  • Опубликовано: 26 окт 2024

Комментарии • 333

  • @davidmalvinalexander
    @davidmalvinalexander  Год назад +65

    DexterLaura Anderson
    1 day ag o David why don’t you discuss D and C 138?
    Hi DexterLaura....(not sure which this is). That is a wonderful passage of scripture. And I am just barely learning most of what there is to learn. I have read the Book of Mormon...skimmed it rapidly just to get a feel for the flow of the narrative...and now am studying carefully through it slowly. I have not even read D and C or Pearl yet. I did read a few passages, including DC 138, because kind people such as you referred me to them.
    But still...I am trying not to refer to the Standard Works...other than the Bible....for a very simple reason. If you look at the Title page of the videos, as the bottom...you will see this written:
    "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints...Truth Defended...from the Bible and from my own Experience". .. My particular thing...is I was an Evangelical Christian for 47 years...that was told the Bible DISQUALIFIED the Latter Day Saints....as even being Christian...much less the "True Church" that they truly are. And I believed that lie....hook, line and sinker. And hundreds of millions of Evangelical Christians are deceived to believe that same lie....that kept me from finding the Restoration for 47 years.
    So my burden....for now at least...is to defend and establish the Truth of the Restoration and of the Latter Day Saints...as being TRULY, UTTERLY BIBLICAL....truly as MORE biblical than the faith of their slanderers....based simply on my own deep experience of what Evangelical Christianity actually is....and based simply on the only "Word of God" that Evangelicals accept as scripture...that is, the Bible. Given such a "mission statement"...it makes no sense for me to be quoting from the Book of Mormon. There are millions of Latter Day Saints who can quote the Book of Mormon far better than I can...but I CAN defend and support Latter Day Saint teaching and practice...from the Bible...so for now...I am sticking with that! I hope that helps you to understand what I am trying to do and why!
    Sincerely, In Christ, David Alexander

    • @Jan-wd1is
      @Jan-wd1is Год назад +20

      That seems to be your special calling, which God has asked you to do at this time and you are so uniquely qualified to minister to those you understand and have been one too. It is so needed!

    • @lindamartinez7006
      @lindamartinez7006 Год назад +12

      That’s right David . We are the only ones who truly go by the Bible . So glad you finally wrote lead to truth . The only true church restored .

    • @davidorcutt9246
      @davidorcutt9246 Год назад +9

      Awesome David, just awesome?!

    • @robastle7112
      @robastle7112 Год назад +15

      The Spirit of God is a fire burning within you! I served a LDS mission in the south and totally get and understand what you’re saying. It really speaks to me. Keep it up brother!

    • @nancerella2000
      @nancerella2000 Год назад +6

      Yes, David! Please keep doing your thing! I have learned more about the Bible in the last two weeks than I had in me entire life before that! Please keep illuminating this glorious book to my mind!

  • @Claire55755
    @Claire55755 Год назад +69

    My husband was the baptizer in the temple one morning and after he had completed the names of the baptizee he felt a VERY strong impression that he wasn’t done and asked the recorder if there was another name for this young person to do and sure enough, two name cards had been stuck together and there WAS another name to do after all!!! The Lord needs this work to be done and those on the other side make sure it happens!!

  • @CheckYourLeaderTV
    @CheckYourLeaderTV Год назад +45

    As a Latter Day Saint who was baptised aged 42 I can only encourage you to continue on the path. You’ll not be disappointed

  • @AcheliusDecimus
    @AcheliusDecimus Год назад +28

    My daughter was baptized for my mother, and my wife got endowed for my mother. My mother appeared to my wife in the temple and dreamed my sister half a world away from us at the time, telling her to tell me she is now free and at peace. No one can tell me that Baptism for the Dead is wrong.

    • @hill_cumorah-vf2fx
      @hill_cumorah-vf2fx Год назад

      It is wrong! Baptism for the dead is a heresy. Isn’t it that the book of Mormon contains the fullness of the gospel? therefore, can you find a single account in the Book of Mormon where they do baptism for the dead? you cannot find any, why? because it is wrong.
      Moroni 8:10
      Behold I say unto you that this thing shall ye teach-REPENTANCE AND BAPTISM UNTO THOSE WHO ARE ACCOUNTABLE AND CAPABLE OF COMMITTING SIN; yea, teach parents that they must repent and be baptized, and humble themselves as their little children, and they shall all be saved with their little children.
      Moroni 8:11
      And their little children need no repentance, neither baptism. BEHOLD, BAPTISM IS UNTO REPENTANCE to the fulfilling the commandments UNTO THE REMISSION OF SINS.
      Are dead people still has the capability of committing sin? Can they commit murder, adultery or bear false witness against their neighbor? No. Only the living are capable of committing sin. Now for those dead who are accountable, repentance is needed in order that baptism will not be in vain, or in other words, that there will be a “remission of sins”.
      Is it possible for the dead to repent?
      Joseph F. Smith taught that the dead can still repent in the afterlife.
      D&C Section 138: 31-32, 58-60
      And the chosen messengers went forth to declare the acceptable day of the Lord and proclaim liberty to the captives who were bound, EVEN UNTO ALL WHO WOULD REPENT OF THEIR SINS AND RECEIVE THE GOSPEL.
      Thus was the gospel preached to those who had died in their sins, WITHOUT A KNOWLEDGE OF THE TRUTH, or in transgression, having rejected the prophets.
      THE DEAD WHO REPENT will be redeemed, through obedience to the ordinances of the house of God,
      And after they have paid the penalty of their transgressions, and are washed clean, shall receive a reward according to their works, for they are heirs of salvation.
      Thus was the vision of the redemption of the dead revealed to me, and I bear record, and I know that this record is true, through the blessing of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, even so. Amen.
      This is a False Doctrine! Because it contradicts the Word of God.
      Alma 42:13
      Therefore, according to justice, the plan of redemption could not be brought about, only on conditions of REPENTANCE OF MEN IN THIS PROBATIONARY STATE, yea, this preparatory state; FOR EXCEPT IT WERE FOR THESE CONDITIONS, mercy could not take effect except it should destroy the work of justice. Now the work of justice could not be destroyed; if so, God would cease to be God.
      Alma 34:32-35
      For behold, this life is the time for men to prepare to meet God; yea, behold the day of this life is the day for men to perform their labors.
      And now, as I said unto you before, as ye have had so many witnesses, therefore, I beseech of you that ye do not procrastinate the day of your repentance until the end; for after this day of life, which is given us to prepare for eternity, behold, if we do not improve our time while in this life, THEN COMETH THE NIGHT OF DARKNESS WHEREIN THERE CAN BE NO LABOR PERFORMED.
      YE CANNOT SAY, WHEN YE ARE BROUGHT TO THAT AWFUL CRISIS, THAT I WILL REPENT, THAT I WILL RETURN TO MY GOD. NAY, YE CANNOT SAY THIS; for that same spirit which doth possess your bodies at the time that ye go out of this life, that same spirit will have power to possess your body in that eternal world.
      For behold, IF YE HAVE PROCRASTINATED THE DAY OF YOUR REPENTANCE EVEN UNTIL DEATH, BEHOLD, YE HAVE BECOME SUBJECTED TO THE SPIRIT OF THE DEVIL, and he doth seal you his; therefore, the Spirit of the Lord hath withdrawn from you, and hath no place in you, and the devil hath all power over you; and this is the final state of the wicked.
      There is no chance a man can still repent after this life. Repentance is only possible for the living. Therefore, baptism should only be given to the living and not to the dead.
      And if a man died without the knowledge of the truth, or have sinned because of ignorance, that will be covered by the atonement of Christ and the power of his redemption.
      Moroni 8:22
      For behold that all little children are alive in Christ, and ALSO ALL THEY THAT ARE WITHOUT THE LAW. FOR THE POWER OF REDEMPTION COMETH ON ALL THEM THAT HAVE NO LAW; wherefore, he that is not condemned, or he that is under no condemnation, cannot repent; and unto such baptism availeth nothing.
      Moroni 8:20
      And he that saith that little children need baptism denieth the mercies of Christ, and setteth at naught the atonement of him and the power of his redemption.
      This verse(20) is also applicable to those who died without the truth. If we read it this way:
      And he that saith that those who died without the knowledge of the truth need baptism, denieth the mercies of Christ, and setteth at naught the atonement of him and the power of his redemption. Does it make sense?
      Mosiah 3:11
      For behold, and also HIS BLOOD ATONETH FOR THE SINS OF THOSE who have fallen by the transgression of Adam, who have died not knowing the will of God concerning them, or WHO HAVE IGNORANTLY SINNED.
      Therefore, this principle of Joseph Smith written in D&C 131:6 is also a False doctrine!
      He taught that: “It is impossible for a man to be saved in ignorance.”
      There is no need for the dead to be baptized. Because any thing that is done here on earth, the dead cannot receive even a portion of it forever.
      Eccleciastes 9: 5-6
      For the living know that they shall die: but the dead know not any thing, neither have they any more a reward; for the memory of them is forgotten.
      Also their love, and their hatred, and their envy, is now perished; NEITHER HAVE THEY ANY MORE A PORTION FOR EVER IN ANY THING THAT IS DONE UNDER THE SUN.
      Jeremiah 23:16
      Thus saith the LORD of hosts, Hearken not unto the words of the prophets that prophesy unto you: they make you vain: they speak a vision of their own heart, and not out of the mouth of the LORD.
      Moroni 7: 14
      Wherefore, take heed, my beloved brethren, that ye do not judge that which is evil to be of God, or that which is good and of God to be of the devil.

