Well... I am in Bulgaria and learning Bulgaria because I married a beautiful Bulgarian woman lol. I guess you are right. That is probably the most common reason people learn this language.
@@georgimavrodinov4500 Да бе, българите преди хиляди години завзеха Одрин, не преди по-малко от век. България има БЕДНА култура и ЛОШИ хора, нищо не е правено тук от 1390 година. Съжалявам, че си българин, мой човек, късмет в друг живот, наистина няма с какво да се гордееш :(
i am bosnian and i love a bulgarian girl a lot :D we talk a lot generally and see each other as well , hmm shouldnt be too hard for me there is much similarity in our language
As a Bulgarian with bad English I want to share my opinion with you guys :) The video is quite nice and I really admire this lady who actually enjoy and have some fun, while studying my mother's language. I honestly do think that Bulgarian is pretty hard to pronounce, because of that people born in Bulgaria are able to nearly master how to pronounce foreign languages, but it is almost impossible the other way around. You can check that in Internet and give it a try, discover some random words and try to pronounce it perfectly. You can learn some new sounds if you manage to do that. ^^ Cheers for the video !
I've heard american mormons here in Bulgaria who've learned to speak perfect bulgarian only for couple of moths. I am really amazed by them. I guess it's mostly about motivation!
Thank you so much for posting this video as Bulgarian living in Canada I have deep appreciation for someone like you learning our culture and language. By the way what a beautiful accent you have. Cheers
i think i wantes to learn Bulgarian also for love, but not becuase i loved a bulgarian girl or something like it, is just becuase this culture is so rich and so full of happiness despite their history of wars and communism, i can tell everybody that even my friends always say louis is half bulgarian, becuase i like chalga and i learn about thier history and obviously i leanr how to drink RAKIA ..hehehe, so i think Bulgarian people are very friendly and hospitalarious...edna bulgarzka roza samo!
I’m learning Bulgarian because I met a woman who I fell in love with at first sight. However, I later learned she was married so I moved away, never to see her again! Since then,I have written three books, received my real estate license and am studying to become a pilot. Yet, all I have left for her are my words! To speak them in her language will be my greatest joy and achievement!
Fascinating! First off - Alexandra is a charming woman who captures the attention immediately. I only came here because my haircut this morning was done by an 18 year old Bulgarian and I want to learn more about his country. I noticed his Barber Shop because it is new near my home. One thing leads to another.
Another reason: 1.Knowing one slavic language makes you understand a lot in other slavic languages. 2.Bulgarian is the simplest slavic language, unlike Russian & co. it doesn't has tons of cases and endless grammar for you to learn... It's what english is for the germanic languages
+Vagabund92 Listen IGNORANT uneducated dude, The Bulgarian language is the MOTHER OF ALL PSEUDO SLAVIC LANGUAGES - it means Bulgarian is the BASIC of the Russian language. Russians received it from the Bulgarians. End of discussion.
***** О, много се радвам, че мислиш така. А и наистина малко хора учат български, затова те поздравявам. :) Иначе българският е труден най-вече заради някои правописни и граматични правила, но тъй като уча немски, мога да кажа, че без падежи езикът ни си е прекрасен.
I decided that I might pick up Bulgarian later on because I heard their folk dances have really complex rhythms that I'd like to explore. A bit busy with a couple other languages though, so maybe in like a year or so.
