When LEGOS Sets are too Expensive, Make Your Own!

  • Опубликовано: 20 дек 2024

Комментарии • 106

  • @diamondbrixproductions
    @diamondbrixproductions 2 года назад +60

    Personally I still prefer the original UCS one just because it has more detail and I don’t really care about the tracks, however this one is amazingly good and perfect for tracks. Nice job!

    • @matsv201
      @matsv201 2 года назад +8

      Something positive about the UCS is that the value for money in terms of how much lego you get is really quite good. Its like 6-7 cent per pice, and there are plenty of big once

  • @DiagonalBricks
    @DiagonalBricks 2 года назад +51

    So much better than the original, great job tommy!

  • @josephclarke5035
    @josephclarke5035 Год назад +6

    I bought the new plans and only to spend $10.00 to get the bricks I needed after taking the other build apart. I like this build alot more, it goes around the track very smooth.
    thanks for the updated build

  • @Larv6464
    @Larv6464 2 года назад +29

    Now this i can see myself buying because it’s actually affordable and still looks incredible!

  • @tld8102
    @tld8102 2 года назад +7

    I would've made it 8 wide... but run on 6 wide lego track. It may look like the gauge seems a bit narrow but the detailed able to achieve on 8 wide trains are a good compromise

  • @AStopMotionBear890
    @AStopMotionBear890 7 месяцев назад +2

    If you get the real old Lego tracks (the kind so old you have to ensemble each pice of track pice by pice) you can just widen the track to make it fit.

  • @abumpyridethroughscribblet4120
    @abumpyridethroughscribblet4120 6 месяцев назад +3

    Hello, are the instructions available to buy again?

  • @MilkDrinker218
    @MilkDrinker218 2 года назад +13

    Amazing! My only real suggestion would be to make some gearing mechanism in the frames of the locomotive so that the wheels don’t jam, especially with its current siderods. You could’ve also used a technic beam between the locomotive and tender, I use it on one of my engines and it works just fine. Again, only suggestions, not a dig or anything, it looks amazing and I’m especially pleased with how you did the headboard on the front. Amazing model!

  • @GodmanchesterGoblin
    @GodmanchesterGoblin 2 года назад +4

    Great build. But for the less adventurous, even the 2018 version benefits from a longer boiler (+2 studs) and firebox and cab (+1 stud each). For mine, I also moved the wheels apart by one stud to improve the look. I have a powered tender and also powered luggage wagon behind four extended coaches (+ 4 studs each with MOC bogies). I like the ideas in your motor carriage. I may take the plunge.

  • @LegoWarriorInc
    @LegoWarriorInc 2 года назад +10

    Amazing as always! I was laughing my head off when you said the sponsor is Magic spoon as i was eating dinner and my spoon said magic on it 😮it was hilarious

  • @KazudaXiono
    @KazudaXiono 2 года назад +7

    Awesome job mate! You should make the time train from Back to the Future 3 in this scale!

  • @crystalzues4712
    @crystalzues4712 2 года назад +3

    This is good but going for the smaller city scale rather than using the 1:48 L gauge standards would've allowed for more space and more detail. Also the lack of a connecting rod is a downgrade from the UCS version.

  • @markolysynchuk5264
    @markolysynchuk5264 Год назад +1

    Tender lacks some details and the loco to tender coupling isn't a correct one. They should be coupled closer and not with a magnetic one

  • @biddinge8898
    @biddinge8898 Год назад +1

    you know what I wish someone did? I wish that someone made a entirely self contained wireless rc train bogie. it would be so easy to just make a train bogie that uses technic axles and wheels and is battery powered and remote controlled on its own.

  • @Salvacottontail
    @Salvacottontail 2 года назад +1

    Something: the damn name plate, is there any way to actually have it with the splasher

  • @gasderpo3984
    @gasderpo3984 2 года назад +1

    1:36 Name program please and where i can find this

  • @kylestafford4975
    @kylestafford4975 9 месяцев назад +1

    So I have tried to click the link to your shop to buy these instructions yet, it looks like your site is down. Could you update to a new link and or provide feedback on how to get the instructions for this beautiful MOC

    • @TommyCBricks
      @TommyCBricks  9 месяцев назад

      We are working on a new website at the moment should be back in action soon :)

  • @sidneysun5217
    @sidneysun5217 2 года назад +2

    nice thx for the video! i'm attempting to build it using 2 sets of 75955, using the emerald night set as a reference for size. its working out pretty well. i like your design to fix the middle wheel of the tender, much better than my method of just slapping on a turntable lol. and for only $200 too. im sure i can get another 2 more sets for 2 extra carriages and still end up spending less than the UCS model

  • @Bradleygt86
    @Bradleygt86 2 года назад +1

    Fun fact the Hogwarts express was actually the flying Scotsman because it just sat outside on a military base because the owner did a tour around the United States and then he didn’t have enough money to ship it back so then universal borrowed it and repaint it and we have to take the wings off the side of the boiler Please give me grace I don’t know the technical term and used it as the Hogwarts express and they eventually shipped it back to the UK and they had to restore it because it was rusty it’s still running today

  • @NCXDesigns
    @NCXDesigns 2 года назад +3

    Video starts at 3:07 - You'll thank me.

