Has anyone noticed the name of the first soldier found in this chapter? Interesting coincidence. Marco was the neighbouring black robe No 49 in the slums.
Alyssa's name in Japanese name (Arissa) is similar to Aerith's Japanese (Earisu) name. Aerith's OG translated name (Aeris) is also pretty close. Alyssa and Aerith also have the same initials (A)erith (G)ainsborough and (A)lyssa (G)oldie. Someone pointed out how much Alyssa kinda looks like the Aerith at the end of Remake when she appears by the Tiny Bronco. Whats weird about that is how both Aerith and Alyssa were both killed by the same sword and sorta came back to life and started acting creepy.
I almost dove into this rabbit hole myself but the vid was getting chunky and I decided to hold off until something like this pops up again to add a bit more weight to it. But yes, I feel this!
First thought is Sephiroth really hates being filmed and isn’t actually happy about Shinra making him the poster boy for Soldier so a lot of his standoffishness is due to wanting to avoid giving the camera anything. It also seems like something may have happened between chapters, like him getting a massive reprimand from Hojo, that seems to have let him know he’s not allowed to admit he was friends with Glenn’s group and possibly that making friends is something that could be problematic for him. I’m pretty certain Alyssa is Jenova. I think most likely she was killed along with the rest of her unit and Jenova is possessing her and altering her form to look like Lucretia’s. I noticed during the FMV sequence where she’s talking about the world changing once Sephiroth gets the Masamune her eyes look odd. One thing I think is interesting is this chapter confirms the Nibelheim sequence from the First Soldier Halloween event is canon, meaning that while he can’t remember it Sephiroth has been to Nibelheim and Jenova seems to have made contact with his mind there. Although he does remember wanting that pumpkin soup. Sephiroth talking about how he’s the only one allowed to freely talk to Hojo got me remembering in Crisis Core all the other Soldiers were afraid of Hojo, so it might be that Sephiroth’s the only one not afraid he might be made into one of Hojo’s test subjects (which makes the betrayal of finding out he always was one worse). I also think the forbidden area might be a land of the dead. Just feels that way.
To me, Alissa is Jenova. Hojo let her out to play or maybe made a perfect 1:1 clone of Lucrecia somehow just to fvck with Sephiroth. Especially since Alissa's Japanese VA is the same as Lucrecia's in DoC. There is way too much purple going on along with the static flashes around her. And for her to just pop out with, "Or maybe your mother?" Like, why would any normal human ask anyone that upon first meeting? Your brain just wouldn't go there in a normal situation. Seph is clearly very upset about seeing her. This mission is a setup on Sephiroth, just like Nibelheim. A trial run for Hojo to see how easy/difficult it will be for Jenova to gain control of Seph completely (as well as punishing Seph for making friends with the Rhadore team I bet). Why would "Alissa" be the only survivor otherwise, especially since the other soldiers have been dead for roughly 3 days? And yes, the MUSIC. Also, why does "Alissa" think the world will change forever once Seph takes possession of Masamune? Who would assume that other than Jenova? "Alissa" also asks if the dead soldiers will be brought home. HOME. Not "back to base", not "back to HQ". HOME. Everything with Jenova is a HOMECOMING. The whole scene in Sephiroth's room (and yes, in the Japanese dialogue it's made clear that is his room at HQ, get this child a bed and a chair to sit on!) just makes me ill. Jenova's manipulation is already so damn overwhelming on him. Hojo, I am coming for you. 😡 Sephiroth is in so much mental turmoil here that it's painful. Some people forget that at this point, he is a CHILD. Obviously he eventually lets Angeal in and Angeal becomes a very positive influence on Seph. Which makes Angeal leaving in CC feel all the more painful for Sephiroth. The level of betrayal and abandonment he must feel in CC is just unbelievable. I don't think Angeal knows Hollander is his birth father until he starts degrading in CC.
