How Red Learned She's Asexual || OSPodcast Episode 11

  • Опубликовано: 28 окт 2021
  • Red talks about how she discovered asexuality and how it affected her life.
    Also, I labeled the speaker at the beginning as Cyan, but it’s actually Indigo talking!
    The podcast episode is OSPodcast Episode 11: Love? Is in the Air, and Cyan is on the Pod! (www.overlysarcasticproduction...)

Комментарии • 552

  • @jocelynhealy6998
    @jocelynhealy6998 2 года назад +1053

    Every time someone asked me if I thought a guy was cute in high school I’d just be like “ah, yes. He is anatomically correct. Eyes. Two of them. Arms. A good thing to have.”

    • @meeperdudeify
      @meeperdudeify 2 года назад +70

      Useful to have 2 arms
      I wouldn't recommend going without

    • @liamnicholas5764
      @liamnicholas5764 Год назад +50

      "Two eyes? This thing is deluxe!"

    • @thatonearanara
      @thatonearanara Год назад +9

      @liam nicholas this is the best comment ever

    • @justaghostinthesea
      @justaghostinthesea Год назад +29

      ​@@liamnicholas5764 "Human soda! I'm gonna drink it like a person!" **pours straight into eyes**

    • @One_koala
      @One_koala Год назад +4

      I love this comment

  • @dinmamma134
    @dinmamma134 2 года назад +1740

    As an aroace person, hearing red talking abt this and being so exited makes me really happy

    • @Ahsoka_Hyrule
      @Ahsoka_Hyrule  2 года назад +79

      Same, it was just what I needed

    • @isleofdead1337
      @isleofdead1337 2 года назад +27


    • @dinmamma134
      @dinmamma134 2 года назад +17

      @@isleofdead1337 FUCK YEAH :D

    • @aspen8609
      @aspen8609 2 года назад +9

      …hello Lovejoy fan :)

    • @merlijnmaa
      @merlijnmaa 2 года назад +5

      @@isleofdead1337 yoooo I've found my people! Me too!!

  • @mintyflores7378
    @mintyflores7378 2 года назад +2559

    I didn't realize I was ace until I was an adult but now that I look back on my childhood I can see that it didn't just come out of blue, the biggest sign was that I did my school project on Artemis every chance I got.

    • @Ahsoka_Hyrule
      @Ahsoka_Hyrule  2 года назад +293

      Same, I had always related to Artemis for some reason. Should have seen it coming 😂

    • @ohno8398
      @ohno8398 2 года назад +93

      I was the same but with Athena! Maybe it's the subconscious, maybe it's the will of the gods 😂

    • @Lor4235
      @Lor4235 2 года назад +45

      I mean she is just overall the best Greek goddess

    • @serpentmaster1323
      @serpentmaster1323 2 года назад +25

      I felt like that about both of them! But Artemis was just cooler

    • @EtamirTheDemiDeer
      @EtamirTheDemiDeer 2 года назад +43

      @@Ahsoka_Hyrule Artemis, Athena, and Hestia have always been my favorites

  • @quinnsinclair7028
    @quinnsinclair7028 2 года назад +960

    As a trans person, the experience of feeling like your experience must be universal and also vaguely unpleasant is one that's speaks to me on a fundamental level.

    • @popplejam2128
      @popplejam2128 2 года назад +74

      as an ace trans/non-binary person, i felt like it was more relatable to my transness than asexuality. “as soon as i hit puberty i suddenly got significantly unhappier, puberty makes people really upset i guess” “i hate having this part of my body, wish it was gone. dang, it sucks being a teenager, we have such horrible self images” (remembers gender is a thing i havent thought about yet) *OH SHIT*

    • @somelass231
      @somelass231 2 года назад +27

      yeah like a bit uncomfortable about yourself and your just like “I guess this is just normal”

    • @animeentranced1130
      @animeentranced1130 2 года назад +10

      Its really so true :c

    • @quinnsinclair7028
      @quinnsinclair7028 2 года назад +4

      All boys have panic attacks when they think about going through male puberty. That's 100% normal.

    • @imtooqueerforthis
      @imtooqueerforthis 2 года назад +14

      All of this and also not knowing you’re neurodivergent until you’re in your teens or later

  • @RandomPerson-fg1jf
    @RandomPerson-fg1jf 2 года назад +841

    Probably about 75% of the times I've felt especially validated in my asexuality, Red has been involved.

    • @sylve2474
      @sylve2474 2 года назад +8

      That's a major mood

    • @trla6505
      @trla6505 2 года назад +6

      @@sylve2474 I mean you should be your own validation but I get what you say

    • @theangel1975
      @theangel1975 2 года назад +1


    • @upbeatcamp1482
      @upbeatcamp1482 2 года назад +3

      Same but blue

    • @mrosskne
      @mrosskne Год назад

      enjoy your empty house and joyless life

  • @seanmcfadden3712
    @seanmcfadden3712 2 года назад +851

    This feels a bit like my experience. I actually used to think "I want a romantic relationship, so therefore I can't be asexual" due to the fallacy of sexuality is the same as romantic preference. It feels good to recognize my Aceness, it even helped me to beat my suicidal thoughts.

    • @allthenewsordeath5772
      @allthenewsordeath5772 2 года назад +61

      In the words of my mother, “I could do without sex, but I love your dad, and that’s why you and your siblings are here.”

  • @goldie3441
    @goldie3441 2 года назад +971

    It's so heartwarming to hear Red being so hyped about being ace
    I feel you, it's awesome to finally learn that you are SOMETHING (not just weird or something like that)

    • @terrahatvol7960
      @terrahatvol7960 2 года назад +11

      Wholeheartedly agree! Gosh that small feeling in the back of your mind of "something feels off but everything is normal" is exactly what I felt all through high school then college until I learned about asexuality and actually pondered it. When things click, it feels amazing! Like, just knowing you're not "broken" or something!

    • @somegoodsoup7008
      @somegoodsoup7008 2 года назад +3


    • @wordforger
      @wordforger 2 года назад +4

      For me, it was kind of a lightning bolt like, "WAIT... Everyone else actually feels this stuff? REALLY?! HUH!" Like, I knew I was not interested at all, but it just never really occurred to me that other people WERE.

    • @morley364
      @morley364 2 года назад +2

      I think Blue also came out as ace recently as well!

    • @anonymousfellow8879
      @anonymousfellow8879 2 года назад +1

      YUP!! Me too. Until then I just thought everyone else was exaggerating. Especially since my religious purity obsessed churchschools (GO FIGURE) were utterly Obsessed to the point you’d get spittle on your face if you got sat too close to the front when they’d go off about Controlling The Urge TM (and ofc it was all Male Gaze Only and Policing Tween&Teen&Adult women’s bodies…) so…there were a bunch of repressed allo girls and women and ofc ace girls and women who all just glance at eachother and unanimously decide “yeah. They’re all nuts.” (And maybe cracking a Nut Joke after being forced to sit through that.)
      Wasn’t really until college when allo women realized they were allo, and ace women were “wait. So that IS a thing. HUH.” (Which is Also when women typically realized if they were Hetero or Actually Bi/Pan or Lesbian. Or not actually ciswomen at all. One openly butch lesbian became student chaplain then transitioned. So…not a woman afterall, actually a transman.)

