New Wheels, Lift Kit & Wide Arches for my Truck!

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 272

  • @SwanDrives
    @SwanDrives 2 года назад +93

    Crazy how these couple of mods totally transformed this thing! Love it man, looking forward to seeing what’s next!

  • @milczarm7165
    @milczarm7165 2 года назад +35

    9:24 OMG this old V8 sounds WILD, it' s insane

    • @milky9766
      @milky9766 2 года назад +8

      Why thankyou

    • @sampag1904
      @sampag1904 2 года назад

      Dam it does

    • @helloreviews
      @helloreviews 2 года назад +1

      sounds really bad

    • @milczarm7165
      @milczarm7165 2 года назад +6

      @@helloreviews Your comment sounds really bad

    • @RSR7000
      @RSR7000 2 года назад +3

      @@helloreviews thats just cuz u a like honda weed wacker

  • @MaxFiveGames
    @MaxFiveGames 2 года назад +32

    If you have black taillights you need to tint the front lights to.
    Specially when you have super black grill. At least a slight tint on the front lights would make it look so much more aggressive.

  • @Marrrrtin
    @Marrrrtin 2 года назад +3

    3:09 "Two inches makes all the difference" LOL DALE 😂

  • @manuelsousa8479
    @manuelsousa8479 2 года назад +14

    Next up you need to get some *aftermarket headlights* .There are a lot of options out there for the ranger and besides matching better with your LED tail lights, they would make the car look way more aggressive!

  • @uzmaazhar2880
    @uzmaazhar2880 2 месяца назад

    for the arches use 4.8mm large flange 20-25mm peel head rivets. Its basically a tension fit, push the arch firmly agains the body, drill and rivet. The results will be very good.

    @ALEXCOLEE68 2 года назад +7

    Had to be done. We get these rangers in all the time at work and customers always want the raptor kits put on 😂

  • @joeedwards1018
    @joeedwards1018 2 года назад +5

    Don’t let the adblue get really low, when you fill it back up it won’t recognise that you have topped it up and it won’t start!

  • @darrengoldman2980
    @darrengoldman2980 2 года назад +5

    Looks amazing. Funny how small mods can change the look of the car so much

  • @The_journeyy
    @The_journeyy 2 года назад +4

    It's nice to see your not wasting any time with this build great new mods sounds like your plan is similar to the plan I had for my polo 🔥

  • @existentialselkath1264
    @existentialselkath1264 2 года назад +6

    This looks great, I just hope you don't try to stay a mile away from the nearest hedge if your trying to pass on a country road. A truck like that is going to be a bit tight in the UK

    • @joecarter1902
      @joecarter1902 2 года назад

      A truck like that isn’t a “bit tight” for the UK. This truck was made for use in Europe due to smaller roads, they’re the same size as range rovers, and smaller than vans. And vans go through narrows towns and roads all the time. They fit in normal parking spaces too. If you think this truck is too big, you either can’t drive or you’re scared of larger vehicles.

  • @CodeRedCody
    @CodeRedCody 2 года назад +4

    That's a pretty sweet looking truck! The tail lights look really cool

  • @captain6133
    @captain6133 2 года назад +5

    I'm so happy he's now a truck guy

  • @ryansara3398
    @ryansara3398 2 года назад +2

    Nice to see something different from the UK looks sick 💪

  • @dequannoreiga3343
    @dequannoreiga3343 2 года назад +1

    imagine you put a panther driving the truck on a hoodie😍

  • @ashtraysonsundays4274
    @ashtraysonsundays4274 2 года назад

    Bloke's got the Forza wide body. She's an absolute beauty

  • @NJDJ1986
    @NJDJ1986 2 года назад

    @3:13 the laughter really caught me off guard, as if i was watching a comedy show.

  • @The_Honda_dealer
    @The_Honda_dealer 2 года назад +1

    Light bar and new skid plate needed Theo

  • @ahmadzahin8060
    @ahmadzahin8060 2 года назад +3

    Nice mustang buddy.

