SHE'S ALIVE!?! *Star Wars: The Bad Batch 3x09* Reaction

  • Опубликовано: 8 сен 2024

Комментарии • 72

  • @benspiller
    @benspiller  2 месяца назад

    I am watching all Star Wars in Chronological order; I have seen the Original Trilogy but nothing else beyond the Bad Batch so please be careful of spoilers in the comments.

    • @LeChaunce
      @LeChaunce 2 месяца назад

      So after Bad Batch is done, and before Solo: A Star Wars Story, you should play the video game Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order. It takes place four years after this series and five years before Solo.

  • @willfanofmanyii3751
    @willfanofmanyii3751 2 месяца назад +6

    Tying back to Dark Disciple, Ventress has her hair and yellow saber.
    There are subtle cracks in her skin, leftover scars from Dooku's lightning.

    • @benspiller
      @benspiller  2 месяца назад +1

      Oohh missed the scars but that is so awesome for continuity!!

  • @willfanofmanyii3751
    @willfanofmanyii3751 2 месяца назад +8

    At the end of Dark Disciple, Ventress' body was laid to rest in the lakes of Dathomir. While the characters were departing, they noted a green mist formed in the lake after, which they chalked it up as the spirits of the Nightsisters greeting Ventress.
    Course, now this episode suggests something else happened.

    • @benspiller
      @benspiller  2 месяца назад +2

      Ahh, Only watched a summary of Dark Disciple so some of the details are a little off but this makes sense of the idea of her being resurrected while keeping the story canon.

  • @EM-fl5od
    @EM-fl5od 2 месяца назад +2

    Ventress got her original yellow lightsaber off the black market in Dark Disciple. There was official art made for her hilt and that same model was actually used for half of Maul’s lightsaber in Siege of Mandalore. Since then, she’s remade the hilt into a curved one similar to the ones Dooku gave her. She simply took the yellow kyber and reused it. Also yellow kyber crystals does not mean temple guard, but temple guards usually have yellow lightsaber because they represent protection over something. Therefore, temple guards and other Jedi with yellow lightsabers are Jedi that live to protect what the order means. It’s worth remembering that the Jedi don’t own the Force, meaning that colors of kyber crystals aren’t owned by the Jedi, they represent the user regardless of political/religious affiliation. With the context of Ventress’, it could simply be just a yellow kyber crystal. However, once we know more about her in future projects (which they’ve confirmed, she will appear in future projects) we may see that she’s protecting something. There’s some theories saying that Ventress is working with Vos. I can’t say why. But I can say that Vos never died in Order 66. I just can’t say how or what he’s up to. That’ll be mentioned eventually.

  • @willfanofmanyii3751
    @willfanofmanyii3751 2 месяца назад +4

    By the time of Dark Disciple, Ventress bought a yellow crystal off the black market to build her new saber.

  • @kronos327-1
    @kronos327-1 2 месяца назад +2

    The animation for Ventress going hand to hand with Hunter, Wrecker and Crosshair is so cool. To my uneducated eye, the fight choreography looks "real" as if it could be translated to live action easily. I love that the animators made their clothes give off puffs of dust when struck. Also the water animation looks awesome. This is one of my favorite episodes of season 3.

    • @benspiller
      @benspiller  2 месяца назад

      That fight scene might be my favourite part of the episode, the choreography and the camera work were amazing and went to show off how powerful Ventress is causing after all this is her VS clones when she's gone against Anakin and Kenobi. The animation just keeps getting better and better, I love the detail in everything and how beautifully they're making Pabu, since this is the most recent animated SW thing I hope they do more as I just love seeing what these animators are capable of!

    • @ARandomInternetUser08
      @ARandomInternetUser08 2 месяца назад

      It's probably mo-cap. I love mo-cap in animation. Partly why I love the Maul and Ahsoka fight.

  • @user-ts5ok1lc4m
    @user-ts5ok1lc4m 2 месяца назад +4

    yellow lightsaber means jedi sentinel, the temple guards were sentinels

  • @willfanofmanyii3751
    @willfanofmanyii3751 2 месяца назад +3

    When Fennec messaged her contact in the previous episode, the musical cue was specifically Ventress' theme.

