When America Goes Beastmode: Pastor Myers

  • Опубликовано: 3 окт 2024
  • Understand the prophetic significance of the conflict between the political parties of the liberal left and the religious right in America in connection with the roles of the "King of the North" and the "King of the South" of Daniel 11 as well as Revelation 13.
    Hi, I'm Pr. Ivor Myers and I teach you how to find amazing connections from one end of the Bible to the next.
    My course on the beautiful Patterns of Revelation
    / powerofthelamb
    / powerofthelambministries

Комментарии • 70

  • @riarenee240
    @riarenee240 4 года назад +4

    What's crazy is that I'm watching this today and it's as if you just preached this last Sabbath. Lord, have mercy. Sharing

  • @sheelanamey7992
    @sheelanamey7992 Год назад

    Thank you Pastor ...this msg is beautifully audible. Didn't have the need to use headphones...I learn a lot from ur msgs...And I listen to every msg of yours..God bless.

  • @TheHelloLovers
    @TheHelloLovers 8 лет назад +13

    Amen!! may we as Adventists truly wake up from our slumber and remember who we are

  • @marciaracehorserobles6749
    @marciaracehorserobles6749 6 лет назад +4

    Thank you for this study, so clear and filled with historical truth, again Thanks Ivor, and To the most High Jesus.

  • @zeal4god402
    @zeal4god402 Месяц назад

    Wooooah😲😲😲interesting insight!
    "During the dark ages, the catholic church used doctrine, and not charity. Now they are using charity and not doctrine."
    -Pastor Ivor Myers

  • @roxannamartin6378
    @roxannamartin6378 Год назад +4

    This is amazing 👏... This message was 6yr ago and is still relevant now in 2023... Thank you Jesus for this message and pastor Ivor

  • @vickidiaz9039
    @vickidiaz9039 2 года назад

    This was a powerful message. Thank you Pastor Meyers and God bless you.👏👏🙏🏾🙏🏾❤️

  • @BrotherRoy
    @BrotherRoy 5 лет назад +3

    I watched this video thinking it was posted recently and then it dawned on me this was pre-election 2016! However, the message is just as relevant today if not more so in understanding the true character of both political parties and why there is such divisiveness within the church, family and friends, never mind the country. Will become even more relevant as we approach the next election, 2020.

