Are you a Narcissist according to Human Design?

  • Опубликовано: 8 сен 2024

Комментарии • 151

  • @alvesrei5357
    @alvesrei5357 Месяц назад +5

    Hi Richard. 😊 First of all, thank you for the video.
    Not related to the topic of this video, but I was listening to you talk about Ra, and I was thinking that I have always wondered if other people could have had the same experience as Ra, and how different would HD be presented to us if we received the knowledge through another person that wasn't Ra, if that had happened.
    I am not saying that there wouldn't have been other "suitable" beings out there to present us with this knowledge, but maybe the fact that Ra had the Design that he had, really helped the way that this knowledge has arrived in our lives.
    I wonder how it would have been if, for example, a Reflector or a Projector had received this knowledge first. Or if a 4/6 or a 3/5 etc, or an Emotional being had received it.
    The knowledge would be exactly the same, since it came from a "source".
    But how different would be the journey to teach this knowledge?
    Did Ra ever mention this?
    Did he see himself as "the chosen one" to pass this knowledge to us, or did he think anyone else could've get the same knowledge and pass it to the world?
    Just some thinking. Mind being Mind. 🙂

    • @humandesigninfo
      @humandesigninfo  Месяц назад +11

      Hi Alves. As someone who has and is living out the journey to teach this knowledge I can simply say that I have my own way to bring it out to people - as you see in the style of these videos. It is natural. As long as one doesn't lose sight of the essence of the keynotes all is well. No, in my view Ra didn't see himself as 'The Chosen One". He acknowledged the seredipty of him being the first one, but it is a transferable science and therefore can be shared. But it is also an art and that is in the way each of us will deliver it. When asked "Are you pleased so many people are coming to you?" He answered with a laugh and replied "This is nothing compared to those who will come to you." He was did not have a Messiah complex. Like all Manifestors, he way there to get it started. He knew that and was content in that. In my view it is a 'living knowledge' - it continues to evolve and work its magic in us, deepening all the time if we stay with it. If another Design received it first, then it would be 9 x 1st Lines deep, it would be encrypted at multiple levels and it would have the penetrating power it has etc. If they were not from the 1st Quarter it wouldn't be so mental etc etc. If I received it first I wouldn't have called it "The Voice" because that's not how knowing comes to me. Hope these reflections help. :)

    • @alvesrei5357
      @alvesrei5357 Месяц назад +1

      @@humandesigninfo Thank you so much for sharing this, Richard.
      It is very interesting to know more about Ra and his way of thinking about the HD knowledge. And it is very interesting to hear about your own experience with the knowledge, and to consider the different ways in which this knowledge can be passed on.
      Thank you a lot for your detailed answers. 😊

    • @PPP-on3vl
      @PPP-on3vl Месяц назад

      ​@@humandesigninfofu@k generators !!!!

    • @wakingtheworld
      @wakingtheworld Месяц назад

      @@humandesigninfo Interesting.... and 🤣to Ra's comment!

  • @kashia.steller
    @kashia.steller Месяц назад +9

    I'm 5/1 and I mirror back to people who they are :P 😂 if u think I am a narcissist then .... 😏 my niece and nephew also. My ex was 5/2 very charismatic man, leader, needs to make tough decisions. Of course people don't like that. Do not confuse self-respect or charisma with narcissism guys. Spirituality can be a vicious circle - we need more credibility, less guessing within the community.

    • @humandesigninfo
      @humandesigninfo  Месяц назад +1

      Damn right! :)

    • @susancerato2417
      @susancerato2417 Месяц назад +1

      I am also a 5/1 Manifestor with a big shiny I'm told...and people project their motives onto me because they believe I am (just like) them. But, no...I am not.

    • @humandesigninfo
      @humandesigninfo  Месяц назад +1

      Ho Ho! That's funny! :)

    • @kashia.steller
      @kashia.steller Месяц назад +1

      @susancerato2417 this happens to me all the time! I spent years studying psychology, later astrology, cause I always ended up misunderstood or accused of thinking/intending.. things that didn't occur to me at all. Finally Human Design solved the mystery for me. Now I have a much easier time dealing with people. I also use the "mirroring effect" to my advantage - it's easy to spot who's got good intentions, or who's values are aligned with mine, just by the way they respond to me, or by voicing their expectations, opinions etc.

  • @Sugarfreeeee
    @Sugarfreeeee Месяц назад +2

    My ex husband is a narcissist. He is a 2/4 projector, defined ego and when I look at this design and how people perceive him, I’m quite sure his channel 44-26 helps him a lot. He can talk a lot of BS and people seem to just believe him. (He also has 1-8)

  • @deenarocco8908
    @deenarocco8908 Месяц назад +2

    Thank you Richard for exploring and discussing this topic. Frankly I did wonder about it myself. After your analysis, I don't think there is a correlation with one's design. I am learning that labels can add fire to circumstances that are at best, trying. I do believe we are all doing the best we can even though at times it is a difficult thing to swallow.

    • @humandesigninfo
      @humandesigninfo  Месяц назад

      Thanks Deena. Yes, it is not easy living in such a distorted society and we must expect some will have extreme reactions to the madness that is currently almost everywhere. :)

  • @celticgaiatarotandspiritua5505
    @celticgaiatarotandspiritua5505 Месяц назад +7

    I have the 25 51 line 5 my only channel . I love listening to Ra he smashes me open and I love it . Not interested in being first interested in living my design though not sinking into this crazy world . . At times I have been very self centred two gates of listening though I practice every day using them . Yes I have it for a reason as did Ra thank you x

  • @maytownbrendi
    @maytownbrendi Месяц назад +3

    I know you don’t do Gene keys, but the reactive expression of the shadow of Self Obsession for gate 10 is Narcissism.
    Everyone I’ve known (myself included) who has gate 10 had been accused of narcissism, and it seems particularly more apparent when it’s a Sun gate. I’m not saying the people are narcissists, but in a low vibration, we tend to stop caring about others and focus on ourselves, and the interpretation is “Narcissist”. From my perspective, when this happens, it’s because I can’t control anyone but myself. I can only modify my own behavior, and I can’t do that unless I focus on me and my perspective

    • @humandesigninfo
      @humandesigninfo  Месяц назад

      Thanks maytownbrendi. I really appreciate your self reflection and perspective. The 10th Gate is the only Gate I don't have in the Integration Channel and I have naturally met more 10th Gates "than I've had hot dinners". Sounds spot on. :)

  • @cieliahatch3353
    @cieliahatch3353 Месяц назад +2

    I notice that people with the 6 color "personal"in the perspective node of the PHS system can sometimes be incredibly self-centred. In fact I am stunned by their level of focus on self. Human Design is really a mind blower - when I find very self centered people more often than not they are a 6 in perspective!

