@@j.d.l._666 Add on most of those sort of employers are also "minimum wage" so the employee would not be able to afford a lawyer... where they cost a week's pay for an hour...
Americans call the cilantro seeds coriander, but in the UK (and assuming some other places) coriander is the leaves. So it's essentially the same thing as long as you realise they don't mean the seeds
While I agree, I'll also mention that the service industry is rife with people who will make excuses for every little thing. Not everyone does and not every excuse is wrong, but there are a lot of people throughout these industries who will call out sick to go to the beach, will show up in yesterday's clothing because they spent the night in jail for D&D, or will come to work still drunk and/or high. By the time someone is a manager they've heard so many excuses that it's easy to just tune it out as white noise.
Story 5: there was a similar case in which a DV victim was doing a Zoom hearing (Covid era) involving her partner and her lawyer picked up on something not being right. It came out that the partner had forced his way into the woman's home and was doing HIS Zoom call from the house while threatening her if she didn't play nice and ask for the charges to be dropped. The police were sent to the home and the woman was SO relieved. You need the people who do these jobs to be hypervigilant and pick up on subtle cues.
It's also the fact that people are often promoted to their lowest level of incompetency and then never demoted, meaning so many positions between ground level and corporate positions are filled by people who are not cut out for those positions
@@wm9482 Another factor: very often, people are promoted to manager due to being good at the individual contributor role in a related field. Computer programmer are promoted to becoming manager of a group of programmers; sales people are promoted to becoming manager of sales, that kind of thing. The problem is that management is a completely different type of work, with a completely different skill set. It's as if sales was considered a level "above" programming, and so a programmer who was good enough at their job was "promoted" into a sales job. They wouldn't have any knowledge of how to sell, and so they'd fail badly. Management is its own category too, and so just because someone is a skilled individual contributor doesn't mean in the slightest that they'll be any good at being a manager. Some of them might end up being good at management by plain dumb luck, or because they work hard and seriously at learning the new skill set and succeed at that. But an awful lot of them just don't realize that they even need to learn a new skill set -- they've bought into the belief that an effective individual contributor is going to be an effective manager of that type of individual contributors, so they don't see any reason they'd need to learn anything.
If you're a teacher, don't piss off the janitors. If you run any kind of office, don't piss off the support staff. Especially the ones who answer your phones. They give the company's first impression.
Story 5: That kind of overly aggressive behaviour shows up in Social Services from time to time. Peoples brains break a little under the secondary trauma and constant adversarial environment. Any action that they see as hurting the clients becomes an attack in their mind. Which is why she got the real apology in the end after proving incontrovertibly that they had the same goals.
What Fluffy said at the end about "being a little abusive herself"😠!!! What would have been a little, would have been in private. But her doing it in front of a client, then in front of Judy & yet again in front of the other partners, was full on abuse!!! Really, with them all working in that line of business, you'd think that they would have had an issue with her the First Time she did it! "Honey do you need a vacation, or maybe just a couple of days off? I think maybe you should see your doctor about your stress levels! We can't have you here like this, your going to scare off our clients!"
@marshawargo7238 When it comes to lawfirm, in fighting happens a lot. It seems that OP and Anna got along well prior to those incidents. 1st time situation gets a pass (unless very violent.) However, if there's been a history, OP or Anna would have been gone.
Story one reminded me of my time working at a water bed factory. I was in the woodcutting department operating the bandsaw. I actually had that job down pat and could cut two pieces at once if I raised the guard. It was necessary because of how fast they needed the pieces. After a particularly busy morning I needed to use the restroom. I made sure I had caught up on all the parts I needed and went to do my business. 4 minutes later, I walked out of the bathroom and the floor supervisor for that department jumped all over me telling me that I couldn't use the bathroom on company time. I told him that I could and would use the bathroom whenever nature calls and there was nothing he could do to stop it. This is true and part of labor law. He told me that if I wouldn't agree to not use the bathroom on company time then I could clock out go home. I clocked out and went home. I should tell you that I was one of three that was trained on the band saw and the only one that could cut at the speed I was used to. I ignored the increasing phone calls for the rest of the afternoon. The shop supervisor and the plant manager came to my house after dinner. They asked what happened and when I explained it, they were horrified. They asked if I would come back and I told them on two conditions. The floor supervisor was to have nothing to do with me from that moment on & I was to receive a dollar an hour raise. Three weeks later, Jose was demoted to the paint/stain line (after making some "comments" to female employees) and, after training my replacement, I was made floor supervisor with a $10/hr raise. It turns out that the best revenge is doing well.
Forget about the labour laws, it's basic human rights to be able to go to the toilet when you need to. I've worked jobs where they tried to prevent you from even having a drink unless you were on your break!
@@emzraven666 It would look good on Karen's criminal record for future jobs tough = Harrasment, workplace bullying, s3xual harrasment and human rights violation.
Story 1: I don't understand how anyone can possibly believe that someone can be "too young" for back problems. I've had back problems since I was 14, as the result of a water skiing accident. There's no minimum age for medical issues.
Story two made me smile. A youngster with a sense of right and who also knows labor laws is a dangerous thing. I've had lazy managers before , so I was cheering for you by the end.
My first job, at the age of 14, was in a family owned restaurant. They taught me a lot and you better believe I worked hard, but I have never seen people work as hard as they did. And no, they never made me work past 10 PM.
He got sent somewhere with nothing to do until it couldn't take it anymore and quit ( it's a tactic done to an employee you want to get rid of but you can't because of strong labor laws, so the guy is you sent to a room with nothing to do, nothing to report but just showing on time and being paid. Vp of nothing.
He _was_ fired in all but name. His career there is beyond done. He's been put into a room, supervising only himself, and has absolutely no way to unfuck his situation.
@@TheAttacker732 Except by quitting, but if he's a nepo-baby as everyone is assuming, then he's probably a major lout in the real world and this is the only way to stay gainfully employed.
You think the CIA has ways to screw with someone, the IT guy not only knows where all the bodies are buried, he has the passcodes to the graves and the keys to the coffin. And probably a back door to every system in the place, just there in case the worst happens and everything is down but his access. Makes him look like such a hero when he saves the client's butt. Yes, I'm married to a guy who has been an IT professional since 1986, back in the old DOS days. He's almost 70, still working (now full time at home to take care of me) and his bosses think he walks on water. :)
@@charlayned Maybe you can take him to Italy or France perhaps someplace he'd Like to do Nothing But relax, new things to do & new sights never seen? When my dad retired, he wandered around the neighborhood looking for people who Needed His Help😢! Some people just can't do retirement❤!!!
Yes!!! Seriously it's the worst thing ever, I have chronic lower back pain that never goes away completely, but because it's not debilitating/the bad stuff only comes for days at a time, insurance says hahaha no you aren't getting back surgery, come back when you literally can't move for weeks at a time =___= so living with it for now.
I'm sure none of them would be saying that if they were in OP's position, it's very easy for a lot of them to sit behind a computer screen and judge others who have serious conditions without knowing how that person may feel until they themselves have to experience that.