Bulgaria is oldest country in Europe. Bulgaria is first national state in Europe which adopt Christianity and Bulgarian church became first national independent church in Europe in year 927. Bulgarians created Bulgarian Civilization with Bulgarian language, Bulgarian alphabet Cyrillic and Orthodox Christianity. Bulgarians spread Christianity and the Bible, translated into Bulgarian language and written in Cyrillic, among the so-called "Slavs" and incorporated most of the "Slavs" into Bulgarian civilization, including the Russians. All so-called "Slavic" languages are created on the basis of Bulgarian language. Russian language and so-called "Slavic" languages on the Balkans are dialects of Bulgarian language. Today about 300 million people in Eurasia including Russia use Bulgarian writing system Cyrillic as the official alphabet. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_Bulgarian_Empire en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simeon_I_of_Bulgaria en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cyrillic_script
That's very ugly. English is a Germanic language, but you don't speak to them German, do you? Don't talk to Slavic nations in Russian. This is an insult for us. lol
@@anibalcesarnishizk2205 Well, you might managed to learn a few languages , but are obviously not very smart. You can speak German. However, I doubt that you will decide to speak to a British in German, because they won't understand you unless they also studied it, right? Yet, German and English are from the same language family. They are both Germanic languages. Then, why did you decide to speak to Bulgarians in Russian taking the fact they are both Slavic languages??? 90% of Bulgarians neither speak, nor understand Russian. Only some elders know it because they were forced to study it during the socialism. Slavic people understanding each other, while each speaking on their mother tongue is a myth. Russians also don't understand Bulgarian. I know many who live in Bulgaria for more 20 years and still can't speak our language. No Slav(of course, except Russians themselves) will appreciate the fact that you speak to them in Russian, but rather will take it as an insult. The international language for communication is English. Either speak in English or Bulgarian to Bulgarians, or don't speak to them at all. Verstehen Sie alles? ;-)
@@ЕлицаЕнева-ж3о Alles verstehe ich aber ich musste auf Russisch sprechen, denn die Leute aus Bulgarien konnten nicht Spanisch oder Englisch, deshalb sprach ich auf Russisch.Ich wußte nicht, daß die Bulgarien die Russische nicht mochten.
@@anibalcesarnishizk2205 It's not about liking or disliking a particular language. Many Westerns just call all Slavic people Russians and think they all speak Russian, which is obvioulsy not true. It's quite annoying and disrespectful towards all of them, not only Bulgarians. And here you are under a video about why people should studying Bulgaria commenting that you spoke to Bulgarians in Russian. It sounds like "there's no need to learn Bulgarian, just speak to them in Russian", I mean.. 😂😂😂 I don't what people you met, but all young Bulgarians know English.
Very intriguing ,explain more my friend because there are so theories about ancient times Bulgars came from a region near Armenia modern day Kurdistan(hope independent in the near future)
Искам това клипче да бъде видяно от всеки един българин и българка за да изпитат радостта, която изпитах аз сега :))) 'People learn English for work and Bulgarian for love' , that's just brilliant!
Да, защото от край време българките се продават на чужденците масово. Сега вече и младежите си търсят чужденки. Защото с езика на любовта, няма как да си платите сметките за ток, парно и да оцелеете. Той не владее света!. И лека по лека, ще изчезнем и като нация и като език.... Тука идват пенсии от запад или руснаци, за да ни изкупуват земята и къщите на безценица и да си живеят евтинко и спокойно тук! Докато българина бачка на запад, блъска се на английски, немски или китайски, за да събира пари и да изпраща тук, да покрива разходи...да пълни хазната. То и Тайландският се учи заради любов, щото отиват само богати чужденци намиращи евтинка и безплатна любов, залепващи тайландки за тях, молещи ги да ги изведат от тяхната мизерия, навън с чужденеца..същото е и с нашенките залепени за чужденците :) Оцеляване се казва! Инстинкт за оцеляване. Любовта, е нещо съвсем друго.
Maxundmoritz Hautala Um besoffen am Strand zu liegen brauchst nicht unbedingt die Sprache. Aber wenn das Saufen so wichtig für dich ist, brauchst auch nicht nach Bulgarien zu fahren (bzw fliegen), das kannst du auch in Deutschland (oder wo du auch herkommst) machen. Bulgarien ist ein sehr schönes Land mit sehr interessanten Traditionen und Bräuche, Natur und Kultur, wenn du sie ein mal nur ansatzweise kennen lernst, dann wirst auch lernen Bulgarien zu lieben.
