Some people these days call this trauma dumping, which is a great way to isolate and push people even further apart and ensure that people will avoid talking about their problems, preferring to suffer in silence rather than being ridiculed for trauma dumping or ruining "the vibe".
@@fantomas4935 I can see your point here. My take is the photographer is asking questions to have him relax for the portrait. It an be a very intimate thing when you have a connection with the person taking your picture.
This is just a reminder that you never know what people are going through. That kind word or just taking a minute to talk could be something that someone really needs. He seemed like he really needed to talk to someone.
Sad thing is rejection and distance can happen during all stages of life. But when it's ingrained at such a young age, it causes so many developmental issues - sometimes we're able to find it elsewhere, sometimes it's like James experience where he did see it other families and friends yet still could never quite compute how to seek that out for himself. He is an eloquently spoken man, surely a kind heart, it really doesn't make sense that our society is set up to punish people unless you won the vagina lottery in terms of education and profession (we just cast people aside and have no issue with watching them fade away, calling them unfortunates, when that really is just a soft way of being callous to people).
@@MomoMomoyan “ it is what it is, nobody is perfect, you grow out of it and make the best for yourself.” True, but I can only speak from my personal experience. I suffered for many decades because I didn’t know what was wrong with me and there was no way of finding out. I am 67 so for most of my life, we haven’t had the luxury of the Internet and all the information contain therein, it’s a lot harder to get that same information from your library. Nonetheless, I except it is possible. What has helped me has been the time to reflect and the information on developmental psychology that I found as part of my teaching qualification. It has been a long road and hopefully for people nowadays in the same position with the help of the Internet and more information perhaps the road should not be so long or so painful. As you write, many of us eventually grow out of it and make the best of the situation. Though I suspect, unfortunately, from the number of people living homeless (I’m on the outskirts of London.) I suspect many people succumb to addictions et cetera before they find a way out.
James has far more self-awareness than most people, and an understanding of the real effects of childhood trauma. For what it’s worth, James, that awareness is in itself an achievement the vast majority never attain.
when most people think they can outgrow childhood traumas, when in fact their ego is protecting them all the time from facing those traumas so they can actually heal and stop being a burden
Poor James is from an era where he couldn't be himself. He was chasing the girls when he wanted to be chasing the boys. He's still not letting himself be who he is.
I met a homeless man in America which must have been in similar circumstances. He asked me for change which I gladly gave him but then he ask “can I hug you”. I was stunned and said of course and he hugged me and just held onto me. I knew, I could tell, he hadn’t been hugged in years, maybe decades. It was a terribly cold, windy evening and he was an elderly man. I hope he made it somewhere warm, I hope he is still alive.
I am literally this guy. I feel like no one has done less with more than I have. No money no kids no friends no home. I'm 60 and I'm burdened with the regret of all the missed opportunities and knowing time is running out. Physically I now take good care of myself and have my interests but I still can't find what value I bring to the world. To James I say, your honesty, demeanor and style are beautiful, keep fighting.
If you are kind, honest, respectful & regularly help other people in some way (either big or small) that's plenty of value in my opinion. It's never too late to achieve things in life. The world is full of people who went on to achieve all kinds of things later in life. There will never be a perfect time to start anything & time will pass regardless so you might as well habitually use the present moment to take a step closer to your achieving goals. Failure and learning are the worst that could happen and are just part of the process so it would be beneficial to get that out of the way early on anyway. I say all of this as middle aged person who had previously stalled in many areas of life due to various circumstances but have broken free step by step and now enjoy a much more rewarding and satisfying life. The pain of regret is a horrible situation to be in. It is a conscious choice that one must make in order to perpetuate. I seriously wish you all the best and know that you have the power to end that suffering in your life. The choice has always been and always will be yours alone. Regret is a common mistake in life and I hope you begin to correct that in your life very soon.
@@AwwwThatsMintocsI can totally relate. Depending on on's faith, I am either blessed or stupid 😅, to have trust in God. Regardless how alone I am, I never feel lonely because I always feel God's presence. No regrets, no what-ifs. Whatever happens to me, I take it as Providence or Protection or Preparation.
Honestly, I would suggest doing some voluntary work, be it helping in a charity shop, a hospice or visiting socially isolated people. Has helped me immensely and at least feels that you are doing something useful with your time. Lly
And what can we take more from this life than truth, kindness and love in ones heart, even and specially because of loneliness? These are the right things to take, as if ones relationships, material success and joyes of this life cannot bring us this warmth of heart, then they are useless.
@@thedude00 They've come to accept themselves as something that they feel is true, even if it isn't, because if they don't, they'll have to live their entire life with a cognitive dissonance. It sounds like an oxymoron, but sometimes you have to accept what you perceive is reality in order to live peacefully. That often comes in the form of accepting a reality that contradicts what Christian and other monotheistic beliefs tell us; that we are not in full control of our destiny, we cannot do anything we choose in life, and sometimes, we are at the mercy of misfortune. That's not the narrative meritocratic, monotheistic societies accept, and you will garner a lot of disrespect if you don't weave in elements of self-proclaimed failure. More often than not, though, it is much more complicated than that. People like Jordan Peterson, and others, have an extremely nuanced and overly complex, and sometimes contradictory perspective of free-will. These perspectives must account for the things in our daily life that are known, beyond any doubt, to have an influence in human behavior, and yet find a way to weave in areas where agency may exist in order to remain scientifically plausible, which is why they are often extremely complex and sometimes contradictory. And yet, those who have achieved success in life often do everything they can to promote its existence as pure, undeniable, and obvious fact, even when massive evidence points to the contrary. The incentives for doing so are obvious. We are social creatures, and much of our misery as a result, is not self-inflicted. I'm not saying to blame the world for your problems, especially since this is something you have no control over. That's the kind of ideology that leads to psychological collapse, or extremism (Incel ideology, mass shooters etc). But it is unfortunately, very likely the case. As a result, accepting ourselves as failures is (in part) a way for some people to balance their perceptions with the outside world, to experience a form of psychological equilibrium. Even if their existence does play an important role in some ways. We, and they, simply do not see what that role is. Even if it (very likely) does exist. Maybe, their role is to provide others with a motivation to be better, or to be different, and their suffering is a guiding force that helps perpetuate humanity towards some common goal. Maybe those goals are decided by a select few, and our perceptions of failure are intertwined with societal expectations. Maybe those goals are instead decided by nature, and our perceptions of failure are natural mechanisms that help us pursue that goal collectively as a species. Who knows.