    • @humandesigninfo
      @humandesigninfo  Месяц назад

      Thanks Cieliah. It's certainly an interesting aspect to ponder upon. What is the difference between 'Personal' and 'self-centred'?

    • @cieliahatch3353
      @cieliahatch3353 Месяц назад

      @@humandesigninfo That is a great question! I know someone who does things for other people and sacrifices for people in the natural way that there is give and take in relationships, but when they communicate with me, it's all about them... obsessed with self, but not selfish... a few others I know *might* do something for someone else but would have to be almost forced into it, or maybe it's just the perfect time and place they don't have to put in any effort to put energy towards others. I'd love to learn more but my sense is it's an easy place for the not self to take over... it's not necessarily egotistical either, in the few people I'm thinking of... they just don't care about what others are doing, thinking, being.

  • @thestorynerd622
    @thestorynerd622 Месяц назад +1

    I have experienced a covert narcissist. My mother-in-law. She’s a projector and the manipulation was incredible. I’m a manifestor and, as soon as I realized I was her supply, I went no contact with her. It impacted her I guess and made it obvious enough to my husband that he went no contact as well. I didn’t even have to say anything. He just saw it so clearly.

  • @ACAndersson71
    @ACAndersson71 Месяц назад +5

    Thank you for great video! The world’s obsession with this topic is…telling? 😅 (I find the gene keys’ repressive/reactive descriptions helpful, it depends a lot on culture and conditioning how it will be expressed) My Manifestor son has the 51/25, 51 being his conscious sun, and he is anything but narcissistic. But it made me think of a recent conversation I had with him, congratulating him on a work success and saying I was proud of him, where he says, “I am too!”, and it came straight from his heart 😊.

    • @humandesigninfo
      @humandesigninfo  Месяц назад +1

      Thank you ACAndersson71. Aw what a lovely story about your son, damn right that came straight from the heart! :)

  • @alyssagedeon3181
    @alyssagedeon3181 5 дней назад

    I love that you have this video so those that are still in label land can catch your flow that channels and gates bring out flavors of people that we need to interpret. I feel that i want to see everyone’s chart that i interact with regularly so i can better manage me. I have used phrases like, they really know how to focus on their own gifts, or they are very powerful in their earth ways. It helps me stay more as the witness. This was very helpful to clarify - this is not psychology and while there may appear to be some fun cross referencing, ultimately, it’s a system that is far more expansive than the science of psychology. Thank you!! 🙏

  • @piaelisabeth
    @piaelisabeth Месяц назад +4

    3/5 martyr/heretic. I always want to help people and do, but rarely receive any support for myself

    • @humandesigninfo
      @humandesigninfo  Месяц назад +1

      Remember the law of giving piaelisabeth, care for oneself first, then you will be able to give from abundance. People do need help, but they also need to help themselves and stand in their own incarnation. :)

  • @wakingtheworld
    @wakingtheworld Месяц назад

    Love how you handled & tackled this question, Richard. I hate labels too.... We are people first & foremost not dyslexic, ADHD, Bi-polar 'sufferers' etc. Most (all?) of us have Gates or Channels that are 'difficult' to live with or challenging when dealing with others; the parts of us that we have to accept, then find ways to lessen the impact - Still working on this one as an Ego Mani - Not Channel 51-25 I hasten to add but the 'dreaded' 21-45. Lol.

  • @shar-journeetruth8952
    @shar-journeetruth8952 6 дней назад

    Awesome way of explaining the topic. People are who they are

  • @elevatEdminds1414
    @elevatEdminds1414 Месяц назад +2

    I fully agree with the open n closed will centre. I had my will centre smashed completely n I have a defined will centre. I recovered after years of putting myself together n I also have the 51/25 channel. Now my power is back and people might see me as narcissistic but as I teach emotional intelligence, this levels it out. 👍 Healthy self-esteem. Thank you for your video and a great question that was asked. I love the human design. 🎉

    • @humandesigninfo
      @humandesigninfo  Месяц назад +1

      Thank you for this elevatEdminds1414. 'Healthy self-esteem' YES! :)

  • @KennyFred08
    @KennyFred08 Месяц назад +1

    Richard Beaumont, I appreciate your reiteration of the use of Human Design as a way to see what we have operating within us (or not). This can inform how we relate or not to each other.
    For example, when initially learning about HD and listening to Ra I experienced his speech to be filled with Ego and strong willed. Later on, I listened to one of Ra Uru Hu’s videos about the Ego Center heard him note that he had all of the gates except the 21st. Immediately a light bulb went off in my mind and I said to myself no wonder he is so willful as I laughed.
    I am learning more and more that there is such power and opportunity within the system of HD. Thank you Richard Beaumont for speaking on this topic. Much appreciation. 🙏🏾

    • @humandesigninfo
      @humandesigninfo  Месяц назад +1

      Thanks Kenny. Yes, you got it! This knowledge is beyond awesome and I'm delighted you have found it. You'll be lighting up the city soon, as the light bulbs don't stop :)

  • @simplehumandesign
    @simplehumandesign Месяц назад +2

    Interesting topic and one I have investigated myself from time to time. My investigations have usually led me to the not-self of the undefined centres, especially when it comes to the narcissistic trait of gaslighting. But I enjoyed all the gates, lines and other elements of the chart that may lead to narcissism. Laughed so hard when I realised Ra has that channel; so many people think he was a narc.

