That scene at 1.45 for me really shows the benefits of mini led over oled. Enough brightness to bring out the low light detail, and i'll happily sacrifice some blooming for that. The TCL is incredible value and to think the 65" might get down to a grand at some point in the next 6 months as well!
it is a problem with the camera , trust me on oled at 1.45 you can still see cristal clear the image in background...., I can t post a picture here , but you can google maybe is not the only one with this movie on review....
Black point/gamma is not set correctly on OLED by factory. Also when I bought C3, settings were not good, missing so much shadow details, you have to configure it yourself.
Seems like TCL C855 looks better……the white is purely white, without the bluish tint as what we can see on the LG. Especially on the golf ball footage. I definitely will go for the TCL. 👍🏻👍🏻
@@devrimboz4302 That's what the camera picks up. Just as Samsung QD-OLED's can look magenta through a camera. If you see the tv with your own eyes it'll be different.
My brand new LG C4 has colour non-uniformity issue and noticeable green tint on one side when viewing at ZERO ANGLE. LG customer service told me this problem is normal with their OLED and refused to exchange or refund it. 🙁 I'm so upset by it.
Why should they take it back just because you claim that the colours aren't uniform and that there's a green tint? Maybe you should get it calibrated. I have a lowly B2 and I had paid money to have that done professionally.,
It looks like you won't be disapponited with either set by the looks of things. I'm about to pull the trigger on a new panel and will probably go with the TCL QM8B, C855K or C805. I have a window which is bang opposite the tv as it is the only place that makes it suitable for an Atmos set up. Over the past two months of looking, to me it appears that there is very little difference between Mini Led and OLED with todays technology.
Look at all those blown out highlights on the TCL, in the Vegas night scenes. I had photographed many of those buildings myself the night I had stayed at the Mirage (including the Mirage sign shown), so I had pulled out those photos and compared them to the footage here. My photos looked more like what was shown on the LG. But, I had adjusted the raw files, at the time, and had applied my own interpretation of what the scenes were supposed to look like. I remember before I had upgraded, the night shots were never exposed correctly right out of the camera and I would always fiddle with the exposure. I had also photographed night city scenes with three different cameras, and had a similar experience to the TCL to LG comparison: one of them had produced more snappy looking photos, but with a loss of detail at certain brightness levels in some colors, but not others. Could I tune a TCL tv to make it look more natural to my eyes? Probably.
i live in london and for 2 years we are watching on a 32inch led monitor lol i just bought the TCL C855K 75inches since we are now on a new flat with a living room and i'm very happy with my purchased! I saw the LG c4 77 inch tho on a mall.. its beautiful but its out of my budget. im planning to get an oled gaming monitor on december :D
i have a TCL 65c855 came from an LG C9 Oled and the picture quality is stunning and the blacks are fanstatic but the sound quality doesn't match the picture quality
The LG has the upper hand when it comes to image quality, for sure. More saturated colors, no light bleed, colors aren't blown out. That being said, the differences aren't so great that I'd be willing to run the risk of burn-in. The TCL comes real close to the LG and is also considerably cheaper.
AS a person who is involved in color grading & have to handle 12 bit raw footage here is my observation. The whites in thumbnail of this video may attract many to think TCL is showing better image but in reality the LG is showing what the actual content was shot as. Accuracy is the key factor here. LG is a clear winner holding way better highlight details & holding better color gamut than TCL tv.
@@devrimboz4302 The most calibrated look on LG TV are when using Filmmaker mode, you may or may not like the colors in this mode but this mode is showing what the original content creator wanted the audience to see, This mode is not set by default so standard mode shows bluish image, the users have to switch to it manually & then they can make it as their default. Filmmaker mode out of the box has most accurate colors & a delta Error of less than 3, with color calibration using hardware users have achieved Delta error of 0.7 which super impressive.
@@devrimboz4302 Called color temperature and all TV's from factory are set "cooler" for brightness in showroom. Set it in the Warm category to your eyes liking. OLED also has Reduce Blue Light setting too.
@@snowbeast7216 so, if in reality this view is really white, means oled here calibrated very bad as color temparature? Or its bluish in reality and tcl makes it badly shining i dont want to see saturated Bright views , i want to see the reality.
Hello, I bought this TV. It has a 2.1 HDMI input for PS 5. I couldn't understand which input it was. Which input did you plug it into? Does it matter? Do they all support 2.1 HDMI? I would be very happy if you could answer me.
