It's been 11 days since you commented. I'm a stranger on the internet who wishes nothing more than your happiness. It will come, maybe not now but it will.
I don't miss the way the world used to be. I miss the way I used to be. edit: now I'm always anxious, fear dominates and doesnt allow me to be my true self in front of other people, so i just hide here on RUclips.
I realize the older I get, the more I see the value and beauty of my childhood...I miss it very much. It was a beautiful time and I miss my parents with all my heart. ❤️
Мне часто снится сон Зелëная поляна, а на ней цветы У опушке леса дом Где проживают две души. В комнате запах травяного чая, В дверь открытую туман По полу тихо расплываясь, Под лучами солнца пропадал. В моей рубахе, на нежное тело Ты засыпать в ней так любила, По лестнице вниз Словно ангел с небес, сходила На цыпочках с зади подошла, Прижалась, обняла, В поцелуе словно в одно целое сливаясь, Улетали в облака. Мне часто снится сон, Зелëная поляна, А на ней цветы, Это мой маленький рай Где сбываются мечты.
мечты о чуде мечты о сыне или дочке мечты о лете мечты в этой тишине сон мечты где нет печали нет ничего кроме поляны где цветут цветы и дом стоит с тобой
The hard part about life is learning to let go of your past and your fears when you're out of the woods, and the people with you don't know how to help even though they do care.
Какое же ужасное чувство осознавать что ты в клетке, когда хочется свободы. Но есть то, что мотивирует меня работать над собой и сделать так, что бы можно было этой клеткой управлять, что бы эта клетка стала для меня самым комфортным местом из всех возможных. Посмотрите под другим углом на ваши мысли о жизни, о себе, об окружающих. Я безмерно благодарна тому, что у меня сейчас есть, самое страшное это потерять всë. Так страшно потерять смысл жить. Я очень боюсь остаться пустой оболочкой в ледяной клетке. Всем счастья, что бы вы обрели смысл, и ни в коем случае его не потеряли, что бы ваша клетка вас не душила
Dude, and these places are there. Today i worked in a place like this all my day. Now iam in home, on city, on my couch watching Masters (golf) after a good day. Good night everyone, miss you all on this solitary, yet beautiful place.
La primera vez que veo uno de estos mixes con una imagen tan familiar para mi. El campo. Puedo sentir la humedad y el frio del aire despues de una lluvia, los charcos, el holor a barro y tierra mojada. El viento soplando.El atardecer entre las nubes oscuras, pareciera que aun va a seguir lloviendo. En pocos minutos esos colores anaranjados desapareceran con la caida del sol, y el paisaje quedara con un color celeste frio que resalta la soledad dentro de cada persona. Hace meses que no visito mi casa y el campo de mi familia, es una paisaje que llena de calma.
Когда живешь обычной жизнью, тоска пропитывает всё - желтеющие страницы книг, зубную щетку в ванной, сообщения в мобильном телефоне. "После всего что было, я все равно люблю тебя" - написала мне девушка, с которой я встречался три года... И дальше. Мы с тобой тысячу раз обменивались письмами, но наши сердца сблизились едва ли на сантиметр. Все эти годы я бежал вперед, хотел обрести что-то важное, что-то недостижимое. И кажется, в конце концов, остался ни с чем. Я не знал откуда вырвалась эта тревожная мысль, и боялся признаться себе что это правда, и продолжал работать. Потом я заметил что день ото дня моё сердце ожесточается, а жить становится всё невыносимей. Однажды утром я с ужасом осознал то, что до сих пор не мог принять, мне стало ясно сколь многое я утратил. Я уволился из компании и понял, что стою на краю пропасти.
This playlist is a breath of fresh air, helping me escape from the chaos of the world and find peace within myself. I can't believe how much this music has been helping me during this tough time. It's like a warm hug for my
The moment my father, grandmother and grandfather passed, almost 11 years ago, is the moment my memories ended and my self stopped caring about anyone and anything. I lost the ability to let people close to me. I won't be able to let any more loved ones go. The next one will be me. It sucks seeing all pillars of hope fall one by one as time seems to just fly past me. I'm stuck in the past with no way in sight that could lead me to the present.
Это фото буквально отправило меня на родину, на эти 34 минуты. Привет с Урала! Всем добра и мира! Все обязательно наладится. Я был бы рад найти пару таких фото для твоих видео ❤
@@Жизньпрекрасна-д1э Вы правы, уральская природа восхитительна. Поля, горы, леса, всё выглядит по доброму, это природа которая действительно лечит мое ментальное здоровье. Не забегайте вперёд, всякое может случиться, а чтобы побывать на красотах Урала, не всегда нужно много физической нагрузки, насладиться ею можно и из окна туристического автобуса
У меня бабушка на Урале живёт, я к ней 3 года катаюсь в сад на лето. Афигенные поля там. Прям как на фото. Закаты тоже очень красивые. Под них я очень люблю подумать о своей дальнейшей жизни. Всем кто очень хочет сюда попасть желаю успеха в этом. Оно стоит того🤗
I’m not missing my childhood. It was a great time an nice capital that has been closed, like a book with a happy end. Now I’m 28. I achieved all the goals I wanted to. But I always thinking on the past of my 21-22 when I was a single, when I had the feeling omg my life is not under control, each day I just was living in the day, just did things, was open to meet new people had a lot of party’s. In my bad I felt like nothing have a purpose. No Goal. I was free, little hippie styl. Now I have life under control… and you know what guys… this is boring. I’m sitting in a train. It just drives forward to his next destination. Now left or right or turn overs. Yeah I really miss the unexpected. I miss my old strange life. Enjoy as long you can. Cheers!
