The misguided protest at Liberty University

  • Опубликовано: 4 сен 2017
  • The misguided protest at Liberty University
    Hemant Mehta (, / hemant , / friendlyatheist )
    One of Donald Trump's closest Christian allies throughout his campaign and presidency so far has been Jerry Falwell, Jr., the president of Liberty University.
    And while we can assume most of the conservative Christian students who attend Liberty have no problem with that, Falwell rubbed a lot of people the wrong way after the recent events in Charlottesville. Remember Trump's speech where he blamed "both sides" for causing violence? And then his bizarre press conference when he doubled down on those words?
    Falwell tweeted that he was proud of Trump for his "bold and truthful" statement.
    In response, a few dozen graduates of Liberty got together in a private Facebook group and decided they would protest by sending Falwell their diplomas. Here. Take it back. We don't want it.
    It's a powerful symbolic move... but it won’t make one damn bit of difference. Let's talk about why.
    First, of all, the last student protest over Falwell’s support of Trump went nowhere.
    Back in October of 2016, not long after the Access Hollywood tape came out and Trump was caught talking about grabbing women without consent, Falwell defended him. In fact, he said the tape must have been leaked by “establishment Republicans.” (As if the leaker’s identity was the real issue…)
    At the time, an ad hoc group of students -- not graduates but current students -- calling themselves “Liberty United Against Trump” issued a statement saying they did not share Falwell’s political views (at least this particular endorsement) and were frankly embarrassed he was using the school’s credibility to boost Trump’s campaign. Or should I say "credibility."
    And then what happened? Nothing.
    Hell, a week later, when a student wanted to publish an article denouncing Trump in the school’s newspaper, Falwell personally nixed it. Life went on. Falwell has backed Trump ever since. He even said he was being considered to run the Department of Education but he couldn't accept the offer because he didn’t want to leave Liberty for that long.
    In other words, the students’ protests before the election changed nothing. So why would this gesture by alumni move Falwell in a different direction now?
    Another problem: Why would Charlottesville be the final straw for the people sending back their diplomas?
    The graduates said to the media that “the Chancellor’s recent comments on the attack upon our neighbors in Charlottesville have brought our outrage and our sorrow to a boiling point… This is incompatible with Liberty University’s stated values, and incompatible with a Christian witness.”
    I’m glad they’re condemning Falwell over what he said… but why is THIS the tipping point? There’s a long, long list of horrible things Trump has done that contradicts Liberty’s (and Christianity’s) supposed values. He’s torn apart tight-knit families. He’s blocked Muslims from entering the country, contradicting the idea of religious freedom. He’s defunding programs that reduce teen pregnancy. which means more teens will get pregnant, which means they'll have more abortions. He bragged about sexual assault. And there has always been evidence that Trump is racist.
    These graduates could have sent back their diplomas years ago. They didn’t. Were they not bothered enough by any of those things?
    Also, why would Jerry Falwell care about diplomas from graduates?
    These students have already paid their tuition. Their résumés still list Liberty on them, and if they don’t, maybe that’s because they have a job and where they graduated from is now irrelevant. They’re statistics to him now.
    If they were making large donations to Liberty, and now they're not, that's a different story. But just sending Falwell a piece of paper? Who cares.
    Join the conversation. Leave your questions and comments below and we'll try to address them in future videos. Don't forget to subscribe for more!
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Комментарии • 409

  • @muffinmctuffin9227
    @muffinmctuffin9227 6 лет назад +6

    "I would strongly encourage any members of Liberty University to leave and go to a proper university"
    - Richard Dawkins

  • @Akira625
    @Akira625 6 лет назад +4

    Are diplomas from Liberty University even worth the paper they're printed on?

  • @sup8437
    @sup8437 6 лет назад +2

    I think emotional abuse is a very important thing to discuss when talking about religion, especially in the ex-religious and how that abuse may be affecting and trapping the currently religious. Growing up in the church of christ, people would often refuse to talk to us because we weren't "christian enough" and that would of course leave me and my siblings being ignored or made fun of by the youth group we had grown up with. Its left me with an inability to make friends and im constantly in that state of panic and dread for what others will do to me next. I actually had a panic attack when i walked past a church and heard that acapella singing.
    But also I found your channel when I was 14 and still in the abusive world of the church of christ, of course I thought it was bullshit. But your channel started me on a path to becoming an athiest and thankfully my parents and siblings followed shortly thereafter. Thank you for not talking down to Christians as it allowed me and my family to start down the path to leaving the church altogether.

  • @doommslayer6411
    @doommslayer6411 5 лет назад +1

    There are 2 types of modern protests. Protests that are ignored and mocked. And protests that are called "riots" regardless of whether there is actually violence.

