Everything does NOT happen for a reason | Brian Klaas

  • Опубликовано: 29 сен 2024

Комментарии • 439

  • @bigthink
    @bigthink  3 месяца назад +15

    Compare coverage and stay informed on breaking news all in one place by subscribing through the link ground.news/bigthink to get 40% off unlimited access with the Vantage Plan.

  • @jeremyfarley3872
    @jeremyfarley3872 2 месяца назад +20

    Years ago I was really diving deep into Buddhism. I was paying close attention to everyones behavior and had noticed that everything we had a cookout, all the couples were stressed out and arguing about who's turn it is to watch their child. I decided to do an experiment and decided this time I would just hang out with all the kids. Keep them occupied, had lots of activities, and pretty much played the role of fun babysitter. It was amazing watching how that change affected the whole vibe of the party. How the couples interacted with themselves and others. The stress was gone. Not one argument that I noticed and everyone had a great time. Years later some of them remembered what a great party we had that day. I've often wondered how those ripples manifested after the party. Did maybe someone's relationship get a little bit better? Was someone a bit nicer to that gas station cashier who then after having a good day at work decided to help that person with a flat tire? I tend to look on the positive side and think, in general the outcomes probably are positive but not necessarily so. What if after the party one couple ended up fighting over things that came to light during the party. Comparing themselves to other couples that seem happier. Comparing their husband to this guy who is great with kids and seemingly puts them first. Maybe that gas station cashier stopped to help a killer. As far as I know nothing of the sort happened but it has amazed me ever since, the profound effect that one person's actions can have. It's overused but we really are all floating in a sea and all of our actions create ripples that make our neighbors bobb up and down in the waves. I've never told anyone about my little experiments. Figured for them to work, no one can know that I'm manipulating them. Imagine the kind of impact I could make if I wasn't so lazy and it wasn't so exhausting? 😅

  • @psychclone
    @psychclone 3 месяца назад +394

    There’s a big difference between “everything happens for a reason” and “we can find meaning in anything/everything that happens”. We are meaning-making machines as a result of evolution and the survival benefits of pattern recognition, but that also means we see patterns and causality where there is none. The vast majority of what we think “happens for a reason”, is just our brain projecting meaning and illusory patterns on random chaos.

    • @HumbleShallot
      @HumbleShallot 3 месяца назад +15

      At the same time, not everything happens for no reason.

    • @You_n_mee
      @You_n_mee 3 месяца назад +1

      damn... a good one

    • @SachiJones
      @SachiJones 3 месяца назад +10

      Somewhat aside from your point, which I agree with first of all, I'm not sure anything is truly random. It think it's a reasonable assumption to say that, as far as we can tell, the phenomena we observe is cause-effect in nature. As such, if something appears random maybe the cause-effect relationship is simply not understood yet, and perhaps only due to current technological or intellectual limitations. For example hurricanes and tornadoes used to seem random but can now be predicted with relative accuracy. And lightning was thought to strike randomly but scientists now understand the conditions that lead to lightning formation and can predict areas more likely to experience strikes during storms.

    • @psychclone
      @psychclone 3 месяца назад +3

      Totally agree. I certainly wasn’t arguing that there are NO cause-effect relationships in nature or, similarly, that some phenomena that currently appear random to us don’t in fact have systematic causes that we haven’t discovered or don’t yet understand (indeed, that’s the whole point of conducting science); I’m simply arguing that evolution has molded our brains to perceive more systematic causality than there actually is. It’s also the case that these illusory cause-effect relationships are often highly anthropocentric, meaning that we not only perceive these relationships where there are none but also that these relationships have some special significance/relevance to us as humans (insert religion here) or to us a person (“that person is in a bad mood, it must be because of something I did”). We don’t all make all of these errors all of the time, but definitely all make these types of cognitive errors, and we’re genetically prone to making them often.

    • @prathameshrailkar6919
      @prathameshrailkar6919 3 месяца назад +2

      I am glad you were the first comment I saw on this, because your comment has everything that I needed to explain before I said why everything does happen for a reason. So Each Individual will see different patterns or in your ignorant words, "Illusory patterns on Random chaos". And from that I derive this simple thing, there are some patterns and meanings that only a single individual human can see, in the same situation or having gone through the same experience no one else will see the meaning that that particular individual does. And this works backwards as well, that individual willnot be able to see a particular meaning that someone else might be able to see in the same situation. This means that everything does happen for a reason, it's just that the reasons can be plural and pertaining the various individuals. It is a convenient way to have a single event or experience influence different individuals in a different way and make us the unique person that we are.

  • @SachiJones
    @SachiJones 3 месяца назад +21

    The statement “everything happens for a reason” can be interpreted more than one way. It seems like it's most often interpreted something like, "This unfortunate event occurred but some good will come from it," which seems to be about finding meaning. But I also hear it this way: "This unfortunate event occurred because of these preceding events." I think in this context everything probably does happen for a reason, by which I mean that for every thing there is a reason, a preceding cause, for its occurrence. And every thing in turn will cause an effect.

    • @thisisme5487
      @thisisme5487 2 месяца назад

      Right. Everything does happen for a reason. If a ball is in the air, there's a reason for it. The ball doesn't stay in the air for itself for a reason. Etc etc

    • @thisisme5487
      @thisisme5487 2 месяца назад

      By itself without a reason*

  • @desiree.s
    @desiree.s 3 месяца назад +6

    I was with him until I realized we’re just in the middle of him on his journey of finding purpose and him not tangibly realizing it yet. Please remember, alllll teachers are on their own path and can only teach from their experience as of the moment they’re speaking. He’ll come to different conclusions the further he goes into his journey. I definitely believe in his beginning thoughts though. ✨

    • @TimJohnston911
      @TimJohnston911 3 месяца назад +4

      Yeah, he has formed his beliefs based on his experiences. It irritates me when people speak in absolutes like the thing is true for everyone when in fact it’s just true for him.

    • @HAPPLIP
      @HAPPLIP 2 месяца назад

      @@TimJohnston911 Isn't it more fascinating than irritating though? Learning from other humans experiences is why we grow and evolve as human beings.
      If we were to show ignorance to that we'd be figuring out how to survives as cavemen.
      Being able to " wow I never seen/thought of it that way " is a human gift.