@@СНСАЛЕКСАНДАРВУЧИЋ not really its 3X the brigtness levels here almost in favour of the TCL ! mostly because of the forced ABL kicking in constant on the C4. Tcl has like over 3k nits vs prob 1k average on the C4 with the ABL included.
In the dark scenes there's no contest to the oled, but your oled have some color issues (mines a lg c3 which u can adjust in the settings) I got a couple tcls and planned on getting the 98inch mini led cause 98inch oleds ridiculously priced
TCL показывает очень достойно,причем в черном цвете тоже,но у него все же присутствует блуминг. C4 тоже очень хорош,но ему явно не хватает яркости в hdr. А так они практически на равных)
I saw both tvs in person at bestbuy, and the lg c4 was just a different and better experience! I do think this guy is right about the camera because it did not look like this in person! The screen was so life like , it was night and day compared to other tvs.. yes, the tcl was brighter, but the picture quality on the c4 was near perfect..
@ionutbadea4241 I bought the 77-inch c4 for 2199 from Best Buy! The picture looks more realistic than the tcl, the tcl was brighter but the contrast will never come close .. you're in the minority buddy.
Micro contrasts are better on the LG oled due to the technologie, but i'm going to buy the TCL beause of the price that is far better to me on the 75 inches 😉.
i see more dark levels in tcl, how can it be if oled has inifite black levels? and it's my impression or the whites on tcl are closer to white, and lg is very blue-ish?
What K at the end of c855K means? Also faded colors at 30 degrees in LCD might be deal braker for some. Same for burned in OLED after 4 years of regular usage (yellow is gone at that point).
Oled is better for eyes for sure, is flicker free while Mini Led isnt and never will be. Oled dont have Led which emit strong light and the effect is like flashing with flashlight straight into eyes which gives big fatigue to the eyes.
Ya...But Oled has one major advantage over lcd...And thats dirty screen effect....Oled dominates in that area..Dirty screen effect ruins picture quality...
Yes, True but that only effects some. I have a Quantum dot LG from 5 yrs ago and the screen is perfect. The biggest issue is blooming on HDR content which is just shocking, but then it has very little zones, So this TCL with 1300 zones should be brilliant which it is showing to be in all the reviews.
저렇게 카메라로 영상을 우리가 유튜브로 볼때 간과하면 안되는 것은 카메라로 영상 처리된 것을 보고 있다는 겁니다. 그래서 유튜브로 tv화질을 비교하는 것은 어느 정도 감안하고 봐야 해요. 예를들어 화이트 표현도 실제로 tv를 보면 화이트로 인식하는데 핸드폰으로 영상을 찍은 tv를 화이트가 아닌 베이지 색상처럼 보이거나 쿨화이트로 보일수도 있는데 이것은 카메라 영상을 찍는거 자체가 이미 필터링이 되는 것이기 때문 입니다. 매장에서 같은 소스로 재생되는 tv를 보고 고르세요. 그것이 정답 입니다. 저는 tv를 사기 위해 지난 2주간 고민을 많이 하고 여러 매장을 방문했는데 그때 느끼는 것은 유튜브 tv비교의 한계였습니다. mini led tv와 oled tv는 영상 속에서는 별로 차이가 없어보이는데 실제 매장에서 볼때는 구분할 수 있을정도 큰 차이가 나는데 가장 큰 oled의 장점은 색상의 채도이고 mini led tv 의 영상 속에서는 차이가 없지만 화면의 도트가 곱지 않으며 또 화면이 전체적으로 색이 바랜듯한 느낌을 받았습니다. 또 pc나 play staytion 연결시에 oled 특성인 매우 빠른 refresh는 종족특성과 같은 것이죠. 그걸 아는 알고 있는 lg는 hdmi 포트 4개를 모두 144hz를 지원해서 여러가지 input를 넣더라도 불편함이 없게 했습니다. 제가 알기로 c855는 hdmi 1번 포트 부터 4번까지 지원 성능이 달라서 1번이 최대 기능을 지원하고 2번부터는 성능이 낮아져서 1번iptv 2번 play staytion 3번 pc … 이렇게 하면 2번 3번 연결은 최대 화질을 즐기지 못하죠. 별도의 hdmi switch가 필요할 것입니다.
