“The Contemporary Papacy and the Sabbath” Pastor Stephen Bohr 20 October 2018 2:30 pm

  • Опубликовано: 26 окт 2024

Комментарии • 60

  • @ednorth2456
    @ednorth2456 4 года назад +3

    A Fabulous sermon.Every Adventist should watch this.Cheers Ed North

  • @ilsepalmer729
    @ilsepalmer729 5 лет назад +23

    Praise God for secrets unsealed Pastor Steven Bohr. He's a man of God. I love his sermon I learn a lot.

  • @SamuelHollandsh
    @SamuelHollandsh 10 месяцев назад

    Thank you Pastor, this was a blessing to hear this sermon. 🙏

  • @audreynorton6940
    @audreynorton6940 5 лет назад +4

    Amen. Hallelujah. What A Magnificent Sermon. Thank You Pastor Stephen Bohr. May God Continue To Bless You. 🤗🤗🤔🤔

  • @simonrodriguez4529
    @simonrodriguez4529 6 лет назад +10


  • @feliciabosch8110
    @feliciabosch8110 5 лет назад +5

    Thank you Pastor Bohr for the Beautiful story of Creation of the Lord Jesus Christ

  • @kelllykimbrough47
    @kelllykimbrough47 5 лет назад +2

    I enjoy your sermons very much

  • @rickybullock10
    @rickybullock10 5 лет назад +9

    Saturday is indeed the God's sabbath Sunday is the mark of the Roman catholic church.

  • @pilgrimhere652
    @pilgrimhere652 5 лет назад +4


  • @farwestgarohills3831
    @farwestgarohills3831 3 года назад +1

    Even in heaven, we will gather to worship God the Creator on the Sabbath day, the seventh-day, but not on the Sunday, the 1st day; the Bible says.
    Isaiah 66:23 - "And it shall come to pass, that from one new moon to another, and from one sabbath to another, shall all flesh come to worship before me, saith the Lord."

  • @keddiangilbert2757
    @keddiangilbert2757 5 лет назад +2

    God expect for us to keep the Sabbath all throughout our journey in this life into the other.
    Know therefore that the LORD thy God, he is God, the faithful God, which keepeth covenant and mercy with them that love him and keep his commandments to a thousand generations; Deuter 7:9, 1 Chronic 16:15, psa 105:8
    Now one generation = 40 yrs but God ask that we may keep his law throughout 1000 generation. So 1000 x 40 = 40,000 yrs, this is not yet expired hence the Commandments included the Sabbath law is still valid.

  • @jimcalifwin3760
    @jimcalifwin3760 5 лет назад +6

    Your Mom is Wrong. Worship on the Sabbath.

  • @blessed7927
    @blessed7927 5 лет назад +3

    The reason people hide it is because of the imbalanced videos by strange offshoots of Adventists. This man better represents the denomination IMO.

  • @lutherknick8402
    @lutherknick8402 2 года назад


  • @nelsongeorge9894
    @nelsongeorge9894 5 лет назад +4


    • @farwestgarohills3831
      @farwestgarohills3831 4 года назад +1

      We neither keep your "SABATH" OR "SHA_BA_TH"; we keep the "SABBATH".

    • @ebbygshreve9577
      @ebbygshreve9577 3 года назад

      Do believe you know what you are talking about.

  • @markjulius6905
    @markjulius6905 5 лет назад


  • @newexodus20
    @newexodus20 5 лет назад +2

    Lord Jesus Christ resurrected on the Sabbath day. He was crucified on Wednesday morning and died around 3-4 pm. Pleach check and research on it. HOw can Lord Jesus say He is the Lord of the Sabbath if he was resurrected on a Sunday?

    • @blessed7927
      @blessed7927 5 лет назад +4

      Dick Perlas because even in death he RESTED as the law states and we too rest in Christ in celebration of his FREE GIFT of eternal life! The Spirit is given to help us to teach us and to BELIEVE! Blessings...

