Table For 1: Solo Playthrough Of The Lost Expedition!

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 285

  • @paullanglois3768
    @paullanglois3768 3 года назад +36

    My 6 year old sat glued to the tv as I watched this, he saw it as someone telling an amazing adventure story. Typically he ignores all board game media. Paula’s descriptions and reactions had him genuinely concerned for the fate of the members of the expedition.

    • @PaulaDeming
      @PaulaDeming 3 года назад +21

      This makes me so, so happy! Thank you for sharing. I used to teach Creative Drama and I miss working with kids a lot. Hearing that your 6 year old was engaged by this video makes my heart feel very full!

  • @pascusrex4152
    @pascusrex4152 3 года назад +101

    Paula is a natural in telling a compelling story while explaining the game really well. Love this!

    • @WatchItPlayed
      @WatchItPlayed  3 года назад +7

      So kind of you to say Pascus - thank you for joining in!

    • @MusicMan-tw4zj
      @MusicMan-tw4zj 2 года назад +1

      Paula is fantastic at telling a story and explaining the game.thank you 😃

  • @williambowlus8979
    @williambowlus8979 3 года назад +60

    Paula is a national treasure. Also really happy with the breadth of new content. It's nice to breakup the usual rules videos to see gameplay!

    • @WatchItPlayed
      @WatchItPlayed  3 года назад +4

      So glad you're enjoying the new options William!

  • @bradkomgenick
    @bradkomgenick 3 года назад +50

    Much, much more of this type of content from Paula please! This was so entertaining from start to finish and it was cool that this was an older game as well.

    • @WatchItPlayed
      @WatchItPlayed  3 года назад +5

      Very kind of you to say - glad you enjoyed!

  • @MrDekmaster99
    @MrDekmaster99 3 года назад +19

    Paula is perfect for this format! More solo rules and playthroughs please. Totally entertaining and informative.

  • @hairbrainedgames3127
    @hairbrainedgames3127 3 года назад +27

    Paula could make a video describing toilet paper, and I'd still be mesmerized. So great to see her doing run-throughs like these.
    Thanks to her, we no longer have to get jettisoned by Rodney to "discover the solo rules on our own (sticks tongue out at Rodney)"

  • @SuperboyReborn
    @SuperboyReborn 3 года назад +16

    Solo videos now? Let’s go!!!!

    • @WatchItPlayed
      @WatchItPlayed  3 года назад +1

      Glad you're excited for them too :)

  • @karammelkon
    @karammelkon 3 года назад +24

    Great first episode! looking forward to more solo playthroughts by Paula :D

  • @pynoz3855
    @pynoz3855 3 года назад +13

    I feel your pain, Paula!
    I’m 0-15 with this game 😭. Great content, more please.

  • @henriwhitehead
    @henriwhitehead 3 года назад +13

    Wow, this video was so well done. I don’t think I’ve ever been more entertained from a play through, and that’s even after listening to Rodney do all those falsetto voices during his Stuffed Fables play through.

    • @WatchItPlayed
      @WatchItPlayed  3 года назад +4

      Ha! Don't make me break out the falsetto again!!

    • @mjeff1414
      @mjeff1414 2 года назад +1

      Great, now I have to watch the Stuffed Fable video to get this reference. Thanks.

  • @chrisrodenburg7884
    @chrisrodenburg7884 2 года назад +1

    I discovered this video only lately, but I loved the way Paula guides us through the impenetrable jungle. I actually bought the game because of it.

    • @WatchItPlayed
      @WatchItPlayed  2 года назад

      So glad you enjoyed this Chris - thanks for taking in a Table For 1 episode, and good luck on your on Expeditions!

  • @MisterAbysmul
    @MisterAbysmul 3 года назад +4

    I'm here to simply ask for more of this type of content. Rodney is a true treasure of the hobby, and yet we'd like to... watch it be played more!

  • @sjefdewin1534
    @sjefdewin1534 3 года назад +9

    Yes! Solo playthroughts! So fun to watch Paula, thanks for the storytelling ;) Never beaten the solomode myself by the way...