Yeah Alissa is definitely Jenova. It might be my imagination, but I noticed if you freeze frame right at the end of the part where she says when Sephiroth takes that sword in hand the world will change her eyes look wrong, I think she has slit pupils with the slits being horizontal instead of vertical. As for how she’s there, my theory is Alissa is actually a Soldier and she did actually die or degrade severely, but Jenova reanimated the body and is manipulating it in the same way Sephiroth can possess the black robes in remake. And yes Sephiroth’s bedroom is horrifically sparse. I did see what I think is the edge of a bed in the far right hand side of the screen. But he has no other furniture and there’s no indication he has any personal possessions (aside from that locket with his mother’s picture which was lost) or has been allowed to indulge in any interests or hobbies outside of training. I also suspect his bedroom door locks from the outside.
What I think is the most suitable indicator of Jenova is the distorted static visual queue. That is what indicates the presence of Jenova. The pinkish/purplish/reddish coloring of the wisps is an indicator of the presence of Stagnant spirit energy. Just compare these purplish wisps to the Stagnant spirit energy that Nero controls, that the Gi have become as spirits, and the energy that Chaos is made up of in Dirge of Cerberus. I think the presence of this purplish energy in Ever Crisis, and its presence around Sephiroth and Jenova in Remake and Rebirth is a major hint that they have learned how to harness the violent power of Stagnant spirit energy. This is why Sephiroth's new plan revolves around fomenting strong feelings of hatred, because hatred and remorse are the sorts of emotions/memories that Stagnant spirit energy is made up of.
I think Jenova is a main villain and she succeeded corrupting Sephiroth, because he was quite lonely and all of his closest friends weren't present. Angeal died and Genesis gone mad. Zack wasn't too close of a friend to be able to save him. But what kept Cloud from the same destiny is his friends, who always were right next to him and even in livestream (Aerith and Zack). That's why Cloud could resist. But we can clearly see in Rebirth that Sephiroth is still lonely and he's trying so hard to pull Cloud to his side. Because he needs an ally. But at the same time it feels like he wants to be saved from Jenova's influence. Just like Anakin wanted to be saved from Darth Vader persona.
Unlikely. The creators have been clear that Sephiroth's will is the most powerful thing in the FF7 universe. If he changes, it is only because he wants to. Jenova tried to corrupt him and it fell under Sephiroth's control. What is possible is that after Advent Children, Sephiroth's spirit became too weak to do anything anymore, so eventually Jenova started regaining control over itself. Then Dirge of Cerberus happened, and the Lifestream was thrown to hell, and then Chaos exploded and returned to the Lifestream, and Jenova, being on its own again, was able to take control of all the new Stagnant Mako after Chaos' suicide attack, and start overtaking the weakened Lifestream. With the spirit of evil Sephiroth all but destroyed at the end of Advent Children, the only part of him that is strong enough to return is the "good side" that he discarded after his defeat in FF7. So this could be the "Ore" Sephiroth we see at times. And maybe, he is trying to destroy Jenova in some way, with the help of Genesis.
I just finished playing this yesterday and it was amazinggg. I didn’t realize Sephiroths eyes used to be baby blue. Also him and Cloud at the beginning of Remake are basically the same person. Sephiroth has serious mommy issues I wonder if that’s why he killed Clouds Mom? Probably not bc he didn’t have beef with Cloud until after he did that deed but I see a running theme of mommy issues here. I was also surprised Sephiroth’s fave food was pumpkin soup. I think in rebirth Tifa said Clouds fave food was pot roast when he was a kid. For some reason I want to know these things I wanna know everyone’s fave food 🤷🏻♀️ Also I played this and Sephiroth and Angel were like level 11 or 12 and I couldn’t beat Masamune he kept killing me with his special attacks so I leveled Sephiroth and Angeals sword to like 70 and I melted Masamune and all the beasties.
Thank you for covering this, I stopped playing ever crisis because it's too grindy and time consuming so I just watch the story stuff from you and fazfaz.