    • @TheTania323
      @TheTania323 5 лет назад +5

      Mark 15:42 clearly states that Jesus died the evening of the day before Sabbath. Which would be Friday and not Wednesday.
      Matthew 28:1-6 states that it was on the first day that the stone was rolled away from Jesus's tomb and he was risen.
      And Lord of the Sabbath because even in death he respected the Sabbath day and rested on it.
      I'm aware that this idea of Wednesday is because it is believed that by 3 days God meant 72 hours but that is not the case. Pastor Bohr has a sermon explaining it.
      Even so the Bible is God words and God doesn't lie. So instead of trying to solve God's word allow him to use the Holy Spirit to explain his words to you. Blessings

    • @jostocks1801
      @jostocks1801 4 года назад

      Follows the sign of Jonah, there days and three nights.
      But people think that when Christ said in the earth he literally means buried, but that's not at all what he means.
      If you remember that many attempts were made in His life, but he would simply walk through the crowd and not be toucbed.
      He said it was not His time. But the night he was arrested, Peter defended Christ against the men who came to take him, but Christ healed the man's war and have Himself over to the soldiers.
      The term in the earth means that he was given over to the powers and principalities of that generation just as Jonah was during his time.
      Well we know that the way we mark days aren't like the bible does bc In Genesis 1 it says that evening(night) and morning(day) marked the first day.
      In the garden of Gethsemane He was taken at night which was day on day six or in our times we would call it Thursday night (night 1)
      Then came the sunrise on Friday(day 1)
      Friday, Christ was crucified. And placed in the grave before sundown, bc at sundown it marked the end of the sixth day and the beginning of the Sabbath(night 2)
      Sabbath morning he was In the grave(day2)
      At sundown marked the end of the Sabbath(night 3)
      And Sunday morning he rose from the grave(day 3)
      So three days and three nights.
      In our day it would be the time period from Thursday night to Sunday morning.
      And Jesus Christ rose on the third day bc on the third day of creation, the earth brought forth the first fruits.
      And He is the Lord of the Sabbath bc he states that in Matthew 12:8
      "For the Son of Man is Lord even if the Sabbath day."

    • @theway5563
      @theway5563 3 года назад

      Christ Jesus RESTED in His tomb on the 7th day Sabbath. He resurrected on the 1st day, which gives it no special commendation. The ordinance of Baptism represents the death and resurrection of Christ, in which we share as death to SELF and our resurrection to our new life - and the communion service represents the body and blood of Christ, who lived the sinless life we should have and died the death we deserved for breaking God’s laws of love & liberty for all beings.

    • @dianechapmanbettyboop
      @dianechapmanbettyboop 3 года назад +3

      Jesus was crucified on the Preparation Day, the preparation day is on Friday. The Bible says, they had to take Jesus off the Cross before the Sabbath. The Sabbath begins Friday Sundown and ends Saturday Sundown. The Bible also says, Jesus rested in the tomb on the Sabbath per the Commandment and rose on the First Day of the week, SUNday

  • @andrewellis5923
    @andrewellis5923 5 лет назад +1

    Saturday is nowhere in the Bible. please correct me if I have missed something. shalom.

    • @jostocks1801
      @jostocks1801 4 года назад +3

      The Jewish people didn't call the days of the week as we know them now,
      Day 1(sunday)
      Day 2(monday)
      Day 3(tuesday)
      Day 4(wednesday)
      Day 5(thursday)
      Day 6/Preparation day(friday)
      Day 7/Sabbath day(saturday)
      The names of the week were added by the Catholic Church, who adopted them from the pagans.
      Pagans were sun worshippers and they too knew that Sunday was the first day.
      Sun-day bc of their sun worshipin
      Moon-day or Monday
      Zeus-day or Tuesday
      Odin's-day or Wednesday
      Thor's-day or Thursday
      Freya's-day or Friday
      Saturn's-day or Saturday
      Interesting though that many the languages of the world either enunciate the Seventh day as a version is Sabatos(spanish)
      Or the word they use for the Seventh day literally translates into rest

    • @howardmartens6141
      @howardmartens6141 4 года назад +3

      In Genesis 2v2 and 3 is mentioned 3 times the seventh day.Today you can look on any calendar and you will see that the seventh day is and always has been Saturday and it will continue throughout all eternity,as you will find in Isiah 66 v 23.If you believe God's word it can;'t get much simpler than this.

  • @submariner179
    @submariner179 5 лет назад

    Great comb over! It's not stupid looking at all...