In less than a hour is going to be my best friend's birthday, we are so distant now from what we used to be (just life circumstances 🤷🏻). I wish I could walk with her in this old road hand by hand, we would contemplate the sunset, laugh and I would tell her how much I miss her and appreciate our friendship, that she means everything to me and that I hope we never end. Guys(and girls), appreciate your friends and tell them how much they mean to you, it's good to know that kind of thing.
The saddest man is the one who never gave love nor received it. He is invisible to others like the clouds, he has no home on earth. Every passing year is a painful reminder of how little time he has to feel alive again, for he is no stranger to death. Death knocks on his door day and night, but he will not go silently into that cold, dark night. His eyes are tired, and his hands heavy, but he yearns for one more chance to redeem himself. One more chance at love.
Últimamente no puedo mirarme al espejo siento vergüenza de mí misma. cuándo estoy un poco feliz me siento culpable porque pienso que no merezco ser feliz, es raro reírse después de todo lo que pasó en el día está te hace sentir culpable. Soy de esas personas que no enfrentan las situaciones, desarrolle pánico social me quedé sin amigos porque deje de ir a la secundaria, desde Abril que no voy, cada vez sentís más la soledad cada vez es más difícil de salir, estuve 4 meses sin salir de mí casa, ahora estoy yendo poco a poco, cuando salgo tengo muchas náuseas y picos de estrés y atraques de pánico, no puedo parar de sentirme así no puedo vivir no puedo y no es que no lo haya intentado llevo así 4 años, viste cuando dicen "no se que hacer con mí vida" bueno así estoy. Se que no merezco ser feliz pero aveces me gustaría vivir en paz como los demas por lo menos un día.
Amigo todos mereçemos ser felizes, eu não sei de onde você é quem e você ou oque faz da vida ou oq fez de errado mas uma coisa eu aprendi nessa minha vida miserável e que todos mereçemos encontrar a felicidade independente dos nossos erros.
Hey, pequeña extraña, no te averguenzes de ti misma, eres hermosa tal y como eres, todos en este mundo merecemos ser felices, no te preocupes, todo estara bien
First theme that comes on, make me reminiscent about the friends and comrades, I lost during my time in the Army. I hope they are living out a new journey wherever they may be. Even in the darkest of times, we can still find light within ourselves and all paths shall be uncovered for us to unlock the next door.
Как много в воспоминаниях ....Дорогие друзья! Всё будет хорошо,живите сейчас ,наслаждайтесь моментами.Хотите плачьте ,хотите смейтесь.Жизнь......быстро ускользает ,к сожалению
I've reached a period where I don't even know what to do with my life anymore, I simply remember how everything was simpler and more fun when I was a child, now it's just downhill, I really miss my childhood...
"This playlist is like a sanctuary for my soul. It's the perfect escape from the chaos of the world, and it fills me with peace and comfort. I can't thank you enough for creating and sharing this. It's like a warm hug
I do not miss my childhood. It was the worst. From the time I was born, my mother was subjected to beatings from my father and all kinds of insults. He was in front of me, and I could not do anything. Not only that, my brother was harassing me, and I do not even know when it started. My memory is distorted. He harassed me until I was 10 . And the worst he was not the only one who harassed me. The owner of the supermarket harassed me when I was only 10 years old. Now I am 17. I never told anyone what happened to me, and I could not help but think about my childhood. It was worse than you can imagine...
I want my home near a place like in the picture, So I can visit here every morning before starting my day and every evening after work. This would keep me sane.
Sometimes it’s more simple than it is complex, sometimes its easier than it is harder, looks weirder than it looks normal, spicy then sweet, soulful then degenerate, life is a mix of things you’ll never understand. And if you do, good for you. I pray the best for you. Whoever you are.
Привет, может показаться это странным, но я хочу сказать что бы вы не сдавались никогда. Будьте сильнее чем ваши трудности, даже если кажется что выхода нет, он всегда найдется и ты сможешь выйти из этой ситуации. Я знаком с множеством историй когда люди выходили из казалось бы ужасных и безвыходных ситуациях. Не расстраивайся изза того что тебя бросила девушка или парень, не расстраивайся изза плохой оценки, ведь ты это ты и ты лучше знаешь, что тебе нужно.
It's amazing how music can speak to us. I wonder if accepting the meaninglessness of life is the same as giving up on trying to find meaning. It's great to have free will, but is it enough to make us happy when life is so unpredictable? Some people may find existentialism comforting, but maybe not you. Maybe you want more out of life. Maybe you feel out of place in the world. What helped me to love myself was knowing that I was not an accident. That even if I don't feel good enough, I'm good enough for God. You don't have to settle for emptiness. You can hope for better things.