  • @checkyourspine
    @checkyourspine 8 лет назад +10

    (19:10) Reminder: what does “wine” do? It leads us “to not take seriously.” When the French Revolution occurred, and the
    Revolutionaries began to mock “Christianity” because they had drunk of the
    “wine of spiritual Babylon” for 1260 years!
    Which means, that the reason today, that the “left” have rejected God is
    because they have drunk of the “wine of Babylon”. The result of “spiritual Babylon”’s
    teachings…the result of their un-Biblical example, is part of their wine. And as the nations drunk this wine, or
    perhaps…forced to drink this wine…(as you may or may not know) wine doesn’t
    kick-in immediately…when you drink wine…it takes a little while before the
    effect starts to affect the mind…and because the French Revolutionaries have
    been drinking and drinking…were like: “God?...what god?” They were drinking the wine of “spiritual
    Babylon” which lead them to “mock”…is the “left” mocking God today? Don’t get me wrong, I don’t mean
    “every-single-individual”, I mean as a platform…is the “left” generally
    understood to be against the Word of God?
    They are mocking God. Why? Because they have drunk of the “wine” of
    “spiritual Babylon”. Please hold this
    (21:16) Revelation 13:11 John said, “And I beheld another
    beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he
    spake as a dragon.” Contextually speaking, this verse brings us to the end of
    the 1260 year (prophecy)…so John sees, around the late 1700s, another beast,
    coming up out of the earth (not sea)…a beast represents a nation/kingdom. So, here John sees another nation coming up
    out of the earth and it has horns like a lamb, but speaks like a dragon. What does a lamb represent: Jesus. So, what kind of “nation” would we be see
    coming up around the late 1700s, that would be a Christ-like nation: the
    USA. But!, check this out: this power
    (USA) is described as “lamb” that speaks like a “dragon”. But, when I look at the history of the USA,
    from inception, appeared like a “lamb” but spoke as a “dragon”…it’s a
    beast! It’s beast-mode. America: in beast-mode. When America formed, land of liberty for
    “all”: except black people, women and Indians.
    This nation, that was supposed to be a “Christian” nation, was
    reflecting the same character as the Papacy of the Dark Ages. Horns of a lamb, speaking like a dragon. How many of you like lambs/sheep? I like them.
    How many of you like lambs that speak like a dragon? A lamb is supposed to be a lamb,…which means
    when you pet a lamb, you expect to hear a “baa-baa”,…I don’t expect to hear a
    roar like a dragon.
    (24:24) On the “left” you have this power that is anti-God,
    openly so. On the “right” you have this
    power that claims to be “for God”.
    ---and let me tell you something…as I look at this political landscape
    today, and look at the “left” and how they seem to be penetrating the church,
    and accept the things the church can’t accept…that’s what they’re supposed to
    do. Those who claim to be “lamb-like” -
    - to speak like a dragon. Even in God’s
    eyes, God doesn’t focus on the “beast from the abyss”, as much as He does the
    “beast from the earth”. Why? Because the “beast from the earth” is
    professing to speak from His name. God’s
    saying, if you’re going to be doing evil, just don’t do it in my name. This is what made the Papacy such an
    abomination to God. They were doing evil
    in His name. And, when you do evil in
    His name…that leads to… “left-ism”.
    (26:03) Oh, if that’s who God is, we want nothing to do with
    Him. Satan is trying to make God looks
    crazy. I can’t help to think as the
    “left” looks at what the “so-called religious right” is doing…they must be
    thinking…these people…and their God is crazy.
    It’s interesting that the “left” was for “civil liberties”, they were
    for “homosexuality”, for “abortion”. Everything
    the “left” stood for in the French Revolution, is what the “left” stand for
    today. And, everything that the “right”
    stood for in the French Revolution, is what the “right” stand for today.
    (27:15) Wine is not only a mocker, but strong drink is also
    a raging. Wine also causes anger. “I am mad!...at what people are doing to our
    country. Look at all these immigrants.
    We are angry at what is happening to our Christian nation. Yes!
    Look at what the “left” is doing.
    We are angry! It’s like we’re so
    angry...that we’ve drunk the wine (of Babylon).” Not only does wine lead to a mockery of God,
    wine also leads to anger. And, the way
    that “spiritual Babylon” has the whole world drink of “her” wine, is that it’s
    leading one group to be anti-God (mocking), and the other group to be so angry
    that they will do things despite who their God is…they will do things in the
    name of God, against God. And, the whole
    world is drinking the wine…guess what, including 7th-Day
    Adventists. Just look at the “spirit of
    anger” that’s permeating our very own people.
    “Wait!?, who you voting for?”
    “No, …you didn’t just say you voted for…. How can you, as a 7th-Day
    Adventist.” You see this spirit of anger
    permeating even our own church. Am I
    telling the truth?
    (29:13) See we (7th-Day Adventists) think the
    wine of Babylon is false teaching…no, no, no…wine is not only false
    teaching…wine is the results of an evil spirit.
    It is the result…it leads to mocking and anger. And the question is: what are you doing right
    (29:38) Check this out: the Bible says, the little horn (the
    Papacy)’s wound would be healed. Let me
    ask you this: is the Papacy gaining ground today? Do you want to know how their gaining
    ground? This is absolutely amazing. How is the Papacy re-gaining validity in the
    eyes of the world? How is that even
    possible? And the answer to that
    question will tell you what we should be doing as a people. What are they doing? Love and acceptance. What makes the Catholic church acceptable now
    to so many people? What are they
    doing? Charity. Doing good for society. Helping the oppressed. Ministering to poor and needy. In Dark Ages…they had doctrine, but no
    charity. Today, they have charity, but
    no doctrine.
    (31:22) The way I see it: there’s only 1 group of people -
    only 1, that have the doctrine.
    Who? God’s remnant. But that group of people are not doing
    something else. Isaiah 58. Relieving the oppressed. Loosening the bands of wickedness. We’ve looked at what the church did in the
    Dark Ages, we’ve looked at what the “religious-right” have done today. The remnant are saying, “we just want to
    preach the gospel.” But, unless we’re
    preaching the gospel combined with ministering to our society, letting them
    know…look: this is who God is. God is
    not one who does not care about the poor, and the oppressed. God also has Truth. When we bring these 2 things together,
    something powerful will begin to happen.
    We’ll be replacing counterfeit wine - with genuine wine. True wine.
    With true teachings.
    (32:41) God is looking for his people. Do you want to know who to vote for…people
    are asking, “…pastor, who should I vote for?”
    If you want to know who to vote for, I’m not going to tell you who to
    vote for…but let me tell you the one standard…in 1888, a Sunday law Bill that
    came before Congress…7th-Day Adventists would be happy about
    this…think about it…it’s prophecy…sign that the end of times is near…Jesus
    coming. Ok? But a man by the name of A.T. Jones, went to
    Congress on behalf of 7th-Day Adventists, and argued against Sunday
    law. Why? They needed more time. Give us more time to finish the work. Listen carefully, when you vote…don’t vote
    for Hillary, don’t vote for Trump…vote for time. Whichever vote you think is going to give us
    more time, as a people, to finish the work…now, I don’t know who you think that
    might be. That’s you. That’s up to you and God. But, what you should be voting for, is Lord….

