you know he's not lying when he picked pacquiao over mayweather.. most black athletes would pick another black athlete if asked who is sensational or better.. iron mike is just being real and honest..
I don't think you understand the relationship between Floyd & Tyson. Tyson never liked Floyd bc Floyd was talking to the girl that accused Tyson of rape; Tyson believes Floyd promoted her to tell the police. Look it up
Sakhy Dapat man shut up you sound like a clown talking about gay weather gay with who? I’ll wait....the man has women that wouldn’t give you a second look but talking about he’s gay smh haters kill me
@jliveslife Marquez on roids when paquiao asked for 5th fight Marquez keeps avoiding because the 4th fight was a lucky punch.... i love both tyson and manny..
@jliveslife Marquez should have fought manny for the 5th fight to prove of his greatness. when he was being interviewed by a media about a rematch but no respond.....
@jliveslife so Mayweather is great but no reapond on rematch between Manny reason he's retired already but continue box with ppl with no expirience with boxing BTW Boxing and MMA is different For MMA I think is Hard for them to throw combo without Kick, elbow, takedown which they usually do in a match
When people talk only the best undefeated one division Champ versus Multi Divisional Champions... Tsk. What favoritism means... Knack in the head...for those who say one division undefeated champion is the best... Pppffttt... Your champion is picking his opponents... Where is MayWeather when Pacquiao hits like a Heavy Weight Monster.... You know how heavy Pacman ang Tyson punch is?.... They are Shotgun behind the gloves...
still with Pacquiao vs mayweather? its few years over already So manny lost so mayweather is boring to watch that fight of the century is over move on.
If Manny Pacquiao was an American, there's no doubt he will be considered as the best fihhter in boxing ever. Manny is a pilipino but to me he is the best boxer of all time.
@@darrylcaminos791 yeah ryt. Floyd got punches from who?? From that Japanese midget? From accident headbutts? From MMA fighter that can't box? Come on. You know Floyd can't fight on Manny's Prime. Too scared. It took 8 years to convince him?? Sleep it all out with your boring fighter... Admit it, your idol is a businessman not a fighter. He'll never be a legend as good Manny and all other ATG. Cherrypicker
@@darrylcaminos791 and by the way, you keep on mentioning Marquez lucky punch on Manny?? Everyone knows it's once in a lifetime...Manny beat him three times, and beating him all the rounds on that last fight...until that lucky punch. And you're celebrating?? Amateur.
He Fought with an injury though. This is just my opinion but I have no doubt Floyd is the most SKILLFULL and also the SMARTEST Boxer ever, he treats it like a business. As for Pacquiao he's the most VERSATILE and MOST DOMINANT boxer. Winning in 8 different divisions? Are you kidding me? And still have that speed and occasional power too. I don't think Floyd could retain his evasive speed at higher divisions like Pacquiao did.
Tawag Duty First off. To the victor goes the spoils. He got into the ring, took the money so no excuses. Also he initially sustained the injury during the De La Hoya match. And we know Manny had many great nights after the Oscar fight. Furthermore he did not complain during or immediately after the bout. Fact remains that Floyd's defense, IQ, counters and movement kept Manny from throwing punches. Second. That's the greatness of Floyd. He was able to be dominant without being the physical dynamo he was at the lower weights. He used his Iq, toughness and experience. Pac was not versatile. He was fast and powerful, better head movement and Iq than people think. He was however dominated by Floyd. He was not as fast, strong and smart of Floyd in the ring. He had the bigger punch however and that gave him his moments in the fight.
@AlreadyWon you're the crazy one . And to do it on his level for so long . And his speed during his prime was the most amazing thing I've EVER seen in a boxing ring ! That man has lightning, and Thor's hammer !
AlreadyWon hey dumbass ignorant name a boxer who got 8 division champions only manny ali and tyson didnt even reach 8 so gtfo of this boxing debate dumbass
Tyson knows what he is talking about because he has been in the ring as the shorter fighter his entire career. He knows how hard it is and how much skill and determination it takes to fight guys bigger, taller with longer reaches than you. He knows how good Pacquiao is for him to be able to do this to welterweights and superwelterweights. Pacquiao is simply something you never see. He does what nobody expected and believed was possible. That's why Pacquiao is the greatest of all time along with Mike Tyson and my man Holyfield!
This is what I like about Mike Tyson...People label him as a mean and rude boxer and as a person, but to me, I think he is an honest guy..."Honesty is the best policy". He made all the mistakes that he made in the past but at least he speaks the TRUTH, and that he is a LEGEND like MANNY PACQUIAO...Manny Pacquiao and Mike Tyson have something in common, they are both legend and they are both HONEST...They both know how to distinguish, recognize, acknowledge and honor who the real champion is, an HONEST and a TRUE CHAMPION ! Unlike that other black guy the commentator (and MAYWEATHER), I could tell that THEY ARE BOTH HYPOCRITE !
