They are trained for such things. They are Army Horses. Also, Police Horses are trained in Riot Control. Back when Horses were used in battle, they were trained not to react to gunshots or cannonball firing. They can tolerate a lot if they're trained. Horses are brave, and like with people sometimes, they only fear the unknown
Thank you for say that!! 100% totally wrong. The noises are to much for most of the horses. Stressfull .Those darn protesters dont give a s...about horses and guards
I find it hard to believe that people are so thick that they stand in the way of a distressed horse. What the hell are they waiting for, a Guard to be thrown out of his saddle or the horse itself to fall? Disgusting.
@@carlytasmith5754 My own horse kicked me & cracked & chipped my femur, when I was much younger. The thickest & largest bone, in the human body. If my own horse can kick me, don't you think a horse that doesn't know you , can kick you as well & just as hard? People are just daft!!
Esos imbéciles parecen percha queriendo colgarse al caballo para hacerse la ridícula foto porque todos so más feos "QUE PÍCIO" EL CABALLO SE PONE ESTRESSADO.!! CUANDO EMPIEZE A DAR COCES A DIETRO Y SINIESTRO EN LA BOCA DE ALGUNESTUPIDOS DE ESOS QUE SON MAS FEOS QUE ELL DEMONIO APRENDEN. FALTA DE RESPETO .!!!! 🤢🤮🤢🤮🤢🤮🤢🤮🤢😡😠🤬😠😡😠🤬
А то, они очень чувствуют когда человек нервничает, у них разные характеры и вообще они всё понимают как собаки, просто в детстве я ходила на конную секцию
@@barbaracheatham692 And, there’s a rumor going around that while a horse 🐎’s bite may be devastating in the form of leaving scars, “a zebra 🦓’s bite is worse.” There’s a saying that a dog 🐶’s bark is worse than its bite. I’d say that when it comes to horses 🐎, a horse 🐴’s display of its teeth threateningly is worse than its bite! And when it comes to zebras 🦓, a zebra 🦓’s bark is worse than its bite! LOL 😜
Amazes me how well they can handle that size of horse with one hand! I'm a pretty decent rider but I'd have trouble with one hand. Then again I'm not a soldier either so much respect to all horse guards!
I grew up riding Western style and always used only one hand - with the gentlest of touches. Two reins... I can't recall ever bringing my left hand up to grab the reins. Maybe I did once or twice, just don't remember. What I do remember is sometimes holding the end of the long reins with my left hand to fidget while using my right hand to "drive". I did use my legs and one hand even if the horse commenced crow-hopping or spinning. A noise with my mouth, tightening my grip and squeezing my legs but remaining calm.
@@therealjimshady100lol wow, really? That is 💯 wrong. That is his friend Trooper Jeffrey of the Blues & Royals. He won the 2024 Princess Elizabeth Challenge Trophy for best turned out trooper.
Because they know the guards can't smack the s___ out of them and really they should be able to, but do love the way they just look at the a/hold's and don't bat a eyelid they are amazing
100% I live in the states and would LIVE to see it in person but I have a feeling I would be getting in a fight because if some of the tourists behavior 😂😂😂
These tourists act like this is a statue and not living, breathing horse and guard. Having thoroughbreds for the past 22 years, Ive had my horses act like this-They wake up in a mood just like people. Too many people in their face makes them headshy, too. And they’re a good judge of character.
I live in South Africa and must say, I have SO much respect for the Kings Guard and other guards. I was in the Military myself and know what respect means. I think with every stupid teenager in the UK, that mock the Guards like that, have NO IDEA what life is about and will probably end up living on grants. I take my hat off to these guards. NOT only do they guard the King, but also these moron teenagers. Every time they get mocked, I think they just feel that much PROUDER in themselves as guards!
Mas não são apenas adolescentes não, adultos bem adultos homens e mulheres desrespeitando os soldados de maneira grosseira, uma falta de educação que seja a dar nojo.
I'm From U. S & I Think The Guards & Horses Need To Be Respected With The Highest Respect. They Are Working. Not Side Show. They Are Protecting The King.& You Silly People That Don't Respect The Sing. Right In Front Of You. God Bless The Guardsman& His Horse.
It amazes me that the mentallity of some of the tourist is very childish. I cannot understand what they think they look like with the silly poses for photographs. Sometimes im amazed at the guardsmen straight faces because i would be in hysterics They look very young those soldiers god bless them ❤
Those tourist who do that must think they're going to become models. It's so goofy looking. It's even funnier when they wave at the horse well I assume they're waving at the horse. Those soldiers do a great job. God bless them all
@@nonnadiallece qui est sur aussi c'est que ces chevaux subissent de la maltraitance (obligés de rester immobile sous un porche pendant des heures et en plus avec des touristes autour qui n'ont aucun respect) . Il serait grand temps de revoir la copie et enfin de penser aux bien être des chevaux. Je suis déçu par ce pays qui ce dit le pays du cheval 🐎. Quelle tristesse 😢😢😢
Full respect for the soldiers for their service. The soldier is on duty and touching him or the horse is reprehensible. You can take a photo from a distance without touching the soldier or holding the horse's bridle. Moreover, horses belong to the King and touching or stroking them is disrespectful to the monarch.
