There’s so much shame in the comments… it makes me sad. People are in different stages of their practice and understanding of witchcraft… just because some of the people interviewed are novice does not mean they aren’t worthy to have their opinions and perspectives. I am happy to see the documentary had a diverse set of witches 💛✨
I appreciate you putting this comment. I didn’t actually read the shaming comments about the girl with the blue hair but I am kind of irritated with her because they spent so much time filming her and the fact is I am a 50 year old solitary practicing practitioner, so I’ve been doing this a long time, and sometimes forget where I started. I guess my frustration with this specific girl is not even about her. It’s the fact that they spend so much time and win people that are not witches watch this that’s what they see. I have never cared what people think and I will never, but I do get frustrated with the general idea or description of witchcraft when it is such a huge field. Most witches do not practice the exact same way, and that’s what makes their craft unique to them.. anyways, again, thank you for posting that before I added to the negativity❤
@@kristibrown48 Agreed. It kind of felt like the filmmakers were going out of their way to show how clueless she was. And I don't mean "clueless" as an insult: every single person starts off not knowing anything, making mistakes, etc. Many, if not most, tried a variety of different approaches before finding the path best suited to them. Apparently, most of these interviews were done a couple of years ago. If we could see a more recent one with this young woman, she might very well have found her path & be much more adept & sure of herself.
It saddens me that there is so much gatekeeping in these comments - Come on Witches! Do better! Insisting 'your' way is the only right way has that fundy flavor... and it's pretty unpalatable, nor is it a good look. I'm a solitary witch since 1993. I am not Wiccan; I do not ascribe to the 3-fold law. I'm also monothesistic, but respectul of other deities. I listened with an open heart and mind to the entire film, and found things I disagree with or practice differently.... and that's okay. I also heard things that rang true in my own practice. As for the young witch (green hair) - I urge everyone who is being critical to remember back to the early days of their own magical education and practice. None of us were experts from day one... and likely, still aren't. She is eagerly seeking and learning - and that is integral to evolving her practice to understand her beliefs and discover her own path. Witches are a diverse lot (although, I do wish we'd seen more of that in this film) - those with collective practices often gather into groups or covens... and really enjoy the ritualistic elements that combine power. Some of are solitary, seeking to commune with our God/desses on a personal level and/or interacting with nature closely as a matter of every day life (that's my practice). While care should be taken, and spiritual and physical risks mitigated through common sense and protections - we each find the path that is most gratifying and fulfilling for ourselves. Sometimes, it involves mentors or clergy, sometimes is solitary study and experimentation... Ultimately, like very other human on the planet, we won't know how close we got it untill we're ready to move on from this LIfe. So be kind.
"That fundy flavor" - LOL. So true. I've been Wiccan for 24+ years (Protean tradition). Enough with the "witchlier than thou" stuff. It was problematic when I started, and it's even more so now.
I’m Muslim and I find bits and pieces of Magic in my own religion but what’s hilarious about these comments is it tells me one thing that no matter what community it is there will always be harsh pompous people passing judgement on others, I see it with Christians, I see it within my own community, and I see it with witches too I guess human nature runs deep 😭🧍🏻♀️
I really enjoyed toward the end the woman who described a spell as a prayer in 3D. She seems extremely knowledgeable. They all seemed so wonderful. Thanks for this documentary, as a practitioner of the craft it's important to me that witchcraft isn't seen as evil or scary. I was and still am called evil by my mom and it does hurt when it's so untrue.
I hope the green-haired witch has learned a lot since the production of this documentary. I love how passionate she is, just using what she has. I think all of the witches, from their own perspectives, had great points to contribute. I hope more discussions like this continue, even among the fears and misunderstandings. We may not agree on the path, but we should support one another in these dark times. Reading the comments, that seems unlikely, but... *shrug*
My family are all from Eastern the tales I heard from my grandparents, witches ( hedge witches) were herbalists , and were , to an extent, Christian witches. Bible verses were often used as part of a medical treatment....there were spells of a sort. In that context, a witch was always a woman, the equivalent of witch for a guy was " conjurerer". Both had different abilities, with a lot of crossover. Witches were healers, midwives, and treated women and children, for the most part.... A conjurerer specialized in weather forecasting, when to plant and harvest. When are where to hunt and fish, and to a certain extent, an EMT taking care of accidents and injuries. That, and dowsing for water. My grandfather could dowse for water, my Mom could too, but was scared of the ability ,for reasons never made clear. Generally, witches and conjurerers were considered an important part of eastern Kentucky communities back in the day.
Pretty similar to practitioners in my area of the Ozarks. Psalms and something called the 6 book of moses is still used by some. Most call themselves healers and shift away from the word "witch" because they see it as too dangerous -especially if people hear the word come up. I blame the Christian influences for that one. Some of us have divorced ourselves as completely as possible from Christianity. Witches could be men and women in these parts -didn't really have a sexual connotation. So, I guess, some of these ideas have a lot of bio-regional influences
*For those that do it, you would blow the cinnamon into the dwelling, not out. *The term Warlock, It does mean oathbreaker but it was a term back in the day that Christians used for those who they viewed as having broke their oath, their covenant with the Christian Deity. It was a term they used for Christian heretics. Today its more common usage is one where someone has broken their oaths and betrayed their coven, though there are some male witches reclaiming the term and giving it their own meaning. *There are many types of Witches. Wiccans are but one type though in the last several years there has been a movement where some Wiccans focus solely on reverence for deity and the Earth and certain other practices while eschewing magic and separating themselves from the title, witch.
Surely the only oath that's broken is with the church. Warlock, you mean someone who broke the chains of Christianity, broke his oath to the church from baptism onwards and discovered earths magic? Sounds a pretty brave thing to be doing especially back in the day or the wrong part of the current world. I'm not a Warlock but it is a cool name with positive connotations in my mind.
@@SandWitch-y6mThat is my point, that Christians used the term; Warlock, for those that walked away from them. Walking away from Christianity in any way back in the day was considered heretical and condemned. Those that did were then often labeled as Warlocks or those who had betrayed their oath to the Christian deity. The modern usage of the word is often equated with being an oathbreaker in a different sense in Craft circles. I personally don't use the term in a negative way. I am however highlighting how the use of the term has changed over time.
This was a great documentary. I don’t understand why so many are being so heavily critical of the young blue/green hair girl, she is not harming anyone. I feel a little bit more skeptical towards the older dianic Wiccan lady describing the history of witchcraft tbh.
And not all wiccans follow the wiccan rede/threefold law (and there are wiccan who only follow it unless their spouse/kids get messed with). It wasn't a thing until around the 70's/80's. Wicca started in the decades before that.
The practice of casting spells is not a joke. You have to be aware of the forces in the universe that people of science have not understood or don't desire to acknowledge yet.
I was JUST about to say this. If you're going to cast spells, you need to make sure you do it properly. If one thing is off, it changes the spell. Whether you know it or not 😂
@@mojo_lovin_lyfeeuhm no😂😂 a ’spell’ written in books are invented as well. There’s no such thing as a ’Universal one true spell’ it really is about intent.
