Please, we need more interviews with Stephan Schwartz. Jeffrey as usual an excellent interviewer. The implications of the possibility of focused attention changing reality make us consider the importance of meditation as a daily habit. We can be, indeed, the agents of change.
I wish there were more information and pointers to the interview with Max Plank. Looks like he had accessed the portal mathematically. Thank you Dr. Mishlove!
We use terms such as continuity for an 'always' that is timeless and of Infinite potential - because we are seeking to relate our local 'mind' to our Non Local Already Always. That we try to DO this is the expression of local distortions - but the movement of vibrational desire beneath the distortion is that of re-cognition as fulfilment, and so we have an interplay of a continuity of focus (ego) unfolding to recognition (discernment) and alignment within its Field of Expression (infinite intimate as recognition and appreciation). 'Escaping' or undoing the mind-trap of a physical reversal, in which matter-form is assigned Causal and Creative properties, unfolds the restoration of Creative function as free awareness. This is a bit like coming back into presence as conscious focus from a identity-engagement of diverted and parallel and thus conflicted focus. We may say that we move in and out of presence or alignment of functional awareness - but it is the losing of focus that seems to 'lose connection' with all the begotten consequences of self-conflicted lack, failure or rejection and denial script. Or indeed our proclivity to tune into a bit on the side - so to speak - in terms of pet loves and hates that rise from the particular formation of qualities that operate both strength and liability until brought into acceptance and balance. One Spirit is the basis of one function - within the belief and appearance of 'many spirits'. There are no persons in God - and yet the construct of the personal or private mind is transparent to true function as willingness to see, to know, to honour, love and accept truth. Regardless the opacity of our self-world experience - the Fact remains uncoverable to an active willingness to receive and share in. The sharing is love's nature. There can be no private love - but a form taken for fantasy set against the Always New - which thereby SEEMS destructive to our continuity in the terms and demands we have set BY special love or the special hate of its seeming rejection or denial. While I am aware that the word God has been degraded and abused by acceptance and use as a currency of personal or private agenda, I am still aware that the signature of the continuity of denial of love's awareness now, is of a 'self-autonomy' - as if thoughts create themselves, outside the mind of their creator - and then shut the door on their Master's messengers so as to take on the functions that freely given and shared - for purpose of possession and control. This is not to give as we, in truth, receive - and so reaps as receiving in like kind and measure, a realm of denial and obstruction - in which to struggle for meaning is rendered futile from the outset - until we arrive at our starting place, to know it for the first time, and choose anew - instead of from a past made in lack, disconnect and anger. The idea of continuity is interesting to the idea of coherent domains. In any billionth of a second you may be aligned in any of an infinite - but lets say wide range of probable attunement. And in any of these may be a 'timeline' complete with its full justification of past as 'causal', or or past as conscious blessing of resonance in true appreciation. The capacity for the mind to 'resume normal service' is relative to its current focus. The self we accept and persist in is hardly 'continuous' in terms of any objective context - but is an ongoing choice or balancing of choices that is workable within its parameters - which are psycho-physical in terms of connections and communication that is beneath surface awareness - as well as concretised or crystallised collective expressions of core definitions and beliefs held in common. The latter may well include great fear, but is serving a function or it would fall away. The release of fear is through conscious willingness of alignment. Until that readiness it, serves a compartmentalisation of mind as embodied structure and defends against awareness of Inherence - excepting through the filters of possession and control - as a sense of self-specialness in praise or blame.
Our experience of perception-responses are the result of definitions held in Mind. All perceived realities are 'experience' to the mind that holds them. If you Are Reality - then the desire to experience Yourself, is through the construct of core self definitions, for what is accepted in Mind and acted from is believed and be-lived in its moment-um. So to the avatar of its (invisible) construct - there seems only a realm of percepted objects - set outside a core sense of self-control in which it is cast.
Tom Campbell is awesome and one of the great thinkers out there today. Would be nice to see Tom in a 3 part interview or more discussing his MBT on New thinking allowed.
The more important question is not Where are we? But rather Who am I? This is because, no matter where you think yourself to be, if you understand that you are not the "I," then there is no confusion. If you are always questioning where you are, then you are buying into the sense of "I," which is illusory. Dr. Schwartz has alluded to the fact that this is all a matrix, or a network, but if you were to understand that the "I" is the reason for this concept or illusion, then to eradicate this "I," or to see through it, so to speak, all would be clear that we are really the totality and not the individual.
