Giovanni Palestrina - Tu es Petrus


Комментарии • 60

  • @darthkaton
    @darthkaton 10 лет назад +42

    You are Peter, and on this rock
    I will build My church,
    And the gates of hell will not prevail against it:
    And I will give you the keys
    To the kingdom of heaven.
    Whatever you bind on earth
    Will be bound also in heaven;
    And whatever you release on earth
    Will be released also in heaven.

  • @brenorodrigodemessiasleite5589
    @brenorodrigodemessiasleite5589 Год назад +5

    Tu es Petrus
    Et super hanc petram aedificabo ecclesiam meam
    Et portae inferi non praevalebunt adversus eam.
    Et tibi dabo claves regni caelorum.
    Quodcumque ligaveris super terram, erit ligatum et in caelis,
    Et quodcumque solveris super terram, erit solutum et in caelis.
    Et tibi dabo claves regni caelorum.
    Traduzir para o português

  • @streiff100
    @streiff100 10 лет назад +10

    Good piece of music by the Renaissance's greatest composer of Polyphony. No wonder he ended up working for the Pope at St. Peter's.

  • @bergkalis
    @bergkalis 12 лет назад +1

    Well, I'm full catholic but we must admit they also have the most beautiful choirs, specially boys choirs. Yes, the Church of England was created from a mistake but it brought some good things. May be that the future king William V can restore the unity of all british christians under the holy hand of Rome.

    • @anthonyzeitz7232
      @anthonyzeitz7232 7 лет назад +2

      bergkalis, all the good contained in the church of England is from Catholicism. "Amen I say to you, evil createth not good, but my Father in heaven is the source of goodness.

  • @igorglavasic1230
    @igorglavasic1230 5 лет назад +5

    Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina
    (Palestrina 1545- Rome 2 February 1594) was an Italian renessance composer. Palestrina is the most important composer of renessance choral music. His important works are 105 masses, 68 offertories, at least 140 madrigals and more than 300 motets, 72 hymns, 35 magnificats, 11 litanies, and 4 or 5 sets of lamentations.
    He studied with Robin Mallapert and Firmin Lebel.

  • @jorgelopez-pr6dr
    @jorgelopez-pr6dr 5 лет назад

    His epitaph could have said: 'Here lies Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina, prince of music, he has gone to that blessed place where his harmony can be surpassed',(like Purcell's).

  • @dunhillan8360
    @dunhillan8360 Год назад

    Tu es Petrus
    Et super hanc petram aedificabo ecclesiam meam
    Et portae inferi non praevalebunt adversus eam.
    Et tibi dabo claves regni caelorum.
    Quodcumque ligaveris super terram, erit ligatum et in caelis,
    Et quodcumque solveris super terram, erit solutum et in caelis.
    Et tibi dabo claves regni caelorum.
    You are Peter, and on this rock
    I will build My church,
    And the gates of hell will not prevail against it:
    And I will give you the keys
    To the kingdom of heaven.
    Whatever you bind on earth
    Will be bound also in heaven;
    And whatever you release on earth
    Will be released also in heaven.

  • @musicaenlaniebla
    @musicaenlaniebla 12 лет назад +4

    bergkalis, Greetings from Lima, Peru. I've read that young Saint Domenico Savio had a profetical dream about the conversion of the Anglican Church back to the Roman Church. The recent steps in that direction by many anglican people ought to persuade us to reinforce our prayers for the unitiy of christians, "Ut Unum sint" (John, 17, 22). Of course, I'm convinced that the Royal British Family & the Crown would see a new spring of prosperity & peace if return to the catholic faith. Thanks.

  • @tonyem0328
    @tonyem0328 7 лет назад +1

    Thar't Peter, an' 'pon this rock, I'll build me Church. ' Gates of Hell waint touch it. n'All gi' thee kays to' Kingdom of Heav'n. What tha binds 'ere, 'll be bound in Heav'n. What tha lets loose here, 'll be let loose thier, an'all. Sithy (Amen). (Wi' All mi Heart..)