    • @AcheliusDecimus
      @AcheliusDecimus Год назад +5

      @@hill_cumorah-vf2fx I guess you don't believe Jesus died for our sins. Why do you think he went and claimed the keys? I won't be sharing scriptures cause it is pointless to argue with people who don't know the doctrines of the New Testament that was shared in this video. Keep quoting scriptures, not realizing how Jesus opened the doors for us to all be saved.

    • @solomoncasilen7362
      @solomoncasilen7362 Год назад +5

      @@hill_cumorah-vf2fx ha ha you’re loosing the best blessing of your life mate. Wasting your effort reading the scripture from restored gospel without honest heart to read. You are like old Pharisees who find fault to crucify the lord who made the blind man see. Oh my i love the LDS church and i can see people gnashing their teeth with hate because the gospel keeps rolling forward to the earth. Just humble yourself my friend and enjoy the restored gospel join the faith and stop being silly brother we love you😊 ❤

    • @martinp8174
      @martinp8174 9 месяцев назад

      Because they are learned they think they are wise. Time to pray and find the truth, stop attacking others and concentrate on knowing the truth to aid your own conversion.

  • @katherinem.4414
    @katherinem.4414 Год назад +50

    Stay with it…..no matter what, no matter what, no matter what. You are a very strong person. It helps to be able to compare the different churches. I loved the Baptists, and I loved accepting Jesus as my Savior after singing, “Just as I Am.” But more was available….and I needed more. So I went to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. And I loved them too….but I had to stay there because I knew it was the fulness of the gospel. And I know Christ better.

    • @davidmalvinalexander
      @davidmalvinalexander  Год назад +20

      Katherine....that is beautiful!! Can you PLEASE tell that story....on video and send it to me with an appropriate title? That story....needs to get out, just as you just outlined it!
      Sincerely In Christ, David

  • @F720K
    @F720K Год назад +22

    Could you make a list of the scriptures that you referenced in this video and share them?
    Your thoughts have helped me to better understand this doctrine and its scriptural basis.
    I watched your interview video about how you came to the church and your previous religious experiences and beliefs, and I relate so much because I had a very similar experience before I was baptized.
    I was a theology major at GCU and and somewhat recently expelled from a One True Church religious cult when the missionaries knocked on my door, and I approached our discussions from the viewpoint of furthering my understanding of other religions and disapproving their beliefs (because they were oBviOusLy another “One True Church” cult). We skipped the “small stuff” and went straight to deep doctrine. Initially, I viewed the BOM as I view other religious texts, noncanonical, but worth studying.
    I took all of the things that I was learning in college (exegesis, hermeneutics, systematic theology, evangelical theology, you name it) and applied them to the BOM expecting them to be able to disprove the validity of the BOM, but they couldn’t.
    To my great surprise, as I debated and discussed these things with the missionaries I found myself thinking, “I never thought I would find a church that held the same beliefs that I’ve held my entire life and definitely not in the LDS”. But 4 years later here I am.
    Thank you for openly discussing these things because it has helped me greatly to hear your understanding as someone from a similar background as mine and who wasn’t born and raised. 🖤

  • @joshuapetersen4960
    @joshuapetersen4960 Год назад +11

    Thanks for your testimony and knowledge. I received an undeniable witness in the temple nearly 30 years ago. I was in the celestial room and had just finished doing work for someone who had passed. I want to add that I did not know this person at all. Anyways, I said a humble silent prayer to God and I asked if this person accepted the work I had done for him, and if the work for the dead I was doing was true. As soon as I had finished asking the Lord in prayer, I received a powerful witness that this man who had long passed had accepted the ordinance, and that he was pleased with me, and that work was indeed true.

  • @steveschannel1628
    @steveschannel1628 Год назад +32

    David, I am very gratified by your expression of the truth to our Evangelical Christian friends. I was an LDS missionary in Louisiana and Mississippi 45 years ago and came to love the Baptists and others of the Evangelical persuasion. One thing you might consider mentioning is that Scriptura Sola was conceived out of a recognition in the 16th century by faithful men such as John Knox , that there was no Apostolic and Prophetic Authority and the only way to establish a reformation was to return to the scriptures. So, as you point out, the difference is that God, in the 19th century re-established the Apostolic and Prophetic Authority which John Knox and others were looking for, to correct errors. This is the basis for the blessing of the restoration of the gospel in the fullness of times, where Jesus Christ restored his Church with priesthood keys needed to gather together in one, all things in Christ. Love your faith!

    • @anitakathleenpierce4420
      @anitakathleenpierce4420 Год назад +5

      Thank you for going on a mission and sharing your Powerful Faith with me! I love the missionaries and I was so blessed to be baptized about 22 months ago! This is the most beautiful Truth I could never deny!

  • @janetcarlson4923
    @janetcarlson4923 Год назад +26

    My dad was serving in the temple baptistry and a young man told him the same story. So it does happen.
    If you think of God, how can you think He is a just and loving God when billions have never been taught the Gospel!

  • @gwengold8154
    @gwengold8154 Год назад +57

    David, this was such a wonderful chapter of your channel ❤️ Thank you! I can't see a thing without my glasses, but when I went to do baptisms for the dead the first time, I was privileged to be able to be baptized for 10 people, and I am absolutely certain that one of them was present because of what I felt and experienced as I came out of the water following the ordinance in her name. Even when you don't have an experience of seeing or feeling the person or persons there, it is such a peaceful, calming experience. You know that it is of God. I think that this preacher must think we are such simpletons that we can't tell the difference between an evil spirit and a good spirit. Well, we can. We know good from evil. I loved your comments about the justice of God, the Eternal Father. There is no justice in judging people by laws they had never heard of before. If God is a just God, He would not and could not do such a thing. For God to be just, it absolutely requires a preaching of the gospel to those who have left the mortal realm. It's wonderful that you brought that up! Thanks for the lovely prayer. I always appreciate your prayers. I really have enjoyed hearing other people share their experiences and testimonies with us, but I agree with others in the comments section who say that you were prepared for this time and this work! We need your voice and your experiences. We are so grateful for the unique light that you bring to us all. Thank you.

