The first time I watched Bill Moyers' interviews with Joseph Campbell I was blown away. Totally changed my perspective on life and the universe and spirituality. It was an important, pivotal time for me and I am forever grateful.
Why does death anxiety and the void death leaves tend to be skipped over for feel good higher self stuff when this suspect arises. The human brain is set up to make negatives more impactful for survival so transcendence in the face of a true grind would evoke something but as the Buddhist’s do I think suffering(inevitable death) is the cause that makes us squirm to solve ourselves with a semi rational apparatus. Also what about guilt. Many people would benefit in a god absolving them as self forgiveness is hard and knowing the past cannot be changed by repenting. it is only the present that can ever be free from those burdens we fill it with and then wish would be made beautiful by a plea to rearrange ourself and world by the wholly other. Idk just not sold. We live in a world where death, illness, and suffering are swept out of the public arena as that’s good for business, not individuals. Yet we think these things have little impact. Maybe we as a whole can’t stare this truth in the face without realizing we have neglected this other dimension where we already are with and not for or by or against or because. Hard thing to communicate
What the hell are they teaching you guys? Where are y'all getting this crap from? This is crap! What you guys are messing with is unclean and unholy. You best get on your knees and pray to Jesus because he is the only way. I hope y'all get right because the end is near.
@@PointOfConsciousnes Ya, like what’s with the different opinion I classify as unholy and thus less than so the false throne of moral superiority isn’t toppled. Why don’t you advocate for your organizations to stop shielding predators instead of bringing us your trash. Glass houses much
Joe is a man of wisdom. Sad to say most evangelicals resort to faith when they cannot explain something. Joe explores humanity and divinity from all facets of life, science and experience. Truly spiritual.
Yea, but be careful at having disdain or too much focus on the inconsistency of faithful religious people(such as the Christian Right), it will hinder your ability to take part in the mystery and wonder of life.
This guy KNOWS what he's talking about, But once you see another dimension your life will never be the same; you realize how deep creation & reality really are. Its a beautiful thing.
All Deception. We know that all scriptures repeat themselves, and state clearly that only a remnant will be preserved. That is a minute few. About 1 in 10,000…The Chosen. It also states that even the Elect will be deceived if possible. The fact is we live in the backwards, upside-down world, and most of everything you were ever taught is a lie. Scripture says that in the end, bad will be good and good will be bad. Does anyone really think that they are one of the Elect? I don't think I am, as it’s only 1 in 6.9 million according to Scripture. What is everyone arguing about? Do we all know exactly what's happening, and exactly how this is all going to play out? Why is everyone so positive that they are not deceived? Is everyone better than the Elect? I mean even the Watchers, who had knowledge of the Heavens and Earth, were deceived! Do any of you have greater knowledge than them? Let's start with the Bible, which most of the world takes as the absolute Word of the Most High Eloheim (God). I’m talking about the 66 books, almost all targums or “translations” of the King James Bible, which all come from the Jesuit Freemasons. King James, a gay 33rd Degree Freemason, followed closely behind the work Constantine, another gay 33rd Degree Freemason, had commenced on canonizing the Father’s Word. These men are primarily responsible for the modern Scriptures. King Jimmy gave the authority to Richard Bancroft, Archbishop of the Catholic church and Jesuit Freemason, to oversee and Assemble the Bible for the government. Even before that, a Jesuit Freemason named Athanasius Bishop of Alexandria, established the content of the New Testament. Athanasius of Alexandria, also called Athanasius the Great, or Athanasius the Confessor, was a wicked man and the primary Jesuit in the Coptic Orthodox Church. Athanasius & Paul Marcion penned the Writings of Paul, and only 7 can even be authenticated to this time period. They used these to form the beginnings of today's modern scriptures, with King James at the helm. Simon Magus is the true secret identity of Paul, and he was a Freemason who encountered Peter in Acts Chapter 8. These wicked men put together the New Testament. But the bottom line is that it is the transition or targum of the Catholic Church, which we all know is the Beast! Why would anyone place their entire eternity on that block of scriptures? So, let's start here. Acts 4:12 “Neither is there salvation in any other; for there is none other name under Heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.” If there is one name, and only one name, how are we allowed to change it? The name “Jesus” didn't exist when our Messiah walked with us. The Letter “J” wasn't invented until 1524, so it's impossible for that to have been his real name. I mean, it's not even a translation. Have you ever seen anyone of English descent named J E S U S? The first commandment is: “I am Yahuah your Eloheim, the Eloheim that brought you out of Mitsrayim, (House of Bondage) have no other before my face.” (In other words, pray to me alone). Who is JESUS? Our Father in Heaven loves each and every one of us very much. It is we that need to learn how to love Him. Most don't even know His real name! WOW! How do you love someone if you don't even know their Name? How do you have a relationship with someone you don't know? Have you looked for his name? And He does NOT have many names! He has one name…it's not “God,” or “Lord God,” - it’s none of those! Each one refers to an alternative deity. His Name is “Yod Hey Uah Hey,” YAHUAH, pronounced “YAH- HOO-AH.” And the Word made flesh, “Yod Hey Uah Shin Ayin,” Yahusha, pronounced “YAH-HOO-SHA.” This is translated directly from Paleo Hebrew, or “Phoenician” as it's also known. His true name was removed from every bible over 7000 times. There's power in His name, and according to the Satanic Elite, you are not to have or know His name. Pastors should not exist, and we aren’t to sacrifice animals anymore! The Levitical priesthood was done away with, with John the Baptist as our last priest/preacher. We are now under a Melchizedekian Priesthood, with Yahusha as our High Priest. Because of what Yahusha did, we no longer have those requirements and can, through the Ruach Ha’Qodesh, speak directly with the Father and be led by Him without an intercessor. The deception runs so deep. Everyone on this plane of existence grows up under “Government.” What does that mean? Govern = Rule & Ment = Mental or Mind. They have been ruling our minds since birth. Think about it: the only things we ever learn in life are what we are taught by our parents, who were also raised under Government. You go to a school, a government school, and I mean you really must, or your parents go to jail. According to the system, you must be programmed. Look at public TV, which they tell you it is programming… ”We will return to the programming after these messages.” Operation Mockingbird, a CIA psyop which started in the late 40s, with subliminal messages and flashes of light. Look it up. Yahusha, our Savior, was not hung on a cross. He was hung on an almond tree. A sacrifice is not a sacrifice unless it is performed upon an altar. A Roman cross is not an altar. The Mount of Olives is the Eternal Altar of YAHUAH. The budding Almond Rod from the Ark of the Covenant was planted there by King David along with the skull of Goliath. This became the tree that Yahusha, our Savior, was hung on. The truth is that the cross is a 4000-year-old death symbol. It comes from Egypt and represents the “Sun God,” Tammuz. Who wants to go into a building with one of those phallic structures mounted on top…the steeple, which represents Nimrod’s penis? Yes…that's why the steeples are there. Scripture tells us that Yahuah is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. So how could He Have two sets of rules… old & new Testaments? Who did away with the Eternal Covenant? The 10 Commandments. Who had authority to change Sabbath? Who overrules the supreme Elohim Yahuah (God)? 1st John 3:4 “Everyone who sins breaks the law, in fact sin is breaking the law. He who sins transgresses the Torah, for sin is transgression of the Torah.” (Yahusha the physical Torah). 1st John 2:3-4 “And hereby we do know that we know Him, if we keep His Commandments. He that saith I know Him, and keepeth not His Commandments is a liar, and the truth is not in him.” Isaiah 30:9 “This is a rebellious people, lying children, children that will not hear the law of Yahuah. That would say to the seers, see not, into the prophets, prophesy not unto us right things, but speak unto us smooth things, prophesy deceit.” Are you comfortable in your life? Are you where you need to be spiritually? Do you know everything you need to know to walk in freedom & confidence through the coming events? Because “The Rapture” is a made-up doctrine by John Nelson Darby in 1831 - it is ALL lies. 2nd Peter 3:10 “But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the Earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up.” Upon his second coming, the heavens, and the Earth are destroyed. Where do all the left-behind people live? Come on, think about it. Are you saved? I hear “I'm saved,” or “He's not saved” all the time. Scripture says, “those who endure to the end shall be saved.” The end hasn't come yet. Who are you kidding besides yourself? How many thousands of hours of research have you done? How much time every day do you actually spend reading the Word, taking in spiritual food? This is your eternity, not just a couple weeks, not a couple months, not 100 years…it's forever. Physical pain is nothing compared to the psychological and spiritual pain that will & does occur. This is a process, and this process is a painful one. You must start over completely. You must process and remove all this false information you have been indoctrinated into. Learning things that contradict everything that you ever been taught, fighting Cognitive Dissonance the whole time. Most everyone suffers from Cognitive Dissonance. Look it up! It refers to the mental conflict that occurs when someone's core beliefs do not align with new evidence that contradicts that core belief. It may also happen when someone holds two beliefs that contradict one another. Cognitive Dissonance causes feelings of unease and tension, and people attempt to relieve this discomfort in many ways. Anger is the primary defense. When you mention the firmament, or the Flat Earth, you are instantly a nutcase, when in actuality…they have the disorder of Cognitive Dissonance. Most cannot stand to even hear it…immediately they shut you out. “Rejection without investigations is the epitome of ignorance.” But it is exercised every day almost every time it's brought up. To sum things up, your only chance is to humble yourself and return as a little child. You must reprogram yourself and dig into everything so you can to find the Truth for yourself, because He's the Truth. It's not religion, you just have to find the Truth in everything, and you will find Him and true freedom. Shalom For further information, email or take a look at some of my videos.
