Στέφανος Αντώνιος No shit, was I asking you.. (Not saying I'm a bit annoyed, but I was asking robbythebull. Some people just shout out phrases that sound cool/fitting/clever, but don't know shit about what they said. So yeah.. / at least you know.)
Ok, firstly this is the marine corps. The USAF and Army use the A-10, not the Marine Corp. Also, this is a fighter craft that is meant for both Air to Ground and Air to Air. The A-10C is a purely Air to Ground vehicle. Not to mention that we are constantly advancing technology to stay ahead of the Russians and Chinese. So please, educate yourself before commenting.
LethalGaming Actually I know it's the USAF and Army that use them. We have plenty oj air to air jets that are just fine. And I'm pretty sure we are well ahead of the russians and chinese. But this is just more money being used to replace something that doesn't need to be replaced. The A10 is reliable and well respected with years of service and could easily, if anything, use so upgrades to be "current" or "ahead", which has been done before and I'm sure could be done again. Plus I'm sure that would be way cheaper. I was speaking in general by the way. Not just the Marines, but the branches that mainly use them. Also the Army doesn't use them, the Air Force is the only branch that actually flies it. All branches do get support from the A10 though. So please educate yourself before making a smartass remark without educating yourself first.
yeah, but can a10, take off an aircraft carrier, that would be absurd. f35 will have a different mission than the a 10 and not to mention the a10 will stay with USAF for a damn long time. they can do similar jobs, but the f35 has a different goal than a10
since this things glass is so wide out maybe the Airforce should start recruiting people without the restriction of glasses or they can use prescription helmets to suit their pilots needs you know what imma start inventing them prescription helmets :) imma be a billionaire.
LOL @ "POG Actual"
Nice to see the F35 flying
*at last
POG Actual, holy shit thats funny.
POG actual? That's GREAT give whoever thought of that a cookie
Your videography is amazing... Keep up the good work!
Omg Clayton is in this. Dude you are sooo cool bro I was so surprised to see you
lol call sign "POG actual"
i dont get it, chime me in?
Just search what is a pog in the marines in google. You'll get it
Call sign "POG Actual" **Facedesk**
Good stuff!!
POG Actual.....dammmm! Even I'm impressed!
when does the Corps Report come back?
It should be back Oct. 1.
That's badass
I wonder if they can make some similar on motorcycles helmets
Even if at the beginning i hated it i think it has its place
Semper Fi!!!
..but do you know the complete phrase, along with its origin. Or at least its meaning?
Sexual Tyrannosaurus Latin origin, Semper Fidelis means Always Faithful.
Στέφανος Αντώνιος No shit, was I asking you.. (Not saying I'm a bit annoyed, but I was asking robbythebull. Some people just shout out phrases that sound cool/fitting/clever, but don't know shit about what they said. So yeah.. / at least you know.)
Sexual Tyrannosaurus Thanks!
Yes sir !!!
.The F-35 helmet is made in Israel by a company called Elbit Systems
the boys in their toys now war is fun and a total hoot
POGs are never serious.
Clayton Filpo!
I still think they should just stick with the A10 but that's just me....
Ok, firstly this is the marine corps. The USAF and Army use the A-10, not the Marine Corp. Also, this is a fighter craft that is meant for both Air to Ground and Air to Air. The A-10C is a purely Air to Ground vehicle. Not to mention that we are constantly advancing technology to stay ahead of the Russians and Chinese. So please, educate yourself before commenting.
LethalGaming Actually I know it's the USAF and Army that use them. We have plenty oj air to air jets that are just fine. And I'm pretty sure we are well ahead of the russians and chinese. But this is just more money being used to replace something that doesn't need to be replaced. The A10 is reliable and well respected with years of service and could easily, if anything, use so upgrades to be "current" or "ahead", which has been done before and I'm sure could be done again. Plus I'm sure that would be way cheaper. I was speaking in general by the way. Not just the Marines, but the branches that mainly use them. Also the Army doesn't use them, the Air Force is the only branch that actually flies it. All branches do get support from the A10 though. So please educate yourself before making a smartass remark without educating yourself first.
elitehero36 dayum no comment from dat dude
yeah, but can a10, take off an aircraft carrier, that would be absurd. f35 will have a different mission than the a 10 and not to mention the a10 will stay with USAF for a damn long time. they can do similar jobs, but the f35 has a different goal than a10
since this things glass is so wide out maybe the Airforce should start recruiting people without the restriction of glasses or they can use prescription helmets to suit their pilots needs you know what imma start inventing them prescription helmets :) imma be a billionaire.
Hahahah pog actual is some funny stuff
nice video. can you send me one helmet for my youtube channel. he he
Feels like a porno
Pog actual... Lmfao.
Yes we need to spend millions on stealth fighters with all those advanced fighters AQ and the Taliban have
You do know we're not just being ready to fight those guys. We've got to look strong to Russia and China who are constantly trying to one up us.
Think twice before you slap that lid down boy my wife isn't paying her taxes back home for this shit
Hah, POG Actual
War Mongers. Droppin bombs like it's casual.
yay death!
Im not gay; but a young cute soldier who always uses "Sir?" Thats kinda of a turn on! Nice to see!
FIRST! (dislike)!
Semper Fi!!!
Semper Fi!!!!
Semper Fi!!!!