I literally have nerve damage in my back so I've dealt with this at work a ton of times. I feel this persons pain. I'm 30, considered young enough to not have severe back pain. I've had some great bosses though
For Story 4, it reminds me of this saying I learned back in Job Corps from the Automotive Trade: "I have no idea how to do your job, but my book says you're doing it wrong." I live by those words.
Story 5: IMHO, attorneys are at high risk of becoming a-holes, no matter how good the work they do. To be generous, maybe they’re trying to be a “fierce advocate” for someone who needs it, and the adversarial nature of our court system tends to make them snap at anything or anyone that seems to jeopardize the case or the client.
One can give 100% most of the time, but to feel compelled to give 100% ALL the time, creates burnout. Especially, in the legal industry, and when someone was as dedicated to the cause as "Anna" was. Boss Judy should have told Anna to finish up with distressed client and take two days off. No calls, no emails, no texts, no correspondence. Sit and be still. All the good paramedics and doctors and others in the helping industries, working very long hours, need to release and let go. Control freaks, Type A personalities, perfectionists - all make things worse for themselves. Part of any "helping industry" should have a compulsory "learn to relax and meditate" component. Especially people-facing industries...
Ahh the delicious mix of malicious compliance and karens... Yeah, a good manager is an employee with extra responsibilities and decision power. A bad manager is a lazy bum.
Story 2 - I don’t know nor understand how people like Karen get manager/boss positions either. I would’ve loved to have seen Karen’s face when she realized that OP was right about child labor laws and had to do some actual work.
no clue how the state found out, but the place my oldest kid worked at had to pay a bunch of fines because they were keeping them past their cut off time. guess it taught them something since they'd tell them they had to leave by 11 no matter how crowded the place was at that time
Usually they get this position by being there long enough to know how most things work and not having caused any trouble. Which is a bad way of selecting for that position, but that's how such people get into it ...
The German military folk basically divided people into four groups. Lazy & smart; Lazy & stupid; Hardworking & smart; hardworking & stupid (their words, by the way, or the way it was written when I read about it). They put the "Lazy & smart" in charge of the "Hardworking & stupid", and the rest got overlooked in promotions. Lazy people find other people to do all their work for them, if they are "smart" about it, was their working theory. Could be why they lost the war too, because the British opponent (Prime Minister) in that war was both Hardworking and Smart.
@@LexieChrSorry, just a bit of sarcasm based on an obsession Americans have with drinking water (I'm not saying you're American, btw. I wouldn't insult someone I didn't know like that 😘)
Story 2: Child labor laws are very important to know about. I never, ever let my high school students stay on the job past 10:30 pm (10:30 when they begged for a little extra time on the clock) and sometimes had to chase them out of the store. I was never sure on the curfew for teens, but made sure that they were on their way home early enough to not get in trouble. I had some amazing kids working for me, still see them from time to time (it's been a few years since they worked for me) and they have moved on from high school into really nice jobs.
Story #1: wow.. Always These questions "how can young people have such problems" I tell you how: NATURE and/or INJURIES! I have a friend that had a displaced spine like, from a young age. But their "parent" didn't care so instead of getting them treatment when it was fixable the parent ignored it. So when my friend was almost all grown up (physically) the problems were so severe that they had to have surgery and had SEVEN vertebra permanentls braced! They are in CONSTANT pain! And they were not even 20 years old when the CONSTANT pain became part of their life!
Story 1: OP's manager violated the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) which has a CRIMINAL penalty of 6 months in prison. She is very lucky OP didn't file charges against her. Story 3: OP missed a golden opportunity: OP was already fired before the dress code was revoked...OP should have renegotiated their pay scale prior to being REHIRED and fixing it.
1st story the Americans with Disabilities Act says that employers must provide accomodations to employees with disabilities. The manager could have gotten in some real deep doodoo if she maintained her attitude.
@@mjjoe76 - There are such, the Fair Work Ombudsman page has all that have to be abide by when it comes to such disabilities. And believe me that manager should be fired no matter what because that is a complaint OP can make to the FWO if the franchise owner or corporate dont deal with it. That is one call they dont want being made to them from a case manager at the FWO, getting that call and ignoring it means trouble, plus we also have whistleblower laws here, and even then without those if you get fired or given less hours at work for no reason, and them going "well we needed to give more hours to X..." wont work because if they didnt need to take the hours away to start with then that is it. Also, they can be forced to pay back wages of any hours you lost, or if they sacked you be forced to pay for those losses, which sometimes mean more than the time it took you to find new work.
Story 3 - I worked for a hospital in admin...one of the senior students decided to order me to take care of a patient as I was "his junior." I have 0 clinical training...but he decided it was the hill he was going to die on. I was not moving an inch no matter the threats. Finally the chief attending I actually worked under pulled him aside and told him that what he asked me to do, with the threat of firing, was a fireable offense as workplace bullying and possibly criminal for him if I touched the patient at all. She also told him how this would be a strike against his place in the program.
Story 4: Always remember, don't fix what ain't broke. Don't make employees work in spots that aren't part of their description. Especially when you only have *ONE* client.
It's the same with new bosses/managers: they want to mark their territory and implement their own system only to have the inevitable FAFO moment. If fate ever puts me in a manager's chair, I'd learn how things worked and only change what didn't work.
I had one female manager when I worked at a bank. Now we were regularly audited (internally) and it was a BIG THING. Getting a perfect audit was a feather in her and the branch's cap. Well, guess what. In come the auditors like a swarm of cockroaches, poking into EVERY little thing imaginable...and found ONE problem. Manager had worked a window one day (talk about pitching in) and over the course of the day signed something she then processed. A BIG nono, and no perfect audit. June bought dinner for the whole branch to apologize.
Assuming this is the UK since the term "Solicitor" was used, I would not know how UK law enforcement deals with this. If I had to guess, the husband intercepted the daughter and made her tell him where they were staying. I'd like to think there is an officer that keeps watch for safe house duty for situations like this but I wouldn't know for certain.
My dad worked as a research chemist and was required to wear a suit and tie. He also had to visit plants. His ties were all clip-ons. And his dress shoes had industrial steel toes. Mom had a hell of a time finding industrial steel toe dress shoes for his tiny feet (my whole family is short). He also had to have a pair of prescription safety glasses. Professional safety gear exists, but isn’t necessarily practical.
third story: can you imagine the damage, if the friend of OP had just said: here are the papers, why I could not prevent that situation from happening, I am saddened to hear that this is my firing because of that, and you will hear from my lawyer. and then the company just crashes.
1) It's always horrible to have a bad manager. Good for OP for making sure medical issues were not neglected and they took a break per instructed. 2) Good for OP for knowing their rights and enjoying leaving when they should with work to be done by the lazy manager. 3) Kudos to the IT guy following orders and knowing his rights and keeping a record of why what happened did. Too bad the AH was a relative and wasn't fired, but at least sent off to employment limbo with no authority over anything. 4) Wow, way to go to F-up a business, idiot new manager and detached bosses. 5) Nice to know there is a solicitor who is competent and cares. Good for OP for doing their best to be comforting to stressed clients. It's too bad the solicitor changed for the worst after receiving public acknowledgment and became abusive toward OP. Nice MC and glad things turned out for the best.