I had an argument with my father about ten years ago. He doesn't drink, I do and everything else with it. I was living at home, came back from the pub and he was in the kitchen waiting for me, and boy did he leave me have it. Told me exactly what he thought about how I carried myself, how I made my money at the time, how I was wasting my life etc. My mother was there, scared that it would go to blows. But I let him speak, listened to what he had to say, accepted some of it, countered some of it but overall told him not to doubt me, that I'd get there in spite of being far from perfect. He cried and hugged me. I'm since sober, back in legit work, a homeowner, etc. I told that story to a friend of mine one night and he didn't cry but went quiet and said he never had any moment of love and care like I had that night, even my father giving me a bollocking was out of care, and the hug was a genuine moment between father and son. He said his dad walked out when he was 8 and the rest of his childhood was written off. I don't have any kids, but for anyone reading this who does - remember they need your care, your interest and your respect.
This comment made me cry. It reminded me again, that I am who I am because of my father, from the love he gave me to the correction speeches when I was not going in the right path. Thanks a million papá ❤️
If a person can get angry at you, it could be because they care. The thing you gotta be concerned about is total indifference and apathy towards you and even treating you like a punching bag and burden to them. No interaction too.
"We"? Who are you talking about? Because I can, so speak for yourself... Do you think he's the only human living a lifelong process of withering that's the result of childhood neglect? Buddy this is like 30% of europid males are like him, haven't you seen the statistics? Marriages and childbirth plummeting, divorce rates and mental illness on the rise; what do you think causes this??? Oh you lucky little normies.
I know exactly how this man feels! I turned 65 years old today and not one person, absolutely none, wished me a Happy Birthday. No family, no friends, no job, poor as a mouse, nothing to be proud of. Only memories of better times, but that makes life even harder. Every day I wake up I ask God why? Why am I still here? Sometimes I think I can't go on living like this, not for just 1 more day. I'm so tired of all the loss, the hurt, the pain, the fighting against windmills, the carrying on - what for? James, I feel you. You are not alone!
Happy birthday! You’re still here because you matter. Please don’t give up. Two years ago I was very alone too. Depressed and unhappy. Then I had the idea to do this project and my life completely changed. I promise things can get better. All it takes is a few small steps in the right direction. Hopefully this doesn’t sound glib. I want you to be around for a long time, and living a happy life!
1:55 I see this photo, and as a new father, it brings tears to my eyes because I see the 4 year old James in his eyes, and it makes me so sad. I want to give him a hug
I can’t tell you how many people are just begging for an opportunity to talk to someone but can’t take being rejected once more, so they’re cold as a defence mechanism. Be kind, even to those who are cold. Your life will improve and you just might save others.
Absolutely, Rachel! 🙏 Profound gratitude to you in every child (future adult) on earth's name; your job will leave a good human being in the world, thus will make of it a better place 💖🙌💐⚘️
James, I could have said word-for-word every single thing you said. You have lived the same life as I have, my friend. And we had the same mother, too. Thank you for sharing about yourself. You made me feel less alone. I wish I coud give you a hug, and receive a hug back from you.
Same here. Some of us just get landed with the rough side of life as far as relationships are concerned while others just get everything they could ever dream of. Good luck to you.
Same here. I wish that more people feeling like that meant it hurt less. It doesn't, but there is something in the feeling less alone that is a touchstone.
Oh, y’all. I’m sending a hug to everyone in this thread ❤ I grew up in foster care, so I know how that is. But I’m telling you from experience that is doesn’t need to remain so.
It’s extremely shocking to know that people like him are in the millions and yet if they all just had a spot they could gather and meet and greet I think some hearts could be healed.
I don't think this man is useless. He teached us a valuable lesson that not everyone is aware of. Bless him hope he can find deep conexions never is to late for that.
So sad that we place value on ourselves by what we achieve and not because of who we are. James has so much value and is such a delightful, creative soul. I hope he realises how much he contributes to the world just by being himself. God bless you James and thank you Chris for what you do.
I think he's right...he under achieved according to his talents [well take his word on it] so has major regrets. Seems to not have had much support at home which is case for lot of people in this situation. I know I envy friends whose parents made sure they had proper education and grounding in reality rather than religion.
@@MindbodyMedic It sounds like it's been a tough road for him. I just hoped he knows he is valuable despite what he has or hasn't achieved. Thanks for your reply.
This man’s worry of living up to society’s standards has boxed him into his own prison. He 1000% has the wrong viewpoint and it’s the reason for his self loathing. I absolutely DO have empathy for where all this came from. It’s a vicious cycle. Just wish the man stopped caring what others thought
It is easy if you make your ego aside of knowing everything a adult can but this is not truth. There is so much more even if you are adult you can learn from other and make friends.
I wish that James could understand that he's not a failure. He's feeling the effects of complex PTSD caused by childhood neglect. He's a survivor and seems to be very honest, reflected and likable. I can 100 percent relate to his story. I shared mine as an animated short film on my channel.
There is nothing more depressing than waking up one day as an old man and realising you wasted your entire life. I could have been an amazing human being, but all I am is nothing. Just words on a screen soon forgotten.
Its never too late. Go volunteer, help neighbors with something, help out at church. Helping others even in small ways is often not forgotten. I will never forget those that helped me when i needed it, and now look to do the same whenever the opportunity arises. Its more important to me than work or hobbies. It makes even the hard days worth it. Its never too late friend, sending love
A man with the gentle grace and insight that James has could never ever be a ‘failure’ and according to who??? If there were more men with the spiritual humility that he possesses and less of the egotistical , selfish and ruthless materialist ‘successes’ , Humanity would be in a better place than it is at present.