@The Lone Journey 🌵Thx for sharing! Me too. However my aren't quite as varied or as extensive as yours seem to be (Yet!) I feel like they are similar to my waking/conscious reality but a parallel" to my reality. I can't determine if I am drawing this from memories (because the Visual... NOT the situation... are SO VERY Familiar! Same furniture, same room/windows, even same time day when Sun comes thru window curtain! But no memory of "actions" or events.) Had this dream for years, entire adulthood. The other dreams vary in action & events. Some are close to being "nightmares" since EVERY PERSON from infant to infirm... are all in matching 2-piece Tracksuits Jogging Suits!! Since I'm a JEANS or Skirt/Dress person... that's a Nightmare to me! These dreams are purely my imagination for writing stories I believe. We are told by some science and some psychology that we can only dream, imagine or write about what we have seen or experienced BEFORE. Even if it SEEMS new! I don't believe that! I didn't the first time I heard it, an NEVER will. All the things that have been written, all the ideas invented to material being. But dreams and out of body experiences, many questions
in just a decade or two.... where do you see this type of talk now.... my being longs for it... I am grateful for have stumbled here... or did I ... = )
This entire series of The Power of Myth interviews between Moyers and Campbell is incredibly profound. I feel very fortunate that they ran on PBS back when I was a very young man, struggling with letting go of my subjection to and dependence of organized religion, while maintaining the mystical/spiritual experience, which I already knew was independent of dogma.
Discovering Joseph Campbell during my university years was life changing. Suddenly all the pieces fit together. I remember, the first comment after having watched such an interview in a psychology class came from a girl who blurted out: "I wish he were my grandfather!"
I used to be blown away by this and I admit it is still light years beyond the thinking abilities of the average person, but after reading Jung, I found that this topic and the way of understanding it can still go much, much deeper. What Campbell did is remarkable, in that he enabled ordinary people to get a glimpse of these deeper layers in a brief interview.
And as the years go on, each generation has the opportunity to stand upon the shoulders of giants & see further for the work they had done. We should be thankful and humbled to o so instead of gloating that they only saw "part way". They paved the very way to the uncharted territory we are now walking.
Watching this series back in the 80's was the most Life altering experience I've had to date. It changed everything about my life--not all at once, of course--it was the impetus for my becoming an Anthropologist/Archaeologist, and it altered my spiritual journey too. I can honestly say at 63 years of age, I would be a completely different man today had I not watched Bill Moyers (a master Journalist) interview this Giant in the realm of Transformational Psychology, named Joseph Campbell!
Then after talking to dozens of people about it, you realize that nobody knows the answer and we never will. So all you can do is live in the now and learn to be fully engage in those "small talks" and love the process of learning people
@M. Merrimen🌵Oh yeah! yeah, yeah, yeah! Arrrgh!👍 Thankful, SO thankful he was here to teach us about ALL the past ways! And how they STILL have the same meaning & applications today! Joseph Campbell, YES!
We search for answers because we know the answer. We search to confirm what we feel as human and not spiritual.....The Darkness is born from the White Energy .Humanity is both because it comes from both...Only spiritual can be separated on that level.
@@wtchone5954 what if you’re wrong? What if psyche and matter are interrelated, meant to be experienced together? Are the answers derived from both ‘Humanity’ & ‘Spirituality’ not intrinsically connected due to consciousness? This is rhetorical. Of course they are both connected. Nikola Tesla even knew this, amongst a plethora of other Polymaths across the aeons.
@@TheAncientMysteriesBeckon Oh yes... I could be wrong Maybe...I can tell you that I have seen someone who said she was a White Witch...Ok now that you're ready....I seen someone 25 years ago that could see the future and the past...These people never charge money..These people hide in plan sight because noone believes. It changed my life....oh happen 25 years ago and I'm looking for answers. This was like angel type energy she used... Lol I know ....I know....When noone can explain its nonsense.
Part of it it because they're put in situations in life were they have to defend themselves or a religion has brainwashed them to hate another group with separate believes, I think this is because of ego? Idk just thinking
Honestly dude that's so true, its like being in planet that rains diamonds 7 times a year but you find a reason to go steal from or hurt the next person. What's more messed up is that even our entertainment is riddled with that: everyone loves a show with a villain who does fucked up things otherwise the season gets cancelled, that should tell you alot about human nature
That's like saying "chemistry is so cool yet people are still out there raping" there's absolutely nothing connecting those 2 things other than you like one and you don't like the other
I love him so much, thank you for leaving us with this legacy of thought and feeling, spoken in words that make us experience in consciousness what we otherwise just live without knowing. What a wonderful childlike wonder, contagious 🙏🙏🙏♥️
I can only imagine what it would've been like to attend a lecture by this wonderful professor. The next best thing is to watch these fragments of wisdom that make me so happy whenever they're uploaded. Thank you for sharing them JCF! ❤
Totally. I remember Joseph Campbell offered teachings at Esalen Institute in California, Big Sur & I had an opportunity to attend... and didn't. I guess at this point, I'm Thankful for the internet. :)
@@OrbitalShell 🌵 Accepting it... means that it "rang true" for you. You have "common sense"ly AND psychologically, accepted it as your "truth"! Read more or watch more of Joseph Campbell. More & more will sink in. 🌵🌺🌴💗😊
I don’t think that’s the type of message being sent here. I think this man is one of many people who have experienced life near-fullness and if you saw him in person would probably only speak if spoken to and would share infinite amounts of wisdom upon request. There’s a lot of people like this in the world and more so in places you’d never expect them to be. God bless
I had a difficult dream of a possible death of a love one today (no one is going to die anytime soon as far as I know or going into the hospital), and what he said helped in the dream. I think I was brought to Mr. Moyer's interview with Mr. Campbell to realize better where my "head" is right now. The dream comes from my life experience, not one particular thing or activity, but life itself. I think it is about Family. A connection to Family in a very broad sense. We are all here together, as it should be and we are never alone or left to the side and it will be OK, more than OK. It will be Revealing and Illuminating, so don't worry. I raise my frequency/vibration to myself and all of you. Don't worry so much, it will be OK.
I can really appreciate that in his talks and interviews, he doesn’t preach one religion or only one idea; he puts all of the different religious theories out there, tells us what his own personal conclusions are and still leaves room for individuals to come up with their own conclusions.
I can feel the truth and sincerity in his words. After not judging and just looking. I'm automatically in another dimension. This timeless dimension is available to anyone willing to take that leap. I don't know anyone awakened personally so Knowing there are others like me is really uplifting. The Power of Now by E.T. changed me.
I love when he says I don't have to have faith I have experience. That's exactly what faith is, it's a hope of the experience. If one has deep experience has been Faith just becomes a trust in one's ability to experience more or to be more, but when one has very little to no experience, they use the word faith as a hope for the experience, but then they sit in faith too deeply and never find the courage to have the experience.
I love how Joeseph Cambell speaks about all different types of philosophies and has linked them together. They are just differrent human perspectives on the same knowledge. I only found Joe a few months ago and he verbally speaks what I have been feeling for years now. Amazing work. I am especially interested in the Native American Indian at the moment as see that we are energy, and as humans in some of their tribes, we are not good, but we need to work on our goodness. Yes we have the potential inside of us to ignite the Christ spark or reach Buddha hood, but we all must work on this daily. Amazing channel. Thanks for sharing. :)
Dr.Campbell is a treasure that was bestowed upon us all. The Power of Myth was not only a collection of epiphanies for me, but an amazing affirmation. He brought the 'human' and 'devine' together in a complete and understanding way. I miss his presence....
Wording these kinds of experiences with faith and gods always makes me queasy, like in the beginning of this clip - but Campbell makes it right. The experience is still there, in your own body. Wonder is really the perfect word here. I am not religious at all, but I would consider it a waste of a day in which I don't experience wonder. What a great man!
Yeah, he was looking around at all the demons telling him what to say. Because, he most certainly wasn't telling them that the only way to live eternally spiritually is by repenting of your sins and asking Christ into your heart!! The devil is the master of confusion!
What a beautiful and encompassing statement that includes every single living being or 'physical form' on earth for that matter...."I don't have to have faith, I have experience." So admire Joseph Campbell - he figured it out through diligent research and study and attempted to share this wisdom with Western minds. Lucky you to be listening to him. :)
If anybody's been around nature hiking or walking in the woods for a long time I've noticed when I get into my car on the way home and listen to the music the instruments and sounds are heightened crisper the audio sounds intense it's amazing what nature does,powerful frequencies.
What an amazing intelligent man. To answer all these questions and to understand the Unknowledgeable people of what they are asking. Thank You & MGBY Joseph Campbell ❤
A welcome voice, a welcome view that I like to return to, to refocus and to remind me of what is important. Thank you for the generosity of sharing , and understanding.
