Noam Chomsky - Global Hegemony: the Facts, the Images, April 20, 2011.

  • Опубликовано: 28 сен 2024

Комментарии • 264

  • @LasArmas_
    @LasArmas_ 2 года назад +2

    Thank you Noam

  • @niccolom4556
    @niccolom4556 10 лет назад +32

    There needs to be a legitimate, respectable, new political party where people have some say in American foreign policy and military spending.
    Our current two-party system is a farce.

    • @niccolom4556
      @niccolom4556 10 лет назад +1

      White people don't need to be the majority race in any country because whether they are or not, the ruling 1% is white. There is no cultural threat here towards white people. And you can't expect other races not to come to white countries when those said white countries militarily occupy peripheral territories which causes diaspora in the first place. Displacement in the first place occurs because of occupation.

    • @herzwatithink9289
      @herzwatithink9289 10 лет назад

      Mockavel Velli Jews and capitalists don't tell China, Japan, Saudi Arabia, Israel etc. that they should welcome tens of millions of racial aliens into their lands for the cause of "diversity", and that it's okay because "your (so-called) elites are still indigenous."
      Who is Sweden "occupying"? Who is Iceland "occupying"? Who is Ireland "occupying"?
      China is "occupying" large swathes of Africa right now! Does this mean they should accept tens of millions of Africans into China? How does that work? Do you know how Africans get treated in China?
      Why are Jews and capitalists shipping in tens of millions of race aliens into places like Sweden, Iceland, Ireland, but not demanding the same of China, which is a real global imperial power? Is it because they are simply bullies?
      There are 1.5 billion Han Chinese in China. There are 7.5 million *real* Swedes in Sweden. If you want a "diverse world", why would you target Sweden for demographic destruction? Do you hate blondes? Do you hate Whites in general? There are 200 times more Han Chinese than Swedes. Why not target them?
      What if British people don't want to be saddled with millions of race aliens? Shouldn't White British people have a say in who lives in their country? Why should it be up to an "elite"?
      *Are you an elitist*?
      75% of White British genetics go back to ice age founders 12,000 years ago. Modern Japanese have only been around for 2,500 years (they were originally a Chinese elite). Japan is 99% modern Japanese. Yet you won't try to impose your twisted "rainbow nation" fantasy on them.
      Your "immigration" is an *anti-White scam*.
      Are you sure the so-called elites in the Western world really are all that "white"?
      In the UK, British prime minister David Cameron has Jewish ancestry. He said that, "my values are Jewish values." The leader of the opposition, Ed Miliband, is a full Jew. Jews are over-represented EIGHT times within the British parliament, and massively within the political and economic spheres generally.
      Noam Chomsky is a Jew. Yet will he talk about how the last three chairmen of the United States Federal Reserve have all been Jews? What makes Jews specifically qualified for such a role? Do you believe Jews are the "master race"? Does he? If left to probability alone, the Jewish hat trick would be 1 in 100,000!

    • @niccolom4556
      @niccolom4556 10 лет назад +3

      Jews, W.A.S.P.'s and mixed Jewish WASP Capitalists don't need to "tell China, Japan, Israel" to accept foreigners because they are already there. What do you think capitalism is? It causes a hierarchy of labor siphoned from other countries?
      Richer countries want cheap labor, where else to get it than countries exploited under Imperial capitalism? And yes, there are Africans in China? Do you know how migrant workers are treated ANYWHERE?
      That's workers rights issues and issues concerning capitalism in general duh?
      By the way, Jews and Capitalists are pretty much intermingled now. Who do you think owns the banks lol. And all the elite English/German people are also mixed with Jews now. It's a partnership whether you like it or not. Immigration? Get all the Western military out of other countries before you start complaining about immigration. Sweden? If you think white countries like Sweden don't benefit in general from anything the U.K and Western Europe and the U.N. backs and does, you're sorely mistaken. Western European/American hegemony doesn't only help countries that are LITERALLY occupying other countries, it benefits every white country within that system. So having those immigrants is a natural symptom of choosing to exploit cheaper labor, period.
      it would be funny to see Swedish people do all those dirty, lowly jobs if you don't want to respect the foreigners that do it.

