David I'm a Black LDS in the South and you are amazing. I like how you stick with doctrine and keep everything real. I couldn't imagine leaving the church after the knowledge I have. I will just stay home. You have opened my so called educated mind with tryna to explain this to people who like throwing it in our face.
Thx for your honestly. Imma convert and what is your opinion and other black people who left the church stating it’s racist?? It’s more an epidemic today…. I never have thought about any race being different, as we are on our own merits to be a Christian nothing to do with race. Would love your perspective
Hi sister Darlene, As is says in 1Samuel 16 “The lord Seeth not as man seeth for man looketh on the outward appearance but the Lord looketh on the heart.” We know that God is not a “respecter of persons”. We are all the same in his eyes. We are all his sons and daughters created in his image. Joseph Smith believed that blacks should be equal to whites in society, this was during the times of Slavery. Also he took in Jane Mansfield one of the earliest black LDS members into his own household as part of his family. Of course anti’s will take things out of context that he said or twist things to make him seem racist, people are doing this about Abraham Lincoln. The early saints were persecuted partly because many of the early members were against slavery. As more members joined from the south and brought their backwards ideas with them there began to be a lot of contention over race in the church, rather than having a schism or half the church falling away over this, which the church may not have survived this, the Lord didn’t allow the priesthood anymore among black LDS men, this was because the saints as a whole were not ready for this blessing not a punishment for black LDS members but definitely a trial of their faith. Remember the priesthood is given for men to serve others with. This meant white LDS men who were racist now had to minister and bless their black brothers and sisters, as you know they could only do this properly without any hate in their hearts. So this was Heavenly Father’s way of getting rid of racism. (Remember his ways are not our ways) When we serve others we learn to love them and see them as children of God. This is my opinion on why this happened and I am sure it saddened our Heavenly Father that the Saints as a whole were not ready for this blessing. It is like when Moses went up the mount and was given the higher law and then came down and saw the children of Israel worshipping the fatted calf and it was rent in two and Moses had to go back up into the mountain and came back with the Ten Commandments instead because the people were not ready for the higher law and greater blessings that came with it. Also in my opinion the early black LDS saints already had the power of God with them, they prayed for their feet to be healed and they were healed and they prayed on that a baby would be healed and the baby was healed, this is when they were on their way to Nauvoo and hadn’t even met Joseph Smith yet. God did not withdraw this power from them, He withdrew it in name only so that they could be served by their white brethren who needed to learn to love them better. I grew up in a single parent family and after my father passed away we technically did not have the priesthood in our home, but My mom’s prayers had the power of God, God didn’t withdraw his power from our family just because my father died and the same thing with early black LDS members. Today there has been many conference talks about how racism is evil, and that we should love one another. We are all brothers and sisters in Christ. God is our Father and we are all precious in his sight. Please don’t chew on the dead rat as David says that is out there trying to lead you away from the true church by saying it is racist. Remember people are not perfect including our leaders past and present that is why we need the Savior who was perfect. Hope this helped (I got most of my information here from Saints volumes 1and 2) Your sister, Gale
@@galelaidlaw8355I also had been given an inspiration that it was the state of things throughout the country and the church may have had been persecuted for giving our black brothers the Priesthood because the other religious communities were so segregated. We just don’t understand fully but we do believe the Lord knows the correct timing for all things and we trust in his revelation.
Great job David! I’m a convert to the church I grew up in the Methodist church then married my wife who was a devout Catholic as was her family. And I joined the Catholic Church after we were married, but things just didn’t make sense to me. I am a very logical person and I didn’t see how some of the teachings of other Christian churches made sense after I heard the gospel taught in the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. It was very hard for me to join the church as a man that had been married for only 2 years. I studied the teachings of the church for a little over a year, and I just knew in my heart that it was true and it all made sense too. My wife was upset my in-laws were upset my father was upset at my decision, but I just knew that is what God wanted me to do. My wife didn’t join the church but she saw the changes for good that the gospel made in my life. But there was so much pressure from her upbringing and respect for her parents she just wasn’t ready to change. But fortunately for both of us 10 years later she and my children joined the church. We celebrated our 45th wedding anniversary last year and the teachings of the gospel is what has made that possible. You are such an inspiration to me as a long time member now. I have seen to many people leave the church over this doctrine and the idea of multiple degrees of glory. I truly believe what you’re doing in your videos will help so many people, and your teachings style will be a great resource for people trying to help others understand. Thank you so much please keep making the lessons. Brother Jeff
This subject has to do with latter day scripture that says “As man is, God once was, as God is, man may become.” Notice the word “may”, not “will”. If so, it would probably take eons of time throughout all eternity, and how many of us could be that perfect?
David, I cannot believe How clear your messages are. I’m also a member of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. And you’ve explained things regarding attacks from other faiths and misrepresentations better than I’ve Ever heard them explained! I absolutely love it!!!!! And you’re music and your testimony are priceless! Thank you so much for your service to all the seekers of truth. God bless❤️
Can’t wait for him to go to the temple soon and receive the gifts that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ prepared for him… that would be another glorious day!🙏🙏🙏
I'm a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of latter-day Saints and it sounds pretty spot on to me. Even though I already know all of this, I loved your use of scriptures and thoughts. I think you were very much guided by the spirit in what you said. Congratulations on your baptism.
I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of latter day saints. As man is God once was, and as God is man may become. When you attend the Temple you will understand what you are teaching is true. Jenny may be young and may not have attended the Temple. God has created worlds without number and has populated them.
It is brilliant the way you used 1 Corinthians 2: 9, Romans 8 and Ephesians 3 all the other scriptures to teach. You have a profound understanding of our Heavenly Father!
This was Awesome! I laughed with you at the absurdity of singing praises every minute of every moment for all eternity….. God needs us to be productive and progress that is His Glory in us. Thank you for expressing our unspoken thoughts. You have made what has been ridiculed of our faith for so long, and turned the tables as The Only logical fulfillment of eternity. Thank you! Thank you! We’ve waited for your voice for so long. It is exhausting out there to defend what we have, but we do not have the perspective of the biblical memorization that you have, that we aspire to achieve, but are faulty in not having it’s mastery, but to watch your mastery of the Bible and combine it with eternal truths of the restored gospel brings me so much elated Joy ❤. I watch these videos and I want to jump and celebrate! This was fun!! Congrats on getting the Melchizedek priesthood this weekend. I live in Denver and my son received the priesthood in Rexburgh, Idaho. It was important enough for me to be there that I flew to SLC and drove to Rexburgh just to witness it and it was worth it. I’m so happy for you! Let us know when you attend the temple to do baptisms for your ancestors. Interesting change in church verbiage. We use to call it “baptisms for the dead.” However, it occurred to someone (most likely the prophet and apostles and all of us really) that these spirits we are doing the work for are very much alive and we need to refer to them in this respectful way. So we no longer say, baptisms for the dead, but rather baptisms for our ancestors. A very cool change and much more respectful description of the reality of our Living ancestors.
❤😂such a beautiful response. I love how his knowledge of the bible helps us see what we have and know to be true better than we did know. The bible is truly supporting what we believe because it is inspired by God The Father, and His Son, Jesus, but those teachings have been listening by minimization and neglect. Thank you for bringing them together because of your 47 years of study of the bible.
I’m not a Latter-Day Saint theologian either, but I am a Latter-Day Saint, and I think this was a beautiful explanation. I’ve understood this all my life. I am a child of God. What else would a child of God grow up to be? Plus, we have an eternity to get there, line upon line, and a savior provided for us, overcoming sin and death. Romans 8:17 says “heirs of God.” It doesn’t get plainer than that. I love your testimony. Your knowledge of the scriptures and the way you articulate it is a thing of beauty. Thank you for sharing it.
When the Jews took of stones to kill him because he said God is his father . Him being a man make himself God . But Jesus said to them is it not WRITTEN IN. yOUR LAW That YE ARE GODS . Then they went to stone him . Jesus left . This is in their law . Their own law with Jesus telling them so . How do they skip over that scripture ?? Can’t they even read ?? Right there potential to become Gods .
I’m a Latter-day Saint and am blown away by you! Keep it the fantastic work and testimony of continued conviction and conversion; you’re a huge beacon of light!
Elder Kyle McKay recently shared the experience of his three year old granddaughter crying fearfully because she didn’t want to go away to college. I think many of us are a little like her as we consider what might lie ahead in the eternities-it can be a little intimidating and overwhelming-and yet, in Paul’s words that you shared, eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor has it even entered our hearts the things God has prepared for us. What brings me some degree of comfort is the realization that after this life, I won’t be starting as a three year old, or even as a 90 year old. We have existed eternally and we really have no idea how far we have already progressed toward being like our heavenly parents. Each of us probably is more advanced in every discipline of knowledge than the most intelligent humans to ever live. At some point, after our earthly probation is ended, all our former knowledge and memories will return and we will continue the pathway of progression, aided and blessed by the new lens of mortal experiences we have gone through. The thought of Becoming godlike should not make us feel presumptuous nor anxious. It is what we have been engaged in for all existence and will feel as natural to us as anything we do here in this life.
David Alexander, I am also a member of The Chrurh of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints for almost 38 years now and I love how you expound this subject about our Heavenly Father love for us his children... You are a jewel among the Saints in our days.... Please keep up doing what you are so good at....
To Jenny, "But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. 34 Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof." Matt 6:33,34
That was wonderful, David! You did an excellent job of explaining this doctrine. Moses 1:39 says: This is my work and my glory--to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man. Moses 7:35 (and also D&C 19) tells us that: Endless and Eternal is my name, also. With this clarity, we can see that the Lord is saying that at least part of the meaning of eternal life is to live God's life! And our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ labor diligently to bring that to pass. It's a truly beautiful concept. I loved the songs! They add so much to your videos, and I hope that you get to sing with the tabernacle choir someday!
David I saw your video with Greg. My goodness, what a powerful testimony! Love hearing your knowledge and understanding. And your spirit is so infectious, I love it!
Wow, 20 minutes in and you nailed it! God is not a narcissist! You are so right that He did not create us to go through these mortal trials, and provide a Savior to suffer and die for us, just so that He can have eternal praise and adulation! It is so obvious that He created us to grow and progress in every way - yes, even to the point of becoming joint-heirs with Jesus Christ, as the Bible teaches! Thank you. This is sound teaching.
Thank you, Brother David! I felt the Spirit testify strongly that this is true! You explain things so beautifully. The Book of Mormon isn’t sent to refute the Bible, but to clarify. If people could only recognize the wonder of the restored gospel! They are missing out! Thank you for doing your part. Love you much.
David, wow!!! I am a Latter-day Saint, born and raised, and I am learning so much from you! Your faith is inspiring! You are having such a powerful affect in this world already. God bless you and protect you as you bring many to His covenant path. ❤️
I've been a Latter-day Saint my whole life and I've never met another member who talks seriously about ruling their own planet. God will always be our Father and we will always worship him. We will inherit all our Father has but we will never be above him. That is what Satan thought was a good idea. Every member of the Church shares the same vision of the relationship with our Father (unchanging and eternal) as our Christian brothers and sisters. Where we differ is believing we can actually become like him just as we become like our parents but can never be our own parents.
