My Dearest brother and my hero ...I don't know if you remember my beginning comments for you and your fellow BA alumni who are in health care .... and others in health care and social service. Do you remember Demesse?
While I encourage you to continue teaching or sharing education on health care, I discouraged you and others on participating in back home politics....just because I knew how it is destructive to our homeland citizens who live back home. This is something I have been asking the rest of our people in health care and social service to teach our people after church while drinking tea and coffee. I noticed here in Los Angeles, CA area and in general in our community and others increase no in no of cases of patients w diabetes, high BP, dialysis, and above all mental health issues.
There is crisis in our community "little knowledge is dangerous" they think they know but they tend to argue, there is a tabu in mental health, people tend to isolate those who are struggling in life, forget about who are suffering w mental illness or some disabilities. Factors that contribute to mental illness, or physical illness can be prevented. Prevention is the key but why don't we see so many professionals use this platform to teach and volunteer? My dearest friend, and brother I admire you and respect you. Keep up the great Job.....God bless you and your family. Our children are suffering so are our seniors who left back home and in 19050's to western countries or other developing countries. We are spreading like a wildfire all over the world. We need to help one another and lift each other spiritswithout border. I strongly believe each one of us have a responsibility to honor our ancestors, heros, parents who raised us and handed us this beautiful world. We have an advantage because of technology to be there for one another for the diaspora...then participate only in the humanitarian and development of our homeland while we actively volunteering and participating in our host countries or our new country. United we defeat poverty, some disabilities loneliness, mental illness, addiction, high divorce rate in some communities, suicide, Homelessness. Everybody has right to have a roof over their head, so why on earth we have so many people on the streets? How can one expect them to manage their life without stability? What can we learn from individuals like Demesse or this video? I hope and pray this will inspire each one of us to ask ourselves what our contribution is to this world? Thank you Demesse we need more of this video....God bless, thank God, we have you as brother. W/ Love Your sister
እንደቀጠልኩ ነው፤ ዶክተር። ከአሥር ኪሎ በላይ ቀንሼ የደም ብዛት ችግሬም ተወግዶ ያለ ኪኒን መኖር ከጀመርኩ ዘጠኝ ወራት ሆኖኛል። አሁን፤ ለቀይ መስቀል ደም ለመለገስ እችላለሁ። ለ20 ዓመታት ደም አለገስኩም ነበር፤ ኪኒን እወስድ ስለነበር። ካርብ መቀነስ፥ አራርቆ መመገብ - አመጋገቤን ባንተ ምክር መሰረት ማስተካከሌ እና መጠነኛ እንቅስቃሴ ማድረግ ነው ለለውጥ ያበቃኝ። ማሳበብ አይቻልም - ክብደትን መወነስ ይቻላል። ምስክር ነኝ። እድሜ 66 እና 66 ኪሎ - ቁመት 1.67!
ወንድሜ እኔ ዘነኝ ኪሎ ቀንሻለሁ ግን ግፊቱ አልተወኝም እስኪ ምክር ስጠኝ
ለሁላችንም ማንቅያ ነው። ሀቀኝነትህን አድንቂያለሁ!
በራስህ ተሞክሮ ስለአስተማርከን አድናቂህ ነኝ 🙏
አመሰግናሎህ ደኩተር እድሜ ከጠና የስጥዎት ሁሉ ምትለው ሃቅ ነው ሁሉ ነገር ምትናገረው አመጋገባችን ነው
ፈጣሪ ነው ያነቃህ አመስግን።ይህንን እየሰሙ እንኳን በቁርጠኝነት ወደዚህ treatment ማይገቡ አሉ።
Dr ቀደም ብለን ብናዉቅህ ኖሮ ብዙ ሰዉ ይጠቀም ነበር🙏🙏🙏
ደስ ይላል
My Dearest brother and my hero ...I don't know if you remember my beginning comments for you and your fellow BA alumni who are in health care .... and others in health care and social service. Do you remember Demesse?
ዶክቶሪ በጣም አማሳግናው እድሜና ጤና ይስጥ ካራስህ ታሞክሮ ስላሆና በድፊራት እንሞክራሌን ከዝ ያባላጣ እንጣብቅሀሌን❤❤❤
በስፋት ይጠብቁኝ።
While I encourage you to continue teaching or sharing education on health care, I discouraged you and others on participating in back home politics....just because I knew how it is destructive to our homeland citizens who live back home.
This is something I have been asking the rest of our people in health care and social service to teach our people after church while drinking tea and coffee.
I noticed here in Los Angeles, CA area and in general in our community and others increase no in no of cases of patients w diabetes, high BP, dialysis, and above all mental health issues.
It is an amazing life journey. Trust me you impact all Ethiopians all over the world. I just started your journey as well. Thanks
ዶ/ር ስለትምህርትህ በጣም አመስግናለሁ ያንቴን ትምህርት ተግባራዊ አድርጋለሁኝ በቀን አንድ ጊዜ ምሳየን ብቻ በመመገብ ጡሩ አቃም ላይ ነኝ የእኔ ችግር ለ25አመት በላይ ከእኔ ጋር የኖረ የጀርባ ህሜም አለብኝ MI R አሰርቼ ሰርጀር መሰራቶ አለብህ ብለዉኝ ፈርቼ አልፈቀርኩም በዉሃ መፆሜን ዉጠቱ ጡሩ ነዉ ስካር ከ145 አልወረደም ምን ትመክረኛለህ እባክህን በጌታ መልስህን እጠብቃለሁ
ለጥያቄው አመሠግናለሁ፣ በቂ ምክር ለመስጠት፣ አጿጿምዎ ምን ይመስላል? አመጋገብዎ ምን ይመስላል? ክብደቶ ስንት ነው? የሚውስዱት መድሀኒት ምነ ምን ነው....?