If this makes you sad its okay its not the past thing your tieing it too. Its just the universe and it is so beautiful and pure unconditional Love thats God so yes you get emotional because you are a god ❤🙏🏻 everything is consiousness and connected so be aware of your thoughts so we can make this world better 🤙🏻✌🏻
I'm not satisfied with my future. Is this the only path I could have followed? Why can't I be proud of me? Why is it always like this? I don't want to do anything. I want to be stuck in time.
One of my favs. Its best when its mildly cold weather and outside is rainy. Its 1am. Good. Now take on headset. Set it auto loop. Perfect. Move body myself to the bed, just following what the music is saying. When finally music perfectly harmonizes with me, i then enjoy peace of my mind. Breath in with scent of music, let it out with every agony and grief that distracts me. When i finally reach the corner of the dream i let the music take my body and spirit to wherever it must go
Just wanting to every person in this comments section knows, remember me in 20 of January, because is the day where all my problems started and where all will be gone, nothing more comfortable the fact you knows when you going to die so you just decide to recreate and build yourself inside from outside, the anxiety gone you stop overthinking yourself about what others could thinks about you, 5 months left is what I need. (2005/20/01)-(2025/20/01)
life never had appeal to me. ever. dont think it ever will and at this point i dont exactly care. ive either always been deeply bored or deeply miserable. and far too accepting of the transience of good times, too. when i finally fade away, i hope i get to live in an everchanging dreamscape. eternal nothingness would be fine too.
Reflection is truly key and lock. 🐲✨🐲✨🐲✨ "Before I start, I must see my end. Destination known, my mind's journey now begins. Upon my chariot, heart and soul's fate revealed. In time, all points converge, hope's strength resteeled. But to earn final peace at the universe's endless refrain, we must see all in nothingness... before we start again." 🐲✨🐲✨🐲✨ --Diamond Dragons (Armageddon's Ballad)
songs or videos like this calm me down, I forget about my problems and just immerse myself in my reality, which I can only dream ofsongs or videos like this calm me down, I forget about my problems and just immerse myself in my reality, which I can only dream of, I always wanted to visit a field of flowers, wheat or such as in the video, but because of how my mother protects me, it will be almost impossible, I love Mom for everything she gave me❤️ ~
Estou lutando muito para crescer em minha vida. Mas de tempo em tempo tudo parece desmoronar e então começo tudo de novo. Nesses momentos eu gostaria de ter o apoio dos meus pais, poder abraça-los e ouvir que está tudo bem e que as coisas irão melhorar logo. Mãe, pai, eu gostaria tanto que vocês estivessem aqui comigo. Gostaria que vocês fossem como anjos, protetores e acolhedores. Mas foram o motivo da minha desgraça.
You’re not actually living, if you aren’t in the present. Reliving memories is like like watching a film on repeat. You know what happens, but you want to experience it again. Don’t do this, it makes the good things bland and makes is hard to let go. Make new memories, it’s hard but trust me, it’s not as hard as holding into something so hard that you’ve ripped it to pieces and it only causes you pain to think about.
Я часто терял друзей. Кого-то из-за ссоры, кого-то просто встретил последний раз и больше никогда не видел. Но сейчас я потерял настоящего друга, это был мой отец. Я провел с ним всю жизнь. Прошли вместе через разное дерьмо. Таких бать ни у кого не было. У других были просто отцы, а у меня друг. У меня возникают вспышки воспоминаний, как мы идем вечером куда-то по дороге, вроде той, что на фото. Мы тараторим пустые разговоры, но эти разговоры самые важные.
I take 10mg melatonin gummies yet I don’t feel tired. So how many does it take for me to feel tired? Who knows because I ain’t risking it. Have a nice night if you’re reading this stupid question.
Melatonin supplements aren't always the sole solution for people who are trying to induce sleep. However, it's nearly impossible to overdose on it, and the only issue would be using it way, way, waaayyy too often (such as every day for months). Obviously consult a doctor, but here are some ideas to consider... * It takes 30-60 minutes for melatonin to take effect * Take it at night prior to bed, but never otherwise * Stay away from bright screens once you've taken Melatonin * Try increasing the milligrams taken a bit if it doesn't seem to help on one particular evening * Try not to eat prior to taking Melatonin; it may muddle the effects * Be patient; you might not feel the drowsiness until hours(?) later * Breathe deeply and consciously relax your muscles from head to toe. I mean... seriously attempt to focus on releasing the stress Good luck.
nao é estranho como todos aqui compartilhamos do mesmo sentimento sem nem mesmo nos conhecermos ? cada mente um universo, cada vida uma história, uma jornada mais louca que a outra, mentes mais brilhantes e impressionantes que outras que ja viram de tudo. Olá estranho, muito prazer 😃
i feel so lonely, as dumb as this will sound i just wanna be with some pretty girl that matches my energy just hanging out somewhere like the picture in this video listening to calming chill music and just enjoying our time together. I hope soon it will happen but mannnnnn is it annoying not finding the perfect one
You are tired. Your eyes fall shut and a slight pull casts a spell over you. You fight it, but it feels wrong. You get into it. You wake up in a liminal place. You start questioning your existence and reality.