    • @benspiller
      @benspiller  2 месяца назад +1

      Ohhhh I really need to remeber these themes better 😂

  • @SchnellTim
    @SchnellTim 2 месяца назад +2

    Do you remember the flashbacks Ventress had of when she was a padawan and when her master was killed? She had hair then too

  • @hehu4025
    @hehu4025 2 месяца назад +4

    Alright, let's start with Ventress since this is her episode.
    I'll begin with this statement: This is due to Ventress getting her conclusion in a book and not in animation, and Filoni felt that this character deserved more. Honestly, I agree with this. Not everyone reads the books, and Ventress is an iconic character, but I'll get to the problems later.
    (But I think I can tell you a word that will be your best friend: Somehow.
    Why? Well this word is literally a meme because this word was literally used to explain other important event.)
    In the book, Ventress died, which is even confirmed in Bad Batch: "I have died before." Additionally, if you look closely, you can see scars from Dooku's lightning all over her body.
    So the immediate answer is: This is not a retcon, and Ventress indeed died.
    Ventress was buried in the Waters of Life on Dathomir, but that’s definitely not everything. If this was supposed to resurrect her, then any Night Sister could have been resurrected this way after the massacre-unless only the initiation works this way. In that case, a heavy question arises: Why?
    However, I have a theory that someone helped her.
    And it so happens that there was one person on Dathomir. A 12-year-old Night Sister named Merrin, who is beloved by fans.
    Merrin was the only Night Sister left on Dathomir, trying to guard the Magic and culture of the Nightsisters.
    Now, another key event: Order 66 led to the nearby Jedi Talon Malikos crashing on the planet with no hope of return. He promised to help Merrin in exchange for knowledge. Well, he lied. Malikos was corrupted by this knowledge and craved the power of Dathomir.
    In this case, there are two options:
    Merrin accidentally managed to resurrect Ventress without even realizing it.
    Malikos, in his mania, wanted to prove he could resurrect the dead, and succeeded with Ventress as an example.
    Additionally, let’s not forget that Maul was there too, and in Season 7 he has a remade version of Ventress's saber from Dark Disciple. He could have had an influence as well.
    And then there's the broad concept of the Force and Dathomir deciding to bring Ventress back to life for balance or a new important purpose.
    Honestly, Vos could have done something too after Dark Disciple.
    (So there are really many options.)
    What is worth noting is the lightsaber Ventress uses. It’s identical to the one Barriss stole from her, only with a different color (This is not the lightsaber from Dark Disciple which had the same color, but it's possible that the crystal is the same). I’m not saying they met and Barriss gave her back the lightsaber because that's impossible, but I see a strong suggestion towards another character here.
    We don’t know if Vos died in Order 66. In legends, he gets shot in the chest after a long fight and still could have survived. Additionally, after Barriss was captured, those lightsabers were in the Jedi Temple, and after Dark Disciple, Vos could have taken them as a souvenir of his beloved.
    If Ventress didn’t make a copy of the lightsaber, this is probably evidence that Quinlan survived.
    Now my opinion. Personally, I’m not a fan of this idea because it takes away the strength of the Dark Disciple ending, so this needs to be really good with this character to show that Dark Disciple and Ventress’s story wasn’t wasted.
    Back then there was no trailer for Tales of the Empire yet, and in RUclips discussions many agreed with me that Barriss would fit in perfectly here. Additionally, viewers wouldn't know her intentions and potentially new motivations.
    As for Ventress herself, at this moment I would simply prefer to see an animated version of Dark Disciple. Maybe I’ll change my mind once I see the concrete plans for this character. The creators have set a very high bar, possibly an impossible one to achieve.
    Every character dies eventually. Now, Ventress’s death must have an excellent story, conclusion, and emotional ending better than Dark Disciple. Fans will be especially focused on this and will judge every decision.
    And the answer to whether Omega is Force-sensitive:
    Yes and No.
    Yes, because it’s about her blood, which is essential for midichlorian transfer. The blood of other clones reduced the amount of midichlorians, but Omega's blood is different, it didn't destroy them. (And the Kaminoans may have influenced her m-count)
    No, because she is still a clone of Jango, who wasn’t Force-sensitive.
    So honestly, I think Omega is Force-sensitive. It subconsciously influence her (her genius in strategy games or connection with nature) but not to the extent where she could consciously use the Force. At least for now.
    Maybe with a lot of training and a good mentor, she could consciously use the Force.
    (Unfortunately, Ventress trolled the fans and did not confirm this information 100%.)
    And let’s ask what will come after Bad Batch?
    The next series will definitely involve Ventress (there is confirmation about the plans for her), but at the same time, we know there are plans for a series continuing the some plot from Bad Batch.
    Additionally, we have Ahsoka’s actress, who hasn't played her role in a long time, and during this time Ahsoka is already recruited and become more active.
    And I'll play this wild card: Barriss. Before the trailer, Ahsoka's actress said something like "I wonder what happened to Barriss?" That meeting will definitely happen, the only question is when.
    And I think Quinlan is very alive and will also appear. This will be a continuation of Dark Disciple.
    It is also possible that we will see Maul or some of his steps because a few years after the rise of the Empire he became more active. For example his spies, literally completely infiltrated the Empire.
    Do you remember Master Jocasta (the librarian)? Before her death at Vader's hands, she told him that Palpatine intended to replace him. Vader destroyed that holocron and lied to Palpatine, saying it was destroyed during the fight with Jocasta.
    Of course, there are other holocrons with lists, but the main one in the Jedi Temple, which was of greatest interest to Sidious, was destroyed.
    And Omega probably wasn't on that list because it is a map of the place where the Jedi discovered someone who is Force sensitive.
    The holocron itself doesn't "sense" it. It's simply information recorded by the Jedi.
    Plus, it's worth mentioning that during this hunt, Commander Fox died. The clones didn't know that Vader was involved in the fight and opened fire on him, considering him as an enemy. Fox paid the ultimate price for this mistake.