    • @TimJohnston911
      @TimJohnston911 2 месяца назад +1

      @@HAPPLIP Totally agree that we can be in awe of, and learn from others experiences and ideas. What irritates me is when people speak in absolutes “everything does NOT happen for a reason” when we really don’t know. For me, life is way more interesting and enlightening when we can acknowledge we don’t know certain things, but some of us come to believe things based on our individual experiences.

  • @BillyJupiter
    @BillyJupiter 24 дня назад

    When "For A" turns into "Without", the quest for, turns into an answer why.
    "Careful seeking meaning, where there is none." - Gandalf

  • @little.pixiedoll
    @little.pixiedoll 3 месяца назад

    5:41 "We never think that way"
    It's literally all I think about.

  • @lorenzofrizzera
    @lorenzofrizzera 3 месяца назад

    Recognizing randomness as the ultimate driver of events still requires a trust based on scientific evidence and the capability of our models to describe and predict our reality. It remains a matter of faith since intermediate drivers exhibit emerging order and the universe seems to accumulate information in chaos.

  • @anthonymcnamee6297
    @anthonymcnamee6297 2 месяца назад

    Balance is the key

  • @bobbeckishere
    @bobbeckishere 2 месяца назад

    That clip is from Back to the Future 2 in 1989, not Back to the Future in 1985.

  • @DharcCharmer
    @DharcCharmer 3 месяца назад

    Everything is connected to everything. -Bernard Sanders

  • @GamingNXS
    @GamingNXS 3 месяца назад

    Him: "We ARE somewhere between chaos & order" while explaining Convergence vs Contingency.
    Me: Jordan Peterson-lookin' ahhh. (P.S> No shade, both are brilliant. Just a joyful little reminder of someone he's likely studied at one point, among so many others that have educated this brilliant man)

  • @BeStillLittleTree
    @BeStillLittleTree 2 месяца назад

    6:44 but you seem pretty certain that you don't have a cosmic purpose, I wonder how that ties into your position that uncertainty improves the quality of life? I'm not sure we can matter of factly state that we are just a cosmic accident. To say that is to say that we know everything there is to know about this universe, much of which already happens at a level we can't observe and can only guess about through theories. Maybe we do...but maybe we don't. Which circles me back to your point about uncertainty. Personally, I think the best I can say about this topic is "I don't know", and it turns out that type of openness really has improved my quality of life. So I'm with you on that one! :)

  • @DesignDesigns
    @DesignDesigns 3 месяца назад

    Right.....But the problem is, human brain has a hard time to understand randomness, or fluke and its influence in life.

  • @terririmmer4706
    @terririmmer4706 3 месяца назад

    I hate that saying. Kids getting cancer? No reason. War? No reason. Hate crimes? No reason. And I could go on and on.

  • @warrentrout
    @warrentrout 3 месяца назад

    People want to believe in a higher power guiding history

  • @NSacristanCSAT
    @NSacristanCSAT 3 месяца назад

    Clear as mud.

  • @MichelleCarithersAuthor
    @MichelleCarithersAuthor 3 месяца назад

    This need to understand everything without proper context is why we continue to place ourselves in a "spin chamber". We are not "accidents". We have genuine purposes which involves becoming reasonable instead of focusing on the reasons. The ability to understand cause and effect ought to "wake up" the sleeping children on this planet. Follow now backwards and what do you come up with?

  • @xsnipersgox
    @xsnipersgox 3 месяца назад

    KYO TO, i can’t

  • @LouiseEduardo-vp2m
    @LouiseEduardo-vp2m 3 месяца назад

    GLORY!!!'m favoured, $140K every 3weeks! And am retired i can now give back to the locals in my community and also support God's work and the church. God bless America 🇺🇸 ❤️

  • @driesverhaag8955
    @driesverhaag8955 3 месяца назад +107

    I love the people you get on these videos, almost always very interesting, passionate and well spoken guests. But I the comments on these videos are just so weird most of the time. Anyway, great video

    • @gnocchidokie
      @gnocchidokie 3 месяца назад +9

      Actual big thinkers take in the material and spend time with it before commenting a hot take, if they comment at all. I ignore 99% of comments online for this very reason

    • @louisguerin9929
      @louisguerin9929 3 месяца назад +3

      ​@@gnocchidokie While deep reflection is valuable, timely feedback can also contribute to productive discussions. As someone who has occasionally disagreed with content here, I've found that respectfully expressing confusion or questioning potential logical inconsistencies can be beneficial (Ex : If someone says 1+1=3 I'm confident they are wrong and will broach the issu right away even if they are a nobel laureat). The key is to phrase comments constructively, avoiding defensiveness. Quick responses can be valid, especially for clear logical issues, but it's important to remain open to field-specific context we might not immediately grasp. The goal should be fostering respectful dialogue that refines ideas, regardless of response timing. I also understand that explaining in a few minutes understanding built on years of research is incredibly difficult and sometime straight out impossible (as some things requiere many complex reasonning steps).

  • @sw6118
    @sw6118 3 месяца назад +81

    Right up there with “everything happens for a reason” is “god never sends you more than you can handle.” Every day, everywhere we see alcoholics, drug addicts, and suicides because people received more trouble than they could deal with. My least favorite is after something goes horribly wrong and things finally begin to turn in a more positive direction, people say “god has your back.” If god had your best interests at heart, you wouldn’t have been in that miserable circumstance in the first place. Life is full of unplanned events, how you respond to them is genetic and based on your prior experience. What’s causing so many problems is that we aren’t taught how to articulate our needs and boundaries, in the US guns are a quick fix. How much better if these gunmen would just talk to the rest of us-and no incels this doesn’t mean you only talk to the hotties, it means you talk to everyone like they’re a human being.

    • @kathleen88863
      @kathleen88863 3 месяца назад +4

      A thoughtful and relevant statement. Thanks for adding to my thought process.

