He is a walking challenge to me. Every time I listen to him,I marvel at how much a man can understand the bible and have it at his fingertips and apply it with exactitude!
He is so inspired! He’s always been. Just watch his old sermons. I did not understand the Sanctuary until his famous presentation (the blueprint) at ASI convention in 2011. Among preachers today, pastor Myers is in a class by himself. The depth of his understanding of the word is a gift from the Lord. May the Lord continue to bless him.
Really, since when sermons are like worldly events or things? Since when has ever been a situation of such nature in the Holy Bible? Who ever said that the Holy Word of God was to be popular for the Cause of Saving souls? Dear friend, this isn’t a competition or reputation of something.
Thank you 🙏 Pastor Myers! I love how he connects everything from Adam to Moses to Daniel to the Second Coming and break it down. May The Most High continue to bless his ministry.
I love to hear messages that we need to hear for these last days to wake us up! There’s no time like now!! Yes Lord change my heart and mind - I pray we will all be ready when He comes!
Amazing sermon from an amazing pastor. His thought process is genius. Thank you God for giving us Pastor Ivor Myers as he speaks your messages through him.
The songs say it all. It reminds me of the world that I would love to be in. A world where songs like this are sung all day and night long, but where in the world today will get this? nowhere. I am just waiting still for the Lord to come and take me home wherewith doubt we shall sing songs like these without ever getting tired. The Lord is good and His mercy endures forever, Amen. Blessed be the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ forever.
One of the most layered sermon I’ve heard. If you portend to know your Bible. This sermon will speak to you in many ways… it’s like any onion he peeling !
Powerful message - if we act like the beast we will not be able to resist him. So True! Get rid of those guilty pleasures - that's what the Lord has been speaking to me about - and Pastor confirmed it. Glory to God!
A wonderful and amazing sermon, God bless you Pastor Ivor Mayers, wow we need to think and do the things like a lamb and to do the things like a dragon Amen. By keeping our mind in the sanctuary the image of the beast will have to step out.. In JESUS name Amen!!!
Actually not necessarily so, because according to Revelation 16, we have the false Prophet who’s is the Protestant church, John the Baptist to God was that Prophet preparing the way for Jesus Christ first coming, thus, the Protestant church is preparing the way into the Sunday Law in favor to Satan, the Beast is the main instrument that Satan has, but the Image of the Beast is the one that brings about it. It won’t be the beast that brings the Sunday Law, but rather this law will be because of the Protestant world.
Everytime i see you kneel, i feel a gladness in my heart, when it was mentioned to you, you said that you had already kneel and prayer in the background but a particular Pastor had criticised you for not kneeling, that is why i listen to you because of your humility. May God bless you always and your wonderful family
God help me to reflect you. Help me with time to look like you. To live like you did to place you and your words at the forefront of my mind and soul so that I will be prepared for your coming. Perilous times are ahead and only with God can we make it through and remain faithful unto death.
that's is why the bible says we're born in sin and sharpen in iniquity sin is the transgression of the law BUT WE HAVE TO HAVE THAT DAILY COMMUNICATION WITH JESUS IN HIS WORDS AND ON OUR KNEES WATCHING AND PRAYING
LORD JESUS, I pray that we will begin this very day to humble ourselves in the sight of GOD. LORD, I pray that You will help me (us) to get serious about our relationship with YOU, as well as our fellow man, in JESUS BLESSED and HOLY NAME, AMEN!! LORD, we need YOU, NOW 😌.
Hosea 4:6 say my people are destroy for lack of knowledge;because thou hast reject knowledge, i will also reject thee. Matthew 24:4 and Jesus answer and said unto them, take heed that no man deceive you Revelation 13:9,10 if any man have an ear let him hear. v 10. He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity:
When the Sunday law aka mark of "the beast", comes through the Union of Church and state it will be the closing of probation and judgement will be finished. then the the 7 last plagues will follow before Christ returns.
