Lies that Distort the Gospel (w/ Allen Parr)

  • Опубликовано: 16 окт 2024
  • What are the most common and dangerous doctrines today that distort the gospel? Is it possible to discern biblical truth in our age of fake news? In this video, Sean interviews Allen Parr about his new book MISLED. They discuss the prosperity gospel, speaking in tongues, prophecy, and more.
    READ: Misled, by Allen Parr (
    WATCH: 13 Lies that Make Us Anxious, Exhausted, and Self-obsessed (wth Alisa Childers: • 13 Lies that Make us A... )
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Комментарии • 1,5 тыс.

  • @jtv_70
    @jtv_70 Год назад +502

    False doctrines are everywhere. Best to read your bible for yourself, keep to the basics of salvation and pray for wisdom & discernment daily.

    • @jimnewl
      @jimnewl Год назад +15

      In other words, best to make your best guess and assume, with no justification whatsoever, that the spirit guiding you is the holy one.

    • @jtv_70
      @jtv_70 Год назад +27

      1 JOHN 4
      1Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world. 2 By this you know the Spirit of God: every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God, 3 and every spirit that does not confess Jesus is not from God. This is the spirit of the antichrist, which you heard was coming and now is in the world already. 4 Little children, you are from God and have overcome them, for he who is in you is greater than he who is in the world. 5 They are from the world; therefore they speak from the world, and the world listens to them. 6 We are from God. Whoever knows God listens to us; whoever is not from God does not listen to us. By this we know the Spirit of truth and the spirit of error

    • @yotojojo522
      @yotojojo522 Год назад +8

      Tru the latest, I heard from a brother bible interpretation saying that Adam had bestiality in the early days.😢 God protect us from that nonsense.

    • @averagejoe4256
      @averagejoe4256 Год назад +2

      How is someone suppose to read the bible for themselves when God says it's impossible to do so without a preacher
      rom 10:14 kjv - How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher?

    • @jtv_70
      @jtv_70 Год назад +26

      @@averagejoe4256 Context is important. Paul is talking about both Gentiles & Jew. How were they to know about Jesus unless he and the other believers tell them. The Gospel was way out of their usual belief systems. There was no New Testament at that time and a lot of the regular people couldnt read. Someone had to explain the gospel to them so that they could believe.
      We can read and are blessed with the New Testament. we can read the whole Bible for ourselves and understand.

  • @Maria_Maria_San
    @Maria_Maria_San Год назад +114

    Our pastor always preached in English. Then there was a church member who is an Indian, he approached our pastor after one service. He thanked him as he heard the gospel preached in his own language very clearly.
    I believe that was the gift of tongues, our pastor did not babble words but it was understood in a different language.

    • @jeffcarlson3269
      @jeffcarlson3269 Год назад +14

      then You witnessed a miracle... I have NEVER seen that

    • @eileenhernandez7205
      @eileenhernandez7205 Год назад

      When I pray in tongues, God reveals mysteries to me. In those mysteries, he gives me precise ways to pray. He leads me. and miracles happen. Healings, deliverance, revelation knowledge, prophetic words, dreams, visions, anointed tongues, direction, wisdom from God, etc.
      I asked this..why wouldn't you want everything that God wants to give you? Every perfect gift that comes down from the Father above. Don't you trust him to know what's best for you? To really know him is to want to give every part of you to him ❤
      I hear people speaking in fake tongues because they WANT that recognition of being able to speak in tongues so badly. Why would you want to fake it with God? He is the real deal, give him yourself. Give him the real deal of you and be honest and upfront. He loves you. Devote all of you to him. He is worthy. God searches our hearts to find one who will trust him, who will obey him. Open up the chambers of your heart let him search you and see if there be any wicked way in you. He wants to search the attitudes, the motives & intentions of our heart. Come clean before him if you want to be in intimate relationship with him and be used by him. He will reveal mysteries to you!
      If you ask him for bread, will he give you a stone? No. How much more will he give you the Holy Spirit if you ask him? Trust him & have such a wonderful gift from Heaven. He knows how to give good gifts to those who love him. Don't make it hard, let it be simple. ❤

    • @hbenny5752
      @hbenny5752 Год назад +11

      There are two types of tongues - speaking from someone who has never spoken in tongues. This is what happened in Acts - people heard in their own language. There is also praying in tongues which does “sound” like babble to some ears which may be the “tongues of angels” referenced in 1 Corinthians 13:1. This in particular should either be done in private (I’ll add the confines of their own seat/pew during prayer time is “in private”) or with an interpreter if it’s for the Body (this is when tongues is spoken in front of a group). Tongues is a real gift that is still alive and active today. It doesn’t mean you’re not saved if you don’t have this gift. There is never a place where the Bible says be saved, get baptized and speak in tongues. It’s a good thing, sure, but so are all the other gifts. Do I still get curious and wonder what they’re saying if I hear it? Yes, but that’s the same for almost any language I don’t understand. I agree with the above comment, what you witnessed is a miracle.

    • @jeffcarlson3269
      @jeffcarlson3269 Год назад

      I can partly agree with you but I do Not feel tongues is an active gift for us today...
      my question to you is... have YOU yourself ever witnessed someone speaking in a spiritual tongue.?. and had the interpreter tell what has been said..?..
      no one has EVER ... EVER .....EVER ( get that?)... produced an interpreter.. that comes forward and says.. so and so said THIS...
      and the day THAT happens.. I want you to record it put it up on youtube... and send me the link to it..
      I do not think this ever will happen.. since as I said.. the spiritual speaking is NO MORE... speaking in a foreign language ? I can partly believe in.. since if that DOES happen ....the foreign person.. can tell everyone what the speaker said..
      I have never seen this...either...but I believe God may choose to do that way more than the other... I believe that speaking in tongues.. involves both a speaker AND.... AND... AND.. (get that?)... an INTERPRETER....

    • @leighburville2717
      @leighburville2717 Год назад +2

      I've just started learning about speaking in tongues. I understand that it is that Holy Spirit who dwells with us (and hears us, knows everything about us, and loves us) speaks for us from His perfect, wise, holy perspective.
      When He is finished speaking we have some very inspired thoughts and words of our own. (That's how we actually interpret what He said in tongues.) It works for me.

  • @dbreen733
    @dbreen733 Год назад +22

    I fell into depression last year after a series of traumatic and extremely stressful events that led to severe insomnia. I held on to the faith that God will miraculously heal me, i spoke healing upon myself, all i did all day everyday was pray. I rejected medication because some well meaning christian friends told me to just have faith and that i would be hooked on medications if i ever took it. My depression became worse and worse to the point of me begging God to show me mercy and just take my life. Long story short my husband and pastor (thank God for them) slapped some sense into me and i took the medications. I got better in a week. But the aftermath of all of this is what is even worse. I became bitter and disapppointed towards God because i felt tricked, i questioned all His promises, and if He even loved me. Took me a 4 months to get completely out of depression, and MORE THAN A YEAR for my faith to bounce back up, which is only by His grace. False doctrines are extremely damaging

    • @user-AllenE
      @user-AllenE 10 месяцев назад

      Having misunderstandings regarding this can be damaging. I have experienced both sides. I tried to believe God for healing without success but later realized I was just trying to convince myself with my mind and it wasn’t on the spiritual plane. Later, I received instant healing for myself and also minister instant healing to others. God can heal someone slowly but when it is instant, the definition becomes “a miracle”. Best explanation difference is I know He will heal instead of I’m hoping or it not being more intellectual. There is also something called “the gift of faith”. If you don’t have these, yes, best to go to the doctors.

    • @eilenekellogg-ki2br
      @eilenekellogg-ki2br 9 месяцев назад

      There spiritual healing threw the holy spirit, then there is fiscal healing. Which are you talking about? I do know Jehovah God holy spirit can give us the strength to endure hardships in our life so we can get threw it, fiscal healing that doesn't happen anymore.

    • @BrianMcGuire-u5s
      @BrianMcGuire-u5s 4 месяца назад

      I suffered from acute insomnia while taking myself off of Xanax and methadone. I had been taking very high doses of these drugs for 13 years. I went into psychosis from lack of sleep, which led to permanent physical injuries. I also suffer from partial amnesia. However, I no longer have insomnia. Thanks to a relatively low dose of seraquil. I didn't think it would work yet it does. Give it a try.

  • @nassorkubwa779
    @nassorkubwa779 Год назад +18

    Thank you, brother Parr, for being a voice for me and many others who have experienced the pain and destruction that comes from false teachings. I thought it was just me.

  • @laurairlbeck916
    @laurairlbeck916 Год назад +71

    I've been through the exact same experiences that Alan Parr described. People pressuring me to speak in tongues, implying that I'm not saved if I don't... if tongues are a GIFT, as the Bible says, then not everyone will have it. If everyone did have it, it wouldn't be referred to as a GIFT.

    • @jeffcarlson3269
      @jeffcarlson3269 Год назад +3

      I do not believe in the speaking in tongues or prophecy or healing.. for us today.. not in the biblical sense as Jesus or the Apostles did.. but what do you consider as a gift.. ?.. is it Only a gift if you alone receive it?.. you cannot count anything from God.. as NOT a gift... so I believe if everyone DID have it or Could have it.. whether or not billions had it. this would still be a gift..

    • @grantgartner6944
      @grantgartner6944 Год назад

      ​@@jeffcarlson3269f see ķ Dr Dr😮efgr TV GTG gr g g check tgct BFF g t f rt FF ft high hg hc c GG th I h hb hg th hy hi hĥhhĥhhhh

    • @Dan_Gleebalz
      @Dan_Gleebalz Год назад +6

      ​@jeffcarlson3269 The gift of tongues, prophesy and healing are very much present today. The one caveat is, they cannot be present without the proper authority.