    • @Nope-gw7kc
      @Nope-gw7kc 2 месяца назад +3

      True. Kids didn't deserve cancer to "handle". The whole positive mentality doesn't work for everything. Totally agree

    • @TheGreatWasian_
      @TheGreatWasian_ Месяц назад

      I do still agree that God never sends us more than we can handle. We can handle something yet still fail to. Our ability to does not necessarily mean we will. Humans are incredibly resilient, and I do believe that for the most part humans can handle just about anything. I pray that God won't make my life harder for saying this though haha

    • @sw6118
      @sw6118 Месяц назад

      @@TheGreatWasian_ you must be a man. Women everywhere women are saying “thank the universe that I wasn’t born female in Afghanistan” women everywhere do get more trouble than they could possibly deal with, often such trouble is delivered in the name of god.

    • @sw6118
      @sw6118 Месяц назад +1

      @@TheGreatWasian_ just jeep in mind that every day there are people engaging in self harm because they cannot cope. I wonder why you want so hard to believe that these people needed to receive something so awful to handle?

  • @RealDealy
    @RealDealy 3 месяца назад +170

    I learned this when I was younger, and started puffing herb, I noticed it was the small things I didn't plan that changed my life towards the goals I wanted BUT, it was all based on me making quick decisions. It felt like it was me being tested cause when I made poor choices, my life got HARD, but because it got hard I learned what NOT to do after that
    I used to think I was put here for a purpose, but as I got older I realized it was ME who was creating these purposes. I think people want to believe they were born with a purpose cause it takes the responsibility of their choices off of them

    • @joshkeating7825
      @joshkeating7825 3 месяца назад +6

      Damn, bro. Well said.

    • @chalermako
      @chalermako 3 месяца назад +7

      When life gets HARD, that's friction, on the other side is of the friction is abundance.
      One never knows when friction will come, as you mention the small things you didn't plan.
      Ancient and modern schools of thought say lean into the friction on the the way towards the goals you want and you will bring on the abundance on the other side of friction.
      In essence, one will always have friction in life, but one can decide to endure and know there is abundance coming or avoid the friction, then 'life got HARD' will come when you don't expect it.
      'Embrace the Suck"

    • @billpetersen298
      @billpetersen298 3 месяца назад +3

      Nicely said.
      Or put onto a deity.

    • @Rufio1975
      @Rufio1975 3 месяца назад +8

      I don't know. I sort of see it the opposite. Believing you are here for a purpose almost makes it where you have to take more responsibility for your choices vs someone just drifting along in life with no purpose.

    • @Clra2028
      @Clra2028 3 месяца назад +2

      The way I would interpret what you say is the purpose gets accomplished by the way your life is led based on the choices you make. There needn’t be an actual purpose to follow through on. What needs to be followed through is your own journey back to a deeper meaningful sense of self. That is the true purpose. People force themselves into a purpose only leading to a grandiose sense of self.

  • @MissBlueEyeliner
    @MissBlueEyeliner 3 месяца назад +43

    I’ve been obsessed with this concept since I was old enough to see my face in the mirror above the sink in the bathroom. I obviously didn’t have words for it but I would stare at myself and marvel at my existence and how bizarre it is to exist at all. It gradually grew to drive me a little mad. Now I find it soothing.

    • @MrNoName7474
      @MrNoName7474 3 месяца назад +1

      I would stare at my face in the mirror too, but I was just trying to see if bloody mary would show up. 10/10 do not recommend trying. Was all fun and games until someone else started staring back at me.

    • @MissBlueEyeliner
      @MissBlueEyeliner 3 месяца назад

      @@MrNoName7474 😂 good times.

    • @AniketYadav-bl2up
      @AniketYadav-bl2up 2 месяца назад

      Us bro us 😅,I was also staring at me all the time forcefully 😩because of my weird GF😒

    • @lifecamerakaran
      @lifecamerakaran 2 месяца назад

      I used to do this when I was 11 - have a deep existential crisis about why I had come to be.
      Why was it me thinking these thoughts? What was my purpose in the world?
      I remember staring at myself in my bathroom's mirror - in the second flat I lived in.

    • @MrNoName7474
      @MrNoName7474 2 месяца назад

      I’ve been trying to get back into lucid dreaming recently. Doing like the reality check stuff from Inception. I’ll look at my hands to question whether I’m living real life or not because hands/fingers are always messed up in dreams like an AI image. Problem is now that my hands always look wrong and I’m not sure I’ve ever been truly awake. Send Morpheus please.

  • @jaquessiemasz8650
    @jaquessiemasz8650 3 месяца назад +20

    "It's just a ride" - Bill Hicks 1992

  • @mpv9866
    @mpv9866 3 месяца назад +41

    Sitting here on my patio watching this, next to my butterfly garden, full of monarch, gulf fritillary, swallowtails etc in their various stages... just doing my small part to save them, our planet, and allll 8B of us 🙏💚🦋 ♾

    • @MrNoName7474
      @MrNoName7474 3 месяца назад +2

      Could you stop saving them perhaps? I’m getting beat down by a hurricane over here

    • @mpv9866
      @mpv9866 3 месяца назад +2

      @@MrNoName7474 sorry for your current weather woes. Been through Katrina and many horribly destructive weather events myself. Perhaps more people could/should protect pollinators in your area, instead of your proposal? Whose to say really.
      I don't feel like I am "saving them", but merely giving them a small space to flourish on their own accord. Speaking in the language of Nature, as best I can, but more importantly, listening to Her, 💚 pachamama 🙏♾
      *if your comment was intended as a joke, it was almost humorous while also being almost triggering, thanks either way ⚖

  • @dennistucker1153
    @dennistucker1153 3 месяца назад +13

    Love this video. Brian is talking about time and how things change over time. I did a thought experiment on this. I thought what if I could go back in time and undo a mistake. After some considerations, I came to the conclusion that it would most likely change or remove every good thing in my life.

  • @scribbler60
    @scribbler60 3 месяца назад +5

    From the heart of exploding stars come the very elements that are in your teeth, hair, skin, bones, brain. Through Darwinian evolution we humans have emerged. Human curiosity is, in a very real sense, the universe asking questions of itself.
    No god required. No destiny already determined. No over-riding meaning in random events other than the meaning we arbitrarily give to them. So, right now, my meaning is to have lunch.

