The Day After the 2020 Karabakh War Ended: An Analysis

  • Опубликовано: 13 сен 2024

Комментарии • 110

  • @rubo1964
    @rubo1964 3 года назад +7

    I agree with Eric 100%!

  • @alungibbon9146
    @alungibbon9146 3 года назад +18

    This was a war between a 20th century Soviet equipped & trained army & a 21st century army using the very lastest drone technology.
    The drones proved as devastating as when deployed against enemy ground forces in Libya & Syria & were a major contributing factor in the defeated of Armenian.

    • @ralfrufus6573
      @ralfrufus6573 3 года назад

      How convenient to blame others, right? Why not asking instead what you could have done to make peace with Turks in the first place? Oh, I see, you are always the victims, right? How convenient to blame others...

    • @ArmenianBishop
      @ArmenianBishop Год назад

      @@ralfrufus6573 It's 2023 now, and your hyperbolic BS comment is showing itself as just that, bogus BS.

  • @MrDoenerliebhaber
    @MrDoenerliebhaber 3 года назад +11

    Stupid analyze of the War
    "We fought against 1 Billion Soldiers, 268 States and 352 Dinosaurs."

  • @gabeeg
    @gabeeg 3 года назад +5

    Seldom have I heard someone speak so much truth in 12 and half minutes. I would an invested outsider, Nikol Pashinyan deserves our support and to continue on as PM. He did what had to be done and I do not envy him that obviously painful task. I believe he is being as honest and transparent about the current Armenian ordeal as he can be. His words have the smell and feeling of truth and fits the facts as we know them (even if we do not want to believe them). I hope Armenia gives him a chance, I think he knows what needs to be done going forward, and those mistakes that are his own he will learn from (as he has admitted himself).

  • @Bubblelover0101
    @Bubblelover0101 3 года назад +17

    Thank you Mr Hacopian for your fantastic analysis. People screaming for Nikol’s head have a very naive and narrow view of not only what happened on the battlefield, but politics in general.

    • @TheAmanov
      @TheAmanov 3 года назад +7

      Pashinyan said "we are winning" even 10 hours before the acceptance of defeat. Lied to the whole nation with false statements.

  • @civil_punk8169
    @civil_punk8169 3 года назад +17

    How do we get democratic prosperous Armenia when if we try Russia will stomp on our neck for disloyalty?

    • @ralfrufus6573
      @ralfrufus6573 3 года назад +1

      You still ask how? How about mending your ties with Turks first?

  • @marz6823
    @marz6823 3 года назад +10

    Thank you for the analysis. Very insightful the Armenian people need to work harder to defend their home

    • @ralfrufus6573
      @ralfrufus6573 3 года назад

      Stop looking for enemies outside. It is you creating enemies by your approach to them. Be nice and friendly and you will be treated nice and friendly. See others as enemies and they will become enemies. It is called self fulfilling prophecy.

  • @rmathevos7225
    @rmathevos7225 3 года назад +4

    Could not agree more.

  • @mosha9360
    @mosha9360 3 года назад +12

    Armenia had 30 years to solve this peacefully,every leadership fail to understand the reality, Pashinyan inflame the situation for his own political mileage,still better than nothing.

    • @EndoscopeForYou
      @EndoscopeForYou 3 года назад +3

      What you consider reality does not mean that it is actual reality.

  • @KonigGustavAdolph
    @KonigGustavAdolph 3 года назад +17

    This interview is a good example of why Armenia lost: Delusional thinking.

    • @sarinetorossian976
      @sarinetorossian976 3 года назад +3


    • @n00b_n00b_
      @n00b_n00b_ 3 года назад

      @@sarinetorossian976 hey im just curious, do you guys talk constantly about turks overall? thats what i heard from other armenians

  • @chuckg4947
    @chuckg4947 3 года назад +13

    A fantastic interview with extremely useful information.

