One very important thing I forgot to point out, the sensor ring has the black adhesive around it too! I removed it off camera and forgot to mention it. Once you get the sensor ring up, you’ll see 6 small dots similar to screw holes. This is very easy to miss and I originally did in the video myself, so make sure you see the 6 small holes before putting the sensor ring on. It’s a pain to remove, so remember to be patient and gentle, and not to point tweezers towards the sensor if you’re using them. :D
IMPORTANT note: The second layer of adhesive on the top skate is also present on the circular sensor skate. Make sure you take off the second layer of adhesive around the sensor too or your skates will be uneven.
this was very helpful. thank you so much, for years i have just been putting new mouse feet on top of my old ones. you are the first person that actually explained how it should be done correctly. thank you!
YOU Saved MY LIFE. I installed them and then immediately checked your video and found out that i forgot to remove the old black layers! Removed the new ones carefully, removed the old black layers and then reinstalled the new ones
Excellent video - really helped me greatly. It might seem like a simple concept, but many small things can go wrong and now I did it perfect thanks to you :)
This helped me out so much! When I intially did the process i didnt take the black adhesive off and the LOD was terrible. Thank you for this video, it works perfectly now!
This tutorial helped so much, I watched another that didn't say anything about the ptfe puck and I couldn't tell if I had to take the black adhesive off that as well, so thank you!!
I just wanted to say thanks. I just got my first ultraglides and was stumped as to why my mouse had this weird lag (you described as liftoff issue but never heard of that). Tried reddit, tried google, but you helped me find the problem. Luckily the new skates adhesive is sticking ok even after having to take them off that middle layer of adhesive.
Aw this helped. I had played valorant with the Ice feet on the black adhesive for 1-2hrs and I was like this feels off... but maybe its a placebo. THen i found this video and posted on MouseReview to confirm that I had put on the feet wrong. They do feel solid and more flat now. The middle part is unfortunately kind of scratchy cause of being uneven. Thanks for the video.
thanks a lot for this video, I didn't know I had to take the black things off aswell and I just wondered why is my mouse not movin smoothly, this video explained everything.
omg thanks for this video i thought i wasd going crazy for so long that my mouse sensor was faulty had zero clue there was another level of plastic i had to remove
A few tips... If there's sticky adhesive that won't come off, or comes off too slow, mineral spirits is way better to use. It'll turn hard to remove adhesive into easy to remove gel in a few seconds when left on (as in don't apply and immediately wipe off). THEN use alcohol to wipe off clean. One more tip. it's a good idea to keep a bottle of 99% Isopropyl Alcohol (IPA) around, it removes residue better and has less water which means it evaporates with less residue left behind. Comes in handy for many things electronic. I dropped my phone in water, completely submerged, (removed batt.) and immediately put it in container with 99%IPA (so phone was completely covered) and the IPA replaces the water. I put my phone up right for a minute to drain IPA and then flat in a warm place. This way I didn't have to worry about mist/condensation between the screens that you can't get to as it was the 99% IPA and evaporated without leaving water spots on the inside of the screen.
Spilled soda in my PC one time, 99% Isopropyl Alcohol saved me from having to buy a new GPU and motherboard. It completely saved the motherboard, however GPU was dead. Good thing was I was able to clean out my GPU well enough that they RMA'd it and replaced it because they couldn't tell there was liquid damage whiich is not covered in RMA's.
It's also worth to mention that salts and minerals from water is what conduct electricity the most, and if the residue is there, it might still break electronics. So besides soaking in IPA, it's good to actually flush out as much as you can. If you don't have IPA, you can do it with demineralized water, I saved my keyboard with it. Years later, it's still working perfectly.
Go ahead and ask me how many times I bought feet and not realizing the black layer of adhesive was preventing all of the feet from working properly 😂 thank you life saver
I didn't either and couldn't figure out why I was getting tracking issues as I just got an artisan mousepad as well so I thought it was a problem with the sensor reading the pad. After a short google and 1 set of core pads lost I figured it out and tracking is now perfect.
Thank you! 😃 and for the Superlight I’ve only tried corepads so far, but I’m deff gonna get some ice feet for it once lethal restocks them. But 90% of the time I prefer corepads it seems on all my mice.
Me: Why does my mouse feel weird and keeps losing tracking? *Watches this video* Me: Oh there's an extra sticker under the stock skates and now I feel like a moron.
