You are my role model dear @pancreasnowork9939 . Ive been listening to your videos for the past few months. Times have been really hard, but you have helped me get through it. I recently bought Total War II because I was based and Nagash-ed (Honor to His Name) pilled by your Nagash preaching. Thanks man.
Can someone tell me if this has happened in any form: Are the tyranids aware of Khomora (i don't know how to spell it offhand)? I feel like if there was one faction the Dark Eldar will NEVER try to interact with, it'd be the Tyranids. The rest they can raid for slaves and pets, but Tyranids? It would rival Slaanesh trying to directly invade personally. Even Trayzn found that the devil bugs couldn't be contained well enough to make good exhibits.
My headcannon for like 5 Harlequins bodying a bunch of Custodes is what I call Cegorach's Plot Armor: Whatever the funniest outcome is, is the one that will happen. And 5 clowns showing up, slaughtering dozens of the Imperium's Finest just to deliver a message is fucking hilarious.
In defense of the old ones as a necron fan, I wouldn't help the xenophobic, warmongering, nihilists either. The silent king didn't even really want the immortality, he just wanted a common foe to unite his people, so they'd stop killing each other.
One problem with that: “our” silent king wasn’t born yet when that war started. He kinda just inherited a massive fucking problem and then the C’tan were discovered… First point is still fair though.
To me that argument goes out the window when the Old Ones made the Aeldari and Krorks. Two bio weapon species designed purely for war with no other thought in mind. The galaxy is still dealing with that short sighted decision. In both a permanent Ork infestation, and a new Chaos God with a warp rift splitting the galaxy in half.
@@rickkcir2151 I don't think you really think about taking the time to implement safety features into you weapons when you are fighting a universe damaging war and are badly loosing.
Tomb Kings better than Fantasy Eldar? And Pancreas admitting it? Another inevitable W for mighty, Settra... Great King, the Imperishable, Khemrikhara, The Great King of Nehekhara, King of Kings, Opener of the Way, Wielder of the Divine Flame, Punisher of Nomads, The Great Unifier, Commander of the Golden Legion, Sacred of Appearance, Bringer of Light, Father of Hawks, Builder of Cities, Protector of the Two Worlds, Keeper of the Hours, Chosen of Ptra, High Steward of the Horizon, Sailor of the Great Vitae, Sentinel of the Two Realms, The Undisputed, Begetter of the Begat, Scourge of the Faithless, Carrion-feeder, First of the Charnel Valley, Rider of the Sacred Chariot, Vanquisher of Vermin, Champion of the Death Arena, Mighty Lion of the Infinite Desert, Emperor of the Shifting Sands, He Who Holds The Sceptre, Great Hawk Of The Heavens, Arch-Sultan of Atalan, Waker of the Hierotitan, Monarch of the Sky, Majestic Emperor of the Shifting Sands, Champion of the Desert Gods, Breaker of the Ogre Clans, Builder of the Great Pyramid, Terror of the Living, Master of the Never-Ending Horizon, Master of the Necropolises, Taker of Souls, Tyrant to the Foolish, Bearer of Ptra's Holy Blade, Scion of Usirian, Scion of Nehek, The Great, Chaser of Nightmares, Keeper of the Royal Herat, Founder of the Mortuary Cult, Banisher of the Grand Hierophant, High Lord Admiral of the Deathfleets, Guardian of the Charnal Pass, Tamer of the Liche King, Unliving Jackal Lord, Dismisser of the Warrior Queen, Charioteer of the Gods, He Who Does Not Serve, Slayer off Reddittras, Scarab Purger, Favoured of Usirian, Player of the Great Game, Liberator of Life, Lord Sand, Wrangler of Scorpions, Emperor of the Dunes, Eternal Sovereign of Khemri's Legions, Seneschal of the Great Sandy Desert, Curserer of the Living, Regent of the Eastern Mountains, Warden of the Eternal Necropolis, Herald of all Heralds, Caller of the Bitter Wind, God-Tamer, Master of the Mortis River, Guardian of the Dead, Great Keeper of the Obelisks, Deacon of the Ash River, Belated of Wakers, General of the Mighty Frame, Summoner of Sandstorms, Master of all Necrotects, Prince of Dust, Tyrant of Araby, Purger of the Greenskin Breathers, Killer of the False God's Champions, Tyrant of the Gold Dunes, Golden Bone Lord, Avenger of the Dead, Carrion Master, Eternal Warden of Nehek's Lands, Breaker of Djaf's Bonds... and many, many more...
The thing that pisses me off so much with the Eldars is all the wasted potential from GW. Instead of developing cool ideas like Savage elves wearing dragon bone armours and riding dinosaur into battle, entire armies of space pirate elves who get rich just for the heck of it, elven space clowns able to distort reality itself to beat the gods themselves we only get a handful of scraps while Marine captain #3849 gets an entire book series about how he ate on Apple on a Tuesday.
That book sells. The Eldar ones don't. I'm not saying I'm not in favor of more Eldar books, I'm saying that people will buy damn near anything with a Space Marine doing damn near anything, but if it's about Eldar, it's not likely to sell well. That's on the fans. Xenos fans think that GW, the company that everyone thinks is greedy as hell, just weirdly hates money in this one small regard, rather than the fact that, well, xenos books don't sell well.
... But can I interest you about another 6-book series about Blue space marine who hates xeno artifacts and screams "for the God-Emperor, suffer not the xenos to live" fighting a red space marine who's using xeno artifacts and screams "for my four gods, let the galaxy burn"... But he's spiky?
Hey if GW won’t make eldar propaganda for eldar, then Pancreas gotta show them how it’s done. He at least wants everyone to simp for the space elfs as much as he does and for their models to sell like hotcakes.
Everyday that you post a video is an Eldar victory. Every time you post an Eldar video the bars of Isha's cage weaken, a new Shard of Khaine is found, Cegorach creates another sector-wide joke, and Ynnead carves out more space in the immaterium. Keep at it chosen of the Aeldari.
Isha watching Girlyman, who owes a big debt to the Eldar for reviving him bodying Nurgals champions, set fire to his garden, and generally wrecking shit outside the window and then leave: "well fuck me I guess"
That’s because if anyone’s going to fulfill the classic “knight rescues the fair maiden” trope, it has to be the Lion. I am Bobby G’s strongest soldier, but not so much that I can’t see a golden opportunity to make the story fit the characters involved. And besides, the best “Isha is rescued” story already exists, it’s called “The Emperrasque” and it’s on 1d6chan.
@@brok56Mortarion is most likely. If he could find one way of openly defying Nurgle and by extention Typhus, this would be the best way of him doing that. At the very least if one of his brothers shows up to free her, he will be present and sabotage Nurgle's followers in some way or just step aside to let them go.
IF Optimus prime(not bayverse) was in Warhammer, he would radiate enougth goodwill that he could convert any Chaos cultist and Imperial into a functionning member of society.
And the first thing you need to do is convince people to stop worshiping Emperor above all else. And if that happens Emps will become weaker and at one point he won't be able to hold the waterfall of demons resulting in total world end. No, thanks. Plus Imperium would immediately declare Cybertronians as an enemy that bring their own conditions to what Imperium should do.
The real propaganda video challenge would be convincing people to like Genestealer cults, a faction so minuscule in the grand scheme of things their literal end-goal is killing themselves via another faction. (And I speak as GSC fan btw, I fucking love the little freaks)
Simple - "yeah it might be a ravening swarm that's going to turn us into xenomorph protein shakes, but is that so different to life under the Imperium? At least this way we get to poke the Emperor in the empty staring eye-socket as we die."
Well you start by not calling them a seperate faction. They're Tyranids. Then you can tell the boys that genestealer girls just want to have a family with them.
Lean into the idea that they are the cultist faction rather than a faction that has cultists in it like CSM. Also talk about that you have access to some Tyranid horror while still having individual personalities
Harlequins also perform plays for all the galaxy, not just the Eldar, so they can insure that if the Eldar truly die their history won’t be forgotten by all the stars. It ain’t even propaganda to try and convince the world to love the space elves, the Laughing God just wants to entertain folks.
Another aspect of Eldar gods not just acting to benefit the Eldar is that Isha doesn't just whisper secrets of curing diseases to the Eldar, she'll offer that help to anyone she can get messages to who will listen.
You know, considering the eldar get few good stories "because its so hard writting for them" and you are the #1 eldar supporter, you probably know pretty good what makes eldar cool You should make a video about how to write the eldar properly But eh he probably wont even see this suggestion
There's a spectrum of "just following their story" to the "super different alien being" that everyone seems to land differently in what people want from eldar. Like the jain book having more fruity elf stuff, but the drukari in the fabious trilogy are kinda just "people, but dicks".
It's not rocket surgery. You take the protagonist bullshit that marines get in their novels and you give it to eldar. They write Eldar like the fans are masochists and enjoy reading about their faction sucking. It's really not hard to write them all, so long as you don't start from the premise that they have to suck all the time
@@dezdannaselaphiel8634 It seems like a deliberately concerted effort by GW to ensure that only humans get to look cool in their fiction. Only marines get to succeed and be awesome. It's quite depressing really. The new tau book that's coming out has a space marine antagonist, and i will be very surprised if he doesn't come out with a 'we both win' situation because they can't have space marines lose even when they're the antagonists in a book not about them. If the marine is killed and his plan fails I will be very surprised.
Suggesting that this is "propaganda" is to suggest that the Eldar are NOT the greatest race in the galaxy and deserve to be the ultimate winners. For shame, sir...
I personally believe half of the writing staff at GW need to be fired. Like its fine that The Imperium wins but come one make the threats credible, by this point the Tyranids could be defeated if Big E farted.
Especially that fu*k who wrote down the plotline of Eldrad getting surprised that attacking the very center of Mankind's Empire would put him on the list of "destroy at all costs". Seriously, does he not know what "cause and effect" is?
