Weekly Vlog: Cannot or Will Not?

  • Опубликовано: 26 дек 2024

Комментарии • 95

  • @millbranch2
    @millbranch2 Год назад +68

    FYI I lost 105 pounds on canned and frozen veggies and bagged salad mix. You do not have to eat nothing but freshly chopped, beautiful produce. I am a very no-prep cook. BLE makes that SO easy. You just have to find your personal groove inside the bright lines.

    • @Brightlineeating
      @Brightlineeating  Год назад +1


    • @wl5609
      @wl5609 Год назад +2

      Congratulations, that's fantastic!
      May I ask how long you've sustained this diet, and do you think it will be sustainable in your future?..❤❤❤

    • @millbranch2
      @millbranch2 Год назад +14

      @@wl5609 I’ve been at or beneath my goal weight for 10 months. No cravings, no inability to stop eating. But I have also kept my lines bright. No sugar, no flour, three meals, weighed and written down the night before. I eat only and exactly my plan because my plan is what keeps me energetic and in my bright body. BLE is not a diet. It’s a true mind shift around food and eating that has absolutely set me free. I’m never going back to where I was. Sugar and flour are simply not worth my peace. Sending love to you!!

    • @wl5609
      @wl5609 Год назад +5

      @@millbranch2 Wow, thank you so much for sharing... I wish you all the best of success forever!..🙏💜

    • @Godblessed2
      @Godblessed2 10 месяцев назад +1

      What did you do for protein? I need my journey to be as prep free as yours.

  • @jenniferc4677
    @jenniferc4677 Год назад +44

    This vlog is now saved as my favorite. It spoke to me, from beginning to end. I was tearing up for half of it. "The swiftness with which a can and will turns into a cannot or will not is horrifying. Have respect for the bright line that signals the cliff." Thank you Susan, from the bottom of my heart. I needed this.

  • @mongoliamel
    @mongoliamel Год назад +14

    "The line between cannot and will not is so mysterious." This is the one thing I've never been able to explain to people who don't have a food addiction. Thanks, Susan, for this vlog.

  • @fmerrow
    @fmerrow Год назад +10

    Yes, addiction is a beast. I learned this over a decade ago when I decided to give up caffeine. It took the longest time control and for 3 years afterwards I had the physical sensation of caffeine going down my throat every time I passed a Del Taco even though I wasn't drinking. Additionally, I was very fortunate that alcohol was something I went cold turkey on at the age of 12 when my inebriated grandfather had an accident right in front of me.
    I am currently taking BC2 and a week after my "day #1" I was contemplating how lucky I was that I was dealing only with food. I cannot imagine what it must be like to face all three addictions at the same time. My heart goes out to those facing those additional challenges.
    God's light and love to you and yours.

    • @mariajmc6557
      @mariajmc6557 Год назад

      gratitude its not alcohol or drugs or cigarettes Thank you Jesus!!!

  • @slindtner7524
    @slindtner7524 Год назад +5

    Hi Susan this blog made me realise I have toyed with the solution BLE and not taken my wellbeing g seriously. This blog and your others where you bare yourself is my lifesaver truly. Sharyn from Australia

  • @thathomesteadfamily5200
    @thathomesteadfamily5200 Год назад +6

    I used to say that quitting smoking was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done. But I’ve realized that my weight gain after quitting was because I only transferred one addiction for another. This is much more of an emotional addictive for me.
    After crying last week because food wasn’t fun anymore, my son suggested instead of finding my motivation (which is fleeting) but instead to find my dedication (which is lasting). There are days I will not and other days I cannot. Distinguishing is difficult. Addiction is such a BEAST! Yes!

  • @sfree322
    @sfree322 Год назад +10

    This is a keeper! I don’t easily get emotional, but this resonated so deeply. It’s a question I’ve grappled with for decades; “why is it so hard to eat right even when your life is on the line and you actually love life?” I used to judge people who wouldn’t do better until I became one of those who couldn’t seem to stop craving and binging even when my blood sugar was over 400. I am learning to have compassion for myself and others but that isn’t enough. I have to stop dancing at the edge of the cliff with my eyes closed!!!

