one is perfect and we have all been blind at some point. Your path may not have included this movement, but let’s just praise God that He loves us enough to show us who He truly is. Let’s continue to pray for the blind and those who are still a part of this movement.
Well you clearly tell the ones who have and are prideful in not admitting it. For the ones who claim they haven’t, I really hope that you didn’t get deceived. I have a question for you all, as someone who was deceived(myself) what did you do daily to make sure you didn’t get deceived? Was it study the scripture? Was it Sound doctrine teachings you were blessed to receive growing up? Tell other brothers and sisters so they won’t be deceived instead of putting your nose to sky and saying “nope, not me, I wasn’t”
@@Divinelytuned7 As one who was never 'deceived' but more confused in understanding and needing answers, reading Gods Word in the NT was key for me. I've heard hundreds of different preachings/teachings. I ALWAYS compare what I hear to scripture and to put it in context. Not all that hard to discern Truth when one does that.
Wie toll euch zusammen zu sehen.
Grüße aus Deutschland😊
Hallo Christa!
Grüße aus Frankreich!
Grüsse aus die 🇨🇭 Schweiz.Blessings❤
Loved you two guys teaching us together ❤️ Thank you so much.
Believers, please pray for the Lord to never let you be deceived. This comment is not directed to any of the ministries they mentioned in the video or to Allen- it’s simply a prayer that we all need to pray in these last and evil days.
I thank the Lord for you brothers exposing the unfruitful works of darkness in the prosperity gospel and giving a balance of the scriptures used for the self gain of these false prophets.(I was decieved by Robert Tilton) But the Lord saved me Amen I was also blessed on the teaching of how to pray in a way thats pleasing to the Lord and according to his will. I thank the Lord for( Heb. 4:16) the throne of grace and how im to approach the throne . I will pray for you two and pray for me to continue in the faith which was once delivered unto the saints
My favorite two Christian RUclipsrs.
I love that God got you two on a platform together and through each of you to where we can learn and we can understand how God loves his children. Thanks for letting God use you two brothers in Christ Jesus. Keep on doing what you do.
As a brand new Christian ;the church I attended said, "God wanted me to marry a friend I went to church with". Many other young people were told the same thing- it was disastrous. Thanks to Jesus, His love remains and heals.❤❤
Wow...I hope you ran from that. That sounds very cultish.
The senior pastor at my church is one of the most kind and generous people I know. He is always helping people at church and people in the community. He never preaches about giving to the church and receiving wealth. That said, he claims healing in Jesus name, quotes scripture out of context for this and teaches that our past, present and future sins have been forgiven, so once we are saved, we no longer “sin”. My husband and I relocated to work at this church and now we are praying for direction - we do not agree with his theology and believe it has crossed over into non-negotiable areas of our faith. The other 2 pastors do not preach the same way. Please pray for us.
Wow, I just do not understand how any Bible reading believer in Christ can believe that we no longer fall short of the glory of God after we have been saved! Though our spirits are perfected with the righteousness of Christ and sealed with His own Holy Spirit, we do not suddenly gain perfection in our physical bodies and minds, because they are still fallible and subject to the wages of sin, which is death! If they were perfected as are our spirits, then we would never need to renew our minds in the Word of God, nor would we ever make another mistake of any kind, and our bodies would never fail us in sickness or death. I hope that he comes to realize his error and repents of his false theology! It is a really hard position to be under someone like this, especially if they are, otherwise, very warm and loving people and personal friends, as well! Praying for the situation!
Sounds like Joseph Prince's doctrine
Again, it is key to understand NT scripture in CONTEXT> If your pastor is not doing this then that is sad. However, on the subject of salvation... ALL your sin was paid for at the cross. Yes, past, present and future. Your spirit is born again in Christ Jesus. But our flesh is still sinful, and we still sin in the flesh. Christ Jesus in our intercessor for that reason. I encourage you to read Romans and much of Paul's teaching to get a better understanding of all this. God Bless.
“Go, your sins are forgiven”!! The work on the cross with strong and eternal and covers all the sins you don’t even know you’ll commit because even our righteous is like filthy rages. We’ve fallen short of God’s glory no matter how much we try unless we have Christ. God then looks at us and sees Christ.
He sounds like a good person, pray for him too. He needs to understand that we still sin because we are not perfect and are human.