@@sorinpopa1442 저는 OLED tv보다 LED티비의 밝기가 일반적으로 더 높은것을 알고 있지만, 그런 이야기를 하고있는게 아닙니다. tv들의 밝기나 품질을 말하는게 아니고, 단지 카메라가 동일한 밝기를 촬영한것이 아니기에, 밝은 빛이 있는 화면에서는 TCL쪽이 너무 밝게 찍혀 번짐이 있으며, 어두운 화면에서는 LG쪽이 너무 어둡게 찍혀 잘 보이지 않습니다. 이것은 tv들을 동일한 밝기로 세팅하지 않았기때문에 눈에 보이는것과 다르다는 말을 하고싶습니다.
@@sorinpopa1442 예를들면 5:42~5:51의 전광판은 TCL TV가 너무 밝게찍혀 전광판의 내용을 잘 볼 수 없지만, LG쪽은 비교적 선명하게 보입니다. 하지만 실제로 보면 이렇게 카메라의 ISO차이로 인한 번짐은 있지 않겠죠. 반대의 경우도 LG TV는 어두운 환경에서는 너무 어둡게 찍혔지만 실제로는 이 영상에 나온것보다는 밝게 보일것입니다.
@@sorinpopa1442 저는 OLED tv보다 LED티비의 밝기가 일반적으로 더 높은것을 알고 있지만, 그런 이야기를 하고있는게 아닙니다. tv들의 밝기나 품질을 말하는게 아니고, 단지 카메라가 동일한 밝기를 촬영한것이 아니기에, 밝은 빛이 있는 화면에서는 TCL쪽이 너무 밝게 찍혀 번짐이 있으며, 어두운 화면에서는 LG쪽이 너무 어둡게 찍혀 잘 보이지 않습니다. 이것은 tv들을 동일한 밝기로 세팅하지 않았기때문에 눈에 보이는것과 다르다는 말을 하고싶습니다.
the test views are mostly dark areas, so the camera exposure tries to light up, so tcl looked too shining but in real tcl is very good. the same for LG , but even though still not much good
The LG C4 is the most overrated piece of technology I've ever owned. I can't believe how much people hype this TV up when there are options that are 30% cheaper and offer a better overall experience. Luckily I'm within my 30 day return period and I will be returning it and getting a QM8 instead.
I liked the LG C4. The TLC looks good, but the images in the C4 have more depth and sharpness, for example the football players' shirts in 1:09 have creases, the same in the red rose, in space the planets have more depth, in the TLC the images look flatter.
Is it possible that's just because of brightness? In the sense, that those parts are too bright for the camera? Likewise, in the endgame scene, maybe the OLED background is too dark for camera to pick up?
@@BohdanIvanov-ru7qgI think the same also about it the match shining parts are for the camera like that in real life our eyes will see more details in it
@@BohdanIvanov-ru7qg So again you don't know from experience, unlike myself whom owns the 83" C4 OLED Calibrated, and chose it over any of the other 98"TV's because of off angle viewing, no DSE, and better detail in dark space scenes where blooming was prevalent in even the QM8 98"(2024).
I bought one on a black Friday thing 898 € / 746 £. I think it's pretty good and have a Nvidia shield TV for upscaling. But coming from a LG 1080p LCD from 2008, so what do I know about blooming flowers and shit, besides upscaling only worked for 720p, so going from SD to what HDR and subwoofer, almost jump of the sofa a couple of times. Soundbar, Noway that shit is going to cluster my new plasterwork.
The C4 eats the TLC lunch. The TLC is a pinch brighter, but the processing, motion, build, and reliability of LG easily makes it a MUCH better choice! The C4 Oled picture quality is so much better. Once you go Oled black you never look back.
Overexaggerating much? TCL 98" version 6K USD sometimes $5K. 97" OLED has not dropped to that price in the 10 years since OLED was introduced which should have changed over the years with advancements. It hasn't. Typing on a 65" E6 Oled right now, having had 100" projector screen with JVC NP5, the TLC 98" immersion factor takes over specially having Dolby Vision and better brightness than projectors and the "smallness" of OLED. OLED only added incremental brightness every year since inception and people bought into QD-OLED which is a minor step up.
But it clearly doesn't does it! the TCL is not a pinch brighter it is a LOT brighter -it can go to 3500 nits. Looking at these two there is quite a bit of black crush going on with the LG, The TCL is showing more detail in quite a few areas on dark parts of the scene. and is clearly as dark for the most part. To me the sound of the LG did sound better at the end but that can all be tweaked. To me the TCL won this.