  • @sallydebroux6117
    @sallydebroux6117 Год назад +21

    My dear SPT, thank you for this vlog. I love you, and I deeply appreciate your unstoppaBLE warrior self. Thank you for all you have done and continue to do to fight for yourself and for all of us. Beginner's Mind was amazing for me my first 1.5 years in BLE, and I experienced food freedom and a right sized body. I relapsed during year two for any number of reasons (but primarily because addiction is a BEAST) and have been struggling as you described for over a year now. I come from a 12-step history, and your quotes from the Big Book moved me as they always have. I am picking myself up today and running at the beast once again with all of the resources available, and asking myself what else I can do that I have not tried. Your story always brings me hope and possibility. Thank you.

  • @Rose8
    @Rose8 Год назад +4

    I wish I never had to eat again! I joined ble 2015. I had such success, down 80lbs. then the stress of life kicked in and I've gained back the weight But I haven't ever quit! I'm still working to get back to where I was. Ble is definitely the way❤

    • @liisaking1247
      @liisaking1247 Год назад +3

      See, this is what makes food issues so much more difficult IMO than many/most other addictions. If you're an alcoholic, you can stop drinking alcohol and not be confronted with it multiple times per day. There is no necessity to drink alcoholic beverages in order to stay alive or healthy, no requirement to take illegal street drugs to live. But we all need food, on a very regular basis. So, those decisions confront people with food issues/addictions every single time they need to eat, even when they've stopped consuming the addictive item(s), even when they've made a rational choice. And decision fatigue, particularly at the end of a long or difficult day, is a very real thing.

  • @JudyFuller-c4v
    @JudyFuller-c4v Год назад +5

    WOW! After listening to this vlog, I now understand just what happened to me after I did the 14-day Challenge in 2017, the Boot Camp in Oct. of 2017, successfully finished loosing the weight I needed to loose, but then became complacent (?), or something, and wondered why a particular NMF craving just sky-rocketed! I've started Boot Camp 2.0 and WILL go on to Maintenance I, II and III, after that, to remain successful, Lord willing! Thank you sooo, much for this timely (for me) vlog, Dr. Susan! Much love, Judy ;-)

  • @MelodyProsser
    @MelodyProsser Год назад +8

    That was powerful and insightful. I love your call to compassion and understanding for those who struggle. I white-knuckled my way through BLE for a month. It was all I could do at the time. I may return to it next year as I am in a different head and heart space. My sugar and lour consumption is minimal, I don't overeat and no longer experience cravings. That in and of itself is an accomplishment. Thank you Susan!

  • @indigolotussanctuary8750
    @indigolotussanctuary8750 Год назад +1

    If ever there was a podcast I needed to hear it is this one! Thank you Susan. For your authenticity, compassion and courage.

  • @jessicamccain3142
    @jessicamccain3142 Год назад +2

    I think we dont talk enough about the CDC/Kaiser ACEs study. They found that those with a lot of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) were ultimately not willing/able to give up overeating because for them it was a necessary coping mechanism, presumably to deal with their trauma. If you dont work with finding better ways to remain functioning in the face of trauma triggers, giving up the eating can be almost impossible.

  • @carlamangelfish
    @carlamangelfish Год назад +2

    And this week, SPT tackles the classic religious question of free will vs predestination. Wisely, she refrains from attempting to provide an answer, but looks deeply into the eternal mystery, inviting us to look with her.

  • @ashleyapplebanana
    @ashleyapplebanana Год назад +2

    You should study Charlotte Mason’s work on habits and “The Way of the Will.” You’d love it. Her motto is: “I am, I can, I ought, I will.” Her ideas on habits and daily routines pre-date all the current gurus’ by 100 years and she nails the truth even harder! Fantastic set of books, her volumes. There are 6.