@@themanfromroomfive9445 i am not an english native speaker, but i do my best to share the things i know. The low vibration troll gang is down there, not here. You seem lost here litle narcisistic wait voi, just saying
Inspirations of awakening! Let love shine over all judgement and conditions as we release labels and resistance breaking through to the pure essence of LOVE ❤️
@@Godsmack-fq3xl thats just not true, not opinion but theres facts behind it.. Jesus took out demons and people told him he took out demons with the power of demons, how will a demon take out a demon if they're on the same team? he also healed people and made many miracles, a demon won't do that for you
@@anarchy1090 The dude could cure blindness, revive dead people and materialize food. Instead of coming here to save us from a torture chamber he created, he could've ended all suffering. No more hunger, disease or death. Your cult makes no sense.
2:57 we all have ‘faith’ at a certain level- we couldn’t operate on this ‘plane of existence’ if we didn’t. It’s a type of ‘trusting’.. Very interesting interview ; love the responses.
I just love Joseph Campbell and all of his interviews and lectures, great books too! Such an awesome communicator and educator. Bill Moyer seems like a child in his shadow.
The the source of all energy is the all high creator of All or the one I call God yet many call me crazy or a blasphemer or pagan or worse just for believe there is a source of all energy. All I know is I know nothing yet I know something about nothing which is something. Life’s a riddle and the sooner we just accept that and live in love and light we will be free from slavery for unity is within hUmaNITY. Bless the soul and may you find the Love energy the highest power of all and the power of creation itself. ☯️🙏✝️🙏💟
@@sophiafake-virus2456 I am aware of this yes I just would rather spread love then fear I don’t like talking about what will and will not be I leave that for me and God as like you said God is ever present and trust me we are working on something and if I had a way I’d bring you in and speak with you properly about how we could go about it but for now we must do what we can while we can but the best start in my opinion is to start leaving the system behind and build a new one which is happening and if it works it will just replace the old system yet like all things it takes time and trust me on many occasions I’ve felt like it should be sooner but I know in time it will come and the best way to start is with self is it not? I’d be a hypocrite if I didn’t practice what I preach. It’s best to lead a house to water then force it to drink as for one you can’t force a horse to drink but you can lead it to water. I’d love to hear ideas but I’ve been in many groups and talks about such things and it all seems like game talk no real action. Did God flood the earth before Noah entered the Ark? (Yes I Know of the corruption in the Bible but I also know God to Know his word) When we are ready God will do his thing but until then we must be the Light for those trapped in the dark. For as you know the darkness is everywhere yet what are you? Consumed by the darkness? A ray of hope, A light in the dark, the salt of the earth, a pillar for those to lean on? You know you and only you and God know you, It’s not what enters you that matters it’s what leaves you. Do believe when all Gods people flee the city’s and head for the mountains is when it changes but until then we do what we must. Bless you and your ways 🙏 Never give up the fight 🙏
@@sophiafake-virus2456 yes I’ve seen the plan yet when I told people about it the said I was crazy yet here I am watching it become a reality so all I could do was get preparing for that inevitable time. Also know as the end times. The world is a stage. The script is written. All we can do is play our part. Life is what it is I’m sorry and I wish I could be of more help but for now I’m where I am but when the time comes I’m ready for what they have in store as I for one am not willing to live in a world with a NWO Calling the shots and that’s why I have God calling the shots as God is Law and All Laws follow Gods Law and under Gods Law I Am. 🙏 They want us to believe is al sorts of things yet I believe in one thing and that’s me. Everything else is the work of God outside of me and even me is the work of God, it’s so hard to explain how I live 😅 it’s easier to just see by living for yourself, don’t be to scared of death not to live. 🙏 I get what you mean though by they want control yet they will get it and there’s not much we can do. Like I said I don’t like talking about the fear when we have the Love and light side to focus on. It’s never to late to find God. Blessed you’ll be. 💟
There is no divinities that are God, only Jesus Christ is Lord. Angels may be considered manifestations of energy, but only God is power. This man has faith in himself and the world, I have faith in JC and I believe him over this man.
Honestly can we have some new language instead of god and jesus christ cause i hate hearing these words already lmfao christans left too sour of a taste along with it, it does not define what it truly is well enough, i consider jesus fucking christ god dammit and shit swear words instead too closely ingrained in how i speak LOL
What you believe in, therefore, is your own personal mythology: your own private metaphysical system. Campbell, who was raised Catholic and spent decades studying world mythologies, was an expert on various human conceptions of divinity. A great gift that his scholarship offers is an understanding of how, over millennia, the human imagination has created multiple, and beautiful, stories that gesture toward mysteries that we cannot, by definition, fully understand. (He wrote of these mythological tales and symbols as being "the masks of god.") To make claims such as that "Jesus Christ is Lord" and "Angels may be considered manifestations of energy" is to traffic in such masks; it can be of great value to understand that such stories are not literal realities but are metaphors for that which we cannot fully understand or explain.
I read his "The Hero With A Thousand Faces" about 30 years ago. It was an excellent book. Like scripture, even Joseph Campbell's works tend to inspire multiple interpretations.
I'm blown away Joseph... thank you .. I'm at work and listening my tears are streaming down my face at the authenticity and reality behind what your saying . Absolutely beautiful
Watching this brings me incredible feelings of the heros journey I use to wat h Dr Joseph campbell with my Dad God bless both there souls I look up and foward to great insight
A "Religious Experience" or "Epiphany" or "Rapture". Also known as "Mania". Two examples: Eckhart Tolle: "One night not long after my twenty-ninth birthday, I woke up in the early hours with a feeling of absolute dread. I had woken up with such a feeling many times before, but this time it was more intense than it had ever been. Everything felt so alien, so hostile, and so utterly meaningless that it created in me a deep loathing of the world. The most loathsome thing of all, however, was my own existence. "I cannot live with myself any longer." This was the thought that kept repeating itself in my mind. Then suddenly I became aware of what a peculiar thought it was. `Am I one or two? If I cannot live with myself, there must be two of me: the `I' and the `self' that `I' cannot live with." "Maybe," I thought, "only one of them is real." I was so stunned by this strange realization that my mind stopped. I was fully conscious, but there were no more thoughts. Then I felt drawn into what seemed like a vortex of energy. It was a slow movement at first and then accelerated. I was gripped by an intense fear, and my body started to shake. I heard the words "resist nothing," as if spoken inside my chest. I could feel myself being sucked into a void. It felt as if the void was inside myself rather than outside. Suddenly, there was no more fear, and I let myself fall into that void. I have no recollection of what happened after that. I was awakened by the chirping of a bird outside the window. I had never heard such a sound before. My eyes were still closed, and I saw the image of a precious diamond. Yes, if a diamond could make a sound, this is what it would be like. I opened my eyes. The first light of dawn was filtering through the curtains. Without any thought, I felt, I knew, that there is infinitely more to light than we realize. That soft luminosity filtering through the curtains was love itself. Tears came into my eyes. I got up and walked around the room. I recognized the room, and yet I knew that I had never truly seen it before. Everything was fresh and pristine, as if it had just come into existence. I picked up things, a pencil, an empty bottle, marveling at the beauty and aliveness of it all. That day I walked around the city in utter amazement at the miracle of life on earth, as if I had just been born into this world. For the next five months, I lived in a state of uninterrupted deep peace and bliss. After that, it diminished somewhat in intensity, or perhaps it just seemed to because it became my natural state. I could still function in the world, although I realized that nothing I ever did could possibly add anything to what I already had." Friedrich Nietzsche: "Has anyone at the end of the nineteenth century a distinct conception of what poets of strong ages called inspiration? If not, I will describe it. - If one had the slightest residue of superstition left in one, one would hardly be able to set aside the idea that one is merely incarnation, merely mouthpiece, merely medium of overwhelming forces. The concept of revelation, in the sense that something suddenly, with unspeakable certainty and subtlety, becomes visible, audible, something that shakes and overturns one to the depths, simply describes the fact. One hears, one does not seek; one takes, one does not ask who gives; a thought flashes up like lightning, with necessity, unfalteringly formed - I have never had any choice. An ecstasy whose tremendous tension sometimes discharges itself in a flood of tears, while one’s steps now involuntarily rush along, now involuntarily lag; a complete being outside of oneself with the distinct consciousness of a multitude of subtle shudders and trickles down to one’s toes; a depth of happiness in which the most painful and gloomy things appear, not as an antithesis, but as conditioned, demanded, as a necessary color within such a superfluity of light; an instinct for rhythmical relationships which spans forms of wide extent - length, the need for a wide-spanned rhythm is almost the measure of the force of inspiration, a kind of compensation for its pressure and tension... Everything is in the highest degree involuntary but takes place as in a tempest of a feeling of freedom, of absoluteness, of power, of divinity... The involuntary nature of image, of metaphor is the most remarkable thing of all; one no longer has any idea what is image, what metaphor, everything presents itself as the readiest, the truest, the simplest means of expression. It really does seem, to allude to a saying of Zarathustra’s, as if the things themselves approached and offered themselves as metaphors ("here all things come caressingly to your discourse and flatter you: for they want to ride upon your back. Upon every image you here ride to every truth. Here, the words and word-chests of all existence spring open to you; all existence here wants to become words, all becoming here wants to learn speech from you"). This is my experience of inspiration." - Friedrich Nietzsche, 'Ecce Homo', Thus Spoke Zarathustra
Thank you for this. I always love when people use quotes and point towards other interesting information/people to learn about. You're effort is appreciated, friend.☺
@@truthsayer1356 Thank you. Glad you liked it. :) ..."Any documents of emotion and passion, of sensitivity or even of thought left on marble, on canvas or in a book, are sacred. There is our true inheritance, our most precious one." - Odilon Redon, artist
Ok very true eyes speaks 10 languages I would say the same thing but everything he sad make sence.This video is 30-40 years old while my mother and fother was about my age today and belive me they wouldn't understand a word this man sad.This man was way ahead of his time.Was he a part of some occult?100% yes
Yes he is evil. You can tell because he believes in multiple gods. Just like the celebrities and the powers that be. They believe they are the reincarnation of the egyptian gods.