It's my belief after participating in dozens of past life regressions conducted at "The Psychophysics Foundation" in Miami back in the late 70's that memory is genetically transferred .... what we believe and experience as a past life is the MEMORY (consciousness) of an ancestor ... I had VERIFIABLE experiences of lives in the past but understood them to be of someone else's even though the experience was real as I was living it ... Consciousness flows thru family trees just as all other genetic information ... That's my speculation anyway ...
Zeno Freeze, A kind of Lamarckism? I don't think so. Genetic information begins to express itself usually over generations, unless a mutation. Have you read any books by Carol Bowman regarding children? Jim Tucker's research also involves some children. Their innocence makes for more authentic past-life accounts. Or watch *Ghost Inside my child*, ridiculous title, but very interesting accounts from children descriptions.
That was great. I have to admit that I'm sort of plagued by the Big Questions and so when I see one that finds its basis in science it just makes me feel better and it gives my brain a break. I just wish we got a little longer between lives, I need a vaca.
I saw a Light Anomaly coming from around the right side of Stephan's head at the 28:43 mark in the video. Could just talking about this subject produce some form of energy?
It's dust I think - You can see it in many videos. I thought the same thing initially but after watching it happen so often you can clearly see it is just normal debris. The particles are not emitting light.
If you do Self Inquiry" Per Advaita- when you ask "Who am I?" And all thoughts stop - you find that we are Awareness. When thoughts come, they are the creator of experience.
I like to think that our consciousness is a minuscule part of universal consciousness, and that like a facet on a diamond, we are unique, yet a minuscule, inseparable part of the whole.
the consciousness , is indestructible and eternal. It neither slays, nor can it be slain. It is never, born and it never dies. After coming into existence, it never ceases to be. It is always, permanent and very ancient. It does not suffer, nor can it be tainted. At the time of death it does not die, but leaves the body and enters a new one . Weapons cannot pierce it, fire cannot burn it, water cannot moisten it and wind cannot dry it. It is impenetrable, incombustible, all pervading, stable and immobile. It is invisible, imperceptible and immutable. The Bhagavadgita📖 knows the limitations of human mind to gauge the true nature of the consciousness . Hence, it concurs with the popular notion that no one can exactly know what a consciousness is. One looks at it with great surprise, another speaks about it with great surprise, another hears about it with incredulity and yet another after hearing about it knows it not. The consciousness is superior to everything else in the human being. The senses are great, greater than the senses is the mind, greater than the mind is buddhi and greater than the buddhi is the Self . This is similar to the description of the tattvas (realities) in contrast to the consiousness in the Samkhya. The soul is the highest, eternal reality (tattva), whereas the senses, the mind, intelligence, etc., are finite and dependent realities.
When I devised Triadic Philosophy philosophy a decade ago its root statement was/is Reality is all. This was much more than I knew at the time. I had never encountered any of the subjects discussed here, nor quantum thought. But if you think about the phrase you may see why it is revolutionary.
There's been materialist schools of thought and philosophies, for example, that Charvaka philosophy from India (700 BCE) or some Greek philosophers who rejected the notion of the soul, reincarnation, etc. However, predating those times, it is hard to say and I would agree that materialism is a fairly recent occurrence
Reincarnation is the reality of life weather we believe it or not. “I am confident that there truly is such a thing as living again, that the living spring from the dead, and that the souls of the dead are in existence.”🙏
What disturbs me is that 99.99999% of us are born with utterly no inkling of past lives, even though pretty much all of us have had them. If learning is an important element of our existence, then why do we forget basically everything from life to life? Or is learning/growth not so important?
The collective learns from our lives....It's almost like it's using us in order to perfect us in order for everything to find balanced perfection! It just takes a really long time but we only have to experience it in 100 year intervals.