Unless we are living like we are in Heaven already when all of this happens then we will not be ready to go to Heaven. It is so clear and most have become so comfortable with the world just like the Jews who stayed in Babylon instead of going to rebuild Jerusalem because they were comfortable and had houses and money and didn't want to to leave their happy home. The earth had already become their heaven and that is what has happened to so many that claim to be SDA's and when they need to do the Lord's it will be too late. Time to be ready now and that time is already almost too late as well.
When he says they devour much flesh. The Catholic Church believes they eat Christ every week and if you know they can eat the flesh of Christ daily. They have daily mass with the eucharist.
Beast in the Bible refers to a kingdom and the Image to the Beast refers to the likeness of the the little horn beast or kingdom aka the Vatican . It refers to the union of Church and State. BTW I hope Ben Carson understands this.
Simone Flynn II find your expectations not different from the Jews of their time. When Jesus brought the the kingdom message to them they were more interested in their freedom from the hands of the Romans, In their denial of him or his kingdom message leads to their continual slavery to a different power which resulted in the final destruction of their city and nation later. Jesus came to set them free and the right understanding of his mission would set them free indeed. But bcos they fixed their eyes on temporal gain of this world makes them missed the only message that only can set them free.
Haw can you support the biblical idea that in Hebrews 4:9 we have the word SABBATISMOS as daily rest in obedience (received in Matthew 11:28 after Galatians 2:20 1John 3:9 1John 5:18) so that in Hebrews 4:10 we can ENTER into God’s rest(Genesis 2;1-3 Exodus 20:8-11) so that God’s swear REPEATED in Hebrews 4:5 about Hebrews 4:3 will be not applied also to us. I ask you because other teachers are saying that in Hebrews 4:9 is not about daily rest in obedience but is only about resting in Hebrews 4:10. Can you give us any source about SABBATISMOS as daily rest in obedience?.
The beast's (Satan thru the serpent) first false message was; that if Eve (humanity) disobeyed the Commandment (Law) of God, she would Not Die (but live, be saved). Most of the Christian denominations also teach the same lie. They teach that humanity will live (be saved) if they don't keep the 10 commandments, because they (false Christians) teach that the Law was nailed to the Cross and that the Law is no longer valid. Basically the same deception, you will not die (but be saved) if you transgress the Commandments (Law) of God.
The verse reads correctly, because sin began in heaven and until Adam and Eve sinned themselves they did not know anything about it so in essence they now had that knowledge and experience of sin
One of the errors that some professed Christians make is: whenever a servant of God is invited to preach, they feel the need to present the speaker by giving their accreditations, and so on. Has that ever been an example given in Scripture for us to do? Never, on the contrary, the theme John the Baptist declared upon himself is to be the same for all. I was asked one time at a church if I wanted that as I was going to be introduce; I said no dear friend, I came to present our Lord Jesus, it is all about Him. John the Baptist’s theme I must decrease that He should increase. As a matter of fact, listen to the presentation by this anointed servant of God, his purpose is to present our Lord Jesus Christ and His goodness in the Plan of Salvation.
Revelation 6:15-17 And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains; 16 And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb: 17 For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand? Notice verse? Talking about Jesus when He comes. What the wicked will do. When satan comes to personate Christ do you honestly believe this will be experienced in verse 16 or an opposite experience? The wicked will run and hide from Jesus, just like Adam and Eve hid why because of sin. But not from Satan
after watching bro. myers present, i was impressed to share the following: " -There should be in the meetings nothing of a theatrical nature" [the voice in speech & song, 435]-Testimonies for the Church 7:115, 116. "cut off from ...meetings everything that has a semblance of theatrical display;... such outward appearances give no strength to the message t[o]... bear..."-Evangelism, 501 [the voice in speech & song, 437]. "Some ministers make the mistake of ... delivering the message of truth in a theatrical style... this is using common fire... instead of the sacred fire of God’s kindling"[the voice in speech & song, p. 289-90]-Gospel Workers, 383. "All the sang-froid which is so common, the theatrical gestures, ..., must be seen by the one who wears Christ’s yoke to be “not convenient”-an offense to God and a denial of Christ" -Evangelism, 644 [the voice in speech & song, 170-1]. "I beseech you to weed out of your teachings every extravagant expression, everything that unbalanced minds and those who are inexperienced will catch up, and from which they will make wild, immature movements" -Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers, 228 [the voice in speech & song, pp. 292{end}, 293-4]
Theatrical means being hypocritical, being a false witness, like actors, pretending to be someone else. There was nothing hypocritical about this message.
