Tucker Gott Beats SUPERDELL'S Paramotor Speed Record!!!?

  • Опубликовано: 7 сен 2024
  • (Call or Text) 801-631-1731
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    Paramotor performance and safety is a big deal as people should really get the best performing safest glider they can find. So pushing performance to an all new level on the safest possible gliders is incredibly valuable. So here Dell Schanze addresses another speed record attempt. Dell Schanze set the paramotor world speed record 9 years ago and those pushing death trap gliders absolutely hate this fact and try to pretend they beat it quite regularly only to look really foolish trying so hard to beat the safest glider on the market with their totally uncertified class death traps.

Комментарии • 85

  • @danielroush8190
    @danielroush8190 Год назад +40

    Omg let's just fly and enjoy the sport... automobile and pharmaceutical companies don't even waste this much time putting down others.. just do your thing

    • @DellSchanze
      @DellSchanze  Год назад +8

      How are you going to enjoy dying on a death trap they spent all that time scamming you to buy? Seriously if you get a total fluke and actually just end up in a wheel chair how exactly are you going to just enjoy the sport? Since you KNOW they are death traps don't you think you have ANY moral obligation at all to warn others who will die if they don't stop flying that crap? Autos and drugs are highly regulated. This sport is SELF REGULATED. So yea those with honor have to speak up about freaking sick scumbags promoting death traps to ignorant newbies. Do you seriously think your 11:1 aspect ratio low profile is "more stable"? THINK about that logically even just for 1 second...

    • @YalvacliDelikurt
      @YalvacliDelikurt Год назад +5

      Exactly!!! Thank you...

    • @BlackDevill9
      @BlackDevill9 Год назад +2

      @On your Bike thats a pretty good Analogy 👊

    • @brandonnonya3680
      @brandonnonya3680 Год назад

      I would pay to watch pharmaceutical companies put eachother down. Especially considering the only true journalists that exist are from project Veritas. The best thing about people like Dell using free speech is when you watch people expose themselves and others.

    • @cameronlapworth2284
      @cameronlapworth2284 Год назад

      Daniel I fly in gyroplanes which are safe aircraft if flown correctly. Very very safe in fact if flown correctly.
      Our sport gained its poor reputation because we had too few people like Dell calling out dangerous nonsense.
      Tucker may well be a nice guy simply captured by wish thinking. How many of his friends have killed themselves now.
      When I was learning to fly in gyros I learnt with an excellent instructor who always and still does speak out against dangerous BS . In the club he set up I was involved with for over a decade and I never saw a gyro damaged not one scratch. The other area I flew closer to where I lived under cowboy instructors there was an accident every other month! My instructors name was mud in those parts amount the cowboys but everyone who was prepared to train with him and stick to the system no only survived but never crashed in training.
      Hard to have fun if your aircraft is a mangled heap of twisted metal. Or you are dead.

  • @almostbrazilian24
    @almostbrazilian24 Год назад +12

    Dell when you recorded your “speed record” you were on a trike and had loaded the bags below with a bunch of ammo to increase your weight. This isn’t a genuine test.
    Why don’t we settle this with a head to head challenge with Trevor? He’s open to it. Why not do a cross country race on a Dominator vs Ozone and see who gets from point A to B the fastest with idêntica weight? You do it in the same place under the same conditions with the same weight and altitude. Easy to settle this.

    • @DellSchanze
      @DellSchanze  Год назад +2

      Weight doesn't matter. Adding weight takes more power to maintain altitude. So you can add all the weight you want for testing or a speed record as it's really all about the gliders speed vs power efficiency ratio. Using a trike does matter as it gives a huge gigantic disadvantage because of the drastically increased drag. So the fact that it will go 51 mph with the tike means it will go notably faster without the trike. The smaller sizes of Dominators didn't even exist at the time I set the record. Now they do.
      No I won't fly with Trevor and have him die trying to beat the safest glider with a death trap. I don't want to be anywhere around when he dies. I've set the record. 51 mph is 51 mph. Anyone on the planet can bet my record if they are capable of it. I don't need anyone blaming me for Trevor's death to prove my record as I set the dang record. It's up to others to beat it. Pretty humiliating for them to keep trying to beat it with death traps though and compare their death traps to the safest glider on the market. It's not even a question of which glider is better. There is no argument. Only stupidity vs sanity.

  • @FlyGuyUK.
    @FlyGuyUK. Год назад +3

    3 weeks ago, the Mustache Glider was promoted by Tucker... OMG so revolutionary, the future bla bla bla, followed by Tucker buying a wing 'Using his own money' that he has never flown but does sell on his website
    Gotta watch these people

    • @DellSchanze
      @DellSchanze  Год назад +4

      Yea perfect example of how they don't really give a crap about facts, reality or people's lives. It's all about video views and money. He never even tested ANY of the wings he sells. Where is ANY video of him actually showing the max speed of a glider and the safety of the same glider and showing the characteristics? It doesn't exist. Same with others. They don't care about truth or reality or facts that people's lives depend on it's all about getting money. I'm not going to market a wing as awesome unless I've fully tested it myself first. That doesn't get views though to always promote the truth as it doesn't change. People like to see the lies as the lies are always new and changing. Pretty crazy.