Really? My friends and I joke about it. She and her husband want to be the ones to blow up old stars 😜 I don't know about our own planets but it's possible. Why not? We have ALL ETERNITY to grow and learn.
@@tiffanyseavy565 The key word is joke. And I do it too. But the reality is, we don't worship God out of fear or because we desire God like power but because we know we are nothing and have been saved by Gods love and grace. We follow God because we love him. We have many beliefs like Heavenly Mother and becoming like Heavenly Father and creating our own planets that are simply drawing conclusions based and known doctrine.
We have not been given the Priesthood Keys yet to creating worlds nor the Keys of Resurrection. Remember Michael participated in the creation of this earth. God's kingdom is an orderly kingdom. Christ will be our King of Kings and Lord of Lord's, but the process will continue on as His Father and Our Heavenly Father will progress to a new level of exaltation. We as his children will continue his work through us. It is a neverending continuation of the process of eternal lives.
@@nwkitesurfer but it IS part of the eventual progression. There's no reason to make plans or day dream about it in this life but it doctrine to become like God, and God rules planets so what do you think our eventual career will be? 🤣 As we are now, is how our Heavenly Father once WAS. That's doctrine.
Thank you David. I couldn't help but clap. When I came to the realization that worshipping (edit: meaning the beatific vision, or singing praises) God for eternity was the definition of hell, I realized who would want that to even happen. Very well explained. I have to say, everytime you post a video, I have this nervousness, "I hope he covers this topic according to doctrine." This was spot on. You hit the nail squarely on the head. The same spirit that teaches you is the same spirit that teaches me. The truth comes from the same font -- God.
There is but one only living and true God, who is infinite in being and perfection, a most pure spirit, invisible, without body, parts, or passions; immutable, immense, eternal, incomprehensible, almighty, most wise, most holy, most free, most absolute, working all things according to the counsel of His own immutable and most righteous will, for His own glory;... This is the first part of the Westminster Confession. When I was on my mission, I read this. I realized that Christianity had strayed so far from the truth, that this creed of who the Presbyterians believe God is, actually describes Satan. This bit of insight scared me. For centuries we have been worshipping the wrong Being. The first vision Joseph Smith had, as a young teenager, set all of that straight, again. I really enjoy listening to you. I wish I had the Bible knowledge you have on my mission. The Bible alone supports the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. But, isn't it great that we are blessed with additional scriptures, apostles and prophets! There is no need for confusion anymore. May God bless you. Brent
"without body, parts, or passions" . . . such a false teaching as you say. With no "passions," that would mean that God had no LOVE for the Savior or Humankind; would not HATE evil; and so on. No Passions! A God without passions! Surely not the God of the Bible! (Thanks for sharing.)
Exactly right! A small part of that God-like power He has already given to us, and that is the power to procreate. Also the power to love and serve others. The doctine isn't about this end goal and this end reward that is suddenly bestowed on us at the end of it all. It's about what we should be doing and becoming all along in our life's journey. We should be developing God-like attributes of love and mercy and doing what Jesus showed us we should do.
Dear Brother.. You nailed it! We love & honor our earthly parents, but we know that the father of our spirit is, our Celestial Father. Our faith doesn't end with death, but just begins. And there is much more to learn and grow because our spirit is eternal.
The doctrine of Theosis (deification or divinization) was taught in the early church and you can find numerous quotes by the early church fathers if you just google “theosis quotes”. “Christ was made man that we might be made God.” ― Athanasius of Alexandria, On the Incarnation - “He was made human so that he might make us gods“. Another one from Irenaeus, a Greek leader in the early Church of Lyons (130-202 A.D.) who said that God had “become what we are, that He might bring us to be even what He is Himself.”
Paul taught the same thing....at the end of 2 Cor. 5 Paul states...."He who knew no sin, became sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him."
@@davidmalvinalexander He absolutely did. Also in Romans 8:17 it is very clear. “and if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together.” This doctrine has been lost in christianity outside of the restored church of Christ. In the protestant tradition it’s considered a heresy.
How interesting that even after the early Church of Jesus Christ had lost some correct doctrines through the beginnings of apostasy, such as a correct understanding of the nature of the Godhead vs. the newer trinitarian understanding, they still retained a basic knowledge of deification or exaltation. That makes complete sense that the apostasy away from correct knowledge of God would be a gradual digression.
@@allieooop3923 I completely agree Allie. I myself am a protestant. However I understand the definitions being used as being the same definitions by the early church and the person who wrote them. It is all like you have stated. The common flaw with the LDS church is using their different/separate definitions, then inserting them into the Bible, or in this case with Catholic writings. Not only do they not believe in the Trinity, they don’t agree on the very definitions of God the Father, God the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Its like how they changed their name to the Church of Jesus Christ. You could extend in their view to be the Church of Jesus Christ, the first born offspring created by Heavenly Father who became flesh. Rather than what Christian’s would understand the name to mean: the Church of Jesus Christ, of the Eternal Godhead who has existed for all eternity who then became flesh. One is species alike and one is species unique, and they are vastly different.
@@allieooop3923 I appreciate your comments and friendly tone. However, as you can probably can understand I don’t agree with your take on it, that the the doctrine of theosis must be set in the trinitarian and creedal framework. I take the quotes at face value and believe that LDS theology in general are more in accordance with the early apostolic fathers. Sure, I read and interpret the text through my LDS lens but for me it’s very clear that many of the doctrines of the early saints has been restored through modern prophets and apostles with apostolic authority. And to answer you question about whether I consider Catholicism and Orthodoxy as part of Christianity, I do regard them as my brothers and sisters in Christ (or at least cousins). This view isn’t always mutual but I will let God make that judgment on whether who is a true Christian and who aren’t. Also I am neither a scholar or theologian, only a faithful Latter-day Saint and disciple of Jesus who have taken an interest in learning more about the early saints and their teachings.
“Our Heavenly Father’s goal in parenting is not to have His children do what is right; it is to have His children choose to do what is right and ultimately become like Him. If He simply wanted us to be obedient, He would use immediate rewards and punishments to influence our behaviors. But God is not interested in His children just becoming trained and obedient “pets” who will not chew on His slippers in the celestial living room. No, God wants His children to grow up spiritually and join Him in the family business. God established a plan whereby we can become heirs in His kingdom, a covenant path that leads us to become like Him, have the kind of life He has, and live forever as families in His presence.” (from Elder Dale Renlund, “Choose Ye This Day,” Oct 2018 general conference)
Our earthly parents is such a great parallel with Heavenly parents!😊 Of course, seeing our children's children working together on that organic family farm... What a gift and blessing!
I love the approach you take based on your past experience in Evangelical Christianity. It is refreshing and clear. To me you are a new spotlight amoung many, shining your light and knowledge on the truthfulness of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ.
Congratulations on recieving the Melchezidiak priesthood this weekend! I've been a life long member of the church, born in the covenant. It can be easy to take it for granted, and many do. It is inspiring listening to you and your testimony and knowledge. I look forward to watching you and your testimony grow. Thanks for sharing your light.
David, it couldn't be more plainly explained than did Paul to the Romans found in Romans 8:16, 17: "The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God: 17 And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together." Keep up your amazing work. Conrad Aitken
Good on, I was sifting through to see if some added this scripture to the comments! It’s pretty clear, if we can be joint heirs with Christ, what the possibility of that actually is. 😮 And clearly separates God and Christ as being the same entity.
We are blessed because we know the plan of salvation. Nobody else knows that. That makes us different, a peculiar people, or happy people as David refers to. The truth shall set you free. Thus understanding godhood with respect to plan of salvation free us from the question, what is becoming join heir with Jesus Christ?
Hi David, In the past I had some conversations with protestants over the internet and I came up with the idea where I would create a channel to explain most of the doctrine of the restored gospel using only the bible. I think you have done just that. The reason I say that is because, if you have the Spirit of the Lord with you and are sincere and humble, you can definitely see all that in the Bible. You are the example of this. You keep saying you kept wondering for 47 years until you stumbled on the true church of God. I beg to differ on that because I truly believe you have been prepared for what you have become now for 47 years. You had 47 years of preparation for this. And now your testimony is clarifying a lot of those truths to a lot of people. Your testimony is reaching some that are struggling just like you were to find the truth. Thanks for your testimony. As for this particular subject, in my discussions with protestants in the past, I could never undertand why they read in the New Testament that we are " co-heirs with Christ" and that we are to "reach the full stature of Christ, a perfect man" and Christ saying "be ye therefore perfect as our Father which is in Heaven" and never come to the conclusion that we are supposed to become like God is, in other words, be a god. Also eternal life is the type of life that God the Father has, therefore when Jesus says that we can have eternal life, it means we can be like our Father who is Eternal. But, that is how it is, if you don't have the Holy Ghost, these things may be more difficult to see because we are in the middle of a world that has no idea of what God is because the enemy did a big effort to deceive us in that regard. I am so happy you are receiving the Melchidezed Priesthood, that is awsome.
Knowing who we really are changes everything about how we approach life and treat other people. Knowing who we are is the key to keeping the 2 great commandments to love God and love our neighbor. It is such a simple doctrine, but powerful. I love that we teach even the youngest of children that they are children of God. It's beautiful.
I'm only 10 minutes in and I'm so excited to hear the rest. This is a great conversation to have. Becoming gods is something we don't really think about except on rare occasions of deep study or discussion. And I mean rare lol. There's so much else to discuss and learn about here on earth. We do talk about eventually becoming like our Heavenly Father and that's a goal for sure. I think we all believe, in the church, that we are eternal spirits that have an eternal purpose and that we will be doing lots of things after our earthly mortality. And also that we did things before we came to earth. But that we couldn't progress more without physical bodies. I don't know what I'll be doing in the eternities but i believe it will be far greater in importance than what I'm doing now. And I will happily accept any assignment that Heavenly Father gives me. ❤
This is some great perspective that I have often thought of in the past in similar ways. Thank you so much for sharing your videos have help me draw closer to our lord and savior
I am one of the sons of the Mormon Pioneers, Thank You so much for sharing the Gospel, You remind me of one of my grandfathers who witnessed a modern Prophet like Joseph Smith or Brigham Young, Thank you for bringing your beautiful testimony and it's distinctive flavor to our sometimes stale culture.
When I was younger and heard this concept I thought of a respectable doctor who wouldn't like his son to be a hobo but a respectable doctor or even a better one. So I understood God must want us to be like Him. You explained it so well and sang so beautifully. Thank you. ❤
I live on a little more than an acre and cherish the eternal principle of being a good steward over that which God has given me, "being faithful over a few things, and hopefully later becoming "ruler over many things," (Matt 25:21) not in an ambitious sort of way but in a "take good care of this garden" sort of way. That is a little peak into this doctrine you are talking about.