    • @herzwatithink9289
      @herzwatithink9289 10 лет назад

      ***** Don't waste my time, Jewish supremacist.

    • @herzwatithink9289
      @herzwatithink9289 10 лет назад

      Mockavel Velli Your labour theory stuff is antiquated and reactionary.
      I know that migrant workers get treated a hell of a lot better in Europe than they do in China. Do you have a point?
      Jews (by which I mean organized Jewry) have shown themselves consistently throughout the last century to have little if any loyalty to White ethnic interests. Because it conflicted with their (leaders) presumed interests. Put simply, sans Jews, the demographic displacement of Whites every place Whites live wouldn't be happening.
      Stamp your feet all you want, you know it's true.
      No, I don't know who "owns" the banks. I do know it's mostly white Gentiles running them. And I know it's the same case with the corporations.
      At the same time I do know that Jews are *massively* over-represented within "capitalism". 10% of the world's dollar billionaires are Jews, a group which accounts for only 0.25% of global population. Over 50% of the world's hedgefund billionaires are Jews (21 out of 36 as of the beginning of 2012).
      Simple and widely understood facts fact I've yet to hear Chomsky mention. _Why is that_? Because it would conflict with his age-old Jewish messiah complex?
      If you think that's a simple "quirk of fate", good for you.
      And all the while Jews continue to be the most privileged group *every* place they live these political prostitutes are continually banging on about "white privilege" and "white racism". They're white when it suits them, not white (to the point of cartoon-like anti-white) when that's assumed to advance their interests. Chameleons. To be shunned.
      "It would be funny to see Swedish people do all those dirty, lowly jobs if you don't want to respect the foreigners that do it."
      Pathetic. That's just you projecting. Am I right, Gene Simmons?

  • @scholar1972
    @scholar1972 11 лет назад +4

    To me Chomsky is the man.

  • @Leibinz
    @Leibinz 13 лет назад

    We need Chomsky more than ever.

  • @phlidd
    @phlidd 11 лет назад +13

    Chomsky is like the north star, you can navigate your ship by him.

  • @gamerknown
    @gamerknown 13 лет назад +1

    Even if one disagrees with his views, it must be remarkable seeing someone that can recall so many verifiable arcane historical facts with such ease.

  • @itmyowninvention
    @itmyowninvention 11 лет назад

    thank you

  • @darkanser
    @darkanser 11 лет назад +3

    Getting back to your question, I mentioned that I liked reading Noam Chomsky's books. But I concede a lot of people don't read. And if can't reach those non-readers with audiovisuals, what hope is there?

  • @408Magenta
    @408Magenta 11 лет назад

    As Norman Finkelstein says, Noam is one of the world's greatest mind!!

  • @ehssannajmolhoda2065
    @ehssannajmolhoda2065 10 лет назад +2

    thanks for sharing!
    I think the big problem is that no one want to change the problems. because if someone chooses to act, he will see have consequences like loosing job, becoming financial problems and more pressure than he can handle. many people knew whats happening but don't act in the way that is needed...

    • @hamzehamer4921
      @hamzehamer4921 Год назад

      Adam smith stole the work of. Tunisian economist name ibn khaldoun مذكرات ابن خلدون back in the 12 th century then Adam smith claimed it’s his
      Work after a couple hundred years like Arabic numbers 123456789 and 0 all inventions of Arabs
      All the bull shit came from the people who distorted history

  • @itmyowninvention
    @itmyowninvention 11 лет назад

    thank you for sharing your insights. This may be the only civilized discussion I have encountered on youtube, haha.

  • @AlexioGessaARTBYLEX
    @AlexioGessaARTBYLEX 12 лет назад

    I'm such a fan of his. I wonder if he's going to be in the New York area ever. Id love to see him

  • @rp7o333
    @rp7o333 13 лет назад +1

    An excellent lecture so far. It's funny, I just came here from watching videos about ever bigger dinosaurs wiping each other out, age upon age...really the same topic in the end. Thanks for a very enjoyable listen!

  • @kundalinipsych
    @kundalinipsych 12 лет назад +1

    Very interesting stuff; I appreciate it.

  • @gregorycarr2365
    @gregorycarr2365 10 лет назад +14

    Noam Chomsky, Chris Hedges, Norman Finkelstein, Chris Hitchens, Richard Dawkins......5 men who have the courage to see (and speak) the truth. Where's the rest of them????

    • @paullewis3419
      @paullewis3419 10 лет назад +9

      Chomsky is a giant.

