WAIT FOR IT… Yalie hurls the word “racist” at Senator Cruz, he responds

  • Опубликовано: 15 сен 2024
  • Why does the Left only recognize minorities that agree with them ideologically?
    Watch more #onlyatYAF videos everyday: / youngamericasfoundation

Комментарии • 34 тыс.

  • @mrEC
    @mrEC Год назад +2355

    “The only thing more dangerous than ignorance is arrogance while remaining stupid.” - E.C.

    • @ruthwest1459
      @ruthwest1459 Год назад +35

      Perfectly stated.

    • @billblossom7464
      @billblossom7464 Год назад +21

      Love your comment, EC. Thank you.

    • @maxmast1686
      @maxmast1686 Год назад +32

      I believe that ignorance and acting on that ignorance is worse than arrogance. I wish more people would sit down and talk things through like this, would be great to see if the girl could spend some time with Senator Cruz and watch first hand the double standards and the damage they do.

    • @janetramos3977
      @janetramos3977 Год назад +1

      Yup he is a Dumbo

    • @leslievey8453
      @leslievey8453 Год назад +1

      And Ms . Yalie is arrogant . Very arrogant .

  • @teamaster8686
    @teamaster8686 Год назад +441

    So sad to see Ted Cruz spent so much of his precious time educating that young girl but I think it just went over her head because she was never there to listen in the first place.

    • @cyberleaderandy1
      @cyberleaderandy1 Год назад +23

      She will leave and tell her fellow activists she made him look stupid. In reality he whipped he ass big time.

    • @kellyobrien1387
      @kellyobrien1387 Год назад

      HOWEVER... it likely had a BIG effect on MANY listening to Cruz! He might not have affected the dingbat girl much, but many others there WERE challenged, and many seeing this video are challenged to think differently, and see the DISHONESTY OF THE LEFT as Cruz pointed out MANY MANY times.

    • @jshbromo7034
      @jshbromo7034 Год назад +3

      Somebody gotta do it 😊 thanks Senator Cruz 👍

    • @jamesbizs
      @jamesbizs Год назад +2

      When you debate, you’re not trying to change the persons mind. You’re trying to change everyone else’s mind

    • @lornadoone8887
      @lornadoone8887 Год назад

      @@squareeyes123Exactly. He didn’t do it for her, but for the millions of viewers.

  • @rcfred_689
    @rcfred_689 Год назад +1882

    Cruz may be annoying at times, but he fed this girl her words for lunch quite beautifully.

    • @robertthacher-ro6bh
      @robertthacher-ro6bh Год назад +71

      Ted is a clear thinking bright man who we need so much!

    • @coolmacatrain9434
      @coolmacatrain9434 Год назад +56

      Are you sure? .. it looks to me like she, and that audience, weren't listening to a single word he said -- they don't care.

    • @DDGVET4
      @DDGVET4 Год назад +8

      And seasoned them as well.

    • @DDGVET4
      @DDGVET4 Год назад

      @@coolmacatrain9434 about them not listening? Of course. They never do and they will never admit they are full of deuce.
      I don't care for Ted Cruz but he was right on target and he is a Constitutional scholar.

    • @rpk2012
      @rpk2012 Год назад +77

      ​@Coolmacatrain That is their loss. He still answered professionally and respectfully. If they were ignoring, that proves his point to everyone else even more.

  • @markmclaughlin2690
    @markmclaughlin2690 Год назад +18

    The one thing the young lady didn’t do was state what he said that she found to be “racist”, her entire argument wasn’t based in fact but in feelings.

  • @detroit12870
    @detroit12870 2 года назад +2947

    "No amount of evidence will ever convince an idiot" - Mark Twain

    • @techguy9023
      @techguy9023 2 года назад

      Idiots like the fool Cruz in spite of his repeated failures like leaving his state during an emergency for a vacation he blamed his kids wanted as an excuse.

    • @neglectfulsausage7689
      @neglectfulsausage7689 2 года назад +3

      That's not true at all.

    • @anthrhapyclient4088
      @anthrhapyclient4088 2 года назад +17

      Its True...looks at Trump supporters.

    • @detroit12870
      @detroit12870 2 года назад +54

      @@neglectfulsausage7689 LOL Thank you for proving my point!

    • @lorraineakers8147
      @lorraineakers8147 2 года назад +1

      ​@@detroit12870 How true is that !!! These idiots are amongst the permanently lost and irredeemable. I count them as a casualty !!!

  • @jackmeoff9299
    @jackmeoff9299 Год назад +4120

    I'm not sure she's intelligent enough to realize how badly she was destroyed

    • @lytch458
      @lytch458 Год назад

      Your not intelligent enough to see through Ted’s ‘whataboutism’
      Ted Cruz is an embarrassment to this country.
      The fact that you are so easily led by a man who was willing to shred the constitution - and install America’s first dictator - illustrates your inability to keep up with recent American history.
      Why do you turn blind eye to Cruz’s interference in the peaceful transfer of power - the cornerstone of our constitutional republic?
      Why are you on your knees - for a Senator who knowingly and willingly LIED to American citizens?
      To a craven Senator who enabled and bowed down to a vile, shameless, corrupt narcissist- who destroyed our nation on the world stage - and lies over 32,480 times while in The White House (failing our country?)
      Ted Cruz is despised by his peers - who refer to him as ‘Lucifer in The Flesh’
      Ted Cruz and his party - transferred historical wealth to the top 0.1% - yet foolish citizens who refuse to live in reality…cheer him on because your hatred for most of your fellow citizens exceeds any love you have for this nation.
      Patriots are always left with a question: why are you so easily fooled by lies, deflection and blame (the GOP playbook)?
      What do you personally get out of being gaslit?
      Is your terror of reality so absolute - that you guzzle lies from these grotesque men?
      America realizes that she has lost so many to the cult of ignorance and devotion.
      What a shame.

    • @jackmeoff9299
      @jackmeoff9299 Год назад

      @@lytch458 Democrats claimed Russian collusion witch turned out to be a hoax. Democrats claimed Russia interference in the presidential election yet the Twitter file have exposed to be a hoax... Democrats claim to be against the rich but yet they are the party of the rich... Democrat states have the most homeless per capita California alone has more homeless than every Republican state combined and more homeless than all of Russia..... in 2020 Democrats did the most expensive man-made destruction by domestic terrorism in US history while Democrat politicians applauded the destruction..... Democrats interfered in a presidential election and our democracy all while claiming they defend democracy yet are the only ones interfering in it and Republicans are exposing their crimes as we speak

    • @jackmeoff9299
      @jackmeoff9299 Год назад

      @@lytch458 Epstein only backed the Democrat Party if we were to put away all the people that were doing the dirty on Epstein's Island three-quarters of the Democrat Party would be behind bars

    • @jackmeoff9299
      @jackmeoff9299 Год назад

      @@lytch458 do you remember when Democrats lied about Russian collusion and lied about Russia interfering in the election and Democrats lying about being against the rich because they are the party of the rich and Democrats lying about the mostly peaceful destruction Across America in 2020 and Democrats lying about interfering in the presidential election... Pepperidge Farms remembers

    • @paineintheass233
      @paineintheass233 Год назад

      Not intelligent enough to make her points without simply reading her notes. And Justice Jackson is a /\/\0r0n.

  • @leslienewton2773
    @leslienewton2773 Год назад +1385

    Isn't Jackson the one who couldn't tell us what a woman is!? Insane.

    • @Professionalnyj_Troll
      @Professionalnyj_Troll Год назад +24

      Hey hey hey she is not a biology major. Not many opposite of her pierce would be able to define.

    • @wayneelliott2462
      @wayneelliott2462 Год назад +18

      I had exactly the same thought!

    • @stuartofblyth
      @stuartofblyth Год назад +49

      The real tragedy is that she doesn't know whether SHE HERSELF is a woman. If she DOES know she's a woman, then she has some standard for deciding who is a woman and who is not - but she said she doesn't because "she's not a biologist". It's no good, therefore, saying she's the first black woman in the Supreme Court. We can all see she's black, but she has no idea what a woman is.

    • @Professionalnyj_Troll
      @Professionalnyj_Troll Год назад +8

      @@stuartofblyth How do you see she is black? We have a native American senator from MA as well. BTW you me and Judge we all have common ancestor the skin is just a mutation.

    • @kyfho09
      @kyfho09 Год назад +4

      There are a million answers to that question but if you ask Trump he'll tell you what they are and where to grab them from!

  • @ddemonjjv
    @ddemonjjv Год назад +63

    Impressive, Mr. Cruz. I like how the audience was silent while they were schooled.

    • @jmricks73
      @jmricks73 Год назад +1

      Because they are educated students who have decorum, not drunk conservatives at a rally. By the way, if they hadn't silenced the student's mic after her question, there would have been audible dissent.

    • @brendab.5111
      @brendab.5111 Год назад

      The audience was silent while he spoke because they are respectful, not because he was “schooling” them. He isn’t schooling anyone. He lies like a rug.

  • @MC-nb6jx
    @MC-nb6jx Год назад +793

    The child didn’t realise she was schooled and schooled brilliantly🙄🙄
    Well said Senator Cruz👏🏻👏🏻

    • @RenneDanjoule
      @RenneDanjoule Год назад

      She is an International socialist/Bolshevist...the next step to come after your delusive Freemasonic Philadelphian fantasy of "every race color and creed" E pluribus Unum.
      "To the one who is victorious and does my will to the end, I will give authority over the nations- that one ‘will rule them with an iron scepter and will dash them to pieces like pottery’[b]-just as I have received authority from my Father. I will also give that one the morning star."-Revelations 2:26-28
      "Then the kings of the earth, the nobles, the commanders, the rich, the mighty, and every slave and free man hid in the caves and among the rocks of the mountains. And they said to the mountains and the rocks, “Fall on us and hide us from the face of *the One seated on the throne*, and from the wrath of the Lamb. For the great day of Their wrath has come, and who is able to withstand it?"-Revelations 6
      "As you saw the iron mixed with clay, so the peoples will mix with one another, but will not hold together any more than iron mixes with clay. In the days of those kings, the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be destroyed, nor will it be left to another people. It will shatter all these kingdoms and bring them to an end, but will itself stand forever."-Daniel 2:43-45
      “When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, he will sit on his glorious throne. All the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate the people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. He will put the sheep on his right and the goats on his left"-Matthew 25-31

    • @bigraviolees
      @bigraviolees Год назад

      F Ted cruz

    • @jeanhemard9459
      @jeanhemard9459 Год назад

      She didn't realized because she has been fooled and brainwashed by cultural marxism crap of her teachers since elementary school.
      In universities you do not learn nowadays sociology,
      psychology or political sciences but how to conform and comply with wokism and hypocritical political correctness norm of the left and the rinos...