  • @JRobert111111
    @JRobert111111 Год назад +12

    I'm curious how Dell and Trevor Steele went from best of friends and colleagues to arch enemies. What did I miss?

    • @rickbrown6557
      @rickbrown6557 Год назад +2

      Really? What happened? I must have missed that...

    • @DellSchanze
      @DellSchanze  Год назад +15

      Well it's pretty strange when you go from doing everything you can to help someone to having them do everything they can to screw you over and try to murder all your friends you have spent years trying to help. It's not about being enemies though. It's about simply standing up for the truth to try to save people's lives. I've had zillions of people try to screw me over and lie about me all over for years and years. I'm used to it. Evil is as evil does. Those who are good just keep on doing what's right and trying to warn people of the truth their lives depend on.

  • @CoyoteOne
    @CoyoteOne Год назад +4

    Why can't everyone just make videos and bring the sport together instead of being divisive. Not making a 25 minute video bashing someone.

    • @DellSchanze
      @DellSchanze  Год назад +1

      It's pretty naive to suggest murderers are going to get along happily with those trying to apprehend them and bring them to justice. Is telling the truth to correct an intentional lie bashing? You seriously have your objective totally backwards as you don't seem to actually care about the truth but in fact do the exact thing you pretend you want to prevent. You bash the one telling the truth and trying to save people's lives while you say nothing at all about those working to get so many seriously injured & killed over and over year after year in the same old ways again and again. Good vs evil will always be divided. It's you bashing the one telling the truth for example and trying to pretend the one telling the truth is the attacker and it's the one totally lying very intentionally to deceive people away from the best & safest gear and training that is actually in the right. Seriously? You show a perfect example of the very types of people that are the problem not the solution. The solution is for more people to have the honor and integrity to stand up for the truth against people like you. Not bash those who do have the character to stand up boldly for the truth and try to save people's lives.

    • @alistairclark6814
      @alistairclark6814 Год назад +2

      @@DellSchanze Man I love reading your perspective on safety, honesty, the industry and morality in the world of flying and all the conflict involved! I am a wingsuiter with a similar perspective.
      I find the contrast of virtuous human behavior vs marketing influenced and social, mob mentality in recreational flying drives me mental.
      Lets be honest. Marketing, popularizing and profiting from potentially fatal activities absolutely and directly results in a death count no matter how you look at it. Choosing to make a living from recreational flying is definitely going to kill a few people.
      I commend the energy you put into reducing the risks and doing your best to lower your count and pointing out where the hazards that others won't be honest about are. I can see that motivation comes from unfortunate experiences you have learned from. But at the same time I think you are crazy for taking on the burdens of making a living from flying at all, respect.
      My personal death count for over 12 years of wingsuit base jumping is 4, merely from opening new jumps, socializing and sharing the locations that I find for my activity. The regrets and damage that has caused to mine and others lives is irreparable. Shattered families, kids without dads and parents out living their own kids. So I get the seriousness of it. There is a moral responsibility to put the safety of others over any personal gain. I found the social world of wingsuiting in particular is too much an uncontrollable wild fire of enthusiasm, delusion and blind eagerness to manage at all though. Wingsuiting, while it can be done safely, is really dumb and risky. Because of this you will find wingsuits are generally filled with idiots. I can't seem to navigate wingsuiting in a social manner at all without making it possible for idiots to kill themselves or become a social outcast from trying to avoid idiots. I choose the out cast route so I can continue to jump in moral and ethical peace.
      Anyways I don't have any profound point to make, just thanks for the relatable reads and the entertainment of your obvious frustrations. Rock on, blue skies.

    • @DellSchanze
      @DellSchanze  Год назад

      Man you nailed it spot on. Other than the part of thinking I know about deaths from people dying on me. My death count is zero. One guy who died was towing with other instructors. He was not flying a Flat Top. The liars just lie up and down. Another guy who died was base jumping. His chute didn't open. That has zero to do with me. All my experience of deaths in the sport is watching HUNDREDS die by the hands of others. This sport is ridiculously safe if people get the gear and training I exhort people to get. There is a right way to do it and a wrong way. The right way has a ridiculously high safety record. Literally ZERO people have ever died as a result of following my advice. Zero. Yes one can die doing anything but with the ridiculously safe gear I recommend and training people with skills before they leave the ground the odds of death are... well we don't even know because the number is still zero. I have way way way over 11,000 flights without injury but have completely destroyed at least 20 Flat Top paramotors in different crashes pushing the limits, setting records and just doing crazy stuff. Zero injuries. The safety is so high it's really hard for people to comprehend unless they use the logic and reasoning and facts I share in my videos. This sport is amazingly safe. You could literally full stall into the ground from 10,000 ft and get up and laugh about it. The gear is THAT safe. At least the gear I recommend. All while hundreds have died on horribly deadly gear.
      It's really nice to see that people really do "get it" from the logic and reasoning and facts I show. I really appreciate your post. Thanks.