    • @humandesigninfo
      @humandesigninfo  Месяц назад +1

      Yes I agree. Poor Ra he had so many projections thrown at him. :)

  • @simply-human-design
    @simply-human-design Месяц назад

    its so precious to bring back in our minds that human design is NOT about labeling. thank you so much for reminding us!

    • @humandesigninfo
      @humandesigninfo  Месяц назад

      Yes! Thanks for highlighting that nugget. :)

  • @tabby166
    @tabby166 Месяц назад

    Wonderful info as usual Richard. You always talk so much sense, love it!

  • @TheMissSavage
    @TheMissSavage Месяц назад

    Me and my husband have a fixed will and our boy has an open will, which I think is really fascinating.

  • @humandesign-guide
    @humandesign-guide Месяц назад +4

    My first thought was the Integration Channels.

    • @amidst_the_grey
      @amidst_the_grey Месяц назад +1

      I thought that, too. Individual circuitry in general, actually.

    • @humandesigninfo
      @humandesigninfo  Месяц назад +1

      Yes, if one tries to push a 34/10 into something they don't want to do you are likely to see them assert themselves strongly. If you get in the way of a 34/20 in their momentum, they ain't going to let you. If a 57/20 releases their knowing in the moment it can certainly cut straight through an social norms. If a 10/20 speaks from their spirit and you don't see their deep personal truth is pointing beyond themselves you may not grasp the profundity in thier words. But labelling any of that as narcissistic cuts you off from appreciating their difference and the value it can bring. If you accept people as themselves in alignment to the knowledge of Human Design judging them according to a collective label drops away and you get to meet them in truth. But as the NotSelf emerges everything is a horror. We all need to do our own work all then can we truly embrace The Other. :)

    • @humandesign-guide
      @humandesign-guide Месяц назад

      @@humandesigninfo Totally agree on that. Personally I don't believe in the construct of "Narcissism". Most of those psychological labels are just frames for not understood mechanisms that borderline the norm. What I wanted to say with my comment is that those Channels can easily be labeled by "normies" under this theme.

    @HDTELOVADNICA Месяц назад

    Very very very very nice. That is how I see it. Open centers play stronger role in phenomenon of what we call narcisistic disturbance (nurture/cpnditioning/not self), than definition per se (nature). - maybe design, unconsious definition should get stronger focus. Great!🎉

    • @humandesigninfo
      @humandesigninfo  Месяц назад

      Yes it's the Openness where we lose oursleves, even if that means becoming narcissistic. Probably best to keep the chart view with both black and red because in the end, that is the totality of our pattern when in form, whether we identify to the red or not. :)

  • @euge369
    @euge369 Месяц назад +2

    Hello Richard, thank you so much for your videos, I love them. I'm a 2/4 spleenic projector, and recently have been reading about the sleep rave. Could you tell us about that? What does it means to be a generator while sleeping? (That's me) Again, thank you!

    • @humandesigninfo
      @humandesigninfo  Месяц назад +1

      Aw thank you euge369. Since you're a 2nd Line who embraces the truth of 369 then yes, you would love my videos 'cos the truth is the truth and the truth is both playful and profound. Yes, good idea. I would love to return to the DreamRave information, it is a favourite of mine. Next time I do, I will address your question in the video as I cannot do justice to it in a comment. :)

  • @melissam0ss
    @melissam0ss Месяц назад

    I agree with you 💯
    Labels are such a hindrance today! Overused and often misused as attention getters.
    I’m so thankful for your expression of this in a clear appropriate way 🙏🏽
    Human Design is such a wonderful personal self discovery tool and your videos help me navigate mine. Thank you!😊

    • @humandesigninfo
      @humandesigninfo  Месяц назад

      Thank you Melissa. Yes, I have little time for labels and their misuse. We have Human Design based of verifiable self-reflection on the mechanical truth. How lucky we are! :)

  • @cosmiceagle6604
    @cosmiceagle6604 Месяц назад

    This is a question I have asked myself before too. Thanks Richard! I love Ra talking, I love his sense of humor and I totally get his 43-23 - I have it defined too!

    • @humandesigninfo
      @humandesigninfo  Месяц назад +1

      Yes his humour was brilliant! Yes, the certainty of the 43/23 is something to behold. :)

    • @cosmiceagle6604
      @cosmiceagle6604 Месяц назад

      @@humandesigninfo ❤

  • @Ninishiningleaf
    @Ninishiningleaf Месяц назад

    The Gate 21.2 in my ego Centre, Design. Certainly is a challenging one to rangle. My goodness may God help me 🙏

    • @Ninishiningleaf
      @Ninishiningleaf Месяц назад +1

      And a 39.5, design 😂

    • @humandesigninfo
      @humandesigninfo  Месяц назад +1

      You got this! We are what we are. The 21.2 can be most useful in many circumstances. Embrace yourself, there are no 'bad' charts only passengers that try to drive the vehicle when they don't know where they're going. Relax. Enter the experiment of S & A and be patient. :)

    • @humandesigninfo
      @humandesigninfo  Месяц назад +1

      This attribute provoking at the right time the right person, can bring forth so much happiness. See how you can get through to those who are locked down and need connection to the magic within them. Embrace your Design. :)

  • @antestar9794
    @antestar9794 Месяц назад +4

    Hey Richard! I have a question if the will of a person is broken how he can heal it and can you give me examples what does broken will means? What is the process of recover ?

    • @elaine7459
      @elaine7459 Месяц назад +1

      Yes, I would also like to hear more regarding a "broken will."