Regarding Hollander, im pretty sure Angeal says to him at some point in Crisis core "no! My father is dead!" Or something close to that. I think that means that he is aware of Hollander being his biological father at that point in CC (but doesnt see him as his actual father cus he had a better relationship with the man from the little mini chapter thingy we saw here) personally i think that he only finds out about Hollander being his biological dad after he learns of project G and joins with genesis. So personally i dont think he is aware of Hollander being his biological father during the events of first soldier. The dead father he's reffering to when confronting Hollander, is probably the man we see here at Gillians birthday. I guess Angeal still saw him as his father despite them not being related by blood. I think its safe to assume that this is the same guy who went on to make the buster sword when Angeal joined soldier. as i think its mentioned that his father made it for him to resemble the family's honour. So yeah it would be pretty cool if we've just seen the man who made the most iconic sword in FF lol
I think the purple might be the mysterious power that is going on in the area. Might be Jenova related but might not be. We know from the Nibelheim Halloween event that Sephiroth gets headaches like Cloud does when she is working on his brain. Alissa, I think she is a ninja. Maybe she was sent by Wutai to get the sword herself and that's why she's smirking. I think she ends up befriending Angeal and Sephiroth and that's why she glitches in the footage - her existence was erased from Sephiroth's memory because it was positive. Bachman might be the blackcloak but I think he might be a Turk. For a photographer, he was brought into a lot of mission details. Would he really know what "top brass" was thinking if he was just a leg man for PR?
я не одна такая кто так считает что этот тот репортер и есть клон Сифа. Ну у него и камера как раз токи она должна принадлежать ему. По сути ты прав но кое что напомню Дженова может принимать любой образ не только женского пола но и мужского не важно умершего или близкого человека как и Кададж который в ребертсе является в образе Глена умершего давно убитого солдата так же он и принимает образ Сефирота и говорит про отца. а точнее он уже намекнул что он сын. Поэтому Дженова приняла настоящий образ Лукреции чтобы быть ближе к Сефироту она походу наблюдает за ним еще с раннего детства. Что не так с графикой Лукреции у нее по сути должна быть челка высокой как у Айрис и с боку. В итоге ей нарисовать низкую челку не так как у церберуса и этим она сейчас отличается от схожести Сефирота и это мне не понравилось. т.к ее нарисовали более по образу Тифы я Лукрецию вообще не узнаю. Не взрослая женщина а подросток какой-то или же Дженова приняла ее образ в подростковом виде, поэтому я ее не узнала как Лукрецию. Нет Энжил не знает что его настоящий отец Холондер он лишь знает что над матерью проводились эксперементы и она себя убивает не говоря про настоящего отца Энжилу. Ох ты Алиса для того чтобы вывести Сефирота из себя прям как Тифа которая будет сводить с ума Клауда вау. Походу в 3 части Тифа будет не Тифа вовсе а Дженова, это лишь мои предположение т.к она ключ для Сефирота вывести из себя Клауда. И почему у Тифы глаза красные как у Дженовы? Всегда задавалась этим вопросом но нет ответов, потому что не воспринимают эту теорию всерьёз думают это так и должно быть, по сути она как и Клауд теряет частично воспоминание а какие то накрутила как и Клауд который принял себя за Зака, а не вмешательство ли Дженовы? взять те же воспоминание в лайстриме, что пытается Дженова скрыть? Почему она не дала Тифе увидеть ее настоящее прошлое связанное с мостом ведущей к Дженове? ну вы понимаете в кратор ведущая туда дорога. И говорят в этой сцене нет ценности, но нет я увидела более чем странное то как Сефирот остановил Тифу и не дал ей увидеть прошлое или же его планы. И его реакция лица в ребертсе, что было за тем мостом? Кого Тифа встретила или увидела? О какой маме она говорила речь? Она действительна пошла искать свою мать? А может она говорила