  • @traintimeboy
    @traintimeboy 2 года назад +3

    It actually fits on gauge 1 track

  • @fox3missilevr965
    @fox3missilevr965 2 года назад +1

    Put this up on the Lego ideas NOW!!

  • @SouRwy4501Productions
    @SouRwy4501Productions 2 года назад +2

    I wonder if it would work on my layout. It features one very tight turn and 4 turnouts.

  • @gasonfeist7238
    @gasonfeist7238 2 года назад +1

    Much better and reaches a far wider audience! If I create it, I will def use the dish. Good work

  • @mrolive68
    @mrolive68 Год назад

    Strangely, my favourite part of the video was the ad. It was quite short but very entertaining

  • @JCBricksAndBuilds
    @JCBricksAndBuilds 2 года назад +2

    Am I able to use the same parts from the original one you made to then make the 2nd version?

  • @slushyking7549
    @slushyking7549 2 года назад +1

    WAY better than the original

  • @crewcallco
    @crewcallco 9 месяцев назад +3

    how come your store closed! was hoping to get my hands on your set design @tommycbricks

  • @nipph
    @nipph 2 года назад +2

    Since there is no parts list available before buy, can you tell how many extra parts would I have to buy if I buy 75955? (I have 60197 so I believe thats gonna cover motor, battery pack, rails and so on)

    • @TommyCBricks
      @TommyCBricks  2 года назад +2

      if you have all the train parts like the motor, remote and battery its about £160 - £170 depending where you live

    • @nipph
      @nipph 2 года назад +1

      @@TommyCBricks does it make sense to buy olde hogwarts express (75955) as parts source?

    • @TommyCBricks
      @TommyCBricks  2 года назад +2

      @@nipph no need to buy any older models all the printed parts are on the part list

  • @midnightmoonwolf7306
    @midnightmoonwolf7306 4 месяца назад

    2:42 Perfect, cut screen

  • @SharonDixon-lq6ez
    @SharonDixon-lq6ez Год назад

    Hey how did you get the boiler?on bricklink 🤔🤔🤨🤨

  • @Kevcraft47
    @Kevcraft47 2 года назад +5

    This is an amazing model I hope I will be able to make this

  • @danielolondrizrosique1120
    @danielolondrizrosique1120 4 дня назад

    I see that the instructions are not available anymore, where could I find them?

  • @djsawesomebricks
    @djsawesomebricks 2 года назад +2

    0:45 You could have used the older 12v track to let the train run without nodding the whole thing down to the city scale. (idk fully if this would actually work, but maybe)

    • @TommyCBricks
      @TommyCBricks  2 года назад

      the new train doesn't go on legos track

  • @angeltobes7892
    @angeltobes7892 2 года назад +1

    also ppl call the passenger thing coaches and some times carriage

  • @groundbreakinganimations
    @groundbreakinganimations 2 года назад +2

    Thank you for making this!!! It looks amazing! 🎉!!!!!!!!! You listened to me to make a Harry Potter vid!!

  • @kawaii_kittengamer1119
    @kawaii_kittengamer1119 Год назад

    Good thing there’s a new hogs Meade station set with the dish piece. Still, better safe than sorry!

    @THECOOLSTAS 2 года назад +1

    I like the 2th train bi custom is easy to biuld

  • @matthewevans97
    @matthewevans97 2 года назад +2

    Hey TommyCBricks. Quick question, if you really wanted to, could you make a custom Polar Express train for Christmas? 🚂🚃🚃🚃🚃🚃🎄🎅🎁

  • @Hacksworth_Sidings
    @Hacksworth_Sidings 10 месяцев назад

    I think Lego may have seen this video, the 2023 Hogwarts Express has the exact same smokebox door (front dish) as the MOC

  • @lukejennings321
    @lukejennings321 2 года назад +1

    Has anyone built this in alternative colours? Wondering if it's possible to get all the parts in different colours.

  • @The-Great-Misha
    @The-Great-Misha 2 года назад +4

    out of curiosity who's miles? :P

  • @RedMan-z3r
    @RedMan-z3r 2 года назад +4

    I’m getting this instead of the original, cheaper and Dark red, motorised, probably still get the figures from the original though

  • @alpollo1004
    @alpollo1004 2 года назад +1

    7 wide is the best!

  • @josephclarke5035
    @josephclarke5035 Год назад +1

    Great job, do you give a discount if you already bought the 1.0 version?

  • @snazzy8767
    @snazzy8767 2 года назад +8

    I aint gonna lie that cylinder is WAY too low for my liking but overall its a nice upgrade from where you started 2 years ago!

  • @josharkanoff3678
    @josharkanoff3678 11 месяцев назад

    The website is private now?