    • @jeffcarlson3269
      @jeffcarlson3269 Год назад +1

      you and I will have to agree to disagree on this one for various reasons...
      I believe that these gifts were done away with upon the completion of God's Word..
      1 Corinthians 13:
      8 Charity never faileth: but whether there be prophecies, they shall fail; whether there be tongues, they shall cease; whether there be knowledge, it shall vanish away.
      9 For we know in part, and we prophesy in part.
      10 But when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away.
      we see that Love NEVER fails... but the rest shall fail or cease...
      this Knowing in part .. is the complete will of God... before the Word was written for all of mankind... no one completely knew God's word except what was told to them by the prophets and Jesus , of course..
      I understand your thoughts. I have heard it all before.. about the need for an interpreter.. in order for tongues to be handled properly... I went to a Pentecostal church for a few years...
      BUT I do Not believe these Gifts are things God has for US today... we have His Word..
      as for prophesying... I believe the extent of THAT gift is confined to a preacher rightly preaching the way of repentance and salvation today.. and telling the world of it's sin....
      calling people to repent.. and telling them how to be saved... thus saving their souls is the same as Peter did.. in Acts chapter 2... I believe we can hear this today.. but not prophecy as a means of telling one's future.. like Tarot cards... and fortune telling... which is what people like Joel Olsteen are doing today... prophesying prosperity.. to all who believe in it..
      He can't foretell how, or if God will prosper anyone..

    • @Dan_Gleebalz
      @Dan_Gleebalz Год назад

      @@jeffcarlson3269 Do you think God has abandoned His children? Why do you think He would abandon us? Why, in times so obviously spoken about by biblical prophets would our heavenly Father leave us to twist in the wind without prophets in our midst to communicate to us His words? It is inconceivable that a loving God would do that. Nevertheless, one must have authority to administer in these rites and to receive revelation. Whereas we may all receive revelation of a personal nature if it is necessary and we are seeking it in faith, one must be called of God and given the proper authority to receive revelation for the entirety of those souls under his care. With that authority are given keys to heal, to bless, to cast out demons, etc. I know that there is a living prophet of God on this earth today and that he receives holy revelation from our heavenly Father, through His son Jesus Christ. I know there will continue to be an unbroken line of prophets on this earth, from the time the fullness of His gospel was restored until Jesus himself returns in glory to stand at the head of His church. This I testify in the Holy name of Jesus Christ, our savior and redeemer. Amen.
      Though you may disagree, it is no less true. Peace to you.

  • @tomgrantpi
    @tomgrantpi Год назад +26

    As a 76 year old Christian, I watch a lot of You Tube videos from Christian teachers and preachers. Thank you both for this video. It is one of the best I've ever watched. Love you both!

    • @rigavitch
      @rigavitch Год назад +2

      I hope you watch Michael Heiser and Father Heers!
      May God Bless you and your family

    • @CAsnowman
      @CAsnowman Год назад

      Just remember my wonderful brother in Christ, never use the RUclips videos and RUclips ministry as a replacement for involvement in local church body, and reading the word yourself! Always amazing to supplement those things with the RUclips videos though which I also love to do! God bless you brother!

    • @ebonyivary
      @ebonyivary Год назад


  • @balansheppard3336
    @balansheppard3336 Год назад +84

    A family we knew lost their daughter-in-law to cancer. When asked why G-d did not heal her they repiled "He did! She is whole and healthy in His Presence."

    • @AstariahJW
      @AstariahJW Год назад

      Shes sleeping in the grave
      Earthly ressurection hasn't happened yet

    • @jeffcarlson3269
      @jeffcarlson3269 Год назад +2

      I agree... see my statement above.... that is how the health and wealth people think... God never fails them.. either they have failed.. or as in your example,. they find a way to still accept that God answered prayer.. but in a way.. other than what they had expected.. it is Never due to their misbelief.. or any failure on God's part in their eyes...

    • @GypsyGirl317
      @GypsyGirl317 Год назад

      God always answers prayer.
      His answer can be Yes, No, or Wait.
      His ways are higher than our ways and His thoughts than our thoughts.
      We sometimes don't know why He answers a certain way, but it is not His failure nor our failure, it simply is.
      Faith is a complex concept and I am definitely not into the health and wealth doctrines, they are not scriptural.
      However, my prayer is most often "God, you will be done".
      If I feel specifically led to pray for healing I will, other times just occasionally, I have a sense in my spirit that the person is going to Heaven so I pray for God's will, and for comfort, peace and strength whatever the outcome.
      I myself have received all three answers. One thing I was prayed for many times for healing never happened, it was a no.
      Yet 10 years ago I was miraculously healed from migraines which I had suffered from all my life.
      Then six years ago God walk beside me and held me close through a serious cancer journey and I was healed via medical treatment plus His care. The surgeon said to me that it was God who saved my life.
      I have peace about God's grace over us, regardless of the circumstances. ❤️
      Finally, for many years I have thought of going to Heaven as being the ultimate healing. 🙏🏽

    • @thembisasoci9970
      @thembisasoci9970 Год назад +1

      Who prayed for her?

    • @Butchman2000
      @Butchman2000 Год назад +3

      What a terrible thing to allow them to be confused about :(

  • @joyceelmer131
    @joyceelmer131 Год назад +42

    I wish we could bring back some of the old hymns to the church. Loved listening to the two of you. 💕

    • @Twiddledup
      @Twiddledup Год назад +7

      I too, feel the same about the old hymns sang in church; The Old Rugged Cross,

  • @inspiredtoenrich
    @inspiredtoenrich 11 месяцев назад +3

    Such a great video and a wonderful message! When my dad was diagnosed with stage four colon cancer, we were told by mini friends of ours, the health prosperity gospel. But my father passed away, no matter how hard we prayed, or whatever superstition we bought into his destiny, was not to live here on earth with us. After he died, we realized, when looking at the notes he made in the Bible. He knew what his destiny was. So while we are sad, and still grieving almost 20 years later, he knew he was going home to be with Jesus. In the end, he did get his healing just not here on earth with us he got the ultimate healing.

  • @ifeifesi
    @ifeifesi Год назад +143

    I actually left the Charismatic movement because of the subjective nature of the experiences they emphasized. I tested a few things for myself and they didn't pass. I feel safer bound by Scripture and what God is saying to us through His written word. I look forward to reading Allan's book.

    • @sidepot
      @sidepot Год назад +2

      I tested the gospel story and it doesn’t pass.

    • @JamesBrown-fd1nv
      @JamesBrown-fd1nv Год назад +10

      ​@@sidepot How did you test it?

    • @sidepot
      @sidepot Год назад +1

      I read the tanakh.

    • @sidepot
      @sidepot Год назад +1

      I also notice you didn’t ask this guy what test he did that made him leave the charismatic church.

    • @johnpearce3714
      @johnpearce3714 Год назад +6

      ​@@sidepot , What do you mean by saying that you tested the Gospel story & it doesn't Pass ??? ---- * you must come to the LORD with an open mind & Humble ,Contrite Heart !! ----

  • @penglim224
    @penglim224 Год назад +6

    Thank you for reminding Christians that we should not dictate to God and be demanding from God. God is good and He has the best gift for us all.
    The one and only best gift from God is the Gospel. Accepting such a wonderful gift should fill Christians with gratitude. Flowing out from this gratitude is daily worship and praise for GOD, and building the wonderful relationship with our God the Father, our Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. God is God, and He is sovereign and we submit our lives to HIM. He is our God, our Lord, our King.

    • @racheldawnlilly6704
      @racheldawnlilly6704 Год назад

      I really like your comment. It's clear you have a heart actively seeking the Lord. I would encourage you to study the Lord's prayer even though you've probably already studied it a lot. Read it over and over and ask the Holy Spirit to teach you what He means by "Your kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven". Salvation is only the beginning. A wonderful beginning! It's our first step toward Him. When people are using spiritual gifts in ungodly ways, just remember we were told that would happen (Matthew 7:21-23). But we are also told what true believers will do (John 14:12). Now we just have to make sure we're fully submitted to the Holy Spirit while learning how to walk in those we don't become like the Matthew 7:21-23 people. I hope that makes sense. It's wonderful reading a comment from someone with a heart like yours :)

  • @shizlegizmgar
    @shizlegizmgar Год назад +12

    Allen mentioned such a Great point about the “prosperity gospel”.
    That if it was truly a part of the gospel, it would have to work in every part of the world. Very concise and clear, useful point.

  • @terrizseleczky9794
    @terrizseleczky9794 Год назад +13

    Thank you. The prosperity gospel reminds me of the new age practice of “manifesting.” I subscribe to the fact that God does not promise there will not be storms in our life - what he promises is peace within the storms through His grace.

    • @LoudHadida
      @LoudHadida 3 месяца назад

      God is all about manifestation it is called faith just named differently. Check your Bible.

  • @rachaelc5516
    @rachaelc5516 Год назад +7

    Allen Parr what a guy! Love The Beat, one of several Very trust worthy channels I listen too as I go about my days as a house wife and mother of three and youth worker.
    Sean, Allen, Mike Winger, Alisa Childers and Melissa Dougherty, Jim Warner Wallace all keep me company on a daily basis and have been a huge asset to my raising my babies and too the privilege I have in talking to a tiny group of the next generation in my little teeny town in North Yorkshire, England. Thank you guys! Can’t wait to get my mitts on Allen’s book 🥰

    • @instepbydantebrown
      @instepbydantebrown Год назад +1

      Totally agree! This was such a Spirit-filled discussion.