This is not about supporting the " brother" when it comes to talking about real sportsmanship, rather respecting and admiring those who truly deserve it. Mike respects the sport and so great athletes like Pac-man.
That's boxing now for the most part. In Mike's era and before it was, "Who can get hit hard, then get back and hit harder". That's the boxing I want to watch, not this "defensive" bullshit.
Maywearher is a good dancer,during his fight with Manny he did nothing but dance and run!!andhe won that fight my God!!Manny is a good fighter,no question need!!
Hey, it's been 4 years now. Move on. Just accept the fact that the better guy won. It's not Mayweather's fault that Pacquiao could not find a way to force him to engage.
Yes but not only dancer he also best runner,,,and for me thurman is better than gayweather,,,,hehehe thurman he fight until the end of the roun but gayweather olny dancing and running he make it....😂😂😂😂😂
@@raygan1221 Better guy won eh? Guess what, the fucking belt was stripped off from Mayweather after they discovered that mayweather was on roids during the fight.
Ray Gan STOP BEING BIAS! MAYWEHTHER IS A money guy . Let’s face the fact he is and never will be a true boxer. He only fights for money. no doubt can’t he just fought. And don’t play HIDE AND SEEK! MAGHAD your stressing me a-hole👆
the question was "WHICH CONTEMPORARY FIGHTER YOU WOULD MOST ENJOY WATCHING RIGHT NOW"? Regardless of any yahoo's opinion, it's Mike Tyson's opinion that was being asked. It's his truth. I don't get why that dude sitting next to Max Kellerman is trying to argue. It's should not be even a debate for crying out loud. It's Mike Tyson's opinion. Respect begets respect.
Wow I can’t believe Mike said this. I loved him as a fighter, even better as a fan. He knows impressive movement when he sees one. He had the best boxing movement/combinations the rocked the world of boxing and beyond. He’s the greatest in my eyes
What is wrong with these hosts? Mike was just answering a question that required him to express a personal opinion about who he thinks is the most sensational boxer and they say that he's wrong about his opinion! Why ask your guest questions then insult them after they give an honest answer?
Very well Said ! The Host Expecting that Mike Tyson would say That Mayweather is better than Pacquiao. But they are Wrong. Mike Tyson Is Honest And Great. salute for this man.
I personally say that Mayweather is the best ever but Tyson didn't say best,he said most sensational and that's a big difference.I love Manny to death for he's definitely one of the greatest to ever step in a ring.Tyson knows what the fuck he's talking about.For the record Mike Tyson is my favorite heavyweight of all time easy but in my opinion Floyd is the most talented,accomplished and skilled boxer to ever live....and easily the most untouchable!
Lol pacquiao should be #1 heavyweights doesnt have much challenge pacquiao did more he climbed up all the way to welterweight all destroying challenges in each weight class hes the only 8 division world champ
You ask question to your guess , he answer politely, then you disagree,, what a weird tv show, the big host insulting question about past extravagance of the guest. ,,. Is it a good topic to your guess? The guess is a change man and you keep recalling his bad moments in life, you humiliated your guest.. Be thankful he is a change man or else he punch you both..
I want too see the Devils look again... When Tyson is still the Iron Devil inside the Ring--- be polite and be humble... Yet he changed because of those betrayals... It happens to Pacquiao they are much alike in their Careers yet stil Pacquiao keeps on moving... "...Don't stop moving, keep on winning..."
He just asked that question, I think because he got hurt when Mike told him he knew nothing about boxing. Hahaha. That's was mean from Mike but how can you not believe a man who experienced fights before compared to the one who seats as a viewer of the fight.
I don't know if after Pacquiao's era end and 3-5 years passed who will carry boxing like what did Pacquiao did. I'm sure most of us gonna miss him like how we miss ali, tyson, and frazier.
Greatness is about your reach exceeding your grasp, and doing what nobody expected you to do. That was Pacquiao...always fighting bigger stronger fighters putting himself at disadvantage and risk and yet overcoming all the odds. Doing what you are expected to do is not greatness. That's floyd. He never wanted to reach beyond his grasp and pursue greatness. He just wanted to stay comfortable in a place where he knew he could win his matches and have all the advantages. Booker T. Washington once said, judge not a man by his accomplishment but by what he had to overcome for that accomplishment. Pacquiao clearly greater than Floyd when it comes to "Greatness".
Elmer Cuaton yeah hes more humble now but back then during his prime youll see him rush to his opponent who justgot knockdown(when fight is over)he rushes towards them and check if theyre ok throw some humbling word and show respect.. ive watch a lot of his fights before and ive seen him do that.. so hes not totally rude i guess haha his life was just messedup back then hahaha
Philip, you are so hurt that Floyd beat Pac. Pac was off of the roids so there you go. Stop talking about track and field that pain will stop soon I hope.