  • @frogery
    @frogery 3 месяца назад +7

    the best thing i ever did for myself was to stop worrying about these questions. i can only control my own actions and reactions, and whatever happens was meant to happen.

  • @ThomasMorgan594
    @ThomasMorgan594 3 месяца назад +195

    *Your explanations are clear and straight forward It's always a honor to have you here as a mentor, I appreciate you for the time being spent to educate us financially. Regardless of how bad it gets the economy, I still makeover $28K every single week. I truly value Laura, and her helpful guides.*

    • @Celestine-ib9ex
      @Celestine-ib9ex 3 месяца назад

      You just mentioned Expert Laura, Indeed, wow that woman has been an incredible mentor to me, imparting a deep understanding of the economy that I wish college had provided.

    • @SaviourUmo
      @SaviourUmo 3 месяца назад

      The first step to successful investment is figuring your goals and risk tolerance either on your own or with the help of a financial professional but it's very advisable you make use of professional.

    • @MullerNita76
      @MullerNita76 3 месяца назад

      You're right! The very first time I tried, I invested $2000 and after a week, I received $8,400. That really helped us a lot to pay up our bills.

    • @RyanPatrick-ib2uv
      @RyanPatrick-ib2uv 3 месяца назад

      Interesting! But I'm new here. How can I get to this person's guidelines??

    • @LouisSmith-wt9vh
      @LouisSmith-wt9vh 3 месяца назад

      That's it👆

  • @know1355
    @know1355 3 месяца назад +5

    Fate is our current circumstances in the present moment, free will is how we respond to our fate, and our destiny is a result of those choices.
    Our future is an ever-changing potentiality from the present moment, and our past is an ever-changing integration from the present moment. Time converges through healing (the past) and surrender (the future) in the timeless, eternal now.

    • @TimJohnston911
      @TimJohnston911 3 месяца назад

      The world is the world is, love and life are deep, maybe as his skies are wide.

  • @dustinmatthews387
    @dustinmatthews387 3 месяца назад +8

    Another great example of the butterfly effect:the random combination of Gavrilo Princip being where he was, archiduke Franz Ferdinan deciding to visit injured friends in the hospital, despite the rioting, his motorcade trying to navigate streets they werent familiar with a flat tire incident, etc. All kicked off WW1...then during WW1, a british private deciding Not to shoot adolph hitler on the battlefield, in combination with the board of directors of the vienna art school deciding to decline hitler's admission to the school, not to mention the penalty reprocussions levied against germany for WW1, all leading to hitler & german people's resentment, which led to WW2....and just 4 yrs ago, the world changing effects because some random person residing in China, made the very poor decision to dine on an undercooked bat.🥴😬🙄

  • @huizhechen3779
    @huizhechen3779 2 месяца назад +2

    Reword the title, please. It should be "Not Everything happens for a reason."

  • @TimJohnston911
    @TimJohnston911 3 месяца назад +1

    I think it’s super cool that God guided you towards your field of study and eventually suggested to you that you don’t have a cosmic purpose. How else could you have fulfilled your cosmic purpose? There really was no other option.

  • @kevinhill1575
    @kevinhill1575 3 месяца назад +2

    Both ways of thinking are valid. The problem is that you can't prove either is true.
    You can't prove that you're a cosmic accident, neither can you prove that fate is real.
    All you can do is learn about the nature of reality and come up with your own conclusions. Know one thing - regardless of your conclusions reality is what ultimately decides what's true. Not you.

    • @tyranmcgrath6871
      @tyranmcgrath6871 3 месяца назад

      I like this. We can attempt to get closer to reality. Godspeed to those who try.

  • @aadityabanerjee7878
    @aadityabanerjee7878 3 месяца назад +2

    I disagree. Even if it may seem that some of our actions have no consequences, they may have consequences for others, or they are not visible to us.

    • @tyranmcgrath6871
      @tyranmcgrath6871 3 месяца назад

      Butterfly effect. The smallest shift in trajectory will lead you to an increasingly different life, the further in time you go.

  • @bitofwizdomb7266
    @bitofwizdomb7266 3 месяца назад +5

    I’ve always thought like this . Always been fascinated with the intricate interplay of cause and effect down to the smallest atoms, awareness, ripple effect etc. Buddhism philosophy/psychology teaches about this

  • @George-wk2bf
    @George-wk2bf 3 месяца назад +2

    Academic ,stuff wears out.

  • @brickslon
    @brickslon 3 месяца назад +1

    Butterfly Effect I also describe it on my RUclips channel

  • @Zed54xp
    @Zed54xp 3 месяца назад +3

    I think we, as humans, just always want to see connections and meanings of things to make ourselves feel better that's why it is often told that everything happens for a reason

  • @MrMash-mh9dy
    @MrMash-mh9dy 20 дней назад +1

    So, he gives a reason that the two cities were not bombed, then says.... there was no reason, but that is the textbook definition of a reason!!! I think as bombastic and sensational as that analogy is, it's just not a good analog because it has a why. It doesn't matter how it came to be, it just is, and that is the reason why. Randomness has nothing to do with a reason. Random events intersect all the time for no reason, but there is an explanation as to why, which is a reason. Psuedobullshit isn't thinking big.

  • @lavatr8322
    @lavatr8322 3 месяца назад +2

    I can assure my life is of zero luck and nothing good has happened just by a fluke.
    In every way I am being tested and nothing comes easily towards me.
    _i dont even get a parking spot easily_

    • @crystalstrader9806
      @crystalstrader9806 3 месяца назад +1

      Ha! This made me laugh because, I too, have had a difficult life and the only luck I ever seem to have is with parking spots!

  • @Linkghirahim
    @Linkghirahim 3 месяца назад +1

    "Everything happens for a reason is an untrue saying" then proceeds to tell a story that demonstrates exactly the opposite point.
    I don't think anything happens for a SPECIFIC reason but every event leads to another possibly "greater" event and a learning that might be of help for said or other events. So in that sense yes, everything happens for a reason.