Please tell James that he just made a friend in Canada and I'm sending him a hug from the Rocky Mountains. It's never too late to connect with other people, even with a quick smile. Bless you Chris, for making the world a bit smaller and helping us notice each other.
It's heartbreaking. I have compassion& sympathy towards him. Not pity. So he knows. Some people do care. I'm sending him love & hugs from Canada. What a great human soul. He's more than he believes. ❤
Given the state of our unloving, faithless and violent world, I’d dare say there are millions of “James” walking around, sadly. I truly hope life is kinder to him ❤
I am 73. I sometimes jokingly say...'I could have been something'....but it's not a joke. I'm not a victim. I am a survivor, with nothing much to show for my time on this earth. Not even a garden, although I have made many. To all of us, blessings, especially to James, living in the country of my dreams.
Absolutely love this man! If I lived out where he lived. I would definitely go and have coffee and hang out and he would have a friend. What a likable person.
Isn’t it incredible how so many people are alone and we think from the outside of they are doing well or dress well and they are lonely and possibly sad… You are doing a great job
London can be a really good place for lost souls though. You can have anonymity, space, niches to explore yourself and interests. Dublin: not so much. Ditto Belfast.
Here's to all of us who watch our dreams fade away and so we stand like a leafless tree, just standing, waiting... Dreams are the only thing that die without a sound.
I find it eerie how exactly he mirrored my own experience. You (James), I, and countless others walk alone together. Our value as individuals may not be obvious to us but as you proved here today, our existence matters to so many who will never know us personally. Thank you for sharing.
Same. I also recently realized I have a real hard time making friends and trusting people. I think it also steams from having a mother with controll issues, endless depression, and other psychological issues. Shes like a drowning person that will bring you down if you try and help. She has completely zapped me of energy and i feel like she transfered all her fear, sadness, and mental issues to me. Makes me so angry now thinking i could've had a mother that was normal or at least contributing to family someway, but she is always a complainer, a taker, and emotionally manipulative.
same here. my mother was kind-hearted but was a very anxious type due to her mother being a narcissist. my mother died after several years of cancer. 1/3 of my life was about this. while everyone lived their life, went on holidays, started a family, i had to work hard because of no parental support and then to bury my mother and whatnot. i thought i had friends but none of them understood my situation and distanced themselves. now i don't even talk to people. no friends, no relatives, no job, all this in the poorest region of europe. i went to uni, i speak languages, 10+ years of work experience, certs, hobbies and talents...all will disappear like tears in the rain.
A mother made of ice. Not tactile, no hugs, distant. I remember that. I’m 63 and I realised long ago that’s why Ive always struggled to show my genuine warmth to certain others. It holds you back in life. Thanks mum.
A soul trying to reach out, like a dust particle dancing in the light, trying to collide into another dust particle. On this fateful day, he bumped into you, and your lens immortalized his smile, with a hint of sorrow, for the whole world to feel and resonate.
"The greatest failure that ever walked on plat Earth". Sorry, Sir, that title has already been taken. I hear every word you say echoing in my heart. God bless You, Sir.
Couldn't agree more. And those who don't have a parental instinct or drive or need, should steer clear of being parents. Bad for the kids & bad for them.
Such a beautiful soul. Chris, you captured so much emotion in James’ photographs. I wish someone could take a look at his plays, to help him find his purpose🙏🏻🙌🏻🙏🏻
@@jonirischx8925 - I’m sorry kindness or empathy apparently equates to “pity” in your view. Thanks for telling me what he “needs” though; it’s cool you know him well enough to speak on his behalf.
James you are not alone ❤ My mother was distant unable to be loving & I too gravitated to warm loving families who had fun. I’m 72 & in many ways an under achiever & despite having four adult children and grandaughters they all live far away. Dear friends have died & I find myself very alone. You have a friend here in Pembrokeshire Wales Uk
This just shows you the importance of introducing people to Jesus. God bless this man, what a beautiful heart. This world is full of hurt and abuse 😔 I pray the Everlasting Father heals this man and gives him a better family than this world ever could have.
Damage done in early childhood can rob you of realizing your potential in life unless you acknowledge that damage as a young adult and do the work to heal yourself. If you are a teenager or young adult who was abused and / or neglected in childhood this is a warning to you. If you are an adult who has young children or plans to have children, this is also a warning to you.
Oh, took incredible bravery to share such personal aspects of your life. May you be abundantly blessed. You have blessed hundreds of lives in a matter of 2 minutes.
My mother was a narcissist, so that meant no contact, no interaction, no communication, and definitely no love. The only time she acknowledged me was to say something nasty to me or embarrass me.
What a wonderful and honest man. He is very hard on himself, which I understand because of what he went through in the past, but I truly hope that someday he finds someone he can connect with and not feel alone. I wish him all the best.
I was abused by my dad from 5-16 and now I'm 57 all alone. Never had a girlfriend let alone an intimate relationship. No steady job, no house, no family. Just a restless existence.
I'm sorry you went through that. I've always thought it strange that as a human you need a license to drive a car but if you want to have to children, go right ahead, no checks and balances, no courses.
I am sorry fo what you have experienced. You have a lot to give. This could be your year. Visualise. Be happy. You are a good person. You know this. You deserve happiness.
Such a good and honest, and hurting man. I can identify with a lot of this, and I certainly empathize with him. James, I wish you peace, strength, hope and benevolence beyond your expectations for the rest of your days.
To have reached the autumn of your life & still be able to get out & about & be able to engage in conversation intelligently is achievement enough. We always want more than we have.
I believe that this man's feelings of one's self are heartbreakingly common. And I say that in no way to devalue James own personal suffering ! He was candid and honest to the point of it being palpable. Many thanks for the vid. PS Also , I loved his dress style 🙂
Well James you made an impact here in 2 minutes. Kudos to your sincerity, it's a rare trait. We are more than a list of achievements. I hope you are able to see all these messages and understand you are seen and valued.
I appreciate the honesty and humility that James shared; just imagine how many people around you at this very moment feel the same way that James does ; or worse! Be kind to everyone, because everyone has a story and everyone has feelings. Blessings to all!