I think people get so caught up in prosperity gospel that they don't think about their soul and where are they going to spend eternity
Deception, you know what it means, like some kind of bewitchment, but some are ignorant. The enemy only want to keep us from the truth.
Yeah man. Their focus is too much on temporary worldly things
We are the only species on earth that think of a soul and an eternal life based on our conduct in this life unlike animals that just live. I should of came to earth as a bird. Human beings make life too complicated and confusing. As bird i wouldn't have to listen to talk shows.
@@Eric-ej3oy you don’t decide that you were created to be a human being
Some people do not want eternity. I wonder what happens there. Im just saying.
I absolutely LOVE binging these longer videos on the Saturday's that I'm free from work!!! 🎉 Never disappointed with the content brother!! 🔥
This is exactly why I tell people to not take scripture out of context because you can insert anything that you want to direct the attention of ignorant people who don't take the time to study the word of God, and then they fall into deception
God wants you to be healthy and have what you need but to depend on him NOT SOME PREACHER
@lindacarroll4217 I have been preaching that message for many years it's what I tell people that man will eventually fail then in one area or the other we have the adamic nature within us all
I Absolutely get a Divine Word From God Everyday and I do mean Everyday. I READ MY BIBLE!
Divine Word.
@CaroleImani Thanks for correcting me on my spelling.
Satan can give you "words of knowledge" that looks and feels like it's from God but is not. Remember, if a so call prophet is wrong only one time, they are considered a false prophet according to scripture
@@jenniferhall4880hello, she’s referring to reading the Bible everyday.
Both the hyper Pentecostal charismatic movement and Catholicism have a fair history of Freemasonry, satanism, Pedophilia and aligning with other religions to enforce the one world religion in the churches.
Keep your children away from the pentecostal charismatic movement and the Roman Catholic Church
I live in St. Louis where Joyce Meyers is located. I live and work not far from her home and her church. She lives in a gated neighborhood in a mansion and the mansion next to her, she bought for her son. She shops at a store that is directly behind her ministries church. When she goes shopping, she has an entourage of 4-5 people with her. I know this because I worked at this store for 3.5 years. She has obviously had plastic surgery as well. I don’t buy for a second that her faith is in the right place.
O sheila. Do you know what it is like to be in her position. No just running to the shops in your jeane. Do you think they are nit targets for thieves and evil,people. You do not know her heart at all. God does. Her son has worked faithfully for donkeys years in the ministry. You begrudge him a house. Rather keep quiet or go to,Joyce and tell her this stuff. She will answer
@ not a house. A mansion. She’s a sham. A money grubbing sham. St Louis is hip to her.
@ Joyce Meyers owns SEVERAL homes, owns a PRIVATE jet, has a net worth of +$8,00,000. Gimmie a break on her legitimacy. Read up on Larry Rice from St Louis. He’s a true apostle of Jesus. Joyce? Not so much. Her plastic surgery proves it. She’s a great motivational speaker on the power of YOU, not the power of the Holy Trinity.
After all the hell she has been through and after all the people she has helped through her ministry, she is the one preacher i believe who deserves all that she has and more. Be careful when you speak on God's annointed by the way.
@@daveseslaughter2307 she put herself through it by gaining so much wealth. She isn’t giving back to the community. She keeps it. It’s absurd to have 5.2 million dollars of furnishings and art. And that’s just inside the mansion. She’s a fraud with a capital F.
Wow wow wow!!! I needed to hear this message about 15 years ago. But I’m so glad you posted this and God bless your ministry!! 👍🏾 ❤️ 💯 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥
Thank you for this. I needed this word for growth and alignment.
I visited a church where they had a "healing service" after the sermon. One of the clergy kept pushing on my chest and the other the top of my head. I found it very disturbing and high-tailed out of there when some of the people going up to the front were throwing up. When I messaged the pastor and apologized for leaving the service early and why I did he explained that was part of the service and called it supernatural healing of some sort. NEVER went back.
I do agree with most of the teachings these two are discussing. But I have personally witnessed “supernatural” healing by the Holy Spirit. My son has gone through trauma because of his Dad. He was diagnosed as schizophrenic due to trauma. In easier words , my son puts a cover - a mask on to protect himself emotionally to what has happened to him in the past. It’s a shield. Anyways, I was driving and he was sitting on the passenger side flipping out and going into a full blown child- like tantrum. I started saying scriptures from the “word” of GoD. I pulled over on side of road and started praying scriptures over and over. I put hands on his head and he starts crying hysterically and calling on me - mommy. I just continued to say the scriptures. He started throwing up and I was proud because the Holy Spirit was working on delivering him from his trauma and pain. He said mom I want to go to church. God is faithful.