  • @suestephan3255
    @suestephan3255 Год назад +8

    I shared this with a friend saying: two good men who care about the word of God and how to expound it. Thank you men. Thank you Allen for writing a book out of, let’s see what the Bible says, always.

  • @williammoorer227
    @williammoorer227 Год назад +7

    Allen has confirmed what the Spirit has revealed to me since I was sure that I was Born-Again as a believer. I was thwarted for a time I high school and was ineffective for awhile then rededicated myself to Jesus. Shortly after that I had been approached by cult members and other Groupons claiming to be Christian, the true church, etc. This caused me to deep dive into the scriptures, find out what different groups believe, and build a strong root of the Word in my life. I was inspired also by the Evidence Demands a Verdict and people like Josh McDowell, Walter Martin, etc. I am grateful for your program that I just started viewing today.

    • @graftme3168
      @graftme3168 Год назад

      I wish more people would be inspired to search the scriptures for themselves. I think the greatest thing we can do for those seeking truth is to encourage and inspire them to read and study God's Word. I think that most people find a few people they believe are speaking truth and completely rely on them to lead them. The problem is, when someone else comes along that speaks more eloquently, or seems to have authority, or many other factors, they will not be stable enough in the Word to know the difference between truth and error. The only stable ground we have is to know the Word ourselves. Many people are led astray after sitting under those who are truly of God and speak truth. I am convinced it is because they don't read and study the Word.

  • @Abilovess
    @Abilovess Год назад +25

    This tongues thing always confused me. I'm going to a pentecostal church but hearing ppl speak on tongues made me doubt it. So many ppl have stories of them being forced or that they faked it. I pushed it aside, doubting it until my best friend received the gift. The way he described it made me desire to have it. Weeks later i was praying in my bed, pouring my heart out and i realized i never really asked for the gift because i doubted. I was simply praising God until i started stuttering. I was trying to say hallelujah and i couldnt move pass the first syllable. My mouth started moving, i was speaking a language i've never heard b4. I stopped myself because i was fearful and doubtful. I felt this pressure in my stomach. I couldnt sit still. I tried to talk english but couldnt. I felt overwelmed and i just decided to let it out. I prayed in tongues for a long time. The world seemed brighter and life seemed lighter. I tested it for days, calling on Jesus until it happened. I even prayed against it because i was doubtful. Alot of ppl had bad experiences with this. But, i had this. I was just seeking His face. I was broken and desperate. I was just seeking His comfort, not the gift in that moment.
    Sometimes i pray and pour out my heart, and tongues will come out. I asked God for this gift and this is what happened. I went to God, telling Him i didnt seek anything evil nor demonic. I stopped praying in tongues because of that until Sunday when it happened. The peace i feel is unbelievable. One thing i seek from God is peace. I've never been this light and felt this free.

    • @djparsons7363
      @djparsons7363 Год назад

      Does feeling good about speaking in tongues make it acceptable? According to the Bible, "gifts" of the spirit would be done away with, they served their purpose. The speaking in tongues today is from Satan, he has the ability to mimic different languages and make people feel good from the experience.
      To let yourself be controlled by a demon is a really stupid thing to do.

    • @johnpearce3714
      @johnpearce3714 Год назад +3

      @ Abilovess , Many in the Pentecostal church were & are NOT speaking in Tongues , they have been Speaking Gibberish !! ---- Paul CHRIST'S Apostle stated that it would cease !! --- * It was given to the Apostles to share the Gospel message to all those who were coming to Jerusalem for the Passover .------ Besides " S in T'S won't & can't save you or anyone else !! ----- * read "Strange Fire " by John Mac.Arthur --- as re.this Issue & a few others , he's right & Correct !! ----- Once again the Pentecostal ,Assembly of God church has a lot of False doctrines going right back in it's history. ---- Even the SO called Charismatic church is Full of False doctrines ,as well as the " word of faith " ,Southern Baptists , Hillsong ,Emergent church , as well as the Biggest Satanic Roman Catholic church ----

    • @johnpearce3714
      @johnpearce3714 Год назад +1

      @ Abilovess , Also many False Preachers out there ,thus mixing up the Scriptures , watch out for the Calvinists , with their mixing up the word of GOD --- thus Salvation & good works are Two different Issues !! ---- then we have the " Lordship Salvation Issue ---- thus making CHRIST your LORD ----- * the Fact is HE is The LORD YESHUA / JESUS CHRIST ---- we don't make HIM LORD for HE is the LORD ---- *** See Sister Renee Roland ,she has a lot of videos ,teaching as re.all these Error ,False doctrines etc.----- also Charles Lawson ,Ralph Yankee Arnold ,Robert Breaker ,Michael Youssef ,the late J.Vernon mac.Gee & a few others on these subjects.

    • @johnpearce3714
      @johnpearce3714 Год назад +2

      @ Abilovess , Read Acts 16 VS. 27 ----- 32 ----- as re.the Jailer / Prison Guard asked CHRIST'S Apostles Paul, Silas, What MUST I do to be SAVED ? ---- they answered him saying BELIEVE on the LORD YESHUA / JESUS CHRIST and you shall be SAVED ,you & your house ( household / family ) ---- he & they all TRULY BELIEVED TRUSTED ONLY on in HIM for Salvation and Eternal LIFE only through in HIM CHRIST the LORD YESHUA / JESUS , HIS SACRIFICE on the Cross /Tree at Calvary / Golgotha, the Shedding of HIS BLOOD for the remission / forgiveness of SINS , HIS death, burial, Resurrection on the third day according to the Scriptures ---- 1 Corinthians 15 VS.1 ------- 4 ---- * ref, the Jailer / Prison Guard --- Acts 16 VS. 27 ------- 32 ------------ * For all those that do respond to HIS calling , thus to repent --- A change of MIND from Unbelief to thus TRULY BELIEVE TRUST only on in HIM CHRIST, the SON of GOD, the SON of GOD the FATHER YAHWEH / JEHOVAH ---- receive HIM into your LIFE as your LORD & SAVIOUR as HE stated / states that a Person MUST be BORN AGAIN by the HOLY SPIRIT --- John 3 ---- this is the SPIRITUAL rebirth given from GOD YAHWEH /JEHOVAH to all those that do Put their hope & TRUST on HIS ONLY BEGOTTEN SON CHRIST the LORD YESHUA / JESUS ----- NOT on Anything of yourself but only IN HIS PRECIOUS BLOOD that was shed for US ---- ref.John 1 V.12 , Ephesians 2 VS.8.9. & 10 -----

    • @djparsons7363
      @djparsons7363 Год назад

      @@johnpearce3714 All the so called Christian religions in Christendom are doomed, they will face destruction at the tribulation! That will happen because the churches have been teaching false pagan doctrines, portraying God as part of a pagan trinity is blasphemy, an unforgivable lie!

  • @JG4AU
    @JG4AU Год назад +11

    Literally a couple of weeks ago left the second largest church in America because of all the things that finally began to be revealed. But for a year and a half I was locked in.

  • @NancyDGreg
    @NancyDGreg Год назад +29

    What a fantastic conversation. Words of wisdom right here. Thank you both.

  • @achristianconvertedtochris5862
    @achristianconvertedtochris5862 4 месяца назад +1

    I am amazed at how well Allen is rightly dividing the word of truth.
    Because in this day and age that we live in that is hard to do.
    He shows a deep relationships with him and God..

  • @bcatcool
    @bcatcool Год назад +10

    I like Allan. He helps to pull people back to the word. I don't agree with him completely on many things but I completely endorse the concern he has. His courage is what inspires me to speak out challenge the way I and other do life as Christians. Many desire change and want to see God glorified BUT it can be at the expense of 'theGospel' ...... Our hearts suffer a destructive deceitfulness and we must remain vigilant in pursuing our obedience to His word. Thanks Sean as ever.

    • @instepbydantebrown
      @instepbydantebrown Год назад

      Yes! Keyword "Vigilant" The state of the Church right now is very concerning...

    • @sheilasmith7779
      @sheilasmith7779 Год назад

      bcatcool: What matters is whether your disagreement with Parr is significant? Mine is significant. Parr is a calvinist which means his beliefs on the nature and process of salvation is in error, not scriptural.

  • @cherylcobern4483
    @cherylcobern4483 Год назад +16

    I SOOOOOOO appreciate this episode! Especially the "Grace is free, but not cheap" segment.. I have been trying to get that through to ppl and they just ignore it. Or they acknowledge it, but dont really "get" it. Thank you.

    • @instepbydantebrown
      @instepbydantebrown Год назад +1

      I totally know what you mean. The key is to just keep sticking to the truth.

  • @babykoala1700
    @babykoala1700 Год назад +3

    First of all, thank you very much. I’ve been in confusion for a few months because I couldn’t say Amen to my pastor’s sermons. I have had this dilemma whether I should leave this church or just keep it to myself. Everything you two examined is exactly what my pastor’s preaches about.
    Past Sunday, one of the things my pastor said was that we CAN change circumstances by saying positive and powerful words. He told us to pray what we want to happen.
    Thank you again for clarifying my questions!

    • @barbarabutack6577
      @barbarabutack6577 2 месяца назад

      Dats not enough reason to leave ur church, if dats d only problem u are experiencing in ur church.

    • @babykoala1700
      @babykoala1700 2 месяца назад

      @@barbarabutack6577 Dear sister
      It may not be enough reason for you but it definitely was enough for me. Some of my friends still attend that church. Do I tell them to leave because of my reason? Nope. It wasy time for me to move. That's all. We share our thoughts based on what the Bible teaches. But we don't argue. We pray for each other for God's grace and mercy to see the truth.

  • @Maria_Maria_San
    @Maria_Maria_San Год назад +3

    Hi Bro Allen, I thank God for your ministry. It was through your video that made me courageous enough to leave a church preaching wrong doctrines. It wasn’t easy, but it was the best move. Thank you brother!