It would be way easier to pull stock glides off by using a hairdryer for a minute (not at full heat ofc) since glue would warm up and liquefy a little, thus having less resistance towards physical action. Also about why you need to use wipes, most adhesives need defatted surface in order to stick to it, be it wood, plastic or any other material, and alcohol does exactly this, not only disinfecting surface, but also making it dry/defatted.
had massive lod issues with mine, removed the sticky stuff and saw screws. the big pad is waaaayyyy too thick and it's fine for a while but it starts to expand with heat etc
u need to stop apologizing !!!!! sall good :) other than that great video. would you reccomend the corepadz to someone who has never used a product like this before? are they worth it?
Yeah for sure :) corepads in my experience In comparison to the Tiger Arc 2s & Tiger Ice feet are a balance between speed and control with the TA2s being more control based, and the Ice being more speed based. I love corepads, I think you would too :)
@@W00DSHAP3R hyperglides are also like double/triple the price of corepads. Not worth it IMO, plus you have to wait a really long time to receive them depending on where you buy them. You’re of course welcomed to try which ever feet you wish :) good luck :D
When working near the sensor all you need to do is put the tip in about halfway through the skate then bend your tool sideways instead of continuing to push forward or lifting up with forward force. I used a razor blade, slid the tip in just a little under halfway then turned the blade on its side and it lifted enough to get my fingers under it to just peel it off. Never went anywhere near the sensor and didn't even have a chance of doing so.
Yep :) you’ll know it’s removed when you see screws on the inserts. For me, the regular GPWs feet came off in 1 peel with the black adhesive sticking to the layer on top of it.
this was a very helpful video. i just put pulsar superglides on my logitech G PRO X Superlight. made sure all surfaces of the application area was very flat. and the result: mouse creep. i used a level and my desk is out of level. so another task awaits 🤣🤣 [edit:] actually used an electronic level and the desk is definitely off of level.
One very important thing I forgot to point out, the sensor ring has the black adhesive around it too! I removed it off camera and forgot to mention it. Once you get the sensor ring up, you’ll see 6 small dots similar to screw holes. This is very easy to miss and I originally did in the video myself, so make sure you see the 6 small holes before putting the sensor ring on. It’s a pain to remove, so remember to be patient and gentle, and not to point tweezers towards the sensor if you’re using them. :D
Yo u gave me a lil heartattack when i took it off bc i thought i did something wrong 😂
Seince u didn’t put it in the video I wasted a sensor ring thanks! Should have put it in the vid otherwise good tutorial.
@@Braedennnn thats why i made this pinned comment, i didn't realize it until afterwards.
@@themouselady275 oooof I rarely go into the comments and there’s one above yours by donuts 95 it didn’t show up under the vid😓
@@Braedennnn no worries. I’ll likely make a new updated tutorial soon and will make sure I don’t miss that part. Sorry about your sensor ring!
No BS, straight to the point. Tells you what to do, what to watch out for.
Couldn't be better 11/10
IMPORTANT note: The second layer of adhesive on the top skate is also present on the circular sensor skate. Make sure you take off the second layer of adhesive around the sensor too or your skates will be uneven.
i have a pinned comment already about the sensor ring, thanks for the comment though incase someone misses it!
@@themouselady275 Oh my bad I completely missed that 😅😅😅😅
@@blxzing1201 no problem at all :D
this was very helpful. thank you so much, for years i have just been putting new mouse feet on top of my old ones. you are the first person that actually explained how it should be done correctly. thank you!
This tutorial was exactly what I needed! Thank you so much for taking the time to make it.
YOU Saved MY LIFE. I installed them and then immediately checked your video and found out that i forgot to remove the old black layers! Removed the new ones carefully, removed the old black layers and then reinstalled the new ones
Excellent video - really helped me greatly. It might seem like a simple concept, but many small things can go wrong and now I did it perfect thanks to you :)
thank you. Watching you do it give me the confidence.
This helped me out so much! When I intially did the process i didnt take the black adhesive off and the LOD was terrible. Thank you for this video, it works perfectly now!
My Superlight and Core pads come tomorrow can't wait to do this! Thanks for the link to that nylon tool I haven't been able to find it anywhere!
still helping people a year later, thank u!
This tutorial helped so much, I watched another that didn't say anything about the ptfe puck and I couldn't tell if I had to take the black adhesive off that as well, so thank you!!
Makes me happy to hear that it helped 😃 no problem, much love!
Thanks for the tip on the black foam adhesive! Although I messed up one of my corepad sets taking them off, my mouse feels so much better now.
Thank you for the heads up on the extra adhesive. The product i bought had two sets of skates so I re-installed. PHEW!
Your humour reminds me of a smarter, and female version of boardzy 😂
🤣 that’s wild , you’re the second person who has told me I remind them slightly of boardzy lately
@@themouselady275 wow 😂 do a collab with him maybe? For a funny skit review or smtg.