    • @cameronlapworth2284
      @cameronlapworth2284 Год назад

      @@alistairclark6814 Man that's an awful dilemma you are in. I understand fully your perspective. I Waa involved in gyroplanes for years. My instructor was excellent but at the time two seater were rare. We formed a club and used the gyroglider a two seat gyro towed behind a car to give primary instruction.
      A lot of students would listen and drive to the excellent powered instructor where they could finish thoer training. However many left early or did thier powered transitions by themselves or with cowboys. Many crashed doing that none getting the better training.
      The thought did cross my mind I was helping people along at the early stages and getting them to a point where they might harm themselves more.
      But you do what you can and advocate for safety after that's if the ignore you it's on them.

  • @mdinatale12
    @mdinatale12 Год назад

    Doesn't look like trevor's gonna get the invite to thanksgiving this year😂

    • @DellSchanze
      @DellSchanze  Год назад

      Nope. I have no interest in any purely evil people in my life. Just no need or value to that.

  • @DAS-Videos
    @DAS-Videos Год назад +1

    Tucker also made an error on the math, it averaged 53.5 mph while losing altitude, like you mentioned. It was still pretty fast.

    • @DellSchanze
      @DellSchanze  Год назад +2

      See what the real speed is though when they try to maintain altitude. Huge difference. 51 mph sustained is the record to beat and with the safest class of glider not a total death trap. Falling out of the sky is easy. Going fast in level flight with a paramotor is not.

    • @DellSchanze
      @DellSchanze  Год назад

      Amen to that.

  • @brentcoggin8580
    @brentcoggin8580 9 месяцев назад

    I think i could successfully argue that any reflex wing is far faster than a dominator. All you need is altitude. Once the wing collapses, your speed acceleration is 32 feet per second per second. It quickly becomes the fastest wing around.

    • @DellSchanze
      @DellSchanze  9 месяцев назад +1

      Yes that's the only way they are faster, it's when they are falling straight down to your death. HUNDREDS death and these idiots keep pushing that crap. Tucker was so scared to accelerate the glider you can hear him say how he didn't dare fly down low like I did when I set the record. That fact that they still can't beat my record even with totally uncertified class gliders just shows how badly the Dominator humiliates other gliders lol. Let's see their safest class of glider try to compete with the Dominator lol. Yea no way.

    • @brentcoggin8580
      @brentcoggin8580 9 месяцев назад

      @DellSchanze i intend to take your st class in the near future. Until then i would like to buy a used dominator and harness to practice on the beach with. I am 5'11 170 lbs and in decent shape for a 62 year old. What size glider should i practice on? I have a house near navarre beach in Florida but i drive a semi and go to all 50 states so my practice sites will vary tremendously.

    • @DellSchanze
      @DellSchanze  9 месяцев назад

      lol that would be like buying a karate outfit so you can practice karate before you ever take karate. It simply doesn't work that way. While there are evil people that care more about money than your life who would totally just sell you the gear I am not one of those people. A paraglider is so powerful it can literally pick up a full size pickup truck. Plus there are sooo many details to glider control that not even those pretending to be instructor for 20 years can do what brand new SUPER students can do. So just wait until SUPER training fine sir and do it the right way. Master the skills correctly and safely and then you will have a total blast. Trying to kite a wing without SUPER training is much much more dangerous than you would perceive. Then there are those who think oh I will just tie myself to my car for safety... doh... WHAP they are dead. Call me at +1 801 631 1731 or just message me through whatsapp at that same number which is the best way to contact me and I'll help you do it right and have a blast as safely as is possible. :)

  • @kylecar1
    @kylecar1 Год назад

    Hey Dell, I was wondering if you point me to finding the EN certification test for the dominator wing? It doesn’t seem to be posted on your website.

    • @DellSchanze
      @DellSchanze  Год назад

      The Dominator is the Cima K2, the Cima K2 is the Cima. They all carry the same certification as they are all the same wing other than features. So you can look it up on Sky's website. Keep in mind Tucker just posted a video admitting I was 100% correct and his video I reviewed here was completely false and a total pile of crap. Then he did another one claiming 52mph which again you can see he wasn't going opposite directions but was cross wind and still couldn't beat the Dominator as you have to beat it by over 1 mph in order for it to be a new record. Despite admitting I was right and that he was completely and totally wrong about 58.5 mph exactly as I said he was he still talked crap. Then he admitted he was too scared to fly the wing low to the ground because of how deadly they are. Seriously what kind of idiot flies a wing that is so deadly they are scared to death to fly it near the ground? Seriously? Freaking evil sickos putting that much time, money and effort into pushing the absolute worst and most deadly gear on the market and then they make up stupid lies like pretending the Dominator isn't certified. Seriously their lies are so stupid any idiot can look up the certifications.

