What "Faith Without Works" Means | Dr. Ralph Yankee Arnold |

  • Опубликовано: 5 сен 2022
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Комментарии • 66

  • @KeithGreenshields
    @KeithGreenshields Год назад +6

    This is the 2nd best message I have ever heard. The 1st was your salvation message. I got stuck for decades waiting on God to change me for works...like a puppet on a string. I now realize my faith has become next to zero because of my ignorance. Now I must build up in the smallest of ways. Hard pill to swallow but I heard and will not look back. Ty you Yankee always will love the Yank.

  • @177Jeremiah7
    @177Jeremiah7 Год назад +5

    Amen Mr. Yankee Arnold, I enjoyed this sermon message. To live by Faith is to live in Obedience to God's word. God wants His children to have an active faith, a faith that works. This truth regarding the Believer's Walk is indeed important. Keep up the great work, sir.

  • @philaardsma7058
    @philaardsma7058 Год назад +6

    very interesting! you have given me much to ponder.

  • @1Corinthians15_1-4
    @1Corinthians15_1-4 Год назад +4

    Thank you brother Yankee!

  • @Smerm
    @Smerm Год назад +2

    I am guilty of driving like you explained you were , 🤣. God has humbled me many times. Too funny. Thank you for being human!!

  • @SVU777
    @SVU777 Год назад


  • @ryanl8730
    @ryanl8730 Год назад +1

    Love ya yank!

  • @anitha6497
    @anitha6497 Год назад

    Faith makes you Man of action
    Confidence- the Lord will do this for me
    Prayed and let God handle it but faith without works is dead
    God's people give their responsibility to God and tell God do it.

  • @KeithGreenshields
    @KeithGreenshields Год назад

    It's important to understand that salvation is a gift freely given by God's grace and received through faith in Jesus Christ. It is not something that can be earned or achieved by simply obeying commandments.
    Salvation is a result of God's unconditional love and His desire to reconcile humanity to Himself. It is not based on our own works or ability to perfectly obey commandments. The Apostle Paul emphasizes this in his letters, stressing that salvation is by grace through faith (Ephesians 2:8-9).
    While obedience to God's commandments is an important response of love and gratitude for the gift of salvation, it is not the means by which we earn or maintain our salvation. Obedience is a natural outflow of a transformed heart and a relationship with God, rather than a legalistic requirement.
    Furthermore, it is crucial to understand that God's will encompasses more than just commandments. It involves a dynamic relationship with God, guided by love, trust, and intimacy. God desires to reveal His purposes and guidance through the Holy Spirit, leading us in ways that may go beyond explicit commandments.
    In summary, salvation is not dependent on our ability to perfectly obey commandments. It is a gift of God's grace received through faith in Jesus Christ. While obedience to God's commandments is important as a response of love and gratitude, it is not the means by which we earn or maintain salvation. God's will involves a loving relationship, alignment with His character and purposes, guidance through the Holy Spirit, and the expression of our individual calling and gifts.

  • @paulioosthuizen9233
    @paulioosthuizen9233 Год назад +1

    i listen to black metal and i smoke cigarettes and i can't stop. i'm saved, but i still love fast intense black metal.

    • @johnxgalt8312
      @johnxgalt8312 Год назад

      Me too.

    • @rosbergs3
      @rosbergs3 Год назад

      😂😂😂😂 I used to listen to black metal. Immortal, Astarte, ThornSpawn, Adorior, Blood Stained Dusk, Cradle of Filth etc etc etc. I listened to the really underground black metal. Ancestor is excellent Christian black metal and so is the one man band Horde. Check out his CD called Helige Usvart. He was the first Christian signed to Nuclear Blast records. They didn't realize he was a Christian.

    • @rocknrollcowboy1620
      @rocknrollcowboy1620 11 месяцев назад

      I could never get into the screeching, high pitch vocals of black metal bands. I would jam to some cannibal corpse though, but could never get into black metal. Funny thing is I'm into country music now (Brad Paisley, George Strait, etc)