Hi David, I thank Heavenly Father for preparing you your whole life before sending you on this road because you have firsthand experience and the incredible knowledge and insight of the Bible and History . Your thoughts can be trusted and respected. I joined the Latter Day Saints Church because most of my life I perceived our Father(God) as a fierce and unfair god which made no sense to me at all. I feared Him but certainly did not love Him. How could He just pick and choose what my life had to be like.?! What glorious delight when I discovered His unfathomable love. Now I know that before I was born He knew me (as the Bible teaches) I chose the exact course that I wanted to attend at my earthly university. I enrolled for what I wanted to achieve, It was heartbreaking leaving my “home” to come to this “boarding school”. I wanted to emulate Him and live by the same rules that He does. Why? Because I love Him so. This knowledge filled my soul with a kind of love I never knew before. Worshipping God therefore is an exquisite mixture of love, gratitude and longing to be back in His presence. God bless you in your endeavour to share your wonder with us in such a simple manner
Watching this has strengthen my testimony and I cannot explain how proud and grateful i am for the gospel of Jesus Christ. Thank you David for this beautiful explanation. 👏
Thanks fo sharing! I am so thankful you found the way, the truth and the light! How wonderful the day when you receive your own endowment from the temple of our God. You will rejoice greatly!
You articulate my feelings so well. Things I have not found words for. Honestly when I say I feel God’s love it is like a hug from my dad kind of feeling. A hug of protection, strength and tenderness.
1. If you could hie to Kolob In the twinkling of an eye, And then continue onward With that same speed to fly, Do you think that you could ever, Through all eternity, Find out the generation Where Gods began to be? 2. Or see the grand beginning, Where space did not extend? Or view the last creation, Where Gods and matter end? Methinks the Spirit whispers, “No man has found ‘pure space,’ Nor seen the outside curtains, Where nothing has a place.” 3. The works of God continue, And worlds and lives abound; Improvement and progression Have one eternal round. There is no end to matter; There is no end to space; There is no end to spirit; There is no end to race. 4. There is no end to virtue; There is no end to might; There is no end to wisdom; There is no end to light. There is no end to union; There is no end to youth; There is no end to priesthood; There is no end to truth. 5. There is no end to glory; There is no end to love; There is no end to being; There is no death above. There is no end to glory; There is no end to love; There is no end to being; There is no death above.
You mentioned the idea of what we don't know is to come for each of us in the Eternities, but here's what we do know: Psalms 82:6 - I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High. Psalms 136:2 - O give thanks unto the God of gods: for his mercy endureth for ever. John 10:34-35 - Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods? If he called them gods, unto whom the word of God came, and the scripture cannot be broken; Galatians 4:7 - Wherefore thou art no more a servant, but a son; and if a son, then an heir of God through Christ. Romans 8:16-17 - The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God: And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together. Doctrine and Covenants 132:18 - And again, verily I say unto you, if a man marry a wife, and make a covenant with her for time and for all eternity, if that covenant is not by me or by my word, which is my law, and is not sealed by the Holy Spirit of promise, through him whom I have anointed and appointed unto this power, then it is not valid neither of force when they are out of the world, because they are not joined by me, saith the Lord, neither by my word; when they are out of the world it cannot be received there, because the angels and the gods are appointed there, by whom they cannot pass; they cannot, therefore, inherit my glory; for my house is a house of order, saith the Lord God. Doctrine and Covenants 132:19-20 - And again, verily I say unto you, if a man marry a wife by my word, which is my law, and by the new and everlasting covenant, and it is sealed unto them by the Holy Spirit of promise, by him who is anointed, unto whom I have appointed this power and the keys of this priesthood; and it shall be said unto them--Ye shall come forth in the first resurrection; and if it be after the first resurrection, in the next resurrection; and shall inherit thrones, kingdoms, principalities, and powers, dominions, all heights and depths--then shall it be written in the Lamb's Book of Life, that he shall commit no murder whereby to shed innocent blood, and if ye abide in my covenant, and commit no murder whereby to shed innocent blood, it shall be done unto them in all things whatsoever my servant hath put upon them, in time, and through all eternity; and shall be of full force when they are out of the world; and they shall pass by the angels, and the gods, which are set there, to their exaltation and glory in all things, as hath been sealed upon their heads, which glory shall be a fulness and a continuation of the seeds forever and ever. Then shall they be gods, because they have no end; therefore shall they be from everlasting to everlasting, because they continue; then shall they be above all, because all things are subject unto them. Then shall they be gods, because they have all power, and the angels are subject unto them. There are more references I could provide. That said, there's nothing written in Church canon that mentions specifically "planets" but there are worlds without end and we become heirs of God through Christ. What is Christ Heir to? All the Father hath. If we be joint heirs with Christ, then to what are we also heirs? All the Father hath. John 14:2-3 - In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also. I know that Jesus Christ is my Savior. He made the way for me to return to my Father in Heaven. I thank Him and will thank Him for eternity for the glorious hope He has given me. In the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Brother Alexander, Thank you! Thank you! Your videos are so refreshing! I'm learning so much from your explanations of doctrinal truths that I've leaned from the earliest days of my youth as a life-long member of the Church. You remind me of my father, who relished studying the scriptures. He is gone now, and I miss his teachings and stories. Thank you for your decades of studying and learning - and now teaching those of us who have been members all of our lives but not learned or appreciated these truths as we should have. Perhaps we have been lackadaisical in our efforts to share with others, out of fear of being ridiculed. My dad used to drive hundreds of miles to attend General Conference, with his family in tow. I remember being afraid of the naysayers standing on the sidewalks, yelling at the members of the Church. It left a scary impression on my mind. I'm so thankful that I found your channel! I love your perspective and knowledge, sorting out what I've learned all my life but never really understood. You're a gem for all of us. We need your voice! Please continue to make these videos. You were born for this time. President Gordon B. Hinckley once said, regarding those of other faiths and beliefs: “To anybody who is not of this Church, I say we recognize all of the virtues and the good that you have. Bring it with you and see if we might add to it.” (Talk: Fellowshipping With Those of Other Faiths)
You're a great example David! This is the kind of communication the prophet was encouraging at conference. No need for accusations or contention in any form.
Perfect rendition! I as a convert in 1982 have had these thoughts too! I'm sharing your video with my non-member friends because you say it so eloquently! Thanks!
Well done david...im sure jenny got that message and is full of smiles. You are an inspiration david, thankyou so much. And congradulations when you are ordained an elder in the melchezidick priesthood, god bless you brother.
Brother Alexander, I love you. Thank you for sharing with us YOU. I loved your explanation and I love your songs. I'm so glad that you are part of our family.
This reminds me of one of my favorite experiences of my mission. I served in Equador over 20 years ago. One day my companion and I stopped in to see some new members (a mother and son). They had a hard time going to church because her husband and the other son were atheists and really detested the church and the missionaries. (By the way both of the sons were young adults.) We were relieved to see that the husband wasn't home, however, the atheist son was there. The father and son really liked arguing with the missionaries. It was exhausting. Once again this guy wanted to argue with us. And he was saying that it was rediculous that a god would send us down to earth and just kind of mess with mankind. Then the conversation turned to the Garden of Eden. And he was like, why would God make man in his own image? And then he paused for a second and said, wait! If God made us in his image, wouldn't that mean we could become like him? All I said was, "Yes." And the spirit flooded in. It was at that moment that his attitude and the spirit of the conversation changed. He started asking more questions. Questions that I think God put in his heart. Because with every question, I would merely say, "yes." And the spirit would flood in every time. Unfortunately the father came in shortly there after and chased the spirit away and the young man once again became defensive. And soon we were chased off as well.
David I so appreciate your answer to this letter. People get so caught up in questions like this. I have all I can do with following what is taught in conference. I figure when I am living the way the Savior has commanded me to, and if I am following the admonitions of the Prophet, when I get all that down, then I will worry about the deeper doctrines. Im not worried about being a god, but I think Christ meant what he said about the having all that the Father has and being joint heirs with Christ. Sometimes these things are the adversary's tool to send a smoke screen. You are right on.
Brother David. You nailed it!! So much confusion and animosity stems from both members and non members speculating and making transitive logical leaps that have no basis in ACTUAL church doctrine. You told the truth. Want to know the doctrine? Listen to the current church leaders conference addresses.
God has created patterns for us to get to know who he is. The greatest model I've seen in my life is marriage and raising children. If you aren't a parent yet, you don't totally understand what God is like. Once you become a parent you will see why God loves us so much and why he wants to bless us so much. You hope for great things for your children. You hope they will be great and desire to bless them when they do well. You rejoice in the smallest things your children accomplish - from taking their first steps to saying their first words, to reading a book, etc. This is how I believe God sees us. We don't yet know what God has in store for us - but if you want your kids to praise and worship you for all eternity it is a very myopic and luciferian view of the Godhood. All things denote their is a Christ. As long as we obey the commandments and follow his example through accepting the revealed ordinances we will come to know Him better and his plan for us.
Dear David, 1 st of all congrats for finally finding the TRUTH, ur explanations are plain & simple, easy to understand, I'm a member for the last 20 yrs, and also passed through a couple of other churches, before I decided that this is the true gospel of Christ our Master & Redeemer and Advocate with the Father 😇😇😇😇 and the Holy Temples are beautifull, so much peace there, I'm a volunteer worker in our Temple in Jhb, South-Africa, so yes, All Glory to the most High, ❤❤❤ love your inspiring videos, keep it up, God bless ❤❤
David, right now you're my favorite Contemporary Christian musician. And if you knew me, you'd know what a true compliment that is. A lone acoustic guitar player singing his heart is worth a thousand synthesizers.
David, I so love your testimony. Your topic today is to me the most beautiful part of the Gospel. That God is our Father and loves us just as any truly loving father would and that he wants more than anything else for us to become like him and be happy, and that all He has He wants to share with us. May favorite New Testament scripture is Romans 8: 14, 16-17, and that all that Christ will inherit, as our elder brother, He will share with us. I love it. For some LDS doctrinal references see Doctrine and Covenants 132. Lorenzo Snow captured it succinctly in the couplet "As man is God once was and as God is man may become." To the rest of Christianity we are basically just pets. But, the reality is that we are so so much more. We are the children of God with all that that implies. Does that mean when we reach our full maturity and eternal destiny we will love Him less? Not at all! He is our Father. We will love him, and be grateful for, and adore him as anyone would the best father possible. Thanks for your shameless sharing of your testimony!
Romans 8:17 says, “Now if we are children, then we are heirs-heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory” I expect it may take many millenia of following and being mentored by Christ to grow to inherit a fraction of what he has but this verse gives us a glimpse that we have the seeds of greatness from our Father that can grow as we follow and trust Him and His Son.