    • @neelhalli
      @neelhalli 3 года назад

      The first president of USA was in 1781, a black man, who made a constitution that was eventually overturned by leftist.

  • @supgreen1988
    @supgreen1988 6 лет назад +2

    The accession of the Roman Church to power marked the beginning of the Dark Ages. As her power increased, the darkness deepened. Faith was transferred from Christ, the true foundation, to the pope of Rome. Instead of trusting in the Son of God for forgiveness of sins and for eternal salvation, the people looked to the pope, and to the priests and prelates to whom he delegated authority. They were taught that the pope was their earthly mediator, and that none could approach God except through him, and, further, that he stood in the place of God to them, and was therefore to be implicitly obeyed. A deviation from his requirements was sufficient cause for the severest punishment to be visited upon the bodies and souls of the offenders. Thus the minds of the people were turned away from God to fallible, erring, and cruel men, nay more, to the prince of darkness himself, who exercised his power through them. Sin was disguised in a garb of sanctity. When the Scriptures are suppressed, and man comes to regard himself as supreme, we need look only for fraud, deception, and debasing iniquity. With the elevation of human laws and traditions, was manifest the corruption that ever results from setting aside the law of God. GC88 55.1

    • @supgreen1988
      @supgreen1988 6 лет назад +1

      Throughout Christendom, Protestantism was menaced by formidable foes. The first triumphs of the Reformation past, Rome summoned new forces, hoping to accomplish its destruction. At this time the order of the Jesuits was created, the most cruel, unscrupulous, and powerful of all the champions of popery. Cut off from earthly ties and human interests, dead to the claims of natural affection, reason and conscience wholly silenced, they knew no rule, no tie, but that of their order, and no duty but to extend its power. (See Appendix.) The gospel of Christ had enabled its adherents to meet danger and endure suffering, undismayed by cold, hunger, toil, and poverty, to uphold the banner of truth in face of the rack, the dungeon, and the stake. To combat these forces, Jesuitism inspired its followers with a fanaticism that enabled them to endure like dangers, and to oppose to the power of truth all the weapons of deception. There was no crime too great for them to commit, no deception too base for them to practice, no disguise too difficult for them to assume. Vowed to perpetual poverty and humility, it was their studied aim to secure wealth and power, to be devoted to the overthrow of Protestantism, and the re-establishment of the papal supremacy. GC 234.2

  • @stevenjohnfoster8785
    @stevenjohnfoster8785 6 лет назад +2

    Amen for this sprinkling of latter rain/spiritual mana as we are coming to the borders of spiritual Canaan .. thank God the father for men that are not afraid to speak out on biblical truths in these days of P.C.ness gone mad

  • @JaidJazzMaster
    @JaidJazzMaster 7 лет назад +2

    Why did it cut out......... Ugh.. I want to know what he said.