Мне часто кажется, что если бы я вернулась в прошлое, то я бы точно прожила его куда лучше. Каждый день мне очень больно. Я жалею, что когда-то выбрала подобный путь. Я стараюсь не отчаиваться. Надеюсь, что когда-нибудь я всё-таки справлюсь с этим. А пока пожалуй немного морально отдохну под этот замечательный плейлист Желаю добра всем, кто прочитал этот комментарий
Изменив свою жизнь ты уничтожишь весь мир парадоксом😊 Так что живи как есть, не думай об ошибках. Мы на то и люди, что совершаем ошибки, а не идём по заданному сценарию
all I want is a quiet place, without the problems I face at the moment, I want a place without war and conflicts, a place where I get up in the morning and go to bed at night without having to worrying about tomorrow, where only the work produced by my own hands would affect me. I want to be able to give to a small mountainous plain, my little house, where I could live peacefully.... bruh, I need Vinland🤣
I hate the adds they put before n after music like if I’m tryna listen to this I’m not tryna hear sum completely unrelated 💀anyways hope everyone finds peace, happiness, and a purpose💯
I believe after we die, we live another life after, in the afterlife. I just want a fresh start. I just don't want to live this life of me anymore, I want to start over.
Best tracks from my channel on a SPOTIFY playlist: (Daily updated)
Bonjr, если это реально, тогда я останусь (замедленно и с реверберацией) - Where can I find this track? It's a well done remix, I love it.
im stuck in the past. when things go wrong im thinkin about good old days with my fam. i miss my childhood so badly…
"Reflect upon the Past.
Embrace your Present.
Orchestrate our Futures." --Artemis (DD3)
Bring out your inner child and live your truth that's the way. Not grow up and give up... Have fun! No worries ❤ 🙏🏻
@@Cosmicsurfpro thx appreciate it ❤️
I hear u bro trust me
It's been 11 days since you commented. I'm a stranger on the internet who wishes nothing more than your happiness. It will come, maybe not now but it will.
спустя столько лет?
С прошедшим днём рождения! Желаю чтобы этот год стал незабываемым и полным радостных событий! ❤🎉
this arrived Brazil !!!!!
Amanhã, 25 de abril, será meu aniversario 😶🌫️
С прошедшим вас!
“Everyone gets a happy ending if you’re not happy then it’s not the end.”
Take care of yourself I love u stranger ❤️
Some stories don't have happy ending
in the end they are all left alone
There is nothing good hapening in my life but i dont want to die from my own hand. If i must die i would like to go out fighting
John Lennon?
i miss the past when everything was fine and world was bright.
i miss my childhood.
I don't miss the way the world used to be. I miss the way I used to be.
edit: now I'm always anxious, fear dominates and doesnt allow me to be my true self in front of other people, so i just hide here on RUclips.
you will get a second childhood, a little lonelier and possibly full of arguing about what to do with you, but at least there will be video games
I realize the older I get, the more I see the value and beauty of my childhood...I miss it very much. It was a beautiful time and I miss my parents with all my heart. ❤️
Hey there look like you’ve been through Hell and back..just sit back and relax. For this journey will be a good one.
Uh huh, then hear what i upload
Thank you Virgil, I'm motivated
Inglês: Thank you
Espanhol: Gracias
Francês: Merci
Alemão: Danke
Italiano: Grazie
Português: Obrigado
Holandês: Dank je
Sueco: Tack
Japonês: ありがとう (Arigatou)
Chinês (Mandarim): 谢谢 (Xièxiè)
Russo: Спасибо (Spasibo)
Coreano: 감사합니다 (Gamsahamnida)
Árabe: شكراً (Shukran)
Hindi: धन्यवाद (Dhanyavaad)
Hebraico: תודה (Toda)
I needed that, thank you
Мне часто снится сон
Зелëная поляна, а на ней цветы
У опушке леса дом
Где проживают две души.
В комнате запах травяного чая,
В дверь открытую туман
По полу тихо расплываясь,
Под лучами солнца пропадал.
В моей рубахе, на нежное тело
Ты засыпать в ней так любила,
По лестнице вниз
Словно ангел с небес, сходила
На цыпочках с зади подошла,
Прижалась, обняла,
В поцелуе словно в одно целое сливаясь,
Улетали в облака.
Мне часто снится сон,
Зелëная поляна,
А на ней цветы,
Это мой маленький рай
Где сбываются мечты.
Чудесный стих! 🥺 💓
@@Сашабраус-ж9д благодарю, находит иногда, пишу.
мечты о чуде
мечты о сыне или дочке
мечты о лете
мечты в этой тишине
сон мечты где нет печали
нет ничего кроме поляны
где цветут цветы
и дом стоит с тобой
Вау, так красиво🥹
The worst part is being stuck in a time period, not knowing when you will get out of it.
The hard part about life is learning to let go of your past and your fears when you're out of the woods, and the people with you don't know how to help even though they do care.