    • @IggyStardust1967
      @IggyStardust1967 2 месяца назад

      To clarify that slightly, everyone has SOME level of "Force Potential", it's a matter of degrees. In Omega's case, she has a strong "intuition" that she's learned to listen to. If that's her top potential, that's fine. But as you said, that her blood doesn't "decrease" midichlorians when they are added to her blood (at least, outside of her body) says that her blood is indeed special in some way. The question is, could midichlorians be added to her blood while it's pumping through her veins? If so, what effect would THAT have?
      I'm going to guess that her blood is special because of some sort of meddling the Kaminoans did with her genetic structure. Notice that Emery Carr has a very similar voice to Omega, I'm going to hazard a guess that they were both grown at the same time, one with growth acceleration and one without. Nala Sai has been too protective of Omega to not have been involved.
      Also, Ben, if you read this, none of this is "spoiler" territory, I honestly do not know the answers to these questions/guesses.

    • @benspiller
      @benspiller  2 месяца назад

      Okay, this Ventress stuff has got my head spinning 😂😂
      Love that there are so many options for her return but I completely agree it has to be done so carefully to be worth messing with Dark Disciple. The ending did so much for her and I do wish now that they made an animated version of the book and just left the ending in a more ambiguous way to hint at a resurrection. Cool that another Night Sister survived and actually guarded the magic, I feel like that thread of story could be the strongest in bringing Ventress back.
      But yeah all this talk and this whole episode feel like it hinted at a new show and if what Ahsoka's VA said is a hint I could totally see a show staring Ventress, Ahsoka and Barriss fighting the Empire and dealing with Maul, Vos's return and something with Barriss. It would be such a good opportunity to try and explain Ventress' stuff and I love the idea of these three having a team-up since their history is so crazy.

  • @calistodorren
    @calistodorren 13 дней назад +1

    The force can be used to enhance physical ability, it's not just chucking things with telekinesis or mind control; that's why Sidious and Yoda were so fast and why Ventress could hurt Savage & Wrecker w/ punches despite the size difference, remember, Wrecker went toe-to-toe via fisticuffs w/ a baby Rancor in S1. The fact that the boys are able to keep up w/ her this well proves just how much better they are than the Regs...