Pastor Myers is a very good speaker but I must agree with you. Too much antics which at times I find very distracting from what are otherwise good messages. Someone should maybe lovingly point out the section of Sis. White's writings you mentioned and pray with him. We all do have our flaws.
@@desertvalleygarage720 , what does the word "nothing" mean to you? read the context of the posted quote; there's a reason why the reference of where to find it is left there. if you're truly honest with yourself, you'll read it (prayerfully).
@@purrplemane5954 , already did it well over a week ago; got someone to respond to my email to him & all it stated was something like "thank you; see you later". no feedback or appropriate response to the seriousness of the issue at hand..
Salim Serrano you’re missing the mark, Ivor Myers is a gifted preacher, ex- rapper and turned his back on lucrative music industry, when you preach like the way Ivor Myers, yes it’s an body expression, so to speak rapper style, using his talent through the Holy Spirit, did you not get nourished of the Word, remember by beholding Jesus Christ you become changed, time for Christ mode instead of beast prey mode!
This is pretty good interpretation of everything...but are you sure about the king of the south and the king of the north...I was kinda lost on that scriptures from Daniel... Pretty good interpretation.. we sure going to be finding out... I think we in the end time for sure.... beloved..... God bless....
A p.....watch Salvation in Symbols and Signs(sss@3abn.org) Pastor James Rafferty, Pastor Ivor Myers, Sis. Yvonne and another bro. They're deep in studying the book of Daniel and Revelations. It's so deep. You will be blessed.
Hello Samuel, our apologies for the ads running on the video, RUclips has a copyright policy on music content that we are continually having to deal with. We have licenses for our content but it takes time to file disputes and they don’t always go through. This can result in ads on videos. Blessings
@@3abn God bless you and keep you in strength to continue the good work of the gospel! I was making a funny observation, i know personally how frustrating it is in dealing with wordly matters.
Amazing sermon. My critique is on what grounds can you make (what I consider to be the most unclear of prophecy that the Church has yet to recieve) that the King of the South is Atheism?
The kind of the south is Egypt and the king of the north Syria( Babylon).. as time progresses, the physical falls but the spiritual remains.. Egypt is known for its atheism. Pharaoh's account in Exodus (denying existence of true god polytheism) Babylon mixing clean and unclean. In Daniel chapter 5. Belshazar using God's vessels to worship false gods.. the parellel continues with the start of the roman catholic church system( mixing paganism w/christianity) and the french revolution(rise of atheism agnosticism etc. Rev 11 the Beast arises from the bottomless pit that is spiritually Egypt) I think the parallel is amazing
@@rosem6254 it is quite fascinating however Egypt was hyper-religious and making it akin to atheism is extraordinarily inaccurate. One could say that to the North has lain the greatest of atheist states (north of Israel) with communism. Thsse states being: China, North Korea, almost all of the USSR and revolutionary French. What worries me is that the Church claims the gift of prophecy, yet has no interpretation of future events; save the National Sunday Law again and who the Beast power is. All others have been hindsight interpretations based upon past events.
@@arizonabusinessleague918 True, I believe more accurately that the KOS is any power that is anti-two witnesses, so not just atheism, but Islam, and any other religion. In other words, Egypt not only denied the true God, but also worshipped false ones. So it is a mixture.