    • @Tahimate
      @Tahimate Год назад +12

      I went to the Temple with the youth often. We performed the ordinance of baptism. Often, I feel their presence. At one time, I baptized ~189 total. On one particular incident, a patron brought me the name on a piece of paper. She told me that person wanted me to know that she was present. I have kept that paper in my scripture ever since.

    • @gwengold8154
      @gwengold8154 Год назад +5

      @Spnz4lau that's wonderful! Such a beautiful story. Thanks for sharing.

    • @sariahschmickrath5193
      @sariahschmickrath5193 Год назад +13

      I agree 100 percent. A just God would want to allow humans an opportunity to receive His gospel and Jesus Christ’s Atonement.

    • @Tahimate
      @Tahimate Год назад +9

      @@sariahschmickrath5193 True God does not live to find a gotcha moment to condemn His children to fire and brimstones. His pain and long suffering yearn for our return thru His son Jesus Christ. Not just accepting Christ, as the Savior but following Him. Following Him, is expecting something from us. That means doing what the Saviour asked us. If you follow Christ, you will discerns wrong. That is why the evangelist can't refute the 14 years old girl story, but she spoke with power of heaven. After all, she has the gift of the Holy Ghost.

    • @burlingtonbill1
      @burlingtonbill1 Год назад +2

      @@Tahimate An Institute teacher once sagely observed, "The Plan of Salvation was designed to SAVE the GREATEST number of people."

  • @susannakemp8078
    @susannakemp8078 Год назад +19

    Your testimony is so delightful! There are many stories that the Saints have had of experiences in the temple. A few months ago, I was doing the temple work for my 11th great grandmother, who lived in the 1500s in England. I said a little prayer while I was doing her work, and asked if she was present. I didn't see her, but immediately there came in to my heart a feeling of excitement and pure joy. Heavenly Father was allowing me to know she was there by allowing me to feel what she was feeling. I am also a temple worker, so I spend quite alot of time in the temple. The work we do there is real and important! I'm excited for you to experience the temple first hand!

  • @michaelgardiner8531
    @michaelgardiner8531 Год назад +17

    David, your videos are such a breath of fresh air! Your story is the fulfillment of prophecy in D&C 123:12 that there are many in all sects and denominations that are only kept from the truth because they know not where to find it. I love hearing your experiences and the joy you feel finally being part of God's true Church.
    I also was blown away by your interpretation of "the gates of hell not prevailing" against the Church in this video. I never considered that what was meant might not be Satan and his forces attacking the Church, but instead the Church raiding hell and winning through temple ordinances. It really makes a lot of sense!

  • @establishingzion688
    @establishingzion688 Год назад +36

    Awesome video, Brother David! You're absolutely right about Jesus Christ performing a proxy ordinance for every single one of us! The Restored Gospel really does put the teachings of the Bible together and makes much more sense!

  • @MrArmkiller
    @MrArmkiller Год назад +98

    Dear brother David, this is just a small slice of the joy that I feel when I watch your videos.
    I strongly feel that your 47-year journey as a Evangelical scriptorium has been a preparation for this day in helping gathering Zion. May the Lord all way's guide and enlighten you as a servant in the faith.
    Thank you for your diligence in the cause of Christ!

    • @robastle7112
      @robastle7112 Год назад +4

      Amen brother! Love this and the strong spirit it conveys!

  • @TheSevengems
    @TheSevengems Год назад +23

    I have no memory of such a wondrous story in the temple like that from the little girl. And yet I understand from my own experience of the spirit testifying to me of the need for saving ordinances for the dead. This is amazing and I love your exposing of the real fraud.

  • @stacyhuss9454
    @stacyhuss9454 Год назад +11

    Brother Alexander, your perspective is so beneficial for people learning about the restored gospel of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and to current members who are seeing some doctrine in a whole new beautiful light! Thank you for sharing your light and testimony.

  • @davidgibb4954
    @davidgibb4954 Год назад +20

    David. I was baptized 49 years ago when I was 8 years old. I have had numerous witnesses of the truthfulness of the gospel and modern day prophets. I so appreciate you sharing your story. It has helped to expand my testimony and the understanding of the "why" behind the opposition to the truth of the restoration. I have always wondered why it seems that all of Christianity has its daggers pointed at the LDS church. In that fact alone, we understand that this is the true and restored gospel. If it were not so Satan would not put so much effort into tearing it down. Albeit in vain. Thank you, dear brother!!

  • @byuphil
    @byuphil Год назад +30

    Thank you so much Brother David! Thank you for your insight on "the gates of hell shall not prevail against it". I'm a lifelong member of the church and had never seen it in that light. Awesome stuff! Keep up the great work brother. You're a blessing to us all.

  • @kfine76lds72
    @kfine76lds72 Год назад +7

    The gift of the Holy Ghost is one of the greatest blessings we can receive in this life, for the Holy Ghost comforts, inspires, warns, purifies, and guides us. He can fill us “with hope and perfect love” (Moroni 8:26). He teaches “the truth of all things” (Moroni 10:5).

  • @jayrobbins7888
    @jayrobbins7888 Год назад +7

    David, you explained so clearly 1st Corinthians 15 better than I've ever heard in my life. Well done and thank you. ❤

  • @sariahschmickrath5193
    @sariahschmickrath5193 Год назад +25

    You are such a light. Your timing is perfect. I have an evangelical friend who wants to discuss baptism for the dead on Monday at 11 am. I so appreciate your video and New Testament scriptures to use as we reason together. ❤

    • @Tahimate
      @Tahimate Год назад +8

      Plz come back to tell us you story.

  • @sharonhigby7114
    @sharonhigby7114 Год назад +7

    Years ago my husband and I went to the Atlanta temple to baptize a number of my family. While my husband was being baptized for the male members of my family, our bishop suddenly stopped and asked if I knew any of the names he had just baptized. He had just baptized my father. He was greatly affected by the spirit. The whole baptistry felt the spirit that my father had accepted the baptism. I had to leave the room I was crying with such joy! I will never forget the love I felt that day after Dave did this service for my father. Sooo happy my father was present and chose to accept Christ and His true church!!

  • @tcatt222
    @tcatt222 Год назад +9

    When on my mission, some 50 years ago, I had two converts who told us they knew the Church was true because the Lord had given them a dream of how they would be denied heaven at the pearly gates because they had not been baptized by someone who had been given the authority from the Lord to perform the ordinance. Both had strong religious convictions and had been baptized twice previously in other denominations, but that made no difference to St. Peter because their names were not written in the official Book of Life. Further inquiry by them revealed the importance of authority to the official record.

  • @bonanderson9398
    @bonanderson9398 Год назад +5

    The Bible includes teachings of baptisms for the dead, that they may have the opportunity to rise again (1 Corinthians). Hooray for the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ! Thank you for your study and cross-referencing! Thank your for defending the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ with your Evangelical background!