i like that people likes our contry. BUT...there is one big BUT. You said such a beautiful words for Bulgaria.And then there comes one comment that says "you dont know bulgarion and you are speaking it funny".That is the sad truth about our contry.Its getting worst and worst.Thats why we leave our contry.Our contry is really beautiful and full of history.We are just a small contry on the map and less people know where we are on the map or its messing our language with the russian language.Its sad....its getting full of idiots here.Soon our contry will be just a funny story in the worlds history...lost and forgotten. But thats okay.Less of the people here haves the real love.I really like that other contries likes our home.I really like it....but that is the sad truth....... Eвала на тоя дет е прочел целия коментар.
Fam Pam Много повтаряш думата 'country' която си спелувал и грешно, ама нали .. не в тва въпроса . Знаеш ли защо хората се махат? Защото в България няма пари, а хората без пари нямат какво да ядат . Аз се преместих от България, защото ако бях там сега щях да прося по улиците . Сега живея в една от най високите сгради в Лондон ;) Ето затова се махат . Още нещо .. никой няма да забрави България ;) Да ти кажа ли защо? 1.България е богата , с много злато което отива в Канада :/ 2.Доказано е, че българското кисело мляко е най доброто в целият свят . 3.Едни от най скъпите парфюми са направени с български рози . 4. Над 20 години никой не може да бие Стефка Костадинова за най висок скок в света . 5.Христо Стоичков е легенда . Дори моят учител който е от Англия го знае ;) 6.България е най старата държава в Европа . 7.Също България е единствената държава която не си е сменила името си (в Европа) . 8.Българският език е един от най трудните в света . 9.И последно (тук не съм много сигурна) мисля,че само в България има конкурс за кралица на розите . (Моята братовчедка спечели миналата година, което не се връзва в темата, но да, всички хора се хвалят) . Е, надявам се като си прочел това да се замислиш малко за написаното от теб, нали? Мерси ;)
Емилия Начева Поздравления за ината, с който да продължаваш да обичаш България въпреки всичко, което нашите управници са направили и правят против собствения си народ! Живи и здрави да са, само дето никой няма да си спомни за тях след 20 години!
well, started with learning bulgarian a few weeks ago and after finding a lot of bullshit I finally found the best one for me, which is called: Bulgarian language for foreigners here on you tube on channel Vasil Todov, which I can really suggest. and it works out exactly like learning any other language, for instance the verbs to be or to have. meanwhile I am in lesson number five and there is nothing about Lets go to bed together or I miss you or I want to kiss you and honestly I dont miss it. Sorry
how are you doing as of now? with our language, I mean. I can teach you to talk in it as well :) outside of the textbook, slang and dialects, foreign words we have used since centuries ago....
I am a Bulgarian and I think she speaks our language very well. You need to learn to write properly in English before you criticise how others speak your language :)
At least two words for 'love' in Bulgarian, whereas the Serbs use the same word for 'love' as they do for 'like' and WANT - I want the remote and I love my wife uses the same word... Start speaking Bulgarian proper and EVERYONE says 'is that German?' - if you did not know German is the most romantic language, Bulgarians are closest to south Germans than any other nation genetically and Germany did not even exist on the map until the 'eastern invaders' occupied it and eventually bred in with the British [ who removed 'khan' [not that Bulgars were khans] from their inauguration ceremony less than 100 years ago, after WW1. oh, and Bulgarians share the same amount of proto European DNA as Norwegians, so no, the white race is not dieing out, its just adapting to the warmer climate.
If the world powers did not stop Bulgaria having its own economy, and all unfair treatys about the lands which are taken away from Bulgaria given to all five neighboring countries even tho their loss to the Bulgarian army. And so on.... BULGARIAN could have been a language to study for work and travel. There is so much gold in this land, you have no idea what else it has. The true land of yoghurt and much much more! Thanks NATO for destroying Bulgarias economy and making it the unfamous lost great empire.
I know with all my heart that this is true. She articulates and embodies the very reason why I choose to learn Bulgarian. Blagodarya.