A pinch brighter? Good joke dude, the TCL eats the LG with its brightness. TCL is doing just as good or some scenes better than the C4, sorry dude but Oled is overrated.
I stood in an audiophile studio a few weeks back where a lg c4 stood right next to a qned86. So lg vs lg. Same room same picture was running. My observation was the c4 did have darker blacks. But in a surfing scene the foam in the water smeared on the c4. And the c4 was dull in anything other than really dark scenes. The demo left me really confused asking myself what i should buy next. The twice as expensive c4 or the qned which overall popped with colour next to that dull c4 with its sometimes smeared blurry picture. I said to myself that i might just be financially illeterate if i buy the c4. Like why are these dull tvs so expensive with the only advantage being its black being sometimes a bit more black. But in everything else it fails in comparison. Thats what my eyes saw.
Olá. Ninguém até hoje teve coragem de comparar a COR BRANCA da TV Oled com a Miniled TCL. Sempre vejo o branco azulado ou acinzentado nas Oled. Queria que alguém mostrasse uma Oled calibrando as cores para mais quentes e mostrando o BRANCO. Nenhum RUclipsr do mundo dez isso. Parece que querem esconder essa suposta falha nas Oled LG, Samsung.
Oled still looks way more detailed the TCL white looks blown out. Just look at the scene with the football player face at 1.08 and pause it. You can see the black stitching on the chin strap clearly on the OLED and its just a big white mess on the TCL Mini LCD. The whites are just blown out.. period...No detail. This is also clearly visible in the waterfall kayak scene. No detail to the water white parts or in the back of the white helmet of the person in the white parts on the TCL. While the OLED preserves all detail the Mini LED just blows everything out like its all overexposed footage..
Thats actually the camera limitation, because the TCL is more than double the brightness of the OLED so in some cases it will look overexposed and lose detail. Its kind of a flawed test because its too hard to capture the true dynamic range of 3500 nits content on a low dynamic range camera. Also I take issue with the black exposure, both TV's are appearing to crush blacks but again, the camera is doing that.
That scene at 1.45 for me really shows the benefits of mini led over oled. Enough brightness to bring out the low light detail, and i'll happily sacrifice some blooming for that. The TCL is incredible value and to think the 65" might get down to a grand at some point in the next 6 months as well!
it is a problem with the camera , trust me on oled at 1.45 you can still see cristal clear the image in background...., I can t post a picture here , but you can google maybe is not the only one with this movie on review....
Black point/gamma is not set correctly on OLED by factory. Also when I bought C3, settings were not good, missing so much shadow details, you have to configure it yourself.
Seems like TCL C855 looks better……the white is purely white, without the bluish tint as what we can see on the LG. Especially on the golf ball footage. I definitely will go for the TCL. 👍🏻👍🏻
It's not in real life, I work in TV retail. The C3 even beats it
@@robmullan4395what do you mean? the real color is not white there and tsl showing it as if White? and reaş color is grayiah like oled shows??
@@devrimboz4302 That's what the camera picks up. Just as Samsung QD-OLED's can look magenta through a camera. If you see the tv with your own eyes it'll be different.
@@TheRaggedyM but camera cant use different while balance in the same video at the same time ,
is that biew white or not..
Would really like to see tcl c855 with subtitles, blooming?
My brand new LG C4 has colour non-uniformity issue and noticeable green tint on one side when viewing at ZERO ANGLE. LG customer service told me this problem is normal with their OLED and refused to exchange or refund it. 🙁 I'm so upset by it.
Buy Oled Samsung or face Mini LED TCL C855.
Why should they take it back just because you claim that the colours aren't uniform and that there's a green tint? Maybe you should get it calibrated. I have a lowly B2 and I had paid money to have that done professionally.,
Great video and really good black level on TCL led tv✌️🔥
1:15 White is blue. On OLED, white is bad.
So your saying the TCL is bad?
@@ryan2270he meant tsl is better about White
I agree! White color on Oled sucks!
It looks like you won't be disapponited with either set by the looks of things. I'm about to pull the trigger on a new panel and will probably go with the TCL QM8B, C855K or C805.
I have a window which is bang opposite the tv as it is the only place that makes it suitable for an Atmos set up. Over the past two months of looking, to me it appears that there is very little difference between Mini Led and OLED with todays technology.