Какое же ужасное чувство осознавать что ты в клетке, когда хочется свободы. Но есть то, что мотивирует меня работать над собой и сделать так, что бы можно было этой клеткой управлять, что бы эта клетка стала для меня самым комфортным местом из всех возможных. Посмотрите под другим углом на ваши мысли о жизни, о себе, об окружающих. Я безмерно благодарна тому, что у меня сейчас есть, самое страшное это потерять всë. Так страшно потерять смысл жить. Я очень боюсь остаться пустой оболочкой в ледяной клетке. Всем счастья, что бы вы обрели смысл, и ни в коем случае его не потеряли, что бы ваша клетка вас не душила
Какое ужасное чувство, когда не можешь отбиться иза количества, пытаясь построить крышу без опоры...
Picture is like a place without reality but there are actually places like this here on earth... which gives me weird nostalgia.
Dude, and these places are there. Today i worked in a place like this all my day. Now iam in home, on city, on my couch watching Masters (golf) after a good day. Good night everyone, miss you all on this solitary, yet beautiful place.
@@jogandoemcasa6715 💓
ох в у меня в России много таких мест и полей с такой атмосферой…)
это просто невероятно волшебно, возвращает в воспоминания
La primera vez que veo uno de estos mixes con una imagen tan familiar para mi. El campo. Puedo sentir la humedad y el frio del aire despues de una lluvia, los charcos, el holor a barro y tierra mojada. El viento soplando.El atardecer entre las nubes oscuras, pareciera que aun va a seguir lloviendo. En pocos minutos esos colores anaranjados desapareceran con la caida del sol, y el paisaje quedara con un color celeste frio que resalta la soledad dentro de cada persona. Hace meses que no visito mi casa y el campo de mi familia, es una paisaje que llena de calma.
Can confirm how it feels, same in croatia.
" Don’t walk in front of me… I may not follow
Don’t walk behind me… I may not lead
Walk beside me… just be my friend "
yea i want a one real friend nothing else i have lost so many things in 2 years
Когда живешь обычной жизнью, тоска пропитывает всё - желтеющие страницы книг, зубную щетку в ванной, сообщения в мобильном телефоне. "После всего что было, я все равно люблю тебя" - написала мне девушка, с которой я встречался три года... И дальше. Мы с тобой тысячу раз обменивались письмами, но наши сердца сблизились едва ли на сантиметр. Все эти годы я бежал вперед, хотел обрести что-то важное, что-то недостижимое. И кажется, в конце концов, остался ни с чем. Я не знал откуда вырвалась эта тревожная мысль, и боялся признаться себе что это правда, и продолжал работать. Потом я заметил что день ото дня моё сердце ожесточается, а жить становится всё невыносимей. Однажды утром я с ужасом осознал то, что до сих пор не мог принять, мне стало ясно сколь многое я утратил. Я уволился из компании и понял, что стою на краю пропасти.
замечательные слова из фильма " 5 см в секунду"
No one ever told me that growing up was so painful. The nostalgia hits so hard
Its crazy how these types of videos come to those in need in just time. Another reason I like my life. Things come to us when in need
real bro
Turning to God will get you an amazing life.. Don’t give up...❤ God heals the unhappy.
youtube comments r so peaceful and they make me wanna open up fr (i miss being a kid)
This playlist is a breath of fresh air, helping me escape from the chaos of the world and find peace within myself.
I can't believe how much this music has been helping me during this tough time. It's like a warm hug for my
The moment my father, grandmother and grandfather passed, almost 11 years ago, is the moment my memories ended and my self stopped caring about anyone and anything. I lost the ability to let people close to me. I won't be able to let any more loved ones go. The next one will be me. It sucks seeing all pillars of hope fall one by one as time seems to just fly past me. I'm stuck in the past with no way in sight that could lead me to the present.
Everything will be fine, don't give up. You will find soul rest in something, trust me
Это фото буквально отправило меня на родину, на эти 34 минуты. Привет с Урала! Всем добра и мира! Все обязательно наладится. Я был бы рад найти пару таких фото для твоих видео ❤
И в правду как будто фото из уральских степей...
На Урале, наверное, очень красиво.Там очень богатая природа. Смотрела передачи.
Я никогда уже там не побываю,но очень хотелось бы. Всем мира и добра!
@@Жизньпрекрасна-д1э Вы правы, уральская природа восхитительна. Поля, горы, леса, всё выглядит по доброму, это природа которая действительно лечит мое ментальное здоровье. Не забегайте вперёд, всякое может случиться, а чтобы побывать на красотах Урала, не всегда нужно много физической нагрузки, насладиться ею можно и из окна туристического автобуса
У меня бабушка на Урале живёт, я к ней 3 года катаюсь в сад на лето. Афигенные поля там. Прям как на фото. Закаты тоже очень красивые. Под них я очень люблю подумать о своей дальнейшей жизни. Всем кто очень хочет сюда попасть желаю успеха в этом. Оно стоит того🤗
❝-Далеко, далеко на Западе за морем есть земля, которая зовётся Винландом. Тёплая и богатая земля, где не горит огонь войны, и где не торгуют людьми"
Это откуда?
@@Геотра Сага о винланде
I’m not missing my childhood. It was a great time an nice capital that has been closed, like a book with a happy end. Now I’m 28. I achieved all the goals I wanted to. But I always thinking on the past of my 21-22 when I was a single, when I had the feeling omg my life is not under control, each day I just was living in the day, just did things, was open to meet new people had a lot of party’s. In my bad I felt like nothing have a purpose. No Goal. I was free, little hippie styl. Now I have life under control… and you know what guys… this is boring. I’m sitting in a train. It just drives forward to his next destination. Now left or right or turn overs. Yeah I really miss the unexpected. I miss my old strange life. Enjoy as long you can. Cheers!