The aftermath-comment of story 2: In my opinion, DarkFluff, when a boss jumps in to help with the dirty work, that doesn’t make them a boss…it makes them a LEADER. 😎
Mexican restaurant story: The pain is real and age makes no difference. But it also sounds like you guys were pretty understaffed as well. Wash dishes story: Yep, child labor laws in the US tend to be very strict and businesses do not want to run afoul of them. HUGE fines and penalties when caught. But it seems to me the day shift manager, for whatever reason, didn't do his/her job by biting the bullet and putting someone in the dish pit. Dress code story: You don't mess with the IT guy. They generally know how to land your BS right back in your own lap as they are masters of CYA. Chat story: It sounds like the new regional head was blocking access to the CEO and not paying any attention to what the client was saying. And in a company that small the CEO wasn't paying attention? Solicitor's office story: I suspected it was a time-zone difference or Daylight Savings Time situation. At least OP KNEW the one call was phony and likely saved the woman's life.
Re: final story: To quote Greg Sanders from CSI, "Maybe I'm not the only one who gets screwed over from Daylight Savings Time." Even in the Year of the Common Era 2024, some devices still need to have their clocks manually changed. Makes me glad I don't live in a time zone with DST.
Story #2.. as an Assistant Store Manager I make it a #1 rule: I will NEVER ask you to do anything I won't do much less help you do. I have zero issues doing dishes, sweeping, mopping whatever it takes to get us out quickly! Tonight we kept getting late night orders and they had to keep stopping their closing duties. So I immediately picked up where they left off. I'm not afraid to get dirty 😄
You gotta love new or bad management. They don't take the time to learn how things work. Then proceed to alienate the ones that make things work. Then they are clueless as to why things don't work any more. The fact is that bad management will wipe out a business faster than any tax audit.
The last one, OP is loopy. NO WAY would I have not thought about the time change. (Well, I suppose the attorney is loopy, too.) And girl tripped over her own feet. Girl, you're having a hard time. Edit: Bravo, though, OP! Loopy you might be, but you're a freakin' hero!
Story 3, I guarantee VP was family, and in all actuality, his being made VP of a department created just for him to supervise himself is the WORST punishment possible because everyone in the company, as well as the management levels at other companies, know the truth, and that VP knows he would never be able to get an equal paying job anywhere else.
Hip Story: OP was FAR kinder than I'd have been... I would have told her in a VERY cold tone "My back hurts because I have a DOCUMENTED MEDICAL CONDITION, I'm not asking you for Permission to sit for 5 minutes, I'm TELLING you I'm going to sit for 5 minutes as allowed by the ADA so unless you want to get the Unholy Howling HELL Sued out of you in FEDERAL COURT for violating my ADA Rights, I strongly suggest you go read my file, then look up the ADA and leave me alone..." I'd also file a Formal Complaint against her with her Boss for almost getting her and the Restaurant Sued in Federal Court for Violating my ADA Rights... I suspect the Boss would Rip her several new Waste Disposal Orifices...
I’m always slightly taken aback when people just casually mention in their stories how they “clock out” when they’re on their break/s at work. 😳 I’m like - wait, what?
Story 4; it’s stupid to wear a tie, PERIOD. Ties suck Also, how the ‘manager’ got to where he was? Perfect example of the ‘Dilbert Principle’ (incompetent employees are promoted up through the chain to where they can do the least amount of damage to the company)
I worked in grocery store and the general manager, and sometimes the assistant manager, would come up front and bag groceries when we were swamped. The managers we had after him never did that, but maybe they got a larger budget for the store so we'd have enough people on the job.
Story 4: It's almost as if someone said "Go close that company down, any way you can" and management starts dismantling everything that worked. Including sending the best (only) customer into an irate legal rage mode. It seems far too sequential and deliberate to be anything but sabotage...In my opinion.
I worked in a plastic injection molding plans and we had a policy about keeping long hair pulled back in a bun or in a pony tail with several bands along the hair to keep it from falling into the face. Our machines had conveyor as well so we didn’t have to open the door of the machines to get the parts. They hired a woman that was related to the plant manager and she thought she was the 💩. She’d belittle the relief/box makers, constantly gripe at the floor technicians and purposely do things to irritate the QC. She also had long, beautiful blonde hair, natural blonde hair. She had been told many many times to keep it pulled up and secure but she never complied because she was related to the plant manager and would use that relationship to what she thought was an advantage. So one day we were working next to each other and her hair was free flowing in the fan and it looked like a commercial. I said you really should pull your hair back to which she replied that she didn’t have to follow the rules and that I should just shut up and leave her alone. I said ok and turned my back to her. About 10 minutes later I hear a sound of surprise and then some squealing and crying. I turned around and she was bent over with her head tight to the conveyor belt. She had gotten her hair caught into the conveyor mechanism. I immediately hit the E-stop which worked on the machine but the conveyor belt was a separate plug in. I finally got it unplugged and help arrived. After she was freed by cutting all the hair in that area of her head she stood up and started screaming at me. I waited until all the managers were present when I finally replied to her. I said don’t take your crap out on me. You have been told repeatedly to pull your hair back. This is no one’s fault but your own. She left that night and never came back. How stupid are some people? Very is the correct answer.
Last story is why i think anyone who files a police report for abuse, stalking, harassment, etc. should have a safe word. So that if they're being threatened/coerced and they don't use rhe word than the police know to check on them
The workers at the agency in Story 5 sound like the archetypical female protagonists you’d expect to see in a anime - the caring but slightly ditsy one, the posh and hotheaded one, and the calm and collective leader.
Last Story- unfortunately a lot of social workers have narcissistic tendencies because they get off on being the person to help "save someone" by being their hero and their rock, but others oh no they will go completely in on them hardcore
story 5: it pisses me off so bad when someone yells at someone IN FRONT of someone that THEY KNOW has been in abusive relationships. if that's your whole job you should FUCKING know better. source: my mom went through several abusive relationships when i was growing up and now i have anxiety about people yelling in front of or at me.
14:48 - M.B.A. degree mills - That's now horrible management is created, promoted, and perpetuated. The ones already in place only hire new ones that have the same attitudes because that's all they know too.
Story 2: Being Manager doesn't mean you can just sit around and let the money come to you, you still gotta help. Good managers know how labor laws work, if you don't and just sit around, you don't deserve the role
"I do find it kind of odd that someone who works so hard advocating for abuse victims is a bit verbally abusive herself" Actually, this isn't odd at all. Many people who get into this sort of line of work do it because they have personal experience with abusive situations, and have also dealt with abusers in their own lives, such as growing up in an abusive household, etc. It is very easy to subconsciously pick up behaviors from such environments (which is why people who come from abusive environments often become abusers as well). Even if they work very hard to overcome that, such deeply ingrained traits can sometimes still come out when under stress, possibly without them even really realizing that it's happening. And this sort of thing is exactly why many people in this line of work also have therapists that they see on a regular basis, to help them manage the extremely stressful work that they do and make sure that it isn't affecting their own mental well-being or ability to interact with other people in ways they may not even be aware of.
