first of all thank so much for uploading this.Second of all why are you editing other werebs such asገጹ ብሩህ or ኣባ ኣቡነ out.if its too long to upload in one video might i suggest trying to put in more than one video for example you could put lets say a maximum of 3 werebs in one video and name it part1 and do the same and name it part2 because a lot if us learn from the fathers through the videos as its the only way to learn cause we live abroad.May God bless you and I hope you upload more😂
አባቶቻችንን እመቤታችን በእቅፏ ታኑርልን ቢቻልስ ሞትን ሳታዩ እንዲህ እያዜማችሁ በመንፈስ ቅዱስ ፀጋ ረድኤት በኖራችሁልን ይህ እፁብ ድንቅ የሆነ ያሬዳዊ ዜማና ምስጋና እንድንመገበው ላደረጋችሁ አባቶቻችን የመላእክትን ዝማሬ ያሰማልን ኑሩልን ልጅ ተኩልን ቅዱሳን መላእክት በመካከላችሁ ተገኝተው ያገልግሉልን። በጣም ይመስጣል እምባ ሁሉ ያስመጣል አባቶቼ ሆይ አገልግሎታችሁ ሰማያዊት ትሁን ቅድስት ቤተክርስቲያናችን የእናንተ ፀሎት ይጠብቅልን አሜን ማህሌቱን ያለድካም በትጋት ቀርፃችሁ እንዲህ ላስደመጣችሁን ቸሩ ፈጣሪአችን የማያልቀውን ፀጋ መንፈስ ቅዱስ ያድላችሁ በረከተ ሰማይን የምታገኙበት አገልግሎት ይሁን እመብርሀን በምልጃዋ አትለያችሁ አሜን!!!
first of all thank so much for uploading this.Second of all why are you editing other werebs such asገጹ ብሩህ or ኣባ ኣቡነ out.if its too long to upload in one video might i suggest trying to put in more than one video for example you could put lets say a maximum of 3 werebs in one video and name it part1 and do the same and name it part2 because a lot if us learn from the fathers through the videos as its the only way to learn cause we live abroad.May God bless you and I hope you upload more😂
the face was an accident
yoelboy Beyene yhyhgjjgvjdgjvjhvvjbvkhxbzxzcfhihhkxjjhnnnkkvkknjkvihjkgccfxx njkgftugygghuuhvjvbjjjjkjnkbkbjhkvvjvvnvkv £ክክክልልክክክክክብክብክሽዝ። ሽህዥህሽሽግግህህዝ
yoelboy Beyene ሰሰ.።