  • @dannelbrady2485
    @dannelbrady2485 Год назад +3

    Great vlog! I love the honesty and the vulnerability that you share so well. I’m new to BLE, 3 on susceptibility chart. Addiction is not really my issue. But I never thought It possible to not eat flour or sugar. It was my Can’t/or Will not. Being focused on the plan it was over a week before I realized no flour or sugar was Eaten by Me!! It’s been 5 weeks and the feeling of so many great things in my body causes me to stay focused and work to keep my lines Bright!! Thank you❤
    And May God Bless you richly🙏

  • @amycarleton9186
    @amycarleton9186 3 месяца назад

    I so needed to hear this tonight, Susan. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

  • @fionah3433
    @fionah3433 Год назад +1

    Susan, this is one of the most powerful vlogs yet. It resonated for me in a completely different way. I remember years ago seeing a story in our local newspaper. It was about a man working the streets helping people get into recovery and stay clean and sober. It took him 13! tries to get to that place himself, but he DID get there. The "cannot or will not" really made a point with me in the following context: in the spring of 2021 I was working for a local community action program who had purchased an old motel as a homeless shelter. It turned out to be an exercise in frustration because the people that we had to house first* were the chronically homeless. People who are chronically homeless almost always have drug/alcohol/mental health challenges that keep them in that position. Having worked in direct care mental health for 6 years, and having studied extensively about addiction and the human brain, (Professor Thompson has a PhD in Brain and Cognitive Science, [I think that's right] but for the uninitiated, the prefrontal cortex where executive functioning takes place doesn't work correctly in active addiction) I understand that despite agreeing to following the rules of the shelter, most people whose brains are still in addiction mode could not or would not follow the rules and ended up getting evicted, frequently within 24 hours. There is so much more to this but it was very tragic because it was yet another "fail" for people who had known mostly failure in their lives already.
    *Our yardstick for determining who was first in line to get a room at the shelter was a computer program that kicked out a number based on all the factors we entered when doing an intake. Basically the more of a mess your life was, the sooner you would get in. I see a parallel to the susceptibility scale in BLE. The way we did it didn't work though, it was like taking someone who is a "10 plus plus" and in active addiction and dropping them in to an environment where others have been bright for years and saying "OK, now swim!" They were set up to fail by the system and most of them did.

  • @photomom1983
    @photomom1983 4 месяца назад

    Thank you for this vlog! I fell off the edge 9 years ago, and still feel like I "cannot" but this is helping me to feel like I can try again.

  • @laurieolson7425
    @laurieolson7425 Год назад +1

    Wow, this is deep. I need to think about this a lot. I was in the can not for a bit but I found my willingness again. I'm very thankful to be back in the middle of the community.

  • @dragonlei3
    @dragonlei3 Год назад +2

    Thank you Susan! Love you. I need to ReZoom....

  • @janelinquist4622
    @janelinquist4622 Год назад +2

    What a lovely vlog. Thank you for reminding me to be loving to those in my family who just aren't ready to make the changes they need to make. I don't want to judge them, I want to understand, but I cannot - so it's me that has to change the way I support and love them until they can.

  • @sherylwilliams6945
    @sherylwilliams6945 Год назад +2

    Thank you SFT, that was wonderfully inspirational. It reminded me I am unstoppable. Thank you.

  • @millbranch2
    @millbranch2 Год назад +2

    I think there is only Cannot. The work starts before the plan to get ready to face yourself and your pain and your past. The solution for me was support, support, support. It’s super hard to tackle that stuff alone.

  • @JoyceRosa-hx7zr
    @JoyceRosa-hx7zr Год назад

    I soooo needed this I take a psychotropic medication that hinders weight loss. But I am overweight and have a deep desire to eat healthy thank you for reminding me to be unstoppable

  • @karinanagel7358
    @karinanagel7358 Год назад +1

    Thank you Deanna for your insight into the can not will not concept. I have been in and out of the rooms of food addiction the past 10 years and my biggest barrier was the surrendering of my will and while I have done the 12-steps, I also know there are so many habits and patterns that need to be broken along with the guilt and shame I've carried a long time... I'm finding this program to have a missing link that keeps me wanting to learn and live more than what I've settled for in the past. Thank you!

  • @CindyMOA
    @CindyMOA Год назад +2

    HP timed this well for me today. Thank you!

  • @carmelmcginn737
    @carmelmcginn737 Год назад +1

    Congratulations Susan..A wonderful vlog..You've got my attention once more. This genius vlog is right up there with your best of the best. I greatly appreciate your time and life changing information..'Will not or cannot'? is a powerful mantra to use as a coping mechanism...you know, at those vulnerable times ,when we need a quick reality check to keep on the BLE path...Most grateful Susan, thank you 🙏

  • @sukkar5200
    @sukkar5200 Год назад +3

    Thanks for bringing the Big Book, too rarely spoken of. Thanks for harsh but true words about the complexity of addiction. It gets even more complicated when we look at the generational and society factors. And food addiction is even more twisted 'cause we cannot put away eating whereas an alcoholic can put away alcohol.
    I just listened to your I Can Do It presentation and made notes. I feel blessed for it.