  • @alicewongham3541
    @alicewongham3541 Год назад +18

    Thank you so much, Brother Alexander! I love what you're saying! Like you, it really makes me love my Saviour even more to know that as soon as He left his mortal body, He spared no time preparing the way for all those spirit brothers and sisters who came before Him. And then right after Resurrection He went to visit "His other sheep not of this fold", that is to say in the Americas to preach to the them and call Apostles there. Really shows me how selfless the characteristic of Christ is. What you're talking about, reminds me of section 138 in the Doctrine and Covenants that I was pondering on the Saturday of the Holy Week just passed. It just blows my mind how blessed I am to have this precious detailed knowledge given to His prophet about what took place in the spirit world after Christ was crucified. I feel so blessed every day to be a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

  • @tirelessseekers
    @tirelessseekers Год назад +7

    Love your explanation of "the Gates of Hell" being a defensive barrier, not an offensive to the Church and the Lord. . . the Gate of Hell did not prevail, because the Saviour was able to descend to Hell and redeem the dead and captive spirits in Prison

  • @jonkeller3516
    @jonkeller3516 Год назад +15

    You're a gem brother David! I'm interested in hearing of your milestones as a new member of the church. That is to say when certain events happen for you.
    For example:
    when you are called to a position (Primary is great, Sunday School teacher is a blast),
    your first time speaking in church,
    when you receive the Aaronic Priesthood and ordained to the office of Priest (I hope you have the opportunity to bless the Sacrament),
    then the Melchisdek Priesthood as an Elder (oh the blessing you will be able to give),
    when you receive your Patriarchal Blessing (chances are you are of the lineage of Ephriam), preparations for entering the temple and so on.
    God bless you!

  • @GAILandROD
    @GAILandROD Год назад +9

    Thanks for sharing this. My husband and I worked in the Boise Temple in the Baptistry. So many wonderful spiritual experiences there....all sacred and wonderful.

  • @michaelee5897
    @michaelee5897 Год назад +14

    Thank you ! For explaining in such God breathed detail 'the mists of darkness' blinding
    eyes and minds in these latter days.
    Moreover, baptism by proxy is proof and an expression of Gods abiding love and mercy extended to all His children who wish to be saved.. and thank-you Jesus for showing us the way to save all our dead. !

  • @randyfischer5082
    @randyfischer5082 Год назад +25

    Thank you for taking the time to do these videos! You have truly heard His word, been changed in him and shouting from the roof tops!

  • @dorothyhutson8366
    @dorothyhutson8366 Год назад +4

    My experience of living in the south for 40 years taught me that my evangelical friends worshipped the Bible, not our Savior Jesus Christ. Sola scriptura is a new term to me.
    But it totally helps me to understand where they are coming from. It always made me scatch my head in wonderment. I remember once offering a gift of the Book of Mormon, ANOTHER Testiment of Jesus Christ.... and my neighbor's hands flew up in the air as if it would literally burn her.
    I love her still. She is truly a precious soul.
    Thank you David. I love your videos.❤ For so many reasons

  • @45s262
    @45s262 Год назад +8

    Our fellow Christians have condemned us to HELL!! They should be relieved and the burden of love they feel for us can be lifted, for God has not condemned us to HELL, but having been commissioned by the Lord Jesus Christ He sent us to HELL!! To preach His gospel, for He had no other people where on he could call to do it... they either didn't believe it could be done or they were too scared..
    So we say, "thy will be done. We'll go there to do our Lords' will, reverse those doors right side up, and before long make a heaven out of a hell!!"

  • @matildabanana3516
    @matildabanana3516 Год назад +6

    Thank you so much. I’m a member of the Church of Jesus Christ and have been struggling with my faith because of deep betrayal and abuse by other members and unanswered prayers to be released from their clutches. I had always felt so close to the Lord until 2 years ago when I found out just how bad my family was and how far they would go to make me and my children suffer. I prayed for deliverance and guidance and in the end, felt like the Lord was toying with me. I did everything He said and lost everything. But I have been trying to crawl my way back into faith and turning to the Lord again. Your videos are helping me more than I can express. Thank you!

  • @dlemmon1276
    @dlemmon1276 Год назад +6

    1 Corinthians 15:29 - Baptism for the Dead
    i have been a member since I was 10, read the Book of Mormon and felt the Lords sweet spirit confirm to me it was true. In 2007 I took my dad (not a member) back to Slovenia because our family there had received our geneology from 100 years back, from a Priest who had researched our family for me. After returning to America and doing all of the baptisms for these souls (with the help of my church members) who had passed through to the Spirit world, I had this remarkable feeling around myself that seemed to extend out from my person, about 20 feet from me. I could'nt identify what this feeling was at first, then after about a month, it began to condense to a stronger undeniable sensation. I understood it was the pure love and gratitude of all the souls that had been "remembered" from 150 years back. They were all around me - in the spirit of benevolence, thanking me emotionally, and in disbelief that I "remembered" them. It was extremely emotional and is one of the most profound experiences I've ever had.

    • @seedsower678
      @seedsower678 Год назад

      debbee,...You are totally deceived. The only thing you have felt is the self delusion and self deception of your dead, blind, evil, corrupt heart. What the lord is confirming for you right now is the fact that you are 100% steeped in darkness, deception, and a 100% false , manmade, ungodly cult. You have spoken nothing but 100% unbiblical nonsense.
      You are a perfect example of the 100% Biblically illiterate and Biblically bankrupt people that become snared into the 100% antigod/antibible/antichrist/false/manmade cult of mormonism. Repent!

    • @sonlighter01
      @sonlighter01 Год назад +2

      How wonderful, Debbee! Those who mock you,being willfully blind to the teachings of the Holy Spirit (and the Bible) will probably never know the joy that you have felt. I know this joy also, and it is precious and real!!

    • @seedsower678
      @seedsower678 Год назад

      @@sonlighter01 ,...The sad fact is, I have given you all the truth for your edifications that you like all those outside of the kingdom of God reject and are willfully blind to. What you refer to as mocking is the giving of Biblical truth to the lost and deceived.
      The only thing you also know is the absolute deception she is steeped in. Mormons are the most absolutely Biblically illiterate, blind, lost, and deceived people there are. You all could not possibly have everything more wrong, and perverted.
      The cult of mormonism is an abomination and has left all those spiritually dead and blind snared into it completely desolate. Please read the book of Jude very carefully as it is speaking to and of you mormons.

  • @nicsilva123
    @nicsilva123 Год назад +14

    This kind of thinking reminds me of the Pharisees mindset during Christs’ time on earth. It’s a human phenomenon I guess that will probably always be. Thanks David for the videos…very uplifting and faith affirming.

  • @karenabbott1796
    @karenabbott1796 Год назад +17

    Those who have been baptized by priesthood authority and stayed on the covenant path won’t go to Spirit Prison, they’ll go to Paradise and there they will wait for judgment day. Some of them may be called to preach the gospel to the spirits in prison, and others called to do other important work. We won’t be just sitting around waiting, we’ll be busy doing the Lord’s work on the other side of the veil until judgment day comes. I love hearing your testimony and understanding of the gospel of Jesus Christ and the truths in the Bible. You’re way ahead of most new members of the church but you’ll continue to learn and grow in knowledge and understanding. I’m a lifelong member of the church and you’re way ahead of me in your knowledge and understanding of the Bible. I’m learning from you. Thank you for your channel. Please continue. After you’ve watched all of General Conference, I look forward to hearing your reaction and feelings about it. It was a wonderful conference as they always are.

    • @karenabbott1796
      @karenabbott1796 Год назад

      I hadn’t finished listening to your video before I posted my first comment. You already knew all that. I shouldn’t be surprised. I really appreciate and love you!

    • @Tahimate
      @Tahimate Год назад +2

      Isn't that a wonderful doctrine or what? No one preach that. Because the only true church proclaim the correct doctrines. Everything else is the appearance of Godliness.

