2024-01Susbcriber Sentiment Poll 👉 ruclips.net/user/postUgkxEXtHeIc6Pqp_zPl90lYxhHdvK7ohCNry?si=QCtTOffD8zYxl1EB *** Update *** Apparently there's also an issue with this month's ships, Imperators are reporting that they have not got the Andromeda in their hangars (I can't get on to check mine at the moment)
I cancelled my sub a long time ago for the very simple reason that I saw little to no value in the 'flair' I miss Jump Point but I feel they have been doing an okay job with world building stuff outside of that over the past few years. The free flyable ships is nice but with most things I feel like if I wanted them by now I would have them or would have worked in game to buy/rent them. I miss when sub items were like flightsuits and gear stuff that actually had a use, not just oooohhhh look at this shiny pot that doesn't fit at all in my legitimate business HQ.
A lot of the 'usable' flair also gets broken a lot, there's one of the drink vessels atm that shows 100% full but no drink option, and the old multi-coloured taclights are missing textures
If they added my sub value to my store credits budget, I would sub again. If not, it's only when there is a really juicy flare I have to have, which hasn't been for years 🤷♂️.
I would too prefer other items, like non melee weapons or armors, even a choose a flair option would be better then plants but I mainly subscribe for the 20% coupon.
Choose a flair is something I hadn't even considered, you have a devious marketing mind (or maybe it's just me that instantly thought of the psychological trigger potential)
@Mrkraken Their design and love to detail is top notch. Like my player organisation, many others use special set and color combinatuons.Those "choose a flair" token could help a lot of organisations to stockpile their team colors. Or the next step could be a token shop where you could color dip your set or make piece of helmet ,armor or weapon in a unique pattern or slightly different color. Unlimited potential and you could be sure the amount of imperator subs would skyrocket even with the "choose a token" idea , let alone the own colors. Even SWG had a 8 color base color variation slider added for armor crafted by an armorsmith. Crafting is of cause another topic but as fas as I would say if we could get this crafting system, an exact copy, from the 20 year old Star Wars Galaxies later in SC ,I would be very happy because I consider it one of the best in the MMORPG world.
Surprised you did not mention the broken subscription that is happening. Imperator subscribers are only receiving the Taurus and the Aquila, NOT the Andromeda.
It's great seeing the mix of comments about how people attribute the worth. I would say the best thing to come out of subscriptions are the shows and magazine, I was gutted when Jump Point went to bi-monthly
So, in my opinion it is better to not subscribe but purchase the one month pass when it is giving you access to the new patch or a new vehicle you want to try. You can always go back and buy any missed subscriber gear for less than the $10 sub and have access to all the jump points.
100% perceived value. For me, value means something useful. Guns and armor mostly. I am also okay with paints from time to time even though they're not useful. Wife on the other hand finds most of the guns and armor to be quite ugly but really enjoys the decoration flair --- I see the deco flair being the least popular for the majority of players. While it's okay to have, again from time to time, it's becoming a bit too common. I am starting to see way less value with the subscription stuff, and I am thinking about getting out of it after about 3-4 years of having it. I am not interested in putting pots in my hangar, and I'd reckon the majority of players would rather have something more practical. I certainly wouldn't mind seeing some fresh paints on more ships now, or skins for things like the maxlift or medguns, cause you'll also get the maxlift or medgun with it. That's a fair value way over the value of a freakin potted plant
Sure the guns are ugly, but I have absolutely no problem with losing them because of it haha. It would be nice to get some 'Pyro aesthetic' skins for utility items
I had subbed for two years, mostly for the flair items, and have been disappointed overall. I would have preferred more useful items instead of hangar decorations. Also, many of the old items don't even work, and yet, are they still are for sale. 😅
Im kinda new to SC, had 1y sub as centurion and 6 months as imperator, im 2 months free of that, will not sub again until i see some real benefits to do so, PAY to test a broken exp earlier, no, pay to get gear that i cant use or will most likely lose till the next patch, no.... pay to get a coupon to spend more on things i probably dont need and buy out of FOMO, no.... Some take more time to wake up than others, sadly i overspent a lot till i figured this out.