  • @EM-fl5od
    @EM-fl5od 2 месяца назад +1

    Worth mentioning that Asajj was originally planned to reappear in Star Wars Resistance, meaning there were always plans for her to live a long life. Then, they decided to make a novelization of the unproduced 8-episode TCW arc for Dark Disciple. It’s also not a retcon, it’s just a continuation.
    I also don’t really see it as much of a big deal because I always saw her ending in Dark Disciple as a prime example of fridging. They introduced Vos as Asajj’s love interest and then they killed her off to progress his story and give him character development, whereas Ventress is just left there, and she’s not even really “redeemed.” She also didn’t even really go out fighting the way that she should’ve.. and the entire novel she was nerfed and way weaker than she actually was. I also didn’t even find her death sad, as a big fan of her, I was kinda just like “Oh.. she’s dying now.. ok..” So personally, I’m glad they’re continuing her story to give her a better and more complete arc. I’ve actually loved the idea of Asajj and Ahsoka being old grandmasters in a new Jedi Order…

  • @willfanofmanyii3751
    @willfanofmanyii3751 2 месяца назад +3

    Omega's blood is confusing Ventress. Omega doesn't display any traits of a force sensitive potential, but Omega's blood being compatible is causing Ventress' senses to pick up on something.
    Like Ventress said, she doesn't know everything, she can't give an actual answer since she doesn't know about Omega's blood.

    • @benspiller
      @benspiller  2 месяца назад +1

      That's what I was beginning to think, her blood is just weird which made Ventress continue testing after she failed the first one but she's just not telling the batch everything to try and keep Omega safe.

  • @timsudmeier6482
    @timsudmeier6482 2 месяца назад +1

    About measuring M-count: I would assume that M-count-measure-devices are hard to aquire these days, since the jedi are wiped out and Palpatine does not want random force sensitives knowing about their potential, since this would endanger his "peace"...

    • @benspiller
      @benspiller  2 месяца назад

      That's true! Hadn't thought about it like that so it's a cool detail that Ventress had to go to 'old fashion' methods to test Omega.

  • @morgantippets3455
    @morgantippets3455 2 месяца назад +1

    Lucasfilm has clarified that Dark Disciple is still canon and this isn’t the last we will see of Ventress

  • @timsudmeier6482
    @timsudmeier6482 2 месяца назад +1

    About dark disciple: The writers already confirmed that they made sure not to contradict the novel. How exactly this works out is unclear, the voice actress confirmed that we will get more on ventress soon... I would assume that her survival has something to do with night sister magic. Maybe she did die, but Voss tried to resurect her after the war with some ritual...

    • @benspiller
      @benspiller  2 месяца назад

      I'm assuming the green stuff at the end of the book leaves it ambiguous as to maybe her resurrection, just want to get some explanation on it so Ventress' story doesn't stay in limbo 😂 Interesting that they've teased more of Ventress soon, this whole episode almost felt like the Bad Batch's arc in Clone Wars where it teased their show so maybe this is teasing something like that for Ventress.

  • @MatthewJamesKalasky
    @MatthewJamesKalasky 2 месяца назад +1

    4:11 She was an assassin, so she probably operated in secret, and, therefore, not widely known about, I guess. I don't know.

  • @IggyStardust1967
    @IggyStardust1967 2 месяца назад +1

    12:15 - Despite what the toxic portion of the fanbase will say on this, George Lucas DID state (back in the early 1980s) that everyone has SOME measure of Force Potential. You've seen the OT, so let's start there (and probably stay there, to avoid spoilers).... "The Force is an energy field created by *ALL* living things. It surrounds us, penetrates us, it binds the galaxy together." - Obi-Wan Kenobi (A New Hope). Yoda said basically the same thing in Empire Strikes Back. Going to the PT, it was clearly stated that Anakin had the highest midichlorian count Qui-Gon had ever seen in a life form. Midichlorians measure a being's Potential in being able to utilize The Force.
    Omega, it seems (from this episode alone) is "below" the standard that a child would be taken to the Jedi Temple for training. But we've seen her have a pretty good level of intuition, but she also seems to have an innate ability to connect with some animals (Batcher, for instance). This may be the peak of her ability to use The Force, but it may not. We don't know at this point (this episode), but Ventress did seem to confirm that Omega isn't up to becoming a Jedi. She's just not that strong.

    • @benspiller
      @benspiller  2 месяца назад

      What I got from this episode was that Omega was Force-weird 😂😂 She gave off something that Ventress could pick up on but she wasn't powerful enough to manifest anything, which obviously leaves Ventress confused about what's going on with her 😂. Definitely think she's been doing some stuff with the Force but probably not intentionally, she befriended Batcha super quickly and she's always super aware so I'd guess she's just below the threshold for the Jedi.