  • @garychahinian
    @garychahinian 3 года назад +12

    Excellent analysis, Thank you.

  • @ralfrufus6573
    @ralfrufus6573 3 года назад +3

    Why not starting to mend your ties with Turks instead of trying to instigate other countries against each other? It is this way that led to your misery. Change your old school of thinking and try new roads if you want things to change. Your are talking about a future in which Armenia would make Israel look like Sweden. This will not happen. Stop spending your life living delusional dreams that turns into nightmares. Start living in reality instead - and mend your ties with reality.

    • @c.s.4273
      @c.s.4273 11 месяцев назад

      They didn't listen. So the have to feel.

  • @buckethat1302
    @buckethat1302 3 года назад +11

    Brilliant interview, Thank you

  • @onurincereis1182
    @onurincereis1182 3 года назад +16

    Instead of suggesting to prepare for the next war, I would have liked to hear, preparing for the ever lasting peace. Let the two countries build good relations. Why can’t you live in peace?
    I also don’t believe, there was an intention of ethnic cleansing. If there was, this peace agreement wouldn’t be signed and the remaining land could be captured in less than a month. Mr. Hacopian, i request you to be more objective and constructive.

    • @kdiffin
      @kdiffin 3 года назад +9

      hes armenian what u expect

  • @vitaminwater5560
    @vitaminwater5560 3 года назад +14

    One think armenians should understand from this deal and the countless occations throughout the history. Stop having hostility to your neighbours for the dreams of having greater nation-state stop being used by super powers just try having frendship to your neigbours especially to turks, that frienship will benefit enourmously to the armenians, You dont need hatred you dont need land turks and armenians have enough land to live together.

    • @astek85
      @astek85 3 года назад +5

      Yes, you are right. Hostalities must be end. All nations made wars each other in the past like WW2. They are all now ally. They stopped wars at each other and they developed rapidly. They are now in wealth. The past is past for them. They focuse to live in wealth. They dont think past wars and they dont hate each other beacuse of wars in the past. Permanent peace making borders meaningless. Young generations of nations in region can do this like western nations

    • @theyeening
      @theyeening 3 года назад +17

      Have you ever asked *why* have they normalized relations? It's because the nations who started the conflict apologized for it and made reparations to the other affected nation/s. Look at the example of Germany and Israel - the ONLY reason Germans and Jews have normal relations despite the horrors of Nazism is because Germany (was forced to) apologize/d and made reparations to Jews. Or look at the example of my own nation - Slovenes. For a thousand years we were literally kept as slaves by Austrians and the Italians, killed en-masse during both world wars and stripped of our ancestral lands (just like Armenia). You know the reason why Slovenes and Austrians/Italians don't hate eachother anymore? It's because they apologized for their atrocities against us, gave us reparations and autonomy in their countries - hell, Italy was even forced to give us some of our land back! Look at any guilty nation/race that hasn't apologized for their crimes - white Americans still can't admit their horrific crimes against blacks and Natives, so America is still as racially divided as ever. Look at the relations between Serbs and Croats - because Serbs can't admit their atrocities during the ''Greater Serbia'' campaigns, the countries still can't heal their ties (though Croats have their own guilt here, too). So no, Armenians don't need to normalize relations with Turks - they have no incentive to do that. *You* killed 1 - 1,5 million Armenians in the first genocide of the 20th century, *you* drove them off from their ancestral wars, *you* waged three genocidal wars against them, many of *you* still despise them and want to get rid of them, *you* still deny the horrific atrocities you did to them. So it's up to *YOU* and *YOUR* nation to apologize, make reparations and establish friendly relations. I know it's a bitter pill to swallow, but just like Germany, Austria, Italy, CSA and Serbia *you* are the bad guy who started and continued this conflict and *you* are the one who needs to make a first step towards healing - just like most of the mentioned countries did...

