Reminds me of something Chuck Jones's art teacher said, "You birds have a thousand bad drawings in you. Start getting rid of them now." Generally, you will most likely produce a lot of crap before you refine your skills. Heck, some of the most famous and successful people started out just screwing around with camera's or drawing pictures.
Ah, old shame fanfics and comics. I once made a comic about a superhero team that was part-Power Rangers, part-Justice League, with the weapons from TMNT, the ThunderCats signal light, animal-themed robots forming a Megazord, and a secondary helper robot based off of a Happy Meal toy. Oh, and the heroes had 2 alternate forms: one with black armor and gattling guns, and one gold invincible mode. And they were named after a random word Tim Curry said in a cartoon. I also made a Pokémon fanfic back when Gold/Silver had just come out in Japan, where the main character had a super speedy Zubat that defeated both a Gyarados and a Dragonite on separate occasions, a Blastoise piloting an Apache helicopter, the secondary character being experimented on and turned into not-Chimeramon, and the aliens from Independence Day invading Goldenrod City. Ah, to be young and stupid again.
Matthew Cavalier To be fair I started writing a series revolving around an extra-planar being trapped on Earth when I was twelve. Needless to say it started way less complicated and it's still going on to this day.
Matthew Cavalier Since we're all being honest, I made a self-insert series about a guy named Tom (GENIUS NAMING) who's half-demon half-angel who's all "edgy" and "angsty" and basically just has a world-ending power trip with every other paragraph. I also made an on-and-off villain that can shapeshift into your greatest fear and wears a lot of brown burlap (sound familiar?).
I'm in the process of writing a series of comics with an independent comic collective. We're currently illustrating issue 1 and looking back at my previous drafts and versions of this (there were 4 I believe), I can say I'm glad we took our time with this. If I published those early drafts, I wouldn't have been proud of it and it would've been easy fodder for your show. I have to admit, sometimes when writing the characters and stories, I have to ask myself "What would Linkara say?" or "Is this bad enough to burn on ATFW?" because really watching your videos has kind of given me an idea of what kind of problems plague comic books and as a first time comic writer I find that kind of opinion invaluable. Anyway good luck with the movie, keep up the awesome work and please tell me Lupa is reprising her role as Freddy Krueger in your recent videos.
I kind of admire Lightbringer for what it was... someone making something that was their own and doing what they love even if the execution was bad and trust me, art work for a comic is not easy, even with practice and training.
a better explaination for Spidey getting talons like wolverine: saying they're Spider fangs instead of something spiders would get after evolving. What? if Spidey gets webbing from his wrists instead of his ass, I think we can buy Spidey growing teeth from there too.
I love The Lightbringer. Yeah, it’s preachy and is mostly just shower arguments about philosophy, but someone just deciding to make a web comic series and DOING it despite their lack of art skills is kind of inspiring. Also it’s free to read, so that’s a plus.
I can relate to what you're getting at in the intro. in 2005, I started college, and it was after the summer of Star Wars Episode III. During that time, and the summer before, I got into watching Star Wars fan films on the internet, and it inspired me to do my own fan fiction. It was a trilogy of stories that took place between Episodes III & IV, and nowadays I sure that they were not as good as the cannon Star Wars stories that take place in that particular time period. Speaking of which, I love the Rebels TV series, and I got my ticket to see the advance screening of Rogue One next week.
Oh, and uh, I dunno why you felt bad for reviewing this: after all, your theme song does state to "Anyone who's had a bad comic published: it could be your turn!"
These kinds of comics remind me of the Shot on Shitteo films that Brad Jones does for Cinema Snob and makes himself. They're cheap stuff by amateurs-both a good thing (if the amateur has some genuine talent and imagination) and a bad thing (most of the time) Best part: "Pay no attention to the man with a book in his ass!" I feel the same way about people who put their tablets and phones in their back pockets. And, of course, the Khan reference "Oh crap spiders can't fly!"
From what I've read, the stingers are meant to be a side effect of a Spider Totem called "The Other." From what I've seen, unlike other Spider Totems in multiverse (everyone in the multiverse with Spider powers), the Other needs a host in order to interact with the world, and that host needs to already be a Spider Totem, like Peter or Kaine. But as to why the Other has stingers... You got me there.