  • @mtnsky110
    @mtnsky110 5 лет назад +3

    Such a wonderful sermon!

  • @checkyourspine
    @checkyourspine 8 лет назад +2

    1. Beast (a kingdom)…a wild in nature kingdom arising around
    1700s. It would reject the Word of God
    (Old and New Testament) and rejoice over the rejection. The nation: France. (French Revolution of 1700s: 5 May 1789-9
    November 1799). “Wounded” the papal
    power (1798). French Revolution: a
    rebellion against the “ancient regime” and wanted “change”. Rejection of religion. Atheism originated/push from the French
    Revolution. French were tired of the
    persecutions perpetrated upon them during the Dark Ages. Result of French Revolution: “left” and
    “right” used to represent political ideology.
    “left” against the “ancient regime”.
    “left” = anti-clerical, anti-religion…don’t believe in God…atheism, but
    also J.B. LeMarck (Jean-Baptiste Lamarck), “pro-evolution”.
    3. Marquis de Sade (a
    French aristocrat, revolutionary politician, philosopher, and writer, infamous
    for his libertine sexuality) - “father of sexual revolution” - promoted idea:
    sex had nothing to do with God, and promoted the idea of homosexuality,
    pornography, may be 1st to pen the idea that abortion was totally
    legitimate. During the French
    Revolution: homosexuality was legalized.
    Maybe “Pro-Choice”. Also,
    “feminist” movement had its origin in the French Revolution. Also, outlawed slavery…because French
    Revolutionaries saw the “injustices” occurring during the “ancient
    regime”. The French Revolutionaries saw
    that the “ancient regime” was not taking care of the “poor” and
    “suffering”. French Revolutionaries were
    trying to do something good, but were trying to do it without God. They wanted to take care of society and the
    poor, because the church wasn’t doing it.
    Church is not being involved in our day-to-day lives, and our suffering,
    and anguish…and because it’s not…we reject the church…and we’re going to do
    things without God. We’re going to be
    moral, without God.
    4. The “right” - those who are “for” the “ancient
    regime”. The death of 2 witnesses =
    outlawing of the Bible. Who’s the “ancient regime” - see Revelation 13:1 (42
    months (30 days in a month) 42*30 = 1260 days…or 1260 prophetic years). “Ancient regime” - beast rising up out of
    sea, represents the same power back in Daniel 7 (that religio-politico power
    that dominated during 1260 years)…the Papacy.
    The power that dominated power of politics and religion over all Europe,
    including France.

  • @robertchance7797
    @robertchance7797 7 лет назад +3

    Amen! Pastor Meyers hit the nail on the proverbial head. Most Adventists that I've heard speak on this topic always portrayed the United States as a Christian nation that would one day speak like a dragon. The Bible doesn't use future tense in Revelation 13:11. I have always held the belief that the United States, since even before its inception, has been speaking like a dragon. And anyone who knows the truth of the founding of this nation will know what I mean. I'm not talking about what you read in history books, for they have all been censored. You actually have to dig deeper than that in sources one would not expect to find truth in. But it's there is you dig hard enough and deep enough.

    • @my1vice
      @my1vice 3 года назад

      Just read some of Thomas Paine.... He hated Christians.

  • @vol.9543
    @vol.9543 7 лет назад +7

    How can you vote for a candidate when they flip flop? You can not predict, so I don't vote. But God help me and your sheep please.

    • @leemary4833
      @leemary4833 4 года назад

      @@theway5563 wow....due to ignorance or naive, didn’t want to vote. Was “forced” to vote republican by church members/elders....bullying...so I did for few years then stop...left church. Evil spirit there too intense...like a Nazi camp! Evil “mind” games! Worse than you think.