You definitely have to wear safety gear and no loose clothing! I worked for a manufacturing company where a guy's arm was literally ripped off his body from the machine cause his sleeve got caught.
To the question of incompetent managers, how it works is that you get promoted if you're good at your job. Which means that once you're bad at it, you can't go higher. Translation: if you work in a corporate ladder company, everyone working above you is either new, or incompetent.
That's known as the Peter Principle. Laurence J. Peter and Raymond Hull explained the concept in their 1969 book, _The Peter Principle._ It's usually described as "people tend to rise to their level of incompetence."
Last story: Anna did some mistakes. But she owned up to them in the end and it's pretty clear that she put her soul into these cases and these victims, and that's the only thing she cared about. All the respect for Anna and OP, in that job, tensions are going to run high, and the possibility of jeopardizing victim's safety or life is going to sent tensions through the roof. Maybe try to talk to Anna and others when things calm down, instead of being petty. All it took was to show Anna that you'll go a bit above and beyond to save a victim and you cared about that, and she completely owned to her faults, changed her opinion on you and showed you the proper respect. So well done in relation to the job and victims OP, but you were terrible in the Anna situation. You are petty and egocentric. In that job, it's not about you. You problems of being yelled at are nothing in the context of women getting beaten and raped
2 of the 4 managers I worked for at McD didn't want to work the other 2 had to pick up the slack from them sitting on their butt's and not even doing their managment stuff well. the lazy ones kept ordering short so we had to get emergency deliveries.
The reason people like that boss got their manager's job is because they're sociopaths or psychopaths and our baby to manipulate and charm any boss they want into any position they want and then the people under them will see their psychotic behavior
Story 1 - OP was an A hole , karen boss was dumb and an A hole . Sometimes you can only fight fire with fire . Sometimes you need to be the A hole to teach an A hole a lesson. It's ok Sometimes to be the A hole just as long as you aren't always the A hole .
Story number one. She wasn't being an a-hole one bit by taking her mandated break. You are technically off the clock while taking your meal break and then some jurisdictions if that manager had tried talking to her about work stuff while she was on her meal break it would reset the timer on the meal break. The worker is not the one that's responsible for the business and making sure it does okay. That's the manager's job. It sounds like whoever was in charge of hiring before they did a grand opening of a new location should have hired at least one extra person for the opening because it should be expected to be busy. At the very least you hire a part-timer to show up during the lunch period when you know there's going to be lots of people showing up.
Unfortunately, a lot of the people that work in DV help, are victims of DV themselves, and hurt people can become hurtful people all the time. I doubt anybody in that last post was legitimately trying to be malicious, and it was just bad judgement and decisions caused by a history of abuse.
Calling the first op an a-hole for taking their break because of back issues and leaving it for the boss is just wrong. As someone who's quite young with lower back issues it pisses me off when they use that "but your young to have _____ issues!" Excuse because it's just stupid. Remember that anyone can have issues and should be treated appropriately.
she probably got it because she has a degree in business or something she's probably never actually worked. This happens a lot. We also had a manager at one point who stepped out all the time to help us working and he did it because he was bored out of his mind. Sitting in that office doing manager work. He didn't even take control. He just continued to let us do as we were doing and he'd hop on the fryers or something
People who have never experienced chronic pain have little sympathy for those who have because they have no idea what it's like. Empathy is the ability to walk a mile in another's shoes to see how they would feel. People need more empathy
14:48 I've stated it before, but apparently these roles and positions are easily filled by anyone JUST looking for a job. Doesn't matter if you have the skills; if it's an open position and you're looking for a job, you practically get it. I was offered something similar a year ago, and I didn't take it because I felt I wasn't mentally capable of such a position, nor did I have the experience for it. I was told that none of this mattered; it was simply a position to fill up. So, yeah, anyone, including Karens and Trumps with little-to-no experience and snobbish attitudes, can fill these positions.
That Karen Manager in Ohio, wouldn’t care about looking up or learning about Child Labour Laws, but just vote for a politician who will change Child Labour laws well general labour laws….
Story 1: Any boss who doesn't bother checking the employee files for any medical problems are just asking for a lawsuit that the company can't win.
Yeah. But sadly most employees don't know what rights they have OR are too afraid (about the costs, etc.) to take legal actions.
@@j.d.l._666 Add on most of those sort of employers are also "minimum wage" so the employee would not be able to afford a lawyer... where they cost a week's pay for an hour...
Also did they mean cilantro? I've never heard of coriander in salsa. 🤷♂️
Americans call the cilantro seeds coriander, but in the UK (and assuming some other places) coriander is the leaves. So it's essentially the same thing as long as you realise they don't mean the seeds
While I agree, I'll also mention that the service industry is rife with people who will make excuses for every little thing. Not everyone does and not every excuse is wrong, but there are a lot of people throughout these industries who will call out sick to go to the beach, will show up in yesterday's clothing because they spent the night in jail for D&D, or will come to work still drunk and/or high. By the time someone is a manager they've heard so many excuses that it's easy to just tune it out as white noise.
Last story: imagine what could've happened with that poor woman, if OP had quit or been fired because of Anna's bullying...
Story 5: there was a similar case in which a DV victim was doing a Zoom hearing (Covid era) involving her partner and her lawyer picked up on something not being right. It came out that the partner had forced his way into the woman's home and was doing HIS Zoom call from the house while threatening her if she didn't play nice and ask for the charges to be dropped. The police were sent to the home and the woman was SO relieved. You need the people who do these jobs to be hypervigilant and pick up on subtle cues.
Last Story, OP is one of the heroes that doesn't wear capes.
"How do these people become managers?" A good amount of the time its because of nepotism/friendship
And/or a habit of kissing up and kicking down.
"If it isn't Vice President Rufus Ain't-Nepotism-A-B*tch Shinra..."
_- Barret, Final Fantasy VII Machinabridged_
It's also the fact that people are often promoted to their lowest level of incompetency and then never demoted, meaning so many positions between ground level and corporate positions are filled by people who are not cut out for those positions
The Peter Principle. Utterly incompetent, schmoosing individuals seem to be managerial candidates.
@@wm9482 Another factor: very often, people are promoted to manager due to being good at the individual contributor role in a related field. Computer programmer are promoted to becoming manager of a group of programmers; sales people are promoted to becoming manager of sales, that kind of thing.
The problem is that management is a completely different type of work, with a completely different skill set. It's as if sales was considered a level "above" programming, and so a programmer who was good enough at their job was "promoted" into a sales job. They wouldn't have any knowledge of how to sell, and so they'd fail badly.
Management is its own category too, and so just because someone is a skilled individual contributor doesn't mean in the slightest that they'll be any good at being a manager. Some of them might end up being good at management by plain dumb luck, or because they work hard and seriously at learning the new skill set and succeed at that. But an awful lot of them just don't realize that they even need to learn a new skill set -- they've bought into the belief that an effective individual contributor is going to be an effective manager of that type of individual contributors, so they don't see any reason they'd need to learn anything.