I’ve observed as I saw new parts of the world where some things seemed so obvious were not. Every culture has unique characteristics and relationships with animals. I’ve learned that other cultures and their mores are not the same as the Home cultures.
@@juditrotter5176Nobody would think it’s okay for a stranger to walk up and touch them, their clothes, children, purse, backpack, pet etc! So why do they do this??
I'm an American and I so agree. These guy and gals are at work, so are the horses. They're not there to put on a show. I give all kudos for the job that they're doing. The disrespect these tourist show is incredible. Someone else was saying tourist need to know they're supposed/expected of them when they go to another country.
It really boggles my mind how extremely rude people are. If you are a tourist, you should educate yourself before heading to the destination, shouldn't you?! That's at least what I do. But what's really horrible - how absolutely peabrain-y those people seem like. They just go up to these poor horses and guards, who are being harassed and touched by those childish, incredibly immature people. I mean, if you are INcapable of keeping your bloody hands to yourself, well then ASK AT LEAST?! Some guards do answer if you are respectfully keeping distance and asking. SURPRISE, they're human too! But usually it's NO TOUCHING of the horse - period!!! THEY'RE WORKING and not there for y'alls entertainment!!! Would you want tourists disrespect your country's cherished people and places?! Gosh.... I hope you guards know how much appreciated you are! Please give your best friends a good scratch for me ♥️ Hope I can visit one day, because I would LOVE to just tell y'all how much I appreciate you and the horses! (for the immature tourists: with respectful distance, believe it or not!) Much love from Croatia!
These guards are so well trained ..they put up with a lot from tourist, noise from protesters. The horses are not all keen on protestors noise. This horse acting in the fright mode must be young..not seasoned. Look those ridiculous protestors. What a zoo.
Бедные лошади, какое для них мучение, когда масса людей гладят, суют руки в морду лошади, дёргают за узду😢🤦♀️ Пожалейте лошадей, бестолковые туристы!!!
Les Anglais qui aiment tant les animaux ? Comment ne protègent pas mieux leurs soldats et leurs montures ! Je suis horrifiée par la mauvaise éducation des touristes !
I can imagine. The horses get annoyed too. Being gawked at, touched and their reins pulled on all day. Constant street noise. There is only so much an animal can take. Animals are no different than humans. Respect how the troopers stepped in. To assist the Life Guard. Life Guard did phenomenal job. Trying to control the horse. Well done!♥️💂🇬🇧
I would love to visit there and I would ask if I could touch the horse and if I could get a picture with them then I would ask if I could talk to the horse and thank him or her for letting me pet him or her and tell them there doing a great job dealing with everyone here to keep up the great work there doing then I would turn to the rider and tell him he is doing a great job
No one’s strength out-powers a horse. I remember a piece I played in high school. Its theme was the bells of war. It forevermore sounded like it. I wonder what these horses hear when then hear drums, loud voices, sirens, and more.
They stand around gawking and laughing at a spooked horse...yes, acting like a bunch of half-crazed hyenas. They should not be allowed anywhere near the Horse Guards. They are much more a threat than ANY OTHER SINGLE FACTOR.
Why do they have to touch the horse? People should not be allowed near the horse. He is working. I give it up to horses and handlers that have to do this day after day.
Maybe I’m a bad person, but am waiting for the day when I see the headlines “Massive Guards horse tramples several tourists….. Physician reports “ they were just morons anyway”
Das ist die Frage. Aber es wird immer Menschen geben die vor Selbstgerechtigkeit strotzen. Keiner dieser Leute würde auf einer Wiese wo Pferde Grasen hineingehen und ein Pferd anfassen. Selbstüberschätzung und Arroganz , vor anderen Protzen, diese Situationen machen vorallem junge Menschen in der Gruppe. Sie wollen es den anderen Zeigen ( wie vertrottelt) was für Draufgänger sie sind. Damit bringen sie Andere in Gefahr......uns Merken nicht mal wie Dämlich sie sich benehmen. Und wenn's schief geht....sind die anderen Schuld . Ich bin jetzt 70, aber solche Scheiße was die jungen Leute heute fabrizieren , hätten wir uns NIEMALS einfallen lassen. Wir hatten noch RESPEKT, der ist vielen nicht mehr beigebracht worden und deshalb sind sie Respektlos..und noch Stolz drauf. Das sind die, die wenn sie alt geworden sind......allein ihr Leben fristen.....
I don’t know why they allow ‘visitors’ so close. Must be very uncomfortable. Parents are teaching their kids it is ok to walk right up to a horse and start touching it. Most of the time the horses are not even biting.
These horses look pretty stoic to me. They are often in situations with ignorant visitors. My husband grew up with horses and had helped me moderate my behavior around them. One year my husband and I took a horse ride in Montana USA . Really controlled we were walking along the bank of a river. Very slow. In front of me was a teenage boy from Texas who had a lot of experience with horses. We were walking along and suddenly the horse in front reared up, made a big noise, reared up and the young man in front of me jumped off the horses back and out of the way. I admit to a certain amount of fear before that happened. I had no idea that I could leap off a horse and avoid falling into the river. Soon a horse on the other side of the river started making a bunch of utterances. The horse in front of me returned that horse’s utterances. The guides wisely started walking up and forth on our side of the river. When he got to us he said that the Cowboys’ horse and the horse across the river always wanted to be together. Fortunately the guide and my horse and the young man from Texas were able to all of us together and restart the ride for that day.