How is it that a new convert is able to expound on Latter-day Saint doctrine so simply and concisely, is such a privilege to witness! My children and I read John 7:17 this morning and briefly discussed how we can come to know that Jesus Christ taught the truth. You've inspired me to share what you've given us today as a way to dig deeper into that account and touch on not only Christ's true identity but also how following Christ on His covenant path helps us to truly understand our true identity and eternal potential. Today you have witnessed to me how as members of the Church we believe the Bible to be the word of God "as far as it is translated correctly"! Your knowledge of the Bible and it's teachings are true because you now see through the clear (not darkened) lens of the Restoration! You have the correct interpretation as to the doctrine Jesus Christ taught, because of course the Restoration came because Christ brought it forth through His servant Joseph Smith. I find it interesting that people questioned how Christ knew so much of scripture when He wasn't "learned in letters". I think it's interesting that Joseph Smith also wasn't "learned" yet He understood the doctrine because He was taught by the One who sent him, whose doctrine it was/is! "He that speaketh of himself seeketh his own glory: but he that seeketh his glory that sent him, the same is true, and no unrighteousness in him." John 7:18 Btw thank you for that added learning of the Hebrew word for swarm. My family recently purchased a very large print of a Bumblebee to hang in our kitchen using a Christmas gift card we received from a family member. I've just been feeling inspired around bees as a symbol of God's kingdom, and my husband who isn't a member of the Church, suggested the print knowing it was something significant to me because I had also opted for a navy blue scarf that had a repeating motif of a golden bee image stamped all over it for my birthday gift from him. My children will love the added learning of the Hebrew word and I hope every time we look at our print on the kitchen wall it will be a reminder to all of us of that spiritual connection to our eternal identity and purpose. Thank you! ❤
My brother in Christ, thank you for beautiful words. I truly, truly enjoyed your videos and your testimony of the true and restored church of Jesus Christ (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day). Amen and amen . 🙏🏻
Hi David, I'm enjoying watching your videos, you're such a crack up. You have a way of putting into words some of my exact thoughts about our divine potential. Also, when will you release your album? It's a yes from me!
YOU ARE MY FAVORITE!!!!!! In all of your videos, we share the same understanding of the Holy Bible (David knows me, but for anyone who doesn't know me, I am also a recent convert to the church), and the way that you explain the scriptures is a testimony to me of how the Spirit can teach you and I, the same Spirit who knows "even the depths of God" (1 Corinthians 2:10). I love you so much, Brother, and I am so grateful for every video you release! You are setting off a powerful chain-reaction in this spiritual war! Praying for you always!!!!
I agree with andy. You did have good at explaining this. Dave, your videos have really help me strengthen my testimony and my faith. Love your child like faith.
It’s hard to be believe that you are new convert! I’m so proud of your testimony of Christ, his doctrine and his glory! I found the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, after searching for truth, in my early twenties and continue to learn and be filled with gratitude for such a wonderful plan. A plan which helps us to appreciate a loving Heavenly Father and honour an Elder Brother who was willing to do the hard things for his brothers and sisters. John 7:17, doing his will helps us to know the doctrine, and understand the atonement and God the Father. Please, keep up your preaching, as you are gifted. What better cause is there, but to confess truth!
I love you David. You are a brother indeed. You exemplify what discipleship is all about. Thanks for your example. You are being ordained and elder and getting the higher preisthood conferred upon you on the same day as my life long buddy. He grew up LDS and strayed from religious belief for many years but now at the age of 29 is coming back and finding his faith. I will have the honor of going to his ordination and witnessing him receive something precious that he was missing for his whole adult life. It's fun knowing that somewhere out there on that same day you will be receiving that same ordination.
Thank you for bringing the Spirit of God into my life today. Thank you for sharing your deep knowledge of the bible with me today, even if I wasn't the direct reason you made this video. Bless you.
I appreciate you, David! Your convert zeal is beautiful and contagious. I, as a Latter-day saint, agree with all of that. I believe, though, that we are going to be worshiping the Father and the Son for all eternity. I think that's a question of what It means to "worship". I believe what describes this is exacly what you said. It means honoring His legacy by working, creating, loving. Yes, Heaven, Eternal Life is most certainty way beyond our wildest imaginations. Fortunately, we have all we need to prepare for It, because of our Father and His beloved Son. Great content, keep It up!
Raqeul, your comment is spot on! The Greek Word for serve, also means "worship". Everything we do, led by the Holy Ghost, walking in the obedience of faith that worketh by love...walking in the "good works, which God has prepared beforehand that we should walk in them" (Eph 2:10) it is ALL worship. This is Greek word that is in Acts 26:7...where Paul testifies to Agrippa, that the restored Twelve Tribes that He was gathering...were "earnestly serving God night and day for the hope of the promise made by God to the Fathers". This is how we "worship God in Spirit and in Truth"...by actually DOING HIS WILL. It is so bizarre...and deception of the Devil...that so many Evangelicals imagine that because they have "accepted Christ"...that now...they don't have to DO anything for Him and the Father....and that when they die...they are going to a Heaven where all they do is participate in an endless "worship service" around the throne of God. The whole thing, from beginning to end...is a Satanic fantasy. Thanks for your comment! Word Summary latreuō: to serve Original Word: λατρεύω Transliteration: latreuō Phonetic Spelling: (lat-ryoo'-o) Part of Speech: Verb Short Definition: to serve Meaning: to serve Strong's Concordance serve, do the service, worship From latris (a hired menial); to minister (to God), i.e. Render religious homage -- serve, do the service, worship(-per). Thayer's Greek Lexicon STRONGS NT 3000: λατρεύω
Congratulations on your ordination to the Melchizedek Priesthood! It truly IS the power and authority of God given to man to act as His agents here on earth. I know it to be real and true. Being ordained to this priesthood puts you in the company of patriarchs and prophets.
David, you have been blessed and prepared all your life for what you are now doing and will do for the rest of your life. Your influence will affect people all over the world. Your knowledge of the scriptures is commendable and your love for God is infectious. The Lord is hastening His work in the latter days to gather scattered Israel home to the covenant path, and I believe that you are going to play a significant role in this work. Keep it up! You are amazing!
Thanks for your prayers that end most of your podcasts. I feel the spirit confirm the things that you discuss about the misconceptions and other things about OUR church. It is the Church of THE LORD JESUS CHRIST but also OF THE LATTER-DAY SAINTS. We all, ALL have a part to play in this historic restoration. We are BUSY. May God continue to bless you in your ministry. Keep praying for us. Many of us pray for you. We are grateful for your courage, experience, knowledge, capacity and fearless defense of the Restored Gospel of JESUS CHRIST. God bless.
It's there in Salms 82 " you're gods," and Jesus Himself quoted that scripture later on His ministry saying: " was not told or written ; you're gods?''. Also, we give the glory to God in doing His will. That's true worship doing His will and keeping His comamments and loving Him with all our soul and mind.
I show that verse to other Christians on Reddit and they somehow interpret “gods” to refer to human judges because of the “context” of Psalms 82. It’s the mist of darkness of the adversary, blinding minds to adhere to the doctrines of men.
I could listen to you all day, brother David. And I detect no errors in your explanation. You said a great many things that I've said over the years of defending the gospel from opponents, and added a few insights that I really like.
You are amazing! I love your excitement teaching the way you do. You are so humble and simply yourself. Your knowledge of the scriptures shows your love for the Gospel and is helping you to help others Come Unto Christ. I am a convert to the Church. I was GOLDEN, too! I joined the church in 1978 and the last thing my dad said to me before I left New Hampshire was, "don't you dare going that Mormon Church" . I was baptized within a month. PS. I love your singing!!
Finally, someone who can speak the truth to our evangelical brothers and sisters without tip toeing around the issues and tell like it is. Beautifully done and the amazing thing about it is it all just makes simple sense. I love how you didn’t have it go deep into too many scriptures but if someone knows just the basics of the Bible and using their common sense, this concept of becoming like our Father in Heaven should click on like a light bulb. Keep it up David!
Wonderful explanation! I haven’t heard several of these examples being tied into this until now, but it makes sense! I have a degree in history and I study a lot about Joseph Smith and the scriptures he published, so I’d like to share my thoughts. The consistent teaching by Joseph Smith is that we will have some form of eternal progression. There is one speech Joseph Smith gave, the King Follet discourse, in which it is purported that he said that we will become gods one day, but the problem with this speech is that there is not a great verifiable source of the language used, and only summaries of a few different people’s understandings of the speech are recorded. Regardless, eternal progression does seem to imply that we will come closer to God’s power throughout eternity, so in some capacity, we will inherit more and more of God’s power and perhaps responsibilities. As David said, there are also echoes of this in the Bible. It is important, especially when talking to investigators of the faith, to represent this principle honestly and accurately, and not overwhelm people with an oversimplified and assumptuous version of the principle of eternal progression, and instead understand and present that it is a principle that is one of the mysteries of God that is not entirely revealed to us here on Earth.
David I'm a Black LDS in the South and you are amazing. I like how you stick with doctrine and keep everything real. I couldn't imagine leaving the church after the knowledge I have. I will just stay home. You have opened my so called educated mind with tryna to explain this to people who like throwing it in our face.
Thx for your honestly. Imma convert and what is your opinion and other black people who left the church stating it’s racist?? It’s more an epidemic today…. I never have thought about any race being different, as we are on our own merits to be a Christian nothing to do with race. Would love your perspective
Hi sister Darlene,
As is says in 1Samuel 16 “The lord Seeth not as man seeth for man looketh on the outward appearance but the Lord looketh on the heart.” We know that God is not a “respecter of persons”. We are all the same in his eyes. We are all his sons and daughters created in his image.
Joseph Smith believed that blacks should be equal to whites in society, this was during the times of Slavery. Also he took in Jane Mansfield one of the earliest black LDS members into his own household as part of his family. Of course anti’s will take things out of context that he said or twist things to make him seem racist, people are doing this about Abraham Lincoln. The early saints were persecuted partly because many of the early members were against slavery. As more members joined from the south and brought their backwards ideas with them there began to be a lot of contention over race in the church, rather than having a schism or half the church falling away over this, which the church may not have survived this, the Lord didn’t allow the priesthood anymore among black LDS men, this was because the saints as a whole were not ready for this blessing not a punishment for black LDS members but definitely a trial of their faith. Remember the priesthood is given for men to serve others with. This meant white LDS men who were racist now had to minister and bless their black brothers and sisters, as you know they could only do this properly without any hate in their hearts. So this was Heavenly Father’s way of getting rid of racism. (Remember his ways are not our ways) When we serve others we learn to love them and see them as children of God. This is my opinion on why this happened and I am sure it saddened our Heavenly Father that the Saints as a whole were not ready for this blessing. It is like when Moses went up the mount and was given the higher law and then came down and saw the children of Israel worshipping the fatted calf and it was rent in two and Moses had to go back up into the mountain and came back with the Ten Commandments instead because the people were not ready for the higher law and greater blessings that came with it.
Also in my opinion the early black LDS saints already had the power of God with them, they prayed for their feet to be healed and they were healed and they prayed on that a baby would be healed and the baby was healed, this is when they were on their way to Nauvoo and hadn’t even met Joseph Smith yet. God did not withdraw this power from them, He withdrew it in name only so that they could be served by their white brethren who needed to learn to love them better.