  • @ElizabethEllison-z1g
    @ElizabethEllison-z1g 11 месяцев назад

    Such a powerful video. Thank you so much for sharing. 💖

  • @Krnhim
    @Krnhim Год назад

    Outstanding Vlog! I have had a super smooth first 13 days of bootcamp until last night when addiction raised it's ugly head! I didn't give in, but the power of it scared me! Also, as a Spiritual Director (with an MA in Christian Spirituality) I appreciated the references to the human person surrounding volition and the mysteries of the cannot/will not issues. I have often pondered on that myself and can hold the mystery.

  • @kathleenflanagan9141
    @kathleenflanagan9141 Год назад

    Thanks so much for this vlog. I am a long timer in a 12 step program but have struggled with food my entire life. (Why not) I surrender and take it back(wash and repeat). I was interested in your scientific comments on how the body will set up cravings as we release pounds. (Stop, stop, we're starving in here!). I know about plateaus, but this explanation makes perfect sense as well. Just starting BLE with your book and recipes and I am finding my way! God Bless you Susan!

  • @juliegallienne498
    @juliegallienne498 Год назад

    Susan, you are amazing! You touched my heart again! 🍂🩷🍂🥰

  • @DJWilliams-b7w
    @DJWilliams-b7w Год назад

    Thank you for this important vlog. Please say more about how food cravings increase as you heal. First I ever heard about that. Crazy hard addiction. Thank you so much for the key to management and encouragement to continue.

  • @Baltusbalto
    @Baltusbalto Год назад

    Just... thank you! Thank you so much! You are seriously a lighthouse in the dark storm that obesity feels like sometimes

  • @andrealeague2763
    @andrealeague2763 Год назад

    Very good information. Thankful for the reminder to not get complacent about sticking to the program and to be compassionate and loving towards others who are struggling with the cannot or will not. We don't know their stories.

  • @tjazminndavis
    @tjazminndavis Год назад +2

    Amazing VLOG! Thanks for the warning of all that can happen. This is important so we know it is not just us. Again Amazing VLOG. Thanks! 🥰🥰🥰

  • @romneyk1
    @romneyk1 Год назад +1

    Powerful message.

  • @chickadee818
    @chickadee818 Год назад

    BLE was amazing for me 2016-2018. At the end of 2018 I started to relapse. Fought tooth and nail and was getting stronger until Sep 2019 when I got fired from my job and fell into depression. Then March 2020. I don’t know if I’m a will not or a cannot, but I’m having a tough time getting back to BLE, despite my desire to, all this time.

  • @mariamurdoch
    @mariamurdoch 11 месяцев назад

    l am a Diabetic. Listening to your vlog's is helping me tremendously. 5KG so far. I find your talks very inspirational. Thank You.

    • @Brightlineeating
      @Brightlineeating  11 месяцев назад

      That's wonderful! We love that this is helping you!

  • @dawnmc9400
    @dawnmc9400 Год назад

    Incredible vlog. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, Susan. I know I'll replay this one over and over. Bless you. 💝

  • @erin1209169
    @erin1209169 Год назад

    Omg one of the best vlogs ever, SPT! I will have to listen again.

  • @leslienorwine1042
    @leslienorwine1042 2 месяца назад

    In "how it works" when it talks about being constitutionally incapable, they're not at fault. I 100% believe that only by the grace of God was I given the awareness that I had a problem. Some people haven't had that epiphany yet.

  • @thatbrightlife
    @thatbrightlife Год назад +1

    Thank you for this VLOG! I needed to hear this today. 🥰

  • @gayeofPA
    @gayeofPA Год назад

    Best blog ever, Susan.

  • @kenhenry55
    @kenhenry55 Год назад

    spoke directly to me; i really needed to hear this ... thank you so much

  • @AtMyHappyPlace
    @AtMyHappyPlace Год назад +1

    This is profound to say BLE cleared up 8:42 dementia- are you publishing anything with these findings? Very good info if so.