  • @emsithole3242
    @emsithole3242 5 лет назад +2

    The Sabbath
    The keeping of the Sabbath day was established as a sign of the covenant between the Lord and the nation of Israel, whereby the covenant was meant to last until the new covenant is established and put in place as the scripture says the "New covenant that I will make with the people of Israel will be this; I will write my law within them and write it on their hearts. I will be their God, and they will be my people" (Jeremiah 31:33), the new covenant was done to bring to pass the promises that God made to his righteous servant Abraham as the scripture says "God said to Abraham, "You must agree to keep the covenant with me, both you and your descendants in future generations. You and your descendants must agree to circumcise every male among you" (Genesis 17:9-10).
    The covenant that the LORD made with Israel in mount Sinai was to last until a new covenant is established as the scripture relates that the older with serve the younger (Genesis 25:23) and the terms to that agreement, was to last until the coming of the Son of God, the real descendant of Abraham, a Jew by birth; a child born out of the unusual way, who therefore becomes the reality of everything, which is the Word of God coming to make his fathers proclamations. So God had to send his very own Word which he proclaimed the promises with, in order to do make true all that which the Father has said through him. Furthermore he then becomes the fulfiller of scripture, doing his Fathers will (Psalms 40:7-8). All that was written in the book of the old covenant(The Old Testament) was only a shadow of what God will do in the future. The reality is Jesus (Colossians 2:16-17).
    As the LORD has said "Sabbath was made for the good of human beings; they were not made for the Sabbath", it was all in favor of them, giving them rest (Mark 2:27). We also find the scripture to be true when it says "Work six days a week, but do not work on the seventh day, so that your slaves and the foreigners who for you and even animals can rest". Looking at the beginning of creation when the LORD GOD created everything after seven days he rested from his most splendid awesome work and blessed the day and made it to be holy but now looking at the rest that the Israelites got is not the same rest which the the LORD GOD had after he stopped working, hence now we are promised a different rest, the same rest which the LORD GOD had after his work and the reality of the truth is that Jesus of Nazareth sealed the covenant that will give us the true rest with his own blood, without putting favor and focus in traditions or the keeping of specific holy days, the new covenant which he brings glorifies GOD In circumcising our hearts (the gift of the Holy Spirit), the writing of the law in our hearts, bringing along the rewards and promises made unto Abraham by God to both Jews and Gentiles, making them one before God; the real descendants of Abraham. It is by faith that we receive the promises, not by keeping Sabbath nor by being partakers of special holy days. Therefore God had already knew how he would bring all of us back to himself and make us His children; the true heirs, we relate to the scripture when it says "From now on you must must circumcise every baby boy when he is eight days old, including slaves born in your homes and slaves bought from foreigners. This will show that there is a covenant between you and me. Each one must be circumcised, and this will be a physical sign to show that my covenant with you is everlasting", In this covenant both Jews and Gentiles (foreigners) are all included in one house, as the inheritors of Gods promises. This is the covenant where all covenants reflect to, what I would call mother of all covenants (Genesis 17:1-14). Therefore now looking at the covenant that was later established by the Lord in Mount Sinai where the LORD says unto the nation of Israel "The people of Israel are to keep this day as a sign of the covenant. It is a permanent sign between the people of Israel and me, because I, the LORD, made the heaven and the earth in six days, and on the seventh day I stopped working and rested" (Exodus 31:16-17) in that covenant God established its terms, abiding to those terms that was how each person would be delivered to the land of Canaan, receive the rest that God spoke about, though most individuals never lived up to those terms many lost their lives and that was against Gods very own proclamations, he had to be true to what he had said to Abraham. In the book of Ezekiel God highlights how the house of Israel had broken his laws and terms to that agreement which he had established with them (Ezekiel 20:12-14). So for the Lord to show that in him has no lies, he send his very own Word with the new terms and better promises, then a new covenant was established. A covenant where the center of focus would be his only begotten son, the one whom a nation will be born; where by believing that he has risen God will breath his breath of life on you (which is the Holy Spirit) and make you his child. It is by believing in His resurrection that we are all receive the gift of the Holy Spirit, simply meaning we are not made righteous by keeping Sabbath but only by faith in Jesus. So most Sabbath keeping churches have shut the Holy Spirit outside because their center of focus is now on works instead of being in Jesus Christ, one who is able to send us the comforter who completes the whole church structure. Though there his nothing wrong with keeping Sabbath, the problem is that it must never be worshipped, all praise and honor must be given to the one whom it is due; which is the Lord Jesus the heavyweight champion, the defeater of death. The Adventist are of the common believe that it is by keeping Sabbath that people will be marked as Gods very own, that's umbilical and unscriptural because the Word of the Lord clearly indicates how we are all marked as Gods very own children "And you also become God's people when you heard the true message, the Good News that brought you salvation. You believed in Christ, and God put his stamp of ownership on you by giving you the Holy Spirit he had promised" (Ephesians 1:13)
    Jesus Christ is Lord even of the Sabbath, therefore we become justified by faith through Jesus not by doing what the law requires so as the keeping of the Sabbath justifies no man as apostle Paul relates "Knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law, but by the faith in Jesus Christ, even we have believed in Jesus Christ, that we might be justified in by the faith in Jesus Christ, and not by the works of the law; for by the works of the law shall no flesh be justified" (Galatians 2:16) and those who are led by the spirit are not subjected to the law, for the law is only for law breakers and criminals; Therefore the Holy Spirit gives us the passage to walk in righteousness, with the light exposing everything underneath your feet.
    Without the covenant, there's no worship and within the fully dominated Christian culture the ark of covenant has been lost, for without it there is no direction.