Look at all those blown out highlights on the TCL, in the Vegas night scenes. I had photographed many of those buildings myself the night I had stayed at the Mirage (including the Mirage sign shown), so I had pulled out those photos and compared them to the footage here. My photos looked more like what was shown on the LG. But, I had adjusted the raw files, at the time, and had applied my own interpretation of what the scenes were supposed to look like. I remember before I had upgraded, the night shots were never exposed correctly right out of the camera and I would always fiddle with the exposure. I had also photographed night city scenes with three different cameras, and had a similar experience to the TCL to LG comparison: one of them had produced more snappy looking photos, but with a loss of detail at certain brightness levels in some colors, but not others. Could I tune a TCL tv to make it look more natural to my eyes? Probably.
i live in london and for 2 years we are watching on a 32inch led monitor lol i just bought the TCL C855K 75inches since we are now on a new flat with a living room and i'm very happy with my purchased! I saw the LG c4 77 inch tho on a mall.. its beautiful but its out of my budget. im planning to get an oled gaming monitor on december :D
And again... comparisons w/o settings absolutely useless. Show settings plzzz before hate any tv
Love this video ❤, please do more
Comparison, they are so close to
Each other 😊.
Great Dan. Did you notice which was better with upscaling 1080p blu rays and motion?
I wonder about this also
Someone told me Oled is better for upscalling.
@@herciomarcosGenerally maybe, but depends more on the Brand and Model
I love how whites on TCL actually look white.
TCL overall more satisfying
i have a TCL 65c855 came from an LG C9 Oled and the picture quality is stunning and the blacks are fanstatic but the sound quality doesn't match the picture quality
If you care about sound quality, don't use the TV speakers. basically any dedicated sound system will be better than that.
@@petmach yes i totally agree, i bought a sound bar
why did you change Your TV from LG to tcl?
In which picture mode did you filmed the comparison?
What were your impressions Dan? Which did you prefer?
The LG has the upper hand when it comes to image quality, for sure. More saturated colors, no light bleed, colors aren't blown out. That being said, the differences aren't so great that I'd be willing to run the risk of burn-in. The TCL comes real close to the LG and is also considerably cheaper.
AS a person who is involved in color grading & have to handle 12 bit raw footage here is my observation. The whites in thumbnail of this video may attract many to think TCL is showing better image but in reality the LG is showing what the actual content was shot as. Accuracy is the key factor here.
LG is a clear winner holding way better highlight details & holding better color gamut than TCL tv.
even if what u said its true cant stand that blueish tint i will go 100% with the TCL here !
Do you mean that these are yeni yıl Life not White and LG showing them bluish is real in real life?
@@devrimboz4302 The most calibrated look on LG TV are when using Filmmaker mode, you may or may not like the colors in this mode but this mode is showing what the original content creator wanted the audience to see, This mode is not set by default so standard mode shows bluish image, the users have to switch to it manually & then they can make it as their default. Filmmaker mode out of the box has most accurate colors & a delta Error of less than 3, with color calibration using hardware users have achieved Delta error of 0.7 which super impressive.
@@devrimboz4302 Called color temperature and all TV's from factory are set "cooler" for brightness in showroom. Set it in the Warm category to your eyes liking. OLED also has Reduce Blue Light setting too.
@@snowbeast7216 so, if in reality this view is really white,
means oled here calibrated very bad as color temparature? Or its bluish in reality and tcl makes it badly shining
i dont want to see saturated Bright views , i want to see the reality.
Hello, I bought this TV. It has a 2.1 HDMI input for PS 5. I couldn't understand which input it was. Which input did you plug it into? Does it matter? Do they all support 2.1 HDMI? I would be very happy if you could answer me.
What demo is that glass blowing one?
C4 better for 10000000% sure , alone the black deatails beats the tcl
Why does the tcl look overexposed in the brighter images?
Blooming effect , OLED tv not has blooming effect
@@СНСАЛЕКСАНДАРВУЧИЋ not really its 3X the brigtness levels here almost in favour of the TCL ! mostly because of the forced ABL kicking in constant on the C4.
Tcl has like over 3k nits vs prob 1k average on the C4 with the ABL included.
It Bigos Of The kamera most wee is Black soon kamera shows White ezif much shineleyin
because of rhe camera.