  • @DrTurtleBee
    @DrTurtleBee 2 года назад +481

    This is seriously almost exactly my experience. Assumed I was straight, realized boy and girls didn't feel different so wondered if I was bi, found out ace was a thing and was elated.

    • @Ahsoka_Hyrule
      @Ahsoka_Hyrule  2 года назад +39

      Same actually, word for word 😂

    • @ElynevanOpzeeland
      @ElynevanOpzeeland 2 года назад +6

      oh my, lol, this hurts!

    • @zanyawesome30
      @zanyawesome30 2 года назад +7

      Dude same

    • @fabi3790
      @fabi3790 2 года назад +1

      I have yet to learn so many sexualities
      no idea what ace is
      often am not sure between the difference between pan and bi
      Asexuall... i too often forget

    • @anonymousfellow8879
      @anonymousfellow8879 2 года назад +5

      Ace is asexual: no or very rare/very specific sexual attraction. (Not the same thing as “low libido.”) Podcast explains it pretty well.
      Ace can also buddy up with Aromantic (no or rare/specific romantic attraction), and gender attractions (hetero, lesbian, gay, bi/pan/omni)
      There’s not really a solid distinction between Bi, Pan, and Omni. Technically Bi means “two” and Pan and Omni mean “all”, but many people who identify as Bi are “2+” or “all” while Pan is often expressed as “3+” and Omni isn’t used much at all. But basically all three are “more than one gender”. So someone who identifies as Bi As In Two can be attracted to women and men, OR they can be attracted to, say, men and nonbinary folk.
      It’s also possible for an asexual person to Also identify as Aro(antic spectrum) and still have gender attractions. One of my best friends is lesbian aroace; I’m bi aroace . Red’s described herself as panace in the past, but I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s pan aroace or aroace, which all still work (and labels are supposed to be flexible-try it on, see if it fits, change it out if it doesn’t. It’s all valid here.) Blue (think it’s this podcast) recently realized he’s ace, so he’s definitely hereroace (or biace; he was right about that one actor and aesthetic attraction can be an Academic Knowledge of attractiveness (like a painting) or “gosh you’re so pretty sorry for staring.” Then again, people can, y’know, simply have an Awareness of attraction regardless of attraction-orientation. Digressing.)
      (*It’s also possible for someone to only be attracted to nonbinary/agender/genderfluid persons, but to my knowledge we don’t have a term for that yet. Imo we need one, as these people identify as different genders or spectrums of genders inbetween Identify Male and Identify Female.)

  • @AlexGoldhill
    @AlexGoldhill 2 года назад +344

    I remember reading somewhere that aces used to be considered part of the bisexual community in some places because they experienced the same level of attraction to men and women, even if that level was 0.

    • @notcatisa
      @notcatisa 2 года назад +78

      its also worth noting that ive read a fair few ace realization stories and at least half of them thought they were bi before they realized they were ace. myself included

    • @silvercheetah92
      @silvercheetah92 2 года назад +11

      I have a feeling I’m on that ace bi spectrum

    • @justgj
      @justgj 2 года назад +7

      Yeah, the Kinsey scale had an X for people who fall outside, specifically bi and ace people

    • @wordforger
      @wordforger 2 года назад +20

      I feel a bit of kinship with the Bi/Pan community because a lot of the current aphobia out there is just recycled biphobia.

    • @JustAnotherPerson4U
      @JustAnotherPerson4U 2 года назад +1

      ehremaaaaa... yes and no. In terms of sexual attraction. Oh yeah, it's equal I have zero attraction to either. But I have an aesthetic leaning towards girls. Doesn't mean, I don't think boys can be attractive aesthetically. Just generally I think girls are more attractive.

  • @DrPotatoPerson
    @DrPotatoPerson 2 года назад +252

    Oh gosh, I'm not even ace, but I realised recently that I am trans. Hearing her talk about that assumption that everyone is unhappy with something about themselves, everyone has those thoughts they just have to bury and ignore all their life, is exactly the same assumptions I had. Realising that it's not normal to feel unhappy in that way, and that there's something I could do about it, I don't have to feel so discontent for the rest of my life, that was the most world-shattering and exciting moment of my life. So I absolutely empathise with the excitement as well, and it's such a nostalgic thing to hear her describing it, even for a totally different discovery than mine.

    • @nessa-parmentier
      @nessa-parmentier Год назад +3

      basically this but it happened with my asexuality a few years ago and now it's about being trans, although with a lot less excitement about that part, like I do have the feeling of "Oh, damn, that's me", but considering the current context, it kinda filled me with dread ? You used the word world-shattering and it's basically that.
      As for how the thing became an option in my mind, I discovered the concept of being agender, which I relate to a lot, but realized I still had issues with how my body is. Guess i'm trans agender. Took forever to actually hear about that.

  • @anastasijahabarova1533
    @anastasijahabarova1533 2 года назад +86

    I remember being a pre-teen/teen and any time I got a crush on someone, there was always this background noise dread that if we start dating, eventually things will have to get physical and I found myself thinking stuff like “I sure hope that this idea stops being scary to me by the time I’ll have to do it” and “maybe we will break up before we get to that point and I won’t have to do it.” And that is NOT a normal way of thinking, you should NEVER feel scared and repulsed while dating and if you are feeling this way, then something is wrong and you need to stop and figure out what it is. Learning what asexuality is and realizing that this was me was THE BIGGEST relief of my life!

  • @sylve2474
    @sylve2474 2 года назад +231

    Red is such an ace icon,, like, her videos are already stellar, but then the comments she'll randomly make that no allo person could ever dream of coming up with and delivering in such a way,, the way I can't think of another youtuber who integrates stuff about asexuality into more than maybe a single video(without asexuality being the topic of said video) and the way she talks about it and spreads the fact that it's a thing that exists when it's often overlooked due to being the lack of smth,,, I just really appreciate her tbh,, stan red

    • @morley364
      @morley364 2 года назад

      I think Blue also came out as ace recently as well!

  • @cookieoz2228
    @cookieoz2228 2 года назад +388

    A couple of years before i realized i was ace myself a friend of mine called it. I got really defensive about it still being in that camp of wanting to be normal and not wanting to stand out, then during lockdown i found the RUclips channel OneTopicAtATime that does videos on the various LGBT subreddits, Inevitably i stumbled upon the videos for r/ace and found the memes incredibly relatable to the point i could see myself reaching the same thoughts, conclusions and jokes as the memes. After watching some ace tiktok i reached a similar moment to red but instead of a resounding realization, mine was more of a Oh Shit moment as i instantly started recontextualizing allot of my childhood and the choices i had made

    • @Ahsoka_Hyrule
      @Ahsoka_Hyrule  2 года назад +49

      Oh wow! That’s the power of social media right there. If it weren’t for RUclips, I wouldn’t have known about asexuality myself!