The Devil(left) Angel(right) motif perhaps applies to the brain hemispheres as well...the cold calculating divisive, juxtaposed by the intuitive creator-self. Dude was breezing levels in this one!!
He knows, sadly they don't talk about what reason there is for life to be, my conclusion from my own experience is just that - to experience. All the bad and the good, doesn't matter in the end since it's an experience all the same. Then hopefully one will learn from these experiences on a more divine/personal level.
@@WastedMillennium there is no grander scale,that's the hype,the chase,the rat race,the expectation,the let down,the ladder,just live be happy and healthy and love is wealth itself.there is nothing to learn from experiences just experience itself life.everybpdy looking for the ladder to just fall.
@@slyleggs4344 I mean i literally pointed out what you're telling me now in my comment. "there is nothing to learn from experiences just experience itself life" = "what reason there is for life to be, my conclusion from my own experience is just that - to experience" (Then -hopefully- one will learn from these experiences on a more divine/personal level.) I never claimed that the point of life is to learn from this, rather i hope that it is. I am happy to share ideas back n' forth and all but at least give people the courtesy and actually read what you comment on. Peace and love.
@@WastedMillennium no. You never. Nobody learns from experiences, they learn from there mistakes, its all about being healthy and loving, the rest doesn't matter
Not sure how I got to this video, but I admire his thinking. A lot of what he said reminded me of Huxley's Perennial Philosophy, which I highly recommend, especially if you're trying to find yourself and "God."
I look at animals as very special beings too theres something about them that we dont know and theres something about us that they dont know, we dont know what goes in the mind of an animal too
It's interesting to see the roots of the misuse we see nowadays in the newage paradigm of the word 'energy' in the discourse of someone who used this word not because he was trying to be intentionally vague but because at the time he found no better word to describe the type of phenomenology he talked about. That's why when looked with our modern era glasses, thinkers like Campbell and Jung are perceived as woo woo spouting charlatans when in reality they strived more than most to be the opposite of that. They embodied the archetypal explorer of uncharted (inward) territory who stumbles upon the wonders that lay beyond for the first time and upon returning to their land and share what they now know they are treated as madmen instead of enlightened thus being shunned from the same culture they dedicated their whole life to understand.
I was so awe struck upon realizing the sun didn’t set but that the earth does a back flip witnessing that up @ Jenny Lake between the Grande Titan mountains in Wyoming peaking under the influence of a psychedelic in 1979 when I was twenty years old for better and worse I never completely came down . I know exactly what this man is referring to . The Almighty is powerful beyond measure.
All these smart people throughout the centuries still can't figure it out that God is love, love creates and love destroys, and yet no man truly understands love
This? God is consciousness, not a creator, but the source of creation itself. God is not independent of you but the totality of everything. So when I say that I am a “God” I’m not referring to my personal self. I’m referring to the expression of the God self that resides inside of me. The verb, the “energy” not the noun. Once you think of God as a noun, person, place or thing, you separate yourself from it and immediately become a limited being. That’s the difference from the believers (religious) and the knowers (spiritualists). ~Anonymous Source
Lucky you for being so holy For me the ego is merely the human As for the angels and demons on the shoulder, we are just that, angels and demons implanting thoughts through the concept of consciousness.
@Trippy Trill but he’s still alive and well though, he managed to become a consciousness. He’s there, nobody cares to meet with him because everyone who believes in Christianity believes in the concept of salvation, not the concept of Christianity, it’s pretty heartbreaking. The lord needs warriors and nobody wants to fight, they all just want to be saved.
The first time I watched Bill Moyers' interviews with Joseph Campbell I was blown away. Totally changed my perspective on life and the universe and spirituality. It was an important, pivotal time for me and I am forever grateful.
The same happened to me.
It was life changing, and I can't believe TV wasn't that sharp back then!!!
I immediately read, “ The Power Of Myth.”
Do you know where I can buy the series?
If you close your eyes, you’re looking into another dimension. The kingdom is within you.
Hush. Don’t tell the dead zombies that.
@@3rdeyelionheart hahaha classic
@@johnnyroycerichardsoniii3273 you’re welcome
This is a lie.
The need for God is the yearning for reconnecting with one's true self.
That is a f fact, honestly seriously dude.
Why does death anxiety and the void death leaves tend to be skipped over for feel good higher self stuff when this suspect arises. The human brain is set up to make negatives more impactful for survival so transcendence in the face of a true grind would evoke something but as the Buddhist’s do I think suffering(inevitable death) is the cause that makes us squirm to solve ourselves with a semi rational apparatus. Also what about guilt. Many people would benefit in a god absolving them as self forgiveness is hard and knowing the past cannot be changed by repenting. it is only the present that can ever be free from those burdens we fill it with and then wish would be made beautiful by a plea to rearrange ourself and world by the wholly other. Idk just not sold. We live in a world where death, illness, and suffering are swept out of the public arena as that’s good for business, not individuals. Yet we think these things have little impact. Maybe we as a whole can’t stare this truth in the face without realizing we have neglected this other dimension where we already are with and not for or by or against or because.
Hard thing to communicate
What the hell are they teaching you guys? Where are y'all getting this crap from? This is crap! What you guys are messing with is unclean and unholy. You best get on your knees and pray to Jesus because he is the only way. I hope y'all get right because the end is near.
@@alexezekiel88 the greatest trick the devil ever pulled was making you believe he wasn't real. Good luck.
@@PointOfConsciousnes Ya, like what’s with the different opinion I classify as unholy and thus less than so the false throne of moral superiority isn’t toppled. Why don’t you advocate for your organizations to stop shielding predators instead of bringing us your trash. Glass houses much
Joe is a man of wisdom. Sad to say most evangelicals resort to faith when they cannot explain something. Joe explores humanity and divinity from all facets of life, science and experience. Truly spiritual.
🎯 *I conCuR.!!* 👍
Film flam. Wishy washy. Get to the point. New Age gobbledegook. Do you believe in God or not?
I like Rogan too!
Yea, but be careful at having disdain or too much focus on the inconsistency of faithful religious people(such as the Christian Right), it will hinder your ability to take part in the mystery and wonder of life.
This guy KNOWS what he's talking about, But once you see another dimension your life will never be the same; you realize how deep creation & reality really are. Its a beautiful thing.
@The Lone Journey Thanks for sharing!
@@LO-bk4bv you should look for that answer from your perspective and gather your own information.
All Deception. We know that all scriptures repeat themselves, and state clearly that only a remnant will be preserved. That is a minute few. About 1 in 10,000…The Chosen. It also states that even the Elect will be deceived if possible. The fact is we live in
the backwards, upside-down world, and most of everything you were ever taught is a lie. Scripture says that in the end,
bad will be good and good will be bad. Does anyone really think that they are one of the Elect? I don't think I am, as it’s
only 1 in 6.9 million according to Scripture. What is everyone arguing about? Do we all know exactly what's happening,
and exactly how this is all going to play out? Why is everyone so positive that they are not deceived? Is everyone better than the Elect? I mean even the Watchers, who had knowledge of the Heavens and Earth, were deceived! Do any of you
have greater knowledge than them?
Let's start with the Bible, which most of the world takes as the absolute Word of the Most High Eloheim (God). I’m talking about the 66 books, almost all targums or “translations” of the King James Bible, which all come from the Jesuit Freemasons. King James, a gay 33rd Degree Freemason, followed closely behind the work Constantine, another gay 33rd Degree Freemason, had commenced on canonizing the Father’s Word. These men are primarily responsible for the modern Scriptures. King Jimmy gave the authority to Richard Bancroft, Archbishop of the Catholic church and Jesuit
Freemason, to oversee and Assemble the Bible for the government. Even before that, a Jesuit Freemason named
Athanasius Bishop of Alexandria, established the content of the New Testament. Athanasius of Alexandria, also called Athanasius the Great, or Athanasius the Confessor, was a wicked man and the primary Jesuit in the Coptic Orthodox
Church. Athanasius & Paul Marcion penned the Writings of Paul, and only 7 can even be authenticated to this time
period. They used these to form the beginnings of today's modern scriptures, with King James at the helm. Simon Magus is the true secret identity of Paul, and he was a Freemason who encountered Peter in Acts Chapter 8. These wicked men
put together the New Testament. But the bottom line is that it is the transition or targum of the Catholic Church, which
we all know is the Beast! Why would anyone place their entire eternity on that block of scriptures? So, let's start here.
Acts 4:12 “Neither is there salvation in any other; for there is none other name under Heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.”
If there is one name, and only one name, how are we allowed to change it? The name “Jesus” didn't exist when our
Messiah walked with us. The Letter “J” wasn't invented until 1524, so it's impossible for that to have been his real name.