A man who can expres himself so genuine, honest and vulnerable with a camera to his face, is a high talent ace. Be proud Sir. So many men have no clue about the level of failure they are. For real.
James has the kind of introspective intuition that is relatable. I think his self awareness makes him more successful than he gives himself credit for. Nice pictures, BTW Chris.
James, you're a wonderful human being. I would gladly be your friend. It's hard to find people that can put aside their ego and speak sincerely. You're one of those gems. ♥
So, are you saying people with great friends and family aren’t genuine? That’s such a terrible comment. There are plenty of awful people who are alone because of their bad behavior and personality, yet you’re giving them the idea that their authenticity is the reason they’re alone.
@@BastillemoteursThat's an odd reading of the comment, and an illogical conclusion. In my experience, people with many friends either have them because they are very authentic or because they are very inauthentic. It can be either way, and the comment did not say otherwise.
To James and all the people that see themselves in him : you’re not a failure. Try to find beauty and peace in the present and don’t dwell too much in the past.
Hugs for everyone! 🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂
This guy wanted to talk and open up so much!
Bless him
He must've felt truly low. All the blessings to him.
Some people these days call this trauma dumping, which is a great way to isolate and push people even further apart and ensure that people will avoid talking about their problems, preferring to suffer in silence rather than being ridiculed for trauma dumping or ruining "the vibe".
@@fantomas4935 I can see your point here. My take is the photographer is asking questions to have him relax for the portrait. It an be a very intimate thing when you have a connection with the person taking your picture.
This is just a reminder that you never know what people are going through. That kind word or just taking a minute to talk could be something that someone really needs. He seemed like he really needed to talk to someone.
A lack of attachment during childhood can really screw someone up, especially during adulthood.
Sad thing is rejection and distance can happen during all stages of life. But when it's ingrained at such a young age, it causes so many developmental issues - sometimes we're able to find it elsewhere, sometimes it's like James experience where he did see it other families and friends yet still could never quite compute how to seek that out for himself. He is an eloquently spoken man, surely a kind heart, it really doesn't make sense that our society is set up to punish people unless you won the vagina lottery in terms of education and profession (we just cast people aside and have no issue with watching them fade away, calling them unfortunates, when that really is just a soft way of being callous to people).
Exactly. Which is why he chased women, seeking mother love.
So true, my life at 67!!!
It is what it is, no body is perfect, you grow out of it and make the best for yourself.
@@MomoMomoyan “ it is what it is, nobody is perfect, you grow out of it and make the best for yourself.” True, but I can only speak from my personal experience. I suffered for many decades because I didn’t know what was wrong with me and there was no way of finding out. I am 67 so for most of my life, we haven’t had the luxury of the Internet and all the information contain therein, it’s a lot harder to get that same information from your library. Nonetheless, I except it is possible. What has helped me has been the time to reflect and the information on developmental psychology that I found as part of my teaching qualification. It has been a long road and hopefully for people nowadays in the same position with the help of the Internet and more information perhaps the road should not be so long or so painful. As you write, many of us eventually grow out of it and make the best of the situation. Though I suspect, unfortunately, from the number of people living homeless (I’m on the outskirts of London.) I suspect many people succumb to addictions et cetera before they find a way out.
James has far more self-awareness than most people, and an understanding of the real effects of childhood trauma. For what it’s worth, James, that awareness is in itself an achievement the vast majority never attain.
Beautifully put and very true.
Truth. Humans are strange, we need adversity to grow.
He could have ended up so badly, but didn't. Under his circumstances, he achieved a lot.
Bless you James.
when most people think they can outgrow childhood traumas, when in fact their ego is protecting them all the time from facing those traumas so they can actually heal and stop being a burden
in fact we are all experiences mass trauma . if I explain anything this people will delete this message. just know that trauma shuts off the brain
Well you are no more a nobody, James. You are one of the few that the whole world will see and care about.
Damn now thats a new perspective to look at
Poor James is from an era where he couldn't be himself. He was chasing the girls when he wanted to be chasing the boys. He's still not letting himself be who he is.
The secret is that he never was,if you think about it…it is a sad and fake reality that james needed to be recognized.
I certainly do not care about him! You don't get to be his age, and not have anyone that cares about you, unless you're a supremely shitty person.
sad coping, wishful thinking is a mental disease, theres nothing wrong with being a loser
Behind every broken man and woman, there is a family that messed something up.
Sometimes pressure can make diamonds…the average are never remembered…
Most of the time it is adultery
@@John-ro2irsome people never overcome the consequences, only a few are able to. we must never underestimate the tragedy
@@John-ro2ir more people are crushed to death under that pressure than made into diamonds. it's not worth it. better to be average and happy.
I met a homeless man in America which must have been in similar circumstances. He asked me for change which I gladly gave him but then he ask “can I hug you”. I was stunned and said of course and he hugged me and just held onto me. I knew, I could tell, he hadn’t been
hugged in years, maybe decades. It was a terribly cold, windy evening and he was an elderly man. I hope he made it somewhere warm, I hope he is still alive.
Thanks for allowing him to at least have this moment. A previous gift.
I’m crying
This cracked my heart 💔 I hope he is okay now.
Bad idea. Checked your wallet afterwards, at least? Or its missing conveniently left out of the story to keep the sentimentality?
@@TheRocketman136 not every homeless person (or stranger in general) is a thief.
I am literally this guy. I feel like no one has done less with more than I have. No money no kids no friends no home. I'm 60 and I'm burdened with the regret of all the missed opportunities and knowing time is running out. Physically I now take good care of myself and have my interests but I still can't find what value I bring to the world. To James I say, your honesty, demeanor and style are beautiful, keep fighting.
If you are kind, honest, respectful & regularly help other people in some way (either big or small) that's plenty of value in my opinion.
It's never too late to achieve things in life. The world is full of people who went on to achieve all kinds of things later in life. There will never be a perfect time to start anything & time will pass regardless so you might as well habitually use the present moment to take a step closer to your achieving goals. Failure and learning are the worst that could happen and are just part of the process so it would be beneficial to get that out of the way early on anyway.