    @TOMMYSURIA Год назад

    Awesome teaching;🤗 are you all aware of the electrical background noise?🤔

  • @RJ-mf6yp
    @RJ-mf6yp Год назад +1

    Probably the hardest verse to understand when it comes to salvation is James 2:17. I had to keep asking God the wisdom to interpret it. I lost count of repeatedly reading it and at the same time listening to KJV audio for hundreds of times. I even told God that it should not contradict the gospel of grace because otherwise, the book is just a lie.
    I had listened to various grace preachers that I know of but all of the answers seems not convincing. Some say, it is a letter for Jews and believers. Other says James is for the future generations of Israel. But one day, something came up like it is an aha moment. Basically, after maybe atleast 6 years of research, reading and listening, it all make sense. God had to teach me about it so I can understand it wholeheartedly.
    James chapter 2 is not about person's proof of justification via works. But rather it is about a person's clear understanding of the gospel. James was trying to tell the Jew believers that if they truly understand the gospel, then they will be less judgmental. You see, correct understanding of the gospel leads you to clearly realize that no amount of good works will save you but only through the grace of God through Christ alone.
    The context of James chapter 2 even started with,
    2:1 - My brethren, have not the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord of glory, WITH RESPECT OF PERSONS.
    Clearly, James is trying to tell the believers, to not treat people base on their status. To confirm, next verse;
    2:2 - For if there come unto your assembly a man with a gold ring, in goodly apparel, and there come in also a poor man in vile raiment;
    So a rich man and a poor man. More confirmation, next verse;
    2:3 - And ye have respect to him that weareth the gay clothing, and say unto him, Sit thou here in a good place; and say to the poor, Stand thou there, or sit here under my footstool:
    So what do we have here? They have special treatment to those who are rich while the poor were treated badly.
    Next verse;
    2:4 - Are ye not then partial in yourselves, and are become judges of evil thoughts?
    So in this verse is like James is telling them, Hey brethren, do you really understood the gospel? If so, then why do you treat those rich better than those poor ones. Are you taking advantage of the situation because they are rich? (The best explanation I can think of here is like Judah's Iscariot who took advantage while he was with Jesus). Remember, his true intent on the perfume used by Mary Magdalene to wash Jesus's feet. Also another example is Balaam. Just review his story.
    Either they are being judgmental or using grace as a license to sin as they are exploiting it and taking advantage.
    Then verses 5-7 is just James trying to explain how the rich treats the poor. A normal reaction after seeing the situation:
    2:5 - Hearken, my beloved brethren, Hath not God chosen the poor of this world rich in faith, and heirs of the kingdom which he hath promised to them that love him?
    2:6 - But ye have despised the poor. Do not rich men oppress you, and draw you before the judgment seats?
    2:7 - Do not they blaspheme that worthy name by the which ye are called?
    Then comes the next verses to confirm again,
    2:8 - If ye fulfil the royal law according to the scripture, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself, ye do well:
    Right understanding of the gospel leads you to witness and experience God's love. The true love where it doesn't ask something in return. If you truly believed and understood the gospel, i'm sure you have felt God's unconditional love the moment you realized it. Realizing that no works can save you but only Jesus will put you into a state of gratefulness for what he did. You realized, no works can save your right? Then why judge people especially base on their status and as if you are enjoying it? You understood salvation is a gift and yet you judge others? I mean, did you really experienced God's love?
    Next verse,
    2:9 - But if ye have respect to persons, ye commit sin, and are convinced of the law as transgressors.
    You see, its like James is questioning if they truly believed because they treat or judge people as if they don't understand the core concept why Jesus Christ must die for our sin.
    Then next, James will again explain the gospel to them and that no works will save them hoping that they will see the errors of their ways.
    2:10 - For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all.
    2:11 - For he that said, Do not commit adultery, said also, Do not kill. Now if thou commit no adultery, yet if thou kill, thou art become a transgressor of the law.
    James explained that no works can save them on these 2 verses. The law even just one violation, will be like guilty of all. You see, those people who misinterpreted James 2:17, ignored these 2 verses. It is like James was contradicting himself but the truth is, he is just reminding them of how strict is the law that all of them are also guilty for them to realize the meaning of law of liberty(the gospel) which is the next verse.
    2:12 - So speak ye, and so do, as they that shall be judged by the law of liberty.
    So if you truly understood what I mean in verses 10 and 11 (James speaking), then show your faith as how you clearly understood the gospel.
    Confirmation again on next verse:
    2:13 - For he shall have judgment without mercy, that hath shewed no mercy; and mercy rejoiceth against judgment.
    You truly understood the gospel? Then you must understood the true mercy right? Because God showed his mercy towards true believers via Christ. (still James speaking)
    Then James explained it further through example of how a true Christian must relate work to his belief.
    2:14 - What doth it profit, my brethren, though a man say he hath faith, and have not works? can faith save him?
    2:15 - If a brother or sister be naked, and destitute of daily food,
    2:16 - And one of you say unto them, Depart in peace, be ye warmed and filled; notwithstanding ye give them not those things which are needful to the body; what doth it profit?
    2:17 - Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone.
    What is the work of a true believer to confirm salvation? None! But a clear understanding of God's true love and mercy thru Christ alone. This love and mercy from God enables a Christian to be less judgmental to others because he understood that he himself is also a sinner and his efforts do not matter when it comes to salvation.
    I can go on and on until the end of the chapter but succeeding ones are just more confirmation that clearly, James is telling believers the true understanding of gospel and how that clear understanding of God's mercy and love through the gospel, empowers Christians to not judge a person via their status.
    I thank God for using Pastor Yankee Arnold to help me understand the gospel.
    Please like this post if you think you understand it. God bless you all.