Resolution: this is a work in progress. We are working on the healing.
So good to see you together. Been following pastor Allan since COVID and DLM, Daniel for the last both do great work for the kingdom 👌🏼🙏🏻🇿🇦
Praying for discernment is most important.... Thank you Jesus for showing me the way....all the Christians RUclips people I've been following, now are on each other's channels.
Ruslan, Melissa and Sunday services with pastor Greg Laurie!! ❤
True gospel is not easy to stomach. Contrary to what most Charismatic teaches, suffering and persecution are part and parcel of a born again Christian. In fact we learned from the Bible that we are to deny ourselves and bear the cross for God.
Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it. It's terrifying to think how many people truly believe that they are true followers of God and when it's too late they will find out that they are not. I can think of nothing more terrifying.
Examine yourselves, to see whether you are in the faith. Test yourselves. Or do you not realize this about yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you? -unless indeed you fail to meet the test! 2 Corinthians 13:5
The Word of God is a double edge sword- it will pierce and divide
Sure. To the other extreme where people, like my father, actually believe that anyone who claims Christianity MUST be living hand to mouth in order to be living a Godly life. That is why he is still living hand to mouth and has unconsciously taught 5 children to live hand to mouth as well. That is NOT walking by faith either. Having just enough all your life to 'get by' does not comport with scripture either. I am not saying that we should want or expect to have tons of money to store up for ourselves either.
@@veekee75 amen!
Thank you for all the context. Without context, it is easy to misinterpret the scriptures.
50 yrs ago I was slain in the spirit and badgered until I had to pretend I made up words so she would go away Praise the Lord I knew the truth it's gotten worse thanks for speaking truth blessings.
Awe, two of my favorite people together! This is awesome!
Welcome to the USA, Daniel!
Hello. What is Daniel’s RUclips Channel?
@@blondellepatriciaDLM Christian lifestyle
Happy for this wonderful news
I came out of this type of church years ago as I realised how much was false. Now I'm much more cautious to keep within the truth. 🇬🇧
The problem is too, you also have the opposite. Churches that are so dead inside that God has not moved in them in many many years and they will not allow God to move.
Yeah I heard about a church that a person died during the service so when the paramedics got there they had to carry out half the church before they found the dead person...!!!
For sure there are extremes on both sides.
@@Rodney-r8q HA!
Been part of such a church.
This is so needed and helpful!
Amennn! My two favorite men of GOD on this platform!! We need this, because so many unbelievers and/or some believers are so deceived due to sugar-coated prosperity preachers. Thank you both for teaching the true word of GOD. Also kiss both of your beautiful amazing wifes(true women of GOD.) Continue to be use by GOD as HIS vessels spreading GOD'S DIVINE HOLY WORD!!! Love you both my brothers in CHRIST JESUS!!! Also I was deceived by false doctrine teaching, but GOD open my eyes and touched my heart. I ran!!! Thank you
Greetings from South Africa, I'm glad I came across this🎉
This is the whole reason I do not go to church, and pray that eventually God will lead me to the right church 😊
Both of you are a perfect example of how Jesus sends out his disciples two by two to teach the kingdom of God. Blessed be his Holy name. Amen, love you all. God speed both of you brother's. Amen.
I was unsubscribed from this channel, due to reasons in the past, which got me a bit worried. But I subscribed again today. I am happy to see that you exposing these false teachers for who they are. And I am happy to see my Brother from SA featured on your channel. God bless you both.
Love to hear more fr you both, thank u Lord for the truth u bestowed through them
This is so good. Ultimately, important to read the word of God and have the fear of the Lord, and this is what will help you stay away from false teachings. Thanks for your guys' input. 🙏🏽
Yes been there done that. When I first got saved A friend brought me to their Church I didn't know the difference of charismatic or reformed. My husband and I were there for quite a few years. we saw things that were crazy and questioned ourselves if this was normal. Fast forward we've been out of that craziness for years and we consider ourselves reformed. And since that eye-opening revelation we've been studying God's word and see how crazy charismania really is.
Thanku so much for such an honest show.I totally enjoyed it Cherie
Allen and Daniel, you both are so amazing. I enjoy listening to your content. You have helped me learn so much thru my walk with Christ. Thank You for all you do!!