I mean, it's not even a translation. Have you ever seen anyone of English descent named J E S U S? The first commandment is: “I am Yahuah your Eloheim, the Eloheim that brought you out of Mitsrayim, (House of Bondage) have
no other before my face.” (In other words, pray to me alone). Who is JESUS? Our Father in Heaven loves each and every one of us very much. It is we that need to learn how to love Him. Most don't even know His real name! WOW! How do you love someone if you don't even know their Name? How do you have a relationship with someone you don't know?
Have you looked for his name? And He does NOT have many names! He has one name…it's not “God,” or “Lord God,” -
it’s none of those! Each one refers to an alternative deity. His Name is “Yod Hey Uah Hey,” YAHUAH, pronounced “YAH-
HOO-AH.” And the Word made flesh, “Yod Hey Uah Shin Ayin,” Yahusha, pronounced “YAH-HOO-SHA.” This is translated directly from Paleo Hebrew, or “Phoenician” as it's also known. His true name was removed from every bible over 7000 times. There's power in His name, and according to the Satanic Elite, you are not to have or know His name.
Pastors should not exist, and we aren’t to sacrifice animals anymore! The Levitical priesthood was done away with, with John the Baptist as our last priest/preacher. We are now under a Melchizedekian Priesthood, with Yahusha as our High Priest. Because of what Yahusha did, we no longer have those requirements and can, through the Ruach
Ha’Qodesh, speak directly with the Father and be led by Him without an intercessor.
The deception runs so deep. Everyone on this plane of existence grows up under “Government.” What does that mean? Govern = Rule & Ment = Mental or Mind. They have been ruling our minds since birth. Think about it: the only things we ever learn in life are what we are taught by our parents, who were also raised under Government. You go to a school, a
government school, and I mean you really must, or your parents go to jail. According to the system, you must be programmed. Look at public TV, which they tell you it is programming… ”We will return to the programming after these messages.” Operation Mockingbird, a CIA psyop which started in the late 40s, with subliminal messages and flashes of light. Look it up. Yahusha, our Savior, was not hung on a cross. He was hung on an almond tree. A sacrifice is not a sacrifice unless it is
performed upon an altar. A Roman cross is not an altar. The Mount of Olives is the Eternal Altar of YAHUAH. The budding Almond Rod from the Ark of the Covenant was planted there by King David along with the skull of Goliath. This became the tree that Yahusha, our Savior, was hung on. The truth is that the cross is a 4000-year-old death symbol. It comes from Egypt and represents the “Sun God,” Tammuz. Who wants to go into a building with one of those phallic structures mounted on top…the steeple, which represents Nimrod’s penis? Yes…that's why the steeples are there. Scripture tells us that Yahuah is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. So how could He Have two sets of rules… old
& new Testaments? Who did away with the Eternal Covenant? The 10 Commandments. Who had authority to change
Sabbath? Who overrules the supreme Elohim Yahuah (God)?
1st John 3:4 “Everyone who sins breaks the law, in fact sin is breaking the law. He who sins transgresses the Torah, for sin is transgression of the Torah.” (Yahusha the physical Torah).
1st John 2:3-4 “And hereby we do know that we know Him, if we keep His Commandments. He that saith I know Him, and keepeth not His Commandments is a liar, and the truth is not in him.”
Isaiah 30:9 “This is a rebellious people, lying children, children that will not hear the law of Yahuah. That would say to
the seers, see not, into the prophets, prophesy not unto us right things, but speak unto us smooth things, prophesy
Are you comfortable in your life? Are you where you need to be spiritually? Do you know everything you need to know
to walk in freedom & confidence through the coming events? Because “The Rapture” is a made-up doctrine by John Nelson Darby in 1831 - it is ALL lies.
2nd Peter 3:10 “But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the Earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned
Upon his second coming, the heavens, and the Earth are destroyed. Where do all the left-behind people live? Come on,
think about it. Are you saved? I hear “I'm saved,” or “He's not saved” all the time. Scripture says, “those who endure to the end shall be saved.” The end hasn't come yet. Who are you kidding besides yourself? How many thousands of hours of research have you done? How much time every day do you actually spend reading the Word, taking in spiritual food?
This is your eternity, not just a couple weeks, not a couple months, not 100 years…it's forever. Physical pain is nothing compared to the psychological and spiritual pain that will & does occur. This is a process, and this process is a painful one. You must start over completely. You must process and remove all this false information you have been indoctrinated into. Learning things that contradict everything that you ever been taught, fighting Cognitive Dissonance the whole time.
Most everyone suffers from Cognitive Dissonance. Look it up! It refers to the mental conflict that occurs when
someone's core beliefs do not align with new evidence that contradicts that core belief. It may also happen when
someone holds two beliefs that contradict one another. Cognitive Dissonance causes feelings of unease and tension, and people attempt to relieve this discomfort in many ways. Anger is the primary defense. When you mention the firmament, or the Flat Earth, you are instantly a nutcase, when in actuality…they have the disorder of Cognitive Dissonance. Most cannot stand to even hear it…immediately they shut you out. “Rejection without investigations is the epitome of ignorance.” But it is exercised every day almost every time it's brought up.
To sum things up, your only chance is to humble yourself and return as a little child. You must reprogram yourself and
dig into everything so you can to find the Truth for yourself, because He's the Truth.
It's not religion, you just have to find the Truth in everything, and you will find Him and true freedom. Shalom
For further information, email or take a look at some of my videos.
@The Lone Journey 🌵Thx
for sharing! Me too. However my aren't quite as
varied or as extensive as
yours seem to be (Yet!) I
feel like they are similar to
my waking/conscious reality
but a parallel" to my reality.
I can't determine if I am
drawing this from memories
(because the Visual... NOT
the situation... are SO VERY
Familiar! Same furniture,
same room/windows, even same time day when Sun
comes thru window curtain!
But no memory of "actions"
or events.) Had this dream
for years, entire adulthood.
The other dreams vary in
action & events. Some are close to being "nightmares"
since EVERY PERSON from
infant to infirm... are all in
matching 2-piece Tracksuits
Jogging Suits!! Since I'm a
JEANS or Skirt/Dress person... that's a Nightmare
to me! These dreams are
purely my imagination for
writing stories I believe.
We are told by some science and some psychology that we can only dream, imagine
or write about what we have seen or experienced
BEFORE. Even if it SEEMS
new! I don't believe that!
I didn't the first time I
heard it, an NEVER will.
All the things that have
been written, all the ideas
invented to material being.
But dreams and out of body
experiences, many questions
Two truly great minds having a wonderful conversation with decency and respect...a lost art.
in just a decade or two.... where do you see this type of talk now.... my being longs for it... I am grateful for have stumbled here... or did I ... = )
You must’ve never watched a Joe Rogan podcast
Their minds arent truly great at all .. they stole that information
GREAT OBSERVATION, POINT & COMMENT; Well articulated and even thought provoking! 💙💚💜
@@Yodeviouss Ahhh... You "name" speaks volumes about your trolling comment/reply!! Enough said! X
This entire series of The Power of Myth interviews between Moyers and Campbell is incredibly profound. I feel very fortunate that they ran on PBS back when I was a very young man, struggling with letting go of my subjection to and dependence of organized religion, while maintaining the mystical/spiritual experience, which I already knew was independent of dogma.
Discovering Joseph Campbell during my university years was life changing. Suddenly all the pieces fit together. I remember, the first comment after having watched such an interview in a psychology class came from a girl who blurted out: "I wish he were my grandfather!"
I used to be blown away by this and I admit it is still light years beyond the thinking abilities of the average person, but after reading Jung, I found that this topic and the way of understanding it can still go much, much deeper. What Campbell did is remarkable, in that he enabled ordinary people to get a glimpse of these deeper layers in a brief interview.
I hear ya. And I was surprised I had this reaction just now but it's how I feel.
And as the years go on, each generation has the opportunity to stand upon the shoulders of giants & see further for the work they had done. We should be thankful and humbled to o so instead of gloating that they only saw "part way". They paved the very way to the uncharted territory we are now walking.
Watching this series back in the 80's was the most Life altering experience I've had to date. It changed everything about my life--not all at once, of course--it was the impetus for my becoming an Anthropologist/Archaeologist, and it altered my spiritual journey too. I can honestly say at 63 years of age, I would be a completely different man today had I not watched Bill Moyers (a master Journalist) interview this Giant in the realm of Transformational Psychology, named Joseph Campbell!
This is why small talk is so agonising for me. Once I meet and hear people like this speak, no other kind of conversation will do.
Then after talking to dozens of people about it, you realize that nobody knows the answer and we never will. So all you can do is live in the now and learn to be fully engage in those "small talks" and love the process of learning people
Totally agree.. I’m too deep for most people
Their conversations are mundane and I always want to talk philosophy and deeper
Jesus Christ get over yourself
@@SuperNoman87 That went over your head. We really don't like to have conversations that aren't stroking our 3rd eye.
So glad to have these clips come forward to remind those of us who have studied Campbell and introduce him to those who have not. Thank you.
@M. Merrimen🌵Oh yeah!
yeah, yeah, yeah! Arrrgh!👍
Thankful, SO thankful he was here to teach us about
ALL the past ways! And how
they STILL have the same
meaning & applications today! Joseph Campbell, YES!