  • @Ginger_H
    @Ginger_H Год назад +5

    Re: Suffering. God’s strength is made perfect in our weakness. My lowest moments were God’s opportunity to show me his Sovereignty and Sufficiency! He will use Any circumstance to enact His perfect will!!

  • @haleighstockton5439
    @haleighstockton5439 Год назад +11

    I would LOVE to see a video on teaching theology to kids. This is the topic I read about and think about most of all. I have a 7 and 3 year old and I pray everyday that God will help me equip them properly to face this world.

    • @rachelmendez5789
      @rachelmendez5789 Год назад +2

      As a mom of kids similar ages, get them to memorize large portions of Scripture (rather than just onesie twosie verses) now; kids' memorization capacity far exceeds our own and knowing the scriptures will be a protective factor against false doctrine. God's word is living and active.

    • @gloriack7976
      @gloriack7976 Год назад +1

      Teach them the sovereignty of God. Start with the very basic principles of who God is. And teach them corresponding Bible verses. God’s word will not return void. They will ask questions and turn to the scriptures for each one. If you can’t answer, search the scriptures together. Have daily prayer and Bible time. Ten minutes, you’re not trying to lead a class you’re just laying a foundation of faithfully seeking the Lord.

  • @ryanwiersema7251
    @ryanwiersema7251 Год назад +19

    Great discussion! I am preaching on the Book of Jude in July and am continuing to be amazed at the profound and incredibly relevant teachings in that tiny book. It is so pertinent to the this discussion between the two of you and to the concerns I have regarding the direction I see occurring in the church. Keep on keeping on.

    • @juliereagan8787
      @juliereagan8787 Год назад +1

      Thank you for sharing. I'm going to read the book of Jude when I get home from work tonight. Curled of with my my two kittens and Bible ; my kind of Friday night. ( My only regret my late husband and Mom and Dad aren't here to share it with; all Christians. God bless you and your family and flock.

    • @PinoyMusicRevolution
      @PinoyMusicRevolution Год назад +2

      It's such an inspiration to read books like Hebrews , Jude, how the Lord addressed and give instructions to His people- Israel😊

    • @annairwin8147
      @annairwin8147 Год назад

      The book of Jude says it all…..

    • @instepbydantebrown
      @instepbydantebrown Год назад

      Yeah, Jude is definitely a hidden gem.

    • @instepbydantebrown
      @instepbydantebrown Год назад +1

      @@juliereagan8787 God bless you.

  • @donnajaemoon
    @donnajaemoon Год назад +1

    Whenever I hear talk of the prosperity gospel or speaking things into existence, I’m reminded of my dearly departed brother’s (a Baptist preacher) reference to it as, “name it and claim it.” Having moved several hundred miles from home, I became a member of a Baptist church where the pastor taught along the lines of what was then called the charismatic church. So, while I considered my brother’s comment sarcastic, the little sister in me trusted his assessment of the path I was on. I was thankful for our many conversations about the scriptures and the church.

  • @annbrucepineda8093
    @annbrucepineda8093 Год назад +15

    I have often wondered if I am saved, if I had a relationship with Jesus. Just the fact that Allen has touched on all my concerns helps console me and encourage me. Nobody has done it better. I recommended his book to our son and would love to have it in my library.

    • @graftme3168
      @graftme3168 Год назад

      Believe the Gospel. If you question your salvation, it is because you don't believe the Gospel.

    • @runbyjunglered
      @runbyjunglered 25 дней назад

      @@graftme3168 What do you mean?

    • @graftme3168
      @graftme3168 25 дней назад

      @@runbyjunglered Whoever believes on Jesus HAS eternal life and has PASSED from death to life. That is the Gospel. What good would it have been for Jesus to die to pay for sins if there wasn't a promise attached to it? As the apostle Paul said, if we only have hope in this life, believers should be the most miserable people. I find that those who don't believe they HAVE eternal life are in fact miserable! Christ's death paid for our sins but it did not give us eternal life! It broke the barrier of sin that prevented us from being reconciled to God. It is His LIFE that brought eternal life. That's what water baptism symbolizes. If you believe the old man died with Christ, you know the new man WILL be resurrected to eternal life. Believing Jesus died for your sins isn't the entire Gospel. Then, you would only be forgiven, but still hell bound!

    • @runbyjunglered
      @runbyjunglered 21 день назад

      @@graftme3168 May I ask what denomination you are please?

  • @lizpetruzzi7700
    @lizpetruzzi7700 Год назад +12

    Love Allen Parr - such an important interview so well done. Excellent questions, intermittent summarizations and content. I had a similar experience to Allen in a charismatic church. The Lord used The American Gospel documentary to open my eyes. Now I have a passion and thirst for the Word like never before and a heart for those deceived and manipulated by wolves. Thank you for this!

    • @instepbydantebrown
      @instepbydantebrown Год назад

      Yep, same here with the charismatic upbringing...but thank God for the truth!

  • @grindingtowardsmybestlife3654
    @grindingtowardsmybestlife3654 Год назад +20

    I am so thankful for this liberating TRUTH! I was a part of a Prosperity Gospel SMH Thank God for opening up my eyes 👀 through his Word.

  • @michaelscott3803
    @michaelscott3803 Год назад +2

    We went to a church one time that began to get rather cultish and when we finally broke off from them it felt like divorce. We were counseled to go through a detox so to speak for at least 30 days before immediately going to another church. We didn't want to be on the rebound since there was so much emotional connection to it. These controlling churches will make you feel as if you are not in the will of God. We needed to go through a time of healing.

  • @amandaperezgimenez6951
    @amandaperezgimenez6951 Год назад +9

    You two are awesome men of God! may he keep blessing you and your families and giving you wisdom and knowledge to share! 🙌🏼

  • @cameronramm778
    @cameronramm778 Год назад +39

    Thank you both for your time and service to the ministry. 100% would love to see a follow up on teaching kids biblical theology.

  • @cwschindler6885
    @cwschindler6885 Год назад +152

    Two of the best Christian dudes on the internet!! Now get Winger in there and do a two-hour, three-man theology extravaganza! Keep up the great work!! 👍👍

    • @sisandazakumba8310
      @sisandazakumba8310 Год назад +7

      That would be EPIC!!

    • @sidepot
      @sidepot Год назад

      Three of the biggest assholes.

    • @gigiflame6454
      @gigiflame6454 Год назад +10

      Mike less than 3

    • @honeycutiexiaotian
      @honeycutiexiaotian Год назад +2

      Yas! I'll be at the front seat for that!

    • @rayhchc6451
      @rayhchc6451 Год назад

      No‼️ It's one hypocrite interviewing another hypocrite‼️ Mike Winger? Oh no, not another hypocrite‼️ 😱

  • @abrahammorales3737
    @abrahammorales3737 Год назад +22

    I automatically viewed when I saw a conversation with Allen Parr. Both of you speak so much truth into my life and I’m thankful to have found you both. Keep up the great work!

    • @SeanMcDowell
      @SeanMcDowell  Год назад +2

      Thanks Abraham. Glad you enjoyed it!

    • @instepbydantebrown
      @instepbydantebrown Год назад +1

      Totally agree, I really appreciate the sound and carefully thought-out doctrine from both of them.

  • @funkysilencer20
    @funkysilencer20 Год назад +24

    Loved seeing this duo together! I’m excited for this book!
    I grew up in a charismatic church and have often had to navigate through different types of theology and questions. Thank you Allen!

    • @instepbydantebrown
      @instepbydantebrown Год назад +1

      Same here. I thank God for the positive aspects of my charismatic upbringing, but fortunately, I have settled in a more doctrinally sound position.

  • @sherrythomas8149
    @sherrythomas8149 Год назад +8

    The concept of trading places with God, asking Him to make our words become reality, is an aspect of "manifesting" that I hadn't thought of and I'll use that as I speak against it to those around me. Thanks! Now I need to buy the book!

  • @Rue1008
    @Rue1008 Год назад +38

    This was really informative - I wish I could have watched it several years ago, it would have saved me some pain. Well done Sean and Allen ! 🙏

    • @SeanMcDowell
      @SeanMcDowell  Год назад +7

      I’m glad to hear, Ruth!

    • @instepbydantebrown
      @instepbydantebrown Год назад +3

      You and I both, sis!

    • @jeffcarlson3269
      @jeffcarlson3269 Год назад

      Ha .. this video was Not made several years ago,...

    • @Rue1008
      @Rue1008 Год назад

      @@jeffcarlson3269 well, yep, true... Let's say the message would have been great to hear a few years ago!

    • @jeffcarlson3269
      @jeffcarlson3269 Год назад

      @@Rue1008 yes you are right...

  • @jeffofthehillpeople7728
    @jeffofthehillpeople7728 Год назад +16

    I really appreciate what both of you do. Thank you for your efforts and for a terrific conversation. God bless you both.

  • @hillstrong715
    @hillstrong715 Год назад +17

    Good to see a balance in the view of "speaking in tongues". I speak in tongues often, but that is me and if someone doesn't it matters not a whit in regards to the salvation that we have in Jesus Christ. After a long study on tongues, this gift is not one gift but at least three quite different gifts. I know people who could not speak a specific language and yet the Lord Jesus Christ bestowed that language fully developed onto them. I know others who have spoken in a language they did not know or understand and the hearers heard the gospel in their language.
    The prosperity gospel is as satanic as you can get as it deceives the people in relation to what Jesus Christ has said to us about how the world will hate us as His followers. It corrupts in so many subtle ways and you are led to put yourself as the strength instead of what we have in Jesus Christ. My wife has suffered and survived four different cancers. The treatments have left her body crippled and yet her love for the Lord Jesus Christ has risen to much greater heights becasue of what He has achieved in her.
    Very many who have called themselves Christians accused her of great sin because of these cancers and yet they are the ones who have left Jesus Christ behind because He didn't come through with what they believed He owed them. The wondrous thing we have found is that no matter what terrible trial we have been through or great blessing we have received, He has never left us alone. He has always stayed with us, even when we think He is far from us.
    Jesus Christ is our Glorious God and Saviour and prosperity and health are not needed to live in His presence. His Grace is the full sufficiency for each and every day.