    • @anarchybruh978
      @anarchybruh978 9 лет назад +12

      Chomsky and Dawkins? Lmao fucking moron. Dawkins supports state violence against religious minoroties and promotes anti Muslim bigotry. Ask Chomsky what he thought of hitchens and his clique lol

  • @DavidWicked
    @DavidWicked 10 лет назад +6

    This lecture was given on 4/20

  • @bizakis9
    @bizakis9 13 лет назад

    I love you Noam Chomsky.. I only wish you were advising President Obama.. Thank you for your work with Politics and for Children..

  • @DivisionbyZer0
    @DivisionbyZer0 11 лет назад

    Yes and Lippmann scholars have responded to Chomsky on this one. They got the same impression that you did.

  • @dEllDIIb
    @dEllDIIb 12 лет назад

    I never thought about the universe, it made me feel small. I never thought about the problems of this planet at all...

  • @eckiuME23
    @eckiuME23 2 года назад

    47:19 "p-r-o-f-i-t-s, the way that word is pronounced is jobs". Jajajaj what a legend.

  • @gulbirk
    @gulbirk 12 лет назад

    his point about privitasation is frikin spot on. Start by making the public companies worse,by for example de-funding or half privitisation (meaning that you make them into stock companies where the state owns 51% of the stocks), and sure enough, it will fail and people will demand a further privitisation.

  • @NoEcologyNoEconomy
    @NoEcologyNoEconomy 12 лет назад

    A lot of what's happening in this recession is due to the global peaking of oil production, not just financial trickery. The economy can't keep trying to outgrow the limits of nature.

  • @spinningthirdeye
    @spinningthirdeye 12 лет назад

    Noam is describing the Scott Walker administration to a tee.

  • @crushsatan
    @crushsatan 11 лет назад

    I agree with his view that there is no reason Social Security should be "in trouble" as they say every day on the news; not when it comes out of our paychecks, and so many people depend on it.How can you have a tax deducted for years, and then when you get old it's been reallocated, possibly for the military, or to bail a bank out?

  • @theguitarczar
    @theguitarczar 13 лет назад

    It happened because we allowed it. People have to refuse to work or do business with these companies who perpetrated this fraud and in-our-faces theft.

  • @jonfenick3818
    @jonfenick3818 11 лет назад

    Difficult to understand,or rather comprehend,if one is truly human " ie" have any altruistic tendencies at all,(,which for me personally entails that the act of kindness is ultimately an act of survival) that there are great numbers of us that are incapable of compassion and even hostile to the point of eliminating those of us who are.

  • @MrHenreee
    @MrHenreee 5 лет назад

    Anyone have a link to the Senate vote study?

  • @degas5000
    @degas5000 12 лет назад

    I've noticed there's usually hints of humor, and irony, in his talks but 47:16 he straight up drops a joke... first time i've ever seen that I think, haha!

  • @fleebenworth
    @fleebenworth 12 лет назад

    @Strefanasha Ipods don't put food on the table. Electronics are cheap, it's food that people cannot afford. Just because you and your friends aren't suffering doesn't mean that a lot of people aren't already in the streets.

  • @flugtager
    @flugtager 13 лет назад

    @theloksh "Wealth of Nations" being a small historical gossip is an interesting perspective.

  • @honour123
    @honour123 12 лет назад

    if you have followers who condem persons that disagree with this so call intellectual as "hitler" i dont want any part of your world .
    this man is a linguist any ways. what qualifications does he have for economics or politiical science.

  • @kentallard8852
    @kentallard8852 12 лет назад

    and they've been doing it for ~20 years where as we've been doing it since the Industrial Revolution
    so whose output would be whats causing the changes in the environment?

  • @darkanser
    @darkanser 11 лет назад +1

    I've known about Noam Chomsky for years. Oddly- or not so oddly -- I was introduced to Noam Chomsky when I was pursuing my English degree. His name had come up in my linguistic classes. The fact that he's a linguistics scholar is probably lost on a lot of people. I prefer to read his books on global politics than to listen to him speak. Perhaps it's his age, but his speech style tends to dull my attention unfortunately -- which says nothing about the content of what he says.

  • @TheVaccineMachine
    @TheVaccineMachine 5 лет назад

    noam is nuts

  • @slovakmath
    @slovakmath 13 лет назад

    when does the q&a start?