  • @cameronlapworth2284
    @cameronlapworth2284 Год назад +4

    Hey there Dell.
    Been watching your videos and Tuckers. I'm a gyro pilot so don't know a great deal about paramotors.
    Gyros have a few things that can outright kill you and I always assumed all paramotors would be safe as houses.
    Now I have to admit when I first started watching I found Tuckers videos better produced he was certainly good at entertainment. I found your manner (at first a bit hostile). However I started to really listen to you and I have to say you've won me over.
    You strike me now as someone who is fundermentally honest. And I get your frustration I have similar feelings about some aspects of my sport gyroplanes. A lot of expensive vapourware with terrible low speed performance and while loads of claims to be safer the record shows otherwise. Considering no one teaches themselves to fly anymore our safety record should be miles better.
    Anyway I note today Tucker released a video in response to yours (although he claimed it wasnt) . I note he claimed his first was a premiliminary test. His top speed at 1600ft was claimed 52mph. Of course at 1600ft hard to tell if he was tracking true. He did fly over an airstrip but again at 1600ft hard to tell how straight he was going and then claimed he wasn't confident to fly that wing at that speed down low.
    Of course he threw a few insults your way while claiming it wasn't a response video.
    His comments section was interesting too.
    Anyway for what it's worth Dell inspite of Tuckers better more slick production methods I really appreciate your integrity it will win out in the end at least to those opening to listen. With all his dogey tactics he still is only game to claim to beat your record by 1mph and not being game to do so below 1600ft. I think that says heaps.
    In gyroplanes the thing that kills everyone is unloading the rotor. Pushing the rotor below the airflow. They decided that the problem with our old gyros is cg vs thrustline. Of course this was known about in the 1920s which is why early gyros had downthrust and the 1950s Bensens had 3 degrees downthrust. People took this off because they didn't see the need. So the started building gyros with the seat up high to line the Ni downthrust engine with the cg. And then declared them safe. They could have achieved the same with correct downthrust. But convinced they'd stopped the problem all these guys would declare gyros idiot proof. Some of us like you made ourselves unpopular suggesting that you could still unload the disk at high speeds if too aggressive however it goes down like you like a lead balloon.
    People want to believe in fairy tails. In gyros after a number of these machines still unload their rotors at the same rate as before and people still believe it. So keep up the fight Dell. It's honourable to just present the facts keep it up you'll outlast them.

    • @DellSchanze
      @DellSchanze  Год назад

      You nailed it man. Thanks for your post. It would be soooo easy to beat my record if they really could. Just SHOW the video. Seriously how hard is it to show you are flying straight and level and show the speed maintained and fly exactly back and forth the opposite directions to eliminate tail wind. If they could do it you can be sure they would. As you surmised though with a bit of common sense the death traps those like Tucker and Trevor are pushing are so deadly that they don't even dare actually do what I do. Even if they did beat the speed by 1 mph which they haven't been able to show at all who in their right mind would want a death trap instead of the safest glider on the market because of 1 mph speed difference? The Dominator is utterly humiliating them. Just the fact that they try to beat my safest class of glider with their totally uncertified class death traps... hahaha. It's hilarious. It's nice that there are people that can listen to things using a bit of intelligence and see the real truth. Seriously you couldn't have nailed it any more logically. When he is SCARED to fly low on the death trap but then pretends it's a great glider... it really does say everything an intelligent person needs to know about both the total crap gear they are getting people killed on and their total lack of morality, decency and honesty. Seriously if they had even the slightest bit of logic they could simply sell the Dominator which is the best instead of spending all that time, money and effort to lie in order to push crap so bad they don't even dare fly it.

    • @cameronlapworth2284
      @cameronlapworth2284 Год назад +1

      @@DellSchanze thanks and I feel awful for in the first few videos finding you a bit negative. I'd like you to know that while it took a bit of education to see actually everything this guy is saying makes sense and there is an absence of sense comming from the other side.
      I'm a teacher by trade and I'd guess that you if you were at school today would probably be considered adhd or asd. Full of beans. Now that's actually great that energy Is probably a massive reason why you've achieved what you have.
      However some of these other guys like Tucker are probably more palatable to a wider market because they are just saying things people want to hear. Yeah I loved his production values on his trip to Iceland. He's a cool bro type. But if he's promoting dangerous gear and a bad attitude to flying well it's ultimately going to kill the sport.
      It takes real courage to choose to do the right thing and do these videos explaining why people are dying. I read through a bunch of comments on his most recent post and there were quite a few digs at you. However not 1 addressed any of your fundermental concerns about wing collapse none addressed the fact that Tucker did this at 1600ft and didn't feel safe enough to do it low.
      I'm not a religious man Dell (I know you are) but inspite of this the only phrase that comes to mind is you are doing gods work here keep it up.
      I have twice been part of conversations of similar safety concerns with people promoting vapour ware as safety in gyros the first time I witnessed the conversation with a mate who ignored the advice and fatally unloaded the rotor on his gyro in front of his 5 year old son. The second time I was instructing in gyrogliders and was one of 3 people pleading with a newly solo pilot to not try to smash his machine through 110mph the next weekend again we were ignored he was safe because of his large stabiliser and high cg (these can help but dont make high speed flight safe) and the next weekend he pushed his gyro right through his rotor at about 100mph (his gps was intact) a teacher aide at the school I taught at lived on the farm he crashed on and I quizzed her. The force was so great his body ripped out the straps and was found about 50m from the rest minus one leg that got caught under the instruments.
      He'd been told by CFIs that this could not happen because of the large stabiliser (which was cut in half) and the thrustline vs CG . Again these can help but don't stop fatally unloading you need to learn to fly properly. So when ever I heard an instructor tell a student they can stop this I say okay let's see you fly at 50ft above the runway at 100mph and shove your stick full forward and prove it can't happen. Surprisingly no one ever took me up on it. When they refuse I say to the student in question the confidence in this as a cure can be gauged by experienced pilots willingness to try it. If they don't have the confidence with hundreds or thousands of hours neither should you.
      Again forgive the rambling reply and please keep it up I'm sure you've saved some lives and if I ever give the sport a go it'll be with you advice in mind.