Do NOT prepay for a 12 month subscription. That’s just a flat out donation and encourages CIG to cheap out on the flair. Coffee cups and empty pots and vases… WTF? When I sub it’s a month by month. I only sub for useable items in game, that have actual value. This last year I think I subbed for maybe 3-4 months. That’s a pretty low hit %. There are so many cool items they could be using… armor lockers, armor stands, gun racks/lockers, metal silhouette target stands for our hangers. Garbage cans that work. Backpacks, Refrigerators or dispensing machines for our Cruz in our hanger (we stock it). Cargo trolleys. A locker/rack for the tractor beam tool that attaches on to the Cargo elevator console “shack” so we can have it readily accessible. Hell, give us that large FPS tractor beam tool as flair. I’d purchase an extra one. Vote/speak with your wallets fellow Citizens.
So, as a whale, I'll point this out. If you wait until December, they offer a 1 year sub discount if you use store credits. For $190.00usd store credit you get 1 years worth of imperator subscription which includes two 20% off coupons which can be used on purchases up to $500. Effectively give you two $100 off coupons. Let that sink in. The subscription essentially just became free. In fact, you actually made a very small amount of money in value back. I have been an emperator sub level member for 2 years now. I fully utilize these coupons and get the maximum value out of that savings. I effectively get a years worth of flare items for nothing, plus I get all the other perks for the whole year. It was money I was going to spend on the game anyways as I've said, because I'm a whale. So I might as well be getting extra free stuff while I'm at it.
The vase and plant look decent to me because they look like larger decor items. the really small stuff they have at times isn't for me. I'd prefer some cool armor or something, but as I said I'm not unhappy with this months drop. I pulled out the Vanduul skull from the goodie pack earlier today and that's a cool item. All things are a matter of perspective.
That's the thing, one persons "worth it" is another persons cancellation. When it comes to the pots or random cups etc. we've had, it's a bit of a let down for most people. I personally just keep my Imperator running because I can afford to and don't throw money at every ship that comes out. For people on tighter budgets though the objet-d'art is probably more of a deal-breaker
You can NEVER have too many mugs/knives or plants . Oh wait yess ,yes you can you can have too many . About 20 too many at this point they are F'n WORTHLESS. CiG going for the lowest of the low hanging fruit
This month was a joke... seriously WTF. I have no idea why I subbed in the first place. Thank you for pointing out the Season Pass thing as well, it just is not worth it. You pay for a year and get maybe 2 or 3 items over that year that even help or make you happy (I use Imperator) so that translates into $140 us that could have been a whole ship or upgrade but there is nothing worthwhile that lasts in the sub benefits. Especially with the "Death of a Spaceman" bull shyt all you will ever really have is your pledge store... Better idea; I should just buy something else somewhere else.
I don't want a battle pass in SC. Tired of seasons and that model for gaming. The ReC i have no need for. I own most ships i want to fly. I should be able to convert REC to aUEC. I've got 5 mil in credits.. i don't use. The sub flair the past few months have been not worth it to me.
Oh I'm not saying SC needs a battle/season pass, but when held up in comparison it does make the SC sub value diminish into obscurity. Battlepasses are very much the impulse purchase items for their (relatively) low cost for items received that then get up-sold to a higher tier and of course rely a lot on FOMO.
i joined for two months. Cancelled and no plans on getting it back. Potted plants that are not in the game as sub gear.... are you f'n kidding me? There is no reason to get flair because you cant get it back if you use it. Bought the citizen con digital pack for the gun, used it and got killed due to glitch with the game and now its lost. In 4.0 still no way to get goods back that i paid money for so there is no reason to get armor or guns or anything from the store.
Yeah the item recovery kiosk was pulled from the cargo patch and with the P8AR I really hope we get some news on that soon, for things you can't re-buy it's daft.
Subscription is not worth a dime. You only get crap items and earlier accesss to the broken PTU. If you want to support the Game I'd suggest to buy or upgrade a ship with real money. Would make more sence.
Lmao You get $10 for a $20 subscription and $5 for a $10 subscription Does that seem like a good deal? That’s just another cig scam. Everything they do is a scam
I don’t know waiting an entire month in excitement for maybe a cool new armor or paint to then only get a plant and a vase seems like a let down to me. I’m unsubbing to their subscription service.