"Being carless, we'll punish him by giving him a car, and then taking it away." Nah, that's too much effort. Just give him a job that requires him to travel ten miles to get to it.
Linkara illustrates why maybe parents should limit their children's online presence until they're old enough to know better. I too have done and published things I regret, as I'm sure all who have even a bit of creativity in this day and age have.
Well good to know I'm not the only one out there with Fan Fiction, self published novels, Pokemon RPG text, and poorly written angsty prose swimming around the internet waiting to bite me in the ass. Pokemon RPGs were pretty awesome though. Just sayin'. WHAT!?
+Paul Meekin Well... I'm over 19 and still writing fanfics, though I'm kinda ashamed of it and weep tears of blood whenever I see the stuff I wrote just one or two years ago. The angst and purple prose were real back then. After all, we all have to start somewhere.
This is by far my favorite episode of Atop The Fourth Wall. You know why? Because in my opinion, this is an episode where EVERY joke hits it right out of the ballpark. Objectively, he’s made better reviews, but to me, this is the episode I find myself coming back to the most.
Can I just say that you are awesome Linkara? I've been watching your stuff for about a week, and you are honestly one of the best comedians/reviewers I know. Keep up the good work
This actually looks cool to me. Sure, the art isn't great, but I'm a long time reader of Questionable Content and El Goonish Shive...both of which had less than spectacular artistic beginnings. The overall story for this one, though someone on the "done" side, is still one I could easily see adapting into a professional comic, or a good series/movie.
Given that there is a species of spider that is basically the missing link between spiders and scorpions (the whip Scorpion) that has a stinger-appendage, wouldn’t it have made more sense for it to have been an ancestral trait instead of something they get in the future? Then again, they probably didn’t research much did they?
I love how funnily enough years later Kaine Scarlet Spider actually has in-built stingers on he's costume that comes out of he's wirsts. I like that better on him than on regular Peter Spider-man.
Although I'm nowhere near as creative as you, Lewis, this does remind me of how I rediscovered a printout of a fan fic I wrote in High School. I say a printout because all digital copies of the stuff I wrote in High School have been lost. Probably for the best. Anyway my god was it shit. I couldn't believe I actually wrote that garbage.
Read Neal Shusterman's "Scorpion Shards" series. It's pretty similar to what you talk about here. The main characters have bizarre supernatural abilities that came from the soul of an exploded star, most of which are slowly killing them. If that was all, it would be fine, but he had to keep using the "we feel it in our souls" reason for anything they do. I couldn't even finish it.
I think it might have been this video that got me into watching Linkara's stuff back in the day. I know it was some time in 2012, and this is the earliest one I really remember.
8:04 There was a cool scene during the climactic battle in *Future War* on MST3K where the guy clearly takes off his shirt and Tom says, "My shirt was knocked off! It WAS knocked off I swear!" That would have been good there is all I'm saying.
See, other than plotholes, these types of 90's comics never work because there's no interesting personality/character arc or gimmick. Superman is about an alien trying to find a place on his adopted homeworld and being a god amongst mortal men, Batman is about fighting crime in order to make sure what happened to him as a kid doesn't happen to other people, Wonder Woman is the emissary between two peoples and the spirit of truth, and then BlackWeb is... A guy who gets caught in an explosion which he can't even prove was on purpose, gains superpowers from it, swears revenge, then ends up doing a bunch of nonsensical stuff that makes no sense. Basically, these 90's comics that were total fail like this were basically like taking all the wacky Silver Age hijinks, then adding blood, gore, and death to them. The GOOD comics, however, had more than that to offer.
"I don't think it would be fair for someone to review my webcomic." There goes my request to have a "Voice from the Dark" reunion and have the other reviews review "The Lightbringer."
hey linkara I wondering if you could tell me where I should start reading your LightBringer comic because I`m interested in reading it but I don't want to read right from the begging because well like you said it sucks in the begging. No Offence
Don't most disposable syringes come with caps? Also, if you don't cap them, don't the contents slowly drip out? I mean, assuming you store them tip down. But storing uncapped syringes point up, or even to the side seems KIND OF dangerous.