    • @utimakasini7176
      @utimakasini7176 Год назад +3

      ​@Karen Abbott I can vouch for your whole comment.
      During my dads funeral he appears to my 1st cousin. It started like when Moroni appeared to Joseph Smith but instead of a robe it was a white suit. My cousin didn't recognize him right away due to the fact he looked like a very very handsome white male young adult with fire in his eyes 😂, but after he warned her that Christ is at the door ready for his return among other things he said he had to go because they are so busy and turned and walked down the hall illuminating the whole house to total whiteness.
      After he left Satan appeared to cousin as my dads mom 😮 she woke everybody up with her screaming because it was 5am and she couldn't stop crying for a while then explained the whole story.

    • @Tahimate
      @Tahimate Год назад +2

      @@utimakasini7176 thank you for your story. I hope your family kept that story as family heirloom to keep everyone in the straight and narrow path. Not too many of us has such an experience.

  • @marymcfadden6743
    @marymcfadden6743 Год назад +12

    There are hundreds if not thousands of us that have had NDE’s. We will tell you that you don’t die and then are judged. We went and came back. We are here having an earthly experience. My NDE did not shake my LDS faith but solidified it. Good work. I’m really enjoying your channel.

    • @capybara39419
      @capybara39419 Год назад +1

      Have you,, or would you share your NDE experience?

  • @jerrykerr7755
    @jerrykerr7755 Год назад +12

    Hi David,
    I talk to a lot of non-denominational Christians because I serve with my wife on Temple Square in SLC.
    Could you do a session on your experiences with the Holy Ghost before you became a member of the Church as a non-denominational Christian? Do these people who come to convert us have any experience with the Holy Ghost?
    Thanks. I listen to every one of your posts and enjoy your delightful personality.

    @3DMOVIES4YOU Год назад +3

    David, I'm blown away listening to this about the the spirits being inside the room for the baptisms for the dead. I thought this experience was only special to my father that had this EXACT EXPERIENCE ..........My father worked as one of the recorders in the Salt Lake Temple and he told me this (face to face, father to son) that this experience had happened to him. I didn't think i would ever hear about this experience from anyone else.

  • @kevinferrin5695
    @kevinferrin5695 Год назад +7

    I'm delighted you included a General Conference talk. The contrast between someone soaking worth authority and someone speaking with only a basis of passionate zeal is quite illuminating for those with eyes to see and ears to hear.

  • @DrFlyFisher
    @DrFlyFisher Год назад +6

    Thank you again for your testimony and knowledge. It amazes me that the eyes of our friends not of our faith are so blind. I pray every day that their hearts will be softened and we will be able to teach all with willing hearts. Love ya Brother

  • @maryfletcher9905
    @maryfletcher9905 Год назад +12

    And "Ye shall KNOW the TRUTH and the TRUTH SHALL MAKE U FREE! John 8:32

  • @andressosa8519
    @andressosa8519 Год назад +11

    I love this story. The reason I love it is because until now, thanks to David and this video, it spotlights the reality that miracles like this story are happening in the Church on a regular basis. I have had personal experiences similar to this one at the temple. I know people from my ward that had these experiences when going to the Sao Paolo temple in Brazil while growing up in Argentina. We would plan trips to the temple because when I was a teenager the closes temple was in Brazil. So people would prepare for a year in advance to attend. While attending the temple members of our ward had those experiences where they could see their ancestors there in the baptismal font dressed in wait waiting for their work to be done. This is not an isolated incident but this does happen to those who faithfully attend the House of the Lord.

    • @Tahimate
      @Tahimate Год назад

      We need to hear your testimony on Temple work.

  • @daviddrysdale8882
    @daviddrysdale8882 Год назад +6

    Proxy Baptism is in essence being a Savior on Mount Zion! The Prophet Joseph Smith said seeking out our dead may be the greatest responsibilities we have been given!😊

  • @commoncents5191
    @commoncents5191 Год назад +20

    You could feel the spirit of that young girl’s testimony even when repeated by the evangelical preacher. Wonder how many were touched and sought more information from missionaries. 😂

  • @tanyarobinson1146
    @tanyarobinson1146 Год назад +8

    I love your testimony. I shared with my teenage daughter the symbolism of proxy and that the atonement a function of proxy. She had not yet understood that doctrine and immediately teared up with the truth of it.

  • @kimberlyolsen9416
    @kimberlyolsen9416 Год назад +4

    Brother David there ARE many stories of the wonderful things that happen in the temples of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. My husband and I are Ordinance Workers in the temple and there's so many experinces i could state, but they are so sacred. Temple work is a true tenant of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Alma 40 in the Book of Mormon tells what happens to the spirit after death. It's a bit deep but there's tons of footnotes to help learn what Alma is telling his son Corianton. In my spiritual journey I studied with Jehovah's Witnesses, joined the Catholic Church, had a Baptist dad and an LDS mom. The missionaries found me at a time when i was so alone and wandering. It took a couple of years but i finally joined my life to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. I have never regretted it. I have a brother who is a Baptist minister and when I've gone to his bible study group, he has told me to shut up "Baby Sister" when I was the only person who knew the answers to his question. He honestly thought i didn't know the Bible because i was now LDS. We have agreed to agree to disagree. Thank you for this.

  • @AnaliliB
    @AnaliliB Год назад +5

    Nephi said Isaiah was hard to understand, but he still rejoiced in Isaiah's words. You brought your confusion of Isaiah 60:22 and gave it a powerful interpretation. Than you for sharing. I love your videos.

  • @Tahimate
    @Tahimate Год назад +3

    I do not have enough of this specific video. It's always feels good to listen to it again and again.

  • @albertkingsforddonkoh7965
    @albertkingsforddonkoh7965 Год назад +3

    I shed tears as I watch your videos and more tears as I read the comments section. Brother David was prepared like Apostle Paul. The adversary will not leave you to have a smooth ride in the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. Keep the faith. Keep the faith.

  • @Ancientrepentor
    @Ancientrepentor Год назад +10

    That was a most important amazing story David, thank you for sharing something so special that I told my wife about it and I was crying while speaking it to her and she couldn’t believe it that she understood every word I spoke and I have a bad speech impediment so YES it was a miracle before my wife!
    Thanks again for your service to us!!!

  • @degreyt1685
    @degreyt1685 Год назад +3

    Hi David, great story btw. The girl would have been been about 13 since depending on when the story was told, you can not enter the temple under the age of 12. I very much enjoy hearing you speak, I have been a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints for 44 years. I even served a mission in Athens Greece. I am a convert as well, I find your spirit very cautious and I love it. I have watched several of your videos and have enjoyed all of them. I even used your story as an example in my Sunday school class which I teach with my beautiful wife. Thanks for sharing your stories brother

  • @novajohnson6271
    @novajohnson6271 Год назад +11

    Dear David, I love your testimony and conversion as I watched you before. I really loved your message to future missionaries.
    Just one comment that I hope can help you continue to reach out is to keep your messages gentle, sweet and sincere, but never with mocking laughter if possible. We are very grateful for you and your message, and praying that the Holy Ghost will guide you in your desire to teach the truth. See: Galatians 5:22-23. So grateful you are one of us with you tender sweet Spirit. ❤❤❤❤❤

    • @davidmalvinalexander
      @davidmalvinalexander  Год назад +4

      Thanks much for the admonition, Nova! Much appreciated and sincerely respected and received! Much love, David

  • @donwatts885
    @donwatts885 Год назад +12

    😂 I just love your newest episode. This is the Mormon happy camper. I’ll stay tuned for more to come. Thank you.

    • @safrew1
      @safrew1 Год назад

      Favorite comment!!