    • @humandesigninfo
      @humandesigninfo  Месяц назад

      Wills can be broken in many ways. The most common being meeting with a superior force and not backing down. As a process of recovery, first withdrawal. Then discovering that within you that is genuinely appreciated by others and receiving the praise for that. Wills need to hold themselves in high regard. The support of being on a strong financial footing also helps a great deal. Wills are not here to work all the time even if they are Generators and if the material world can be managed well many old wounds can heal over. For some, depending upon the Channels, triumph or even vengence is part of the play on the road back to a healthy Will. Balance brings generosity and the warmth of genuine respect. :)

  • @surrender_space
    @surrender_space 19 дней назад

    'I'd hate myself if I became a narcissist' ;). I've often found it a shame when ppl dismiss the value my 51-25 osteopathy teacher brings just because of his 'I'm the best' arrogance. I don't think they appreciate just how much Will it took him to go through many tough initiations/shocks to acquire those skills. Like Ra, without that dose of self-centredness it just wouldn't have been possible to survive it all. I've wondered if it's because I have a fixed will too that I'm less bothered than others by a 'big ego'. I can put it aside to see what the person has to offer - sometimes they really are the best haha. I'm not sure if it's that tho, as there are lots open wills who love him too. Maybe just a case of fractals... My son's got a few of these lines ;)

  • @alancarter4525
    @alancarter4525 Месяц назад

    Everything changes with awareness 🙏
    With regards to Ra’s ‘pricklyness’ it seems to me he explains most things as if they’re in their most unaware state first before explaining how to change yourself (S&A mainly 😂).
    There could almost be a caveat before his talks saying “this is what we’re like in our most unaware state”, from here it only gets better 🙏❤️

    • @humandesigninfo
      @humandesigninfo  Месяц назад +1

      Yes Alan. I completely agree "Everything changes with awareness". But we all know what it is like to spend time with densely NotSelf people, how exhausting it must have been for the first person to bring this knowledge to the world. Ra was practical about it. He spoke at many different levels but it was only later, when enough of us had done enough work and continued to follow his lead that the knowing brought such great laughter as he could relax not bring the club to the table. He was one of the most humourous people I have ever met. I laughed until it hurt so many times. And in later years he did mellow and enjoyed taking us ever deeper as our resistance and ignorance lessened. In the beginning, well rotted horse manure needs to be dug into the ground to make the soil fertile. It's not comfortable if you're the ground. :)

    • @alancarter4525
      @alancarter4525 Месяц назад

      @@humandesigninfo thanks for sharing your experience of him. It makes a lot of sense and so good to know there was so much laughter 🙏❤️

  • @phimultiplypi
    @phimultiplypi Месяц назад +1

    Well said!🤓😎

  • @JoanneGrace11
    @JoanneGrace11 Месяц назад +1

    Interesting! Thanks Richard🙏🏼💖

  • @jima3345
    @jima3345 Месяц назад

    A very balanced presentation Richard.

  • @AmandaHorvath
    @AmandaHorvath Месяц назад +1

    I would love your thoughts on this … I was surprised to not hear you mention the integration channels, especially your personal experience of having that energy!
    “Put your own oxygen mask on first” being the primary angle of this and how these channels can often be seen as narcissistic and “selfish” due to this quality.
    My dad, step dad, husband and father in law are integration individuals. The 10-34 is especially labeled as narcissistic from my experience - following its convictions, being the lone wolf that goes it’s own way, dominating any other circuitry present in the chart toward “self focused”.
    Then the 34-20 with its powerful and overriding energy to dominate conversation. I experience the 34-20 (without 57) as having little to no awareness of their dominance. The person at a party who when locked in with another requires an external person to go save the listener from the conversation.
    Anyway, curious of your thoughts in regards to why you did not include those channels in the convo!

    • @humandesigninfo
      @humandesigninfo  Месяц назад

      Hi Amanda, I put down some of my thoughts on this in an earlier comment below. And yes, the 34 power is Great and if it's not used in response in doing what it loves it can be incredibly abusive. In the 34/10 - the most Fixed of all Life Forces will indeed follow its convictions - no choice. Yes it is necessarily selfish, but if you leave 'em alone and let them do their thing they just get on with it. I don't see that as narcissistic. I see it as them being themselves. It often makes me laugh they are so centred in that. If your direction aligns with their convictions, WoW then they can be the rock needed in difficult times. But then with my 34/20 I'm too busy to care as long as they don't get in my way :) But for sure the 34/20 without the 57 and in self-ignorance can be a sledge hammer when a screwdriver would have done the job better. It's also worth pointing out that Integration is 'self-empowering' so they can pat themselves on the back when them doing their thing works out and perhaps that could be regarded as narcissistic? But it's a mechanic rather that a psychological disorder in my view. Most Integrations live in a life or death inner psychological constraint even within a mundane lifestyle which can appear over-the-top for those without it. I can see that as being regarded as odd, but narcissistic? One thing's for sure, if the shit really hits the fan in the world around you, Integrations are part of the dream team to have around you. I saw a meme a couple of years ago, posted in response to the overreach of govt control that blatantly disregards the wishes of the people. It show an image of 'Rambo' (Could that character be regarded as having narcissistic behavor?. Certainly portrayed Integration tendencies) The text was: "Wait until the people who just want to be left alone... get involved". :)

  • @TheMissSavage
    @TheMissSavage Месяц назад +1

    I have a fixed will and I know I have a fixed will 😂

  • @giovannilimoli3190
    @giovannilimoli3190 Месяц назад

    Thank you for your wonderful work and efforts!!

  • @RamjeetKaur369
    @RamjeetKaur369 Месяц назад

    I’m a 25-51 open and undefined head, Anna and throat. And Pluto in the 6th gate.
    If I didn’t think of myself, I’d be crushed, probably in the womb.
    It’s been a journey.