о матери Дженовы? Почему именно этот мост почему Клауд кричал Тифе что не иди туда, там нет твоей мамы но она шла факт в том что Тифа не остановилась она шла дальше и на этом воспоминание обрываются. И после этого я задумалась что было за мостом? Куда действительно она шла? К тому же этот мост ведущая к Дженове. И почему Сефирот не убивает Тифу? Может потому что она ему нравиться? У него было столько возможностей убить ее, как он говорил Клауду что он отнимет у него всех кто дороги ему. А он знает что Тифа ему близкая подруга да и к тому же нравилась когда-то но не убил ее, и я думаю что Сифироту нравится Тифа поэтому не убивает, есть арты где Сефирот гладит кошку Тифы что авторы нам намекают? Об этом я тоже много задумыватся начала. Но вы можете меня не слушать и считать бредом но это то что я увидела и хоть мелочь но я задумалась. Да вы можете считать что я не права это ваше право
Perhaps this'd be too obvious, but I'm gonna tentatively place a chip on "her little sister;" the Shelke to Lucrecia's Whatever-the-fuck-her-name-was. Also, I took the ribbon thing to, in fact, be the red string on Nameless since a) it's his canonical sword until he takes the Masamune, and b) this memory (I just assumed) takes place yonks prior to date, and that he's going to have more of these memories in sequence going forward, filling up the missing time in the same way that Cloud thought he had a history with the Buster when talking to Biggs in Remake (the headache sequence when they're introducing the weapon upgrade system).
Has anyone noticed the name of the first soldier found in this chapter? Interesting coincidence. Marco was the neighbouring black robe No 49 in the slums.
Marco Morse.
Like "morse code". A series of pulses. Like Jenova Pulse.
And Marco was Jenova Pulse (Dreamweaver).
Alyssa's name in Japanese name (Arissa) is similar to Aerith's Japanese (Earisu) name. Aerith's OG translated name (Aeris) is also pretty close. Alyssa and Aerith also have the same initials (A)erith (G)ainsborough and (A)lyssa (G)oldie.
Someone pointed out how much Alyssa kinda looks like the Aerith at the end of Remake when she appears by the Tiny Bronco. Whats weird about that is how both Aerith and Alyssa were both killed by the same sword and sorta came back to life and started acting creepy.
I almost dove into this rabbit hole myself but the vid was getting chunky and I decided to hold off until something like this pops up again to add a bit more weight to it.
But yes, I feel this!
@@Sector6UK Speaking of rabbit holes. Where's Delta been?
When did they both revive and act creepy
First thought is Sephiroth really hates being filmed and isn’t actually happy about Shinra making him the poster boy for Soldier so a lot of his standoffishness is due to wanting to avoid giving the camera anything. It also seems like something may have happened between chapters, like him getting a massive reprimand from Hojo, that seems to have let him know he’s not allowed to admit he was friends with Glenn’s group and possibly that making friends is something that could be problematic for him.
I’m pretty certain Alyssa is Jenova. I think most likely she was killed along with the rest of her unit and Jenova is possessing her and altering her form to look like Lucretia’s. I noticed during the FMV sequence where she’s talking about the world changing once Sephiroth gets the Masamune her eyes look odd. One thing I think is interesting is this chapter confirms the Nibelheim sequence from the First Soldier Halloween event is canon, meaning that while he can’t remember it Sephiroth has been to Nibelheim and Jenova seems to have made contact with his mind there. Although he does remember wanting that pumpkin soup.
Sephiroth talking about how he’s the only one allowed to freely talk to Hojo got me remembering in Crisis Core all the other Soldiers were afraid of Hojo, so it might be that Sephiroth’s the only one not afraid he might be made into one of Hojo’s test subjects (which makes the betrayal of finding out he always was one worse).
I also think the forbidden area might be a land of the dead. Just feels that way.