  • @anthonyrutten4018
    @anthonyrutten4018 Год назад +1

    It’s obvious to me that your not into this just for the money!! I thank you for that and I’m looking forward to my super training!!! ✌🏼😎🤙🏼

  • @pf1y
    @pf1y Год назад

    What do you think of the Moustache, Dell? Curious.

    • @DellSchanze
      @DellSchanze  Год назад

      I just made a video about it. Look back a few videos. It's a hoaxflex death trap so it's completely pointless. There is just no reason to fly gliders that deadly.

  • @devnjohnson7893
    @devnjohnson7893 Год назад

    Hi Dell what are your thoughts on free flight? Like what is often enjoyed in the EU?

    • @DellSchanze
      @DellSchanze  Год назад +1

      Free flight is fun when it's working. The problem is you might take the trip up to the perfect spot 5 times before you ever get to actually fly as conditions have to be just right. With a paramotor you can fly anywhere anytime and if you get paragliding conditions you can just shut off your motor. Then when the wind dies off and all the paraglider pilots immediately sink out you just fire your motor up and fly away.
      Also from a safety aspect flying a Flat Top is like 1000 times safer as you have that roll cage around you and safety of the Flat Top crumple zone that you just don't have paragliding. Once you really understand a Flat Top you just won't feel safe flying without it as the Flat Top will seriously safe your butt when crap goes wrong. Then add to that with the motor you can fly in any conditions and choose smoother air if you want where with paragliding you end up in some pretty dangerous situations scratching right next to cliffs trying to fight for lift or pushing into crazy or trying to stay up which you just don't have to do with a Flat Top. Once you graduate SUPER training though you have skills to do either so it's fun to be able to do both.

  • @paulb7334
    @paulb7334 Год назад

    I cant believe Trevor went to that crap just looking at it ya can tell its flimsy junk

    • @DellSchanze
      @DellSchanze  Год назад

      Trevor just crashed and is in a wheelchair right now because he death trap glider wadded up and pounded him into the ground and his pile of crap death trap paramotor had no crumple zone to save his butt. Evil people don't learn though. He will just tell more lies from a wheelchair and pretend the safest glider and a Flat Top wouldn't have saved him. Evil people just lie. It's what they do.

  • @user-wo6zt1hf9q
    @user-wo6zt1hf9q 9 месяцев назад

    Well if Tucker was at 10,000 ft. he could have hit 200 mph+ if he just went for maximum descent rate.

  • @kathyphelan936
    @kathyphelan936 Год назад

    Dell. Can you explain “locked in”? I had a friend who flys a FreeRide and he experienced this on his 3rd flight. Scared the crap out of him.

    • @DellSchanze
      @DellSchanze  Год назад +1

      When you turn into a spiral and point straight down the glider will tend to just stay there and takes quite a bit of effort to get it to exit that attitude. Hoaxflex death traps are totally uncertified so they don't exit from spirals like quality wings are certified to do. It's especially dangerous because geforces build very quickly in a spiral and you can quickly pass out. If you pass out with a hoaxflex death trap it just stays in the spiral all the way to the ground. Many have died because of it. It's a very well known issue which is why it's part of the certifications for gliders. Point a Dominator straight down and do nothing and it will immediately return to straight and level flight by itself.

    • @kathyphelan936
      @kathyphelan936 Год назад

      Thank you for the clarification. I can see why my friend was scared. I’ll think I’ll pass on his offer to swap gliders. I’ll stick with my Dominator XXS

  • @ninjafrerunner
    @ninjafrerunner Год назад +1

    Do you have any dominators with all the lines sheathed? And do I need your motor to do super training?

    • @DellSchanze
      @DellSchanze  Год назад +3

      Yes all Dominators size small and larger have sheathed lines. Race lines don't really make much difference in performance until above 30mph. So for those that want performance it starts to matter in sizes extra small and smaller. So all Dominators smaller than size small have race lines. However they are fully customizable so anyone could order any size with any lines.
      Flat Tops are provided for SUPER training. No we wouldn't train someone on other paramotors as the only truly safe and up to date paramotor on the market is the Flat Top specifically. I wish there were others but there simply are no other paramotors a competent instructor could use. One of the biggest and most valuable parts of getting the best instruction in the world though is having the best instructor explain EXACTLY which gear you should get. Which gear you fly is literally the #1 factor in safety. Plus the Flat Top is lighter than most all other paramotors while also over 100 times stronger and more durable. It would be a nightmare trying to train people on non Flat Tops. You really couldn't get people hundreds of flights without destroying an entire trailer full of any other brand of paramotors. There are so many safety factors it's just life & death critical to fly Flat Tops.