  • @ohulhcanada
    @ohulhcanada 5 лет назад +1

    I'n not an American but as a Christian looking at the evangelicals in the USA the meaning of Matthew 7:21-23 becomes clearer.

  • @becksdresure
    @becksdresure 8 лет назад +4

    Amen / One more, & One more & Just One more... yes

  • @BreadLightPray_EWFMgtr
    @BreadLightPray_EWFMgtr 5 лет назад +2

    Very very good my brother pastor Ivor !
    God bless your ministry abundantly ❣✝❣
    I am subscribed.

  • @checkyourspine
    @checkyourspine 8 лет назад +4

    (34:35) Desmond Doss.
    Trailer for Hacksaw Ridge…just give me one more. Desmond Doss, just wanted more time to win
    one more. That’s were our prayer should
    be: Lord, give us more time. Just one
    more. Now, let me close with this.
    (35:06) America is about to go into Beast-mode. I believe it.
    It’s going to go wild. It’s going
    to go all out. It’s going to go into
    Beast-mode, and when it does, you and I need to be ready. We need to be ready. And, listen, when America goes into
    Beast-mode…it is going to mimic “spiritual Babylon” during the Dark Ages. That’s what it’s going to do. When it does that…it goes all out. And, what happens is, according to Daniel
    11:4 “And when he shall stand up, his kingdom shall be broken, and shall be
    divided toward the four winds of heaven; and not to his posterity, nor
    according to his dominion which he ruled: for his kingdom shall be plucked up,
    even for others beside those.” The “king of the south” (“left”) will push
    against the “king of the north” (“right”), is going to end with the “king of
    the north” coming back with an overwhelming force against the “king of the
    south”. So, right now, what you see
    happening is “the king of the south” is pushing further, and further against
    the “king of the north”. The “king of
    the north”, when it pushes back, is going to totally overwhelm the “left”
    (“king of the south”). Here’s what I’m
    telling you: if Hillary Clinton wins this election…you thought the “right” was
    angry now…wait until. And, if the
    “right” wins right now, …it’s trouble either way.
    (36:37) But, what the prophecy tells us: is that, the
    “right” will overthrow “spiritual Egypt”, and will turn its focus on the
    remnant. Do you know there is another
    place in the Bible that that has exactly happened? Do you know that the literal kingdom of
    Babylon (Nebuchadnezzar’s kingdom)…overthrew Egypt, then overthrew Israel (the
    remnant)…literal Babylon went Beast-mode.
    Who survived that Beast-mode of Babylon?
    (37:37) If we want to know how to stand, when America goes
    Beast-mode, all we need to do is look how Daniel stood when Babylon went
    Beast-mode. In Daniel chapter 1, Daniel
    avoids the wine of Babylon...if you want to stand in this time when America goes
    beast mode: avoid the wine. Avoid the
    wine. As an Adventist that doesn't mean
    “I’ll mock God”, it means: “I am so angry.”
    That means you begin to partner-up with the very religious right that
    you know is the beast with lamb-like horns that speaks like a dragon. Avoid the wine. What are we doing? What are we doing, backing-up the sentiments
    of the “religious right”? Really? This same power? I mean I get the principles: “we should be
    for the saving of life, for what the Bible says is true. But beloved, standing with a political party
    that has no clue. No, no no, no,
    no. Avoid the wine. Because wine doesn’t hit you
    immediately. You might think, “yeah, I’m
    Adventist, I know when to pull away.
    But, wine kind of…. “…whosoever
    is deceived thereby, is not wise.” You
    might be drinking, and like: “…I got it, I got it, …I got it man!, I got
    it.” And, the next thing you know, you
    are lock-step with the Beast that rises from the earth. So, in Daniel 1, he avoids the wine of
    Babylon, …just as in the end of time, God is going to have a people who avoid
    the wine of Babylon…and as a result, in Daniel 2, they are the ones that are
    able to preach with power, the message that Babylon will fall. Because that is what happens in Daniel
    2. Babylon is prophesied to fall.
    (39:45) As a result of this preaching, in Daniel 3, he