I grew up in a single parent family and after my father passed away we technically did not have the priesthood in our home, but My mom’s prayers had the power of God, God didn’t withdraw his power from our family just because my father died and the same thing with early black LDS members.
Today there has been many conference talks about how racism is evil, and that we should love one another. We are all brothers and sisters in Christ. God is our Father and we are all precious in his sight. Please don’t chew on the dead rat as David says that is out there trying to lead you away from the true church by saying it is racist. Remember people are not perfect including our leaders past and present that is why we need the Savior who was perfect. Hope this helped (I got most of my information here from Saints volumes 1and 2)
Your sister, Gale
@@galelaidlaw8355thank you for that testimony and your perspective!
@@galelaidlaw8355I also had been given an inspiration that it was the state of things throughout the country and the church may have had been persecuted for giving our black brothers the Priesthood because the other religious communities were so segregated. We just don’t understand fully but we do believe the Lord knows the correct timing for all things and we trust in his revelation.
It's wonderful to hear we have saint's all over the United States 🇺🇸!✨️✨️🙏🏻✨️🌻🌸🌻🌷💜👍🏻🎁The gospel is such a beautiful gift to all of God's children! ❤
Great job David! I’m a convert to the church I grew up in the Methodist church then married my wife who was a devout Catholic as was her family. And I joined the Catholic Church after we were married, but things just didn’t make sense to me. I am a very logical person and I didn’t see how some of the teachings of other Christian churches made sense after I heard the gospel taught in the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. It was very hard for me to join the church as a man that had been married for only 2 years. I studied the teachings of the church for a little over a year, and I just knew in my heart that it was true and it all made sense too. My wife was upset my in-laws were upset my father was upset at my decision, but I just knew that is what God wanted me to do. My wife didn’t join the church but she saw the changes for good that the gospel made in my life. But there was so much pressure from her upbringing and respect for her parents she just wasn’t ready to change. But fortunately for both of us 10 years later she and my children joined the church. We celebrated our 45th wedding anniversary last year and the teachings of the gospel is what has made that possible. You are such an inspiration to me as a long time member now. I have seen to many people leave the church over this doctrine and the idea of multiple degrees of glory. I truly believe what you’re doing in your videos will help so many people, and your teachings style will be a great resource for people trying to help others understand. Thank you so much please keep making the lessons. Brother Jeff
G h T TV TV chi c c c
That's awesome! Congratulations :)
If a person who is a citizen of America is an American what is a person is a person who is a citizen of the kingdom of God?
This subject has to do with latter day scripture that says “As man is, God once was, as God is, man may become.” Notice the word “may”, not “will”. If so, it would probably take eons of time throughout all eternity, and how many of us could be that perfect?
Isn’t God amazing!?! The Restored gospel is glorious! I love your thoughts and insights on the gospel. It’s straight truth! 🔥🔥🔥
David, I cannot believe
How clear your messages are. I’m also a member of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. And you’ve explained things regarding attacks from other faiths and misrepresentations better than I’ve
Ever heard them explained! I absolutely love it!!!!! And you’re music and your testimony are priceless! Thank you so much for your service to all the seekers of truth. God bless❤️
We rejoice with you upon your ordination to the Holy Melchizedek Priesthood! What a marvelous blessing.
Can’t wait for him to go to the temple soon and receive the gifts that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ prepared for him… that would be another glorious day!🙏🙏🙏
Would be nice if you could share what tribe you are from when you receive your patriarch blessing . Love all your videos .
I'm a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of latter-day Saints and it sounds pretty spot on to me. Even though I already know all of this, I loved your use of scriptures and thoughts. I think you were very much guided by the spirit in what you said. Congratulations on your baptism.
I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of latter day saints. As man is God once was, and as God is man may become. When you attend the Temple you will understand what you are teaching is true. Jenny may be young and may not have attended the Temple. God has created worlds without number and has populated them.
It is brilliant the way you used 1 Corinthians 2: 9, Romans 8 and Ephesians 3 all the other scriptures to teach. You have a profound understanding of our Heavenly Father!
This was Awesome! I laughed with you at the absurdity of singing praises every minute of every moment for all eternity….. God needs us to be productive and progress that is His Glory in us. Thank you for expressing our unspoken thoughts. You have made what has been ridiculed of our faith for so long, and turned the tables as The Only logical fulfillment of eternity. Thank you! Thank you! We’ve waited for your voice for so long. It is exhausting out there to defend what we have, but we do not have the perspective of the biblical memorization that you have, that we aspire to achieve, but are faulty in not having it’s mastery, but to watch your mastery of the Bible and combine it with eternal truths of the restored gospel brings me so much elated Joy ❤. I watch these videos and I want to jump and celebrate! This was fun!!
Congrats on getting the Melchizedek priesthood this weekend.
I live in Denver and my son received the priesthood in Rexburgh, Idaho. It was important enough for me to be there that I flew to SLC and drove to Rexburgh just to witness it and it was worth it.
I’m so happy for you!
Let us know when you attend the temple to do baptisms for your ancestors.
Interesting change in church verbiage. We use to call it “baptisms for the dead.” However, it occurred to someone (most likely the prophet and apostles and all of us really) that these spirits we are doing the work for are very much alive and we need to refer to them in this respectful way. So we no longer say, baptisms for the dead, but rather baptisms for our ancestors. A very cool change and much more respectful description of the reality of our Living ancestors.
❤😂such a beautiful response. I love how his knowledge of the bible helps us see what we have and know to be true better than we did know.
The bible is truly supporting what we believe because it is inspired by God The Father, and His Son, Jesus, but those teachings have been listening by minimization and neglect.
Thank you for bringing them together because of your 47 years of study of the bible.
Those teachings have been LOST by neglect and minimization. But they are there.
Many of my family, friends and acquaintances actually thought we baptized dead bodies so saying baptisms for our ancestors is much more clear.
I’m not a Latter-Day Saint theologian either, but I am a Latter-Day Saint, and I think this was a beautiful explanation. I’ve understood this all my life. I am a child of God. What else would a child of God grow up to be? Plus, we have an eternity to get there, line upon line, and a savior provided for us, overcoming sin and death. Romans 8:17 says “heirs of God.” It doesn’t get plainer than that. I love your testimony. Your knowledge of the scriptures and the way you articulate it is a thing of beauty. Thank you for sharing it.
I love you ❤
So much agree! Line upon line.. we have all eternity anyways? I love this and also how David answers to this .. I am learning! ❤️🙏
Psalm 82: 6
"I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High."
Which proves what you say it is all true.
When the Jews took of stones to kill him because he said God is his father . Him being a man make himself God . But Jesus said to them is it not WRITTEN IN. yOUR LAW That YE ARE GODS . Then they went to stone him . Jesus left . This is in their law . Their own law with Jesus telling them so . How do they skip over that scripture ?? Can’t they even read ?? Right there potential to become Gods .
@@jreka97yes in psalms and then in another scripture
I’m a Latter-day Saint and am blown away by you! Keep it the fantastic work and testimony of continued conviction and conversion; you’re a huge beacon of light!
Elder Kyle McKay recently shared the experience of his three year old granddaughter crying fearfully because she didn’t want to go away to college. I think many of us are a little like her as we consider what might lie ahead in the eternities-it can be a little intimidating and overwhelming-and yet, in Paul’s words that you shared, eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor has it even entered our hearts the things God has prepared for us. What brings me some degree of comfort is the realization that after this life, I won’t be starting as a three year old, or even as a 90 year old. We have existed eternally and we really have no idea how far we have already progressed toward being like our heavenly parents. Each of us probably is more advanced in every discipline of knowledge than the most intelligent humans to ever live. At some point, after our earthly probation is ended, all our former knowledge and memories will return and we will continue the pathway of progression, aided and blessed by the new lens of mortal experiences we have gone through. The thought of Becoming godlike should not make us feel presumptuous nor anxious. It is what we have been engaged in for all existence and will feel as natural to us as anything we do here in this life.
YOU my good sir just single-handedly dismantled the modern evangelical Christian view of Heaven in the kindest way I have ever heard. THANK YOU!!
The first heaven is the sky the second heaven is space the third heaven is where god dwells.
This is one of my favorite videos, thanks!
David Alexander, I am also a member of The Chrurh of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints for almost 38 years now and I love how you expound this subject about our Heavenly Father love for us his children... You are a jewel among the Saints in our days.... Please keep up doing what you are so good at....
I think we needed David as much as he needed us. The Church of Jesus Christ is blessed to have him as a member.
To Jenny, "But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. 34 Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof."
Matt 6:33,34
That was wonderful, David! You did an excellent job of explaining this doctrine. Moses 1:39 says: This is my work and my glory--to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man. Moses 7:35 (and also D&C 19) tells us that: Endless and Eternal is my name, also. With this clarity, we can see that the Lord is saying that at least part of the meaning of eternal life is to live God's life! And our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ labor diligently to bring that to pass. It's a truly beautiful concept. I loved the songs! They add so much to your videos, and I hope that you get to sing with the tabernacle choir someday!
David I saw your video with Greg. My goodness, what a powerful testimony! Love hearing your knowledge and understanding. And your spirit is so infectious, I love it!
Wow, 20 minutes in and you nailed it! God is not a narcissist! You are so right that He did not create us to go through these mortal trials, and provide a Savior to suffer and die for us, just so that He can have eternal praise and adulation! It is so obvious that He created us to grow and progress in every way - yes, even to the point of becoming joint-heirs with Jesus Christ, as the Bible teaches! Thank you. This is sound teaching.
That’s right! AS THE BIBLE TEACHES, and clearly too. It’s all over the place!
I love The Plan of Salvation. Knowing that Father designed a way for me to become like Him, has been a sweet knowledge.
Thank you, Brother David! I felt the Spirit testify strongly that this is true! You explain things so beautifully. The Book of Mormon isn’t sent to refute the Bible, but to clarify. If people could only recognize the wonder of the restored gospel! They are missing out! Thank you for doing your part. Love you much.
David, wow!!! I am a Latter-day Saint, born and raised, and I am learning so much from you! Your faith is inspiring! You are having such a powerful affect in this world already. God bless you and protect you as you bring many to His covenant path. ❤️
I've been a Latter-day Saint my whole life and I've never met another member who talks seriously about ruling their own planet. God will always be our Father and we will always worship him. We will inherit all our Father has but we will never be above him. That is what Satan thought was a good idea. Every member of the Church shares the same vision of the relationship with our Father (unchanging and eternal) as our Christian brothers and sisters. Where we differ is believing we can actually become like him just as we become like our parents but can never be our own parents.
Really? My friends and I joke about it. She and her husband want to be the ones to blow up old stars 😜 I don't know about our own planets but it's possible. Why not? We have ALL ETERNITY to grow and learn.