"It was hyper-nationalism that put Jesus to death", says Ivor. He's correct of course. E.G. White stated, "It is a MISTAKE for you TO LINK your interests WITH ANY POLITICAL PARTY, to cast your vote with them or for them. ... Christ is our Prince ..." ... The mingling of churchcraft and statecraft is represented by the iron and the clay. This union is weakening all the power of the churches. ... They have invested their strength in POLITICS, and united with the PAPACY (E. G. White, Fundamentals of Christian Eduction, pg 478; 15 MR, pg. 39).
Jane20121985 Faith depends on God’s word alone (Rom. 10:17) and my citizenship is in heaven (Phil. 3:20). Jesus said, My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is my kingdom not from hence (John 18:26). ... We are who we vote for and a heathen king
@@Jane20121985 , "we're not to vote for people but for issues"-ellen gould white {par.} it was her prayers on behalf of america's temperance movement that finally got national politics to change enough for the passing of the illegalization of alcohol..
Pastor Myers understand Prophecy like no other, God bless you for the Comparisons and the DEPTH of study, Praying for you sir
He is a walking challenge to me. Every time I listen to him,I marvel at how much a man can understand the bible and have it at his fingertips and apply it with exactitude!
He is so inspired! He’s always been. Just watch his old sermons. I did not understand the Sanctuary until his famous presentation (the blueprint) at ASI convention in 2011. Among preachers today, pastor Myers is in a class by himself. The depth of his understanding of the word is a gift from the Lord. May the Lord continue to bless him.
Amen 🙏🏾
This sermon is so underrated. Pastor Myers is such a blessing. PTL
Let the truth be told!
Really, since when sermons are like worldly events or things? Since when has ever been a situation of such nature in the Holy Bible? Who ever said that the Holy Word of God was to be popular for the Cause of Saving souls? Dear friend, this isn’t a competition or reputation of something.
2022 the holy spirit led me here watching all the way in Kingston Jamaica
Eye opener, woww! God is good and He does nothing without revealing to His Prophets. God help us all
Absolutely BRILLIANT message from the servant of the Lord.
Now I have more tools to take into battle and all praise and glory goes to Jesus Christ.
Thank you 🙏 Pastor Myers! I love how he connects everything from Adam to Moses to Daniel to the Second Coming and break it down. May The Most High continue to bless his ministry.
I love to hear messages that we need to hear for these last days to wake us up! There’s no time like now!! Yes Lord change my heart and mind - I pray we will all be ready when He comes!
Man this was a powerful. One of the best sermons I've ever watched 👏 Thank you. I so needed this. May God continue to bless your ministry.
Amazing sermon from an amazing pastor. His thought process is genius. Thank you God for giving us Pastor Ivor Myers as he speaks your messages through him.
Out of this world
Like God sais He has a peculiar people i believe i am witnessing one right now! Be in this world but not of this world
Thank you Ivor Myers for the powerful messages, the mind of Christ is beasts proof. May God bless you and use you once more for his kingdom. 🙏
The songs say it all. It reminds me of the world that I would love to be in. A world where songs like this are sung all day and night long, but where in the world today will get this? nowhere. I am just waiting still for the Lord to come and take me home wherewith doubt we shall sing songs like these without ever getting tired. The Lord is good and His mercy endures forever, Amen. Blessed be the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ forever.
One of the most layered sermon I’ve heard. If you portend to know your Bible. This sermon will speak to you in many ways… it’s like any onion he peeling !
I'm glad I watched this sermon. God bless you Pastor Myers. The Spirit worketh wonders through you and may he continue to do so
This was the best sermon I've heard . Thank you Jesus.🙏
Where were you all the time? Please start watching SDA sermons on
RUclips .. it's free of charge.
@@noylen1237 not very nice thing to say to someone seeking truth
May our lord JESUS CHRIST be with you pastor Ivor.
Powerful message - if we act like the beast we will not be able to resist him. So True! Get rid of those guilty pleasures - that's what the Lord has been speaking to me about - and Pastor confirmed it. Glory to God!