    • @astek85
      @astek85 3 года назад +5

      @@theyeening Who will decide how many Armenian died in ww1 and who will decide how many Turks killed by Armenian rebels in Anatolia ? Turkey says tragedies in ww1 must be investigated independently. Turkey says Armenian population was 1 million in Anatolia in 1915. 1,5 million is a lie. Turkey says, Armenian rebels coopareted with Russians in ww1 and betrayed Ottoman Empire. Because of that Armenians were sent to Syria by forced. Some Armenians died during this migration. This was tragedy not genocide. Ottomans did not killed Armenians systematically. You can not compare Turks with Nazis. Armenians also killed many people in Anatolia during Armenian riot. This was tragedy too. If Turkey has to pay money for this, Armenia has to pay money also.

    • @edwingerard8544
      @edwingerard8544 3 года назад +1

      I agree totally, and this goes for people on both sides. All I could think of during this whole miserable war was why couldn't Azeris and Armenians spend the same money on Education, on learning conviviality, tolerance, the art of cooperative co-existence. Why can't they create educational exchange programs for their youth, instead of enriching the despicable arms dealers of this world by buying ever more lethal weapons of war. What's wrong with learning to live together? What's wrong with spiritual evolution that transcends political/religious barriers? Peace requires inner CHANGE, or else it's just the same story, generation after generation, century after century!

  • @iripsi
    @iripsi 3 года назад +8

    Excellent and very strategic. Let's roll up our sleves and make this happen.

  • @norat325
    @norat325 3 года назад +9

    Very intelligent analysis. Thank you!

  • @lovewalruss
    @lovewalruss 3 года назад +5

    very good thanks, good analysis

    • @ralfrufus6573
      @ralfrufus6573 3 года назад

      No, it was just the same old way of thinking. Not inspirational at all.

  • @ImranKhan-ty6mx
    @ImranKhan-ty6mx 3 года назад +1

    Hopefully the rational Armenians will put extremists like you in jail and throw away thd key.

  • @Tamara-pn8zv
    @Tamara-pn8zv 3 года назад +2

    Thank you Mr. Hacopian for your analysis. We need you and people like you in the Armenian parliament to help decision making. Our people need to understand that loosing battle is bot loosing the War. We will prosper and we will have our land back. We just need people like you.

  • @zozojan89
    @zozojan89 3 года назад +9

    I hope there is some published text with this information. Thank you.

  • @MrDestan01
    @MrDestan01 3 года назад +1

    Why did you make this video when you clearly don't know anything about war tactics?
    To make war/ conflict safer for your soldiers you have to wipe out the enemy defence products and lines.
    You like to talk a lot about genocide this and that several times, listen: If Az wanted they could bomb the cities to stone age but did not because of the civilians.
    Here you try to heroize all Armenian soldiers but around 10k ran away from frontlines.
    Talking about independent for 30 years lol, yeah 30 years occupation of AZ land you are talking about.
    The next time, you will lose the land corridor to Iran completely.
    Be a little wise i say.

  • @arhayrapetyan7340
    @arhayrapetyan7340 3 года назад +3

    what a amazing analysis thank you for this.

  • @ccnbutter
    @ccnbutter 3 года назад +6

    Thank you for speaking some sense.

    • @TheAmanov
      @TheAmanov 3 года назад +3

      some sense = Armenia fought against 15 countries

    • @Samuel062007
      @Samuel062007 3 года назад

      There's no need to be reductionist. He also highlighted the internal problems. I understand you'd like to see credit going to the Azeri army, but focusing on this one point is not doing any favors to the exchange here.

    • @Samuel062007
      @Samuel062007 3 года назад

      @@TheAmanov There's no need to be reductionist. He also highlighted the internal problems. I understand you'd like to see credit going to the Azeri army, but focusing on this one point is not doing any favors to the exchange here.