  • @random4969
    @random4969 6 лет назад +3

    Andon from sydney australia, im sharing your videos, you SPEAK THE TRUTH and ppl need to hear it. DON'T be shocked when your videos get millions of views, im sharing your videos ALL over Facebook youtube and least 75 other online chat sites and news sites, keep the videos coming mate :)

  • @dapperdharma2185
    @dapperdharma2185 5 лет назад +2

    What this video doesn't understand is that the Fallwell control in our city can be frightening. When Jerry Sr. was still alive, his acolytes went around acting like their own mafia. They got businesses shut down. They still own half the buildings here and have caused dangerous amounts of gentrification. Many of the students are forced to go there via family threat. The rules in the university use scare tactics to make people walk the line while ignoring their biological urges of their age while constantly pumping a stream of horridly composed christian music not just on campus, but also in surrounding areas. Plus, Charlottesville wasn't the tipping point. We held protests of Trump's alliance with LU before that point and had students join us.We also had neo-nazis and the KKK show up to said protests. Don't speak political about the choices of these students without understanding the local atmosphere. I am always ready to protest, but not everyone is in a place to feel safe doing so. Our town has few safe spaces.

  • @SadisticSenpai61
    @SadisticSenpai61 6 лет назад +5

    That reminds me. I need to call my former school and tell them to stop sending me letters asking for money. And then thank them for helping me notice the holes in Christianity that led to me becoming an atheist. Yeah, I'm sure that'll make them happy.
    My former school? Faith Baptist Bible College. At least the credits transferred and fulfilled a lot of my general requirements at an actual school.

    • @antonionacionreluya8707
      @antonionacionreluya8707 Год назад

      HaHaHa! That will make them mad and call on heaven to send chastisement to those who refuse to give them money.

  • @theguyshadows
    @theguyshadows 6 лет назад +1

    I am an online graduate student of Liberty University. I was a dual enrolled student in high school and earned my undergraduate degrees at 18. I was coerced into enrolling into this poor excuse for higher education. I have learned some valuable things while attending, and most of the professors are nice and extremely lenient. However, my experience at the school was nothing that I wouldn't have experienced elsewhere. It is retarding my potential, slowing it down to a slow arduous crawl.
    Yes, the curriculum is as bad you presume. Yes, the level of scholarship is as bad as you presume. Reading my fellow classmates' discussions makes me want to stab my eyes out. The assignments are dreary, pointless, and lack any rigor you would find in any state school. 200 word Discussion Post on this week's reading of a textbook from the 90's? Discussion Post on how we plan to incorporate our Christian worldview into our career? Into our business? I could put less work into my graduate work than I did for my undergraduate work at a state university. Religion is tied in at every single facet of the education with an obvious evangelical slant to the information. Any degree from here is worthless outside of conservative Christian circles. Yes, my parents are making me attend. When you have no money, no car, and live in a small city with shit jobs you have very little options besides doing what your parents want or leaving and roughing it out for a few years, which would probably take longer and be more painful than just moving along with your head down. No, it is not an option to just abandon the school and stop paying tuition. Yes, I feel as if I am wasting time, but there is no other option for me. At least I can be a testament to the idiocy/ignorance/stupidity of the Liberty University curriculum. This is a school where you lose your spirit, your will to life as Nietzsche would put it, your raison d'etre, if it lies in the rigorous pursuit of truth and knowledge, because you know that you are just wasting valuable time waiting for your time at the school to end.
    The school preys on students who are trapped in situations like me, they prey on ignorant students who don't know better, and they prey on the students who are fully enthralled by the Conservative evangelism that Jerry Falwell and his ilk have been spouting for years.
    For young people, if your parents want to force you to go to this school and you aren't already completely and irrevocably fucked out of any other options, then you should take that moment to completely disassociate from your parents. They aren't doing you any favors by forcing you to go to such a poor school.

  • @mememaster9180
    @mememaster9180 6 лет назад +2

    I'm so glad to have became athiest.

  • @youdagoob
    @youdagoob 6 лет назад +1

    The "science" classes at the public university I attended taught the frogs REALLY DO turn into princes. Fairy tales taught as fact.

  • @metalheadmermaid
    @metalheadmermaid 6 лет назад +3

    I love your videos. Whenever you upload, it brightens my day.

  • @emilyconcannon
    @emilyconcannon 6 лет назад

    I did an associates at liberty-nothing has ever done more than to push me away from religion. We had a book in a theology course stating slavery was sanctioned in the Bible (which it is) and advised that paying the southern plantation owners was the way the slave issue should have been resolved. Slaves hiowever should submit to their owners as Paul advised (as he did). I wrote to the school complaining of this horrendous book and advised they remove it from their course-never heard back. Although they may have a disclaimer on the website stating these books may not be in line with the school mission, I don't think any school in their right mind would utilize such a book.

  • @JohnMichaelStrubhart2022
    @JohnMichaelStrubhart2022 6 лет назад +3

    It's pretty damned disingenuous to go to Liberty University and then protest the stance of its leaders. Apparently, learning doesn't count for much there.

    • @AtheistEve
      @AtheistEve 6 лет назад +1

      What does "liberty" mean? Something about freedom.
      Pft. If students didn't protest at college, something would be odd.

  • @aneyz4092
    @aneyz4092 6 лет назад

    Today 800,000 Hispanics brought to this country as children, are being told to leave. Wow.

  • @CarFreeSegnitz
    @CarFreeSegnitz 6 лет назад

    Businesses could step up and say they will take a Liberty diploma less seriously. Students have their eye of their future job prospects which is what gets them to weigh the value of an art appreciation diploma over an engineering degree.

  • @TheMostAwesomeMan2424
    @TheMostAwesomeMan2424 Год назад

    Good point, Hemant.