In the dark scenes there's no contest to the oled, but your oled have some color issues (mines a lg c3 which u can adjust in the settings) I got a couple tcls and planned on getting the 98inch mini led cause 98inch oleds ridiculously priced
TCL показывает очень достойно,причем в черном цвете тоже,но у него все же присутствует блуминг. C4 тоже очень хорош,но ему явно не хватает яркости в hdr. А так они практически на равных)
C755 vs c4 please 🙏🙏🙏
I have uma C755 65". It is safer to use mini led than OLED because the last one can have burn in and dead pixels.
@@herciomarcos evet ama sadece tam karşısından izlemek gerekiyor.
@@mericdemir703Hangi model için yazdın bunu hocam
So you all are going to ignore the fact that the white color doesn’t exist on the C4?
It's his camera...look at them in real life...the C4 kills it
@@robmullan4395 in real life perhaps you didn't see them side by side so you loved LG but it's clear algae can't give whites as white
I saw both tvs in person at bestbuy, and the lg c4 was just a different and better experience! I do think this guy is right about the camera because it did not look like this in person! The screen was so life like , it was night and day compared to other tvs.. yes, the tcl was brighter, but the picture quality on the c4 was near perfect..
@@asoto718 no, you lied.I saw them too.TCL is better
@ionutbadea4241 I bought the 77-inch c4 for 2199 from Best Buy! The picture looks more realistic than the tcl, the tcl was brighter but the contrast will never come close .. you're in the minority buddy.
Micro contrasts are better on the LG oled due to the technologie, but i'm going to buy the TCL beause of the price that is far better to me on the 75 inches 😉.
i see more dark levels in tcl, how can it be if oled has inifite black levels?
and it's my impression or the whites on tcl are closer to white, and lg is very blue-ish?
Oled have more black crush i tink
TCL image quality surpasses the LG oled Tv…..this is totally mind blowing…. considering that TCL is miniled…😳😳
What K at the end of c855K means? Also faded colors at 30 degrees in LCD might be deal braker for some. Same for burned in OLED after 4 years of regular usage (yellow is gone at that point).
C855k Vs Qn90d would be a good one too Dan
Oled is better for eyes for sure, is flicker free while Mini Led isnt and never will be. Oled dont have Led which emit strong light and the effect is like flashing with flashlight straight into eyes which gives big fatigue to the eyes.
Ya...But Oled has one major advantage over lcd...And thats dirty screen effect....Oled dominates in that area..Dirty screen effect ruins picture quality...
Yes, True but that only effects some. I have a Quantum dot LG from 5 yrs ago and the screen is perfect. The biggest issue is blooming on HDR content which is just shocking, but then it has very little zones, So this TCL with 1300 zones should be brilliant which it is showing to be in all the reviews.
저렇게 카메라로 영상을 우리가 유튜브로 볼때 간과하면 안되는 것은 카메라로 영상 처리된 것을 보고 있다는 겁니다. 그래서 유튜브로 tv화질을 비교하는 것은 어느 정도 감안하고 봐야 해요. 예를들어 화이트 표현도 실제로 tv를 보면 화이트로 인식하는데 핸드폰으로 영상을 찍은 tv를 화이트가 아닌 베이지 색상처럼 보이거나 쿨화이트로 보일수도 있는데 이것은 카메라 영상을 찍는거 자체가 이미 필터링이 되는 것이기 때문 입니다.
매장에서 같은 소스로 재생되는 tv를 보고 고르세요.
그것이 정답 입니다.
저는 tv를 사기 위해 지난 2주간 고민을 많이 하고 여러 매장을 방문했는데 그때 느끼는 것은 유튜브 tv비교의 한계였습니다. mini led tv와 oled tv는 영상 속에서는 별로 차이가 없어보이는데 실제 매장에서 볼때는 구분할 수 있을정도 큰 차이가 나는데 가장 큰 oled의 장점은 색상의 채도이고 mini led tv 의 영상 속에서는 차이가 없지만 화면의 도트가 곱지 않으며 또 화면이 전체적으로 색이 바랜듯한 느낌을 받았습니다. 또 pc나 play staytion 연결시에 oled 특성인 매우 빠른 refresh는 종족특성과 같은 것이죠. 그걸 아는 알고 있는 lg는 hdmi 포트 4개를 모두 144hz를 지원해서 여러가지 input를 넣더라도 불편함이 없게 했습니다. 제가 알기로 c855는 hdmi 1번 포트 부터 4번까지 지원 성능이 달라서 1번이 최대 기능을 지원하고 2번부터는 성능이 낮아져서 1번iptv 2번 play staytion 3번 pc … 이렇게 하면 2번 3번 연결은 최대 화질을 즐기지 못하죠. 별도의 hdmi switch가 필요할 것입니다.