Ok I have seen this episode numerous Times but just now I realize something. Did Linksano say "Frankenstein isnt real... yet"? Does he intend to make a Frankenstein Monster? Is it going to become a character on the show? You could really use him, the Ninja style Dancer does know how to Fight, I guess, and Pyramid Head in the PokeBall is indeed dangerous but nothing surpasses the Brawn of reanimated Bodyparts stitched back together as a new Patchwork Monster!
***** Go for it. Technically we can't be sure about a lot that happened in his life. For all we know that could have been his nickname a few decades before the book.
No, Linkara. They weren't trying to turn Spidey into Wolverine. They were trying to turn him into Ezio Auditore! Also, NEVER TAKE THOSE BOOKS OFF THE MARKET. Leave them so that you never make that same mistake again.
My interest was piqued when you mentioned having self-published novels at an early age. I decided to look it up and discovered they can still be purchased on Amazon. That's kinda cool, imo. A footprint left in the sands of the internet. "About the author" says you play(ed) violin. Never knew that-- do you still?
Would you ever do or have you ever done a "Black Comics History Month" event? Even if it were just a list of GOOD comics with African American main characters on your site, PSA comics, or even the comic equivalent of blaxploitation?
I imagine that's the case with most creative people. Their early work is probably not their best and is probably stuff they'd rather keep out of the public's eye. I remember writing a really shitty fan fic in High School and rediscovering it a few years later. Dear lord was it garbage. I still have a hard copy of it somewhere, but I'd rather forget about it.
I will never stop wondering what science Pete majored in. Biology? Chemistry? Engineering? Physics? Computer? Political? Mystery? Weird? Mad? Pseudo? The world may never know.
@@AT4W In the animated series, he had a pretty fantastic grasp of all sciences he encountered, which I actually bought considering that Peter Parker was a seemingly perpetual college student on par with the protagonist in "The Librarian". While I have you on the perverbial hook about the webhead, what's your opinion on "Spiderman: Blue"?
Am I the only one who noticed that Dr. Derek said there were twelve syringes on the table, but when it shows him on the floor after they were blown into him, that there are now seventeen?
Y'know, that whole 'bragging about making a bomb' thing seems far-fetched and stupid until you realize how many people went on Facebook and Twitter posting pictures of themselves committing sedition and insurrection in the Capitol on Jan 6 2021.
+Commander Awesome I didn't have time to devote to it anymore, so I stopped it and released it to the public domain for others to do with as they please.
ya'know i wouldn't mind Linkara reviewing my first comic (if i ever stop being a lazy sack and actually make it) But alas, Linkara senpai will never notice me
Reminds me of something Chuck Jones's art teacher said, "You birds have a thousand bad drawings in you. Start getting rid of them now."
Generally, you will most likely produce a lot of crap before you refine your skills. Heck, some of the most famous and successful people started out just screwing around with camera's or drawing pictures.
They say revenge is a dish best served cold, they also say revenge is sweet so if both are true then revenge must be...
No wonder it hurts my mouth, head, and chest if i eat it too fast.
Ah, old shame fanfics and comics. I once made a comic about a superhero team that was part-Power Rangers, part-Justice League, with the weapons from TMNT, the ThunderCats signal light, animal-themed robots forming a Megazord, and a secondary helper robot based off of a Happy Meal toy. Oh, and the heroes had 2 alternate forms: one with black armor and gattling guns, and one gold invincible mode. And they were named after a random word Tim Curry said in a cartoon.
I also made a Pokémon fanfic back when Gold/Silver had just come out in Japan, where the main character had a super speedy Zubat that defeated both a Gyarados and a Dragonite on separate occasions, a Blastoise piloting an Apache helicopter, the secondary character being experimented on and turned into not-Chimeramon, and the aliens from Independence Day invading Goldenrod City.
Ah, to be young and stupid again.
Are you sure this wasn't an acid trip? Lol
Does sound kinda awesome though XD
It's called being 15 with a very active imagination.