@@PERSONII3331PERSONIIEVER sorry, just now saw your comment. Eldrad, the most powerful psyker the Eldar have, can see the future if he concentrates enough. So, he foresaw things that should happen: A) his allied Eldar warriors should attack the Imperial Palace, the HEART of Mankind as species and Empire, then engage its guardians in a deadly fight (we'll not focus on the scaling here) while screaming "Friendship! Friendship!". B) he should send more Eldar warriors to attack Imperial planets, so that they would be distracted and not disturb him on a neighbouring planet while he summons a mythical Eldar God of Death, which he planned to use against Slaanesh, on a What's wrong with these steps? WHAT'S *NOT* WRONG WITH THESE STEPS? A) you let non-Humans invade the HEART of Mankind's empire. Last time that happened (War of the Beast), Terra was almost destroyed, because of which the Mankind's secret police (the Inquisition) created sub-division to deal with xenos threats and gave them their own special task force (Deathwatch Space Marine Chapter). Not only that, but the non-Humans also KILLED the Palace's guardians (again, not focusing on scaling here). Did Eldrad NOT think that a terrorist attack by non-Humans on the very birthplace of Mankind, a largely xenophobic race, wouldn't cause the said xenophobic race to inform their special task force formed SOLELY to deal with non-Human threats? Seriously? Plus, that's not how you ask for friendship, young mouthbreathing Chaos God spawning prick. Eldar constantly berate Humans as "primitive", "savage", "inadvanced", yet in attempt to save their own race, they slaughter the very people who they need to ally with (who's the savage species here?). B) using more Eldar warriors to attack Imperial worlds near a planet where he was being busy in order to divert attention... How about... Not getting their attention at all? If Humans know Eldar are actively being hostile, after the attack on Imperial Palace they'll send enough forces to make makes Orks angrily scream "Unfair!". And if his distraction forces got defeated (and they were defeated because of Deathwatch, I WONDER WHY THEY WERE THERE?!??!), Humans wouldn't immediately search every sector and system to wipe out the remnants? Seriously? This plan was purely detrimental to his cause, which was save the Eldar. How was all this supposed to save your race, you long-eared mouthbreather? Even if he forsaw that doing all that would (somehow) help, well, he foresaw wrong, because in the end the ritual got interrupted by Human forces that HE SUMMONED!!!! Or was he actually trying to wipe his own people? Then he did good job (which is ironic because he destroyed the Cabal, an organisation that worked to wipe out Mankind during Horus Heresy). And not once, NOT ONCE, did he think he shouldn't... Well, do either of those. Not once did he think "maybe attacking an extremely xenophobic race would give them reason to mess up with us...". Not once did he think he should cease fire, calmly contact Humans, calmly explain what he was planning and hope Humans would appreciate the benefit of not having to deal with Eldar and Slaanesh. If he did, Humans would be in the wrong for not engaging him. BUT HE DIDN'T! You gave them Every. Reason. To NOT engage you, you lanky, old marasmatic.
Alright, lets put my bias upfront. I'ma Necron guy. My first army, my first books, my first games. Lets be clear though, the Necrons lost to the Eldar *and* the Krorks after defeating the Old Ones and enslaving our own gods. We might have lost but it took the combined might of the entire known galaxy standing against us and fancy space wuju that we had to invent technology to interact with. Oh and y'all came in at the tail end of the War in Heaven. It had been going on for who knows how long. I'm not saying don't glaze up your bois, go for it. But put some respect on my bony bois.
Yes the boney boys do deserve the best praise. You could even argue the only reason why they lost was because of the Star Gods. They held the worst the galaxy could throw at them, beat their own gods while also fighting everyone, and then had their king come back to warn EVERYONE when he saw how bad the nids could get. They have the best boys, the best boss, and had required the galaxy and fate to actively spite them just to stop them from winning against the entire setting and universe itself!
necrons were the dumbest race in the galaxy during the war in heaven. -be necron -fight old ones -lose -talking gas cloud called "the deciever" tells you to follow his instruction and build some fancy robots -what could go wrong ? -listen to THE DECIEVER -get turned into slave
@@aaabbb-zc7sx Technically his real name is Mephet'ran and his original title was "the messenger". He was only given the title of "the deceiver" after the bio-transference
30:24 Aren't the Eldar themselves a product of genetic engineering and witchery writ large as a species, including potentially creating gods via sheer psychic might? Phoenix Lords are somewhat less impressive in comparison to that...
I sat down after getting up for 10 minutes and heard you say "Khaine can beat Angron in a fight" my mind having forgot this was about Eldar thought "Ciaphas Cain" and I wasn't questioning it either.
I gotta add a bit of harlequin propaganda that I found in my old demon codex. There is this demon called the masque of slaanesh. It's the dancing demon, it literally cannot do anything without dancing due to pissing slaanesh off and getting cursed. It's *the* dancing demon. This demon once attacked a troupe of harlequins and it was going fairly well, until a solitaire showed up, the apex of the harlequins. This guy locked the masque in a dance battle, and after a week, the masque made a mistake. This guy out-danced the dancing demon. A being of excess that made dancing its profession. This had a fulgrim-rylanor effect on the masque, making it retreat and having a burning hatred for harlequins specifically. Thanks for reading, have a good day ^^ TLDR- Solitaires are cracked
That's because the Solitaire is an Eldar willingly sacrificing their own soul to method act Slaanesh - their soul is forfeit if they die, so they go all out.
@@thesunthrone true, but even then, outdoing someone in the thing they do every second of their life is insane, not even considering the masque has been doing this for millions of years. I could imagine that, since a solitaire takes the role of slaanesh in their performance, the masque got distracted by some sort of trauma response. It got cursed by slaanesh after all.
I have 2 counters. #1. Nuh uh. #2. If eldar are the best then why do they easily go down to my lasgun and world war era tanks? Love the lore, keep it up with the great video.
Generally it's the levy militia who're fighting. Dave, who's normally a baker, picks up a shuriken catapult and mesh armour and hits the battlefield to defend his Craftworld. Opposite is the pride of the military might of the galaxy, equipped with the best arms and armaments that entire planets dedicated to weapons manufacture can produce. 50-50 which way the fight will go.
I feel like the Eldar might be the biggest victim of GW’s complete lack of understanding how long time is. The fall of the Eldar was 15,000 years ago! That’s longer than the entirety of recorded human history! Does even Eldrad remember the fall? Where are the new space elf empires dotting the stars? The Exodites have their own infinity circuit trees that in no way resemble a plot element from a 2009 James Cameron movie that just happens to share its name with one of the greatest Western animated shows ever made. It should be possible!
Eldar: There is a Necron Tomb complex on this planet in Imperial space. Instead of just warning the Imperials about said threat which they will then deal with on their own, we are going to fight our way through the Imperials to reach the complex wasting an ungodly amount of manpower on both sides and thus leaving us both more vulnerable when the Necrons finish waking up.
Imperium: sees an alien civilisation existing - how about we grind ourselves into a stalemate and lose billions because we racist? People try to put shit on the way the Eldar communicate like the imperium is a bastion of diplomacy...
@hippiecheapskate Not counting the times that the Imperials allied with Eldar, Tau, Orks, and even the Emperor damned Necrons to deal with a common enemy. The Imperium isn't nearly as unreasonable as people seem to think.
@Warrior-Of-Virtue it's Standing philosophy is aliens are evil and the galaxy belongs to humanity by divine right. Choosing not to kill one enemy to fight another doesn't change that. They will annihilate entire alien civilisations when they can't fight back. Choosing to pause hostilities is entirely a strategic move not a diplomatic or philosophical one
6:58 This is why I think the Tau are absolutely terrifying IMO, they’ve almost matched what its taken basically everyone else in a freaking existance a cosmic blink of an eye.
I think there's a degree to which that's because the Tau are still in their initial ascension phase, while the other major technological factions are all recovering after a fall. Tau tech is behind Craftworld Eldar tech, let alone Eldar Empire tech, and it's probably a long way behind the height of the Dark Age of Technology. Tau technology is probably a reasonable projection of where humanity might reach in ten thousand years (while the DAoT peaked around 25K). In the case of the Imperium, there's a combination of being in a case of net stagnation since it formed (some technologies are found, others are lost), and a lot of the technology that the Imperium currently uses being designed more to be something that can be reliably produced on a newly established colony worlds without a fully developed industry rather than to be the best available.
"neanderthal paintings on a cave wall" As far as we've been able to determine, all of the cave paintings in the world can be attributed to homo sapiens, and while there have been arguments for some, none have been successfully attributed to homo neanderthalensis.
@@balthazar579 1. Very annoying and reddit response (other guy wasn't better but still) 2. While we don't have cave paintings specifically, there are pieces of neanderthal art we're aware of. There's the funny stalagmite stone circle thing, but I actually think the other example I know of is way crazier; we have a bone flute made from a bear femur, and I've not seen any terribly good arguments against that one other than incredulity that neaderthals could make something like it, and the argument that there were other bones in the cave that didn't have holes in them? Might be misremembering that one because I don't really understand it
For those who don't know and haven't read Da Big Dakka, spoilers: Ufthak Blackhawk, a Bad Moons warboss, and his boyz broke into the outskirts of Commorragh by plugging a weirdboy into a webway portal, shot down multiple venoms and other vehicles by sheer weight of gunfire, survived an assassination attempt by mandrakes by krumpin the snot out of them, survived the lethal muscle growth injection of that assassination which made him smarter (ork size corelates to intelligence), broke a hole in the webway allowing a demonic invasion of Commorragh, then lastly stole an incredibly powerful deldar flagship to jump out of Commorragh better off than when he came in. The Dark Eldar don't give you a straight up fight.....until the Orks want one!
12:22 small correction. Emps may be the 'anathema' but he isnt a literal anathema to chaos. That would be the blanks. Emps is 'just' a psyker so god damn out of his mind powerful that his ambitions of order put him at odds with the Chaos Gods who actually take him seriously as a threat. But his nature is not anti-chaos or something. If anything, he is very much a creature of the warp like they (but with a mortal and material origin and anchor).