  • @OfficerTitty
    @OfficerTitty 6 лет назад

    I can really appreciate the stance you're taking on this, and I can understand (and to a certain extent, agree with) your viewpoint.
    For context, I was recently enrolled in Liberty University. I am (was) 4 courses away from graduating with my bachelors degree. I am also a very devout Christian, and have been for a majority of my life.
    I am one of those "currently enrolled" students who has dropped out of Liberty University (with no plans to re-enroll) due to Falwell's support/comments regarding recent events.
    Your statements, regarding many of my peers waiting until now to do something, are understandable. It is very easy to say "why didn't you do this back then?" or "This won't make a difference". Hopefully I can clarify things, at least from my own (very personal) point of view.
    Racism (like many other social issues) has been around for quite some time. It would be easy for me to say "Uncle Sam freed the slaves in 1862, but why didn't they do it 100 years earlier?" - especially since I'm half black and can pull the "race card". But, the point is, it was finally done. Yes, I could complain about each and every social issue that is overcome by saying "why wasn't this done sooner?", but honestly; what good would that do?
    Like the freeing of slaves, women being able to vote, Mumia Abu Jamal's death sentence being overturned, or Liberty students distancing themselves from the school, I'm just glad they finally happened. Sometimes it's okay to say "better late than never".
    For some of us, the act of returning our degrees or dropping out of their roster has nothing to do with trying to affect some sort of change. It's an act of divorce; we are simply stating "We are not with them".
    It could be likened to making a RUclips video (such as this one that I'm replying to). Your RUclips video, and me dropping out of Liberty University are relatively similar: No, it probably isn't going to change anything. It is not a grand act that will shake "the establishment'' out of lethargy. But it's a chance to make a small social act with merit to one's self. A statement of criticism towards a perceived injustice. A chance to exercise the choices we're able to make as individuals. And an opportunity for a small person to at least be able to sleep soundly knowing that they made the right choice.
    That being said, I also have to add this. Your atheism is probably a lot less important to me than my Christianity is to you. Sadly, many atheists confuse "Christianity" and "Christians". They are not always one and the same. For example, if a handful of KKK members said they were atheists, would you want to be held accountable and judged by their actions, even though you have nothing else in common with them? Probably not. There are many Christians (like myself) who support the Big Bang, evolution, critical thinking, the scientific method, and logical arguments. Many of us (such as myself) are also pro-choice, pro-education, and believe that creationism has no place in public schools.
    Please try not to be so quick to judge an entire group of people based on the "stupid majority". A "majority" (sort of) voted for our current leader, and I'm not about to lump every single white person into that same group. If at all possible, try to get to know some of us before you think we're all Billy Grahams or Jerry Falwells.

  • @crystalevans2123
    @crystalevans2123 6 лет назад

    Many of these alumni could make a difference by not donating any more money to Liberty. That would get Falwell's attention. I graduated from a Christian college and we get mail all the time from the school wanting donations from alumni. I am quite sure that Liberty does the same thing with its alumni. Also, one thing that could hurt Falwell is if the US Military stopped paying tuition for its personnel to attend Liberty online. This school has a large number of online students. If this source of income stops, Falwell will listen.

  • @Fahrbot
    @Fahrbot 6 лет назад

    i don't think they could transfer out if they tried..

  • @michellesunshinestar
    @michellesunshinestar 5 лет назад

    I've heard of Liberty University. Sadie Robertson spoke there. I'm so confused. I tell people I don't know whenever we talk about Christianity or Atheism. You have a really nice voice, and I like listening to your videos.

  • @Andrewlohbihler
    @Andrewlohbihler 6 лет назад

    You would think that these students had a conscience before they went to Liberty "university" and decided maybe they should have gone elsewhere for a REAL education.

  • @jesse_cole
    @jesse_cole 6 лет назад

    The goal isn't to get Falwell to change his crazy fucking mind. It's to change some minds out there about Falwell and about the prospect of attending Liberty University. Achieving that would actually make a difference.

  • @JohnathanGross
    @JohnathanGross 6 лет назад

    Charlottesville was a tipping point for a lot of people, even if it wasn't particularly related to their specific criticisms of Trump. That's not a valid criticism of the protest.

  • @aljefjas808
    @aljefjas808 6 лет назад

    Those Liberty University students should go to DePaul University founded by the Vincentians .

  • @lynnfogar1630
    @lynnfogar1630 3 года назад

    this video aged well

  • @kristabella222
    @kristabella222 6 лет назад

    I don't like to be in the position of defending Liberty alumni but at least they're speaking out now. It would have been preferable had they done it sooner but we need as many voices as possible to stand against the vile monster that was elected so better late than not at all.

  • @dishsoap8428
    @dishsoap8428 6 лет назад

    I need help. It's been really hard transitioning... Is there anyone who has gone through the same thing? I would really like some comfort in this time of need.

    • @dishsoap8428
      @dishsoap8428 6 лет назад

      he11b1ade thanks man. I was leaving. But I've been looking into Richard Dawkins debates, and started reading a few of his books. The confidence provided from evidence was all I needed.

  • @user-yz2so7qi7w
    @user-yz2so7qi7w 6 лет назад

    Do you watch Bishop Robert Barron's youtube channel?