  • @Zhar555
    @Zhar555 6 лет назад +1

    "Et dabo clavem domus David super umerum ejus et aperiet et non erit qui claudat et claudet et non erit qui aperiat" - Is XXII,22
    "Et tibi dabo claves regni cælorum et quodcumque ligaveris super terram erit ligatum in cælis et quodcumque solveris super terram erit solutum in cælis" - Mt XVI,19

  • @LuigiBarba
    @LuigiBarba 7 лет назад +2

    Et tibi dabo claves regni coelorum

  • @CarmeloBonifacioMalandrino
    @CarmeloBonifacioMalandrino 11 лет назад +1

    E' chiaro che qui siamo alla fonte dei sensi dell'anima che si tramutano in suoni come in Michelangelo diventano colori e in Ariosto poesia:Qui siamo alle ragioni profonde dell'esistenza che è canto,invocazione,preghiera..

  • @bigbenhebdomadarius6252
    @bigbenhebdomadarius6252 11 лет назад +1

    Now that I think about it, my memory is no longer certain whether it was Westminster Cathedral or Westminster Abbey. . . . (don't get old!)

  • @piusx100
    @piusx100 12 лет назад +1

    너는 베드로이다. 내가 이 반석 위에 내 교회를 세울 터인즉, 저승의 세력도 그것을 이기지 못할 것이다. 또 나는 너에게 하늘나라의 열쇠를 주겠다. 그러니 네가 무엇이든지 땅에서 매면 하늘에서도 매일 것이고, 네가 무엇이든지 땅에서 풀면 하늘에서도 풀릴 것이다. - 마태 16,18-20

  • @sirasy
    @sirasy 14 лет назад

    petrus: one of the biggest mysogins of the story!

  • @aran125
    @aran125 16 лет назад +1

    We were going to do this piece in HS I think. We did Exultate Deo instead. I remember a few years before I was in HS my music teacher did this piece with her HS kids at the time and I was so inspired by it. One of the most beautiful piece's of music of all time. For real!

  • @dbookin
    @dbookin 16 лет назад +1

    I performed this piece in HS
    At Ankney HS Ankney Iowa In the mid 80's

  • @MusicianAxel
    @MusicianAxel 15 лет назад +1

    Wonderful! I think G. P. da Palestrina is a genius.

  • @wskfan
    @wskfan 14 лет назад

    @tritonusgesang Vielen Dank für das feedback. Ich habe eine Aufzeichnung
    der TV-Sendung vom Ostersonntag. Wenn ich sie hochladen würde, wäre der aktuelle Chor zwar nicht zu sehen, aber wenigstens zu hören...:)

  • @brysonstevens1431
    @brysonstevens1431 4 года назад

    Maybe I am being too much of a Latin nerd, but should it not be tu Petrus es? Come to think about it a lot of Catholic prayers alter the syntax of Latin. I know the order does not change the meaning (perfectam linguae) just seems odd.

    • @kamatsu8
      @kamatsu8 2 года назад

      Even classical latin works always move the verb from final position. For some reason Latin beginners are taught that the verb is always at the end but this is basically never true except in baby's first latin examples. Tu es petrus is totally valid syntax.
      The catholic prayers do sometimes have odd syntax, but this is because the Latin vulgate bible is mostly translated from koine greek and it has a more fluid word order even than Latin. Koine greek expressions and phrases get translated fairly literally in the vulgate.

    • @kamatsu8
      @kamatsu8 2 года назад

      Also, in this particular work, the verb is always in the middle of every sentence (super hanc petram *ædificabo* ecclesiam meam) (portæ inferi non *prævalebunt* adversus eam) (tibi *dabo* claves regni cælorum.), so it's probably a stylistic choice.

  • @FarfettilLejl
    @FarfettilLejl 4 года назад

    It's a pity that I cannot post a screenshot here but there are currently 666 likes under this video :)

  • @brianwilson49
    @brianwilson49 11 лет назад +1

    i'm here for the music - not some of the attitudes represented a few of the comments which have a the feint whiff of bigotry about them.

  • @julianpatrickquinn4309
    @julianpatrickquinn4309 8 лет назад +1

    Joyce brought me

  • @scalls95
    @scalls95 11 лет назад +2

    Viva il Papa!