I say all of this as middle aged person who had previously stalled in many areas of life due to various circumstances but have broken free step by step and now enjoy a much more rewarding and satisfying life. The pain of regret is a horrible situation to be in. It is a conscious choice that one must make in order to perpetuate. I seriously wish you all the best and know that you have the power to end that suffering in your life. The choice has always been and always will be yours alone. Regret is a common mistake in life and I hope you begin to correct that in your life very soon.
Mirror that
@@AwwwThatsMintocsI can totally relate.
Depending on on's faith, I am either blessed or stupid 😅, to have trust in God. Regardless how alone I am, I never feel lonely because I always feel God's presence.
No regrets, no what-ifs. Whatever happens to me, I take it as Providence or Protection or Preparation.
We are only beginning in this life.
Honestly, I would suggest doing some voluntary work, be it helping in a charity shop, a hospice or visiting socially isolated people. Has helped me immensely and at least feels that you are doing something useful with your time.
Sometimes those who've been hurt terribly in life, are the most honest, raw, genuine, kind & caring people.
And what can we take more from this life than truth, kindness and love in ones heart, even and specially because of loneliness? These are the right things to take, as if ones relationships, material success and joyes of this life cannot bring us this warmth of heart, then they are useless.
Agree 👍
My guess is because they're desperate for connection and have very little to lose by exposing their flaws.
And still keep getting hurt.....
@@thedude00 They've come to accept themselves as something that they feel is true, even if it isn't, because if they don't, they'll have to live their entire life with a cognitive dissonance. It sounds like an oxymoron, but sometimes you have to accept what you perceive is reality in order to live peacefully. That often comes in the form of accepting a reality that contradicts what Christian and other monotheistic beliefs tell us; that we are not in full control of our destiny, we cannot do anything we choose in life, and sometimes, we are at the mercy of misfortune. That's not the narrative meritocratic, monotheistic societies accept, and you will garner a lot of disrespect if you don't weave in elements of self-proclaimed failure. More often than not, though, it is much more complicated than that. People like Jordan Peterson, and others, have an extremely nuanced and overly complex, and sometimes contradictory perspective of free-will. These perspectives must account for the things in our daily life that are known, beyond any doubt, to have an influence in human behavior, and yet find a way to weave in areas where agency may exist in order to remain scientifically plausible, which is why they are often extremely complex and sometimes contradictory. And yet, those who have achieved success in life often do everything they can to promote its existence as pure, undeniable, and obvious fact, even when massive evidence points to the contrary. The incentives for doing so are obvious. We are social creatures, and much of our misery as a result, is not self-inflicted. I'm not saying to blame the world for your problems, especially since this is something you have no control over. That's the kind of ideology that leads to psychological collapse, or extremism (Incel ideology, mass shooters etc). But it is unfortunately, very likely the case. As a result, accepting ourselves as failures is (in part) a way for some people to balance their perceptions with the outside world, to experience a form of psychological equilibrium. Even if their existence does play an important role in some ways. We, and they, simply do not see what that role is. Even if it (very likely) does exist. Maybe, their role is to provide others with a motivation to be better, or to be different, and their suffering is a guiding force that helps perpetuate humanity towards some common goal. Maybe those goals are decided by a select few, and our perceptions of failure are intertwined with societal expectations. Maybe those goals are instead decided by nature, and our perceptions of failure are natural mechanisms that help us pursue that goal collectively as a species. Who knows.
I had an argument with my father about ten years ago. He doesn't drink, I do and everything else with it. I was living at home, came back from the pub and he was in the kitchen waiting for me, and boy did he leave me have it. Told me exactly what he thought about how I carried myself, how I made my money at the time, how I was wasting my life etc. My mother was there, scared that it would go to blows. But I let him speak, listened to what he had to say, accepted some of it, countered some of it but overall told him not to doubt me, that I'd get there in spite of being far from perfect. He cried and hugged me. I'm since sober, back in legit work, a homeowner, etc.
I told that story to a friend of mine one night and he didn't cry but went quiet and said he never had any moment of love and care like I had that night, even my father giving me a bollocking was out of care, and the hug was a genuine moment between father and son. He said his dad walked out when he was 8 and the rest of his childhood was written off.
I don't have any kids, but for anyone reading this who does - remember they need your care, your interest and your respect.
What a brilliant comment. Good on you my friend
Yeh this is a beautiful comment, respect mate
This comment made me cry. It reminded me again, that I am who I am because of my father, from the love he gave me to the correction speeches when I was not going in the right path. Thanks a million papá ❤️
If a person can get angry at you, it could be because they care. The thing you gotta be concerned about is total indifference and apathy towards you and even treating you like a punching bag and burden to them. No interaction too.
" I wish she was my mother " 😢😢
We can't imagine the hole in his heart since childhood
he is a man
"We"? Who are you talking about? Because I can, so speak for yourself...
Do you think he's the only human living a lifelong process of withering that's the result of childhood neglect? Buddy this is like 30% of europid males are like him, haven't you seen the statistics? Marriages and childbirth plummeting, divorce rates and mental illness on the rise; what do you think causes this???
Oh you lucky little normies.
I know exactly how this man feels! I turned 65 years old today and not one person, absolutely none, wished me a Happy Birthday. No family, no friends, no job, poor as a mouse, nothing to be proud of. Only memories of better times, but that makes life even harder. Every day I wake up I ask God why? Why am I still here? Sometimes I think I can't go on living like this, not for just 1 more day. I'm so tired of all the loss, the hurt, the pain, the fighting against windmills, the carrying on - what for? James, I feel you. You are not alone!
Happy birthday! You’re still here because you matter. Please don’t give up. Two years ago I was very alone too. Depressed and unhappy. Then I had the idea to do this project and my life completely changed. I promise things can get better. All it takes is a few small steps in the right direction. Hopefully this doesn’t sound glib. I want you to be around for a long time, and living a happy life!
Happy birthday!
Happy Birthday Brother
Happy birthday dear
Happy Birthday!
I like him. I'd be his friend in a heartbeat. Take care, James. A lot of folks are on your side.