    • @RJ-mf6yp
      @RJ-mf6yp Год назад

      @@e7ukr Abraham acted in accordance to God's promise. Abraham's faith on God can be demostrated by work because God's promise to him was that his seed will be as many as the number of stars in heaven. So when God asked him to offer Isaac, he never hesitated. Why? Because he knew God will not allow Isaac to die.Why again? Because if Isaac died, God is a liar. But Abraham knew and even before Isaac's sacrifice where his son asked him where is the animal to sacrifice, Abraham replied, God will provide a lamb.
      In case of Rahab the harlot, the same thing. She believed that Israel's God is God. She knew eventhough how tough and strong the wall of Jericho is, it will not be enough to stop Israel. So she never hesitated to help Israel's spy because she knew it is only a matter of time and by siding to the Israel, she and her family will be spared. Rahab's faith on God was demonstrated by her works in accordance her belief of Israel's impending victory over Jericho because the true and only God was on their side.
      Now on the case of grace, how can a Christian demonstrate his faith on God about salvation? NOTHING IN WORKS. By standing on the word of God that no works can save a person but only through the acceptance of Jesus Christ payment of our sin. If you truly believed the gospel of Christ, you will stand by it. And that is how you can demonstrate your faith because you believed on the word of God.

    • @RJ-mf6yp
      @RJ-mf6yp Год назад

      @@e7ukr you misinterpreted Matt 19:17. Please read and understand the whole context. The young rich man was asking Jesus how to have enternal life. He even told Jesus that he is following majority of the laws, and Jesus knee that the young man was self righteouss in his own eyes. So finally Jesus said, give all he had to the poor and follow him. And with that, the young man was silence. To be saved by the law is to be perfect and sinless and not coveting anything. The young man realized that he can't give up his riches and that demonstrated greediness and being covetousness.
      To confirm, even the disciples were puzzled who can then be saved? Asked by them. What did Jesus replied? With men this is impossible, but WITH GOD ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE.
      What does he mean by that? Jesus is saying he will perfect and fulfill the law for us so we can be saved if we believe him.
      It is evident to me that you are not clear of the true meaning of gospel. I hope this replies can give you light.

    • @RJ-mf6yp
      @RJ-mf6yp Год назад

      @@e7ukr no one said good works is necessary for salvation. Maybe I will ask you too would you mind?
      If you believed that good works will be needed for salvation? How much work then is needed for confirmation?
      How many sins must you commit to confirm you were not save at all?
      Base from what your saying, can I ask you again, so have you stopped sinning? Be honest.
      Now if you do not commit any sin, then maybe you don't need Jesus at all.

    • @RJ-mf6yp
      @RJ-mf6yp Год назад +1

      @@e7ukr you again misinterpreted Matt 25 the sheep and goat parts. It is so clear, the scripture there was talking about tribulation sheep and goats. The sheep accepted and helped the witnesses God sent them while the goats ignored them. Most likely, the witnesses are the 144,000 Israelis mentioned in Revelation.
      We are currently at the age of grace but once tribulation starts and Christians were raptured, God will send his final witnesses during the tribulation to spread the gospel. That time there will be 2 requirements for salvation. First do not take the mark of the beast and second believe the gospel.

    • @RJ-mf6yp
      @RJ-mf6yp Год назад +1

      @@e7ukr again read the context ob Matt 19:17, he made the young man realized that he is not at all following the law. Can't you see the context? The young man is telling Jesus that he already does this and that. Connect the dots.
      My question to you, are you like the young man? Trying to tell Jesus that he is performing the law but in reality he is falling short.
      That scripture is so clear. Ask yourself, are truly following the law perfectly or just being a hypocrite like the young man?
      Anyway, I think I already answered most of your questions. If you can't accept that Christ's payment of your sin is enough, then it is up to you.

  • @narrowroad62
    @narrowroad62 Год назад +2

    The key to understanding James 2 is James 1:1. The book of James is written to the Jews who are going through the Tribulation. During the Trib, the age if grace is over and one must keep their garments clean. One must prove ones faith with works. Don’t believe me? Read the book in full. What’s missing? Any reference to the body of Christ and any mention of grace. What’s there? Jewish references such as “sacrifice.” In order to understand the book you must rightly divide between God’s prophecy program for the JEWS and His mystery program for the Gentiles.

    • @meliciousgoremay
      @meliciousgoremay Год назад +5

      They were part of the dispersal to spread the gospel and church throughout the world. They were SAVED Jews (thus the moniker ‘brethren’ 1:2) who were living by the ‘perfect law of liberty’- which is grace 1:25, 2:12. Just because they were being persecuted does not mean they were in the tribulation, which will come after Christ comes to take his church, his bride away.