  • @pamelaakapambo822
    @pamelaakapambo822 Год назад +222

    Perfect example of
    " the dumbing down of Americans"

    • @griffinmathers929
      @griffinmathers929 Год назад +1

      She looked French to me.

    • @lynndawomack5496
      @lynndawomack5496 Год назад +1


    • @handysmith-kv1tc
      @handysmith-kv1tc 3 месяца назад +1

      Her parents wasted their $ on her college education.

    • @Valuvsn
      @Valuvsn 3 месяца назад +1

      Perfect example of I don't care how much of a shitstorm my country has become as long as there's a black woman on the Supreme Court

    • @danielwilkins7509
      @danielwilkins7509 Месяц назад

      @@Valuvsn My states', OHIO COURTS? Needs more Woman Judges, of ANY, and EVERY acknowledged race.

  • @loretta7851
    @loretta7851 Год назад +138

    I’m am American and sad and embarrassed for the young people who cannot use critical thinking

    • @peter7624
      @peter7624 Год назад

      The left don't want people to think critically, just to follow the party line.

    • @OriginalMicycle
      @OriginalMicycle Год назад +4

      Well it's only stymied at every single opportunity while in the absolute abortion that is America's current education system.

    • @scottboehmer1114
      @scottboehmer1114 Год назад

      They don't even realize they're being brainwashed by communist. Lol

    • @floriandanzinger6027
      @floriandanzinger6027 Год назад

      Don't be embarrassed. Those self entitled snowflakes are a worldwide phenomenon.

  • @MrWhipp3
    @MrWhipp3 11 месяцев назад +11

    Thank you for spreading the word to these deluded young people.

  • @captainjacksparrow1974
    @captainjacksparrow1974 Год назад +548

    Brilliant and outstanding response! Way to go Sen.Cruz!

    • @robertsmith2956
      @robertsmith2956 Год назад

      Only disappointment I have with him, is the bogus ice storm response. Should have asked them what a senator in DC can do about it? He can't force biden to declare an emergency. Her can't even introduce impeachment, the house has to do that.

    • @danutacharlassier5512
      @danutacharlassier5512 Год назад

      like casting pearls before swine!

  • @BPRED516
    @BPRED516 Год назад +481

    This girl is a sad statement to our youth!

    • @jack-of-all-trades1234
      @jack-of-all-trades1234 Год назад +22

      Let's hear her say something positive about Trump. She'd probably burst in to flames.

    • @smerchly
      @smerchly Год назад +24

      Many youths think they know more than their elders . They need to listen more , say less , and learn .

    • @woodrowcall3269
      @woodrowcall3269 Год назад +17

      In her little mind she’s thinking “ I’ll show him.”

    • @robertacunningham635
      @robertacunningham635 Год назад +5

      I’m the old folk now and I wish I could be here for my kids, grandkids and my great grand grandkids, but I hope they remember lessons learned and love has no color ( we’re all the same color, just different shades ) teach your children well , 1 love 🥰

    • @studiosfifty4
      @studiosfifty4 Год назад +5

      Yes, this kid looks to have a certain arrogance which will not help her endeavours in life and hopefully if dropping this attitude she may do a little better.

  • @leverman7517
    @leverman7517 Год назад +1490

    The look on her face when she realized that Ted Cruz was calling HER out as racist, priceless!

    • @kimmytuna5180
      @kimmytuna5180 Год назад

      I really don't think she figured that out. She was actually in disbelief and irritated that Mr. Cruz used her own words against her. What a misogynist! Of course, to level that complaint, she would have to admit that, contrary to Ms Jackson's ability, he could recognize her as a woman.

    • @steveshooter9010
      @steveshooter9010 Год назад +27

      It said to me that she suddenly understands....we can hope some of them will learn.

    • @jamesm.3307
      @jamesm.3307 Год назад

      Some of these people with a white savior complex think that minorities need a white helicopter mom to look out for their interests.

    • @bryanwiththeheart
      @bryanwiththeheart Год назад

      I don’t think she was bright enough to catch any of that. To me, that look on her face was her disagreeing with everything Cruz said. Because to the indoctrinated, the facts don’t matter.

    • @highroller-jq3ix
      @highroller-jq3ix Год назад

      Except he didn't really manage that. The stupidity of schmucks who who don't recognize what a clownish, vile farce Cruz is: priceless.

  • @jeffbecker7810
    @jeffbecker7810 Год назад +65

    She learned more in 3 minutes listening to SEN. CRUZ than she did in any of her semester long political science classes!

    • @VickieThompson-xi2jn
      @VickieThompson-xi2jn Год назад

      Alot of bull crap

    • @casey7540
      @casey7540 Год назад +5

      That is a pipe dream from someone who did not take political science in college..That statement is the most false statement that its comical except its so lame. You are kidding . Or your kidding yourself.

    • @DianeGreer
      @DianeGreer 11 месяцев назад +1

      she just won't what she won't ! just saying 👪

  • @DrumNut927
    @DrumNut927 Год назад +361

    This Yalie's arrogance and smug attitude is aggravating.

    • @raysamson8658
      @raysamson8658 Год назад +25

      Always reading from script
      They don’t own their own ideas

    • @TheMschick22
      @TheMschick22 Год назад +16

      Well, they aren't taught to reason anymore. In fact they are discouraged from it. On top of that, they are taught to *respond* in a conversation, not to listen. So this poor girl was set up for failure since freshman year. She asked her question that was laced with passive-aggressive provocation, language that cannot be denied or else, and was taught to wait for a bad answer. She was also taught to be ready to respond & react. It really is taught this way by professors to these young adults. (And there are videos of it leaked). Sad that you have to fear your kids getting brainwashed in a place of higher learning. 😠

    • @ralphgreenjr.2466
      @ralphgreenjr.2466 Год назад +11

      @@TheMschick22 She is a perfect example of the Party sets the agenda and she mouths the words without any thought of her own. The Party knows best, whether the party is the democratic socialist or Communist, it is the same.

    • @cmcolfax1
      @cmcolfax1 Год назад +7

      You can read her lips when she says "I didn't say that"

    • @kingscairn
      @kingscairn Год назад +6

      Her parents should be investigated and arrested

  • @peppermintpig974
    @peppermintpig974 Год назад +299

    He answered her question, then he addressed her comment. She shook her head acting as if he didn't address what she said. She's so full of herself.

    • @deniseberman8633
      @deniseberman8633 Год назад +32

      She thought she was smarter than him. Never mess with the big leagues. Why was he racist, did he call that judge appointee racial slurs of any kind? Don’t think so. She started out looking angry with a bit of an attitude. He saw through her young nonsense and was patient and polite.

    • @JC-by6cl
      @JC-by6cl Год назад +32

      She's simply well programmed.

    • @highroller-jq3ix
      @highroller-jq3ix Год назад

      Rigggggggggggggggggggggt, and Sleazy the Cruz is humble. Good one.

    • @peppermintpig974
      @peppermintpig974 Год назад +24

      @@highroller-jq3ix She didn't provide a specific example to go along with her accusation. He on the other hand referenced historical examples of hypocrisy on the very same subject. So yeah, if all you have is accusation, insults and attitude and you think you're going to paint someone into a corner who is more educated on a subject than you, it's going to end badly just as this did.

    • @highroller-jq3ix
      @highroller-jq3ix Год назад

      @@peppermintpig974 We're talking about the idiotic and absurd doofus who whipped out a children's book during a confirmation hearing, so yeah, if Cruz's "history" lessons and his absurdly propagandist and hypocritical accusations, insults and attitudes impress you, you're probably also going to pretend that Cruz, who is far short of me in degree count, is more educated. It will always end with my intellectual superiority and probably with your vapid, vacuous confirmation bias and wingnut suckuppery.

  • @timothygarrett2785
    @timothygarrett2785 2 года назад +3187

    As far as I’m concerned, anyone who resorts to calling someone they disagree with a racist, has lost any credibility and has lost the argument.

    • @spindriftdrinker
      @spindriftdrinker 2 года назад

      I'm disgusted at Ted Cruz for being so polite to that imbecile after she had the nerve to publicly call him a racist.

    • @SS4Xani
      @SS4Xani 2 года назад

      Or any of the "whatever-you-disagree-with-me-about-phobias" the Left also so casually toss around to the point that the terms have not only lost all meaning but are rarely ever truly relevant to the discussion. Never mind semantically inaccurate.

    • @Renville80
      @Renville80 2 года назад +40

      Back in the Usenet days, there was something called Godwin’s Law. It had to do with the odds of a debate within any given newsgroup devolving into one person comparing the other to a certain mid 20th century dictator. When that point was reached, the person who made that final leap was considered to have lost the argument.

    • @vtferrand4534
      @vtferrand4534 2 года назад +15

      @@Renville80 Thanks, Renville. I was going to reply the same, but was struggling to remember it's name. But I think it certainly can be updated to include 'racist' in its definition.

    • @JohnSmith-it4sv
      @JohnSmith-it4sv 2 года назад +4

      Thank you

  • @bevvaor2320
    @bevvaor2320 Год назад +45

    What this young woman shows is that the educational system in the US has done a great job stunting her ability to think, analyze, ponder, reflect, and deliberate as an individual. Sad, very sad for America.

    • @Fuckbeingpoor21
      @Fuckbeingpoor21 Год назад +2

      Yeah over 50% of high school graduates work paycheck to paycheck… been this way since the beginning of the public school system… so yeah.. your spot on.

    • @edwardrichardson7076
      @edwardrichardson7076 11 месяцев назад +1

      You are so wrong!

    • @bevvaor2320
      @bevvaor2320 11 месяцев назад

      I was there when educational curriculums were changed and now you see the results. The lack of knowledge in our young people started a little over twenty years ago, In fact it became more clear when Obama became president. Just passing some information from the field. @@edwardrichardson7076

  • @marksauck3399
    @marksauck3399 Год назад +363

    These young people get more ignorant the longer they stay in college. 🥺

    • @haydeecolon7868
      @haydeecolon7868 Год назад +12

      You are right.