  • @stustanski3912
    @stustanski3912 Год назад +2

    Tucker Gott grabs his ankles

  • @flying-j
    @flying-j Год назад +3

    You can't jump out of an airplane and fall 300 miles per hour. Terminal velocity is much lower than that. Not in regular atmosphere anyway.

    • @DellSchanze
      @DellSchanze  Год назад +3

      Actually 373.6 mph is the freefall speed record. That doesn't count the 843.6 mph above normal atmosphere. So yes 300 mph has been surpassed fine sir. I really try to stay well within facts without the slightest bit of puffery. Thanks for challenging me. Now we have both learned something as I thought the record was still only like 330 mph.

  • @candidoalcantara6718
    @candidoalcantara6718 Год назад +1

    make sense Dell wao

    • @DellSchanze
      @DellSchanze  Год назад

      I'm glad some people out there use logic, reasoning and wisdom to understand simple principles. 11:1 aspect ratios low profile gliders are NOT more stable. They are so deadly the death trap pushers don't even try to collapse test them. Ask any experience paraglider pilot the odds of taking a collapse in a lifetime of flying and you will find the odds are 100%. So a 100% chance to take a collapse on an unstable glider that does a backflip 180 and locks you into a face down spiral when it collapses. That's pretty much 100% chance of death at some point on the death traps if my reasoning is accurate. 90% of most peoples flying is way way below the altitude it would take the death traps to recover. Hard to comprehend how anyone could fly knowing full well that at any second their death trap could just wad up and they hit the ground before it recovers. There is no way in heck I would want to fly that crap. With a Dominator you still have a 100% chance of a collapse over a lifetime of flying. When it collapses though the odds are you continue flying straight and level and it pops out before you can even look up. That's an acceptable risk. 100% risk of death is just stupid.

  • @deliciousness8183
    @deliciousness8183 11 месяцев назад

    Isnt trevor your son? Not being condescending, just curious.

    • @DellSchanze
      @DellSchanze  11 месяцев назад

      No Trevor is my nephew but it wouldn't matter if he were my son. A lying scumbag is what they is because of what they is not because of who they is.

  • @superstar2983
    @superstar2983 Год назад

    Hey Dell what are your thoughts on the CIMA PWR. 👂

    • @DellSchanze
      @DellSchanze  Год назад +2

      The Cima pwr is a really heavy glider with lots of drag that is a totally uncertified class wing. So it doesn't compare with a Dominator that is the safest class of wing with the ultimate performance. So uncertified class vs safest class.

  • @austerarrow4061
    @austerarrow4061 Год назад +1

    Hi Dell,
    I really love your crusade to make the sport safer. I got a PPL, my own old tail-dragger, flown float planes and so on. From day one my CFI talked about safety: "It's fun to fly but discipline is the most important thing!(he had 33.000 flying hours)!!! There are old pilots, and there are bold pilots, but there are no old bold pilots...
    I'm thinking about starting paramotorflying after watching you on RUclips.
    Keep up your good work!!!

    • @DellSchanze
      @DellSchanze  Год назад +1

      Thanks man. I appreciate the feedback. I have a whopping 63 hrs in planes lol. Many in the Extra 300L doing acro. Flying a Flat Top is the funnest flying you will ever do though. There is nothing else like launching in your back yard and flying hundreds of miles. With proper gear and training the sport is incredibly safe. I have way way way over 11,000 flights without a single injury and I'm kinda the bold pilot lol. At least the one setting all the records. So if I haven't been injured yet it's pretty safe. Call me anytime at 800-707-2525

    • @austerarrow4061
      @austerarrow4061 Год назад +1

      @@DellSchanze Thinking about taking lessons from you! Merry Christmas🎄🎄🎄

    • @DellSchanze
      @DellSchanze  Год назад +1

      Say when. I do classes every other month or so. We provide lodging and all the gear so all you do is show up. Funnest trip ever. We really have a blast doing it.

  • @dalehughes388
    @dalehughes388 Год назад

    Ill trust anyone named DALE. even if he spells it wrong 😉 😉 good videos dell. Even tho i am a fan of tucker lol

  • @alihaq1420
    @alihaq1420 Год назад

    How does the ozone mojo compare with the dominator..... can you make a video pls Dell. 🙏

    • @DellSchanze
      @DellSchanze  Год назад +1

      The Ozone mojo is not roll stable under power so it's pretty much eliminated as a glider you could sell to people starting out. The Dominator has more performance and more safety and is roll stable in every size clear down to 14sm. So there is no comparison. I'll try to make a video though.

  • @shanesimpson1186
    @shanesimpson1186 Год назад

    3:44 because its newww

  • @paulb7334
    @paulb7334 Год назад +1

    Dell is like Trump the truth hurts the liars

  • @CaionoAr
    @CaionoAr Год назад

    What you think about bgd magic motor dell?