A wonderful and amazing sermon, God bless you Pastor Ivor Mayers, wow we need to think and do the things like a lamb and to do the things like a dragon Amen. By keeping our mind in the sanctuary the image of the beast will have to step out.. In JESUS name Amen!!!
"The Papacy to Satan is what John the Baptist was to Jesus," is a great line I never thought of before.
Wow eye opening
Actually not necessarily so, because according to Revelation 16, we have the false Prophet who’s is the Protestant church, John the Baptist to God was that Prophet preparing the way for Jesus Christ first coming, thus, the Protestant church is preparing the way into the Sunday Law in favor to Satan, the Beast is the main instrument that Satan has, but the Image of the Beast is the one that brings about it. It won’t be the beast that brings the Sunday Law, but rather this law will be because of the Protestant world.
@@vlmmnadet1304 not the protestant but the Catholic Church
At the end of times will be the image of the beast who brings everything down even the fire 🔥 from heaven of course directed by the dragon 🐉
Great message pastor ivor.its good to warn us about the soon coming of our savior jesus christ and warn ppl dats in the world to repent.
Everytime i see you kneel, i feel a gladness in my heart, when it was mentioned to you, you said that you had already kneel and prayer in the background but a particular Pastor had criticised you for not kneeling, that is why i listen to you because of your humility. May God bless you always and your wonderful family
Amen 🙏
Awesome. 2 key warnings. The example of John bowing before angel was profound.
Amen praise God
Praised God. Such a powerful message. Mind and eye opening.
Thanks for spreading the truth. It's such a blessing...
Praise the Lord. Thank you for this wonderful message. Happy Sabbath from Saint Lucia. 🇱🇨
God help me to reflect you. Help me with time to look like you. To live like you did to place you and your words at the forefront of my mind and soul so that I will be prepared for your coming. Perilous times are ahead and only with God can we make it through and remain faithful unto death.
Please have this video uploaded very interested
that's is why the bible says we're born in sin and sharpen in iniquity sin is the transgression of the law BUT WE HAVE TO HAVE THAT DAILY COMMUNICATION WITH JESUS IN HIS WORDS AND ON OUR KNEES WATCHING AND PRAYING
God bless you pastor Ivor. I needed to hear this
May God always be glorified this message is very inspired thank you Pastor Myers for being that man of God that he can use to bring it 🙏
Never ceases to amaze me... Anointed!
Excellent, biblical and vibrant. Thank you :-)
Happy Sabbath..God bless your work pastor Myer
Unto us(church) is given all the mysteries of God.✝️ Thank you
As for me and my house we will save the Lord Jesus Christ....Joshua 24 verse15
Amen and Amen to God be the glory i have injoyed and blessed with this massage
PRAISE GOD!! 🙌 ✝️👑🔥🙏✝️
I really love ..to hear you, and I want to know everything you know also. God bless you Don't stop preaching and teaching.
He is an excellent preacher but he plays to much...
LORD JESUS, I pray that we will begin this very day to humble ourselves in the sight of GOD. LORD, I pray that You will help me (us) to get serious about our relationship with YOU, as well as our fellow man, in JESUS BLESSED and HOLY NAME, AMEN!!
LORD, we need YOU, NOW 😌.
What a powerful message! Praise God for this.
Ring of fire around you pastor Myers.
This message is so apropos for our time. God help us!
A Beautiful song i love to hear him sing💕
Spot on! Wonderful message!
wow, never linked like this, thank you pastor, blessed you
So good I watched twice🙏
Amen..Great Blessed Message
The miracle is here! Amen! I can't wait for evil to be done with!
Hosea 4:6 say my people are destroy for lack of knowledge;because thou hast reject knowledge, i will also reject thee.