Hopefully not as filthy as boardzy
what humor?
The Second Layer thing is very helpful thank you! I just removed them to maintenance my mouse, and had to learn about that the hard way.
I just wanted to say thanks. I just got my first ultraglides and was stumped as to why my mouse had this weird lag (you described as liftoff issue but never heard of that). Tried reddit, tried google, but you helped me find the problem. Luckily the new skates adhesive is sticking ok even after having to take them off that middle layer of adhesive.
Great tutorial, precise and straightforward
This helped me so much, Thank you! The extra adhesive layer was bugging me so much.
glad it helped! :D
I just bought this mouse with corepadz and this helped a bunch!! Thanks!
Really well explained and most definitely helpful video, thank you heaps : D
Great job explaining how to install the corepads! Liked and watched all the way through and looking forward to the next stream 👀
Thank you :)
Followed this for my g pro wireless worked flawlessly thanks!
Aw this helped. I had played valorant with the Ice feet on the black adhesive for 1-2hrs and I was like this feels off... but maybe its a placebo. THen i found this video and posted on MouseReview to confirm that I had put on the feet wrong. They do feel solid and more flat now. The middle part is unfortunately kind of scratchy cause of being uneven. Thanks for the video.
thanks a lot for this video, I didn't know I had to take the black things off aswell and I just wondered why is my mouse not movin smoothly, this video explained everything.
omg thanks for this video i thought i wasd going crazy for so long that my mouse sensor was faulty had zero clue there was another level of plastic i had to remove
Thank god i watched this video before installing my skates, thanks
Just changed mine! thanks. Almost didnt realize the sensor had adhesive on it as well.
Good video, no need to apologize so often!
tells no bs, great video, thanks
I’m so glad I found this video 😭
A great upgrade
A few tips...
If there's sticky adhesive that won't come off, or comes off too slow, mineral spirits is way better to use. It'll turn hard to remove adhesive into easy to remove gel in a few seconds when left on (as in don't apply and immediately wipe off).
THEN use alcohol to wipe off clean.
One more tip. it's a good idea to keep a bottle of 99% Isopropyl Alcohol (IPA) around, it removes residue better and has less water which means it evaporates with less residue left behind. Comes in handy for many things electronic.
I dropped my phone in water, completely submerged, (removed batt.) and immediately put it in container with 99%IPA (so phone was completely covered) and the IPA replaces the water. I put my phone up right for a minute to drain IPA and then flat in a warm place. This way I didn't have to worry about mist/condensation between the screens that you can't get to as it was the 99% IPA and evaporated without leaving water spots on the inside of the screen.
Thanks for the tips. I just used the alcohol pad that came with the feet, but I’ll try 99% next time.
Spilled soda in my PC one time, 99% Isopropyl Alcohol saved me from having to buy a new GPU and motherboard. It completely saved the motherboard, however GPU was dead. Good thing was I was able to clean out my GPU well enough that they RMA'd it and replaced it because they couldn't tell there was liquid damage whiich is not covered in RMA's.
It's also worth to mention that salts and minerals from water is what conduct electricity the most, and if the residue is there, it might still break electronics. So besides soaking in IPA, it's good to actually flush out as much as you can. If you don't have IPA, you can do it with demineralized water, I saved my keyboard with it. Years later, it's still working perfectly.
I didnt know about the blach adhesive! thanks for telling me
Go ahead and ask me how many times I bought feet and not realizing the black layer of adhesive was preventing all of the feet from working properly 😂 thank you life saver
Hey thanks for this; just modded out my Burst Core and put some core pads on there!
Burst Core is amazing! Nice choice!
2024 here! THANK YOU SO MUCH!
was very helpful, thank you so much!
Well done, good instructions i followed your steps and they are installed perfectly 💯
had no fucking clue there was a second layer to my x superlight. appreciate the nice and easy how to
Of course! Glad it helped you!
I didn't either and couldn't figure out why I was getting tracking issues as I just got an artisan mousepad as well so I thought it was a problem with the sensor reading the pad. After a short google and 1 set of core pads lost I figured it out and tracking is now perfect.
Great tutorial, thank you.
Thank you for this!
Hey that was really good and to the point.
Ty fir the tutorial this still helps in 2024
Thank you, this really helped me out
Thanks, my superlight was having problems with the sensor due to the extra thickness
thank you, now i can have better slides, appreciate it!
Thank you, this video helped a lot :)
500 like is mine :D Great video! So looks like the main thing is to clean adhesive from the old skates...
Thank you for the help it was a great video and helped me do amazing
What are those keycaps that looks hot ngl
The keyboard on the left have the Gskill Crystal Crown keycaps in black, keeb on the right has Drop MT3 White on Black keycaps.