  • @evilmadcap
    @evilmadcap 3 года назад +4

    I really don't know if you could be anymore entertaining and engaging.

  • @SteveNathanson
    @SteveNathanson 3 года назад +5

    I would love more solo plays! Paula is great!

  • @jamescartwright1150
    @jamescartwright1150 3 года назад +8

    Awesome stuff Paula, do some more solo videos please.

    • @WatchItPlayed
      @WatchItPlayed  3 года назад +3

      If it's enjoyed, we'll definitely do more! Thanks for checking it out :)

  • @PnPHideaway
    @PnPHideaway 3 года назад +6

    Really great talkthrough, way to bring the game to life. Great job, Paula! Can't wait to see more of these from you. :)

    • @WatchItPlayed
      @WatchItPlayed  3 года назад +1

      We hope to have more on the way Martin!

  • @jonathansaah9163
    @jonathansaah9163 3 года назад +4

    Great! Love the attention given to the solo community.

  • @glayher
    @glayher 3 года назад +2

    Thank you thank you. As a mostly solo player I appreciate all the help I can get.

    • @WatchItPlayed
      @WatchItPlayed  3 года назад

      So glad to finally be sharing some solo goodness!

  • @sthilaid
    @sthilaid 3 года назад +3

    I love that we get more solo content! Thanks Paula!

  • @mikekolossa7653
    @mikekolossa7653 3 года назад +3

    Really enjoy the way she explains how to play. Hope to see more solo play segments with her.

  • @aaronprieto9567
    @aaronprieto9567 3 года назад +7

    Paula seems like she’d be super fun to play games with!

  • @lenking8994
    @lenking8994 3 года назад +1

    I'd like to see more of these, please, just in this style. Thank you Ms Deming. Top drawer presentation.

  • @DeityDeconstruction
    @DeityDeconstruction 3 года назад +1

    I like seeing the thought process to playing the game so I find this kind of video helpful

    • @WatchItPlayed
      @WatchItPlayed  3 года назад

      Yes, we hoped to strike the right balance of letting you know some of the decisions, without slowing things down too much - glad you liked it!

  • @bobmanser4189
    @bobmanser4189 3 года назад +3

    Great start. I’m looking forward to future episodes. Good format.

  • @Gnulash
    @Gnulash 3 года назад +3

    Paula is a great pick for this series, a natural storyteller :)
    Also, first time I've seen this game, seems like a good fit for my current group, thanks for the tip!

    • @PaulaDeming
      @PaulaDeming 3 года назад +1

      thank you, that's really kind!

    • @WatchItPlayed
      @WatchItPlayed  3 года назад +1

      She brings so much character to the series - glad you enjoyed!

  • @chrisevans7086
    @chrisevans7086 3 года назад +1

    Thanks for the video, great to see a solo video that shows the actual game being played. Please do some more solo videos.

  • @andrewnr3238
    @andrewnr3238 3 года назад +1

    I love all your videos, Paula, you have a great sense of fun. And a wonderful game to kick off this series. Just because we play solo games it doesn’t mean we are all sad lonely misfits (takes out hankie and cries on shoulder of invisible friend).

    • @WatchItPlayed
      @WatchItPlayed  3 года назад +2

      People read books, take walks, knit, draw, paint, watch TV and movies solo... so we join you in saying, why should solo gaming be seen as anything sad?! I played Cuba Libre solo last Saturday for 4 hours last Saturday and had a blast! Let's embrace and enjoy solo gaming :)

  • @REV1517
    @REV1517 Год назад +1

    🤣🤣🤣 I always love how it starts with Mr. Smith and it ffw like, "yeah , yeah, yeah get on to the solo." 🤣 Love the humor y'all put in the videos.

  • @sandrabasel1545
    @sandrabasel1545 3 года назад +2

    This is so great, thank you. You do know how often Rodney told us we need to discover the solo rules on our own so you can continue and do many many more playthroughs ! 😉

  • @brandonsmith7819
    @brandonsmith7819 3 года назад +2

    Great addition to Watch it Played. Paula does a great job!