    • @JamesBrown-fd1nv
      @JamesBrown-fd1nv Год назад +1

      Who is your audience when you speak in tongues? Who is your witness? What language is it in and does it match your audience?

    • @pamcollins2178
      @pamcollins2178 Год назад +3

      I speak in tongues. But God has never had me speak in a church service for purpose of interpretation. I don’t question Him on why He hasn’t. I talk with God in both English & my prayer language. I can move interchangeably between both languages. I haven’t a clue what Holy Spirit living in me is talking about with Father. But one thing I do know, is that Their conversation is not encumbered by my thoughts & desires. It’s pure communication between Them. I believe that all Christians have the capability of speaking in tongues from the point of their salvation. I had been saved for almost 30 years before speaking in tongues. And for me, from the point I started my prayer language, the understanding of scripture opened up exponentially to me. That’s my experience. I am not saying that those who do not speak in tongues do not have scriptural understanding. Do not hear what I’m NOT saying 🙂

    • @hillstrong715
      @hillstrong715 Год назад +2

      @@pamcollins2178 You say [I am not saying that those who do not speak in tongues do not have scriptural understanding] which is true but the converse is also true in that there are many who do speak in tongues who do not have scriptural understanding. Scriptural understanding is dependent on your relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ, not on you speaking in tongues or on any other manifestation of the gifts of the Holy Spirit.

  • @lutchiewiens5788
    @lutchiewiens5788 Год назад +14

    I read through the Bible with my child and answer the questions asked. I also ask God to help him understand His Word beyond what I can do as a mom. Amazingly, my son can discern who is trusting God and believing Him, and someone who is not walking with God and not trusting God. He, in fact, identified a false teacher when he was around 5 or 6 years old. He called out the lies. I did not realize that he was listening to the apologetics teaching i was listening to.
    Lots of parents read fables, myths and fairy tales but prohibit the Bible "because it isn't age appropriate". It is actually a very BIG lie from Satan through ungodly, humanistic psychologists.

  • @pastorernestalbuquerque4770
    @pastorernestalbuquerque4770 Год назад +3

    Faith in the atonement provided by Christ brings us into a relationship with HIM. Our daily walk with HIM is how we grow in intimacy with HIM. God bless.

    • @aesira2679
      @aesira2679 Год назад

      Thank you I’ve been searching the comments for answers like these I desire to grow my relationship with Jesus Christ and I want to know him personally and be able have that strong connection

  • @bertramazavedo8865
    @bertramazavedo8865 Год назад +4

    Excellent n inspirational video.
    Well done, faithfully speaking the word of truth, basing everything discussed on the Holy Scriptures - for the rightness. Thank you both, n God bless your resp ministries, as you both honor n glorify our great GOD. 🙏Wish success for your book, n may people be blessed n believe in the true gospel of JESUS CHRIST 🙏👍

  • @Jesusismyonething
    @Jesusismyonething Год назад +3

    Discovered Allen through How To Faith A Life.
    Bought and read his book last weekend.
    Stumbled onto this chat.
    Followed the rabbit trail to the Christian Apologetics certificate through the link.
    1983 Biola Grad coming full circle back to my alma mater 🙌🏼

  • @unionghost2325
    @unionghost2325 Год назад +57

    Two men of God, thank you for what y’all do!

    • @sidepot
      @sidepot Год назад

      I call it two morons with a video camera.

    • @RYNE030
      @RYNE030 Год назад +1

      Y're right

    • @instepbydantebrown
      @instepbydantebrown Год назад +1

      Yeah, these guys are great.

    • @TIJoe-te9qu
      @TIJoe-te9qu Год назад +2

      Real men of God would not bash another denomination based on misinformation, such as Parr does to the SDA church, but absolutely refuse to interview a seasoned SDA evangelist directly on his channel to resolve his misunderstanding. I've suggested it MANY times but he won't even reply. He just stands behind his slander.

    • @lemonhead9628
      @lemonhead9628 Год назад +1

      @@TIJoe-te9quYeah i was wondering if anyone was gonna bring this up, if not one jot will pass from the Royal Law why would he sit up their and make a video telling everyone that we do not have to keep the sabbath anymore and that the sabbath is everyday?
      Because if the sabbath was "everyday" we would never be able to do work during the week day and we would be breaking his 4th commandment everyday. What Jesus removed was the law and ordinances of Moses, things like sacrificing sheep to remove sin, or circumcising a child before 8 years old. Why would any christian think that Jesus removed his own Royal eternal Law, unless he was actively trying to lead them to sin against God and go to hell.
      God will judge us all fairly so every christian that keep all of his other commandments and yet deny the one he told them to remember will have to answer for disobeying and sinning on judgement day.

  • @erinclarocca
    @erinclarocca Год назад +5

    I think the gift of tongues is extremely important & thus heavily under attack. My parents told
    Me as a kid all I had to do was ask God for it. I did & said my own made up gibberish but I continued to pray for it & God did give it to me! I’ve never been a good prayer but I pray in tongues all the time. I do view it as the Holy Spirit interceding on my behalf. Any time I’ve had a moment of crisis, even in dreams, it just comes out. Im so grateful to Jesus for this gift. No, it is not required to be saved. If you read your Bible you know what is required to be saved & it’s so simple yet everything! Praise God from whom all blessings flow! Amen!

    • @TIJoe-te9qu
      @TIJoe-te9qu Год назад +4

      Biblically, the real gift of tongues is the ability to evengelize in a foreign language ao others can hear the gospel. It is essentially a reversal of the Babel curse so people can understand. It was NEVER a "prayer language" I'm sorry to say.
      If you received a false kind of gibberish after "priming the pump" by creating your own, you should be concerned that maybe this was not from God, but the dark side.

    • @RKay-ku1ni
      @RKay-ku1ni Месяц назад

      Just a genuine thought. If the Holy Spirit only intercedes through the gift of tongues, so he doesn't intercede for those who don't have the gift of tongues? Sounds to me like this would be the consequence. But he intercedes for all believers, so I really can't come to believe that the gift of tongues is the Holy Spirit's groaning as intercessor.

  • @douglasclynes4841
    @douglasclynes4841 4 месяца назад

    I think the entire world could benefit from Sean and Allen teaching people to bring Biblical theology to their children. Love and watch you both all the time so it is really special to get to hear you both at same time. Praise the Lord

  • @bryansyme6215
    @bryansyme6215 Год назад +19

    Love this! We need to talk about these things so we can all stay on the right path.Thanks to both of you!

  • @toxogandhi
    @toxogandhi Год назад +4

    Wow. I had a chat with you and you invited me here when you were a tiny channel. You clearly have a gift. I've gotten more into my faith than ever and am just in the "Am I doing this right?" phase.
    I'm from the deep south. There's a whole different system of "feel good gospel", like "once saved, always saved", and a version of prosperity theology (I like that term too) that goes like this, "The Lord will never put more suffering on you than you can handle.", and those things made me go prodigal for about a decade before my gradual return to Christ. I'm considering, once I get a good, fresh, full read of Scripture in, or three, study and meditate on the words, until I have assurance I am ready, about these dangers. I already know the title, and my essays are, to my knowledge, still being passed out as exemplars for what the professor wants, as he asked permission to do it for future classes as well. God gave me a gift with words. I just wanna use that gift for Him, not for the Deceiver. Sadly, it comes with a temper, an attitude, and a gift to figure out someone's psychological weak spots, attacking those.
    A Christian man came into my life, had this intrusive thought of "You're gonna marry that girl", to which his inner monolog replied, "What am I getting myself into?" 😂 It wasn't even a date! It was a boyfriend job interview. That's what women do with "not-a" dates a lot. It's the psycho test date.
    Anyway, he had never proposed before, to anyone, never even thought of it. He asked me within one month. Almost 7 years later, we are *both* going strong with the Lord. He wasn't from the south. He was from the Midwest, very Scriptural father who really instilled his faith. I'll say a girl is pretty. He doesn't even acknowledge her. He says he just assumes women who aren't me are trans. 😂

  • @findingshalom
    @findingshalom Год назад +7

    This interview is soooo good. Thank you both. I especially love the answer to what to say to a friend that thinks they are a Christian but you are not sure. The answer was just what I needed to hear to help someone I love. 💙

  • @tjlubecky1226
    @tjlubecky1226 Год назад +5

    Just got the book on audible. So excited to listen to it. Thank you gentlemen for the open conversation. GOD bless.

  • @annairwin8147
    @annairwin8147 Год назад +3

    Absolutely a fantastic broadcast that everyone should see🙏

  • @christiannieves5762
    @christiannieves5762 Год назад +3

    For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also.”

  • @DRVenard
    @DRVenard Год назад +4

    The biggest difference in salvation is, God loves us. We are saved through faith. OUR (works, so to speak) are due to OUR love for Him! The more we love God, the more our walk with Him will be aparent to others🙌✝️

    • @georgemooyman7155
      @georgemooyman7155 Год назад +2

      Actually we are saved by believing that we are sinners and that Jesus Christ died for our sins was buried and raised from the dead for our justification.