Mate you dont know him u just see him, theres more than meet the eyes so stop saying those things... Ps: not a fan just hate ppl judging ppl without knowing who they are
A real man and a real fighter is the one who fight, accept their loss, admits their mistake, and then rise again and keep fighting, a selfless man who thinks about everybody else, sharing the poor what he earns, while he keeps on fighting, helping the people to rise up again *just like what he did*, inspiring them, admitting that he's not perfect to have a perfect record, and then spends his time and money to help others in need.
Hoping Mike Tyson will come out of retirement and fight the heavy title at this time win or lose he will show that age does not stop you of something you have passion like the Manny Pacquiao
I just felt so humbled and proud at the same time knowing that in boxing, one of the worlds greatest fighter comes from my country the Philippines!!! Thank God for allowing us to have someone like Manny to give one of the greatest contribution to the world.
imagine if MANNY were BLACK?? What would the black community would say a bout MANNY having 8 belts in different divisions?! And the one and ONLY boxer to ever do what he did and are doing.. we all know what the tune would be if MANNY were BLACK..NUFF SAID
There are a lot of black people who hate Mayweather or rather who find his style of boxing very boring as much as there are a lot white people who love Mayweather, this has nothing to do with race.
Those guys heard the what they don’t want to hear, but to worried to respond , coz it Mr. Mike talking. Take it from the real champ that knows what boxing is all about, rather than those people in their suit who makes comment as if they know it all. Be honest to yourself, don’t love someone because of the heart, love them because of your heart with soul.
I started watching boxing because of Mike Tyson and later on Roy Jones Jr. I lost interest in the sport until years later when I discovered Manny Pacquiao. Those are my top 3 favorite fighters. Mike Tyson, Roy Jones Jr., and Manny Pacquiao. Very glad I got to grow up watching these special talents.
fans want that adrenaline rush when they watch boxing and here are some that deliver it - Pacquiao,Tyson,gatti,hearns,Marquez,Leonard,duran.a few that don't deliver the adrenaline rush are Mayweather, rigondeaux,ward, klitschko.i agree with mike.if I'm not getting that off your seat natural human emotion that Manny Sparks I can't call it sensational so Mike is right.ward and Floyd are great fighters of which no one can deny but they will never be sensational.if you're sensational you receive more love and more emotion from the fans.thars how boxing works and always will.
sienna three Bro if your saying he a better box sure he is but your more like a Olympic boxing champs you won by Points. sure tou win But No One will says your Great you see the difference your undisputed champ by Points you win But is it Great? dont lie bro he aint like Pacman who Cement hes way to the Top hes the only 8th weight division champ in History hes A WALKING LEGEND HES A HALL OF FAMER sew the Difference
sienna three wether it is moving up or down, moving weight and retaining it for a fight is a hard thing to do. I see your point in the other way around, I guess your saying that if a fighter is a natural welterweight he would not move down, well that is because the best competition are in the welterwight and above.
sienna three I think it's fair. I understand and respect your point and I know Pacquiao is one of the all time great but "not" the greatest. But I think those 8 wins in different weight classes is part of his greatness no matter what. For what reason? out of all those fighters who came from bantam weight, he is the only one to bring it on the welterweight level and win all of it. It's not easy, because IF IT IS, many great mexican fighter could actually do it.
I the beginning of Tyson's career I couldn't stand him, but he finally changed and matured and what a humble man he has become. I really like him now. I am glad I was able to watch him fight what a monster he was.
you know he's not lying when he picked pacquiao over mayweather.. most black athletes would pick another black athlete if asked who is sensational or better.. iron mike is just being real and honest..
I don't think you understand the relationship between Floyd & Tyson. Tyson never liked Floyd bc Floyd was talking to the girl that accused Tyson of rape; Tyson believes Floyd promoted her to tell the police. Look it up
Nah Gayweather is trash he pick wrong
Sports to play with, i bet he can win against usain bolt
Sakhy Dapat man shut up you sound like a clown talking about gay weather gay with who? I’ll wait....the man has women that wouldn’t give you a second look but talking about he’s gay smh haters kill me
This gotta be the dumbest comment of them all stfu
you know nothin about boxing. he said pacquiao looks more sensational,not better than Floyd.
paquiao is the most humble boxer
No doubt about it
True,,He never forgot to lookback when he started to earn a living as bakeryboy,He alwsys visit her friends whom he work with,God bless his family.
So true,,
Tyson and pacquiao both fought bigger guys all their career.
@jliveslife Marquez on roids when paquiao asked for 5th fight Marquez keeps avoiding because the 4th fight was a lucky punch.... i love both tyson and manny..
@jliveslife Marquez should have fought manny for the 5th fight to prove of his greatness. when he was being interviewed by a media about a rematch but no respond.....