My only problem with this video is the misinformation and that a few of the people interviewed don't seem to have any real experience and/or knowledge. We need representation from those in the know, not those who are so green/new that they don't know enough to provide valid information or represent the community well. This just kind of makes us ALL look ignorant, to be honest. Definitely not gatekeeping here, everyone is welcome in the craft, just disappointed that the doc doesn't truly represent the community or include some well versed elders or more experienced witches
And all witches (wiccans and non-wiccans) should get together and have each other's back. Im tired of the wicca-bashing going on especially from the new teen babywitches.
@@samuelbrito571 That has been an issue for quite a while. I usually toss their reaction to a lack of education and rebellion against traditions that were closed with initiation requirements. That aspect isn't for everyone -that is why there are other options. I generally think that most witches -Wiccan or not- do support each other. I don't often see the opposite being the case but I'm sure it happens out there.
Im going to need a series and do all the different types of Witches. 💜 This was fantastic. I love seeing my craft from different points of view. Its so beautiful. Thank you for all your hard work. Im at the end and the 3D metaphor was awesome. Also im a hands on also. Digital things distract me and make me in a read only mode.
My friend told me something last night which has helped me loads, she said there is no right or wrong when it comes to witch craft as long as the intention is there and its good 😊 made me feel alot more relaxed about myself and learning to practice 🖤✨️🧙♀️ i do need to make myself a feck off jar though 😂
How is nobody talking about the opening quote they played while showing the tape rolling at the very beginning? Opening quotes usually set the stage and expectations for the whole video, and it is saying witchcraft is dangerous because it all is just in our imagination and leads to inability to differentiate between reality and fantasy -- in other words, there saying it leads to psychosis. Right there at the beginning. That puts everything else they show (and choose not to show/types of people they choose not to interview) into context, doesn't it? This was not made to show us in a good light. It's like most other things from outsiders -- always either damning us to hell or saying we're play-acting fantasy LARPers.
Yes blowing prosperity herbs to the inside of the house. She seemed nervous or new at this. Hey, you have to start somewhere. I'm also surprised she opened her book of shadows and showed us everything. Might be a secondary BOS notebook. I keep one of those before placing the actual spell in my main BOS.❤
For the producer of this documentary. Re: the lady with the light green hair who paints and is exploring her casting options. If you still have contact with her please tell her this: She's painting her vision boards, that's her casting style. I recommend that she meditate on that for a while. And what she called chaos magic sounds like reframing to me. I hope she enjoys her obvious gifts.
Im surprised they all talk so openly about their craft. I have always felt my craft is mine and i hold it close to my chest. I don't lie about it but is someone asks me about my religion i always say im not religious but i am spiritual. I even believe in the Creator i just don't believe how the traditional religions do.
Kind of odd that she had to look up what the pentagram points represent.. Also, from my learning, sink water is not the best to put out under the full moon or use for spell work.. But at the end of the day, every Witch has their own way of doing things and end up twisting some things to make it their own. ✨ Never expect for one Witch to completely “agree” with another Witch’s way of things. Live and let live. 🖤 As long as the intent is there and the conscious connection within is there, you are doing amazing. Best wishes to you fellow Witches! 🖤 🌙 🔮
All in all, it's a very good documentary. I think it's important to remember, though, that there are as many paths as there are people walking the wiccan/witchy way. Also, we were all beginners at one point, so it's nice to be generous and kind to those young in the craft. We should open our metaphorical wings and support them. ❤❤❤❤❤❤
@@NorthForkFisherman I have enough knowledge to understand the natural order of the world. Karma has its own timing. When you mess with timing, your bringing chaos to natural order. There is no light without dark.
Well... whiile all of the interviewers are real practitioners. Some of them seems to be in the 'magick glamour' and have no clue of what they're doing. I'm not saying it's bad to be a beginner, but they're spending too much time on beginner witch's instead of letting the adapts show their craft. Another problem is most of the interviewers have similar view in magic, three time come back law. And there seems to be no pagan witches(Norse, Greek...) and no left hand path witches. Also no descriptions of chaos magick from chaos magicians. So it seems to me that the directers of this movie made witchcraft look crappy and equipped only with the happy, loving side of magick.
As far as the cinnamon for abundance spell, try blowing it INTO your house from outside if your intent is to bring abundance/ prosperity IN to your home. Blowing from inside to the outside world would work if the intention was to send your abundance out into the world. Not a bad idea, but the intention is what makes it work. Intention, words , action all in harmony. ❤
Not everyone should be blowing around cinnamon at all or burning or applying cinnamon. Please do research before working with a spice like cinnamon, it can be very irratating to skin for some and inhaling cinnamon can irritate the throat and lungs and some medications should not be mixed with cinnamon so ingesting it is not adviced and also it's not good to work with if you are preganent. so it's adviced when working with herbs and spices to first do research on the herb and spice ( not just the magical/kal properties) before ingesting, making powders that might be applied on skin or burned or thrown about in case anything applies such as allergies, irritants, medication reactions and so on.
Speaking as a Pagan and a practicing Witch for almost 50 years, and having seen all the ebb and flow of witches and the craft in that time, I will say this much: Watching this video, I admire those speaking in it. BUT while they are all talking about negative stigma and being called out with nasty accusations and names, I have to point out that when you walk about loaded down with pendants and stones, tattoos all over your body, all in black, emo/neo-gothic hair and jewelry, with witchy hats and black clothing, you are going to draw attention and people will assume the "worse." When your home is adorned with hundreds of gemstones, pagan statues, herbs, pentacles, charms, bones, skulls and fairy statues, people are going to make assumptions and will either call you out or avoid you. So you have to consider what it is you are "putting out there" while you walk about the grocery or school dorm. Don't complain when you do not get a job because you have tons of pagan and witch symbols on your arm. Witches have and will continue to get chastised, so long as you put out this "Hollywood" emo, gothic look. If you want to dress like witches in movies because that what you feel gives you power, fine. But expect backlash. Just like people that dress up like Dogs, Cats and Pokemon and walk around daily that way. How you present yourself will have an effect on how people will approach you. I know, "But its what's on the inside that counts." I get it, Trust me I have been there and back more than most of the people in this video. But guess what? Thats just not how the world works. We all want to live in some sort of fantasy world where everyone loves each other. But that's not the way real life is. I learned this lesson very early in life. I did the "all black, emo, hair color, black leather, tons of pentacles" thing. I leaned fast that it was drawing people away from me and I was accused of being a Satanist by one of my own teachers. Thats when I stepped down off my soap box and realized that I was not being "me" and I was not being a real witch. Hair, color, black clothes, costumes, Fairy wings, piercings tattoos. None of that mattered. It's not going to give me anymore "power". I realized I was creating a resurgence of a hateful stereotype that had been existing for centuries. "But the books, and the new-age and the movies made it sound like this is the look I needed to have and look" to be a REAL witch. Thank the gods I realized that fast. I realized my spell work was stronger when I was wearing my blue denim jacket and jeans, than any silly ol black robe or renaissance shirt. I realized that lighting a single ambient candle was doing me more good than lighting 9 candles. I know, I know, "to each their own." So the next time you get called out negatively for being a witch, satanist, devil worshipper or whatever, stop and look at yourself before you launch back. While people may be in the wrong for launching at you, think about what have projected out to make someone assume the worse. I am not saying you cannot be yourself. but you should ask yourself is all that self and home adornment is really you. Or are you just purposely showing off or rebelling.