    • @marksauck3399
      @marksauck3399 Год назад +16

      And then they leave in heavy tuition debt. That’s a really smart investment? 😵‍💫

    • @noelmullan222
      @noelmullan222 Год назад

      sadly not ignorence , biased. They teach our young to blame everyone else for their own self inflected problems. my own daughter is a tipical example. we sent her to provate schools and she is very bright and talented. untill she chose her school and had exposure to the liberal mindset which changed her from a caring adult to one that blamed the rich for destroying the country. I asked her what rich was? when she finished her answer I told her she just described her father. I had my own buisness and employeed people. I asked her what I was supposed to do with the profits I made? she said share them with the employees. then I asked her how many I employed? she didnt know. then I asked how did I build my buisness to be able to have employees? she didnt know. I then told her it was the profits I made that allowed me to buy more trucks and tools and expand my buisness , and have more employees. This is the main problem with our children. they have no idea what it takes to build a buisness. they dont get it in school. They all get fegrees in underwater basket weaving that qualifies them to be the "boss" or so they think. I have many that applied for work that thought that because they had that degree they should start at the top. The only job I know of where you start at the top is digging a hole. I say bring back aprentiships that train people with the skills they need to survive and raise a family. I was born in sowth west Detroit. dirt poor. I made my millions from hard work learning a trade with an apprenticeships. I have trained many that now have their own businesses , many as poor as I was. Too many believe that success is written on a piece of paper. too many think that respect is issued by a law. Too many think that skin color or gender contribute to skill. Too many think that others owe them because of an ancestor that was a slave. Too many think that education equates to success. Teachers must stick to the facts of the lessons they need to succeed, leaving the parenting to parents. He who can does, he who cannot teaches.------------ I, Grampa

    • @evonnechi7029
      @evonnechi7029 Год назад

      That is the purpose of these damn colleges -- to keep them all ignorant, but thinking they have a clue.

    • @cisium1184
      @cisium1184 Год назад +3

      To learn to think critically, one needs on one hand general exposure to a variety of ideas, and on the other hand repeated in-depth exposure to one set of ideas until it becomes a discipline. The first kind of exposure teaches us openness and questioning, while the second kind teaches us detail and depth of examination. The danger of miseducation lies in getting too much of one kind of exposure and not enough of another; you end up with either students who question everything and believe in nothing, or students who believe whatever you tell them to without question.

  • @Bikewithlove
    @Bikewithlove Год назад +801

    “As a young woman” is a billboard to intelligent young men to leave her alone.

    • @Reub3
      @Reub3 Год назад +39

      She'll most likely end up some old mans trophy wife for a spell and then off to the single ladies pasture in her later years.

    • @DS-ss7vl
      @DS-ss7vl Год назад +1

      CTFU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My son is one of the intelligent young men.

    • @Usul75
      @Usul75 Год назад +17

      @@DS-ss7vl Wait, your son is her boyfriend? Dude look up Duden for the meaning of "intelligent". I think you confuse it for something else.

    • @japantrader20
      @japantrader20 Год назад +4

      ​@@Reub3 lmao you made my day

    • @1Mutton1
      @1Mutton1 Год назад +2

      It's a statement that you are old and therefore don't understand "us".

  • @lynnb-TruckCastreauJr
    @lynnb-TruckCastreauJr 2 года назад +5394

    How to humiliate and belittle a talking-point-fool, without a single nasty word and without raising your voice. Beautifully done, Sir.

    • @clarkwatson3217
      @clarkwatson3217 2 года назад +66

      He told her is a racist multiple times just with class

    • @Nickraculous
      @Nickraculous 2 года назад +109

      He was simply educating, no belittling or humiliation or personal attacks. He handled this with class, reveling in this person's "defeat" is the opposite of that.

    • @taurus38splul
      @taurus38splul 2 года назад +62

      You can't humiliate these types.

    • @gerrodmendham461
      @gerrodmendham461 2 года назад +58

      @@emmettkeyser1110 By "Most other people don’t give a dang about the color of a person’s skin and can focus on the content of what is being said", I take it you're referring to ALL Republicans....NOT dummycrats?? lol................Like the silly, immature little child, who was STILL disagreeing with Cruz...even after he absolutely destroyed her question...with FACTS & POLITENESS, as Cruz said, something the Left sadly do NOT & can NOT!!

    • @performingartsphotography8783
      @performingartsphotography8783 2 года назад +80

      He didn't belittle her, she did that herself by judging what she sees and hears by what she wants.

  • @TheMomseloc
    @TheMomseloc Год назад +72

    She can't even remember her accusation of Racism from 10 minutes ago.

    • @JoeHintz
      @JoeHintz Год назад +3

      They all lose many brain cells monthly. PMS must be rough

    • @denisevasquez5872
      @denisevasquez5872 11 месяцев назад +1

      Mejor que se balla a limpiar piso le que daria muy bien

    • @boondox270
      @boondox270 5 месяцев назад +3

      Exactly! Smiling and shaking her head mouthing "I didn't say that". The young people of the U.S. scare me honestly. No dignity, no class, no humility, and don't like truth/facts.

  • @ujmrider
    @ujmrider 2 года назад +352

    Oh yes you did young lady, you said it. He nailed you for it and there's no backing out. Mr. Cruz was actually very kind to her, but didn't let her get away with it. Awesome

    • @homelessrobot
      @homelessrobot 2 года назад +6

      'it' is the statement "its racist to to examine someone on their record", and no, she didn't actually make that statement. She said that he asked some racist question. Which one? Who knows. She didn't bother specifying.

    • @ArroEL922
      @ArroEL922 2 года назад +15

      Indeed, he was very kind to her. Near the end of his response, he should have added, "Can you state ONE question I asked her that was racist, i.e. that has to do with her race?"

    • @thomasmaughan4798
      @thomasmaughan4798 2 года назад +10

      @@homelessrobot "She said that he asked some racist question."
      Well, yes, that is what a racist person would do, and presumably a non-racist person would not ask racist questions. Of course there is no indication what is a blatantly racist question.

    • @anthonyantinarella3360
      @anthonyantinarella3360 2 года назад +12

      @@homelessrobot that's a stupid semantic. Her statement was obviously intending libelous and inflammatory labeling of Cruz. I award you no points and may God have mercy on your soul.

    • @Gablesman888
      @Gablesman888 2 года назад +5

      The video tape doe not lie but the little girl does.

  • @gib7937
    @gib7937 2 года назад +4229

    She still self-righteously shook her head as if she didn't say his questions to the justice nominee were racist. People like that are unreachable. Sad.

    • @TheCyberMantis
      @TheCyberMantis 2 года назад

      Brainwashed. The left is a satanic cult.

    • @younggrasshopper3531
      @younggrasshopper3531 2 года назад +84

      Can’t make a horse drink right. But other people pay attention know - helps to keep that in mind

    • @anthonyoer4778
      @anthonyoer4778 2 года назад +88

      Not my timestamp but 3:45...
      She laughs when Cruz quotes Jorge Ramos ,traitor to his (latin) race...

    • @staubsauger2305
      @staubsauger2305 2 года назад

      @@anthonyoer4778 she is the typical racist Leftist - they "own" the hispanics on their taxation ponzi scheme - and they will slander anyone who points this evil scheme out or a race that is smart enough to escape their modern taxation plantation.

    • @ArtSnob101
      @ArtSnob101 2 года назад +78

      I think she said "I didn't say that" just from Lip reading. he just redefined her question and might have said it in a different way with a little twist so she didn't like that. Though I would agree with with Cruz for the most part.

  • @charlesroulette5296
    @charlesroulette5296 Год назад +300

    He handled her with kid gloves but to call him as asking racist question shows how she has been brain washed in what a racist is. She didn't even listen to his response.

    • @fangkc
      @fangkc Год назад +3

      What racist comment was he accused of asking? Sorry, I’m not American but I’m curious to know.

    • @Slashoom
      @Slashoom Год назад +5

      @@fangkc how dare you question me racist. Does that answer your question?

    • @Reub3
      @Reub3 Год назад

      @@fangkc Thats how it works for the liberals/democrats/leftists in the US.
      You are a racist and bigot for even having a different view or opinion on any matter. If you have any real legitimate questions that goes against the liberal agenda on any matter. You are a white supremacists and a racist.
      and so on and so on.

    • @Mwoods2272
      @Mwoods2272 Год назад +2

      She probably haven't even seen the hearings.

    • @barne3668
      @barne3668 Год назад

      Our college students are literally being taught to be racist! It's insane. What's even more insane is that they believe otherwise.

  • @annetteliuzza7356
    @annetteliuzza7356 Год назад +97

    She demonstrates exactly what is wrong with our country and the young people today!

    • @JoeHintz
      @JoeHintz Год назад +3


    • @bethcramer1232
      @bethcramer1232 Год назад

      Easy, brainwashed!! No more college!

    • @derrickmc222
      @derrickmc222 Год назад +1

      By calling out BIGGOTS ?

    • @markbest5127
      @markbest5127 Год назад +3

      ​@@derrickmc222, I guess you didn't listen to anything he said. Typical lefty.🙄

    • @derrickmc222
      @derrickmc222 Год назад +1

      @@markbest5127 lefty? Im right armed

  • @williamgregory6684
    @williamgregory6684 Год назад +393

    Don't let the TRUTH get in the way of your narrative.She let it go right through one 👂 ear and our the other. That was one of the best responses I've ever heard!! The more I hear Congressman Ted Cruz, the more I like and respect him. Unfortunately his intelligence level is way above hers.The children of this country have been brainwashed.This is a product of Yale??? God help 🆘 us!!!!

    • @joemarshall4226
      @joemarshall4226 Год назад

      The ivy league schools are a laughing stock to thinking people.

    • @perniciouspete4986
      @perniciouspete4986 Год назад +12

      It's amusing that you think Ivy League students are more intelligent than other students.

    • @joemarshall4226
      @joemarshall4226 Год назад +24

      @@perniciouspete4986 I think it's just the opposite. He's looking at someone who was trained at Yale and saying, "This is supposed to be intelligent?!" Yale is no longer the place for that....but maybe it never really was....

    • @garyrentschler6082
      @garyrentschler6082 Год назад +11

      Cruz is a U.S. Senator

    • @jeancaron9325
      @jeancaron9325 Год назад +1

      She like All Leftist they can NOT Accepted Reality.