Horses with staggers can show a wide array of symptoms including incoordination, trembling, staggering and may even fall. They can have anxious behaviour, hypersensitivity to sounds and can be easily spooked. Tilting can sometimes be indicative of some sort of physical problems, such as discomfort in the neck, teeth, or head. So, your first job is to make sure that your horse is not in pain by asking an equine dentist, physio, and your vet to check the horse over. That horse was definitely feeling uncomfortable there....
Easy to Google it and post, but from experience, I didn't see any major concerns from the horse, the "foaming" is totally normal and it becoming abit overstimulated can usually sorted by a quick walk and then returned to duties
OMG...watching this stateside. Given that it appears many ppl in 'general' seem to be ignorant of cusoms and traditions, they should ban touching, coming close to the horses period!
The horse is having a bad day. It's giving experienced handlers/soldiers a hard time. It's dangerous. Give that horse/soldier the day off & bring out another pair. The tourists are stupid when the horse is having a good day. That horse has no patience for that today.
I agree. People that handle large wild animals say to watch carefully for their signals that they are having a bad day and not in the mood. If the horse needs disciplining do it in private.
I have seen a few videos where the horse stepped on the foot of someone who got too close. I think all the horses should be trained to do that. Maybe people would take the hint. Sigh, probably not.
A horse that is this agitated for whatever reason should not be expected to stand quietly in a box. He is so distressed he is a danger to the guards and himself and is in no condition to have misbehaving tourists in his face.
I’m an American and I was taught manners, so there’s one Yank that wouldn’t do what these morons from other countries are displaying. I’d simply stop and say, thank you for your service. Wouldn’t even care to take a picture.
😢 I am in the US and can honestly say, I feel terrible for the guards and "especially" their beautiful horses. It makes me angry when they try to play their stupid games. God help them should the horse bite one of those people, or worse "really Really" injure a baby or adult, and do some serious damage. I pray for the guards and horses 😢.
A lot of these horses don't seem happy with their bits I I see many of them trying to get their tongue over it, trying to get more comfortable this can become a bad habit that's hard to break if the horse does get its tongue over the bit it's very painful making using the reins very difficult
@@demi3115they run a lot and are ridden every day. There is a track around Hyde Park. Fuck off you don't know anything. The horses are ridden, trained, stabled and lived by the guards. They troop the colour and do lots of duties the rest of the time they are running, training and being very well looked after.
@@kathellison8084thank you! The armchair experts have no idea how much our beloved late Queen Elizabeth II adored her horses and corgis let alone how well kept they were. Spoiled all of them!
Some of the times when the Guard wishes s/he wasn't carrying a silly sword. Interesting, too, how so many 'grown-ups' think it's a good idea to offer their small fingers to a large animal's very large teeth. Some fools act like they are just life-sized toys.
This cheeky boy is trying to get himself reassigned. He couldn’t calm down for some reason. Horses are amazing creatures with distinct personalities. Love them so much! Also amazing is how these guards are trained to control their horse with one hand on the rein…respect
Thank you for this really interesting selection of things it makes a pleasant change from some video makers who try with enticing headlines and then you waste time waiting for something exciting, which turns out to be nothing. Thank you.
Wonder if the thought of people pawing at him/her all day long and putting their nasty hands in his/her mouth spooked the horse I know I would h get tired of it
Horses get anxious, and it saddens me that they are kept standing for hours and on top of that they also have to put up with irritable and disrespectful people. It's horrible! That's why the horse acts in such a protective way. Don't touch and they touch it. And there is also a sign with information and people don't pay attention.
It's distressing to see the horse so distressed. Can't they take him in & change horses? Would seem much better for soldier & horse. Esp since he isn't calming.
It looks to me like the horse was in training and they were not letting the horse dictate and win. I saw no abuse or anything, but yes, you could tell the horse was having a hissy fit.
These guards and their horses are at the top of their game. I watched one of these videos the other day, and this particular horse done the same exact thing, and there weren't any protests nearby or loud drums. If the horse is having an off day, then it's having an off day. It was probably that puppy that got it spooked 😂. 🇬🇧💪
They usually swap the horse out for another after three refusals. They give it a couple of chances to settle down first before immediately changing it out.
The guards face is a picture when the guy shouting Jesus is coming wtf really give me a good laugh the way guard looked down at him would love to know what he was thinking, hat's off to this gentleman didn't even crack a smile sorry I would be falling off the horse in stitches well done young man
I ve said it before and I’ll say it again… no protest or demonstrations should be allowed in front of the horse guards.
Why can't they go around the back
They are trained for such things. They are Army Horses. Also, Police Horses are trained in Riot Control.
Back when Horses were used in battle, they were trained not to react to gunshots or cannonball firing. They can tolerate a lot if they're trained. Horses are brave, and like with people sometimes, they only fear the unknown
I agree with you wholeheartedly
Thank you for say that!!
100% totally wrong. The noises are to much for most of the horses. Stressfull .Those darn protesters dont give a s...about horses and guards
Mark me down as against any protest group that spook the horses.