  • @asassssssss1
    @asassssssss1 6 лет назад

    Hello, can you please make a video about how I could tell my parents that I was an Atheist all along? I was an Atheist back then, but turned to Christianity because of family pressure. I was labeled by my mother to be 'prideful' for not believing in God.
    How can I tell her that I don't believe, in a way that is acceptable? It is unfair for myself, and for her to live not knowing that I don't believe what she believes, and the concept of lying that you believe on something is just so stressful.

  • @joshuamichel533
    @joshuamichel533 6 лет назад

    Something about condemning violence on all sides sounds a bit better especially when Obama never said a word about Antifa's violence during his presidency. All Trump's statement meant is that he condemns violence from both white supremacists and liberal groups. Why is it all of the sudden bad to condemn a violent liberal group unless one supports or doesn't care about violence coming from liberals? Wouldn't it be great to disown all of it? Just a thought.

  • @laurdoane
    @laurdoane 6 лет назад

    My favorite was when Trump spoke at Liberty and quoted One Corinthians (it’s first Corinthians lol)

  • @susanperry6648
    @susanperry6648 2 года назад

    Money counts.

  • @vitamindubya
    @vitamindubya 6 лет назад

    Maybe better late than never?

  • @Curas1
    @Curas1 6 лет назад

    What about cultural marxism,the frankfurt school, the new left and atheism ?
    I'm a atheist.

  • @cloroxbleach5759
    @cloroxbleach5759 6 лет назад

    Hemant Mehta for president.

  • @theautisticpage
    @theautisticpage 6 лет назад

    My looming question is, why Jerry supports Trump? Trump has not demonstrated any allegiance to religion before he his attempt to become president. It is obvious he just wanted to appeal to the religious right to get elected. So does Jerry expect even more kick backs?

  • @8188bsck
    @8188bsck 6 лет назад +2

    I won't like this video because the likes are at 666 currently. I like that...

  • @queenangel321
    @queenangel321 6 лет назад

    Let's discuss that anti-evolution ad xD

  • @ArtinTheBeast
    @ArtinTheBeast 6 лет назад

    I don't understand, how is Trump racist?

  • @qwerty-fu8lx
    @qwerty-fu8lx 6 лет назад

    Wait i think im going from christian to athiest about 13% but my whole family is christian and im scaree tbh, i feel like im letting my mother down if im not an christian....i really need help from athiest, i just feel like im alone

  • @Craxin01
    @Craxin01 6 лет назад

    As long as Trump is helping keep people frightened and clutching their crosses, Fallwell will not change or NEED to change. He's getting EXACTLY what he wants. The entire university would need to burn to the ground before he changes (and, no, I'm not advocating arson or violence).

  • @reaperbluegaming8807
    @reaperbluegaming8807 6 лет назад +1

    I used to be religious and i used to come to your vids with fear but now. Free at last! Free at last!! Free at last!!!

  • @lozganon64
    @lozganon64 6 лет назад

    The Frustrated Atheist

  • @kaixakusaka658
    @kaixakusaka658 6 лет назад

    I do have a request Hemant and it's from a good fan of yours, being myself. The religion that I came from being _Charismatic Pentecostal_ did I want to, though i've read for myself, touch on the nonsense of 'speaking in tongues' or as they call it also drunk in the spirit or even God's gift. I'm sure many who comment here see it as seriously ridiculous but why not? If the interest isn't there then it's understandable but how comical it is. .lol.

  • @Zigglegarf
    @Zigglegarf 6 лет назад

    I agree that their belated objections to Falwell's behavior not only rings hollow and feckless but given my interpretation of events in Charlottesville, I can't help but find the fact that they chose now, of all times, to protest to be exceedingly ironic.
    I understand taking issue with Falwell's apparently unconditional and ham-fisted support for Trump, but personally, I don't really take issue with him supporting Trump on his "both sides" comment. Mostly, because I think he happens to be right. The "anti-fascists" were unjustly violent and so were the white supremacists, whatever they might call themselves. White nationalist and/or supremacist groups are tiny and universally condemned by people all over the political spectrum, but even so, If it weren't for one man with a car, anyone raving about false equivalencies wouldn't have a leg to stand on, and even now it rings hollow. When at the end of the day you have political violence coming from two different political extremes, is it really acceptable to excuse or defend one of those sides because the other group was worse? It wasn't a case of one group defending itself from aggressors, it was a case of two aggressors coming head to head, and as it turns out, one of them was better at violence. It's a bit of a cliche, but two wrongs, especially when vehicular manslaughter, battery, and arson are involved, do not make a right.

  • @dalecs47
    @dalecs47 Год назад

    It is a well understood fact that religious institutions are the very last place you ever want to go for an example of ethics and morality. Remember, they have Jesus on their side and no matter what sins or crimes they do THEIR SINS are automatically and instantly forgiven by their Jesus. So as far as Jesus is concerned, it is never a sin, a crime or immoral if a religious institution does it.

  • @yashagar4443
    @yashagar4443 6 лет назад

    Plzz debunk Ravi Zacharias

  • @edtheangler4930
    @edtheangler4930 6 лет назад +2

    Do a video about september 23

    • @quiethere45
      @quiethere45 6 лет назад

      why what is important about the 23th?

    • @AngirsonLopez
      @AngirsonLopez 6 лет назад

      Anglerr.E.D Good idea.