  • @cl5342
    @cl5342 2 года назад +305

    That was a super impressive response!! Spoken so well and his tone, demeanor and points were outstanding. That was a 7 minute carpet bombing of that young lady.

    • @markemerson8399
      @markemerson8399 2 года назад

      If he had opposed her because she was black, that would be racist. We don't want a black person, or a woman for that matter. The fact is Republicans are not opposing people based on race or gender. Ted Cruz is not opposing people based on race or gender. That's it. The young woman is wrong. I would never employ someone who thinks like her.

    • @simonclare100
      @simonclare100 2 года назад +11

      I hope she understood that, it would give us all hope if she learnt something and became better informed

    • @barneyfontenot1462
      @barneyfontenot1462 2 года назад +5

      thats why they break out the racist label ...they have know argument that can win

    • @V3R1T4S
      @V3R1T4S 2 года назад +2

      First of all, it wasn't an argument, it was a verbal comment made & a question asked in a single remark. If you have no idea how an argument is supposed to be constructed for it to be an argument in the first place, then I'm pretty confident you should go visit Yale yourself. Senator Cruz, wasn't taking down anybody's arguments, since he was answering a question asked, and then later making a personal politically relatable remark himself, explaining his line of thought, in order to put the existent "double-standards" of the manipulative 'left' into perspective.

    • @barneyfontenot1462
      @barneyfontenot1462 2 года назад

      @@V3R1T4S sounds like an excuse to me

  • @MedMikeHawk
    @MedMikeHawk Год назад +162

    I can’t believe she denied saying the question were racist! She is a perfect example of a person with best access to information and yet the most ignorant! Blatantly, ignorant, and trying to tell others how things should done!

    • @wmcrockett3637
      @wmcrockett3637 Год назад +11

      Almost agree with you. Ignorance means lacking the knowledge. Stupid means having the knowledge and rejecting or not using it. She's stupid not ignorant.

    • @case.johnson
      @case.johnson Год назад +3

      She was denying (7:12) saying it was racist to examine a judge based on her record, which is how Senator Cruz was framing what she (the questioner) said since he was maintaining that his examination questions were only relevant ones related to Judge Jackson's record. The question at hand is whether Cruz's questions of Jackson included racism, which was not really addressed here in much detail, only accused by the questioner and then denied by Cruz. Not saying I agree with the questioner; just pointing out what she was actually denying.

    • @kamelhaj6850
      @kamelhaj6850 Год назад +2

      @@case.johnson So how is examining a judge on their record "included racism"?

    • @vld7850
      @vld7850 Год назад

      @@wmcrockett3637 AMEN!

    • @case.johnson
      @case.johnson Год назад

      @@kamelhaj6850 I didn't say that any racism was included in Cruz's questions. I do think it's possible for questions related to a judge's record to include racism and also possible for such questions not to include racism.

  • @colleenwest438
    @colleenwest438 Год назад +16

    Love this Senator . He never backs down and always is polite .

  • @jayharrison323
    @jayharrison323 Год назад +404

    In an age where politicians have earned themselves a near-complete loss of respect, I have to say I'm awestruck at Sen. Cruz' response to that question. It was obviously meant to hurt, demean, and ridicule, yet he calmly and politely responded - and tore her entire worldview to shreds doing so. Based on his level of self-control and eloquence under fire, he rekindles in me some hope that all is not lost.

    • @RGRundeRGRound
      @RGRundeRGRound Год назад

      Actually, Cruz was able to school this young mind, because she represents the Best & Brightest the Left has to offer.
      Meaning, they don't have any great minds in this area.

    • @robertivey3268
      @robertivey3268 Год назад +42

      I believe that the Senators response was masterful but I do not believe that his intent was to hurt, demean or ridicule the young lady. I believe that his intent was to educate her and hopefully she will learn from the exchange.

    • @intercess6893
      @intercess6893 Год назад +22

      @@robertivey3268 I think Jay was referring to the student's (her) question as hurtful, demeaning et al.

    • @king-qo8fi
      @king-qo8fi Год назад +16

      i agree, I Cruz handled it wonderfully

    • @donbrecker8982
      @donbrecker8982 Год назад +18

      ​@@robertivey3268 you could tell by her laughter, his response was way over her lack of maturity, level of thinking, brainwashed at yale.....

  • @roybatty-
    @roybatty- 2 года назад +2272

    This girl is upset, outraged and offended but she doesn't know why. However, she is certain that her emotions are correct.

    • @extremeresponsibility
      @extremeresponsibility 2 года назад

      The rise of totalitarianism.
      Democrats are looking for the government to do it while the Republicans are looking for King/Savior Trump.
      We need the center left and center right to speak up.
      Career politicians term limits and campaign finance reform is a good start.

    • @rw7532
      @rw7532 2 года назад +48

      She was told she was wrong. Her mind is so closed she doesn’t even have the capacity to entertain the idea that she could be (is) incorrect in her conclusions. She has been fed the line that self reflection is an essential element of intellectual development, which is true, but told its only a method to discover “my truth.

    • @jl6075
      @jl6075 2 года назад +29

      Because of her professors her peers and the biased medias

    • @EvilHippy38
      @EvilHippy38 2 года назад

      Successfully manipulated by leftist brainwashing.

    • @thedennis4412
      @thedennis4412 2 года назад +9

      @@jl6075 Social media and the amount of influence they have with their bots. People don't understand how sophisticated the AI that the bots are operated by actually is.

  • @AViewFromTheMiddle
    @AViewFromTheMiddle Год назад +718

    I love when she started shaking her head and mouthing, "I didn't say that."
    Yeah, you did, and it's on video.

    • @stevenpoe640
      @stevenpoe640 Год назад

      Yeah, her exact words were "flagrantly racist questions."

    • @nooneyouknowhere6148
      @nooneyouknowhere6148 Год назад +97

      She doesn't remember what she said because she was reading what someone else wrote.

    • @puresynergyflo
      @puresynergyflo Год назад +35

      Or it was a different demon from the many legion in her possessed head which in fact did not say that.

    • @naekosl3059
      @naekosl3059 Год назад +1

      Liberals are used to automatically lying to support their ideology.

    • @jonfox4022
      @jonfox4022 Год назад

      To be fair she did not say that. And as you pointed out, its on video. I swear, ya'll get your heads so far up your own arses trying to feast on your own political identity that you completely deprive yourselves of all objective thought and reasoning........

  • @donaldumunawa4787
    @donaldumunawa4787 Год назад +42

    She'll never understand what he just said because her mind is closed

  • @zekeonstormpeak4186
    @zekeonstormpeak4186 Год назад +287

    You ain’t black if you ain’t a democrat. This is their motto!!

    • @griffinmathers929
      @griffinmathers929 Год назад +1


    • @Josh_Alzamora
      @Josh_Alzamora Год назад +20

      ​@@griffinmathers929 Joe Biden said it on the news lol

    • @leviathanlives4847
      @leviathanlives4847 Год назад +11

      ​@@Josh_Alzamora yep, and not a peep from liberals on that one. They ignore it entirely.

    • @dantastic6262
      @dantastic6262 Год назад +4

      Same thing in the UK where a Labour Member Of Parliament (Left) said of the Chancellor of Exchequer (Treasurer, number 2 to the Prime Minister), Kwasi Kwarteng, that “he superficially is a black man”. She added, by way of absurd evidence: “He went to Eton, he went to a very expensive prep school… if you hear him on the Today programme, you wouldn’t know he’s black.”

    • @CovenantTreasures
      @CovenantTreasures Год назад +7

      It’s mind boggling how blacks still support him after saying that and knowing his history

  • @spencergsmith
    @spencergsmith 2 года назад +3378

    The irony of this girl “as a young woman” defending a Supreme Court nominee who herself refuses to define what a woman is.

    • @relentl3ss293
      @relentl3ss293 2 года назад +1

      and yet none of the GOP trash will give the definition either.

    • @americansfirst1095
      @americansfirst1095 2 года назад +39


    • @bdickinson6751
      @bdickinson6751 2 года назад +22

      @@americansfirst1095 As well as disturbed!

    • @cruzin1383
      @cruzin1383 2 года назад +55

      Couldn't have said it better.
      It is beyond disturbing, it's like cannibalizing your own womanhood and smiling while doing so.
      I mean she was so happy and "invigorated" that a person was nominated to the supreme Court because she was black and a woman.
      it just did not matter to her that, that nominee would not define a woman.

    • @revelationunsealed1758
      @revelationunsealed1758 2 года назад +12

      The best short answer... beautiful !!!

  • @proudamerican3117
    @proudamerican3117 Год назад +104

    Wake up young people!! Excellent response by Mr. Cruz

  • @toniadugger3954
    @toniadugger3954 Год назад +11

    BRILLIANT Debate ( that round goes to you ) ; SenatorCruz!!👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼🇺🇸✌🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼

  • @jaygorny
    @jaygorny Год назад +673

    And as spot on as he was, she didnt even hear him. Laughing and shaking her head while he hit her with FACTS.

    • @ApartmentKing66
      @ApartmentKing66 Год назад +43

      Yeah, he might as well have been talking to a tree.

    • @ME-ys6vl
      @ME-ys6vl Год назад +19

      To be fair, I don't think she was doing that the whole time. I think she was doing that in direct response to how he called out her question, saying it's racist for the senate to investigate the credentials of a potential justice. She says, "I didn't say that." I do think she didn't come there to change her mind though.

    • @jaygorny
      @jaygorny Год назад +12

      @@ME-ys6vl Thats a good
      Point. I rewatched and yeah that does seem to be the case. I still think he was talking to a wall though 🤷

    • @johnmclaughlin9930
      @johnmclaughlin9930 Год назад +25

      @@ME-ys6vlyou’re right, she was saying, “I didn’t say that,” but she did say it. She specifically said Cruz questioning of Judge Jackson was racist without citing the specific question that was racist. Cruz had no choice but to assume she meant questioning her at all was racist. Or maybe opposing Jackson was racist. Cruz could have asked her to clarify, I guess.

    • @DarkEcho119
      @DarkEcho119 Год назад +15

      @@johnmclaughlin9930 Could, sure, but I'd bet if pressed she'd fail to offer up any quote or argument. Just gesture at the rhetoric and say it's inherently racist for some nonsense reason.

  • @chucksmoko5348
    @chucksmoko5348 Год назад +461

    That poor woman didn’t even understand Cruz. She was shaking her head in ignorance when Cruz made a complete fool of her.