    • @AnUmbreonNamedRaire
      @AnUmbreonNamedRaire 2 года назад +28

      I was the same with One Topic, lol. I got into his content as an effort to understand my bi friend better and then that set me on the path to figuring it all out

    • @fendrikdrake3320
      @fendrikdrake3320 2 года назад +11

      OT rep

    • @Lor4235
      @Lor4235 2 года назад +8

      That was where I first heard the term too, I'm still working out if I am or not though

    • @captainahab5522
      @captainahab5522 2 года назад +5

      OT OT OT OT OT

  • @MadelineSawyer
    @MadelineSawyer 2 года назад +42

    I'm aro and *very* much relate to the sentiment of "I finally have a word for it". It's like before you have this weird vague anxiety about yourself and how romantic relationships are intrinsically draining and unfulfilling, and then you realize that, no, there's a thing and word and you can just be that way, and it's incredibly liberating to discover such an impactful sense of your identity.

  • @CosmonautGenesys
    @CosmonautGenesys 2 года назад +208

    Such a sweet account of Red's journey! Thank you for pulling this out of the podcast as a highlight!

    • @Ahsoka_Hyrule
      @Ahsoka_Hyrule  2 года назад +14

      You’re very welcome! Thank you for watching! :D

  • @wojciechniemirski1782
    @wojciechniemirski1782 2 года назад +36

    For me, the most mindblowing thing in the whole story was the simple acceptance of the society. I can't even imagine something like highschool ace teaclub being a thing in my country.

  • @magicalgirllaurie
    @magicalgirllaurie 2 года назад +80

    I’m not ace, but Red’s story of realisation sounds really similar to my realisation of me being non-binary. Like I didn’t grow up knowing it existed, and even when I heard about transgender people, it was only binary transgender people who were mentioned, so the most I could question my gender was “Am I a woman? Nah”. And like, I kinda thought that this was just how every cis male felt. And like as I got older I kinda heard the term non-binary but never encountered any non-binary people until this year really, and that’s kinda when it became an option in my mind. It really is fucked that people don’t have options for realising who they are growing up.

    • @montpunk
      @montpunk 2 года назад +5

      exactly my experience

  • @sheldon3821
    @sheldon3821 2 года назад +26

    I found the term when I was like 8 or 9 and I was just like "I'll just say I'm ace until that's proven otherwise" and to this day, I still identify with it

  • @jamiedodger2361
    @jamiedodger2361 2 года назад +136

    I can easily recognise the attractive traits in a person so for a while I thought I was pan, but then I got into my first relationship and realised that theres a big difference between "pretty" and "sexy" and that caught me off guard a bit. That partner was very sexually attracted to me so it messed up our dynamic (she also turned out to be pretty toxic later on) and I got really nervous about how my asexuality would affect my romantic relationships. Skip ahead a couple years and I have a wonderful girlfriend; we both use the term demisexual and have had a lot of positive and reassuring talks about boundaries. Love her so much.

    • @pheonixrises11
      @pheonixrises11 2 года назад +6

      I identify as demisexual, too! I identified as ace until my junior year of high school which was also the time I formed my first friendship that was *that* deep, if that makes any sense? there was never anyone else I’d ever been so open with as a friend and then some of that romantic and sexual attraction stuff made a bit more sense to me(a lot still doesn’t, but I feel it for this one person). attraction be wild.

  • @sylve2474
    @sylve2474 2 года назад +269

    I definitely relate on the "you just assume everyone is like you are" thing and that "everyone feels this way" like, highkey, I didn't realise sexual attraction was real, I thought it was just a thing they did in books or movies to be extra or dramatic, the whole sex sells and advertisements thing completely flew over my head. I only found out I was ace in grade 8(which sounds young now that I'm an adult, but you still saw media and stuff, so the fact it lasted that long) when one of my very allo friends was talking about a girl she liked and I was like "oh, that's a real thing people actually feel and not just made up,, I see...." and promptly realised I was ace. I had even been in my school's gsa in grade 7(and 8) as an "ally" not realising, so I had already heard about asexuality in passing, but didn't really know what it was. Once I realised I was ace, I also thought I was panro, because girls are pretty, and I think I'd had a crush on a guy one time,, but honestly, now, I don't think I could see myself in a relationship with a guy, maybe a girl, and I don't really have crushes,,, so that label, in the last year or 2,, so since around grade 11 or 12 is now tentatively grey panro instead,, and who knows what's up with gender and my complete lack of caring about it at all(really giving me the same vibes as "but nobody actually feels that, it's made up" before I had this realization that trans people care enough to transition and there are probably cis people who care about their gender too, and maybe me not caring might be the outlier, but we're gonna ignore that for now)

    • @sosha20
      @sosha20 2 года назад +12

      DUDE THIS WAS LITERALLY ME TOO!!! i love how universal these feelings and experiences seem; i never thought i was broken or weird for not being attracted to anyone, i always just thought "i have better stuff to do than worry about romance and sex"

    • @garrondumont7891
      @garrondumont7891 2 года назад +8

      @@sosha20 Yeah, that's partially why I stopped paying attention to some online ace communities, a few of them only talk about feeling broken or wrong, and I never felt that, so though it was interesting to hear at first it became a bit boring and was just a downer to read those experiences. I never felt broken, I just didn't understadn people's obsession with having a crush on someone, to the point that my cousin didn't believe me when I said I didn't have a crush. And with the benefit of hindsight the few people I did have a crush on I now realise that I barely got to know them and actually had a crush on the idealised version of them I made up, but not on them.
      And now when people ask me I'm just "Eh, I wanty to get married at some point but I have no interest rn".

    • @DaniStarEngland
      @DaniStarEngland 2 года назад +4

      Grade 8 is young! I didn't even have doubts until I was 17. Like how?

    • @will928
      @will928 2 года назад +4

      Regarding the gender statement you’ve made, some people experience gender apathy (don’t care about what gender they are). Or if you feel that you have no gender, agender.

    • @wordforger
      @wordforger 2 года назад +3

      Wow. I'm rather happy for the young'uns these days who have more and more resources available. I never heard of Asexuality at all until I hit college age, and at the time there was pretty much AVEN, one or two blogs on Tumblr, and one brand new book (fairly light reading to be honest) that was an essay on why Asexuality is a thing and why there should be more research.

  • @flamingkitten1
    @flamingkitten1 2 года назад +29

    Hearing Red say she thought she was Bi first then realized she was Ace was awesome since for the same reasons as her I had the same experience.

  • @juliastrawn2113
    @juliastrawn2113 2 года назад +89

    What happened for me was:
    Knew that I basically never wanted sex
    Hears about the term Asexual
    "Hmmm, that might be me. but what even is sexual attraction?"
    Looks it up, and can find no answer that makes sense. Screams into keyboard.
    "Well, that failed. Who would you realistically want to screw?"
    Answer: No one.
    Then, there was an account from a graysexual that I read, where she talks about what sexual attraction felt like, and then I went "Yep, never felt this in my life. Ace as hell."