카메라 촬영에 문제가 있고 공정한 비교가 아닙니다. TCL쪽은 실제보다 밝게나오고 LG쪽은 실제보다 어둡게 나오고 있습니다.
이 tv들을 실제로 보면 이 영상과는 다른 느낌일겁니다.
stop the cap ! u realise the TCL has over 3k nits and the C4 not even half the brightness because of the forced ABL kicking in ?
@@sorinpopa1442 저는 OLED tv보다 LED티비의 밝기가 일반적으로 더 높은것을 알고 있지만, 그런 이야기를 하고있는게 아닙니다. tv들의 밝기나 품질을 말하는게 아니고, 단지 카메라가 동일한 밝기를 촬영한것이 아니기에, 밝은 빛이 있는 화면에서는 TCL쪽이 너무 밝게 찍혀 번짐이 있으며, 어두운 화면에서는 LG쪽이 너무 어둡게 찍혀 잘 보이지 않습니다. 이것은 tv들을 동일한 밝기로 세팅하지 않았기때문에 눈에 보이는것과 다르다는 말을 하고싶습니다.
@@sorinpopa1442 예를들면 5:42~5:51의 전광판은 TCL TV가 너무 밝게찍혀 전광판의 내용을 잘 볼 수 없지만, LG쪽은 비교적 선명하게 보입니다. 하지만 실제로 보면 이렇게 카메라의 ISO차이로 인한 번짐은 있지 않겠죠. 반대의 경우도 LG TV는 어두운 환경에서는 너무 어둡게 찍혔지만 실제로는 이 영상에 나온것보다는 밝게 보일것입니다.
@@sorinpopa1442 저는 OLED tv보다 LED티비의 밝기가 일반적으로 더 높은것을 알고 있지만, 그런 이야기를 하고있는게 아닙니다. tv들의 밝기나 품질을 말하는게 아니고, 단지 카메라가 동일한 밝기를 촬영한것이 아니기에, 밝은 빛이 있는 화면에서는 TCL쪽이 너무 밝게 찍혀 번짐이 있으며, 어두운 화면에서는 LG쪽이 너무 어둡게 찍혀 잘 보이지 않습니다. 이것은 tv들을 동일한 밝기로 세팅하지 않았기때문에 눈에 보이는것과 다르다는 말을 하고싶습니다.
the test views are mostly dark areas, so the camera exposure tries to light up, so tcl looked too shining but in real tcl is very good.
the same for LG , but even though still not much good
Isnt the price of the TCL and C4 totally different
LG Price iz One Point five Times more than TCI here in Turkey
In Romania LG dropped to 10% more. Both are great.
@@karthikr177 in Turkey LG b4 panels are more expensive,
C4 ate much more rexp.
G5 are too much more exp
than C855
Tenho uma LG C4 55" e é uma tv fantástica e completa. Aqui no Brasil a TCL não impõe confiança como LG e Samsung.
The LG C4 is the most overrated piece of technology I've ever owned. I can't believe how much people hype this TV up when there are options that are 30% cheaper and offer a better overall experience. Luckily I'm within my 30 day return period and I will be returning it and getting a QM8 instead.
I liked the LG C4. The TLC looks good, but the images in the C4 have more depth and sharpness, for example the football players' shirts in 1:09 have creases, the same in the red rose, in space the planets have more depth, in the TLC the images look flatter.
Is it possible that's just because of brightness? In the sense, that those parts are too bright for the camera? Likewise, in the endgame scene, maybe the OLED background is too dark for camera to pick up?
@@BohdanIvanov-ru7qgI think the same also about it the match shining parts are for the camera like that in real life our eyes will see more details in it
What about the white levels in TCL whites are white in LG whites are bluish
@@BohdanIvanov-ru7qg So again you don't know from experience, unlike myself whom owns the 83" C4 OLED Calibrated, and chose it over any of the other 98"TV's because of off angle viewing, no DSE, and better detail in dark space scenes where blooming was prevalent in even the QM8 98"(2024).
@@snowbeast7216 So is it just like I said? Even though I have none of your experience...