I think it's possible to be both. Fantasy has the wind of Hysh being anathema to Chaos, despite being a wind of magic and therefore ultimately coming from the Immaterium, because Hysh represents concepts that are anathema to the Chaos Gods. As strong as the Chaos Gods might be, they don't represent every concept that can be embodied in the Warp. (Well, maybe Tzeentch does, but Tzeentch is often fighting itself so one aspect of Tzeentch being antithetical to another wouldn't be off-brand.) The powers commonly associated with manifestations of the Emperor's will are often Hysh-flavoured, so I think it is reasonable to say that the Emperor is anathema to Khorne, Nurgle, and Slaanesh because the concepts he embodies are diametrically opposed to them. Of course, the reverse would also be true.
He was anathema to them in literal sense as the his light burns the corruption and his very presence in warp made kugath the great unclean one shit his pant and he recently resurrected RG on godblight and burned nurgle's garden.
@@viroshanargiri4641 I dont think thats how it works. If Khorne himself showed up to a war between his army and Slaanesh, you can bet your ass he would burn away the Slaaneshi deamons. Not because his essence is anethema to deamons but because he is so monstrously powerful he can burnt hem away just by being near and focusing his intent. Emps, at his core, is nothing more than a human psyker. Now, thats underselling him of course. He is like a psyker in the way a lit match is like a massive forest fire. But their essence is the same. He isnt an 'anti-warp' entity. He could easily walk through the garden of Nurgle without burning it, if he doesnt want it to burn. His negative effect isnt inherent to his nature, its inherent to him being powerful and WANTING it to have that effect. I can kill ants quite easily, but that fact doesnt make my existence anathema to ants.
@@ttpbroadcastingcompany.4460remind me, which race made chaos stronger than ever by giving them a bunch of primarchs, legions of space marines, fleets and billions of worshippers all around the galaxy? Almost the half of Emperor's creations turned against him, people of his Empire live in such horrible conditions that becoming a cultist is not a bad alternative. At the same time every Craftworld Eldar is free to choose his own path. Every Craftworld Eldar remembers mistakes and sins of his kind, and non of them feeds the chaos gods by cults, prays, gifts of armies and fleets. Humanity is much more stupid in every regard
A sex toy sponsorship is what finally sold me on the Eldar. I was never exactly against them, but sex furniture is what sealed the deal for me to look into them and give them a fair chance. I hope you're happy.
Hey, just a warning, but Adam and Eve has used unsafe-for-body materials in their toys in the past, so while I'm happy they're paying sponsorship money, remember to check these sorts of things when you buy anything you're meant to put in your body.
For the curious, that tidbit about Asurmen running a soup kitchen comes from the novella "Last Days of Ector", a companion piece to the novel Valedor, which is one of the few works to show either the Eldar or the Avatar of Khaine any respect.
Jokes on you, Chaos has the most effective propaganda where player as outsider is well aware that Nurgle is younger then War in Heaven(thanks, Nightbringer) and Slaanesh is younger then Eldrad, Vect, Emperor and possibly even Malcador and Cawl and yet they somehow keep repeating the lines about immortal omnipresent omniscient and all powerful they call "gods". Like, my man, YOU as a player are allowed to know lore from all sides, you know more then Tzeentch. How can you get baited by it?
So if a modern 40k lore enthusiast was transported to 40k would they go mad and or become corrupted by chaos for knowing secrets only(maybe) Tszeentch knows?
@lordgod9958 if we assume that moden Earth is "canonical" to 40k, I'd say you'd be fine... on demon front, I mean. Humans would stone you to death. Why? Well, here's context: we know that majority of humans in 40k are latent psykers. That's the long running legacy of psionic breeding programms that started somewhere in 15k-18k ie 13000-16000 years into the future. We also know that despite that pariahs, nulls and blanks are still born in 40k even if rarely. Those genes were sown by necrons around the times of Ancient Egypt, Ancient China and Ancient Mesopotamia. They're also a reason why our cultures are closer to necrontyr ones and why we hate eldar on some subconscious level, but that is beside the point. What is the point is that psykers don't exist yet and won't exist for 13000 years minimum. Which means that likely majority of modern day humans are some degree of pariah. So if you'll get transported into 40k, demons won't even be able to see you. However latent psionic humans would hate instinctively hate you. But that's just a theory...
@@aaabbb-zc7sx why did you repeat that part of my comment? Yes, Emperor is about 3-4 times older then Slaanesh. Eldrad and Vect are also confirmed to be born before Fall of Eldar. Malcador was perpetual and alpha psyker and he was already insanely old by the time of Unification Wars. Meanwhile Cawl was already an old man when his original personality worked for Astartes program back during Unification Wars. Given that he was a genetic researcher, who would likely be several centuries old and that Emperor likely was forced to reveal himself by Fall of Eldar before recruiting him, Cawl can too be older then Slaanesh. And unlike everyone else I mentioned, he can be the only "ordinary" human to claim that.
This video coming out is funny timing for me, because I just finished listening to a reading of the novel Shadow Point by a channel called A Border Prince (fantastic narrator btw). While it's primarily an Imperium story focusing on a ship and its crew from Battlefleet Gothic, the Eldar show up as an uneasy ally with them. Although they nearly kill each other due to Dark Eldar and Chaos interference, cooler heads end up prevailing so they can clown on both of them. It does a really good job of going into the Eldar mindset about emotion, vengeance, and how they're able to set aside animosity to work with another race with a common goal in the short term. Best part though, it features an Avatar of Khaine, and he curbstomps everything he comes across. It's a fantastic book and so is the previous book Execution Hour, althought that one is pure Imperium vs Chaos.
I keep expecting you to show up cosplaying an elf and not mentioning it lol Your videos help keep me sane in this insane world and I can't thank you enough for that
Pancreas, I was once an Eldar hater. Then I watched a few of your videos, read more books about them and I am now a full propagandist *cough* I mean spreader of the holy truth of space elves
Normally I would hate this much Elf-Glazing, but I just finished another play through of Rouge Trader (Nocturne of Oblivion my one true friend) and he glazed up the harlequins like they deserve. So, excellent video sir-may the clowns continue to Fortnight dance on the golden duck heads forever more!
I wish GW could write them well and make them feel like the sage warrior race like they used to be. Everytime i pick up an Eldar book ill see Gav Thorpe on the cover and i know the eldar will be painfully stupid, petty and excessively weak. The Ynnari really could have been really cool, but they didnt try to make an interesting faction.
0:28 then Pancreas the Eccesiarchy would like to have a word with you about the health benefits of becoming an Arco Flagellant down the suspisiously dark alley way
MYST here, from the Eldar in the long dead game Eternal Crusade. Can confirm, Eldar were incredible to play, organize, and absolutely wrecked when properly coordinated. That was the key, coordination! Mael Dannan!
In spite of GW's constant shilling of the Imperium and more specifically the Ass-tarties the craftworld Eldar are still one of the more popular armies. Even when their universe creators are against them they still keep on trucking.
Only the fluff creators are even slightly 'against' the Eldar, crunch writers are definitely overly pro Eldar (which 100% helps their popularity on the tabletop). Eldar have been at, or near the top of the power curve for most of the 25-odd years I've been following 40k. Something that no other army can say imo (especially Marines, they've had real periods of sucking over the years).
Okay, Maugan Ra taking down "only a single hive ship" is impressive when you know that on the low end a single hive ship has millions of tyranids inside, and on the high end, like for exemple a hive fleet Hydra ship, it's BILLIONS of smaller bioforms in there, that's insane for a single man with a gun/scythe to do. If he fought an entire hive fleet the massacre would have lasted so long my man would have disappeared from the lore for tens or hundreds of years
5th edition Tyranid codex credits him standing all alone against a tendril of the Hive Fleet Leviathan and winning. Yes, you read that right, the TYRANID codex.
Eldar goals in War in Heaven: •Necron Extinction •Old Ones survival Necron goals in War in Heaven: •Kill the Old Ones •Unite the Necrons I think the results are clear.
*unite the necrons* you mean the necrons who are still divided into dynasties and who are currently having a civil war ? those necrons who choose between the stormlord and the silent king,each with a very different view ?
You at genuinely my favorite 40k content creator cuz you're the only one I've found that actually enjoys the eldar as much as i do. Keep up the beautiful work!
30:03 Fuck yeah need more Yvraine posting. The thought of an Amdech yelling slurs and having someone try to kill optimus prime is hilarious ngl. It's like a cat ownder dealing with its little gremlin.
What might also make you happy, is a certain scene from the second twice dead king book: The main character is arguing with a bunch of nobles on his flagship, while being chased by the imperium. A necron spy shows up and throws a captured human on the ground Saying ,,I found this psyker... And before he finishes the sentence every noble who heard him draws their weapon, as the main character has flashes of memories of the eldar krumping necrons. The spy needs to explain that it is just a human who can't do shit, to prevent the mc from immediately cutting down human and spy.
Great video as always ~ the funniest part is I always think I have Age of Empires playing in the background from the background music XD Keep up the good work!
As a Tau fangirl, I used to think that the 40k humans were so hick headed that the Tau had to resort to brainwashing and mind control to give them a chance at being friends. They were just doing what they could in a galaxy that was antithetical to them. That whole bit with the Eldar soup kitchen showed me that, maybe, even the Tau could be doing better. That said, I would like to offer alliance between the Tau fandom and your platform.Please I need this, the Tau don't get any love I just wanna see my boys thrive PLEASE IM BEGGING
I want to see any videos that's not just uggg tau bad and there fans know it, or hey here's literally one tau video and let's get back to our scheduled programming of humans and LITERALLY only humans other then like this dude and maybe adeptus ridiculous but still their like once in a blue moon.