    • @Crimson_Cheetah
      @Crimson_Cheetah 2 года назад +4

      Very similar haha. I’m in the grey area because I did used to feel sexual attraction for a time in my early teens but then it kinda just stopped happening and it took me a while to even notice lol. Then I did the whole “what is sexual attraction” thing for a few months even though I should have already had an idea, and went through a few labels and slowly got comfortable with considering myself ace. I can never relate to other people’s stories of finding asexuality and immediately knowing it fit them haha. It’s different for everyone lol.

    • @approximated_nerd
      @approximated_nerd 2 года назад

      dude, same!

  • @therewillbefire1833
    @therewillbefire1833 2 года назад +36

    The “didn’t realize this wasn’t the norm” thing hit me as well when I found out I’m ace, it’s like a fish in water, you don’t think about it till you see someone breathing air so to speak. Oh and the seeing boys and girls the same way kind of thing also happened, but that lead me to learn I’m panromantic.

  • @siriuspope3552
    @siriuspope3552 2 года назад +45

    It's amazing to me to hear this, because Red's video on Endymion was actually MY first exposure to Asexuality about... 5... 6 years ago?.. and I'm a proud ace now! It's been a bit difficult to manage, with my family background being highly religous and VERY oriented towards marriage and procreation at the highest rate physically possible, and my folks have had to do a lot of narrative revision in order to fit my sexuality in with their worldview (they currently believe I'm "born celibate"). Nevertheless, I'd say I'm managing pretty well now that I at least KNOW that my experience is different from your average milktoast straight person, and it feels so nice to have this little aspec-positive community surrounding OSP ^^

    • @Ahsoka_Hyrule
      @Ahsoka_Hyrule  2 года назад +7

      I’ve had a similar experience! I’m glad we’ve all been able to find each other thanks to the OSP gang ^^

    • @lizard3755
      @lizard3755 2 года назад +3

      I don't know what your/your family's religion is, but if it happens to be Christianity the apostle Paul is a great example. In one of his epistles he talks of two youths burning with passion for one another and says that they should either be allowed to wed or should practice self control and he also says that he doesn't feel any such attractions/temptations. This is in I Corinthians chapter 7, if you would like more specifics. As a person with an aro/ace sibling who was told by our religious family they were "too young to know yet" I've done my best to support them and I want to support and validate other ace people who are religious and/or have religious families that seem to have trouble accepting it. Paul is all about celibacy so if your family are Christians he's totally your guy. As a Christian who is also pro LGBTQ it can be disheartening to hear people try to use the Bible as a mask for the hate and I want people to feel loved and accepted for who they are, even if they might not agree with me or have the same beliefs as I do. I hope that your family comes to accept and embrace the awesome ace person you are.

  • @GreenGearStudio
    @GreenGearStudio 2 года назад +15

    That "hmm, guess I'm bi!" part is so incredibly relatable

  • @jacka7275
    @jacka7275 2 года назад +15

    How come no one ever went to me and said: “son, one day you will get together with a guy and have exactly 2.5 children”

  • @anarnarqelion4403
    @anarnarqelion4403 2 года назад +40

    Name's spelled Athelas. Thank you for making this into a video, her telling her journey was extremely validating

  • @ewill3435
    @ewill3435 2 года назад +20

    I've never been one to really question what I am; aromatic, ace, straight, gay, bi, or simply awkward as that has never been a major aspect of my life and identity, but for those whom it is a big deal: support them. What may be inconsequential to you may be incredibly important to others and everyone deserves a helping hand.

  • @Radhaun
    @Radhaun 2 года назад +33

    Not at all involved in sexuality, but I definitely had a similar experience with having aphantasia. I lived basically my whole life without the understanding that other people can *see inside their own heads* which was WILD. Like, was having a conversation with my (now) spouse who I thought was weird and fringe because they could see things so vividly that they didn't always know if they'd watched a movie or read the book. I was totally convinced they were the outlier until I saw a video by another creator about having aphantasia and I was like "Oh, so that's why life has been so hard in certain aspects".

    • @ElvesvsShinyRocks
      @ElvesvsShinyRocks 2 года назад +1

      Today I Learned...

    • @lizard3755
      @lizard3755 2 года назад +2

      Dude me too! When I learned about aphantasia last year it totally blew my mind, I thought that when people would say to picture something in your head it was just a figure of speech and they really just meant to think about it. Or when people would say that reading a book is like watching a movie in your head I thought it was dumb because I love reading but I've never once experienced anything like a movie in my mind. I can sort of recall things that I've seen before, but only if I concentrate on it and even then it's fuzzy. It was so mind-blowing to learn that those things weren't exaggerations or expressions; it honestly seems like a superpower to me that people would be able to see things like that.

    • @Ominous_Odyssey
      @Ominous_Odyssey 2 года назад +2

      On the opposite end of the spectrum I experienced the same thing with maladaptive daydreaming. Me and mom always thought me pacing in my room listening to music and daydreaming storylines in my head was just a weird quirk I had. Nope, turns out pacing around your room daydreaming is a thing (though not really normal either but it was cool to discover).

  • @Religion0
    @Religion0 2 года назад +13

    It's weird, because "that's normal, everyone experiences that, it's universal" is exactly how you sweep a lot of misery under the rug and don't get treatment or force yourself into the wrong box.

  • @DrVella
    @DrVella 2 года назад +12

    I love how everyone in the LGBT+ community has that realisation that, yes you are normal, you have a word about what you are, you are a person, and when you look back into your past and you realise how blatantly its been there the only thing we can say is 'oh' it's part of our love language, and that's a good thing.
    I hope everyone has a fantastic rest of the year, and if anyone insults your sexuality or gender, tell me and i will eat their entire supply of garlic bread forever.

  • @demosthenes995
    @demosthenes995 2 года назад +38

    It's taken me awhile to accept the fact that I'm somewhere on the ace spectrum. It's hard to pinpoint, but as Red said, I felt so normal for the longest time not thinking about it. When all my friends started dating people as if their life depended on it, I was slightly annoyed and somewhat concerned I might even be an incel( I didnt understand the obvious fact that they are *involuntary* celibate). The thing that held me back was that I had a straight libido but couldn't actually picture myself ha a sexual relationship with anyone. I still avoid the Lgbt community because I feel like I haven't experienced any sort of oppression but I'm more or less content with living a life all my own. I just wish it was easier to make simple friendships with the opposite sex without it being weird you know?

    • @anonymousrandomness1374
      @anonymousrandomness1374 2 года назад +4

      Same here with having a libido but being unable to picture having that kind of relationship. I was unsure of my validity as an asexual until I found the term aegosexual: an asexual who has sexual fantasies but no desire to actually participate in them, and the aego often isn't in their own fantasy. It's quite a broad umbrella we aces have.

  • @DatTransChick
    @DatTransChick 2 года назад +18

    I remember I had an ace, but still romantically attracted gf in high school and then we eventually figured out I was ace too. It was relieving really to learn that I could just do the romance stuff with someone and not have to do anything else. I never realized the two were separate attractions before. Now I have a different ace gf and it's going great. We basically just hang out and go on dates and stuff. Just passed then 1 year dating anniversary.