    (Nebuchadnezzar) sets up an image to the Beast.
    He (Nebuchadnezzar) sets up an image to the kingdom. Just as in the end of time, the cause of a
    people who will stand against the wine of Babylon will preach with conviction
    that Babylon will fall as a result - Babylon itself will set up an image and command
    all to bow down.
    (40:14) In Daniel 4, you have Babylon’s sins reaching up
    into heaven. Just as in the end of time,
    when “spiritual Babylon” does this…her sins will reach unto heaven. In Daniel 5, you have the message that
    Babylon is fallen. Just as in the end of
    time, “spiritual Babylon” will fall. In
    Daniel 6, you have a death decree given to Daniel, he is put in a tomb, and it
    is sealed, but, by the grace of God, Daniel overcomes the death decree, just as
    in the end of time, there will be a death decree, in which the people of God,
    who refuse to bow to the laws of the land, will be commanded to put to death,
    but just as Daniel overcame the death penalty, so God’s people, at the end of
    time will overcome. In Daniel 7, the
    little horn will have his dominion taken away.
    In Daniel 8, the sanctuary will finally be cleansed. In Daniel 9, that which is determined will be
    poured out upon the desolate in the plagues.
    In Daniel 11, he (Satan) will come to his end, and none can help
    him. And, Daniel 12, Michael will stand
    up, deliver his people, and they which are in the ground shall rise up to meet
    those in the air, and so shall we ever be with the Lord.
    (41:42) Do you want
    to learn how to stand, when America goes Beast-mode. Don’t drink the wine. Don’t get caught up in the anger of the
    “left” or the “right”, don’t get offended by the “mockery” of the “left”, keep
    your eye on Jesus, know that you’ve been put here to reflect the character of
    Christ, and that means not only does the church need to be preaching the
    doctrine, but also ministering and showing that we are not the church that
    doesn’t care about our neighbor, and their plight, their needs. Yes, we’re going to get involved in helping
    people, in society, who are oppressed, whether it is because of their race,
    …yes we’re going to come help, we’re going to be a part of…we’re going to show
    you that we care, and we’re going to reveal to you that Christ is in us as a
    church, because it’s character is demonstrated by our care for the
    (42:44) So, beloved, I hope that as you listen to this
    message, it is my prayer, that you don’t drink the wine, do not drink the
    wine. Remember who we are as a
    people. Stand for Jesus. Vote for time. And, then when and if God gives us this time,
    do everything we can, as a church, to reflect who Jesus really is.
    (43:32) Prayer: Father, Protestant America
    appears to be going Beast-mode, there is anger, hatred, vitriol (cruel and
    bitter criticism), hypocrisy, and on the “left” Lord, the “left” is there to
    because as Christians we fail to represent who you are. The “left” is the fault of Christianity. And, then, we want to try to fix the “left”
    by misrepresenting you even more. Lord,
    snap us out of this delusion, and as Adventists, may we not partake of the
    wine. May we, instead, reflect your
    character. Remind us that Isaiah 58
    reminds us to not only preach the Gospel but also to minister to the
    oppressed. To reach out to them, and to
    show them that we care about their oppression.
    Lord, there are people who are locked up in prison right now who have no
    business being there. How can we as a
    church help them. There are people who
    are being oppressed because of the color of their skin, not from this country…Lord,
    how can we minister to them? Lord,
    please teach us that even people who’s behavior we disagree with should not be
    oppressed, but we should find ways to minister to them, to win them into your
    truth. You have no part in
    oppression. And, so Lord, please,
    please, before time runs out show us as a church how to truly reflect Your character,
    forgive us Lord, for even sipping of the wine. And, Lord, help us to be like Jesus, …this is
    our prayer, in Your name we pray it, Amen.