I'm British from a long line of witches. I'm a solitary Dianic witch who worships the moon goddess Diana who I was named after. We don't worship devils (I wear my pentagram the right way up 😂) we don't sacrifice children or animals, we are at one with nature. We do spells usually for the greater good. We manifest and we celebrate all seasons. I have a x witch mark on my right palm, sensitive to the spirit world and mildly psychic.
I've seen a lot of comments regarding Christian 'craft. There existed in the U.S. since the 18th century a practice known as "powwow" - not to be confused with native people's ritual gathering, though the term is likely borrowed. A book shows best these practices entitled "Pow-Wows: or Long Lost Friend" by John George Hohman, which could be considered a sort of grimoire of spells for certain ailments, often with Christian prayers. Its just one example of Christian use of what we might call magic(k?:) historically still in practice today.
3:25 some witches do work with a crossroads figure of spirit who is called "The Man in Black" that is also identify as "The Devil" but has little to do with the Bible's Satan.
Sorry but the green haired witch didn't seem to be able to explain things in detail such as chaos magick is working with what ever works from what ever system. Her explanations were a little lame.
The more I watch the more I see how poor quality this documentary is. It’s full of stereotypes. Everyone’s house is dark. I don’t see light, joy, and fresh sweetness. The uniform is tattoos, piercings, dark makeup, dark clothing.Why feature a novice? Wouldn’t you interview experts if you genuinely wanted to educate? It’s an interesting watch, but, I think these people have been let down by the shortcomings of this video. I’m sure you are a group of diverse individuals, who nurture each other and have a deep spirituality. The history of persecution is sad. I think it’s time you’re respected.
THE LOST AND BESOTTED - Lili Full moon tonight, would you like to play? Come with me to the woods tonight We’ll take a drop of the Witches brew soaked in Mandrake root. Oh yes The marsh and bog won’t slow us down, the moon will show the meadow bright You’ll lay with me on the wet dew grass, the Spirits all will bless The love will flow like a torrent fast, the coupling goes on for ages We’ll last all night, through the laughter joy, until the morning light. - You’ll become besotted, deep in love, but I’ve stolen your true Spirit It was nothing but a night of love and now I own your soul There’ll be many more I’ll take along, they’ll all become my slaves They’ll procure the sweet young flesh, the blood to fill our bowl And when the number counts to ten, the first three all will die I’ll take three more to the meadow deep, slaves we will control. - They can’t resist the lure of sex and then we share our blood Oh pretty please my handsome man you don’t know what’s in store The Coven takes, the Coven gives, and you will give your life Hypnosis deep and potions strong, Succumb to Satan’s whore Chained far in the forest now confusion fills your mind Go steal the young when we demand, this is the Sabbats lore. - And when we’ve finished with your soul you’ll sink into the mire Replaced with others young and strong who cry to do our bidding There’s forests deep all through the land and secrets very dire People lost might wander through, lost forever or just hidden We’ll keep them lost till Sabbats time and then they’ll join our throng The wine the Blood, the Water, Life. Be lost or come, belong. Blessed be.
Maybe society would be more comfortable with the word “ ALCHEMIST “ . I personally don’t dwell on society beliefs or right or wrong. We attract what energy we put out there . That’s our given right , every living being ❤
Iv always been quite intrigued with witchcraft my whole life I grew up with many complications not being understood or accepted my only friends were animals etc I grew up within religion but none of them ever stuck I like to think of myself as more of an ominists towards them. I feel like I'm more of an empath then anything else I have a calling to indigenous people they're rites culture etc upon researching this information I came across some information regarding a type of empath with extreme power based on they're contrarian nature n the Sioux tribe aka Lakota tribe they too called these heyokas thunder beings of lighting n reference to theyr loud nature/energy sources they hold to b superior they r warriors for theyre people/tribes many characteristics a heyoka holds I hold I've always been a backwards kinda gal usually making tasks harder for me doing n saying things n a backwards way I too have Indian blood so all that rings tru to me but I do possess many ways of a witch which I downplay alot or jus pretend ignorant to etc but I no n anyone close to me knows my ideas hopes dreams thoughts etc spring true n my external reality more often then not to not say I'm a witch by blood or something many times my partner has expressed accusations of witchery things happening around me to where he truly believes I am one no questions asked lol so now im more open to the idea of spellcasting runes stones etc regardless of what anyone thinks I go with whatever rings true to me I think that's exactly wat a witch would say lol the only thing I cannot understand is why I'm unable to consort with spirits have a block I can't see them hear them fill them nothing there's just a block and every time I try to overcome this block I get nowhere I'm lost at this point with that it's not so much I want to see them or feel them I just want to know they're there even if I have to feel them through another party I mean that's fine too I just can't bring myself to that level I've tried so many times and it's just not there and it's maybe to protect me maybe something or somehow I'm being protected from this idea because my energy can't take it or handle it or express it in the way it needs to be expressed but every other which hyoka or whoever has had encounters with ghost and spirits etc I guess I'm just an exclusion to this rule but not the exclusion of being a witch or a hyoka empath idk witch one I lean more towards I Guess only time will tell I embrace this journey with much gratitude 🙏
They mostly interviewed novice witches just dappling (seemingly) in the aesthetic of witchcraft. The use of witches that seem ignorant or disconnected appears to be deliberate. Another commenter brought up something I missed entirely which was the opening statement and what it means contextually. Here is what they posted: "How is nobody talking about the opening quote they played while showing the tape rolling at the very beginning? Opening quotes usually set the stage and expectations for the whole video, and it is saying 'witchcraft is dangerous because it all is just in our imagination and leads to inability to differentiate between reality and fantasy' -- in other words, they're saying it leads to psychosis. Right there at the beginning. That puts everything else they show (and choose not to show/types of people they choose not to interview) into context, doesn't it? This was not made to show us in a good light. It's like most other things from outsiders -- always either damning us to hell or saying we're play-acting fantasy LARPers." I did not catch the opening statement when I watched it. I must have been multi-tasking. Had I heard that straight away, I wouldn't have watched the rest.
Good documentary but they stayed on certain parts far too long. I was getting anxious just waiting for them to cut to something else one too many times
Someone who’s apparently into chaos magic says “it’ll come back to be x3”. A bit odd, I mean most witches don’t even actually believe that & as someone already mentioned don’t blow cinnamon out of your house for $. Only 8 min in & already where are they finding these people what a mess.
To me, blowing cinnamon out means sharing prosperity or sending it out into the world or community. Sure, blowing it in means attracting it to your household. However, just because IN means attracting that doesnt necessarily mean that OUT means repelling. It means whatever YOU intend for it to mean.
It was definitely interesting to see all of the different kinds of personalities and witch perspectives. I think there was still some glamor with it tho. Tools are fun to use and can help but the magic comes from us not the tools themselves and aren’t exactly necessary to cast spells. Simply writing it down or saying it aloud is casting a spell. I feel some of the witches have a very general understanding and were unable to go into more details. Nonetheless because humans and quite interesting.
A friendly Witch reminder. The intention is all that truly matters. The Universe always tunes in to the intention. The Craft is a craft. "DO WHAT Ye Will.