They can go on other streets, absolutely no need for them where them Horse are
Agreed 💯.
@@lindajetton9664io lo stesso..... Stanno lavorando non c'è nessun rispetto per loro che schifo 🤮 la gente fa veramente!!!!!
Whilst I agree with the no ULEZ mindset, London is big enough that they easily could have avoided the Kings Guard.
I agree 💯%
I find it hard to believe that people are so thick that they stand in the way of a distressed horse. What the hell are they waiting for, a Guard to be thrown out of his saddle or the horse itself to fall? Disgusting.
The morons on their backs often cause them to slip and fall!
Or they get kicked by one!
My own horse kicked me & cracked & chipped my femur, when I was much younger. The thickest & largest bone, in the human body. If my own horse can kick me, don't you think
a horse that doesn't know you , can kick you as well & just as hard? People are just daft!!
It’s not people fault,why do they allow people to get close?They do it to promote tourism
You'd think that some tourists had never seen a horse before the way they act stupid
The level of ignorance and stupidity from the tourists is staggering!
I thought it was just Americans that were that stupid.
Quando venite in Italia vi comportate peggio
I reckon it’s more stupid to let tourist anywhere near the gates
Esos imbéciles parecen percha queriendo colgarse al caballo para hacerse la ridícula foto porque todos so más feos "QUE PÍCIO"
What a Beautiful Animal❣️
А то, они очень чувствуют когда человек нервничает, у них разные характеры и вообще они всё понимают как собаки, просто в детстве я ходила на конную секцию
I can't believe what I see, so much disrespect from the people I never expected it on this level...I feel bad for these poor horses at all!
Poor horse he scared with all dreadfull noise ¡¡¡¡
The horse is not scared, it is aggravated!
In their intense training they are prepped for noise.
Trooping the Colour gets REAL noisy ….
These tourists must think a horse can’t kill them.
1200 pound says they will🤣
Even a bite from a horse can be devastating. It can leave permanent scarring.
@@barbaracheatham692 And, there’s a rumor going around that while a horse 🐎’s bite may be devastating in the form of leaving scars, “a zebra 🦓’s bite is worse.”
There’s a saying that a dog 🐶’s bark is worse than its bite. I’d say that when it comes to horses 🐎, a horse 🐴’s display of its teeth threateningly is worse than its bite!
And when it comes to zebras 🦓, a zebra 🦓’s bark is worse than its bite! LOL 😜
Why do you run up on a seated horse you don't know? When horse shys you away why keep approaching ??
Amazes me how well they can handle that size of horse with one hand! I'm a pretty decent rider but I'd have trouble with one hand. Then again I'm not a soldier either so much respect to all horse guards!
Ainakin käyttämällä kannuksia😢
I grew up riding Western style and always used only one hand - with the gentlest of touches. Two reins... I can't recall ever bringing my left hand up to grab the reins. Maybe I did once or twice, just don't remember. What I do remember is sometimes holding the end of the long reins with my left hand to fidget while using my right hand to "drive". I did use my legs and one hand even if the horse commenced crow-hopping or spinning. A noise with my mouth, tightening my grip and squeezing my legs but remaining calm.
@@Cnr47there for looks as it is part of the uniform. I have never seen a Royal Guard spur a horse!
This horse is done. Let him go in
Puedes soltar ambas manos sobre un caballo, no tan fácil sobre una bicicleta 😃
Very handsome when he was smiling while chatting with his friend ❤❤❤
I thought that, he has such a lovely smile 😊
I thought that, he has such a lovely smile.
It wasn't his friend. It was jermaine jenas, an ex Premier league footballer.
@@therealjimshady100lol wow, really? That is 💯 wrong. That is his friend Trooper Jeffrey of the Blues & Royals. He won the 2024 Princess Elizabeth Challenge Trophy for best turned out trooper.
@@susyz1965able lol, wow really?
No Karen, it's jermaine jenas.
Tourists who come 2 London these days R
so bloody rude!!! Why can’t they leave the
King’s Guards alone???
Because they know the guards can't smack the s___ out of them and really they should be able to, but do love the way they just look at the a/hold's and don't bat a eyelid they are amazing
100% I live in the states and would LIVE to see it in person but I have a feeling I would be getting in a fight because if some of the tourists behavior 😂😂😂
I hate these Men and Horses are shown so little Respect. ❤
These tourists act like this is a statue and not living, breathing horse and guard. Having thoroughbreds for the past 22 years, Ive had my horses act like this-They wake up in a mood just like people. Too many people in their face makes them headshy, too. And they’re a good judge of character.
This is NOT DisneyWorld
No, but a horror-show for the guides and horses....
The Gards and Horses are wonderful. And people need to read the signs and abide by them.
My thoughts exactly.
Why don’t they give this poor horse the day off. He’s agitated.
I thought same they aren't Micky and Minnie
I live in South Africa and must say, I have SO much respect for the Kings Guard and other guards. I was in the Military myself and know what respect means. I think with every stupid teenager in the UK, that mock the Guards like that, have NO IDEA what life is about and will probably end up living on grants. I take my hat off to these guards. NOT only do they guard the King, but also these moron teenagers. Every time they get mocked, I think they just feel that much PROUDER in themselves as guards!