@@tiffanyseavy565 The key word is joke. And I do it too. But the reality is, we don't worship God out of fear or because we desire God like power but because we know we are nothing and have been saved by Gods love and grace. We follow God because we love him. We have many beliefs like Heavenly Mother and becoming like Heavenly Father and creating our own planets that are simply drawing conclusions based and known doctrine.
We have not been given the Priesthood Keys yet to creating worlds nor the Keys of Resurrection. Remember Michael participated in the creation of this earth. God's kingdom is an orderly kingdom. Christ will be our King of Kings and Lord of Lord's, but the process will continue on as His Father and Our Heavenly Father will progress to a new level of exaltation. We as his children will continue his work through us. It is a neverending continuation of the process of eternal lives.
That is exactly how I see it, and you stated it perfectly!
@@nwkitesurfer but it IS part of the eventual progression. There's no reason to make plans or day dream about it in this life but it doctrine to become like God, and God rules planets so what do you think our eventual career will be? 🤣 As we are now, is how our Heavenly Father once WAS. That's doctrine.
Thank you David. I couldn't help but clap. When I came to the realization that worshipping (edit: meaning the beatific vision, or singing praises) God for eternity was the definition of hell, I realized who would want that to even happen. Very well explained. I have to say, everytime you post a video, I have this nervousness, "I hope he covers this topic according to doctrine." This was spot on. You hit the nail squarely on the head. The same spirit that teaches you is the same spirit that teaches me. The truth comes from the same font -- God.
This video made me smile all the way through! Loved it! I know I want to be busy in the hereafter! 🐝
There is but one only living and true God, who is infinite in being and perfection, a most pure spirit, invisible, without body, parts, or passions; immutable, immense, eternal, incomprehensible, almighty, most wise, most holy, most free, most absolute, working all things according to the counsel of His own immutable and most righteous will, for His own glory;... This is the first part of the Westminster Confession. When I was on my mission, I read this. I realized that Christianity had strayed so far from the truth, that this creed of who the Presbyterians believe God is, actually describes Satan. This bit of insight scared me. For centuries we have been worshipping the wrong Being. The first vision Joseph Smith had, as a young teenager, set all of that straight, again. I really enjoy listening to you. I wish I had the Bible knowledge you have on my mission. The Bible alone supports the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. But, isn't it great that we are blessed with additional scriptures, apostles and prophets! There is no need for confusion anymore. May God bless you. Brent
"without body, parts, or passions" . . . such a false teaching as you say. With no "passions," that would mean that God had no LOVE for the Savior or Humankind; would not HATE evil; and so on. No Passions! A God without passions! Surely not the God of the Bible! (Thanks for sharing.)
Exactly right! A small part of that God-like power He has already given to us, and that is the power to procreate. Also the power to love and serve others. The doctine isn't about this end goal and this end reward that is suddenly bestowed on us at the end of it all. It's about what we should be doing and becoming all along in our life's journey. We should be developing God-like attributes of love and mercy and doing what Jesus showed us we should do.
Dear Brother.. You nailed it! We love & honor our earthly parents, but we know that the father of our spirit is, our Celestial Father. Our faith doesn't end with death, but just begins. And there is much more to learn and grow because our spirit is eternal.
The doctrine of Theosis (deification or divinization) was taught in the early church and you can find numerous quotes by the early church fathers if you just google “theosis quotes”. “Christ was made man that we might be made God.”
― Athanasius of Alexandria, On the Incarnation - “He was made human so that he might make us gods“. Another one from Irenaeus, a Greek leader in the early Church of Lyons (130-202 A.D.) who said that God had “become what we are, that He might bring us to be even what He is Himself.”
Paul taught the same thing....at the end of 2 Cor. 5 Paul states...."He who knew no sin, became sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him."
@@davidmalvinalexander He absolutely did. Also in Romans 8:17 it is very clear. “and if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together.”
This doctrine has been lost in christianity outside of the restored church of Christ. In the protestant tradition it’s considered a heresy.
How interesting that even after the early Church of Jesus Christ had lost some correct doctrines through the beginnings of apostasy, such as a correct understanding of the nature of the Godhead vs. the newer trinitarian understanding, they still retained a basic knowledge of deification or exaltation. That makes complete sense that the apostasy away from correct knowledge of God would be a gradual digression.
@@allieooop3923 I completely agree Allie. I myself am a protestant. However I understand the definitions being used as being the same definitions by the early church and the person who wrote them.
It is all like you have stated. The common flaw with the LDS church is using their different/separate definitions, then inserting them into the Bible, or in this case with Catholic writings. Not only do they not believe in the Trinity, they don’t agree on the very definitions of God the Father, God the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Its like how they changed their name to the Church of Jesus Christ. You could extend in their view to be the Church of Jesus Christ, the first born offspring created by Heavenly Father who became flesh. Rather than what Christian’s would understand the name to mean: the Church of Jesus Christ, of the Eternal Godhead who has existed for all eternity who then became flesh. One is species alike and one is species unique, and they are vastly different.
@@allieooop3923 I appreciate your comments and friendly tone. However, as you can probably can understand I don’t agree with your take on it, that the the doctrine of theosis must be set in the trinitarian and creedal framework. I take the quotes at face value and believe that LDS theology in general are more in accordance with the early apostolic fathers. Sure, I read and interpret the text through my LDS lens but for me it’s very clear that many of the doctrines of the early saints has been restored through modern prophets and apostles with apostolic authority. And to answer you question about whether I consider Catholicism and Orthodoxy as part of Christianity, I do regard them as my brothers and sisters in Christ (or at least cousins). This view isn’t always mutual but I will let God make that judgment on whether who is a true Christian and who aren’t. Also I am neither a scholar or theologian, only a faithful Latter-day Saint and disciple of Jesus who have taken an interest in learning more about the early saints and their teachings.
“Our Heavenly Father’s goal in parenting is not to have His children do what is right; it is to have His children choose to do what is right and ultimately become like Him. If He simply wanted us to be obedient, He would use immediate rewards and punishments to influence our behaviors.
But God is not interested in His children just becoming trained and obedient “pets” who will not chew on His slippers in the celestial living room. No, God wants His children to grow up spiritually and join Him in the family business.
God established a plan whereby we can become heirs in His kingdom, a covenant path that leads us to become like Him, have the kind of life He has, and live forever as families in His presence.”
(from Elder Dale Renlund, “Choose Ye This Day,” Oct 2018 general conference)
Thank you for your clarity and your honesty and your courage
Our earthly parents is such a great parallel with Heavenly parents!😊 Of course, seeing our children's children working together on that organic family farm... What a gift and blessing!
I love the approach you take based on your past experience in Evangelical Christianity. It is refreshing and clear. To me you are a new spotlight amoung many, shining your light and knowledge on the truthfulness of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ.
Congratulations on recieving the Melchezidiak priesthood this weekend! I've been a life long member of the church, born in the covenant. It can be easy to take it for granted, and many do. It is inspiring listening to you and your testimony and knowledge. I look forward to watching you and your testimony grow. Thanks for sharing your light.
David, it couldn't be more plainly explained than did Paul to the Romans found in Romans 8:16, 17: "The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God: 17 And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together."
Keep up your amazing work. Conrad Aitken
Before I posted it, I wanted to see if someone else would. Yes, exactly this.
My favorite New Testament scripture.
Good on, I was sifting through to see if some added this scripture to the comments! It’s pretty clear, if we can be joint heirs with Christ, what the possibility of that actually is. 😮 And clearly separates God and Christ as being the same entity.
We are blessed because we know the plan of salvation. Nobody else knows that. That makes us different, a peculiar people, or happy people as David refers to. The truth shall set you free. Thus understanding godhood with respect to plan of salvation free us from the question, what is becoming join heir with Jesus Christ?
I'm scrolling down through the Comments after making my own. I see we have shared the same scripture! : )
Hi David, In the past I had some conversations with protestants over the internet and I came up with the idea where I would create a channel to explain most of the doctrine of the restored gospel using only the bible. I think you have done just that. The reason I say that is because, if you have the Spirit of the Lord with you and are sincere and humble, you can definitely see all that in the Bible. You are the example of this. You keep saying you kept wondering for 47 years until you stumbled on the true church of God. I beg to differ on that because I truly believe you have been prepared for what you have become now for 47 years. You had 47 years of preparation for this. And now your testimony is clarifying a lot of those truths to a lot of people. Your testimony is reaching some that are struggling just like you were to find the truth. Thanks for your testimony.
As for this particular subject, in my discussions with protestants in the past, I could never undertand why they read in the New Testament that we are " co-heirs with Christ" and that we are to "reach the full stature of Christ, a perfect man" and Christ saying "be ye therefore perfect as our Father which is in Heaven" and never come to the conclusion that we are supposed to become like God is, in other words, be a god. Also eternal life is the type of life that God the Father has, therefore when Jesus says that we can have eternal life, it means we can be like our Father who is Eternal. But, that is how it is, if you don't have the Holy Ghost, these things may be more difficult to see because we are in the middle of a world that has no idea of what God is because the enemy did a big effort to deceive us in that regard.
I am so happy you are receiving the Melchidezed Priesthood, that is awsome.
Knowing who we really are changes everything about how we approach life and treat other people. Knowing who we are is the key to keeping the 2 great commandments to love God and love our neighbor. It is such a simple doctrine, but powerful. I love that we teach even the youngest of children that they are children of God. It's beautiful.
I'm only 10 minutes in and I'm so excited to hear the rest. This is a great conversation to have. Becoming gods is something we don't really think about except on rare occasions of deep study or discussion. And I mean rare lol. There's so much else to discuss and learn about here on earth. We do talk about eventually becoming like our Heavenly Father and that's a goal for sure. I think we all believe, in the church, that we are eternal spirits that have an eternal purpose and that we will be doing lots of things after our earthly mortality. And also that we did things before we came to earth. But that we couldn't progress more without physical bodies. I don't know what I'll be doing in the eternities but i believe it will be far greater in importance than what I'm doing now. And I will happily accept any assignment that Heavenly Father gives me. ❤
@@MommaCrissa 😊
This is some great perspective that I have often thought of in the past in similar ways. Thank you so much for sharing your videos have help me draw closer to our lord and savior
I am one of the sons of the Mormon Pioneers, Thank You so much for sharing the Gospel, You remind me of one of my grandfathers who witnessed a modern Prophet like Joseph Smith or Brigham Young,
Thank you for bringing your beautiful testimony and it's distinctive flavor to our sometimes stale culture.
When I was younger and heard this concept I thought of a respectable doctor who wouldn't like his son to be a hobo but a respectable doctor or even a better one. So I understood God must want us to be like Him.
You explained it so well and sang so beautifully.
Thank you. ❤
I live on a little more than an acre and cherish the eternal principle of being a good steward over that which God has given me, "being faithful over a few things, and hopefully later becoming "ruler over many things," (Matt 25:21) not in an ambitious sort of way but in a "take good care of this garden" sort of way. That is a little peak into this doctrine you are talking about.