We search for answers because we know the answer. We search to confirm what we feel as human and not spiritual.....The Darkness is born from the White Energy .Humanity is both because it comes from both...Only spiritual can be separated on that level.
@@wtchone5954 what if you’re wrong? What if psyche and matter are interrelated, meant to be experienced together? Are the answers derived from both ‘Humanity’ & ‘Spirituality’ not intrinsically connected due to consciousness? This is rhetorical. Of course they are both connected. Nikola Tesla even knew this, amongst a plethora of other Polymaths across the aeons.
@@TheAncientMysteriesBeckon Oh yes... I could be wrong Maybe...I can tell you that I have seen someone who said she was a White Witch...Ok now that you're ready....I seen someone 25 years ago that could see the future and the past...These people never charge money..These people hide in plan sight because noone believes. It changed my life....oh happen 25 years ago and I'm looking for answers. This was like angel type energy she used... Lol I know ....I know....When noone can explain its nonsense.
the fabric of reality is a mystery, its so special yet we have people hurting one another.
Part of it it because they're put in situations in life were they have to defend themselves or a religion has brainwashed them to hate another group with separate believes, I think this is because of ego? Idk just thinking
@@ishzsbxux thanks scott
@@bolu7648 You're welcome Ashley
Honestly dude that's so true, its like being in planet that rains diamonds 7 times a year but you find a reason to go steal from or hurt the next person. What's more messed up is that even our entertainment is riddled with that: everyone loves a show with a villain who does fucked up things otherwise the season gets cancelled, that should tell you alot about human nature
That's like saying "chemistry is so cool yet people are still out there raping" there's absolutely nothing connecting those 2 things other than you like one and you don't like the other
This series with Campbell was the start of my journey, I will forever be grateful to Professor Campbell and Bill Moyers
I love him so much, thank you for leaving us with this legacy of thought and feeling, spoken in words that make us experience in consciousness what we otherwise just live without knowing. What a wonderful childlike wonder, contagious 🙏🙏🙏♥️
Stolen legacy but hey
@@MoveMint.est85 why?
Don’t be fooled by his claim that God is a manifestation, like us.
Remember, "no matter where you go, THERE you are".
Bukaroo Banzai.
Love this thank you☀️
What does that mean ?
This here!
Suga Free said this too lol. Maybe that’s who he got it from 🤩🤣
@@lifranchize7325 just means no matter where you’re at, you are still experiencing your experience . Gotta look at it from a bigger picture
Like he said... life is a mystery ... i wish to see it through ... may we all be blessed ... after the hardships we go through .
I can only imagine what it would've been like to attend a lecture by this wonderful professor. The next best thing is to watch these fragments of wisdom that make me so happy whenever they're uploaded. Thank you for sharing them JCF! ❤
There is a DVD series called "The Power of Myth" and one called "Mythos" both published by the JCF.
Totally. I remember Joseph Campbell offered teachings at Esalen Institute in California, Big Sur & I had an opportunity to attend... and didn't. I guess at this point, I'm Thankful for the internet. :)
Just search "occult lecture" you'll find plenty of speeches like this. Personally I try to stay away from this demonic stuff.
1:25 “God is a vehicle of the energy, not its source”. Simple statement, yet mindblowing.
And completely wrong
There is nothing like G*d yet still there is G*d. G*d doesn't care if you worship him/her or not
God is and rules earth, universe galaxies and galaxies yet he/she doesn't have control over everything
these interviews changed my life. Joseph Campbell was ahead of his time, ahead of ours, and ahead of any time. Blessed be.
How did it change your life? Why did you accept it these teachings?
@@OrbitalShell 🌵
Accepting it... means that it
"rang true" for you. You have "common sense"ly AND
psychologically, accepted it
as your "truth"! Read more
or watch more of Joseph
Campbell. More & more
will sink in. 🌵🌺🌴💗😊
@@sonoransaguaro3786 thanks for answering. That's it :)
@@sonoransaguaro3786 when you say “your truth” what does truth mean ?
Listening to Mr. Campbell is so inspiring to the spirit.
If he sat down to speak about this in public then imagine what he knows isn’t for the “public”…..
What topics would that be
He knows fuck all.
That's some food for thought what you said there makes you wonder. Maby some of what he knows words fail ?
@@jamespoff8632 very very true
I don’t think that’s the type of message being sent here. I think this man is one of many people who have experienced life near-fullness and if you saw him in person would probably only speak if spoken to and would share infinite amounts of wisdom upon request. There’s a lot of people like this in the world and more so in places you’d never expect them to be. God bless
His Eyes are saying Alot, He knows what's going on.
He been there
He knows nothing
@casino tee try being there Comin back and puttin into words .. look he’s eyes bra he been there and knows
Wtf are u junkies talking abot
A pessimist, an optimist, and a realist walk into a bar :-D
I had a difficult dream of a possible death of a love one today (no one is going to die anytime soon as far as I know or going into the hospital), and what he said helped in the dream. I think I was brought to Mr. Moyer's interview with Mr. Campbell to realize better where my "head" is right now. The dream comes from my life experience, not one particular thing or activity, but life itself. I think it is about Family. A connection to Family in a very broad sense. We are all here together, as it should be and we are never alone or left to the side and it will be OK, more than OK. It will be Revealing and Illuminating, so don't worry. I raise my frequency/vibration to myself and all of you. Don't worry so much, it will be OK.
*#NaMaSTe**...bReThReN.!!* 🙏 🍻
I am so comforted by Joe in this series. His presence is so trustworthy for me.
I can really appreciate that in his talks and interviews, he doesn’t preach one religion or only one idea; he puts all of the different religious theories out there, tells us what his own personal conclusions are and still leaves room for individuals to come up with their own conclusions.
I can feel the truth and sincerity in his words. After not judging and just looking. I'm automatically in another dimension. This timeless dimension is available to anyone willing to take that leap. I don't know anyone awakened personally so Knowing there are others like me is really uplifting. The Power of Now by E.T. changed me.
WOW! I remember when he gave this interview. It's taken a lifetime to realize/ experience that he was right about all of it. Thank you
This is it!!! "I don't need faith, ...I have experience." I've been looking for someone I can agree with for a long time.
I love when he says I don't have to have faith I have experience. That's exactly what faith is, it's a hope of the experience. If one has deep experience has been Faith just becomes a trust in one's ability to experience more or to be more, but when one has very little to no experience, they use the word faith as a hope for the experience, but then they sit in faith too deeply and never find the courage to have the experience.
The GOAT, Joe Cams... Effortlessly spitting fire... Pure truth, pure energy, pure focus... just look into his eyes!!
I love how Joeseph Cambell speaks about all different types of philosophies and has linked them together. They are just differrent human perspectives on the same knowledge. I only found Joe a few months ago and he verbally speaks what I have been feeling for years now. Amazing work. I am especially interested in the Native American Indian at the moment as see that we are energy, and as humans in some of their tribes, we are not good, but we need to work on our goodness. Yes we have the potential inside of us to ignite the Christ spark or reach Buddha hood, but we all must work on this daily. Amazing channel. Thanks for sharing. :)
This should be part of every literature curriculum in schools.
WOW !!! Food for thought ! I've never heard of Joseph Campbell and now I just want to hear more of what he says.
Dr.Campbell is a treasure that was bestowed upon us all. The Power of Myth was not only a collection of epiphanies for me, but an amazing affirmation. He brought the 'human' and 'devine' together in a complete and understanding way. I miss his presence....
YOU are the source. God lives through us all. Practice love for everyone, even for just ten minutes a day. Then you can go back to your normal self.
If we could just get the love widespread smh... look at the 60s then look at us now we've been made not like each other
The single greatest interview and discussion ever recorded.
Wording these kinds of experiences with faith and gods always makes me queasy, like in the beginning of this clip - but Campbell makes it right.
The experience is still there, in your own body. Wonder is really the perfect word here.
I am not religious at all, but I would consider it a waste of a day in which I don't experience wonder.
What a great man!
He said I don’t need faith… I have assurance. POWERFUL 🔥🔥
That is Jung said, I don't believe...I know.
HHe said experience not assurance.
@@S-terNicholsyes, that's faith.
Loved it. I think this man's eyes were open to the spirit world always the way he looked around. Amazing
Magical mushrooms
Yeah, he was looking around at all the demons telling him what to say. Because, he most certainly wasn't telling them that the only way to live eternally spiritually is by repenting of your sins and asking Christ into your heart!! The devil is the master of confusion!
@@melodymiller4870 stfu 🤦♂️
@@charliehustle7010 make me!
@@melodymiller4870 melody that’s facts he got demons and worships satan!! He’s deceiving people you could see evil in his eyes
What a beautiful and encompassing statement that includes every single living being or 'physical form' on earth for that matter...."I don't have to have faith, I have experience." So admire Joseph Campbell - he figured it out through diligent research and study and attempted to share this wisdom with Western minds. Lucky you to be listening to him. :)
If anybody's been around nature hiking or walking in the woods for a long time I've noticed when I get into my car on the way home and listen to the music the instruments and sounds are heightened crisper the audio sounds intense it's amazing what nature does,powerful frequencies.
What an amazing intelligent man. To answer all these questions and to understand the Unknowledgeable people of what they are asking. Thank You & MGBY Joseph Campbell ❤
Energy is everything. Just look at his eyes while he talks.