I don't know how that first group of teenagers manage to get up and get themselves dressed in a morning. They are beyond stupid
Mas não são apenas adolescentes não, adultos bem adultos homens e mulheres desrespeitando os soldados de maneira grosseira, uma falta de educação que seja a dar nojo.
@@veraluciasilva5634 couldn't agree more with you!! You're so right!
I'm From U. S & I Think The Guards & Horses Need To Be Respected With The Highest Respect. They Are Working. Not Side Show. They Are Protecting The King.& You Silly People That Don't Respect The Sing. Right In Front Of You. God Bless The Guardsman& His Horse.
Мало того что эти клоуны выглядят смешными они ещё выглядят глупо когда дразнят охрану! Я считаю охрана должна давать хорошего пинка таким клоунам🤬🤬🤬
It amazes me that the mentallity of some of the tourist is very childish. I cannot understand what they think they look like with the silly poses for photographs. Sometimes im amazed at the guardsmen straight faces because i would be in hysterics
They look very young those soldiers god bless them ❤
Those tourist who do that must think they're going to become models. It's so goofy looking. It's even funnier when they wave at the horse well I assume they're waving at the horse. Those soldiers do a great job. God bless them all
The disrespect for our Country, Soldiers and Horses is dispicable.
Spregevole è un termine di tutt'altro significato . Meglio
usarlo con cautela.
Certo è che questo non è un turismo di "élite"
@@nonnadiallece qui est sur aussi c'est que ces chevaux subissent de la maltraitance (obligés de rester immobile sous un porche pendant des heures et en plus avec des touristes autour qui n'ont aucun respect) . Il serait grand temps de revoir la copie et enfin de penser aux bien être des chevaux. Je suis déçu par ce pays qui ce dit le pays du cheval 🐎. Quelle tristesse 😢😢😢
It’s an hour not hours.
@@nonnadiallewe know what it means in this country,THAT'S ENOUGH,STOP FUCKING SHITE STIRING
@@nonnadiallehuh?I don't understand 🤔
Full respect for the soldiers for their service. The soldier is on duty and touching him or the horse is reprehensible. You can take a photo from a distance without touching the soldier or holding the horse's bridle. Moreover, horses belong to the King and touching or stroking them is disrespectful to the monarch.
I’ve observed as I saw new parts of the world where some things seemed so obvious were not. Every culture has unique characteristics and relationships with animals. I’ve learned that other cultures and their mores are not the same as the Home cultures.
I thought they beloged to the tax payers and putting them through this mental torment is dispiable
@@susanharrison6401 What are you writing about? My comment is about something else.
@@juditrotter5176Nobody would think it’s okay for a stranger to walk up and touch them, their clothes, children, purse, backpack, pet etc! So why do they do this??
They need a written statement posted how important these soldiers are at this job.
The demonstrators get the horses upset. They shouldn’t let them walk down that street.
Very busy area of town and the PM lives a few doors down ,we must disturb his day 😢This horse well understands the sounds of war .
These horse have and never will be used in a battle. This is the 21st century. Their riders have been in battle and may have to again😢@@dolliemaesone
@@ravendane3085sorry to say that you are mistaken. Horses are used in modern warfare.
Agree 👍💯
Agreed 💯
It amazes me people show little regard to His Royal Highness and His Royal Guards. 😮 I love it when the guard yells, "Back Up!" Talk about shock! 😅
I'm an American and I so agree. These guy and gals are at work, so are the horses. They're not there to put on a show. I give all kudos for the job that they're doing. The disrespect these tourist show is incredible. Someone else was saying tourist need to know they're supposed/expected of them when they go to another country.
It really boggles my mind how extremely rude people are. If you are a tourist, you should educate yourself before heading to the destination, shouldn't you?!
That's at least what I do.
But what's really horrible - how absolutely peabrain-y those people seem like.
They just go up to these poor horses and guards, who are being harassed and touched by those childish, incredibly immature people.
I mean, if you are INcapable of keeping your bloody hands to yourself, well then ASK AT LEAST?!
Some guards do answer if you are respectfully keeping distance and asking.
SURPRISE, they're human too!
But usually it's NO TOUCHING of the horse - period!!! THEY'RE WORKING and not there for y'alls entertainment!!!
Would you want tourists disrespect your country's cherished people and places?!
I hope you guards know how much appreciated you are! Please give your best friends a good scratch for me ♥️
Hope I can visit one day, because I would LOVE to just tell y'all how much I appreciate you and the horses! (for the immature tourists: with respectful distance, believe it or not!)
Much love from Croatia!
Belissima mensagem! Penso igual a voce. Turistas sem Noção não devem ir a lugares civilizados!
O cavalo está muito agitado , e não está sendo incomodado pelos turistas? Será que o animal não está bem?
@@dulcegrim3067he's probably fed up with all the disrespectful tourists
The horse's and guards all know one another
These guards are so well trained ..they put up with a lot from tourist, noise from protesters. The horses are not all keen on protestors noise. This horse acting in the fright mode must be young..not seasoned. Look those ridiculous protestors. What a zoo.
Бедные лошади, какое для них мучение, когда масса людей гладят, суют руки в морду лошади, дёргают за узду😢🤦♀️
Пожалейте лошадей, бестолковые туристы!!!