Matthew 24:4 and Jesus answer and said unto them, take heed that no man deceive you
Revelation 13:9,10 if any man have an ear let him hear. v 10. He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity:
When the Sunday law aka mark of "the beast", comes through the Union of Church and state it will be the closing of probation and judgement will be finished. then the the 7 last plagues will follow before Christ returns.
So powerful!
Unless we are living like we are in Heaven already when all of this happens then we will not be ready to go to Heaven. It is so clear and most have become so comfortable with the world just like the Jews who stayed in Babylon instead of going to rebuild Jerusalem because they were comfortable and had houses and money and didn't want to to leave their happy home. The earth had already become their heaven and that is what has happened to so many that claim to be SDA's and when they need to do the Lord's it will be too late. Time to be ready now and that time is already almost too late as well.
It's not late my friend the door is still open they can enter in God's only church "SDA" .Compair it with AY "Adventist Youth" pleadge .
When he says they devour much flesh. The Catholic Church believes they eat Christ every week and if you know they can eat the flesh of Christ daily. They have daily mass with the eucharist.
Wow, yes.
Thank you Pastor Ivory i can relate
Beast in the Bible refers to a kingdom and the Image to the Beast refers to the likeness of the the little horn beast or kingdom aka the Vatican . It refers to the union of Church and State. BTW I hope Ben Carson understands this.
Daniel 7:17-23
It's SO good to hear strong SDA end time messages! Rarely do SDA pastors address real issues like slavery, USA nationalism etc.
Simone Flynn
II find your expectations not different from the Jews of their time. When Jesus brought the the kingdom message to them they were more interested in their freedom from the hands of the Romans, In their denial of him or his kingdom message leads to their continual slavery to a different power which resulted in the final destruction of their city and nation later. Jesus came to set them free and the right understanding of his mission would set them free indeed. But bcos they fixed their eyes on temporal gain of this world makes them missed the only message that only can set them free.
Haw can you support the biblical idea that in Hebrews 4:9 we have the word SABBATISMOS as daily rest in obedience (received in Matthew 11:28 after Galatians 2:20 1John 3:9 1John 5:18) so that in Hebrews 4:10 we can ENTER into God’s rest(Genesis 2;1-3 Exodus 20:8-11) so that God’s swear REPEATED in Hebrews 4:5 about Hebrews 4:3 will be not applied also to us. I ask you because other teachers are saying that in Hebrews 4:9 is not about daily rest in obedience but is only about resting in Hebrews 4:10. Can you give us any source about SABBATISMOS as daily rest in obedience?.
Seventh day adventists are indeed blessed with bible prophecy Rev. 12:17, Rev 14:12
22:15 literally getting mind blown right now.
God help us all! Jesus save us I pray.
Thanks a lot for the beautiful sermon
Thank you for this beautiful message❤
i love this sermon,,very informative about the heavenly sanctuary.
🙏🏼 amen! Lord help all of us 🙏🏼
Wonderful Sermon!!! Please add a transcript to be shared with prisoners. Thank you and Happy Sabbath!!!
, there wasn't an automatic transcript when clicking on the "..."
at the bottom right , immediately below the video?
The beast's (Satan thru the serpent) first false message was; that if Eve (humanity) disobeyed the Commandment (Law) of God, she would Not Die (but live, be saved).
Most of the Christian denominations also teach the same lie.
They teach that humanity will live (be saved) if they don't keep the 10 commandments, because they (false Christians) teach that the Law was nailed to the Cross and that the Law is no longer valid. Basically the same deception, you will not die (but be saved) if you transgress the Commandments (Law) of God.
Please enable download for watching offline 🙏
The verse reads correctly, because sin began in heaven and until Adam and Eve sinned themselves they did not know anything about it so in essence they now had that knowledge and experience of sin
One of the errors that some professed Christians make is: whenever a servant of God is invited to preach, they feel the need to present the speaker by giving their accreditations, and so on. Has that ever been an example given in Scripture for us to do? Never, on the contrary, the theme John the Baptist declared upon himself is to be the same for all. I was asked one time at a church if I wanted that as I was going to be introduce; I said no dear friend, I came to present our Lord Jesus, it is all about Him.