    • @AngirsonLopez
      @AngirsonLopez 6 лет назад

      Sailor Shadow David Meade predicted that the world will end.

    • @edtheangler4930
      @edtheangler4930 6 лет назад

      Its a little complicated. In the book of revelations its said that there is a woman in the sky with 12 stars as a crown before the end of times so someone tought that its a mix of different stars that will meet that day.
      There are many flaws in the propechy, but many people are afraid and I think The atheist voice should
      talk about this and proof it wrong.

    • @quiethere45
      @quiethere45 6 лет назад

      who? and how?

  • @danielvillarinn
    @danielvillarinn 6 лет назад

    I dare this man to stop a church service. That is if he has such a firm belief in saying god isn't real. I'm saying he wouldn't even try. Because still till this day this man wakes up asking HIMSELF, "what if I am wrong..." Be a man a study revelations for once and let me know if the Bible is even just slightly wrong.

    • @Smilley85
      @Smilley85 6 лет назад

      Stop a church service? Why would he do that? Contrary to common belief, atheists don't say "don't you dare believe in God", merely "don't let your belief cloud your judgement". We couldn't care less what you believe as long as it doesn't affect public policy - schooling, healthcare, reproductive rights, marriage equality, etc.
      Or if you mean "stopy by a church service", in which case you should read his book "I sold my soul on E-Bay".

  • @ndbiet
    @ndbiet 6 лет назад

    Please talk about the atheism+ community who attacks and deplatform Dawkins for him criticizing islam

  • @derpionderpson1424
    @derpionderpson1424 6 лет назад +6

    So could you make a video where you go over the things you find that trump have done wrong cause as a person from outside of the USA I can't help but feel a lot of the things being said about trump is intentionally putting him in a bad light, like what you mention yourself the charletsvile situation where protesters and counter protesters were both being violent to each other and where one side took it to the extend of killing someone else.
    Why is one side more responsable then the other?
    Both sides were escalating the situation so Trump is right in saying "on many sides"

    • @Khalkara
      @Khalkara 6 лет назад

      @derpion derpson First of, both sides were not escalating. One side showed up with armor, weapons, shields and torches chanting about them wanting a white ethno-state. Then one of said people went an killed someone. Trump isn't right by saying 'on many sides'. He was supposed to condemn nazis, the most easily condemnable group of people in the world but he couldn't even do that. Because he is afraid of losing his voter base, that is why people are making a big deal out of it.
      As for him being a bad president, I'd be happy to give you a list:
      1) Costing the government a boat ton of money that he is spending on his own businesses.
      2) Not taking the job serious, he can't be bothered to attend a weekly intelligence briefing and when he does he only wants to receive one page.
      3) Going back on campaign promises, the moment he got elected when asked about putting Clinton in jail for example he literally told the press that they aren't going to be doing that because it isn't necessary. Despite him repeatedly saying the opposite during the campaign. And that is just one example, he literally ran on nothing but lies and empty promises.
      4) Supporst healthcare plans that would kill millions of citizens.
      5) Is actively trying to start a nuclear war with North Korea needlessly.
      Must I continue?

    • @derpionderpson1424
      @derpionderpson1424 6 лет назад

      okay so this one:
      "1) Costing the government a boat ton of money that he is spending on his own businesses"
      I would really love if you could link me to some articles or something like it cause if he has done that WHILE being the president then yeah that alone should get him fired, but I would have to read up on it to be sure what has actually happened.
      The Nr 2 Yeah that sounds pretty bad but I would have to know how much of a must those meeting were and whether there have been other presidents who has done the same to a greater or smaller extend before I could say ether or about it.
      Nr. 3 well to be honest most politicians does that, Hows Guantanamo doing? You remember that thing Obama said he would close? Yeah last I heard it's still running and not because of Trump specifically this time, so yeah it's a dick move whenever a politician promise something they don't keep but it's way to common in politics to be something you can hold up as making Trump specifically bad.
      Nr. 4 Sorry but without some statistics and numbers on this one I can't accept it anymore then I could when republicans said the same about Obama-care. Which you might remember they did... Repeatedly... like the classical "THINK OF THE CHILDREN" stereotype who hypes up a situation about something they barely know the first ting about.
      Nr. 5 Eeeh If he were then there would already be missiles flying. Seeing this from the outside your nation has started or joined in to wars over much less then someone actively testing their missiles into territory of a nation they are on less then friendly terms with already. If Trump wished for a war and weren't just full of hot air then you ether already have a strike force in there without any information to the public about it or you would have already been in a war with them. I mean it took only the claim that Bin Larden had the ability to make nukes to invade there and we know North Korea has nukes and are testing missiles that can carry them.
      And about the actual situation relevant to the video.
      See you are doing it to, calling them all nazis.
      White nationalist and nazi is not the same nether is fascist and nazi and nether is racist and nazi or sexist and nazi.
      You can be any one of those things without being the others (well maybe with exception to nazi which has to be racist and fascist to some extend but you can still be a fascist and a racist without being a nazi).
      You CAN be a white nationalist without being racist, that means you think the white skinned people should have a nation of white people for white people but without thinking there is any real difference beyond skin color and maybe a few facial features.
      Calling them all racist or fascist or white nationalist or nazis without actually knowing for sure if they are is pretty stupid.
      And I know they were chanting Nazi slogans so what? if you were at a BLM rally would you refuse to chant along with the others who stand with you? and if you do chant along does that mean I get to call you a BLM activist even if you were there for another organisation, with somewhat similar but not quite objectives and a far better track record of not attacking people?
      Defining what people are FOR THEM and then saying because they are this ting *I* have decided they are that means they are bad and I can condemn them, is a lazy dishonest and frankly rather authoritarian way of thinking.