    • @RobertLeBlancPhoto
      @RobertLeBlancPhoto Год назад +30

      That's because she was just reading the question her woke professor wrote for her.

    • @degen83
      @degen83 Год назад

      This person is shaking because she knows she has to disagree with Cruz because he is a conservative but lacks the mental awareness to realize she is perpetuating the racism she claims to be fighting against. The left is racist whenever anyone disagrees with them.

    • @arsenelupiniii8040
      @arsenelupiniii8040 Год назад +2

      Shame ate her cerebral cortex for lunch. Good looker though.

    • @ryanpercival9823
      @ryanpercival9823 Год назад +19

      She mouthed "I didnt say that." She thinks Ted misunderstood her argument, and twisted it. However, that is because she just expected everyone to take that she said Ted asked racist questions as a given, and to not receive pushback; the racist comment was a side-jab in her asking for good things about the judge. Contrary to her expectation, she was confronted on that passing fallacious comment, and didnt like that. The only thing Ted could have done better was ask her "What racist question did I ask?" and watch her squirm.

    • @andycap6786
      @andycap6786 Год назад +4

      'She was shaking her head in ignorance...'; ignorance is bliss eh?

  • @marvinkho5018
    @marvinkho5018 Год назад +849

    She wont accept the truth even if it hurts her. She is shaking her head. And Senator Cruz answered her question beautifully.

    • @barne3668
      @barne3668 Год назад +51

      her big moment was crushed! She was up all night rehearsing that word salad of a question. She had high hopes that all those fancy words would 'cancel' ol Ted C. NOT!

    • @MatthewsSloan
      @MatthewsSloan Год назад

      She won't except the truth because it hurts her. It's a cult and they run from truth like vampires from sun light.

    • @daviddavis3426
      @daviddavis3426 Год назад

      She's too stupid!!

    • @AH-hm5js
      @AH-hm5js Год назад

      These idiots lack the character to accept that their opinion is inferior, let alone the brains to realise it.

    • @kathyhansen2820
      @kathyhansen2820 Год назад +27

      @@danieldenton5721 Years ago when all this division ramped up, I told my husband that when over 50% of Americans are fools, I'll give up on this country. I'm afraid that it's getting mighty close to that.

  • @jerryspringa1729
    @jerryspringa1729 Год назад +16

    That was the most succinct eloquent rebuttal I have ever heard from Senator Cruz. Way to go man!

  • @DaGolfViking
    @DaGolfViking 2 года назад +492

    We need to stop being so sweet to these nasty kids who think it's ok to call everyone that they disagree with a "racist"
    It's despicable and we are way to nice about it.

    • @Man_0f_Culture
      @Man_0f_Culture 2 года назад +27

      Agreed I think it's time to as well.

    • @MP-in4or
      @MP-in4or 2 года назад

      And stop defending oneself. Instead of going defensively, people need to simply tell them to shut up. Ask them who made them God to make that judgement on me. And who the hell are they to make up such a lie. It is impossibly to reason with an idiot. So, people need to stop asking "why" they are a racist, and focus more on telling them to shut up. These liberals want a fight. And I cannot stand when people get defensive and try to say, 'oh honey, Im not a racist. Why would you think that? I love this black, that black, support this black. STOP. Put them in their place and don't entertain their stupidity. The minute you start to defend yourself, it only infuses their goal to argue. Truly, the only overall racism I am seeing is against white, normal (straight, whatever that means), men.

    • @RaquelSantos-hj1mq
      @RaquelSantos-hj1mq 2 года назад

      We need to call them racist because they are. Leftists are racists. They use racism for their own benefit.

    • @reacher9856
      @reacher9856 2 года назад

      And what? Lower out standards to theirs? Absolutely not! The reason people leave the left is because of the abuse toward anyone that disagrees with them. We cannot, in any way, lower our morals or ethics.

    • @derp8575
      @derp8575 2 года назад +16

      Turn the other cheek and you eventually run out of cheeks.

  • @gaild.882
    @gaild.882 2 года назад +2471

    I remember how brutal and horrific Clarence Thomas was treated. And if I remember correctly it was at Joe Biden’s hands!

    • @onenationunderground2360
      @onenationunderground2360 2 года назад +44

      Yuuuuup, and Cruz should have mentioned that.

    • @suzannesmith2452
      @suzannesmith2452 2 года назад +104

      I watched those hearings and I was shaken to the core. I was young, optimistic, a Democrat and what the Dems did to Judge Thomas was disgusting.
      Now, I am an older and wiser version of that young person, and a Republican.
      One snippet of advice is to use your head over your heart when it comes to how you view and interact with people.

    • @carlatamanczyk3891
      @carlatamanczyk3891 2 года назад +20

      I remember that too.

    • @Sooner-im9qf
      @Sooner-im9qf 2 года назад +87

      Biden acted like the KKK at Justice Thomas's conformation hearings!

    • @emichels
      @emichels 2 года назад +67

      This generation, and mostly this generation on the left, choose to not read or do any research.

  • @Sulley1562
    @Sulley1562 Год назад +529

    Very well thought out response. This is what we need rather than name calling.

    • @henrycollins9847
      @henrycollins9847 Год назад +21

      Well thought out on the fly, let's get Biden to sit and answer a few hard questions. I would pay to watch.

    • @alhouser4010
      @alhouser4010 Год назад

      name me one country that has no racism? It's engraved into each and every society, culture and race. But they only group who is ALWAYS accused of racism are white people. Strangely, they all want to come and immigrate into European/White based societies, even we are all so racists

    • @desres2281
      @desres2281 Год назад +1

      These young people are soooo dumb! Zero life experience and they think they know everything! Get out of your Mummy's back bedroom and get a job! 😏

    • @REDMAN298
      @REDMAN298 Год назад +1

      I was definetly impressed with Cruz and haven`t been a fan in the past.

  • @melinhouston
    @melinhouston Год назад +7

    The most important, intelligent response from Senator Cruz to date.

  • @futub2661
    @futub2661 2 года назад +4934

    This was like watching a father purposefully and carefully scolding a child without raising his voice.

    • @Dra741
      @Dra741 2 года назад +38


    • @WayneLynch69
      @WayneLynch69 2 года назад

      The quesioner proves she's impregnably ignorant and vile when Cruz
      recounts being called "a traitor to his race" by Jorge Ramos. It's impossibly
      perfectly in explicit opposition to her alleged hatred of "racism" when directed
      against darker people. BUT SHE'S SO MANIACALLY SELF-RIGHTEOUS,
      she concludes it must mean she has been vindicated when Cruz is the object
      of a '"RACIAL ATTACK". 'Anything which rescues her from this beating, ipso facto is TRUE. 'Cause God & the universe revolve around her....

    • @WayneLynch69
      @WayneLynch69 2 года назад +7


    • @reniefuwa
      @reniefuwa 2 года назад +162

      And said child adamantly refusing to listen. You could tell from her demeanor, she was determined to deny everything he said

    • @gcallananpainting
      @gcallananpainting 2 года назад +103

      They hate anything "fatherly"

  • @miltonwaltercompanyllc9605
    @miltonwaltercompanyllc9605 Год назад +2463

    To anger a Conservative, lie to them
    To anger a liberal, tell them the truth.

    • @morbidmanmusic
      @morbidmanmusic Год назад +29

      that flips every few years. don't kid yourself with trite cliches.

    • @pussnuts
      @pussnuts Год назад

      Counter point: Tell a trump supporter Jan 6 was indeed a seditious act that 100s have been convicted of.

    • @ShaneMcGrath.
      @ShaneMcGrath. Год назад +108

      @@morbidmanmusic Truth hurts, Especially for a liberal.

    • @clbrans1
      @clbrans1 Год назад +50

      ​@@morbidmanmusic outrage at the truth does not come equally from both sides.

    • @suzanneporterfield2047
      @suzanneporterfield2047 Год назад

      @@ShaneMcGrath. truth hurts your republicans are liars! Trump no didn’t win the election ! And bet your wee mind still believes it

  • @rickcavtube
    @rickcavtube Год назад +74

    He didn't take her bait. Such an articulate and respectful response that clearly demonstrated, example after example, that her knee-jerk accusation of racism was unfounded. It is sad that young college students these days are so indoctrinated and are unable to analyze events for themselves.

  • @CharlotteWhitworth-qu9ys
    @CharlotteWhitworth-qu9ys Год назад +7

    Senator Cruz. ❤👍

  • @1waychild
    @1waychild 2 года назад +65

    Did she say "That's not what I said"? When I clearly heard her say it!!
    This young woman has a lot to learn.

  • @bernardmestas9807
    @bernardmestas9807 2 года назад +607

    In my 75 years on this earth I have learned that the people that talk more about racism to me are the racist ones because they hide behind by talking about it.

    • @deanne9266
      @deanne9266 2 года назад

      Quite the opposite! People who oppose racism talk of racist racists. If the racists were not racists there is no reason to talk about racists and equality. If people loved all races and accepted all religion there would be peace and happiness on earth. Racists are evil and destroys peace on earth.

    • @TheTrueMariWho
      @TheTrueMariWho 2 года назад

      and the people whom talk about sexism all the time (feminists), are actually the sexists.

    • @Witty..UserName
      @Witty..UserName 2 года назад +6

      goes with a lot of labels:actions.

    • @MrsFearlessVP
      @MrsFearlessVP 2 года назад +5

      That. Is. Laughable

    • @matthewmosier8439
      @matthewmosier8439 2 года назад

      @@MrsFearlessVP It's not too far off. I've had people accuse me of racism.. these are people who, to the best of my knowledge, do nothing to help African American kids (unless you count campaigning for more tax dollars to be spent as being the same as giving to a cause)
      There are days when I spend hundreds of dollars out of my own money to take care of the African kids I've "unofficially" adopted overseas. How dare some liberal person, full of false self righteousness, accuse me of hating black people while they sit at home campaigning for America's tax payers to "help the poor", while I'm actually helping the poor? If I can do it then anybody can. Progressive politics make me sick to my stomach, to be honest. The hypocrisy is strong.

  • @puddies4148
    @puddies4148 Год назад +374

    This is the most intelligent response I have ever heard a politician give to one of these spoiled brats that have infested our colleges. Unfortunately, from watching her reactions to his comments, she wasn't intelligent enough to understand the point he was making.

    • @muttnjeff9030
      @muttnjeff9030 Год назад +9

      Perhaps open minded would be a better characterization than not being intelligent. Just "don't confuse me with the facts."