If you're a teacher, don't piss off the janitors. If you run any kind of office, don't piss off the support staff. Especially the ones who answer your phones. They give the company's first impression.
The least paid are the ones who are the strongest personifications of Murphy's law
Last story reminds me of the people who call 911 and order a pizza. Glad the OP realized it wasn't her.
Story 5: That kind of overly aggressive behaviour shows up in Social Services from time to time. Peoples brains break a little under the secondary trauma and constant adversarial environment.
Any action that they see as hurting the clients becomes an attack in their mind. Which is why she got the real apology in the end after proving incontrovertibly that they had the same goals.
What Fluffy said at the end about "being a little abusive herself"😠!!! What would have been a little, would have been in private. But her doing it in front of a client, then in front of Judy & yet again in front of the other partners, was full on abuse!!! Really, with them all working in that line of business, you'd think that they would have had an issue with her the First Time she did it!
"Honey do you need a vacation, or maybe just a couple of days off? I think maybe you should see your doctor about your stress levels! We can't have you here like this, your going to scare off our clients!"
@marshawargo7238 When it comes to lawfirm, in fighting happens a lot. It seems that OP and Anna got along well prior to those incidents. 1st time situation gets a pass (unless very violent.)
However, if there's been a history, OP or Anna would have been gone.
Story one reminded me of my time working at a water bed factory. I was in the woodcutting department operating the bandsaw. I actually had that job down pat and could cut two pieces at once if I raised the guard. It was necessary because of how fast they needed the pieces. After a particularly busy morning I needed to use the restroom. I made sure I had caught up on all the parts I needed and went to do my business. 4 minutes later, I walked out of the bathroom and the floor supervisor for that department jumped all over me telling me that I couldn't use the bathroom on company time. I told him that I could and would use the bathroom whenever nature calls and there was nothing he could do to stop it. This is true and part of labor law. He told me that if I wouldn't agree to not use the bathroom on company time then I could clock out go home. I clocked out and went home. I should tell you that I was one of three that was trained on the band saw and the only one that could cut at the speed I was used to. I ignored the increasing phone calls for the rest of the afternoon. The shop supervisor and the plant manager came to my house after dinner. They asked what happened and when I explained it, they were horrified. They asked if I would come back and I told them on two conditions. The floor supervisor was to have nothing to do with me from that moment on & I was to receive a dollar an hour raise. Three weeks later, Jose was demoted to the paint/stain line (after making some "comments" to female employees) and, after training my replacement, I was made floor supervisor with a $10/hr raise. It turns out that the best revenge is doing well.
Forget about the labour laws, it's basic human rights to be able to go to the toilet when you need to.
I've worked jobs where they tried to prevent you from even having a drink unless you were on your break!
@@emzraven666 It would look good on Karen's criminal record for future jobs tough = Harrasment, workplace bullying, s3xual harrasment and human rights violation.
Story 1: I don't understand how anyone can possibly believe that someone can be "too young" for back problems. I've had back problems since I was 14, as the result of a water skiing accident. There's no minimum age for medical issues.
Karen-type ignorance, enough said.
Story two made me smile. A youngster with a sense of right and who also knows labor laws is a dangerous thing. I've had lazy managers before , so I was cheering for you by the end.
My first job, at the age of 14, was in a family owned restaurant. They taught me a lot and you better believe I worked hard, but I have never seen people work as hard as they did. And no, they never made me work past 10 PM.
The 1st story really pees me off ad a young disabiled person with a lot of chronic pain
Same. I'm glad my manager tells me to take breaks as I need, or I'd have collapsed from pain so many times from my joints
Story 3 - What the Hell was that VP thinking?! (Oh wait he wasn’t because he’s an idiot) He should’ve been demoted if not fired for his stupidity.
He had a failure to communicate, or rather, a failure to comprehend.
He got sent somewhere with nothing to do until it couldn't take it anymore and quit ( it's a tactic done to an employee you want to get rid of but you can't because of strong labor laws, so the guy is you sent to a room with nothing to do, nothing to report but just showing on time and being paid. Vp of nothing.
@@yohanbabin8490 Or in this case, someone that can't be fired due to connections.
He _was_ fired in all but name.
His career there is beyond done. He's been put into a room, supervising only himself, and has absolutely no way to unfuck his situation.
@@TheAttacker732 Except by quitting, but if he's a nepo-baby as everyone is assuming, then he's probably a major lout in the real world and this is the only way to stay gainfully employed.
Never mess with the IT guy!
You think the CIA has ways to screw with someone, the IT guy not only knows where all the bodies are buried, he has the passcodes to the graves and the keys to the coffin. And probably a back door to every system in the place, just there in case the worst happens and everything is down but his access. Makes him look like such a hero when he saves the client's butt. Yes, I'm married to a guy who has been an IT professional since 1986, back in the old DOS days. He's almost 70, still working (now full time at home to take care of me) and his bosses think he walks on water. :)
@@charlayned your husband sounds like a fantastic man! Nerds truly run the world! I'm hoping to get into the industry in a few years!
@@charlayned Maybe you can take him to Italy or France perhaps someplace he'd Like to do Nothing But relax, new things to do & new sights never seen? When my dad retired, he wandered around the neighborhood looking for people who Needed His Help😢! Some people just can't do retirement❤!!!
Story 1: those who are calling OP the AH for doing that don’t understand back pain.
My mother would say the same thing
I understand. I've suffered chronic back pain for years.
Yes!!! Seriously it's the worst thing ever, I have chronic lower back pain that never goes away completely, but because it's not debilitating/the bad stuff only comes for days at a time, insurance says hahaha no you aren't getting back surgery, come back when you literally can't move for weeks at a time =___= so living with it for now.
I'm sure none of them would be saying that if they were in OP's position, it's very easy for a lot of them to sit behind a computer screen and judge others who have serious conditions without knowing how that person may feel until they themselves have to experience that.
I literally have nerve damage in my back so I've dealt with this at work a ton of times. I feel this persons pain. I'm 30, considered young enough to not have severe back pain. I've had some great bosses though
For Story 4, it reminds me of this saying I learned back in Job Corps from the Automotive Trade: "I have no idea how to do your job, but my book says you're doing it wrong." I live by those words.
The same for my job.
"Paperwork doesn't match anything you said. Get me the updated paper and I'll get started."
Story 5: IMHO, attorneys are at high risk of becoming a-holes, no matter how good the work they do. To be generous, maybe they’re trying to be a “fierce advocate” for someone who needs it, and the adversarial nature of our court system tends to make them snap at anything or anyone that seems to jeopardize the case or the client.
One can give 100% most of the time, but to feel compelled to give 100% ALL the time, creates burnout. Especially, in the legal industry, and when someone was as dedicated to the cause as "Anna" was. Boss Judy should have told Anna to finish up with distressed client and take two days off. No calls, no emails, no texts, no correspondence. Sit and be still. All the good paramedics and doctors and others in the helping industries, working very long hours, need to release and let go. Control freaks, Type A personalities, perfectionists - all make things worse for themselves. Part of any "helping industry" should have a compulsory "learn to relax and meditate" component. Especially people-facing industries...