  • @itmyowninvention
    @itmyowninvention 11 лет назад

    you seem pretty well versed in these manners, perhaps I could bother you about something else. In an anarcho-syndicalist society, how would the military be managed? I mean it couldn't be done bottom-up, but at the same time, compromising this ideal could start a series of events which could lead the society out of anarcho-syndicalism and into something closer to what we experience today, in America. What I'm asking is if i am missing something, which i probably am. thank you

  • @noprofitmaximierung
    @noprofitmaximierung 13 лет назад

    To all you people that say "End the Fed!" i say to you "End the electoral college voting system!" so that you can actually fucking decide on things like the FED!

  • @W0rldin
    @W0rldin 4 года назад

    Here for the final fantasy intro. Jk also here for Chomsky.

  • @KarlBonner1982
    @KarlBonner1982 13 лет назад

    47:05. Biggest Chomsky comedy moment I've heard in eons.

  • @gamerknown
    @gamerknown 13 лет назад

    Protip: AIG and Goldman Sachs trade on Wall Street. They invested in futures for poor mortgages, which when they collapsed, ended up showing how worthless those investments were. Then the insurance companies couldn't afford to pay off those loans, etc. Besides, politicians wouldn't have deregulated without the financial backing and clamouring of the banks.

  • @gregoryjacks1996
    @gregoryjacks1996 8 лет назад

    Weekend viewing ...

  • @KelligerP
    @KelligerP 13 лет назад

    Exciting stuff but still missing the big picture. What is happening on the ground isn't sustainable and people don't like change.

  • @livingcircle
    @livingcircle 11 лет назад

    Divide + rule is first exercised upon our own mind. Life is a Unified Whole and the agreement to see it differently in order to engage 'power over' as coercive will, manipulating experience, is a tacit mutual 'agreement' at the foundation of current human consciousness, and thus of our world. A manipulative division upheld by fear + guilt, born of a wish to private creation. Its 'judgement' cuts and covers truth from awareness. No one else does it to you but it SEEMS totally justified to itself

  • @joeprincio1
    @joeprincio1 13 лет назад

    [read three postings below in reverse order]

  • @demammoet
    @demammoet 12 лет назад

    @UnEvn To be honest most of his videos are watched but they get removed A lot.
    I dont know by whom I'd guess the uploaders.
    So as little viewers as it has it would be higher i it would just be left alone.

  • @ProNorden
    @ProNorden 12 лет назад

    @yanikv Re Chomsky and Ron Paul: Interesting that they both identify corruption and predatory corporations using the coercive state as the source of much of our problems.
    But Congressman Paul needs to be challenged more on the topic of 'Privatization'.
    And the standards/curriculum/value of High School/Secondary education needs to be greatly increased , to make college unnecessary for a family-wage career.

  • @jophoenix3919
    @jophoenix3919 11 лет назад

    read the incorporation charter of Canada much different then or like ours used to be hen the state of Del. moved most corp. to the state they did it for a reason! Canada it clearly states a corp. filed in the country is for the benfit of of Canada must employee Canadan'st add to the economey. Our corp.laws havebeen changed now tax havens plus moving labor to China means they employ less Americans then offshore and our government through unemployment supplys the money for us to buy the goods.

  • @dosomething3
    @dosomething3 11 лет назад


  • @justgivemethetruth
    @justgivemethetruth 11 лет назад

    I'm curious, what do you think he is saying? You perceived Chomsky had no particular political agenda and yet he is touted as Americas foremost "activist" ... that's interesting.
    Seems like a lot of what people call "points" are his interpretations of history - not to agree or disagree. Is it enough to give people vague ideas of their past without a vision for the future to be called an "activist" ... is that good, or bad?

  • @bobomber
    @bobomber 12 лет назад

    The opening to the Final Fantasy prelude huh...? :)

  • @MagicKirin
    @MagicKirin 12 лет назад

    They did not invade part of the land was there the rest they either bought or after 48 and 67 won in a war of agression
    The Palestinians are an invented people like the people of Atlantis.

  • @sensationsuperthrust
    @sensationsuperthrust 12 лет назад

    better than the debate between him and the lawyer allan dershovitz? :}

  • @ProNorden
    @ProNorden 12 лет назад

    At 1:00:37, Roughly, 'If one of the large car companies invests money for the future development of better cars, their competition won't, instead focusing on increasing current sales ...and the first car company will go out of business."
    That's false. And I'm surprised to hear Prof. Chomsky hear reciting the 'Mantra of Business School Zombies'.
    Actually one doesn't have to 'maximize profit'..a company merely needs to run a modest profit (or even only brief losses) to be viable and thrive.