@@juliusthewarrior4063 because Marquez knows he can't repeat that LUCKY PUNCH on Pacquiao again.. if he give a 5th fight
@jliveslife Hey You are not supposed to be here Please Go and bring you opinion somewhere else
@jliveslife so Mayweather is great but no reapond on rematch between Manny reason he's retired already but continue box with ppl with no expirience with boxing
BTW Boxing and MMA is different
For MMA I think is Hard for them to throw combo without Kick, elbow, takedown which they usually do in a match
When Mike Tyson says "Yo, listen," then you know he's angry.
You better start listening, or he will fix your ears lmao
@@OutcastFPS LMAO
@@OutcastFPS or bite them.up
@@OutcastFPS i will upvote this to get the magic number lmao
3 Big M's in Boxing
1. Muhammad
2. Manny
3. Mike
@@aldrincontreras271 bruh u doin okay? You get enough sleep?
Ceezy Yyy Lmao stfu pussy. 😂🤣
@@aldrincontreras271 haha.
@@aldrincontreras271 this is the internet, not your classroom you fukin maniac
You forgot Mayweather HAHA
Even Mike Tyson knows who’s the real sensational boxer he ever known!
@Odell Mateo saying a great boxer that he knows nothing about boxing. That maybe the dumbest thing that ive ever read 😧
When people talk only the best undefeated one division Champ versus Multi Divisional Champions... Tsk. What favoritism means... Knack in the head...for those who say one division undefeated champion is the best... Pppffttt... Your champion is picking his opponents... Where is MayWeather when Pacquiao hits like a Heavy Weight Monster.... You know how heavy Pacman ang Tyson punch is?.... They are Shotgun behind the gloves...
Of course you'll win a box.. of you keep running after you punch a jab... Its a score don't you know...
Darryl Caminos yup! Mayweather is the Shrewdest Boxer of all Time!
still with Pacquiao vs mayweather?
its few years over already
So manny lost so mayweather is boring to watch
that fight of the century is over move on.
Pacquiao and Tyson are on my top list of favorite boxers!
Mine too 1 Tyson and 2 Pacman in that order.
Naw only Pacquiao n Cesar Chavez n Rocky lol that's it all the rest r boring as hell n suck lol
My three M Mike, Manny and Muhammad the only three legends for!
Oneto Twelve Was i1tyu
Pacquiao , Tyson , young Cassius Clay
Manny's era saved boxing period. Whose got 8??
undefeated is boring asfuck like floyd too many of them 8 division is a legend
True. He elevated boxing, during hes pick boxing is like a bruce lee movie, i mean like for real..
I agree with you. Boxing was dying until Manny started beating all the big names and champions of different division.
In the interest of objectivity if there was as many division as there were in Manny's prime, Roberto Duran would've done it.
Until now at age of 40, he still dominates boxing fame and money fights..
When the legend says, listen and agree.
@Boxing Fan howbout muhammad ali? He got knocked out also. Hmm manny pac also got knocked out.
@@niccologenito575 and so what they are only human ulol!
If Manny Pacquiao was an American, there's no doubt he will be considered as the best fihhter in boxing ever. Manny is a pilipino but to me he is the best boxer of all time.
If Manny don't fall asleep in the ring, then his fans wouldn't be sad and mad
@@darrylcaminos791 If Gayweather has to balls to face Manny in his prime, then you wouldnt have a hard time convincing us.
@@mikropono if Manny was tough, you would be happy. Manny got knocked out. Floyd took punches and stayed up. So, I'm happy.
@@darrylcaminos791 yeah ryt. Floyd got punches from who?? From that Japanese midget? From accident headbutts? From MMA fighter that can't box? Come on. You know Floyd can't fight on Manny's Prime. Too scared.
It took 8 years to convince him??
Sleep it all out with your boring fighter...
Admit it, your idol is a businessman not a fighter. He'll never be a legend as good Manny and all other ATG.
@@darrylcaminos791 and by the way, you keep on mentioning Marquez lucky punch on Manny?? Everyone knows it's once in a lifetime...Manny beat him three times, and beating him all the rounds on that last fight...until that lucky punch.
And you're celebrating?? Amateur.
Pacquiao is better than maywheather there is no debate
Lemon26 lol, they fought
Travis Marks
Yeah they fight but pac is out of his prime.
And it was settled pac will lose.
Juan Felipe Floyd is older. Was Floyd in his prime
He Fought with an injury though. This is just my opinion but I have no doubt Floyd is the most SKILLFULL and also the SMARTEST Boxer ever, he treats it like a business. As for Pacquiao he's the most VERSATILE and MOST DOMINANT boxer. Winning in 8 different divisions? Are you kidding me? And still have that speed and occasional power too. I don't think Floyd could retain his evasive speed at higher divisions like Pacquiao did.