The only reason I would advise not blowing it outside is because if even a little gust of wind comes along, that cinnamon can go into your nose or eyes. Just practical safety. Blessed Be.❤
@@moniqua9123and she shouldn't be changing the spells because she doesn't have something. She needs to go get it, or don't do that spell. It's common sense
We are all becoming. It is on-going. We are the stuff the universe is made from with a touch of supernatural to bring us to life and give us our essence and soul. You control with your mind the energies you look for. Energies may also come from the Universe. You may wish to combine the two for your purposes. You call into reality. Gods? There are. Forces of evil. There are. Forces of good. There are. Karma is real. You call all the shots and make whatever happens. Are there "blowback?" Of course. You are responsible for putting into action causes and effects and the "blowback" are the consequences. So many people have no idea what they are doing and what supernatural they are creating. That is how mixed up our lives can be. Take control. Decide for what purpose you are thinking something. Then make it a reality through your energies you release into the world we live in. All of you are correct and in some facets all of you are incorrect. That is just how it is. Examine. Then use your energies combined with the universe or created by you and set into the universe. Don't be silly. Everyone is dealing with the consequences of their mind and forces everyday. And I leave it at that, but to add, there is NO ONE correct way. There are many. Can you control but one to put into reality that which you are in your mind toward whatever it is? Don't judge. We are all wrong and we are all correct in ways that go beyond our understanding. We are in a human condition in a world of forces and pricipalities. Choose wisely. So be it.
First of all witchcraft is not a religion it’s secular. ….. it’s not a religion, and there are Christian witches. Quite honestly most of the deities at least that I honor were initially Christian deities.
I dont know if im a witch. But i do belive in ritual magic. Duke AIM IS MY HOMIE. And i do belive in pacts. And asking demons to help strengthen my personal traits such as whit humor intelict and stratigical planning. Ive nenever done a any thing to haem any one with what i know. And im about to start working with the Santa muerte
@@mojo_lovin_lyfe my step mother from Pueblo Mexico she is a witch she would always caution and respect. AND for ever favor she asked for and was comp,eted thru la Santa she would all give back to her.
Saying “no one” or no witch does dark, black or bad Magick is so dangerous, of course not ALL of them are but I promise you many are. Many are trying to do it in a way that they may think is positive and yielding negative results. We don’t have to try to control everything. It’s like “does your dog bite” saying no is crazy!
I think it’s too dangerous for us lil baby humans to mess with witchcraft, even if it’s positive. I’ve spent a lot of time being a witch and I come by it via heritage but I stick to prayer these days. Ask me why!
You do realize pagan beliefs (much of European witchcraft takes from pagan beliefs) are woven extremely tightly into Christianity right? Your church took our places of worship and built on them and took our earth gods and wove them into the "holy trinity" to make yours. Christianity was built using the ashes of the pagans....from fires the church set upon us. You have some nerve saying WE are taking YOUR stuff.
Paganism existed LONG before Jesus/Christianity. If you would research before running your mouth, you'd know this. Christianity borrowed Paganism practices, Christians stole these practices....genius 🤣
@@PamsPrettyPlants no, just concerning with you. their is death in hell and eternal life in heaven, please think about this, the KJV BIBLE DOES NOT LIE. 24 aug 2024.
@@JillForJesus How do you KNOW it doesn't lie? This is your BELIEF based on FAITH which literally means you have no proof. I've got a book that says Superman is real. So what? Take your hate elsewhere.
"just concerning with you." Bullshit. I know a threat when I hear one soldier. Let me explain something very, very clearly to you, Jill - there are a LOT of us now. And a lot are also veterans as well. We are organized and we have each other's back. And we ARE EVERYWHERE. There will not be a second "Buring Times". Comprende?
To my knowledge the pentagram is earth air fire water and spirit. The girl with the green hair seems new but I hope she learns more and is able to get a better understanding of her practice. Interesting to watch. I enjoyed everyone’s points of view 🫶🏼✨
The best quote from this documentary is "A spell is a prayer in 3D"
There’s so much shame in the comments… it makes me sad. People are in different stages of their practice and understanding of witchcraft… just because some of the people interviewed are novice does not mean they aren’t worthy to have their opinions and perspectives. I am happy to see the documentary had a diverse set of witches 💛✨
This sort of shit is for edgy 13 year old suburban kids.
@@MrEpz4321 Like trolling RUclips comment sections, you mean?
I appreciate you putting this comment. I didn’t actually read the shaming comments about the girl with the blue hair but I am kind of irritated with her because they spent so much time filming her and the fact is I am a 50 year old solitary practicing practitioner, so I’ve been doing this a long time, and sometimes forget where I started. I guess my frustration with this specific girl is not even about her. It’s the fact that they spend so much time and win people that are not witches watch this that’s what they see. I have never cared what people think and I will never, but I do get frustrated with the general idea or description of witchcraft when it is such a huge field. Most witches do not practice the exact same way, and that’s what makes their craft unique to them.. anyways, again, thank you for posting that before I added to the negativity❤
@@kristibrown48 Agreed. It kind of felt like the filmmakers were going out of their way to show how clueless she was. And I don't mean "clueless" as an insult: every single person starts off not knowing anything, making mistakes, etc. Many, if not most, tried a variety of different approaches before finding the path best suited to them.
Apparently, most of these interviews were done a couple of years ago. If we could see a more recent one with this young woman, she might very well have found her path & be much more adept & sure of herself.
They focused on the blue/green haired girl who honestly doesnt know shit about witchcraft and is giving true witches a bad name.
It saddens me that there is so much gatekeeping in these comments - Come on Witches! Do better! Insisting 'your' way is the only right way has that fundy flavor... and it's pretty unpalatable, nor is it a good look. I'm a solitary witch since 1993. I am not Wiccan; I do not ascribe to the 3-fold law. I'm also monothesistic, but respectul of other deities. I listened with an open heart and mind to the entire film, and found things I disagree with or practice differently.... and that's okay. I also heard things that rang true in my own practice. As for the young witch (green hair) - I urge everyone who is being critical to remember back to the early days of their own magical education and practice. None of us were experts from day one... and likely, still aren't. She is eagerly seeking and learning - and that is integral to evolving her practice to understand her beliefs and discover her own path. Witches are a diverse lot (although, I do wish we'd seen more of that in this film) - those with collective practices often gather into groups or covens... and really enjoy the ritualistic elements that combine power. Some of are solitary, seeking to commune with our God/desses on a personal level and/or interacting with nature closely as a matter of every day life (that's my practice). While care should be taken, and spiritual and physical risks mitigated through common sense and protections - we each find the path that is most gratifying and fulfilling for ourselves. Sometimes, it involves mentors or clergy, sometimes is solitary study and experimentation... Ultimately, like very other human on the planet, we won't know how close we got it untill we're ready to move on from this LIfe. So be kind.
"That fundy flavor" - LOL. So true.
I've been Wiccan for 24+ years (Protean tradition). Enough with the "witchlier than thou" stuff. It was problematic when I started, and it's even more so now.
Yes to all of this! Thanks for saying it. Blessings!