Congrats! 😀
Thank you!
She brings my faith back for Bulgaria.
Well... I am in Bulgaria and learning Bulgaria because I married a beautiful Bulgarian woman lol. I guess you are right. That is probably the most common reason people learn this language.
Why the fuck You need to speak Bulgarian? Who cares about this language?
@DoniChan OwO Unfortunately, I am:(
@DoniChan OwO Proud of what? Corruption, broken roads, dictatorship of the Prime minister and so on....
@DoniChan OwO Bulgaria has been a very powerful country, but thousands of years ago.....
@@georgimavrodinov4500 Да бе, българите преди хиляди години завзеха Одрин, не преди по-малко от век. България има БЕДНА култура и ЛОШИ хора, нищо не е правено тук от 1390 година. Съжалявам, че си българин, мой човек, късмет в друг живот, наистина няма с какво да се гордееш :(
you speak really good Bulgarian im from this country
i am bosnian and i love a bulgarian girl a lot :D we talk a lot generally and see each other as well , hmm shouldnt be too hard for me there is much similarity in our language
I was in Bosnia once beautiful land :D tell the girl: Mnogo te haresvam zaschtoto si mnogo hubava. That means: I like you alot bc you are pretty ;D
Bosnian and Bulgarian are so close languages , according to me they have the same rhythm
As a Bulgarian with bad English I want to share my opinion with you guys :) The video is quite nice and I really admire this lady who actually enjoy and have some fun, while studying my mother's language. I honestly do think that Bulgarian is pretty hard to pronounce, because of that people born in Bulgaria are able to nearly master how to pronounce foreign languages, but it is almost impossible the other way around. You can check that in Internet and give it a try, discover some random words and try to pronounce it perfectly. You can learn some new sounds if you manage to do that. ^^
Cheers for the video !
Pavel Penev You mean Bulgarian is not only or mums language, but is also yours, right? Because you said As a Bulgarian with really bad English..
she meaned - mother language :) and yeah junging by his name he is Bulgarian
I've heard american mormons here in Bulgaria who've learned to speak perfect bulgarian only for couple of moths. I am really amazed by them. I guess it's mostly about motivation!
Thank you that you have tried to learn my language! I wish you a wonderful stay in Bulgaria
Thank you so much for posting this video as Bulgarian living in Canada I have deep appreciation for someone like you learning our culture and language. By the way what a beautiful accent you have.
i think i wantes to learn Bulgarian also for love, but not becuase i loved a bulgarian girl or something like it, is just becuase this culture is so rich and so full of happiness despite their history of wars and communism, i can tell everybody that even my friends always say louis is half bulgarian, becuase i like chalga and i learn about thier history and obviously i leanr how to drink RAKIA ..hehehe, so i think Bulgarian people are very friendly and hospitalarious...edna bulgarzka roza samo!
Where ARE the subtitles?
I’m learning Bulgarian because I met a woman who I fell in love with at first sight. However, I later learned she was married so I moved away, never to see her again! Since then,I have written three books, received my real estate license and am studying to become a pilot. Yet, all I have left for her are my words! To speak them in her language will be my greatest joy and achievement!
How's your pilot license going? You.made me really curious as this comment is either made for fun or you do a hell of job executing this plan.
This video is so cute, and funny, and heart warming :} Thank you !
And i feel so flattered as Bulgarian. So romantic :) The lady's pronunciation is really good. But I think she also fell in love with a Bulgarian :)
I love this, this made me tear up abit, it's great! Great job.
България, Обичаме те!
Fascinating! First off - Alexandra is a charming woman who captures the attention immediately. I only came here because my haircut this morning was done by an 18 year old Bulgarian and I want to learn more about his country. I noticed his Barber Shop because it is new near my home. One thing leads to another.
аз съм горд българин и обичам БЪЛГАРИЯ
Boiko 4upi me4ti
Bravo. Well done, lady.
