The Lost Expedition - A Solo Board Game Playthrough

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 16

  • @darycroft8787
    @darycroft8787 6 месяцев назад +1

    Best playthrough I saw to explain a solo game, thanks !!!!!

  • @Handedamagnum
    @Handedamagnum 4 года назад +7

    Have you played Judge Dredd: The Cursed Earth? It’s basically this but has a chase mechanic where you’re trying to reach the end before an enemy meeple that starts 2 spaces ahead... I find it an absolutely punishing experience, haha. On sale currently dirt cheap I believe.

    • @AlwaysBoardNeverBoring
      @AlwaysBoardNeverBoring  4 года назад +1

      I haven't played it, but a friend of mine has it. It's currently available for just £7.50 on the Osprey website so I was digging for opinions on Instagram this evening to find out if it was worth owning both. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on it.

    • @adamryder8377
      @adamryder8377 4 года назад

      @@AlwaysBoardNeverBoring I was just thinking how much I liked the look of this game. Then you guys tell me it comes with a Judge Dredd skin, and on sale! Just ordered the cursed earth, £9 with delivery. Bargain. I think the sale finishes end of may. Thanks for the video.

    • @AlwaysBoardNeverBoring
      @AlwaysBoardNeverBoring  4 года назад +1

      It's a great price. I'm hearing that the Dredd version is harder, and Lost Expedition certainly isn't easy, so good luck!

    • @Handedamagnum
      @Handedamagnum 4 года назад +2

      @@AlwaysBoardNeverBoring yes, it is absolutely brutal. I've only rarely even come close to beating it. It's very "Dredd" in that way. Just relentlessly horrible with some absurd jokes peppered throughout.

    • @AlwaysBoardNeverBoring
      @AlwaysBoardNeverBoring  4 года назад +1

      It was very tempting to grab a copy for myself, but instead I've asked my friend if I can borrow his copy to show it on the channel. I'm interested to see how much tougher it can be, because Lost Expedition can really giving you a good kicking sometimes.

  • @marcinw2154
    @marcinw2154 4 года назад +2

    I think that thanks to You i will like this game ;)

    • @AlwaysBoardNeverBoring
      @AlwaysBoardNeverBoring  4 года назад

      It's really fun, but sometimes the choices are agony. It has co-op and versus gameplay modes as well, which is good. I've never had a chance to play the versus mode. Oh, and there's another version of the game with a Judge Dredd theme called The Cursed Earth. I think it's basically a reskin, but may have some slightly different mechanisms. I mention it in case you feel that a Dredd theme might be more appealing. Thanks for watching!

  • @johnmiddleton4291
    @johnmiddleton4291 4 года назад

    This game needs some genestealers or at least a Yautja.

    • @AlwaysBoardNeverBoring
      @AlwaysBoardNeverBoring  4 года назад +1

      Predators make most things better... Except Alien versus Predator movies... And most Predator movies.
      I think the explorers in Lost Expedition may have an even worse time of it than the marines from Lost Patrol. Hardly seems possible.

    • @johnmiddleton4291
      @johnmiddleton4291 4 года назад

      They all look like Boy Scout councilors or bee keepers. No wonder the native tribes see easy meat.
      Maybe they should adapt Conrad's Heart of Darkness to this format.

    • @AlwaysBoardNeverBoring
      @AlwaysBoardNeverBoring  4 года назад +1

      @@johnmiddleton4291 Ha. They are having such a rought time in all the artwork. Interestingly, all of the explorers are based on real people. My team comprised Isabelle Eberhardt, Bessie Coleman, and Roy Chapman-Andrews. The others are Teddy Roosevelt, Ynes Mexia, and Candido Rondon.