Les Anglais qui aiment tant les animaux ? Comment ne protègent pas mieux leurs soldats et leurs montures ! Je suis horrifiée par la mauvaise éducation des touristes !
It is the right in any democratic country…
Mum took me on demos in the 50’s…. Been going on since the early 1800’s
I can imagine. The horses get annoyed too. Being gawked at, touched and their reins pulled on all day. Constant street noise. There is only so much an animal can take. Animals are no different than humans. Respect how the troopers stepped in. To assist the Life Guard. Life Guard did phenomenal job. Trying to control the horse. Well done!♥️💂🇬🇧
I would love to visit there and I would ask if I could touch the horse and if I could get a picture with them then I would ask if I could talk to the horse and thank him or her for letting me pet him or her and tell them there doing a great job dealing with everyone here to keep up the great work there doing then I would turn to the rider and tell him he is doing a great job
And then hopefully you would realize you live in the land of make believe!
I truly admire the King’s Guards and their Horses. ❤️🙏🇺🇸✝️ . But I don’t like the ignorant disrespectful crowd 🤬
Dovrebbe essere proibito avvicinarsi
there are signs posted. People don’t care or realize that horses do care about personal space.
That poor horse is DONE!!
Poor baby!!!
I agree!!!
The protesters were agitating the horse. They should be rerouted to avoid the Kings Guard.
No one’s strength out-powers a horse. I remember a piece I played in high school. Its theme was the bells of war. It forevermore sounded like it. I wonder what these horses hear when then hear drums, loud voices, sirens, and more.
They stand around gawking and laughing at a spooked horse...yes, acting like a bunch of half-crazed hyenas. They should not be allowed anywhere near the Horse Guards. They are much more a threat than ANY OTHER SINGLE FACTOR.
Why do they have to touch the horse? People should not be allowed near the horse. He is working. I give it up to horses and handlers that have to do this day after day.
Tbh, they have the military, the royal guard and police there so no reason to put those horses through that tourist bs.
Maybe I’m a bad person, but am waiting for the day when I see the headlines “Massive Guards horse tramples several tourists….. Physician reports “ they were just morons anyway”
Um, that’s really dark. Do you mean it or just feeling snarky?
Das ist die Frage. Aber es wird immer Menschen geben die vor Selbstgerechtigkeit strotzen.
Keiner dieser Leute würde auf einer Wiese wo Pferde Grasen hineingehen und ein Pferd anfassen.
Selbstüberschätzung und Arroganz , vor anderen Protzen, diese Situationen machen vorallem junge Menschen in der Gruppe. Sie wollen es den anderen Zeigen ( wie vertrottelt) was für Draufgänger sie sind. Damit bringen sie Andere in Gefahr......uns Merken nicht mal wie Dämlich sie sich benehmen.
Und wenn's schief geht....sind die anderen Schuld .
Ich bin jetzt 70, aber solche Scheiße was die jungen Leute heute fabrizieren , hätten wir uns NIEMALS einfallen lassen.
Wir hatten noch RESPEKT, der ist vielen nicht mehr beigebracht worden und deshalb sind sie Respektlos..und noch Stolz drauf.
Das sind die, die wenn sie alt geworden sind......allein ihr Leben fristen.....
I honestly think it's only a matter of time at this rate.
There is a lot of stupid tourist, why insisting on grabbing the reins or the horse?
This is so cruel poor horses
Ridiculous protests!
I don’t know why they allow ‘visitors’ so close. Must be very uncomfortable. Parents are teaching their kids it is ok to walk right up to a horse and start touching it. Most of the time the horses are not even biting.
I love the British Military......awesome❤ from Norridge Illinois USA. Thank you. All
The horse looks like he wants to run a little. He doesnt want to stand still today.
I could only watch half of this video. The King’s Guards and their horses were magnificent, but the tourists made me ill.
I'm from Russia. Long live the Royal guards! I wasn't in military service. ☦
Get out of Ukraine.
Well said !
@@patriciaceja6112 He's not a soldier. He's not in Ukraine. Would you like to be held responsible for the actions of your government? I think not.
These horses look pretty stoic to me. They are often in situations with ignorant visitors. My husband grew up with horses and had helped me moderate my behavior around them. One year my husband and I took a horse ride in Montana USA . Really controlled we were walking along the bank of a river. Very slow. In front of me was a teenage boy from Texas who had a lot of experience with horses. We were walking along and suddenly the horse in front reared up, made a big noise, reared up and the young man in front of me jumped off the horses back and out of the way. I admit to a certain amount of fear before that happened. I had no idea that I could leap off a horse and avoid falling into the river. Soon a horse on the other side of the river started making a bunch of utterances. The horse in front of me returned that horse’s utterances. The guides wisely started walking up and forth on our side of the river. When he got to us he said that the Cowboys’ horse and the horse across the river always wanted to be together. Fortunately the guide and my horse and the young man from Texas were able to all of us together and restart the ride for that day.
A beautiful video, thank you 💛💛
Horses with staggers can show a wide array of symptoms including incoordination, trembling, staggering and may even fall. They can have anxious behaviour, hypersensitivity to sounds and can be easily spooked.