BEWARE what you wish for-you might find yourself in a dungeon, headless, dead-staring at other decapitated heads who want to be friends.
@@Bastillemoteurs what a disgusting prejudice is that?
@@Bastillemoteurs what if badger zombies are invading and the dungeon is the only safe place?
@@Bastillemoteurs says a lot about your mind that that is what you came up with. I'm more afraid of you than him.
Well said, I agree. Can I go buy you a beer James?
What an honest man.
Such honesty is achievement we tend to take too lightly.
I thought the same. Authentic. Beautiful.
1:55 I see this photo, and as a new father, it brings tears to my eyes because I see the 4 year old James in his eyes, and it makes me so sad. I want to give him a hug
I can’t tell you how many people are just begging for an opportunity to talk to someone but can’t take being rejected once more, so they’re cold as a defence mechanism.
Be kind, even to those who are cold. Your life will improve and you just might save others.
Holding my sick two year old while i watch this. Among other lessons from James, this is an appreciated reminder to me that my job is important.
Well said
Its the most important job!
Absolutely, Rachel! 🙏 Profound gratitude to you in every child (future adult) on earth's name; your job will leave a good human being in the world, thus will make of it a better place 💖🙌💐⚘️
Thank you all!
Here's to a quick and full recovery for your two-year-old.
A true gentleman and a sad soul but i see the fire of wisdom and honesty in that man. Great fashion style.
Great comment totally agree🙏🏼
James, I could have said word-for-word every single thing you said. You have lived the same life as I have, my friend. And we had the same mother, too. Thank you for sharing about yourself. You made me feel less alone. I wish I coud give you a hug, and receive a hug back from you.
Same here. Some of us just get landed with the rough side of life as far as relationships are concerned while others just get everything they could ever dream of. Good luck to you.
Yeah, me too. Exactly.
Same here. I wish that more people feeling like that meant it hurt less. It doesn't, but there is something in the feeling less alone that is a touchstone.
Oh, y’all. I’m sending a hug to everyone in this thread ❤ I grew up in foster care, so I know how that is. But I’m telling you from experience that is doesn’t need to remain so.
Im so sorry for all the people that dont have the opportunity to feel the love of both parents. I send you some hugs from germany.
It’s extremely shocking to know that people like him are in the millions and yet if they all just had a spot they could gather and meet and greet I think some hearts could be healed.
I don't think this man is useless. He teached us a valuable lesson that not everyone is aware of. Bless him hope he can find deep conexions never is to late for that.
So sad that we place value on ourselves by what we achieve and not because of who we are. James has so much value and is such a delightful, creative soul. I hope he realises how much he contributes to the world just by being himself. God bless you James and thank you Chris for what you do.
Lovely comment! ❤
I think he's right...he under achieved according to his talents [well take his word on it] so has major regrets. Seems to not have had much support at home which is case for lot of people in this situation. I know I envy friends whose parents made sure they had proper education and grounding in reality rather than religion.
@@MindbodyMedic It sounds like it's been a tough road for him. I just hoped he knows he is valuable despite what he has or hasn't achieved. Thanks for your reply.
That's a great comment! Achievements are overrated. Relationships and a life well-lived, are much more important.
This man’s worry of living up to society’s standards has boxed him into his own prison. He 1000% has the wrong viewpoint and it’s the reason for his self loathing.
I absolutely DO have empathy for where all this came from. It’s a vicious cycle. Just wish the man stopped caring what others thought
It’s really difficult to make friends as an adult - especially if you’re an introvert. I feel this deeply.
It is easy if you make your ego aside of knowing everything a adult can but this is not truth. There is so much more even if you are adult you can learn from other and make friends.
@@sandeepsahu8743 lol people Don't care ego or not
@@sandeepsahu8743exactly! If you are humble and speak kindly someone will reach out
Aaaawww give this man a big hug if you ever see him again.
I wish that James could understand that he's not a failure.
He's feeling the effects of complex PTSD caused by childhood neglect.
He's a survivor and seems to be very honest, reflected and likable.
I can 100 percent relate to his story. I shared mine as an animated short film on my channel.
Bruh the subtle self promotion hahahaha
@johankaruyan5536 🤭
Welcome to youtube where you can find youtube-psychiatrists putting out random diagnosis based on 2 min conversation.
Yes he is a failure stop making things up you don't compare what you are to someone else
@@X_Annedolf..Frankler_Xaren’t you a bundle of joy
There is nothing more depressing than waking up one day as an old man and realising you wasted your entire life.
I could have been an amazing human being, but all I am is nothing. Just words on a screen soon forgotten.
I'll never forget you, in fact, I'm gonna screenshot this comment and save it 😎
i will also screenshot this comment
keep fighting brother!
Its never too late. Go volunteer, help neighbors with something, help out at church. Helping others even in small ways is often not forgotten. I will never forget those that helped me when i needed it, and now look to do the same whenever the opportunity arises. Its more important to me than work or hobbies. It makes even the hard days worth it. Its never too late friend, sending love
this is what hell is. the unbeing, the failed promise of a soul.
I dont think you wasted anything. Life starts after death with Jesus Christ my friend. But i understand you i have also felt the same
All of these are not only lovely videos but they are like a therapy and are vey helpful. (I'm 74.)
i hear you, and i agree.
I hope this encounter leads to something positive for him as other encounters have on your channel.
A man with the gentle grace and insight that James has could never ever be a ‘failure’ and according to who??? If there were more men with the spiritual humility that he possesses and less of the egotistical , selfish and ruthless materialist ‘successes’ , Humanity would be in a better place than it is at present.
well said........the true definition of success.❤
Every single time!!!!!
Those traits usually come at an older age, when it's too late :P
@@jackshiraq575sometimes those traits never an older age can never be considered TOO late.
@@nwicconsultants6640 true that, i used the wrong words
I don't think you're a failure James, your self-awareness, resilience and kindness are traits money cannot buy
See, you're doing it, too: critical, dismissing James' thoughts and experiences about himself.
The bit where he describes looking at his friend's mum showing affection, thinking I wish she was my mother.