አራርቀው መመገብ ከጀመሩ፣ ጫፋጭ መጠጥ፣ጣፋጭ ምግብ ካቆሙ፣ ምግብዎ፣ ፕሮቲን ፣ቅባት እና አረንጓዴ አትክልት የበዛው ከሆነ፣ ካርቦሀይድሬት በጣም ከቀነሱ፣ በጭር ጊዜ ውስጥ ለውጥ ያያሉ።
በየቀኑ አራርቀው የሚመገቡ ከሆነ፣ አመጋገብዎ ከላይ እንደገለፅኩት ከሆነ፣ የደም ስኳርን እየተለኩ፣ መድሀኒቱን በመቀነስ ማስተካከል ያስፈልጋል።ኦፕሬሽኑን ማዘግየቶ ጥሩ ሀሳብ ነው። አብዛኛው የነርቭ ህመም በስኳር ከመመረዝ ጋር ነው የሚያያዘው።
ስኳርን( ካርቦሀይድሬትን ከምግቦ መገደብ ከቻሉ፣ብዙ ለውጥ ያያሉ። ሌላም ጥያቄ ካሎት ፣ሁሌም ይጠይቁኝ።
What a testimony and knowledge, thank you brother for sharing such honest story
There is crisis in our community "little knowledge is dangerous" they think they know but they tend to argue, there is a tabu in mental health, people tend to isolate those who are struggling in life, forget about who are suffering w mental illness or some disabilities.
Factors that contribute to mental illness, or physical illness can be prevented. Prevention is the key but why don't we see so many professionals use this platform to teach and volunteer?
My dearest friend, and brother I admire you and respect you. Keep up the great Job.....God bless you and your family.
Our children are suffering so are our seniors who left back home and in 19050's to western countries or other developing countries. We are spreading like a wildfire all over the world. We need to help one another and lift each other spiritswithout border.
I strongly believe each one of us have a responsibility to honor our ancestors, heros, parents who raised us and handed us this beautiful world. We have an advantage because of technology to be there for one another for the diaspora...then participate only in the humanitarian and development of our homeland while we actively volunteering and participating in our host countries or our new country.
United we defeat poverty, some disabilities loneliness, mental illness, addiction, high divorce rate in some communities, suicide, Homelessness.
Everybody has right to have a roof over their head, so why on earth we have so many people on the streets? How can one expect them to manage their life without stability? What can we learn from individuals like Demesse or this video?
I hope and pray this will inspire each one of us to ask ourselves what our contribution is to this world?
Thank you Demesse we need more of this video....God bless, thank God, we have you as brother.
W/ Love
Your sister
Dr. እናመሰግንሃለን
እኔ ስኳር በማቆም እና ዘይት በመቀነስ 7 ኪሎ ቀንሻለሁ🙏🙏🙏
Dr tebark🎉🎉🎉
Thank you!!
ለወገኖችህ ግልፅ ስለተናገርክ ጥሩሰው መሆንክን ያሳያል
thank you doctor , I had seen those sign in me, I found it is alarming message to me
Bemen danke doketerr
በእርግዝና የሚመጣ ሰኳር ምን ትላለህ dr?
ለጥያቄው አመሠግናለሁ
በእርግዝና የመጣ የስኳር በሽታ፣ እርግዝናው ሲያልቅ፣ በሽታውም ያበቃል።
ማብቃቱን ለማረጋገጥ፣ ምርመራ ማድረግ ይጠቅማል
Congrats wish me luck
ዶ/ር ከልብ አመሠግናለሁ ግን ከድህነት ጋር መቋቋምስ ይቻላል? ጤናማ አመጋገብ የሚለው
አራርቆ መመገብ በሽታን ብቻ ሳይሆን፣ ድህነትንም ይቀርፋል። አራርቀን ስንመገብ፣ የምግብ ወጪያችን ቢያንስ በ50% ሊቀንስ ይችላል።
መድሀኒት እየወሰድክ እንዴት ነው የሚጾመው?
ጥያቄው ግልፅ አይደለም።
የስኻር በሽታ ያለበት እንዴት መጾም ይችላል ? በዛላይ መድሀት እየወሰደ ነው እና እሄ ነበረ ጥያቄው
ጥያቄ ልጠይቅህ የኔ ወንድም የግፊት መዳሀኒት የሚወስድ ሰው መፆም ይችላል
እኔ የሀያአራት ሳአት ፆሙን እፆማለሁ ብየ ልቤ በጣም ሲመታ ወዳው ምግብ ስበላበት ምቱ ተስተካከለ ምን ይሆን ምክኒያቱ
ብትፆም ትድናለህ
ዶ/ር ከልብ አመሠግናለሁ ግን ከድህነት ጋር መቋቋምስ ይቻላል? ጤናማ አመጋገብ የሚለው
how can i contact you?
Hi Eleni
You can look for me on telegram,WhatsApp and Facebook, or you can leave your telegram or whattsapp number here, and I will contact you soon.