In less than a hour is going to be my best friend's birthday, we are so distant now from what we used to be (just life circumstances 🤷🏻). I wish I could walk with her in this old road hand by hand, we would contemplate the sunset, laugh and I would tell her how much I miss her and appreciate our friendship, that she means everything to me and that I hope we never end. Guys(and girls), appreciate your friends and tell them how much they mean to you, it's good to know that kind of thing.
I share the same experience too
Essa foto parece o campo onde a minha vó mora saudades
The saddest man is the one who never gave love nor received it. He is invisible to others like the clouds, he has no home on earth. Every passing year is a painful reminder of how little time he has to feel alive again, for he is no stranger to death. Death knocks on his door day and night, but he will not go silently into that cold, dark night. His eyes are tired, and his hands heavy, but he yearns for one more chance to redeem himself. One more chance at love.
Últimamente no puedo mirarme al espejo siento vergüenza de mí misma. cuándo estoy un poco feliz me siento culpable porque pienso que no merezco ser feliz, es raro reírse después de todo lo que pasó en el día está te hace sentir culpable. Soy de esas personas que no enfrentan las situaciones, desarrolle pánico social me quedé sin amigos porque deje de ir a la secundaria, desde Abril que no voy, cada vez sentís más la soledad cada vez es más difícil de salir, estuve 4 meses sin salir de mí casa, ahora estoy yendo poco a poco, cuando salgo tengo muchas náuseas y picos de estrés y atraques de pánico, no puedo parar de sentirme así no puedo vivir no puedo y no es que no lo haya intentado llevo así 4 años, viste cuando dicen "no se que hacer con mí vida" bueno así estoy. Se que no merezco ser feliz pero aveces me gustaría vivir en paz como los demas por lo menos un día.
Amigo todos mereçemos ser felizes, eu não sei de onde você é quem e você ou oque faz da vida ou oq fez de errado mas uma coisa eu aprendi nessa minha vida miserável e que todos mereçemos encontrar a felicidade independente dos nossos erros.
Hey, pequeña extraña, no te averguenzes de ti misma, eres hermosa tal y como eres, todos en este mundo merecemos ser felices, no te preocupes, todo estara bien
First theme that comes on, make me reminiscent about the friends and comrades, I lost during my time in the Army. I hope they are living out a new journey wherever they may be.
Even in the darkest of times, we can still find light within ourselves and all paths shall be uncovered for us to unlock the next door.
Как много в воспоминаниях ....Дорогие друзья! Всё будет хорошо,живите сейчас ,наслаждайтесь моментами.Хотите плачьте ,хотите смейтесь.Жизнь......быстро ускользает ,к сожалению
Жизнь быстро и жестоко успокаивает, сдавив всех на пути...
I've reached a period where I don't even know what to do with my life anymore, I simply remember how everything was simpler and more fun when I was a child, now it's just downhill, I really miss my childhood...
"This playlist is like a sanctuary for my soul. It's the perfect escape from the chaos of the world, and it fills me with peace and comfort. I can't thank you enough for creating and sharing this. It's like a warm hug
Absolutely stunning playlist ~ it warms all the right places within my soul
I do not miss my childhood. It was the worst. From the time I was born, my mother was subjected to beatings from my father and all kinds of insults. He was in front of me, and I could not do anything. Not only that, my brother was harassing me, and I do not even know when it started. My memory is distorted. He harassed me until I was 10 . And the worst he was not the only one who harassed me. The owner of the supermarket harassed me when I was only 10 years old. Now I am 17. I never told anyone what happened to me, and I could not help but think about my childhood. It was worse than you can imagine...
you didnt deserve any of that harm♡ you deserve to heal.....yu dezerve the best!!!
@@doomgoor9960 Thanks for ur kind words 🤍🤍🎀
You are so strong and beautiful soul
God bless you
@@gracethekilla You are kind thank u 🥹🤍🤍
زينب هل انتِ بخير ؟ عندما قرأت كلماتك اردت احتضانك فقط لتشعري بأمان
Can I just say I think this array of tunes is just stunning. No add interruptions and it's just so good that I'm saving it as, my Go To.
I want my home near a place like in the picture, So I can visit here every morning before starting my day and every evening after work. This would keep me sane.
Sometimes it’s more simple than it is complex, sometimes its easier than it is harder, looks weirder than it looks normal, spicy then sweet, soulful then degenerate, life is a mix of things you’ll never understand. And if you do, good for you. I pray the best for you. Whoever you are.
Привет, может показаться это странным, но я хочу сказать что бы вы не сдавались никогда. Будьте сильнее чем ваши трудности, даже если кажется что выхода нет, он всегда найдется и ты сможешь выйти из этой ситуации. Я знаком с множеством историй когда люди выходили из казалось бы ужасных и безвыходных ситуациях. Не расстраивайся изза того что тебя бросила девушка или парень, не расстраивайся изза плохой оценки, ведь ты это ты и ты лучше знаешь, что тебе нужно.