  • @l3xmal265
    @l3xmal265 6 лет назад

    hey a fan of your channel. i really want to heard more about the removeds book of the Bible. giants.reptilians.Egyptians era.aliens all that good stuff.

  • @noonecares7397
    @noonecares7397 6 лет назад +1

    there's more evidence for Odin then there is for God. the judeo -christian god said he'd destroy the world in fire and all nonbelievers would burn in hell. we're not burning yet, are we? Odin said he'd destroy all frost giants. i don't see any.
    Odin: 1/God: 0

  • @aria6936
    @aria6936 6 лет назад +15

    I have a question for athiests, and could really use some advice. I recently decided to leave my religion (Christianity), but what should I say to people when they say "God bless you"? When I was a Christian I would reply with "Thank you. God bless you too". Alot of my friends and family members don't know that I am no longer religious, and I don't want to reply by saying "I don't believe in God". What would be a good answer to when people say that? Some religious people consider it rude to not reply by saying "God bless you too"... Also, can anyone recommend some books or movies about athiesm? For now I refer to myself as a "agnostic athiest", because I am not that educated on athiesm yet. I really want to know more about it though because I do get questions about why I'm not religious. Pretty much everyone in my country is very religious, so when they find out that you don't believe in a God they get really confused :D

    • @MrEasyNah
      @MrEasyNah 6 лет назад +29

      Aria Just say, "Thank you." You could also add something like, "and take care of yourself" or "enjoy your day" if you want.

    • @iambob6590
      @iambob6590 6 лет назад +16

      Just remember that the vast majority of people who say "God bless you" do so from a good place and are just saying they wish you well.
      MrEasyNah has the right idea, it can be awkward, but as long as you try to convey a sentiment similar to wishing them well, then you have done nothing wrong.

    • @truthfreesusall
      @truthfreesusall 6 лет назад +3

      Check out some of Hemant's videos likeвидео.html andвидео.html

    • @ronaldweaver5683
      @ronaldweaver5683 6 лет назад +5

      Try not to take it the wrong way I know it can be annoying but just accept that people will continue to say that no matter what you say to them there's no reason to be rude to people just because you no longer believe as they do so don't make to big a deal outta it. If you want to get a point across subtlety however just reply "You have a good day as well.". No point in causing a tiff about it by challenging there beliefs however.

    • @biggregg5
      @biggregg5 6 лет назад +4

      Thanks....otherwise, you'll come across as petty. The exception is if they already know your viewpoint, and they are intentionally being passive aggressive. That's my view, but I've been wrong before.....once. 😏

  • @MatthewBaran
    @MatthewBaran 6 лет назад +22

    Liberty is a real university? 🤣

    • @monoclesquid9667
      @monoclesquid9667 6 лет назад +6

      Matthew Baran barely

    • @derpionderpson1424
      @derpionderpson1424 6 лет назад +1

      I mean to the same extend as the southern poverty law center has a right to judge what is and isn't a hate symbol it is.

    • @AtheistEve
      @AtheistEve 6 лет назад +4

      Or PragerU.

    • @MatthewBaran
      @MatthewBaran 6 лет назад

      Lmfao I love all of these replies

    • @Andres64B
      @Andres64B 6 лет назад

      Matthew Baran No. Not really. about as useful as having a degree from Schoolhouse Rock. Actually, probably not that useful.

  • @Yorker1998
    @Yorker1998 6 лет назад

    What exactly does this have to do with atheism? Getting too political will be the downfall of this channel. Just like it was the downfall of the skeptic community as a whole.

  • @eliusaucedo6227
    @eliusaucedo6227 6 лет назад

    Just another liberal crying, but yet our country is picking up.

  • @matbroomfield
    @matbroomfield 6 лет назад +3

    Ridiculous video. Students don't change because it costs money and sets back your education by a year to do so. However, the fact that you are talking about this proves that they have been successful in gaining publicity for their gesture. THAT is the best way to change Falwell. It has been showed time and again that negative publicity massively harms university intakes, and THAT is the thing most likely to shift their position. Love your stuff but you totally missed the mark on this one Hemant.

  • @daviddouglass7192
    @daviddouglass7192 6 лет назад

    Jesus was a Jew; never a Christian. Contrary to popular belief among Christians today, Jesus did not start Christianity. Christianity was around before Jesus was even born! In fact, the Greek "disciples were FIRST called Christians at Antioch" (Acts 11:26), not Jerusalem. And that was long after Jesus was crucified.
    Christian comes from the word Christ -- Serapis Christ -- who was a Greek triune god, a Greco-Egyptian god. The second god in the godhead of Serapis was Horus. The Jesus modern-day Christians worship and pray to is actually the Egyptian god Horus! Modern-day Christians have been LIED to!
    The famous man in the 4 gospels was not named Jesus, but Yeshuah (Joshua in English). And his last name was not Christ. Strangely enough, the gods Mithras and Serapis were also called Christ -- BEFORE Jesus. Christ doesn't even mean messiah, it means anointed one.