Awesome video, subbed! God bless you!
I was in a hyper charismatic movement about 10 years ago. I was very in tune with the Holy Spirit and God used me in the prophetic gifting very strongly. I started noticing that people were seeking me out for the gift asking “does God have a word for me”. But I don’t control the gift, it’s God’s choice to give someone a specific message through me. Anyways, God revealed to me that some secret sexual sin (sleeping with multiple women in the group) was happening with the leader and told me to expose the secret sin and to stop going. I exposed the sin and stopped going.
Wow, that's very interesting. Do you still have the gift? How do you use it these days?
Yes it’s a gift however some people abuse these gifts for their own profit 😢
@@Afrinaturality I still have the gift, not as consistent as it once was. Also, the Holy Spirit removed me from that church because people were putting the gift on the pedestal. However, I think it is a matter my level of intimacy with God. To be honest my level of intimacy with God was a lot more intense then. I didn’t work a 6 figure job, run my own business, I didn’t have a wife and children, no college degrees, etc. Now I have a lot of things competing for my time and attention that I have to balance out and cut out some things. However, the gift still comes when it comes.
@@WeAreRoyalty7 agreed. I saw people seeking me out for the gift rather than God. Which is why I was directed to leave.
Are you an Apostle? Are you over 2000 years of age? The bible is God's divine word for all of us today. Jesus doesn't speak to anyone.
I am an indian. I heard Joice Meyers 's messages much. I have read many of her books in our own south Indian language . They gave me emotional healings, helped me to cross through the abuses that I have gone through. Her teachings helped me to love Jesus more while crossing through tough situation. Not all that has that anointing to do so. I did not hear any prosperity teaching from Joice. But real blessings of our God is entirely different from prosperity. Not only me ,hundreds of Indian women are blessed by her teachings.
Do not listen to people that slander anointed teachers of Almighty God. They are destined for hell and tnd lake of fire.
God wants prosperity preached. He is a God of prosperity.
Glad you were transparent. We are moving into an Agee of deception where some pin point an area of a ministry and wish to shut it down since they don’t believe. These people will end up throwing the baby out with the catheter because they will end up killing the church.
Glad you were transparent. We are moving into an Agee of deception where some pin point an area of a ministry and wish to shut it down since they don’t believe. These people will end up throwing the baby out with the catheter because they will end up killing the church.
Yea, she might be use as a tool to help us, but it isn't her that actually help me or you, its the created hand of God, and she is use to give us a word of encouragement. Solomon was use to solve alot of problems in his time and he who was wise went on the wrong direction in the end, don't lose the sight of the one behind the scene our optimate helper not the person He uses because they are imperfect humans.
@AndrewReynolds-nl1qk joyce meyer has never deviated from teaching and preaching .God's Word. Never. You can listen to any of her teachings. Everything she does or says leads you to the Lord Jesus Christ. You speak bad about her, you will incur
The wrath of God. She is a humble servant of God. What do you know about the milliions upon millions of dollars goingmout all over the world. When tradgedy strikes, her massive trucks carrying food, water, dedicated people under her, work removing massive trees that have fallen, houses hit to pieces, new ones erected for poverty stricken people that have been left with nothing. How much money do big bull dozers cost. To get all the stuff needed to erect houses. Lines of people so thankful
for clean water to drinkl food to eat. All of you from where you are stop your lies aboit her and other pastors. You are on,your way to hell running God's anointed into the ground. Where are you when 3 year olds are being trafficked for the sex trade.
Where are you, in India, saving girls from filthy men. She builds places and sancturaries and schools, christian schools. Girls being led to the Lord. Thousands of them. You should be ashamed of yourselves. Repent before,Almighty God.
Thank you gor doing this It's so important
I love seeing you two brothers together! You gave a lot of TRUTH in this teaching, and I appreciate your dual focus on proper biblical doctrine.
Hey!!! Two of my favs together! Thanks for spreading the truth!
Thank you both for going through this so thoroughly. I was in these hyper “evangelical “ congregations for most of my youth and early adulthood. I can definitely see how this mentality affected me in many of the ways you described. I have steered clear of them for a long time, but haven’t been able to commit to any church for many years. Putting some of these teachings into context and explaining them really helps me to understand some things about myself (from where I’ve come) and hopefully to be able to trust my ability to discern true Biblical teaching and can commit to a church that has it.
thank you bothers for this timely message
I'm sure you meant BROTHERS
We believe in the gifts of the spirit, but there is a balance.