    • @DellSchanze
      @DellSchanze  Год назад +1

      Should be decently safe as an EN-A wing but I would have to test it to verify as there are many things EN doesn't test. So it's really about the performance vs safety. It makes more sense to just get a Dominator which is fully tested and approved already. The bgd might be just fine but why risk it? There is simply no reason to fly anything other than a Dominator until something is proven better. Then I'll be flying it too. Sadly the bgd isn't made in sizes that skilled pilots would fly so it does limit your progression. The Dominator comes in sizes that make any skill level pilot happy and even comes in tandem size so all the time you spend getting a feel for the glider can stay with you no matter what size you are using for what ever task. I would be happy to test a bgd if you want to send me one though. As long as it's not a hoaxflex death trap.

  • @kender1412
    @kender1412 Год назад +5

    This just sounds like a lot of copium to me.

    • @DellSchanze
      @DellSchanze  Год назад +2

      Ah yea because the 5 more people to die on the death traps marketed by these people don't matter. Who cares about all their deaths right? Yea what a bunch of bs trying to help people not get killed by those scamming people into deadly gear?? You sound like a bunch of bs. No real actual rational honest person doesn't give a crap about truth people's lives depend on.

  • @DellSchanze
    @DellSchanze  Год назад

    NOTICE!! Tucker Gott actually admitted in a later video that his information was indeed false in this video and that I was correct. I set the world speed record so I know exactly how hard it is to do so I knew immediately his "record" was a load of crap. You can't fake out the guy with massive experience, knowledge and skills. So for those reading take note that even the guy I'm talking about admitted that what I'm saying in this video is correct and that his "record" was false. Of course then he went on to do another one claiming 52 mph which again is false. He was not flying in exact opposite directions at the same altitude over and over and showing the differences in speed. Plus you have to beat a record by more than 1 mph in order for it to be legit. So now I have to do yet another video showing he is again deceiving people intentionally trying to sell the absolute worst and most deadly gliders in history to ignorant newbies that fall for this bs. He even admits right in the video that he doesn't dare fly that glider close to the ground. So he is admitting it's so unsafe that even he doesn't dare fly it low. Seriously why the freak do people put all that effort into pushing death traps instead of the best & safest glider on the market? They don't give one single crap about people's lives or the truth. Simple good vs evil.

  • @sodium1234
    @sodium1234 Год назад +3

    "promoting death traps" aside tucker seems to peak everyones interest a little more than others according to subscriber count , everyone is entitled to there opinion on what wing and motor set up is best including myself but we don't need to go around slating other fellow paramotor pilots, we are all in this sport together just enjoy it!!! it was in fact YOU that got me interested in the sport many many years ago and now I'm deep into it so thanks but I think your videos need a lift back to life and getting back out fly camping and actually flying instead of these lengthy conversations about others is what we need.

    • @DellSchanze
      @DellSchanze  Год назад +5

      People who show clips of minecraft have more subs than Tucker. It has zero to do with the quality of the content. People DYING on a regular basis on death traps is NOT an "opinion". Neither is their ANY opinion as to which gear setup as best as there is only 1 best. If you seriously don't know which setup is best then you don't know jack squat about the sport and are not competent to be making the choice of which gear to get. For all new and intermediate people to the sport they should only buy exactly what I tell them to. It makes much much more sense to take the experts advice than to have the ignorant newbie picking what their life should depend on. If you ignore the real expert and pick what ever you think is best then you have an idiot making your choice. People are DYING on the crap gear and you think an expert doesn't have a moral obligation to warn people??? What part of protection from the prop do you not understand? What part of crumple zone do you not understand? What part of face plant protection do you not understand? What part of them still searching for Kenny's body because he didn't have a Flat Top's quick release harness do you not understand? This is not like picking a color you like. The Flat Top is the best & safest unit on the market by such a ridiculously huge margin there is nothing else to even compare to it. You can talk mindless crap and pretend it's all about opinions but seriously only an idiot thinks their personal preference is to chop their fingers up or break their back. Wake the heck up and show some spine. Learn the FACTS before you even consider trying to try as you have no clue at all. You can literally tell someone's competency in this sport just by which paramotor they fly. If they don't fly a Flat Top they are either a total idiot or freaking evil or just completely and totally ignorant.
      Then you suggest one shouldn't tell the truth and point out the facts people's lives depend on but just lie like everyone else and pretend all is happy and all the deaths don't matter and we should all just go die and destroy the image of the sport because that's oh so fun. Seriously dude pull your head out. People are freaking DYING and piles others are getting seriously injured and you think that's fun?? Oh yea don't warn anyone or try to help people not die let's just tell everyone how great the sport is and then not warn them about the evil scumbags pushing death trap gear and getting people killed. Umm no that would make one a total loser to do that. I can't promote how awesome the sport is without making a very very strong disclaimer that it's ONLY for those who get SUPER training along with Flat Tops & Dominators. The sport being super safe and a total blast is ONLY for those with proper gear and training. For those without it's a total freaking nightmare of carnage and repairs. Like the guy who just bought a parajet who with one slip ended up with $8000 in repairs and it ruined the whole sport for him. In FACT at least 96% of those who don't get Flat Tops & SUPER training quit the sport. How much fun is the guy who just broke his back on a scout paramotor Tucker talked him into having?? How much fun is the family of all the dead having??? What the crap is wrong with you? Oh yea just watch people die over and over and over in exactly the same ways and have fun doing it??? Let's go sing kum ba yah by the fire with those who just murdered 5 more people??? Seriously?? Maybe you want to hang out with murderers but I have zero interest in that. Murderers and frauds are nobody's friends.