    • @lindaschipansky4429
      @lindaschipansky4429 Год назад

      ​@georgemooyman7155 I thought we are saved by grace.

    • @georgemooyman7155
      @georgemooyman7155 Год назад

      @lindaschipansky4429 Yes, we receive the gift of God the moment we believe.
      For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:

  • @FrEELoAdER-f9f
    @FrEELoAdER-f9f Год назад +2

    I belonged to my church for 20 years now. The Reverend who was there past away and his family member took up the pulpit, an actual minister as well. For years he preached and it wasn't until his last couple of years did he start preaching false teachings. I wrote down every sermon and when he started I went back to look for other false teachings. there were none until this point in his ministry.
    He challenged the members and asked to discuss the challenge over coffee and I was the only one I believe. He unfortunately was in a place that he wanted to make Gods word work for his own understanding in certain areas he was troubled in. When he started leading the church in unbiblical ways and manners, that's when I felt it was necessary to speak up respectfully and share Gods truth that was the proper way to handle every step in the situation we were in. It was a very clear matter but the church caught up in emotions over possibly loosing the church and the minister catering to their wants and needs, led them to not follow Gods word but their own desires. After several attempts, feeling prompted by the Holy Spirit, I shared Gods word with the church that showed the proper way, the proper steps, His truth was undeniable in our situation but they did not accept it nor did the minister.
    Long story short, I felt it was time to part ways for a due time from the church quietly and respectfully. I did not bad mouth those who were against my decision, this did include the minister. I remained quiet unless directly asked why I left.
    Let me ask this. If you belong to a family and the one who led the family has started to abuse the family, is it okay to just leave looking out for yourself or is it not our responsibility to try and warn the others so that maybe they can stand for what's right and fight properly for truth and righteousness? To just leave a church because of false doctrines without first confronting in the proper manner of the teacher, then if the teacher does not accept the truth bring another brother to confront the teacher and if the teacher does not accept but remain bring the matter to the church. If the teacher still does not accept then the church has a duty to excuse the teacher and if the church does not agree, and the brother not agree, then it may be best that you depart for the truth is falling on deaf ears.
    Just to conclude. I have returned to my church. I prayed and prayed about the situation, asking God to lead and guide me in the matter. I felt led that until they have chosen a minister because there at that point was none, then I would return. yes, that false teacher decided to leave on his own accord.
    The church now has an amazing minister. because we are human and no one is perfect, we have our issues with some of the different way things are done, but they are adjusting finely. K, done the novel. You can buy the rest of the chapters that follow this first chapter on Amazon. lol

  • @Tj-TrustJESUS
    @Tj-TrustJESUS Год назад +6

    Excellent Trust Worthy Teaching!!! LORD Bless Sean & Allen for this timely study & book!!! 🙏

  • @tiruncarswell3326
    @tiruncarswell3326 Год назад +5

    I appreciate this video and the humility that both men displayed when discussing nuanced topics. Gods blessings fellas!

    • @instepbydantebrown
      @instepbydantebrown Год назад

      Yep, I completely agree. Delivery is crucial when discussing topics like these.

  • @tanjasmit7535
    @tanjasmit7535 Год назад +8

    What a wonderful video. Two RUclipsrs I watch and who teaches the True Gospel. Hopefully pastor Allan your book will be available in SA 🇿🇦 thank you for your honesty and integrity. Love in Christ ✝️

  • @boveega7
    @boveega7 8 месяцев назад

    Great conversation. May God continue to bless you both and use you both in this wicked world. The world needs you desperately!

  • @Freethinker632
    @Freethinker632 Год назад +4

    It’s real! I heard my grandmother experience this. Only God can understand this. They are speaking to God🙏

  • @88rushrocks
    @88rushrocks Год назад +3

    Awesome Allen is a great teacher and he keeps it on a elementary level of understanding

  • @sierradavis5082
    @sierradavis5082 Год назад +14

    I am a charismatic Christian… I’m not sure why, but I feel like it’s relevant to note that I was an atheist until a little under 4.5 years ago, but I’m now going for pastoral credentials with the Assemblies of God. I guess my point is that I did not grow up in this, and haven’t had a lot of time in it, but I have devoted what time I have had in the church to studying and figuring out what I believe exactly. Personally, and I think widely among us charismatic folk, I believe that there are two forms of speaking in tongues. One is the spiritual gift that was described in this video, and the second is the evidence of speaking in tongues that comes from the overflow of the Holy Spirit. It’s like a thing where you’re praying and you just don’t have the right words to say what you mean and the Holy Spirit speaks in a heavenly language through you with the words that you couldn’t come up with.
    When I first “got saved” as they say, I had so many questions about these people I thought were crazy at my church, and it took me quite a long time to grasp that whole concept. That is why I feel like I should share on here. Also, I don’t believe at all that it’s something that is necessary for salvation. The Bible says “if you believe in your heart and confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, you will be saved.” That is that.

    • @claudiaa.3268
      @claudiaa.3268 Год назад +4

      The problem with the second form of speaking in tongues that you describe is that it is not in the Bible. It doesn't come under the biblical teaching of tongues. It goes "beyond what was written" and we are warned not to do so.

    • @JamesBrown-fd1nv
      @JamesBrown-fd1nv Год назад +1

      The sign gifts ended in the first century and they were for the Jewish people.

    • @cristiewentz8586
      @cristiewentz8586 Год назад +2

      ​@@JamesBrown-fd1nv can you explain the ones that were present among the gentiles, then?

    • @condoguy710
      @condoguy710 Год назад +3

      @@claudiaa.3268 I Corinthians 14:4 is discussing the speaking in tongues that a believer does to edify himself, so you are incorrect. Paul goes on in verse 5 to say that it is better for the believer to prophecy to the congregation because it edifies all. So there is a distinction of 2 types and reasons for praying in tongues.

    • @brandonmack6827
      @brandonmack6827 Год назад

      @@condoguy710 if your read a little further down Paul addresses that speaking in tongues would be beneficial if someone interprets what your saying so the whole church gets strengthened.
      Idk if it’s a deciding factor if there being 2 or not it just seems to suggest that the one speaking in tongues does edify himself but if an interpreter is present it could edify the church otherwise no one will be able to understand what is being said.
      I could be wrong that’s just what iam seeing

  • @cutfromthesameclothministr3591

    In all honesty I have watched half of this and I couldn’t finish because a sadness and hopelessness came over me. As much as I pray for my children and some of the things they are trapped in….I am now discouraged that God is listening to those prayers. As I start to listen; I hear hopelessness and scientific explanations as if God is clear cut as they are saying. I don’t know everything about God and never will but I will definitely try to love Him and follow Him.
    Now I do agree with you concerning the prophets because I have always been by myself. It is a lonely walk and I don’t mind it. And no there is no new information….that we agree. Blessings brothers. I definitely have to go pray that this hopelessness lifts. Be blessed ❤️

  • @lrmiller4408
    @lrmiller4408 Год назад +4

    Sean is such a good interviewer. Course I admire Allen's teaching always. Good stuff. Glorifies God

  • @JMLUSA1
    @JMLUSA1 Год назад +1

    YES PLEASE HAVE ALLEN BACK for as Much as possible! YES, specifically have Allen back on teaching our kids! My kids are ALL grown and out, but my two Grandboyz are still young, and two have not had kids yet! YES PLEASE! Thanks guys!!!!

  • @haleighstockton5439
    @haleighstockton5439 Год назад +6

    Looking forward to reading this book! Thank you both for everything you do. I enjoy both of y’all’s channels.

    • @instepbydantebrown
      @instepbydantebrown Год назад +1

      Yeah, these guys are a real blessing to the body of Christ.

  • @joannavalentine603
    @joannavalentine603 10 месяцев назад

    Always love listening to Allen Parr. Thank you for having him on the show. Another thought-provoking interview! Thanks for always providing much-needed Christian content.

  • @robbyclark6915
    @robbyclark6915 Год назад +4

    The thing about the “power” of our words is that it’s really universal. Every single person with the ability to speak has the same power in their words. The power to build or destroy. The Christian has no “extra” power that the unbeliever does not have. It’s just that the Christian should know this and practice building up and edifying vs tearing down and destroying. That’s not to say we don’t call sin, sin, and we don’t rebuke where necessary.

  • @angiediane1
    @angiediane1 8 месяцев назад +1

    Sean, I find it is dangerous to say things like "God does not do that (anymore)" or "God does not talk to people like that" because unless it is something that is absolutely NOT Biblical - we cannot say what God does and does not do. That having being said, I am not a Charismatic, I do not believe you have to speak in tongues. However, I do speak in tongues - I do consider it a prayer language)(The Holy Spirit interceding for me in groanings to deep to be uttered). Speaking in tongues is something that I do in private communication with the Lord and I have at time been given the interpretation - and it is often intercessory prayers for others. I consider it a blessing and over very troubling times in my life, it has given me great comfort. No, I don't jump in a church service and start speaking in tongues - I am very private with this gift and share it only with very close Christian brothers and sisters. I just want to say that speaking against this gift is dangerous also. Blessings and Prayers.

  • @elsagonzalez-qp2ob
    @elsagonzalez-qp2ob Год назад +4

    In the book of Acts when they got filled with the HOLY SPIRIT and spoke in different tongues, nobody forced them nor told them to repeat a word over and over BUT they were in one place, in one accord praying when the Holy Spirit came in and filled them. I got the baptism of the Holy Spirit 11 yrs after I got saved in a black church. I started talking like a baby. Blessings ❤

    • @murielpucoe9213
      @murielpucoe9213 Год назад +2

      Plain nonsense!speak like a baby?? Why the Apostle spoke in tongues was so that they can speak in foreign languages. that people who were not speaking aramaic or hebrew or greek.