@@Kayenne54Because when they become the enemy or lash out...
GAME OVER to someone's life.
Ahh the delicious mix of malicious compliance and karens...
Yeah, a good manager is an employee with extra responsibilities and decision power.
A bad manager is a lazy bum.
Me: You just answered your own question Karen...
Story 2 - I don’t know nor understand how people like Karen get manager/boss positions either.
I would’ve loved to have seen Karen’s face when she realized that OP was right about child labor laws and had to do some actual work.
no clue how the state found out, but the place my oldest kid worked at had to pay a bunch of fines because they were keeping them past their cut off time. guess it taught them something since they'd tell them they had to leave by 11 no matter how crowded the place was at that time
Usually they get this position by being there long enough to know how most things work and not having caused any trouble. Which is a bad way of selecting for that position, but that's how such people get into it ...
The German military folk basically divided people into four groups. Lazy & smart; Lazy & stupid; Hardworking & smart; hardworking & stupid (their words, by the way, or the way it was written when I read about it). They put the "Lazy & smart" in charge of the "Hardworking & stupid", and the rest got overlooked in promotions. Lazy people find other people to do all their work for them, if they are "smart" about it, was their working theory. Could be why they lost the war too, because the British opponent (Prime Minister) in that war was both Hardworking and Smart.
Yeah that last one. Bravo to OP.
OP is a hero. She quite possibly saved the client's life.
Nice to catch one of these early. Drink some water, eat a snack, and take care of yourselves everyone!
Water? I'm not a fish 😂 Think I'll stick with a Pepsi
@@darenn71ok? The human body is made of 70% water. It’s was just a general “take care of yourself.”
@@LexieChrSorry, just a bit of sarcasm based on an obsession Americans have with drinking water (I'm not saying you're American, btw. I wouldn't insult someone I didn't know like that 😘)
@@darenn71 It’s ok. It’s ok. There’s a heatwave where I am so I’m just reminding people wherever. And I solidly agree, Pepsi is awesome.
Thanks for the reminder! Also nice donnie pic^^
Story 2: Child labor laws are very important to know about. I never, ever let my high school students stay on the job past 10:30 pm (10:30 when they begged for a little extra time on the clock) and sometimes had to chase them out of the store. I was never sure on the curfew for teens, but made sure that they were on their way home early enough to not get in trouble. I had some amazing kids working for me, still see them from time to time (it's been a few years since they worked for me) and they have moved on from high school into really nice jobs.
Story #1: wow.. Always These questions "how can young people have such problems"
I tell you how: NATURE and/or INJURIES! I have a friend that had a displaced spine like, from a young age. But their "parent" didn't care so instead of getting them treatment when it was fixable the parent ignored it. So when my friend was almost all grown up (physically) the problems were so severe that they had to have surgery and had SEVEN vertebra permanentls braced! They are in CONSTANT pain! And they were not even 20 years old when the CONSTANT pain became part of their life!
Imagine that. Now think about the mental and emotional part of one's life.
Story 1: OP's manager violated the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) which has a CRIMINAL penalty of 6 months in prison. She is very lucky OP didn't file charges against her.
Story 3: OP missed a golden opportunity: OP was already fired before the dress code was revoked...OP should have renegotiated their pay scale prior to being REHIRED and fixing it.
1st story the Americans with Disabilities Act says that employers must provide accomodations to employees with disabilities. The manager could have gotten in some real deep doodoo if she maintained her attitude.
Is there is some kind of Australian equivalent to ADA? The story occurred there.
@@mjjoe76 - There are such, the Fair Work Ombudsman page has all that have to be abide by when it comes to such disabilities. And believe me that manager should be fired no matter what because that is a complaint OP can make to the FWO if the franchise owner or corporate dont deal with it. That is one call they dont want being made to them from a case manager at the FWO, getting that call and ignoring it means trouble, plus we also have whistleblower laws here, and even then without those if you get fired or given less hours at work for no reason, and them going "well we needed to give more hours to X..." wont work because if they didnt need to take the hours away to start with then that is it. Also, they can be forced to pay back wages of any hours you lost, or if they sacked you be forced to pay for those losses, which sometimes mean more than the time it took you to find new work.
@@mjjoe76 It would also be a human right violation.
@@mjjoe76 Yes-the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA).
Story 3 - I worked for a hospital in admin...one of the senior students decided to order me to take care of a patient as I was "his junior." I have 0 clinical training...but he decided it was the hill he was going to die on. I was not moving an inch no matter the threats.
Finally the chief attending I actually worked under pulled him aside and told him that what he asked me to do, with the threat of firing, was a fireable offense as workplace bullying and possibly criminal for him if I touched the patient at all. She also told him how this would be a strike against his place in the program.
Such vermin should be banned everywhere from having a medical license tbh.
Story 4: Always remember, don't fix what ain't broke. Don't make employees work in spots that aren't part of their description. Especially when you only have *ONE* client.
It's the same with new bosses/managers: they want to mark their territory and implement their own system only to have the inevitable FAFO moment. If fate ever puts me in a manager's chair, I'd learn how things worked and only change what didn't work.
*Story 3*
*The IT guy SHOULD have said.. "nah, you can fix it! I've been fired.. remember?!*
*That would have been a big ole 🎤 drop!*
The silent heroes in the world, saving one woman at a time. Last story was wholesome.
IT dood shoulda brought up the Russian lathe accident video as to why a suit & tie is a bad idea in an industrial environment...
A suit and tie is a bad idea, period. Ties suck.
Last Story: I am glad that Anna had a turn-around.
I had one female manager when I worked at a bank. Now we were regularly audited (internally) and it was a BIG THING. Getting a perfect audit was a feather in her and the branch's cap. Well, guess what. In come the auditors like a swarm of cockroaches, poking into EVERY little thing imaginable...and found ONE problem. Manager had worked a window one day (talk about pitching in) and over the course of the day signed something she then processed. A BIG nono, and no perfect audit. June bought dinner for the whole branch to apologize.
Matched energy in the back pain story.
Story 3: That's why you never mess with the IT guy.
What kind of 'safe house' allows a woman to be silently kidnapped by her abuser?
Assuming this is the UK since the term "Solicitor" was used, I would not know how UK law enforcement deals with this.
If I had to guess, the husband intercepted the daughter and made her tell him where they were staying. I'd like to think there is an officer that keeps watch for safe house duty for situations like this but I wouldn't know for certain.
My dad worked as a research chemist and was required to wear a suit and tie. He also had to visit plants. His ties were all clip-ons. And his dress shoes had industrial steel toes. Mom had a hell of a time finding industrial steel toe dress shoes for his tiny feet (my whole family is short). He also had to have a pair of prescription safety glasses. Professional safety gear exists, but isn’t necessarily practical.
third story: can you imagine the damage, if the friend of OP had just said: here are the papers, why I could not prevent that situation from happening, I am saddened to hear that this is my firing because of that, and you will hear from my lawyer.
and then the company just crashes.
1) It's always horrible to have a bad manager. Good for OP for making sure medical issues were not neglected and they took a break per instructed.