  • @DellSchanze
    @DellSchanze  Год назад +2

    UPDATE!!!! Oh hey I just did the math ha ha. Tucker claimed 69 mph in one direction and 38 mph in the other direction. Of course you can see he wasn't into the wind as he was crabbing and also wasn't at the same altitude. But did anyone else catch the math? 69 + 38 = 107. 107 / 2 is only 53.5!!! So he didn't even do the math correctly and claims 58.5 when even if he took the numbers he shows the actual airspeed would only be 53.5 mph. Descending like a rock how much more power do you think it would take to maintain altitude in level flight? Or since he doesn't have more power how much would he have to slow down in order to be able to have enough power to maintain level flight? Can anyone do the logic here and realize that neither he nor Trevor beat the 51 mph in level flight with their death traps. Again all that lying and deception to push death traps and make up fake records when they are too freaking ignorant and dishonest to even cover their tracks with proper lies.

    • @DAS-Videos
      @DAS-Videos Год назад

      Ohhhhh I just read your comment with the average speed.

  • @michaell132
    @michaell132 Год назад

    7 beets, 6!!!!!!!

    • @DellSchanze
      @DellSchanze  Год назад

      Yea pretty simple. It's not rocket science to fly straight and level and measure the speed and do it in both directions showing the full results. Really anyone can do it. Seems they can't even fly straight and level though. Hmm.

  • @Panowie.z.Kanady
    @Panowie.z.Kanady Год назад +3

    Dell is a MASTER!!

  • @carlaylwin7581
    @carlaylwin7581 Год назад +3

    I agree with you dell why fly a wing that might 180 death spin you for no reason 👍

    • @DellSchanze
      @DellSchanze  Год назад +4

      Yea and I don't see one single comment arguing with that fact. All they do is trash talk and call names. They lie about the death traps being more stable but like my last video an 11:1 aspect ratio low profile is NOT more stable. It's nowhere near as stable. They are also so scared of the death traps they don't even try to do the collapse testing. The facts are really easy to find when you have some ability to think things through rationally and look for truth instead of bs. Ask any paraglider pilot the odds of taking a collapse sometime in a lifetime of flying and 100% is the answer. So why fly a less stable glider with a 100% chance of collapsing that does a backflip 180 and locks you into a face down spiral. My math comes out with a 100% chance to die over a lifetime of flying. None of the death trap pushers will even try to address the facts though. They just bash, trash and lie.

  • @marklabelle7371
    @marklabelle7371 Год назад +8

    So similar to political narratives. ..
    Dems hate Trump because he’s a meany.
    So many hate dell because he’s a meany.
    I like low gas prices, energy independence, and my Dominator.
    Thanks Dell.

    • @DellSchanze
      @DellSchanze  Год назад +3

      Now sure how telling the truth is mean but I get what you are saying. I would think it's far more mean to not tell the truth to try to save people's lives. I would be much more worried about the feelings of the victims than the feelings of the murderers.

  • @survivealaska
    @survivealaska Год назад

    So bitter, taking it too seriously.

    • @DellSchanze
      @DellSchanze  Год назад

      When Tucker knowingly defrauds people to their deaths using intentional likes like that then yes it is disturbing to any rational person. Or are you telling me you wouldn't be the slightest bit vocal about a serial killer murdering people around you? HUNDREDS dead on the horrible gear Tucker Gott is pushing and even his "friend" Jeff just died on it as well. Literally a week later he made another video pushing the death trap gear that killed his own friend. HUNDREDS dead and you suggest someone shouldn't be assertive about the problem? If that's the case then you are one sick scumbag like Tucker Gott is. If you would literally watch a serial killed going around killing people and not say or do a single thing about it then you are as sick as Tucker. If you don't understand it's literally more serious than that then you know nothing about the sport and should be educating yourself with info from real experts before you talk.

  • @chrisultrabeatuk
    @chrisultrabeatuk Год назад

    Funny that their is no mention of headwind or tailwind mentioned on these so called records
    Downward speed wouldn't register on a GPS speedo either

    • @DellSchanze
      @DellSchanze  Год назад +1

      Yea to do the record you need to show flight in opposite directions over and over so you can eliminate any tail wind component. Thanks for bringing it up. Dropping altitude increases forward speed. Just like a plane if you dive you can drastically increase the forward speed. So a speed record would be level flight to just show what the aircraft is actually capable of. Part of the incredible technology in the Dominator is how efficient it is so showing it can make such incredible speed in level flight is a huge deal. It's been the biggest advancement in the history of paragliders as it eliminated the need to fly very unsafe gliders to gain performance. Pushing death traps with fake records is seriously messed up. Thanks for your comment.

  • @donjohnson2639
    @donjohnson2639 Год назад +1