  • @JEV03
    @JEV03 3 года назад +14

    Paula’s reaction every time she drew a card in the third morning pretty well captures my Zombicide Black Plague experience with my brother: spawn zombie card flip... we’re dead... second card flip... we’re so dead... third card flip... ok whose idea was it to include both zombie archers and wolves in this scenario?!

    • @WatchItPlayed
      @WatchItPlayed  3 года назад +3

      Oh, the regrets we have about "difficulty" choices once we get playing :)

  • @alanwinchester744
    @alanwinchester744 3 года назад +2

    Excellent content, supremely delivered! An excellent addition to the Watch It Played repertoire. Getting better with every video which in my opinion is improving on perfect!

  • @mynamesmiked
    @mynamesmiked 3 года назад

    Paula is absolutely bursting with charisma, nicely done!

    • @WatchItPlayed
      @WatchItPlayed  3 года назад

      So glad you enjoyed - we'll have a new Table for 1 coming for you soon :)

  • @kovray
    @kovray 3 года назад +2

    You're incredible Paula! Super excited for this channel's continuous growth and innovation. Lots of love for you folks.

    • @PaulaDeming
      @PaulaDeming 3 года назад +1

      aw, thank you so much!

    • @WatchItPlayed
      @WatchItPlayed  3 года назад +1

      Thanks for you kindness!

    • @kovray
      @kovray 3 года назад

      @@WatchItPlayed Thank you folks, for putting so much time and effort to uplift this phenomenal community.

  • @yadayadayada
    @yadayadayada 3 года назад

    More of Paula playing through games please! Entertaining and informative.

  • @spallinoaj
    @spallinoaj 3 года назад

    As someone who loves to play solo games, it's great to see actual play-throughs of games like this. Great video, and I'm looking forward to seeing more of them!

  • @Tanks.With.Teeth.Malloy
    @Tanks.With.Teeth.Malloy 3 года назад +2

    Oh this makes me so happy. Super excited for this new series :)

  • @coreyhopkins4933
    @coreyhopkins4933 3 года назад +2

    This is a genius idea for a video series, very well executed. I would watch any more that get made! And tough luck Paula, you’ll get there next time I’m sure.

  • @ahmadbarakat3563
    @ahmadbarakat3563 3 года назад +1

    more solo playthroughs with Paula please!!!! .-.

    • @WatchItPlayed
      @WatchItPlayed  3 года назад +1

      Glad you enjoyed - we'll get another in the works soon :)

  • @citizendisco
    @citizendisco 3 года назад

    Thanks Paula! Just got this game for Christmas and really looking to this tricky adventure.

  • @davidenania7386
    @davidenania7386 3 года назад +3

    More Paula please, great video!

  • @sohailsadaqat6684
    @sohailsadaqat6684 3 года назад +1

    I am waiting for the next solo play? I really hope you keep doing it. I loved your play. You exude full of life

  • @Hero19093
    @Hero19093 3 года назад +2

    Paula, this is a great video! I enjoyed it. Greetings from Central America

  • @michaelplaas5295
    @michaelplaas5295 3 года назад +1

    Got an instant mood boost just by watching you playing this game. Thanks a lot. Greetings from Germany 👍🏻

  • @jacobhuttner3005
    @jacobhuttner3005 3 года назад

    That was the most enjoyable game playthrough I have ever watched. You're amazing.

    • @WatchItPlayed
      @WatchItPlayed  3 года назад +1

      Thanks for enjoying and letting us know that you did!

  • @ManuelLopez8a
    @ManuelLopez8a 3 года назад

    I really enjoyed this new segment. It's always fun watching Paula play, she's the best!

  • @acerumble
    @acerumble 3 года назад

    Very entertaining video, true to the spirit of Watch It Played! while also remaining uniquely Paula, lots of genuine laugh out loud moments. More please!