  • @debrawelcome8158
    @debrawelcome8158 Год назад +9

    I felt the Spirit so strongly as you shared your knowledge and testimony. Thank you. I have been a member my whole life and tell others as often as I can what I believe. It is not easy as push back is real. We have the world to offer. You inspire me to keep on trying:)

  • @pamelabennett5672
    @pamelabennett5672 Год назад +7

    I'm so thankful for your channel! I think it's wonderful that you are using biblical scriptures to show the truthfulness of this gospel and the true restored church of Jesus Christ!

  • @kimhaughton3771
    @kimhaughton3771 Год назад +33

    Wouldn't it be funny if some of the people listening to this man went on to become members based on that story? How awesome would that be??!!! 😊

    • @caitlinmoser2253
      @caitlinmoser2253 Год назад +2

      I’m sure that’s why that girl felt prompted to share. He is spreading the truth, whether he believes it or not. I love that.

    • @kimhaughton3771
      @kimhaughton3771 Год назад +2

      @@anonymouscommenter6829 🥰🎉

  • @laloifilealofi9628
    @laloifilealofi9628 Год назад +6

    I feel the Lord's love for you ❤️ my brother 🙏 ❤️ 💙, why I shearing this testimony of mine, because I feel and know your love and understanding of our dear Lord and Savior Jesus Christ 🙏 ❤and 🙏

  • @GlobalHomie
    @GlobalHomie Год назад +7

    Thank you so much, David! What a wonderful way to start my day. I love receiving the confirming witness through the Holy Ghost of the truthfulness of the restored Gospel of our Savior, Jesus Christ. God bless!

  • @anitakathleenpierce4420
    @anitakathleenpierce4420 Год назад +6

    I'm a fairly recent convert and I love your faith and enthusiasm in the Truth of the book of Mormon! I look forward to hearing from you every day! Thank you!

  • @josephine79
    @josephine79 Год назад +13

    I loved this David thank you! You're so full of joy, light, and the Spirit - it's always so inspiring to listen to you and it fills me with the same joy and light.
    I have also heard similar temple service stories from members before. And the scriptures you mentioned from the Bible which support that Baptisms for the dead were performed during the time of the original church I had learned when I attended Seminary (scripture study classes standard for high school students in our church) so I thought that might be a comfort for you to know. 🙏

  • @mxolisikubheka3660
    @mxolisikubheka3660 Год назад +5

    Brother David we love you. Your testimony is powerful, heart felt and will open the eyes of many lost souls. For 47 years God was preparing you for the work you are doing now and more to come. May God bless and protect you always. Satan must be really annoyed and will try to bring you down. Stay strong and keep sharing your wonderful and powerful testimony. ❤️❤️❤️

  • @heatherarmstrong4055
    @heatherarmstrong4055 Год назад +2

    I love this! As you preach all I could think of is My great Uncle Harry who spent his life converting " Mormons to the true Christ. "He was a prolific anti- Mormon writer. I had uncle Harry McGimsey temple work done. Hopefully he woke up and accepted it. This is so refreshing to me! I am a temple ordinance worker and patron. The House of Lord is full of peace, grace, love and hope! I love to hear your about your experiences when you do your ancestor work.

  • @smileysun9212
    @smileysun9212 Год назад +3

    I’ve done Temple work & I know people from the othere side appreciates it. My Uncle passed away & I did his Temple work. He came & thanked me for doing it in his own special way.

  • @timwrightfamily740
    @timwrightfamily740 Год назад +19

    always cheers my soul to hear you speak so soulfully and joyfully.

  • @SladeMacGregor
    @SladeMacGregor Месяц назад +1

    Brother David, I've watched this video numerous times to teach me thoroughly where in the Holy Bible it shows baptism for the dead. Your video is excellent, and your knowledge of the Holy Bible is fun to watch.

  • @burlingtonbill1
    @burlingtonbill1 Год назад +4

    Spirit Prison: A place where "you Evangelicals are finally going to have to listen to the Mormons!" -- David

  • @laurabeauchamp1215
    @laurabeauchamp1215 Год назад +4

    Oh, David! I really appreciate you mention of Walter Martin! He was the largest source of hilarity in our LDS home on a Saturday night😂! We continued to chuckle at his illustrious successor, Hank, who once said, to a caller who asked if there's anything wrong with praying about the BOM, now we really shouldn't be bothering God with such nonsense. Questioning is insulting towards God! 😂🤣keep going, brother! Love your testimonies of truth!

  • @PascalDupont561
    @PascalDupont561 Год назад +8

    This same occurrence happened to Melvin j Ballard in the Logan temple. Found in the book the Logan Temple first 100 years. By Nolan Olsen.

  • @darlenemartim9972
    @darlenemartim9972 Год назад +7

    I love your energy! Reminds me of me when I first joined the church. I’ve been thru a lot but can’t deny my testimony

  • @jeaniehyer7920
    @jeaniehyer7920 Год назад +7

    I believe it's enlightened evangelicals like yourself that is opening the doors for other evangelicals that have been blinded by their leaders. Thank you!❤

    • @seedsower678
      @seedsower678 Год назад

      JH,...There is no one more blind, lost, and deceived this this guy. This guy is 100% spiritually dead and blind and is 100% Biblically bankrupt. He as well as all those deceived by him and the 100% antigod/antibible/antichrist cult of mormonism are all Gods enemies. Repent!

  • @jenettegabriel5350
    @jenettegabriel5350 Год назад +3

    I am so grateful for hearing your testimonies. Please continue sharing the truth.

  • @Chrismyersfreedom
    @Chrismyersfreedom Год назад +5

    Thank you for this !! I was a reformed Baptist for many years in a previous life. It was not good for my kids nor me. I’ve been back in the LDS. Church now for years and years.

    • @seedsower678
      @seedsower678 Год назад

      You have only gone from one fake christianity and deception into another much worse fake christianity and deception. Repent!

  • @yunginspirit3162
    @yunginspirit3162 Год назад +4

    Re the taped story of the young girl and others who have seen spirit beings in the baptism room, delighted when their names were called to be baptized, well, similar incidents have happened or been witnessed when sealings were being performed and no doubt in the Endowment room. How wonderful is that!.

  • @lorihone7478
    @lorihone7478 Год назад +2

    Once again u are awesome! I haven’t listen to all your stuff yet, my good friend is a evangelist she is always saying “it’s isn’t biblical” I don’t ever fight with her. I love her. But I do feel like saying to her ,”Christy who was Christ praying to in the garden and on the cross? Himself?” 🤔 to me it’s so Obvious that the Father and the Son are separate. Maybe it’s because I grew up knowing that it’s just makes sense.

  • @watersa77
    @watersa77 Год назад +9

    What nerve and what right would that man have to try to discount the real life experience of such a pure and innocent child? How far gone and how deep into your own pride would you have to be to hear a story like that and just completely disregard it or even worse...say that it was evil??? Good heavens! I got chills when the story was being told and to hear multiple accounts...you just know that the Spirit had to be testifying to this man that these experiences were true. It's incredible. It makes me very sad for people like that, and like Pastor Jeff, who have the truth literally staring them in the face but their hearts are hard because of the "wisdom" that they think they have. They have completely shut themselves off from the Spirit of God. I agree with you, David. It's so sad and just agonizing to see. Great video!

    • @michaelee5897
      @michaelee5897 Год назад +1

      Well said about "pastor" Jeff.