Your bulgarian is perfect BTW :P
Another reason:
1.Knowing one slavic language makes you understand a lot in other slavic languages.
2.Bulgarian is the simplest slavic language, unlike Russian & co. it doesn't has tons of cases and endless grammar for you to learn... It's what english is for the germanic languages
Bulgarian is actually not simple :D
+Vagabund92 Listen IGNORANT uneducated dude, The Bulgarian language is the MOTHER OF ALL PSEUDO SLAVIC LANGUAGES - it means Bulgarian is the BASIC of the Russian language. Russians received it from the Bulgarians. End of discussion.
***** О, много се радвам, че мислиш така. А и наистина малко хора учат български, затова те поздравявам. :)
Иначе българският е труден най-вече заради някои правописни и граматични правила, но тъй като уча немски, мога да кажа, че без падежи езикът ни си е прекрасен.
Alexander Beatus
yeah sure, bulgaria was the first civilization and inventor of all languages ^^
+Carlitos Heroe Mersi!!!
I decided that I might pick up Bulgarian later on because I heard their folk dances have really complex rhythms that I'd like to explore. A bit busy with a couple other languages though, so maybe in like a year or so.
Your video made me smile! So warming.. Congrats for the good work and keep up!
Regards from one bulgarian girl
And yet, no Bulgarian course on Duolingo 😢
Woah you are really good in it! (I'm bulgarian) Great job! 👏👏👏👏
When you say "pravish me tolkova shtastliva" you should pronounce the l in the last word the way you pronounce it in the word "lemon".
This video was great :) Love the artistic input :)) Kept me in suspense, as it didn't think it was going to end on such a good note :)))
I Adore bulgarian. той прави ме толкова щастлив
You made my day! Обичам България!
Bulgaria is oldest country in Europe. Bulgaria is first national state in Europe which adopt Christianity and Bulgarian church became first national independent church in Europe in year 927.
Bulgarians created Bulgarian Civilization with Bulgarian language, Bulgarian alphabet Cyrillic and Orthodox Christianity.
Bulgarians spread Christianity and the Bible, translated into Bulgarian language and written in Cyrillic, among the so-called "Slavs" and incorporated most of the "Slavs" into Bulgarian civilization, including the Russians.
All so-called "Slavic" languages are created on the basis of Bulgarian language. Russian language and so-called "Slavic" languages on the Balkans are dialects of Bulgarian language.
Today about 300 million people in Eurasia including Russia use Bulgarian writing system Cyrillic as the official alphabet.
Oh, so sweet! Thank you!!!
Hahah love it! This video makes me happy, honestly.
It is so nice and maybe true !!!
So sweet and true. Thanks!
and i learn bulgarian because of my family :) also love is the reason why
i am native bulgarian and this is strange yes :D what the ..
Really interesting conclusion and very unexpected.
Many years ago i met people from Bulgaria and i talked to them in Russian because of the Slavic roots.
That's very ugly. English is a Germanic language, but you don't speak to them German, do you? Don't talk to Slavic nations in Russian. This is an insult for us. lol
Ich habe Deutsch studiert.Kannst du Deutsch sprechen?
@@anibalcesarnishizk2205 Well, you might managed to learn a few languages , but are obviously not very smart. You can speak German. However, I doubt that you will decide to speak to a British in German, because they won't understand you unless they also studied it, right? Yet, German and English are from the same language family. They are both Germanic languages. Then, why did you decide to speak to Bulgarians in Russian taking the fact they are both Slavic languages??? 90% of Bulgarians neither speak, nor understand Russian. Only some elders know it because they were forced to study it during the socialism. Slavic people understanding each other, while each speaking on their mother tongue is a myth. Russians also don't understand Bulgarian. I know many who live in Bulgaria for more 20 years and still can't speak our language. No Slav(of course, except Russians themselves) will appreciate the fact that you speak to them in Russian, but rather will take it as an insult. The international language for communication is English. Either speak in English or Bulgarian to Bulgarians, or don't speak to them at all. Verstehen Sie alles? ;-)
Alles verstehe ich aber ich musste auf Russisch sprechen, denn die Leute aus Bulgarien konnten nicht Spanisch oder Englisch, deshalb sprach ich auf Russisch.Ich wußte nicht, daß die Bulgarien die Russische nicht mochten.