I’m Muslim and I find bits and pieces of Magic in my own religion but what’s hilarious about these comments is it tells me one thing that no matter what community it is there will always be harsh pompous people passing judgement on others, I see it with Christians, I see it within my own community, and I see it with witches too I guess human nature runs deep 😭🧍🏻♀️
I really enjoyed toward the end the woman who described a spell as a prayer in 3D. She seems extremely knowledgeable. They all seemed so wonderful. Thanks for this documentary, as a practitioner of the craft it's important to me that witchcraft isn't seen as evil or scary. I was and still am called evil by my mom and it does hurt when it's so untrue.
I hope the green-haired witch has learned a lot since the production of this documentary. I love how passionate she is, just using what she has. I think all of the witches, from their own perspectives, had great points to contribute. I hope more discussions like this continue, even among the fears and misunderstandings.
We may not agree on the path, but we should support one another in these dark times. Reading the comments, that seems unlikely, but... *shrug*
My family are all from Eastern the tales I heard from my grandparents, witches ( hedge witches) were herbalists , and were , to an extent, Christian witches. Bible verses were often used as part of a medical treatment....there were spells of a sort.
In that context, a witch was always a woman, the equivalent of witch for a guy was " conjurerer". Both had different abilities, with a lot of crossover. Witches were healers, midwives, and treated women and children, for the most part....
A conjurerer specialized in weather forecasting, when to plant and harvest. When are where to hunt and fish, and to a certain extent, an EMT taking care of accidents and injuries. That, and dowsing for water.
My grandfather could dowse for water, my Mom could too, but was scared of the ability ,for reasons never made clear.
Generally, witches and conjurerers were considered an important part of eastern Kentucky communities back in the day.
Pretty similar to practitioners in my area of the Ozarks. Psalms and something called the 6 book of moses is still used by some. Most call themselves healers and shift away from the word "witch" because they see it as too dangerous -especially if people hear the word come up. I blame the Christian influences for that one. Some of us have divorced ourselves as completely as possible from Christianity. Witches could be men and women in these parts -didn't really have a sexual connotation. So, I guess, some of these ideas have a lot of bio-regional influences
*For those that do it, you would blow the cinnamon into the dwelling, not out.
*The term Warlock, It does mean oathbreaker but it was a term back in the day that Christians used for those who they viewed as having broke their oath, their covenant with the Christian Deity. It was a term they used for Christian heretics. Today its more common usage is one where someone has broken their oaths and betrayed their coven, though there are some male witches reclaiming the term and giving it their own meaning.
*There are many types of Witches. Wiccans are but one type though in the last several years there has been a movement where some Wiccans focus solely on reverence for deity and the Earth and certain other practices while eschewing magic and separating themselves from the title, witch.
Surely the only oath that's broken is with the church. Warlock, you mean someone who broke the chains of Christianity, broke his oath to the church from baptism onwards and discovered earths magic? Sounds a pretty brave thing to be doing especially back in the day or the wrong part of the current world. I'm not a Warlock but it is a cool name with positive connotations in my mind.
@@SandWitch-y6mThat is my point, that Christians used the term; Warlock, for those that walked away from them. Walking away from Christianity in any way back in the day was considered heretical and condemned. Those that did were then often labeled as Warlocks or those who had betrayed their oath to the Christian deity. The modern usage of the word is often equated with being an oathbreaker in a different sense in Craft circles. I personally don't use the term in a negative way. I am however highlighting how the use of the term has changed over time.
This was a great documentary. I don’t understand why so many are being so heavily critical of the young blue/green hair girl, she is not harming anyone. I feel a little bit more skeptical towards the older dianic Wiccan lady describing the history of witchcraft tbh.
Because she doesnt know shit and not a real practitioner.
Reminder: Not all witches follow the Wiccan tenant of karmic law / the rule of three.
And not all wiccans follow the wiccan rede/threefold law (and there are wiccan who only follow it unless their spouse/kids get messed with). It wasn't a thing until around the 70's/80's. Wicca started in the decades before that.
I wish u guys showed witches of different cultures
She was supposed to blow the cinnamon into the house, not out. I would not be shocked if she lost money
It works still.
The practice of casting spells is not a joke. You have to be aware of the forces in the universe that people of science have not understood or don't desire to acknowledge yet.
I was JUST about to say this. If you're going to cast spells, you need to make sure you do it properly. If one thing is off, it changes the spell. Whether you know it or not 😂
@@mojo_lovin_lyfeeuhm no😂😂 a ’spell’ written in books are invented as well. There’s no such thing as a ’Universal one true spell’ it really is about intent.
These witches aren't real...they are basically play pretending ... with their fake Magick
I needed this, we all needed this type of documentary! I loved everything about it, showing how we're real people with regular lives is so healthy.
My only problem with this video is the misinformation and that a few of the people interviewed don't seem to have any real experience and/or knowledge. We need representation from those in the know, not those who are so green/new that they don't know enough to provide valid information or represent the community well. This just kind of makes us ALL look ignorant, to be honest. Definitely not gatekeeping here, everyone is welcome in the craft, just disappointed that the doc doesn't truly represent the community or include some well versed elders or more experienced witches
That’s actually what I was looking for a documentary more detailed with experienced witches, the doc was okay overall though
The first gal actually read the words "Blow cinnamon FROM outside", and then proceeds to blow it TO the outside. I think she was also simply nervous.
In Wicca, magick and ritual are integral to practice. In that sense, all Wiccans are witches but not all witches are Wiccan.
And all witches (wiccans and non-wiccans) should get together and have each other's back. Im tired of the wicca-bashing going on especially from the new teen babywitches.
@@samuelbrito571 That has been an issue for quite a while. I usually toss their reaction to a lack of education and rebellion against traditions that were closed with initiation requirements. That aspect isn't for everyone -that is why there are other options. I generally think that most witches -Wiccan or not- do support each other. I don't often see the opposite being the case but I'm sure it happens out there.
Teacher gave me an essay on this, thanks a lot 😭
Im going to need a series and do all the different types of Witches. 💜
This was fantastic. I love seeing my craft from different points of view. Its so beautiful. Thank you for all your hard work.
Im at the end and the 3D metaphor was awesome. Also im a hands on also. Digital things distract me and make me in a read only mode.
My friend told me something last night which has helped me loads, she said there is no right or wrong when it comes to witch craft as long as the intention is there and its good 😊 made me feel alot more relaxed about myself and learning to practice 🖤✨️🧙♀️ i do need to make myself a feck off jar though 😂
How is nobody talking about the opening quote they played while showing the tape rolling at the very beginning? Opening quotes usually set the stage and expectations for the whole video, and it is saying witchcraft is dangerous because it all is just in our imagination and leads to inability to differentiate between reality and fantasy -- in other words, there saying it leads to psychosis. Right there at the beginning. That puts everything else they show (and choose not to show/types of people they choose not to interview) into context, doesn't it? This was not made to show us in a good light. It's like most other things from outsiders -- always either damning us to hell or saying we're play-acting fantasy LARPers.
GOOOD CATCH!! I don't know how I missed that.
I noticed that too. I thought they’d address it as bunk.
@@TexasTornado66 This was my impression as well.
Yes blowing prosperity herbs to the inside of the house. She seemed nervous or new at this. Hey, you have to start somewhere. I'm also surprised she opened her book of shadows and showed us everything. Might be a secondary BOS notebook. I keep one of those before placing the actual spell in my main BOS.❤
Everyone starts somewhere I really hope the young lady with the green hair finds a good mentor or teacher.