    • @daviddouglass7192
      @daviddouglass7192 6 лет назад

      Christianity did in fact start before Yeshua (no one knows exactly where the name Jesus came from), Crestos was a Greek work that meant "anointed one" not messiah as we are told by the churches. Mithras was called Christ and so was Serapis, who came long before Yeshua -- it's in the **historic record**. Messiah was Mashiach in Hebrew. Crestianos (Christians) were a Greek religious group who worshipped Serapis Christ.
      By the way, it was Greek translators that translated the Jewish bible and wrote the Gospels too. So it's very probable that the definition for Christ got changed that far back. It was probably even the Greeks that inserted that forgery that Jesus was God, since this idea was an aversion to Jews, but a popular belief among the Greeks.
      We are told that the name Jesus was a "transliteration" of Yeshuah, but the translators obviously knew the correct translation since they translated it correctly in the NT three times when talking about Joshuah brother of Moses. Furthermore, Jesus is not even a Hebrew name.

  • @diegolinares5236
    @diegolinares5236 6 лет назад


  • @DrunkenAussie76
    @DrunkenAussie76 6 лет назад

    Hemmant at 1:03 you said that trump was talking about grabbing women without consent, this is untrue he said "and they let you do it" which is itself consent.

    • @DrunkenAussie76
      @DrunkenAussie76 6 лет назад

      At 3:22 you state that the has "always been evidence that trump is racist" without presenting any.
      wouldn't this contradict Hitchen's razor

    • @kristabella222
      @kristabella222 6 лет назад +4

      He also said "I don't even wait" which means they don't have time to consent.

    • @DrunkenAussie76
      @DrunkenAussie76 6 лет назад

      prior consent =/= consent.

  • @dabakamon
    @dabakamon 6 лет назад +8

    Thanks for your articulate and intelligent words, if you ever run for office, you have my vote sir. Please keep educating the masses.

  • @SmokeDatTree
    @SmokeDatTree 6 лет назад +14

    Hey man I have a question idk if you'll respond but told my mom was an atheist about a year and half ago and she still is going at me over it she calling me dumb and things she thinks I'm just doing it to piss her off idk how to make her stop can you make a video or comment back what to do when your parents dont like you dont believe anymore

    • @lightningandodinify
      @lightningandodinify 6 лет назад +8

      KLE TV it really depends on your own personality. I usually run a structured debate against family members who challenge me. Over time, they've changed their views as a result. The key to successfully conveying your arguments is to always ensure that you make your opponents feel like you're on their side, and helping them make a decision on their views. If you seem like more of an advisor rather than an enemy, you will be more successful. It will take time but you will find that you slowly move them away from their original position.

    • @SmokeDatTree
      @SmokeDatTree 6 лет назад +2

      Caius Nair even if I have a real argument she desmisses it like its nothing and she super like Christianity is not the only people going to hevan Jews might to that what sh said I said what about Muslims she said that there religion based on blowing people up and me and her agruged and she doesn't listen to me

    • @Mansandanfan4335
      @Mansandanfan4335 6 лет назад +1

      You should've been like me: I've been an atheist for over a year now and my parents still have no clue. I don't know how that works but it does.

    • @azuregriffin1116
      @azuregriffin1116 6 лет назад

      I'd probably say "do you believe in evolution?"
      After she answers "no"
      Say "then how are humans so diverse if we are all descended from one family after Noah's Ark?"

    • @azuregriffin1116
      @azuregriffin1116 6 лет назад

      Actually, I have a Discord server that's relatively unused if anyone wants to join it to discuss stuff like this:
      I'm not tryna be a self promoting asshat, but it's open to use if anyone wants to. It doesn't have a "fixed" purpose, but I intend to build a community of people who can be respectful of each other, discuss things like this, geek out about stuff etc.

  • @aachaitu
    @aachaitu 6 лет назад +7

    Criticize Islam or get lost

  • @robertkettl9392
    @robertkettl9392 6 лет назад +8

    I'm usually a supporter, but I'm not A big fan of you talking about politics

    • @brandoncolley5632
      @brandoncolley5632 6 лет назад +7

      Robert Kettl I agree. I'll guess he assumes if you are a atheist you are a liberal.

    • @Yorker1998
      @Yorker1998 6 лет назад +1

      Yeah getting too political will be the downfall of this channel if he keeps it up. It's what drove the atheist/skeptic community apart.

    • @sillysad3198
      @sillysad3198 6 лет назад +1

      because lefties got everything wrong. i am really amazed how one can be a leftie and and atheist -- it does not fit into my tiny head. when people are stupid enough to believe marxism they MUST BE stupid enough to believe a god too (at least one).

    • @markhackett2302
      @markhackett2302 6 лет назад +1

      Sill is trolling. Nobody can claim intelligence and mix up marx with leftwing.

  • @almightyk11
    @almightyk11 6 лет назад +3

    I am really disappointed to hear you being on the "Trump is evil racist sexist" bandwagon. Especially referencing events that were exaggerated by the media.
    As far Trump blaming both sides for being violent. Well, they were.