    • @michaelee5897
      @michaelee5897 Год назад

      "pastor" Jeff, ( Saul of Tarsus ) relying on all his human talant for intellectual reasoning, able to speak volumes, even reciting many restored truths, excersizing all this "Superior" talent of human Wisdom he cannot come to the knowledge of the truth. he cannot decern truth from error, rejecting heavenly sent revelation presented in language plain as language can be.
      What an eye opener to the state of affairs in this world.
      Such paucity of discernment betrays the utter blindness mortal men suffor while behind the veil.
      But good news is that God is not willing that we parish in darkness and confusion. He has made a way of escape. We are promised and commanded to "ask of God" .
      Intellectual discernment may be obtained through the supreme Gift of the holy ghost, which Gift, God faithfully imparts upon all those love Him who Covenant with Him to be faithful to his work.
      His work, He stated, is to "bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man"
      The Holy Ghost, whose matchless power and calling it is, to bring all things to the rememberance of the afore mentioned, greatly assisting them in navigating the path Whereby they lay hold Upon the Divine nature.
      We are promised an even greater portion of this spiritual discernment through faith, at the covenant waters of baptism.
      Then, armed with truth, Into THE LIGHT of this last Dispensation we may embark. Bringing about the gathering of Israel, that the Lord may have a people ready to recieve him at his coming.
      In closing:
      Intellectual power is promised to those seeking in faith, wishing to be partakers of His divine nature, promoting the kingdom of God.
      Behind the door to Eternity is where all truth and all things in perfection exist before the hosts therof. Here the eternal fountainheads of all knowedge reside in fullness.
      We may accses heavanly knowledge and the gift of discernment through the instrumentality of the Holy Ghost and as we accept in faith, the will of the Lord from the mouth of prophets of the Lord.
      Indeed it is promised, "we shall know the truth of all things."
      May the spirit of truth gain access upon Jeff that he may brake the chains of error then stand as a witness with Brother David, whos views on Eternal life are truley inspired marvelous to behold.., the two of them armed and untited in truth, will result in much fruit being gathered away from the chaff fulfilling Gods plan.

    • @caitlinmoser2253
      @caitlinmoser2253 Год назад

      We don’t have the right to judge Pastor Jeff or even the man in the recordings. Only Christ can judge them, and their journeys are not over ❤

  • @rconger24
    @rconger24 Год назад +7

    "O how great the plan of our God! "
    -2nd Nephi 9 :13

  • @outof_obscurity
    @outof_obscurity Год назад +6

    12:58 I felt impressed to let you know, the way the general authorities write their conference talks is entirely by the spirit of the Lord. They don't meet together and come up with topics, but when you listen they have a similar theme every six months to each other as if they planned it. It just goes to show how the spirit works. So like wise those three people shared the same topic with him was of the spirit and here he is as a corrupt minister mocking the holy spirit. He will have to answer for this at judgement day.

  • @JoneThePwn
    @JoneThePwn Год назад +2

    In the scriptures we learn there are many gifts of the Spirit. (And don't think for a second that if it's not listed in the scritpures explicitly that it's not a gift of the Spirit. There are hundreds, perhaps thousands!) I do not (as of yet) possess the gift of being able to see spirits, but I've heard of many who do. My mom has seen visions of her deceased loved ones in her dreams and it sounds like that young girl has this gift as well. I sometimes get a little jealous (in the best most innocent possible way) but then I remember we all have different gifts the Father has given us to fufill our roles during our mission in mortality. David, I think one of your gifts is the gift of teaching by the Spirit and the gift of joy. You radiate joy. You have so much light in your eyes and It's such a pleasure having a front row seat to your conversion. Thank you for sharing your gifts with us!

    • @JoneThePwn
      @JoneThePwn Год назад

      Oh and your synopsis of the Milennium is exactly right.

  • @luckyikaneng7038
    @luckyikaneng7038 Год назад +5


  • @franklebatista1091
    @franklebatista1091 Год назад +3

    The salvation of the souls that had no that opportunity to hear the gospel here on earth but through sealing power of the Holy Priesthood of God restored on earth they're blessed too. It's so clear when we read some scriptures related to this doctrine that many precious parts were taken away evil minds. It's so clear that Jesus himself went to the paradise to those who are waiting there for the glorious resurrecion. Note that Jesus after resurrected said to Mary Magdalen: "Don't touch me" because I haven't ascended to my father yet. Buy he had told the thief 3 days ago that He would have been in paradise with him. So Jesus went to the spiritual world to teach the Gospel. 1Peter3:19 "By which also he went and preached unto the spirits in prison". It's so crystal clear.
    And Paul speaks about this doctrine too:
    Read 1 Corint 15:29: "Else what shall they do which are baptized for the dead, if the dead rise not at all? why are they then baptized for the dead?"
    Do you see? It's is clear that they practiced this ordinance in the first church on favor of the ones fallen asleep .
    And Here, Peter explains why the gospel is preached to the dead, which are alive in that place called paradise or the spirit world;
    1 Peter4:6 For for this cause was the gospel preached also to them that are dead, that they might be judged according to men in the flesh, but live according to God in the spirit". See its so clear that they are able to hear the gospel even if they had departured from this world without the knowledge. Everything was prepared from the foundation of the world. God is a Good and just God.

  • @Jan-wd1is
    @Jan-wd1is Год назад +5

    Satan blinds the eyes, and stops the ears with pride and self righteousness. I can't think of any other Church that is so fought against, and that should make them think! Why would the adversary want to stop the restored gospel.? Why did he try to stop the original Church? Because it is True!

    • @gwengold8154
      @gwengold8154 Год назад +4

      Jan, so well said! I've thought that too. If Jesus Christ had a true church of His on the earth (and we know that He does :-)) wouldn't we completely expect the adversary of Jesus Christ to constantly attack it? I love that you pointed that out. ♥️

  • @Jan-ow6ok
    @Jan-ow6ok Год назад +4

    Thank you for sharing your scriptural knowledge with us. You’re confirming what I have learned from my study of the Bible. I enjoy your sense of humor and I even laugh out loud at times 😂😂😂

  • @jimgibson0
    @jimgibson0 Год назад +2

    David - Sorry I am late to this thread. I enjoyed you explanation of “Baptism for the Dead”. While I was listening I thought about Jesus explaining to Nicodemus the law and the commandment that applies to all men from Adam to the last man living:
    John 3:5 Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.
    If Nicodemus had time to think about it he might have asked, “What about my parents or my grandparents” People without Christ like love would assign them as lost to Hell. Your explanation show how magnificent and wonderful God and Jesus Christ's love is, and how well thought out his plan of salivation is.

  • @MikolDawn
    @MikolDawn Год назад +4

    Your testimony is amazing! So wonderful you were searching for the truth and you found it!!!!! Your testimony strengthens all of us who hear it. Thank you for sharing it!

  • @twoplustwoequalsfour48
    @twoplustwoequalsfour48 Год назад +2

    Oh, I’m pretty sure in the last days. Some of the greatest teachers are currently showing their faces. Your perspective is much needed and helps me get a better understanding of where they come from as good hearted as they are.

  • @jefferypatterson6204
    @jefferypatterson6204 Год назад +2

    Brother David not only is there a spirit prison is where those who were not baptized and have not taken upon them the name of Christ goes after physical death. But there is also a spirit Paradice. Spirit Paradice is where all those who were baptized and believe in Jesus go when they die awaiting the second coming.

  • @davidallred2947
    @davidallred2947 Год назад +3

    Me, "What about a tribesman in an undiscovered area in Brazil or the Congo?" A loving evangelical follower of Christ, "Tough. The lake of fire for him."

    • @Nikkiotero
      @Nikkiotero Год назад +1

      Yup, that is exactly what I was told by my former pastor as well. What of the people who never heard of Jesus Christ during their lifetime? My pastor said "too bad but they are going to hell.". I was a teenager then and had such a hard time pondering how they would be sent to hell especially after our Savior, Jesus Christ died for all of us. It didn't seem fair or logical that He died on the cross for all of us, including those who never heard of him before, but would send them to hell even though they never had a chance to be baptized or even had heard his name before. Make it make sense!