  • @Will-fr9hg
    @Will-fr9hg 3 месяца назад +1

    I get cringe/get annoyed a little when I hear people use that saying. It’s a cope.

  • @holdinmuhl4959
    @holdinmuhl4959 3 месяца назад +1

    I cannot agree. As each men is unique and everything he does matters in am unknown way, even the little things the more he has to mind the big things where he is or may be involved. Of course he cannot change the big things in the world but he can contribute. If masses of people change their minds then they may change the course of the world. If everybody thinks that it doesn't matter what he does and he may just enjoy life and let the others do then those will succeed who care about their interests. They will lobby them and change your life whether you like it or not.

  • @locaterobin
    @locaterobin 3 месяца назад

    "Everything happens for a reason" is a way to reframe/reinterpret events - which have already happened, and their consequences are beyond our control - in a less distressful way. It's a coping mechanism.
    Also, it's a leap from "we don't have a cosmic purpose" to "I am free to enjoy life!". Our life comes at a cost to others as we consume to live, and consumption causes suffering (sometimes direct, sometimes a few steps removed). The least we can do is to ascribe a meaning to our lives, by helping those who can't help themselves.

  • @chocomalk
    @chocomalk 3 месяца назад +2

    Technically, as far as we know, chaos derives from the same source everything else does and that is the big bang so if that is correct then it isn't chaos just more effect from the original cause IE hard determinism.

  • @george5464
    @george5464 3 месяца назад +1

    Everything happening for a reason is just the recognition that it doesn’t happen for any reason we could possibly give. Call it the Tao, God or just the unfolding of nature. It happens because it happens, which in other words means it happens for a reason

  • @Flyanb
    @Flyanb 3 месяца назад +1

    It only appears chaotic because we don’t have the capacity to model or understand this, but if you did, I think you would see the world through the super deterministic lens. It’s just a matter of perspective. We can model three balls interacting on a pool table very accurately so that it appears deterministic. Why would it be different just because the scale is bigger? I don’t think anything is a fluke? Every quantum interaction no matter how small has a cascading impact, we just can’t see it.

  • @Clra2028
    @Clra2028 3 месяца назад +12

    This is a an excellent video, which to me has one flaw. Life has meaning and purpose. It taps into the mystical nature of life when our own lives are both ordinary and mystical and the journey of life is to go into ourselves in a way that takes us from what is ordinary to what is mystical. Then all interconnected makes sense, that our own life isn’t a fluke becomes real and how that translates outward into how we can help others becomes possible in a way that is beneficial to all. Not just me, not just you, but us. But, it takes a certainty in the wisdom that nothing is a fluke . This is my experience.

    • @krembryle
      @krembryle 3 месяца назад +3

      No, everything is a fluke AND it doesn't mean it's unimportant.

    • @Clra2028
      @Clra2028 3 месяца назад +1

      @@krembryle I actually see your statement as totally valid, it seems as an inverse of what I say, yet to me it presents a valid point. Thanks!

    • @crystalstrader9806
      @crystalstrader9806 3 месяца назад +3

      I would submit that your description of life being both ordinary and mystical, and that we’re all interconnected, is precisely what the author argues here. You just consider it a purpose, whereas he thinks of it as a byproduct of life

    • @Clra2028
      @Clra2028 3 месяца назад

      @@crystalstrader9806 I didn’t sense the same meaning I was coming from in what you say as byproduct from the video. Thank you!

  • @amandanorth6526
    @amandanorth6526 3 месяца назад +2

    Beautiful model:elegant and useful. I think we experience "meaning" as a function of how deeply an experience resonates in our brains, how many connections we make to previous experience (conscious and subconscious) and to our current worldview - our expectations, hopes, dreams and fears.

  • @m2pozad
    @m2pozad 2 месяца назад +1

    Nobody wears 70's afros. DEI fail.

  • @derrickscott9469
    @derrickscott9469 3 месяца назад +2

    Everything happens for a cause. That's the truth of a causal universe. "Reason", "meaning", "purpose", "free will" etc. are inventions of the mind. We assign value to these concepts because they help our feeble minds make sense of the universe, human behavior and social order in a good enough way for us to function. It's how we cope, which is fine in moderation. What's not fine is our growing extremist/anti-intellectual culture where people seem to reject belief in truth, causality and empathy because they prefer magical malignant bullshit.

    • @tyranmcgrath6871
      @tyranmcgrath6871 3 месяца назад +1

      Effects are preceded by causes, in a chain spanning the length of known time. The complexity of which may give rise to an illusion of free will.

    • @derrickscott9469
      @derrickscott9469 3 месяца назад +1

      @@tyranmcgrath6871 spot on. The equation is too long and intricate for us to grasp more than a few variables at a time.

    • @regaininglife9084
      @regaininglife9084 3 месяца назад

      There are nothing wrong with those inventions of the mind. Or else you will be a sheep led to slaughter.

    • @regaininglife9084
      @regaininglife9084 3 месяца назад

      @@tyranmcgrath6871 There is some truth to this. But you are basically saying your destiny is set in stone and you should be a sheep that is led to slaughter. You are basically saying we are all helpless. Not true.

  • @alexeyrodokanakis8827
    @alexeyrodokanakis8827 3 месяца назад +1

    It’s seems strange that the progression of technology is subsuming the arts instead of mindless tasks. Ai is killing the writers, the visual artists and the musicians but it isn’t doing taxes, cleaning houses and picking up the trash…

  • @michaelpilos
    @michaelpilos 7 дней назад

    Almost there… the next level is understanding Purposeful Design.. and Creative Energy… BUT “accident” it’s not such an intelligent positioning.. you will get there eventually 💙