He lacks motherhood love. Oh dear James, I hope you can find some contentment, love, friendships and relief in your life, godspeed!
Please tell James that he just made a friend in Canada and I'm sending him a hug from the Rocky Mountains. It's never too late to connect with other people, even with a quick smile. Bless you Chris, for making the world a bit smaller and helping us notice each other.
@@Joe-sg9llno, it’s empathy
@@papillonpromise Empathy from Ontario in Canada.
@@Joe-sg9ll Not pity, but rather empathy from a fellow lonely human being.
We need to find each other. There are married people too, who are terribly alone.
Accepting, loving, touch.
It's heartbreaking. I have compassion& sympathy towards him. Not pity. So he knows. Some people do care. I'm sending him love & hugs from Canada. What a great human soul. He's more than he believes. ❤
Makes me wonder how many more James are walking around.I hope he finds and can achieve what he needs to feel happy and successful.
Given the state of our unloving, faithless and violent world, I’d dare say there are millions of “James” walking around, sadly. I truly hope life is kinder to him ❤
Many more like James.
My name's James. I have regrets too.
There are lots of damaged people. You'll find them on any dating site.
I am 73. I sometimes jokingly say...'I could have been something'....but it's not a joke. I'm not a victim. I am a survivor, with nothing much to show for my time on this earth. Not even a garden, although I have made many. To all of us, blessings, especially to James, living in the country of my dreams.
He just poured his heart out to a stranger and strangers on RUclips.
He’s unknowingly part of a big tribe and he just spoke for all of us. Hats off to this precious man.
So relatable. I hope he finds peace in his heart. He is wonderful.
Absolutely love this man! If I lived out where he lived. I would definitely go and have coffee and hang out and he would have a friend. What a likable person.
Regrets are debilitating. My heart aches for James.
1:06 I wanna see those plays bro
Isn’t it incredible how so many people are alone and we think from the outside of they are doing well or dress well and they are lonely and possibly sad… You are doing a great job
I hope he's watching this. And witnessing how many people think he's such a gem
As a former London Bobby I can sadly confirm that London is full of people like James.
London can be a really good place for lost souls though. You can have anonymity, space, niches to explore yourself and interests. Dublin: not so much. Ditto Belfast.
He described how I feel about myself and how my life has turned out, word for word. I truly have a sense as to how he feels
The light in his eyes 🥲🫂 I wish him the love and friendship he always needed.
He has a gorgeous face. Life isn't fair but he's not wallowing in it.
Here's to all of us who watch our dreams fade away and so we stand like a leafless tree, just standing, waiting... Dreams are the only thing that die without a sound.
That was very poetic.
Beautifully put
Beautiful words
I find it eerie how exactly he mirrored my own experience. You (James), I, and countless others walk alone together. Our value as individuals may not be obvious to us but as you proved here today, our existence matters to so many who will never know us personally. Thank you for sharing.
James and I must have had the same mom. And yeah, it echoes down through your life.
Same. I also recently realized I have a real hard time making friends and trusting people. I think it also steams from having a mother with controll issues, endless depression, and other psychological issues. Shes like a drowning person that will bring you down if you try and help. She has completely zapped me of energy and i feel like she transfered all her fear, sadness, and mental issues to me. Makes me so angry now thinking i could've had a mother that was normal or at least contributing to family someway, but she is always a complainer, a taker, and emotionally manipulative.
So well put
Just now i was thinking that about myself and BAM...i stumbled upon this video. 35 yo and im a complete failure.
same here. my mother was kind-hearted but was a very anxious type due to her mother being a narcissist. my mother died after several years of cancer. 1/3 of my life was about this. while everyone lived their life, went on holidays, started a family, i had to work hard because of no parental support and then to bury my mother and whatnot. i thought i had friends but none of them understood my situation and distanced themselves. now i don't even talk to people. no friends, no relatives, no job, all this in the poorest region of europe. i went to uni, i speak languages, 10+ years of work experience, certs, hobbies and talents...all will disappear like tears in the rain.
A mother made of ice. Not tactile, no hugs, distant. I remember that. I’m 63 and I realised long ago that’s why Ive always struggled to show my genuine warmth to certain others. It holds you back in life. Thanks mum.
Such a real person hugs to everyone who feels “ could have been “. We need more honest people like this to say how they really feel.
I could have been, too. Now it's late. ❤
@@denisbaroni3026 No! It's not too late... you're still here, right?
@@curiosity19 Right. 45 years old. I wish I had the energy of my 20s.
In floods of tears. What a gentle man. 😊
Lovely man; we all live with the choices we make. Life isn't over, James. God bless you; you're not alone.
A soul trying to reach out, like a dust particle dancing in the light, trying to collide into another dust particle. On this fateful day, he bumped into you, and your lens immortalized his smile, with a hint of sorrow, for the whole world to feel and resonate.
Absolutely heart wrenching. A capable and likable man, no friends. No real answers to this.
"The greatest failure that ever walked on plat Earth". Sorry, Sir, that title has already been taken.
I hear every word you say echoing in my heart. God bless You, Sir.
Wow. Some people shouldn't be parents. They're incapable of love and the scars they leave last a lifetime. All the best to you James.
Dead right..............
Couldn't agree more. And those who don't have a parental instinct or drive or need, should steer clear of being parents. Bad for the kids & bad for them.
True. But if you want a dog and go to the dog's home, there is a thorough vetting to make sure you are suitable to have one!
Some people have no choice in that… of course that’s no reason to treat your child badly.
Such a beautiful soul. Chris, you captured so much emotion in James’ photographs. I wish someone could take a look at his plays, to help him find his purpose🙏🏻🙌🏻🙏🏻
I was also struck by how good those photos are. Really interesting.
I love this man because of his honesty and self-awareness. He would be my friend.
Well James, wherever you are, I enjoyed seeing you and listening to you. I would definitely like a friend like you.
I want to sit down with James, listen to him, and show him he matters.
He doesn't need your pity. He needs a time machine.
I'd like to read his plays.