A welcome voice, a welcome view that I like to return to, to refocus and to remind me of what is important. Thank you for the generosity of sharing , and understanding.
The experience of psychedelics can momentarily make your senses available to these other “dimensions”.
@JAE 3MC dmt beings wants to teach someone something all the time
When you transcend your ego, you can see throw the eyes of god. You are yet mortal, but intensity un each moment of the existence is the key.
@@Herrarnaldo *IN each moment
You should probably work on your grammar and spelling before trying to teach enlightenment. Just sayin
@@themanfromroomfive9445 i am not an english native speaker, but i do my best to share the things i know.
The low vibration troll gang is down there, not here. You seem lost here litle narcisistic wait voi, just saying
How fortunate I Am to go over this exchanges
So great
So useful in these times
Thank you Joseph and everyone for being
Inspirations of awakening! Let love shine over all judgement and conditions as we release labels and resistance breaking through to the pure essence of LOVE ❤️
Joseph Campbell has always been just a name for me.
That changed now.
Thanks for the introduction.
I can see the enlightenment in the eyes of this old man ....wisdom of the ages
20-30 years ago ppl would swear this dude had many cards missing from his deck but in this day & time That Shit is Spot-On guy!
I am so these talks.They become vehicles of transcendence to individuation.Thank you.
Such a wise words from this mad old man. Beautiful...
Yeshua Hamashiach's energy and teachings will change your life and free you from all demonic chains
How so
What if Yeshua is another demon meant to deceive you?
@@Godsmack-fq3xl thats just not true, not opinion but theres facts behind it.. Jesus took out demons and people told him he took out demons with the power of demons, how will a demon take out a demon if they're on the same team? he also healed people and made many miracles, a demon won't do that for you
@@anarchy1090 The dude could cure blindness, revive dead people and materialize food. Instead of coming here to save us from a torture chamber he created, he could've ended all suffering. No more hunger, disease or death. Your cult makes no sense.
2:57 we all have ‘faith’ at a certain level- we couldn’t operate on this ‘plane of existence’ if we didn’t. It’s a type of ‘trusting’..
Very interesting interview ; love the responses.
I just love Joseph Campbell and all of his interviews and lectures, great books too! Such an awesome communicator and educator. Bill Moyer seems like a child in his shadow.
Continue to do well brother.We all are brother an sisters....
Incredible Teacher
This is so profound I had to watch it 5 times
Yeah,.. just randomly stumbled on this vid and so glad I did, love and light, Namaste
The the source of all energy is the all high creator of All or the one I call God yet many call me crazy or a blasphemer or pagan or worse just for believe there is a source of all energy.
All I know is I know nothing yet I know something about nothing which is something.
Life’s a riddle and the sooner we just accept that and live in love and light we will be free from slavery for unity is within hUmaNITY.
Bless the soul and may you find the Love energy the highest power of all and the power of creation itself.
@@sophiafake-virus2456 I am aware of this yes I just would rather spread love then fear I don’t like talking about what will and will not be I leave that for me and God as like you said God is ever present and trust me we are working on something and if I had a way I’d bring you in and speak with you properly about how we could go about it but for now we must do what we can while we can but the best start in my opinion is to start leaving the system behind and build a new one which is happening and if it works it will just replace the old system yet like all things it takes time and trust me on many occasions I’ve felt like it should be sooner but I know in time it will come and the best way to start is with self is it not?
I’d be a hypocrite if I didn’t practice what I preach.
It’s best to lead a house to water then force it to drink as for one you can’t force a horse to drink but you can lead it to water.
I’d love to hear ideas but I’ve been in many groups and talks about such things and it all seems like game talk no real action.
Did God flood the earth before Noah entered the Ark?
(Yes I Know of the corruption in the Bible but I also know God to Know his word)
When we are ready God will do his thing but until then we must be the Light for those trapped in the dark.
For as you know the darkness is everywhere yet what are you?
Consumed by the darkness?
A ray of hope, A light in the dark, the salt of the earth, a pillar for those to lean on?
You know you and only you and God know you,
It’s not what enters you that matters it’s what leaves you.
Do believe when all Gods people flee the city’s and head for the mountains is when it changes but until then we do what we must.
Bless you and your ways 🙏
Never give up the fight
@@sophiafake-virus2456 yes I’ve seen the plan yet when I told people about it the said I was crazy yet here I am watching it become a reality so all I could do was get preparing for that inevitable time.
Also know as the end times.
The world is a stage.
The script is written.
All we can do is play our part.
Life is what it is I’m sorry and I wish I could be of more help but for now I’m where I am but when the time comes I’m ready for what they have in store as I for one am not willing to live in a world with a NWO Calling the shots and that’s why I have God calling the shots as God is Law and All Laws follow Gods Law and under Gods Law I Am.
They want us to believe is al sorts of things yet I believe in one thing and that’s me. Everything else is the work of God outside of me and even me is the work of God, it’s so hard to explain how I live 😅 it’s easier to just see by living for yourself, don’t be to scared of death not to live.
I get what you mean though by they want control yet they will get it and there’s not much we can do. Like I said I don’t like talking about the fear when we have the Love and light side to focus on. It’s never to late to find God. Blessed you’ll be.
I myself have watched it the first time and saved it... I need to watch a few times...
At last, an intelligent teacher. "I don't need faith, I have experience is really a brave and accurate thing to say. Wonderful.
Brilliant mind; grateful for this level of thinking in this wondrous world.
Higher consciousness in action. Dr Campbell left us such an amazing gift.
My favorite 4 plus minutes of the Power of Myth that I bought years ago.
Please explain
There is no divinities that are God, only Jesus Christ is Lord. Angels may be considered manifestations of energy, but only God is power. This man has faith in himself and the world, I have faith in JC and I believe him over this man.
Honestly can we have some new language instead of god and jesus christ cause i hate hearing these words already lmfao christans left too sour of a taste along with it, it does not define what it truly is well enough, i consider jesus fucking christ god dammit and shit swear words instead too closely ingrained in how i speak LOL
@@ThirdEye710 If you hate Jesus Christ that much he must be the true God, because I don't believe in Allah, or Darwin and I don't have that same hate.
What you believe in, therefore, is your own personal mythology: your own private metaphysical system. Campbell, who was raised Catholic and spent decades studying world mythologies, was an expert on various human conceptions of divinity. A great gift that his scholarship offers is an understanding of how, over millennia, the human imagination has created multiple, and beautiful, stories that gesture toward mysteries that we cannot, by definition, fully understand. (He wrote of these mythological tales and symbols as being "the masks of god.") To make claims such as that "Jesus Christ is Lord" and "Angels may be considered manifestations of energy" is to traffic in such masks; it can be of great value to understand that such stories are not literal realities but are metaphors for that which we cannot fully understand or explain.
@@harmonium8198 We will all trully know when we die, the truth will shine brighter than words.
I read his "The Hero With A Thousand Faces" about 30 years ago. It was an excellent book. Like scripture, even Joseph Campbell's works tend to inspire multiple interpretations.
That moment of “ah” is divinity. Pure AWE
I am fascinated... Campbell is a family name for us. I have interesting spiritual experiences fairly often. Hearing this is an awakening.
I'm blown away Joseph... thank you .. I'm at work and listening my tears are streaming down my face at the authenticity and reality behind what your saying .
Absolutely beautiful
Chills Down my spine, he knows his shit. Came to the same conclusion as he did: "i dont have faith, i have experience."
Experience of what.... killing children? Fucking demon.
@@spaceorbison what are you talking about?
@@spaceorbison how does he do that? Is he an abortion doctor?
@@spaceorbison wtf :D come down you fool
What a joy it is to be able to hear and consider the thinking of such a brilliant mind.
Watching this brings me incredible feelings of the heros journey I use to wat h Dr Joseph campbell with my Dad God bless both there souls I look up and foward to great insight
"I don't have to have faith, I have experience."
A "Religious Experience" or "Epiphany" or "Rapture". Also known as "Mania". Two examples:
Eckhart Tolle: "One night not long after my twenty-ninth birthday, I woke up in the early hours with a feeling of absolute dread. I had woken up with such a feeling many times before, but this time it was more intense than it had ever been. Everything felt so alien, so hostile, and so utterly meaningless that it created in me a deep loathing of the world. The most loathsome thing of all, however, was my own existence.
"I cannot live with myself any longer." This was the thought that kept repeating itself in my mind. Then suddenly I became aware of what a peculiar thought it was. `Am I one or two? If I cannot live with myself, there must be two of me: the `I' and the `self' that `I' cannot live with." "Maybe," I thought, "only one of them is real."
I was so stunned by this strange realization that my mind stopped. I was fully conscious, but there were no more thoughts. Then I felt drawn into what seemed like a vortex of energy. It was a slow movement at first and then accelerated. I was gripped by an intense fear, and my body started to shake. I heard the words "resist nothing," as if spoken inside my chest. I could feel myself being sucked into a void. It felt as if the void was inside myself rather than outside. Suddenly, there was no more fear, and I let myself fall into that void. I have no recollection of what happened after that.
I was awakened by the chirping of a bird outside the window. I had never heard such a sound before. My eyes were still closed, and I saw the image of a precious diamond. Yes, if a diamond could make a sound, this is what it would be like.