Hi Richard Wilson, We come back to earth after having passed over and after having gone through a period called Bardo-time. This is a time of reflection where you are able to look back, with help of your guide, on your past life or indeed past lives. We make choices right there and then on for instance what we still want to learn, what we would like to do differently or simply want to experience as a person. Now, why don't we remember our past lives? We don't.... it's in our subconcious and even more in our unconcious memory. We know in this live what we like and dislike and quite often without really not knowing its origin. This can be traced back to previous lives. Let's say you have a great fear of water, quite often it can be traced back to a drowning in a previous live through regression, hypnotherapy or other techniques IF it has any lesson for you in this information to work with. We are not here to repeat things nor to hold on to past live fears if we have made the choice during Bardotime to work on things with a clear mind, clear focus and new intentions. We do not come back to remember past lives, we come back to work on our development without being held back by memories made in the past.... It is only in this way of not remembering that we can be open for new information that may have been stopped by past live memories.... Once back in another Bardotime you can reflect and add the new information to your knowledge build up in your past lives.... May sound confusing but it's not....
Consider - if you will - that most learn to adapt and operate within a surface reality that engages through core themes of the human drama that so occupy their attention that they never seriously explore what runs beneath appearances. And this is a matter of readiness or ripeness, because our core separation conflicts have been 'denied consciousness' to be re-enacted in externalise forms set so as to reinforce and maintain a 'lid' over 'unconscious' self. Note that no one 'learns 'wisdom' but only opens it by living their experience more fully - as a self-honesty. So in a sense much of what is learned initially IS the world in which to become so engaged in and active within, that it operates as an unquestionable reality in its momentum. No man is an island unto himself - including no lifetime is in isolation. So at a level you do not need to be self-conscious of - many other 'dimensionalities' - including other life focuses are integrally supporting this chosen experience that is uniquely you. This includes correspondences within your world - like this post. Now how present and attentive you are to informational or energetic resonance for who you are being the unfolding of - is up to you. And yet even if your mind has defences and filters against knowing more than you are willing to accept now, the correspondence of a resonance is a fact - and the gift of its 'learning or recognition' for you can be 'unpacked later'. "Everyone else' is a construct that you can use to justify who you are currently accepting yourself to be. If 'learning' more of what life is, were to make you 'different' from 'everyone else' (as you paint them) - then you may prefer to stay with what seems a safer consensus reality. But if that choice is conscious - ie you notice yourself in the act of choosing - then you HAVE grown and learned more about you - and that is a slightly shifted perspective from which you have more free attention in which to notice more of what is here.
I enjoy the idea of possibly "living" every reincarnation simultaneously. If our concept of Time is irrelevant in the metaphysical world, then it would make sense that there would be no consecutive order to our "lives". Becoming aware of the connection between yourself, or Inner Observer, and the intelligence matrix to which we may all be connected, may allow you to access memories of these other "selves". Maybe like branches on a tree, the buds closest together may develop under similar circumstances, they may be connected more intrinsically than a leaf on the other side of the tree. Who knows, but those are my thoughts.
I used to ponder on this too, Richard. But then I started working on that thought and came to my own conclusion that, A) We might remember why we chose to come into this world at the age of 1 or 2 years old, then at 4-5 we might remember just pieces, and at 7-9 years we've probably forgotten about the whole thing, but our sub-concious might know. B) If there really is an afterlife (which is as incredible as life itself) then maybe our memories are whiped clean upon entry to this reality... aka rules "there" as there are rules here, like you can't jump a 100ft in the air or fly using your arms here. I remember I had mysterious dreams at the age of about 6 all I remember is that I told my mom about this wierd mystical dream and she said in the sweetest voice "oh, baby, that is not possible" Really wish I could remember what I dreamt, but I digress :) Does the universe have bounderies/boarders? Is the universe endless? It makes sense to me that this reality is virtual. We will never be able to reach the end of the universe and I don't think there is one. We are given the illusion of a big endless universe when there really isen't one in the first place, just probable reality frames. Also since learning here is so important we might have to be under the illusion of death as being final. So that we make good choices and not careless choices all the time. And at the end of the day (or our life) the pain and suffering experienced here really don't matter that much, does it? Since we go on, does it matter?
I wonder If either of these gentlemen have ever researched Dolores Cannon's vase body of work on all of the referenced subjects. In my opinion her work is very compelling and mind opening to say the least!
Physicalism includes space-time, which allows for the possibility of Hyperdimensionality, which allows for part of us to be Hyperdimensional. Also, if we are emergent properties of the universe, when we die, most of what we are continues.
I think it would be very irrational to disbelief reincarnation. if we would accept that immortality is a fact it would take the pressure of. it would help us to escape this sense of desperation that this is all there is & i think that this would come with the feeling of serenity, peace & traquality that would be translated to the world.