  • @TheRealFeechLaManna
    @TheRealFeechLaManna 2 года назад +1

    Very impressive work indeed!

  • @Ally4Gamer
    @Ally4Gamer Год назад +1

    Hello Mr. "I will pixelize everything in my video" !

  • @joemooney6804
    @joemooney6804 2 года назад +3

    hi tommy do u remember me and love your vids.

  • @CodeNameCarl
    @CodeNameCarl 2 года назад +1

    And I would still spend the $500 cause now with less pieces the station wouldn’t be a joke

  • @brandonscott5544
    @brandonscott5544 2 года назад +2

    Tommy cbricks Great 😉💛

  • @enderboss379
    @enderboss379 2 года назад +2


  • @Themaidbawb
    @Themaidbawb 2 года назад +1

    I’d place the hogwarts express from the UCS set one it tbh

  • @harrisonallen651
    @harrisonallen651 2 года назад +1

    It’s beautiful

  • @fruitlooponthefloor3528
    @fruitlooponthefloor3528 2 года назад +3

    lets goooo

  • @BlaiseTM
    @BlaiseTM 2 года назад +1

    Im not a harry potter but Im happy I decided to watch this video anyways! That sponsored segment was great!!!

  • @tjmartinez1505
    @tjmartinez1505 2 года назад +1

    We all knew this would happen

  • @Da1X_Builds
    @Da1X_Builds Год назад

    I’m actually going to be updating my Hogwarts Models to be dark red! I’m going to be getting your instructions to act as a reference.

  • @Stormingmonkey
    @Stormingmonkey 2 года назад +1

    Im just waiting for someone to actually motorize the UCS one

  • @Tornadius_
    @Tornadius_ 2 года назад +3


    @FRESHBEANS261 2 года назад

    Tommy when do we get the next liberty project

    • @snazzy8767
      @snazzy8767 2 года назад +1

      join the discord server to find out updates

  • @westernstudios2484
    @westernstudios2484 Год назад

    I actually ended up with 2 of the 2018 set bought one one lego shop amd my second for 35 bucks on facebook

  • @rkwatchingyt2097
    @rkwatchingyt2097 2 года назад +1

    Hey good job about rebuild but to me it looks like the emerand express train

  • @matsv201
    @matsv201 2 года назад +1

    This is perfekt. really how it should be

  • @legotechnic8997
    @legotechnic8997 Год назад

    😂innovative oatmeal spoon is the best sponsor in the world (overtaken NASA)👍🐝🐝🐝👍

  • @lisataylor3313
    @lisataylor3313 2 года назад

    I have the old Hogwarts Express LEGO

  • @calliestudios
    @calliestudios 2 года назад +1

    man gets sponsored
    ad revenue
    and makes us pay for the instructions

  • @angeltobes7892
    @angeltobes7892 2 года назад

    as a steam train fan:Why the front bogey wheels look like the driving wheels?
    edit:soooooooooooo um why is it thee same as the coach bogeys lol

  • @ditiramvos
    @ditiramvos 10 месяцев назад

    Good afternoon, seems like I can visit your website

  • @Oelout
    @Oelout 2 года назад +1


  • @bonjoursbuilds
    @bonjoursbuilds 2 года назад

    Frogfarts express

  • @jmfroeyland
    @jmfroeyland 2 года назад +1


  • @C7rdtfyg
    @C7rdtfyg 2 года назад

    Put it on lego ideas

  • @Movietuff
    @Movietuff Год назад

    Or just buy knock offs. Often times their quality is just as good.

  • @legotechnictrains8999
    @legotechnictrains8999 2 года назад

    I guess you meant "too expensive".

  • @genevabutler4520
    @genevabutler4520 Год назад

    Can you buy that can take to my house?

  • @andrewwarcup684
    @andrewwarcup684 2 года назад

    Your website does not work

  • @angeltobes7892
    @angeltobes7892 2 года назад

    and im an *''coach person''*

  • @spearmintpony7105
    @spearmintpony7105 2 года назад

    Coach is a tad big.

  • @izzymarquez3351
    @izzymarquez3351 2 года назад +1

    I'm 3rd and please try to make a e2 class too and hi

  • @wellingtonnorthjunction3911
    @wellingtonnorthjunction3911 Год назад

    No offence but the Lego one looks better

  • @brickyy1191
    @brickyy1191 Год назад

    ᴏᴋ ɪ ᴡᴀɴɴᴀ sᴀʏ sᴏᴍᴇᴛʜɪɴɢ, ᴛʜᴇ sᴇᴛ ɪs ɴᴏᴛ $500?

    • @TommyCBricks
      @TommyCBricks  Год назад

      I think its fair calling a $499.99 set, $500.. XD

  • @anp242
    @anp242 2 года назад

  • @lancetjperalta6446
    @lancetjperalta6446 2 года назад

    No its terrible the original is better

  • @Gotasixpackgames
    @Gotasixpackgames 2 года назад +1


  • @vladimirvonrootintutin7024
    @vladimirvonrootintutin7024 2 года назад +1