  • @Kellanved_95
    @Kellanved_95 14 лет назад

    et quintus angelus tuba cecinit et vidi stellam de caelo cecidisse in terram et data est illi clavis putei abyssi
    et aperuit puteum abyssi et ascendit fumus putei sicut fumus fornacis magnae et obscuratus est sol et aer de fumo putei

    @MESIII 17 лет назад +1

    Beautiful, Palestrina is amazing...

  • @moltoallegro19
    @moltoallegro19 14 лет назад

    Surely, you mean Matthew 16:18 - 19.

  • @triploak
    @triploak 15 лет назад

    *gates of hell.
    Portae means "gates" or "door"

  • @tritonusgesang
    @tritonusgesang 14 лет назад

    Soooooooooooooo schöne Musik! - Ich danke dir, wskfan! - Nein, kann nicht wirklich sagen, weshalb der Chor nicht gezeigt werden darf. - Könnte mir vorstellen, dass die eigentlichen österlichen Zelebrationen wichtiger sind, als die Musik. - Schade um diese Einstellung, falls es tatsächlich so wäre!

  • @bigbenhebdomadarius6252
    @bigbenhebdomadarius6252 11 лет назад

    It sounds very much like a recording I had years ago by the Westminster Cathedral choir, under Simon Preston.

  • @mimar78
    @mimar78 16 лет назад

    The Westminster Abbey Choir directed by Simon Preston.

  • @PR1SONER24601
    @PR1SONER24601 11 лет назад

    Anyone able to tell me what choir is singing this?

  • @salvatoreloiloybillyrock
    @salvatoreloiloybillyrock 16 лет назад

    Simply A kind of perfection!

  • @Grmario85
    @Grmario85 11 лет назад

    What translation is this? The original Greek says "and the gates of the Hell will not prevail against her"

    • @tryptanfelle6762
      @tryptanfelle6762 7 лет назад +1

      The original Greek says "οὐ κατισχυσουσιν αὐτης" using the third person feminine genitive singular pronoun αὐτης. That pronoun can either be translated as "her" or "it" depending on whether the antecedent of the pronoun is animate or inanimate. Elsewhere, that same pronoun is translated as "it" - Matt. 5:30 "And if your right hand causes you to sin, chop it off and throw [her] away..." Matt. 6:34: "...each day has enough trouble of [her] own..."; Matt. 7:13: "The gate that leads to destruction is broad and the road wide, so many people enter through [her]." And so on. There is nothing incorrect about using "it" in this circumstance-whether the Church is a she or an it is a question of metaphor and style.

  • @FranzLukas
    @FranzLukas 15 лет назад

    na los tu es petrus

  • @piquedard
    @piquedard 14 лет назад

    what has it to do with this music?

  • @mwi91
    @mwi91 11 лет назад

    Diese Musik ist der Würde des päpstlichen Amtes angemessen

  • @Huntgoddessfishery
    @Huntgoddessfishery 15 лет назад

    et Apostolicam ... God bless!

  • @busybee720
    @busybee720 15 лет назад

    Who is the choir?

  • @Deathrashertv
    @Deathrashertv 15 лет назад

    what type of music is this called?

    • @milanstevic8424
      @milanstevic8424 6 лет назад +2

      wow a legit 9 years old question!!
      well op if you're still alive and well -- this is called a renaissance choral polyphony, obviously sponsored by catholic church. though this guy was really ahead of his time and was a superstar back in the day.

  • @callimacos
    @callimacos 15 лет назад

    YOu're right man!!

  • @uriaman1
    @uriaman1 11 лет назад

    in the artist field, it says The Choir of Westminster Abbey

  • @fithawiberhane3582
    @fithawiberhane3582 11 лет назад


  • @NihilNominis
    @NihilNominis 14 лет назад

    Et ego catholicus? Sic beautus esse decet homo?

  • @reuelmiguelperez2376
    @reuelmiguelperez2376 8 лет назад

    Is this key of c?

  • @joseleandroprzybysewski675
    @joseleandroprzybysewski675 6 лет назад

    Tu es Petrus
    Et super hanc petram ædificabo ecclesiam meam
    Et portæ inferi non prævalebunt adversus eam.
    Et tibi dabo claves regni cælorum.