  • @TheTrytix
    @TheTrytix 2 месяца назад +1

    I haven't read the comment section here so apologize in advance if anything I mention here has already been said.
    Yes, they retconned Ventress' death from the Dark Disciple, it is what it is. TV-Show has higher priority than books when it comes to canonicity.
    When it comes to Omega, it's become apparent that she does not possess the force, or has force sensitivity, at least that is what I am gathering from this. Her midichlorian count is not nearly high enough to allow for it. HOWEVER, she instead seem to possess the binding agent required in order to clone force sensitives, hence why she is still important to Hemlock and his research.
    Then again, force sensitivity seem to also be something that CAN manifest in people much later than in others, like we see with Luke Skywalker in the Original trilogy.
    Up til a New Hope, Luke pretty much just showcased incredible talent in piloting and shooting womp-rats, talents that could be signs of force sensitivity as they are enhanced reflexes or such.
    However it wasn't until when Luke was on Hoth, imprisoned by the Wampa, where Luke tapped into the force, and from then he's literally only gotten stronger and stronger. Even so powerful that when he tapped into the dark side of the force, he was able to defeat Vader, which is one hell of a feat. All of that in a matter of 4 years.
    So Omega COULD be a late bloomer like Luke, where as long as she is given the proper training, she COULD potentially reveal her force sensitivity, if she has it.

    • @Aewon84
      @Aewon84 2 месяца назад

      According to the writers everything that happened in Dark Disciple happened.

    • @TheTrytix
      @TheTrytix 2 месяца назад

      @@Aewon84 I'm willing to suggest most if not almost all of it happened... Except Ventress didn't die... Unless she did, and somehow made Plagueis proud by cheating death...

    • @benspiller
      @benspiller  2 месяца назад

      I really need them to animate Dark Disciple now and add the changed ending to get a better idea of what's happening 😂 I hope they didn't retcon it all and just the ending or even keep the ending with the green mist and change that to allude to her resurrection. Omega's force stuff is so weird and it's left so ambiguous, think my understanding is that anyone can be force sensitive but it's just easier for others with a high midichlorian count so Omega could be or anyone could be but this episode's purpose was to show off she's at least Force-Weird and has something strange going on in her that Ventress could pick up on.

  • @arandominternetuser9099
    @arandominternetuser9099 2 месяца назад +1

    Other people have said it, but where Ventress was laid to rest, a green mist appeared. That could be the key. I haven't read the book so I don't know everything. 😅
    The only thing Omega has is the capability of having a high m-count. Hemlock's working on specialized operatives, and at the same time trying to get those samples from Omega. Hmmm, maybe the goal is to combine the 2 to make force sensitive clones for Palpatine?
    Ventress making Omega leave so she could confront the rest of the, to have her be away and not witness the fighting.
    I think yellow just means the character is at peace, balanced, but I could be wrong. Not many characters have yellow lightsabers.
    Ventress saying "stop's unsettling" kind of reminds me of what Padme said in AotC to Anakin when he was looking at her: "please don't look at me like makes me feel uncomfortable". 😂
    I loved Ventress turning towards Wrecker and his reaction. She was like "y'know I know can sense that you're looking at us right?" 😂
    14:41 that music kind of sounds like the music in TPM when Qui-Gon said "there's always a bigger fish". It was kind of a similar situation too, with the smaller creatures luring in the bigger creature.
    I would post this comment on my main ARandomInternetUser08 account but for some reason every comment I post is getting instantly deleted, no matter what the comment is.

    • @benspiller
      @benspiller  2 месяца назад

      I have to assume that is the key to her resurection, hope we get to see it animated at some point just to stop my mind spinning 😂
      Definitely think Omega is Force-Weird after this with how Ventress kept trying to test her so she knew something was up, still can't tell what Palp's is up to but I hope not a Force-Weilding Clone army, that'd be way to overpowered and it makes me question how the inquisitors would fit in. Loved all of Ventress's scenes in this 😂 none where wasted! They either went to show off her power, give her a fun moment with her great personality or show of her intelligence and how far she's come with the Force.
      Not sure what's up with the comments, I'll have a look and see if there's anything going on with my end that's doing that.