I’m happy to see you two connecting !!!
My two faves together! Great video. ❤
I bought Daniel's book for my grown son's birthday. He loves it.
I am so ashamed today I stopped with churches because of these shameful pastors the last time I went to church my sister took me up to meet her pastor and I was pushed away from him by him because he did not allow people close to him.I was done I read my Bible almost every day I study and I talk to God constantly.I feel wonderful.
WHAT about the Scripture that says: "We should "draw together" more and more as we "see the day approaching." It doesn't say to be off somewhere all by yourself...😮❤
Maybe your sister's Pastor was married and he didn't want a lot of women around him...That sounds logical...!!❤
Maybe your sister's Pastor was married and he didn't want a lot of women around...That sounds logical.😅
The church is the body of believers not a building
Some pastors like to go off and cool off or calm down after service. Dont take personal.
Well put gentlemen. Keep up the good work. God bless you.
I was in the word of faith movement for about 10 years when I first got saved. I can't believe how much the scriptures were twisted. They would often find whichever ENGLISH version most aligned with the point they wanted to make out of a verse. When you actually read an Epistle for example, as a whole, and know what the background of the letter was, it's completely different and actually makes much more sense.
Thank you for pointing this out! Looking back I am realizing that many of the pastors and teachers at my church would use different translations in the same sermon- and not just "the same verse in the Amplified says ____.". That would be fine, but I mean this verse in NKJV, this one in NIV, etc.
@@able34bravo37 Exactly! They would pick the one English translation that they thought would best support their false doctrine/interpretation. So manipulative.
Amen! Exactly.
Great video!! Very thankful to hear this episode !! God Bless!
Blessed from Africa Kenya .
Both of you are a blessing and you teach true Doctrine .
God bless you.
As for decreeing/declaring, I believe Job 22:27-28 (KJV) has the answer to that. There is the prayer part, as well as the declaring part. Does it mean that everything we declare will come to pass? No. But that doesn't render declarations invalid either. If you declare according to the Will of God then it will surely come to pass because it is God that brings what you declare to pass, not you.
Amen! Thank you for sharing!
Job 22:27-28 are part of the words of Job’s “friend”, Eliphaz, as he outrageously accuses Job of abundant evil which is why Job is suffering. Forming doctrine from this is not wise exegesis.
Be careful with job, until Elihu starts talking, the friends were speaking things they didn't fully know. At the end of Job, God tells off Job and most of all, only refrains from punishing his friends by saying they should go to Job and have him pray for them. Elihu wasn't told off.
It’s funny how people want to claim reaping and sowing for material blessings but don’t want to consider the law when it comes to our behavior. As Hosea 8:7 says, “For they sow to the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind.” You go around sowing destruction and heresy, you reap wrath and death unless you repent. I am so glad I was saved from this, and I’m praying for those still caught up in these cults.
My people will perish because of lack of knowledge
My God , My God🙌🙌🙌🙌
You blow me away 🙇🏼♀️
I love You LORD God Almighty (praise & worship) I asked You yesterday " how do i know if what is being said, taught or preached is the truth according to Your word/Word" Thank You Abba I bow low 🙇🏼♀️
Very opening video, keep teaching the truth brothers.
1 Timothy 4:1
“Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;”
I've followed Joyce Meyer for many, many years...had the opportunity to attend one of her conferences, and I just don't understand why she came up in your conversation regarding prosperity. She rarely speaks on it and the little that she does speak on it is supported biblically. She took an offering one time during her conference and there was absolutely no pressure and proceeded to teach on The Holy Spirit, not mentioning prosperity once. I used to follow many of the other evangelists and pastors you've mentioned, and yes, I felt The Spirit directing me away from each and every one of them, but Joyce has been tried and true in my book. She's older than each of us and has been teaching the Word for longer than both of you and her ministry still goes on strong. Many of these others have since been brought out into the light and exposed.
I agree with you. She had spoken on,and in my opinion has mispoken on prosperity, but that isn't her main focus in her teachings. The old Creflo Dollar, Benny or Kenny C are much much worse.
Yea Joyce Meyers should not be lumped into this group. Maybe 30 yrs ago she fell into this group but she has spiritually matured since then
She may not be a prosperity teacher but I have heard her preach the little gods (where we are literally little gods) doctrine before and that’s a big part of the charismatic teaching. That’s a bigger heresy than the prosperity gospel.