    • @humandesigninfo
      @humandesigninfo  Месяц назад

      Damn right! The 51/25 being part of the Centering Circuit certainly helped you detach from the chaos around you. Well done! :)

  • @anettebie
    @anettebie Месяц назад +1

    Emotional manifestor 3/5 with a 25/51 and 1/8 … my friends and clients assures me I not narcissistic. They feel both seen and heard. I have always been a seeker and worked on my shadows. I grew up with a sister and father that I have no doubt have NPD ,so have I have looked into the matter 😳 Before I knew about human design I was just a nice cancer with Scorpio rising and moon. 😇😄Thought that was what gave the repelling aura. But what do you know 😂 I have Rax service 2 and feel I am on the path with my wee clinic. ❤ greetings from Denmark 🧜🏻‍♀️🥧🎡

    • @humandesigninfo
      @humandesigninfo  Месяц назад

      Sounds fabulous anettebie. I love that you have your own wee clinic and I have no doubt you offer the best service to all your patients. You have found your path. And as I worked my way through the topic the main culprit was the NotSelf Open ego out of control. But consider if you wish, what it was like before you found your way. It's not easy for a knower who doesn't know where they are going but cannot let go of the innate truth calling from within that turns away from those who think they know your way. You've proved to yourself that you can succeed as yourself and once that challenge had been overcome, then the service you can offer is a healing to yourself and The Other. 51/25's can bring people into themselves like no other while they continue to meet one challenge after another from a position earned self-respect. :)

    • @anettebie
      @anettebie Месяц назад

      @@humandesigninfo thank you so much, my ego is not open. And you are right I’m 58 yrs, and it has been winding road to get here, but never boring 😄 traveled a lot. Thank you for taking the time to write 🤗 Anette

  • @lathaparameswaran2651
    @lathaparameswaran2651 Месяц назад

    I have D.Pluto in the 46.2 and 7 defined centers...have always wondered if I had some 'Narcissistic' tendencies🤣 I used to come across as really stubborn during my childhood and early adulthood...and then I went on to the other extreme end and became such a people pleaser because I thought I had done something 'wrong' earlier. Boy, did my life start feeling miserable. I've actually been deconditioning from the bs I picked up in my adulthood...both from the material world & the so- called spiritual world.
    3/6... so the trial & error, and the roof, and now coming off it are all so real.
    I wish humans stopped painting everything with a moral color, and stopped using labels on everything & everyone.
    I guess it's the way of the Tribe... glad it's coming to an end. But I've also witnessed the extreme stupidity of Individualism someone can use it to justify their 'bad' behavior.
    I guess it's upto each one to 'save' themselves.
    I am my 'savior'... more narcissism, I guess 🤣😋

    • @humandesigninfo
      @humandesigninfo  Месяц назад

      Yes latha, labels come and labels go. Each one of us has to come to our own balance. It is through our bodies and the Life Force Channels within them that we experience this unique life. Acceptance and then embrace of that keeps the road open for us to move correctly and with far less resistance. 46.2's can naturally bring us into our own expansion through their dramatic displays. And yeah, it is up to each one of us to reconnect with ourselves and then let go and witness the movie unfolding before us. :)

  • @simply-human-design
    @simply-human-design Месяц назад

    if you find it interesting, could you have a look, if there are lines for clairvoyant?
    thank you, i LOVE your work. its so inspiring.
    Annett EM 6.2

    • @humandesigninfo
      @humandesigninfo  Месяц назад

      Yes, I shall open that whole can of worms, but I'd like to put it out on RUclips once I have the full information in a film so that it's really useful and comprehensive. I hope you'll forgive the delay as my 1st Line demands I do it thoroughly. :)

  • @egeegee7146
    @egeegee7146 Месяц назад

    One wonders about the individual and mutative circuit really does make us stand out as sociopathic or narcissistic. In a day and age when we are expected to meld into societal Norms and give up many of our freedoms of self expression I too have been concerned. Granted as Ra has stated there are those who are evil or suffering any and varied psychosis but in general the individual is always misunderstood by society.

    • @humandesigninfo
      @humandesigninfo  Месяц назад

      Thanks for this comment egeegee. Strongly Individual Designs cannot comply without allowing their spirit to die. Sure they can be misunderstood and they can also not understand or even care about the societal norms in some circumstances. In this day and Age I see that as a good thing. Human Design is a tool to assist us in resisting the homogenized world view. To me it is a tragedy that some many independent shops are disappearing and the not-so-supermarkets/stores all present the same products worldwide. :)

  • @andrasolivier7185
    @andrasolivier7185 Месяц назад

    Hey Richard! Let me introduce my comment with - as far as I am able to comprehend - the most important or essential HD perspective on narcisism. With respect to the function or lets say impact of narcisistic people on their own surroundigs they use the homogenized field and a conditioning to their "benefits". So the best way to not get any harm by any narcissist is simple to follow our own authority and hold to our own strategy. In that point of view we can no more identify whether they are "bad" people. Maybe we can see them as an litmus test of our own progress with that unique strategy and authority eperiment? :)
    In that perspective I see the flood of narcisistic people nowadays as a result of hightened awareness of other people so they can now spot them more easily, so not that they just came here in any larger numbers.
    Now, if I have to speculate about the narcisist origin I much more incline to the background energies. It is beyond any doubt for me that a strong tribal field is or could be their grassland. Now lets take it to another level of scienced fiction! :D Ra postulated about the cosmology and those cycles and I am very fine with his view of the Cro-magnons crew killing the rest of former crew of Neanderthals. Since we assume that only a part of genetic potential would be able to born a cro-magnon out of a neanderthal and a smaller part of genetic combinations still breeded a Neanderthals and we assume the same way that only a portion of genetic pool will be able to born a "Rave", my speculation (and it is only a scifi speculation since it is a looong way to become even a "conspiracy theory" :) is that a narcisist is that small portion of genetic combination by serendipity that breeds an old (before 1615 or 1782 since I do not comprehend that well) type of "human" which has not that diferentiated two centres of awareness yet. If I can imagine that there is a mix of emotional vawe with the - lets say on same level - cruelty or better rawness of a fear-based basic animal instinct of a splenic awareness all driven by a strategic mind that can make some sense to me.
    Anyway, thx for sharing your thoughts and more your conclusions that makes, hopefully, direct the view of people interested in this topic the right way.