Hi David, I thank Heavenly Father for preparing you your whole life before sending you on this road because you have firsthand experience and the incredible knowledge and insight of the Bible and History .
Your thoughts can be trusted and respected.
I joined the Latter Day Saints Church because most of my life I perceived our Father(God) as a fierce and unfair god which made no sense to me at all. I feared Him but certainly did not love Him. How could He just pick and choose what my life had to be like.?!
What glorious delight when I discovered His unfathomable love. Now I know that before I was born He knew me (as the Bible teaches)
I chose the exact course that I wanted to attend at my earthly university. I enrolled for what I wanted to achieve,
It was heartbreaking leaving my “home” to come to this “boarding school”.
I wanted to emulate Him and live by the same rules that He does. Why? Because I love Him so. This knowledge filled my soul with a kind of love I never knew before. Worshipping God therefore is an exquisite mixture of love, gratitude and longing to be back in His presence.
God bless you in your endeavour to share your wonder with us in such a simple manner
Watching this has strengthen my testimony and I cannot explain how proud and grateful i am for the gospel of Jesus Christ. Thank you David for this beautiful explanation. 👏
Thanks fo sharing! I am so thankful you found the way, the truth and the light! How wonderful the day when you receive your own endowment from the temple of our God. You will rejoice greatly!
You articulate my feelings so well. Things I have not found words for. Honestly when I say I feel God’s love it is like a hug from my dad kind of feeling. A hug of protection, strength and tenderness.
I hear the sound of the ocean
Sounds so beautiful
Thank you for your goodness and the sweet spirit of your trstimony
1. If you could hie to Kolob
In the twinkling of an eye,
And then continue onward
With that same speed to fly,
Do you think that you could ever,
Through all eternity,
Find out the generation
Where Gods began to be?
2. Or see the grand beginning,
Where space did not extend?
Or view the last creation,
Where Gods and matter end?
Methinks the Spirit whispers,
“No man has found ‘pure space,’
Nor seen the outside curtains,
Where nothing has a place.”
3. The works of God continue,
And worlds and lives abound;
Improvement and progression
Have one eternal round.
There is no end to matter;
There is no end to space;
There is no end to spirit;
There is no end to race.
4. There is no end to virtue;
There is no end to might;
There is no end to wisdom;
There is no end to light.
There is no end to union;
There is no end to youth;
There is no end to priesthood;
There is no end to truth.
5. There is no end to glory;
There is no end to love;
There is no end to being;
There is no death above.
There is no end to glory;
There is no end to love;
There is no end to being;
There is no death above.
I love that hymn!
You mentioned the idea of what we don't know is to come for each of us in the Eternities, but here's what we do know:
Psalms 82:6 - I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High.
Psalms 136:2 - O give thanks unto the God of gods: for his mercy endureth for ever.
John 10:34-35 - Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods? If he called them gods, unto whom the word of God came, and the scripture cannot be broken;
Galatians 4:7 - Wherefore thou art no more a servant, but a son; and if a son, then an heir of God through Christ.
Romans 8:16-17 - The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God: And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together.
Doctrine and Covenants 132:18 - And again, verily I say unto you, if a man marry a wife, and make a covenant with her for time and for all eternity, if that covenant is not by me or by my word, which is my law, and is not sealed by the Holy Spirit of promise, through him whom I have anointed and appointed unto this power, then it is not valid neither of force when they are out of the world, because they are not joined by me, saith the Lord, neither by my word; when they are out of the world it cannot be received there, because the angels and the gods are appointed there, by whom they cannot pass; they cannot, therefore, inherit my glory; for my house is a house of order, saith the Lord God.
Doctrine and Covenants 132:19-20 - And again, verily I say unto you, if a man marry a wife by my word, which is my law, and by the new and everlasting covenant, and it is sealed unto them by the Holy Spirit of promise, by him who is anointed, unto whom I have appointed this power and the keys of this priesthood; and it shall be said unto them--Ye shall come forth in the first resurrection; and if it be after the first resurrection, in the next resurrection; and shall inherit thrones, kingdoms, principalities, and powers, dominions, all heights and depths--then shall it be written in the Lamb's Book of Life, that he shall commit no murder whereby to shed innocent blood, and if ye abide in my covenant, and commit no murder whereby to shed innocent blood, it shall be done unto them in all things whatsoever my servant hath put upon them, in time, and through all eternity; and
shall be of full force when they are out of the world; and they shall pass by the angels, and the gods, which are set there, to their exaltation and glory in all things, as hath been sealed upon their heads, which glory shall be a fulness and a continuation of the seeds forever and ever. Then shall they be gods, because they have no end; therefore shall they be from everlasting to everlasting, because they continue; then shall they be above all, because all things are subject unto them. Then shall they be gods, because they have all power, and the angels are subject unto them.
There are more references I could provide. That said, there's nothing written in Church canon that mentions specifically "planets" but there are worlds without end and we become heirs of God through Christ.
What is Christ Heir to? All the Father hath.
If we be joint heirs with Christ, then to what are we also heirs?
All the Father hath.
John 14:2-3 - In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.
I know that Jesus Christ is my Savior. He made the way for me to return to my Father in Heaven. I thank Him and will thank Him for eternity for the glorious hope He has given me. In the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Brother Alexander,
Thank you! Thank you!
Your videos are so refreshing! I'm learning so much from your explanations of doctrinal truths that I've leaned from the earliest days of my youth as a life-long member of the Church. You remind me of my father, who relished studying the scriptures. He is gone now, and I miss his teachings and stories. Thank you for your decades of studying and learning - and now teaching those of us who have been members all of our lives but not learned or appreciated these truths as we should have. Perhaps we have been lackadaisical in our efforts to share with others, out of fear of being ridiculed. My dad used to drive hundreds of miles to attend General Conference, with his family in tow. I remember being afraid of the naysayers standing on the sidewalks, yelling at the members of the Church. It left a scary impression on my mind. I'm so thankful that I found your channel! I love your perspective and knowledge, sorting out what I've learned all my life but never really understood. You're a gem for all of us. We need your voice! Please continue to make these videos. You were born for this time.
President Gordon B. Hinckley once said, regarding those of other faiths and beliefs:
“To anybody who is not of this Church, I say we recognize all of the virtues and the good that you have. Bring it with you and see if we might add to it.”
(Talk: Fellowshipping With Those of Other Faiths)
Beautiful songs, very touching, my favorite was the longer one at the end.
You're a great example David! This is the kind of communication the prophet was encouraging at conference. No need for accusations or contention in any form.
Perfect rendition! I as a convert in 1982 have had these thoughts too! I'm sharing your video with my non-member friends because you say it so eloquently! Thanks!
What a joy to hear your knowledge of the Bible. I’m so glad God sent you on this journey to bless us now with his truths. Straight from the Bible!
Well done david...im sure jenny got that message and is full of smiles.
You are an inspiration david, thankyou so much.
And congradulations when you are ordained an elder in the melchezidick priesthood, god bless you brother.
Brother Alexander, I love you. Thank you for sharing with us YOU. I loved your explanation and I love your songs. I'm so glad that you are part of our family.
Thank you, David for answering Jenny’s question. You both have given us room for thought and understanding. Thank you 🙏
This reminds me of one of my favorite experiences of my mission. I served in Equador over 20 years ago. One day my companion and I stopped in to see some new members (a mother and son). They had a hard time going to church because her husband and the other son were atheists and really detested the church and the missionaries. (By the way both of the sons were young adults.)
We were relieved to see that the husband wasn't home, however, the atheist son was there. The father and son really liked arguing with the missionaries. It was exhausting.
Once again this guy wanted to argue with us. And he was saying that it was rediculous that a god would send us down to earth and just kind of mess with mankind. Then the conversation turned to the Garden of Eden. And he was like, why would God make man in his own image? And then he paused for a second and said, wait! If God made us in his image, wouldn't that mean we could become like him?
All I said was, "Yes."
And the spirit flooded in. It was at that moment that his attitude and the spirit of the conversation changed. He started asking more questions. Questions that I think God put in his heart. Because with every question, I would merely say, "yes." And the spirit would flood in every time.
Unfortunately the father came in shortly there after and chased the spirit away and the young man once again became defensive. And soon we were chased off as well.
David I so appreciate your answer to this letter. People get so caught up in questions like this. I have all I can do with following what is taught in conference. I figure when I am living the way the Savior has commanded me to, and if I am following the admonitions of the Prophet, when I get all that down, then I will worry about the deeper doctrines. Im not worried about being a god, but I think Christ meant what he said about the having all that the Father has and being joint heirs with Christ. Sometimes these things are the adversary's tool to send a smoke screen. You are right on.
Thank you for sharing, it is wonderful, 🌟 Psalm 82:6
Brother David. You nailed it!! So much confusion and animosity stems from both members and non members speculating and making transitive logical leaps that have no basis in ACTUAL church doctrine. You told the truth. Want to know the doctrine? Listen to the current church leaders conference addresses.
This is great discussion.. your interaction is engaging and personal. If you can keep this up, I mean wow!! Home run
I LOVE this! And i LOVE YOU ❣️ God bless you Brother Alexander!!! You are the real deal!
“Keep Thou my feet, I do not ask to see, the distant scene, one step enough for me!!”
God has created patterns for us to get to know who he is. The greatest model I've seen in my life is marriage and raising children. If you aren't a parent yet, you don't totally understand what God is like. Once you become a parent you will see why God loves us so much and why he wants to bless us so much. You hope for great things for your children. You hope they will be great and desire to bless them when they do well. You rejoice in the smallest things your children accomplish - from taking their first steps to saying their first words, to reading a book, etc. This is how I believe God sees us. We don't yet know what God has in store for us - but if you want your kids to praise and worship you for all eternity it is a very myopic and luciferian view of the Godhood. All things denote their is a Christ. As long as we obey the commandments and follow his example through accepting the revealed ordinances we will come to know Him better and his plan for us.
Dear David, 1 st of all congrats for finally finding the TRUTH, ur explanations are plain & simple, easy to understand, I'm a member for the last 20 yrs, and also passed through a couple of other churches, before I decided that this is the true gospel of Christ our Master & Redeemer and Advocate with the Father 😇😇😇😇 and the Holy Temples are beautifull, so much peace there, I'm a volunteer worker in our Temple in Jhb, South-Africa, so yes, All Glory to the most High, ❤❤❤ love your inspiring videos, keep it up, God bless ❤❤
David, right now you're my favorite Contemporary Christian musician. And if you knew me, you'd know what a true compliment that is. A lone acoustic guitar player singing his heart is worth a thousand synthesizers.
David, I so love your testimony. Your topic today is to me the most beautiful part of the Gospel. That God is our Father and loves us just as any truly loving father would and that he wants more than anything else for us to become like him and be happy, and that all He has He wants to share with us. May favorite New Testament scripture is Romans 8: 14, 16-17, and that all that Christ will inherit, as our elder brother, He will share with us. I love it. For some LDS doctrinal references see Doctrine and Covenants 132. Lorenzo Snow captured it succinctly in the couplet "As man is God once was and as God is man may become." To the rest of Christianity we are basically just pets. But, the reality is that we are so so much more. We are the children of God with all that that implies. Does that mean when we reach our full maturity and eternal destiny we will love Him less? Not at all! He is our Father. We will love him, and be grateful for, and adore him as anyone would the best father possible. Thanks for your shameless sharing of your testimony!