    • @TIJoe-te9qu
      @TIJoe-te9qu Год назад +2

      The baptism of the Holy Spirit is when you are converted. The baptism of the Holy Spirit is NOT synonymous with "speaking in tongues" as some pentecostal churches erroneously teach. If it was, then most people could NEVER get the Holy Spirit. Paul was very clear that tongue speaking is not a FRUIT of the spirit, but a GIFT. The gifts are not given to every person, nor are they for everyday use, but for spreading the gospel. Please study this out biblically.
      The apostles did not EVER babble like babies, but spoke intelligent foreign languages in order to Evangelize. They spoke a "dialektos" which means a dialect understood by adults, not baby talk.
      Gibberish is very likely from a spirit, but not the Holy Spirit.

  • @wechitoteopiz7590
    @wechitoteopiz7590 Год назад +2

    Good discussion brothers.
    May God bless you more.

  • @savedandblessed112
    @savedandblessed112 Год назад +3

    Praise God for your ministry guys. God bless you both.

  • @natibori2881
    @natibori2881 2 месяца назад

    God bless and protect you our brother Parr!

  • @spiritwarrior5574
    @spiritwarrior5574 Год назад +5

    Great interview and set of answers to those hard questions/deceptions. The book should be a great read with details to help understand these things and to be able to explain it to others. Looking forward to it

    • @SeanMcDowell
      @SeanMcDowell  Год назад

      You’ll enjoy the book too!

    • @spiritwarrior5574
      @spiritwarrior5574 Год назад

      @@SeanMcDowell I will be watching for it. I do appreciate the position taken on the gifts of the spirit. I also believe that they have not ended but are used in different ways today through the Holy Spirit as He sees fit and not all gifts are for everyone.
      Thank you both for what you do in getting the truth out there and showing that Christians do not have to be do dogmatic on some things (majoring on the minors) and that the truth may lye somewhere in between the extremes out there on most Biblical subjects today.

  • @FaithinJesusChristalone
    @FaithinJesusChristalone Год назад

    I still recall at my earliest christian years my friend shared me some charismatic and pentecostal preacher. Praise God i felt there’s something not right after watching their videos. That made me to study further and seek biblical preaches.

  • @astan6445
    @astan6445 Год назад +5

    It is easy to pull down, especially based on experiences. I am only a few minutes in and I could have my own issues with what the guy is saying based on my own experience and walk with the Lord. An example being the idea that churches can hinder the direction that the Lord wants us to go in. That statement alone can and has been used dangerously in so many places. So here we have a man calling out others who is himself on dangerous ground.
    I have been through many churches and seen the damage done, but almost always it has been by people like myself who are asking God for wisdom and direction. People who avidly search the scriptures and who often seem to have the blessing of God on their lives. It is a total mystery how and why God uses such broken vessels, but He does.
    We need to become like Christ and this is no easy thing. My own experience and reading suggests that mostly this is accomplished by great suffering and testing. Sadly we live in an age when most of the people who influence have not walked these paths. For an example of someone who has, I would point to Joni.
    I will listen to what comes next, but already I am not impressed.

  • @akindelebankole8080
    @akindelebankole8080 6 месяцев назад

    I actually appreciate the honest dialogue that you have with your guests. My question is should non believers and non Adherents to the Christian faith be able to live their own lives without being verbally or physically abused by believers?
    And if Christian believers should have the power over non Adherents, should we permit other faith believers to have power over Christians when they eventually acquire more power?
    What is the best way to ensure that Christians are able to keep moving towards their salvation regardless of what other faith believers and non Adherents do?
    Please help

  • @robbyclark6915
    @robbyclark6915 Год назад +3

    I have both given and received “prophetic” words. They have always been words concerning personal direction however. Never a “new” thing or new revelation. They have either been an exaltation of the work and person of Jesus Christ or personal direction and even personal rebuke.

  • @suzijorgensen6545
    @suzijorgensen6545 Год назад +2

    Talk about being in a denomination that has a hold on you, I had the same problem with a very stiff evangelical church. I'm in Australia and I have had more love,freedom and truth in charismatic churches than in the Baptist Church over many years. God bless

  • @cecilfletcher4404
    @cecilfletcher4404 Год назад +4

    Once saved always saved is one of them and I believe Pastor Parr preaches that doctrine.

    • @NewApologist
      @NewApologist Год назад


    • @Ark-Angel44
      @Ark-Angel44 5 месяцев назад

      Once saved... Really needs to be spelled out. It's easily misunderstood and can do a ton of damage...

    • @learnenglishwithblaine9604
      @learnenglishwithblaine9604 4 месяца назад

      That is a very dangerous teaching.

    • @learnenglishwithblaine9604
      @learnenglishwithblaine9604 4 месяца назад

      We are not saved by our beliefs but by our hearts. We need to be transformed by the spirit.

  • @marvinvazquez9144
    @marvinvazquez9144 Год назад

    I fully support everything he has expressed. As devoted followers of Christ, it is crucial for us to stay vigilant when listening to sermons or engaging in conversations about God's will or His Word (Bible). If what we hear does not align with God's word, it becomes problematic. When truth gets intertwined with falsehoods, the resulting blend ceases the truth to becomes a falsehood instead. As followers of Christ, we must dedicate ourselves to studying and deepening our understanding of God's Word. With God's guidance, we can differentiate between lies and truth.
    Sincerely ,
    Mv 🙏🏽

  • @soozin2u
    @soozin2u Год назад +5

    I love Sean when he teaches on something he has an understanding of. But it would be better to say “I can’t come to any conclusions on the baptism of the Holy Spirit thatI have not experienced, and therefore do not understand.” He should keep an open mind, and continue to seek all God has for him.

    • @RenardGarzaro
      @RenardGarzaro Год назад

      You can come to every conclusion the inspired scripture says, we should never use experience because Satan can give experience.

  • @ari3lz3pp
    @ari3lz3pp 8 месяцев назад +1

    Definitely would like you guys to cover more about how you parent as Christians! Things like if your kids are curious about influences/theology that you might see as dangerous, considering young minds are more malleable etc. Also the verses about "spare the rod" has different meaning to various people. The shepherd's rod was not used to beat sheep as far as I know...! More so to guide and remind sheep to stay on the right path. "Spoil" also being a term that was likely meaning to ruin potential, as a fruit might spoil, deteriorating vs encouraging growth. Instead of the way people might see it today as simply "playcated"/turned into selfish brats etc. What do you guys think?
    At the end the statement Allen makes about friends being saved or "saved" and how we can't expect a snapshot of a part in someone's life to determine if they are saved... because we all backslide...helps me a ton. ❤ I don't question my salvation, but I have had ups and downs that make me question the strength of my faith, that can make me feel stressed and guilty. Which is not helpful. Reminds me of one of my favorite non-Biblical quotes: " [Weak faith in a strong branch is surmountably better than strong faith in a weak branch.]" -Timothy Keller ❤ Sometimes our faith needs work but to remember it's faith in our God, the Creator of all that is always good and just, all powerful. Not our faith in ourselves/in our faith itself. We might waver but we can get back on track because God does not waver. He's got us. 🙏💞🌊 Wonderful discussion between two awesome saints!

  • @wonderlife62
    @wonderlife62 Год назад +4

    I love it when self described men of God tell other Christians what is and what isn’t false doctrine…And we should listen to you guys because?

    • @RenardGarzaro
      @RenardGarzaro Год назад +2

      Because they understand the bible was not written in 1611 English, and the scripture says to call out false doctrine, Jesus said his sheep hear his voice and do not follow strangers, if the teacher is misusing the scripture, you need to know it.

    • @theeternalslayer
      @theeternalslayer Год назад

      This is the same guy that affirmed seventh day Adventists as Christians... yet people don't understand sdas preach a different Jesus. A Jesus that doesn't believe in the sacrificial atonement of Christ's finished works on the cross, he's like pastor Rick Warren a fence sitter. But hey maybe he's repented of it?

    • @lindaschipansky4429
      @lindaschipansky4429 Год назад

      ​@theeternalslayer OH u do not know about sda just by what u just texed

    • @theeternalslayer
      @theeternalslayer Год назад

      @@lindaschipansky4429 I know that they preach a different Jesus and they aren't Christians, but sabbath keepers

    • @lindaschipansky4429
      @lindaschipansky4429 Год назад

      @@theeternalslayer Can I ask where u get your information. Just curious

  • @radiantrobin2178
    @radiantrobin2178 Год назад +1

    God disperses gifts as He wills! Hallelujah!! Wow! I was typing this, and Mr. Parr confirmed it!

  • @jlar1984
    @jlar1984 Год назад +3

    Scripture literally tells us to seek the best gifts. We have not because we ask not yes it is ultimately God, who gives the gifts of the spirit to people, however, scripture instructs us to pursue the gifts that we desire.

      @BIBLE-UNBUTCHERED Год назад

      Where does it say the bit about "we desire?" It says as 'the Spirit gives.."

    • @jlar1984
      @jlar1984 Год назад

      1Co 14:1 Follow after charity, and desire spiritual gifts, but rather that ye may prophesy.