    • @thesquishedelf1301
      @thesquishedelf1301 2 года назад +1

      Congrats! Your description is just, relationship goals right there 👌

  • @hamish2601
    @hamish2601 2 года назад +37

    Although I'm straight and don't always agree with everything Red says, I couldn't help but crack a smile listening to this. Her own self-discovery and the happiness she feels...reminded me of when I first learned I was on the Autism spectrum, it warmed my heart a little. Good for you Red.

    • @angeldude101
      @angeldude101 2 года назад +1

      I personally have a really funny story about my autism when my class had a presentation because of another student and all I could think at the time was "huh, that sounds kind of like me." Even better is when I got home and told my mom only to hear that she'd read an article that same day about it in the newspaper and thought of me as well.

  • @fredweasley7112
    @fredweasley7112 2 года назад +4

    Red being open about their sexuality has been such an important thing for so many aces. I hope she knows how big of an impact she's made on so many people.

  • @Creature_of_Knight
    @Creature_of_Knight 2 года назад +8

    Omg the "I don't really have a reason to say no, and I guess that's how everybody feels, so sure!" That exact thing happened to me in high-school haha! This guy asked me out and I was like, well we don't really hang out at all or talk but I also don't have a reason to not to so yeah let's give this a try. No surprise that it didn't last very long lol. I've known I'm ace for a while but it's stuff like that I look back on and I'm just like, oh yeah I'm suuuper ace!

  • @marcopohl4875
    @marcopohl4875 2 года назад +180

    I know not everybody will like what I am about to say, but I have to let it out: Red is neither ace nor a queen!

  • @haryman222
    @haryman222 2 года назад +4

    That moment of realization and relief is so relatable. I'm happy Red didn't encounter much negative pushback in her life because let me tell you, it's not pleasant

  • @namesarefortheweak
    @namesarefortheweak 2 года назад +31

    I feel very called out. In my journey to coming out as demigender, i didn't fully know i was nonbinary, and i just assumed everyone felt like their gender was not fully them, because i still felt like a boy, just not fully. If you don't fully feel like your gender, that's probably not what you fully are. There are people like me who are multiple genders, so go find yourself.
    Edit: Kinda weird coming back to this comment now that I've transitioned to demigirl and identify as Aro/Ace

    • @mori6434
      @mori6434 2 года назад +7

      I'm aroace and basically had Red's experience already, but I more recently realized I'm demigender and yeah, it's a pretty similar vibe of just vaguely "off" where none of the available boxes (cis, non-binary, trans) quite fit. I feel closest to my birth sex and don't have any issue with the pronouns, so I'm not trans, but I'm intensely uncomfortable with being called a "woman" or a "girl", so I'm not cis either. It took a long time to figure out there was a kind of 1/3rd ground between the middle ground and each extreme, that I didn't have to be either cis or non-binary, I could be a little of both and there was an actual word for it. Its hard to figure yourself out when things aren't so obviously wrong and you don't see any alternatives that match your experiences, but it's SO worth it when you do.

    • @queen-lilyorjiako268
      @queen-lilyorjiako268 Год назад

      Question from a confused queer, so I don't feel all that much about gender, but I thought of someone calling me a he and a smile crept on my face, do you know what that means?

    • @namesarefortheweak
      @namesarefortheweak Год назад

      @@queen-lilyorjiako268 i don't know. It can, but it can mean a lot of things. I'm just a random person in a RUclips comment section, so i can't actually give you personal advice, but you should try exploring who you are a bit more and see what your comfortable with.

    • @queen-lilyorjiako268
      @queen-lilyorjiako268 Год назад

      @@namesarefortheweak ok, thanks

  • @PainDGod-dt3iq
    @PainDGod-dt3iq 2 года назад +14

    Red helped me realise that I'm an aroace. I have a special in my heart for the OSP channel....

  • @joaomrtins
    @joaomrtins 2 года назад +2

    I like the atention to details on the subtitles.

  • @hotelbravowhisky7084
    @hotelbravowhisky7084 2 года назад +5

    Wow, Red's description of what it's like before you start questioning is really accurate(At least for me), I was just never able to put it into words before. I just kinda assumed everyone felt restricted in their life(and gender specifically), so when I realized that it was an option to live how I wanted to live I was ecstatic!

  • @delusionaldreamer8332
    @delusionaldreamer8332 2 года назад +175

    It's rather similar if you're genderqueer too. See, growing up I thought that I was a girl, I had to be a girl all the time because that's what everyone said I was, but it rarely...clicked. It was rarely true. I eventually began just ignoring that to have a somewhat not-plagued life and then found out that not only am I genderfluid, but I legit do not care what gender someone refers to me as.

    • @nuny4592
      @nuny4592 2 года назад +15

      Same. I'm girlflux and I remember being a child and sometimes being "I LOVE being a girl, I couldn't ask for a better gender!" meanwhile other times I was like "..... but what if I WASN'T??" I'd be fascinated a lot with the idea of being a boy, sometimes, although I've found the genders (or lack thereof) I tend to click with at given moments are girl, demigirl, and nonbinary or agender. And I never assumed my gender identity was anything but cis because "well I still feel like a girl at times" and then I found out about genderfluidity and then more specific girlflux (under the genderflux umbrella, which is under the genderfluid umbrella) and I was like "ohhhhh, so the reasons I want a flat chest sometimes is because of THAT"

    • @carbonbeaker409
      @carbonbeaker409 2 года назад +10

      I'm ace, genderfluid, and also don't care about my pronouns whatsoever. I'd been struggling with the last two and seeing your comment's cheered me up. Thanks, have a wonderful week!

    • @kenanjones3481
      @kenanjones3481 2 года назад +9

      ayyyy, aroace genderqueer here! I'd definitely say the experience of figuring those things out was pretty similar for me

    • @TheSpeep
      @TheSpeep 2 года назад +12

      Fun fact: finding out youre autistic is also kinda like this, like exactly like this.
      All those social expectations noone questions that you reeeeaaally dont mesh with?
      Yeah, no, nothing at all wrong with that, just not who you are.
      (But then I also suspect I'm probably agender cuz, again, arbitrary social expectations, not my thing.)

    • @nuny4592
      @nuny4592 2 года назад +9

      @@TheSpeep YESSS- as someone who's (self-diagnosed) autistic, I've rarely understood social norms or why I wasn't allowed to do certain things. Such as me having to fidget (which I now know is stimming) and I'd have to painfully try look people in the eyes, which wouldn't really last long. And my family would call me a robot for following a strict routine that I don't like having changed. And I also have done a lot of exaggerated expressions and not to mention as a child (and many times still to this day) I rarely understood aspects of people's conversations or social cues. And then I browsed through the internet or autistic people talking about their experienced and realize *why* I was like this, and it's apparently because I'm autistic.

  • @emilybarclay8831
    @emilybarclay8831 2 года назад +16

    I was sat in uni two years ago at age 20 and found a post detailing asexuality and I was like oh shit that’s me! So obviously the best thing I do is knit an ace scarf and tell my mum. The life long sex repulsion and love of garlic bread should have made it obvious

  • @Number-jh8vr
    @Number-jh8vr 2 года назад +3

    I love how straight to the point this is, and it’s amazing how great Red explains it because those are the exact words most of us need to hear.