  • @supermancustoms
    @supermancustoms Год назад

    What is the box for the side mirrors to work with the central locking and where did you get it from?

  • @nguyen11367
    @nguyen11367 2 года назад

    exhaust next modd?? high flow turbos? snorkel to hear the turbo whistle?

  • @PoisonIvory088
    @PoisonIvory088 2 года назад +2

    Theos truck is one with the drip

  • @psyco9991
    @psyco9991 2 года назад

    Hey panthaa,
    With the front of the car dont buy a bigger tyre or wheel actually make the front higher with new springs it will look nicer and bc im from australia and we have crazy 4x4 tracks and you would want the wheels to be the same size. Take the advice well really up to u but doing what i said is a better option.

  • @RapidPlumb.
    @RapidPlumb. 8 месяцев назад

    Will this including lift kit fit in under ground car park 2m high . This exact pickup including 20inch wheels and lift kit ?

  • @projektiron7105
    @projektiron7105 9 месяцев назад

    Would the tyres and wheels work without the spacers?

  • @aj_412
    @aj_412 2 года назад

    Looks nice you really transformed it

  • @Dad_Noir
    @Dad_Noir 2 года назад

    May wanna look into installing some helper bags in the back, specially if you plan to tow. Will make a major difference

  • @rahjeabpalmer7539
    @rahjeabpalmer7539 Год назад

    Where did you get the folding mirror and auto window module?

  • @help5205
    @help5205 2 года назад +1

    Put black headlights on it would fit in

  • @Sam_of_Anarchy92
    @Sam_of_Anarchy92 10 месяцев назад

    will you be adding a Bull bar that has extra lights on it ?

  • @tonygc6925
    @tonygc6925 2 года назад

    “If it breaks, it’s mine not yours sorry” LMFAO tell ‘em

  • @alwaysenkeilover
    @alwaysenkeilover 2 года назад

    looks like a hot wheel, not a bad thing

  • @timbodman6733
    @timbodman6733 8 месяцев назад

    Nice I have predator lights to the front of my truck at you going all out with a light bar ext I think a winch would look nice 👌🏻

  • @Wolfie2206
    @Wolfie2206 2 года назад

    Its a Nice car been drivning in one for like 2.5 years and I love it so much.

  • @kriswhite9324
    @kriswhite9324 2 года назад

    pants has to make that chassis flex now

  • @DR-UTAH
    @DR-UTAH 2 года назад +3

    I love the vlogs keep these videos up.

  • @harrywills58
    @harrywills58 Год назад

    what tyre specs are you running, i have the exact same setup as yours with the widebody but stock wheels with spacers so looking to get new wheels are tyres

  • @PublicBus09
    @PublicBus09 2 года назад +2

    "What type of vehicle is this?"
    "No it's stupid."
    -Jeremy Clarkson, The Grand Tour S1 E1

  • @williammann4640
    @williammann4640 2 года назад +1

    Get a snorkel it will look mint👌

  • @VerySpecificlyUnspecific
    @VerySpecificlyUnspecific 2 года назад

    just a tip: you don't want to screw the bolts of how you were, you want to start at the top, then do directly to the bolt below screw that bolt in the repeat for all the other bolts

  • @youssef1770
    @youssef1770 2 года назад

    Now thats a very clean Pickup truck nice job man!

  • @noeljrchavez6883
    @noeljrchavez6883 2 года назад

    Keep the truck series going😏

  • @almorgan68
    @almorgan68 2 года назад

    Are you putting spotlights on the cab

  • @demon-_-goose7534
    @demon-_-goose7534 2 года назад +1

    I should get a leveling kit so u can put the bigger tire on back and front

  • @brayton6683
    @brayton6683 2 года назад

    Well the next gen raptor will have a press release this month around about 22nd it think .So any plans on getting it or just the normal ranger

  • @Xtra.MED1A
    @Xtra.MED1A 2 года назад

    Yes finally looks like every ranger in Australia

  • @digitalsoldierxp9027
    @digitalsoldierxp9027 2 года назад +1

    He a truck guy
    So now he’s part of the tekuache group cuhh

  • @greggsmith5665
    @greggsmith5665 2 года назад

    When are you going to start working on the mustang?