Обещаю жить в этой тьме до последнего вздоха.
It's amazing how music can speak to us. I wonder if accepting the meaninglessness of life is the same as giving up on trying to find meaning. It's great to have free will, but is it enough to make us happy when life is so unpredictable?
Some people may find existentialism comforting, but maybe not you. Maybe you want more out of life. Maybe you feel out of place in the world. What helped me to love myself was knowing that I was not an accident. That even if I don't feel good enough, I'm good enough for God.
You don't have to settle for emptiness. You can hope for better things.
"Silence is *not* 'emptiness'. There are some lessons which sound... cannot teach." --Artemis (DD1)
when ppl tell me to play a song from my playlist but this is all i listen too
dang this is the best ambient playlist ever, almost every song is my favourite
If this makes you sad its okay its not the past thing your tieing it too. Its just the universe and it is so beautiful and pure unconditional Love thats God so yes you get emotional because you are a god ❤🙏🏻 everything is consiousness and connected so be aware of your thoughts so we can make this world better 🤙🏻✌🏻
thank you so much
Такое ощущение, что я там была... + вайб ❤
I'm not satisfied with my future. Is this the only path I could have followed? Why can't I be proud of me? Why is it always like this? I don't want to do anything. I want to be stuck in time.
Não ser sofoque amigo
7:51 oh ths music.. It makes me feel like I'm in another world
One of my favs. Its best when its mildly cold weather and outside is rainy. Its 1am. Good. Now take on headset. Set it auto loop. Perfect. Move body myself to the bed, just following what the music is saying. When finally music perfectly harmonizes with me, i then enjoy peace of my mind. Breath in with scent of music, let it out with every agony and grief that distracts me.
When i finally reach the corner of the dream i let the music take my body and spirit to wherever it must go
@@vibin1408 cute
@@تُنسى_كأنكَ_لم_تكَن thanks:3
Looks like where I grew up I miss this place so much
в полях Рашки есть чето особенное все таки
Just wanting to every person in this comments section knows, remember me in 20 of January, because is the day where all my problems started and where all will be gone, nothing more comfortable the fact you knows when you going to die so you just decide to recreate and build yourself inside from outside, the anxiety gone you stop overthinking yourself about what others could thinks about you, 5 months left is what I need. (2005/20/01)-(2025/20/01)
обожаю этот плейлист, отпрвляет на время в воспоминания и мысли^^
23:25 Holy moly this music so intense and with deep emotions .🥴😵💫
Las lluvias han demorado y te das cuenta que realmente nos quedaremos sin agua
Estoy orgulloso de que en mi país (uruguay) hayan tantos lugares como estos.
Son simplemente hermosos.
life never had appeal to me. ever. dont think it ever will and at this point i dont exactly care.
ive either always been deeply bored or deeply miserable. and far too accepting of the transience of good times, too.
when i finally fade away, i hope i get to live in an everchanging dreamscape. eternal nothingness would be fine too.
sounds fun🥺
Reflection is truly key and lock.
"Before I start, I must see my end. Destination known, my mind's journey now begins. Upon my chariot, heart and soul's fate revealed. In time, all points converge, hope's strength resteeled. But to earn final peace at the universe's endless refrain, we must see all in nothingness... before we start again."
--Diamond Dragons (Armageddon's Ballad)
Hi Meursault
songs or videos like this calm me down, I forget about my problems and just immerse myself in my reality, which I can only dream ofsongs or videos like this calm me down, I forget about my problems and just immerse myself in my reality, which I can only dream of, I always wanted to visit a field of flowers, wheat or such as in the video, but because of how my mother protects me, it will be almost impossible, I love Mom for everything she gave me❤️ ~
Que tranquilizante❤❤ me encanta
Yoooo excellent mix
So good 🫶😩😇
I love the photo
Жалықтым, жақыным келіп құшақтаса ғой. Үлгере алар емеспін. Ақшада табу керек. Нәпсімді жек көрем.....
this is perfect bro
Estou lutando muito para crescer em minha vida. Mas de tempo em tempo tudo parece desmoronar e então começo tudo de novo. Nesses momentos eu gostaria de ter o apoio dos meus pais, poder abraça-los e ouvir que está tudo bem e que as coisas irão melhorar logo. Mãe, pai, eu gostaria tanto que vocês estivessem aqui comigo. Gostaria que vocês fossem como anjos, protetores e acolhedores. Mas foram o motivo da minha desgraça.
Wow, the dreamcore vibe is rly good
Very aesthetic channel, thnx for your work and good luck)
You’re not actually living, if you aren’t in the present.
Reliving memories is like like watching a film on repeat. You know what happens, but you want to experience it again. Don’t do this, it makes the good things bland and makes is hard to let go. Make new memories, it’s hard but trust me, it’s not as hard as holding into something so hard that you’ve ripped it to pieces and it only causes you pain to think about.
these songs aren t sad ike other ppl think these are my peace my comfort zone
nice , so chilling . ty for good mixes
This playlist is stunning 🤩 thanks a lot 🌸
This looks like a everyday landscape im seeing when im out in the fields..
A history of adaptation of an animal to his enviorement...