The M.I.T. virtual reality guy is - it seems to me - adding to the evidence for the non-locality of consciousness in bringing up the question of the location of consciousness that is wholly supported by sensation. This is where the Advaitists, yogis, and Kashmir Shaivists can offer some useful insights.
No matter what the form of appearances - I concur with A Course in Miracles that 'There is no life outside heaven' - which in its context means 'apart from, outside or different from Creator as Source Nature'. And so the disposition to identify in image and form is the propensity to mistake the appearance for reality - and engage in a substitute or surrogate realty-experience of a private mind set in mutually reinforcing agreement - not least of which is the determination to rule out interference or undermining of the current focus as a sense of self-defended continuity of consciousness, set over and against associations of projected denial onto 'Othered' Life and world. The wish to make reality in our own image, is the result of identifying in image and form of Reality as idol or ideal and idea OF reality. Which is to say becoming entranced and spellbound to our own 'Model' as a realm of exploring or pursuing experience. The outer forms do not obviously reveal their structural underpinnings - any more than movie frames include the lights, cameras, stage personnel. But the movie cannot seem to operate as surrogate experience without such a context. The idea of the light, the projector, and the overlay of imagery - along with the narrative script of presumed continuity are all extrapolated from Mind as function. The idea we hold is the idea we 'project' and engage reflection through as a lens of focus - with a larger script. The idea of a fish holding onto its tail (tale works also) in fear of losing control - is the idea of disconnection or forgetting of Ocean as the medium and context of support. Truth is thus a living Context of attunement and alignment and not any set or series of objects, imagery of representation and reflection. But while we identify in reflected image - we have to translate into such terms to be heard or understood within its parameters. And so our reality-experience can become an object of critical awareness and discernment instead of de-facto operated from.
Very pleased to listen to great minds.One big concern; if our society understands reincarnation,..our leaders will introduce the law of taxing reincarnated souls from whatever they previously owing, and that will be horrible .Is seems funny, but if they could they would. Maybe is something to take into consideration...?
Hermetic philosophy says that all exists in the mind of God and that therefor everything is of a mental nature and that we are all one with God and the universe. It sort of seems like the results of his studies fit with that idea of reality.
Not to sound contrary but lhe Mind is not the Soul. Avatars are the artificial consciousness and the pretense of the Soul lost, even with intention. There is a greater apparent substrate we exist in that we seldom recognize and that cannot be substituted. Living in the tangible world is the context of why we are in this temporal but critical existence. Enjoy your awakening.
After death, your body gets eaten by the Earth and your soul moves to the afterlife, where you'll have a positive or negative welcoming depending on what you did here in this world.
I do not think consciousness happens outside of the living body. I do not know. I do not care because I am the ocean. My identity is the everything not the individual me. I think me is dead meat.
double level reincarnation. Genetical memory you have your gggg grandmothers nose. spiritual reincarnation you look at a cane toad and a cochroache and understand its actions.
I think it is very stupid to believe in "past lives". Some information from the past c an reach us somehow, but we all know that we would eventually be all dead. Nobody can skip the death!
Oh what a pleasure it has been to binge in these Schwartz interviews. Thank you, mr. Mishlove.
Please, we need more interviews with Stephan Schwartz. Jeffrey as usual an excellent interviewer. The implications of the possibility of focused attention changing reality make us consider the importance of meditation as a daily habit. We can be, indeed, the agents of change.
Excellent program! Jeffrey, I appreciate how informed you are, adding so many brilliant touches of wisdom to highlight the guests' brilliant wisdom!
Stephan Schwartz is amazing. I love his story about meeting with and learning from the Bushmen of the Kalahari Desert.
Another awesome and fascinating interview and podcast. Thank you! ❤🧡❤
Great chat, love your work Thinking allowed. The interviews on this channel bring me joy and helps me handle the craziness of this reality xoxo
This is food for my brain 🧠 thank you for your channel 🙏❤️my favorite RUclips channel
I wish there were more information and pointers to the interview with Max Plank. Looks like he had accessed the portal mathematically. Thank you Dr. Mishlove!
I love your podcast and the most amazing enlightened who are your guest thank you..
Jeff, I would love to see you have Tom Cambpell, author of My Big TOE, on your show, also William Buhlman .