Tawag Duty First off. To the victor goes the spoils. He got into the ring, took the money so no excuses. Also he initially sustained the injury during the De La Hoya match. And we know Manny had many great nights after the Oscar fight. Furthermore he did not complain during or immediately after the bout. Fact remains that Floyd's defense, IQ, counters and movement kept Manny from throwing punches.
Second. That's the greatness of Floyd. He was able to be dominant without being the physical dynamo he was at the lower weights. He used his Iq, toughness and experience. Pac was not versatile. He was fast and powerful, better head movement and Iq than people think. He was however dominated by Floyd. He was not as fast, strong and smart of Floyd in the ring. He had the bigger punch however and that gave him his moments in the fight.
Pacquiao is like Ali and Tyson.. greatest boxer of all time
@AlreadyWon the amount of salt
@AlreadyWon and how many fights have you won?
@AlreadyWon you're the crazy one . And to do it on his level for so long . And his speed during his prime was the most amazing thing I've EVER seen in a boxing ring ! That man has lightning, and Thor's hammer !
Agree 100%
AlreadyWon hey dumbass ignorant name a boxer who got 8 division champions only manny ali and tyson didnt even reach 8 so gtfo of this boxing debate dumbass
nobody watches a replay of floyd's fight
Damn right
ikawpipa so true
Well said
Ironically nobody, But the fact is there were few from his camp and family. haha
My top 2 sensational fighters of All Time
1. Tyson
2. Pac-Man
Not only sensational but they have most aggressive killer instinct.
Manny is like a mini Tyson. Aggression in that ring
big facts
pacquiao the most exciting fight. clean fighter.
And who's the dirtiest fighter ?= Agapito Sanchez!
@@richardthelionheart116 ah yes that bastard who low blows and some how got the win because of the referee not giving him a warning
dirty boxer is marquez, he always cheat against pacquiao
mike tyson is right, and trust him his been on the ring many times so he knows what moves is the best
Tyson is a legend and his opinion is actually a fact
Mike Tyson bit off a man's ear who gives a damn
Everyone has thier own opinion specially if its subjective
@@coachm86 im sorry who are you?
@@coachm86 he got headbutted multiple time by Holyfield before he bit his ear Holyfield wanted to fight dirty and got what was coming
One legend admire another legend. That’s a fact pacman and Tyson are the most furious fighter of all time
Tyson knows what he is talking about because he has been in the ring as the shorter fighter his entire career. He knows how hard it is and how much skill and determination it takes to fight guys bigger, taller with longer reaches than you. He knows how good Pacquiao is for him to be able to do this to welterweights and superwelterweights. Pacquiao is simply something you never see. He does what nobody expected and believed was possible. That's why Pacquiao is the greatest of all time along with Mike Tyson and my man Holyfield!
"You don't know anything about boxing"
Me: Understandable, have a nice day
U have to go
Tyson is a Pacquiao fan,
He knows Pacquiao is pfp greater boxer than chicken Mayweather.
George Jacknowitz lol
and pacquiao is a tyson fan too
Oneto Twelve yeah right 😊
hahaha both these bums will kick mayweathers shoes.
Sad that Tyson talks negative crap on Pacquiao ever since his sensitive opinion
This is what I like about Mike Tyson...People label him as a mean and rude boxer and as a person, but to me, I think he is an honest guy..."Honesty is the best policy". He made all the mistakes that he made in the past but at least he speaks the TRUTH, and that he is a LEGEND like MANNY PACQUIAO...Manny Pacquiao and Mike Tyson have something in common, they are both legend and they are both HONEST...They both know how to distinguish, recognize, acknowledge and honor who the real champion is, an HONEST and a TRUE CHAMPION ! Unlike that other black guy the commentator (and MAYWEATHER), I could tell that THEY ARE BOTH HYPOCRITE !
BRUCE ALCORIZA mayweather is the GOAT.
BRUCE ALCORIZA i agree with you,mike tyson he was arrogant during his youthdays,but he really changed now into a good guy,
The Auspicious one Goat in Hugging
The Auspicious one Floy May Wether is a goat...Mehhh mehh mehhh.
A great fighter knows another great fighter
Pacquiao fights with heart... When he enters the ring he's ready to give it all... A great sportsman as he is he never really stop to amaze us...
You know it's real shit when one of the most sensational boxer in the sport called you "Sensational".
This is not about supporting the " brother" when it comes to talking about real sportsmanship, rather respecting and admiring those who truly deserve it. Mike respects the sport and so great athletes like Pac-man.
Mike Tysons favorite quote - "You have a plan until you get punched in the mouth."
That's boxing now for the most part. In Mike's era and before it was, "Who can get hit hard, then get back and hit harder". That's the boxing I want to watch, not this "defensive" bullshit.
A True Pound for Pound Boxer feels his Opponents punches rather than Running...
That wasn’t mikes quite it belonged to joe Frazier
Tyson is my favorite boxer, after that Pacquiao.
String Bean Rick James Looking Fool mee too
i agree.