2) Good for OP for knowing their rights and enjoying leaving when they should with work to be done by the lazy manager.
3) Kudos to the IT guy following orders and knowing his rights and keeping a record of why what happened did. Too bad the AH was a relative and wasn't fired, but at least sent off to employment limbo with no authority over anything.
4) Wow, way to go to F-up a business, idiot new manager and detached bosses.
5) Nice to know there is a solicitor who is competent and cares. Good for OP for doing their best to be comforting to stressed clients. It's too bad the solicitor changed for the worst after receiving public acknowledgment and became abusive toward OP. Nice MC and glad things turned out for the best.
The aftermath-comment of story 2: In my opinion, DarkFluff, when a boss jumps in to help with the dirty work, that doesn’t make them a boss…it makes them a LEADER. 😎
Mexican restaurant story: The pain is real and age makes no difference. But it also sounds like you guys were pretty understaffed as well.
Wash dishes story: Yep, child labor laws in the US tend to be very strict and businesses do not want to run afoul of them. HUGE fines and penalties when caught. But it seems to me the day shift manager, for whatever reason, didn't do his/her job by biting the bullet and putting someone in the dish pit.
Dress code story: You don't mess with the IT guy. They generally know how to land your BS right back in your own lap as they are masters of CYA.
Chat story: It sounds like the new regional head was blocking access to the CEO and not paying any attention to what the client was saying. And in a company that small the CEO wasn't paying attention?
Solicitor's office story: I suspected it was a time-zone difference or Daylight Savings Time situation. At least OP KNEW the one call was phony and likely saved the woman's life.
Re: final story: To quote Greg Sanders from CSI, "Maybe I'm not the only one who gets screwed over from Daylight Savings Time." Even in the Year of the Common Era 2024, some devices still need to have their clocks manually changed. Makes me glad I don't live in a time zone with DST.
"How do these people become managers?" The Peter Principle, sometimes. Nepotism, a lot. My favorite theory is that they have something on someone.
Don't mess with IT guys we will turn your world upside down.
S1: Hey, maybe the other location got BACK a better manager than they had before.
I'm so glad I found your channel. I have been listening to so many of these on my commute to and from work. Thank you! And keep them coming!❤
🤗 I've been looking forward to this all afternoon! 🎉
Story #2.. as an Assistant Store Manager I make it a #1 rule: I will NEVER ask you to do anything I won't do much less help you do. I have zero issues doing dishes, sweeping, mopping whatever it takes to get us out quickly! Tonight we kept getting late night orders and they had to keep stopping their closing duties. So I immediately picked up where they left off. I'm not afraid to get dirty 😄
I bet loss of position and authority was even worse! 😂
You gotta love new or bad management. They don't take the time to learn how things work. Then proceed to alienate the ones that make things work. Then they are clueless as to why things don't work any more. The fact is that bad management will wipe out a business faster than any tax audit.
Hi everyone, hello Darkfluff😊
The last one, OP is loopy. NO WAY would I have not thought about the time change. (Well, I suppose the attorney is loopy, too.) And girl tripped over her own feet. Girl, you're having a hard time.
Edit: Bravo, though, OP! Loopy you might be, but you're a freakin' hero!
Story 3, I guarantee VP was family, and in all actuality, his being made VP of a department created just for him to supervise himself is the WORST punishment possible because everyone in the company, as well as the management levels at other companies, know the truth, and that VP knows he would never be able to get an equal paying job anywhere else.
It was, as TVTropes put it, a Fate Worse Than Death…figuratively speaking.
S1. Kudos to OP. Back issues suck
Hip Story: OP was FAR kinder than I'd have been...
I would have told her in a VERY cold tone "My back hurts because I have a DOCUMENTED MEDICAL CONDITION, I'm not asking you for Permission to sit for 5 minutes, I'm TELLING you I'm going to sit for 5 minutes as allowed by the ADA so unless you want to get the Unholy Howling HELL Sued out of you in FEDERAL COURT for violating my ADA Rights, I strongly suggest you go read my file, then look up the ADA and leave me alone..."
I'd also file a Formal Complaint against her with her Boss for almost getting her and the Restaurant Sued in Federal Court for Violating my ADA Rights...
I suspect the Boss would Rip her several new Waste Disposal Orifices...
This happened in Australia-we have the DDA (Disability Discrimination Act).
I’m always slightly taken aback when people just casually mention in their stories how they “clock out” when they’re on their break/s at work. 😳
I’m like - wait, what?
Abusive people often don’t see themselves as abusive. They don’t recognize verbal abuse and think it’s only the physical stuff that’s important.
First story: OP is definitely NOT the A-hole. Youth doesn't mean "100% physical health", and people need to understand that.
Story 4; it’s stupid to wear a tie, PERIOD.
Ties suck
Also, how the ‘manager’ got to where he was? Perfect example of the ‘Dilbert Principle’ (incompetent employees are promoted up through the chain to where they can do the least amount of damage to the company)
I worked in grocery store and the general manager, and sometimes the assistant manager, would come up front and bag groceries when we were swamped. The managers we had after him never did that, but maybe they got a larger budget for the store so we'd have enough people on the job.
Story 4: It's almost as if someone said "Go close that company down, any way you can" and management starts dismantling everything that worked. Including sending the best (only) customer into an irate legal rage mode. It seems far too sequential and deliberate to be anything but sabotage...In my opinion.
"This is important later", I hate when people say that, when it is pretty obvious that it was important.
I worked in a plastic injection molding plans and we had a policy about keeping long hair pulled back in a bun or in a pony tail with several bands along the hair to keep it from falling into the face. Our machines had conveyor as well so we didn’t have to open the door of the machines to get the parts. They hired a woman that was related to the plant manager and she thought she was the 💩. She’d belittle the relief/box makers, constantly gripe at the floor technicians and purposely do things to irritate the QC. She also had long, beautiful blonde hair, natural blonde hair. She had been told many many times to keep it pulled up and secure but she never complied because she was related to the plant manager and would use that relationship to what she thought was an advantage. So one day we were working next to each other and her hair was free flowing in the fan and it looked like a commercial. I said you really should pull your hair back to which she replied that she didn’t have to follow the rules and that I should just shut up and leave her alone. I said ok and turned my back to her. About 10 minutes later I hear a sound of surprise and then some squealing and crying. I turned around and she was bent over with her head tight to the conveyor belt. She had gotten her hair caught into the conveyor mechanism. I immediately hit the E-stop which worked on the machine but the conveyor belt was a separate plug in. I finally got it unplugged and help arrived. After she was freed by cutting all the hair in that area of her head she stood up and started screaming at me. I waited until all the managers were present when I finally replied to her. I said don’t take your crap out on me. You have been told repeatedly to pull your hair back. This is no one’s fault but your own. She left that night and never came back. How stupid are some people? Very is the correct answer.
Last story is why i think anyone who files a police report for abuse, stalking, harassment, etc. should have a safe word. So that if they're being threatened/coerced and they don't use rhe word than the police know to check on them
The workers at the agency in Story 5 sound like the archetypical female protagonists you’d expect to see in a anime - the caring but slightly ditsy one, the posh and hotheaded one, and the calm and collective leader.