@@ruthiesheppard729that is an old video and she has talked about how her views were out of whack back then. Quite a bit if you listen to her actually.
@@ruthiesheppard729 That's not what she is teaching now. In 8 years, as a regular listener, I have never heard her speak of it, or of anything that gives me pause as a christian brother. If you are going to comment on her ministry, you should really update your knowledge of your sister in Christ.
I nearly left the faith because no matter how much I named and declared things, it never came true. I spent years trying to understand why everybody around me was "hearing from God" who apparently was calling them all to go elsewhere. I never understood why when I would speak words from God nobody else went along with it, but certain others always knew what to say. I practiced speaking in tongues so that it would sound like an actual language, and it felt weird that I had to do that.
I eventually admitted to myself that it was me doing the "tongues". I eventually came to realize that I was socially awkward, and that's why when I would speak words from God nobody responded- though they would if somebody else said essentially the say thing a few minutes later. I eventually realized that everybody being "called" to go somewhere else was just them doing what they wanted and conflating their inner monologue with the voice of God. I eventually realized that Jesus told the disciples whom He had personally taught and trained that things they declared would come true, but He didn't say that to the crowds.
I thought that I was unrighteous (I am a sinner, but so is everybody else in history), that I was doing it wrong. It turns out I was fine, but the charismatic movement is heresy.
I just wish my family would see it too.
Im glad God took the scales from your eyes and now you can truly understand God.
Uhg, I hear you. I grew up in this stuff. My hook on it wasn't the manifesting stuff, it was binding demons. I grew up in abuse (I want to say ironically, but IDK if it is anymore😔), so kept trying to bind demons. I literally saw them laughing at me one night... Always after me🙄 My childhood was pure torture. The only way I am a Christian is that God made Himself real and evident to me. I wasn't happy with Him though 😆😬😬😬 That's changed, and I'm in His hands 💖❤️🩹
The Bible doesn’t tell us to bind the devil, these pastors are crazy, its one here in Atlanta that says he has the worlds greatest church and he has been saying that mess off and on for the past 30 years, his false teachings are off the charts but they won’t stop with the prosperity gospel SMH
@@gohawks3571heh. My mom used to bind demons in me any time I said something she didn't want to hear, or just because.
One time she heard from God that my sister was going to win a Dodge Neon from a store in our town that was giving away three of them. God apparently had told her my sister would win the red one. So she and my sisters were naming and claiming it, and I said, "what if she wins the blue one?"
My mom switched to denouncing my unbelief in God's will and casting demons out of me.
My sister didn't win anything at all, and it wasn't because a quarter of a million people had entered the drawing. It was because I had asked about the blue one.
Strong Godly men teaching Gods word! This is great. Preach it brother. I’ll turn the pages. There is such a lack of sound biblical teaching out there it’s a joy to find sound teachers of the word!
Hi Alan,
Great video! I actually watched Daniel’s extension to this video and your story gave me encouragement! Right now I’m 26 and I’m in the same season as you were when you were my age and feeling all the same things about marriage and relationship, and being in that season and feeling all those feelings towards God (angry at Him). This was definitely encouraging for me! Just wanted to personally say thank you and your videos are very helpful.
Joyce and people like her are just motivational speakers. They benefit certain demographics. I really love Psalm 37. One of my favorites.
There is a problem that people over compensate and throw everything out. But God does not want you sick (when did Jesus refuse to heal?) and being poor is a bad thing as you cannot help those in need.
I think the main issue is for people to be taught about Jesus Christ as the son of God and that he died for our sins to have everlasting life, to have a good relationship with God, to know the truth because he came here to tell us the truth, and Jesus never teach people about being rich with the earthly materials that we will lose eventually, but he thought us about being wealthy spiritually. And churches nowadays teach people about money, prosperity and lots of material gains! They mislead people because they dnt teach the people about the relationship with God.
I hope you guys really spend time praying for the pastors you've mentioned as much as you've talked about them. God bless you.
*2 Corinthians 11:5-6*
Did those pastors pray for anybody?
Seriously? 🤦🏻♀️
Thank you so much for this clarity!
AMEN!!!!excellent video today! Praise God for these men exposing this so clearly!
Thanks for sharing 🙏🏿
His grace and mercy be upon you and your loved ones 🕊️🥛🍯
Great video guys.