I’ve been playing this game for about a month (+/-) and find little reason to spend my money on this or anything else. I had issues with my account from the onset and took my complaint to support and their first interaction with me about my issue contained lies (or at a minimum “misinformation”). They were slow to respond (about a week between email correspondence) leading up to the Christmas and NY Holidays. Combine these with all the bugs and glitches I see little point in “investing” further dollars. Constantly losing crates filled with loot because of their server crashes, paying to “reclaim” my ship for no apparent reason (another one of the ways I’ve lost crates that were still on my ship), crates (7 of them at this point) that were in my home hangar, and the list goes on. At this point, I don’t even keep anything inside the storage compartments of my ship anymore because I can’t trust they’ll be there due to these constant claims for a new ship for no apparent reason. Their recent decision to “fix” duplication of weapons by players over the playability/functionality of the game is a clear indication where their priorities are. Nope, until they pull their heads out and the game takes a dramatic change from how it is now, I see little to no value in investing in this any further.
Welcome to the pain of the verse! Customer support is slow depending on what the selected category is (from my experience), you're often better off finding answers from within the community if it's not an account specific problem. Personally I treat it for what it is; a buggy, unstable mess that's extremely pretty and takes baby steps towards being an actual game.
@, it’s sorted because they refused to do anything other than force me to create a new email and then shove all my account stuff to that one. They made unsubstantiated claims about Microsoft blocking the Hotmail email address I had, they claimed setting a whitelist in my emails would “guarantee” my receipt of their emails, and a few other claims as well. When I challenged their unsubstantiated claims/allegations, they never answered them. For instance, I posed whether or not they had absolutely no accounts with Hotmail addresses. I also told them that a whitelisting of email addresses does not “guarantee” anything. It only determines whether an email would go in a junk folder or its associated folder. I’m sure they’re most likely still telling other customers this same untruth. I even reinforced the assertion that Microsoft (or any other entity) has no ability to determine whether any specific (incoming) email is valid or not (whether the recipient initiated the interaction), so they can’t just arbitrarily block incoming emails (from a gaming company which was their assertion). This is the whole premise of having “junk” folders in the first place. It’s a temporary storage so the user can determine what to do with emails yet setup in their programs. I basically told them they shouldn’t be giving out such unsolicited advice like that, especially since they don’t know how knowledgeable persons such as myself (in this case) is about a given subject. Every place I’ve seen (like customer support and even their online chat forum) they act like they are gods and cannot be challenged. This is another reason why I’m reluctant to spend real, hard-earned money any more in this game.
It’s a bad model, and not only are they not exclusive and appear in game later, but also aren’t rare because anybody can pick them up later via the store. As such, zero incentive to subscribe.
For the flair absolutely, but that's the thing, so many people attribute the spend to the flair, and given how most of the other things have diminished or been forgotten about for over a year.. it's hardly surprising
I still think it's "it depends", but that's the whole thing of perceived value, if you don't think it is, that's a personal gauge that no one can really argue with!
@@Mrkraken I think it's definitley been worth it in past years, but recently, absolutley not, even in comparison to some of the past ones (unique weapons, armours and paints and the like come to mind as the primary "useful" or coveted ones in my mind).
I hope there comes a day where it is Ship/Clothing/Weapon stuff as the attributed and then a trinket/toy/novelty as the purchasable one in the store. I'd buy a Vanduul bobblehead or a MISC RAPTOR figure cockpit flair in a heartbeat
@@Mrkraken that would be the ideal way, yes. Really, if you're subscribed for 6 months, it should be netting you enough stuff to be equivalent to the higher end gear packs from the store page. If it doesn't hit that metric it'll remain worthless.
Ive been playing for 2 months. It's the first time i hear about a subscription. This subscription is utter trash. I don't even understand how and why people would pay for this, even if the items were ok. But you are telling me they don't even bother to give real ingame items? in a real money paid subscription? What kind of retailer would ask you to pay monthly for something and then give promises instead of delivering the product they sold? This is awfull value.
obviously people subscribe for different reasons, some might just leave it running to build towards concierge levels, others the discount. But yes, the flair items not even being present in-game at the time of them being "the flair" is always the most annoying thing to do with it.