Matthew Cavalier To be fair I started writing a series revolving around an extra-planar being trapped on Earth when I was twelve. Needless to say it started way less complicated and it's still going on to this day.
Matthew Cavalier i kinda want to read the later one it sound's so bad it's awesome.
Matthew Cavalier Since we're all being honest, I made a self-insert series about a guy named Tom (GENIUS NAMING) who's half-demon half-angel who's all "edgy" and "angsty" and basically just has a world-ending power trip with every other paragraph. I also made an on-and-off villain that can shapeshift into your greatest fear and wears a lot of brown burlap (sound familiar?).
Luckily for the world at large *my* writing that I did as a kid and a teenager are on paper not the internet.
i hear ya, mate.
I'm in the process of writing a series of comics with an independent comic collective. We're currently illustrating issue 1 and looking back at my previous drafts and versions of this (there were 4 I believe), I can say I'm glad we took our time with this. If I published those early drafts, I wouldn't have been proud of it and it would've been easy fodder for your show. I have to admit, sometimes when writing the characters and stories, I have to ask myself "What would Linkara say?" or "Is this bad enough to burn on ATFW?" because really watching your videos has kind of given me an idea of what kind of problems plague comic books and as a first time comic writer I find that kind of opinion invaluable. Anyway good luck with the movie, keep up the awesome work and please tell me Lupa is reprising her role as Freddy Krueger in your recent videos.
+Dr. Penguinstein LOL, unfortunately she is not. XD
@@AT4W Awww.
I kind of admire Lightbringer for what it was... someone making something that was their own and doing what they love even if the execution was bad and trust me, art work for a comic is not easy, even with practice and training.
my favorite joke in this episode is "Holy crap SPIDER'S CAN'T FLY"
DarkFantasyGamerHD But what the power of the I Am a MAN!!! Punch? It can apparently punch and grab anything from anywhere!
Love that one!
a better explaination for Spidey getting talons like wolverine: saying they're Spider fangs instead of something spiders would get after evolving. What? if Spidey gets webbing from his wrists instead of his ass, I think we can buy Spidey growing teeth from there too.
DarksideEXE That or the stingers came from DNA of an insect the spider drank before biting Peter.
Peter: my body is a biological nightmare
some spiders do have claw or stinger like appendages in their legs though
Or we just Say one of the cosmic level characters is f****** with Peter because it's funny funny
Frankenstein isn't real...yet.
I have a job to do.
+Zeromus22 Dude if you need an Igor send me an aplication Lol
Kit Pedler and Gerry Davis warned me about you.
Frank 'en Bill
i will throw at you my money as long as my brain will be used in a high success rate procedure XD
This review has one of the best "I AM A MAN" jokes that I have ever seen so far.
Maybe you can explain it to me then as I dont get it....did he punch the 4th wall??
No He's Atop the 4th Wall, he punched the Camera
Spidacious is officially my new word for "Awesome"
I am so glad I didn't have private internet access until I was 17.
Just the thought of old fanfics and novels getting onto the internet....**shivers**
Welp, looks like "spidacious" is going into my personal lexicon.
Tortoiseshel I'm half surprised this is the book that coined the word and not a Clone Saga story.
I will call the monster from Frankenstein, Mr. Bubbles von Lobster-Whale!
I love The Lightbringer. Yeah, it’s preachy and is mostly just shower arguments about philosophy, but someone just deciding to make a web comic series and DOING it despite their lack of art skills is kind of inspiring. Also it’s free to read, so that’s a plus.
Wait a second. Spider venom straight up mutated him into a monster? Oh dear Lord, he's a Bionicle Hordika.
I can relate to what you're getting at in the intro. in 2005, I started college, and it was after the summer of Star Wars Episode III. During that time, and the summer before, I got into watching Star Wars fan films on the internet, and it inspired me to do my own fan fiction. It was a trilogy of stories that took place between Episodes III & IV, and nowadays I sure that they were not as good as the cannon Star Wars stories that take place in that particular time period. Speaking of which, I love the Rebels TV series, and I got my ticket to see the advance screening of Rogue One next week.