There was actually really early lore that heavily implied a faction of the eldar created the tau as a chaos resistant species to act as a bulwark because humans failed abysmally at it
@@PERSONII3331PERSONIIEVER I'm not sure about "heavily" implied, but there's a lot of circumstantial evidence. The period when the Ethereals appeared was predated by "omens" that sound a lot like alien ships visiting, during a period when conventional warp travel couldn't reach the system. The Tau also feel like they're pretty much exactly what the Craftworld Eldar would make if they wanted a race that complemented them but didn't suffer from their weaknesses - weak presence in the Warp so Chaos finds it hard to latch onto them, the caste system is essentially a stricter form of the Path system likely making it even harder for Slaanesh specifically to latch onto the Tau, they seem to be following a similar technological path apart from the lack of psyker magitech, and they have similar doctrines of employing manoeuvre warfare and superior firepower to win battles with minimum casualties (and, possibly, minimum power flowing to Khorne). There are also quotes from Eldar characters such as Eldrad that are favourable to the Tau and having paternal feelings towards them. Being openminded towards other species would also be likely to be a desirable quality. There was also a contrasting theory that they might be Necron creations, which cannot be entirely ruled out, but the only thing that's really in common there is being high-tech and low-psyker, especially considering necron fluff at the time (when the Tau were introduced, necron fluff had them not really having agency, with the C'tan ruling over them as living gods). And the necrons would probably be more interested in trying to create actual blanks rather than simply having a weak presence in the Warp.
This is the ultimate propaganda. It's designed to make us think this is the elf propaganda video when anyone who's been paying attention knows all of them are knife ear simping
GW aught to want to hype up the Eldar too. Even if they wanted to write a story where the Space Marines win, the story would be more exciting if the Space Marines were having a hard time because the Eldar are formidable.
I think every fraction deserves a bit of good, plot-armored bolter porn. Marine fans complain because they get so much of it, xenos fans complain because we never get any of it, just spread that fun around a bit. Not every Eldar book has to be a tome of the philosophical musings of the magic theologian Divinicock the farseen, just give me big Avatar hitting things gud. Eldar fans have monke brains too.
@ Yeah, that would be great. I know they would never do it, but I was thinking the other day how it would be great if there was a game like Space Marine 2 where you play as an Autarch. You could swap between the different weapon loadouts, and there could be some levels where you use a jump pack (or maybe even make the Hawk wings and Warp Spider pack mechanically different) and other ones where you’re on a jet bike.
Something else they also could do if GW want to glaze the space marines so bad, is that it would be cool if they did so not by making the eldar pathetic in their own books, but rather making the space marines easily wreck some chaos stuff DUE TO eldar fuckery. Glazing doesn't have to be a zero-sum game damnit
@@Armory_4 Aspect Warriors actually obliterating marines in their specialized fields, The absolute hell that is Eldar air superiority, a little respect to the damn Guardians, those guys are Kasrkin-level soldiers, More Harlequin-based tomfoolery just to piss off more Imperium fanboys, The Avatar of Khaine actually winning (a fanciful idea, I know) Just winning for once would be nice. No great sacrifices or bittersweet victories, just a win for the Eldar.
I think that's actually part of the point. Does the existence of Decepticons mean that it's reasonable to wipe out the Autobots? Does the existence of Drukhari and Corsairs mean that it's reasonable to wipe out all Eldar? Does the existence of Chaos-worshipping and genocidal Emperor-worshipping humans mean that it's reasonable to wipe out all humans? Code: PANCREAS. 50% Off 1 Item + Free Shipping in the
US & Canada + Free Rush Processing *some exclusions apply
@@pancreasnowork9939 The UNSC taxed me to hard, so I’m broke. Also probably wouldn’t even buy them tbh
When are you going to cover Harlequins and their masques ?
Alot of the sex furniture is too expensive to use the discount on :(
You are my role model dear @pancreasnowork9939 . Ive been listening to your videos for the past few months. Times have been really hard, but you have helped me get through it. I recently bought Total War II because I was based and Nagash-ed (Honor to His Name) pilled by your Nagash preaching. Thanks man.
What is the book of this wholesome Asurman moment?
"Pancreas is glazing Eldar again sir"
Wow. I didn’t know that. I just - you’re telling me now for the first time.
tell him
"Oh, that sounds oddly familiar. Let me guess, was he sponsored by an adult toy company again?"
Must be a day ending in y
Can someone tell me if this has happened in any form: Are the tyranids aware of Khomora (i don't know how to spell it offhand)? I feel like if there was one faction the Dark Eldar will NEVER try to interact with, it'd be the Tyranids. The rest they can raid for slaves and pets, but Tyranids? It would rival Slaanesh trying to directly invade personally. Even Trayzn found that the devil bugs couldn't be contained well enough to make good exhibits.
@@Kamina.D.Fierce I think they tried to keep some as pets and they escaped, but since commorragh is an absurd shithole its not a real issue
Asuryan: "Every once in awhile, make peace with your enemies. It confuses the hell out of them."
*Ferengi:* That is lifted from the Rules of Acquisition. Imagine all the latinum we will get for the plagirism lawsuit.
@@KaiserAfini Asuryan: "I wrote the Rules of Acquisition. Have proof of it right here, and in fact you owe ME quite a bit of latinum."
@@project9701 Only the High Elves could Out-Ferengi the Ferengi.
I tried to, but my family says I'm crazy. 😅😂
Okay elf boy, let’s hear why I shouldn’t hate the knife ears
With Adan & Eve!!
That "Adult Furniture" section seems like something a drukarii would visit often xd
Even better is that our diabetic overlord admitted that he hates the Eldar.
they got casual orgy party on craftworld
Bacon Evolution nobody gives af what u like 😂😂
I'm still going to hate them, but I'm willing to listen to Pancreas being wrong for awhile
>’Eldar propaganda’
>Zero images of the sexy mean women calling me, “Monkey.”
Clearly we have very different interpretations of the word ‘Propaganda.’
She's a little busy running around in the Koronus Expanse.
@@utubrGaminghated that knife ear. Fishwife 4 life
@@saintricardo8746 I preferred my "princess" of Efreet
Clearly you are taking that from the same dictionary that 1d4chan/1d6chan got their definition of Promotions from
My headcannon for like 5 Harlequins bodying a bunch of Custodes is what I call Cegorach's Plot Armor: Whatever the funniest outcome is, is the one that will happen. And 5 clowns showing up, slaughtering dozens of the Imperium's Finest just to deliver a message is fucking hilarious.
Incredible in character for a God that is funny
Cegorach saves his silliest battles for the galaxy's funniest clowns
That sounds like toon force. Now I'm imagining Harlequin Bugs vs Custodes Elmer. "I'm hunting xenos, its xenos season ehehehe!"
Certified Fumihiko Takaba moment.
Cegorach gives his silliest battles to his funniest clowns
In defense of the old ones as a necron fan, I wouldn't help the xenophobic, warmongering, nihilists either. The silent king didn't even really want the immortality, he just wanted a common foe to unite his people, so they'd stop killing each other.
One problem with that: “our” silent king wasn’t born yet when that war started. He kinda just inherited a massive fucking problem and then the C’tan were discovered…
First point is still fair though.
To be fair they could have cured their cancers in the condition of species wide therapy sessions. 😅
@@berilsevvalbekret772 if they could do that, they wouldn't need to beg the Old Ones for a solution.
To me that argument goes out the window when the Old Ones made the Aeldari and Krorks. Two bio weapon species designed purely for war with no other thought in mind. The galaxy is still dealing with that short sighted decision. In both a permanent Ork infestation, and a new Chaos God with a warp rift splitting the galaxy in half.
@@rickkcir2151 I don't think you really think about taking the time to implement safety features into you weapons when you are fighting a universe damaging war and are badly loosing.
Something about an Adam and Eve sponsorship for an Eldar video is quite humorous. Thanks pancreas
This pleases Slaanesh
i was just thinking that
Propaganda ... porn, same thing.
Slaanesh totally has Eldar soul gem anal beads, those poor eldar.
Humanity prevails in the end
Humanity would eventually create Slannesh at some point with our endless quest to make the hottest pepper.
Aw but i love hot peppers...
Slaanesh, *the* hottest pepper to ever exist
Doing my bit! *chugs naga/reaper sauce*
Caligula would do it by himself 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
If this is true, then my body is ready for the joyous suffering that is to come; because I am a pepper slut.
Tomb Kings better than Fantasy Eldar? And Pancreas admitting it?
Another inevitable W for mighty, Settra... Great King, the Imperishable, Khemrikhara, The Great King of Nehekhara, King of Kings, Opener of the Way, Wielder of the Divine Flame, Punisher of Nomads, The Great Unifier, Commander of the Golden Legion, Sacred of Appearance, Bringer of Light, Father of Hawks, Builder of Cities, Protector of the Two Worlds, Keeper of the Hours, Chosen of Ptra, High Steward of the Horizon, Sailor of the Great Vitae, Sentinel of the Two Realms, The Undisputed, Begetter of the Begat, Scourge of the Faithless, Carrion-feeder, First of the Charnel Valley, Rider of the Sacred Chariot, Vanquisher of Vermin, Champion of the Death Arena, Mighty Lion of the Infinite Desert, Emperor of the Shifting Sands, He Who Holds The Sceptre, Great Hawk Of The Heavens, Arch-Sultan of Atalan, Waker of the Hierotitan, Monarch of the Sky, Majestic Emperor of the Shifting Sands, Champion of the Desert Gods, Breaker of the Ogre Clans, Builder of the Great Pyramid, Terror of the Living, Master of the Never-Ending Horizon, Master of the Necropolises, Taker of Souls, Tyrant to the Foolish, Bearer of Ptra's Holy Blade, Scion of Usirian, Scion of Nehek, The Great, Chaser of Nightmares, Keeper of the Royal Herat, Founder of the Mortuary Cult, Banisher of the Grand Hierophant, High Lord Admiral of the Deathfleets, Guardian of the Charnal Pass, Tamer of the Liche King, Unliving Jackal Lord, Dismisser of the Warrior Queen, Charioteer of the Gods, He Who Does Not Serve, Slayer off Reddittras, Scarab Purger, Favoured of Usirian, Player of the Great Game, Liberator of Life, Lord Sand, Wrangler of Scorpions, Emperor of the Dunes, Eternal Sovereign of Khemri's Legions, Seneschal of the Great Sandy Desert, Curserer of the Living, Regent of the Eastern Mountains, Warden of the Eternal Necropolis, Herald of all Heralds, Caller of the Bitter Wind, God-Tamer, Master of the Mortis River, Guardian of the Dead, Great Keeper of the Obelisks, Deacon of the Ash River, Belated of Wakers, General of the Mighty Frame, Summoner of Sandstorms, Master of all Necrotects, Prince of Dust, Tyrant of Araby, Purger of the Greenskin Breathers, Killer of the False God's Champions, Tyrant of the Gold Dunes, Golden Bone Lord, Avenger of the Dead, Carrion Master, Eternal Warden of Nehek's Lands, Breaker of Djaf's Bonds... and many, many more...