  • @antrygrevok6440
    @antrygrevok6440 3 месяца назад

    Never presume that 1 single resolution-of-view is the Universal-Resolution-That-All-View-Is-Calibrated-To, if that view is just 1 miscellaneous mundane view.
    Do you understand Chaos?
    Do you understand how a Chaotic-Attractor can *define* where weather can be, in the chaotic-attractor-of-conditions, without identifying where *this specific instant, at this specific location* is going to be, in the future??
    "Everything happens for a reason" is correct, WHEN one has the correct-granularity of view.
    There are 2 time-parity-violating processes which are consistent through billions of ears, in Universe:
    Entropy & Evolution.
    They are in balance.
    What drives Evolution?
    In spite of the cult of Physicalism/Existentialism/Atheism which *axiomatically prohibits* that Awareness be real, Awareness IS real.
    Cities are produced by will, which the cult of Physicalism/Existentialism/Atheism has declared "does not exist".
    No will? no cities produced.
    "Random fluctuations in the quantum-field" do not, nor have they ever, produced cities.
    Or butterflies.
    Why is it that child-violinists ( like Einstein ), child-violists, child-cellists, grow a differently-formed right-motor-control-strip in *their* brains?
    Because quantum-probability-wave made the molecules build that differently-formed brain.
    Because their unconscious-*will* made that differently-formed brain.
    Quantum-probability-wave & will *are the same substance, at different scales*.
    Unconscious-will is real, conscious-will is real, the cult of Physicalism/Existentialism/Atheism pretends that if conscious-will isn't the WHOLE of will, then that somehow "proves" that will doesn't exist.
    Every time a physicist does the entangled-particles-at-100+km-separation, & exclaims incredulously at Universe doing the same thing, violating their ideology, AGAIN, "How do they KNOW??",
    that is a Freudian-slip: their unconscious is admitting that entanglement & knowing are the identical substance, just at different scales.
    What drives Evolution?
    There are 3 major-dimensions of Universe: Mind/Time/Space.
    Entities in the major-dimension Mind, which are trying to get from an unacceptable higher-energy-state to a preferred lower-energy-state, earn a transformation,
    and that transformation expresses Evolution in Time/Space temporarily ( billions of years, consistently ), before it's done all it can.
    When an entity-in-Mind has finished all the earning lower-energy-state it can, its matter-expressing-Evolution expires: there's no-longer anything driving that evolution.
    This is why sometimes species, or civilizations, just spontaneously collapse/cease.
    There is a reason for it.
    So, what happens if the fundamental-entities-in-the-major-dimension-Mind are trying to express a particular kind of meaning, that they're fixated-on,
    but the *local* circumstance won't allow that, due to some cultural-obstruction, or something??
    Chaos is opportunistic:
    It doesn't have to happen *here* .. but if it has to happen, it has to happen.
    Everything happens for a reason *is the correct view of the overall* , not of the detail.
    Never tell people that "Bernoulli's Law is delusion: airfoils work by pushing-down on the air below them", when manometers showed in the very-early-1900's ( or possibly in the late-1800's ) that it is exactly as Bernoulli's Law describes, & the suction on the upper-foil is where most of the lift is coming from.
    If someone does some bogo-experiment to "prove" that Bernoulli isn't applicable, say they measure a pressure-increase on the under-foil, *and won't measure the pressure on the upper-foil* .. that in NO way proves that Bernoulli's Law is false.
    Identically, looking at things at the circumstance-of-humans resolution to "prove" that "everything happens for a reason" is Universally a lie, is gaslighting/disinformation.
    Look at Universe-scale, if you want to see the Universe-rules.
    Yes, everything *at Universe-scale* happens for a reason.
    At smaller-scales? Chaos reigns.
    But Chaotic-attractors are things that do force compliance with their forms.
    You may be able to alter your "sow"->"reap" law's path/details, but you cannot escape your overall-karma-nature, exactly as the woke socialist convict Yehoshua "Jesus" benJoseph told people.
    As a Continuum/Soul sows, that Continuum/Soul reaps.
    Maybe not this-incarnation, but *any meaning emitted by a Continuum/Soul/CellOfGod/ParticleOfBrahman/ChildOfGod .. cannot escape reabsorbing that meaning, until the "books" are exactly, & completely, balanced, to zero*
    It isn't possible for any Continuum to sublimate from being-caught-in-cyclic-matter-incarnation until that zero is earned.
    Block/evade some karma of your-continuum's all you want: it'll be on your continuum's future-incarnations in spades-full.
    Emitted-meanings *cannot* be permanently-evaded.
    That is simple, fundamental, Universal LAW.
    Exactly as the probability-wave creating those specially-formed-brains in those child-musicians is expressing *physics* .. so too all sow->reap law, aka karma, is expressing physics.
    ANY meaning your-continuum has emitted, MUST be reabsorbed, before your continuum/soul CAN go free, in sublimation/enlightenment.
    There's no "big insecure bully in the sky, bashing this one to punish them, heaping glorification on that one, for their 'worshipping' of the big-insecure-bully-in-the-sky" .. that is all male-ego's projections, throughout millenia.
    It's all physics: the continuum that you are a participant in, has emitted meanings into Universe?
    it can't escape the perpetual-recycling of endless-stream-of-Universes until it has zeroed-out ALL of that.
    Nothing personal, no drama, no narcissistic sociopolitical nonsense.
    Emit/reabsorb, XOR .. be force-churned in endless-stream-of-Universes & try again, next time.
    This mechanism enforces the processing of unconscious-mind into conscious-mind, at the overall scale.
    "God can't be God, if evil exists!" is a wrong-resolution-error typical of the "WE are what God must revolve around! US, not continuums, not souls, not cells-of-God, only-US!" narcissism.
    Continuums which emit evil must reabsorb it.
    Continuums which emit good must reabsorb it.
    Until zeroing-out is earned, for that continuum, then it can dissolve/sublimate into freedom.
    Go insist on your human-individual-centered-view-of-Universe all you want, but ignoring/denying Universal-frame-of-reference won't veto it, or negate it.
    Exactly as others have pointed out, in Science: Truth is what remains when belief is removed: it doesn't depend on anybody believing in it, at all.
    See the Universe's frame-of-reference.
    See the overall frame-of-reference.
    Ditch the anthrocentrism/narcissism "view" which proclaims itself to be what Universe revolves around, & get un-dizzy.
    _ /\ _

  • @AidanDorrian-ji9cj
    @AidanDorrian-ji9cj 2 месяца назад

    LB-1 COVID-19, at time of writing July 2024, Australia (moved on from "Bird Flu" ...H5N1

  • @glenliesegang233
    @glenliesegang233 2 месяца назад

    Everything behaves in ways that cooperate with enough other things to make possible ever greater collections of things.
    Digital and non-digitally specified arrangements of matter which blindly through cooperation, creates ever greater purposeful goal directed behaviors.
    Michael Levin talks about the simplest life as containing an intelligence which responds to environmental stimuli.
    Atoms have digital quantitized properties. Atoms posess a rudimentary intelligent responsiveness.
    This isnt easy, folks!