Tilting can sometimes be indicative of some sort of physical problems, such as discomfort in the neck, teeth, or head. So, your first job is to make sure that your horse is not in pain by asking an equine dentist, physio, and your vet to check the horse over.
That horse was definitely feeling uncomfortable there....
I thought the same, and they kept bringing him out with the same response . At what point do they realize something is wrong?
@@michellelester5011 absolutely true
Easy to Google it and post, but from experience, I didn't see any major concerns from the horse, the "foaming" is totally normal and it becoming abit overstimulated can usually sorted by a quick walk and then returned to duties
These horses have better healthcare than most people in the world. Please.
This horse just isn't having it today, totally spooked😢
People shouldn't touch the horses at all especially around the nose as the guards don't know what they have handled before hand.
He just doesn't want to be there, he's stressed out.
I get the protocols, but this really feels unfair to the horse :(
The Guards are highly trained soldiers, and have a tough job to do. The tourists should respect, and appreciate them instead of acting as total jerks!
I'm not sure it's an act. Seems the world has no shortage of em.
OMG...watching this stateside. Given that it appears many ppl in 'general' seem to be ignorant of cusoms and traditions, they should ban touching, coming close to the horses period!
The horse is having a bad day. It's giving experienced handlers/soldiers a hard time. It's dangerous. Give that horse/soldier the day off & bring out another pair. The tourists are stupid when the horse is having a good day. That horse has no patience for that today.
I think you are stupid. That horse is on duty. Something is just bothering its mouth. It can't be helped. Stop complaining.
Totally agree. Like us, horses have bad days.
Did you hear the Loud Drums? Also Some horses don’t like Bagpipes! Very discerning these music-loving Horses!
They are only at their guard post for one hour and not even every day .
I agree. People that handle large wild animals say to watch carefully for their signals that they are having a bad day and not in the mood. If the horse needs disciplining do it in private.
Did That Kid Think He Was Cute? Thumbing His Nose. It Wasn't. At All. I. M. H. O.These People Have No Respect At All.
This horse is determined to not serve his one full hour in the box when he can hear protesters.
The guard sure gets a workout restraining the horse, constantly!
How dare those people. This young man and his horse doing an important job have some respect people!!!!
I have seen a few videos where the horse stepped on the foot of someone who got too close. I think all the horses should be trained to do that. Maybe people would take the hint. Sigh, probably not.
Or kick!
I wouldn’t have said a word I would let my 1200 pound horse do the talking. What’s with the peace signs🤪
Dumb orientals, they show no respect! You would be thrown in prison if you were in their country 🤬
All the restless horses are in the same box 😮
That thing in the horse mouth is bothering him 😢
They should have taken the horses in until noise had passed. That one was certainly too agitated to stand guard this day.
Exactly. Poor horse wasn't well and they insisted in bringing it out.
A horse that is this agitated for whatever reason should not be expected to stand quietly in a box. He is so distressed he is a danger to the guards and himself and is in no condition to have misbehaving tourists in his face.
I thought it was just the AMERICANS WERE RUDE. I WAS WRONG AGAIN.
Nope. Some of these others are so rude they make Americans look good
Poor Yanks always take the heat, if not the cake (???). They're not the world's worst.😊
I’m an American and I was taught manners, so there’s one Yank that wouldn’t do what these morons from other countries are displaying. I’d simply stop and say, thank you for your service. Wouldn’t even care to take a picture.
I wouldn’t care a thing about visiting London, it’s TOO noisy!!! I don’t blame those horses for rebelling!!
EXACTLY..!!! I feel for horses .. 😔♥️🇨🇦
Don't worry, we want lose our sleep if you don't come.
Fine with us, stay where you are fella
probably a wise decision we do not have enough mental health institution places for tourists.
London is a lovely place to visit!
They should make distance line for public towards Royal Guard !!! I watching this and always public disrespect the Guard that not good !!!
Stop the protesters from coming on this street
Os monarcas querem dinheiro
You can see that the horse is not happy .
Impressive work by the mounted soldier to keep control of the spooked horse.
Why didn’t they take the house off duty . He was very unhappy.
After three refusals they usually swap the horse out for another. They'll give it a couple of chances to settle first.
Exactly, it was cruel. Just give him a break.
@@allie.lazio.imagine if we just didn't train animals and just let them loose when they "weren't feeling the vibe" or whatever.
@@milkymilk53don't be too weird. That horse really seems like he needs a break from that madness 😢😢
I’ve noticed that several of the horses are working their mouths a lot like their bits are bothering them. Any thoughts on that?
😢 I am in the US and can honestly say, I feel terrible for the guards and "especially" their beautiful horses. It makes me angry when they try to play their stupid games. God help them should the horse bite one of those people, or worse "really Really" injure a baby or adult, and do some serious damage. I pray for the guards and horses 😢.
The guards try to protect the children if you notice
Obviously the horse has a problem. It is so painful to see him forced back into the box over and over again. Give him a break. 😢
He was not being forced into the box, he was walked in, if they had given in right away then he probably would never go in again.
Calm down Karen
@@swashington942well, does it look like it accepts teh bit? not really huh? horses can be in pain, too. Dimwit.