    • @humandesigninfo
      @humandesigninfo  Месяц назад

      Hi Andra, Thank you for this contribution.
      Yes S & A is the Master key.
      I appreciate your interesting viewpoint on the possible origins of Narcissism. The 3rd Gate does occassionally bring out a retro genetic. Ra did say that sometimes much older 'Forms" come back and I have seen evidence of this. However, I simply don't know; and I'm someone who likes to run experiments to test any hypothesis I may have. I have done so consistently in my Human Design teaching career and it's been essential to narrow down to what actually works repeatedly. In several cases I have been shown where I was a bit off and that allowed me to refine my theories and try again. :)

    • @andrasolivier7185
      @andrasolivier7185 Месяц назад

      @@humandesigninfo Thx for answering and Im looking forward for your next posts. I can see your point as my own experiment continues and there are so many subjects I can see more clearly or completely different so I know I can be in a lot different opinion in some years :) I appreciate your willing to share. And other similar channels. That helped me a lot throughout the journey. Cheers!

  • @InstictiveExperimenter
    @InstictiveExperimenter Месяц назад

    True gem of a video, Thank you dear 🙏💟🙂🤝

  • @pierreschnehage8152
    @pierreschnehage8152 Месяц назад

    I have no problem with Ra... Through a Monty Python filter: "He is the true messiah!"
    He is the closest to anyone I'm aware of who's come this far to COMPLETELY changing the human culture for the better. Long live Ra.
    Narcissism to me is a marker showing the rest of us that we're doing something wrong.

    • @humandesigninfo
      @humandesigninfo  Месяц назад

      Thanks Pierre. I wholeheartedly agree with you. :)

  • @jeeweevdee3958
    @jeeweevdee3958 Месяц назад

    recognize what you on about with the willpower in an competion base world it can be hard to hold your own i made my own observation about this and accepted this fact and it can be labelled as narcisist but when you look deeper thats not true

    • @jeeweevdee3958
      @jeeweevdee3958 Месяц назад

      its more a way of dealing with this world

    • @humandesigninfo
      @humandesigninfo  Месяц назад

      Yes Jeeweevdee, the world of competition is densely NotSelf and re-enforced everywhere as it a way to control and profit from people's ignorance of who they truly are. Narcissistic behaviour may well be simply a reaction to an unnatural environment. I agree it isn't easy to "hold to your own" in the world. I'm rather fond of the sentiment that is is good to "Be in the world, but not part of it". Once one finds one's passion, none of it matters anyway. An activated Life Force going in the correct direction, led from the inside out, brings its own world for us to inhabit. :)

  • @selinoksuz7460
    @selinoksuz7460 Месяц назад

    i am a 1/3 Manigen woman with a defined will center and all will channels active beside 40/37. in romantic relationships my partners had open will centers to me they were the ones who had narcissistic human design coach advised me to look for men with defined ego center who dont try to compete with my will ...

    • @humandesigninfo
      @humandesigninfo  Месяц назад

      Hi Selin, yep that sounds about right. I agree with your Human Design coach. But hey, you never know who you're going to bump into and sexual chemistry has its way with us, only S & A can save us. So you may be attracted to a 40/37 but your 51 and 21 are the more stronger Will Gates, you may find they try to compete with you too. Wot to do! Trial and error your way through it and keep on learning from each one! :)

  • @shahnaz-b4e
    @shahnaz-b4e Месяц назад +1

    "Sir, you have many Persian-speaking users, and most of them are not fluent in English. Could you please activate the Persian language option in the translation section? If you do this, I would be very grateful."

  • @rundbaum
    @rundbaum Месяц назад

    knowing where 'indifference' or 'resiliance' lay as traits in a person's bodygraph--ie, 'having the skin of a hippo'--would be interesting as that is exactly what a person needs to GRAY ROCK a narcissist; one must virtually be impervious to anything in order to disconnect from the narcissist, that trait of 'able to brush it all off' might portend well a person fleeing the control of a narcissist . . .

    • @humandesigninfo
      @humandesigninfo  Месяц назад

      Makes sense. Don't feed the illusion, don't believe their dream of themselves. See them as the petty tyrant through which one can regain ones own power. Perhaps I've never met a 'real narcissist'. I imagine I'd get bored pretty quickly. :)

    • @rundbaum
      @rundbaum Месяц назад

      @@humandesigninfo we have them in my fam! they can't ever give you a reason they 'like' something, or 'don't like' something. lots of lip service going on w/them. u would get bored VERY quickly!! . . .

  • @susancerato2417
    @susancerato2417 Месяц назад

    I'll only say that there are two channels that I recognize...often...more than often...the 25-51 and the 59-6.

    • @humandesigninfo
      @humandesigninfo  Месяц назад +1

      Interesting. Thanks Susan. :)

    • @susancerato2417
      @susancerato2417 Месяц назад

      @@humandesigninfo I loved this post...and shared it in the Manifestor community pages on Face Book. Imagine my surprise when one of the page monitors removed it. I would not have been surprised if I had posted it as my video...however, you are as qualified as anyone beyond Ra...

    • @humandesigninfo
      @humandesigninfo  Месяц назад +1

      Wot to do!?

    • @susancerato2417
      @susancerato2417 Месяц назад

      @@humandesigninfo laugh

  • @sk88400
    @sk88400 Месяц назад

    Sam Vaknin on RUclips is Specialist for Narzism.
    I had a M 5/2 Emotional Partner. He showed very much of narcissistic behaviors. I thought: Oh he is a Manifestor, that’s the Reason….., this Gate, this Channel and this Center explain this and that…, his history also…
    But at the end hear to Sam Vaknin what he teaches about Narcissistic People, not to bash them, but for to survive your self.