2024-01Susbcriber Sentiment Poll 👉 ruclips.net/user/postUgkxEXtHeIc6Pqp_zPl90lYxhHdvK7ohCNry?si=QCtTOffD8zYxl1EB
*** Update *** Apparently there's also an issue with this month's ships, Imperators are reporting that they have not got the Andromeda in their hangars (I can't get on to check mine at the moment)
I got the Aquilla
If you're a subscriber, you should be able to get LTI on your store credit purchases (not just "new" money).
That would be splendid, but not realistic. 10 year on the monthly ships, now that I could get behind
I cancelled my sub a long time ago for the very simple reason that I saw little to no value in the 'flair' I miss Jump Point but I feel they have been doing an okay job with world building stuff outside of that over the past few years. The free flyable ships is nice but with most things I feel like if I wanted them by now I would have them or would have worked in game to buy/rent them. I miss when sub items were like flightsuits and gear stuff that actually had a use, not just oooohhhh look at this shiny pot that doesn't fit at all in my legitimate business HQ.
A lot of the 'usable' flair also gets broken a lot, there's one of the drink vessels atm that shows 100% full but no drink option, and the old multi-coloured taclights are missing textures
You can access Jump Point anyway. Pipeline post a link and you can read it every issue that comes out, surprised me when I discovered this too.
If they added my sub value to my store credits budget, I would sub again. If not, it's only when there is a really juicy flare I have to have, which hasn't been for years 🤷♂️.
Doubt that will happen, would be nice if you could 'surrender' a given flair item and get % value back as store credit maybe
Thank you.
I would too prefer other items, like non melee weapons or armors, even a choose a flair option would be better then plants but I mainly subscribe for the 20% coupon.
Choose a flair is something I hadn't even considered, you have a devious marketing mind (or maybe it's just me that instantly thought of the psychological trigger potential)
@Mrkraken Their design and love to detail is top notch. Like my player organisation, many others use special set and color combinatuons.Those "choose a flair" token could help a lot of organisations to stockpile their team colors. Or the next step could be a token shop where you could color dip your set or make piece of helmet ,armor or weapon in a unique pattern or slightly different color. Unlimited potential and you could be sure the amount of imperator subs would skyrocket even with the "choose a token" idea , let alone the own colors.
Even SWG had a 8 color base color variation slider added for armor crafted by an armorsmith. Crafting is of cause another topic but as fas as I would say if we could get this crafting system, an exact copy, from the 20 year old Star Wars Galaxies later in SC ,I would be very happy because I consider it one of the best in the MMORPG world.
The new sub stuff are verry nice and finally we get big planst
Surprised you did not mention the broken subscription that is happening. Imperator subscribers are only receiving the Taurus and the Aquila, NOT the Andromeda.
I.. didn't even know that was a thing and couldn't get in-game yesterday (infinite load) to grab some b-roll of the ships for the video... dear god
I see centurion helping enable info presentations as a base value. Anything else’s sweeteners for that. Some I like.
It's great seeing the mix of comments about how people attribute the worth. I would say the best thing to come out of subscriptions are the shows and magazine, I was gutted when Jump Point went to bi-monthly
So, in my opinion it is better to not subscribe but purchase the one month pass when it is giving you access to the new patch or a new vehicle you want to try. You can always go back and buy any missed subscriber gear for less than the $10 sub and have access to all the jump points.
Exactly, very occasionally then pick up what you want. It doesn’t encourage subscription because there’s no time locked exclusive content.
That's how a lot of people operate their subs, that's what i did with 3.18, I wanted to get on and see my Vulture.
100% perceived value. For me, value means something useful. Guns and armor mostly. I am also okay with paints from time to time even though they're not useful.
Wife on the other hand finds most of the guns and armor to be quite ugly but really enjoys the decoration flair --- I see the deco flair being the least popular for the majority of players. While it's okay to have, again from time to time, it's becoming a bit too common.