This is all part of the horses training. Later on it'll handle demonstrations
IKR. They usually let them leave for the day.😢😢😢
ENOUGH!!! Stop alowing the people to touch the horses!!! It's just that simple!!!
Poor horse he needs a break He's tired please don't break his spirit. I love horses They are so majestically beautiful
Esos caballos descansan y sé alimentan muy bien y tienen buen servicio veterinario,mucho movimiento y ruidos los incomodan
The horses are normally fine until they get abused by the tourists
Solidarietà a cavallo e cavaliere. È dura dover sopportare la mancanza di rispetto .
Ammirazione profonda.
How hard is it to read the sign and have a little common sense sheesh!
Many are Chinese and all signs in London are English only.
How do those horses still have one hair left is beyond me.
This is why I am a hermit.
Gosh, the horse nearly head butt the guy in camouflage uniform 😮! The poor creature's are spooked by the protesters over yonder! 🧐😢
That horse is clearly very distressed and frothy at the mouth.....clearly doesn't want metal in his mouth
This is the limit for me it is total madness having horses out when protests are happening. Public to near horses it's total idiocy.
It's stupid to have protests where horses are. There, fixed that for you
Why are all the Asians always making the peace sign? Is outright stupid!
A lot of these horses don't seem happy with their bits I I see many of them trying to get their tongue over it, trying to get more comfortable this can become a bad habit that's hard to break if the horse does get its tongue over the bit it's very painful making using the reins very difficult
Yeah, and i doubt they get a field to run around it. Must be a lot of added stress on top of that.
@@demi3115 They are regularly turned out to grass in Melton Mowbray
@@demi3115they run a lot and are ridden every day. There is a track around Hyde Park. Fuck off you don't know anything. The horses are ridden, trained, stabled and lived by the guards. They troop the colour and do lots of duties the rest of the time they are running, training and being very well looked after.
@@kathellison8084thank you! The armchair experts have no idea how much our beloved late Queen Elizabeth II adored her horses and corgis let alone how well kept they were. Spoiled all of them!
@@demi3115you’re absolutely wrong.
That horse is making it very clear he does NOT want to do this today!!!
Some of the times when the Guard wishes s/he wasn't carrying a silly sword.
Interesting, too, how so many 'grown-ups' think it's a good idea to offer their small fingers to a large animal's very large teeth. Some fools act like they are just life-sized toys.
This cheeky boy is trying to get himself reassigned. He couldn’t calm down for some reason. Horses are amazing creatures with distinct personalities. Love them so much! Also amazing is how these guards are trained to control their horse with one hand on the rein…respect
Thank you for this really interesting selection of things it makes a pleasant change from some video makers who try with enticing headlines and then you waste time waiting for something exciting, which turns out to be nothing. Thank you.
This poor horse is really uncomfortable. Likely the bit.
That poor horse. So cruel. It shouldn't be a bloody circus.
Why would you touch someones boot 👢?????
Especially the amount of time it takes to polish those huge cavalry boots up to the expected standard.
Or invade personal space in any way - shape - or form?
Not a happy bunny that day and then the idiots line up to be disrespectful, another day at Horse Guards. ☹️
Wonder if the thought of people pawing at him/her all day long and putting their nasty hands in his/her mouth spooked the horse I know I would h get tired of it
The horses seem to be more annoyed by the visitors. I would be.
Horses get anxious, and it saddens me that they are kept standing for hours and on top of that they also have to put up with irritable and disrespectful people. It's horrible! That's why the horse acts in such a protective way. Don't touch and they touch it. And there is also a sign with information and people don't pay attention.
There's something wrong with her mouth. My God give her a break!!!!!
He said nope i will not be doing this today😮😮😮😮
It's distressing to see the horse so distressed. Can't they take him in & change horses? Would seem much better for soldier & horse. Esp since he isn't calming.
It looks to me like the horse was in training and they were not letting the horse dictate and win. I saw no abuse or anything, but yes, you could tell the horse was having a hissy fit.
These guards and their horses are at the top of their game. I watched one of these videos the other day, and this particular horse done the same exact thing, and there weren't any protests nearby or loud drums.
If the horse is having an off day, then it's having an off day.
It was probably that puppy that got it spooked 😂. 🇬🇧💪
This tourist attraction needs to stop. I am surprised people still have access to this place.
Those guards are majestic!! Wow!
Why keep bringing it back when it's so disturbed? Always one nutter, in this case 2 or 3 or 4!.
Canny horses might play up more often if they got let off the hook!
They usually swap the horse out for another after three refusals. They give it a couple of chances to settle down first before immediately changing it out.
Wow! That horse is NOT having a good day…
The band with bagpipes would cause any horse to meltdown
What kind of tourcher bits are they using? All horses seem to have trouble with them!
That poor horse. Obviously something is wrong with the thing in its mouth. Wow! That’s hard to watch! Poor thing!
The guards face is a picture when the guy shouting Jesus is coming wtf really give me a good laugh the way guard looked down at him would love to know what he was thinking, hat's off to this gentleman didn't even crack a smile sorry I would be falling off the horse in stitches well done young man
Ikr. I was thinking the same thing. Lol😂
Ohh he got spooked
Tourists who come 2 London these days R
so bloody rude!!! Why can’t they leave the
King’s Guards alone???