  • @NarminStaley
    @NarminStaley 3 года назад +6

    With diaspora this clueless you really don't need enemies :D

  • @lilitvehuni6402
    @lilitvehuni6402 3 года назад +4

    Thank you

  • @lifehumanity2204
    @lifehumanity2204 2 года назад

    It is 3 or 4 days mission. Did Ilayev told you? It is funny. At least add or maintain some fairness to statements.

  • @artur197613
    @artur197613 3 года назад +1


  • @lilitvehuni6402
    @lilitvehuni6402 3 года назад +6

    Let’s hope there are officials who are hearing this. Please promote your ideas. Maybe someone will pay attention.

    • @ralfrufus6573
      @ralfrufus6573 3 года назад

      He is a mouthpiece of the officials and the only thing you hear from him is propaganda and the old way of thinking. "He is clearly not a peace maker" as a BBC journalist once said to Pashinyan:видео.html

  • @serhat1
    @serhat1 3 года назад +12

    Right right, I heard people from other planets were there too. You guys are just ridiculous, seriously. If you lose it’s genocide, if you win it’s a victory.

    • @tigrantatulian5903
      @tigrantatulian5903 3 года назад +5

      Do you not know the Pan-Turkic agenda? If you zoom out the map see all the Turkic states, Armenia is the only nation in their way to unite and become a superpower.
      fun fact: Turks originated from China and migrated to Armenia

    • @serhat1
      @serhat1 3 года назад +1

      The first humans emerged in Africa around two million years ago, so? What should we do now if Turks are from China?

    • @manehbag732
      @manehbag732 3 года назад +1

      It's a proven fact mercenaries we're brought. This isn't a lie

    • @ruslan-pe3wx
      @ruslan-pe3wx 2 месяца назад

      @@tigrantatulian5903 Hey tigranoid, there's no Pan-Turkic agenda

  • @ruslan-pe3wx
    @ruslan-pe3wx 2 месяца назад

    These mfs still think they were fighting against Syrians and Afghans lol

  • @hendarsiregar9126
    @hendarsiregar9126 3 года назад +2

    Don't give up,Armenians. Step ahead,be united.May Father and Jesus bless you all.

    • @ZizouHasanli
      @ZizouHasanli 3 года назад +1

      you forget "Anahit" who is the prostitution goddess of Armenia. You don't do it wrong like this again and do not be afraid !!!

    • @ruslan-pe3wx
      @ruslan-pe3wx 2 месяца назад

      Talking big from far away is easy.

  • @sarinetorossian976
    @sarinetorossian976 3 года назад +1

    Wow just parroting Pashinyan propaganda....

  • @uydudanbak
    @uydudanbak 3 года назад +6

    So pity to u, wasted youngsters for what?

    • @frantisekprusa4877
      @frantisekprusa4877 3 года назад +1

      Ask the fins in 1939. Ask the poles, ask the spanish in 37, ask... oh whatever, you get the point.

    • @mils5000
      @mils5000 3 года назад

      @@frantisekprusa4877 What happened in 37? The Spanish Civil War started in 1936.

    • @frantisekprusa4877
      @frantisekprusa4877 3 года назад

      @@mils5000 I wanted a year in the middle of it as it was in full swing without end in sight at that point. But you are correct.

  • @ImranKhan-ty6mx
    @ImranKhan-ty6mx 3 года назад

    What about your analysis on the Turkish lira?