We so back
It's because he feels a kinship - Settra's pancreas no longer works either.
Good lord
Is that all?
Settra sucks
The thing that pisses me off so much with the Eldars is all the wasted potential from GW. Instead of developing cool ideas like Savage elves wearing dragon bone armours and riding dinosaur into battle, entire armies of space pirate elves who get rich just for the heck of it, elven space clowns able to distort reality itself to beat the gods themselves we only get a handful of scraps while Marine captain #3849 gets an entire book series about how he ate on Apple on a Tuesday.
Probably because nobody wants to hear "hUmAnS sUcK" from the fucks who are the reason Humans are as they are every time they are seen.
As always; 40k is successful despite of GW, not because of them.
Wasted potential is basically their whole shtick.
@JGenM why do you have to be so right...
That book sells. The Eldar ones don't.
I'm not saying I'm not in favor of more Eldar books, I'm saying that people will buy damn near anything with a Space Marine doing damn near anything, but if it's about Eldar, it's not likely to sell well. That's on the fans.
Xenos fans think that GW, the company that everyone thinks is greedy as hell, just weirdly hates money in this one small regard, rather than the fact that, well, xenos books don't sell well.
... But can I interest you about another 6-book series about Blue space marine who hates xeno artifacts and screams "for the God-Emperor, suffer not the xenos to live" fighting a red space marine who's using xeno artifacts and screams "for my four gods, let the galaxy burn"... But he's spiky?
Hey if GW won’t make eldar propaganda for eldar, then Pancreas gotta show them how it’s done. He at least wants everyone to simp for the space elfs as much as he does and for their models to sell like hotcakes.
A full new line would be nice too. Many models are easily old enough to drink.
Everyday that you post a video is an Eldar victory. Every time you post an Eldar video the bars of Isha's cage weaken, a new Shard of Khaine is found, Cegorach creates another sector-wide joke, and Ynnead carves out more space in the immaterium. Keep at it chosen of the Aeldari.
As foretold..
Isha watching Girlyman, who owes a big debt to the Eldar for reviving him bodying Nurgals champions, set fire to his garden, and generally wrecking shit outside the window and then leave: "well fuck me I guess"
big E is the one who set fire to the gardens,not bobby G
That’s because if anyone’s going to fulfill the classic “knight rescues the fair maiden” trope, it has to be the Lion. I am Bobby G’s strongest soldier, but not so much that I can’t see a golden opportunity to make the story fit the characters involved.
And besides, the best “Isha is rescued” story already exists, it’s called “The Emperrasque” and it’s on 1d6chan.
@@willrogers3793nah it's gonna be in Leman. He's the one in the to Warp
@@Usagi33353 maybe Jaghatai, after he studied eldar lore in The webway.
Release isha And use that act as a bargaining chip.
@@brok56Mortarion is most likely. If he could find one way of openly defying Nurgle and by extention Typhus, this would be the best way of him doing that. At the very least if one of his brothers shows up to free her, he will be present and sabotage Nurgle's followers in some way or just step aside to let them go.
IF Optimus prime(not bayverse) was in Warhammer, he would radiate enougth goodwill that he could convert any Chaos cultist and Imperial into a functionning member of society.
That we can agree on. In almost every incarnation (except Beyverse and Shattered Glass) he's a leader of hope.
And the first thing you need to do is convince people to stop worshiping Emperor above all else. And if that happens Emps will become weaker and at one point he won't be able to hold the waterfall of demons resulting in total world end. No, thanks.
Plus Imperium would immediately declare Cybertronians as an enemy that bring their own conditions to what Imperium should do.
Optimus Prime and Superman could gigachad so hard they turn the setting Noble Bright.
@@philiphockenbury6563 Screw Optimus Prime with Superman. Batman with enough prep time could solo all 4 Chaos Gods.
@@project4061 give me your face
The fact that you use Fauna as a stand in for Isha never fails to give me a smile
The intersection of Warhammer 40k, Hololive/Vtuber, and the Military Industrial Complex makes me smile 😊
Man I Love Fauna
Hololive are just starting to get into 40k right now, too
@@robertwareham8466 I know! It makes me happy
You made me buy Aeldari as my first army with an Iyanden color scheme. I was not immune.
I was immune but that's cause I'm broke
@@diegocardenas6494 Same here.
Mymeara for me :)
Now I cannot get the image of Isha going "uuuuuuuuuuu" out of my head. I can hear it, and it sounds so sweet!
I have the image of the Ynnari steal Is a away from there, Ocean 11 style.
The real propaganda video challenge would be convincing people to like Genestealer cults, a faction so minuscule in the grand scheme of things their literal end-goal is killing themselves via another faction.
(And I speak as GSC fan btw, I fucking love the little freaks)
Simple - "yeah it might be a ravening swarm that's going to turn us into xenomorph protein shakes, but is that so different to life under the Imperium? At least this way we get to poke the Emperor in the empty staring eye-socket as we die."
Well you start by not calling them a seperate faction. They're Tyranids. Then you can tell the boys that genestealer girls just want to have a family with them.
Lean into the idea that they are the cultist faction rather than a faction that has cultists in it like CSM. Also talk about that you have access to some Tyranid horror while still having individual personalities
I was sad when they conflated Genestealers and Tyranids. I preferred when they were just two different things, but that's the old old lore.
"Yes you did! Now jump in the digestion pools"
Harlequins also perform plays for all the galaxy, not just the Eldar, so they can insure that if the Eldar truly die their history won’t be forgotten by all the stars. It ain’t even propaganda to try and convince the world to love the space elves, the Laughing God just wants to entertain folks.
Another aspect of Eldar gods not just acting to benefit the Eldar is that Isha doesn't just whisper secrets of curing diseases to the Eldar, she'll offer that help to anyone she can get messages to who will listen.
imagine going into the webway to just hangout with him.
You know, considering the eldar get few good stories "because its so hard writting for them" and you are the #1 eldar supporter, you probably know pretty good what makes eldar cool
You should make a video about how to write the eldar properly
But eh he probably wont even see this suggestion
There's a spectrum of "just following their story" to the "super different alien being" that everyone seems to land differently in what people want from eldar. Like the jain book having more fruity elf stuff, but the drukari in the fabious trilogy are kinda just "people, but dicks".
It's not rocket surgery. You take the protagonist bullshit that marines get in their novels and you give it to eldar. They write Eldar like the fans are masochists and enjoy reading about their faction sucking.
It's really not hard to write them all, so long as you don't start from the premise that they have to suck all the time
@@hippiecheapskate Seriously the books read like they're written by someone who hates the Eldar.
@@dezdannaselaphiel8634 It seems like a deliberately concerted effort by GW to ensure that only humans get to look cool in their fiction. Only marines get to succeed and be awesome.
It's quite depressing really. The new tau book that's coming out has a space marine antagonist, and i will be very surprised if he doesn't come out with a 'we both win' situation because they can't have space marines lose even when they're the antagonists in a book not about them.
If the marine is killed and his plan fails I will be very surprised.
“But the Eldar made Slaanesh!”
Ok ImperiumFan42069, who gave Chaos the majority of its non daemonic military and best champions again?
There are precisely ZERO Eldar Daemon Primarchs
@@enoughothis There are precisely ZERO Human Chaos Gods
Humanity could have come back from the men of Iron if not for the Eldar @@heavystalin2419
@@heavystalin2419 what about... The Emperor? The Tau Goddess spawned by Humans?
And slaanesh is an Eldar chaos god
Suggesting that this is "propaganda" is to suggest that the Eldar are NOT the greatest race in the galaxy and deserve to be the ultimate winners. For shame, sir...
Oil! We'z all KNOW dem knife-ears ain't worf da KRUMPIN, ain't no race that ain't GREEN the best!!!
The pointy ears got bored and horny and now we have Lucius the eternal
I LOVE how the first thing I see and hear is Garfield
Our one true lord and master. He has abandoned his limited form and he is beautiful. Surrender your souls to him and be saved.
Not just Garfield: Comrade Hatsune Garfield!
the picture truly goes hard
In case anyone wants to check out the video it is from it is called you are not immune to propaganda by the moony channel
I personally believe half of the writing staff at GW need to be fired.
Like its fine that The Imperium wins but come one make the threats credible, by this point the Tyranids could be defeated if Big E farted.
Especially that fu*k who wrote down the plotline of Eldrad getting surprised that attacking the very center of Mankind's Empire would put him on the list of "destroy at all costs". Seriously, does he not know what "cause and effect" is?
@@Dozarman can you explain for me this eldrad moment?
Tbh yea the Imperium seems to just be written to always win but never WIN if you get what I mean, gets pretty boring after a while
@@varlak9061 Exactly.
@@PERSONII3331PERSONIIEVER sorry, just now saw your comment.
Eldrad, the most powerful psyker the Eldar have, can see the future if he concentrates enough. So, he foresaw things that should happen:
A) his allied Eldar warriors should attack the Imperial Palace, the HEART of Mankind as species and Empire, then engage its guardians in a deadly fight (we'll not focus on the scaling here) while screaming "Friendship! Friendship!".
B) he should send more Eldar warriors to attack Imperial planets, so that they would be distracted and not disturb him on a neighbouring planet while he summons a mythical Eldar God of Death, which he planned to use against Slaanesh, on a
What's wrong with these steps? WHAT'S *NOT* WRONG WITH THESE STEPS?
A) you let non-Humans invade the HEART of Mankind's empire. Last time that happened (War of the Beast), Terra was almost destroyed, because of which the Mankind's secret police (the Inquisition) created sub-division to deal with xenos threats and gave them their own special task force (Deathwatch Space Marine Chapter). Not only that, but the non-Humans also KILLED the Palace's guardians (again, not focusing on scaling here). Did Eldrad NOT think that a terrorist attack by non-Humans on the very birthplace of Mankind, a largely xenophobic race, wouldn't cause the said xenophobic race to inform their special task force formed SOLELY to deal with non-Human threats? Seriously?