  • @annakonda6727
    @annakonda6727 3 месяца назад +12

    Thank you for saying so! It turns my stomach when I hear ignoramuses bleating "everything happens for a reason"!!

    • @David-gu8hv
      @David-gu8hv 3 месяца назад +2

      It is just as mistaken to think that you KNOW that everything does NOT happen for a reason as it is to think you KNOW that it does.
      We can't know either way. Either belief is a faith. Scientists are often inclined to believe that it's not true while religious people are inclined to believe that it is...

  • @igorsuslov
    @igorsuslov 3 месяца назад

    Mate get your definitions straight, honestly. To what extent can you call something as existence an accident? This would imply that it’s something that is undesirable and to be avoided, then again begging the question what is then desirable in opposition to that. In any case one advocates for a universal perspective of desirability - yet who are you to judge that, anyway - or what would you judge that against? Your imagination?
    Insofar we can’t even talk about coincidence, as even here the fact of the matter is that everything IS - and that‘s what we do know, thus being 100% probable, from our perspective consequently 100% more probable than nothing.
    It seems to follow to me that we simply can’t call existence anything but existence, at the minimum we are absolutely unable to judge it appropriately as we do not have any real/true comparison. So if we still do compare it to something „different“ than it is, it’s always imaginary, at the very least something we don’t know exists with certainty (i.e. heaven, parallel universes and suchlike).
    Arriving in a miserable, nihilistic condition then is self-opposed and entirely of one’s own making.

  • @AndreaLikesMusic
    @AndreaLikesMusic 2 месяца назад

    Being yourself and loving people can be a cosmic purpose. Has your life ever changed bc someone loved you authentically? You don’t have to be some great inventor or philosopher to have a huge impact. Think about it. ❤

  • @yinyang1649
    @yinyang1649 3 месяца назад

    It's happened but God the creator only know why it's happened??
    We human are just here to survive play our role and exit...

  • @tuckerbugeater
    @tuckerbugeater 3 месяца назад +1

    i don't think therefore i'm not

  • @wilfredv1930
    @wilfredv1930 2 месяца назад

    As planets and galaxies go to their destiny, I think every person has his own destiny.
    So from my point of view uncertainty is just ignorance, some would call it blessed ignorance.
    It is like you throw 1000 dice in a table, but only know a few of them.

  • @laraparks7018
    @laraparks7018 2 месяца назад

    Everything happens for a reason
    Hiroshima and Nagasaki were bombed because the other cities were protected by a former tourist and the other because of a cloud.
    It's true 😮
    And you also said, everything you do matters, which means that there's a reason for everything .. because everything you do matters
    It's all ypur perspective

  • @Khyranleander
    @Khyranleander 3 месяца назад

    Yeah, not a fan of the "cosmic purpose" idea either. Means you don't have any real choices in your own life. Especially worries me, as too many of these folk touting this "cosmic purpose" concept are folks I wouldn't trust a pet rock to. Nah, my choices might've been iffy, but at least I know what I've thus helped or hurt.

  • @kariannecrysler640
    @kariannecrysler640 3 месяца назад +1

    Very fortunate we have evolved an extraordinary ability to predict & prepare for the flukes! 😉

  • @joshc643
    @joshc643 2 месяца назад

    I will be unreasonably mad at myself for the next week still, because the day the powerball was won last week was when I said mega millions ticket to the gas station attendant, and not powerball.
    Logically I know I had zero chance to win anyways, but knowing I slipped up on the day it was won will be in my mind for awhile. Again, logically I know I wouldn't have won, but the damn emotion of shame is there. That slight misstep could've fd me over or who knows, maybe winning would ruin me too. We can never know.

  • @joshy2joshy
    @joshy2joshy 2 месяца назад

    Being subscribed to Big Think was a convergent or contingent decision? Since when I subscribed, that act was contingent as I paradoxically didn't expect to find a video that explains this phenomenon. Since I was already subscribed to the channel, it was more than likely that most subscribers would watch this video, which is an act of convergence as we all gather here today.

  • @gabrielagLeon-um5ub
    @gabrielagLeon-um5ub 3 месяца назад

    My summary: 1.Want to bust your anxiety? you cannot control anything, focus onthe noise and every little thing you do but know that everything is kin of luck, youre gonna face terrible consecuences on every little mistake u make, u never know when a major consecuence is at the door, 2. but there is also kinda of an order so dont worry that much, (but yeah a little mistake can kill you.) 3.The thing about interconection was moving... we are part of a whole and we move together even if we dont think so and also dont think you have a purpose just enjoy the ride, we dont know why we are here but lets make it better, 4. u are a fluke I am a fluke everyone is a fluke, now alltogether... actually like the video hahaha

  • @laniechrisgardnerasl8639
    @laniechrisgardnerasl8639 Месяц назад

    WAY overthinking things! What I heard this guy say is that everything DOES happen for a reason.

  • @elevatedapples
    @elevatedapples 3 месяца назад

    You’re wrong, everything does have a purpose and a reason. Just like your belief in being a fluke is not a fact. I must say it is interesting that you’re guest would cover psychopathy in leadership and also this topic of there being no reason/purpose in life/existance

  • @constantvitriol7426
    @constantvitriol7426 2 месяца назад

    People are missing out, reason is a bias of sorts, X is happening so Y is true, is how it goes, but Y can happen on its own too, you don't need X for that. Think of it as this way, if you think oh my friend is in the same competition so he will probably stab me, your friend dosent need a "Competition" to stab ya, he can stab ya anways, even for reason such as Just Cuz. You can exist outside of a system, but still effectied by it for variables present. You are not special, if not you somebody else will be stabbed

  • @age93
    @age93 2 месяца назад

    Everything does happen for a reason, and that reason is whatever was done before when kto. That’s the way I’ve always interpreted it. Society and their magical thinking, i guess

  • @justinmas299
    @justinmas299 14 дней назад

    I have always wondered why people think they have a cosmic purpose, hubris I guess.