We use terms such as continuity for an 'always' that is timeless and of Infinite potential - because we are seeking to relate our local 'mind' to our Non Local Already Always. That we try to DO this is the expression of local distortions - but the movement of vibrational desire beneath the distortion is that of re-cognition as fulfilment, and so we have an interplay of a continuity of focus (ego) unfolding to recognition (discernment) and alignment within its Field of Expression (infinite intimate as recognition and appreciation).
'Escaping' or undoing the mind-trap of a physical reversal, in which matter-form is assigned Causal and Creative properties, unfolds the restoration of Creative function as free awareness.
This is a bit like coming back into presence as conscious focus from a identity-engagement of diverted and parallel and thus conflicted focus.
We may say that we move in and out of presence or alignment of functional awareness - but it is the losing of focus that seems to 'lose connection' with all the begotten consequences of self-conflicted lack, failure or rejection and denial script. Or indeed our proclivity to tune into a bit on the side - so to speak - in terms of pet loves and hates that rise from the particular formation of qualities that operate both strength and liability until brought into acceptance and balance.
One Spirit is the basis of one function - within the belief and appearance of 'many spirits'.
There are no persons in God - and yet the construct of the personal or private mind is transparent to true function as willingness to see, to know, to honour, love and accept truth.
Regardless the opacity of our self-world experience - the Fact remains uncoverable to an active willingness to receive and share in. The sharing is love's nature. There can be no private love - but a form taken for fantasy set against the Always New - which thereby SEEMS destructive to our continuity in the terms and demands we have set BY special love or the special hate of its seeming rejection or denial.
While I am aware that the word God has been degraded and abused by acceptance and use as a currency of personal or private agenda, I am still aware that the signature of the continuity of denial of love's awareness now, is of a 'self-autonomy' - as if thoughts create themselves, outside the mind of their creator - and then shut the door on their Master's messengers so as to take on the functions that freely given and shared - for purpose of possession and control. This is not to give as we, in truth, receive - and so reaps as receiving in like kind and measure, a realm of denial and obstruction - in which to struggle for meaning is rendered futile from the outset - until we arrive at our starting place, to know it for the first time, and choose anew - instead of from a past made in lack, disconnect and anger.
The idea of continuity is interesting to the idea of coherent domains. In any billionth of a second you may be aligned in any of an infinite - but lets say wide range of probable attunement. And in any of these may be a 'timeline' complete with its full justification of past as 'causal', or or past as conscious blessing of resonance in true appreciation. The capacity for the mind to 'resume normal service' is relative to its current focus. The self we accept and persist in is hardly 'continuous' in terms of any objective context - but is an ongoing choice or balancing of choices that is workable within its parameters - which are psycho-physical in terms of connections and communication that is beneath surface awareness - as well as concretised or crystallised collective expressions of core definitions and beliefs held in common. The latter may well include great fear, but is serving a function or it would fall away. The release of fear is through conscious willingness of alignment. Until that readiness it, serves a compartmentalisation of mind as embodied structure and defends against awareness of Inherence - excepting through the filters of possession and control - as a sense of self-specialness in praise or blame.
"Death is a process"~ Sam Parnia. And *Beyond Physicalism* is a great read, *Irreducible Mind* is excellent. There is no reality, only perception.
Our experience of perception-responses are the result of definitions held in Mind. All perceived realities are 'experience' to the mind that holds them.
If you Are Reality - then the desire to experience Yourself, is through the construct of core self definitions, for what is accepted in Mind and acted from is believed and be-lived in its moment-um.
So to the avatar of its (invisible) construct - there seems only a realm of percepted objects - set outside a core sense of self-control in which it is cast.
All is explained in MBT... Thanks for the interview...
What is MBT?
MBT My Big Toe,,, Theory of everything , is a trilogy of books written by Tom Campbell. He has many videos on you tube...
Tom Campbell is awesome and one of the great thinkers out there today. Would be nice to see Tom in a 3 part interview or more discussing his MBT on New thinking allowed.
Another vote for Tom Campbell interview. A profound philosopher.
luv me some Dr. Schwartz!!👌👁👏
Very powerful. Loved it.
The more important question is not Where are we? But rather Who am I? This is because, no matter where you think yourself to be, if you understand that you are not the "I," then there is no confusion. If you are always questioning where you are, then you are buying into the sense of "I," which is illusory. Dr. Schwartz has alluded to the fact that this is all a matrix, or a network, but if you were to understand that the "I" is the reason for this concept or illusion, then to eradicate this "I," or to see through it, so to speak, all would be clear that we are really the totality and not the individual.