@@jonirischx8925 - I’m sorry kindness or empathy apparently equates to “pity” in your view. Thanks for telling me what he “needs” though; it’s cool you know him well enough to speak on his behalf.
This man is not the only one to be alone. There are millions like him...
If that man says he feels alone he most probably is. Sharing a similar fate of being alone by other people hardly makes one less lonely themselves.
James you are not alone ❤ My mother was distant unable to be loving & I too gravitated to warm loving families who had fun. I’m 72 & in many ways an under achiever & despite having four adult children and grandaughters they all live far away. Dear friends have died & I find myself very alone. You have a friend here in Pembrokeshire Wales Uk
This gentlemans style is off the charts
This just shows you the importance of introducing people to Jesus. God bless this man, what a beautiful heart. This world is full of hurt and abuse 😔 I pray the Everlasting Father heals this man and gives him a better family than this world ever could have. are are successful...dont forget
Damage done in early childhood can rob you of realizing your potential in life unless you acknowledge that damage as a young adult and do the work to heal yourself. If you are a teenager or young adult who was abused and / or neglected in childhood this is a warning to you. If you are an adult who has young children or plans to have children, this is also a warning to you.
Well said........
So damn true.
are you speaking from experience by chance
Oh, took incredible bravery to share such personal aspects of your life. May you be abundantly blessed. You have blessed hundreds of lives in a matter of 2 minutes.
My mother was a narcissist, so that meant no contact, no interaction, no communication, and definitely no love. The only time she acknowledged me was to say something nasty to me or embarrass me.
💞Big hugs to all the folks who didn’t get affection from their moms. All children deserve love.
We love you James ! Best of luck Brother❤💪🐞
What a wonderful and honest man. He is very hard on himself, which I understand because of what he went through in the past, but I truly hope that someday he finds someone he can connect with and not feel alone. I wish him all the best.
A kindred spirit if I ever saw one
James, you are beautiful, and we all' want to hug you as the 1000 most loving mothers would do. May God bless you!💚💗🌞
I wish that I knew James. What a great friend he would be, I'm sure.
I understand this man better than some members of my own Family. Many Blessings to you James, you are not alone.
You can feel the sadness in James, bless him. He should try and publish his plays!
I was abused by my dad from 5-16 and now I'm 57 all alone. Never had a girlfriend let alone an intimate relationship. No steady job, no house, no family. Just a restless existence.
I'm sorry you went through that. I've always thought it strange that as a human you need a license to drive a car but if you want to have to children, go right ahead, no checks and balances, no courses.
heartbreaking man, hope you find help eventually, can't go through that alone
I am sorry fo what you have experienced. You have a lot to give. This could be your year. Visualise. Be happy. You are a good person. You know this. You deserve happiness.
Bless you brother ❤
you're a tough, brave person from what I can tell -- sorry you had to go through that, though. also, there's still time for you to find your tribe.
Amazing, we forgot that social media has the power to connect us to people like this. It can be positive.
Thank you for sharing this.
Such a good and honest, and hurting man. I can identify with a lot of this, and I certainly empathize with him. James, I wish you peace, strength, hope and benevolence beyond your expectations for the rest of your days.
Don't worry James, there are millions of us just like you and God does not expect perfection, only society.....
We all want to hug him right now! 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
To have reached the autumn of your life & still be able to get out & about & be able to engage in conversation intelligently is achievement enough.
We always want more than we have.
I believe that this man's feelings of one's self are heartbreakingly common. And I say that in no way to devalue James own personal suffering ! He was candid and honest to the point of it being palpable. Many thanks for the vid. PS Also , I loved his dress style 🙂
Well James you made an impact here in 2 minutes. Kudos to your sincerity, it's a rare trait. We are more than a list of achievements. I hope you are able to see all these messages and understand you are seen and valued.
Ive been through horrible things as a child, but like james, im upbeat, and talk with a sense of optimism.
Id like to be james' friend.
I appreciate the honesty and humility that James shared; just imagine how many people around you at this very moment feel the same way that James does ; or worse! Be kind to everyone, because everyone has a story and everyone has feelings.
Blessings to all!
I would be this man's friend in a heartbeat. It would be my absolute pleasure. That's the real tragedy.
i'm happy that you got to cross paths with him, he needed that chat :') ♥️♥️♥️
Bless you James, you're a gentle and kind soul.
A man who can expres himself so genuine, honest and vulnerable with a camera to his face, is a high talent ace. Be proud Sir. So many men have no clue about the level of failure they are. For real.
James has the kind of introspective intuition that is relatable. I think his self awareness makes him more successful than he gives himself credit for. Nice pictures, BTW Chris.
sounds like anxious-avoidant attachment. Most of us with that do wind up alone and with few friends.
honesty hurts but it's real. and then it changes
Thank you James for sharing your story, it matters because so many people can relate. 🤲❤️
James, you're a wonderful human being. I would gladly be your friend. It's hard to find people that can put aside their ego and speak sincerely. You're one of those gems. ♥
God bless James. A mother's love is so important. We don't realize how important. As a mother, I wish I could give James the hug he always needed
James, if you ever see this - you are not a failure. You’re a kind and gracious person and it’s evident in how you carry yourself. Blessings to you!
He is alone, because he is authentic.
100% agree and I am living that comment you made, thank you!
So, are you saying people with great friends and family aren’t genuine? That’s such a terrible comment. There are plenty of awful people who are alone because of their bad behavior and personality, yet you’re giving them the idea that their authenticity is the reason they’re alone.
@@BastillemoteursThat's an odd reading of the comment, and an illogical conclusion. In my experience, people with many friends either have them because they are very authentic or because they are very inauthentic. It can be either way, and the comment did not say otherwise.
@ That's not an odd reading of a comment - I read it what it says. Stop hinding behind fictional complexities created by you.
@Bastillemoteurs I think your conclusion from what he said is right. He should have said some people are alone because they're authentic.
To James and all the people that see themselves in him : you’re not a failure. Try to find beauty and peace in the present and don’t dwell too much in the past.
Hugs for everyone! 🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂
I think we are many seeing this that would like to be a friend of James. 💕