  • @Jasminestealth1
    @Jasminestealth1 Год назад +1

    Sean Your an amazing humble host... i get challenged when you engage in conversations with people like Allen on weather you agree with him or do not... Obviously this short conversation is not as indepth as the book... But listing to him "calling out" "false" doctrine....just off the top of my head "ask ... knock.. ANYTHING you ask.... If you had the faith the size of a mustard seed... you could cast out a mountain .. your faith has healed you.... if God did not want us to be healed... why would faith be all that is needed... or the Soldier whos child was healed? The ability to cast out demons... IF God did not want us to prosper, our we were meant to suffer.... why would that be something able to be done? in Romans 14 if you do anything it is to Glorify HIM, would not Prosperity give him glory? What would you need to bring in your tithe.... theres an assumption you have something to give... not to mention the fold return... why would there be a promise to multiply $... Maybe i am missing the nuance of what he is saying.... that putting GOD into the proparity, some how can be mutated if things are bad... and then blame... or as he stated here... all over the world.... Prosperity in the West is not the same in other parts... not to mention what i may call it, is different then another... i dont need fast fancy car or house... i want healthy 15 grandchildren...

  • @travissharon1536
    @travissharon1536 Год назад +4

    I haven't finished reading this book, but it seems like Parr is a calvinist. I really feel like calvinists like to pick apart holes in other doctrines in order to avoid addressing the holes in Calvinism.

    • @margaretcockerill
      @margaretcockerill 11 месяцев назад +1

      Calvinism is a dangerous doctrine...imagine saying the atonement is limited..that Jesus didn't die for all. When I find someone is a Calvinist, I can't take them seriously.

    • @LoudHadida
      @LoudHadida 3 месяца назад +1

      @@margaretcockerill ALL DOCTRINES SHOULD BE RESPECTED. ALL HAVE THEIR DANGERS, ALL THINK THAT THEY ARE RIGHT AND OTHER DENOMINATIONS ARE WRONG. THE ARROGANCE YOU DO NOT EVEN KNOW. Check yourself and read the bible as a whole and not the cherry picked verses that churches like to harp on in their different denominations.

  • @beverlywyatt7877
    @beverlywyatt7877 Год назад +1

    Love this! Plain and simple so you can understand, yet, at the same time deep enough so you can go deeper in study.

  • @jameslindsey7664
    @jameslindsey7664 Год назад +11

    Did the thief on the cross fully understand the gospel? Jesus made a promise to him that he kept. He didn't quiz the thief about his understanding of doctrine.

    • @sweetarrowsevents4567
      @sweetarrowsevents4567 Год назад +4

      I think it’s Rosaria Butterfield who said the thief on the cross may be a good example of how to die but certainly not a good example of how to live. Dive into knowing sound doctrine; it is so worth it.

    • @karriannelewis8753
      @karriannelewis8753 Год назад +11

      He understood that he was a sinner and Jesus could save him. That is the gospel

    • @MarkNOTW
      @MarkNOTW Год назад +2

      @@karriannelewis8753 Bingo

    • @wesleymorehead6622
      @wesleymorehead6622 Год назад +1

      James, I agree with what you are trying to say. However, these guys are not talking about knowing proper theology in order to be saved. They are speaking how gtoups with false doctrine can manipulate scripture to lead people away from Jesus.

  • @jeffreybomba
    @jeffreybomba Год назад +1

    On grace and salvation. Why do we think our words or emotional state is what saves us? We must come to God with a humble and contrite heart, but who defines and judges that, us or God?

  • @reallovemalaysia
    @reallovemalaysia Год назад +8

    Indeed we are saved by grace alone. I speak in tongues and glory goes to God, much good fruits are naturally coming forth from my life BUT all that does not save me. I am a 52 years old ex-transwoman from Malaysia who is living my true life. My Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ has healed and delivered me for His glory. Only God can do this for anyone who chooses to believe that He is able. Alleluia!

    • @charishalomvictor
      @charishalomvictor Год назад +2

      Amen, truth.

    • @reallovemalaysia
      @reallovemalaysia Год назад

      @@charishalomvictor care to follow?

    • @pjkyourstruly7244
      @pjkyourstruly7244 Год назад +3

      Amen, it's the same as people who say if people are not immediately baptized in water after receiving Christ then they are not yet saved. The apostle Paul himself said that Christ didn't send to baptize but to preach the gospel. It is obedience if you have the opportunity to get water baptized, yes, BUT SALVATION occurs at the moment one puts their faith in Christ. We can see in the book of acts that gentiles heard the gospel and immediately they started speaking in tongues and were baptized in the Spirit BEFORE they got water baptized, so did salvation occured after being baptized in water or before? It's the same with the thief on the cross next to Christ. I do agree with Allen Parr on the subject of the prosperity gospel just not everything can be labeled as part of the prosperity gospel or new age. it's the same with people who don't believe in the trinity, they label the trinity a catholic teaching while we know that this is just not true. the trinity is biblical even though the word doesn't appear in the bible, same with omnipresence en omnipotence but we know that God is omnipresent and omnipotent. By the way, about speaking positive if having a confirmation from God by prayer, though this is present in new age believes this doesn't mean that it is not something biblical. I see it just the other way around. new age copied things from the bible. Don't forget that satan copies things from the kingdom of God but denies the power of God. Better seek discernment from God first instead of labeling everything, new age, catholic, eastern occult beliefs, be careful with labeling because of pride or either way lack of humility to be able to listen first, the pharisees in their pride for example labeled or didn't attribute Christ's power to God. It is just wrong.

    • @reallovemalaysia
      @reallovemalaysia Год назад +1

      @@pjkyourstruly7244 alleluia‼️

  • @shivli6088
    @shivli6088 Год назад +1


  • @candacewilsnack8741
    @candacewilsnack8741 Год назад +3

    Hey guys, I agree with most of what you guys are saying (whatever that's worth). I am however having a really hard time with what you seemed to only mention in passing, but made clear in that mention your position. My concern also goes way beyond you two and your audiences, but to so much of the body of Christ in America, and the topic I'm concerned about is the necessity of baptism as part of salvation. You could probably pick out a few proof-text verses, which one was mentioned in this that excludes baptism when paul is speaking of salvation, but everywhere the actual process of converting is discussed in the bible such as the great commission and Acts 2:38, it is made extremely clear that it is necessitated, and even preceeds the receiving of the Spirit in Acts. Equally important to point out is that a careful study on the subject of baptism makes it very clear when you take the scriptures litterally, setting aside church doctrine, that baptism is far more than some symbolic demonstration of our faith, but is an actual spiritual transaction that takes place where we are litterally in the spiritual realm being buried with christ when we go down in the water and and resurrected with Christ when we come out as a new creation. These facts carry serious spiritual implications because so many in the church have had baptisms with zero understanding of this making those baptisms spiritually speaking amount to nothing more than a pool party. It is dangerous to teach against scripture so I just want to challenge you to dig deep into this subject and hopefully get some content out that rightly represents this process. Also, I agree obviously there are many very sad misrepresentations and abuses of teachings on gifts of the Spirit, but can tell you with every confidence the Holy Spirit who is the same yesterday, today, and forever, still operates and empowers all the same ways as He has from the beginning, and we in our disciple making movement see Him move miraculously every day. We go out to preach the gospel and when we pray for the injured or sick, 7-8 out of 10 are healed in Jesus name, and people who experience this come to know Christ... that's why He gives the gift! The other 2-3 out of 10 are usually believers who have a demon (I know that's controversial but can prove it) and need deep repentance and deliverance and once they get that they are healed... 10 out of 10! It's real! He's real! We believe in a supernatural God... we should expect to see supernatural things! Last thing I want to share is that demons are also very active today like they were in biblical times, they haven't changed either, and we help people get set free and fully saved all the time! I think we are doing somewhere around 30-40 deliverances a month. The point here is not to correct, but to encourage and build your faith which you will need in the times ahead. Praying you will come to a more mature knowledge of spiritual things so that you can more effectively and accurately minister and represent the elements of the gospel and salvation. Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that you will abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. Romans 15:13 NASB1995

  • @jefferystanley9466
    @jefferystanley9466 Год назад +1

    That teaching will help us to keep our eyes on the one that saved not to keep our salvation. If we do that we won't doubt our salvation so easy,we can enjoy walking talking with Christ

  • @cget
    @cget Год назад +3

    I saw people on church speaking in tongues growing up, not really thinking much of it or that it was something that I needed to do. But I had a dream when I was around 19 that God told me it's about time I receive the gift of speaking in tongues. I mentioned this to my pastor and he told me to drop by Friday night service to receive it. I spent like two hours worshiping. Nothing happened. He came over while I was worshiping and told me that he'll place his hand on my head and I'll start speaking. He did that, I started praising God and a few seconds later I was speaking a different language. Even when I was trying to speak English, it was coming out in this different language. And it wasn't repetitive words or phrases either. So the gift definitely is operating and I do believe anyone could receive it.

    • @TIJoe-te9qu
      @TIJoe-te9qu Год назад +1

      Sorry, but that is not the true gift, but it's from a source you should question. Not anyone can receive any spiritual gift, as Paul explains. They are given to certain people for specific evangelical reasons. The FRUITS of the Spirit are the things everyone can receive.
      I'd be worried about what kind of spirit your pastor channeled into you. If this "gift" wasn't a real dialect that you used to preach the Gospel to others so they could understand in their native tongue, then its not the true gift biblically. Sorry, but you should be concerned.

    • @judyvanschalkwyk6504
      @judyvanschalkwyk6504 11 месяцев назад +1

      This is wonderful that you sought to receive speaking in tongues. It is such a weapon against attacks which greatly helps. I love the peace it brings.

  • @frozenyougurt6982
    @frozenyougurt6982 Год назад +2

    2 of God-sent men whose hearts are for the truth!

  • @bryansyme6215
    @bryansyme6215 Год назад +4

    Please do an episode about how to teach theology to your children!

  • @evelynyoro5108
    @evelynyoro5108 Год назад +1

    Thank you for all that you devote to apologetics. One thing I'd like to learn from you is what are your thoughts on some best selling psychology authors like Jordan Peterson.
    I'm 73 yrs old from the Philippines and really love listening to the discussions you have on RUclips.