34:39 I think she means asatru, not atheist
This was a great documentary about witches and the different practices of witchcraft.
To be a competent witch, you have to delve deeper into the occult.
Please elaborate
@@Postulatedstate The hidden mysteries of nature and science.
For the producer of this documentary.
Re: the lady with the light green hair who paints and is exploring her casting options.
If you still have contact with her please tell her this:
She's painting her vision boards, that's her casting style. I recommend that she meditate on that for a while.
And what she called chaos magic sounds like reframing to me. I hope she enjoys her obvious gifts.
Im surprised they all talk so openly about their craft. I have always felt my craft is mine and i hold it close to my chest. I don't lie about it but is someone asks me about my religion i always say im not religious but i am spiritual. I even believe in the Creator i just don't believe how the traditional religions do.
I totally agree
Kind of odd that she had to look up what the pentagram points represent.. Also, from my learning, sink water is not the best to put out under the full moon or use for spell work.. But at the end of the day, every Witch has their own way of doing things and end up twisting some things to make it their own. ✨ Never expect for one Witch to completely “agree” with another Witch’s way of things. Live and let live. 🖤 As long as the intent is there and the conscious connection within is there, you are doing amazing. Best wishes to you fellow Witches! 🖤 🌙 🔮
She seemed new and we all started somewhere. ❤
All in all, it's a very good documentary. I think it's important to remember, though, that there are as many paths as there are people walking the wiccan/witchy way. Also, we were all beginners at one point, so it's nice to be generous and kind to those young in the craft. We should open our metaphorical wings and support them. ❤❤❤❤❤❤
All of them are lovely
1:11:00 relationship to the natural world. She got it right there with that statement.
When that girl said, "i had to hide who i was" I almost cried
Let’s just join hands on our paths. Remember. Harm none.
Unless they got it coming. Sometimes, you gotta be that karmic kick in the butt. There is no light without dark.
@@NorthForkFisherman I have enough knowledge to understand the natural order of the world. Karma has its own timing. When you mess with timing, your bringing chaos to natural order. There is no light without dark.
Best reply Iv heard yet. lol
@@magickalmindwhat’s funny sweetheart?
Well... whiile all of the interviewers are real practitioners. Some of them seems to be in the 'magick glamour' and have no clue of what they're doing. I'm not saying it's bad to be a beginner, but they're spending too much time on beginner witch's instead of letting the adapts show their craft.
Another problem is most of the interviewers have similar view in magic, three time come back law. And there seems to be no pagan witches(Norse, Greek...) and no left hand path witches. Also no descriptions of chaos magick from chaos magicians. So it seems to me that the directers of this movie made witchcraft look crappy and equipped only with the happy, loving side of magick.
She read, " it should stay on the floor". Why did she blow the cinnamon onto the front yard?
As far as the cinnamon for abundance spell, try blowing it INTO your house from outside if your intent is to bring abundance/ prosperity IN to your home. Blowing from inside to the outside world would work if the intention was to send your abundance out into the world. Not a bad idea, but the intention is what makes it work. Intention, words , action all in harmony. ❤
Not everyone should be blowing around cinnamon at all or burning or applying cinnamon. Please do research before working with a spice like cinnamon, it can be very irratating to skin for some and inhaling cinnamon can irritate the throat and lungs and some medications should not be mixed with cinnamon so ingesting it is not adviced and also it's not good to work with if you are preganent. so it's adviced when working with herbs and spices to first do research on the herb and spice ( not just the magical/kal properties) before ingesting, making powders that might be applied on skin or burned or thrown about in case anything applies such as allergies, irritants, medication reactions and so on.
Speaking as a Pagan and a practicing Witch for almost 50 years, and having seen all the ebb and flow of witches and the craft in that time, I will say this much: Watching this video, I admire those speaking in it. BUT while they are all talking about negative stigma and being called out with nasty accusations and names, I have to point out that when you walk about loaded down with pendants and stones, tattoos all over your body, all in black, emo/neo-gothic hair and jewelry, with witchy hats and black clothing, you are going to draw attention and people will assume the "worse." When your home is adorned with hundreds of gemstones, pagan statues, herbs, pentacles, charms, bones, skulls and fairy statues, people are going to make assumptions and will either call you out or avoid you. So you have to consider what it is you are "putting out there" while you walk about the grocery or school dorm. Don't complain when you do not get a job because you have tons of pagan and witch symbols on your arm. Witches have and will continue to get chastised, so long as you put out this "Hollywood" emo, gothic look. If you want to dress like witches in movies because that what you feel gives you power, fine. But expect backlash. Just like people that dress up like Dogs, Cats and Pokemon and walk around daily that way. How you present yourself will have an effect on how people will approach you. I know, "But its what's on the inside that counts." I get it, Trust me I have been there and back more than most of the people in this video. But guess what? Thats just not how the world works. We all want to live in some sort of fantasy world where everyone loves each other. But that's not the way real life is.
I learned this lesson very early in life. I did the "all black, emo, hair color, black leather, tons of pentacles" thing. I leaned fast that it was drawing people away from me and I was accused of being a Satanist by one of my own teachers. Thats when I stepped down off my soap box and realized that I was not being "me" and I was not being a real witch. Hair, color, black clothes, costumes, Fairy wings, piercings tattoos. None of that mattered. It's not going to give me anymore "power". I realized I was creating a resurgence of a hateful stereotype that had been existing for centuries. "But the books, and the new-age and the movies made it sound like this is the look I needed to have and look" to be a REAL witch. Thank the gods I realized that fast. I realized my spell work was stronger when I was wearing my blue denim jacket and jeans, than any silly ol black robe or renaissance shirt. I realized that lighting a single ambient candle was doing me more good than lighting 9 candles. I know, I know, "to each their own."
So the next time you get called out negatively for being a witch, satanist, devil worshipper or whatever, stop and look at yourself before you launch back. While people may be in the wrong for launching at you, think about what have projected out to make someone assume the worse. I am not saying you cannot be yourself. but you should ask yourself is all that self and home adornment is really you. Or are you just purposely showing off or rebelling.
I'm British from a long line of witches. I'm a solitary Dianic witch who worships the moon goddess Diana who I was named after. We don't worship devils (I wear my pentagram the right way up 😂) we don't sacrifice children or animals, we are at one with nature. We do spells usually for the greater good. We manifest and we celebrate all seasons. I have a x witch mark on my right palm, sensitive to the spirit world and mildly psychic.
What's with the interview in the cemetery ? 😁 I always wanted to visit the cat's eye too 🙂
There is not just one way of doing spells.
16:20 doing what you need to do in order not to be noticed.
I've seen a lot of comments regarding Christian 'craft. There existed in the U.S. since the 18th century a practice known as "powwow" - not to be confused with native people's ritual gathering, though the term is likely borrowed. A book shows best these practices entitled "Pow-Wows: or Long Lost Friend" by John George Hohman, which could be considered a sort of grimoire of spells for certain ailments, often with Christian prayers. Its just one example of Christian use of what we might call magic(k?:) historically still in practice today.