  • @3SSG73
    @3SSG73 2 года назад

    Snorkel, light bar with a roof rack and a tune??

  • @someweaboo3424
    @someweaboo3424 2 года назад

    this man is speedrunning American trucks

  • @a_person_7477
    @a_person_7477 2 года назад +1

    Why u have rear leaf springs on the truck ? Pls get coil springs on all fours it’s just a risk otherwise.

    • @milky9766
      @milky9766 2 года назад +2

      How is it a risk? They are perfectly fine. Outdated yes but cheap and better for this purpose of a truck with loads of weight on the rear

    • @hunterbull7804
      @hunterbull7804 2 года назад +2

      No it’s not. Almost every truck has leaf springs in the back beside the new F150 raptor

    • @paulrodriguez300
      @paulrodriguez300 2 года назад

      Yeah buddy... Leaf springs are stronger and have a higher carrying capacity for towing or carrying... Outdated yes, cheap yes, but its better its better for this type of application.

  • @PickerSteve2020
    @PickerSteve2020 Год назад

    Any chance of dropping the wheel specs in the description (width and ET). Cheers, mate.

  • @ffab101p121
    @ffab101p121 2 года назад

    I see you also have a Mustang packed outside your house 👀

  • @codyking5612
    @codyking5612 2 года назад +1


  • @padraigrab08
    @padraigrab08 2 года назад

    Suprised how you got them spacers to fit on they were upside down

  • @RCCrawlerz209
    @RCCrawlerz209 2 года назад

    Scissor doors, is a must!

  • @chris.nyachiwowa
    @chris.nyachiwowa 2 года назад

    Those headlights need to change🤣

  • @jme.147
    @jme.147 2 года назад

    Headlights and exhaust I think is next on the list!

  • @IAnthony1314
    @IAnthony1314 2 года назад

    Are you gonna try and off road with it?

  • @gmgaming7170
    @gmgaming7170 2 года назад

    Nothing beter then a ford ranger wildertrack
    They are very popular in the uk and south africa

  • @tjviper1991
    @tjviper1991 2 года назад

    You definitely need to put Bullbar on the front

  • @SleepySriracha
    @SleepySriracha 2 года назад

    Highly suggest you change the suspension with Toughdog Suspension & dobinsons parabolic leaf spring for comfort made in Aussie 🇦🇺 I have it in my Hilux serves me well and reliable

  • @mattloynes4810
    @mattloynes4810 2 года назад

    so when are you borrowing the new Ranger Raptor with the twin-turbo 3.0-litre V6 petrol engine???

  • @megancleere2796
    @megancleere2796 2 года назад

    You should put a light bar on the roof

  • @firelaway
    @firelaway 2 года назад

    3:07 what did his friend say?

  • @crazy1speed559
    @crazy1speed559 2 года назад

    I saw that classic mustang in the back👀 1965?

  • @boltz3354
    @boltz3354 2 года назад

    I remember the first I watched from you was the nfsmw gameplay

  • @Delayzonyt
    @Delayzonyt Год назад +1

    The rims are fuel offroads

  • @gunman8452
    @gunman8452 2 года назад +3

    Tfw the Ranger has already gotten more mods than the Evo

  • @seanrodgers3133
    @seanrodgers3133 2 года назад

    Should do a driving vlog when the mods are sorted

  • @Skilletgaming34
    @Skilletgaming34 2 года назад

    Uh oh...Theo is going American 😂😂🤜🏻🤛🏻

    • @drbass9677
      @drbass9677 10 месяцев назад

      The ranger is Australian not American my guy

  • @Crex6428
    @Crex6428 2 года назад

    you should put the mustang lights on it

  • @carbonkings6272
    @carbonkings6272 2 года назад

    I honestly would not lift it any taller I do recommend coilovers if you are interested in a more functional mod but I personally think how you built it is perfect

