An alternative way, albeit less accurate, is to use the resistance function if you don't have multimeter with a capacitance function which, in this day and age, all but the most basic meters have. After discharging, note the reading. A good capacitor would initially show a low reading then gradually increase. A shorted capacitor will show a low resistance that won't change. An open capacitor will show a high or infinite resistance.
An alternative way, albeit less accurate, is to use the resistance function if you don't have multimeter with a capacitance function which, in this day and age, all but the most basic meters have. After discharging, note the reading. A good capacitor would initially show a low reading then gradually increase. A shorted capacitor will show a low resistance that won't change. An open capacitor will show a high or infinite resistance.
That’s great info. It makes sense how that could tell you if a capacitor is at least working even if it cannot tell you the actual value. Thanks