  • @gracefresania4023
    @gracefresania4023 8 лет назад +6

    How shall we reveal Christ? I know of no better way... than to take hold of medical missionary work in connection with the ministry. Medical Ministry, 319
    Christ gave perfect representation of true godliness by combining the work of a physician and a minister, ministering to the needs of the body and soul, healing physical disease, and the speaking words that brought peace to the troubled heart, Counsels on Health 528

    • @halsteward1003
      @halsteward1003 6 лет назад

      grace fresania Medical Missionaries great book. Chapters 10 - 13 or so. Still very doable in today's world. Plant organic garden, n all people will connect with you. One way or another. N yes do it for profit. Otherwise you just say u r cheap n what u r doing is cheap. Feed the people. Put people to work. Don't get me wrong, feed the needy. Less fortunate. We talk of carrying message to the world. Do all our neighbors know who we r, n what we are about. Or just give $ to overseas missions. Right. Yes we / most of us r poor, miserable blind n naked.

  • @checkyourspine
    @checkyourspine 8 лет назад +2

    1260 years…prophetic time.
    Bible points out…God sends 2 witnesses to prophesy for 1260 days. We know the 2 witnesses are not 2 people
    because people don’t live 1260 years.
    Prophetic time…day for a year.
    So, 2 witnesses must be something else: the Old and New Testaments. Bible says search the Scriptures…for these
    are they which testify of me. Testifying
    of Christ during the 1260 years.
    Revelation 11:4 (2 olive trees & 2 candlesticks). Revelation 11:7, when finishing “their”
    testimony (at end of 1260 years), …end of 1700’s. Bible says: the Beast… shall make war… and
    kill them, …which is spiritually called Sodom and Egypt…where ALSO our Lord was
    also crucified. Revelation 11:10.

  • @divergentone777
    @divergentone777 5 лет назад

    Just one more.. and if there's time just one more...
    Thank you Lord for giving us more time!

  • @brendalynch9874
    @brendalynch9874 4 года назад

    Beverly Lopez.Brenda Lynch is my sister,

  • @ClayOfTheMaster
    @ClayOfTheMaster 11 месяцев назад

    Amen. Thank you, pastor, for your courage.

  • @jondykes3560
    @jondykes3560 27 дней назад

    Tank you’re vision off truth

  • @allisongordon1475
    @allisongordon1475 4 года назад

    Good evening Pastor 7:44 through to 7:48 there is no sound and I really need to know what you had said there.

  • @vatrini87
    @vatrini87 8 лет назад +2

    what was he saying, when he was explaining that he figured out something about maquie desod at 7:40 the audio went blank

    • @powerofthelamb
      @powerofthelamb  8 лет назад

      Marquis De Sade was pro-abortion.

    • @philfarrell4998
      @philfarrell4998 7 лет назад +2

      He was saying ( Even in its final stages before birth Marquis De Sade approved of Abortion). That was what was muted for some reason.

    • @ummhussain159
      @ummhussain159 6 лет назад +1

      Power of the Lamb Ministries
      Something that may be of interest the Pastor:
      Islam details what is called أشراط الساعة which means the things that will occur before الساعة or the hour.
      I have a 700 page explanation of those occurances.
      What they translate as “beast” is also explained in further detail.

    • @ericwilliams2271
      @ericwilliams2271 5 лет назад

      Umm Hussain I'm interested in this information.

    • @DrSeme-ld5jj
      @DrSeme-ld5jj 5 лет назад

      I would also like more information on this as well

  • @brendalynch9874
    @brendalynch9874 4 года назад

    Enjoying Word of Gods truths&cant subscribe because a SDA at Mission of Hope in Robersonville,NC&visiting my sister in VA. I stay connected&study alone at home since church went zooming&forgot about those who cudnt,I found you on my sisters computer&enjoying Jesus,Thank you Jesus,Refreshing!May the Living Creator God continue to Bless your ministry Pastor Ivor Myers,In Jesus name AMEN,

  • @anthonymulenga1894
    @anthonymulenga1894 3 года назад


  • @brandonivanch747
    @brandonivanch747 4 года назад

    Lots of people need to open their eyes and see the evil that's going on all around the world and catch the fear and turn away from their wicked ways turn to GOD we. Need to prey to GOD to turn us away from our wicked ways and the more we do good the more good will be stuck in our head our minds and our hearts to make us strong and courageous

  • @mariesavannah2369
    @mariesavannah2369 4 года назад

    Only those who have the love of the Truth will survive all the deception of the Beast

  • @laurasiderac
    @laurasiderac 6 лет назад

    Make legends people, please! In porrugues or spanish
    God will bless!