I am starting to see way less value with the subscription stuff, and I am thinking about getting out of it after about 3-4 years of having it. I am not interested in putting pots in my hangar, and I'd reckon the majority of players would rather have something more practical.
I certainly wouldn't mind seeing some fresh paints on more ships now, or skins for things like the maxlift or medguns, cause you'll also get the maxlift or medgun with it. That's a fair value way over the value of a freakin potted plant
Sure the guns are ugly, but I have absolutely no problem with losing them because of it haha. It would be nice to get some 'Pyro aesthetic' skins for utility items
I had subbed for two years, mostly for the flair items, and have been disappointed overall. I would have preferred more useful items instead of hangar decorations. Also, many of the old items don't even work, and yet, are they still are for sale. 😅
Yeah the flair missing textures or just not working is really annoying!
I was about to start a sub until I saw what the items were. Did they stop giving out good things and I just missed it?
It peaks and troughs like this, I next month (I'd hope) will be more practical items
2024 went:
01 - Vehicle paints + matching FS-9
02 - Weapons + poster
03 - Tankards
04 - Hull A+C Paints + water bottle
05 - Invictus themed weapons
06 - Trubarrier Hazmat suit (that doesn't protect against anything)
07 - Dying star liveries part 1 + knife
08 - Plushie + Non-functioning Gourd
09 - Pirate skull furniture
10 - Weapons + posters
11 - A large d20 dice + chairs
12 - Dying star liveries part 2 + knife
Im kinda new to SC, had 1y sub as centurion and 6 months as imperator, im 2 months free of that, will not sub again until i see some real benefits to do so, PAY to test a broken exp earlier, no, pay to get gear that i cant use or will most likely lose till the next patch, no.... pay to get a coupon to spend more on things i probably dont need and buy out of FOMO, no....
Some take more time to wake up than others, sadly i overspent a lot till i figured this out.
Welcome to Star Citizen! A gaming experience like literally no other (take that whichever way you like lol)
Do NOT prepay for a 12 month subscription. That’s just a flat out donation and encourages CIG to cheap out on the flair. Coffee cups and empty pots and vases… WTF? When I sub it’s a month by month. I only sub for useable items in game, that have actual value. This last year I think I subbed for maybe 3-4 months. That’s a pretty low hit %. There are so many cool items they could be using… armor lockers, armor stands, gun racks/lockers, metal silhouette target stands for our hangers. Garbage cans that work. Backpacks, Refrigerators or dispensing machines for our Cruz in our hanger (we stock it). Cargo trolleys. A locker/rack for the tractor beam tool that attaches on to the Cargo elevator console “shack” so we can have it readily accessible. Hell, give us that large FPS tractor beam tool as flair. I’d purchase an extra one. Vote/speak with your wallets fellow Citizens.
Gun racks, vending machines, lockers etc. would be awesome
So, as a whale, I'll point this out. If you wait until December, they offer a 1 year sub discount if you use store credits. For $190.00usd store credit you get 1 years worth of imperator subscription which includes two 20% off coupons which can be used on purchases up to $500. Effectively give you two $100 off coupons.
Let that sink in.
The subscription essentially just became free. In fact, you actually made a very small amount of money in value back. I have been an emperator sub level member for 2 years now. I fully utilize these coupons and get the maximum value out of that savings. I effectively get a years worth of flare items for nothing, plus I get all the other perks for the whole year. It was money I was going to spend on the game anyways as I've said, because I'm a whale. So I might as well be getting extra free stuff while I'm at it.
The vase and plant look decent to me because they look like larger decor items. the really small stuff they have at times isn't for me. I'd prefer some cool armor or something, but as I said I'm not unhappy with this months drop. I pulled out the Vanduul skull from the goodie pack earlier today and that's a cool item. All things are a matter of perspective.
That's the thing, one persons "worth it" is another persons cancellation. When it comes to the pots or random cups etc. we've had, it's a bit of a let down for most people. I personally just keep my Imperator running because I can afford to and don't throw money at every ship that comes out. For people on tighter budgets though the objet-d'art is probably more of a deal-breaker
Im subbed and shows in my hanger but not in game at all lol
Yeah, likely coming with 4.0.1. Really not a great look when they do this 🙃
Even the subscriber flair is SoonTM now? So happy I cancelled!