@@anibalcesarnishizk2205 It's not about liking or disliking a particular language. Many Westerns just call all Slavic people Russians and think they all speak Russian, which is obvioulsy not true. It's quite annoying and disrespectful towards all of them, not only Bulgarians. And here you are under a video about why people should studying Bulgaria commenting that you spoke to Bulgarians in Russian. It sounds like "there's no need to learn Bulgarian, just speak to them in Russian", I mean.. 😂😂😂
I don't what people you met, but all young Bulgarians know English.
I'm Bulgarian a have to say that she speaks really well
You are good
Du bist so positiv und romantisch👍😘👋
Bulgarian Language has much words that comes in Kurdish too.
Very intriguing ,explain more my friend because there are so theories about ancient times Bulgars came from a region near Armenia modern day Kurdistan(hope independent in the near future)
Искам това клипче да бъде видяно от всеки един българин и българка за да изпитат радостта, която изпитах аз сега :))) 'People learn English for work and Bulgarian for love' , that's just brilliant!
Да, защото от край време българките се продават на чужденците масово. Сега вече и младежите си търсят чужденки. Защото с езика на любовта, няма как да си платите сметките за ток, парно и да оцелеете. Той не владее света!. И лека по лека, ще изчезнем и като нация и като език....
Тука идват пенсии от запад или руснаци, за да ни изкупуват земята и къщите на безценица и да си живеят евтинко и спокойно тук! Докато българина бачка на запад, блъска се на английски, немски или китайски, за да събира пари и да изпраща тук, да покрива разходи...да пълни хазната. То и Тайландският се учи заради любов, щото отиват само богати чужденци намиращи евтинка и безплатна любов, залепващи тайландки за тях, молещи ги да ги изведат от тяхната мизерия, навън с чужденеца..същото е и с нашенките залепени за чужденците :)
Оцеляване се казва! Инстинкт за оцеляване. Любовта, е нещо съвсем друго.
@@nade1231 lol
Yes, my boyfriend also wants to learn bulgarian because of me :)) He's Spanish. I know his language, now is he who want to learn mine :))
poor guy.. been 4 years already.. did he put any effort after all ? Or lets say.. is he still your BF ? :D
you are very charming!
good work, inspiring
I want to learn Bulgarian so I can go to Varna and be naked on the beach and drink in a saloon at night.
Maxundmoritz Hautala Um besoffen am Strand zu liegen brauchst nicht unbedingt die Sprache. Aber wenn das Saufen so wichtig für dich ist, brauchst auch nicht nach Bulgarien zu fahren (bzw fliegen), das kannst du auch in Deutschland (oder wo du auch herkommst) machen. Bulgarien ist ein sehr schönes Land mit sehr interessanten Traditionen und Bräuche, Natur und Kultur, wenn du sie ein mal nur ansatzweise kennen lernst, dann wirst auch lernen Bulgarien zu lieben.
+Maxundmoritz Hautala no need to speak bulgarian for that
Where are you
where are the bulgarian subtitles
You are great as well ! :D
Nice video :)
Много хубаво! :)
You are hilarious 😄
i like that people likes our contry. BUT...there is one big BUT. You said such a beautiful words for Bulgaria.And then there comes one comment that says "you dont know bulgarion and you are speaking it funny".That is the sad truth about our contry.Its getting worst and worst.Thats why we leave our contry.Our contry is really beautiful and full of history.We are just a small contry on the map and less people know where we are on the map or its messing our language with the russian language.Its sad....its getting full of idiots here.Soon our contry will be just a funny story in the worlds history...lost and forgotten. But thats okay.Less of the people here haves the real love.I really like that other contries likes our home.I really like it....but that is the sad truth.......