A real pleasure to listen to your discussion-One rhetorical question-Could the "Human assignment" to planet Earth be nearly over ?
It's my belief after participating in dozens of past life regressions conducted at "The Psychophysics Foundation" in Miami back in the late 70's that memory is genetically transferred .... what we believe and experience as a past life is the MEMORY (consciousness) of an ancestor ... I had VERIFIABLE experiences of lives in the past but understood them to be of someone else's even though the experience was real as I was living it ... Consciousness flows thru family trees just as all other genetic information ... That's my speculation anyway ...
Zeno Freeze, A kind of Lamarckism? I don't think so. Genetic information begins to express itself usually over generations, unless a mutation. Have you read any books by Carol Bowman regarding children? Jim Tucker's research also involves some children. Their innocence makes for more authentic past-life accounts. Or watch *Ghost Inside my child*, ridiculous title, but very interesting accounts from children descriptions.
That was great. I have to admit that I'm sort of plagued by the Big Questions and so when I see one that finds its basis in science it just makes me feel better and it gives my brain a break. I just wish we got a little longer between lives, I need a vaca.
I saw a Light Anomaly coming from around the right side of Stephan's head at the 28:43 mark in the video. Could just talking about this subject produce some form of energy?
rschell4 Fuck up
It's dust I think - You can see it in many videos. I thought the same thing initially but after watching it happen so often you can clearly see it is just normal debris. The particles are not emitting light.
Yes our responsibility is so great when we know the truth of combined para psychological consciousness
Dear Dr. Mishlove, I think you should do an episode on the origin of language.
Seeвидео.html, done about 20 years ago with Steven Pinker.
Excellent! Thanks.
otakurocklee, Keep up with the program will ya! ;-)
If you do Self Inquiry" Per Advaita- when you ask "Who am I?" And all thoughts stop - you find that we are Awareness. When thoughts come, they are the creator of experience.
Could you please share the link or reference to the research about the average time between reincarnations? Thank you so much
This man would love Tom Cambpell.
i dont know what entropy is. Please explain Jeff.
Yes unity of consciousness. yes yes yes. Very very very good.
I like to think that our consciousness is a minuscule part of universal consciousness, and that like a facet on a diamond, we are unique, yet a minuscule, inseparable part of the whole.
Cumulative life experience in the universal consciousness-channeled through individual Taps !
the consciousness , is indestructible and eternal. It neither slays, nor can it be slain. It is never, born and it never dies. After coming into existence, it never ceases to be. It is always, permanent and very ancient. It does not suffer, nor can it be tainted. At the time of death it does not die, but leaves the body and enters a new one . Weapons cannot pierce it, fire cannot burn it, water cannot moisten it and wind cannot dry it. It is impenetrable, incombustible, all pervading, stable and immobile. It is invisible, imperceptible and immutable.
The Bhagavadgita📖 knows the limitations of human mind to gauge the true nature of the consciousness . Hence, it concurs with the popular notion that no one can exactly know what a consciousness is. One looks at it with great surprise, another speaks about it with great surprise, another hears about it with incredulity and yet another after hearing about it knows it not.
The consciousness is superior to everything else in the human being. The senses are great, greater than the senses is the mind, greater than the mind is buddhi and greater than the buddhi is the Self . This is similar to the description of the tattvas (realities) in contrast to the consiousness in the Samkhya. The soul is the highest, eternal reality (tattva), whereas the senses, the mind, intelligence, etc., are finite and dependent realities.
When I devised Triadic Philosophy philosophy a decade ago its root statement was/is Reality is all. This was much more than I knew at the time. I had never encountered any of the subjects discussed here, nor quantum thought. But if you think about the phrase you may see why it is revolutionary.
There's been materialist schools of thought and philosophies, for example, that Charvaka philosophy from India (700 BCE) or some Greek philosophers who rejected the notion of the soul, reincarnation, etc. However, predating those times, it is hard to say and I would agree that materialism is a fairly recent occurrence
Emotos work with water?
Reincarnation is the reality of life weather we believe it or not. “I am confident that there truly is such a thing as living again, that the living spring from the dead, and that the souls of the dead are in existence.”🙏
What disturbs me is that 99.99999% of us are born with utterly no inkling of past lives, even though pretty much all of us have had them. If learning is an important element of our existence, then why do we forget basically everything from life to life? Or is learning/growth not so important?