John the Baptist’s theme I must decrease that He should increase.
As a matter of fact, listen to the presentation by this anointed servant of God, his purpose is to present our Lord Jesus Christ and His goodness in the Plan of Salvation.
A blessing
😢😢😢😢🙏🙏🙏🙏 Change my heart LORD
Powerful! 🙌🏼
Wouww brooo,God blased you
Revelation 6:15-17
And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains;
16 And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb:
17 For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?
Notice verse? Talking about Jesus when He comes. What the wicked will do.
When satan comes to personate Christ do you honestly believe this will be experienced in verse 16 or an opposite experience?
The wicked will run and hide from Jesus, just like Adam and Eve hid why because of sin. But not from Satan
Michael Parravicini True I believe that because they won’t sense the magnitude of their sins as when Jesus comes
Thank you for bringing this verse into my mind to visualize.
God bless you and your family in the name of Jesus Christ!
Amen and Amen
BEAST PROOF....... 💙💙💜❤
I haven't seen his sermkns in a very long time
At 38:47 time, he meant Isaiah 66:15 and not Isaiah 65:15
after watching bro. myers present, i was impressed to share the following:
" -There should be in the meetings
nothing of a theatrical nature" [the voice in speech & song, 435]-Testimonies for the
Church 7:115, 116.
"cut off from
...meetings everything that has a semblance of theatrical display;...
such outward appearances give no strength to the message t[o]...
bear..."-Evangelism, 501 [the voice in speech & song, 437].
"Some ministers make the mistake of
... delivering the message of truth in
a theatrical style... this is using common fire... instead of the
sacred fire of God’s kindling"[the voice in speech & song, p. 289-90]-Gospel Workers, 383.
"All the sang-froid which is so common, the
theatrical gestures, ...,
must be seen by the one who wears Christ’s yoke to be “not convenient”-an offense to God and a denial of Christ" -Evangelism, 644 [the voice in speech & song, 170-1].
"I beseech you to weed out of your teachings every extravagant
expression, everything that unbalanced minds and those who are
inexperienced will catch up, and from which they will make wild,
immature movements" -Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers, 228 [the voice in speech & song, pp. 292{end}, 293-4]
Theatrical means being hypocritical, being a false witness, like actors, pretending to be someone else. There was nothing hypocritical about this message.
Pastor Myers is a very good speaker but I must agree with you. Too much antics which at times I find very distracting from what are otherwise good messages. Someone should maybe lovingly point out the section of Sis. White's writings you mentioned and pray with him. We all do have our flaws.
@@desertvalleygarage720 , what does the word "nothing" mean to you?
read the context of the posted quote; there's a reason why the reference of where to find it is left there.
if you're truly honest with yourself, you'll read it (prayerfully).
@@purrplemane5954 , already did it well over a week ago; got someone to respond to my email to him & all it stated was something like "thank you; see you later".
no feedback or appropriate response to the seriousness of the issue at hand..
Salim Serrano you’re missing the mark, Ivor Myers is a gifted preacher, ex- rapper and turned his back on lucrative music industry, when you preach like the way Ivor Myers, yes it’s an body expression, so to speak rapper style, using his talent through the Holy Spirit, did you not get nourished of the Word, remember by beholding Jesus Christ you become changed, time for Christ mode instead of beast prey mode!
This is pretty good interpretation of everything...but are you sure about the king of the south and the king of the north...I was kinda lost on that scriptures from Daniel... Pretty good interpretation.. we sure going to be finding out... I think we in the end time for sure.... beloved..... God bless....
king of north/south discussion is from
dr. walter veith..
A p.....watch Salvation in Symbols and Signs(sss@3abn.org) Pastor James Rafferty, Pastor Ivor Myers, Sis. Yvonne and another bro. They're deep in studying the book of Daniel and Revelations. It's so deep. You will be blessed.