I bought one on a black Friday thing 898 € / 746 £. I think it's pretty good and have a Nvidia shield TV for upscaling. But coming from a LG 1080p LCD from 2008, so what do I know about blooming flowers and shit, besides upscaling only worked for 720p, so going from SD to what HDR and subwoofer, almost jump of the sofa a couple of times. Soundbar, Noway that shit is going to cluster my new plasterwork.
Hello Dan😊
Why the tcL looks better, man a high end miniled is just as good as oled
According to me LG has black level better just bit but overall tcl is the winner
29.10.24 посмотрел цены на тсл и LG
LG 65 нет на рынке ,55 стоит как 65 тсл
И еще плюс это у тсл на хорошем и быстром андроиде
The C4 eats the TLC lunch. The TLC is a pinch brighter, but the processing, motion, build, and reliability of LG easily makes it a MUCH better choice! The C4 Oled picture quality is so much better. Once you go Oled black you never look back.
Overexaggerating much? TCL 98" version 6K USD sometimes $5K. 97" OLED has not dropped to that price in the 10 years since OLED was introduced which should have changed over the years with advancements. It hasn't. Typing on a 65" E6 Oled right now, having had 100" projector screen with JVC NP5, the TLC 98" immersion factor takes over specially having Dolby Vision and better brightness than projectors and the "smallness" of OLED. OLED only added incremental brightness every year since inception and people bought into QD-OLED which is a minor step up.
But it clearly doesn't does it! the TCL is not a pinch brighter it is a LOT brighter -it can go to 3500 nits. Looking at these two there is quite a bit of black crush going on with the LG, The TCL is showing more detail in quite a few areas on dark parts of the scene. and is clearly as dark for the most part. To me the sound of the LG did sound better at the end but that can all be tweaked. To me the TCL won this.
ok mrs fanboy stick with ur dim. lifeless oled tv ^^
A pinch brighter? Good joke dude, the TCL eats the LG with its brightness. TCL is doing just as good or some scenes better than the C4, sorry dude but Oled is overrated.
I stood in an audiophile studio a few weeks back where a lg c4 stood right next to a qned86. So lg vs lg. Same room same picture was running. My observation was the c4 did have darker blacks. But in a surfing scene the foam in the water smeared on the c4. And the c4 was dull in anything other than really dark scenes. The demo left me really confused asking myself what i should buy next. The twice as expensive c4 or the qned which overall popped with colour next to that dull c4 with its sometimes smeared blurry picture.
I said to myself that i might just be financially illeterate if i buy the c4.
Like why are these dull tvs so expensive with the only advantage being its black being sometimes a bit more black. But in everything else it fails in comparison. Thats what my eyes saw.
I take tcl no burn on screen like lg
Lg better black....and details....TCL same screen pannel as Samsung
I find my eyes more drawn the c4, even on brighter scenes where the tcl has brighter image.. The LG just looks better.
Sorry but I just can’t see the value for money in OLED. Shits overrated as hell 😂
Olá. Ninguém até hoje teve coragem de comparar a COR BRANCA da TV Oled com a Miniled TCL. Sempre vejo o branco azulado ou acinzentado nas Oled. Queria que alguém mostrasse uma Oled calibrando as cores para mais quentes e mostrando o BRANCO. Nenhum RUclipsr do mundo dez isso. Parece que querem esconder essa suposta falha nas Oled LG, Samsung.
Fez isso. No dez isso.
C4 better.
And in real life the C4 blows the TCL away...I work in Richer sounds
@robmullan4395 can you get me a job there?
Oled still looks way more detailed the TCL white looks blown out. Just look at the scene with the football player face at 1.08 and pause it. You can see the black stitching on the chin strap clearly on the OLED and its just a big white mess on the TCL Mini LCD. The whites are just blown out.. period...No detail. This is also clearly visible in the waterfall kayak scene. No detail to the water white parts or in the back of the white helmet of the person in the white parts on the TCL. While the OLED preserves all detail the Mini LED just blows everything out like its all overexposed footage..
Thats actually the camera limitation, because the TCL is more than double the brightness of the OLED so in some cases it will look overexposed and lose detail. Its kind of a flawed test because its too hard to capture the true dynamic range of 3500 nits content on a low dynamic range camera. Also I take issue with the black exposure, both TV's are appearing to crush blacks but again, the camera is doing that.
LG OLED is that bestвидео.html
Brocolli is blinking?! why..
Brokoli yanıp sönüyor, sizde nasıl