The collective learns from our lives....It's almost like it's using us in order to perfect us in order for everything to find balanced perfection! It just takes a really long time but we only have to experience it in 100 year intervals.
Hi Richard Wilson,
We come back to earth after having passed over and after having gone through a period called Bardo-time. This is a time of reflection where you are able to look back, with help of your guide, on your past life or indeed past lives. We make choices right there and then on for instance what we still want to learn, what we would like to do differently or simply want to experience as a person.
Now, why don't we remember our past lives? We don't.... it's in our subconcious and even more in our unconcious memory. We know in this live what we like and dislike and quite often without really not knowing its origin. This can be traced back to previous lives. Let's say you have a great fear of water, quite often it can be traced back to a drowning in a previous live through regression, hypnotherapy or other techniques IF it has any lesson for you in this information to work with. We are not here to repeat things nor to hold on to past live fears if we have made the choice during Bardotime to work on things with a clear mind, clear focus and new intentions.
We do not come back to remember past lives, we come back to work on our development without being held back by memories made in the past.... It is only in this way of not remembering that we can be open for new information that may have been stopped by past live memories.... Once back in another Bardotime you can reflect and add the new information to your knowledge build up in your past lives....
May sound confusing but it's not....
Consider - if you will - that most learn to adapt and operate within a surface reality that engages through core themes of the human drama that so occupy their attention that they never seriously explore what runs beneath appearances. And this is a matter of readiness or ripeness, because our core separation conflicts have been 'denied consciousness' to be re-enacted in externalise forms set so as to reinforce and maintain a 'lid' over 'unconscious' self. Note that no one 'learns 'wisdom' but only opens it by living their experience more fully - as a self-honesty.
So in a sense much of what is learned initially IS the world in which to become so engaged in and active within, that it operates as an unquestionable reality in its momentum.
No man is an island unto himself - including no lifetime is in isolation. So at a level you do not need to be self-conscious of - many other 'dimensionalities' - including other life focuses are integrally supporting this chosen experience that is uniquely you. This includes correspondences within your world - like this post. Now how present and attentive you are to informational or energetic resonance for who you are being the unfolding of - is up to you. And yet even if your mind has defences and filters against knowing more than you are willing to accept now, the correspondence of a resonance is a fact - and the gift of its 'learning or recognition' for you can be 'unpacked later'. "Everyone else' is a construct that you can use to justify who you are currently accepting yourself to be. If 'learning' more of what life is, were to make you 'different' from 'everyone else' (as you paint them) - then you may prefer to stay with what seems a safer consensus reality. But if that choice is conscious - ie you notice yourself in the act of choosing - then you HAVE grown and learned more about you - and that is a slightly shifted perspective from which you have more free attention in which to notice more of what is here.
I enjoy the idea of possibly "living" every reincarnation simultaneously. If our concept of Time is irrelevant in the metaphysical world, then it would make sense that there would be no consecutive order to our "lives". Becoming aware of the connection between yourself, or Inner Observer, and the intelligence matrix to which we may all be connected, may allow you to access memories of these other "selves". Maybe like branches on a tree, the buds closest together may develop under similar circumstances, they may be connected more intrinsically than a leaf on the other side of the tree. Who knows, but those are my thoughts.
I used to ponder on this too, Richard. But then I started working on that thought and came to my own conclusion that, A) We might remember why we chose to come into this world at the age of 1 or 2 years old, then at 4-5 we might remember just pieces, and at 7-9 years we've probably forgotten about the whole thing, but our sub-concious might know. B) If there really is an afterlife (which is as incredible as life itself) then maybe our memories are whiped clean upon entry to this reality... aka rules "there" as there are rules here, like you can't jump a 100ft in the air or fly using your arms here. I remember I had mysterious dreams at the age of about 6 all I remember is that I told my mom about this wierd mystical dream and she said in the sweetest voice "oh, baby, that is not possible" Really wish I could remember what I dreamt, but I digress :) Does the universe have bounderies/boarders? Is the universe endless? It makes sense to me that this reality is virtual. We will never be able to reach the end of the universe and I don't think there is one. We are given the illusion of a big endless universe when there really isen't one in the first place, just probable reality frames.
Also since learning here is so important we might have to be under the illusion of death as being final. So that we make good choices and not careless choices all the time. And at the end of the day (or our life) the pain and suffering experienced here really don't matter that much, does it? Since we go on, does it matter?