    • @humandesigninfo
      @humandesigninfo  Месяц назад

      Yes exactly! See below my comment is on a similar frequency. :)

  • @ultraaamotion
    @ultraaamotion Месяц назад

    Well, I am a narcissist according to my diagnosis hashahahah
    But I am also an emotional manifestor, line 1/3.

  • @jessicakennedy9376
    @jessicakennedy9376 Месяц назад

    My ex is a diagnosed covert narcissistic. He does have the 51-25.

  • @piaelisabeth
    @piaelisabeth Месяц назад +1

    I am an ego manifestor and I have that channel 51/25 and 1/8.
    But I don’t act on it 😢Probably conditioned to not show my true self

    • @sanraymusic
      @sanraymusic Месяц назад +2

      I know a 51/25 + 10/20, Manifestor, who is also very subtle... as far as I've seen... however, the quality of the energy... POETRY starts flowing just by standing beside her... unique beings you are :) BTW... how does a SMALL sip of your favourite liquor help bring out whatever that true self wants to put out ? :)

    • @humandesigninfo
      @humandesigninfo  Месяц назад +2

      Remember you are designed to have a strong ego and go your own way. In doing so others may throw labels at you. That doesn't mean you have to judge yourself accordingly. You be you and all is well. If Ra didn't find the strength to come out with Human Design we wouldn't be having this dialogue. Personally I am deeply grateful he held himself in high regard and dared to bring us the beautiful knowledge. It never occurred to me to paint him with any psychological label. He proved himself to be the teacher, ally and friend I could never imagine meeting. Sure in his NotSelf I have no doubt he ruffled a lot of feathers, but, for me, he will always be the one who initiated me into the deepest truth and freed me to find my own way home with laughter and humility and gratitude. Yes, you too will initiate people, you already do, look at all the things you have shown people. There is no shame in being proud of yourself. There is no shame in you finding you way in the uncertainty that exists in all Individuals until through their own knowing they claim their own path as valid for them. :)

    • @humandesigninfo
      @humandesigninfo  Месяц назад +2

      Yes sanraymusic that's a fine mix for deeply impactful, personal and beautiful truth to come out of such a Design. And yes some additions can help the flow, Ra was never so fond of liquor per se, but treated with respect it can smooth the passage of fine wisdom. Each Indidividual will find their own 'poison' or 'medicine' to aid the flow. Here with the full Centering Circuit, so centred in on themselves a background 'medium' can be most helpful and that includes music. Some can speak their truth, some sing it, some use poetic language, some art, some (with other Channels) use mathematics or story. They know they are vessels for the fickle muse and in my case anyway, a good glass of wine can be useful during freeflow sessions. :)

  • @pierreschnehage8152
    @pierreschnehage8152 Месяц назад

    I was thinking that Human Design really gets you deep inside our inner workings... but imagine the complexity in our bodies with all of these centres firing in real time. It is not possible to really fathom it.
    So we can't really use HD as a quick fix fortune telling device. That would be an immense waste.

    • @humandesigninfo
      @humandesigninfo  Месяц назад

      Yep. One simply has to put one foot in front of the other and do ones best to follow ones S & A. Some Designs are more precognitive than others and glimpses of the future can come from many places, but it's not like you can dial it in whenever you like. I find it helps looking at the Solar Returns because then I can see the weather that's coming, but still it depends upon my intuition in the moment to what I can see and that involves surrender. :)

  • @nalafish2329
    @nalafish2329 Месяц назад

    I suspect quad splits and 4 line opportunists

    • @humandesigninfo
      @humandesigninfo  Месяц назад +2

      An interesting perspective. Although I doubt any Quad could hold any particular behavoural pattern for long. :)

  • @jataficandoshakti8829
    @jataficandoshakti8829 Месяц назад

    Hello! Could I suggest you talk about sense of humor, if there is gates or channels about it?

  • @enemonica5327
    @enemonica5327 27 дней назад

    What about native liars?

  • @benevolentconcepts
    @benevolentconcepts Месяц назад +3

    Honestly, I really hate having an open Will 😓

    • @melissam0ss
      @melissam0ss Месяц назад +3

      Oh…embrace your openness! It is very liberating when you discover that your ‘not self’ is NOT you 😊I “catch” my not self wanting to step up all the time when I’m around others who have active will centers and once I recognized this it was (is!) profound and helps me not blurt out (of my mouth) things I always regret later and I learn so much each time it happens 🤗 Love your openness it is a wonderful teacher 😊🙏🏽

    • @humandesigninfo
      @humandesigninfo  Месяц назад

      I really like Melissa's comment below. I have a completely Open Will and it simply takes time to realise you have nothing to prove. There is such a freedom in being happy simply doing your best and not making promises. Having a Will has its own issues. Be you. Here's an animal version what happens when we try to be what we're not: :)

  • @CarolannDesimine111
    @CarolannDesimine111 Месяц назад +6

    I do not agree. If you’ve had experience w narcissists you will know it. I have and both are Manifestors, 5th lines and men

    • @ramonspoolder2272
      @ramonspoolder2272 Месяц назад +8

      For me there only excists one dicease, and that is the ilness of not self, or living from the brain/ego
      Narcissism is not a disorder but a problem of deep insecurity. When someone is extremely insecure, their behavior can become more narcissistic. In Human Design, certain gates can indicate traits that, when out of balance, can lead to narcissism. Understanding and integrating these energies can help achieve balance and avoid negative behavior. In my opinion, it’s better to become more self-confident first before diving into Human Design, as true self-reflection is more achievable then.

    • @MrHuman7777
      @MrHuman7777 Месяц назад +9

      If you don't mind, I have a question. Do you have an undefined Ego? Do they have a defined Ego?
      I was always turned off by people who I perceived as having big egos, but then I discovered that I had an undefined Ego. The undefined Ego looking into a defined Ego could be really disturbing for the undefined ego, especially if the Ego centre is completely open.