Oh, and uh, I dunno why you felt bad for reviewing this: after all, your theme song does state to "Anyone who's had a bad comic published: it could be your turn!"
These kinds of comics remind me of the Shot on Shitteo films that Brad Jones does for Cinema Snob and makes himself. They're cheap stuff by amateurs-both a good thing (if the amateur has some genuine talent and imagination) and a bad thing (most of the time)
Best part: "Pay no attention to the man with a book in his ass!" I feel the same way about people who put their tablets and phones in their back pockets.
And, of course, the Khan reference
"Oh crap spiders can't fly!"
From what I've read, the stingers are meant to be a side effect of a Spider Totem called "The Other." From what I've seen, unlike other Spider Totems in multiverse (everyone in the multiverse with Spider powers), the Other needs a host in order to interact with the world, and that host needs to already be a Spider Totem, like Peter or Kaine. But as to why the Other has stingers... You got me there.
because Stingers are cool, thats why!
I'm actually surprised that in the 90s it wasn't retitled SPIDACIOUS SPIDERMAN
"Being carless, we'll punish him by giving him a car, and then taking it away."
Nah, that's too much effort. Just give him a job that requires him to travel ten miles to get to it.
So he got the reference guy murdered,
choked out a police guard, got said police guard killed, got a whole building blown up… how heroic.
Linkara illustrates why maybe parents should limit their children's online presence until they're old enough to know better. I too have done and published things I regret, as I'm sure all who have even a bit of creativity in this day and age have.
Fun Fact the story Neil Gaiman wrote for his first grade class was Coraline
Well good to know I'm not the only one out there with Fan Fiction, self published novels, Pokemon RPG text, and poorly written angsty prose swimming around the internet waiting to bite me in the ass.
Pokemon RPGs were pretty awesome though.
Just sayin'.
+Paul Meekin Well... I'm over 19 and still writing fanfics, though I'm kinda ashamed of it and weep tears of blood whenever I see the stuff I wrote just one or two years ago. The angst and purple prose were real back then.
After all, we all have to start somewhere.
This is by far my favorite episode of Atop The Fourth Wall. You know why? Because in my opinion, this is an episode where EVERY joke hits it right out of the ballpark. Objectively, he’s made better reviews, but to me, this is the episode I find myself coming back to the most.
Can I just say that you are awesome Linkara? I've been watching your stuff for about a week, and you are honestly one of the best comedians/reviewers I know. Keep up the good work
This actually looks cool to me. Sure, the art isn't great, but I'm a long time reader of Questionable Content and El Goonish Shive...both of which had less than spectacular artistic beginnings. The overall story for this one, though someone on the "done" side, is still one I could easily see adapting into a professional comic, or a good series/movie.
Still a reader of those two? These run more than the Energizer Bunny.
Given that there is a species of spider that is basically the missing link between spiders and scorpions (the whip Scorpion) that has a stinger-appendage, wouldn’t it have made more sense for it to have been an ancestral trait instead of something they get in the future?
Then again, they probably didn’t research much did they?
Loving these Linksano segments
I love how funnily enough years later Kaine Scarlet Spider actually has in-built stingers on he's costume that comes out of he's wirsts.
I like that better on him than on regular Peter Spider-man.
Although I'm nowhere near as creative as you, Lewis, this does remind me of how I rediscovered a printout of a fan fic I wrote in High School. I say a printout because all digital copies of the stuff I wrote in High School have been lost. Probably for the best. Anyway my god was it shit. I couldn't believe I actually wrote that garbage.
Best "I am a MAN" you've done
Must...narrate myself.
I think we all have regret over maximum cringe things we did as kids and want to travel through time to punch ourselves before the things happened.
"Pay no attention to the man with a book in his ass" That just sounds like an outcome of a fight between two dueling novelists
"Million to one shot, doc. Million to one..."
Well, that was...Spidacious...
Read Neal Shusterman's "Scorpion Shards" series. It's pretty similar to what you talk about here. The main characters have bizarre supernatural abilities that came from the soul of an exploded star, most of which are slowly killing them. If that was all, it would be fine, but he had to keep using the "we feel it in our souls" reason for anything they do. I couldn't even finish it.