    • @WatchItPlayed
      @WatchItPlayed  3 года назад +1

      Thanks for giving this new series a go!

  • @jamesmason8018
    @jamesmason8018 3 года назад +1

    Thank you for explaining the solo in more detail. Excellent video and made the whole experience fun. Please do a video for The Cursed Earth.

  • @bakermitchell6209
    @bakermitchell6209 3 года назад +5

    Great playthrough! Although I'd previously "Watched It Played" with Rodney (and it piqued my interest), seeing the actual game being played really brings it to life! Now, it's on my acquisition list! Thanks Paula!
    "And That's The End of the Morning" Wait, What?? That was just the MORNING? Ohh my gosh. Palpitations. I was way more stressed for Isabella, Ynes and Bessie than is reasonable.

    • @PaulaDeming
      @PaulaDeming 3 года назад +1

      it was a touuuugh first morning!

    • @WatchItPlayed
      @WatchItPlayed  3 года назад +2

      Paula's adventures got off to QUITE a start - so glad you enjoyed Baker :)

  • @aba_dab_o
    @aba_dab_o 3 года назад +1

    12:54 - 😧🐒
    Thanks for a well done video! Going to give a solo try of the game a try very soon! Looking forward to more Table For One videos! :)

    • @WatchItPlayed
      @WatchItPlayed  3 года назад +1

      Thanks for joining us for this one - and good luck in your own Lost Expedition adventure!

  • @dancarmon3831
    @dancarmon3831 3 года назад

    More! More! More!
    Great playthrough and storytelling. I'm happy with the newly (oldie) founded gang of Watch It Played

  • @SuikoRyos
    @SuikoRyos 3 года назад +2

    Okay, loved the intro gimmick.

    • @WatchItPlayed
      @WatchItPlayed  3 года назад +1

      Yeah, that was fun to come up with :)

  • @ElaDivine
    @ElaDivine 3 года назад

    This is great Rodney and Paula! Thank you

  • @MrTroxel
    @MrTroxel 3 года назад +1

    Paula, I absolutely loved this video! Your unfiltered panic and misery were so entertaining and the morbid humor you found in it was hilarious! I really hope to see more videos like this. If you're up for more struggle and heartache, you could try Space Hulk: Death Angel. But no matter what, I'm gonna watch the next video in this series!

    • @WatchItPlayed
      @WatchItPlayed  3 года назад +1

      Space Hulk: Dark Angle would be almost TOO cruel! :) Glad you enjoyed this episode Troxel!

    • @PaulaDeming
      @PaulaDeming 3 года назад +1

      oh gosh Death Angel is tough but is also a super fun game!

  • @chillbogames4521
    @chillbogames4521 3 года назад +7

    If Rodney and Paula ever attempted to sucker me into a new 'multi-level marketing' scheme - uh...ok, here's my $1999.

    • @WatchItPlayed
      @WatchItPlayed  3 года назад +3

      Ha! We will do our best to only use our powers for good!

  • @sebastianmestre-rodriguez7086
    @sebastianmestre-rodriguez7086 3 года назад

    thanks for the video! I have just beaten the game for the first time solo! Although I needed a bit of help from Rinty (the war dog from the expansion). I scored 9 points: did not shuffled the deck=5 points + 1 bullet left= 1 point + 3 expertise cards not used =3 points x 1 survivor= 5+1+3= 9 x 1= 9). I am currently reading "The Lost City of Z : A tale of deadly obsession in the Amazon" by David Grann. This is adding a lot of immersion when playing the game.

    • @WatchItPlayed
      @WatchItPlayed  3 года назад +1

      Always nice when some history or other works can add to the immersion of a game. I've been playing Cuba Libre and watching a movie and documentary on the material has done the same thing for me.