  • @morningdewreynolds5476
    @morningdewreynolds5476 7 лет назад

    Why was part of what Pastor Myers was saying about abortion "blanked out"?

  • @tammeradixon9
    @tammeradixon9 5 лет назад

    Love your teachings! I’m subscribed and shared the journey.

  • @leemary4833
    @leemary4833 4 года назад

    So wonderful! Yes, don’t get caught up in the wine of Babylon.

  • @gracefresania4023
    @gracefresania4023 8 лет назад

    The world is really drunk,,, yess... it is true.. #Captivate Us Jesus....

  • @hijodidio4897
    @hijodidio4897 7 лет назад

    Why the editing??

  • @camstewart4002
    @camstewart4002 5 лет назад

    Steve Riley breaking news

  • @martyalmberg9317
    @martyalmberg9317 8 лет назад

    when I started reading the bible from front to finish they sed I could not read it like that! if I wanted to really learn to understand the bible I had to study it by comparative studying. jumping back and forth from a single old testiment verse to a new testiment verse . back and forth and back and forth
    was very confusing. it wasn't till I left the church and started reading the new testiment from beginning to end that I fully grasp the the good. news gospel. I'm on my 3rd time reading the new testiment in 2 years. and it totally contradicts some of the teachings of the SDA doctrine. back in the beginning of the Catholic Church only the popes Cardinals and top clergy could read the bible and interupet it to the common people
    the common people were not allowed to read the bible. although. the SDA church encourages you to read the bible. the only real true interpretation of the bible in all the earth is Ellen G White interpretation. all other denominations are wrong. they even say .EGW is they authoritative source of truth of the SDA church. much like the pope has authority over all Catholics. and the bible clearly ses jesus christ is the single authority of the word of God. there is plenty more . I beg you do your home work. jesus said many will come in my name. do not be decieved. there sabbath claim saterday is the day of rest and worship. is only a half truth. if you study the bible the way the SDA church teaches you to read it
    you will totally miss the whole story. I did until I sat down and prayed god please reveal to me the truth of this bible to me threw the holy spirit. only then did it become clearer. God bless investigate

    • @iiiwideopen
      @iiiwideopen 8 лет назад +3

      Aparently you missed a tremendous amount. No one in the sda church has ever told me I should not read the Bible from cover to cover. And Ellen White, can you name one doctrine that Ellen White came up with that the sda Church holds in their fundamental beliefs? I would love to here your answer.

    • @martyalmberg9317
      @martyalmberg9317 8 лет назад

      iiiwideopen ya the investigative judgment. and the belief they are the 1 and only true remnant church in the book of revelation. and that saterday is the sabbath rest day of god. do you want more. I havnt missed much. iv read 3 of egw books and that is enouph !!!

    • @iiiwideopen
      @iiiwideopen 8 лет назад +3

      Saturday Sabbath was introduced by Rachel oaks. A seventhday Baptist. Jews keep Saturday because of the Torah. Investigative Judgement if from Hiram Epson. So you are just lying or ignorant. Jesus kept the Sabbath. And even said of future events that the believers should pray that they're fleeing should not be in the winter or in on the Sabbath

    • @powerofthelamb
      @powerofthelamb  8 лет назад +3

      Marty, would you be willing to watch the Blueprint? ruclips.net/video/YPTtslMKZVg/видео.html

    • @he7is7at7hand
      @he7is7at7hand 7 лет назад +3

      marty almberg, the investigative judgment is so obviously true. It says in Revelation that when Jesus returns his reward is with him. That means that he had to have decided who goes where before he comes. It's as simple as that.

  • @obadiahscave
    @obadiahscave 6 лет назад

    The two witnesses and there days here, are during the 7 year tribulation.. you need to study and understand the whole conversation given to Paul..