To me, Alissa is Jenova. Hojo let her out to play or maybe made a perfect 1:1 clone of Lucrecia somehow just to fvck with Sephiroth. Especially since Alissa's Japanese VA is the same as Lucrecia's in DoC. There is way too much purple going on along with the static flashes around her. And for her to just pop out with, "Or maybe your mother?" Like, why would any normal human ask anyone that upon first meeting? Your brain just wouldn't go there in a normal situation. Seph is clearly very upset about seeing her. This mission is a setup on Sephiroth, just like Nibelheim. A trial run for Hojo to see how easy/difficult it will be for Jenova to gain control of Seph completely (as well as punishing Seph for making friends with the Rhadore team I bet). Why would "Alissa" be the only survivor otherwise, especially since the other soldiers have been dead for roughly 3 days? And yes, the MUSIC. Also, why does "Alissa" think the world will change forever once Seph takes possession of Masamune? Who would assume that other than Jenova? "Alissa" also asks if the dead soldiers will be brought home. HOME. Not "back to base", not "back to HQ". HOME. Everything with Jenova is a HOMECOMING.
The whole scene in Sephiroth's room (and yes, in the Japanese dialogue it's made clear that is his room at HQ, get this child a bed and a chair to sit on!) just makes me ill. Jenova's manipulation is already so damn overwhelming on him. Hojo, I am coming for you. 😡
Sephiroth is in so much mental turmoil here that it's painful. Some people forget that at this point, he is a CHILD. Obviously he eventually lets Angeal in and Angeal becomes a very positive influence on Seph. Which makes Angeal leaving in CC feel all the more painful for Sephiroth. The level of betrayal and abandonment he must feel in CC is just unbelievable.
I don't think Angeal knows Hollander is his birth father until he starts degrading in CC.
Yeah Alissa is definitely Jenova. It might be my imagination, but I noticed if you freeze frame right at the end of the part where she says when Sephiroth takes that sword in hand the world will change her eyes look wrong, I think she has slit pupils with the slits being horizontal instead of vertical.
As for how she’s there, my theory is Alissa is actually a Soldier and she did actually die or degrade severely, but Jenova reanimated the body and is manipulating it in the same way Sephiroth can possess the black robes in remake.
And yes Sephiroth’s bedroom is horrifically sparse. I did see what I think is the edge of a bed in the far right hand side of the screen. But he has no other furniture and there’s no indication he has any personal possessions (aside from that locket with his mother’s picture which was lost) or has been allowed to indulge in any interests or hobbies outside of training. I also suspect his bedroom door locks from the outside.
Good observations
Yay, a new episode...and my list of reasons to throw Hojo into emerald weapon is only getting longer
Thank you for these 1st Soldier videos. I'm interested in the story but I am NOT going to be playing the mobile game lol
What I think is the most suitable indicator of Jenova is the distorted static visual queue. That is what indicates the presence of Jenova.
The pinkish/purplish/reddish coloring of the wisps is an indicator of the presence of Stagnant spirit energy. Just compare these purplish wisps to the Stagnant spirit energy that Nero controls, that the Gi have become as spirits, and the energy that Chaos is made up of in Dirge of Cerberus.
I think the presence of this purplish energy in Ever Crisis, and its presence around Sephiroth and Jenova in Remake and Rebirth is a major hint that they have learned how to harness the violent power of Stagnant spirit energy. This is why Sephiroth's new plan revolves around fomenting strong feelings of hatred, because hatred and remorse are the sorts of emotions/memories that Stagnant spirit energy is made up of.
I think Jenova is a main villain and she succeeded corrupting Sephiroth, because he was quite lonely and all of his closest friends weren't present. Angeal died and Genesis gone mad. Zack wasn't too close of a friend to be able to save him. But what kept Cloud from the same destiny is his friends, who always were right next to him and even in livestream (Aerith and Zack). That's why Cloud could resist. But we can clearly see in Rebirth that Sephiroth is still lonely and he's trying so hard to pull Cloud to his side. Because he needs an ally. But at the same time it feels like he wants to be saved from Jenova's influence. Just like Anakin wanted to be saved from Darth Vader persona.
Unlikely. The creators have been clear that Sephiroth's will is the most powerful thing in the FF7 universe. If he changes, it is only because he wants to. Jenova tried to corrupt him and it fell under Sephiroth's control.