I opened my eyes. The first light of dawn was filtering through the curtains. Without any thought, I felt, I knew, that there is infinitely more to light than we realize. That soft luminosity filtering through the curtains was love itself. Tears came into my eyes. I got up and walked around the room. I recognized the room, and yet I knew that I had never truly seen it before. Everything was fresh and pristine, as if it had just come into existence. I picked up things, a pencil, an empty bottle, marveling at the beauty and aliveness of it all.
That day I walked around the city in utter amazement at the miracle of life on earth, as if I had just been born into this world. For the next five months, I lived in a state of uninterrupted deep peace and bliss. After that, it diminished somewhat in intensity, or perhaps it just seemed to because it became my natural state. I could still function in the world, although I realized that nothing I ever did could possibly add anything to what I already had."
Friedrich Nietzsche: "Has anyone at the end of the nineteenth century a distinct conception of what poets of strong ages called inspiration? If not, I will describe it. - If one had the slightest residue of superstition left in one, one would hardly be able to set aside the idea that one is merely incarnation, merely mouthpiece, merely medium of overwhelming forces. The concept of revelation, in the sense that something suddenly, with unspeakable certainty and subtlety, becomes visible, audible, something that shakes and overturns one to the depths, simply describes the fact. One hears, one does not seek; one takes, one does not ask who gives; a thought flashes up like lightning, with necessity, unfalteringly formed - I have never had any choice.
An ecstasy whose tremendous tension sometimes discharges itself in a flood of tears, while one’s steps now involuntarily rush along, now involuntarily lag; a complete being outside of oneself with the distinct consciousness of a multitude of subtle shudders and trickles down to one’s toes; a depth of happiness in which the most painful and gloomy things appear, not as an antithesis, but as conditioned, demanded, as a necessary color within such a superfluity of light; an instinct for rhythmical relationships which spans forms of wide extent - length, the need for a wide-spanned rhythm is almost the measure of the force of inspiration, a kind of compensation for its pressure and tension... Everything is in the highest degree involuntary but takes place as in a tempest of a feeling of freedom, of absoluteness, of power, of divinity... The involuntary nature of image, of metaphor is the most remarkable thing of all; one no longer has any idea what is image, what metaphor, everything presents itself as the readiest, the truest, the simplest means of expression.
It really does seem, to allude to a saying of Zarathustra’s, as if the things themselves approached and offered themselves as metaphors ("here all things come caressingly to your discourse and flatter you: for they want to ride upon your back. Upon every image you here ride to every truth. Here, the words and word-chests of all existence spring open to you; all existence here wants to become words, all becoming here wants to learn speech from you"). This is my experience of inspiration." - Friedrich Nietzsche, 'Ecce Homo', Thus Spoke Zarathustra
Thank you for this. I always love when people use quotes and point towards other interesting information/people to learn about. You're effort is appreciated, friend.☺
@@truthsayer1356 Thank you. Glad you liked it. :) ..."Any documents of emotion and passion, of sensitivity or even of thought left on marble, on canvas or in a book, are sacred. There is our true inheritance, our most precious one." - Odilon Redon, artist
Hear, Hear!
Yeah. The 2 are the spirit , and the flesh that it resides bound to
Thank u for sharing 💜🙏💗
his eyes have seen the mystery of the occult dimensions of life!
Exactly totally demonic
Ok very true eyes speaks 10 languages I would say the same thing but everything he sad make sence.This video is 30-40 years old while my mother and fother was about my age today and belive me they wouldn't understand a word this man sad.This man was way ahead of his time.Was he a part of some occult?100% yes
most definitely
Yes he is evil. You can tell because he believes in multiple gods. Just like the celebrities and the powers that be. They believe they are the reincarnation of the egyptian gods.
which means killing children.
Say “ aahh! It’s being in the present and enjoying the spirit with gratitude
The Devil(left) Angel(right) motif perhaps applies to the brain hemispheres as well...the cold calculating divisive, juxtaposed by the intuitive creator-self.
Dude was breezing levels in this one!!
Interesting thought!
🔑 *#BinuaRaL**.!!* ✔
Ecclesiastes 10:2
now i see why my nigerian elders wont accept anything if you hand it to them with your left hand👀
Amazingly beautiful speech !
He knows, sadly they don't talk about what reason there is for life to be, my conclusion from my own experience is just that - to experience. All the bad and the good, doesn't matter in the end since it's an experience all the same. Then hopefully one will learn from these experiences on a more divine/personal level.
The reason to life is to just live and keep the physical vessel you live in healthy
@@slyleggs4344 That might be your reason to life. But in a grander scale i don't think so.
@@WastedMillennium there is no grander scale,that's the hype,the chase,the rat race,the expectation,the let down,the ladder,just live be happy and healthy and love is wealth itself.there is nothing to learn from experiences just experience itself life.everybpdy looking for the ladder to just fall.
@@slyleggs4344 I mean i literally pointed out what you're telling me now in my comment. "there is nothing to learn from experiences just experience itself life" = "what reason there is for life to be, my conclusion from my own experience is just that - to experience" (Then -hopefully- one will learn from these experiences on a more divine/personal level.) I never claimed that the point of life is to learn from this, rather i hope that it is. I am happy to share ideas back n' forth and all but at least give people the courtesy and actually read what you comment on. Peace and love.
@@WastedMillennium no. You never. Nobody learns from experiences, they learn from there mistakes, its all about being healthy and loving, the rest doesn't matter
Not sure how I got to this video, but I admire his thinking. A lot of what he said reminded me of Huxley's Perennial Philosophy, which I highly recommend, especially if you're trying to find yourself and "God."
These discussions with Joseph Campbell changed my life.
I look at animals as very special beings too theres something about them that we dont know and theres something about us that they dont know, we dont know what goes in the mind of an animal too
And we’re not here to kill and eat them
@@childishtrey3902 animals kill eachother too and eat eachother
They have small brains
@@xxx.118 false
Anything that hath breathe gives him praise. The Most high LORD JESUS CHRIST knows and so do angels
You can watch all the series on Netflix. Nice quality too
Netflix? What would I look for under what name?
@@Bellaa1970 The Power of Myth - Joseph Campbell
@@TockaMea DVD ?
@@Bellaa1970 i streamed it. Probably depends on your location too.
@@TockaMea thank you I can't find it 😥
Brilliantly spoken and clear, if you know how to listen.
Joseph Campbell was a personal friend of John Steinbeck.
lovely wisdom thanks for his humble and truth video
It's interesting to see the roots of the misuse we see nowadays in the newage paradigm of the word 'energy' in the discourse of someone who used this word not because he was trying to be intentionally vague but because at the time he found no better word to describe the type of phenomenology he talked about. That's why when looked with our modern era glasses, thinkers like Campbell and Jung are perceived as woo woo spouting charlatans when in reality they strived more than most to be the opposite of that. They embodied the archetypal explorer of uncharted (inward) territory who stumbles upon the wonders that lay beyond for the first time and upon returning to their land and share what they now know they are treated as madmen instead of enlightened thus being shunned from the same culture they dedicated their whole life to understand.
Man. The days of intelligent thought in a interview. Not rushing to a commercial. Thought provoking.
My man 💚
I was so awe struck upon realizing the sun didn’t set but that the earth does a back flip witnessing that up @ Jenny Lake between the Grande Titan mountains in Wyoming peaking under the influence of a psychedelic in 1979 when I was twenty years old for better and worse I never completely came down . I know exactly what this man is referring to . The Almighty is powerful beyond measure.
All these smart people throughout the centuries still can't figure it out that God is love, love creates and love destroys, and yet no man truly understands love
GOD is the energy that is LOVE. Concur
@@mpix00 and to fear love is the beginning of wisdom
@@4leafChief Love is unconditional
love can get you killed
One of the great series of all time. Do yourself a favor and watch the whole thing.
His eyes speaks volumes. Something is not right in the buttermilk.
That’s so odd you say that cause I kept thinking his eyes look evil....
@@hunterwise9412 right? maybe not evil but something off
What you are seeing is wonder, no need to fear.
Exodus 31.3
Great. Many thanks. I'm reading the book in parallel to this. It feels like family. Thanks.
Lovely man, lovely spirit.
Very interesting , thank you for sharing.
"God is a verb." Don't remember where I heard that from, but I love it.
God is consciousness, not a creator, but the source of creation itself. God is not independent of you but the totality of everything. So when I say that I am a “God” I’m not referring to my personal self. I’m referring to the expression of the God self that resides inside of me. The verb, the “energy” not the noun. Once you think of God as a noun, person, place or thing, you separate yourself from it and immediately become a limited being. That’s the difference from the believers (religious) and the knowers (spiritualists).
~Anonymous Source
Excellent rendition.
The tempting devil on the left is the human ego and the angel on your right is your inner being or God within you.
True, True!
It’s just Jesus nothing more nothing less no matter how u put it.JESUS IS LORD
Lucky you for being so holy
For me the ego is merely the human
As for the angels and demons on the shoulder, we are just that, angels and demons implanting thoughts through the concept of consciousness.
@Trippy Trill but he’s still alive and well though, he managed to become a consciousness. He’s there, nobody cares to meet with him because everyone who believes in Christianity believes in the concept of salvation, not the concept of Christianity, it’s pretty heartbreaking. The lord needs warriors and nobody wants to fight, they all just want to be saved.
@Trippy Trill No the body has nothing to do with YOU its just the vessel it belongs to the earth.