3:25 some witches do work with a crossroads figure of spirit who is called "The Man in Black" that is also identify as "The Devil" but has little to do with the Bible's Satan.
I definitely wish there was a more diverse group for this. It’s like “let’s not stereotype witches”
….the documentary:
The history was not good but it was good opinion piece
4:42 Yes!
Sorry but the green haired witch didn't seem to be able to explain things in detail such as chaos magick is working with what ever works from what ever system. Her explanations were a little lame.
Agreed. Seemed like she read one book of spells last week and boom! A witch.
She did seem new but be kind to our babies, we all started somewhere. ❤
Never blow cinnamon out of the door! Blow it from the outside to the inside. Otherwise your neighbour might be the lucky one :D
I hope the girl with the braids finds a better mentor. She deserves better direction and guidance than what she's getting.
Was one of the witches high? Didn't ask the tough question. Do they harm others with baneful/negative magick, i.e., hexes, curses and jinxes?
The more I watch the more I see how poor quality this documentary is. It’s full of stereotypes. Everyone’s house is dark. I don’t see light, joy, and fresh sweetness. The uniform is tattoos, piercings, dark makeup, dark clothing.Why feature a novice? Wouldn’t you interview experts if you genuinely wanted to educate? It’s an interesting watch, but, I think these people have been let down by the shortcomings of this video. I’m sure you are a group of diverse individuals, who nurture each other and have a deep spirituality. The history of persecution is sad. I think it’s time you’re respected.
Full moon tonight, would you like to play? Come with me to the woods tonight
We’ll take a drop of the Witches brew soaked in Mandrake root. Oh yes
The marsh and bog won’t slow us down, the moon will show the meadow bright
You’ll lay with me on the wet dew grass, the Spirits all will bless
The love will flow like a torrent fast, the coupling goes on for ages
We’ll last all night, through the laughter joy, until the morning light. -
You’ll become besotted, deep in love, but I’ve stolen your true Spirit
It was nothing but a night of love and now I own your soul
There’ll be many more I’ll take along, they’ll all become my slaves
They’ll procure the sweet young flesh, the blood to fill our bowl
And when the number counts to ten, the first three all will die
I’ll take three more to the meadow deep, slaves we will control. -
They can’t resist the lure of sex and then we share our blood
Oh pretty please my handsome man you don’t know what’s in store
The Coven takes, the Coven gives, and you will give your life
Hypnosis deep and potions strong, Succumb to Satan’s whore
Chained far in the forest now confusion fills your mind
Go steal the young when we demand, this is the Sabbats lore. -
And when we’ve finished with your soul you’ll sink into the mire
Replaced with others young and strong who cry to do our bidding
There’s forests deep all through the land and secrets very dire
People lost might wander through, lost forever or just hidden
We’ll keep them lost till Sabbats time and then they’ll join our throng
The wine the Blood, the Water, Life. Be lost or come, belong.
Blessed be.
Maybe society would be more comfortable with the word “ ALCHEMIST “ . I personally don’t dwell on society beliefs or right or wrong. We attract what energy we put out there . That’s our given right , every living being ❤
To Speak is to Spellcast. It's ALL the Craft.
Especially in Zagovory ( Russian Folk Magick )
Especially in Zagovory ( Russian Folk Magick )
The girl with green hair, at the time of this video, feels like she is very new to witchcraft. Because i am definitely very new to witchcraft. 😂😂
Iv always been quite intrigued with witchcraft my whole life I grew up with many complications not being understood or accepted my only friends were animals etc I grew up within religion but none of them ever stuck I like to think of myself as more of an ominists towards them. I feel like I'm more of an empath then anything else I have a calling to indigenous people they're rites culture etc upon researching this information I came across some information regarding a type of empath with extreme power based on they're contrarian nature n the Sioux tribe aka Lakota tribe they too called these heyokas thunder beings of lighting n reference to theyr loud nature/energy sources they hold to b superior they r warriors for theyre people/tribes many characteristics a heyoka holds I hold I've always been a backwards kinda gal usually making tasks harder for me doing n saying things n a backwards way I too have Indian blood so all that rings tru to me but I do possess many ways of a witch which I downplay alot or jus pretend ignorant to etc but I no n anyone close to me knows my ideas hopes dreams thoughts etc spring true n my external reality more often then not to not say I'm a witch by blood or something many times my partner has expressed accusations of witchery things happening around me to where he truly believes I am one no questions asked lol so now im more open to the idea of spellcasting runes stones etc regardless of what anyone thinks I go with whatever rings true to me I think that's exactly wat a witch would say lol the only thing I cannot understand is why I'm unable to consort with spirits have a block I can't see them hear them fill them nothing there's just a block and every time I try to overcome this block I get nowhere I'm lost at this point with that it's not so much I want to see them or feel them I just want to know they're there even if I have to feel them through another party I mean that's fine too I just can't bring myself to that level I've tried so many times and it's just not there and it's maybe to protect me maybe something or somehow I'm being protected from this idea because my energy can't take it or handle it or express it in the way it needs to be expressed but every other which hyoka or whoever has had encounters with ghost and spirits etc I guess I'm just an exclusion to this rule but not the exclusion of being a witch or a hyoka empath idk witch one I lean more towards I Guess only time will tell I embrace this journey with much gratitude 🙏
Research but you start
49:00 I hate Harry Potter stuff.
You blow the cinnamon INTO your home. Blowing it out is kissing your abundance goodbye.
They mostly interviewed novice witches just dappling (seemingly) in the aesthetic of witchcraft. The use of witches that seem ignorant or disconnected appears to be deliberate. Another commenter brought up something I missed entirely which was the opening statement and what it means contextually. Here is what they posted: "How is nobody talking about the opening quote they played while showing the tape rolling at the very beginning? Opening quotes usually set the stage and expectations for the whole video, and it is saying 'witchcraft is dangerous because it all is just in our imagination and leads to inability to differentiate between reality and fantasy' -- in other words, they're saying it leads to psychosis. Right there at the beginning. That puts everything else they show (and choose not to show/types of people they choose not to interview) into context, doesn't it? This was not made to show us in a good light. It's like most other things from outsiders -- always either damning us to hell or saying we're play-acting fantasy LARPers." I did not catch the opening statement when I watched it. I must have been multi-tasking. Had I heard that straight away, I wouldn't have watched the rest.
Good documentary but they stayed on certain parts far too long. I was getting anxious just waiting for them to cut to something else one too many times
Someone who’s apparently into chaos magic says “it’ll come back to be x3”. A bit odd, I mean most witches don’t even actually believe that & as someone already mentioned don’t blow cinnamon out of your house for $.
Only 8 min in & already where are they finding these people what a mess.
Very interesting documentary
Yall wake up ! We are not in the burning times anymore! I have more than one BOS and 1 grmiore. One bos is private, the other is shareable.
@7:30 It all started with Tituba, a slave of Caribbean descent, showing some girls divination magic.
She had a great witchy name too.
She wasn’t of Caribbean decent. To be fair they don’t know for sure what ethnicity she was, but she was likely Native American.
Blessings Be,To All &Yall, Namastaey, Ase, AMEN. 🙏 🙌 👏 ❤️ ♥️ ✨️ 🙏.