What is possible is that after Advent Children, Sephiroth's spirit became too weak to do anything anymore, so eventually Jenova started regaining control over itself. Then Dirge of Cerberus happened, and the Lifestream was thrown to hell, and then Chaos exploded and returned to the Lifestream, and Jenova, being on its own again, was able to take control of all the new Stagnant Mako after Chaos' suicide attack, and start overtaking the weakened Lifestream.
With the spirit of evil Sephiroth all but destroyed at the end of Advent Children, the only part of him that is strong enough to return is the "good side" that he discarded after his defeat in FF7. So this could be the "Ore" Sephiroth we see at times. And maybe, he is trying to destroy Jenova in some way, with the help of Genesis.
I just finished playing this yesterday and it was amazinggg. I didn’t realize Sephiroths eyes used to be baby blue. Also him and Cloud at the beginning of Remake are basically the same person. Sephiroth has serious mommy issues I wonder if that’s why he killed Clouds Mom? Probably not bc he didn’t have beef with Cloud until after he did that deed but I see a running theme of mommy issues here. I was also surprised Sephiroth’s fave food was pumpkin soup. I think in rebirth Tifa said Clouds fave food was pot roast when he was a kid. For some reason I want to know these things I wanna know everyone’s fave food 🤷🏻♀️
Also I played this and Sephiroth and Angel were like level 11 or 12 and I couldn’t beat Masamune he kept killing me with his special attacks so I leveled Sephiroth and Angeals sword to like 70 and I melted Masamune and all the beasties.
Thank you for covering this, I stopped playing ever crisis because it's too grindy and time consuming so I just watch the story stuff from you and fazfaz.
Regarding Hollander, im pretty sure Angeal says to him at some point in Crisis core "no! My father is dead!" Or something close to that. I think that means that he is aware of Hollander being his biological father at that point in CC (but doesnt see him as his actual father cus he had a better relationship with the man from the little mini chapter thingy we saw here) personally i think that he only finds out about Hollander being his biological dad after he learns of project G and joins with genesis. So personally i dont think he is aware of Hollander being his biological father during the events of first soldier. The dead father he's reffering to when confronting Hollander, is probably the man we see here at Gillians birthday. I guess Angeal still saw him as his father despite them not being related by blood. I think its safe to assume that this is the same guy who went on to make the buster sword when Angeal joined soldier. as i think its mentioned that his father made it for him to resemble the family's honour. So yeah it would be pretty cool if we've just seen the man who made the most iconic sword in FF lol
Angeal's stepfather worked himself to death to pay for commissioning the Buster Sword, and that's also why Angeal never uses it.
Oooh! Loved your last video. Thanks so much for this!
Maybe Alissa is Lucrecia's secret daughter and Sephiroth's sister. Or Lucrecia's clone.
Woahh...Bachman's character illustration art reminds me of Max Dood. I wonder if they did that on purpose. That RUclipsr adores FF7.
Very well done. Thank you Sector 6. Also a very fun game.
I think the purple might be the mysterious power that is going on in the area. Might be Jenova related but might not be. We know from the Nibelheim Halloween event that Sephiroth gets headaches like Cloud does when she is working on his brain.
Alissa, I think she is a ninja. Maybe she was sent by Wutai to get the sword herself and that's why she's smirking. I think she ends up befriending Angeal and Sephiroth and that's why she glitches in the footage - her existence was erased from Sephiroth's memory because it was positive.
Bachman might be the blackcloak but I think he might be a Turk. For a photographer, he was brought into a lot of mission details. Would he really know what "top brass" was thinking if he was just a leg man for PR?