Tyson's boring Pacquiao is the best
String Bean Rick James Looking Fool i watch pacquiao fight vs anybody after the fight of anybody
i just love how Mike Tyson carries himself these days , a real classy man
Who’s watching after he whooped Keith thurman🙋🏽♂️
Maywearher is a good dancer,during his fight with Manny he did nothing but dance and run!!andhe won that fight my God!!Manny is a good fighter,no question need!!
Hey, it's been 4 years now. Move on. Just accept the fact that the better guy won. It's not Mayweather's fault that Pacquiao could not find a way to force him to engage.
Yes but not only dancer he also best runner,,,and for me thurman is better than gayweather,,,,hehehe thurman he fight until the end of the roun but gayweather olny dancing and running he make it....😂😂😂😂😂
@@raygan1221 Better guy won eh? Guess what, the fucking belt was stripped off from Mayweather after they discovered that mayweather was on roids during the fight.
Ray Gan STOP BEING BIAS! MAYWEHTHER IS A money guy . Let’s face the fact he is and never will be a true boxer. He only fights for money. no doubt can’t he just fought. And don’t play HIDE AND SEEK! MAGHAD your stressing me a-hole👆
Angelo Jay Bagano glad that happen CHEATER
Legends recognizes Legends.
I'm glad Tyson's finally said it!
GusTavO OdYsSeY TrAnCe4EvEr
Yes... He told the truth!!!!!!! Manny Manny Manny!!!!!! 👍🏾❤️
the question was "WHICH CONTEMPORARY FIGHTER YOU WOULD MOST ENJOY WATCHING RIGHT NOW"? Regardless of any yahoo's opinion, it's Mike Tyson's opinion that was being asked. It's his truth. I don't get why that dude sitting next to Max Kellerman is trying to argue. It's should not be even a debate for crying out loud. It's Mike Tyson's opinion. Respect begets respect.
Its subjective so we must respect ppls opinion
Pac and Iron Mike were both small against most of their opponents but they impacted the sport bigger
Damn Mike slayed him
thank you mike; you speak the truth!
Wow I can’t believe Mike said this. I loved him as a fighter, even better as a fan. He knows impressive movement when he sees one. He had the best boxing movement/combinations the rocked the world of boxing and beyond. He’s the greatest in my eyes
When Tyson says "you know nothing about boxing" he really means that, you gotta believe him.
This was 5 yrs ago. And now i can completely say yea he is the GOAT no doubt about it. Period!!!
What is wrong with these hosts? Mike was just answering a question that required him to express a personal opinion about who he thinks is the most sensational boxer and they say that he's wrong about his opinion! Why ask your guest questions then insult them after they give an honest answer?
Mikel Blade because the are like gayweather. awww..sorry! mayweather i mean. my bad 😂😂😂
@@cluelessme8009 Actually Max Kellerman thinks Pac is better than Mayweather.
Very well Said !
The Host Expecting that Mike Tyson would say That Mayweather is better than Pacquiao. But they are Wrong. Mike Tyson Is Honest And Great. salute for this man.
Mikel, very disrespectful against Tyson to question his expert opinion
I personally say that Mayweather is the best ever but Tyson didn't say best,he said most sensational and that's a big difference.I love Manny to death for he's definitely one of the greatest to ever step in a ring.Tyson knows what the fuck he's talking about.For the record Mike Tyson is my favorite heavyweight of all time easy but in my opinion Floyd is the most talented,accomplished and skilled boxer to ever live....and easily the most untouchable!
My 3 Favorites Greatest Boxer of All Time
1. Muhammad Ali
2. Manny Pacquiao
3. Mike Tyson
and who cares?!🍺❤️
Vhinoy V facts tho
All starting with letter M in their names lol
Exactly!! 🤣😂👍🏼
The Truth!!!
Lol pacquiao should be #1 heavyweights doesnt have much challenge pacquiao did more he climbed up all the way to welterweight all destroying challenges in each weight class hes the only 8 division world champ
You ask question to your guess , he answer politely, then you disagree,, what a weird tv show, the big host insulting question about past extravagance of the guest. ,,. Is it a good topic to your guess? The guess is a change man and you keep recalling his bad moments in life, you humiliated your guest.. Be thankful he is a change man or else he punch you both..
You know that's right those dudes were asking for it
@@johnsworld4275 He was right on the third "guest" give him a break.
I want too see the Devils look again... When Tyson is still the Iron Devil inside the Ring--- be polite and be humble... Yet he changed because of those betrayals... It happens to Pacquiao they are much alike in their Careers yet stil Pacquiao keeps on moving...
"...Don't stop moving, keep on winning..."
He just asked that question, I think because he got hurt when Mike told him he knew nothing about boxing. Hahaha. That's was mean from Mike but how can you not believe a man who experienced fights before compared to the one who seats as a viewer of the fight.