I wonder If either of these gentlemen have ever researched Dolores Cannon's vase body of work on all of the referenced subjects. In my opinion her work is very compelling and mind opening to say the least!
Physicalism includes space-time, which allows for the possibility of Hyperdimensionality, which allows for part of us to be Hyperdimensional. Also, if we are emergent properties of the universe, when we die, most of what we are continues.
The crucial truth is no one eats today unless we plant seeds and grind grain.
Also reminds me of the Movie "Total Recall"
I think it would be very irrational to disbelief reincarnation. if we would accept that immortality is a fact it would take the pressure of. it would help us to escape this sense of desperation that this is all there is & i think that this would come with the feeling of serenity, peace & traquality that would be translated to the world.
Nice chat
The M.I.T. virtual reality guy is - it seems to me - adding to the evidence for the non-locality of consciousness in bringing up the question of the location of consciousness that is wholly supported by sensation. This is where the Advaitists, yogis, and Kashmir Shaivists can offer some useful insights.
"Where are you?" 18:15 : )
No matter what the form of appearances - I concur with A Course in Miracles that 'There is no life outside heaven' - which in its context means 'apart from, outside or different from Creator as Source Nature'. And so the disposition to identify in image and form is the propensity to mistake the appearance for reality - and engage in a substitute or surrogate realty-experience of a private mind set in mutually reinforcing agreement - not least of which is the determination to rule out interference or undermining of the current focus as a sense of self-defended continuity of consciousness, set over and against associations of projected denial onto 'Othered' Life and world.
The wish to make reality in our own image, is the result of identifying in image and form of Reality as idol or ideal and idea OF reality.
Which is to say becoming entranced and spellbound to our own 'Model' as a realm of exploring or pursuing experience.
The outer forms do not obviously reveal their structural underpinnings - any more than movie frames include the lights, cameras, stage personnel. But the movie cannot seem to operate as surrogate experience without such a context. The idea of the light, the projector, and the overlay of imagery - along with the narrative script of presumed continuity are all extrapolated from Mind as function. The idea we hold is the idea we 'project' and engage reflection through as a lens of focus - with a larger script.
The idea of a fish holding onto its tail (tale works also) in fear of losing control - is the idea of disconnection or forgetting of Ocean as the medium and context of support.
Truth is thus a living Context of attunement and alignment and not any set or series of objects, imagery of representation and reflection.
But while we identify in reflected image - we have to translate into such terms to be heard or understood within its parameters.
And so our reality-experience can become an object of critical awareness and discernment instead of de-facto operated from.
hi jeffrey, why you always interrupt people when they speak???
Very pleased to listen to great minds.One big concern; if our society understands reincarnation,..our leaders will introduce the law of taxing reincarnated souls from whatever they previously owing, and that will be horrible .Is seems funny, but if they could they would. Maybe is something to take into consideration...?
Zuckerberg has now made the metaverse and it matches what they are talking about.
Why does the Bible prohibit contacting the dead and other occult practices?
om mani padme hung.
Hermetic philosophy says that all exists in the mind of God and that therefor everything is of a mental nature and that we are all one with God and the universe. It sort of seems like the results of his studies fit with that idea of reality.
Not to sound contrary but lhe Mind is not the Soul. Avatars are the artificial consciousness and the pretense of the Soul lost, even with intention. There is a greater apparent substrate we exist in that we seldom recognize and that cannot be substituted. Living in the tangible world is the context of why we are in this temporal but critical existence. Enjoy your awakening.
Carl and sigmund did not agree.
If gravity is working say test by dropping something and it falls you are awake
After death, your body gets eaten by the Earth and your soul moves to the afterlife, where you'll have a positive or negative welcoming depending on what you did here in this world.
Re Avatar you cant understand it untill you have tried it.
Yes Jeff its all now.
I do not think consciousness happens outside of the living body. I do not know. I do not care because I am the ocean. My identity is the everything not the individual me. I think me is dead meat.
Why are only white people talking about this subject? I'm just wondering.
double level reincarnation. Genetical memory you have your gggg grandmothers nose. spiritual reincarnation you look at a cane toad and a cochroache and understand its actions.
I think it is very stupid to believe in "past lives". Some information from the past c an reach us somehow, but we all know that we would eventually be all dead. Nobody can skip the death!