Engagement 🎉
I'm trying to sell my soul to a spiritual orsomeone and its not wrkn I need help pls help me
Because she said it from inside outwards is a blessing of prosperity to me/us in my opinion 😮😉🙌🏻❤
To me, blowing cinnamon out means sharing prosperity or sending it out into the world or community.
Sure, blowing it in means attracting it to your household. However, just because IN means attracting that doesnt necessarily mean that OUT means repelling. It means whatever YOU intend for it to mean.
You should have left green hair out of this doc. Seems she just picked this hobby up last week.
What was the purpose of this documentary?
It was definitely interesting to see all of the different kinds of personalities and witch perspectives. I think there was still some glamor with it tho. Tools are fun to use and can help but the magic comes from us not the tools themselves and aren’t exactly necessary to cast spells. Simply writing it down or saying it aloud is casting a spell. I feel some of the witches have a very general understanding and were unable to go into more details. Nonetheless because humans and quite interesting.
You're supposed to blow the cinnamon into your house..not outward..
This makes sense 🌬
A friendly Witch reminder. The intention is all that truly matters. The Universe always tunes in to the intention.
The Craft is a craft. "DO WHAT Ye Will.
The only reason I would advise not blowing it outside is because if even a little gust of wind comes along, that cinnamon can go into your nose or eyes. Just practical safety. Blessed Be.❤
Yes inside!
Why can’t people just get on with their own lives❤
I dated a witch they do put out curses and spells
14:18 I wish they would have interviewed someone other than the girl with green hair. She seems completely incompetent.
Most of the ones here watched hocus pocus and call themselves witches
Not a good.example at all .Just like internet attention.
If you're talking about the green haired girl I totally agree, horrible example, nothing to do with witchcraft!
@@moniqua9123and she shouldn't be changing the spells because she doesn't have something. She needs to go get it, or don't do that spell. It's common sense
@@mojo_lovin_lyfe exactly
@@moniqua9123jaja!! Right she can explain the meaning of the symbols pentagram😂😂😂. Reminded me of a young High School student being a 'poser'.
We are all becoming. It is on-going. We are the stuff the universe is made from with a touch of supernatural to bring us to life and give us our essence and soul. You control with your mind the energies you look for. Energies may also come from the Universe. You may wish to combine the two for your purposes. You call into reality. Gods? There are. Forces of evil. There are. Forces of good. There are. Karma is real. You call all the shots and make whatever happens. Are there "blowback?" Of course. You are responsible for putting into action causes and effects and the "blowback" are the consequences. So many people have no idea what they are doing and what supernatural they are creating. That is how mixed up our lives can be. Take control. Decide for what purpose you are thinking something. Then make it a reality through your energies you release into the world we live in. All of you are correct and in some facets all of you are incorrect. That is just how it is. Examine. Then use your energies combined with the universe or created by you and set into the universe. Don't be silly. Everyone is dealing with the consequences of their mind and forces everyday. And I leave it at that, but to add, there is NO ONE correct way. There are many. Can you control but one to put into reality that which you are in your mind toward whatever it is? Don't judge. We are all wrong and we are all correct in ways that go beyond our understanding. We are in a human condition in a world of forces and pricipalities. Choose wisely. So be it.
First of all witchcraft is not a religion it’s secular. ….. it’s not a religion, and there are Christian witches. Quite honestly most of the deities at least that I honor were initially Christian deities.
Wiccan has been a minority, alternative religion since the 1940s
Can I ask what was the purpose of the girl with the green hair??? I still have lots to learn as a new witch but this girl 🙄.
We all started somewhere. She's a friendly...not a foe. ❤
I wish I could ride my broom!!! That would be so much fun!!!!
This is very disappointing...
I know a couple of pagan utubers that wouldve been better 😔
I dont know if im a witch. But i do belive in ritual magic. Duke AIM IS MY HOMIE. And i do belive in pacts. And asking demons to help strengthen my personal traits such as whit humor intelict and stratigical planning. Ive nenever done a any thing to haem any one with what i know. And im about to start working with the Santa muerte
Be careful and ALWAYS show and have the UTMOST respect. She is NOT one to play with or take lightly ❤
@@mojo_lovin_lyfe my step mother from Pueblo Mexico she is a witch she would always caution and respect. AND for ever favor she asked for and was comp,eted thru la Santa she would all give back to her.
@@generalmalice7941 ❤️
St Peter Gore Seer,
Holywood Witchery Fake, But Some People Enjoy Holywood Sick.
Saying “no one” or no witch does dark, black or bad Magick is so dangerous, of course not ALL of them are but I promise you many are. Many are trying to do it in a way that they may think is positive and yielding negative results. We don’t have to try to control everything. It’s like “does your dog bite” saying no is crazy!
This idea that theres no harm or evil is a LIE
I say that to myself every time I see her do that
Hope they find Jesus before it's too late.
This video was trash .
They're not doing good
Is the commenter a Christian ?
You make only one video for witch craft .Not much more guide 🤔
Fantastic, but all th witches are women? Not one man?
Cause youre warlocks
@@MissTia777that's incorrect, in most witchcraft traditions both men and women are called witches.
There literally was a guy though.
There was a guy
There's a few dudes in this video....
The occult is a very large topic don't be so hard on these girls you could literally consider them chaos magicians Anything Goes
I think it’s too dangerous for us lil baby humans to mess with witchcraft, even if it’s positive. I’ve spent a lot of time being a witch and I come by it via heritage but I stick to prayer these days. Ask me why!
No thanks Tequila. You keep your prayers and we'll keep our spells and incantations
Why is the cinnamon at the door "witchcraft"? Look how them witches steal Christly things!
You do realize pagan beliefs (much of European witchcraft takes from pagan beliefs) are woven extremely tightly into Christianity right? Your church took our places of worship and built on them and took our earth gods and wove them into the "holy trinity" to make yours.
Christianity was built using the ashes of the pagans....from fires the church set upon us. You have some nerve saying WE are taking YOUR stuff.
Paganism existed LONG before Jesus/Christianity. If you would research before running your mouth, you'd know this. Christianity borrowed Paganism practices, Christians stole these practices....genius 🤣
What does cinnamon have to do with Christ? Also, the witches didn't steal "Christly things" so much as Christianity stole "witchy" things.
@@someonerandom256 God made cinnamon! Witches didnt!
@@MissTia777the earth made cinnamon babe.
*reports for death threats*
@@PamsPrettyPlants no, just concerning with you. their is death in hell and eternal life in heaven, please think about this, the KJV BIBLE DOES NOT LIE. 24 aug 2024.
@@JillForJesus How do you KNOW it doesn't lie? This is your BELIEF based on FAITH which literally means you have no proof. I've got a book that says Superman is real. So what? Take your hate elsewhere.
"just concerning with you."
Bullshit. I know a threat when I hear one soldier. Let me explain something very, very clearly to you, Jill - there are a LOT of us now. And a lot are also veterans as well. We are organized and we have each other's back.
There will not be a second "Buring Times".
To my knowledge the pentagram is earth air fire water and spirit. The girl with the green hair seems new but I hope she learns more and is able to get a better understanding of her practice. Interesting to watch. I enjoyed everyone’s points of view 🫶🏼✨
I needed this, we all needed this type of documentary! I loved everything about it, showing how we're real people with regular lives is so healthy.