    • @imonyourside8376
      @imonyourside8376 Год назад +3

      Typical left Emo response

    • @puddies4148
      @puddies4148 Год назад +5

      @@imonyourside8376 I have no idea what a Left EMO is. You surely can't be referring to me because I'm a MAGA republican. I'm 76 years old have no idea what country we are living in, because it sure isn't the one I lived in when I was her age.

    • @puddies4148
      @puddies4148 Год назад +18

      @@muttnjeff9030 Open minded about what? She giggled and shook her head saying no to every thing that Cruz said. That's lack of intellect to comprehend what was being said.

    • @jenniferbangs
      @jenniferbangs Год назад +1


  • @JohnRoberson-d4k
    @JohnRoberson-d4k 11 месяцев назад +3

    He's exactly right, you have to ask questions about their record,once they're on the Supreme court it's for life.

  • @davidmcmillan6839
    @davidmcmillan6839 Год назад +136

    I'm from the UK, however; I've seen many clips of Senator Cruz questioning these candidates. As for this clip, he's far too well informed, well read and astute for this kid and her lefty woke buddies. Way to go Ted. Eres demasiado inteligente para ellos mi amigo, gracias.

    • @deniseberman8633
      @deniseberman8633 Год назад +3

      I agree.😀

    • @jmode_explicit
      @jmode_explicit Год назад

      Stop lying

    • @Ana-sn6qy
      @Ana-sn6qy Год назад +2

      AMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HE'S AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GOD BLESS YOU, MR. CRUZ🙏🙏😇😍

    • @mikesixx7655
      @mikesixx7655 Год назад

      @@jmode_explicit cry harder

  • @HolyMoly432
    @HolyMoly432 Год назад +214

    My God what a great answer. 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
    Ted Cruz is brilliant. Wish he always sounded like this!!

    • @Professionalnyj_Troll
      @Professionalnyj_Troll Год назад

      This was not an answer it was a technique.

    • @johncrafton8319
      @johncrafton8319 Год назад +7

      @@Professionalnyj_Troll He answered her question, and then talked about the question itself.

    • @jdpalmer1
      @jdpalmer1 Год назад

      He usually does, it's only because the left wing press chop and mis-edit his statements that it comes across differently.

    • @vart7767
      @vart7767 Год назад


    • @Ana-sn6qy
      @Ana-sn6qy Год назад +1

      SO TRUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • @johndesaavedra1040
    @johndesaavedra1040 Год назад +335

    The slightest allegation of racism is supposed to send Conservatives into the basement. Thank you Senator Cruz!

    • @g_323
      @g_323 Год назад

      This "student" believes that the legal system and the Constitution are essentially white stuff, and that a black person should "represent" their "identity", and do things like dance around a campfire or hunt zebras for food. But to her that's not racist at all. That is the result of nineteenth-century German idealism, which has destroyed the educational system along with two or three generations.

  • @MorganOtt-ne1qj
    @MorganOtt-ne1qj Год назад +1

    Gee, ain't it funny how a Demorat totally ignores the history of her party. Pro slavery, anti women voting, against both the 1963 & 1964 Civil Rights Acts, current occupant at 1600PA Ave saying he didn't want his kids growing up in a "racial jungle", and eulogized a Klansman from Democrat party. Ted Cruz said it quite well. Would love to see Senator Kennedy answer the young lady as well. 2 Super Star Senators!

  • @Angela_C_2024
    @Angela_C_2024 Год назад +194

    Even with all her magic keywords as "challenge your own thinking", "new perspectives" or "create a space",... that young woman has been totally DECONSTRUCTED! 🤪

    • @carlitosortiz2870
      @carlitosortiz2870 Год назад +5

      "as a young woman I am am inspired by an African American woman....." these words coming from a person who uses the pronouns "they", "them"....

    • @Mwoods2272
      @Mwoods2272 Год назад +2

      She didn't think or that question.

    • @carlitosortiz2870
      @carlitosortiz2870 Год назад

      @@Mwoods2272 WAT?!

    • @barne3668
      @barne3668 Год назад

      her mind was taken over by professors who lean towards Marxism. Going into college these ediot klowns are ripe for exploitation. She's a twit and finally someone mistakenly told her she wasn't

    • @tanyasimon595
      @tanyasimon595 Год назад


  • @sgtballa95
    @sgtballa95 Год назад +186

    The most dangerous thing in this country is an undergraduate student.

    • @Levnyan
      @Levnyan Год назад +9

      No, it's a government unafraid of its people.

    • @RealzFoSho
      @RealzFoSho Год назад

      @@Levnyan And a government won't be afraid of its people when so many of them are undergraduate degree holders driven by a delusion that they have achieved great wisdom at such an early stage in life because of their 6-figure diploma provided by government subsidized institutions.

    • @raspiankiado
      @raspiankiado Год назад

      Eh. In that case no one should ever vote for Trump. He's an undergrad.

    • @stewmeat9261
      @stewmeat9261 Год назад

      According to Biden it's white people

  • @rubiks6
    @rubiks6 2 года назад +347

    When Joe Biden said he was going to nominate a woman and then the woman he nominates can't even define what a woman is, she should respectfully tell Joe Biden, "I may not be qualified."

    • @MrClobbertime
      @MrClobbertime 2 года назад +28

      You don't have to be qualified for the job when the employer is just interested in checking off diversity boxes.

    • @theeclectic2919
      @theeclectic2919 2 года назад

      Joe Biden isn't qualified to be President, so it's no stretch of logic to realize that he's incapable of nominating anyone to anything.

    • @esterquinonez7187
      @esterquinonez7187 2 года назад +3

      I agree

    • @Gobbluth666
      @Gobbluth666 2 года назад +2

      @@MrClobbertime unfortunately

    • @johnnylion5535
      @johnnylion5535 2 года назад

      Hahahaha no sh!t

  • @Jabaha777
    @Jabaha777 Год назад +11

    This is what happens when you go against a boss 100levels above you. Ted is a gift to humanity.

  • @whyhellotherestranger
    @whyhellotherestranger 2 года назад +469

    "As a young woman, seeing Justice Jackson on the supreme court is invigorating"
    As a Hispanic, that's how I feel about Senator Cruz =)

  • @myfairlady5050
    @myfairlady5050 Год назад +661

    I pray my teenage and young adult children never act so rude and self righteous in a similar situation. How embarrassing for her parents.

    • @robertsmith2956
      @robertsmith2956 Год назад

      I taught mine to think with the carrot approach. The one to spot the most lies on fake news gets an extra 100 round magazine to shoot. maddcow was always the hardest for them, her lies were by omission so you had to have the historical context to spot them.

    • @MHarenArt
      @MHarenArt Год назад +41

      She wasn't rude, she was just plain ignorant and wrong. She should have pointed out what the racist questions were, and I'm sure she could NOT have done so.

    • @chrisroper2731
      @chrisroper2731 Год назад +8

      @@MHarenArt I am. The only questions he asked addressed her record, which it's his job to do.

    • @lordkuku
      @lordkuku Год назад

      That's why I won't send my kids to a public school. So they won't grow up and be as dumb as the Millennials, Gen Z and Gen Alpha.

    • @davidh9844
      @davidh9844 Год назад +13

      The parents are applauding her performance.

  • @RTTGunsGear
    @RTTGunsGear 2 года назад +413

    She shook her head and mouthed "I didn't say that." That's exactly what you said! She said Cruz's line of questioning was racist.

    • @markemerson8399
      @markemerson8399 2 года назад +22

      She said it, I also heard her. If she wanted to ask a more specific question she needed to utter the words. As you say, she accused Cruz's line of questioning as being racist in content.

    • @chen0466
      @chen0466 2 года назад +10

      100% agree

    • @traderblaze8561
      @traderblaze8561 2 года назад +23

      She wasn’t listening to him; just waiting for a chance to disagree and missed what he was saying

    • @dannyfitzpatrick9783
      @dannyfitzpatrick9783 2 года назад +10

      Forget her, waste no more time attempting to change her mind, she is omniscient already, not worth investment of time, money or intellect. Being a Kardashian is her objective. She wants to be famous, clever, look how she responds to the applause for her!

    • @lisadavenport7125
      @lisadavenport7125 2 года назад +3

      Yep, she certainly did

  • @dl9671
    @dl9671 Год назад +1

    This smug, immature kid was standing there shaking her head. What she really needed to do was stop and TRY TO PROCESS what Ted Cruz was explaining. It’s sad to see the MAJORITY OF these young adults have ZERO BRAINS.

  • @rocket5557
    @rocket5557 2 года назад +1188

    She probably spent days preparing her statement. She more than likely had her professors critique it. They most likely told her it was brilliant and she felt so proud of herself and then Ted Cruz destroyed her after thinking about what she said for less than 5 seconds.

    • @Datsamoutful
      @Datsamoutful 2 года назад

      Right! She was so smug and secure in her self-righteous, arrogant condescension, only to be so thoroughly demolished that she couldn’t even comprehend how ridiculous she looked to anyone with an IQ above that of a potato (which is the average IQ on the left).

    • @evoxpop2088
      @evoxpop2088 2 года назад +107

      The words she used are a tell tale of her schooling and leaning...not an original thought inside her head, how sad is that.

    • @davemakarchuk5127
      @davemakarchuk5127 2 года назад +38

      One would hope so. Cruz is a former solicitor general and in his 9th or 10th year as a U S senator and she's just a kid.

    • @albertgrant1017
      @albertgrant1017 2 года назад +22

      Well Stated !

    • @steve-dq7hh
      @steve-dq7hh 2 года назад +65

      @@davemakarchuk5127 But Dave she is supposed to be the new wave of up and coming genius ivy leaguers who should be able to talk circles around an old man.

  • @vworre2589
    @vworre2589 2 года назад +300

    As an older woman, I was truly disappointed by the appointment of Justice Jackson. There were far too many questions asked of her that she gave nothing more than a non answer. She is either a politician at heart, or she was prepped well by Democrat politicians.
    No I have no pride just because she is a woman.

    • @zelmiracholevova184
      @zelmiracholevova184 2 года назад

      She is agent of socialist entity.

    • @anthrhapyclient4088
      @anthrhapyclient4088 2 года назад +5

      Haha...where were you for Amy and Brett. If you say she didnt answer questions....your losing memory 👵

    • @KipringPayne
      @KipringPayne 2 года назад +14

      @@anthrhapyclient4088 what is a woman?