I played this and skipped all the story bits because I knew you'd be doing this video
Thank you
я не одна такая кто так считает что этот тот репортер и есть клон Сифа. Ну у него и камера как раз токи она должна принадлежать ему. По сути ты прав но кое что напомню Дженова может принимать любой образ не только женского пола но и мужского не важно умершего или близкого человека как и Кададж который в ребертсе является в образе Глена умершего давно убитого солдата так же он и принимает образ Сефирота и говорит про отца. а точнее он уже намекнул что он сын. Поэтому Дженова приняла настоящий образ Лукреции чтобы быть ближе к Сефироту она походу наблюдает за ним еще с раннего детства. Что не так с графикой Лукреции у нее по сути должна быть челка высокой как у Айрис и с боку. В итоге ей нарисовать низкую челку не так как у церберуса и этим она сейчас отличается от схожести Сефирота и это мне не понравилось. т.к ее нарисовали более по образу Тифы я Лукрецию вообще не узнаю. Не взрослая женщина а подросток какой-то или же Дженова приняла ее образ в подростковом виде, поэтому я ее не узнала как Лукрецию. Нет Энжил не знает что его настоящий отец Холондер он лишь знает что над матерью проводились эксперементы и она себя убивает не говоря про настоящего отца Энжилу. Ох ты Алиса для того чтобы вывести Сефирота из себя прям как Тифа которая будет сводить с ума Клауда вау. Походу в 3 части Тифа будет не Тифа вовсе а Дженова, это лишь мои предположение т.к она ключ для Сефирота вывести из себя Клауда. И почему у Тифы глаза красные как у Дженовы? Всегда задавалась этим вопросом но нет ответов, потому что не воспринимают эту теорию всерьёз думают это так и должно быть, по сути она как и Клауд теряет частично воспоминание а какие то накрутила как и Клауд который принял себя за Зака, а не вмешательство ли Дженовы? взять те же воспоминание в лайстриме, что пытается Дженова скрыть? Почему она не дала Тифе увидеть ее настоящее прошлое связанное с мостом ведущей к Дженове? ну вы понимаете в кратор ведущая туда дорога. И говорят в этой сцене нет ценности, но нет я увидела более чем странное то как Сефирот остановил Тифу и не дал ей увидеть прошлое или же его планы. И его реакция лица в ребертсе, что было за тем мостом? Кого Тифа встретила или увидела? О какой маме она говорила речь? Она действительна пошла искать свою мать? А может она говорила о матери Дженовы? Почему именно этот мост почему Клауд кричал Тифе что не иди туда, там нет твоей мамы но она шла факт в том что Тифа не остановилась она шла дальше и на этом воспоминание обрываются. И после этого я задумалась что было за мостом? Куда действительно она шла? К тому же этот мост ведущая к Дженове. И почему Сефирот не убивает Тифу? Может потому что она ему нравиться? У него было столько возможностей убить ее, как он говорил Клауду что он отнимет у него всех кто дороги ему. А он знает что Тифа ему близкая подруга да и к тому же нравилась когда-то но не убил ее, и я думаю что Сифироту нравится Тифа поэтому не убивает, есть арты где Сефирот гладит кошку Тифы что авторы нам намекают? Об этом я тоже много задумыватся начала. Но вы можете меня не слушать и считать бредом но это то что я увидела и хоть мелочь но я задумалась. Да вы можете считать что я не права это ваше право
I thought her name was pronounced as "lucreshia" also until i played dirge of cerberus
Do u guys know if there's a release date about part 2 of this story?
Not a date but it drops in December.
Thanks for doing this cuz I can't stand this hollow ass game
Perhaps this'd be too obvious, but I'm gonna tentatively place a chip on "her little sister;" the Shelke to Lucrecia's Whatever-the-fuck-her-name-was.
Also, I took the ribbon thing to, in fact, be the red string on Nameless since a) it's his canonical sword until he takes the Masamune, and b) this memory (I just assumed) takes place yonks prior to date, and that he's going to have more of these memories in sequence going forward, filling up the missing time in the same way that Cloud thought he had a history with the Buster when talking to Biggs in Remake (the headache sequence when they're introducing the weapon upgrade system).
I really really reeeeaaalllyyy hope they aren’t trying to set up Sephiroth for redemption.
too late )