Last Story- unfortunately a lot of social workers have narcissistic tendencies because they get off on being the person to help "save someone" by being their hero and their rock, but others oh no they will go completely in on them hardcore
Stor 5: Glad they reconciled in the end. Hopefully Anna got over herself in general.
story 5: it pisses me off so bad when someone yells at someone IN FRONT of someone that THEY KNOW has been in abusive relationships. if that's your whole job you should FUCKING know better. source: my mom went through several abusive relationships when i was growing up and now i have anxiety about people yelling in front of or at me.
Anna would have caught hands if she yelled at me that way
14:48 - M.B.A. degree mills - That's now horrible management is created, promoted, and perpetuated. The ones already in place only hire new ones that have the same attitudes because that's all they know too.
Story 3: the VP couldn't be fired because of his relation to the owner, but being sidelined like that, isn't that actually worse than being fired?
Story 2: Being Manager doesn't mean you can just sit around and let the money come to you, you still gotta help.
Good managers know how labor laws work, if you don't and just sit around, you don't deserve the role
"I do find it kind of odd that someone who works so hard advocating for abuse victims is a bit verbally abusive herself"
Actually, this isn't odd at all. Many people who get into this sort of line of work do it because they have personal experience with abusive situations, and have also dealt with abusers in their own lives, such as growing up in an abusive household, etc. It is very easy to subconsciously pick up behaviors from such environments (which is why people who come from abusive environments often become abusers as well). Even if they work very hard to overcome that, such deeply ingrained traits can sometimes still come out when under stress, possibly without them even really realizing that it's happening.
And this sort of thing is exactly why many people in this line of work also have therapists that they see on a regular basis, to help them manage the extremely stressful work that they do and make sure that it isn't affecting their own mental well-being or ability to interact with other people in ways they may not even be aware of.
You definitely have to wear safety gear and no loose clothing! I worked for a manufacturing company where a guy's arm was literally ripped off his body from the machine cause his sleeve got caught.
Where's the, Hello My Wonderful, Beautiful Friends! t-shirt with the DarkFluff logo picture?
To the question of incompetent managers, how it works is that you get promoted if you're good at your job. Which means that once you're bad at it, you can't go higher. Translation: if you work in a corporate ladder company, everyone working above you is either new, or incompetent.
That's known as the Peter Principle. Laurence J. Peter and Raymond Hull explained the concept in their 1969 book, _The Peter Principle._ It's usually described as "people tend to rise to their level of incompetence."
customer is the only villan they see she's busy don't they think hmm let me go somwhere else or let me not go at all?
Single client company, and they have regional heads? Seems like too many chiefs
The daughter should also be arrested unless she was under threat.
Or a child.
@@pattibennett8774child or not if she wasnt threatened to do so she should be charged. Kids are not always innocent. 🙃
@pattibennett8774 how old would you have known better?
I love this
Last story: Anna did some mistakes. But she owned up to them in the end and it's pretty clear that she put her soul into these cases and these victims, and that's the only thing she cared about. All the respect for Anna and OP, in that job, tensions are going to run high, and the possibility of jeopardizing victim's safety or life is going to sent tensions through the roof. Maybe try to talk to Anna and others when things calm down, instead of being petty.
All it took was to show Anna that you'll go a bit above and beyond to save a victim and you cared about that, and she completely owned to her faults, changed her opinion on you and showed you the proper respect. So well done in relation to the job and victims OP, but you were terrible in the Anna situation. You are petty and egocentric. In that job, it's not about you. You problems of being yelled at are nothing in the context of women getting beaten and raped
Story 3 : So a manager/guy in charge forced a blue collar to dress as a white collar, even if he has to do manual labor jobs that are not safety ?
2 of the 4 managers I worked for at McD didn't want to work the other 2 had to pick up the slack from them sitting on their butt's and not even doing their managment stuff well. the lazy ones kept ordering short so we had to get emergency deliveries.
The reason people like that boss got their manager's job is because they're sociopaths or psychopaths and our baby to manipulate and charm any boss they want into any position they want and then the people under them will see their psychotic behavior
Omg ur so close to 400K! GL getting there! 😊
The. IT guy should have made the smart move of going with the SAFTY guy to the owner with a proper memo and get an override on dress codes….
It's fake IT doesn't do production maintenance
Story 1 - OP was an A hole , karen boss was dumb and an A hole . Sometimes you can only fight fire with fire . Sometimes you need to be the A hole to teach an A hole a lesson. It's ok Sometimes to be the A hole just as long as you aren't always the A hole .
OP was a _justified_ A-hole.
Story number one. She wasn't being an a-hole one bit by taking her mandated break. You are technically off the clock while taking your meal break and then some jurisdictions if that manager had tried talking to her about work stuff while she was on her meal break it would reset the timer on the meal break. The worker is not the one that's responsible for the business and making sure it does okay. That's the manager's job. It sounds like whoever was in charge of hiring before they did a grand opening of a new location should have hired at least one extra person for the opening because it should be expected to be busy. At the very least you hire a part-timer to show up during the lunch period when you know there's going to be lots of people showing up.
Always the notion about being young meaning you can't have health problems
I saw F is for Family. don't wear a tie close to any heavy machinery.
Story 5: Thank God. I assumed the boss was either a bigot or sexist. I mean ignoring trans and gay victims, as well as anyone victimized by a woman.
Happy hump day folks the light at the end of the tunnel might be the weekend
Unfortunately, a lot of the people that work in DV help, are victims of DV themselves, and hurt people can become hurtful people all the time. I doubt anybody in that last post was legitimately trying to be malicious, and it was just bad judgement and decisions caused by a history of abuse.
Calling the first op an a-hole for taking their break because of back issues and leaving it for the boss is just wrong. As someone who's quite young with lower back issues it pisses me off when they use that "but your young to have _____ issues!" Excuse because it's just stupid. Remember that anyone can have issues and should be treated appropriately.
Swearing isn't abusive. It's just swearing.
she probably got it because she has a degree in business or something she's probably never actually worked. This happens a lot. We also had a manager at one point who stepped out all the time to help us working and he did it because he was bored out of his mind. Sitting in that office doing manager work. He didn't even take control. He just continued to let us do as we were doing and he'd hop on the fryers or something
When the lawyer becomes the domestic abuser
People who have never experienced chronic pain have little sympathy for those who have because they have no idea what it's like. Empathy is the ability to walk a mile in another's shoes to see how they would feel. People need more empathy
I've stated it before, but apparently these roles and positions are easily filled by anyone JUST looking for a job.
Doesn't matter if you have the skills; if it's an open position and you're looking for a job, you practically get it.
I was offered something similar a year ago, and I didn't take it because I felt I wasn't mentally capable of such a position, nor did I have the experience for it. I was told that none of this mattered; it was simply a position to fill up.
So, yeah, anyone, including Karens and Trumps with little-to-no experience and snobbish attitudes, can fill these positions.
That Karen Manager in Ohio, wouldn’t care about looking up or learning about Child Labour Laws, but just vote for a politician who will change Child Labour laws well general labour laws….