UO Outlands PvP Compilation #17

  • Опубликовано: 17 окт 2022

Комментарии •

  • @corsi69
    @corsi69 Год назад +1

    These are incredible, thanks man

  • @minmaxwax
    @minmaxwax Год назад +1

    at 19:15 ish the music says “if the crowd is in my room im saying” and you have a perfectly timed player death

  • @Stingray55
    @Stingray55 Год назад +1

    Love your vids. What material type weapons do you normally carry and do you use swords over maces for the halberd hits/poison? What are your thoughts on macing? I have a very similar build and watching you makes me want to take it out more. Thanks

    • @panemon187
      @panemon187  Год назад +4

      Thanks, I am glad you are enjoying the videos!
      Usually I am pretty cheap when it comes to weapon choices, since I carry 6 weapons on me. I do all of my own crafting, but I don't dedicate much time to mining, lumberjacking or skinning anymore.
      Most of my weapons are usually regular gm, or low-level like dull, but I do try to carry some higher end heavy xbows since that is usually my intial attack, and I've been using bronzewood for that. I also try to use at least Bronzehide bone armor. (I might transition to bronze ringmail since the latest patch lowered the damage of mindblast.)
      I always recommend the highest level of materials for pvp (Avarhide bone armor, avarite weapons, avarwood bows), but I get ganked a lot and there is not much you can do if you've been debuffed and then you get hamstrung/sync dumped by two mages at the same time on this build, since magic resist on this server is virtually useless in pvp IMO, and you will almost always be guarenteed to instantly die when that happens. (This is why I generally try to avoid 2v1s, but will try to do them every now and then)
      I would carry higher-quality materials but I would rather save them for something else, or to just sell them, since I rarely farm and don't make much gold doing the kind of pvp that I do.

  • @slambogames
    @slambogames Год назад

    Lool, looks like youre beating people with 600 ping

    • @EndeavorDeeply
      @EndeavorDeeply Год назад

      Practically paid actors

    • @panemon187
      @panemon187  Год назад

      Yeah, I get a lot of timeouts on my connection, you will see this a lot.

  • @bytesize9125
    @bytesize9125 Год назад

    whats your build like?

    • @panemon187
      @panemon187  Год назад

      It's fun when you get good weapon RNG, but there are times when you miss constantly and it can be a frustrating build at times.

  • @jackdyer78
    @jackdyer78 Год назад

    have you got discord? :D