  • @giorgichuxadryan9171
    @giorgichuxadryan9171 3 года назад

    Karoxa senc ban lini or hay hai vra zenk verkali ? Inchi hamar or xoski paxela postic kame hin petucian het.hin petutiun rusi taka exel. Rusi tshnamiin Americana Americanan natoia natoium turkiana pox izraelina u bombnel . Rus or hzorana petka mer materikic dus hani amerikin . Es davajanuciun vor erkirna xekavarel ov mez chi oknel ova yarsi paimanagir mogonel et lenin minchev hima movzaleiuma . Ova mez toxel or kotoren 1915 ova sumgaitin sus mnacel ova karabax tvel et ochxarnerin ararti tak trkerne amen te okrujeniumenk kartin naek inch or petka yanim hettank mechic krvcrec hain hai dem or bolor veranak u hamashxarain sksvi u asi trkerin or kotorelek terorist dukel berel u email irancel haxti u verchnakan es kailov amerikin k dus hani uremn k haxti izraelin toist poxin toist Isus Qristos xachoxnerin u kexni es materiki tera vracik skori chein toxum u hima otainen bacel. Bolor haerin xapelen u dmbrcrelen . Haiastanin gari pes taluen utelu u yanim mez kpashpani u hamashxarain k sksi u kexni yanim chisht che iranc kerac kakerna . Isk amerikan epa slabi epor vibornera lik poxa petk u cher hascni rsic shut karabax mtner.2016 tramp prezident darav aprilian sksin kriv. U himma menk petka mianak u helkov exnenk bolor ashxarna mer dem mez trker haxtelen rsi davajanutiunov u leninov u stalinov u amen dzev iran chishta tanum mi achkov or naes. Hishek bolor ashxari petutiuneri haxna baec karnavli mendz gitek ova. 1915 ch krknvi.Amen texic okrujeniumenk. Kartezin naek u zenk beruma u beruma .mezi dus hanin arten mer tneric ink arten ira axpor ukrainaciin spanec xristoniain spanec ink vrastanin.xpec eli xristonia . Haer boloric shat zovec.jael . Park. U patkercrk haiastanumel uner zenk u choknec menk iranc votkerinenk ba 3hamashxarain vonc sksi menak genocidov patkercrk . U europum bolor musulmaner dusen ekel vochme rusastanum. Hai dusgal chi kara vrastan . Amen texic ot pagelen . Vat ban ch krknvi mez boloris xapin ink urish vixod chuner vrastan ameriki trki tak azer trkeri ba turcia urdexic petka mtner haiastanic . Amen zaprishoni bomberic kasetni fosforni teroristner lik . Hamel mer herosner irancel spanel teroristnerin ashxarinen oknel . U rus bolori hamar lavna u oknox u hzor erkira exnelu mer materiki xekavar mezi jnjelu Planov. Mi moracek bolor mer toxac konplikti texer rusna nvirel haeri hoxer. Aranc haeri tuiladrucian.Vrastanel davajanuciuna arel rsin. Turkiain or kkpni vrastan tencevet k handznvi. Bolorin brncrela . Lsumes samaliotner inchkamen gali. Erevi panir chi berum. Haer djan miacek irar het. Bolort bolort mez bolorin xapelen. Astvac arach park mer Haiastanin menk Haxteluenk.

  • @serohartounian7564
    @serohartounian7564 3 года назад

    i don’t know much about politics but i think we should act like japan did after the world war.

  • @vahehayrikian6934
    @vahehayrikian6934 3 года назад +1

    Very bad interview. Did you go to front line and fight? Leader should talk the responsibility for its failures. Political forces who were prosecuted and still getting prosecution from Pashinyan has the responsibility to stand up and take over the government!!!!

  • @nevardqarbozian9829
    @nevardqarbozian9829 3 года назад

    Thank you. You should rule Armenia and Artsakh.

  • @Heightofhate
    @Heightofhate 3 года назад

    Time to gather the dead:видео.html

  • @hikeoganessian1482
    @hikeoganessian1482 3 года назад

    I wish you wouldn't wear those looks so stupid...and they are absolutely useless except for saw dust..honest...Besides that, I value your shows and the content...I'll skip this one though..thx anyways...

  • @hakimalasgarov7546
    @hakimalasgarov7546 3 года назад

    What about radical Uyghurs??

  • @ImranKhan-ty6mx
    @ImranKhan-ty6mx 3 года назад +1

    There is no Artsakh.

  • @hovonbogosin8736
    @hovonbogosin8736 3 года назад +2

    Thank you