This is Gold brother we are all so happy for you cheering you on from 🇦🇺 😁🙏✌️
Romans 8:17 says, “Now if we are children, then we are heirs-heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory” I expect it may take many millenia of following and being mentored by Christ to grow to inherit a fraction of what he has but this verse gives us a glimpse that we have the seeds of greatness from our Father that can grow as we follow and trust Him and His Son.
How is it that a new convert is able to expound on Latter-day Saint doctrine so simply and concisely, is such a privilege to witness! My children and I read John 7:17 this morning and briefly discussed how we can come to know that Jesus Christ taught the truth. You've inspired me to share what you've given us today as a way to dig deeper into that account and touch on not only Christ's true identity but also how following Christ on His covenant path helps us to truly understand our true identity and eternal potential.
Today you have witnessed to me how as members of the Church we believe the Bible to be the word of God "as far as it is translated correctly"! Your knowledge of the Bible and it's teachings are true because you now see through the clear (not darkened) lens of the Restoration! You have the correct interpretation as to the doctrine Jesus Christ taught, because of course the Restoration came because Christ brought it forth through His servant Joseph Smith. I find it interesting that people questioned how Christ knew so much of scripture when He wasn't "learned in letters". I think it's interesting that Joseph Smith also wasn't "learned" yet He understood the doctrine because He was taught by the One who sent him, whose doctrine it was/is!
"He that speaketh of himself seeketh his own glory: but he that seeketh his glory that sent him, the same is true, and no unrighteousness in him." John 7:18
Btw thank you for that added learning of the Hebrew word for swarm. My family recently purchased a very large print of a Bumblebee to hang in our kitchen using a Christmas gift card we received from a family member. I've just been feeling inspired around bees as a symbol of God's kingdom, and my husband who isn't a member of the Church, suggested the print knowing it was something significant to me because I had also opted for a navy blue scarf that had a repeating motif of a golden bee image stamped all over it for my birthday gift from him.
My children will love the added learning of the Hebrew word and I hope every time we look at our print on the kitchen wall it will be a reminder to all of us of that spiritual connection to our eternal identity and purpose. Thank you! ❤
My brother in Christ, thank you for beautiful words. I truly, truly enjoyed your videos and your testimony of the true and restored church of Jesus Christ (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day). Amen and amen . 🙏🏻
Excellent testimony for truth David. Thank you
Yes, we all must come into the Love of God and trust that He will be just when all things come together at the great conclusion of our lives.
It is pretty amazing to see the Spirit work upon David. He is gathering light and knowledge at a very rapid pace. Great video brother. We love you.
Hi David, I'm enjoying watching your videos, you're such a crack up. You have a way of putting into words some of my exact thoughts about our divine potential. Also, when will you release your album? It's a yes from me!
I'd definitely buy that album. Good idea.
YOU ARE MY FAVORITE!!!!!! In all of your videos, we share the same understanding of the Holy Bible (David knows me, but for anyone who doesn't know me, I am also a recent convert to the church), and the way that you explain the scriptures is a testimony to me of how the Spirit can teach you and I, the same Spirit who knows "even the depths of God" (1 Corinthians 2:10). I love you so much, Brother, and I am so grateful for every video you release! You are setting off a powerful chain-reaction in this spiritual war! Praying for you always!!!!
I love your testimony brother. Welcome 🙏 to the true church of Jesus Christ. I’m so happy for you knowing you know the truth. ♥️♥️
I agree with andy. You did have good at explaining this. Dave, your videos have really help me strengthen my testimony and my faith. Love your child like faith.
That was beautiful David. Thank you!
It’s hard to be believe that you are new convert!
I’m so proud of your testimony of Christ, his doctrine and his glory!
I found the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, after searching for truth, in my early twenties and continue to learn and be filled with gratitude for such a wonderful plan. A plan which helps us to appreciate a loving Heavenly Father and honour an Elder Brother who was willing to do the hard things for his brothers and sisters.
John 7:17, doing his will helps us to know the doctrine, and understand the atonement and God the Father.
Please, keep up your preaching, as you are gifted. What better cause is there, but to confess truth!
I love you David. You are a brother indeed. You exemplify what discipleship is all about. Thanks for your example. You are being ordained and elder and getting the higher preisthood conferred upon you on the same day as my life long buddy. He grew up LDS and strayed from religious belief for many years but now at the age of 29 is coming back and finding his faith. I will have the honor of going to his ordination and witnessing him receive something precious that he was missing for his whole adult life. It's fun knowing that somewhere out there on that same day you will be receiving that same ordination.
Thank you for bringing the Spirit of God into my life today. Thank you for sharing your deep knowledge of the bible with me today, even if I wasn't the direct reason you made this video. Bless you.
I appreciate you, David! Your convert zeal is beautiful and contagious.
I, as a Latter-day saint, agree with all of that. I believe, though, that we are going to be worshiping the Father and the Son for all eternity. I think that's a question of what It means to "worship". I believe what describes this is exacly what you said. It means honoring His legacy by working, creating, loving. Yes, Heaven, Eternal Life is most certainty way beyond our wildest imaginations. Fortunately, we have all we need to prepare for It, because of our Father and His beloved Son.
Great content, keep It up!
Raqeul, your comment is spot on!
The Greek Word for serve, also means "worship". Everything we do, led by the Holy Ghost, walking in the obedience of faith that worketh by love...walking in the "good works, which God has prepared beforehand that we should walk in them" (Eph 2:10) it is ALL worship. This is Greek word that is in Acts 26:7...where Paul testifies to Agrippa, that the restored Twelve Tribes that He was gathering...were "earnestly serving God night and day for the hope of the promise made by God to the Fathers".
This is how we "worship God in Spirit and in Truth"...by actually DOING HIS WILL.
It is so bizarre...and deception of the Devil...that so many Evangelicals imagine that because they have "accepted Christ"...that now...they don't have to DO anything for Him and the Father....and that when they die...they are going to a Heaven where all they do is participate in an endless "worship service" around the throne of God. The whole thing, from beginning to end...is a Satanic fantasy. Thanks for your comment!
Word Summary
latreuō: to serve
Original Word: λατρεύω
Transliteration: latreuō
Phonetic Spelling: (lat-ryoo'-o)
Part of Speech: Verb
Short Definition: to serve
Meaning: to serve
Strong's Concordance
serve, do the service, worship
From latris (a hired menial); to minister (to God), i.e. Render religious homage -- serve, do the service, worship(-per).
Thayer's Greek Lexicon
STRONGS NT 3000: λατρεύω
Thanks David. I really enjoy listening to your discussions and hearing your testimony.
Well said. I love the scripture you used about not knowing what God has prepared for those who love him. Struck me deeply in that context.
Congratulations on your ordination to the Melchizedek Priesthood! It truly IS the power and authority of God given to man to act as His agents here on earth. I know it to be real and true. Being ordained to this priesthood puts you in the company of patriarchs and prophets.
David, you have been blessed and prepared all your life for what you are now doing and will do for the rest of your life. Your influence will affect people all over the world. Your knowledge of the scriptures is commendable and your love for God is infectious. The Lord is hastening His work in the latter days to gather scattered Israel home to the covenant path, and I believe that you are going to play a significant role in this work. Keep it up! You are amazing!
Thanks for your prayers that end most of your podcasts. I feel the spirit confirm the things that you discuss about the misconceptions and other things about OUR church. It is the Church of THE LORD JESUS CHRIST but also OF THE LATTER-DAY SAINTS. We all, ALL have a part to play in this historic restoration. We are BUSY. May God continue to bless you in your ministry. Keep praying for us. Many of us pray for you. We are grateful for your courage, experience, knowledge, capacity and fearless defense of the Restored Gospel of JESUS CHRIST. God bless.
Love your enthusiasm! You are a true warrior for Truth.
It's amazing how much sense it makes if people would just think about it logically.
I loved your song at about 43:00. Thank you for playing and singing it for us. And thank you as always for your testimony.
Good explanation.. love the prayer 🙏 thank you .
It's there in Salms 82 " you're gods," and Jesus Himself quoted that scripture later on His ministry saying: " was not told or written ; you're gods?''.
Also, we give the glory to God in doing His will. That's true worship doing His will and keeping His comamments and loving Him with all our soul and mind.
I show that verse to other Christians on Reddit and they somehow interpret “gods” to refer to human judges because of the “context” of Psalms 82.
It’s the mist of darkness of the adversary, blinding minds to adhere to the doctrines of men.
I could listen to you all day, brother David.
And I detect no errors in your explanation. You said a great many things that I've said over the years of defending the gospel from opponents, and added a few insights that I really like.
David you hit it right on the head. Your knowledge of god is tremendous
You are amazing! I love your excitement teaching the way you do. You are so humble and simply yourself. Your knowledge of the scriptures shows your love for the Gospel and is helping you to help others Come Unto Christ. I am a convert to the Church. I was GOLDEN, too! I joined the church in 1978 and the last thing my dad said to me before I left New Hampshire was, "don't you dare going that Mormon Church" . I was baptized within a month. PS. I love your singing!!
@everyday tenor the cool thing is that he is sincere and you can tell he loves the Lord.
I just LOVE your calm, confident teaching! Thanks for a great lesson ! Loved the songs, too.
Finally, someone who can speak the truth to our evangelical brothers and sisters without tip toeing around the issues and tell like it is. Beautifully done and the amazing thing about it is it all just makes simple sense. I love how you didn’t have it go deep into too many scriptures but if someone knows just the basics of the Bible and using their common sense, this concept of becoming like our Father in Heaven should click on like a light bulb. Keep it up David!
I look so forward to when you go through the Temple my brother.
Wonderful explanation! I haven’t heard several of these examples being tied into this until now, but it makes sense! I have a degree in history and I study a lot about Joseph Smith and the scriptures he published, so I’d like to share my thoughts. The consistent teaching by Joseph Smith is that we will have some form of eternal progression. There is one speech Joseph Smith gave, the King Follet discourse, in which it is purported that he said that we will become gods one day, but the problem with this speech is that there is not a great verifiable source of the language used, and only summaries of a few different people’s understandings of the speech are recorded. Regardless, eternal progression does seem to imply that we will come closer to God’s power throughout eternity, so in some capacity, we will inherit more and more of God’s power and perhaps responsibilities. As David said, there are also echoes of this in the Bible. It is important, especially when talking to investigators of the faith, to represent this principle honestly and accurately, and not overwhelm people with an oversimplified and assumptuous version of the principle of eternal progression, and instead understand and present that it is a principle that is one of the mysteries of God that is not entirely revealed to us here on Earth.