Eвала на тоя дет е прочел целия коментар.
Fam Pam Много повтаряш думата 'country' която си спелувал и грешно, ама нали .. не в тва въпроса . Знаеш ли защо хората се махат? Защото в България няма пари, а хората без пари нямат какво да ядат . Аз се преместих от България, защото ако бях там сега щях да прося по улиците . Сега живея в една от най високите сгради в Лондон ;) Ето затова се махат . Още нещо .. никой няма да забрави България ;) Да ти кажа ли защо?
1.България е богата , с много злато което отива в Канада :/
2.Доказано е, че българското кисело мляко е най доброто в целият свят .
3.Едни от най скъпите парфюми са направени с български рози .
4. Над 20 години никой не може да бие Стефка Костадинова за най висок скок в света .
5.Христо Стоичков е легенда . Дори моят учител който е от Англия го знае ;)
6.България е най старата държава в Европа .
7.Също България е единствената държава която не си е сменила името си (в Европа) .
8.Българският език е един от най трудните в света .
9.И последно (тук не съм много сигурна) мисля,че само в България има конкурс за кралица на розите . (Моята братовчедка спечели миналата година, което не се връзва в темата, но да, всички хора се хвалят) .
Е, надявам се като си прочел това да се замислиш малко за написаното от теб, нали? Мерси ;)
Емилия Начева Toва е беше много мило. Даже ми оправи деня *виртуална прегръдка*
Емилия Начева Поздравления за ината, с който да продължаваш да обичаш България въпреки всичко, което нашите управници са направили и правят против собствения си народ! Живи и здрави да са, само дето никой няма да си спомни за тях след 20 години!
well, started with learning bulgarian a few weeks ago and after finding a lot of bullshit I finally found the best one for me, which is called: Bulgarian language for foreigners here on you tube on channel Vasil Todov, which I can really suggest. and it works out exactly like learning any other language, for instance the verbs to be or to have.
meanwhile I am in lesson number five and there is nothing about Lets go to bed together or I miss you or I want to kiss you and honestly I dont miss it. Sorry
how are you doing as of now? with our language, I mean. I can teach you to talk in it as well :) outside of the textbook, slang and dialects, foreign words we have used since centuries ago....
Im learning Bulgarian because I’m dating a Bulgarian :)
браво мойто момиче научи българския 😝
И ти като гледам си го знаеш много добре
im bulgarian
"Бог да те прости!" 😂
+global basion благослови бе XD
I'm Bulgarian and you talk bulgarian so funny
I am a Bulgarian and I think she speaks our language very well. You need to learn to write properly in English before you criticise how others speak your language :)
Mi vaaan? Ezt nem értem
At least two words for 'love' in Bulgarian, whereas the Serbs use the same word for 'love' as they do for 'like' and WANT - I want the remote and I love my wife uses the same word...
Start speaking Bulgarian proper and EVERYONE says 'is that German?' - if you did not know German is the most romantic language, Bulgarians are closest to south Germans than any other nation genetically and Germany did not even exist on the map until the 'eastern invaders' occupied it and eventually bred in with the British [ who removed 'khan' [not that Bulgars were khans] from their inauguration ceremony less than 100 years ago, after WW1.
oh, and Bulgarians share the same amount of proto European DNA as Norwegians, so no, the white race is not dieing out, its just adapting to the warmer climate.
If the world powers did not stop Bulgaria having its own economy, and all unfair treatys about the lands which are taken away from Bulgaria given to all five neighboring countries even tho their loss to the Bulgarian army. And so on.... BULGARIAN could have been a language to study for work and travel. There is so much gold in this land, you have no idea what else it has. The true land of yoghurt and much much more! Thanks NATO for destroying Bulgarias economy and making it the unfamous lost great empire.
Dude, first take English lessons please, for the sake of internet!
Don't be so rude, dude :D
You learned Bulgarian in very strange way...