  • @pennyd.5866
    @pennyd.5866 2 года назад +3

    Finding out I was Ace definitely caused a lot of things to click for me, although it also opened up a lot of other weird questions to.

  • @netherillager5959
    @netherillager5959 2 года назад +7

    1:55 I had a similar reaction to finding out I had autism, "Hey look, there's a word for me! I'm not weird, I'm really weird!"

  • @shadles
    @shadles 2 года назад +2

    The amount of people that were like “you just haven’t found the right person” when I first came out

  • @ihave7up713
    @ihave7up713 9 месяцев назад +5

    The Bisexual to Asexual pipeline is so real, and it's hilarious to me how many Ace people have gone through it.
    "I feel the same amount of attraction toward both men and women [none], so that must mean I'm Bisexual, right?"
    ~ Teenage me, clueless

  • @pippastrelle
    @pippastrelle 6 месяцев назад +1

    Honestly this is just such a mood. The RELIEF and the desire to be public just to save people from that same confusion as you.

  • @apharris01
    @apharris01 2 года назад +5

    I've been a fan of Red's work for a long time, but this is the first time I've heard that she's ace. She sounds so happy and enthusiastic about it, and that makes me glad. Congratulations on discovering your authentic orientation, Red! I may be years late saying that, but it's still heartfelt.

  • @hannessteffenhagen61
    @hannessteffenhagen61 2 года назад +3

    "I still don't know the names of most of the people in my high school class"
    I thought that was a me thing haha

  • @isleofdead1337
    @isleofdead1337 2 года назад +65

    Dude, I did essentially the same thing as red when I found out I was ace. Thought I was bi but then I got a RUclips recommendation called “what is Asexuality?” Or something and then everything started making sense.

    • @notcatisa
      @notcatisa 2 года назад +6

      fucking same, but i was browsing fucking reddit and someone linked r/aaaace to a meme i was looking at and for some reason that was the day it clicked

  • @stewy497
    @stewy497 2 года назад +10

    I went through high school with largely the same experience of dating being a non-issue, but it's complicated by the fact that I *have* wanted relationships and *have* felt _some_ degree of attraction to certain individuals. As embarrassing as it is to admit, I think I don't have the... let's say "interpersonal experience", to make that judgement.

  • @stirrcrazy2704
    @stirrcrazy2704 2 года назад +8

    4 step process to becoming ace/aro:
    1.) People are very cool and I like them!
    2.) Someone asked me if I wanted to date them! I said “No!”
    3.) internal panic for several years
    4.) Oh I see.... that’s why.

  • @xenasBS
    @xenasBS 2 года назад +11

    This story rings so true, and I'm trans, not aro or ace. That background radiation of unhappiness which you assume is just normal was definitely something I knew.

  • @drwhowhatwhenwhy1165
    @drwhowhatwhenwhy1165 2 года назад +3

    So many aces just seem drawn together somehow. As a kid, me and my friends were going to different schools, and we sat down and decided we were going to talk about grown up things, like dating. An awkward silence ensued before the conversation turned to dragons. Turns out 3/4 of use were ace

  • @Snowfire6916
    @Snowfire6916 2 года назад +4

    "Doesn't everyone feel this way?"
    Jesus that hits hard. As a trans woman, you hear "well all guys wish they were girls" so often, and it's like NO THEY FUCKING DON'T (and vice versa for trans men). Even though I knew what being transgender was in college, it took me until I was 34 to realize because of this.

  • @moleperson
    @moleperson Год назад +3

    Red’s description of how they felt discovering the term ace (how they were slightly miserable at all times, but thought “I guess this is just normal”) hit me SO hard, but for a different reason: it’s how I felt when I was diagnosed with ADHD. It felt amazing to put a name to all the things I thought were normal but miserable, just part of the human condition.

  • @Mr.Masenko
    @Mr.Masenko Год назад +3

    Red’s story is exactly how my realization process went. The feeling the same about men and women and assuming you’re bi until you figure out you’re attracted to neither😂

  • @typoriver3651
    @typoriver3651 2 года назад +6

    I know I've been ace basically my whole life, with or without knowing the word. But this ONE time I tried the whole song and dance of dating. It was because the guy had a really cool outfit on and I found myself thinking about it for a while after.
    My brain was like "Wait! What is this? Is this the proverbial crush everyone talks about getting? I have been thinking about this man for longer than two seconds so it must be! I must pursue this since it may be the only time I ever experience this!"
    Yeah....nope. It was just the outfit. The guy was cool, but nope. It actually was Red talking about aesthetic attraction vs romantic or sexual attraction that helped me realize why I actually thought about this guy for longer than a moment.

  • @rainfitchett2985
    @rainfitchett2985 2 года назад +6

    Find it mildly funny that Red's reaction to being ace is basically the same as my reaction to finding out I am autistic.

  • @dmook5230
    @dmook5230 2 года назад +7

    For my entire life i didnt care about romantic or sexual things and i frequently joked about it with my parents. I had no clue that asexuality was a thing until i talked with a friend about it. and he said sounds like you are asexual and i was like: okay cool so its not abnormal that i dont care about romantic relationships.

    • @carolinelabbott2451
      @carolinelabbott2451 2 года назад +1

      So you are Aro/Ace then. Nice.
      I really only learned about Asexuality as an adult, trying to teach myself stuff about the LGBTQIA+ community that I was never taught about in school.
      I am glad I have a name for my experience now, but I was just mostly surprised that I was part that said community that I wanted to be a good ally to. Frankly I thought everyone else was just making stuff up about them constantly thinking about sex. Then again, I really should have cottoned on by that point, that if I think everyone else is being wierd that I really should look more into this subject matter. Took me long enough to realise that I was Autustic. LOL.

  • @lemmetalkaboutthis
    @lemmetalkaboutthis 2 года назад +7

    Okay, but, srsly, now that my family is finally understanding what "being ace" actually _means_ , I never really have to suffer the awkward "so, do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend yet?" question anymore

  • @thetiniestleaf
    @thetiniestleaf 2 года назад +2

    It's funny that Red actually talked about how she started being more open about her asexuality on the channel so she could let people know it was an option, because she actually was one of the people that helped me realize that I was ace myself! I remember in one of her trope talks (Might've been the Selene video?) where she was talking about aesthetic attraction where she really helped it all make sense. So finding this video now makes me smile because hey, her openness helped out one fellow ace!

  • @nobodyimportantt341
    @nobodyimportantt341 2 года назад +8

    i love my friend group in highschool, one kid was like "hrmmm I think i'm ace, and I don't think my assigned gender fits me very well" and then we each individually figured out we were some sort of ace or aro and also some flavor of nonbinary or genderqueer, it was beautiful

    • @wordforger
      @wordforger 2 года назад +1

      Apparently it's not uncommon for LGBT folks to unwittingly form friend groups before anyone realizes they fit under the rainbow umbrella somewhere. And then one comes out, which eventually leads the others to discover something about themselves they thought was "normal" was actually a sign of their queerness, and/or come out themselves. I'm not sure if there have been studies on this, but there does seem to be quite a bit of anecdotal evidence.