  • @jophoenix3919
    @jophoenix3919 11 лет назад

    Hinting is not attack. I apologize if you took hinting as an attack I agree it was flippen and I was tired. What I am alluding to is our best thinkers have not solved this whats the next step? It clearly is beyond the resourcefulness of the USA.

  • @DaveTheTuberx
    @DaveTheTuberx 12 лет назад

    That argument makes no sense....because it's not my argument. I am stating that we cannot pressure China into reducing their pollution without possessing a strong economy, and that we weaken our own economy by exercising pollution regulations while buying goods from another country that does not. We cannot make China do anything it doesn't want to do, but we should regulate the goods that are shipped to the US through the metric of the pollution generated through their production.

  • @mysticaltyger2009
    @mysticaltyger2009 12 лет назад

    Chomsky is correct in many things, but he only points out the sins of big business, but never the greedy labor unions, etc.

  • @chihuahua975
    @chihuahua975 8 лет назад

    We are the people of the US suffering the worst victimization since Auschwitz ; we are killed with FDA approved meds , we are killed with man made horrific weather events and we are killed with POVERTY . Maranatha . Rita

    • @chihuahua975
      @chihuahua975 8 лет назад


  • @ThisSaturatedMind
    @ThisSaturatedMind 12 лет назад

    "appeal to authority" is an informal fallacy but not credibility itself. I was not stating that he was right because he has credibility, only that he has a reasonable voice despite not being a professor of political science or economics. The credibility he has is icing on the cake.

  • @MRKsound24
    @MRKsound24 5 лет назад

    The theme tune at the beginning reminds me of final fantasy 7🔪⚔️🗡

  • @wblake1
    @wblake1 11 лет назад

    Well, I am pretty classically-oriented, but not to tax the super rich and then see them keep their wealth in The Caymans and/or outsource manufacturing to Asia or Latin America is unacceptable.

  • @darkanser
    @darkanser 11 лет назад

    Maybe there can be subtitles in Spanish -- which is probably what you meant.

  • @wishcraft4u2
    @wishcraft4u2 11 лет назад

    Hey, Sokal & Bricmont called.

  • @albertogarcia9250
    @albertogarcia9250 11 лет назад

    Please somebody traslate this to spanish and i'm sure there will be much viewers.

  • @mikiylmorris4732
    @mikiylmorris4732 12 лет назад

    When I read Lippman's Public Opinion I got the impression he was against propaganda.. but Chompsky seem to be implying the opposite....

  • @movcrit
    @movcrit 12 лет назад

    @ThisSaturatedMind Why are you discussing the rhetoric (with credibility) after calling out a fallacy?

  • @harryflyballs99
    @harryflyballs99 12 лет назад

    -and what's your supporting evidence for such a claim?

  • @jeahhh
    @jeahhh 12 лет назад

    Chomsky is looking like hell rip!

  • @stabbed22
    @stabbed22 13 лет назад

    I wish Noam Chomsky had a baby with Noam Chomsky called Noam Chomsky so he'd stay put for another four generations of mankind.

  • @bboschboi
    @bboschboi 13 лет назад

    @GoldsboroughStudios that would be illegal in the usa

  • @GiantSandles
    @GiantSandles 13 лет назад

    @fallenempireoverdrve I don't think Ron Paul has this massive collection of relevant statistics and information that Chomsky has.

  • @ThisSaturatedMind
    @ThisSaturatedMind 12 лет назад

    Nice ad hominem. His job does not disqualify him from speaking correctly nor render his arguments invalid. He states facts and would be giving quotes if he had had his notes. He not only quotes people of high credibility but he often personally knows the people whom he quotes. Why listen to one person commenting on RUclips when one could watch the video and only judge that? Your comment comes off as childish. There are shorter videos of Chomsky in the interest of time

  • @GenghisVern
    @GenghisVern 13 лет назад

    Maybe if Justin Beiber delivered this lecture it would get more hits?

  • @justsomefellow
    @justsomefellow 13 лет назад

    @themec Name one politician who could "wing it" like this... how about Sarah Palin? She 'wings' all her interviews.