I burn some incense, play this video, pull my blanket over my head, and get back to work tomorrow.
Much love ❤🥺
Empty heart
this channel literally like the place which like a dream
I feel like a fairly slow drone fly over in this type landscape would take things to another level. That said, great audio clips. 👍
the comment section is full of memories
Я часто терял друзей. Кого-то из-за ссоры, кого-то просто встретил последний раз и больше никогда не видел. Но сейчас я потерял настоящего друга, это был мой отец. Я провел с ним всю жизнь. Прошли вместе через разное дерьмо. Таких бать ни у кого не было. У других были просто отцы, а у меня друг. У меня возникают вспышки воспоминаний, как мы идем вечером куда-то по дороге, вроде той, что на фото. Мы тараторим пустые разговоры, но эти разговоры самые важные.
Meus sentimentos
Предательство от близких людей....
Navo muito obrigado por mais uma playlist incrível, agora posso dormir nas nuvens☁☁☁
KK até q enfim um comentário em português
I take 10mg melatonin gummies yet I don’t feel tired. So how many does it take for me to feel tired? Who knows because I ain’t risking it. Have a nice night if you’re reading this stupid question.
one is enough if you're not used to melatonin, but you only experience the effect in like an hour after you take it so you need to plan your sleep
Melatonin supplements aren't always the sole solution for people who are trying to induce sleep. However, it's nearly impossible to overdose on it, and the only issue would be using it way, way, waaayyy too often (such as every day for months). Obviously consult a doctor, but here are some ideas to consider...
* It takes 30-60 minutes for melatonin to take effect
* Take it at night prior to bed, but never otherwise
* Stay away from bright screens once you've taken Melatonin
* Try increasing the milligrams taken a bit if it doesn't seem to help on one particular evening
* Try not to eat prior to taking Melatonin; it may muddle the effects
* Be patient; you might not feel the drowsiness until hours(?) later
* Breathe deeply and consciously relax your muscles from head to toe. I mean... seriously attempt to focus on releasing the stress
Good luck.
Wait are we not suppost to take four?
@@Spencer_R_07 idk mine says to take 2 on the bottle but depends on what ammount is in per gummy and what brand you use
This is beautiful good evening I just woke up I was so beyond tired and hurt and stressed I'm not feeling to great but it's comming 😊
nao é estranho como todos aqui compartilhamos do mesmo sentimento sem nem mesmo nos conhecermos ? cada mente um universo, cada vida uma história, uma jornada mais louca que a outra, mentes mais brilhantes e impressionantes que outras que ja viram de tudo. Olá estranho, muito prazer 😃
i feel so lonely, as dumb as this will sound i just wanna be with some pretty girl that matches my energy just hanging out somewhere like the picture in this video listening to calming chill music and just enjoying our time together. I hope soon it will happen but mannnnnn is it annoying not finding the perfect one
Una vez soñé que tenía una familia koreana y me sacaban de latinoamerica 😮❤
You may always want to return to the past but what you have now is not permanent either
You are tired. Your eyes fall shut and a slight pull casts a spell over you. You fight it, but it feels wrong. You get into it. You wake up in a liminal place. You start questioning your existence and reality.
Мне часто кажется, что если бы я вернулась в прошлое, то я бы точно прожила его куда лучше. Каждый день мне очень больно. Я жалею, что когда-то выбрала подобный путь. Я стараюсь не отчаиваться. Надеюсь, что когда-нибудь я всё-таки справлюсь с этим. А пока пожалуй немного морально отдохну под этот замечательный плейлист
Желаю добра всем, кто прочитал этот комментарий
Изменив свою жизнь ты уничтожишь весь мир парадоксом😊 Так что живи как есть, не думай об ошибках. Мы на то и люди, что совершаем ошибки, а не идём по заданному сценарию
@@Thesonofhero спасибо большое Вам за это напоминание
@@TheCrystalNi 😁
My soul is torn and my future is so black so black
please make a cxrgi mix!!! Such good sounds
O verdadeiro sonho é o reino dos céus! 💙🤍🙏🏻
Isso é muito confortável mds
all I want is a quiet place, without the problems I face at the moment, I want a place without war and conflicts, a place where I get up in the morning and go to bed at night without having to worrying about tomorrow, where only the work produced by my own hands would affect me. I want to be able to give to a small mountainous plain, my little house, where I could live peacefully....
bruh, I need Vinland🤣
i love this playlists 💓💓💓💓💓
Hello everbody I think so that I'm sad cause' this rythem It feels me worderful ✨
whenever i wake up, i deel nothing but the ants running acroos the forbidden trenches of narnia.. 👊✊😔
1:10 that’s make me cry
мне нравятся твои видео❤
I hate the adds they put before n after music like if I’m tryna listen to this I’m not tryna hear sum completely unrelated 💀anyways hope everyone finds peace, happiness, and a purpose💯
Un lugar como un sueño... Yo realmente me enamore de ella,ella siente lo mismo es... Hermoso
I believe after we die, we live another life after, in the afterlife. I just want a fresh start. I just don't want to live this life of me anymore, I want to start over.
Why do I feel like life has just stopped? Pandemics, illnesses, deaths, and it all still seems unreal. Sometimes I wonder if this all really happened.