@@themouselady275 Thanks!
Thanks mouse lady
Thanks for an awesome video, i love the common sense thing ;)
so glad mine came worh 2 sets cause i’ve been having lift off distance problem
great video thank you
you forgot to remove the black layer around the sensor though
I removed it off camera, I forgot to mention that part. I’ll post a pinned comment. Thanks for pointing this out.
No problem❤️
I miss you
amazing, just put these on my g502, works like a charm with my 5 year old qck heavy :-)
great tutorial
great vid!
thanks bro this is fire
Video helped a lot! thx!!!
That's very informative.
Thanks this helped a lot!
Great video 😊
very useful thank you
So what's your favorite skates so far for the superlight. Great video btw :)
Thank you! 😃 and for the Superlight I’ve only tried corepads so far, but I’m deff gonna get some ice feet for it once lethal restocks them. But 90% of the time I prefer corepads it seems on all my mice.
I think it's also good advice to wash your hands before doing this so dust from your hands doesn't get on the adhesive
Me: Why does my mouse feel weird and keeps losing tracking?
*Watches this video*
Me: Oh there's an extra sticker under the stock skates and now I feel like a moron.
Thank you! :) Straight forward no timewaste.
thank you i was avery scared to do somthing wrong thank you
It would be way easier to pull stock glides off by using a hairdryer for a minute (not at full heat ofc) since glue would warm up and liquefy a little, thus having less resistance towards physical action. Also about why you need to use wipes, most adhesives need defatted surface in order to stick to it, be it wood, plastic or any other material, and alcohol does exactly this, not only disinfecting surface, but also making it dry/defatted.
didnt realise that second layer of adhesive, fumin
I love you man
Can I install the stock skates again if ever I don't like it.
had massive lod issues with mine, removed the sticky stuff and saw screws. the big pad is waaaayyyy too thick and it's fine for a while but it starts to expand with heat etc
thank you!
Girl you save my life with that video!! Thanks a loooottttt,I'm from Brazil by the way 🇧🇷🇧🇷
Is mouse feet replacement a thing? Should I worry about it?
Thank you so much :)
u need to stop apologizing !!!!! sall good :) other than that great video.
would you reccomend the corepadz to someone who has never used a product like this before? are they worth it?
Yeah for sure :) corepads in my experience In comparison to the Tiger Arc 2s & Tiger Ice feet are a balance between speed and control with the TA2s being more control based, and the Ice being more speed based. I love corepads, I think you would too :)
Hi lady, is the glide really better with this exchange?
10000000%. it's one of the best mods you can do to this mouse. the stock feet are just too thin.
@@themouselady275 I saw a video here on youtube changing to GPRO Hyperglides....maybe even better!
@@W00DSHAP3R hyperglides are also like double/triple the price of corepads. Not worth it IMO, plus you have to wait a really long time to receive them depending on where you buy them. You’re of course welcomed to try which ever feet you wish :) good luck :D
Ty a lot
Been playing for weeks with that second layer of adhesive on and been having tons of issues lmao new skates will be here tomorrow
Great tutorial
my son spilled soda on my brand new superlight and now even after cleaning it it still sticks when clicking. i tried cleaning it all
My mouse is brand new what's the point in replacing the feet?
I used toothpick for sensor part, made me less scared to scratch if i somehow messed up peeling away from sensor..
When working near the sensor all you need to do is put the tip in about halfway through the skate then bend your tool sideways instead of continuing to push forward or lifting up with forward force. I used a razor blade, slid the tip in just a little under halfway then turned the blade on its side and it lifted enough to get my fingers under it to just peel it off. Never went anywhere near the sensor and didn't even have a chance of doing so.
i cant get the protection film off one of the skates
Regular gpro wireless (first model) also have 2 layers of feets/plastic? Thanks.
Yep :) you’ll know it’s removed when you see screws on the inserts. For me, the regular GPWs feet came off in 1 peel with the black adhesive sticking to the layer on top of it.
@@themouselady275 Nice, greetz from Brazil!
what if I don't remove that second layer
would corepadz work on the new final mouse shoes coming out?
they will turn them into Heeley's!
Hyperglides for the gpro wireless are a bit high, sucks i can't tweak the lod..
this was a very helpful video. i just put pulsar superglides on my logitech G PRO X Superlight. made sure all surfaces of the application area was very flat. and the result: mouse creep. i used a level and my desk is out of level. so another task awaits 🤣🤣 [edit:] actually used an electronic level and the desk is definitely off of level.
Thank you
nice, thanks