  • @feynmanizma
    @feynmanizma 12 лет назад

    oha lan adam 2 saat oturmadan konuşmuş. layk

  • @selvmordspilot
    @selvmordspilot 12 лет назад

    : what do you know about atlanteans? ^^ Also, all closed groups of people, and all nations are invented groups, in the sense of the word that you seem to be thinking of..
    What i'm saying is, some dude was born in palestine, but then when he grew older, suddenly he weren't allowed to stay. So he was pushed out, and a wall was erected so he couldn't do anything about it. This was an act of injustice, and his frustration with it, however inarticulate, is still understandable.

  • @CosmosFan1
    @CosmosFan1 13 лет назад

    totally a final fantasy rip off 0:01 :D
    but sounds cool anyway. Also, thanks for the upload. Chomsky owns.

  • @ThisSaturatedMind
    @ThisSaturatedMind 12 лет назад

    In 2007

  • @MagicKirin
    @MagicKirin 12 лет назад

    No that is what the followers of Chomsky are. His linguistic theories have been discredited.

  • @ThisSaturatedMind
    @ThisSaturatedMind 12 лет назад

    honour123 used the ad hominem attack on Chomsky. The rest of my comment was with regard to Chomsky and his credibility.

  • @derwentalia
    @derwentalia 12 лет назад

    no it aint...thats jes how noam rolls. he was born in 1928 & the continuing magnitude of the power of his intellect is probably about 10 thousand times more juiced-up than the smartest of we slugs.

  • @ridpvp
    @ridpvp 11 лет назад

    And Libertarians would hand power on a platter to these people in a heartbeat.

  • @dosomething3
    @dosomething3 11 лет назад

    Or, maybe he is not objective. Maybe he is simply wrong. As far as I am concerned, as a world-peace loving Israeli, he is completely off.

  • @DeweyZinnChomskyFisk
    @DeweyZinnChomskyFisk 11 лет назад

    he was also a slave-owner. what's your point?

  • @movcrit
    @movcrit 12 лет назад

    @ThisSaturatedMind Credibility is a fallacy.

  • @Hellsconsort
    @Hellsconsort 11 лет назад

    Because people are too busy watching 'X-Factor' and clubbing.

  • @MegaLotusEater
    @MegaLotusEater 11 лет назад


  • @Phi1eap
    @Phi1eap 12 лет назад


  • @rclere1
    @rclere1 13 лет назад

    @theloksh YOU HAVE NEITHER THE INTELLIGENCE NOR THE CAPACITY TO UNDERSTAND ANYTHING HE IS SAYING.... You exhibit your ability to critically think and grasp the big picture, however this is not surprising, most rightwing fascists exhibit this ignorance... poor fellow...

  • @DMCx2MT
    @DMCx2MT 12 лет назад

    quit being a distraction to those who want to think with their own minds

  • @UnEvn
    @UnEvn 13 лет назад

    not even 17,000 views, if only he got hit in the nuts or was a cat...

  • @strokesman
    @strokesman 13 лет назад

    @babayabadabadu Just a bit of a joke there champ ;-)

  • @TheGodlessGuitarist
    @TheGodlessGuitarist 13 лет назад +1

    @themec "Americans should carve his face into some huge rock somewhere."
    they are too busy worshipping Reagan.

  • @superghostmonkey2222
    @superghostmonkey2222 10 лет назад +1

    i like turtles!

  • @sunkenbumnuts
    @sunkenbumnuts 8 лет назад +1

    Boring!! show me some videos of cute kittens falling off a sofa !

  • @DeweyZinnChomskyFisk
    @DeweyZinnChomskyFisk 12 лет назад

    rhetoric and regurgitated propaganda

  • @joeprincio1
    @joeprincio1 13 лет назад

    he's a fraud

  • @noahww1653
    @noahww1653 10 лет назад +14

    This a true human being folks ,,, respect and honor to him ,, i would be glad to meet this great man one day strength and honor from a ex military salut

  • @Anthony11qq
    @Anthony11qq 12 лет назад +1

    Hmm...Chomsky! This is my first encounter with this guy. He seems to be one of the more personable scholars and seemingly without any particular political agenda. His points are reasonable, powerful; and non pretentious. This is to say not over wrapped in scholarly BS. I will have to research his views more and I look forward towards doing so.

  • @jimkozubek4026
    @jimkozubek4026 5 лет назад +4

    I love how he forgot his notes and doesnt miss a beat

  • @pusha79
    @pusha79 13 лет назад +1

    marketing the candidates like toothpaste! that's funny and so true