    • @UberLummox
      @UberLummox 2 года назад

      @@KipringPayne ok trumper Urine iddy yacht.

    • @mrshadenoughofallthis911
      @mrshadenoughofallthis911 2 года назад +18

      She wouldn’t even answer the question ‘What is a woman?’. As a woman that is a big red flag for me.

  • @hanzbrixx6672
    @hanzbrixx6672 2 года назад +260

    She called his questioning ," flagrantly racist". His questioning pertained only to her record. Therefore, she did in fact, say that merely questioning her record was racist. Smacked the smug right off of her.

    • @8bitdragoninstall182
      @8bitdragoninstall182 2 года назад +5

      That’s why she got all quiet like a mouse. 🐁

    • @theeclectic2919
      @theeclectic2919 2 года назад

      In her petty little world, in her angry woke social group, everything a black person says must be complimented and agreed with (no matter how absurd) or you're automatically a "racist". Being woke is like being in a religious cult.

    • @michaelblaine6494
      @michaelblaine6494 2 года назад +3

      “Ya breaking my balls Hanz Brixx”

    • @panno1103
      @panno1103 2 года назад +10

      It's very important to understand, in woke ideology if you are white or/and man is racist and misogynistic to question a not white woman. No exceptions. Racism doesn't have the same definition in woke culture.

    • @Rino37
      @Rino37 2 года назад

      @@panno1103 yep, because they drag power structure into it. The woke are truly the religious zealots of today.

  • @susanbarhitte3453
    @susanbarhitte3453 Год назад +11

    Excellent response from Senator Cruz! 👍

  • @rollotomassi4768
    @rollotomassi4768 2 года назад +1187

    I would add to Cruz's statement that not only opposing someone because of their race, but supporting someone because of their race is racist.

    • @NewtonWashinton
      @NewtonWashinton 2 года назад +22

      Rollo Tomass, Absolutly Correct

    • @markmotter7060
      @markmotter7060 2 года назад +41

      I've said that about the election of Barack Obama

    • @renatechamberlin6759
      @renatechamberlin6759 2 года назад +17

      Very well said, GOD bless you!

    • @ZealousPower
      @ZealousPower 2 года назад +5

      Is that your real name or The Rational Male wannabe? Lol

    • @williamlewis4680
      @williamlewis4680 2 года назад +16

      Why does VP "Cackles" suddenly come to mind?

  • @georgegalarza6278
    @georgegalarza6278 Год назад +800

    As a Latino American conservative. I can testify that senator Cruz is absolutely right. I've been called a race traitor and everything else under the sun by liberals. Idc I stand for my rights and the rights of all Americans under the constitution in this great Republic of ours.

  • @mestrong
    @mestrong 2 года назад +428

    This young lady is a picture of our Education system what a shame, someone has taught her this ignorant thinking

    • @bluddynosewilly
      @bluddynosewilly 2 года назад +1

      Yeah because neither party gives every school the proper education it needs.

    • @troycarothers8254
      @troycarothers8254 2 года назад +6

      Yeah. Yale.

    • @eriklyndund603
      @eriklyndund603 2 года назад +2

      Ya she be cute doe

    • @oldkoot5828
      @oldkoot5828 2 года назад +4

      Most likely when she reached her 3.5 year into her 4 year degree program and has awakened to the fact that she is $100,000 in debt with a degree that has a poor chance of job placement.

    • @bladerunner5810
      @bladerunner5810 2 года назад

      @@oldkoot5828 Yale? Probably 200K.

  • @GodsServant1953
    @GodsServant1953 Год назад +1

    Racism is the number one sin of the world, more people have gone to Hell because of racism than any other sin. Most people can't seem to get over that stumbling block.

  • @RobertLeBlancPhoto
    @RobertLeBlancPhoto Год назад +72

    I was hoping he was going to challenge her to prove exactly which questions he asked Jackson that were racist.
    Instead, he actually took the higher road, and proved to her that she was wrong for saying that he asked racist questions by simply questioning Jackson's record and judicial decisions.
    He's a class act.

  • @ronbailey8504
    @ronbailey8504 Год назад +626

    That kid is educated beyond her intelligence. My condolences to her parents.

    • @Coasterdude02149
      @Coasterdude02149 Год назад

      She's not educated, she's indoctrinated.

    • @cyberleaderandy1
      @cyberleaderandy1 Год назад +58

      She couldn't accept she was applying double standards and grinned / shook her head, thinking she was being clever. All it showed was her stupidity

    • @christopherarthur9577
      @christopherarthur9577 Год назад +40

      Don't forget arrogance.

    • @heyitsmichael6256
      @heyitsmichael6256 Год назад

      hey, it's Michael
      0 seconds ago
      Oh look JFK Dems. its the "Young American Youth". The degenerate's that put Leftism thru to the mid-terms in 2023. They helped Twitter with silencing speech, are definitely for moving abortion up a level to killing new borns. There probably celebrating Canada's new hate law against trans. 100 ft. safe zones. Forcing society to say, yeah its definitely a woman. No disagreement allowed. So called democrats are Marxist's. Borrowed our name and stole OUR Party. The Left would have thrown President Kennedy under the bus.

    • @davidgribble263
      @davidgribble263 Год назад

      So smart they are dumb !!!!

  • @6jefes948
    @6jefes948 2 года назад +253

    Her question demonstrates that she likely did not listen to the Senator’s questioning or was exposed to a highly edited clip or short sound bite and she is only parroting something she heard from a liberal media source.

    • @harryricochet8134
      @harryricochet8134 2 года назад

      @@PrimeDirective101 Tolerance and even-handedness are two attributes the Left cannot ever tolerate nor respond to in any debate, as they are the antithesis of their entire narrative.

    • @theunfitfarmer7840
      @theunfitfarmer7840 2 года назад


    • @nosananolife8669
      @nosananolife8669 2 года назад

      You just described every liberal. They cant think for themselves

    • @user-xu5js1nl7l
      @user-xu5js1nl7l 2 года назад +1

      Ya know, you are probably spot on! She probably just listened to Joy Reid and then ran with it. Hundred bucks says she never turned on the actual live hearing.

    • @taylor-jayde
      @taylor-jayde 2 года назад

      @@PrimeDirective101 I would disagree....she even laughed along in agreement with something he said about himself being called a race traitor. She laughed along with the crowd on that. I have a feeling this was deceptively edited...

  • @MR-lq7ss
    @MR-lq7ss Год назад +1

    Its so pleasant listening to Sen. Cruz. He speaks clearly and states facts - about things half the people probably don't know.

  • @sterlingforbes3872
    @sterlingforbes3872 2 года назад +60

    Wow, have to admit. This man speaks beautifully. Kept his cool, kept it classy, kept it logical, and proved his point with facts.

  • @brokenarrow-zz7ch
    @brokenarrow-zz7ch 2 года назад +986

    She started with “as a young woman.”
    He should’ve asked her “as a young woman, can you define the word woman?”

      @WALTRIPFLAIR 2 года назад +21

      Wow. Perfect question !!

    • @joenewman6494
      @joenewman6494 2 года назад +9


    • @cjthakid
      @cjthakid 2 года назад +14

      Definitely at Matt Walsh question 🤣

    • @SStupendous
      @SStupendous 2 года назад +19

      As a young black man, how is an equivocating black woman, Ketanji Brown, on the Supreme Court remotely inspiring? Love how Brown stands behind Biden in his "America can be defined in a single word" -gibberish speech, trying not to laugh.

    • @bluekenyan8166
      @bluekenyan8166 2 года назад +4


  • @annelindsey3016
    @annelindsey3016 2 года назад +416

    "There are only two races in this world. The decent man and the indecent man."- Victor Frankle (Man's Search for Meaning.)

  • @bluebonnetbutterfly5728
    @bluebonnetbutterfly5728 Год назад +1

    I am embarrassed for this young lady. She is not showing respect, and she seems to lack no respect for herself. My grandparents often said, you get no where fast with a proud and haughty attitude. She could learn a lot of life’s values by humbling herself, listening more, and talking less. That’s how each generation learned wisdom, learned about life. Just by listening to common sense. One doesn’t have to agree, but just hearing someone out. We will never know everything, and it only takes a minute to show respect, where then respect is shown in return. I pray this young lady learns this, and is a better person for it.

  • @specialk9424
    @specialk9424 2 года назад +331

    "As a young woman, seeing Justice Jackson on the Supreme Court is invigorating" ..........Because there aren't three women on the Court already?

    • @IAmTheRealBill
      @IAmTheRealBill 2 года назад

      And a couple before them.
      The reason the Dems went after Thomas and others when nominated by the Republicans is that they didn’t want “them to get credit” again.
      The reality is that both parties’ POTUSes have sought to nominate based on gender and ethnic background. But the Dems get pissy when it isn’t them.
      It’s a result of their collectivist thinking. Any break from a collective of assigned collective position (such as “traitor to your race”) can not be allowed to exist by a collectivist because it destroys their assertion and thus their power base. And actual racism is a particular type of collectivism- which is why actual racist policies are nearly always put in by leftists.

    • @donf3877
      @donf3877 2 года назад +38

      Well yeah... but there's only ONE that won't define what a "woman" is. Apparently THAT makes all the difference.............................................................................

    • @LFMA7
      @LFMA7 2 года назад +6


    • @Skinman366
      @Skinman366 2 года назад +1

      Your name answers all questions about what you said

    • @matthewboylez34
      @matthewboylez34 2 года назад +9

      In other words, she gets those 'invigorating' self-virtuous LIKES on twitter for her identity politics.

  • @tomerickson7889
    @tomerickson7889 2 года назад +168

    You can see her saying that she didn't say that...when in fact, she did. Senator Cruz only asked questions about her record, and she said Cruz asked racist questions...so yes, she did say that.

    • @AFONLY01
      @AFONLY01 2 года назад

      Yes she did say it. I noticed it as well. AOC is probably inviting this poor Brainwashed Young Lady to work for her.

    • @Elmarias777
      @Elmarias777 2 года назад

      Exactly. The beginning at 0:41 she says "baffled me that you would ask such flagrantly racist questions to this exceedingly qualified candidate."
      Then when the senator responds about what he asked, and how they were about her record and not racist, she shakes her head mouthing "That's not what i said."
      Yes...yes it is, you just cannot admit you were wrong dear. Personal responsibility is required in the adult world so own your mistake and learn from it. Grow. Become a better person who doesn't judge people based on race, heritage, economic status, etc but on their character.