Tithing is under the Law. Grace is where we are today. Paul said to give with a grateful heart expecting nothing in return. 2 Cor. 9:6,7
A lot of ppl don’t realize that tithing was done through the sacrificial system of the Mosaic Covenant.
They’re quick to say that we are not under the Old Covenant, but claim we are supposed to tithe. 🤔
Tithing predates the law. Jesus actually affirmed tithing. Jesus also said that when you give you will receive, pressed down and shaken together..
@weshull1494 Grace did not appear until Jesus's passion. The Law of tithing died with grace. See Paul's letters to the Romans and the Corinthians foe futher explanation.
@@Blessed-jz7fh@ Blessed-jz7fh Can you unpack this for me?
a) What does speaking in tongues have to do with tithing?
b) What does clothing have to do with sight?
c) Where is the Temple, Levites, and how did the law deceive and slay Paul - Romans 7:11?
@andrewmyers2776 i was just mentioning , then speaking in tongues is in the bible, and we are still tithe, paul spoken tongues, who said the language only heaven understands, and I don't see anything to bible where someone can , interpret what a person saying in tongues, paul says only heaven knows , is spoken in tongues not another person, the enemy can't stand us, speak in tongues. And true, we're not to be greedy.
Thank you for this discussion, as it is pertinent for our times, and I appreciate the use of scriptures to make your points.
Thank you Brother Allen. I appreciate your ministry. God bless you ✝️🙌
*I'm glad you made this video,* it reminds me of my transformation from a nobody to good home, $89k biweekly and a good daughter full of love..
Please how ?
It's Maria Angelina Alexander doing she's changed my life. A BROKER- like her is what you need.
$356K monthly is something you should feel differently about....
Lovely! I enjoyed it like I enjoy a $100k monthly around the turn!!!
I know that woman (Maria Angelina Alexander)
If you were born and raised in new York you'd know too, she's my family's Broker for 3yrs till now and a very good one if you asked me. No doubt she is the one that helped you get where you are!!!!
God bless you both
Brilliant biblical truths 😊
Thank you, Allen, I needed this today. God bless you! 🙏
Great great video. Very awesome points backed up by scripture
I'm surprised of all people out there, Joyce is mentioned . Her teachings really helped me as a teenager to get out of a bad place I was in. It had nothing to do with prosperity gospel either, because so much of what she teaches has to do with having a better attitude 😌 and as a teen, I needed that so badly 😆❤
Exactly! Joyce Meyer does not focus on prosperity. I have been following her ministry for 30 years. She is still a blessing to me!!!
exactly. be wary of this Channel. be prayerful about what is said here
I'm glad someone brought up Joyce in the comments. Every one has had a unique experience. I'm also delighted that Allen and Daniel got together to Biblically teach on the matter. It's SERIOUS. Regarding Joyce, her name is only twice in the transcript. When Allen starts mentioning names near the beginning, her name is first, and Allen says, "I'm not talking about you know she's full-blown all the way in, but if you look at some of her teachings, I have a whole video on my RUclips channel where I talk about that, but she has promoted at different times in her Ministry this whole idea of prosperity, you can even go to her website and look at some of her affirmations and you can see that she promotes this idea of Prosperity Gospel and things of that nature. SO, I get it, but I don't think Joyce belongs in this category. If there is any one who has mentored and evangelized faithfully in the Church, it's Joyce Meyer. I also think of Greg Laurie. I believe she is Rare in terms of integrity, and even more Rare in terms of her own personal transformation and dying to self over DECADES. In fact, the teaching featured on her website right now is called "Self-Centered", and it's about DENYING YOUR SELF. So I agree for sure that immature Christians especially can get on a self focused dangerous journey and are influenced by the prosperity gospel, and things of that nature, but I don't believe that Joyce belongs on the cover art of this podcast. PLEASE pick some one else.
@@Mighty-ue7bt If you read Gods Word first, you shouldn't need be wary of ANY channel.
Same especially the Battlefield of the Mind series. Truly really helped me as a young soldier stationed at Ft. Campbell. Didn't hear much prosperity teaching from her.
I'm in Columbus ga thus has blessed me so thank you for helping me understand the scripture you went over truly a blessing!
Deception's way more cunning than Kenny and Benny nowadays, the devil's coming after the elect - trying to get them to trust in the things of this life masquerading as Christianity; instead of getting their hearts prepared for Christ's return (look up your redemption draws near).
Thank you for your great teachings🙏