    • @davidallred2947
      @davidallred2947 Год назад +2

      @@Nikkiotero Bro. Alexander said it himself. That kind of "Christianity" makes atheists.

  • @TheKingsDaughter4227
    @TheKingsDaughter4227 Год назад +7

    We worship a FAIR and LOVING GOD!

  • @capybara39419
    @capybara39419 Год назад +3

    Brother David, thank you for teaching truth by the Spirit, and in a way that is thorough and plain to understand. I love learning these New Testament teachings in a more complete way, as well as learning how to teach Christ's doctrine using His own words, and those of His apostles.
    How I wish my five children could hear you! They have all left the Church, and a couple have fallen prey to the anti-LDS rhetoric/propaganda out there. It breaks my heart.

  • @JD-pr1et
    @JD-pr1et Год назад +3

    It is a glorious doctrine. Everyone is judged on the same standard and everyone is given a full and fair opportunity to accept the atonement of Jesus Christ and His complete Gospel, whether in this life or the next. It doesn't matter is the gospel is on the Earth or not at a particular of time or if a person will come in contact with the Gospel during their life. Heavenly Father has made sure that all His children will have the same opportunity.
    I always knew the belief that people were going to hell for not having the opportunity to even hear about Jesus through no fault of their own during my life prior to joining the Church of Jesus Christ was not correct.

  • @bonanderson9398
    @bonanderson9398 Год назад +2

    I'm so impressed with that teenager's faith. The pastor on the audio sermon really discouraged me to share my faith- that he would use a sweet testimony in a sermon against that young girl's faith. From my perspective, the pastor's efforts should have backfired, because spiritual promptings can be so powerful when God knows we will listen! The story he told his congregation was a perfect example of a young girl listening to promptings of the Spirit for His good and for the good of His children.

  • @kfine76lds72
    @kfine76lds72 Год назад +5

    Love you brother I just loved the way you come to the light and see the truth of all things!

  • @ChadSanderson-oh2qc
    @ChadSanderson-oh2qc Год назад +3

    I’m reminded of the parable of Lazarus and the rich man. I paraphrase. The rich man couldn’t pass the great gulf that was set between them to get a sip of water from Lazarus. The rich man then asked if Lazarus could warn his brothers. The parable has a chilling warning. If they believe not the Prophets they will not believe one though he returned from the dead. This preacher scorns a living prophet on the earth he would scorn the testimony of this 13 year old girl.
    I will add my testimony to those thousands of members of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints who have felt and Experienced the pure joy and beauty of temple service. I was today working with a brother who was born 1000 years ago. He was so happy that someone remembered him and he could progress. The experience brought me to tears. Someone with priesthood authority called his name and did his work after he’d been forgotten in the annuls of history for 1000 years. I’m so humbled to be part of this work.
    The church is sooooo true.

  • @ryanstephan4289
    @ryanstephan4289 Год назад +10

    I just have to let you know how much I love you, brother. I have watched all of your videos now and am just blown away at the light in your heart. In today’s society, it takes true Christ-like humility to investigate the LDS church through an HONEST lens, earnestly seeking truth of our Savior, and not through the lens of that accusatory fog, seeking to prove it wrong at every turn. Being able to “eat the whole loaf” as you mention in an earlier video 😂 when it comes to the Bible. My heart has been filled watching these videos and hearing your journey, knowing I was watching a TRUE example of a follower of Christ.
    Ever since I have had a testimony that Jesus was the Son of God, His words in John 14:15 have always struck my heart as the most profound He ever spoke. “If ye love me, keep my commandments”.
    I have always known in my heart that Jesus wants me to show Him that I love Him by following His commandments. He didn’t say, “If ye love me, accept me in your heart”. He wants so much more for us than to live our life in the chains of addiction, infidelity, constantly seeking the lusts, money, and pleasures the world has a never-ending supply of. He gave us the most beautiful example to follow. A sinless life, filled with a love and compassion for mankind that defies understanding, culminating with Him laying down His completely innocent life for wretched souls like mine, and yours. “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends”. It saddens me that so many people use His beautiful Atonement, the most sacred gift mankind could ever hope for, and say “I don’t need to follow His commandments, I accepted Him in my heart”. It is a cunning deceit of the devil to lead people into the ways of the world, and ultimately, despair. In seven words, Jesus lays down the baseline for anyone that wants to follow Him. “If ye love me, keep my commandments.
    I rejoice with you, brother! I’m overjoyed you have found the “Highway of Holiness”, the wonderful narrow path Jesus laid out for us that leads to the Kingdom of Heaven! Your light and love of Jesus Christ will inspire so many, as it has inspired me to delight in truth and denounce deception!

    • @gwengold8154
      @gwengold8154 Год назад +3

      Ryan Stephan, I wanted to give you a standing ovation for that "if you love me, accept me into your heart " line! It is so true. Jesus Christ could not have been more clear. If we love Him, there is work to do. And that work is to keep his commandments and take up our cross and follow Him.

  • @rollingltl5053
    @rollingltl5053 Год назад +5

    What I find amazing is that other faiths spend so much time and energy trying to "debunk" the Church. To me it seems that they are insecure of their own doctrine. If someone is secure with their faith there is no reason for this. Ask you have to do is teach, no debunking needed.

    • @Tahimate
      @Tahimate Год назад +2

      I always wonder why all the churches actively focusing at the LDS to ridicule them. I know why. That is why I have a strong testimony of the restore gospel of Jesus Christ.

    • @cheryltyler9412
      @cheryltyler9412 Год назад

      They aren’t debunking the LDS church. They are warning their congregations of wolves in sheep’s clothing that go about seeking to devour them. They believe it is a cult-ish organization that will steal them away from Christ. That will eventually lead them to hell. They know they aren’t perfect. That’s why they rely on the love and atonement to save them.

  • @utimakasini7176
    @utimakasini7176 Год назад +11

    I had my own experience of seeing the other side of the vail, but it was during an endowment session, and I saw the person I was working to endow.

    • @Tahimate
      @Tahimate Год назад +2

      Every time I go, I always dream of such an experience.

  • @davidchoate512
    @davidchoate512 Год назад +4

    We are not mortal beings having a spiritual experience. We are SPIRITUAL beings having a mortal experience.

  • @marilynbabcock4572
    @marilynbabcock4572 Год назад

    I have so enjoyed your insight to many issues with latter-day Saints come across. I wish you would do this on a podcast, that way I could listen more often. It’s 10:30 AM, 19th of August 2023.

  • @mckayelder6060
    @mckayelder6060 Год назад +4

    When I was about 13 my wards youth went to the Provo, Utah Temple to do baptisms for the Dead. At the time the youth or person representing the deseased persons would be assigned a list of around 40 to 60 names. The baptism ordinance has to be done in the exact way for each deceased person being baptized. And because of the many names the ceremony for each deceased person happened quite rapidly. After the words came the part where you were placed completely under water. If a mistake was made in the words or if the baptism was not completely under water the ordnance had to be completed again. So during a.d after your list of people was completed you felt like you had a little workout.
    It just so happened that my father was the temple worker over the ceremony. After my list was completed. My dad had a handful of names that he felt needed to be done my assigned list of people

    • @mckayelder6060
      @mckayelder6060 Год назад +3

      ... so I was asked ifI would do another 60 names. So I did. Then when that list was completed I did another. I'm not sure how many people I was baptized for, but it was many. I know that now they set a limit on how many names you are able or assigned. For me it was a. Awesome and unique spiritual experience from my youth.