It's happened a couple of times before and is always a bit of a kick in the knackers
subscribed 2 times and received a knife twice. Subscribtion is quite worthless at the moment
Ouch, see for me as a lover of playing hide the knife, I don't mind that so much, but as a sub item it's still a bit poor
You can NEVER have too many mugs/knives or plants . Oh wait yess ,yes you can you can have too many . About 20 too many at this point they are F'n WORTHLESS. CiG going for the lowest of the low hanging fruit
Yeah, given the vast amount of vehicles you could even have a "year of the ______ livery". Hell, could probably do it with weapons these days
Cig can give what they want. Just show the real image of it. Not show a armor and give a plant.
When did they do this?
@Mrkraken this month
I got the plant pot and immediately canceled lol.
That seems to be a common sentiment
Hangar items 'flair' are crap.
Yeah they are for now and the foreseeable future. Maybe in another 12 years they'll be a bit more practical
This month was a joke... seriously WTF. I have no idea why I subbed in the first place. Thank you for pointing out the Season Pass thing as well, it just is not worth it. You pay for a year and get maybe 2 or 3 items over that year that even help or make you happy (I use Imperator) so that translates into $140 us that could have been a whole ship or upgrade but there is nothing worthwhile that lasts in the sub benefits. Especially with the "Death of a Spaceman" bull shyt all you will ever really have is your pledge store... Better idea; I should just buy something else somewhere else.
Yeah the PTU early access was useless too! As the first PTU of the year was open to all waves straight away
You'd honestly gain more value from just pledging 10-25 dollars worth of store credit monthly instead.
I don't want a battle pass in SC. Tired of seasons and that model for gaming.
The ReC i have no need for. I own most ships i want to fly. I should be able to convert REC to aUEC. I've got 5 mil in credits.. i don't use.
The sub flair the past few months have been not worth it to me.
Oh I'm not saying SC needs a battle/season pass, but when held up in comparison it does make the SC sub value diminish into obscurity. Battlepasses are very much the impulse purchase items for their (relatively) low cost for items received that then get up-sold to a higher tier and of course rely a lot on FOMO.
i joined for two months. Cancelled and no plans on getting it back. Potted plants that are not in the game as sub gear.... are you f'n kidding me? There is no reason to get flair because you cant get it back if you use it. Bought the citizen con digital pack for the gun, used it and got killed due to glitch with the game and now its lost. In 4.0 still no way to get goods back that i paid money for so there is no reason to get armor or guns or anything from the store.
Yeah the item recovery kiosk was pulled from the cargo patch and with the P8AR I really hope we get some news on that soon, for things you can't re-buy it's daft.
The flair is underwhelming. That's why I cancelled mine.
You're far from alone there!
Subscription is not worth a dime. You only get crap items and earlier accesss to the broken PTU. If you want to support the Game I'd suggest to buy or upgrade a ship with real money. Would make more sence.
So put money in that you can then use for store credit/buyback swapping later? Makes sense
@@Mrkraken Yeah
I've never subscribed, and seeing the potted plant when I was tempted to... not inspired to open my wallet.
You get $10 for a $20 subscription and $5 for a $10 subscription
Does that seem like a good deal? That’s just another cig scam. Everything they do is a scam
Thanks for taking the time to comment!
I don’t know waiting an entire month in excitement for maybe a cool new armor or paint to then only get a plant and a vase seems like a let down to me. I’m unsubbing to their subscription service.
At least with flair, you can (if you so wish) pledge for them at any point and they are normally added to the loot pool a few months after
I’ve been playing this game for about a month (+/-) and find little reason to spend my money on this or anything else.
I had issues with my account from the onset and took my complaint to support and their first interaction with me about my issue contained lies (or at a minimum “misinformation”).
They were slow to respond (about a week between email correspondence) leading up to the Christmas and NY Holidays.
Combine these with all the bugs and glitches I see little point in “investing” further dollars.
Constantly losing crates filled with loot because of their server crashes, paying to “reclaim” my ship for no apparent reason (another one of the ways I’ve lost crates that were still on my ship), crates (7 of them at this point) that were in my home hangar, and the list goes on.