    • @benspiller
      @benspiller  2 месяца назад

      Did a quick search and RUclips might think your comments were spam, I've set your account, ARandomInternetUser08, to always have comments approved so hopefully it should be fixed now 😁

    • @arandominternetuser9099
      @arandominternetuser9099 2 месяца назад

      @@benspiller I don't think it is. It happened on other videos too. RUclips goes through weird periods where it just keeps deleting my comments. It's fine on that account not though.

    • @arandominternetuser9099
      @arandominternetuser9099 2 месяца назад

      @@benspiller I was starting to suspect that'd be the case too, because it's happened in the past when I'm on YT for a while and post a lot of comments.
      I did try posting each line separately and that worked for a bit but then I got to one line of my comment where it deleted it, but then I adjusted it to hopefully allow it to pass by RUclips's system (it's ultra sensitive), deleted my single line replies and put them back into one comment again, still didn't work, then I decided to just post each reply individually again but then nothing posted at that point. It was weird. Hopefully it works from now on. 👍

  • @willfanofmanyii3751
    @willfanofmanyii3751 2 месяца назад +1

    It's a testament of where Ventress is now, since Dark Side users can't connect/calm animals.

    • @benspiller
      @benspiller  2 месяца назад

      Loved seeing how far she's come like this, all the dark side stuff and nightsisters to being at this level of light is amazing!

  • @ItApproaches
    @ItApproaches 2 месяца назад +1

    I'm surprised you read Dark Disciple, I haven't even read it, and never even heard of it until Ventress showed up in this episode and people were like wtf? Although after looking into it, it's not an issue at all, Ventress was bathed in the magic water at one point, so it was left open that IF they wanted to bring her back, she could come back. Night sister magic is a wacky thing. Also why is it shocking Ventress found Pabu? Fennac literally told Ventress the coordinates lol. As for what Ventress is now, she is not a Jedi or Sith, she is just a Force User. She is neutral, she is balanced, hence the yellow lightsaber. And Omega is NOT force sensitive which was a nice change of pace, she doesn't need to be. Her character doesn't need it. Also Omega saying "I bet you don't know what your talking about." Was a call back of sorts to how Luke reacted to Yoda when Yoda to Luke to lift his ship out og the Swamp. Luke was like it's impossible, nobody could do it! Then Yoda had to show him.

    • @benspiller
      @benspiller  2 месяца назад

      Ended up watching a summary video of Dark Disciple after I found out Ventress' story ends off-screen. Her being resurrected by the green mist stuff is definitely what I'd assume would be the answer to her return here, just want to see it cause if the book stays canon they're gonna have to explain it eventually. Fennec never got the coordinates for Pabu, she literally said to Ventress she'd have no trouble tracking the Batch down, meaning she had no coordinates to give her so Ventress had to find them herself. This means she was able to find Pabu and track the Batch here which opens the door for others to do it too. Omega may not be Force Sensitive but this episode definitely showed she was Force-Weird, she clearly gave off something for Ventress to keep testing her. I do love the call back to Luke and Yoda, it's so cool how they mirrored that scene here.

    • @ItApproaches
      @ItApproaches 2 месяца назад

      @@benspiller Huh, I thought Fennac was on Pabu, guess I remember it wrong. Either way, how Ventress found them is never even focused on anyway lol. So don't worry about it. As for Omega, it's not the she her self is force anything, he blood is just capable of maintaining force stuff with Hemlocks experiments for the Emperor. So while I guess they could make her Force Sensitive, she isn't in her current situation. Her blood is just compatible with M count research.

  • @JamesVirtue-xu7wb
    @JamesVirtue-xu7wb 2 месяца назад +2

    Apparently Ventress was resurrected by the spirits of the Nightsisters after Quinlan buried her on Dathomir, or something? Anyway, Ventress and the Temple Guards are far from the only people with yellow-bladed lightsabers.
    Also, Omega doesn't have Force-sensetivity, or at least probably. We only know her blood doesn't degrade midichlorians when they're added to it.

    • @benspiller
      @benspiller  2 месяца назад

      Okay definitely want more details on this resurrection, seems like a cool idea but thinking about the Nightsisters having that kind of power after death is terrifying. Guess now in the galaxy anyone could have any lightsaber colour especially yellow since the Temple Guard position is kind of over, I feel like they left Omega's force sensitivity very ambiguous with Hunter saying Ventress was lying, either she isn't Force Sensative and Ventress was telling the truth in which case Hunter was wrong for assuming she was lying, or Ventress was lying meaning Omega is displaying Force Sensitive traits to her and she lied to protect her.