Plus, that's not how you ask for friendship, young mouthbreathing Chaos God spawning prick. Eldar constantly berate Humans as "primitive", "savage", "inadvanced", yet in attempt to save their own race, they slaughter the very people who they need to ally with (who's the savage species here?).
B) using more Eldar warriors to attack Imperial worlds near a planet where he was being busy in order to divert attention... How about... Not getting their attention at all? If Humans know Eldar are actively being hostile, after the attack on Imperial Palace they'll send enough forces to make makes Orks angrily scream "Unfair!". And if his distraction forces got defeated (and they were defeated because of Deathwatch, I WONDER WHY THEY WERE THERE?!??!), Humans wouldn't immediately search every sector and system to wipe out the remnants? Seriously?
This plan was purely detrimental to his cause, which was save the Eldar. How was all this supposed to save your race, you long-eared mouthbreather? Even if he forsaw that doing all that would (somehow) help, well, he foresaw wrong, because in the end the ritual got interrupted by Human forces that HE SUMMONED!!!! Or was he actually trying to wipe his own people? Then he did good job (which is ironic because he destroyed the Cabal, an organisation that worked to wipe out Mankind during Horus Heresy).
And not once, NOT ONCE, did he think he shouldn't... Well, do either of those. Not once did he think "maybe attacking an extremely xenophobic race would give them reason to mess up with us...". Not once did he think he should cease fire, calmly contact Humans, calmly explain what he was planning and hope Humans would appreciate the benefit of not having to deal with Eldar and Slaanesh. If he did, Humans would be in the wrong for not engaging him. BUT HE DIDN'T! You gave them Every. Reason. To NOT engage you, you lanky, old marasmatic.
Alright, lets put my bias upfront. I'ma Necron guy. My first army, my first books, my first games.
Lets be clear though, the Necrons lost to the Eldar *and* the Krorks after defeating the Old Ones and enslaving our own gods. We might have lost but it took the combined might of the entire known galaxy standing against us and fancy space wuju that we had to invent technology to interact with. Oh and y'all came in at the tail end of the War in Heaven. It had been going on for who knows how long.
I'm not saying don't glaze up your bois, go for it. But put some respect on my bony bois.
Yes the boney boys do deserve the best praise.
You could even argue the only reason why they lost was because of the Star Gods.
They held the worst the galaxy could throw at them, beat their own gods while also fighting everyone, and then had their king come back to warn EVERYONE when he saw how bad the nids could get.
They have the best boys, the best boss, and had required the galaxy and fate to actively spite them just to stop them from winning against the entire setting and universe itself!
"We lost"????? Trazyn, that you? Did you get lost on the way out of your museum again?
To be fair, he did explicitly state that he was gonna twist facts to make the knife ears look better
necrons were the dumbest race in the galaxy during the war in heaven.
-be necron
-fight old ones
-talking gas cloud called "the deciever" tells you to follow his instruction and build some fancy robots
-what could go wrong ?
-listen to THE DECIEVER
-get turned into slave
@@aaabbb-zc7sx Technically his real name is Mephet'ran and his original title was "the messenger". He was only given the title of "the deceiver" after the bio-transference
I am not immune to simping.
My favorite elf loving diabetic WH40K youtuber has once again uploaded
Everyone's favourite elf loving diabetic WH40K youtuber
@@matthewpohlmann6623 everyone's favorite elf-loving diabetic WH40K and sometimes also Halo youtuber
This pops up as I’m watching Frieren, okay internet overlords I’m becoming an elf simp
Frieren's mind mojo about how a certain demon should cease existing is basically 40k's Mind War.
@@boyanpenev9822 frieren cant escape the 40k memes
30:24 Aren't the Eldar themselves a product of genetic engineering and witchery writ large as a species, including potentially creating gods via sheer psychic might? Phoenix Lords are somewhat less impressive in comparison to that...
I sat down after getting up for 10 minutes and heard you say "Khaine can beat Angron in a fight" my mind having forgot this was about Eldar thought "Ciaphas Cain" and I wasn't questioning it either.
I gotta add a bit of harlequin propaganda that I found in my old demon codex.
There is this demon called the masque of slaanesh. It's the dancing demon, it literally cannot do anything without dancing due to pissing slaanesh off and getting cursed. It's *the* dancing demon.
This demon once attacked a troupe of harlequins and it was going fairly well, until a solitaire showed up, the apex of the harlequins. This guy locked the masque in a dance battle, and after a week, the masque made a mistake. This guy out-danced the dancing demon. A being of excess that made dancing its profession.
This had a fulgrim-rylanor effect on the masque, making it retreat and having a burning hatred for harlequins specifically.
Thanks for reading, have a good day ^^
TLDR- Solitaires are cracked
That's because the Solitaire is an Eldar willingly sacrificing their own soul to method act Slaanesh - their soul is forfeit if they die, so they go all out.
@@thesunthrone true, but even then, outdoing someone in the thing they do every second of their life is insane, not even considering the masque has been doing this for millions of years. I could imagine that, since a solitaire takes the role of slaanesh in their performance, the masque got distracted by some sort of trauma response. It got cursed by slaanesh after all.
I have 2 counters.
#1. Nuh uh.
#2. If eldar are the best then why do they easily go down to my lasgun and world war era tanks?
Love the lore, keep it up with the great video.
Generally it's the levy militia who're fighting. Dave, who's normally a baker, picks up a shuriken catapult and mesh armour and hits the battlefield to defend his Craftworld. Opposite is the pride of the military might of the galaxy, equipped with the best arms and armaments that entire planets dedicated to weapons manufacture can produce.
50-50 which way the fight will go.
Well the some of the Eldar Craftworlds have never been defeated in battle, that’s a pretty insane feat in 40k.
@ (I’m just having fun so I’m not attacking you) it’s really easy to not lose any more when you’ve been dead for most of that time!
necron sweep should have won
Go back to bed grandpa
Orks win low dif
@@brexthompsonPrimitive meat bags these days no respect for their betters. *Old* *Robotic* *Grumbling*
I feel like the Eldar might be the biggest victim of GW’s complete lack of understanding how long time is. The fall of the Eldar was 15,000 years ago! That’s longer than the entirety of recorded human history! Does even Eldrad remember the fall?
Where are the new space elf empires dotting the stars? The Exodites have their own infinity circuit trees that in no way resemble a plot element from a 2009 James Cameron movie that just happens to share its name with one of the greatest Western animated shows ever made. It should be possible!
Eldar: There is a Necron Tomb complex on this planet in Imperial space. Instead of just warning the Imperials about said threat which they will then deal with on their own, we are going to fight our way through the Imperials to reach the complex wasting an ungodly amount of manpower on both sides and thus leaving us both more vulnerable when the Necrons finish waking up.
Necrons: See, we plan ahead. That way, we don't do anything right now. Szarekh explained it to me
Imperium: sees an alien civilisation existing - how about we grind ourselves into a stalemate and lose billions because we racist?
People try to put shit on the way the Eldar communicate like the imperium is a bastion of diplomacy...
@hippiecheapskate Not counting the times that the Imperials allied with Eldar, Tau, Orks, and even the Emperor damned Necrons to deal with a common enemy. The Imperium isn't nearly as unreasonable as people seem to think.
@Warrior-Of-Virtue it's Standing philosophy is aliens are evil and the galaxy belongs to humanity by divine right.
Choosing not to kill one enemy to fight another doesn't change that. They will annihilate entire alien civilisations when they can't fight back.
Choosing to pause hostilities is entirely a strategic move not a diplomatic or philosophical one
@@Warrior-Of-Virtue they still lose
Looks like he's polishing his wraithbone to a mirror sheen with this one
“GW will always hate this faction”
Still more love than the poor beastmen 🐐
6:58 This is why I think the Tau are absolutely terrifying IMO, they’ve almost matched what its taken basically everyone else in a freaking existance a cosmic blink of an eye.
Because noone bothered to screw them over.
@@Dozarman about that big E is causing humans in the tau empire to uhm yk rebel
@@Dozarman no one cares about them in lore, the imperium has other matters to do
@@PERSONII3331PERSONIIEVER same thing, still effing hurts
I think there's a degree to which that's because the Tau are still in their initial ascension phase, while the other major technological factions are all recovering after a fall. Tau tech is behind Craftworld Eldar tech, let alone Eldar Empire tech, and it's probably a long way behind the height of the Dark Age of Technology. Tau technology is probably a reasonable projection of where humanity might reach in ten thousand years (while the DAoT peaked around 25K).
In the case of the Imperium, there's a combination of being in a case of net stagnation since it formed (some technologies are found, others are lost), and a lot of the technology that the Imperium currently uses being designed more to be something that can be reliably produced on a newly established colony worlds without a fully developed industry rather than to be the best available.
I think our man Pancreas is married to an elven space girl...
Lucky man.
Cant believe f pancreas was an ultramarine in disguise
Living the dream.
I seem to recall the Biel-Tan video ended with expressing a specific desire...
He wishes
"neanderthal paintings on a cave wall" As far as we've been able to determine, all of the cave paintings in the world can be attributed to homo sapiens, and while there have been arguments for some, none have been successfully attributed to homo neanderthalensis.
@volteraasus1200 I'm sorry you learned today. My b.