At this point, I don’t even keep anything inside the storage compartments of my ship anymore because I can’t trust they’ll be there due to these constant claims for a new ship for no apparent reason.
Their recent decision to “fix” duplication of weapons by players over the playability/functionality of the game is a clear indication where their priorities are.
Nope, until they pull their heads out and the game takes a dramatic change from how it is now, I see little to no value in investing in this any further.
Welcome to the pain of the verse!
Customer support is slow depending on what the selected category is (from my experience), you're often better off finding answers from within the community if it's not an account specific problem. Personally I treat it for what it is; a buggy, unstable mess that's extremely pretty and takes baby steps towards being an actual game.
@, it was an account issue. The website authentication would not work for my account.
All sorted now? There was an issue with the latest design last year where the cookie acceptance script was causing problems with login
@, it’s sorted because they refused to do anything other than force me to create a new email and then shove all my account stuff to that one.
They made unsubstantiated claims about Microsoft blocking the Hotmail email address I had, they claimed setting a whitelist in my emails would “guarantee” my receipt of their emails, and a few other claims as well.
When I challenged their unsubstantiated claims/allegations, they never answered them.
For instance, I posed whether or not they had absolutely no accounts with Hotmail addresses.
I also told them that a whitelisting of email addresses does not “guarantee” anything. It only determines whether an email would go in a junk folder or its associated folder. I’m sure they’re most likely still telling other customers this same untruth. I even reinforced the assertion that Microsoft (or any other entity) has no ability to determine whether any specific (incoming) email is valid or not (whether the recipient initiated the interaction), so they can’t just arbitrarily block incoming emails (from a gaming company which was their assertion). This is the whole premise of having “junk” folders in the first place. It’s a temporary storage so the user can determine what to do with emails yet setup in their programs.
I basically told them they shouldn’t be giving out such unsolicited advice like that, especially since they don’t know how knowledgeable persons such as myself (in this case) is about a given subject.
Every place I’ve seen (like customer support and even their online chat forum) they act like they are gods and cannot be challenged. This is another reason why I’m reluctant to spend real, hard-earned money any more in this game.
No (end)
That's for the end of year video
It’s a bad model, and not only are they not exclusive and appear in game later, but also aren’t rare because anybody can pick them up later via the store. As such, zero incentive to subscribe.
For the flair absolutely, but that's the thing, so many people attribute the spend to the flair, and given how most of the other things have diminished or been forgotten about for over a year.. it's hardly surprising
simple answer. No
I still think it's "it depends", but that's the whole thing of perceived value, if you don't think it is, that's a personal gauge that no one can really argue with!
@@Mrkraken I think it's definitley been worth it in past years, but recently, absolutley not, even in comparison to some of the past ones (unique weapons, armours and paints and the like come to mind as the primary "useful" or coveted ones in my mind).
I hope there comes a day where it is Ship/Clothing/Weapon stuff as the attributed and then a trinket/toy/novelty as the purchasable one in the store. I'd buy a Vanduul bobblehead or a MISC RAPTOR figure cockpit flair in a heartbeat
@@Mrkraken that would be the ideal way, yes. Really, if you're subscribed for 6 months, it should be netting you enough stuff to be equivalent to the higher end gear packs from the store page. If it doesn't hit that metric it'll remain worthless.
Stop spending money on this game yall
Ive been playing for 2 months. It's the first time i hear about a subscription. This subscription is utter trash. I don't even understand how and why people would pay for this, even if the items were ok. But you are telling me they don't even bother to give real ingame items? in a real money paid subscription?
What kind of retailer would ask you to pay monthly for something and then give promises instead of delivering the product they sold?
This is awfull value.
obviously people subscribe for different reasons, some might just leave it running to build towards concierge levels, others the discount. But yes, the flair items not even being present in-game at the time of them being "the flair" is always the most annoying thing to do with it.
Thanks for taking the time to comment!
In Germany we say: hs
@@GermanAcesHDx No, you SAY something that would get picked up by profanity filters, you TYPE hs to circumvent them 🤣