I Love this guy. He's Honest to the Bones.
Because both Manny and Mike have speed and power altogether in their boxing.
They defeated Titans... Bigger opponents...
I'm still watching the replay's of manny's fight
No one likes a Chicken boxer like weather.. Lmao hahahahaha
ronel logerz
"no one said who was better" the topic was who was the most "sensational" mike understands the question better than the one who asked it
Pacquiao & Tyson are my 🐐
gayweather jr is boring fighter in boxing history
hydroponics Xperiaz yah exactly
hydroponics Xperiaz hes boring because he cant be beaten,50-0 suck it in losser
Allfa FeNiX Hahaha Manny pac holds 8th division championship.
Allfa FeNiX gayweather cant be beaten because he doesnt engage in a fight he hid.. he doesnt take risk
Crisanto Arcillas actually he lost to Castillo and watch the fight Castillo has more punches than floyd
I love how Mike is just so humble. Completely different from who he used to be.
Tyson, pacquiao to hall of fame
The name is Pacquiao, Manny Pacquiao...let this sink in till the end of time.
Mike you’re the best honest person ............ We love uuuuuuu. Stay heathy .
am your fan too mike tyson..when you losed...i losed a lot of money too but that's are great r right,manny is good to watch fight
Good and honest answere. So true tyson.
Boxing is about fighting not running.
I don't know if after Pacquiao's era end and 3-5 years passed who will carry boxing like what did Pacquiao did. I'm sure most of us gonna miss him like how we miss ali, tyson, and frazier.
If and I quote from the man himself Mr Iron Mike Tyson, who wasn't then, isn't now, and never be. From the GREATEST HEAVY WEIGHT CHAMPS OF MY TIME!!!!!!
Greatness is about your reach exceeding your grasp, and doing what nobody expected you to do. That was Pacquiao...always fighting bigger stronger fighters putting himself at disadvantage and risk and yet overcoming all the odds. Doing what you are expected to do is not greatness. That's floyd. He never wanted to reach beyond his grasp and pursue greatness. He just wanted to stay comfortable in a place where he knew he could win his matches and have all the advantages. Booker T. Washington once said, judge not a man by his accomplishment but by what he had to overcome for that accomplishment. Pacquiao clearly greater than Floyd when it comes to "Greatness".
Emanuel Stewart once described Manny Pacquiao as a little filapino version of Mike Tyson
I am from the Philippines and this man Mike Tyson is my idol when i was young.
Glorietta, I was born in the Philippines and grew up in the States and i’m proud to have witnessed Tyson and Pacquaio fight during their prime
Manny paquiao and mike tyson true fighters ,most exciting to wacth all there fights!
boxing is ALIVE when Pacquiao is ACTIVE in BOXING
Tyson really knows what he's talking about. ,Don't argue because you don't know about boxing..period!
Mike Tyson now is a change man his humble.
Elmer Cuaton yeah hes more humble now but back then during his prime youll see him rush to his opponent who justgot knockdown(when fight is over)he rushes towards them and check if theyre ok throw some humbling word and show respect.. ive watch a lot of his fights before and ive seen him do that.. so hes not totally rude i guess haha his life was just messedup back then hahaha
Philip, you are so hurt that Floyd beat Pac. Pac was off of the roids so there you go. Stop talking about track and field that pain will stop soon I hope.
L hinkle lmao fr
Prove it. That record of 50-0 hurts you bad. Floyd is running to the bank. $$$
Mate you dont know him u just see him, theres more than meet the eyes so stop saying those things...
Ps: not a fan just hate ppl judging ppl without knowing who they are
very rtue, manny is best boxer than mayweather.
Micheal Torres yah exactly!
the auspicious one putang ina mo!
the auspicious one? lol mayweather very ugly only, very very black skin, so untidy lol, yuccckkkkk! eeeewwwwwww
Micheal Torres yeees!
Mayweather is by far the better boxer and he proved it by taking manny to school but no disrespect manny is one of the goats
A real man and a real fighter is the one who fight, accept their loss, admits their mistake, and then rise again and keep fighting, a selfless man who thinks about everybody else, sharing the poor what he earns, while he keeps on fighting, helping the people to rise up again *just like what he did*, inspiring them, admitting that he's not perfect to have a perfect record, and then spends his time and money to help others in need.
Hoping Mike Tyson will come out of retirement and fight the heavy title at this time win or lose he will show that age does not stop you of something you have passion like the Manny Pacquiao
Tyson is very smart boxer
No, he's a beast ! Get in. Destroy. Grab belt !, Cash check ! Spend it. Fight again.