    • @gregkisinger4183
      @gregkisinger4183 5 лет назад +5

      The Sabbath was one of three things established in Eden with man(kind).

    • @blessed7927
      @blessed7927 5 лет назад +2

      Mandla Sithole Jesus and the New Testament states I have not given you a NEW command for it was given since the beginning- the Lord blessed people with the Holy Spirit and that enabled them to Desire Gods ways (dont kill, dont cove, honor God above all ect)
      Jesus himself said IF YOU LOVE ME KEEP MY COMMANDMENTS.
      You cannot turn from the very heart of Christ! Jesus is the law! We know only people running after God are his-
      Its not legalistic to enjoy Rest on Saturday! Its the best celebration of the most incredible display of love life miracles promise faith hope FRIENDSHIP I have ever witnessed!!!
      God is AWESOME... His beautiful laws are spoken of as the Law that gives LIBERTY!
      Psalm 119 is beautiful and obedience is a safe journey in a confused rebellious world.
      God is love. His word is sure. God bless everyone!

    • @calvinletigre7687
      @calvinletigre7687 5 лет назад +3

      OK let's kill each other and steal from other especially wife..... 😒 If you can be free from sabbath what will keep you from breaking the other nine laws? Since the then commandments are the base on which you be judge in the heavenly sanctuary it's safer to keep it but broad is the gate.....

  • @emsithole3242
    @emsithole3242 5 лет назад +1

    The Worship of the Lord is not determined by keeping Sabbath neither by going to church on Sunday, that is in the Old Testament which is the old covenant.
    In the new covenant the true worship of God is determined upon the gift of the Holy Spirit, who joins you together to the true church of God which is the Body of Christ.
    Lets follow Jesus only and leave all this human doctrines behind. Jesus is the Head of the Church his Body. Therefore follow his teachings alone.

    • @Marcus_Thomas_
      @Marcus_Thomas_ 5 лет назад +5

      You are in error with all due respect. The Bible tells us in Hebrew 10:16-17; *This is the covenant that I will make with them after those days, saith the Lord, I will put my laws into their hearts, and in their minds will I write them.*
      In fact God's "true church" as you stated are described as "keeping the commandments of God and having the faith, patience and testimony of Jesus Christ" (Revelation 14:12; Revelation 12:17 KJV).
      Keeping God's day of rest is not old testament, because it's obligation and sanctity is reinstated in the new covenant. I could speak more on this point but it will be to much, instead I'll leave you with this website dealing with your concerns: www.sabbathruth.com

    • @felixvecchiarelli6458
      @felixvecchiarelli6458 5 лет назад +6

      How do you follow Jesus without doctrine? Aren't doctrines the things we do because we follow Jesus? The practices of being a Christian?

    • @TheTania323
      @TheTania323 5 лет назад +6

      It always shocks me when persons put away the Old Testament as if it is not a part of the Bible God's Word.
      You either believe the entire book or you don't believe it. No where in the Bible were we told that we can choose the part of the bible we want to accept.

    • @jostocks1801
      @jostocks1801 4 года назад +3

      I was just about to mention the same exact thing you did, the New Covenant!mentioned in Hebrews was first mentioned in the book of Jeremiah, but of course this guy claims that we should just keep the new testament.lol
      This is why God spoke the ten commandments Himself audibly, and the fourth commandment begins with the word REMEMBER.
      Bc He knew there would be those who forgot.

    • @howardmartens6141
      @howardmartens6141 4 года назад +2

      In the new testament Jesus said ln John 14 v 15 "if you love me keep my commandments.