    • @CindyMOA
      @CindyMOA Год назад

      This is just one BLE miracle story! ruclips.net/video/3q9vdq3dZFE/видео.htmlsi=T-RBIdoE99ifbbl1

    • @oma2963
      @oma2963 Год назад +1

      Yes, that stuck out to me as well. Are there any studies showing this, SPT?

    • @deepdriedinkelvin
      @deepdriedinkelvin Год назад +1

      I was wondering this too

  • @bethhoover6923
    @bethhoover6923 23 дня назад

    What would be the problem with using the one plate/bowl method for some soup

  • @wl5609
    @wl5609 Год назад

    Wonderful vlog!..❤

  • @EternalBliss74
    @EternalBliss74 Год назад

    Did u leave natural sugar like fruits too ? I really need help as i m in my late forties n having issues w weight management

  • @angelabroom2861
    @angelabroom2861 11 месяцев назад

    Good for you!!! OK for some.....

  • @deepdriedinkelvin
    @deepdriedinkelvin Год назад +1

    Honestly, I have every excuse in the world why I can't do BLE when I want to use them. But its the only thing that works and that's why I do it.

  • @kimwieczorek1879
    @kimwieczorek1879 Год назад

    Yes to AA❤❤❤❤❤

  • @Godblessed2
    @Godblessed2 10 месяцев назад

    Addiction is what your heart loves. Everyone is addicted to something. Could be golf, gaming, cigarettes, even reading! God gave us a heart to be addicted to Him. All addiction is misplaced addiction, imo.

  • @MarionSchleusener
    @MarionSchleusener Год назад

    I needed to hear this.

  • @rondahelene7399
    @rondahelene7399 Год назад


  • @kkmomma09
    @kkmomma09 Год назад

    This was good

  • @cherylcoan
    @cherylcoan Год назад +1

    Most Excellant.

  • @LouiseSaciolo
    @LouiseSaciolo Год назад

    Where do I donate?

  • @shonabernardchandler1950
    @shonabernardchandler1950 11 месяцев назад


  • @stefanikehl3890
    @stefanikehl3890 Год назад

    I struggle eating beans at lunch and dinner every day. Can you rotate beans with meat? Beans are just so bland.

    • @limoncellosmith7594
      @limoncellosmith7594 Год назад

      Why do you think you can only eat beans? That's not the BLE program at all.

    • @Brightlineeating
      @Brightlineeating  Год назад +1

      Hi there, you are welcome to choose which protein you want to consume at each mealtime. Here are a few ideas: eggs, chicken, pork, fish, chickpeas, cheese, nuts, etc. We hope you find something you enjoy! 💪

  • @wsbivens
    @wsbivens Год назад

    I’m an atheist & I can’t do 12-step type programs because they rely upon surrendering to a higher power. I value my agentic self to address such issues. I won’t substitute one addiction for another; the cognitive dissonance would be too great.

    • @shoshannahroth4851
      @shoshannahroth4851 Год назад +4

      I believe there are atheist and agnostic 12 step groups. A higher power of your understanding can be the best version of your self, or the universe, or the group, or anything. Perhaps you are aware but the Big Book has a chapter to the agnostic and does not require you to accept a Christian (or any other type of) god.

    • @interestinginfo6765
      @interestinginfo6765 Год назад +2

      My husband is 39 years sober. He does not believe in God. His higher power are the principals of the program of AA. Essentially … those are all that is good in human beings. Love, tolerance, patience, honesty, selflessness, service to others…. He says when he is operating from those principals he knows he is coming from a power greater than his own nature which can be selfish, self-centered, afraid, resentful… you know, like all of us can.

    • @rebeccaloranger1865
      @rebeccaloranger1865 Год назад

      imho …You define higher power for yourself - atheists, agnostics can find a power they align with …higher power can be “The Program” …the universe…the energy of cellular life…I think of the energy in the forest as ‘my energy’ or power

  • @joygray8287
    @joygray8287 Год назад

    Your message loses strength with the interruption of the commercials. They are very annoying.

  • @mariajmc6557
    @mariajmc6557 Год назад

    edge of the cliff... shouldn't be going there....