  • @BalletStrong-cl6cb
    @BalletStrong-cl6cb 2 месяца назад +1

    I just want to point out....Crosshair has some real game this episode.

  • @ActionAndRace
    @ActionAndRace 2 месяца назад +1

    After The Bad Batch ends, what Star wars series will you watch next?

    • @benspiller
      @benspiller  2 месяца назад +1

      Next up will be the first two episode of Tales Of The Empire for each character, watching the last episodes later when they line up with the timeline, The Acolyte, Solo, Kenobi Andor, etc.

  • @miquelcanosasanteularia1678
    @miquelcanosasanteularia1678 2 месяца назад +1

    I believe that the dark disciple is no longer cannon. Either that or she revived/faked her death

    • @2apocalypsex
      @2apocalypsex 2 месяца назад

      It is still Canon

    • @playlistb3795
      @playlistb3795 2 месяца назад

      The writers said that the book is canon. She even still had the scars from Dooku's lightning when you see the close up of her face.
      I'm guessing they just made it confirmed that the Nightsister magic brought her back

    • @benspiller
      @benspiller  2 месяца назад

      I really hope it stays canon, watched a summary going over the major stuff so some of the minor details I just don't know but the story itself is so good with what it does for Ventress and it'd be such a shame to retcon it.

  • @LeChaunce
    @LeChaunce 2 месяца назад +2

    This and many other events coming up are why I ignore the books and comics. Whenever they reference events from those media in the audio-visual media (movies, shows, video games), they rewrite or contradict them, and leave the book/comics authors to figure out how to justify the retcon (I have plenty of other examples of this, but they're later in the timeline). Dave Filoni recently said in an interview that at this point you can pick and choose the canon from what you like and the only stuff he considers absolute canon are the productions George himself worked on or signed off on (and, one assumes, the later Disney movies and those things he had a hand in). For me, that's just AV Star Wars -- your mileage may (and should!) vary.

    • @benspiller
      @benspiller  2 месяца назад +1

      Completely understand this perspective, when working on a franchise this large with so much stuff happening in loads of different types of media with hundreds of people involved it's gonna be a nightmare to keep track of things across it all. Since this whole show was so recent back when I was watching Clone Wars I was told her ending happened off screen so I looked up Dark Disciple to find out how her character ended but of course, now this does mess with that. Hope she'll be used more now and be given a chance to 'course correct' her character to fix the gap that's now present between her now and everything she did in Dark Disciple.

  • @redcardinalist
    @redcardinalist 2 месяца назад +1

    Regarding Ventress not being a Jedi now, you need to be trained in the ways of the Jedi to be a...well...Jedi. Also, I don't think you need to specifically be a Jedi to be a "good" force user? But I'm not an expert on SW so perhaps I'm wrong about that?
    Loved the return of Ventress btw.

    • @benspiller
      @benspiller  2 месяца назад

      It honestly puts her in such an interesting position which I hope they stick with if she shows up again, with the fall of the Jedi Order I'd expect a bunch of different practices to emerge since the teachings are effectively gone, Ventress is doing the best with what she's got and she might end up aligning with what the Jedi were but for now I like that she's a wild card!

  • @professionaltwilekmilker7308
    @professionaltwilekmilker7308 2 месяца назад +1

    You know about Dark Disciple? I wasn't aware you did anything with the books.
    But anyways, Dark Disciple. It's still canon I guess? According to Disney, when she appeared in the trailer for this show they said they were keeping the book canon, so I guess they just changed the ending? Considering the ending was a pretty important part to the overall story, idk how Voss turns back to the jedi or anything... but whatever.
    Looking at it from an outsider prospective though, someone who might have been just a simple fan of Clone Wars and is now watching this show, I'd be pissed if I found out that a pretty interesting character like Ventress just dies in some random book. So I think it's understandable that they kept her alive, for the casual fans that are far more common than the people who go as far as to read the books.
    Now I hate to recommend things, but... there's a book I'd highly recommend reading or listening to before you start Rebels.
    It's called A New Dawn, and it's a prequel to Star Wars Rebels. It's set 5 years before the show, and spoils nothing besides something that's revealed in literally the 1st episode of the show. It's by no means essential reading, so no worries if your too busy or just don't want to, but it provides some context to the relationship between 2 of the main characters. Plus, I just really love the book, so that's another benefit.
    That's all though. For the 100th time, sorry for asking you to do things, but I wanted to at least let you know.
    Quick question though, do you get physical copies of the book, or do you listen to audio books?