I just felt so humbled and proud at the same time knowing that in boxing, one of the worlds greatest fighter comes from my country the Philippines!!! Thank God for allowing us to have someone like Manny to give one of the greatest contribution to the world.
imagine if MANNY were BLACK?? What would the black community would say a bout MANNY having 8 belts in different divisions?! And the one and ONLY boxer to ever do what he did and are doing.. we all know what the tune would be if MANNY were BLACK..NUFF SAID
are Philippians white ? Manny is black
troy Graham philippians? Lol.. Straight from the bible
troy Graham No just Asian
he would be smarter to adjust wen he is getting older but is brain is all screwed up
There are a lot of black people who hate Mayweather or rather who find his style of boxing very boring as much as there are a lot white people who love Mayweather, this has nothing to do with race.
One of the only Black Man who says something honest about his thoughts..Pacman is GOAT
Mike Tyson has a great wealth of knowledge about boxing history. These other 2 are kids in comparison
the best knows who's the best!
You can tell he didn't want to talk about the personal stuff or the chat about money. I liked the way he corrected the guy about sensational boxing
I love Mike Tyson he was that CHAMPION.
thank you mike tyson..thats being honest of you..big respect for you.
The trinity of modern boxing. Ali, Tyson and Pacquiao.
Concur with Tyson. Pacquiao is more sensational in every aspect of boxing. He single handily carried boxing on him back from 2008 to 2013
I agree, but even before that the morales, barerra, marquez fights, ledwaba etc,he was just dynamite in every fight.
Talking about honest opinion by badass Mike Tyson, LOL.
mike tyson had just soft and honest.
only one great fighter can relate to another.. fighting bigger opponents.. pacquiao and tyson
A link brought me here. Facts; Tyson knows who's sensational when it comes to boxing. He's been there.
Those guys heard the what they don’t want to hear, but to worried to respond , coz it Mr. Mike talking. Take it from the real champ that knows what boxing is all about, rather than those people in their suit who makes comment as if they know it all. Be honest to yourself, don’t love someone because of the heart, love them because of your heart with soul.
With clean fight pacquiao wins. With dirty fight pacquiao loses n mayweather wins haha
I remember Mike Tyson was a Beast in the ring.
I started watching boxing because of Mike Tyson and later on Roy Jones Jr. I lost interest in the sport until years later when I discovered Manny Pacquiao. Those are my top 3 favorite fighters. Mike Tyson, Roy Jones Jr., and Manny Pacquiao. Very glad I got to grow up watching these special talents.
Mike Tyson speaks the TRUTH! MANNY IS THE GOAT!
Pacquiao is recent era boxings greatest boxer.
fans want that adrenaline rush when they watch boxing and here are some that deliver it - Pacquiao,Tyson,gatti,hearns,Marquez,Leonard,duran.a few that don't deliver the adrenaline rush are Mayweather, rigondeaux,ward, klitschko.i agree with mike.if I'm not getting that off your seat natural human emotion that Manny Sparks I can't call it sensational so Mike is right.ward and Floyd are great fighters of which no one can deny but they will never be sensational.if you're sensational you receive more love and more emotion from the fans.thars how boxing works and always will.
sienna three Bro if your saying he a better box sure he is but your more like a Olympic boxing champs you won by Points. sure tou win But No One will says your Great you see the difference your undisputed champ by Points you win But is it Great? dont lie bro he aint like Pacman who Cement hes way to the Top hes the only 8th weight division champ in History hes A WALKING LEGEND HES A HALL OF FAMER sew the Difference
sienna three up7
sienna three wether it is moving up or down, moving weight and retaining it for a fight is a hard thing to do. I see your point in the other way around, I guess your saying that if a fighter is a natural welterweight he would not move down, well that is because the best competition are in the welterwight and above.
sienna three even in different divisions he keeps winning thats what makes him so great and he knows how to put on a show.
sienna three I think it's fair. I understand and respect your point and I know Pacquiao is one of the all time great but "not" the greatest. But I think those 8 wins in different weight classes is part of his greatness no matter what. For what reason? out of all those fighters who came from bantam weight, he is the only one to bring it on the welterweight level and win all of it. It's not easy,
because IF IT IS, many great mexican fighter could actually do it.
this peoplle were asking ,. and when mike tyson tell his answer ,,they all couldnt accept the truth..
Ben Ten is that jeff horn in ur profile pic
yes its jeff horn ..
Hahaja i laugh so much to your profile .. never forget that potato smash face and still won😂😂😂
Iron Mike’s facial tattoos always make me think I’m looking at whiskers on a Cat Man.
Sensational recognizing sensational...
Tyson knows the numbers...🖐☝️
of course hes more sensational
That's why I love Tyson the living legend
“You know nothing about boxing.“ DAMN.Mike Tyson knows, as someone who does boxing he’s honest and respectful to the sport itself.
Thats why i loved iron mike tyson. He's straigth out honest. Loved you champ. Mike tyson
I the beginning of Tyson's career I couldn't stand him, but he finally changed and matured and what a humble man he has become. I really like him now. I am glad I was able to watch him fight what a monster he was.