  • @unfoldingspace8
    @unfoldingspace8 2 года назад +1

    That is EXACTLY how it was for me.
    I thought I was straight, then bi, and then finally, in the fall/autumn of 2020 I saw a Deviantart post from someone who had forgotten to upload it during Ace Awareness Week, so I asked what Ace was, and then later googled it too, and I was like “oooooooooooooooooooooohhhhh... EVERYTHING MAKES SO MUCH MORE SENSE NOW!”
    I have since then also realised that I’m also gay. I fall under the Demi-Asexual with... an affinity(?) towards other men, well as being what’s called Alterous, which means the love I feel for others is... complicated, I can’t describe it properly, but learning that word too helped me immensely figure stuff out.

  • @korrafey1044
    @korrafey1044 2 года назад +2

    This actually helped cement my acexuality, i grew up very sheltered and didn't really start learning about the world well into my young adulthood

  • @kaylinhendrich4673
    @kaylinhendrich4673 2 года назад +3

    Red being open about her Ace-ness was pretty core to me realizing that I’m also Ace, though of a different variety of Ace. She’s good people lol

  • @theangel1975
    @theangel1975 2 года назад +1

    I don't know if anyone else cares, but I have now realized that I'm ace! Thank you very much Red, you've helped me a lot, so thank you!

  • @glowing_purple_girl
    @glowing_purple_girl 2 года назад +1

    I’m currently questioning things rn and stories like this are super helpful. Also, just… all the ace people I know are cool as hell. Glad to see Red’s keeping up the streak!

  • @wrathsosdovah1828
    @wrathsosdovah1828 2 года назад +2

    Love is a box of deserts; a lot of people have their own favourite of the box, some like all of them and others don't like any from the box.

  • @heavenlyderpfowl1180
    @heavenlyderpfowl1180 Год назад +3

    I love how it is pretty much universal for aces to think they are bi

    • @Ahsoka_Hyrule
      @Ahsoka_Hyrule  Год назад +2

      It’s funny how many of us went that route first 😂

  • @averagegirl7113
    @averagegirl7113 2 года назад +2

    Red: "and I would think 'well, I don't have a reason to say No when asked out on a date' assuming that was normal. That's not how it's suppose to go, people!"
    Me, who has thought "I don't have a reason to say no" literally everytime I've been asked out: well...I'll unpack that later.

  • @tymunster
    @tymunster 2 года назад +2

    I'm happy to learn another RUclipsr I know is actually ace, I feel less like an anomaly

  • @kirstenc4279
    @kirstenc4279 2 года назад +1

    This makes me so happy. The emotions she described, I know what it feels like and I love it so much.

  • @stephenwillis6937
    @stephenwillis6937 2 года назад +6

    During lockdown I discovered I'm Aromatic. I've been single since I was 20 I'll be 38 in Dec and from 19-20 the relationship I was in was just boring to me but I thought "Well I'm almost 20 so I should be dating" just thinking that's what people did. So when we broke up a year later cause she wanted to wait till marriage I just never had an interest in being in a relationship afterwards. Not out of any anger or anything I was just happy being single. Then when my twin Brother got married 6 years ago I realized I was the only single person there and so sitting alone in my room I decided I wanted to try dating. So I started on dating apps and long story short I found it tedious and boring and so when Covid hit and everyone was in lockdown I was thinking to myself "Well if Asexual exist then there must be a word for people who don't like romantic relationships" So I did some research and found out about Aromantics. I read up on that and went "Yes OMG YES this is so me" and I also learned about Queer Platonic Relationships which is just the greatest thing ever 😊 Now after 38 years I may have finally found someone to be with as a QPR 😊

  • @HannahBanina
    @HannahBanina 2 года назад +2

    I had a similar experience, when I was in high school, obviously that's a time when a lot of people are starting to discover themselves and one of my best friends was even openly bisexual. I assumed I was straight because *a)* that was considered the norm at the time, and *b)* I'd had crushes before and they were on guys. Of course high school is also a time when a lot of people start becoming active in the dating scene. But not only was I not really getting any solicitations (at least not to my recollection), I wasn't in a big hurry to take the initiative myself. I just didn't want a romantic relationship with anyone. I told myself (and others, like my friends and family) that I was waiting for the right person, and I honestly thought that's what was happening.
    But then tumblr informed me that there was such a thing as "asexual", and that such people just rarely or even never experience sexual attractions.
    And I was like
    "Oh my God. That's _me!"_
    It all became so clear. I didn't want a relationship because I just _didn't._ I wasn't waiting for the right person, the "right person" didn't exist and probably never would. I didn't need to put myself under pressure to have a boyfriend at some point if I didn't really want one. Not when I could focus on infinitely more interesting things like books and video games and trying to be good at things. I was so excited I came out to my friends and Super-Ally sister almost immediately. For everyone else, though, I kinda kept it as a "juicy secret", like "you know what *_I_* like most about myself? I'm ace baybee!"
    As for my parents, I think the moment I first came out to them was when my dad was driving me and, making the observation that I didn't have a boyfriend, randomly asked me if I was gay.
    Obviously I told him no, I'm actually ace.

  • @AoifeForrester
    @AoifeForrester 2 года назад +2

    I remember that I came out as ace in late 2012, back when asexuality was still pathologised (as if it's not now). My friends and I were having a discussion about sexuality and that got me thinking that "I know that I am not homosexual, nor am I bisexual (because this was back before my wait, am I actually a guy or what... can of worms). I have never really wanted to sleep with someone, so going by scientific naming conventions I guess I am asexual." Imagine my surprise a year or so later when I found out that I did not in fact invent the term.

  • @Moonstar79
    @Moonstar79 2 года назад +2

    I can’t be the only asexual who for the longest time thought that meant something along the lines of non-binary

  • @frekefenrisson9177
    @frekefenrisson9177 2 года назад +12

    It´s amazing how similar my journey was to Red´s. I basically went: hey I am not that into girls must be gay, then: actually I feel the same about boys and girls so bi then, good to know. But eventually you just got to admit it doesn't feel right either and when I learned about Ace´s it was like, OH SH*T, so that is why I´ve never cared for naughty adult fun times

  • @flooftof
    @flooftof 2 года назад +1

    My experience was kinda messy. I was both super excited to had figured out what I am and awfully terrified of how people would react. I was lucky to be blessed with super supportive friends.

  • @redthegrey9231
    @redthegrey9231 2 года назад +2

    I'm glad she figured it out early in life. I was 29 when I figured out I was ace, and that was because I spent a weekend thinking about why on earth everyone in high school was so gung-ho about dating and sleeping with people. I was actually sitting there in ACNH just watching the sun come up when I realized it.