  • @aarondelgado3421
    @aarondelgado3421 Год назад +1

    I loved this video even though a playthrough of the game done in ASL would be awesome. I purchased the game recently and started a game solo but didn't get to finish as it was getting late at night. Paula, you were stressing about the expedition ever before it began! If you don't want to stress so much from the beginning, you should play the Lost Ruins of Arnak! :)

    • @WatchItPlayed
      @WatchItPlayed  Год назад

      Thanks for checking out the video Aaron - hope you get a chance to go back and finish your adventure with the game. -Rodney

    • @aarondelgado3421
      @aarondelgado3421 Год назад

      @@WatchItPlayed I had to start over and I lost. I played I think two times and lost them as well. Hmmm. I'll have to develop a strategy. It is a delicate balance between advancing early versus surviving the first few rounds...

  • @Mcbarkles
    @Mcbarkles 3 года назад

    Really liked this video format .. hoping you do more like this

  • @Ambivert_TeaDrinker
    @Ambivert_TeaDrinker 4 месяца назад

    Very late comment, but this video encouraged me to add The Lost Expedition to my “To-Buy” list. Even with the potential to lose a lot, the mitigation aspects that require thinking make this look really fun. Thank you for this video!

    • @WatchItPlayed
      @WatchItPlayed  4 месяца назад

      Have a great time playing if you pick it up - glad you enjoyed the video!

  • @mattbarr222
    @mattbarr222 3 года назад +6

    I've been looking for the Lost City of Zed this whole time. No wonder I was lost!

    • @WatchItPlayed
      @WatchItPlayed  3 года назад +1

      Just another way we're helping!

    • @mattbarr222
      @mattbarr222 3 года назад

      @@WatchItPlayed This time I stepped on a poisonous frog, but it's the thought that counts. Loving the channel lately!

    • @WatchItPlayed
      @WatchItPlayed  3 года назад

      @@mattbarr222 Thanks Matt :)

  • @jeffmcarthur5617
    @jeffmcarthur5617 3 года назад +1

    Great idea for a game. Also, funny enough, in the real story of the search for the Lost City of Z, Faucet was walking right over the ruins of the city without knowing it. He died not realizing he had walked right past his goal over and over and over again.

  • @rand0mgirly
    @rand0mgirly Год назад

    This looks like such a fun game! I'm excited to get a copy!

    • @WatchItPlayed
      @WatchItPlayed  Год назад

      So glad you enjoyed - I hope you have a great time playing!

  • @jonkirk2118
    @jonkirk2118 3 года назад

    A brilliant playthrough! There's an interesting Wiki on Percy Fawcett who was looking for the Lost City of Z ('Zed') which even mentions a purported 19m anaconda. Many thanks and greetings from the UK.

  • @seanmorgan2257
    @seanmorgan2257 3 года назад +2

    loved this video, thanks Paula, by the way I get the same score everytime as well 0 I think the scoring table was added to get solo players hopes up

  • @kimoro9643
    @kimoro9643 3 года назад +1

    love this!! no, I have also never won The Lost Expedition solo, but this has got me excited to go try! thank you 🤗

    • @kimoro9643
      @kimoro9643 3 года назад

      important update!! I just won with Bessie :) nothing else left but didn’t shuffle the deck (?) so apparently scored 5... second try of the night tho. thanks again, what a fun story playing this game!

    • @WatchItPlayed
      @WatchItPlayed  3 года назад

      Hey hey! Nice job Kim - winning on solo is no easy task!

    • @PaulaDeming
      @PaulaDeming 3 года назад +1

      @@kimoro9643 woooo! Yay Bessie! (and also yay Kim!)

  • @PauAngie
    @PauAngie 3 года назад

    Yey, I'm excited for this series. As a solo player, with a very limited budget, trouble with importing games, etc, this is one game I've been interested before but haven't decided yet. I'll watch the video and then I'll have a better idea :D

  • @juanpablozabala4975
    @juanpablozabala4975 3 года назад

    This is such an unforgiving game. However your playthrough was amazing and very engaging! Hope to keep watching more from you!

  • @fonimer
    @fonimer 3 года назад

    A-1! A nice refresher from the clinical solo playthroughs we all know and love?