  • @SamSeama
    @SamSeama 6 лет назад +10

    How about we stop looking at a president's personal life and we start looking at his presidential life. Churchill was an alcohoolic and used to drink a lot, but he won the god damn war so stop judging.

    • @iambob6590
      @iambob6590 6 лет назад +5

      I still don't understand the problem with saying both sides were there for violence.
      Antifa showed up with the express interest of causing violence, and most of the rally goers showed up hoping Antifa would start something, so they went prepared.

    • @biggregg5
      @biggregg5 6 лет назад +1

      Iam Bob
      Agreed. Trump's a dumbass, but for once I agreed with His comment.

    • @Mariomario-gt4oy
      @Mariomario-gt4oy 6 лет назад +13

      Iam Bob because a white supremacist killed and injured 20. It is a false equivalence

    • @biggregg5
      @biggregg5 6 лет назад +3

      Mario mario
      That's beside the point. Lots happened before that. Antifa and others initiated violence. As reprehensible as the white nationalist's views are, they have a right to free speech. Antifa is making it a habit of silencing views of those they disagree by using violence. Free speech isn't free unless we defend that privilege for everyone.

    • @SamSeama
      @SamSeama 6 лет назад

      biggregg5 I forsee a civil war in the future to be honest. Left vs right.

  • @rppdfire
    @rppdfire 6 лет назад

    Are you saying it wasn't both sides? Get a grip, your credibility is lost.

    • @Khalkara
      @Khalkara 6 лет назад

      @rppdfire Show me which counter-protester killed a protesting nazi at Charlottesville. I'll wait.

  • @guacamolegeneral1060
    @guacamolegeneral1060 6 лет назад +24

    There wasnt really anything wrong with trumps statement about charlotsville

    • @PersianMapper
      @PersianMapper 6 лет назад +7

      is it opposite day for you?

    • @guacamolegeneral1060
      @guacamolegeneral1060 6 лет назад +1

      Persian Mapper no

    • @PersianMapper
      @PersianMapper 6 лет назад


    • @stardust4001
      @stardust4001 6 лет назад

      Ronan Hallinan
      Yep wonder he got 8 likes

    • @tristanelstrom3632
      @tristanelstrom3632 6 лет назад +5

      Alexander Ledl I agree. He blamed both sides. They were both violent and causing trouble. People have the freedoms of speech and expression as long as physical violence is not involved. Let's face it, the mainstream media is biased against Trump.

  • @brandoncolley5632
    @brandoncolley5632 6 лет назад

    Sorry I'm going to have to disagree with you on Donald Trump being a racist, because he isn't! If you are going to accuse someone of being a racist you should have facts to back it up! And you didn't.

    • @bartholomew4487
      @bartholomew4487 6 лет назад +1

      Brandon Colley There is evidence out there on the Internet if you actually cared enough to know.

  • @jessemix5149
    @jessemix5149 6 лет назад

    The earth is flat the Bible is truth. Jesus is the way the truth and the life.

  • @demonwolf570
    @demonwolf570 6 лет назад

    Why are your videos getting so political? This used to be about atheistism and theistism. I'm unsubing.

  • @danip.3245
    @danip.3245 6 лет назад +22

    You should really call this channel "My personal opinion, also i'm an atheist." I don't really understand why you automatically pin limiting immigration to an attack on religious freedom. Its more about protecting the citizens of the country and trying to improve the quality of life. We already don't have jobs, the current illegal citizens are being hidden in sanctuary cities or just completely ignored. People love to make the argument that they do the jobs Americans don't want to, I call BS. We would do the jobs, companies hire them for cheaper. Immigration restrictions are so far from a religious conversation, its kind of pathetic.

    • @alonsoarana5307
      @alonsoarana5307 6 лет назад +12

      J Peters because it's the same hypocritical Christians who are imposing these bans because "muh white genocide"

    • @MrEasyNah
      @MrEasyNah 6 лет назад +5

      J Peters You say that, but any job I've ever had, even fast food, required some sort of gov't ID. The only jobs an illegal immigrant could hope for are those that pay under the table, and probably less than minimum wage, right? Illegal immigration is a problem, but some U.S. citizens somewhere are paying them for doing these stolen jobs. I think that's the place to start addressing the issue.

    • @SteveFrenchWoodNStuff
      @SteveFrenchWoodNStuff 6 лет назад +15

      You might as well be asking every Christian channel to rename their channel "My personal opinion. Also, I'm a Christian". Or virtually EVERY channel to be renamed "My personal opinion. Also, I'm an X". It's stupid. OF COURSE it's his opinion. Who's opinion did you expect him to give?

    • @danip.3245
      @danip.3245 6 лет назад +1

      Mreasynah, working construction is one of the most popular under the table jobs in the U.S. that's been taken over by illegal immigrants. Generally starting at 10-12$ an hour and not being taxes they make more take home pay then an American working legally in the same job. These jobs are not heavily regulated, and you'll generally only see people who need permits to work the site being paid above the table, 1-3 people running a site with 2-6 undocumented employees.

    • @positivistnullifidian4865
      @positivistnullifidian4865 6 лет назад +3

      +J Peters It is unlawful to hire undocumented aliens, and employers must have I-9s on file. Do you agree that businesses and companies are complicit in the problem, as you have stated it?