Omg such an awakening, omg.
Thank you Pastor for that wonderful message. I only wish there was not so much drama. It takes away from the seriousness of the message. 😊
Amazing sermon, but I wish there weren’t so many ads.
Paster Ivor can u explain further on your comment on John falling down to worship the angel and who this was
I like 🐸 Frog FROG F-R-O-G FULLY-RELY-ON-GOD!!!!
Amazing moment when a sermon is interrupted by casino ads...
Hello Samuel, our apologies for the ads running on the video, RUclips has a copyright policy on music content that we are continually having to deal with. We have licenses for our content but it takes time to file disputes and they don’t always go through. This can result in ads on videos. Blessings
@@3abn God bless you and keep you in strength to continue the good work of the gospel! I was making a funny observation, i know personally how frustrating it is in dealing with wordly matters.
Q pena q não consigo entender o inglês mas por gentileza quem me tende gostaria de uma dublagem brasileiro deus abençoe a todos
Amazing sermon. My critique is on what grounds can you make (what I consider to be the most unclear of prophecy that the Church has yet to recieve) that the King of the South is Atheism?
The kind of the south is Egypt and the king of the north Syria( Babylon).. as time progresses, the physical falls but the spiritual remains.. Egypt is known for its atheism. Pharaoh's account in Exodus (denying existence of true god polytheism) Babylon mixing clean and unclean. In Daniel chapter 5. Belshazar using God's vessels to worship false gods.. the parellel continues with the start of the roman catholic church system( mixing paganism w/christianity) and the french revolution(rise of atheism agnosticism etc. Rev 11 the Beast arises from the bottomless pit that is spiritually Egypt) I think the parallel is amazing
@@rosem6254 it is quite fascinating however Egypt was hyper-religious and making it akin to atheism is extraordinarily inaccurate. One could say that to the North has lain the greatest of atheist states (north of Israel) with communism. Thsse states being: China, North Korea, almost all of the USSR and revolutionary French. What worries me is that the Church claims the gift of prophecy, yet has no interpretation of future events; save the National Sunday Law again and who the Beast power is. All others have been hindsight interpretations based upon past events.
@@arizonabusinessleague918 True, I believe more accurately that the KOS is any power that is anti-two witnesses, so not just atheism, but Islam, and any other religion. In other words, Egypt not only denied the true God, but also worshipped false ones. So it is a mixture.
@@powerofthelamb understood. Thank you for your reply.
Which Ivor Myers sermon can I send to someone who doesn’t believe Jesus is God?
Heavenly father help me so that behavior be like for your son JESUS CHRIST
Hi, Ivor Meyrs. How can I get in contact with you about something I'd like to do?
"Laid In A Manger" an animal facility, because " He Was The Lamb Of YAH" prepared from the Foundation of The World....
"It was hyper-nationalism that put Jesus to death", says Ivor. He's correct of course. E.G. White stated, "It is a MISTAKE for you TO LINK your interests WITH ANY POLITICAL PARTY, to cast your vote with them or for them. ... Christ is our Prince ..." ... The mingling of churchcraft and statecraft is represented by the iron and the clay. This union is weakening all the power of the churches. ... They have invested their strength in POLITICS, and united with the PAPACY (E. G. White, Fundamentals of Christian Eduction, pg 478; 15 MR, pg. 39).
so then one can assume you don't vote....
Jane20121985 Faith depends on God’s word alone (Rom. 10:17) and my citizenship is in heaven (Phil. 3:20). Jesus said, My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is my kingdom not from hence (John 18:26). ... We are who we vote for and a heathen king
@@Jane20121985 , "we're not to vote for people but for issues"-ellen gould white {par.}
it was her prayers on behalf of america's temperance movement that finally got national politics to change enough for the passing of the illegalization of alcohol..
The song in the beginning sounds like it was sang in heaven
47:42-51 should say (Isaiah 66:15)
This sermon was deeep