This is anti-neanderthal propaganda
This is a warhammer video my good bitch, nobody thinks that's an insult.@@volteraasus1200
@@balthazar579 1. Very annoying and reddit response (other guy wasn't better but still)
2. While we don't have cave paintings specifically, there are pieces of neanderthal art we're aware of. There's the funny stalagmite stone circle thing, but I actually think the other example I know of is way crazier; we have a bone flute made from a bear femur, and I've not seen any terribly good arguments against that one other than incredulity that neaderthals could make something like it, and the argument that there were other bones in the cave that didn't have holes in them? Might be misremembering that one because I don't really understand it
"Everyone else will never get that straight up fight"
For those who don't know and haven't read Da Big Dakka, spoilers:
Ufthak Blackhawk, a Bad Moons warboss, and his boyz broke into the outskirts of Commorragh by plugging a weirdboy into a webway portal, shot down multiple venoms and other vehicles by sheer weight of gunfire, survived an assassination attempt by mandrakes by krumpin the snot out of them, survived the lethal muscle growth injection of that assassination which made him smarter (ork size corelates to intelligence), broke a hole in the webway allowing a demonic invasion of Commorragh, then lastly stole an incredibly powerful deldar flagship to jump out of Commorragh better off than when he came in.
The Dark Eldar don't give you a straight up fight.....until the Orks want one!
@@Tavenknaughtlin1 Sounds like an RTS mission/campaign.
27:00 gave me the HILARIOUS image of a halriquen hitting the griddy like that one joker meme across a craft world
Ngl I would pay some serious money for a Maugan Ra boltgun/doom 2016 style game of him bodying a hivefleet. That sounds sick.
Goddamn I am so in
Don't forget Maugan Ra also pulled an entire Craftworld out of the Eye of Terror simply because it used to be his home.
12:22 small correction. Emps may be the 'anathema' but he isnt a literal anathema to chaos. That would be the blanks. Emps is 'just' a psyker so god damn out of his mind powerful that his ambitions of order put him at odds with the Chaos Gods who actually take him seriously as a threat. But his nature is not anti-chaos or something. If anything, he is very much a creature of the warp like they (but with a mortal and material origin and anchor).
I think it's possible to be both. Fantasy has the wind of Hysh being anathema to Chaos, despite being a wind of magic and therefore ultimately coming from the Immaterium, because Hysh represents concepts that are anathema to the Chaos Gods. As strong as the Chaos Gods might be, they don't represent every concept that can be embodied in the Warp. (Well, maybe Tzeentch does, but Tzeentch is often fighting itself so one aspect of Tzeentch being antithetical to another wouldn't be off-brand.)
The powers commonly associated with manifestations of the Emperor's will are often Hysh-flavoured, so I think it is reasonable to say that the Emperor is anathema to Khorne, Nurgle, and Slaanesh because the concepts he embodies are diametrically opposed to them. Of course, the reverse would also be true.
He was anathema to them in literal sense as the his light burns the corruption and his very presence in warp made kugath the great unclean one shit his pant and he recently resurrected RG on godblight and burned nurgle's garden.
@@viroshanargiri4641 I dont think thats how it works. If Khorne himself showed up to a war between his army and Slaanesh, you can bet your ass he would burn away the Slaaneshi deamons. Not because his essence is anethema to deamons but because he is so monstrously powerful he can burnt hem away just by being near and focusing his intent.
Emps, at his core, is nothing more than a human psyker. Now, thats underselling him of course. He is like a psyker in the way a lit match is like a massive forest fire. But their essence is the same.
He isnt an 'anti-warp' entity. He could easily walk through the garden of Nurgle without burning it, if he doesnt want it to burn. His negative effect isnt inherent to his nature, its inherent to him being powerful and WANTING it to have that effect.
I can kill ants quite easily, but that fact doesnt make my existence anathema to ants.
Elf boy over here likes the knife ears! Everybody point and laugh! He’s just like those Bretonians!
He really IS a horse botherer!! Bahaha!
Hahahahaha typical bretonian
This better become a top comment lol
Aw shit, you are right! 😂😂😂
Holy shit, I didn't realize that. Pancreas really is just like the Br*tonnians
You're a cornerstone of the eldar online community, keep the good work in the resistance against dwarf larpers.
Mhm. Say, remind me, which race birthed Slaanesh and is obnoxiously cryptic, not to mention just flat-out stupid?
Dwarf slander? That is going in the book!
Nothing is more cringe than dwarf fanboys
@@ttpbroadcastingcompany.4460remind me, which race made chaos stronger than ever by giving them a bunch of primarchs, legions of space marines, fleets and billions of worshippers all around the galaxy? Almost the half of Emperor's creations turned against him, people of his Empire live in such horrible conditions that becoming a cultist is not a bad alternative. At the same time every Craftworld Eldar is free to choose his own path. Every Craftworld Eldar remembers mistakes and sins of his kind, and non of them feeds the chaos gods by cults, prays, gifts of armies and fleets. Humanity is much more stupid in every regard
Preach brother, mankind isn’t innocent either, they fuckin can’t go a single day without a rebellion or civil war happening, even prior to the Hersey.
Your final word on the Eldar, made a Necron fan’s cold metal heart feel warm again. The propaganda worked. Thank you, pancreas
I don't know why but the thought of Harlequinns and the Eldar as a whole having a webway "Liveleak" makes me giggle insistently I can't stop
"None of his chapter mates should try to rescue him." - Unless they are ultra marines, they would probably be fine XD
Ultramarines have armor made of purest Plotium, they could probably "Nah, I'd win" all 4 chaos gods at once and somehow come out on top.
The real Eldar propaganda is the new Fuegan model.
A sex toy sponsorship is what finally sold me on the Eldar. I was never exactly against them, but sex furniture is what sealed the deal for me to look into them and give them a fair chance. I hope you're happy.
Hey, just a warning, but Adam and Eve has used unsafe-for-body materials in their toys in the past, so while I'm happy they're paying sponsorship money, remember to check these sorts of things when you buy anything you're meant to put in your body.
Imperium fans complain that the eldars think of themselves as a superior race.
Imperium fans are angry that the eldars are right.
I’m all for these propaganda videos, some good positivity for the community. I hope the Tomb Kings and Necron propaganda videos are coming soon.
Joined this channel late but am amazed how good these videos are and that you're pulling in views to rival the OG warhammer channels kudos PNW
Isha being an anime girl is a massive Eldar W
Edit: im wrong. The biggest eldar W is them being kind to other people.
For the curious, that tidbit about Asurmen running a soup kitchen comes from the novella "Last Days of Ector", a companion piece to the novel Valedor, which is one of the few works to show either the Eldar or the Avatar of Khaine any respect.
Knowing your enemy’s propaganda means that you’re more educated on how little the enemy thinks of you.
One additional Khaine victory occurs in the Mechanicus trilogy when he bodies a Black Templars chaplain.
Jokes on you, Chaos has the most effective propaganda where player as outsider is well aware that Nurgle is younger then War in Heaven(thanks, Nightbringer) and Slaanesh is younger then Eldrad, Vect, Emperor and possibly even Malcador and Cawl and yet they somehow keep repeating the lines about immortal omnipresent omniscient and all powerful they call "gods". Like, my man, YOU as a player are allowed to know lore from all sides, you know more then Tzeentch. How can you get baited by it?
So if a modern 40k lore enthusiast was transported to 40k would they go mad and or become corrupted by chaos for knowing secrets only(maybe) Tszeentch knows?
I know those secrets and I’m fine!!!
Blessed is the mind to retarded to dought!
@lordgod9958 if we assume that moden Earth is "canonical" to 40k, I'd say you'd be fine... on demon front, I mean. Humans would stone you to death.
Why? Well, here's context: we know that majority of humans in 40k are latent psykers. That's the long running legacy of psionic breeding programms that started somewhere in 15k-18k ie 13000-16000 years into the future. We also know that despite that pariahs, nulls and blanks are still born in 40k even if rarely. Those genes were sown by necrons around the times of Ancient Egypt, Ancient China and Ancient Mesopotamia. They're also a reason why our cultures are closer to necrontyr ones and why we hate eldar on some subconscious level, but that is beside the point. What is the point is that psykers don't exist yet and won't exist for 13000 years minimum. Which means that likely majority of modern day humans are some degree of pariah.
So if you'll get transported into 40k, demons won't even be able to see you. However latent psionic humans would hate instinctively hate you.
But that's just a theory...
slaa'nesh is younger than big E
@@aaabbb-zc7sx why did you repeat that part of my comment?
Yes, Emperor is about 3-4 times older then Slaanesh.
Eldrad and Vect are also confirmed to be born before Fall of Eldar.
Malcador was perpetual and alpha psyker and he was already insanely old by the time of Unification Wars.
Meanwhile Cawl was already an old man when his original personality worked for Astartes program back during Unification Wars. Given that he was a genetic researcher, who would likely be several centuries old and that Emperor likely was forced to reveal himself by Fall of Eldar before recruiting him, Cawl can too be older then Slaanesh. And unlike everyone else I mentioned, he can be the only "ordinary" human to claim that.
The image of fauna being held in nurgle's garden is revolting uuuuuuuuu.
Dark Souls Hollows asking frogs for help and then getting flipped off is the perfect summation of the War In Heaven.
“Farseers are the ultimate authority in seeing the future”
Laughs in Orikan
Orikan can travel back in time and still could barely get a standstill in court against Trazyn, actual Fraud that Orikan
Orikan does not have a window. He automatically loses.
This video coming out is funny timing for me, because I just finished listening to a reading of the novel Shadow Point by a channel called A Border Prince (fantastic narrator btw). While it's primarily an Imperium story focusing on a ship and its crew from Battlefleet Gothic, the Eldar show up as an uneasy ally with them. Although they nearly kill each other due to Dark Eldar and Chaos interference, cooler heads end up prevailing so they can clown on both of them. It does a really good job of going into the Eldar mindset about emotion, vengeance, and how they're able to set aside animosity to work with another race with a common goal in the short term. Best part though, it features an Avatar of Khaine, and he curbstomps everything he comes across. It's a fantastic book and so is the previous book Execution Hour, althought that one is pure Imperium vs Chaos.
Best gw books and eldar depictions and they completely dumped it in favour of Thorpe's emo loser brigade
Did we just get a Fauna jumpscare??
I too would join the eldar is fauna was in the eldar's pantheon
I love how you continually use Fauna to depict Isha.
Khaine bodies angron?, you got my respect
I misheard this as Ciaphas Cain taking out Angron. With that man's level of plot armor, I'd believe it.