Joseph Schmoeson His other works from what I’ve read is pretty solid. I would recommend Everlost and Unwind.
I think it might have been this video that got me into watching Linkara's stuff back in the day. I know it was some time in 2012, and this is the earliest one I really remember.
In an episode of Bobshaux I noticed he actually has an alternate cover version of this comic on his wall!
8:04 There was a cool scene during the climactic battle in *Future War* on MST3K where the guy clearly takes off his shirt and Tom says, "My shirt was knocked off! It WAS knocked off I swear!" That would have been good there is all I'm saying.
The clichéd detective looks like Harvey Bullock
15:39 5. In some adaptations, the mob does go after the doctor as well.
So they turned Parker into an assassin
So would this character be available to actually re work and bring back cause I like the costume concept
I hope issue 2 will be done this year, since it's all about follow ups
Canon: Linkara is un-radical-acious.
You gotta work at that so you can be radical-tubular-some. Like logs.
0:30 That's because it is the best thing ever! Really sad it hasn't updated in awhile...
See, other than plotholes, these types of 90's comics never work because there's no interesting personality/character arc or gimmick. Superman is about an alien trying to find a place on his adopted homeworld and being a god amongst mortal men, Batman is about fighting crime in order to make sure what happened to him as a kid doesn't happen to other people, Wonder Woman is the emissary between two peoples and the spirit of truth, and then BlackWeb is... A guy who gets caught in an explosion which he can't even prove was on purpose, gains superpowers from it, swears revenge, then ends up doing a bunch of nonsensical stuff that makes no sense.
Basically, these 90's comics that were total fail like this were basically like taking all the wacky Silver Age hijinks, then adding blood, gore, and death to them. The GOOD comics, however, had more than that to offer.
"I don't think it would be fair for someone to review my webcomic." There goes my request to have a "Voice from the Dark" reunion and have the other reviews review "The Lightbringer."
2:41 if for some reason you want to skip the disclaimer
i can't seem to find evidence for black web #2 anywhere.
hey linkara I wondering if you could tell me where I should start reading your LightBringer comic because I`m interested in reading it but I don't want to read right from the begging because well like you said it sucks in the begging. No Offence
"Unradicalaceous"? Ooh, burn!
Don't most disposable syringes come with caps? Also, if you don't cap them, don't the contents slowly drip out? I mean, assuming you store them tip down. But storing uncapped syringes point up, or even to the side seems KIND OF dangerous.
Ok I have seen this episode numerous Times but just now I realize something. Did Linksano say "Frankenstein isnt real... yet"? Does he intend to make a Frankenstein Monster? Is it going to become a character on the show? You could really use him, the Ninja style Dancer does know how to Fight, I guess, and Pyramid Head in the PokeBall is indeed dangerous but nothing surpasses the Brawn of reanimated Bodyparts stitched back together as a new Patchwork Monster!
I somehow completely forgot about that camera gag. lol. that is now one of my favorite jokes from this show...
Following linksano's logic, should I start calling Dracula "Captain Sparklefarts?" XD
***** Go for it. Technically we can't be sure about a lot that happened in his life. For all we know that could have been his nickname a few decades before the book.
Black Web looks like a combination of Colossus (Marvel) and The Tarantula (Marvel).
'12 syringes on the table'. I counted 12+ that were blown into the guy...
I think the stinger thing is based on the fact some slides shoot poison hairs
Hey! That's the lamp that Linkara would eventually review! 15:06
No, Linkara. They weren't trying to turn Spidey into Wolverine. They were trying to turn him into Ezio Auditore!
Also, NEVER TAKE THOSE BOOKS OFF THE MARKET. Leave them so that you never make that same mistake again.
The only spider I ever heard of with a stinger doesn't exist, and is a complete work of fiction.
Shelob from "Lord of the Rings".
Don't syringes have caps on them?, those have to be some strong needles.
I wonder if 90s Kid and Jay (Jay and Silent Bob) would hit it off.