    • @Andreea6442
      @Andreea6442 Месяц назад +2

      I think is different for people who actually had first hand experience with real narcissism. In today's world is a very popular term, overused by people. Thus many people don't really know what it is, they only think they know. They confuse certain traits and behaviours with narcissism, because it's easier to blame the other then look at your own behaviour. It can be used as an excuse for an avoidant to run from communication and responsibility etc. Just cause you know what a narcissistic behaviour really is, doesn't mean everyone else knows too. His video I think is very informative and can help people truly reflect upon their thoughts.
      Is someone really a narcissist or I just don't like certain traits they have? Did they show no empathy (or do they fake it)? Are they obsessed with themselves (and do they cover it)? Do I feel confused, manipulated, gaslighted around them? Etc.
      Or am I the one who doesn't address my concerns or issues with this person? Have I stated and reinforced my boundaries? Etc.

    • @Andreea6442
      @Andreea6442 Месяц назад +3

      ​@@MrHuman7777that is such an interesting perspective! thank you for sharing it! I have a define ego through channel 26 44. I've noticed that I manifest a lot of people around me that I have undefined egos. all my female friends have it undefined, and my own sister too! one thing that I've noticed, when reading to them their human design chart, is that at first they never recognise that they have an undefined ego. all of us are young, in our mid 20s, so inexperience might play a role in this, but basically they were often told how big their own ego is, and somehow they started identifying with that to the point they feel like they have a big ego (is interesting though how I've noticed a lack of this said ego when they are in their own presence, based on how they talk about certain things). Your message really shed a light for me, thank you.

    • @kashia.steller
      @kashia.steller Месяц назад

      ​@ramonspoolder2272 it is a personality disorder and it can be deadly and harmful - ive experienced it on my own skin. I had more luck than my father tho, who didn't survive people I did. Please do not impose personal opinions on a subject this dangerous. NPD needs to be monitored and treated, else it leaves a trail of victims. I got PTSD , I got medical papers on that and guess what - that is also a disorder!!!!! Stop misinformation regarding mental health.

  • @ilampaulino
    @ilampaulino Месяц назад +1

    I have 7.1 and 31.5, Do i qualify as a Narcissist? Or do i just have some tendencies?

    • @humandesigninfo
      @humandesigninfo  Месяц назад +2

      No, let it go. I have the 7.1 myself, as did Ra. You're here to play out the role of the leader and the one who will call out those ready to go in the logical direction you deem to be the best for them. And yes, along the way you're probably going to upset a few people. You have no choice but to lead, but as long as you know how to follow as well, then you'll be a good leader. Let your S & A be your guide. The people need natural leaders, they have become prey for unnatural leadership and so many don't even know it. Please don't let the Narcissist narrative get in your way. :)

    • @ilampaulino
      @ilampaulino Месяц назад

      @@humandesigninfo this is much more than i expected, thank you so much!

  • @kashia.steller
    @kashia.steller Месяц назад

    Arogance & NPD are two different things. I dont know RA personally haha but yeah - he was a visionary, missunderestood.. dont we all get frustrated trying to explain or being questioned by for example atheists? 😅 Ahh lets chill, and relax. We're all our own kind of crazy 😊

    • @humandesigninfo
      @humandesigninfo  Месяц назад +1

      Yes Kashia, it's good to simply embrace "our own kind of crazy" and chill in a society that morphing almost daily. :)

  • @efi.k
    @efi.k Месяц назад

    Two experts didn't need more than 5 minutes to make a diagnosis.
    You need time, study, analysis.
    It is now a received secret my dear.

  • @dagmarritzinger6586
    @dagmarritzinger6586 Месяц назад

    Coooool... narcissism as a projection onto people living their mechanics... or a projection onto will-designed people.... 🤣🤣🤣

    • @humandesigninfo
      @humandesigninfo  Месяц назад

      Or a projection onto people NOT being correct in living their mechanics in a distroted and over-exaggerated way ie Open Centers out of control esp Open Wills and Open G Centers. Hope that's clear. :)

  • @shahnaz-b4e
    @shahnaz-b4e Месяц назад

    درود من چطوری میتونم این ویدئو رو به فارسی ترجمه کنم
    ایران هستم

    • @humandesigninfo
      @humandesigninfo  Месяц назад +1

      متاسفم. من نمی دانم. جستجوی گوگل ضروری است. اگر راهی پیدا کردید که بتوانم ویدیو را به چندین زبان ترجمه کنم، لطفاً به من اطلاع دهید. متشکرم. :)

    • @humandesigninfo
      @humandesigninfo  Месяц назад

      خبر عالی! فکر می‌کنم راهی پیدا کرده‌ام که ویدیو زیرنویس به زبان شما داشته باشد. لطفا به من اطلاع دهید اگر کار می کند. متشکرم.

  • @benevolentconcepts
    @benevolentconcepts Месяц назад

    Omg, I have the 43.4 🫣

    • @humandesigninfo
      @humandesigninfo  Месяц назад

      Don't worry about it. As I tried to show one can zero in on various attributes and incorrectly apply the narcissistic label. I could have pointed as many others. Incorrectness causes a dissonant field, Correctness sorts everything out. :)

  • @kamranhaery566
    @kamranhaery566 Месяц назад

    "Sir, you have many Persian-speaking users, and most of them are not fluent in English. Could you please activate the Persian language option in the translation section? If you do this, I would be very grateful."

    • @humandesigninfo
      @humandesigninfo  Месяц назад +1

      Thank you. Yes, I have tuned it on. :)

    • @kamranhaery566
      @kamranhaery566 Месяц назад

      @@humandesigninfo Yes, you are right, I saw that all languages ​​are in your translation section, but Persian or Farsi language is not in your translation section.