    • @narrowroad62
      @narrowroad62 Год назад +2

      @@meliciousgoremay I agree that the Trib will occur after the rapture of the body of Christ. However, at the time James was written (it was the very first epistle written after Christ’s death) the Jews had not fully rejected Christ as messiah. That didn’t occur until Stephen was stoned. It was after Stephen was murdered that the Lord set the Jews aside and began the mystery program. I know, it’s complicated. But Jews who will go thru the Trib will need scriptural guidance on what they’ll need to do - just as we have Paul’s epistles. When you look at Hebrews thru Revelation as a whole, try to see how Jewish they are and how they are all tuned into the second coming of Christ - NOT the rapture. Then you’ll see that they were written for those who will be going thru the Trib - like you said - AFTER the rapture.

    • @princebuster93
      @princebuster93 Год назад +5

      @@narrowroad62 No one through out the Bible is saved by their works, you think there will be boasting in heaven, before God ??? don't think so, God does not change, and certainly not the way of Salvation, through Faith alone in Christ alone

    • @allysonp2254
      @allysonp2254 Год назад +1

      Peter Ruckman taught different ways of Salvation depending on the dispensation...( ie: faith plus works in the OT and in the Tribulation)
      He and his followers are the only people who teach this.
      I've talked to MANY pastors about this and ALL of them say that this comes directly from the teachings of Ruckman.

    • @meliciousgoremay
      @meliciousgoremay Год назад +2

      @@narrowroad62 I’m sorry- what. The Jews rejected Christ when they *crucified* him.

  • @wendy54321
    @wendy54321 Год назад +1

    Pastor Yankee,
    It seems like I can witness to everyone except my family. Although I have, it doesn't seem to produce any fruit. If I send them videos, they don't open them. If I leave a text message, they don't respond. I think they resent me. So I have left it in the Lord's hands, and moved on to others. My heart is broken. But I don't know what the Lord is doing behind the scenes in their life now, as they have cut off almost all communication with me. They are litterly eating, and drinking, and given in Marriage (Niece). I'm glad I'm not on Facebook, I don't want to know.
    Do you have any advice.

    • @princebuster93
      @princebuster93 Год назад +5

      @ Wendy, I can sympathize with you Sister, has happened to me also, many friends and family members ( Christians ) literally coming against me, persecuting me for my faith in Jesus Christ, it's painful and grievous, but Jesus said it would happen. If they hated me first, they will hate you also. Stay close to the Lord Jesus, Wendy, stay in the word, focus on Gods Grace, what Jesus has done for you and your position in Christ. I pray we are out of here soon, it's become so hard to be here, God bless you 🙂🕊️🙏

    • @wendy54321
      @wendy54321 Год назад +3

      Thank you for your kind words. I'm not alone. I'll see you soon, in Heaven. God bless you and your family.

    • @princebuster93
      @princebuster93 Год назад +1

      @@wendy54321 🥰❣️🙂🙏

    • @K_D-4given
      @K_D-4given Год назад +1

      Same thing happened to me. I haven’t spoken to my brother 5 times in the last 3 years and he’s my neighbor. He’s stuck in some NAR cult. He follows some false apostle. Anyway I did feel lead one day to just show up at his door (as humbly and meekly as I could tbh). He met me on the sidewalk and we kind of made peace. Haven’t spoken again to him since and that’s been months now so idk. I do have peace about it now though because I was able to give him the gospel. I kind of pulled a yankee on him. Started telling him the story of me telling someone else the gospel and slipped it in there on him lol

    • @princebuster93
      @princebuster93 Год назад +1

      @IT IS FINISHED RELOADED Thank you for your encouragement and kindness brother, so appreciated, God bless you abundantly, hope you are doing good 🙂🙏🕊️

  • @jasperbates6760
    @jasperbates6760 Год назад

    James and Paul as well as all the other Apostles are not contraditing one another. To be saved we must believe the Gospel Message. Salvation is a "free gift". You cannot earn your salvation. As far as "works" are concerned the Bible is clear on that message. Jesus speaking to the ( "people ") who came to Him along with His Disciples that were with Jesus Christ during His earthly ministry answered thier question they posed to Him in verse 28 who ( "believed not" ) in John 6:29, 37-40, 44, 45, 47; Verse 45 of John chapter 6 should clear up any doubts that belief in Jesus Christ the Son of God is what saves us. ( cf. Is. 54:13; Jer. 31:34; Mic. 4:2; Heb. 8:10; John 6:37 ).

  • @JESUSandPoker
    @JESUSandPoker Год назад

    "JaMeS iSn'T tRuE"