Wow, didn't realize you did Lightbringer. I really like that webcomic.
My interest was piqued when you mentioned having self-published novels at an early age. I decided to look it up and discovered they can still be purchased on Amazon. That's kinda cool, imo. A footprint left in the sands of the internet.
"About the author" says you play(ed) violin. Never knew that-- do you still?
Winter Steele Not really, pretty much stopped after high school. I also reeeaally need to take them off the market. XD
Linkara-AtopTheFourthWall don't take them off, someone might actually like them
10 years of black web.
If you're right about this being someone's old shame, it'd be interesting to see where they are now, what they went on to create.
10:07-10:09 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣
Which MST3K Episode features the "Space is Warped and Time is Bendable" quote? I've been looking for it all over the place :)
+Potatobombkyle Lego Productions "The She Creature," from season 8. ^_^
+Linkara-AtopTheFourthWall K, thanks! :)
Would you ever do or have you ever done a "Black Comics History Month" event? Even if it were just a list of GOOD comics with African American main characters on your site, PSA comics, or even the comic equivalent of blaxploitation?
honestly, I kinda of prefer 'stinger Spider-Man'. you know, with the stingers on the back of the hand and not on the forearm.
I imagine that's the case with most creative people. Their early work is probably not their best and is probably stuff they'd rather keep out of the public's eye. I remember writing a really shitty fan fic in High School and rediscovering it a few years later. Dear lord was it garbage. I still have a hard copy of it somewhere, but I'd rather forget about it.
I will never stop wondering what science Pete majored in. Biology? Chemistry? Engineering? Physics? Computer? Political? Mystery? Weird? Mad? Pseudo?
The world may never know.
In the animated series, it seemed to be Physics, with maybe a side order of Biology or Chemistry because of his creation of the web fluid.
@@AT4W In the animated series, he had a pretty fantastic grasp of all sciences he encountered, which I actually bought considering that Peter Parker was a seemingly perpetual college student on par with the protagonist in "The Librarian". While I have you on the perverbial hook about the webhead, what's your opinion on "Spiderman: Blue"?
Black Web 2 when?
Am I the only one who noticed that Dr. Derek said there were twelve syringes on the table, but when it shows him on the floor after they were blown into him, that there are now seventeen?
i just realized that blackwebs origin is similar to darkman's
Maybe it is a reference to Scorpions are they not Arachnids?
So....where can we find that fan fiction, Linkara?
TheAwesomeHyperon look up "Sailor Moon T"
Spiderman gets that power when near magic.
26:26 Wait a minute... that's not the "Y" pose! PRAISE THE SUN!
Y'know, that whole 'bragging about making a bomb' thing seems far-fetched and stupid until you realize how many people went on Facebook and Twitter posting pictures of themselves committing sedition and insurrection in the Capitol on Jan 6 2021.
Oh come on, they introduce a supervillain but he gets killed in like, the same page without us getting to know if he had any powers?
Oh, THIS was the episode that had my favorite "I AM A *MAN!*" gag! I was wondering which one it was from.
That thing looks less like ET and more like the alien from one of the Turkish rip-offs the Cinema Snob looked at.
Whatever happen to Lightbringer
+Commander Awesome I didn't have time to devote to it anymore, so I stopped it and released it to the public domain for others to do with as they please.
I have an idea for a review. You should review Lightbringer
Hey, if you ever review another video game or game-themed comic, have Linksano review the Portal games or the Portal comic book
Holofoil: I wonder what com-Oooo shiny!
Dr. Derek? Angela? Where's the hook-handed surgeon with Alzheimer's who constantly talks about cranberries?
Leanne Who? I don't get it
Gaby George it’s a game grumps reference
ya'know i wouldn't mind Linkara reviewing my first comic (if i ever stop being a lazy sack and actually make it)
But alas, Linkara senpai will never notice me
4. The Doctor is the real monster in the story anyway
pokemon, angelfire, porn. Is he talking about pokegirls?
How about calling Frankenstein's creation Jr?
Anyone think ghis hero looks like rai
Did the people who wrote this go on to make anything else?
Didn't mention the.... um... well, you know.