    • @ralphmiller2265
      @ralphmiller2265 2 года назад

      @@Elmarias777 BRAVO!!

    • @YouWillBeHappyOrElse
      @YouWillBeHappyOrElse 2 года назад

      To be fair, she probably never even heard the questions, and her reaction was due to feeling betrayed by the teacher using her as a ventriloquist puppet.

  • @brendayoungblood9484
    @brendayoungblood9484 2 года назад +2652

    Her court ruling record is the problem most conservatives have with her.

    • @stephentucker6548
      @stephentucker6548 2 года назад +233

      I have a problem with her being appointed simply because of her gender and race. As if those two immutable characteristics are some kind of boon to understanding the constitution.

    • @frankvandorp2059
      @frankvandorp2059 2 года назад +101

      @@stephentucker6548 That's a problem, but not a reason to vote against her nomination. Her judicial record, however, is a reason to do so.

    • @vecmama
      @vecmama 2 года назад +124

      Certainly but I think the SC nominee should be able to provide a definition of a woman.

    • @bootsbooy
      @bootsbooy 2 года назад +12

      Didn't seem to have an issue with the last two.

    • @stephentucker6548
      @stephentucker6548 2 года назад +2

      @@rje613 - For certain. The soft bigotry of the left is very apparent here in Georgia. The left will have you believe that it's difficult for black people to get IDs here!

  • @jamespastore3597
    @jamespastore3597 Год назад +1

    Anyone who mentions the word "racist" in a conversation is actually the person who is racist.

  • @OrderofthePipe
    @OrderofthePipe 2 года назад +1599

    Wise words falling on deaf ears. The way that student completely shook off his comments without any consideration whatsoever speaks VOLUMES about her character and the unfortunate state of our country as a whole. Very sad to witness.

    • @bladerunner5810
      @bladerunner5810 2 года назад +23

      Too true brother!

    • @billworden6642
      @billworden6642 2 года назад +60

      She laughed in great support when the audience member mocked Cruz for selling out his race. She obviously supports people 'staying with their own kind, represented by their own kind.
      I would have loved to see how magnanimous she would have been if Cruz had asked her to give two nice comments about Kavanaugh or Thomas or Amy Coney Barrett. It is weird seeing generations becoming more and more closed minded in America to the point of shunning and censoring discussion and debate. At least these students came to this forum and were willing to engage, even if it was to laugh at the other party, instead of just protesting it.

    • @reniefuwa
      @reniefuwa 2 года назад +13

      There were more ears than hers

    • @virgilblaze9090
      @virgilblaze9090 2 года назад

      It's like debunking a number of claims to a conspiracy theorist that's so far down the rabbit hole on a certain subject that they can't factor in any data that challenges their own narrative. They stick to a one sided, tribalist viewpoint while dismissing the bigger picture. Very much like a cult.

    • @LFMA7
      @LFMA7 2 года назад

      She really was not looking for an answer. Like most leftists she just wanted to virtue signal and to shame a conservative. Little does she realize that she failed miserably.

  • @paulingram9280
    @paulingram9280 2 года назад +175

    I find it interesting how the young woman called Cruz racist when referring to his line of questioning the nominee, but then when Cruz calls calls her out on that, she mouths the words, "that's not what I said", delusional.

    • @SueCL1480
      @SueCL1480 Год назад

      @Paul Ingram that's a liberal nut job for ya.

    • @ruthwest1459
      @ruthwest1459 Год назад +5

      Hopefully his reply to her racist calling will make her think.

    • @jgappy5643
      @jgappy5643 Год назад +1

      She is of the kind of people who call you an arsehole and when you politely confront them and they notice they made a fool of themselves, they say they never said such things....ignorant people.

    • @jrizzledrizzle4697
      @jrizzledrizzle4697 Год назад +4

      Yes I agree! She needs to stick with astrophysics

    • @timmcclymonds5155
      @timmcclymonds5155 Год назад

      She didn’t give examples of how Senator Cruz’ questions were racist. To her, and according to the reigning leftist paradigm, she doesn’t need to because any substantial question is racist, particularly because he asked it of an African American woman.

  • @jasonrodgers880
    @jasonrodgers880 2 года назад +400

    I love how he straightforwardly answered her question before addressing her accusation. Class act.

    • @eddbenson7223
      @eddbenson7223 2 года назад +1

      I would have called her a racist for using minorities as political footballs to demonize others to advance an agenda. Most democrats are racist and they don't even see it. 🙄

    • @bigraviolees
      @bigraviolees 2 года назад

      Ted is low class. Pos

    • @CreativeCookingVideos
      @CreativeCookingVideos 2 года назад +5

      I agree. Mr Cruz is a brilliant man and he corrected her without being offensive.

    • @samalama9692
      @samalama9692 2 года назад +2

      I truly agree . 👏

  • @stevenblock1838
    @stevenblock1838 11 месяцев назад +1

    Sen. Cruz gave an excellent answer in explains the process and race never trumps it when the real questions concern an examination of the record of the applicant.
    As a lawyer for 44 years, Sen. Cruz Is a fine speaker. He knows the law and ethics and a great Debater. We’re lucky to have him.

  • @lisalk7434
    @lisalk7434 Год назад +105

    I respect Justice Thomas so much. We're lucky to have him.

    • @edmundbanks1806
      @edmundbanks1806 Год назад


    • @bradb33
      @bradb33 Год назад +2


  • @JustSayN2O
    @JustSayN2O 2 года назад +2069

    The girl was taught more in 5 minutes, than her entire 18 years.

    • @MisterRlGHT
      @MisterRlGHT 2 года назад +16

      Maybe so, no real way to measure -- thank goodness we can always rely on Sen. Cruz to resist learning in all shapes and forms.

    • @markemerson8399
      @markemerson8399 2 года назад +60

      @@MisterRlGHT I don't understand your comment. How does "Sen. Cruz resist learning in all shapes and forms"?

    • @BN-HAPPY
      @BN-HAPPY 2 года назад


    • @basanistes359
      @basanistes359 2 года назад +61

      No she wasn't. She wasn't listening.

    • @gordonspond
      @gordonspond 2 года назад +1

      Doubt it. Despite her Yale "education", she is still a fool.

  • @reidsimonson
    @reidsimonson 2 года назад +168

    When she shakes her head no and says "I didnt say that", its actually exactly what she said. She doesnt remember cause she read it from a script.

    • @2mexpesos
      @2mexpesos 2 года назад +10

      I guess they do have the memory of a goldfish 😆

    • @adorabledeplorableoracle8211
      @adorabledeplorableoracle8211 2 года назад +13

      ....that was probably handed to her by a Democrat before she walked in the room. They've done it before.

    • @V3R1T4S
      @V3R1T4S 2 года назад

      She considers his questions racist, she never made the accusation that Senator Cruz is a racist. You are putting word's in her mouth. I'm somewhat of a conservative myself; however, what I have found quite annoying to some degree at this point is many right-wing commentators and politicians make presumptuous baseless statements and put word's in the opponents mouth. There is a tremendous difference between asking racist questions and being a racist. The premise on which questions are built do not define your views, they could to some extent "forecast" them, all things considered. But, jumping to such conclusions, that just because we subjectively regard someone's questions as racially discriminatory, sensitive - as in 'racist' does not mean we deem an individual racist, but the premise the question was asked though. In my opinion, the term "racist" is hugely over used nowadays, and has began to loose it's meaning, in any case.

    • @V3R1T4S
      @V3R1T4S 2 года назад

      @@2mexpesos She considers his questions racist, she never made the accusation that Senator Cruz is a racist. You are putting word's in her mouth. I'm somewhat of a conservative myself; however, what I have found quite annoying to some degree at this point is many right-wing commentators and politicians make presumptuous baseless statements and put word's in the opponents mouth. There is a tremendous difference between asking racist questions and being a racist. The premise on which questions are built do not define your views, they could to some extent "forecast" them, all things considered. But, jumping to such conclusions, that just because we subjectively regard someone's questions as racially discriminatory, sensitive - as in 'racist' does not mean we deem an individual racist, but the premise the question was asked though. In my opinion, the term "racist" is hugely over used nowadays, and has began to loose it's meaning, in any case.

    • @2mexpesos
      @2mexpesos 2 года назад +2

      @@V3R1T4S is called reading between the lines.. someone without comprehension skills may have a hard time understanding but we don't and she meant what she said. asking a "racist question" or assuming someone did automatically labels the questioner as a racist. simple as that.

  • @markcobb4693
    @markcobb4693 Год назад +3

    This young woman as she identified herself supports justice Jackson who doesn’t know the definition of a woman 🤔🙃

  • @viagedern121
    @viagedern121 Год назад +83

    My respect for Cruz continues to grow

  • @frecko
    @frecko 2 года назад +1719

    That’s so sad to see a young person so indoctrinated , and totally taken in without even the knowledge to rationalize she’s been brainwashed

    • @alienjay7703
      @alienjay7703 2 года назад +81

      I know several like her . Didn’t care about race issues their entire life , but suddenly within the last few years became obsessed with race . Completely brainwashed.

    • @RoberttAvro
      @RoberttAvro 2 года назад +25

      Exactly, and yet oh so common in this era.

    • @JuanMendoza-qd5lm
      @JuanMendoza-qd5lm 2 года назад +37

      As someone who just entered their 30s, I can say it is beyond horrifying to watch.

    • @cheesebeef4902
      @cheesebeef4902 2 года назад

      Why do people in America use the word brainwash🤮!!!! Till this day blacks are brainwashed in America what culture did blacks come from🤷🏿‍♂️??? What foods did they eat🤷🏿‍♂️??? What language did they speak🤷🏿‍♂️??? The language thing has always been the straw that broke the camels back the catalyst that makes everything unforgiving!!!!🇺🇸🔥

    • @russelllangworthy8855
      @russelllangworthy8855 2 года назад +36

      @@JuanMendoza-qd5lm Try seeing it through my 62 yr old eyes. You have no idea. (Respectfully.)

  • @sandrahamilton-kb1yu
    @sandrahamilton-kb1yu Год назад +1

    I do believe she got owned. 😂😂😂 Ted Cruz you are amazing!!! This coming from a non-racist white woman!!! God bless you Senator Cruz and thank you Jesus for this man. Praise God.

  • @robpar5282
    @robpar5282 Год назад +125

    Standing ovation, Mr. Cruz!