  • @Buoyed1
    @Buoyed1 3 месяца назад +4

    Is this not absurdism? Camus? Nothing new under the sun. Nice presentation though.

    • @elektrokatzer
      @elektrokatzer 2 месяца назад +1

      Who said it should be new.

  • @bthomson
    @bthomson 2 месяца назад

    There are patterns to perceive. But there are limits to those patterns. I have a routine but things break my routine. Climate change is a big breaker of norms! Education ( of almost any sort) extends the chance that luck will happen. The saying that " Luck is when preparation meets opportunity" is important. We can create a better outcome at least some of the time!

  • @michaelzimmermann3388
    @michaelzimmermann3388 3 месяца назад

    4:20 what he is leaving out here is that this chain of causes and effects is deterministic (up to quantum randomness). as we are no "magic matter" this is true for us aswell. thus we don't have any choice (just like matter does not have a choice but to act according to the laws of physics) but we have the illusion of a choice.
    an example: I flip a coin, tell me what side it lands on. lets say you say heads. I flip it and it lands on tails. now, if we go back to the moment were you chose heads, put all the particles and energy of the entire universe back to this moment (also tgose in you brain of course). could you chose tails in that moment? no, you can't you would always chose heads and the coin would always flip tails. what we are left with is an illusion of choice.

  • @crocoshark4097
    @crocoshark4097 3 месяца назад

    So everything does happen for a reason, just not reasons that involve human behavior.
    The reason you got hit by an earthquake has nothing to do with you 'cause you're just as much a bystander as the ants.

  • @peege9000
    @peege9000 3 месяца назад +1

    That Back to the Future clip is from Back to the Future Part II (1989), not the first one from 1985.

  • @hanandrew2214
    @hanandrew2214 3 месяца назад +3

    It was no fluke or accident that I came here

  • @evenmorerrealfahadameen
    @evenmorerrealfahadameen 3 месяца назад

    1:26 how is this a fluke? This is telltale example of everything happens for a reason. The vacation happened for a reason. A reason perhaps bigger than our comprehension?

  • @ekRapidMods
    @ekRapidMods 3 месяца назад

    It happens for a reason, it doesn't happen for a reason. It doesn't matter, just focus on what you can do. Study Stoicism.

  • @RokBraker
    @RokBraker 3 месяца назад +1

    Great video - I have thought this way for a long time. We are not given purpose but you can decide how to give your time-limited existence meaning, or not. You do you.

  • @tracymcgeachie7525
    @tracymcgeachie7525 2 месяца назад +1

    I am a accident and happy about it also. 😊

    • @King.Mark.
      @King.Mark. 2 месяца назад +2

      Welcome to earth

  • @suzannejane1035
    @suzannejane1035 3 месяца назад

    It's easy to enjoy the ride when you haven't been struck down with a horrible disease. Realising you and it were just a fluke makes it even worse. If there's no purpose then for me there's no point being here.

  • @cankuotaemaciyapi1
    @cankuotaemaciyapi1 2 месяца назад

    Everything does happen for a reason , wether we can make it understandable or not. We don't have to try to explain everything and make it something it's not.

  • @ojames1983
    @ojames1983 3 месяца назад

    When humans don't understand how and why life happens, speak like you do and you get this mental psyop video. 💀🤣

  • @jungleking9
    @jungleking9 2 месяца назад

    We have reached a point where no person is controlling their own fate.. the algorithms decide what we watch.. the billionaires decide what we do and the government decides what we can't.. our Individual choices are non-existent 😢

  • @agquaproductions9361
    @agquaproductions9361 2 месяца назад

    There are great white sharks that reproduce in coordinance to the lunar cycles. Please stop saying patterns do not exist. There are literal mathematical formulations that prove otherwise.
    Whether or not it is supernatural patterns is another argument, and by then you would need to define that.

  • @FizzySplash217
    @FizzySplash217 2 месяца назад

    The fact that people exist thinking that life is just a random series of events that they are born into and from there they can do whatever they want until they die and whatever happens afterwards doesn't matter is ridiculous. So many awful things continue to happen today because people in the past set a precedent and other people continued it because they learned that was what they should do from the people who thought a world of shitty experiences for everyone but "clearly the best person that deserves better than everyone else" along with their friends was the best way to act and passed on that thought process.

  • @Iceni007
    @Iceni007 3 месяца назад

    The conflation of reason and cause is the root of much sloppy thinking in the west. Every event has a cause - but not necessarily a reason. Reasons and causes are different conceptual categories.

  • @jamesstrom6991
    @jamesstrom6991 2 месяца назад

    someone help… what’s the takeaway? it doesn’t seem to be much beyond common knowledge or experience.

  • @GloryDaze73
    @GloryDaze73 3 месяца назад

    @ Big Think . Wtf is that background NOISE effect ??

  • @jessicacardoso953
    @jessicacardoso953 2 месяца назад

    "Everything does not happen for a reason" but "Everything does happen because of a reason"

  • @AntoineVideoLibrary
    @AntoineVideoLibrary 3 месяца назад +1

    Great video, but the ad is extremely long.

  • @katnip7976
    @katnip7976 3 месяца назад

    Is this shitty weather caused by climate change still a contingency? May want to put that one in the convergence bucket now.

  • @FFS93
    @FFS93 Месяц назад

    This guy is just speaking his mind. None of it makes sense. He’s rambling.

  • @hva61
    @hva61 2 месяца назад

    It's very difficult to understand the mechanisms of law of karma

  • @lamesharockymore2458
    @lamesharockymore2458 2 месяца назад

    🤔.. Your cosmic purpose was the this video & the book. Thanks