  • @Hrafnskald
    @Hrafnskald 2 года назад +1

    Respect to Red for being so open about who she is and her experiences :)

  • @magarasato
    @magarasato 2 года назад +1

    As a newly realized ace, I just had no idea about it until I was constantly stressed out when I was engaged to be married and when the engagement was over and broken off. I was happier than I was in the relationship in the first place... So, I had recently told my parents and some of my friends... And not gonna lie I was pretty nervous about telling them and I ended up saying "you know what... Forget this, I'll tell them and face the music later" and now, I feel great that I did tell them and having the support from them

  • @DragonFae16
    @DragonFae16 2 года назад +1

    I had health issues and mental health issues as a teen and young adult, so I decided not to worry about dating though I always assumed I was straight. It was only recently when I started a new job I started thinking 'okay, my life's pretty okay, I might start dating again'. I looked around and found I wasn't attracted to anyone at work. I thought that maybe the men there weren't my type, but then I was having a conversation with some co-workers about which celebrities we each had a crush on, and I realized all of a sudden that I had never had a celebrity crush. Nor had I even had a fantasy about a celebrity. I then thought back and realized I had never actually thought that way about anyone. I had dated and had feelings for people, and could look at someone and think 'that person is handsome/pretty' but I had never felt physical attraction. I could be with the most handsome man/pretty woman in the world, and I would be content to just sit at home and watch TV with them. And that was when I realized I was ace.

  • @tamaradubose9432
    @tamaradubose9432 2 года назад +1

    This is all so incredibly relatable tbh. What a great way to describe it~

  • @_pitako
    @_pitako 2 года назад +2

    I learned I was ace indirectly through Red. Aside from the dating thing, my story is basically the same as Red's except I realized I was Ace earlier because I got exposed to Red. But the story doesn't end there. I was still pretty grey for a while, because I was like "well I don't actively seek a relationship or anything, but I still like the idea of being with someone", so obviously I was confused for a year or two where I was like "am I straight? Am I ace? I don't know!" But then (I can't remember if I heard from Red or the internet) I heard about "asexual heteroromantic" and was like "THAT'S ME. THAT'S HOW I FEEL"
    So yeah, that's the story of how I'm still confused tbh because that's asexual romance™ for you

  • @HobbNoblin
    @HobbNoblin 2 года назад +6

    Man, I wish I could just discover a term for what my deal is, relationship-wise, that would solve all my relationship problems instantly and make me feel super empowered and rewarded like this.
    Hell, forget the relationship part. Anything that could simplify and/or ease ANY part of my life would be...just...the fuckin' best right about now.
    (Edit: Fixing unwanted autocorrect)

    • @thesquishedelf1301
      @thesquishedelf1301 2 года назад +1

      lol I tapped your profile to get a closer look at the pic (cute goblin) and thought I was looking at my own subscription list for a moment 😅

  • @Sagatoth
    @Sagatoth 2 года назад +1

    these comments are filled with so much diversity and it is honestly quite heartwarming to read about what they experienced, gladly most of them are positive, such supporting families

  • @sirwhatnot5899
    @sirwhatnot5899 Год назад +1

    I think what made me realize was when I wondered why people consider some traits more attractive than others meanwhile I was like... "but they're all pretty" and then I started branching out in my art and realized that drawing platonic romance felt way better than the alternative. It was then when I searched around and learned about heteroromantic asexuality.

  • @silverdrag0n_
    @silverdrag0n_ Год назад +1

    i personally went through most of my younger teen years thinking i was pan because i didn't care about the gender of the people i _supposedly_ were attracted to. then at around... maybe 15-16? i figured out i was nonbinary and i was like "oh, neat! doesn't really change much but now i have a word for the way i feel! awesome."
    fast forward to my late teens, early twenties and suddenly i'm more like "huh. i am actually not that interested in relationships (beyond friendships) at all. that's a revelation and a half." it was very eye opening to realize i was aspec.

  • @frozenover_exe
    @frozenover_exe Год назад

    Coming from someone who didn’t know for the longest time that asexuality is a spectrum, and a broad one at that, I relate to this experience so much. Hearing that there are Ace people with a sex drive sent me down a rabbit hole that I emerged from way more comfortable with myself, and I’m so glad that this video was published because just hearing a creator I’ve admire for so long expressing the same feelings I did at learning there’s a word for what I’m going through is really inspiring

  • @Ardent_Sylph
    @Ardent_Sylph 2 года назад +3

    I didn't realize I was ace till I was in college. My college and high school classmates were dating or getting married, and while I knew that that was a thing that was expected of me, I was also painfully aware that I wasn't all that interested.
    I learned the word through Tumblr. Asexual and Demisexual, only feel sexually attracted to someone when they have an emotional bond with the person, and it made me super happy to find a word for it. I think I'm more demi than ace, but the point still stands that sex as a whole just isn't something I am interested it.

  • @MegaFrog
    @MegaFrog 2 года назад +1

    I loved this episode so much, because it is EXACTLY how my sexual journey went. Going through considering being bi, exploring relationships, and eventually just realizing that it's not all for me. For a while I even considered I would be biromantic ace, but now I'm settling more into aro ace. It's a journey and I'm still figuring it all out! But it's so cool to see red, a person I have so much respect for as an artist, represent asexuality so well. Much love to Red, Blue, and Indigo! Ace pride!

  • @sapphicstargate3872
    @sapphicstargate3872 2 года назад +2

    I'm really glad I figured out I'm ace. And I definitely relate to red's excitement lol, she's awesome!

  • @morisatsuki3659
    @morisatsuki3659 2 года назад +1

    I appreciate at the end they mentioned you’re not locked into anything because it’s all about self discovery. You use what works for you in the moment.
    "There is no litmus test to determine if someone is asexual. Asexuality is like any other identity - at its core, it's just a word that people use to help figure themselves out. If at any point someone finds the word asexual useful to describe themselves, we encourage them to use it for as long as it makes sense to do so." - The Asexual Visibility and Education Network

  • @aillia5932
    @aillia5932 2 года назад +4

    I honestly don’t even know the first time I heard the term. My sibling introduced me to Dodie and therefore bisexuality, and through that the LGBTQ+ community when I was like 12 or 13 in 2015. I started identifying myself as asexual in 2019 and then biromantic asexual in mid-late 2020 and then early this year I discovered gray asexuality so I started using biromantic gray asexual. And now I’m going through a whole crisis where I’ve ditched the biromanticity and the gray altogether and I’ve just been using asexual bc I’ve realized that I have no idea what the differences between romantic feelings and platonic feelings are and anything in between. So aro is in my head rn but it’s pretty wishy washy. But I honestly wish I knew where I found the term asexual bc I’d like to thank whomever or whatever it was

  • @NessaTheBat1
    @NessaTheBat1 2 года назад +2

    Thanks for pointing that out! c: I'm now inspired to find it out myself. I had some crushes, but they were very fast and one guy..I don't really know what I saw at him. XD I never had the urge to dating, but I find men attractive. Like Red, i had some moments where I thought, that that girl looks nice too. I rarely have sexual interests and it was only celebreties before. I always thought i was straight, but maybe I have a bit asexual within me. I don't know, but I'll find out.

    • @Ahsoka_Hyrule
      @Ahsoka_Hyrule  2 года назад

      You’re very welcome! I hope you find what you’re looking for ^^

  • @bananabanana484
    @bananabanana484 Год назад +1

    Honestly, I think “Love is Love” works as a blanket LGBTQ+ motto. All romantic, sexual, platonic, and self love is, and always will be, love.