    • @WatchItPlayed
      @WatchItPlayed  3 года назад

      Very glad you enjoyed! Thanks for joining in the adventure!

  • @BaltuKobalts
    @BaltuKobalts 3 года назад

    This is awesome! Thank you, Paula!

  • @adambishop5032
    @adambishop5032 3 года назад

    Why did I watch this?!?!?! i find myself putting this game in my cart...
    Great playthrough! Really enjoyed this!!

    • @WatchItPlayed
      @WatchItPlayed  3 года назад

      So glad you enjoyed - have fun playing!

  • @afrank525
    @afrank525 3 года назад

    I'm super excited for this new solo series!

  • @prawnchips9461
    @prawnchips9461 3 года назад +1

    Is this going to be a new series? I LOVE IT!! And she's the perfect host for the series. It's not easy to do board game explanation and commentary alone but she can pull it off amazingly.

    • @WatchItPlayed
      @WatchItPlayed  3 года назад +1

      That's the plan! Glad you enjoyed and thanks for the kind words :)

  • @ghyslainabel
    @ghyslainabel 2 года назад

    17:50 I think I would have made the same choice, take the resources instead of progressing.
    I play the solo mode with the easy cooperative, so 4 health tokens per explorer. I win about 50% of the time.

  • @dizz3890
    @dizz3890 3 года назад

    Great video. I'll be buying the game too!!

  • @Boardgametherapist
    @Boardgametherapist 3 года назад +1

    Good game! Makes me kind of regret selling this one. I’ve beaten it solo. After about the 10th play my win rate went up to about 50%. When you start to know when the “good cards” are coming you start to adjust your play. Ie. Aggressive advancing vs collecting resources first

    • @WatchItPlayed
      @WatchItPlayed  3 года назад

      Yes, this game does reward repeated play!

  • @-_Nuke_-
    @-_Nuke_- 3 года назад +1

    Amazing game!
    I knew I made a good choice subscribing to this amazing channel!

  • @craigsmith4181
    @craigsmith4181 3 года назад

    I had more fun watching this video than I've had playing the game myself! And no, I've never beaten it. Or come any closer than you did. Or even felt like I had a chance. :-)

    • @WatchItPlayed
      @WatchItPlayed  3 года назад

      It's quite a challenging one, isn't it?!

  • @MarkBuschhaus
    @MarkBuschhaus 3 года назад +1

    you should try the expansion. it adds so much good stuff

  • @odinborrson
    @odinborrson 3 года назад +2

    This was a delight!

  • @alexandralee9359
    @alexandralee9359 3 года назад

    Thanks Paula, that was super fun :)

  • @waynev.8200
    @waynev.8200 3 года назад

    Your videos are always so enjoyable. I just got this game. Card 51 is now officially Cheeky Monkey :0

    • @WatchItPlayed
      @WatchItPlayed  3 года назад +1

      Ha! Hope it doesn't cause you as much trouble :)

  • @crharmon259
    @crharmon259 3 года назад +2

    Is there a Table For 1 playlist on the Watch it Played Channel?

    • @Oxirador
      @Oxirador 3 года назад +1

      Maybe eventually. This is the first video in the series. :)

    • @WatchItPlayed
      @WatchItPlayed  3 года назад +3

      There is now :)

  • @b_player55
    @b_player55 2 года назад

    Paula is a gem! Good series. Wonder what her favourite game is, curious :) was on the fence but now i will just order the game.

    • @WatchItPlayed
      @WatchItPlayed  2 года назад

      So glad you enjoyed the adventuring - have a great time playing!

  • @mr_gilder
    @mr_gilder 3 года назад +1

    I've played this solo soooo many times and NEVER won! but it's such a great game that it draws me back in for more punishment!

    • @WatchItPlayed
      @WatchItPlayed  3 года назад

      I've heard rumors that it's winnable :)

  • @Ooittee
    @Ooittee 3 года назад +1

    Really enjoyed the play through, wondering if it would be easier to manage what abilities you have powered by when you complete a card not putting it off to the side but facedown under the character with that skill? finding it hard to follow what skill you had claimed.