@@halkiierid4084 Angron watching in horror as Jurgen charges his melta:
I keep expecting you to show up cosplaying an elf and not mentioning it lol
Your videos help keep me sane in this insane world and I can't thank you enough for that
Pancreas, I was once an Eldar hater. Then I watched a few of your videos, read more books about them and I am now a full propagandist *cough* I mean spreader of the holy truth of space elves
Normally I would hate this much Elf-Glazing, but I just finished another play through of Rouge Trader (Nocturne of Oblivion my one true friend) and he glazed up the harlequins like they deserve. So, excellent video sir-may the clowns continue to Fortnight dance on the golden duck heads forever more!
I wish GW could write them well and make them feel like the sage warrior race like they used to be. Everytime i pick up an Eldar book ill see Gav Thorpe on the cover and i know the eldar will be painfully stupid, petty and excessively weak. The Ynnari really could have been really cool, but they didnt try to make an interesting faction.
0:28 then Pancreas the Eccesiarchy would like to have a word with you about the health benefits of becoming an Arco Flagellant down the suspisiously dark alley way
jokes and larping aside good video
@Warmaster2001 9 people didn't think so and i left my comment nearly a month ago
@Warmaster2001 beside pancreas does plenty of larping in his videos i choose to join in on the fun
MYST here, from the Eldar in the long dead game Eternal Crusade. Can confirm, Eldar were incredible to play, organize, and absolutely wrecked when properly coordinated. That was the key, coordination! Mael Dannan!
In spite of GW's constant shilling of the Imperium and more specifically the Ass-tarties the craftworld Eldar are still one of the more popular armies. Even when their universe creators are against them they still keep on trucking.
Only the fluff creators are even slightly 'against' the Eldar, crunch writers are definitely overly pro Eldar (which 100% helps their popularity on the tabletop). Eldar have been at, or near the top of the power curve for most of the 25-odd years I've been following 40k. Something that no other army can say imo (especially Marines, they've had real periods of sucking over the years).
Okay, Maugan Ra taking down "only a single hive ship" is impressive when you know that on the low end a single hive ship has millions of tyranids inside, and on the high end, like for exemple a hive fleet Hydra ship, it's BILLIONS of smaller bioforms in there, that's insane for a single man with a gun/scythe to do.
If he fought an entire hive fleet the massacre would have lasted so long my man would have disappeared from the lore for tens or hundreds of years
@Warmaster2001 Yep, truly an eldar primarch :D
5th edition Tyranid codex credits him standing all alone against a tendril of the Hive Fleet Leviathan and winning. Yes, you read that right, the TYRANID codex.
0:55 Such is the power of Nagash
Such is the power of Settra the Imperishable
Eldar goals in War in Heaven:
•Necron Extinction
•Old Ones survival
Necron goals in War in Heaven:
•Kill the Old Ones
•Unite the Necrons
I think the results are clear.
Forgot “cure the super cancer”. Total sweep for the bone boys.
*unite the necrons* you mean the necrons who are still divided into dynasties and who are currently having a civil war ? those necrons who choose between the stormlord and the silent king,each with a very different view ?
@@aaabbb-zc7sxstill, two warring factions is better than every single dynasty being against eachother
Imagine being so utterly crushed that you hide in a basement for 60 million years and then coming out and saying you won. Are you German or something?
@ As in people are shitting themselves at the very thought of them still existing? Apparently yes.
30:19 there needs to be more on Ynnead reviving dusty TKSons.
And, imo, GW need to shift Eldar away from “dying race” to “recovering race”
You at genuinely my favorite 40k content creator cuz you're the only one I've found that actually enjoys the eldar as much as i do. Keep up the beautiful work!
Pancreas probably cringed when they revealed that huge Eldar relic super station in Dominion Genesis and it ended up destroyed out of spite.
Fuck yeah need more Yvraine posting.
The thought of an Amdech yelling slurs and having someone try to kill optimus prime is hilarious ngl. It's like a cat ownder dealing with its little gremlin.
We need more Eldar videos from glorious Pancreas
18:00 John "freaking" Grammaticus!
An Adam and Eve sponsorship on Warhammer lore is crazy bc since when did wargamers start having sex
That's unfair, wargamers have always had sex with themselves and theirs plenty of options for that
What might also make you happy, is a certain scene from the second twice dead king book:
The main character is arguing with a bunch of nobles on his flagship, while being chased by the imperium.
A necron spy shows up and throws a captured human on the ground
Saying ,,I found this psyker...
And before he finishes the sentence every noble who heard him draws their weapon, as the main character has flashes of memories of the eldar krumping necrons.
The spy needs to explain that it is just a human who can't do shit, to prevent the mc from immediately cutting down human and spy.
Most based content on the face of the planet
One of my favorite 40k lore-tuber, who convince me to start an Evangelion coloured eldar army, makes a banger. Props to you!
If the Humans just worshipped the Eldar gods then chaos wouldn’t even exist
I mean, the Kroot have Khaine as one of their gods, so who knows what's possible?
Great video as always ~ the funniest part is I always think I have Age of Empires playing in the background from the background music XD Keep up the good work!
As a Tau fangirl, I used to think that the 40k humans were so hick headed that the Tau had to resort to brainwashing and mind control to give them a chance at being friends. They were just doing what they could in a galaxy that was antithetical to them. That whole bit with the Eldar soup kitchen showed me that, maybe, even the Tau could be doing better.
That said, I would like to offer alliance between the Tau fandom and your platform.Please I need this, the Tau don't get any love I just wanna see my boys thrive PLEASE IM BEGGING
I want to see any videos that's not just uggg tau bad and there fans know it, or hey here's literally one tau video and let's get back to our scheduled programming of humans and LITERALLY only humans other then like this dude and maybe adeptus ridiculous but still their like once in a blue moon.
There was actually really early lore that heavily implied a faction of the eldar created the tau as a chaos resistant species to act as a bulwark because humans failed abysmally at it
@@hippiecheapskate where you founf it
@@PERSONII3331PERSONIIEVER I'm not sure about "heavily" implied, but there's a lot of circumstantial evidence. The period when the Ethereals appeared was predated by "omens" that sound a lot like alien ships visiting, during a period when conventional warp travel couldn't reach the system. The Tau also feel like they're pretty much exactly what the Craftworld Eldar would make if they wanted a race that complemented them but didn't suffer from their weaknesses - weak presence in the Warp so Chaos finds it hard to latch onto them, the caste system is essentially a stricter form of the Path system likely making it even harder for Slaanesh specifically to latch onto the Tau, they seem to be following a similar technological path apart from the lack of psyker magitech, and they have similar doctrines of employing manoeuvre warfare and superior firepower to win battles with minimum casualties (and, possibly, minimum power flowing to Khorne). There are also quotes from Eldar characters such as Eldrad that are favourable to the Tau and having paternal feelings towards them. Being openminded towards other species would also be likely to be a desirable quality.
There was also a contrasting theory that they might be Necron creations, which cannot be entirely ruled out, but the only thing that's really in common there is being high-tech and low-psyker, especially considering necron fluff at the time (when the Tau were introduced, necron fluff had them not really having agency, with the C'tan ruling over them as living gods). And the necrons would probably be more interested in trying to create actual blanks rather than simply having a weak presence in the Warp.
@@Draxynnic okay
This is the ultimate propaganda. It's designed to make us think this is the elf propaganda video when anyone who's been paying attention knows all of them are knife ear simping
You can’t pull the Optimus prime card it’s not fair, 20 yr old me is jaded enough to say yes but 8yr old me would never forgive him
why you jaded
@ jaded in a “40k is evil so enjoy the evil” sense I’m not a jaded person. I couldn’t think of another word for what 40k makes you just accept.
@@williamknight5691 ha
Jain Zar terrorising Night Lords is the best Eldar lore.
13:54 ahh a man of culture
Based 👌🏼
Always good to see a upload from our favourite "the space elves did nothing wrong" guy. Keep it up and I'll gobble it up, too.
GW aught to want to hype up the Eldar too. Even if they wanted to write a story where the Space Marines win, the story would be more exciting if the Space Marines were having a hard time because the Eldar are formidable.
I think every fraction deserves a bit of good, plot-armored bolter porn. Marine fans complain because they get so much of it, xenos fans complain because we never get any of it, just spread that fun around a bit.
Not every Eldar book has to be a tome of the philosophical musings of the magic theologian Divinicock the farseen, just give me big Avatar hitting things gud. Eldar fans have monke brains too.
@ Yeah, that would be great. I know they would never do it, but I was thinking the other day how it would be great if there was a game like Space Marine 2 where you play as an Autarch. You could swap between the different weapon loadouts, and there could be some levels where you use a jump pack (or maybe even make the Hawk wings and Warp Spider pack mechanically different) and other ones where you’re on a jet bike.
Something else they also could do if GW want to glaze the space marines so bad, is that it would be cool if they did so not by making the eldar pathetic in their own books, but rather making the space marines easily wreck some chaos stuff DUE TO eldar fuckery. Glazing doesn't have to be a zero-sum game damnit
@aidan-h3p What are talking about? Entire regiments of guardsmen getting wiped out is a regular thing.
@@Armory_4 Aspect Warriors actually obliterating marines in their specialized fields, The absolute hell that is Eldar air superiority, a little respect to the damn Guardians, those guys are Kasrkin-level soldiers, More Harlequin-based tomfoolery just to piss off more Imperium fanboys, The Avatar of Khaine actually winning (a fanciful idea, I know)
Just winning for once would be nice. No great sacrifices or bittersweet victories, just a win for the Eldar.
Keep doing Asuryan's work my man. Also legit was moved by that Asurmen story im liking him even more
I see your Optimus Prime, and raise you a Megatron and a Starscream. Yeah now what elf boy defend the abominable intelligence now.
I think that's actually part of the point. Does the existence of Decepticons mean that it's reasonable to wipe out the Autobots? Does the existence of Drukhari and Corsairs mean that it's reasonable to wipe out all Eldar? Does the existence of Chaos-worshipping and genocidal Emperor-worshipping humans mean that it's reasonable to wipe out all humans?
'Clearly cause of the existence of Konrad Curze we must exterminate all of humanity'
That's what you sound like.