    • @benspiller
      @benspiller  2 месяца назад +1

      I watched a summary video of Dark Disciple casue I found videos going through the scipt that was light 8 hours 😂 don't know if I found the right thing but that was going to take way too long to get through.
      Ventress' return is so conflicting for me, there are good and bad things to this but my biggest concern is what this does for her character, Dark Disciple offered an ending and completed her story, from a dark side assassin to sacrificing herself to save someone she loved was absolutely amazing, to bring her back means she is alone again and basically at where she was at the end of the Clone Wars and to redo that development would have to exclude Vos if he did die during Order 66.
      On the other hand, such a cool story would be missed by causal people who aren't going to look into her ending so bringing her back allows them to show it off in a flashback or something, just think it's going to be very difficult to streamline her character when involving everything but it could be successful if done well.
      I'll have a look for the book, it all depends on how long it ends up being but I'll probably find an audiobook of it or I might have to find a summary video on it.

    • @professionaltwilekmilker7308
      @professionaltwilekmilker7308 2 месяца назад

      @@benspiller fair enough. I listened to the audio book via audible, which you can get a free trial with that let's you gain permanent access to 1 book of your choosing, even after canceling. Issue is, the book was like 13 hours, so it's quite long.
      If you don't have time to read it yourself, I would highly recommend avoiding any summaries and such. As I said, it's not essential reading, and definitely not worth the risk of hearing any form of spoilers for the show itself from the person talking about the book in whatever video or summary you may find.

  • @Killerbee4712
    @Killerbee4712 2 месяца назад +2

    Why... why is there always a huge monster?

    • @benspiller
      @benspiller  2 месяца назад

      😂😂 Getting way to often!

  • @willfanofmanyii3751
    @willfanofmanyii3751 2 месяца назад +2

    Ventress' return was met with mixed reception, some were happy to see her again, others annoyed the book was just a footnote.
    Though many also pointed out it being another symptom of Disney Star Wars' obsession with giving the female characters extreme plot armor.

    • @redcardinalist
      @redcardinalist 2 месяца назад

      Perhaps it might also be a symptom of some fans having an obsession against prominent female characters? (Given the sheer number of male characters in SW that also have extreme plot armor.)

    • @willfanofmanyii3751
      @willfanofmanyii3751 2 месяца назад +1

      @@redcardinalist Actual plot armor is female characters never getting hurt in battle and surviving sabers stabs.

    • @Aewon84
      @Aewon84 2 месяца назад

      @@willfanofmanyii3751 One survived because of the dark side, the other because she got help immediately. Are we going to talk about Darth Maul, a MALE character, surviving getting cut in two?

    • @willfanofmanyii3751
      @willfanofmanyii3751 2 месяца назад

      @@Aewon84 You mean the guy who was a broken mess for over a decade because of his injuries and only lived because of the dark side? Compared to the little girl who somehow survived a saber to the chest?

    • @benspiller
      @benspiller  2 месяца назад +1

      I do like that they brought Ventress back but I think there were better ways to do it, wish they made an animated version of Dark Disciple and ended it in a way that alluded more to her resurrection instead of having her just pop up again without explanation and causing people to think that such a good story might have been retconned.

  • @miquelcanosasanteularia1678
    @miquelcanosasanteularia1678 2 месяца назад +1

    Confuse emotions in this episode

  • @Killerbee4712
    @Killerbee4712 2 месяца назад +1

    I agree. They revived ventress for the trailer imo. This was definitely the weakest episode in the season for me.

    • @benspiller
      @benspiller  2 месяца назад

      Still feels weird that they revealed her return in a trailer 😂 feel like this could have been handled better and given a butter tie-in with Dark Disciple instead of having to question its continuity. But yeah this episode did feel like the Bad Batch but more Clone Wars with Force focus, almost like the Bad Batch's episode in CW which teased their own show so this could be the same for Ventress.