    • @PaulaDeming
      @PaulaDeming 3 года назад

      oh, that's not a bad idea. I'll try to keep things like this in mind for future videos. Clarity is definitely important to me with these.

    • @WatchItPlayed
      @WatchItPlayed  3 года назад

      Thanks for the feedback!

  • @rattenusrattoonus1880
    @rattenusrattoonus1880 3 года назад

    Really enjoyed Paula's playthrough x) had me laughing

    • @WatchItPlayed
      @WatchItPlayed  3 года назад

      Thanks for coming along on the adventure!

  • @rf-j5121
    @rf-j5121 3 года назад +6

    "Yer dead!" - Paula Deming

  • @willie9764
    @willie9764 3 года назад

    I've played 19 solo games of this, STILL no win. But getting to 7/9 of the path is quite good!
    Also, at 22:44 mark, I thought you'd get the navigation skill from the Peccary card, but I saw you discarded the card. That could've given you the extra walk action that required one navigational skill!

    • @WatchItPlayed
      @WatchItPlayed  3 года назад

      It's quite a good challenge on solo, that's for sure :)

  • @jflartner117
    @jflartner117 3 года назад +11

    can't...handle...all the charmingness....

  • @martinba9629
    @martinba9629 3 года назад +1

    I so love this game: Imagine this expedition: Only day 2 and the team is low on health and has eaten all the food. It's almost comically difficult :-)
    One of the few games I totally don't mind loosing, because really that's what you do here.

    • @WatchItPlayed
      @WatchItPlayed  3 года назад +1

      Ha! Agreed, there's something darkly humorous about how terribly these expeditions always go!

  • @maddogwalt
    @maddogwalt 3 года назад

    All died in the first evening I think I'm playing it right thanks to your video 💜 X

  • @ericbanks693
    @ericbanks693 3 года назад +1

    This was great!

  • @benjaminspears8488
    @benjaminspears8488 3 года назад

    Very fun Paula! I wonder why they don’t include tokens for jungle expertise or camping expertise instead of having to remember that you have it available on a card?

    • @WatchItPlayed
      @WatchItPlayed  3 года назад

      Thanks for joining Paula on the adventure!

  • @AbandonRule
    @AbandonRule 3 года назад

    Loved this video. It was a really compelling story. I would have enjoyed a little pop-up commentary."she is going to regret using that food" or " ohh yeah we have plenty of food" kinda an all knowing person. This can also help with rules mistakes. I know that in solo I have a hard time remembering rules.

    • @PaulaDeming
      @PaulaDeming 3 года назад +1

      pop up commentary is a fun idea!

  • @JFitzsimmons
    @JFitzsimmons 2 года назад

    I love this format! That looks like a brutal game. Are there any helpful cards?!

    • @WatchItPlayed
      @WatchItPlayed  2 года назад +1

      I think there are some that are "less worse" :)

  • @spaztekwarrior
    @spaztekwarrior 3 года назад

    Reminds me that I still have to get the expansion for this game! :)

    • @WatchItPlayed
      @WatchItPlayed  3 года назад

      Thanks for joining us for this video!

  • @damonl9981
    @damonl9981 3 года назад

    That was so fun to watch.

  • @stevenamamoto1358
    @stevenamamoto1358 3 года назад +1

    Paula, so sorry that you sent those brave explorers to their deaths. Good luck finding adventurers to go on your next expedition.

    • @PaulaDeming
      @PaulaDeming 3 года назад +2

      For some reason I'm having a hard time getting people to sign up for it...

  • @kimjensen4977
    @kimjensen4977 3 года назад +1

    I remember that game from Amiga 500!

    • @kimjensen4977
      @kimjensen4977 3 года назад +1

      Sorry, that was The Lost Patrol - a Vietnam game!

    • @WatchItPlayed
      @WatchItPlayed  3 года назад +2

      Close, but not quite :)