  • @johanwikstrom5671
    @johanwikstrom5671 2 года назад

    Please do more unit vids. Also you should paint/wrap the roof rack black

  • @Violent250
    @Violent250 8 месяцев назад

    What’s the brand name of the arches

  • @Z3r0-x9v
    @Z3r0-x9v 2 года назад

    You should get some roof lights

  • @R3dL1ght5
    @R3dL1ght5 2 года назад

    Should have gotten the raptor mate!!

  • @nathanbrittain3595
    @nathanbrittain3595 2 года назад

    Need some Nissan love Theo!! Poor skyline!

  • @DrRacer78
    @DrRacer78 2 года назад

    I think you need to play Snowrunner, especially considering console mods are on both platforms.

  • @MrSharpe95
    @MrSharpe95 2 года назад

    Sweet wheels

  • @jamesdecamp9700
    @jamesdecamp9700 2 года назад

    you might need a dif drop kit so you are not putting as much stress on your cv`s or your control arms.

  • @georgehadley5349
    @georgehadley5349 2 года назад

    When is the next collection update on your cars ?

  • @ryanlucas7280
    @ryanlucas7280 2 года назад

    Wheel spacers my friend

    • @BlackPanthaa
      @BlackPanthaa  2 года назад

      Yeah I need to get small ones hahaha

  • @williamheath7058
    @williamheath7058 2 года назад +1

    Basically theo is doing the UK wild trek stuff without making it a deranged

  • @jaycourt3903
    @jaycourt3903 2 года назад

    Truck’s looking great, when are you going to buy Meadow a Jeep?

  • @tinystar3010
    @tinystar3010 2 года назад +1

    I think you finally made the new Ranger look halfway acceptable. Ford's styling department has really been downhill for the past decade or so.

  • @vaughnsangalang7934
    @vaughnsangalang7934 2 года назад

    more power baby

  • @rorroryusoul
    @rorroryusoul 2 года назад

    This cool video mister black panthaa

  • @theodoredeverell3894
    @theodoredeverell3894 2 года назад

    Now that pants is a truck guy he should do a snowrunner video to test his truckerness.

  • @SAM01M8
    @SAM01M8 2 года назад

    Exhaust and snorkel next

  • @vaughnsangalang7934
    @vaughnsangalang7934 2 года назад

    is it 4 wheel drive

  • @nebiwoldemicheal2474
    @nebiwoldemicheal2474 2 года назад

    Where is the crew 2 vid on the mclaren

  • @redaanrehanriyaz1373
    @redaanrehanriyaz1373 2 года назад

    Get a light cheap light bar!

    @ALTUIBAR 2 года назад

    Are they 33s?

  • @Tso007
    @Tso007 11 месяцев назад

    long live the V8 👊🏻🇺🇲

  • @tobinrhodes6277
    @tobinrhodes6277 2 года назад

    I think you need to LS swap it my guyyyy

  • @RSG102
    @RSG102 2 года назад +8

    Looking shiny. Also how much money do you spend on modifications for that truck
    Also it's My birthday today

    • @sandrios
      @sandrios 2 года назад

      happy birthday

    • @RSG102
      @RSG102 2 года назад

      @@sandrios thanks mate

  • @joshuapalmer8121
    @joshuapalmer8121 2 года назад

    Be careful with them all terrain tires, if the roads are wet they can be very slippy on roundabouts

  • @silverindigo8302
    @silverindigo8302 2 года назад

    Meerrrica baby!!!

  • @taibolding7648
    @taibolding7648 2 года назад

    Issa Ute Theo